The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 24, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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    H . - i . i.j. ri - -irr.T-7 : ? r -:" ""'-'- t - T" - 1 "" . -' '" '"- - - - -' "' " . . i. . ......ipip . HHMHIMnMimMMIMIWSMHHHVWBHHBHHHMMIIHBHBHH
rf A. v 1 wMi W
r,j(, " v ' J" t ' ,"-" ' "i t " v --.-.. ct-'t i i- t y-v y !" i - .t? ' Nl vr i ' t ' j - " ' t
i. i
' . V
Ynu i in rcI lliem licrp ill iIks
mii ttjlc.
Prices, 30c, 50c, T5c X
All orders ii'teit before " o'clock j
Tiiffdiy p. in. fir N.ini i;oodi v tit J
be ilclivorul Unit nrnlnic jC
Open cvcnlnits mil II Nniu,
Footc & Shear Co.
119 N. "Washineton Ave Q
Christmas Aprons
For the Utile girls from two
to eight years of age. They
make such pretty presents.
Just the thing.
Just the stvle.
510 Spruce ..rcet.
Office, Toilet
and Towel Supply
We furnish ( M'AN Towels Ueeklv. with liantl
lomc mmrlrred nik i ililnet, licit led plate mir
ror, muli, lull l.rish, wish linitnii, Mine liliik
liilV or rutsel puliali ami guwl toilet syjp for
1 PCI 1110'ltll.
r in-iriln pilinn's nunc mi towels ind jou
receive vouis URiiInlj. NO Ml.
tOS-310 Penn avenue. A. B. Waiman.
( links I.' tier is inline from Cult,ifc universl'y,
v lirre lie is a pupil
Nils-. Il.rel llcvlii i. at piiiinl -i 1 1 1 1 ir lnoiuls
in New ork .mil 1'jtlei-nii
laiiiis ft. 1 .ii ii. student Jt 't. Midi lei's mi
list, 'Itiioiitn, is hiiine lur lln linlitlix-i
'."on I.ei.v, l ludtiil at 1'iluittmi, i 'pen Iiiik
Ike luilitl i, t at lus 1 ii'iu mi Mniiiue ituiui.
II mi (. l!ue. hi I'mle t ink. Mini. i-. i-it-li
"itli Ids p nt lit-. 111. ami Mi-. I. M lime, nf
Olive .Itiet
Kdc 1 1 ( oiii-t n, nn nl llnkei mil llii.h lltihuii
son m liniiit Hum Hit jiiihun, .t
r.i-Km, Md
iltmi I. Mn-c-, i -indent it (oluuitni lav
a Iiool, l- -ptiiilni: Hie lmlid.iv-. with lit- pauni ,
ill. md Mr-. II Mn . -
llanv I. William- i- home fiuiu IMuivuni, 10
hpciul ihe liulidais , uh In- pnuil-, Ml. and ill-.
I.. .1. Ullliiu-, it Hi I. oil I Hullim!
Mi i I. it i ir fivvis if lltilvillt, i- -ptinlmir
liu (Iri-tmi- vaittiM Willi fiitiul-, Mi, mil
Ii- .1. II Miltuuitll. m Oik -tint, I'lnvldi inc.
H ilium Niiviik 1 ic-iilmt nf I nit -t CItv, -vim
n- lin ii tilling unlit in ilutv in tlie l'hilliiiius,
tor -evil il n ai-, vi i- m tlie t itv .vt-ltid it. mi hit
w it lioinc tn f-ptnd 1 Ini-tina-.
lohn (!, ( (ilili, fiiimnlv tivuttl in Ihe iim-
papti liu-nt-s heie. Inn now a nicinhci nf tlio
I'nlted stain 1 1-I1 iiiinin' ion, i- itir ela
tilts in tin-, lil.v and ilki- llirre
I c ki mil vii,Mt, w'i i lot -i vti il tea I- In- hid
tltlle nt 'lie liiliiie'- i iikiiic liioni. tits linn
niikiid In 111- p'lv-iMin lo kIvc up vvinkini; fin
a time. Mi. v.ifs,lil' in ill Ii linnol lmn iiw.til
rniutli, mil hi- phi-itim hts mdriiil a peiiod
of toinplete list.
Scrnnton Man United to a Pittston
Lndy in the Metropolis.
