1. 1 ' :t'r ' ,JJ9V'!?1ffl" A' '''fr'-;w;? fv . u - w '.I, , . J 'Y uV VI THE SOU ANTON T1UBUNE- MONDAY, DE0EMJ3EH 23, 1901. 8 WEST V WVN' ii SPECIAL MUSIC PROGRAMMES ilHNDERED IN MANY OF THE CHURCHES YESTERDAY. Servlceti Were Appropriate to the CluiHtmnH Tide Rev. McDermott Spoke on "Olnd Tidings of Great foy" Ofliceia Nominated and Elected Political Announcements. Accent Funerals Fire on West Lackawanna Avenue Other News Notes and Personal Paragraphs. Special Christinas services were hflil In nmiiy f t lit West Seriiiitnn hurches yesterday. Ilir choristers hav ing prepared special programmes for tilt' neei'SllMl. Ih several of Hi" rlnii clifs tin' usu al decorations wen- In evident o. mill largo congregations wen the ruk' even-where. Simpson M. E. Church. Two very huge congregations at tended thf services ut tin- Simpson M. K. church yesterday nnd enjoyed tin; excellent musical programme provld i'd liy chorister V. W. .tones. The inusli' w.is appropriate to Christmas nnd nil III" special numbers were ren ileied in mi excellent niMiitU'i' liy tlm soloists nnd choir. t!ev. McDei'inntt spoke In tin 'morning on tli" subject of "liliid Tid ings of t!n 'fit Joy," til" ti'Xl being se lected from Mike II. 10. lie salil the primary fuels of rell.'Tlon exert n won derful llillueiiei' on liellevers. mid ple tt'red llie persons sitting iiroinul the manger nt Hethlchcm when Christ wns horn. II foreshadowed some of the rleh things In Christian experience. The persons and lilrthiilnee of ChrUil sug gested lllliniill things. Til" presence of Mnry touches the exiiltntlon of liumnn life, ns fiod had manifested himself tn tier wise teaching liy til" perpetual acknowledgement of Christ us the spir itual King of Immunity The shepherds' presence Illustrated that tiud only reveals himself to pure liarueteis. In the evening the piistor spoke of Christ us tli" supreme factor In huniaii history. He cuts the chron ology of the world In two. Previous to his coming the dutes were A. t C. and ill i ice, A. P. To illustrate this the speaker cited Inpersoll, the unbeliever, who always ij.ited his documents from the date of Christ's birth. This is nn uge of great Diifoiir's French Tar Will promptly ii-lictr .mi! -p.-nlily chip i .metis, coM and nil lims liojlilc. For ilr lv (!. W. .IFNKINS, 101 South M.iln acnue. Eleventh Hour BARGAIN HUNTERS May Reap a Rich Golden Harvest At our mauy bargain counters, from uow on till Christmas Eve. Perything of a holidaytsh nature has a price oil it that will surely close out the entire stock on hand before the closing hour on Tuesday night. There's No Time For Particularizing These Days. but if you have not bought your Christinas gitt needs yet, consider yourself extremely lucky, for the money sav ing is bigger than you have auy idea of, The selection in Toys Dolls Games Bric-a-Brac Fancy Goods Perfumery y j Toilet Requisites Handkerchiefs :- Neckwear of All Kinds, Etc. is still in first class shape and there is no question ibout your beiug suited just as well as though you had ioiriq-'e'arlier. By the way we'll be open till uiue o'clock on Mouday and Tuesday, . Globe Warehouse m lkmwmgmmmm$mw$m&mm SCRANTON Intellectual activity of hooks, inngii sdnes, newspapers, schools, colleges, fit'., lie wild, unit some have raised the tltiiHtloit us to wht'ttier the mental 'ie tlvllles of this nge did not siipeiwde tiio necessity of Christianity. ir we allow human heiirts. Iitinniii consciences nnd hiiniini, nieniorles to answer, no discovery or' mini eim ever take the place of Christ First Baptist Church. Until innrnlng mid evening, nt the. thirst Hnpllst church, the pastor. Itev. S. I Mathews, delivered two excellent snrinons from the subjects. "The Prom ised Clirlsi" unit "The Ansel's Song, nnd What It .Meant " respectively. The services 