-y.i'?'ijrviY:S5r lfMt . .! .a I--- yt" "W"iV '' t -.N h TCV ' - V THE SOUANTON TIUBUN1- TCISSDAV, DISCtiMBUIt LM, I00J. r.t?r:.v v. 'T f Tn Hi II ill ItMn The News of HLrOA'D'TMk TABLES, fV"NVf V HA -. . Delaware nitd Hudson Rnlho.iu. Vwonili'r VI, I'iOI. Irtin line tMlioli.litp il tut siiMmi ' .oh I'or Soihlnn mill tt Use Hnri iinrt, T ml, . Mil, IUl.ll, 1I.S1 I, III, Mil), H!. Art'. " 6 Oil. TOO, 10 III, lift) HI. , ,,, "nihil u tliiliu lc.no at f V, II -It 'n I ' '" 2 Id, 0 0. S 01) p III. . ,. Ir Allnm, Sint.iau. Vt.niticil. Il-t". N"rt 1 iii,l Hid lwltiK cli , 71K1 ii in . 4 M i HMItl. Foi 'jtiiirl mil lloiinJdi. 7 '-. II "" " " ' 1.61, Oil t in , sintlM lulu, lone Wat pint mi'l HoiiMi"" t !l III n in i I 15 i in .. ,, , 1 rutin ntrltp ill fatt.oii.1ilo fumi VVII ." ''"T: ml SitMiilnil n follfi'ue 0 ,(!. s IT. I''. u . in.! IJ 17, '.' 0(1, I 1 1, t.je, u 0, 7 01. 1 " ' ' It V P. in , 2 0S a. in, similar tulm nnltr at 'J ii t. m I -. . ' ' ' '?. . ju. it :o p iii. , 'iniliv Irilm nrilte il firtioiid it" till'. "1-v Tilt mil lloiirxliln at 12 17 mil T.J ! "" New Yoik, Ontailo and Western. f)t 17, 1001. ImIih lcm (.jijiunihlo lor Mcunton it 7 00 .1. i ! I on p ni. buiiili" Irilm nt i.Ofl a. in , (I 08 p in Trillin tone CjrbonilJlo for point, north nt 11.1(1 i. in On hnntlay at 'M0 i in hum iMtlnj nt 1I.1D a. ni 'lOfk 1jh niiil l 10 i. ni. "iimlj; nnl.c roniui lions foi New oik, Lorn vi ill, Mi. rn'lii iiirnc hum Siniiton u It. ID i ni ! 14" f in.: from points nortli, 4 00 p in StiiiiM (rem icriiilon .11 fi in i in. ami 7. tl p. ni ; liom riiln.lt nt (IOiJ p. in. Kilo Railroad. .lunn 21, 1101. Tumi Irate tilt ulttlon, Ciiilinnlilc. ital.t (rroi I ''iiiiiliil it 7(KI - in. nml 4 .p in tor Pi iricit nml Mnttrli; nl 0 -I n. in., ilallv (rs- ptliiR Nimlat), foi ninli union, init.inc ion nntloii lot Ntw toiU iltj nut Iluflilu. atnl it K 10 p in foi Micqucliantu, unking connection ffi rtcm point'. Miniliv tnini .il 0 13 i m for "-iiirinelianitJ, ttllli western lonncctloii', ji it U ii p m, tit'i MIlIP rollllii t(on trim? arrltc .it S.;a a. in. ami SIS p. in. !-iiiiJas it S 5-1 i in. Grand Opera House Friday, December 27, ERNPSl' (IVMIlI.r, lii-o rm:i)i iiuk moi.i.. i'nm, MIS ,li SKINS Aioliu SIDEWALK ORDINANCE LAID ON TABLE Common Councilmen Did Not Seem to Undei stand the Mensuie and Believing That No Hnim Would Be Done by Laying It on the Table Kefused to Take action. 0111111011 (.011111 il 1 111 ninht In .1 mi nt ,"1 to . laid on the t.ililo iho ouli i.incc iliiof tins tlio la 111s of 'lilownlks llllOURllOllt till' ( it. The fiuliii.iiii t .is ImimliKtil .11 the l.ct nuetliifr In Mi. Whltlirld It in kIp Il ubllpcitoi v upon piopeitt oiipi. to l.i slijyt ,ilks 1111 viii h sti.cK whiih had .111 L".t.ibIMiiil si.hIp Till oidi iiaiKt' was .1 drsii.ilile nniondiiieiit to IIih nidiii.iin c ol ISS7. uhlih peiinlttul wooden siilcu.ilKs lo be I. lid on mv .lici'l within ".il ltd ol the iltt The llRMMlll W.IS tlllH'lV .111(1 tl pisstll would 111 .1 Sttp 111 tllf 111.11 (Il III pios- u -.. thin ihn1-!' who li.tw ihi. inlei 1 -.i-il till' ( it .a Ik 11 1 would litiino 'I Ik ( oiiik iIiik 11 who olil in U it 011 tlio i.ihlc Mism. i olliu-., MustPi-j, .-tone I isi(.s ,unl Thompson wi-ip not ..iniili.ii piiont,li with the iiip.i-.iin' to in I -itistii'il to t.iUp ,m .11 tion on It. ind .is It hid l)-r 11 piintcd j inc-t.tK. it w.i-i npif ss.11 v to i-itlipi n.v it 01 -I'ieil ii. TlH 1 itti'i wn dcoiiu'il the .noil' tu intent mil il ,i- t.ihh'il Jlts-its Whltlli'ld .ind Mi i:.iii whi- I lit" onh olios in l,iot of 1 ilJitff iii.tiiin isl uiKltl llcloic till- disio-iiion took pi, op. All Willi lit It I Hindi .111 imiiipm i-iioii to lomilHi' his nllP.'ixilfs Ih.il tin 1 1 1 Pit'-!