John ". Thomas foi niei ly hast;aBP
nian of tin1 Ui'I.iw in t- anil lltuNou iniii
pany In this ihv. unit now tunelhiK lop ,a A: Scliiaium, iili'k
Hiir vvoiks Alli'Khony city, w.ih umt
rlcd at tlio Pm'iosbylcM iuu ihiuih.
Now VoiK idty, hy Itev. Dr. Yuuiir, on
TIiiii'mUo, Pi'i'Linibor Vi. to Jlihs iltiy
Arnott, of Pltt.ston.
The ci'iimony was wUia's-sed by a
few friends and lidutlves Their wed
ding tour will include Philadelphia,
Baltimore, Wahhinsion and Old Point
Comfort. I'pon theli letuui they will
icHidc in Pittston.
autifu) Begin to Des.-:eu.l Yestei
day Afternoon,
ll.uly yesterday afternoon huow Ije
Kim to tall and the beautiful lontiuued
to den-end until a late hour last iilsht.
An I ho nlKhl wore on the snow be
eainn half rain ami the liidieailons weio
that the mantle will not last until aftei
Thioi- meat b.irK.iliiH In Pemlan laiub
jaiketH, 1'utiliuineii, ?no,on and fiin.oo:
Ilauiiiiuai leu i ollar and levem, $i:t,",00.
P. U Crane, 3.M laieknwannn Ave,
Dr. ti. i:. Hill &. Son have lemoved
to thieo hulldhiBH below their foimer
idHfp, afi IieUuwnuna avenue, Umk
for hIbhs.
King Air Rifles.
The best air tide made,
riniey A llioolis
211 WiiahhlKtou ineiiue,
Mistletoe anil holly at ClaikV.
A Christmas Present
Given Away Free
To Jll punlia.tM e( M tents' wnrtli IVii.
Codtcii, A. A. I'. rmi. A. I'. IMratls. , ,
I', nakuu I'owUir, nr L'uutlnc) k Vo.'t Sauic,
ON Dtf. 2 J AND jl.
Atlantic and Pacific Tea Go,,
411 lJiUwamu Ave, '-il Nrrlli Main Ave,
I'lion TJ 3. I'lvmpt ilvlivtr. .Vow 'phonv I.'J.
Tho lcrlc! and piiturc in Mill,- i'i indiu.iihT
rc iiotltii ui kpttiilli hi in fur tho l,l,i;
10I.KH. lids liejiitlful and fntt it ilinjr l.mi', (r
ihlldrcn N lOV-i luthcs Ion.-, b InJies uld'
l',3 lluhcs thick, I'Ju pi;ej,
Heads of Departments Transmit to
Council's Their Estimates of Whnt
Will be Needed to Run the City
During the Coming Year Control
ler Howell Figuies That a Four
and One-half Mill levy Will Not
Quite Meet the Wants of the De
portment Heads.
ThlollRh City Contioller HsiilrtiH How
ell, the ailou" IipiuN of departinent
yetteiday tianmulttPil to eounelli t-lielr
estlmiites of money needed by them
dining the eomliiK year. Aeeompany
IliB Ihe expenne entlinnti'H Ih a coin
muuli'tttloit fioin thp eonti oiler eon
talnlnp; an ctlmule of the lecelptH. The
two letteii follow :
llepirfiuiiit of Cilt Cnnliiillii
"ti niton, l'.i , t'UI
To llir llonoi ilili, lht S Ictt and Cnnuncii ( o in-
ilciitlcmrn I'ollnwi u l Hit' c-liiniUd ivp,ne
of tlie M'Htil ill i iKinrlit", and hull Ul Hun of,
fit I'ip fl'i il vial Pill-.', in inntlllitil In the ac
1111111111111111; ih I. ilh il Hits:
liipirtnunt rd tllv nttnltr ,s2'ilfl
Ihpiifmiiit ill.v In laurel
Ik piiinii nl i' i itv iiintriillci
Id ,i irtnii ul u' I in
Hi 1 1 1 i mt nl nf tilv tin',
Ileiiilniuil nfiitv I--C--U1-
Ilipiiliiitnl n( pulilii' -. ftt.v
Ililridll nf polite
Iliiieiii nf liu
Unit in nl lnill'lliu ii p'ttui
l,y;n on
a ;m ho
'Mini nu
A, '.'itlful
iiS.n- to
Vl.iiJI r
Ilureiii nf heilll II, if. 00
Dipirtment of I'ulilk vmks t,-i,171 in
filv lull Ii .mri)
llineni n iniilti'i 'Inir finilOt.
