w .,.. .' i v , 1' c vi Yi "& S3JM THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-TVEH DA V, DIXEA1BKH !l, ISMI. i " ftiMMidl Dalle, r.rcnt "nn Uy, liv The; Trlb .jmis IHibtUliInir Company. Jl Pllty Ccnlt .1 Winl'i. L - --. -. .- , I IVY" 'l!irlllll. IMIlcr. " DM' nWIIlT, nuilniH Uii(ir. ; r.i- ---. ' -' t - ' Ncwr Yctk OHIit! 130 S'Jcull II. s. ? vnrn,M. . , Sole Agent tor rorelRti ihoitWner. "i -. Intrrccl at the Paslofllrc t Vrinton, I't, at PtconJ CIjh Mill Witter. ( - Whan space will penult, The Ttibuno Is nlwnys glad to pilnt short letteis fiom its fi lends beiu 'ingr on omient topics, but its nile is thnt these must be signed, for pub illcntion, by the wiltei's lenl name, nnd the condition pieccdent to nc ceptnnco Is thnt nil contilbutlons shall be subject to pdltoilnl levtston. 1111: rt.AT nvrn ron Ai)Vi:nTiixo. Ilf follonlnc lalile 1iov. tli prlci per Inch ili Iniortlon, ipire In lie- iivmI nltlilti one .von Hun of xlcllnr on l'H PupiT tliiillm' Position .21 "" ,ifi .10 .70 .1! .2 .11 .K5 .1" .U'. .IT .1 .15 .lf.5 11 . i ui .Hun in iiriiiKs. rcuciiiiiiniii ni rcuiu.Mii. it ml rlmlhi tmilrlliutloin In Hie nature of terllfinc Hie Tribune mikes a charge o( 5 rent" line. Rilet for C!jlfloil AtlvertWnsf furnished on lipllcatlnn. TEN PAGES. sfitANTDN, im:ci:.mi!i:u hi, ioi. jniipr.tr. cm I Inn COO Inches ton Indies IPO) Jiwi " conn " A n f'lnlsini.is dlliiliiK to tht' now s llCIVS Tile TlllllllU' tl'lllllllOU will kc us nmny lice tuples ,i ni.i lie wanted lui ihm'I -ntp. Thou- N mi limit, to this inopiisltleiii. livery ni'vliov In or out oi Hie liv inn v-linic in it. The milv (onilltlon l i tin t on TIiiimiI.o no i etui ns ol iinolel iuifis will In- ni1 iniitcil out ol town lm wNliinu to iniiKf nsi- oL tlilx olfpi inuxl '.i'iiiI In tlieh nuiiiM ioilii.. An fin igi'tlc luil .in in till w.iv I'uin .i xtibsttintlnl 'In iHtm.f pi f-t ill ,ind we luiM' no (l.iiilit tli.it iln- ii.Klini: imlilli will In.. J.I111I to In li him 1 in n it I he Junior Educational Contest. y --V ii:viu:ni: .iipe.n. the .m- I tj nininipuuiit 01 Kiit-wlnuliiK'- J .mil Kiti-wlniiPiK in TIip Tti hiini v .I1111I01 lldui.ition.il ( oiliest. This Hull- holiiliiv ( oinpctition h.is .iioiisid l.uf .mil a luilcsouip in to is 1 .tmoiis; 0111 miiiiik tiit'iuls ami the ml tcKiPt aiisliiK I10111 it ii thnt .ill iiuild not )i.iititli).ite in the .iw.uds V(t tlie (onlest, e weel Ins hpen lieliefieliil to .ill pittldp.ints. It has tiuiRht them how to u--e the 1II1 ilouaiv, widened theii .11 qiiiiintani e with the Knslisli lanKtiii(,e and ( tilth. iled stud ious habits Those who liae not won .1 plate .11110111; the twent'.-sK sueeess tul (.ontestants had in eoj ease a fah (haiue and In after e.11s they will tlnd that thej hae piotlted much b the .studv and epeilenie iinohod. To hem defeat ki.iiciiiIIv is 11 lesson lli.il f'nniiut be learned tooiaih 111 life II leniilPd now It will heieattet be most aliiable. till lOllKlatulalioiis to the winneis Thej. hne pained suittss woikliiR huil and patlentiy for it. Tliex will llnd that the .same qualities width en abled them to win in this-urniest S pioe helpful to them in the laiRei 1011 t(sts that await then, in mntuie life. To one and all e 11W1 the (onipll inent.s ot the season Seci.lan Loiif; ei piopeilv pl.11 es the stamp ol dlsippio. upon the cf loits of newsp.i)pis who aie enile.uoi tnw to wiite him out ol