-, ol Iho (in (i ted tin tin p i-.Mtn, II tliu oiilinniKi' ('uthniul.ili ho - tld. .tas t'lttiieh loo liai Int. ml as ioih--iiipd witli ollui titles 01 tin. ihiid I i In the tnatlti ol snlPwalKs was thc-io the ilty mi-, pattiiulaih I ii'U its and to liial.t' tlneisi ith tin. man It of piogitss it was cssHitti il that the onlitiaiici. wlilth was a Itisi on.., hO CllIK toil Willi ll'i-llltioll. Stonn Doots in Sight. Tin' poslofikt- is in lnitp t,. sloini .looit loi- ttllitll il U.IS 11PIPS,1J lo (.my on an .iRlintion 1I1101114I1 the PK'.ss, losetliei with pcisonil iietlli The s-tleet (ouiicll li'solutlon piotldiiiK for these dooi.s. also lm a hiiiiIiir di'sU and two tiiinsoins otpi donis in ih fiostotlltP, and a bulletin hoaid in the lobby ol the tity huildin, was adopted with onlv one dissenting tote. It is hoped thai no time will he loit in tanjIiiR out 1 In piosion of tint lesoltitioit as it is ,1 1 a.se w ltd (in the hiallli ol ihe postotlU'e .links is ion. it-Hied At pie.st-iit tltev an- ohllKed in stand the tuld lilat-is tint blow in ihlousli the iinpioloi till swluit iloois ol the luhbv Other iratieis wetn disposed nt as lllllOWh! UPMiluiliiitK tlluLilntc the I.uIiik ol siilowalks In 11 out ot the piopettles nl owen Judso on Washington .stioet, anil Hem y .loluis ami U. 11. .rail t In on ALWAYS WEARY, ALWAYS TIRED ,K?kMffytfBiiiPlilifMaJkrWffk. yfSHffKrdf IVffffffffC 9iwi?sSM''PffffV help liiu or her ro iiilu a sin I lllb itlliipud HON III) llllll'V coins ; ,(,lvM''i"a l)1' l1'' - NV. ( I Mr SamtiPl Korcis ol J llsdo Pink ttniup, SciaiH('i), Pa sas " was in tjjim down (JrlUflltlon -headnchp.s-nut. )bus mid sleeiiitiR badl.t und the appt lltovpom. I was told ol Or , W iJlmse's Neno Pills ami sol 11 lw. As u lesult I sleep nml eat well aRaiu--.iiut jicioiiHiit'is t)1ul headaches aj c '(,ouu and my tieiunal Hticuglli bail, iiR-aiu ; 1 am iny much pleabe-d with tlietii iijul Rl,td'to iceotiiipetul them In dHiis aj i can do ponscitninously,' I. 1 i , . 1 " " Cadbondate. riKth tneuiif! iiuntftiiliiK iinin'opilu tloilt of ttV) 10 ellV miRllii'i'i'M e tl-iii.il'- mid MOP u police fund: helllliiK tlih OfiiititU'lor I' H. .Mourn for Sev liilli u pinto fewer, appiowil mid p.i tuelll (if bllN nml lllc leilll'dtli)li nC .Mllrliell ho"e loinpnny wine all adopt ed. The pi'tltloll of the UUstees of the Ilpi1iniu stioet Mollindlst liiiKinpil t Impel nuking- for ej.oiieuitlon fumi Helniont stieet tiiioiiietil. wiih lereiied to Hip IckIhIuHoii roniinlttpp. Thuic wis n cltlcn pipsenl who spoKc In buhitir or tin mipiiltm f ChUUh stieet UikhikIi Collllilbln holBlit", but lounell believed this win the duly or the nwiiris of tlio llitet, not nnv bllMliipss of Ihe eltv and no heed n" imld to the apiieal, XMAS IN THE CHURCHES. Fiogiammes of Music at Tiinity and St. Rose Chinches Sunday School Exoicises. (.'Iiilstiniis dn whiih Is ihe ki cutest least dav In the Catholic (htiiih. and likewise occupies a foteiuost pliuc In tin tiilelidrti ot Hip r:)ls(.o)al (hutch, will be most tltthiBly obeiecl In Kt. itose ehui ch and Tilnlty ihuich on Wethiesdtiv, Hie day ol Klndn and jo thioiiRliout the imhei.se At Trinity Chuicli. At Tiinity chinch soivlto (OinintiiLe it 7."0 In the 1110111111);, the lector, ttcv. It. A. Saw j or. otllciitting-. The mut.lt will bo splendid, in keepliiR with the fenst. The soloists will be .1111011R: the best that the t It y of Scianton can fui nlsh, Jilts l.sdia Pallor. Italph D. Wll llains and Monsisnor I'lantls Vandpr eken, Hip violin lituoso. The pi ORi amino of seniles Is as foi-lows-Pi elude Violin and 01 Ran Medita tion Massenet. Ventc Dr. Worran. To Detliu .lubllale Uio Dudlej Htul. Anthein (,'lnisi Is liom" ,T. C. ilaitlell. (.Sopiano and loliu oblli; ilo) (loil.i It am l.'llt iniiss Mo.nl. 'UilKhtest and Best." Duillev lituk OftPi tin (u) Violin and 01 r. 111 .nl aiio Cotlcimaii. (b) Uilltone solo' IJIitliilut ol Nild llnRpi " At St. Hose. The miisl lojfttl mush ol the ten and the most detout spiiii m.uk ihe obsenante ol Chiisttnas by the c 011 RieR.ition ol .St. Hose Thine will be missis at ti. 7 -'D and in :o. Those ate the houis de.slRnatdl foi the (oiiRieR.i tioii. but misses will be celobi.itcd al most ( onlliuioiislv (TiuiiiR the bonis is on ibis d iv the piiests of the f'atliolii chinch ,iii piilletd to ollei tlnee ni.issis, a piImIcko Unit laiiimt be shaied In anv othei least The Hist in iss it (1 o'i loc k. will lie 1 liltv.Ii mass, when tlio 1 holt undei the filler tion ol Plot Sloi km, in will sin' Ihe ' Kuic' 'tilon.i," and 'f'ldlo" liom I.i II111I11M mass of pp.ue, and the "Hani lus " "Item ilk Hon" and ' Ar iiiis Url" liom AVeis' St Cecelia's mass The "A(Ilsi. ridelis." as aiiatiRpd by Xotello will be the otlPitni, at this mass Al the late mass tin nutslt will be the siine with tin exception of the olfeitoit, wlilfli will be Itotolls "t'his tus X. litis Hsl The Moz.ui ouhc'stia will assist At the in !0 mass ih.