Hilletll nf ltiliwiv-l illid -twtlh ,"11,711.111
lliuciu nl IiIrIiwiv- .nilMWiri, waidt 'jn,IJi.Ji
Hurt' in of pill-, N iv Xna- ."."il'iMi
Hun ill of iml". Cumuli I.miiiih
llineni 1 1 Hill s, Wniidlanu hHli)
N initial Pililii iiliiai.t lilitHiDii
lirncnl iil.v lil.KKKM
lle.liiinilet IJ.IIimO'l
lutai .... -Il!..!l i.l
lit pit tfitlh -iil j ti it 1 1 !,
llniln- llnwill, I'lli I ilillollil
It is tmitiuiplili'l Hut the p iv mt til nf unU-nitiit-
..lid vaikuis -hut iuiiiiiiMiutn'- He In
lie i uul III lit in i--tn of lioml-, iipilniliilt dv
iriniiuliiiir t.) SiimnO'i. and I Ikuifnii' d" imt
in liidi tlieiii in tin alu i (Mini lit.
IMi i- Ih will, I il.v I "iiutill' .
IlipiitiiPiit nf f ilv ( iiniiiiliu.
-I! Illllill, I'i III i . 2 1, l'"l
intimati: or m:vj:xi'i;s
'In tin liiii'ialili ilie -iliit md t nninn ii i .'i
t.tntli men. I i-tiuiiie lint Ihe iivuiiu in
the ll-t il nu 1 1 unlit 1 1 it Vpiil 7. 1'nu. unt.i
i m Ik tL-td In) mineral titt puipn-ic. v ill U n-f'.ll.iw-:
I'mui .titil'i lm in lli-t t la vain ill. n-,
S-,,(llKI,l)iO "Jo ' '.in
rrn'ii .Cm, lew nn -iiiiiid ill v iltiitit'ii'i.
Itl.ll00.1lt II
I'ioiii .iKMil lin in thud la v ilua-
limn, si.OoO.utKi
rmiii noil lev! mi ouupiliuns, -l,.ihiint)
I mm kv,v on dtus
I'liiin Ihiuih liun-ts (Til al 'i0l, Ml.'.-
-'nil, le tiea-iurt'- n n.iui inn liLt ,
1 lulu di piituient nf ptitilt' Mint-
M l-lritu
Ili.lllll hllll III
liinliUiifr m-ptiln
I'nliti liiut in ....
illlll lltpiltlllt nt ul pllllli wmk-
liiui nl of Inuha i- md -iwtia ...i
I it in tit pit tint ut 1 1 iw
I torn 1 1 tin pdt-
I luin lni-till intiiu- iniiue-.
I nun imippn pilaitd Miiplus nf PxiO and
-inplus tf Pud
; -"in
I, Viil
1 i -I'I
.' -.O)
! net)
In l
Ki -evnil loiifuiiiti-. lit M in lin- mine m tie
(ilv litiiidii, tli liiadi oi the Mtetil ikpiiL-lnuil-
pmeiit, ihe iuun vuie iiiii-iiv lie tiv
pin i'i al Si.!, ifiO.Oiirt nn viluillnii- (iiiiliiduu ne
i up nu. ii. I. I niu i i iitd It v v mi ill iil i-niii.-,
is thuve, tliue wiiulil lit i itvinue nt 'i'til,
(tin 1 utipl tlu-e Iikiih - a- n lu-i- l.n diin
mlnin the rivinue whith -Imuhl In tltii,,d
iiim tills sonrte, Imt the iiinniuit i.f leunnc -n
t-tmiited I iv me I- nude nut intuit on til" .n -I
it'll in tlie mill i il- In in l tlie Mine.
I'lnln I lie act if lmli 7, Pull, Ihe appi ipiii
lmn iiiilin nu i' mn-t he pa ed In l,li. 4. I'lUJ, I
am informed ij the luuiil nf a i nis Hut tlu.v
hive imt Ind time In 1.. Me a--o iii'ii,
oiii liiiimialile ImkIiis i.iiiiot, lluufue, mike
the lew in lltni' fui me to miki 1 inoii' aim
lite t-limite nf luiii't, fin I lon.'ii
iklav Ihe m luliiiK in tn Uiiit honoi.dilt Imdits ilie
(-tiniili.- nt nveini s ind cpeii-i3 fm ltiO.'.
Kc-pn Itulli huliniifled,
Ksdia-i Howell, titj fontiollcr,
i:xcni:D itnvKxuns.