ofllce. The Wiser Plan. A'VOItDlXfi to one lepoii. at a niei'tliiR ul stteei 1.11 ulki'is . held in Caipenteis hall on hunilnj nlKlit 1 lie iMttxoni' alli.ime and its incinbeis weie 1111 niPHlliilb all. Kl.nl. The mimbeis, t W alleged, weir- i died muideieis, iob- - bl.11 Urw tids and thleus," ,uid the ixeut maniiesto 01 th,. alliainc was ( list aside as absiud We cannot uiuleistand wh.u this on. ins. The alli.ime has laid no tiaw in the pith 01 honest laboi. Its ( on denin.itiou ot bovottf and lawlessness l.as been .s.ini tinned liv 1I10 moi'e lepu tulili laboi le.ideis in t,(. t oiiiimiiiit Hlld ieiie,itPill thesiiiel ( ,11 employes' union iis,.t h,,s ,N, lalin.Mi .md ds. ( ounteniini ed auj ikoiu-,.. to lawless niss in Us behalf 'li. tin 11, this sud ill 11 atlinK upon the I'itl.eiis alliaiKe' AVhul has Him b(nl iloue that lis mein lii'ls sliould deseiM' to lie 1 nihil nitii deieis, ihlees and lobbeis' Since Its "House 1 aimot have been in (iiHIiih h the MopiiliiK ol lawlessness1. In which call il simjilj Joined Willi the laboi unions, tlnie niiisi be othei iu,oiih loi this altnelv The tiulille would lila 10 Know what ihey ate. Would it nut bellei Iiiioiiii. the labnr oiKaulatlons ihiouehoitt 0111 allev 10 01-oiieiatn with the I'ltlKenh' iilllunco unci with all othei Inltuences woiKIiik forjlip uiillttlus ot law. 01 ilei and the lunUnnieniiil iIkIhs 01 tltUonshlp tmn 10 U,milj .tbusf woi'cls whli h do not in tHiu sHhte.st dt-Kiee delei th(is(, H (, lutt'nd Hun Heivmlon's intnio sin ,0 htl tiiol ' Them U iiliMihllelv no call for e--cltejuent 01 imshIdii in lhl. ni.mei The 'Itlens1 iilllume.hniaJ! uu'ineimie over the.Jiend or laboi, it (.ould not, It 11 would, Itijuie a nv woiMiikiiuui who obeys the. law. nilinl.s his uwn icfiulis a nil' docs not Inleileje wiih Hiu iluhts of Ii)h lellow-ei.itlnne'n, The mill) whose Binnients me clem ot Main need not woi)y In, thu sIIkIUpki clem-no nhout Hie ' imiidei'eis. thief ex mid lohbei.s" u tie t 'Itlens' .illluiu'ci, Wjllelhei IllOle Is war or Hot, the 1 it), ."lis )j AiEtilillna 1n0iHi.su to lime a Uttle fun In thu sUuolliiR K.ilioiy. The Octopus at Work, FQR'!TQ l JVllielneiit r,oiit ''flctlvc' btislne.ss last siuliifr. j. 'AndrewCaineglo tciuleiecl In ; the bimul of clliet'toi.s ot the t'miieh'le iompiin $I,H0u,O(mi to be held In tiust, thu Income 10 bo used ntt n pension mid jellcf fund for histoid em ployes. This fund u.ih not mended in bo used us a xubs'tltute for wlutf iho toiupmiy Iuih been In the hublt of' doing in suel I'lisef, but Its object wn o bo utill fufthei. Tho regulations 'fli tiin U b. the nd vlfoiv Loinmlttce uppointeil to l.uuuh the iiiltnlhMtittlott of tttli Unit fund, the imoliiu 1 1 mil wltieh cviTods tjnu.otirt 11 l'll!, piolile for liiUltiK one or ein ploVPM of lite I'niiiei'.li' company who limy he cllsiibled by in eldetil In the ser vice or the lotniniiiy. or who limy, nltit loiiff nnd fultliltil so die heeome In otinielliitod foi fin tlier laliot, nnd for the widow" and cotitii; Illicit fit of em ployes who nil' lllllol III the HPIXlee. 