- senium will he (IcIIm led b a liedeinplotisi lather. In tin iltt 1 noon lipRiimitif, at I oilork tilde will be all illtt iPsiiitR teieliioin. tin auiiual ifcepllnn of the AtiRel s Midalil llmieilii lion nl tin Messed Han anient will tone huh the set 11 es The 11 Hi ol llethleln 111 will be 111 langPil lot the devotion ol Hie 1 011 ri pR.it Ion iiiuimi mini; wlih totnoi low's set il (s Sunday School Exeicises Al the otliei chinches 1 In Sunns iiIrIH. at lite Pit sbj tei I 111 and lliptNt i bin 1 lies, the Methodist im dhiR at tin loiinei (.hutch, till UMial Cln istnias e eu ises ol lite Siiiiila school chlldicu will t ike place At the Picslnletiaii tliinili the ouiir piople will assemble at i, o'i loc k when the lollowliiR p. ori. inline will be ob si 1 ed 0( laliiie II.miiii No lu.' p.u I .', C) Toll Mi- Ihe Sttil Thai .N'iei (liows tild," I'siliu Iii 1 out 1 it Piatt 1 Int.-! niediale 1 hoi us MteilllR lOlOlRII lllissliilf. Pilinaiv exeiiiscs AddK ss by p islot, Male cjuai unit'. l.oe nil dim;. llMiin, "Antloi h," No Ism, pan r Dlstiibutlou ol Rills Th" ptoRiaiunie ol ihe piiiu.iiy de pailliient Is. Choi Us "Low lielnle a Caul, Mall ' In the sc haul "A Clllitinas Wieallt. Unit rIi s' Id (union, Ueilt.illnii- Allinl .limes. Sour "Allium, llic llllls.il Inlainl" h bos, i:eu l.se lilils, It is 1101 iiaiuiiil 111 tin' wiiuli up -n ilisinuliiii'il lo au 1ih oi fxciiiu Ittl foeliii" sicaliiij4 oviT tine at an nicaN, or mi 1 he eontran, to p.tss state lliat rolls die da in" all its thill". Inn to nimble and toss 011. dicative 01 a t;itc 01' health rapid .'Hl.iir.s I Mat 11 noi iiiiniL'diatels an complete collapse-complete loss lem and the onset of a mass uf ill horrors no human pen i. poueiful those persons who have reached t I'ilK come like the sti 01114 swimnie lo ihem the streumh to auain leac uij1, siunh man or woman. Miilialuie and tun trail of l)i. . Ktse Med. (.'o., -.Ti" W'ashiiiLtoii .Si , Mis. Junips Wulhiiii, 01 .11.1 Twcltlh stiett, Stianioii, p.i , MiMf 'l)i A W Cli.if-e's Neise s mo Hue I Iickiiii to line tht-iii 101 nen rum sit k luailnelies and lion oiiHUfh und hud ruuI sucici-s III utoppluj- ihem omplett'L) Heientb I used Ihem tu n 011 nine iho dopusi-lon und weakutsa lollowlnj, Klip and they went .iRiiln Mit 1 cestui bUIhk iiim bodib hlieiMlh and nenc htcadlpei-s As 1111 all loiiitd and RtniPtal toiilo tlio ait Kiiuid and 1 urn wny muth pluihod llmi my intention was tailed tu ihmu tluouRli Mutthews Hios )iiiBKli,tt,. No. :i.''i l.atkawmiiiii atcniit llci ll.tllon Utinlon Lee. ' H0UR--I1J IIIHo Bill?. liKci else -tly elithl rIiIs IiiIpi' noiiR-. Hons "Up Come This lltii.v Nina' Mol 'i " by school, Trinity School Exeicises. Th" Siniiluy school of 'i'l'lnlty dun oh will hold cPieli-os 1 oiiiniencliiK at 7 o'clock CliilRtinns iiIrIH, The dilution of Hip phiIhIi will ptottutp the cuntiilit "The Tuliles Tinned: 01, a Chtlstnuit for Hnntn Olatf " Jllni"t Cairle Pi Ice and LoiiIho HIciciiiii will dliect Hip af fair. The caul Is at follow :oiinnll mill t'ointliv, two tnnltul ihlldum, Ilrookt Kufku und fiimi' ItettPW. Hunta CItiiiB, Wlnilclil Siiillh. Jack TioHt, Kenneth .Smith. Ihmlna, l.lnda Clink Star Shine. Until UImIhI Sllvei- Spin k hone Wall oils. Ciystul c'lfin, IMIth jsti'VPiis. ClulHtmas Joy. Ciiaee Mollis. The White Cat, t.oiene Cioss, Choi us of snow Hakes, puil CI111U. Kittle Xlf holsoii. .lennlc Smith. Maile Moon. KnthiMi Wheeiet. Natiillt' Kulkeii-011. aeiliude Iltinev and llenttifp .McMtiltcn. Tiosl spiltrs, MiiiiiIp Wnluui" Nellie Cioss, Ituth Pinry and I.ols Isrci. Chllilieli of all nations, .timet Saw -ef, aiadys .Tiitni's, .lelinle PoiirpIK, Clam Fisher, .Miidolln Waul. AIrci' Saw. v or. Itiivuiond Wind. Ilarppr rulkpison, Antliew Hubbiiil. tioorjit NMcholson, Flunk D.nls and Cluulcs Cundv. PilKos, i:dwaul Pill pie. Kenneth l.nr tus, Haiiy Ciind;,. BAD "RIPPING." Tlnee Men Who Ripped Copper Horn Scianton Railway Company's Rails Go to Jail. GeoiRe C011I11 1, his .son Udwaid, and John Klahei ty. 