57, 4itft. i l.-; i-?'-afi'iW?-J''5y'aivSKis3W '-2fln fnT,.!rttWv (' .-nr-cjrr'tfPjS'n- i r '1 -ft ,v T' 'l5. xn THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1001. ; i V THE PRESIDENT REBUKES MILES (Ohltll-1-.-il lldlil I'-ru 1, (ho imlillo tir 1 tie Inforiiulloti ill nil illl.-n. When 1 mM lli.it I hint no pjinpiithy with thcue m Iml MiiliMnlPil Id iti'vtioy th li-itiliittoii ( a lilali nfll-t-r vim. like nil utlier oftlttn, re K.inl lili lionet' linn c njcidl tin n life, 1 liJil 111 iiilml ami irtciint tn Uivp -..itill-i atr-ln't wlilcli (tie lulmlral li.nl ilppOAlril for liiolcull Jii ami jmlltlr-tloii, nuit ti-rt'lnlv (ml to a (') ciilliiiln lihini.li nt tke aoM-uimcnl. t rniiict lh.il tliN note hn l.ml lirfnre lli tnplilon(, mill hai' no t-lijatlnti to tl heins iimJo 1'iilitlc. Wry iri.peitlullj'. XcNuii A. Mile, l.tcutuutil Octict.il. An Explanation Demanded. The correspondence between Secre tary Hoot niul Cioncrtil Mllep.whtch pro ceiled tlm reprimand, lo us follows: War Itfp.iltinciil .Washington, Dec. SI, 1'lS Mi: liy illicctloii of tli-i upililciit I lomiminl intr ta,oti la it fonchnloin upon onp i-miiro III the Interview tn whlrli om- attention wllt'J liy my letter of (lie utli hint: Vour c.l in itlon nt the intlilie nUti-iin-iit nuitc hj on li tint mtl.tnctoiy. Von are In nor l( yon Mipp-i-c that ou luie the came right t nny other citizen tn ojpreM pnlillely an opin ion rrK.inllm otHfl.il qnetlom pcn-liiiff In the coiirtc of nillltury (Helpline. The ritjhllhiil ami Invailahln inle.i of otflct.il propriety, new Miy to the etlidlie ill.-ilpllne ol the N-ril-r. Impose lltnlhtloin upon tin: public cxprcj-lniu nl nillltaiy otllcef, with which jour long r. pcilerire itiotilil hue m.nle nu tamlllar, Vo'ir Inly Is to cxpioM .Mine opinion on offl'-l-l mat tori when i nihil upon liy your ctfieial ii'ihiiIi , iiml tPcoumiiNid.itluns ntal not otherwise, 'the Ih.-l :ii tick' of the irKiitatlnai soveinlntj the ii i my of the I'lillei! Stales luovhlea: 'Ilcllhcr.Uloiis or i1Im.-i-iIoiis aiiiomj nillll iry men uimejlne pral-o or I'lisurr. or nny milk ( iipproli.itlon, lt.w,iii otheis In tli nillltaiy cr-Wo- . . . ill-- Ipiohlhlteil." TliU piovlioii Ii.m hceii :i part of the nriny rfcul.itiuin for at leat half a rcntui, nt.il the liiithc-t nMlRiition to olerc It rests upon the i Itinera ho..p hlsh tank hnuld make them c.v imiples to their nilionllnale". Any other rule of iietion in tlio millt.il Mnke uoiihl he mbicrlve of ilUi'lpllnc. It would not ho Inleinleil In s Hili.ilteiu. ami ii will i.ot lie toleratoil in any oilUer of what ier rank. The picfenl facls nti that fo." wieial youta tlnrc li.ul lieeti nn unfoitunate ami hitter eon-liinci!-" in tlm navy clcpnilnienl .1 inntrovcrny Keneially deplonil even liy the patticlp.ini" n trii'lln; to lnlnw the Mrvire Into ilUpitleem nt Jiniiie anil ahiu.nl, and to ifottuy those relation of mutual lonlldeini: ami filemHilp hetwecu nai.il utflccrs tthlcli the Intere.-ts of eflec'.lvc Mllice lequhc. In llil unlioveiy Hie aiiny lini not been in Milvul, and no liar Iiad Iieen raided In tliat -;ood lYellnir nml friendly ipl.it Ion hetween nil the olliieis of tin1 navy iiml alt the ottkers of tlie iiiiny wlii-li ii essential to tlie 'ucee.is-ful and h.nmoiiious lo-oiieration of (lie two eiviefs in iuppaiation ami in action. A loml of impilry had been held on (lie m.ittpi-, in i.onttinvr-y, ami .1 report hud been made In which one mem ber of the point had disputed in home, particular? Iroiii the in.ijiiiit.v-, mid the tepoit was pcudi.15 before tlie levleHinjr ntttlioiity. At tills point .Mm, the liciiti'iunt fe-emral of the ainiy, nv tit to make .1 public expression jour opinion lis between tlie inajoiliy and the minority of the imnt, adoinp.inied by a tiitlelAin of the )uo.st e(ie clim.ictei, wliub could not tail to lie applied by the sineralily of irailcis tn the ii.nal offieeirf against whose icv your opinion i.h e.piesscd. It i.s of no 1 on.