01 Who have died m'tt lone, mid I it It It Till empIoMiieiit mid lett Hielr innilllcs in need tlitotiHh 110 fmili of theii own. All those who me neoil.c or lii want or In lined HiioiirIi mi'mIic mill liv no fault of theii own, 01 who have neived loll jt mid liililifiill.. will htnc the pihllcKe of iipplleatlou to the betiellls of the Html, mid all sue It upplloitlons will te- elve Hie most oiteftil unci Ihmoimh (ouslileiatlou. stii linn ti r.ii HimI one 01 tonus N'ow lor iinothei. The fulled Plntis Steel ecu pin at lull is about to innKe nil lundtc of clepat tineiits puttiers In Hie busi ness, This minoiiui eiiient was nuicle uy I'hmles M. Sthwnb at u Irinciuet of the Hmikeis' dub of CIiIciiro. .Mi. Sthwnb said: "It Is the Intention of Hie t'nltert States Steel lotpotatlon to bIp feiy man In cliame or 11 little buiiuh nf business, even a den.lt imeiit ot htlsl ncs, not only 11 iihu. but 11 peicent ai;e ol the piollts, which will be paid (o hlni In cash, mid whlili he oin Invest In Hie seiinltles of the c'ompanv If ho wishes, I'onuueiiclnsr with the Ihst of this (cnultiK ,ear. It Is our Intent Ion In opemte eei. one of our hi cut clepat t ineiits on that basis " These 111 o types of men ul the head of Kteat inilustrlnl Institutions and ilhisiiatioiis 01 the new ."phll whleli Is Kiiinhifr ascendant1 in the executive ollkes ot our taifte i ciipni.ulmis which some leadeis ot labor .11 e foolish enough to tliluK they ate able 10 sup cessiull combat. Nevci have labor leadeis made a Klealet inisiaUe. The fitness of Mr. Clime lot tespons. bllity is (luiuouHli.ited at the stmt by his imwIlliiiKness to take tlimues upon being misquoted by the ubiquitous In tel viewer. It Is (i pltv he could not ,k - ( opt. South America's Latest Row, Tllf newspapeis fiom time to time have contained lefei ences to lik Hon between chile and AiKentlu.i but few Ameili.in H.tdeis have tilidei stood milch about it. .Vow. howevei. that this Miction has enteied n wntlike stai;e, it becomes necpssaiv to Inciuiie Into the causes As explained in a Washington letter In the New Yoik Tiibune. the liouble is due piiin.ullv to t'hlle.s loiiRiiiK1 foi additional teirlton. In 1ST. Chile took possession of the Stiaits ot Magellan and adlaeent tenlloiy, disieKindinK .1 ptotest from the Ai Routine rov em inent, and fiom th it time lotwaid she has lLen pushitiR outwaid hei bound 111 v lines at AiRenlliia's expense, each time with a show- ol diplomatic klll In lUMty IntPipiPtiitlon that made te sistance ilifllcult. W.11 almost tame In ISTs, but It was .1 veiled IIiiourIi the Rood offices of the f nlted Stales minis ter at Huelios Ajit's. (1enei.il Osboiu Thief je.us latei a tieatv was sipned lahiR down Ronetal lilies foi Hie de nial cation of the iiomiei but theie weie vaiious delajs, exteiulillR to lSiirt, befoie the woik ot suivevliiR beK.in. At once llieic was tumble The sm -vevois woe unable to .iRiee. Almost .1 w.11 followed, but in 1Sri'. ,1 piototol was sinned that .iricIu took the ocIrp off the situation. The main point 01 clifleieuce. then and slnte, was in In tel pietiiiR the lausu.if,c of the neaties The Chileans bold that the continental divide foi ins the ptoper hounilsuv line while tlie AiReutiuiaus maintain tli.il the line ol dein.uc .itlon is the coidilloa ot the Andes, extending Horn ciest to ciest. The pioloeol of ISsj stipulated onlv tliul all lands, lakes and liveis east ol the highest tiesis or the Andes whli It divide the wateis shall belong foievei to Ameutiu.i. Dill III that le Kioli low elevations in the vallevs loiiu Hie watei palling ollenei than the lidges ot Hie coidilleia, while the An des theme elves consist ot a doen neai lv pamllcl chains, hem e these c ou