'vi'le well uttellileil lllld I' healthy Interesi mutiifcidcd. The special music rendered by the choir was very benitllful and was worthy of special note. On Tuesday evening the minimi Clnlstinus Sunday school treat will lie held nnd n very line prngiiiiniuo has been prepared for that occasion. All Sunday sellout children and their par ents are cordiully Invited to be present mid enjoy themselves for Unit evening. Wnshburn Street Presbyterian. The morning and evening services yesterday were almost, entirely com posed of music. The chorus choir, under the direction of Prof. C. II. Dermim, assisted by the orchestra, furnished n delightful programme ut each service. Thursday evening the Christmas ex ercises of the Ullile school will be held In the church, commencing promptly at T..'!(, with a selection by the orchestra, greeting, prayer: duet. "Hull to the King." Misses Olwyn .tones mid Snllnn Phillips: "What Christmas Mentis." sour by primary department ; remarks by superintendent; sour: selection by orchestra. The room wl'l then be darkened and part second will be conducted liy A. V. Ilower with the stereontlcon: Chorus, "Hark' Through the Heavens." words mill music on screen: Scripture read ing: "The Star and the Maul," words on screen, views Iron) the nativity: recital ion, '"Twits the Night Hofore Christinas." with views on screen; chorus, "Henutiful Star of Night;" spe cial views of Scranton and vicinity, ac companied by ringing of bells and ar rival of Santa Clans, when the lights will again be turned on, and the glfis lie distributed by the teachers to their classes, under the direction of Santa Clans, concluding1 with a selection by the orchestra. The parents and friends of the school are especially invited to attend this ser vice of peace and good will. Admis sion will be free to all. There will be no pijayer meeting this week. Dr. Molfal will spend Christinas with his mother in Indiana. Next Sabbath mornlns', A. V. Ilower will occupy llie pulpit; in the evening flev. Mr. I'auktu will preach. The Chi rpsilon fraternity will not meet this evening. In the Other Churches. At Hi" Jackson Street Ifcipilst church, the pastor, Itev. Thomas de i.lruchy, D. I)., preached in tin- morning on "The 21 Infant Christ," drawlntt lesRons from birth and surrointitliiRs, The evening subject was "The Mature Christ," showing; tils life itnd chanii'tor nnd the liiiliieiiee II has on humanity, The music wan rendered bv an iiiik iiiented choir, under tlm direction of l'rof, Lewis Davis, and the profit'iuninc Included oiiir choice selections. "find's t'hrlsliniiH flirt to the World," was Itev. Jitnies Itcnnlimcr'H nimtiliip theme al the ttaninton Hi reel .lottto dlKt Hplscopal ehtirch, and In the even In he kiivc ''The Message of I'hrlsl iiias," tlolh services were well attend ed, and the music was or a IiIrIi order. The matins and sermon were ulven as usual at St. David's Mplscopal church yesterday tnorilltiR by the Hector, Hew K. J. Mi'llenry, and evensong and an address were given In the ovoiiIuk, The I'hrlstmuH services will be held tomor row evening and Wednesday inurnhig. No special services were held at St. Patrick's Catholic church yesterday, lint special masses will be said on Christmas inoruliiR at (i, 7, ! and JO o'clock. The usual MTvlcex were condilcled at St. .Mark's J.ulheran church yesterday by the pastor. I lev. A. 1.. limner. Itev. .Mr. Itaiiklu. formerly of lllin hurst, occupied the pulpit of the Sum ner Avenue Presbyterian church lasl evening. A special salvation meeting for shi fters was held at the Salvation Army barracks, on Price street, last evening. The Christmas exercises will be held on Wednesday evening. Nomination of Officers. An adjourned regular meeting of the West Side Central llcpubllcaii club was held In the rooms