-PCUPm. e cm wlve .side your opinion w.i, or wliat it was. You had no bmh 111-s in the contiovci.-y, and no il'-iit, lioldins the ottUc whith you did, to expies, any opinhti. our (onihut was In iuljtlon of the tegulation a bow cited, and of the uiles of official yiiupii rty, and you ale ju-tly liable to t cnsuio, which J now pvpres. Wiy tp'peclfullj, laillir UOOr, Seiictary of War. l.iciileu.ini Ceuoi.U Xelson ,. Jtii"S, IIc.iil.p-.il'. leis of Hi? A 1 my. 1'- ''.Vour ,enoiid Icttir of explanation, dated ti.ilay, ami inceipd sine,. -w .tltuvp was wiittcn, dues not cluntfo I h. ca.-e. 'tin- ncip-sily fr npp.iti'd (pl.iii.illnns but illm-tialcs the iiiiport-unci- nf Hie mle whidi ym: h.ii violated. I'.l.llll.' imOT, Senetaiy of V ir. A Sensation in Both Services. "When the Inti'iviow with Oni-nil IMIlc.s upiiL-ared it nttraeteil consldor tiblo nttontion nlllciiilly, but .'iCtcr the lupsi- of two days without tiny sign of otlK'lul iiotlnn tin- I'oiulusion became K'-noral that it would be Ignored. There-iifi-, the publication this ul'tPt-noon of the full i'one.siiindi'iu'p ci-t-atuil a sen satlon in army anil naval circles. What the result will be cannot be foretold, althoiiRh It is assumed that (lone-rat Jlik-s will submit without furl her com ment. The nearest parallel to this case of late years, escludlntr the Incidents 1-011-iiectod with the celebrated beef inquiry, was that of Ilea Admiral Ulcluml "VV. Jleade, who, upon returning frnm a cruise hi Veuesiuehin water with the white squadron, Rave tin interview to the New York Tribune altackinpr the administration of President Cleveland lor lack of vIroi- in dc-alln-"- with the Venezuelan question. The outcome of that case was the early retirement of the rear admiral from active service. That (iciieral Jllles appreciates tlie situation Is shown by the deep concern lie manifested yesterday and his fre quent visits to the olllce of Secretary Hoot. It was necessary lor him to write two letters to meet the demands of the department, and even then there was no expression of satisfaction nu the sec retary's part at the second explanation. However, Secretary Hoot himself re gards the Incident as closed. At least, he does not propose to take any furtlmr action unless obliged to do so. Cleneral Jllles was at the secretary's door almost as soon as the olllce opened. He had a verbal explanation to make, and this ho accompanied by a letter, -'eeretary Hoot took the letter to the white house and talked with President Jtuosevelt, with a iov to deciding whether or not the explanation was satisfactory. When the secretary re turned to the war department, Cleneral Allies called upon him again, and sup plemented his ilrsl letter with it further explanatory note, This also was sent to the white house. The President's Furwose. The fact that, simultaneously with the publication of the Jllles correspond ence, Soereiarv Hoot gave out a copy of Secretary Long's letter directing that Muclny's resignation be requested.tnkeii in connection with the publication of the Until chapter of the Kchley case, so far as It has llgured before the navy department. Is taken as an indication of the president's purpose to clear the ulllclal records of all pending- Issues in that matter. Secretary Hoot's publica tion of the MiiL-lny letter is explained by the fact that ho left the white houso soiiin time, alter Secretary Ming' had been there, and thus was In 11 position to carry out the president's latest wish. ROOSEVELT OUSTS MACLAY. Directs Dismissal of Historian Who Accused Schley, P.i Kscbishc Wile fitiui 'the A.oclated l'ie). AVnshliiKton, I). 