'till eat theli Uiikev In the county lull, punlded none til theli ft lends tome to the icscue and ko b'll foi theli appeauiucc- In tourt. The ti lo who beloie Aldei man Atkinson ji"-ki-duy on the rim'. ,e of stealing bond iop pei Horn tho -Scianton Ititllway 10111 pan.t. C01 clner plendod not Ktillty, and the otliei two ackuow ledRcd the lip ping:, liavitiR heel caught with the stolen coppen in theli possession. The 011ns; men stated 10 the itldci -man that Mi. 'oulmn was with tli'-in when they tut the coppei and was the one sells tul to ell ll upon II belii'r dilhoiPd to him jesteid.it. The uio (tit Hit copper S1111tl.1v niRlit In i-'ell tnwiisliip and pllcl it In .1 ho.in. AVI1I1 1 hoise and but kbo.utl, thev went at tei it .w'stPiduy nioiniiiR Tiack Mat-lei William tioidon I1.11I, In Ihe nieantiinc', ! allied ot theli tloliiRs and he found iiltliri Moian. the l1 o Rolns to the suite ol the iippuiR- pio ( ess Thev u. 1 id the thlptes, and al li a helv clu e down llu alltv i.ip tllied them with llieil spoils ill .It 1 -nn 11 Tlte 1 nppt 1 w.lRlied iiinelv-toiif pounds .mil was oolheMtl o et to the inilvat LOinp ins altci the lieaiiiiR. Ccippti at pi os -ml Is wot Hi eight ceils a pound. The ColdllPls li ip been beloie oil 1 1 bploie set 1 nl Units on similar 1 haif,(s J'laheitv is a sti.inRoi and r ears old. Tie iutd the ippe.iiante ot ijcins, a hobo" and "own d to be an eislb-lel ihap lie laiiRliliiRlv told tin-.ddei 111 in thai the could do iirithlnn else but plead Milln as Hit t weie catif-lil 111.1 1 -insr aw.it witli the Roods. The wne taken to the toiiiit. tall and will liite .Sheilll m ha ilt as iln ii host riming the holid is OBITUARY. MlMs MAItV I. Dl'KPV dltil eslci iln moiniiiR at bet home, nn S( olt slttft, attei a pinnacled attack of be 11 1 Unable and diopst .Miss luli was bout in this titv ihii t-lle eais ,iro. and had been a 1 oullimous iisldent lieie Tlte ntws of her death will he leeched with iiiudi sni tow In hit nianv fi lends She was a woman of ailmhahlo t'tialitits and was nt a kind and dial liable disposi tion, .last ,1 month .mo tosiciriav Miss Unfit 's slstei tilt tl. She is stuthcil by her motliPi, Mis Jane Duff j , and the following sjstens Mis (Jpoiro Hilley, Mis Itobett l)i.il(, ol tills cii: Mis. P ToiirIiii, ol Sc 1 anion, Alice. N'01.1 and (lei tmde 01 this di, and one bintliti, Mai tin or till, dtj The luiuial will be held loiuouow altei noon at So clock. Iiium mem 10 be in St, I !(i-f i etueli i,, MICUAHI. O'NIJII.K who has U,d In t'aibondale all his lite and who had iuan siui et c fi lends In thlsciij, passed .iHin suddenly at his home, on founo stuet, .esteula iihiihIiir, He had been ailliiR, bill was aide In be about 011 Minria,. Mi. O Xcill was a inembei of the Calliollc" Knights ol Amnlca. lie is suit it ed in iho lollnwlm; sops and daiiHlitds Aniliew O'Neill, ol New Voil. di, Tliomas ONelll, .Mis Pat tiik IUmiii and .Miss I'nim 1 il'Niill of tills c'lt , also In tlnee sImcis and tine liiolliei, Mis .Milliard MiCaiin. Mt.s. William Wnll.ri. Mis, TI111111 is Caiev .111,1 P. tei O'Nilll, all ol this iit Tlio litlieial will In- held 011 Thiiisdav llioi Hill'.' The tiiilPQp will lease the linilie al 'i o'i lot W ami moifcil lo St, Hose (Inn ch, whine a lentiicin mass iddle.icd to iVel tiled, weaiv or 11 To I11 1 cl a dreaiv. font's. loryci- ttiul all times, partieiilarh aftei to ihe restless, iiife.s5od-iu-M)iiit ple.isjnes ami makes the hed ,i Il is not onh tinnatuial. hm in h approctclMiij1 :i ciisi.s a si.ue m d iiUillijontl cm reeled, means of all eouiiol of die nervous s s whine name is legion and whose 1 desciiptise enough to paint, lo his point, Dr. . (. hade's .Nerve r to the almost di owned and eies h a sriftl point ami 'o iiirdier W Chase on e.ieh ho. I 'nee ."tl llufialo. . V. Mis. Joj-eph .Mluht-ll, ol 'ill, l.iialtll sucei, West Scumtoii Pa .sas "Di. A W Chase's Xene Pllh alt' Hue 1 was all out ot 01 di 1, nen ous, ami timid not sleep-weak ami inl.sei.ible The Mdllejs weic sIurkIcIi aiitl uitt bail. lillliM 110H1I11B seemed lo help me until I sot a ho 01 the .oit Pills .11 Mat thews Hii's' iJitm Strne', No. :;jn laick awuiiiui inrmue rilncu I took them I sleep well-ilon't Jtik und talk My lien us uit sU'.id.