Saturday even ing, when the following ollleeiit were nominated for the year I1I0J: President, W. Guylord Thomas: vice president, William V. lirltlitlis: record ing secretnry. Frank H. llecse: finan cial secretary and treasurer. William II. Hughes: marshal, William A. Phil lips; trustees, William .1. Thomas and AV. K. Thayer. The election will occur the first meet ing night In January. The club ex pects to start out the new year with renewed vigor and increased member ship, ft Is the oldest political organi zation In Northeastern Pennsylvania, having been organized in ISS-I. Its membership Includes many of the best Unowu business and professional men living in West Scranton, promin ent among whom are lawyers, doctors, olliceholders, statesmen and men In va rious works of life. Fire Saturday Evening'. Workmen engaged in plastering Cns sesse's block of houses on West Lacka wanna avenue left an overheated stove burning in the building Saturday eve ning to dry their work, and the wood work caught lire and blazed away fu riously for a time. An alarm was turned in from box IS4 at the corner of North .Main and West Lackawanna avenues, and caused con siderable excitement, as many people Imagined that the lire was in Clarke Hros' department stores. The local firemen responded quickly and subdued the Humes before any se rious damage resulted. The new hook and ladder truck was on the scone for the first time but the ladders were not needed. Election of Officers. St. Paul's Pioneer Corps met in regu lar session in Young Men's Institute hull yesterday afternoon and officers were elected as follows: President, D. T. IjI'iihIiuu; lirst vice president, W. C Sliarpe: second vice president, H. .1. More; financial secretary. William P. lllley: recording secretary. Thomas Jordan: treasurer. J. J. .Mahou: mar shal. John Laiigan. Directors, "W. C. Sliarpe. U. J. iou Patrick Wright, T. W. Karly. Patrick I la ley Investigating committee. Willluin .Morrlssey, John I'egan, Krank Luvun. Auditors, W. McNU'hols, AL Mogul), William Carson. Guard, John Hart: captain, John Altirry; first lieutenant, T. W. Karly; second lieutenant, Thomas Alcilulre. Tellers. William Jlorrissey, Thomas Ciilkin, William Carson. Fifth Ward Caucus. The vigilance committee of llie Kit'lh ward met last Friday night and decided lo hold the ward caucus next Saturday. All candidates are expected to regist-r by next Thursday with Secretary W. II. 'Williams. 120S Academy street. The committee will meet again next Thurs day evening at Fairchild's hotel. There will be a meeting of the voters of the Fourth ward thin evening a I Al derman John's office, lu order that the election board can be placed on the ticket, as that part was overlooked at the last meeting. Holy Name Society. The recently organized Holy Name society of St. Patrick's Catholic chinch held a meet lug last evening and elected the following officers: President Thomas AlcIIugli: vice president, Thomas P. Alelialu; secre tary, Nicholas llurke; tresurer, Uow John Dunn. The society now has :'M uifiiihcrd and they will receive holy communion lu a body on New Year's iiinrulng. Three Funerals Yesterday. The funeral of the late William Ollcs, who died from lockjaw, occurred yes terday afternoon from the home of de ceased's parents, KW.'i Prince street, Itev. K. J. Ale Henry, rector of St. Da vid's Kpiscopal church, was in charge of the services. Interment was made in the Wasliburn street cemetery. The funeral of Hid Into Airs. Anna (iraham, who died at her home, KH2 Third street, occurred Saturday after noon from Holy Cross church, Uellcvue, llurlal was made In the Cathedral cem etery. The funeral of the laic Airs, Caroline Korster. formerly of West Scranton. occurred yesterday afternoon from the residence of her daughter, Airs. Albert