1'., Dec. 2i.-Vrenl-dent Hoosevelt Iiuh directed Secretary Lous' to dismiss) I'Mgur Stanton Jiuclay wh'o accused Admiral Schley of cow ardice, and tluiH brought on the court of Inquiry, Secretary Long, therefore, sent Hear Admiral Murker, command ant of the Nnvy Yard at New York, to ask Jlaclay lo send In his resignation. For soiiio reason not explained Sec i.itary of War Hoot was designated by ttio president to make publlo the re quest for tho resignation. The dls- R. LEATHER GOODS FANCY BOX PAPEK3 FOUNTAIN FENS , THERMOMETERS SOFA PILLOWS CARD PLATES CALENDARS FANCY GOODS Don't Fail to Visit The Holiday Store of Scranton, . missal of Maela.v is directly the work of the president, though it would have been ordered In a few days by Secre tary Long. Muclay is on the rolls of the Bureau of Equipment of the Navy Department as a special laborer, and draws 11 salary of $1.67 a day. The friends of Admiral Schley tire re joicing' that the chief cause of the court of Inquiry has been discredited otllcially by the president and navy department. THE VERDICT APPROVED Secretary Long' Ends the Schley Controversy So Far as Navy De partment Is Concerned. IV Kvilu-lir Win fr.nu Tin- A-uc-utcil l'n'.s. "Washington, Xec. ;!2. Final action. si far as the navy department can make it html, was taken in sealing the Santiago controversy yesterday, when Secretary Long approved the findings of the full court of Inquiry, and the opinions of the majority where those nf Admiral Oewey differed, dlsapprov Ins the hitter's dictum regarding the command atul 11 edit of the battle, tint! deciding that there shall be no further proceedings. This effectually closes the affair under the naval restitution", which permit no olllclal reopening' of the case, and, taken In connection with the rebuke Issued to (leiierul Miles yi'Moidny and tlm dlschargu of Edgar S. Macl.ty from federal employ. Is e pected to remove, so far us possible, any grounds for keeping up discussion In the government service, Secretary Kong's action Is icgauk-d as above any criticism, even from those who were not well Informed re garding' the great concern which (ho administration felt over the move ments of the Flying Squadron durinrr the search for Oervera, Tho belief that the findings of the court as up proved will eventually be vindicated In public opinion has gathered force rapidly in Washington lust week, ami thoiH is general conildetice hero In military and political circles that the acute phase of the dispute Is fairly on the wane. Secretary Long's Statement. Secretary I.oncs approval of the re port was as follows; 'II.o dcpaitnii'iit ha iijiI iho le.tiiiniiy in 1I1U1 iae, the .ilsiiini'iit. of touu-el at th tilal, (lie I limit lili'luii,'s ol Mil, oplnliiii ami ivmiiiin.-n-ilation. the liiilill'lnil iiii'mnijiuliuii 01 the pie-.