v ' ? ii -v t xr H v j f -- f' ' 'i' t jb V-" -HJWft?- ":- "v it.v V v I I', tt ? ' s w . i - ' , w;i t . m Si THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUJ5S DAY, DECUMBEHi 1901. 5 y'A !r x 4- 4. M ft itf'ii vif,n'a -'.'fflcwaP'wAiitfc i 'r sTf? -.-! t n-i-ov - ''r an,..- " tftf(3 "J- n,-, ' THE NEWSBOYS; CHRISTMAS. Every Newsboy of Scranton and Northeastern Penn sylvania Will Be Given All the Copies of The Tribune He Can Sell on Christmas Morning Absolutely Free Tlii' Tribune iIcmi-cs to give the ik'v1us an opportunity y make mjiuc extra money on Christmas morning, and with this object in view will furnish them with all the copies of the paper they can sell on that day absolutely without cost. This applies to carriers and all newsboys alike, whether they are selling The Tribune now or not. Carriers out of town will be supplied with extra copies upon request. The boys will be furnihhed with papers as soon after they come from the press as pos-iblc. and will be kept supplied from the business office until ! o'clock in (lie morning-. Hoys out of town should scud their requests for extra copies to "Circulation Manager, Tribune. Scranton, Pa.," stat ins bow many copies they expect to be able to dispose of. Carbondalc boys will be supplied from the Carboudale of fice, from 7.:0 to J.;i0 a. m. All local carriers and newsboys who wish to take advantage of this opportunity must secure their papers from The Tribune office personally. Xo returns of unsold copies will be allowed the following dav. .. , . THE WINNING LIST OF WORDS CcitKluiIrit Horn 1'a6" ! imilrr i.iir 1. 11 ct .n. Lit m IH-'rlir i.iMirp Lit Lite i.ilir i.nio mi inn ul!li r.it"ii i.Uicn i.ittir tp llMI t ii iclliin ten li .ii n llluttn !lnlit. 1 1 hm ii iclnw i i hm ircml I is .lt IClOIIIlt iciriiit iM'tinn in In I ii I or in liu ircuh.it inn 1'iur iri m.inl mn.Mtion i .in trill iriiMUKt I rim in ici irit lin ll-llt lr ll-i 1 1 1P-I HI? I 0ill lrnii.ilit IT'iiih I t'll I III 1 rr.i I H'Miiin ir-l Hti.iiti ie-tr.mil ii -tnil ii i iitim mini inm t intuit loll Klliill H-ti.ihl Ifll.il! I0ii.rI lrliu.inn l (till li lriiniuti tunt i il. iilun il- lil.l.l-t liir- lulu lie lino iiii-i iln-ir I lot lii.tn lis ri-f I llul ..lhli .ahii ii Mhlm- ..ihm i.a -in t Ml ..lip fJUl r.lllll sunt. ( nil. i m nit Ion b.nie muter X.llltOII .ji, tonic kiiiLunln MO (uuiti ..ill .MII .III .it Uli" f It III i-'ltillil vltiOII .nil. f .It .11)1 t.ilUlli:l ..nice i..or Milliter aur nut saiilo HHJlO' i..iiiiiie null ..ill M .lilt .1 inl"i" UliIiiT ndl t.i' i.iin Lit . M.JU Kill' HMtlll M.ltllllllll I .MM' .1 I'll I Hfll.il HI ?ll'lll Mil I .(111.1, M lul' H l,. M'..lt MlHIP lOI0 .11)111 MClll vunie unin oilier .-tot icotir fctOtU fcour iciiici srout n rhf r font Kcilbf n rlhr mine i,rlt n-rub cruUtlvn ..i.i i hen il-er ii-t lite rll litrniito IIMI1 run n.jH inkier inh inhe ii.heil inhin , inhltiot lll'lll't 101 I OP inin mint ioi-1 iuiltr IPIlllf lunf l m ii I !). II M"lllt iit-in iu-(i I OilPl io-Ipi 10.111 ro-t iii-tei Hi.