Ationlliiif to these estimates the ex
penses eviipd the i evenness by moie
than S.'U.OuO. but as the estimate ot re
n'lpth in eiy nun Ii a matler of sues-s-wotk,
it niav be that the leal dlsstrep
nuey, when ahtei tallied, will not be iso
hum'. Then .iRaln, the levy of IVi mills
Is piuely llitlonal. This IlKiue was fllved
by the lei order and Ids i.iblnet simply
for lilal put poses. Pountlls pan make
It moie or less.
The estimated PMieuses I'm the mm
Ins M'.ir nie $"i(),00n in esiess of the up
piopilatloni for last eur. whleh weie
In the letoidei's tlepaitment the sum
as-ked Is $1" lest, than the amount al
loued lust enr. The saving Is In the
item lor statloneiy.
The i'itv tic.muioi asks for an In
etease of $1,1100 tor eleik hhe. He Is at
pieseut allowed onlv $1,200. The eleik
alone teeelves moie than this. He p.i
tour dt'iks. This means an expendl
luii ul about 200 a month mil of his
own pocket.
The tonti oiler asks loi an
SOiiO to pay the new tleik count ih; al
lotted hint, and $(i2"i for suniliv olllee
The ill) snlldior warned an liu tease
ol $.100 tor his assistant and ti.BTi) to
pay tor an amanuensis ami also a tol
leetoi. Thf leiniilei's uktiMi auallisl
new olllelals and Ineieasril salai les ie
suited In the fiiihsluir out ot these de.
niauils. The tollcitor will be i outeut
with $200 of an Ineie.ibo for sundiy i-n-pensea.
The tissessois ask $J,47I) less than they
weie allowed last year. This deeiease
Is leptesented maiiil) by the waifes of
assistant iishcssoih, who have been done
away with. The only lequest they inako
in the wuy nf an lueiease Is for $lioo tn
pay their eleik, who is now paid out of
their own poekuts,
The lillhlle llbiaiy is askhiK lor $i;,.
000, or $3,400 moie than was uiiintt'il
last year. The extra allow anee is
wanted fop another helper at Din
llbiary, the lepalr of sidewalks, and
the establishment of a fouith bianeh
In the K'oneial tlly account, the Item
of $2 500 tor adveitlslHB Is estimated to
bo only half bulilclent to meet tho ex
penses. DutltiK tho past ear theio
went many oiillnaiitcs adoited without
liavlHK been ailvcrtlfaeil, whleh under
the law should have been adveithed.
Kolleitor Watson ilct lares this a foolish
policy, as such oidlnanpcs can never be
enfoued If any one opposed them. It
Is proposed to deseit this penny-wlbe-pound-foolluli
Idea ami advei Use all oi
dluances leoulied bv law In be mlvnr.
II Is also proponed tn in onto tin ein
pitri'iiey fiiiul of $.-.,000 In the seiicral
elty titeount, for bucIi uses us tlie coun
cils may see lit to put It too. An ap
propriation of $12,000 Is asked for the
The director of public win Its wants
$20,000 mote than was allowed hint last
year. Up asks $1,100 Tor it new told
loller,' $i"o0 for u sprinkler anil stieet
B,cepen $2,fi00 for a stone eiimhliiB
plant! $2r.,00o Instead of $1ii,ooo for
cleanliiB paved stieets! $1,000 ml
dltlonnl for cleanliiB seweisi $ri,000
for fltthiB up the fourth lluor of city
hnll nnd puttltiB In an elevator.
The now plant for ciuvIiIiir stone Is
to ho placed near Xay Aub pink wheie
tho city has plenty of lock, The
.Seranlon Railway company has iiKieed
to transpmt the bioken stone fiee of
cost to any pint of thp city. The $10,-
000 additional for cleanliiB puved
stieets Is necessitated by tho extensions
of the Piovldoneo and other pavements
and the determination of Dliector
lloehe to have more fieiillent and bet
ter elcauhiB. Syracuse, with about the
same uilletiBc of paved streets ut'
Scrnnton, appioprlated $71,000 this year
for cleanliiB paved streets,
The ward apiropilatlonr aie llxeii
al tho same aiuouut as last jear, $20,
12U.2;, but they ate asked for In bulk,
a eel tain amount being set aside for
eath win (J.