-'hliii',' mtiiilier, the .tatdiicnt of vut-ptloiis o the .alii linilluiK an 1 opinion hy I he .ippllratit, the irply tu i-alil rMKniciit ly the mlt;i' inlrciatu 01 the 1 0111 1 ami hi. .i!.l,int, niul the hilit Mils il.iy .nlinilttnl by oun-cl tor Heac Ailmltil S.nnoii, Itaiuilni; tin- pnlillnii nioiiitieiV (lew us to who iv.i, in ioumii.uil at the tattle of ,iii Hanoi Ami, al'tri taieful ioi.lilci.iticn. the fliulliu ol tact anil the upliilon of the full foiia aic up- H OVCil. An tu the points on Mlilch tin; pieaMIng mem. her dlilm bom the opinion of I he inifority of the (outt, tU- opinion of lite nujoilty U up- plO(-il. A to tli fialher epiff.lon ot iU lc-M y the atnc member with teganl to tlie fii.tioni of ecmnijivl on tlm moiiiln-; cl July a, IbVS, Jml of THE PRENDERGAST STORE E. Prendergast SOT Washington Ave. The Flying Hours (Are Softly Whispering " Have You Purchased All the Gifts You Intend Giving?" Think a bit ! Have you forgotten any one? Look over your list. Recall to mind what you have purchased. The Prendergast Store Is an Inspiration Jt has served thousands. It can serve you. But two more shopping days remain before Christmas. Come Monday ! Come Tuesday ! Such articles as the following are brilliant with cheery, welcome suggestions: DIARIES STERLING DESK HAND-PAINTED STATIONERY PLAYING CARDS INK STANDS PORTFOLIOS PRAYER BOOKS Gibson's Drawings40 Subjects Prices Are Particularly Attractive Everything Deliv ered Promptly tho titli- to cicdit for the ni.-iiins -.Utmy, tlie con-tin I of the cimit in nuking no findin-r is .i invivoil inikcil. it 1011I1I with innpilcty t.il;- nn other MUM-, rviilcme nn t!u,-i' fjiiiMions iliirin- the iii'inity, luwn Won rMlmlt'il liy tin- niir. The ili'p-itmctil .ippmws die iriiininii'inl.iliiin of the mint tint no iinllier puiiveilinvs lie li.nl in the pienii-OK. The ilep.iitinent liinuls i .ippiet i.itkiii of the .inluou- l.ilmis nf the whole mult. .Mill P. I.mi!, .v, ict.il-' of the Vim. To Sampson's Attorneys. Tlie secretary's letters to Admit.. 1 Sampson's attorneys anil to Admiral Schley follow: .i,v Pi'p.iiniieiit. V..linstoii, Her. "II. IIKII. lii'lllli-lnt-li: III ll'W of tile )loMI tint-Ill's -p. pnn.ll, this 1I1-,, nt the lei oiiieintiil.itiiin nt I no (unit df iinpiiiy in the 1.1-e nf lti-.ii' A1I111I..1I Schley tint no further pi'n-eeilltiRs he h.nl, .uvl of the 1, ill tlut the ipuvllon nl cijinnutnl .n ev fliliieil from (oti'iikl.illiiii liy the mint, the i!e. p.iitmciit will t.ike no ait km upon t lit- luief Mini tiv yon in lii'li.ilt ot Kcir A1l1nlr.1l William T. Sjuip-vn. Very iepectaill,i, .I0I111 I), l.oii',', "leuet.uv. Mf.-ls m.ij! ( .niipliell k The.ill. .tolm-ton llillMIng, No. .'ill liin.nl MK-t-1, New ml. X.oy Pcp.iilin.iiit. V.i.hIle'ton, Pee. -ill. Iiml. Sin llt-fi-iiliiK In the ilcpjlliiu'nl'.s letlei- m the 13th llist,, .Mill .in- .uM'.'il til.lt .utinii has loil.iy licm t.ikiti upon the lluil!nu, opinions .nnl te iuiiiiii(iii.tiou of Hie mint of lliiill' In .Mini' ijh', Jii'l upon the inlnoiil.v oplnlnti nf tin- pi, fMliis' iiieiulit-i', niul .1 n'py (-1 Hie iielm -I'liu'iit enilioil.i Jin; -mil :ulou is hrievvlth ti,iti-tnltli'il hr -nltr illtoilll.lllnll, In le.piiiiM- tu wiiii' iviin-l of the ImIi !r.,t lieirtoime .11 l.nnv. IiimhI. tlut II .1 pinte'l mihiiIiI hn lllcil 1 1) Ileal' A1lmlr.1l W. 