tlining claims aie almost liietomil able. espetlallj with f'lllle anxious 10 push outwaid, The whole inuttei was lln.ill.v leleited to Millish ,11 hlti.ilni 4. Thev look llu i.isf live .ve.tis ago and have nevei lepcnted, "The situation toilav,' sas the New Vol U Tiiblllie'.s Washington lettei. "in. iv best be a)pieii.itecl liv the state ment that in all the counoveisv Chile' has nothing to lose and eveiythlng to gain. II the AiReiitine line is upheld, Chile will leiualu in unmolested pos session ol all the points vvheie it has bud soveieiRii lights, bin II the cloir iou should lav 01 the C'hibau line, Chile would obtain possession of svvo.il Ai MUiliue. mllltmy posts and ilnui ishlug colonics which aie al pi com peopled and wmked b,v AigeiullU' people and 1 oiisldeiPd an Integial 11.11 1 ol tlie Al Rentlne ten lion noiu its eailiest his nil "Wlli'li Hie iilestlon was Hiilnnltled to ailiillallou il was mulct, stood that 11 pei lee 1 Htittus quo should exist, bin this was biokeu lu IS'i'.i when it Chilean foiie occupied ,1 position to tile east of the Alfieiitiiie line This agiesslou gave ilsc 10 a Hltoug piolest Hum Iho Algeullue goveiiunent, and an agiee ineiil was signed at the close of lllui), b.v which the two goveillliiLiits iiiidei took not to execute nor to allow to be executed any nil which by Its civil cu luilltmy c liaiat ter shall oiusn new atsl lutloil in lite two lotuiliics, whli h might pei tin I) the 1 oiillal lelatiotis that both eoveiiuneiiH have s-o llimlv ie solved lo lu.illltulu. "Tho piesent ulsls mlses tioin an lufi action of tills agieeiueiil ll up. lie.llH thai notwlthsiuiiclliig Hie obli gation of bnth c nuiiUlcs to tespect the status quo, Chile) has been dint civ eied to have been liuildlng toads at loss the coiilllleiu to the east of the Algeiulue line, at the sumo lime Knowing bihlges ovei 1 11 vines and oigts- at ceitaln strategical points, establishing colonics wllli shops unci boats mid nil thu iieies. s.uy paiapheuialla for tho tiantmoi la lloii ul Hoops, lar be mill the eustcun vallcjs within Algentlltt! tciiltorj Chile clulnis Hint the mads liavo been built to im Dilute the null; ol the .sin ve)ois. that thej me not tor stiuteglcul but for puiuly Hcieuilllc puiposcH auc geucwtl utility, mul, besides, that they THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS j 4 4- 4. 4, I' iTir ittsihc nrcrxriri s-t t-. -. i-r . r- I't ' t' lenl I li (11 Hi Imhiim mIhii nil Ainl II. i 11 lii i tMiiiMiim, I lii ml on Hi- riuf , t limiali tin ti'itec the pi lining llnl pit'lti nf 1 nil llltle liouf. f j, i ircitillo en 'I'nliiir. til it'll l W I ilittt In no held, ti tul il Imiillii; ,, ino'ln" niiilltiili j, T llu .lotlllim ttnc Iniiu l llu' ilihini't limn tin iIiI'iium s xIiIiuIk ijIiii, hIiIi T ttliti cin v Imtiiul In In ei Hi it -i Mi hull" .'nil Willi I c II.' ww ilrrvil .ill In fur ft. in liN In Jil i i iliiii'j liN fmii, h 4. Hip lilliliin wen' 'ir-ltnl ill mm In ill 'I t,, lil ilntli"i win ill tniil.lidl Willi I'ln , llCil', llllil Mini , Mlillc lli ' 'lsir illliii il mill III Mi'li V I iiiiiIIp nl tut. In I. ul dim,' i.ll III. tin , 4, 1....!. thl I... I...1..I I. I.ll.. ..... ....,.t... II' ltll n I lie luilril I l,e 1 "Mln J11-I oi 11I112 T l,l ., !,. .i,,,!.!., .,...! t t., ..,. . ,,. 1.1. ,...1 1 ,,ni ui, tiMii, in ni-i ui' 1 .,,i. , in ,11, '., mi- , i, i, T llnl jnl mitliil 1 nt IiIjIii. 