The department of public safety
wants about $10,000 mine than last
.Mar. OI this amount $2.fi00 Is tepie
sented by the Item of Hie h.vdtnnls
whli It has been tiansletred to this de
partment from the dtpaitment of pub
lic woiks. Ten additional liatitilmen,
live additional peimaneut firemen to
take the plate of the "call" engineers
01 steamer companies, $2,000 for detec
tive sen Ices, and an allowamc lot an
assistant' and the purchase ol tile eases
foi tlie building Inspeetots' ilepai tnieiit,
make up the temalntler of the estimat
ed Increase.
The pioposed bond Issue may not
teach $200,000 It will, hovvevei. suiely
be S100.000 and posslbl) $I7,"i000. The
$100,0ni) Ih for inking up outstanding
iudBiuent-'. The new law says this must
be done. Business prtideiuc also de
mands It as the tllv tan pay olf these
ii pet tent, debts with money that will
t ost I per i ent. or les.
It Is pioposed to add J,".0llU to the
bond Issue for Xay Aug patk Imptove
inenls. City hall has been pi utilising
the people foi )c.iiis that the patk
would be taken tale ol. Tic inesent
adininisti.itlon piopo-ps to tideein
lliese piotnlses.
rim: tniitT.n:xT iioc.-si:
Aliothet rilltlO Is umeiltl) needed lot
a genet, 1 1 Ilie tlejiat iinent house. It Is
pioposed lo end ibis in (be leal of
i Itv hall, and locate Iheie tli
and Hook and l.addei ttimpaaies, and
a bunk loom tor "itseive" policemen.
The tiantiei ol the Ilie lonipanlev will
save tin- heavy lentals now being paid
loi Iheh liousi s, and iminove the .ei -vite
iimneasuiabl), as It is Indisputable
that the hook and laddei company
should be in the titv and that
elthei the Cty.stnls oi Xay Augs should
be moved neaur the "hill." The estab
lishment of a leseive toice ol patiol
men is also deemed expedient, tonsiil
eiing the iltv's se and Nations olher
things. Tlie loi mation ot a "te-tivc"
lone will not netessaiil) inctease the
number ot patiohnen. It w ill, howevei,
lot tease their bouts ol hen lit. In Xew
Yotk ue n I v eveiy patiolman winks
eight bouts .uul selves eight Irouis on
tlie le-etve lone. In this tltv, It Is
thought, the -civile can be su auauged
that the patiohnen will not be lenulred
to do lcsene tint j moie than eveiy
other week. While tin le-ene tlulv a
pattoliuaii may sleep or ot eupv himself
in anv other way that will not take
him irom the headriiuii lei's 't is only
In case of emeigenev .siah as ill e-.i lots,
atcidenls. the Incapai Itatliig ol pitiol
men oi the like that they ate leipihed
lo go on dut v.
The iilaii ol Dint toi Uoche tm tho
epetidituit' of $';n,000 nn the maeadein-
iing ot eight miles in the pilmlpal ilht
loads was noi aipioved by the leionl
ei'.s cabinet and no appiopilntion was
asked lor Its being i at lied into ellect.
It is a vety deshable impiovemonl, all
agieed, but to p i.v lor It out oi the gen
eral funds was tonsideied unfair to
ta.paeis, who have gone deep down
into their own pockets lor asphalt or
biitk pavements.
$500 REWARD.
Puisuant to a joint lesolution of
city councils, a lewaid of $500 is
heieby offered for information that
will lead to the an est and convic
tion of any peison or persons found
placing dynamite or other ex
plosives on any stieot or highway
in the city of Scianton.
W. L. Connell,
Dec. 10, 1901.
Physicians Ate Hopeful That the
Wound Will Not be Fatal.
Tony Cook, the Imi tender at the Pal
ace, who was shot by Pi unit chnllcn,
sjnttuday morning-, was icpoited, last
night liotn th" Scianton Pilvate hos
pital, to he icstlng easily. The bulkt
has not as vet been eMiatted. The
phjslclans nie hopeful of his iccooi,v,
Chniien Is still In the lountv jail,
awaiting the lesult of the wound.
To tlie Republican Voters of the
Fifteenth Waid, City of Scrnnton:
The piliuailes will be held Wedlies
day, January 8,1002, to nominate ofll
ceis as follows;
One 'hool contiollei.
One ((instable.
One wind assessor.
All candidates must icgister at least
seven da)s beioie the piiin.ules, .mil
pay their assessments five dajs hcloro
the nrlinai ies,
.limn II, Pellows,
Judge of the Kciiinil illslih't
John lie) uolds,
ilialgi' of the Klrst dlstilct.