--i tool hticuiK and Hm kldue'js am wmkliiR well msuln. I 11111 moitt than plt'iibttl and ylad tu in can oiinul the meilliint " will he colehuttptl. Intel input will he Hi HI, Uosu (tniiotiny, BREEZES ROM NEWTON Blown This Wny by Donanco Buck ley Biudette the Plctlliosqiic Clinr- acter of Qieeiilleld Township. It .sou want to leu 1 11 of the tennis ot II btitkliuv sIippp, n 111111 wllh ciuukdl bonis anil luii il us Hm vc.lv.P(l mIpcI, ak Dniiaucp Ihieklcv lluulplle (D01I0 Ibiullck), Hie liiiiniiioiis philosopher, of New Ion I.iiKp. "Ii sou efei- waul to think that ou'it on the dawn or kliiRtlnm tonip," he Willis lo The Tilbtine, "you want lo Ri't 11 bticklu-,' ulirt'p nrtcr .ton, One tif lliiun ipIIows wlih bonis thai lotild plnimli u tcn-niif lot us nulek us Whlt npv could make up a fht-hpuded talf stun. I mel tun the other tiny (oiulng ilfiwu fioni Lakeside, Susquehanna tnuni.v, lie miiHt tin 1 bum a whole loot ball (lPM'ii, 101 lie had all Hipih ihhiR wciIros and pints unmet Hip side and btiekliiR- the t enter Unit I lead about in 'Hip Tribune, lie nutlo me make some bemitliiil tout liilow ns, and ir II wasn't for a limb win rence, 1 mlRlit be outln' mv Clnlstnias tin key In Hie hospital Hint my lileuil Julius .Moses helps to look 11 f tor. Hilt I wouldn't have roL close to this uuzy 111111 If it hadn't been ifiul I not lost on the way to the tialii and met a leit-liiiniled woman. Ii you'ip oor lost and ain't pai tlcular whether ou ever fhul votir wav. lut 11111 acioss n loft lmndcd woman and have her dlioct the way lor ou. 'When slip's pnlntlu' to hoi loll vou think ll's her iIrIU, and bcfoio ou got HuourIi oil don't know what she's doln'. Instead or romlnK out at Thompson. stunk where Hip ml; landed at .V1.11 it." "I'm alone litie in the ollice. Ml. Til bimo mail." toiitlnups Don ance. "1 am lieie itlotio with riovii, mv don, my 'skink' (los. Jtovei Is like the lilsh inan's innnkpv-wiC'iicli tint 'was ron ce.iled in 1 ( oiispicuous place.' he's Inv Ins; out ot sight lieie, whene evonhodv wlto lomn lu can see him The dog Is sraiod, and I'm lonesonu . "Well, I've been roIhr- to 1 luiieh two nlfi-hts at Duudarr Vou had ousht to uiiiie out. The lovivals ale ftee. My datiglilfi is in town .Me and m v (IiiurIi Ipi, Hie .vouiiResI- one. Is hoi p. 1 1 1 WpIIs and his sjslrr gave us some fine music ills wile and r tiled to s!B t tlio moptliiR, but the pieces weic new to me. lid child was asleip and slip was nen ous, and we louldli'l ro as IiIrIi In the notes as we might undei 11101 p con venlpilt diciiinstant ts TIipip seems to be a detni Intel est exhibited by the vouiiR- and old of Dlilidafl. Tlioie was one .voting man 1 10111 Dtmdalf who iiimc loiwaid last night, and thtno's otheis who .up epc tcii The offlcp boy has just tome in Seems souv tint ho wasn't In when 1 1 ame first. Tty him once 11101 p. anil it he doesn't do bettoi, tile him and hlie 1110 "Its a ltiiinv thiiiR 1 ilidu I see anv pi lies on poultl v in todav's 01 jpster dav's pa pei It's litnny Iipi.uisp it's so 11p.11 ti idliia lime in tmkp.vs. Wish vou'tl look ibis up and let me know, as I 111 Inlei isteri in this mnttei, having n dial on. "The iiie.it hi 1 was coining down to mil house (he othei nlRht to Ret a little milk of mv dent wife. 0 I iode with him AVV aiRiied all the wav aboiu what SI Paul said to Tunotliv about taking un inoie watei, but a little wine 101 his siotnac It's sake Mv name might to lie Timothy, I guess tie thinks so ind so tin I. This is ihe time 01 jeai when Hie wise guv Ids a hiss with Ills gitl anil ilit'v Int.tk awav Pan lug cinistmas piesi uts, going 10 llieaties and smoking .Irius on n sakuv a 111 tic liss tliun J Pin pout M01 pan's Is like ti.vlng to III ike both Piiris mt el Hie same as the dog that tiles to 1 iich the ilia on iho 1 ml ol his tall Most mauled men don't have to buv chilstmis pusonts if hr leaves il lo his wife, she'll make him enough piesenls to Kwp him paving lor tlieiu iimil nel Cinistmas "Vou is tot a root of snow on Clu 1st mas moi iilns O l! tluidetle." THE REPUBLICAN PRIMARIES. City Committee Fixes on Januaiy 11, nnd Sets Convention foi Jan. 14. Tlio til st slop i,i the Spiillg election lampalRii wtts ..ikon last night, when 1 lit 1 Itv UcptiblUaii commute met In select council ( h.iinboi and !led the date ot the nihilities and ihe lime Pn holding ihe tout nillnti, Satmdav, Jan, li, between ihe hums ol 4 and 7 p. 111,, v ns set fm holding ilm piimuiles, and Tuesday, Jan. II, a! S p. 111.. was Used 101 iln 1 (invention, j'he phue lot htildillc the lattet will be ill -1 lded latin. As this will ue Hie (list ilia,. 