1. 1 1 I0114 wl 1 Iff- or-, Inn Him twit.kli l liN illniilii T iii' 11 ip - ii nf a ptti VV lirii mil en Up littn I In it mw n li A Illy ilui', wm like nt", lii in,i lilt 1 tlitloi, ilniij . if 4 I sin mw li 1111 nit licil In ip wlut in' tlr 1 1 is iliull lit t U iniiiilli .i ill ittn up like 11 ,, 4 MM' (II ll'lt', J. 4, ttii lii Hip ttliiilitt I flttt ll'nr 1 llcli. Vml tlie In ml 111 lit (I1I11 un- ii win 1 j. .1 I lie in nt. I'll. .-hinii nf 1 ilu In In Id I mIi! In 1 t Ipi'IIi. Ami llu' lnoki', II nielriliil lie lie ul llki 1 4 .j. Inn' ien tin am'letv nut limn up 'In' 7T "tin iiiomi, mi tlie lin el "I llu in w tiil'ii . .putt. ('up .1 lu-iii ut niiiiilit iii itijiii. ii'inw W11.1II1 J 4 Wlim, wliil In in., uini'l'lini.' mi ,-linllil Up Iml 11 hiniil fm- mil a llclli iiiinil 1 1- II. 4, 4 ippen. Hi 'I sliotik u In 11 In' linulicil IlkP 11 liettl full ,, 4. lint 1 mini mn. -li lull mil li.lil tint in iT jillt j, f, d"ir Up w.m 1 Iml In mul plump 1 ni,lil jullt 1.1 j. If, Vml I l.itijlicl wlien I -itt lilm In nili' ul 4 Midi ii liltlp nlil (liitn. - IHib iml it'll k, 4, I I. in it tn 11 mimic nl it inii't In' s. Mil., . Simp 1 ipiil Hun ii.'l'- lil cuiiiph ii't nii(lf T T e itni', wihk lit lil rto, in. I a tttl.l nf III. in nl, Vml In 1 liMlul .mil anniliil 111 1 1 die I s mi ;in im, t.. ktmrt I Iml Imtlilnj; tn 4 tin 111 lit n line. dipiil, 4 4 Null lli-lifl' imtt, Hiiiii' n iw Pi in, r lie ."l.c nut a ttetn, Iml wit.i ilijlit ti .f, 4 "nil M'i nl lit wnll , j, J. On ('limit! on I itinil' 111 llu ml. 1 ,in I Ami flllrit ill Hie -loi kiln.-: tin 11 tiiinul . j. lllllin' Willi .1 leik. - In tin dip nf tlie tili, I11 llu lip if He Ami Inline lih I'nirc 1 isnlc nf lili Im" . j" will - Vml nil Ins 1 mil. lip Hie ililtniin li" 'n-e 4 Suit, lll'll Itt It, lll'll IW It, lll.ll 11 W It ill' ' lie rpMtlt; tn Mk oil irIi, t 1 lit-, Il nil BJM j 4 V. iltt ti ite-i lint Iii foic Hie wllil I11111I1 Jin' wlii-tli, 4, 4 11 nil Jttii.t lint ell ll"tt like Hie iluwn nf a j, 4, Win 11 lint 1111 it Willi 111 nt -I nil, inniinl tn lln-llt, j, j, ti,,. ,lj. llnl I lii.inl him imIhiii in In ilinte cm T ,j, s up n ,r !ini.ilni tlie n.mn tint ilm, e,f -lulil. f W Hi tin .hlnli full ut l(J- iml si Mi li , "lluppt (lill-liin. to ill, mill In nil 1 41'jil "t1 I iw mi nlnlii." -(I mint I. Vloii.i 41 4. 4,4,..4,4.4,,4,4.4.444a444-4444 4" 441 44,4'4l4'4'4'44141 .tie built In Chilean ten I tiny. As to the last point, pilot' to 1S'ls" Chll" did not claim that tenltoiy. but alter each successive tieatv 01 convention she hai become bolelei In hei demands and has extended her ilalms "The government at liueuos Avies on obtaining positive pi oof or this new bu-uh of the statu quo, demanded w illicit ftwal and explanations. Chile agieecl to wlthdiaw hei men, but de clined to make the deslieel explanation, ami this has given 1 Ke to the piesent giave situation." Taking these statements as tine, and the have been otrelully made upon In toi inatlon R.uheied at our state 1lep.11 1 liient, the teellng in Aigentina Is not suipiising and .1 tiouneing lor Chile would exemphf.v the Illness ot things. The ice cut tiouble at lle.viut has piob.tblv been 0110 of the lesults of a clisposiiloii on the p.ut of the Aineti c.inized Tuilc to exeicise Hie pieioga tive of talking politics with the enthu siasm of ,1 teloimet out of otllce. Absence of exciting news f 10111 Tlie