Talto Lunch at Hanley's.
Your shopping duties win b,. gieally
llgliloncd by hit. lefreshinent seivlce,
whleh extends tliinuRliout the day,
Special atconimnilntloii for ladles tin
accompanied, At 120 Spiiice stieot.
Ice Skates.
All pikes, TO cents up,
Pliney & Hi links,
-il WiiHliliiKiiiu avenue,
Cigais in Small Boxes
unci Fancy Pipes for the. holiday Untie,
ut tiarney Hrovvn .S: Co.'s, Linden st,
Motle Astiakan Jatkets. Chlnchlllii
collar and levels. Pike, $S5.00.
P. L. Ctime, 3.'4 Lackuwannu Ave.
Chaiimnn Barker of the Teacheis
Committee Makes an Investiga
tion Which Pioves That Various
Controller's Have Not Been
Neglectful of the Night School
Pupil's Schools to Close Todny at
Nocu for the Chilstmas Holiday's.
Teacheis to Have a Full Day's Pay.
At tot ding to n lepott submitted to
tho school lioiiid Inst night by Chair
man lifiikur, of the tcneliets' iiimmlt
lee, tho tolitiolli'ts have not been tho
l'JUHt bit neBlectf'il of the night schools.
Hole Is a census of the teacheis and
pupils In buildings visited by
nine Otllcer Jovce. Monday, Tin-day
tiuil Wednesday of last week, at the be
hest of Air. Darker:
School, Pupils In iiioui' IV-jcliiM.
No. 1!2 II I 7 , ;
N'n. 21 17 I- II s (
Nn. 21 Jl l'I 17 I'i I
Nn. 27 pi p .'il -j 4
Nn. 17 II II
Nn. PI i
Nn. is .i t
Nn. I') jo 0 o p: ", to 7
Nu. I Il, Il J
Nn. !i I.' pi
Nn. js .. i; ...
Nn. II . . .. lo II 7 - t
No, 'J I innc.. In I
Mr. Mat Iter supplemented this icpoit
wltli a statement that he had poi sunni
ly lsltcd the South Side night schools
and found them tali ly well ettendul,
no mom having les than llflc-n pupils
and -ome ol them having as high as
twenty-four. All seemed to be doing
good woik. with one exception. wh"ie
the teachei, appaiently, had no enn
ttol. and the .students weie given to
mischievous pranks, iiinwn-up men
weie 'licouiiteii'd In eveiy hulldli'L",
and In one loin neailv hall ol tlie
pupils weie adults.
ofolhei lioi tlons ol the city heiould
not saj a- niucli. Then- was no tiic
tion. he -aid. but Unit in some kIioo's
thete weie far too many teacheis em
plo.ved lor ihe cumber of pupils at
ti'iuling, and lie was constrained to
letoinniend III, it v hei p tills itintlitiou
eisled, the pupils in slhnlv ultendeil
looms sluiuld be ilotiblid nil and the
imni'ii's'Mi leaclnis diopifil.
.Mi. .laync said his espetieiKe with
night schools vv is Unit soui" nights
thole weie tioWiled and mhei nigli's
pom I) att' mled. It is impnssibie lo
iegillali" them, lie si Id. by a ceils, is
taken on one night only. In his wind,
the bleaker boj s attending the school
aie absent en .ua-se on the night the
Culled Mine Workus' ineel. on olh
nlghls. some pii'ilK will suggest going
sivvnv in a body end the school will he
left with few put lis. On still otlci
nights tin- looms will he ki tiowded
the leiitheis taunot attend to ihem all.
In Mi. Ja.v lie's opinion, the night
-I hools, bv lea-on nl this iiiegular at
tendant e ol pupils, ate aiiomplishilig
U filing lesiilis
Ml. llaikei sail lie held this sane
lilt a until last week, when he visit-d
the Sotlili Side 'cliools lie is now tun
v lined the night school Is a good insli
tutio'i. and that the tnonev epent!ed
on them is money well spent.
A motion bv Mi. Schriefer was adopt
ed, giving Ihe le.uheis' loininittee
power lo i lose up any looms wheie
the alleiidante tlid not wanaiit the em
plovmeut ol a teaihet. Mr. Baik-r
sugge.stetl thai ihe (oniiollet.s ol tlio
seveial wants attend to this them
selves, as the lent hois' toinmlttee
would not be able to make th lounils
of all the schools inside ol a . ouple of
weeks. The boa id llnall) dt tided that
ea( it cotitt oiler should tuiu in a list
of the pupils moiled at the night
schools in ills v.nid, when tlie schools
leopetl after the I'ollda.vs, together with
a leeommendation as to the le.uheis
that should be hopped.