'I', saiiip-nn lelall'.e to (In- iite.tliui nf 1 iilnm.iil'l 01 the Atuciti.ni li.O.ll mm il'lllilir the 1. II t J.j nf "s.iuu.iifo ami 1 1 oil i I 101 the liiloty 'Mill In 1I1.11 kiltie, .Win he .iiioiilul .111 nppoiltiuli) to puiiil, tliiiui'4li tour mllll-i'l, tn.tl ,11-llllllllt .IS.lllKt 'lull plnleil, oll mi- mbiie.l that .1 I'llel on this i-uhjei t h.is thk il.iy In-ill liliil l. .Mei, s-t.ijliiii. I'anipliill ,V Tliinll. inuu-i'l lor A1l111l1.il s.niip-iiii. In iev, howeier, nl the ilepJUiiient'. appioMil n( tint leioiiniienil.illoii of tin- limit nl ini'illl tlut tin I'm 1 l.i r ptoieeillni;- In- li.nl, atul nt the fail that the ijih--t Ii.l- 01 roinln.iml a. eMlu.leil from roii-lihi'Jllnii l,v the mini, no .ntlnii will lir (.lien iiou ..li Inlet, ami ii'l'ly to thai crtit (oojiy fiiilo-eil) lu llii- il.iy keen ni.ule to Limieel lor Ailuilnl Saup-oii. A copy of Hie Hinil of the Jmlgi- .nhoiute i( Hie mint nml hk .i.s.l.t.uit upon .unir (oiniiiuiilia lion ot the IHh lie.1,, ulifiHllii-; to the .ippiovnl (f the llmlliius 01 I he ioiiiI, i. al-o hniullh tiJii-niltti'il. Vety le.peillully, -lo)iil II. I.1111U, Hiietaiy. Iteir A1lml1.1l WinlioM . silih--, s. .i-. te- llivil, The llii-lmiunil, U .i.Mnul.in, I'. - The Court Dissolved. Secretary Long- yesterday ufieruoon issued the formal order dlssolvlns- tho Schley court of Inquiry. Tho order wus communicated at once to Admiral Dewey, president of tho court, who aeknowledgo Its receipt, ami said that in conformity with the order of the secretary he had announced the dlsso lutlnn of (he court. A SENSIBLE MAN Wonlil uif lunip'i 'llabani for the Throat mil Lmi-. It U eurlutf 11101c t'oiiliri, t'oiit,, A,uu., lliomliltb, Cioup ami .ill Ti.io.it ami I.uii;, 'fioublci than any otlur meilieiue. The ptoprlc tor lixi anthoil.ci tiny ilnisi-itt to -,'bo J on .1 Sample lluttlc I 'ie to mm hue on ot Hie incilt ot this, gicat linicJe. i'tkv, -J'jc. ami uc. BLOTTERS BLOTTERS ! SEALING WAX SILVER PENCILS SEALS LETTER SCALES MEMORANDUMS HYMNALS GOLD PENS WHIST SETS Store Is Open Monday and Tuesday Evenings. The True AS usual .Maurice left the office at half past four, bought a newspap er at the comer and read It on his way home In the street cur. lie passed over the reports of the Schley contro versy and the latest football game, nud turned directly to a column which told, as the headlines heralded, or "An other Hui'Klary In tin Mast Knd Hat. The sixth in two weeks. llui'Klar be lieved to be a. woman." lie read this through slowly, feeling rather clad that his salary, which he had drawn the day before, was safe In bank, instead of in the left hand pocket of his gray trousers, where he usually left Ii for a day or so sifter pay day. The papers seemed full of the rob bery, The second pane had an inter view with the chief of police, the third an editorial on this progress of crime, and tho fifth blossomed forth with let ters from "Veritas" and 'Vltlssen" on tlie true duly of a sentleman towards a woman burglar whom he found rob bing his house. This Interested .Maur ice exceedingly. Ho was Just medi tating over the terms of si letter which should completely crush "Junius" and prove that the gentleman's duty to the hilly was to hand her over to the po llen as quickly as possible, when the conductor shouted "Arch," and he had to gel off tlie car. Hn was still con sidering the letter as he entered the apartment house where he and Huck ley, his pai liter, had their rooms: and II occupied Ills mind completely as he rode up in tlie elevator. He was so abstracted that he didn't think It un usual when he found the outer door of the Hut locked, lie Just look out his lulch key and entered so quietly that he didn't disturb In the slightest a re markably attractive young woman who was busy emptying tho top drawer of lluckley's chiffonier. "Hello there!" remarked Maurice, The young laily turned swiftly with a motion towards a little bag