Hague indicates that the imiiily hus band of Holland's queen has decided to be good at least until the ptesents upon the Chilsttnas tiec have been disttlb-uteel. The people who collided Hie Pan ama canal, expecting to sec in e a Luge m u gill ol piollt fiom f nc Ie Sam, made the common mistake ot holding on to the goods too long. The 1 a Hi end ticket swlndleis of Kan sas Cltv do not seem to be 1 onlent with the "scalp" of the ticket, but de sue the whole thing. OUR FOREIGN TRADE. I iliiin in In. Juliinn - Si Ihe new I inuil t,(,, s, mi.ip 1, ni pun, 1 qiltil s-. iiini.iHK) will put loin tt c ri ot tin Ir ucitli. In tin Wot. bull 111 mil s(,mli Vnirii. in toil . 1 li is U 1 inn li 1 u .In I line ,i 111 i.iih vlllnif Hum liflt iiiillloiN if pfople ilii.iu tin pi I (till, nl tin Kim Is tliot lillt. "tin I iilln! sin,. .miil-i .11 tin In nl of tin union-, iiiiln I .. c 1111 ct it, ti 1n-p1.11 tat nit ti 1 liitn. Iniimotltis in nit in tilt t niliil sta.iti 111 ii-ul ill 1. u lie wnilil At tin u.i.milii.ii nf Hie pii-onl 111 11 Itu 1 1, the 11.1111- Hut I mini I In pinple in tin 1 ipiti.l tn t Mm-" I lie I I iiiiiimlis wm IhuIiiI I In re in VliiPiiuli 111 I.Hiimi.liti.- " l,eoii H llitilcl-) I'nii-iiliiiin; nut . i liitn ( in. jfri infill - nut .1, tilopniiut, mi ill.r- to .-nine iouIl.ii li.ije, i.ur iuih li I in ii'int iml piipnliiion, sr(. nlnt l.ii' i piii Iliiin- 1 -liin no foi 190J of s.,ll,(lll) 1111(1, I, (11 -llllllll Ml llnl(lltIoll Hun (.IIIUMIt'-, s'.'iiCiihI.IIiiii ' III I.ll ti Mi liiole ill tlnti-jli 111 film 1 Mil In iiiiiiii ill li!-' Mini Willi .in Vnicili 111 iei.iT nnl tlie lull m vini 1 Mili-I will iml lie il.le 10 till lu- tint'- will.i. 11 in Vmrili.ni cnltitjtni if IlP iI.-M.h tn cntllpiti wllh hV liculllini- ' l 1 1 till I-J Iwn Vnuiii 111 luiiK- ne in he 1 .(.ililii1 ul In c li'n. li liji'iilp niit -I jip it the ihiiu-i in il' llillilt, .mil In lip 1 lie nf till till 111- 1I1I 1 nil it mil (Ii'li-e l.ll-llii '. 111 1 illl . Hi1. N 1 lie nt tin w.it-. 11 not the ililit w i.e. hf whli li (.einimt lie. i-u 1 iphllt hiilll up hi 1 loi. 1 1.11 frnli in s.uah Vmi in 1 .iml el-iwliiie Niw s.inii, Hit,., V11.111I1.I1, 1. hi the in a Let lor 1',1'Hi inn- of mn -tul 1 iii- mil th U.t rl 1 ( ..III lot nlil ilit,- Vllllll' hlpt Mill hit! tnlltlllilltlll 4 liJI nl 4 11 new ti -il. in tin minium Hut 1I1K ,t. 11, III lllllt folll, lite 11 . 1 -I in l-li il m hoi nrii o nun ii i 1,. ml, Inn wi mul liumlicl- nf In.,, -lid -hip. h.l nut ui lulii.'il tl oh Viutili in .iiihhiiini il nun ii In '.u-.it ilr. m mil jliioul Up lie niw Inailiui; Ittn ve-.plii ttltli it urn 1 1 -uiiili Vim Hi j t ti. I tip nihil fir V.i I nh 1111 1 Ki nl'11," on il -liipnuiii- finm t'.nt Itoi.lin. tor Nntlllllitl lilnki ill lllnlll-, lulni; Jjrj-il t II-, it: mi'i 'Hi, lllll inn. pi (lilnhi 1, Wi Jle nnw llillil lu llu li-l nf u) J I ivpoiln-, nnl 1111 ill a fill w.i,t In ini-t t.iinuiit tniii 4e ,,itl pj 1 lin.it lliitiln lenl. Iil.ilt, I lie Ir.llli . f,n lj-t i-i il ti a weie, (lu a IliiUiii, r, l.tsnt.liutl , t,,i 111111.1, J s,iiCil,iiHjj I nihil Sim,, s (mki.imiii Our O.iiim.h 111,111111 inn- nt leiiii-tlt mla jiilliinltt will 1 1. no In liimlt t.'t, llu lint linn. 11'poili. j I11.lt t foulmi 1I1 lu iml tin Allitlli.lli tttri', Dili' vis-el lu-i Jn-t lik. 11 Jii.noil tun. loi It'iuplt n-e In Vu-lulla nnl Xiw AiIjuiI (Illl evpoiw ot Ijiiii iiiithlmi It 'linkii in 1'ninpi lute Im u 1.1I ,'mt pii nnl 111 Hun i u VII 11111 Ion lull l.u-lli'f- U lint ilmt it llu n'll M.1111I," We lute ,1 ll.llil.ll lloll.e In tlie I'uil. iiilm, will, li U not iI.jii" luillt, I it In. 111. iii.i-uI 11. 