Auoul this last li'iituteol the instnu
tloiiK Mr. laiiigan tailed attention to
the tact that the night school teathois
Wc make a sepcinlty of fine Bon
Bons nnd Chocolates, packed in
handsome boxes, 25c to 50c per lb,
Everything fresh and absoitment
complete. 25c to 80c pet uux,
Nut Meats
Gieat vaiiety. salted or plnin.
Finest Smyrna Figs., in baskets,
25c and 50c; per pound 10c.
California Apples, S2.75 per box.
Califoi nia's, SOc and 2Gc pei dozen
$2,75 per box.
Floildas, 25c to 50c per dozen;
$3.25 to $4.00 per box.
50,000 Impoited, Key West nnd
Poito Rico Cigais fjom Sl.00 to
S35.00. We sell cigais lower than
any house in Pennsylvania. Please
older eaily, Wo aie VERY BUSY
but will tiy to please every one,
E. G. Goursen
weio ciiBiiged III n tertnln older, with
tho tindeislundliiB that they should bo
dtopped In tho in dor, thenpuest
leachois to be tolluvod Hist, The bnnid
acceptetl this as tho rule lo he cm
ployed hi sifting out the unneccsstiiv
The bulldliiB coinnilttop lecoinmended
that the bollois In school buildings' lie
Insured with tho Pennsylvania (Jasii il
tv cumpniiy. at the late or $HM per mi
nimi, lor three years. This will
Mr. Hhhes rnoluiiieuileil Ihe pin
chase of a lot In the tear of Xo. 2ri
Mhool for a plnv-gtoiliiil, The matler
was lefoiied to the Inilldlug committee.
On the locoinmelidntlon of Mr.
Sclulofer. leccss was in dpi ed suspeliib'd
at Xo. .'!ii school, because of the cold
weather and the want of a plav
giotihd other than ihe i ar I nicks on
Piunkllii avenue.
Mr. Uoche, ror the lnsuiante commit
tee, made the following iccoinmenila
tlons: That the liisiirance on Xo, 7 bo
lediiced Horn ?s,r.0t to $r.,ntii) and the
polities (ontlnueil with C. O. Uoland .N
Co.j that the $2,n0 iusmalice on Xo. 11
be given to 13iins & Wllllainsj that the
$2,i10l) Insinuate on Xo. 112 be iPilllced to
$2,000, and toutlnued with the Holding
agency. The .'eciimmondiitloiis wete
On lecoimuendatloii of Captain Mnv,
ol Ihe klndeigai tea committee, the snl
ni Ies of Misses Itke and Katnham weie
II.Ned at SI.", per month, icspoetlvoly.
Mr. Lioniud told of a (lemaiul on the
putt ol the lesldents of Diamond Hats
lor better -cho'il llirllltk'S 'ind ple
lented a pioposltiou ot the IJIanio.ul
'li net hand i oiupauy to eiect a sclmol
building on tlie lots It sold the dlstilct
two .veals ago aad wall a tcasonable
length ol time lor icpii) incut. 'Ihe
matlir was icl'encd to the building
scc,c.i:sTi:ii ax auk.
Ml Juviie lllii'le l I'fei eiu e to the low
nattlie ol the ,4-ioitnd at the piopos"d
lie ot the new school and suggested
that the building should be cotisti ucted
In tlie shape of an at k.
Mr. Schvvi'ss Inotight up the iitieslion
ol the limn at which the schools
should close todnv for the holiday va
cation. On motion ol Mr. Maikei, sec
onded liv Mr. Sihwass, the schools
weie ot deled to dose a I noon. The
tendinis will be paid tor the full day.
The pa) loll ol ollheis and ianitnis
was appioved. nut the) will be paid
toil iv.
The Slipper Palace.
Million's. ,!2S l..ic kawanna avenue, is
tint) the sllppei p ilac cot the i it). If
jou nui'l llnd what vou want thcte It's
Useless lo go elsewliele Thej have
ihoiisauds of pails ol sllppei s .uul a
sample ol eveiv kind Is dhplaved foi
vou to make join selection. This even
ing between 7 and il o'clock eveij v isi
ttn to the stole will be piesenied Willi
a In hk 1 1 mil the i hlmue) whldi is dis
pl.ived in tin Vi iiulovv. "
Violets .uul irises at l 'I. nit''
Fitting Climax
Most Magnificent
Display of
oliday Goods
Ever Shown in
Many Useful, Novel
Left to Select from
R. E Prendergast
20? Washington Avenue,
Oils, Paints
r .. i -, ... .
maion?y uu oe wanuiacrunng toipany,
To Give Its First Performance on
Jan. 0.