lliil'tiimu, on lilbsoii street, The ser vices were held at 2.H0 o'clock, and were 111 charge of I lev. II, C. AlcDer lliotl, pastor of the Simpson .Methodist Kpiscopal church. Interment was made In the 'Washlmrii street cemetery. Itev. AlcVoy, of the Adventlsts, asslsied In the services. The pall bearers woro .loslah Patf, Joshua Davit., Charles W, Lull and John Harris. The Ilower bearers were li. S. Keller and George ltlchter. PERSONAL MENTION. TliomiiH Saul, jr., of Price street, has returned lionin from a week's visit with relatives In llrnoklyn, N, V. Clllver P. Junes, of South Alain ave nue, and Aliss Al argu ret Pemhridgc, of lilt North Alain avenue, will be united in marriage on Christmas day . Airs. William It. Williams, of Kynon street, is recovering from a Hevero Ill ness. Misses llertlm AlcCoy, of Tenth street, unit Alue Lludubury, of South Main nvciitie, ale homo from Htrollds burg State Normal school t tor the holidays. Harold itmnloroti, Pert Baldwin and Lynn llecse. sttidentH at Strotidshttrg', nre hoine for the Christmas vacation. Airs. Frank Slout, of North Lincoln avenue. In entertaining Atlss Iterthii Wlddoek, of Allllersvllle State Normal FCllOOl. John Mdwards. or Uecker'M court, a soldier lu the United States service, li visiting at the homo of IiIh parents. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. The William Council Olcc club held a rehearsal In fvorlte hull yesterday afternoon, on the selections to ho sung at the Atlentown eisteddfod next .March. A number of new members were taken lu. John Ford, aged ,"l years, of Scran ton street, arrested by Patrolman ,1. D. Thomas and Klah Peters for being drunk and disorderly, was committed lo the county Jail yesterday for thirty days In default of a $r fine. Muster John Williams, of Oxford street, who fell through the Ice at the Hrlck yard pond recently. Is ser iously III at his home, mid fears for his recovery are entertained. Announcement has Just been made of llie llliirriage of William Wallace, of Nlulh street, and Miss Lillian Kvans. of Uynon street. The couple were united last August, and are now residing with the former's parents. D. P. Huberts, of Hninplon street, is suffering from Injuries unstained while at work In the Allls-Chiilincrs ma chine shops recently. The Sous of Temperance will hold a meeting In Alorgan'rf hall this evenlnr-. to arrange a date for holding their sixth anniversary celebration. GREEN RIDGE. Prof, and Atrs. Scott, of Philadel phia, are guests at the home of Atrs. Scott's parents. Air. and .Mrs. Thomas F. Wells, of Washington avenue. fiel your smokers' supplies, pipe, clgais and tobacco, at Miller & Doeh ler's, tiOii Cedar avenue. The best goods ut the lowest prices. "" Stuffed tigs, pulled figs, layer llgs, dates, nuts and table raisins. K. S. Pratt. Poultrv lor Xnmi. K. S. Pratt. lireen Illdge camp. No. 2.". P. O. S. of A., will elect officials at their regu lar meeting in Masonic hall tomorrow evening. The finest line of Imported cakes for Ninas ever displayed in this city, (irocn HIdge Market. Fresh fish, oysters and clams. Green Itldge Market. The Ladles' Aid society of the Green Ridge Presbyterian church will hold a sale of home made candy In the church parlors tomorrow afternoon and eve ning. Persons desiring to purchase, who cannot find time to attend the sale may telephone their orders to Airs. S. P. Hull, president of the society at her residence. l.'Hl Sanderson avenue. Candles of all description. K. S. Pratt. Fancy apples, oranges, baniuuis and grapes. K. S. Pratt. Candies and nuts; lowest price In city. Green Itldge .Market. " Among the young lady and gentle men students who are spending the holiday vacation at their homes here are: Allss Kordhum. of Alboth Con servatory of Aluslc: Allss Alaud Cap well. Kucknell Pnlversity: Allsses Alin nle White and Nellie Uliss. National Park Seminary, Washington, D. C; Allss Florence Dower and Owen Carr. Wyoming seminary; George Lindsay, I'nlverslty of Pennsylvania: Norman Park and Hob Hull, Princeton; Donald Hull, Druce Fordhani and Ralph Snowden, Cornell; Harry Seward, Key stone Academy: Cole Price and Harold Kennedy, lllairstown Academy: llalph ltlttenlioii.se. Lafayette: William Hreek and Dickson Kays of St. John's AII1I tary School, and Wlllard Jesklns. Stroiidsburg Slate Normal school. 