-lM io-Imip ml ICtJ lyt.ilp Hill' mtl.i mtteii mil. imtpt i mm u.uin-p ii.ii..int ii.ii-p ii. i -rr itni-1 mat loiite toiilrr irntlne nih lithdln iiihi.in nihil .in nihil on nihil! rn'.ih mhiiiHlP nh.loiip iiip tuin niinitp n.inpr iiip i iiiuat ion uiiiMiute nii.e iin.ir llllllr iiiiiiii"- num. t iiiiinioii unit iti-p lti-l msiii Hi-tk.ltP lilt n.li.le nil It i nt lit Hitter intlirr S f'.iuliiiie M'linnei Wllf .0 II I it .1111 it III. I .Clll.Hl- l lite e.i o'jhoin , .pan .Cii'Oih M'.ir klMt eh.it j-r-l.i.- .pi.int .fit .iit.nl iitiitnr kOl'tioll .pi'tnr Kitit en konil.r Hlilci Mlll'l .OIIIlIC -OIH.lli.iTi .eiior .I'llOlU .piiorit oii I (fi.il .illn fion .fir .eiutlun .ft ten mIcii eloi.I elt kPltO l ll It ll.P lrr tleiiiu .liru klcm .In .line lnp timer .Iiii.i't liilrr Intu lllUil' kllllMtP kll HP .h-i.ir .li.'ii .hi lloc .11 fltl' vlttin .lltei illUJI." r.icol kill I .luie nunr neh nt ii!l mlti: n.oh .not uiuur Mioil tun trr n.it nolter Mlfilll Kniih FO nu.ir soli .iiber nor .voi In I p ..ic .01, SOIMI.IP .0II.1HI MlllllPl m unite .01 j -OMIltP mi h poihitp .01 hi nl -othet oiliio sorbin t-oibltp SOU' sol! (Dili .oir.tr soimu. SOU fc fditaijip voiirrl! .f.rtiel ot ' otp on "01KP 1CU11P ,(.111 tfOUUP -Xllf ;ut.ii'P .oulei "onlrn ain .tdh iln-lr .lain Uliier Uir .IdlKP lannip Unninp .tjnt pUr (Itire sUrrr sl.nn .tail .taller Male .later .tatio station .tjt loner Maine statnie ..lean blrrfin trfirin tein .lent Ktenloi ..teiitoiimi .tPlltOlill .iproonn .teiu leu Mel xtl.lll .tint tllltail. t-lintei .lir t.i u Idh.'r t.iln tuliellL- tahiiict tubnr IMioier tiborcl tjborin.' ulorite taboiirer lubrel t ilm t tblp iaci'1 tai.il lnlli.in lacl tli'tion tain tain talnl talrlmr lalin lalt tun lank'i- lanUt tauilo t..iiiier Urnli' taniiin 11.1 . c I .lilt lai Uli' (a'.ill (.lit lain laiol l.iire Uut lar.i tji.ior tut lil.lh.vit tlll -tlrtP .10 il .loii .tone plniipr .timl .Imp .1 in pi .lot .lorn toiii .lout .train Mialnc hi i ill .(miner ti illen p 1. 1 Ionic li riii -lull -tii.i .liialr rlrUllllP -irlrl .tilflnip -liouti.i .liuntii' .trout .mint .liunliiin -tiul tuh .t:ui .tuniipr ..I'Mll -Hill. .(ml .(in lion .hit -ii.n. I nb .uhait .iilnpii.m .iihoik .iihciin .nhllo Mlhlli'it .nhnili riiboiner ibleiuii! .nhlonii- .iihtiat t .nhtliieler vibtratti.m i.cralp in li1 1.111 1 lull ..i ctorii .mloiian .ii. MK'lll iip i Mll't SllillP .niiii hlllt MliiC" piiitor HIIll .lltli'.ill.lli't xilllll Minna xiiniilif Ml 1. 1 uranip .uibalp .niheat ..mbel .nno.it .lire .iiiii.it Mllll'ill mlor . ilr.. tartionic t.n tm.co t.i-t- ta.ler tLsti. lat Ir.lou lau L.l.llt iJiimir tanr i.u.iliie nut lea tear teat teinl ten una-toiu (iii.'i.l tu.i.i tti'iiii I nii.ii ler.i'ii triioiilan ienoi tir.blnii tin.ii- Kill Ifiii.i leilili lent. ivin id nl. hi tflia Ititlio l K.I tc.li. il letanli' tctanlii K'tlllll. ICtlll' tdiliii.H 1.111011 lClltOllif tlur llh-fat tic Iki- lie ilfl.tr tlei tin Hint lllnllile till.' tinea tln.Mii line! tliil.eti tinner lint lltiftone lli.to tire Urn tl-Hllf tl-ir tit tll.ni tltalil'im tn ti.a.l to iler ln.it to-beat lollllH' tohll tflliir.t tOllll tci- tllll'lp ton t,.ii.. Ionic Olllll' t.nlip l'.iiiine tuiiiii.i' loin I loi to-i.ue ton toie toiet to-ii-itle toin torrent toi-p toil tOltl toile iii tVlllllF toi in t.n tit tut lota lotpar Inlet IntlCIII loiliilllet tonllo Ion i loin l-1 toiiiii tH.i-p (n.'