she carried at her waist, "So there's where you keep 11, eh?" Maurice continued. "No, you needn't trouble to tiil'u It out, I'vo oiu my self and though I'd ha to to be rude to n lady, I think l could get mine out Ilrsl." "Who are you-.'" asked the youus woman, "anil what In the world are you talking about'.'" "I'm the fellow that lives here." re plied Maurice. "I'm talking about tho revolver you've got In that bag." "Why there's nothing In It but 11 handkerchief," said the young lady, "What made you think I hud n pistol?" "You don't mean to say you go bur- l-lailng without n sun," said Maurice; "and Where's your musk'.' why you're anaituurlsh. I could do better myself." "In other words," said the young lady, "you take 1110 for " "Tho huly burglar," sold Maurice, "and a very handsome one you make. You'ro not very foxy, though, or you'd linvo found out when I como home from olllce and not let mo blunder In on you this way." CASKETS Gentleman "Well, I'm rather Inexperienced," said the youns' lady, with a smile. "Six In two weeks:" said Maurice. "lCxcuse me. but what do they call ex perience In your line?" "Oh, I didn't do all those others," re plied the young woman "this Is my llrst venture. I don't even know who the other one is. I just followed her general model. Thank you for the sug gest ion. Hereafter, when I rob si tlat, I'll take care to find when the owner comes home." "I'm afraid," Maurice said slowly, "llutl you won't have- a chance for a time." "You surely don't intend lo cull the police," said the burglar. "Isn't that 'The Evening Diary' you have there? Head Junius on the duty of a true gen tleman." "Yes, but I don't agree with him," answered Maurice, "I'm on 'Citizen's' " side and I was just thinking, coming, coming up in the elevator, that If I hail my typewriter hern I'd dictate a letter that would make 'Junius1 cruwtlsh and lay 'Veritas' cold." "Perhaps I'll do," suggested the burg lar, "I'm a stenographer by profession and if you have a machine here 1 could do It easily. Itegiilat' rates nf course." "The very thing'," answered Maurice, producing' pencil and paper, "are you ready?" "(lo ahead," said tho stenographic burglar. Maurice commenced the let ter. "Head It 'IJIoomeieil liurglars' and start oil' like this: 'Junius, In his de fence of that unprincipled female kleptomaniac.' " "You're perfectly horrid!" Interrupt ed tho burglar, throwing down her pen cil. "Present company's always excepted. Hut I guess you might as well quit If you can't stand a little thing like that. You won't be able to write when I get to the good part, Why you ought to hear some of the things 1 thought of coming down In the car to call her, They'll make that female burglar's blood sizzle. The real 0110 of course," he hastened to add, seeing signs of ris ing auger, "You said yourself you were only tut Imitation," Thu young lady didn't seem to enjoy being called an imitation. "Are you going to call thu police, or are you not?" she asked sharply. "Well, yott know, as a gentleman" "Then yon do agree with 'Junius' af ter all." The burglar f-eemed to think she had him there, "No." he. confessed boldly, "I'll be merciless to the female burglar In the abstract but somehow you'ru different." The burglar beamed on him " And yet," ho continued, "I can hard ly let you go and rob fomn other Hut, you know. Oh! I have It. Our type- writer has left. Don't you think you could III! her place?" "Perhaps," replied the burglar, "Well. It's settled then. Hut look here! lluckley will be. here in a, few