'hit's home made mince meat. Green Itldge Market. " Headquarters for Lowney's and Xmas candies. K. S. Pratt. Our -0 and 2r,c. mix candy cannot be equalled. K. S. Pratt. 4 Wlllard K. Howe, of Wesl Pittslon, Hie popular impersonator and humor ist will be one of the attractions al Hie Christinas entertainment of the Green Itldge Preiibyterian church next Friday evening. For cash. Green llidge Market. 20 pounds due xrnuultilcd sugar. $1: one luisliel potatoes, extra fine. SOc: fancy Klgin butter, 23e.: .'0 pounds best flour, Sl.-'O; one gallon maple syrup, S."u Trading stamps given. Corner Dickson avenue and Green HIdge street. " Howard It. Lemley, of Dickson ave nue, Is spending the holidays with his parents at Norwich, N. T. Prick's mince meat, cannot be sur passed, handled by K. S. Pratt, Plum puddings and Knglish fruit cakes. K. S. Pratt. IOxtru fancy oranges, grape fruit, tan gerines, pineapples, California apples, grapes, etc. Green Illduti Alurkcl. . " Fancy cheese; all kinds. Green HIdge Market. The officers-elect of Green HIdge lodge. F. and A. Al will be installed this evening lu Alusoiilu hall, Dickson avenue. Nnias treest, wreaths and holly. 13. S, Pratt. l",:i Dickson avenue, Sucel elder, c"tlil line. Lireen HIdge Market. Chase Sanborn's teas and coffees, nothing better. Green Hldgu Market, , The ciirlhtma.s festival of the As bury .Methodist Kpiscopal Sabbath school win bo held lu the church Par lors this (.'veiling, ,"P0 Ninas trees to select from. Green HIdge. .Market, Holly wreaths, loose holly, mistletoe, roping, etc. r,rwn Itldge Market. Fur (hie Christmas Turkeys, call at F, C, Hazard'H market and select from the largest and llnest stock ever seen ill Green Illdge. "' Saturday was a day of runaways. No less than four occurred in this vicinity. The most serious was that of J, A. Wedeinan, the Kant .Market street milk dealer. Air, Wedeiniiu was delivering mill; to a customer on Larch street, about ;: p, nt.. when his horse became frightened and ran out Larch street to .Sanderson incline, up Sanderson lo Hunt .Market street, down Fast Alarkct to Dickson to Hrcukcr to Sanderson and down Sanderson avenue as far as the residence of l'rof. Phillips, Here It collided with a coal wagon with such force that the milk wagon was upset, and completely wrecked. The contents which consisted of almost a full loud of milk and cream was spilled along the street, Air. Wedemaii's loss amounted to about ?'J0 dollars. Turkeys, ducks, geese, chickens, rail; bits, etc. Given HIdge Alarkct. Ulna Points delivered on half shell, fireeu Itldce .Market. Fresh vegetables, alt kinds. Green ttlUs Market. SOUTH SCRANTON SHORT SKETCH OF A PROMIN ENT YOUNO MAN. Preparations That Arc Bcln Made for the Observance of Christinas in the Churches Miss Maine Rosar Honored for Her Work for the Kardla Komos Funeral of the Infant. Child of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kellornian Social Session of South Side Club Laat Night. Alfred Guthelnz Is u young mull well known mid popular lu this community, who Is rapidly attaining prominence In the business mid social world of this city. Horn In the state of New York, about twenty-seven cars ago. he came to reside on the South Side when only u boy, having been adopted by tela- m.i in:u t.i 