.'pr lo'll to. iter llallll Ira co timpi llin.t tiactlon llaclor Haiti laitiir tial tl.lil tulti'iir li.iltoi Ira in. r It Hied ll.llli'tlihp Iran-tm iniilliip nnh.li tinlip nril.cn nr.brai.t iinlil. linbil Ill.hullP iinbonnet iilihoin i.nl.iiiip iinhlc.il tu.cart ll.Cl'?P unie inii'tttaiii iil.cla imoiiule unco iii'ion-taii! lllllOllMlllll.l. miction i.iilnt l.llilOIII i-llilO'lll nnio ntiion uiiImiii lilii.onanti' unit unit imltpi' iiiinp.ii urneit linip.i.-ini mi rlii UlllPSl iiiiiesli.iint tiTirobp 'iii-niiit nii.pat IH'K'l iiniii un.lalp lUllMfllt imtiilip ttai'Mt limit H.iiiKr IIMil.ll Hial inn luiilon ttf'or llrt ttrll. tl l.lf utlllT trim tiihi.' tllhini.ile tiil.iine tlllitt e llihttlrr tllia II Ki ll lint tllein UIpi tl Iiip til. trlur til.l li-i-eit lli-lo tlllr trlliUi llltotie tllluip tllliin.' tioat tiooar tioli t roll tioim Hone 1101'f s I ml I I lllllil e tinn.p tiail Huh i mop trni- tiii.-lmrii tliiniMh tlllllllloll tin-ion tin. I tin, lor t.ar tub Inl.a tube tuber tnliliom iiibinaiiK tllCllll likpt tup I lift tun I una IHIIP llllll'l' ititiic nil tuuein I ill hail I hi b-.nt tlilbliiatp uiihllio (iill.ot tuin 1 in ii. linnir tiniiinat tinn-tiiiip tiirntii.ni tunc! turiibaiit fii-i.aii tll'i'OI tin Illt-llOp t lit 01 t..lin U uii-tialn lll.tUstP iiilpiunt lintent iiiiIip i.ni.i in mimic i n h ii in uialiili' inao mall' iitatp in itii 'ill an uib.ini-li in o inia indie mil iiiiualp titinali.r Ulll.C uiiin.-p mill' mil in -a in-iiip iii.uii uilii'itii ii. ii-aiifp ii-.mt u-p i .pi u-ii. M ii.iiir H-tion ut nta life nti.i utka nttn Resumption of Sunset Limited Ser vice Between New York, Phila delphia and San Francisco, Sea son 1001-1002. Commencing NovomUrr .".0 anil each Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday thereafter, the Washington and South western Limited, operated dally be tween New Yorlt, Philadelphia and New Orleans via the Pennsylvania natlroad and Southern Ruilway, leav ing Philadelphia, Broad Hlreet utatlon at 6.53 p. in., composed ot dining. Pull man drawing-room, sleeping, observa tion and library ears, in addition will i-uvry a special Kunset Limited An nex Pullman drawing-room eonipart ment sleeping ear to oonneet with the .Sunset Limited operatwl between New Orleans and San Francisco. The celebrated trans-continental ser vice offered by these luxurious trains inulc.es a trip to tiie Pacific coast not only very quick, but most delightful. Charles L. JlopUlns, district passen ger agent, Southern Railway, S2S Chestnut street, Philadelphia, will be pleased to furnish all Information. A Trip to California or Floi Ida. Those contemplating such a trip need but to call on the local ticket agent of the Lackawanna, ralhoad and he will arrange, every detail. Including traiib portatlon, berths', rcpervatlons ana checking of bagfiage. through to desti nation; 1ho will furnish rates, folders, descriptive literature and any other in formation desired on the subject. Through bloopers and day coaches to Chicago. Only one change or cars to California. Don't Forget To ro to the i. W. 1'riu Company for the most complete line of high-grade Leather Xovellies in the city. Fitted Hag and l)rcr. Suit Cases, Sterling Silver-Mounted l'oehctboohs and Card Cases. A fine display of Hnishes and Combs. Also in sets, in both plain and mounted. Imported Knives, Razors and Scissors, Q. W. FRITZ CO., 410 Lack'a Avenue. Store will he open every even ing from now un til Christmas. FINLEY'S; This store nsks your pationnge because it deserves it. always has the finest tnerchaiidi.se, the largest assortments. Naturally much is expected from us at Christmas. We won't disappoint you, hut meet your expectations to its fullest realization. Kid Gloves may he exchanged for correct sizes af ter Christmas. REAL LACES. Maud Applltiucd, llrUHpt.