1 spoils In ihe Iinii p. 1 d mji in s;-,,. II, ! In. 111 ili.TW.ilo In l'Ki, in 111 ii'i.c of 17 pel cenl Vint lit ill ill nle 1l1i11it.1l i..ji.iIih I. 1.1 he ii-ul in Ihe i.iiiu ui .11 nl 1,'jiuli.liV mull n.n in I 1 .1 llu jv th H I. Ho iliiUinn of die jililli.i(.r jppollilul lit Hip I unit hi biuul nf lunle. Mute wnil, in (nil lni. (litnrlu. IMluluiiii .lilpiiirnH tioin Hie I'nll if I'lill.n ili'lplili line .l.iiiiui.i I, wue nun Hull I H.ncv),. Unci sall'Hi.s mil die mie puioil nf I it ui. Vnt Unit join., -W 1I1.1J. IlillaiJ. i htiutljili, X I) 1 ',, TO JENNY. Im llii liilmm. 'I lion .111 not ilf.nl, .liin.t, 1I.011 .111 llnun In u fji loiintit hett'i Hun 0111 in.ii; 'Hit hoiiii- Is now ni lu UU111I of llu hint, 'Ilitu, lu.t ih'.n limit, ,11111 lutt ,10111' luppt ic-t, un look j lattlt tup ilotti; lliwut k'ljilo; lllcli wllli In .nut ami lote Hut miti l.uie , tmir it it.. .It, II i.i.ih ... .I1.1. i.,.v,.. . I'u.,. ?i,w,, ...... ... ...... .I.V.V 1 sui, lllllt, loi I't 1 1 1111 Hilt luppt ll?li I I 10 Hone. ' A Second-Class Citv with a First-Class Stock of Gut Glass, Sterling Silverware Clocks, Etc. Suitable for Wedding Gifts. Mercepeaii & Connell, 132 Wyoming Aveune. Hill & Council's Holiday Furniture There can be no mole appropriate gilt than one of the following lin-s, all of which are matked in plain figures: VWItllitf Pik, liiiviliu: I'iIiIo, t'jtllj 1 .ll.llK. ( hot, 1 1 tit no., Pirloi Cililnpt., Mll.lc Cillillipli 1111 lei f'alllnit., Mniik ('i.(, se 1 re n, M011I1 t liali I iiiiuier. Wink rulilii, I'u.t' Chiillc, (Illl (luil, Inliilil ( lull., Ilotkcn, sh.lt lug s.,,, l(deitiil. tirillnlerc', Low prices and latge assortment to select fiom, of -well made and desir able patterns. Hill & Connell 1S1 N. Washington Ave. Goldsmith's Bazaar G.B r THE 101 POWDER CO. Booms 1 and2, ComMth BTd'f. ORANTON, PA. nining and Blasting POWDER Met ! M001I0 and Ruiblal Warm. LAPLIN RAND POWDBR CO.'S ORANGE OUN POWDBR tetrla Battertsi, Bltotrlo Bxplacttrt, xplodloe blaita, Safy Kmt itni HIOH EXPLOSIVE Rejaunt Chemical Gos Headquarters for Incandescent Gas Mantles, Portable Lamps. THE NEW DISCOVERY Kern Incandescent Gas Lamp. Gunstertf Forsyth 325-327 rcilll Avenue. A Useful Christmas Gift I Our Handy 1 Laundry Bags jt If you want to make the head of a family or a 3 bachelor or a spiuster happy, buy oue of these Ilaudy Laundry Bag's. I There are Two Ways. of sending oue's liuoa to the laundry i 2 times a year. Looking for string and paper is one 3 way, and simply placing linen in the Handy Laundry Bag is the other and easier way. Bags -3 have plate for name aud address, insuring you St against loss in transit, and are made of strong- .2 est canvass, specially manufactured for us in red, blue, white aud brown. Ask to see thein at Art Counter. Price $!.00, Si g. ei I A Holiday Sale of Furs I DR. BARRETT, Dentist, 125 AVjoiinnjr Avenue, Otci Glulio vjulioue TEETH l.vltieUil ;jc Cleaned 500 Soiled 75c; iV X M lottiiod. .old J up Liotwieel, portclaln .i up llrldgc work s.) up Pilled with Knld 7J(, up 1 Hied Willi hllm fitia Pilled with sold Mluy ...TJc lull Set of Tietli f j up i:amliulioii mil