moments and you'll have to get before Jonas Long's Sons Today and Tomorrow AND THEN CHRISTMAS DAY Toys, Toys, Down in the basement. Basel boards, large iint) small size, the kind to hang on the wall and the kind with easel back at 35c to $2.00. Toy Pianos 35c up to $8.30. Express Wagons All sizes. We have the Police Patrol Wagon, a strong, and nicely finished wagon, rceular style alarm bell, also Harm Wagons at 35c to $8.50. Dolls, Dolls, We are never tired of talking about Dolls. While we have sold many hundreds we have a very nice assortment vet to select from at 5c up to $3o. Come early today you will find them down in the base ment. Rocking Horses, in sizes to suit the small boy and the large boy. Shoo-Fly Horses, Swing horses, s9c to $15.00. Go-Carts and Baby Carriages From 35c to $8.50. Children's Toy Dishes in sets, pretty floral decora tions, 29c, 49c up to $1.98 a set. Jonas Long's Sons TT f-ffTT-fTTfTfTTtTtT Useful Holiday Presents COMPLETE ASSORTMENT Leather Suit Cases House Coats Storm Coats Bath Robes Handsome Line of flen's Qloves of oi'i; i;t:xim;h. $-,,.-. t 4.i.t. dagtt Don't Forget To yo to the (i. Y. Fritz Company for the most complete line of high-grade heather Xovulties in the city. Fitted Rags and Dress Suit Cases, Sterling SUvcr-Mounted Pocketbooks 'and Card Caes, A line display of linishus and Combs. Also in sets, it: both plain and mounted. Imported Knives, Razors and Scissors, Q. W. FRITZ CO., 410 Lack'a Avenue, lie come. How did you Ret In here, anyway'.' "I'-lru et-eaiie." amnvered the liurslar. "Unt there lun't tin'." "I mean from thu Imliony nlmve." She wan evidently In no hurry, "Well you'll luive to bo the name way. Don't t'orset tu come to the iillliu to morrow. Here's the address. And be fore you ko " ".Stop," said the burglar, "Harry, you oughtn't to let lilm." Muurlio turned quickly and sur.v Huekley in tho doqrway, wulclilns tliem with a. broad smile. "I'm ffl'id you'io s well nc'-uulntcd Vases, Did you get one of the pretty c Alisfrlntl Chin-i Vnr- in Uftlir S list (or a present they come J richly decorated in tie latest 7 designs and colorings, with rich gold. 59c, 69c, 89c, $1.00 and $1.35 each. Handsome, Decorated Fine China Plates Value $ 1 00. Choice soc. Cake Plates. New decorations for the Holi day trade, only 35c, 48c, and 75c each. Anstrian China Tea Sets. A ?( piece set, floral decora tions, at the small price of $6.90, set. Austrian China Dinner Set 100 pieces, including soup tureen, fine floral decorations. A very acceptable Christmas present at $15.00 set. Bisque Figures in new styles and glazes, rich ly decorated. sc, $1.00 and $1.35. A rare assortment. Fern Dishes. Pretty decorations at 35c up. Handsome Lamps v:''- ixlobe to match. A vari ety styles and colorings at prices, 89c up to $9.00. K 4 TT T-fTTtt-PTTTTTTTtTTT 2 4 Neekwear Underwear Hoisery Mufflers Holiday Stispenders Spruce Street. Every Description. 4. rJ14.t t. t lf I with my sinter, .Miiurlee," said that I ynniiK fjeiitleman; "I'm sorry I kept you waiting, Annie, Old you ilnlsli itx I Ins' tlio.so iiei'klleK'.'" . ! There ix more than tills, hut it'H .til love and nonsense, wllleh Is 'out of plaee in (i defective story. .1. l. Sullivan In Oors-iiowii Colletta Journal. Superfluous. 1 M-ii-lf-IId vu Mum li- TmiihI clon 1 :.." any i-lotlx? CIju-Ic I iioe It's Ivi.ta-- he uili wjiiii tuby, Niiuil irct. h M V 'JI ., t.'ki ) 35rtisNwjdK -,L i SKS i'jm. LtitiiMi,in,rAi ,LJMJkA- . 'Bffijg!i--HiiiiitMfllifc'fcA.. , .Mftt.itiVnxi- -bftte-i JMM&lMLu-i J- ... -