-t? Net, In black, white ntid new tnnci of ecru Herd DttcliPcMi' nnil POINT LACES. from the llnlf"t eilc to tiie widest flounce. Itciil l.nicliosse anil lllsh Point Outlets and I'ollai"". Krldut Veils. In Ileal Dueheisp UUd Point Luce, Up to $L'ii0.nO eiiell. LACE TIES. In DiicIicm-i mill It-Mi Point. Crepe and Clillfoti Ties Dresden and Pet slim designs. SILKS. MuU In l.'IIL'.lli:' of one putteiu each. FANCY SILK WAISTS. Ill Pcisliins. Sll'lpes and ('hecks. $t.(iii value I'm- tine t.W value for Mc Jl.r.ti value I'm' $t.:'."i FOULARD SILKS. (iood line of UpMriix at speclut prices for llnlliliij Present". BLACK DRESS SILKS. I'Mne I'Yetich Tuft'eta. I'eali de Hole, Viilllette de Sole, Satin Duchese, Itougalllie. Alascolle. Moire Velours, .Moire AntUiue. Illeli Hrticades. TAFFETA SILK. MliK'ks an I colors, Hie ami up wnrtl. DRESS GOODS. Prlesile.'s Hliu k Urrss (ioods, in nil their lieu popular wenve NOVELTY DRESS PATERNS. All colors at clearing prices. SHORT LENGTHS OF DRESS GOODS At half price, ale splendid Blfls for Walils, Children" Dicii'ev, Sinn t Skirl , etc CHALLIES. Now line just hi rl veil. All new sprlni; colnrlnirs. Plain, with snlln stilpei; plain, with polka dots, t'nncy w Itii satin stripes, and fancy, plain Challles. Many choice de signs In single dress cuts. CORDUROYS AND VELVETS. Complete llnc-i In all the new xhndi's. BLANKETS, COMFORTABLES. A pair ul' nice warm Blankets or a Slurry Conifo'-table would make an exceedingly desirable- gift. TABLE LINENS. Vott won't make n tulsluke If Llneti'i are your choice for gifts, WASH FABRICS. A nli" dress pattern of a pretty ileidqii in Percale or Dimity would li" a very acceptable present. UNDERWEAR. A nice suit of Hue t'ndorwear would make n very seasonable gift, nr some of our lino Hosiery, Gloves, Neckwenr, Silk Waists, Petticoats, Handkerchiefs, Toilet Articles, Novelties, Etc. UMBRELLAS. From till- In Braved free. Initials en- 510 AND 512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. . It And Useful Holiday Suggestions. The crowds of satisfied buyers who flocked the departments of this store Saturday was convincing proof of their appreciation. The tireless en ergy of the past few months has se cured the best from the manufac turers, and although we don't shout bargains and low prices you will find them here just the same. $p M TK jK Silic Suspenders A varied as sortment of French raised silk with gold plated buckles. 