Lately llieip was mganb.ed it Polish
diiimnllciil liottpo untler thp dlipctlon
of S. Koglpllo-Paktcwskl, fnimeily ed
itor of the Polish weekly, "Htrua." with
the Intention of giving a pel foi malice
In Ihe city and thioitgh the states
The ill Mt pet foi niiincp will lie given In
Xnntlcokp on Jan. 2. The company
will play In Wllkes-Uaite on Janiiaiy
7 and hi this city mi January (I.
This Is the Hist Polish diamntlc com
pany ever organized In this cniintiy.
Mloomlug plants at clink's,
( 4 f f 4 C 4 t 4 S t 4 E S "S
Hake a Man
Here is n stotedil of things
that men want, things that
me.i need a n d appreciate
every day of their lives, and
the quality of a gift from here
will never be questioned, as
every one knows this is the
one slore does not stoop
to interior goods.
Uncommon Neckwear.
Silk Mufflers
Silk Suspenders
Bath Robes n
Hat Boxes
Suit Cabes
Spttui N'uiis OITei -Vic I'i dajs onli we will
kite ulie -it it Wall ii i lllu-' sihuplitul III
'ilium- In i vi iv 1 uh -iiiliiu this ul and 1"i
mils on ie e ho nt (II. I Ill's M(!l( (O'lN
svi.VI! linlv imi' -it In a fiuiib. Din i
pit s I hi I (linn ( hi-iii't il I it .ll.ii In sin,. N.
507 Linden Stieet.
Board of Trade Building.
and Appropriate Articles
and Varnish t
p ,. - n -
141-149 Meridian Strest. Y
. . .K.-r'l.''!.
' ' II A ' '?
:: naiiusuiu
ii Pin Gusliions
!l We have an exquisite
" hue of
j; Satin Finished
Pin Cushions
Lace Triinmed.
which we are selling at
f prices rauging from
50c to SI. 25. J
:: Cramer-Wells Co., f,
; ; 130 Wyoming: Avenue.
'Phono 353-3.
'H''M"M,'fr'M''l i
Dress Suit Cases
Aro always acceplable Chiistmas
gifts. We are showing1 a beautiful
line of Leather Cases with spring
steel flames, brass tiimmed, lineu
or silk lined nt 3.00 and up.
Open Evenings.
305 Lackawanna Ave.
of an Umbrella for a Christ
mas Gift? A Handsome Ne
cessity. This is our business ex
clusively and we have beauti
ful Umbrellas at any price
you desire.
Our stock is complete in
every detail; our prices
reasonable and our goods
Spuce Street.
in Phonograph
119 Franklin Avenue.
A Christmas Gift
In Sections
Ever hear of one presented
that wav?
Try it, with a Danner Sec
tional Mook Case, so dear to
the heart of every book lover.
Adjustable Shelves and Slid
ing dojis are evcltisive feat
ures of the Danner.
One sec
tion and a
top forms
an ideal
holder 01'
a small
tions may
b e 1 in
creased to
Pardon This
U 11 1 1 " t 1 oi 1 e
I luifiii'is liimil -ile
1 11 h, 1 - I 1
hit 111 Mi 1 : Ii in J
funil-tilil iimu Ii 1 I
In h Ii lit Imi" nil I
I., i 1 1 j
In nt, mil. 1 I r '11 I
in 1 h up 1 -1 li d !
M 11 ii Uu I'll ii'-, J
keep pace with the "towing
A "Dannei'' Base, Hook Case
Section and top, of iiviaitered
oak or mahogany (i1u5.l1, ij'j
inches high, n inches wmu
U'. f
with a depth ol ux,j uuhes
having sliding gias door,
Costs only !?0.00.
J l 1 j'VH 111)
I III Dll Mil
1 i.iMNn
' x
"'1 J-Ii ''l JT ..oiiuis hiiii
lut din's tin. iiim ivp at 9 o'cloi'i.
I in, 1 csiwl
Have You
miam msmmsmzsEss
:,. i j-
4 ;
.Hi if, ,