'nicisy lives at an early age. As a youth he was studious and reserved, and these characteristics are still prominent with him as a man. He started in a humble position, alter leaving school, at the Scranton Siulngs bank, and now, through merit, Integrity and faithful service, has attained lo the responsible position of a teller, and is one of the youngest in the city. Ills genial disposition and gentlemanly de portment has endeared hlin lo both superiors and subordinates alike, and Ills friends and associates hold him in the highest esteem. Air. Gutheinz Is ti charter member of the Junger Alaeiinerchor, and is one of the best German tenor singers in the state. For Observance of Christmas. Christinas day will be observed in the various churches in this part of the city. Hegular services will be held at the usual hour in the morn ing and exeicises for the Sunday school children will take place during the af ternoon and evening. Christmas trees will be appropriately decorated, and an abundance of presents will be furnished by Santa (''aii for the little ones in nearly all the churches. Services will be held on Christmas morning In the Hickory Street German Presbyterian church at the usual hour, and at :'. p. in. Christmas tree exercises for the Junior Sunday school classes will be held. The senior classes will be entertained al 7 o'clock and all will re ceive appropriate Christmas presents. The Kngllsli classes will be entertained on Thursday uisht al 7.:!0 o'clock at the same place, The Christmas I fee e.verelses for the Sunday school children of Christ Luth eran church will take place tomorrow evening, and services will take place on Christinas morning and evening, when the Lord's supper will be served. Al the Church of Peace, on ''inspect avenue, services, followed by the Lord's supper, will be held at 10 a. m. In the evening short services will precede the Christmas tree festivities, 111 which the little ones will participate. Services will also be held at St. Paul's Lutheran church and the German .Methodist Kuls-copal church, on Pros peel avenue, and the usual Christmas tree exercises will be held during the afternoon and evening. Won First Prize. Allss Mario Hosar, of i;s:i lllrch slreet, look much Interest In llie "Kardla Ko liios." which was presenled at the Ly ceum recently, under the auspices of the Spanish war veterans. A death in the young lady's family prevented her from taking part on the stage, but, nevertheless, her zeal In behalf of the veterans remained as strong- as ever, and nearly every night she attended the rehearsals to help Instruct the classes, Tn addition. Alius Hosar started out In a practical way to assist the boys by selling tickets, mid the success of her efforts was shown by the fact that on Saturday night the committee awarded her llrst prize for having disposed of the most tickets and for having turned lu the most money, Allss Hosar Is In bo congratulated for her excellent work and thai her worth was recognized In the vicinity where she lives was shown on the last night of the performance-, when a handsome bouquet was pre sented her on the stage by Airs, Thomas Spruks. NUBS OF NEWS. A social session will lie hdd Mils 'eveiiine at tile South Side club's rooms, Hull Cedar avenue. The affair Is arranged for members only and a rabbit lunch will be served. The members of camp 1:10. Patriotic Order Sons of America, will meet in Harliuau's hall this evening. The funeral of the infant child of Air, nud Airs, Fred Kelleriiiau took place yesterday iifteruooii Ironi the family residence, on Maple street, The Star Social club, of which Air, Kell t niau is a member, attended In u body, The Victor Social club will hold u grand ball al Athletic hall on the af ternoon ami night of Clirlstimis Day, A healthy baity boy