p.tliuiies free. If voui teeth me eleeiw- Ing, if you need an artificial set, .1 jou ttpm (.01110 tcetli replaced without a pljto, if ton ukIi joui woik done painlewil md well bj rcliahle graduates of Ions ispciii'ieo at Iho veij least cost roninUnt with food, substantial Dental Uoik. tall on me. .t if ALWAYS BUSY. - 1 M Rjf- 3?B jiktaav iflLLMLLLr RIH iIWi Misses' aud Children's Sets of Angora, Badger, Raccoon, Oppossum, Sable and Chinchilla; from 98c to $8.98. " 500 Ladies' Cluster Scarfs of Sable, Fox, Op- possum, Stone Marten, Brown Marten, Beaver and g Electric Seal; from-$1.98 to $4.98. f$ Matched up Sets, of the best Lynx, Fox aud Bear Boa and Muff; from $9.98 to $49.98. Separate Muffs of all kinds, large sizes; from f $3.49 to $19.98. 1$ HCStore Open Evenings Until Christmas. H t V, V.Vl tt t n t t S K K H K K It . H If I'iiuls us in our new stoic belter prepared than ever before to cater to the wants of HOLIDAY SlfOL'FERS. tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt it tt tt r. tt tt tt tt tt ttt it t Our Holiday s Display This Year Beautiful Things for Christmas Early clioice is wise. We invite ou to make selections t now, when stocks aie al their best. 1 i.. .1...: . r: 1 . .. 1. i. ..- J JU lliaKiui; your seiecuoii ui iiiiiiiuncis, uu uavu uiu ,is .sisiance of my thirty-live v ears' experience. Diamonds S.t iii all kiiuK 01 RIXC.S. HKOOCUliS, PEXDANTS STL'DS. Etc. Fine Gold and Silver Watches With the lfihes Cir.ulo Movements. Sterling Silver Novelties, Cut Glass and Umbrellas. And even tiling peitamiuj; lo a lirsi-class Watch and Jewelry I, rlf.l.li. ntl.iiH " I j"ltHVI-IUU. Ill Our Stores are filled from heel to toe with common-sense Christmas Gifts, irom 25c to $5.00. Lewis & Reilly, Wy. 114-116 ming Avenue Storo Open Evenings Until Christmas. a-g j . Scran ton's ninbvmmmnL (hmw& Christmas Store 3 3 3 -a 3 3 3 Out handsome stote is now In complete holiday altlie. It is a wondejful bower of benuty and well woith a visit tiom you, Accept this ns personal invitation and bing the childten with you, The tour laige double tloois ate filled with eveiythlng; in which the little folks delight and many things in which adults me inteiested. Cr ' Toys, Tree Ornaments, j Dolls, Candies, etc., in endless vaiiety too numeioub too mention will be 2! tound heie at pi ices consistent with the quality of goods t r fe J. D. Williams & Bro. I jC. LUTHER, t l- "4 4A A" 4 4 133 Wyoming Avenue. I'.STUil.lSIIEU 1 1N-.7. A ooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooo 6 0 THIRD NATIONAL BANK ! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OF SCRANTON, 312-314 Lticka wanna Ave. f. & Organized 1372. Depositary of the United States. Capital, $200,000 Surplus, . $550,000 llieilliioiiui late ii)cli3nniiois is ,-, per cent. ci iimiuiu hn)ilul.itlciitliiii!'lviJii lo iitliiu aunt- wlifiln'i lici.'iot iiui',1 IIIC'I1 f-llllllllliyilVL'llllltH HIOll lCH'l lliirii ifi iuih, lute-lost pvlil cm snjiu.s ili'im.ln, lutt'it'tl loiiipeiiiiiilicl .Itiiiiiiuy l"t null Inly lV WILLIAM CONNELL. Pjoaldont. HENRY BELIN, JR.. Vies President. WILLIAM H. PECK, Cashier. Dirftz CTORS, William Counoll, Jamns Axohbald, Henry Doljn, Jr., Luther Keller, Geo. H, 0,-Ulin, J. Bonj, Dimmick, Thomas H, Watkins. James L Connell, W. D Zohnder. LAWYERS. TheTubune Job Depaitmcnt is prepaied to piint your briefs in a surprisingly short time. i . r