1 01 the appllitillmi ol the Ciaw ton! coiu.tv lilies to (Itv el 't Hons, the mallei of espouse was i, ussed al lenu.lli. The pionosiiion will be disposi d of without auv tilelluu. Of Hils tin io is no ilotibl. Tin-it wttt ten i,,cinlieis of Hie ( nm nilipf pifsinit, Tlie New Bleaker. Plans lor the met Hon of a new liieakm to lake the nl.it t ni tip. i, iiniHv biiiuid Xoilhwest bipakei, uio now being piep.ued, and will, it Is 1 . peited, be leadv bv Janimiv I, when optnaiimis will at mic be stalled lur lis tuci lion Tile new bteakei will pinlublv lie built dosiu to the mln.s than 1 lit sito ol tin old one This will give belter flit Mllli's (ot Hie taklnt,' ol (0,il tioin Hie lllllle.4 IO the llieakci l''ni UIP1 lv Ihe coal v,i lnl.cn ne.iilv a mile h nil. which win a Rieiit iiuoiivenieuii MEETINGS Or TONIGHT. DivlnMli No In, A u 11 St, Vim cut dt Paul s0tiit. I.tuintla lotlu'1. O.iUKluins nj P. b-kali. I.aekaw.iuun tilbi lit d Mi 11, Knights ot Uiiitm. I.IK al iiulmi, No pin Matishtois nt st t It fit ,. TheatUcul Man in Town. V W Voting, iitpii'sdiiliu, .Mildicd Holland's 'Ptiwin Heliiuil Hie Tin one," and ilm iv tliei iiwuv ami Chailes Pie. voHk,. llUifisiaph dhtilluuois lor tho nievinilh llnui' toinpany, blllul im tlin Miami, wtno In the titv jestmila). Visiting Salesman, rod Moms, or Xon Vol K ell Is Hie gtle-sl ut lelalhes in ihe tltj p s toniblniiiB business with pleasuii and Is show lug u Hue 01 ilolhlii!- sold bv Ills Hun. II U Iltirtclitlial v. Co THE PASSING THRONG. It A .Mucin r ol liouesilali', vlsltij Caibondiilc ytsttmlii P i: Amis, the VVayiuail iiunthant, was in tlio oily ;tstcndav John Koihe, ot Jtnmvu, vlsltml Car boiululo tikniils tin Sutidav. Mlts Hllaiboth Collins and Miss Kigali. Hi Hot lit, of Jininjn, woie guests at the IIiuiIhoii house on Sun tiny. P. ft. Kuowles, or Sot anion, Vuis ul Hip Itmtlsnii house .vesttnriii.v. Anthony tttiRlioi It Iuiuip fioni Sthon (cliidv. X. V., for Hip liolliluvs, Pctoi' A, Coleman, of Sti union, will spend ClnlstmitH at his homo on the VVt Side. Miss May Mis, or .SVw Vol k ills, Is honiu It) sienil ciulstmns with hrr put ctilR, Mr. and Mis, nil Mm, 011 Wash ington Pttcet. John HviuiH Is liouie limn Hie New IhiglaudConseniitoiv or Music, ul Ho--ton, to upend the holldaVH with his paionls. Mr, mid Mis, VV, I), llviuis, cu Seventh avcinip. Wllllain P. lleulev, ot Nets Vol k eltv, was in Hip die on Simdav, lie was lime lo ut'fompaits to their homos his tlnee Illicit 011. tin ti uile, Widen mid nriinonri, who me scholiim at the bomdlng school of SI, Homo uotiileniy. JERHYN AMD iHAYFIELD. Tin Christmas catilntu and eseiclses of Hip CoiiKiogutloiiiil Suntlnv sdiool Will bo held in the chinch nt 7,'iD o'clock this evening when the follow ing pi ogi amine will he t mi led out: Singing, "Hells of Chi litmus," Sunday school childion; giootlng, Ituth Moi -iltt: cantiita part 1, "Chlhhon's Visit to Santa Clans:" pint U, pnoicIscs by ptlnuuv pupils vvhllp waiting for San to Clans; t ('citation, Saiah Morgan: song, I'dltli Mlltnths; ipcitatiml, Trenoy: dlaloguo, "Cinistmas," Olllls Raw ling: song, Maud HiMIUIih; icclta tlons, Wlllui'tl Oillllths, Uithor Oavis, John Powell: song, "Sintu Clans Comes Tonight." Mis. Sidney Minnkk, a well known loslrlent of Kushbiook .snoot, dltd at S o'clock jcstcid'iy nioinlng. Dpceaspd had been nlllng fen Hip past two months fiom lioint tioublc but ssus nblp to be at omul tin housp most or Hip limp. Tt was not gpnoiullv knostn among her rilpnds that liei illness was of stuh u dangeiotls nattiie, and hm death (ame lo them as .1 paint ul sui pilse. Peceasud was ,',.' je.iis ot age and is sutvlvpri bv her husband and tvso little