has been ' celvcd as a Christmas present at the homo of .Mr. mid Airs. Charles Arni luust, of 110.1 Cedar avenue, The .lunger .Mncnucrchor held a sing ing practice nieclliig In Germaula hall yesterday afternoon. A nieelliig of tlm Knights of St. George was held yesterday afternoon In St. .Mary's hull. Ninas Is coining. Don't forget you can ;;el all kinds of wgcltihlcs, I'm I Is, oysters. Christinas trees and tilimuings at Sunday's market, Ml Cedar avenue. Skates Sharpened. Hollow ground, Florey & Itrooks, I'll Washington avenue. A TEN POUND 718-720 W. Lackawanna Avenue. 432 Lackawanna I 10-Pound AF Vil vsax..."" K5w4l 14 lNaoIA Ave. f'gSJSBKr Carnegie gives libraries Joyce gives turkeys. One feeds the brain, the other the-stoinach -both are commendable acts. Tin's is how Joyce does it : Bvcry family requires staple gro ceries, and at Christmas a turkey, too. Joyce decided upon a combination grocery order, composed of standard articles. Then he bought them in such immense quantities for his 3 stores that the diffeience between regular prices and "Joyce" prices, made it commercially possible to give a ten-pound turkey for dood measure. This is the Grocery Order you must buy to get the Ten-Pound Turkey Free. .'." I'muiil .i'! .Intii''- l!"-i I'liiin, ,1 -uiii.'iinr IiumiI ni.tU'i M.ilf i,)iml ll'ir.linn's (Vciutnil, tin' tt nvl.iril if o.ci'llciicc I'ive n,iiiiil Cii'.iiiii'i.i ilittliM,, tin' 1111U bottom pi!ii , fun puuniN llc-t 'U.i, nl(l it-uul.n .it inc. .1 iin,I I'lure iiihiii'N -'.U. 1'iHt'ic-, Kli'itil I , itlre. II li:i .111 iMiiiiH' tl.nor .... Oiii' iiniiiul .Ik.mi.'-. Il.ikinir I'nwnri, .it j:o,nl ;i llie liot ., , l", I.V. Imttlo.. r.Miinl. 1.1'iuin mil Vitnill.1, ."He. vilnp .umln'U' Dili' imiiiiil iiloil !-ike. Ih'iirIIi in ,'ii,i olio in- 1 11 Ire cC.'HI ( 1 inliin.iKiii Cniii'iy IIiIit) Ill pininil- TiiiKim. ut t'e. pet poiiml I Ifd.JO A srroal $5 worth and a $I.5! Turkey all Tor $5. Kverything to eat for the Christmas table, from Soup to Nuts, will be found at its best here. Money-Saving Prices 3 THE JOYCE STORES 3 Popular Priced Provisions. DUNN0RE DOINGS. Observance of Christmas In the Churches A Deadlock on the School Beard. Large roiifii emotions were present In all the churches yesterday. Christmas sermons were ureaelied and Christmas music was an attractive feature. The various Sunday schools were never so largely attended. Celebrations for the scholars will be held this weel; as follows: Tuesday evening', liy the Tripp Avenue Christian at 7 o'clock: Wednesday eveninir. by the Methodist Kpiscopal at 7 o'elock: Friday evening, by Hie Presbyterian at 7 o'clock; Ht. .Mark's Kpiscopal, Sat urday evening. A sunrise prayer service will be held lu the Methodist chinch Christmas inorniiiK at ,"i,30 o'clock. The public schools here will close De cember "I and remain closed until January ". 1I10-. Teachers and pupils are alike happy. TOLD IN BRIEF. The school board met liquid on .Satur day evculiifr and tried to elect a teacher lu fill the vacancy in No. I school, All tin: members, were present, but the board was evenly divided between the two applicants, the Misses (ierrlty and Murray, Adjournment was taken until next Saturday night, after several bal lots had been taken, This and next week the prayer nioel Inpr at the Presbyterian church will be held on Thursday eveninir. Instead of Wednesday. Mrs. Hubert McMllliuil Is vlbltlng friends at Lake Wliioln. The Cliiistnitis exercises of llie Pres byterian .Sunday school will be held on Krlduy evenliur, December "7, In the church. Scholars will report in their regular places at ll.iiu, nud the exercises will begin at 7 o'clock. Mrs. 1). K. iiartou and children, of Philadelphia, are the guests of her milliter, on Drinker street, Mrs. .lauseil Cole and daughter left on Saturday for