50c and 75c. Silk Umbrellas In our assortment for this holiday season we are showing some very beautiful handles, plain or sterling1 silver mounts, from 3 up. Traveling Cases The best of leathers, either in pigskin or "crocodile." Your name put on free of all charge. Silk fluff lers We are showing the most stylish nnd up-to-date silk pat terns in this favorite gift for gentlemen, SI up. Fancy Slippers In our Shoe Department you will And Slippers for gentlemen that are a decided novelty. A large assortment to choose from. Silk Arm Bands Or Ladles' Garters. A useful piesent either for lady of gen tleman. Gold or silver buckle mounts in glass top boxes, 25c and 50c. Fur Driving Gloves Seal Skin or Sable, lined throughout with silk corduroy, broad gauntlet cuff. Makes a very pleasing gift. Sweaters Eor the Holiday Season. We ore showing some veiy novel colorings, knitted by the "Sure Knit" Mills. One in .1 box, 1 and S1.50. Knitted Gloves It's the proper style for gentle men this season. We show them in three colorings white grey and red, 85c and 50c. Gloves. A pair of Gloves is certainly a very acceptable present at this season of the year. See our new shade of "Moca" at $1.00. Box of Handkerchiefs Either plain or with raised initials. They are packed 1-2 dozen in box. Silk or pure linen. "Makes a nice present." SI. 38 a box. a Cuff Links Our jewelry manufacturer has sent us some very beautiful Cuff Link designs, displayed in our windows. One pair in box, 25c and 50c. Silk Neckwear Months ago we selected the silk patterns for our holiday neckwear. Here you will And both Persian and American Silks from 50c to $1.50. Silver Hounted Canes It's the fashion to carry a Cane, and any gentleman would appreciate the beautiful gold and silver mountings we aie showing at S1.00. Ladies' Umbrellas Our asortment this season is much larger and more beauti ful than at any previous time. Both Gold and Silver mounted. One in a box from 33.50 up. JnpuneUe Handkerchiefs Make a very acceptable pies ent, assorted and fancy bor ders, packed neatly, half dozen in a box, at S1.00. Scarf Pins On this adornment for a gen tleman's tie you will find our prices much below that charg ed by jeweleiB. Fancy Hose Ceitainly a very useful pres ent for any gentleman. We have them lacked half dozen in a box. From 81,50. $4.00 Shoes Reduced to S3.00. In our corner show case you can see the shoes, Patent Calf, Patent Colt Skin, Box Calf and Vici Kid. Our clearing price for these "j :j QQ jpdaOO SHOOS . . ,,,.....,,.,.. ,... SamterBros. Complete Outfitters, i H. D. Crane i CLOAKS, SUITS, SKRTS AND GAPES Our line is of too yreat an assortment to enumerate, but prospec tive Buyers will be fully repaid by looking us over. Lackawanna Ave. g TAKE ELEVATOR. g XKXKXXXXKXXXX:XXUXKKXXKXMXX Useful Holiday Presents House Coats Storm Coats Bath Robes COMPLETE ASSORTMENT Leather Suit Cases : 1 It la Handsome Line of Holiday Siispenders Neckwear Underwear Hoiscry Mufflers OI'..N I.M.MMI-:. $ ''' uffcjLoM) Spruce Street. flen's Gloves of Every Description. m SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER Occupies an Imperishable Position in the BUSINESS WORLD Unquestionable Superior Merit Annual)' adds thousands of names to the Ioiie list of Smith Premier users, representing every line or trade and every profession , , ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUC hR, The Smith Premier Typewriter Co,, ' NO, S3 S. Eighth St., Philadelphia,, Pa. Bcrftuton Branch Office, Nos. 1 and 3, Arcade Building. w 5JlR? t 1 " '?.$ - 4v .. ,v'ii,f-iJi,i. .