fhlldien for whom niuih svmp.ithv is felt In their sad boio.ise nint. The time of the liuimul will he aiinouncod toinniiow. The memboi'i of Atiioia lodge, P and A. St.. weie installed list evening bv Distilct Deptitv T. P. Wells of Set an ion. The (Oimnonv was witnessed bv a number or visiting .Masons mil at tho lontlusiim of Hip cmiinoiiv a ban quet was spived in the St fleoige hotel Tin pp ol tin- Jminvii ind Slav lit Id soldier bovs who have been sciving foi the p isl two youifa in the Philippines and Cliin-i .no Pattirk I'.iiipII, James C.IIIIr.iii and Hridlp C.iim Polio Tulltip while raining a ki g of powdm to woik tu the Ih ie mine jesteidiy, fell and liactined his ,11111 The Misses Ilenwood of Second sheet bitVP issued invitations lot a p.utv on Thuisdiiv in honoi of theli sister Allte. who Is home 1 10111 Su muls hing college. Cotdener, ihe local link man and a lolative who woiks loi hint, weie .11 lostetl last night In loimoitlon with a lobben of a quantitv of coppei who taken fioni the stipet 1 .11 line 110111 Km est C'itv Sunday night Shs j. D Pi ill hard of Set olid stieet and Mis Di. Miaves wen business 1 di ms al Scianton vesleidtv. rioyd lluntei is spending tin Chilsl ni.m with Sloitimm Blown it .Middle town, X V. Di. and .Mis W J liakm. ol Cai boiid.ilp, have again t ikon up theli lesldenie hpie and will ipslde in the house iptclallv fitted up tor tliPin iicni the ipsldencp or Ui. HukPi's pit outs on Main sheet. Moigan (iilffllhs ol 'I'hiul stieet, was a Scianton t alien .sestmdas Mis William Cuilpy, ot West Miv fielri. who has boon smlouslv ill lor some Hint, undeiwont an opeiallon vesteulav at the h mds of Dt. S. D Da vis and Di Whoelei of Caihondale Thomas Joplin is getting along nice ly at the hospital at Caibonilale and was on. (bled to sit up a short time on Siuh1.iv. Miss Sllueiv.i Mi I. .Highlit! a muse at Di. Whoolen's hospital at Caibon ilale, and Sllss Ada I.utov, also fioni the Pioneer Cltv, wpio vlsltots heio on Suntlnv. The tail undei the .uisphes ol tin tnngiogalion ot Satiotl Heait tlniiih will open on Chi istmus evening. OLYPHAiNT 'I'lie 1 aiptniltn shop al the Kddv Click iiillicnv ol the Delnwaie and Hudson c onipany was 1 oiupleteh de suoved bv Hie visteiday attmnoon at .! o'tlotk The Kstclsioi hose 1 omp.iuv was jiitmipi in answiniiig the alaiui, bill wile handicapped at the scene ot I lie Ihe. by lack ol ssatei piessiiie, The loss will amount 10 about .',i)0rt The Cinistmas nee cnpicIsps will be held In the Conglcgiitloun! ihuiili this (tilling A lilcn.uv mid imisiial pin giamme will be awaidod aim vtlilth the Chiishnas gifts will bo. dNhibutiil among the teat litis and scholuis. John O'.Mallev, tt student at St. lion, uvmiluie's 1 olli ge, Is homo foi ihe hoi 1,1 its Miss Uue F.nul will li'iuin liiuiii' todav alter sppiiillug a si ason al imt Jen Is, N. V. John I.lo.vd. of Wllkes-ltaui, spent vpslpida at 1 his plate P. K. O'Slallev iitiondPd 1 lie funeinl of .Mis Tlioinas SlcKeon al Avium tin sunila.v 'I'lie ul.vphant ouliesha pal Hi liated 111 the Clillstuiap esoiclses al tlu Slcth nrilht Kpisiopnl 1 Impel at Miussy last ulgllt Mi. ami SI is. William Wells, of Piovldmiie, vsene the gucsis ol .Mi, aiidShs, T I, Williams, of Siisfiieian. 11.1 sheet, .Siiuda.s, .1 W. Miaul, ot Jeim.sii, was a call 1 1 in town ,vo.icnriu,v. - m TAYLOR. I 11 nun ill el lip lit' lolin I Inn - i,, 1. nt nl it .iln iiio,.ii 'i. in iii. It.. im 01 hs ,1.1, r, Ml- Willi nil luiif. en Vkiln ,11111 II, ( il,i. IVIII' lit 111 II .' II n'llHl, ..III) till. III illllU' if Iln II I . kbt nib, pi.lm of tlio W1M1 Hip i I I1111 . ii liiiiiiiiinl ,t it iiinlt pi tic Toioi no Liiiil.li ll nit in '"e. t.l llu. I, .11111 II Mint 1 liiilil il 1 nml, ot ttlilt 11 II ! il((t onl 11, 1 111 11 lm, atlcii'io I llu. Iitntiii , ll Milluulki iiiUnpil iln in I, sinuijv , ,,) Ulll (1.1(1 I llll I llll.l II K I Sip .M (ilk , Mllil , 1 7 . i 11 II1I1 if In ivuilt ttlll 1,1 I I I1II1I 1 I II 'lull In in ' I l.lMlll l I lltlvi ttill Ih III , I 11 lip till I- limn iliiiili.s llil-. iinilii., iiiuitsiiiu 1,1,1 j.i nun ,. lut iiii. In 11 Jiiai.ul In In 11 ml, 11, 1 1 1 mini 1 Uuti Hill, llu tliiNiniK i,ni.