Kllzabetli, N. .1.. where they will spend the wilder. .Mr. and Mrs, Charles Sweet are visit luif .Mr. and Mrs. John Simpson, at llobokeii, .Miss Lucy Ileal, a student at the Stroiidsburg Normal school, Is home lor the holidays. OBITUARY. MICIIAKI. MM.Al'lillLlN. ugid ,".s years, died ycstcrihiy al his home, '.',",111 Ash street, Dunnioic. The deceused Is 1 survived by a wife and the following children: Mrs. William Nolan. Mrs. William llolimau, Mary, Tlioinas and Michael. The funeral will be held to morrow afternoon from Si, .Mary's ihui'ch, Uiiiiuioii'. and Interment will he made In the Alt. Carniel cemetery. The three year old son of Mr, and Airs. .Michael Conway, of HI Him slreet, died yesterday. The funeral v, III be held from tlw lesldi'llcn lo. inoirmv afleriioon al 2.:'.o o'clock and Interment will be luade lu the Cathed ral cemetery. .MICUAIJI, LOKTl'S, aged to yeais. e I'.i-ildeiU nf Prospect avenue, died ul an early iiour yesterday niornhig at the Aloses Taylor hospltul, where Im had been ill for several das fru.u sloiuach trouble. Deceased was .sin gle. The funeral aniiouncenient will bo made later. ANTHONV I.Ol'TL'.S died yesterday ut the M.uses Taylor hospltul from can TURKEY FREE 401 Penn Avenue. Turkey Free .$ .M .. .12 ,. !.' ,. 1.00 ,. 1.01 .. .,')) , . .I'll ,.w . 1..M1 Lyceum Theatre II. I1E1S, Lessee anil Manager. A. .1. UUFFV, Bus. Uan.jtf. OM", MfillT O.M.V. IlKSDAY nKCK.MRCK '! Mr Charles Frohmnn, Presents i:li:nil I.'. Kom'S ili.iiiiali.illon el l lie Uuhmu "EBEN HOLDEN." With E. M. Holland in the Title Role fiiir.-. O., ."ill,., 7.V.. irl.O'l, sjl.jtl. Sr.its nil -.ill' SiIiiiiIjj .u II ,i. in. Christmas Day Wednesday, Dec. 35, Lieblcr & Co. Present Sag Harbor TI10 (lir.iKM of iho .l.ituc-, Heme 11.1 . I'lki'K MutiniT. 2m .Tile., i.Tc. .Hid hl.tW, Sisli, -Sx. , ."pili., 73i., M .mil M..'0. Sp.it uit -.lie Miii.liy al ' iMoik .1, m. Academy of flusic SI. Ri:iS, Ltreec. A. J. UutTy. M.nasr. One 50liil Week, IK'plntiins; Moii'Jj.v, Doc. '.'.inl. J'iIio- Nialit, 111, .'i .iml .-.0 irim, I'lki- M.illno, in .mil SI iotil, 1'liilstiii.ii-Mjtiiici'c, l, .') ami ".11 ifnl-. I hi iflni.i.-- NIkIiI, IU, , U .mil M cciin. tdn m sr.it tin- I'litiilni. ilj.ioian Monrliy nt 11 .1. 111, STAR THEATRE A fi. lir.nillNCnOS", Mtniger. ONT. lVi:i:K. 'uiiiiiipihiiii; MO.N'HA, l)W 2-1. Wine, Woman and Song l.II.Y MATINia:. cer of the stomach. He was not aware that he was suffering from this disease until lie walked Into the hospital lust Tuesday. The remains were taken to the home of Tlioiiins Loftus, of It:', Prospect avenue, a brother of the de ceased. The funeral will bo held to morrow morning from St, Peter's cath edral. Funerals. The funeral of William gulmi w II take place from the residence, ;'JH Liir.crue street, Monday at ii a. m. Ser vices at St. Patrick's church and in terment in Cat In drill cemetery. POLICE NOTES. Mnv.nl ( iillt'ii, nt I '.11k I'l.uo, u.in lni in .'"! lull in i,ilici' 1 mill, SiliiuU), li.v Uu-Mhilr Nun, en tlm I..11 m- ul Ihir.llrnim; to kill !! viff. lie i.i .iiu-li'il 1I10 iiIkIi Iipioii' I" llt'iiHibr l.ou.i In. .n I'-iiieliiuu Wel'l.ci, lciiiiiili Imtiliir l.iiln .-lui rcni'l 10 .1 r.iMi 'Js h.ii touiul in his iuu'5lon. Hid nlk rUlnnl lie wine to lur ijicnl' licni", louirr nf A'Um .iii'inii' i ii, I liilHjin ni'ti, aliuui niiilnii;lil, Jul liiainlblilni; .1 IiIk knili' Ihiraliiieil lo Uv tin III.'. I'.illUk l.a.nlon h,i llnnl fl 111 puliii' tO'irt Mtiiiil.i iiioininn. I'll ilnm.a'iinc.M anil illoiiU'ilv (uii'liui. Si'igcJiU Di'iur Jinl I'dliDliiun NcuW fiiiiiul him piolliiK ulout j H'ddeiue on Wyoiu Inn iiiinup, iviily in Ilir muinin;. At Ih.l H waj llwuglit lu iva InirjtUiloiiJy inelliifil, but lln: tillii iJiiU' tu tliv toutluilon thit ht -n cnly ilrunV. erco. if itinif IIaa A nr 1 llv V .-l f '"