-,- I lie lluttiln s,, ,1,1,, n 1,1,1, ,, ,, ,,),,,,, 1 ,t pl.nln tt.i'ii.' in. 11 ..r llil-. I, ami. ui'l iiiinhi.i llu n III, 1 .limn il gi nut lull in Wilni'i link i'i , Itllllll,,', llu ill, 111 01 tin Miilmli.l l'pistiil thu'i 1 mil nitd 101 iiluii.il on lliuulit iiul sim,',, , tiniii." II1I1 11, llu' 1ti.i ml ilnii,iati t Mi mil II,. Vuion l.t ui., in Nun, 1 l.nhi, (Hi, I t, ,i.'i,lji a iiiiiiiiin lii'iii die I1.1H 1,1 Imiiii-, 1 inn.il ji noiiiici'iniiii iitjil, lil'i. Wi' Kiinlc iljiii. , luliitil iun( uf j I'lill 1,1(1 plii.i lin.plul, i .K'i,iii lm I,, ,11, In t uj'lt.n ullli icl.itiie. In lurt.i I Jiknt.tiiiu l.ul.c, Su III. Sinuldii I'i,,it,- Jilt J-tl iJtlull, uill 11,111 ill Itlillhl MI,ll lllif (Mil I II." Jonas Long's Sons ? The Last Before No time to Lose, so Leather Goods. Ladies' Puises and Pocket Books, some seal, aligntoi and imitation aligator, also a motioco leathci, steiling silver tilmiiif's, at 25c. 20c, 40c, 50c upto S3.00. CHATELAINE BAGS Seal, monoco, nllBatoi and suede leatheis, 25c. 20c, 40c up to S3. 00 MUSIC ROLLS At 25c to S2.08. Leather Tiaveling Cases, con taining' whisk btoom, tootli and nail biush, comb and hair biush, at 75c, SI. 40 up to !?2.25. Odds and Ends Fiom depleted stocks on table neai Lackawanna avenue en tiauce, main asile. Pictuie Flames in lound and squaie styles, Papei Weights, Ash Receiveis. Glass Jais, go at gieatly 1 educed pi ices. Choice 10c and 15c each. Candy, Candy, Fiesh eveiy clay. A fine mi::-1 tine of choice candles, at 10c pet j pound. OUR CHOCOLATE BON BONS, for 20c a pound, will meet youi annioval foi a eood wholesome candy. Holiday Umbrellas For men and women. A splen did airay of fine Umbiellas lieie, veiy tancy handle, in silvei and gold, at piices fiom SI. 00 up to S12.00. pect to be a busy Jon $jm anil .Mt P Reduced 1 day of buying belore Xmas. All the Smoking Jackets left from our big Holiday business is included in this sale from the very finest qualities down to those we sold at $5. We have the credit of showing the finest assortment in this favorite Holiday Gift. It's your opportunity for today only. I At $3.98 of the newest cloth patterns are to be i f .1 sx,.... l.cm r...i1tt-ln It nfmn df liaU. Ulir UCllCI 1UU1II-IWJ 111 ju..w ui the richest imported cloth, velvet and silk designs, reduced in price for today only. Samter Li' Complete Ih, nun .1 ii, i ii lull" " "" I, ,1,1 llu i ii M mi' '. i I"1" ' """ III, imiin Mi" I linn' I'1'1 " " " Villi I nlii Iln- hi. " .mi'iini" I I li in. i, ml 1 ,1,1,111, lul ii II II n 'I a" i'1 a i i nt 7 Itiiln.i t .nit iiiy lul.t. Su '' bull li '"" I'"' ' I "I 'sWntc, nlll nml in ii.iiln ti'ii im ittiiln- ItV; cmulitt. tl llu' litl.n, I'm. II 'I In,. An rtinl.l jn.I Itiiiiin nl d iiilnc villi h pjH l"- dJt lm llu fere put tl Ilm lulu i Oidi'iuii- ttt-rv -ni", ii'ln I ui Iii, Si.itnll . Day Christmas Come Early Todav Dolls, Dolls. I U1ul1esse.1l Dolls, handsomely dtesed Dolls. All sizes, all styles. Hats to match chesses. Rag Dolls, Indian Dolls. Ncgio Dolls, Qtinkei Dolli,. Washable Dolls, have kid body, othei r ale jointed, some have htationeiy eyes, otheis have moving eyes, light and cuily hall and pietty faces and at 5c to IfH.OO a piece. Table on main flooi contain a lfiirjo nsoi Uncut of Dolls, which nic being closed out foi -25c each. Ebonoid Novelties. Steiling silvei tiimmings come in all the indespensible aitlcles, foi homo use, such as Button; Hooks, Glove Buttoneis, Letter Openeis, Shoe Homs. Seals, Cu ticle Knives, Ink Eiaseis, and so 011, at 10c, 25c and 30c. Books. O111 Book Depaitment contains an assoitment of choice Books. I Handkerchiefs. One of the busiest scenes 111 this Big Stoie, is at the Handkcichief countei. Visit it eaily today, many choice bai gains lemain to be picked up. l For Today Only All Our Today we ex day. It's the last You can take your choice of all our $5.00 Smoking' Jackets. Some Brothers, Outfitters. WSm'ilMMt '.i I . , ., IK V i (OH ( I nil li I I I ,jt ill. liin . l.xjk II ll. III.. I lll It 1 I, I I II. II ii ilii WiMi (en. i.. To Ciiio a Cold in One Day Take h.iMitiv'c liuniiD Ui'luiiie Tables All diuglsls it'tuml I bo inniip.t f It 1 ills io line i: W fltnte'.s sign urn lb on em.lt bos U.'i. i1 t