I 11 z1jl Uf- '" .re .r'X,' ". ( :C " , .1V ?f V4f Ci rfyv - f I' " ' 3 ,f.tpte P .. .riS f, y ICJ T' nj TV?SP3ff, n w r - 1 rK r l-i THE SCn ANTON TRTBUN&-MONDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1001. TM 3e Reunion ri6ime me Puhll'lifil 17-lljr. Incept StirnUj. Iijr Tlif Ttlh t PublUhlng C'ompanr. t Kitty Cent, n Motit'i, I.1VV !. ttiai.VRO. IMUor. O. '. BVXIIIU:, llinlnw Manauer. bt VctU Oflke! 150 Njimii St. . ... ..... 8. s. vntxr,AXt, 8ol Agent lor forclfin AlvrrMfo. iotertd it lh Pottofllrc at Seranton, t'J.i Second Claas Mall Milfcr. When space wilt permit, The Tribune is nhvays glad to print ullnft tnffova tfnr (fa frlplltls betlV- ing: on current topics, but its rule is thnt these must bo signed, for pub lication, by the writer's renl name; nnd the condition precedent to ac ceptance is thnt all contributions shall be subject to edltorlnl revision. THE FLAT HATE I'Olt ADVI'.nTIStSO. Tlif following table sliow thi price per Inch ath Imcrllon, spare to be mu wltliln on year: nmpr.w. I. linn &00 Inchca .(on inches... " ... snoo " MOO " ... Hun ol Sldllij- on I'npci Itcaillm: .i"i " .2TJ .20 .2! .io .;. .1.5 .17 .If. .161 I'uli I'o'ltlon ,r.o . .10 .! .IB I'or rartl of thanln. rcolnlioin ol condolence and alrnllir contribution In the nature of art rtlsltig The Tribune tnakci a cliaige ol 3 cents line. Bttej for Cluilfliil Ailvrrtlalnf- furnNhed on application. " "ten" pages. .SCItANTOX. UliCK.MriJOIt L'.'i. Hwl. Wither admirals nor kpiioimIi sin ulay horsi- with til,' iti'osi'til eoniniii'i-rhM'-fn-i'hlir. II tlifj ilun'i know It yi'i, llicy i,oii will. The Practical Issue. A HOOD jiliin in ooiiHldiiiiK ill stive I milwiiy' I'miuiilscs now lu-foiv numiils l to not ret oxi'lttit or 'vntki'd up Into 'i tVanif of mind about tln'in, hut to koop rool. Tlnv roiiHtituk' a Htiii't ly luilni'.-': pi opo-itlon and as sttcli should It,, coii-ilcli'icd on their merits. The men liael; of these ordinances had for many years h"iinl piiblie i'iv.'i plaint at the Insiittleleney of the ser vlre alVonled l,y the Hminlott Itaihva.v eompnny. They weie led to helleve that the p.-ople of Si-ranton wanted hetltr mmvii" Ih.'in the piesetit i oir pany had slveti. or with lis equipment and other hiiiulli np seemed llhely ever to he aide to slve. A elumee eatlle to lest tlli feelin;; anions the people. The lesislalil'e passed a law ineideiUally uiaKiiiu eompetltion possible In the street rail way btiMnes-K In Seistntoii. harteis wf-ie applied for and Krant'ii, r'l.u.s to Interest outside capital in the enter P'ifoin Liinjiiiietlou with the iu-w trunk line eleettie railroad w ei-.-formed: fraiuhlse ordiuane--! u.'ie diawn: ami alter due leisure, with every possible feiiness to the Seranton Itfiilway eompnny. intituling an offer to buy Its holdings at a teason.ible price those fraiuiiises were Intro duced. All these steps met with plain signs, of public approval. Now, however, some citiHeuv appear to have developed a sudden solkitn !r lor the luiuiB of the SiTiiiilon Ituil wey contpan. If the backers of thi". Hew I'r.tnehKes had ai(!d to dls))ose ol their lirn ter iIkIU. to the Pi r.iutoii rtailway loiiipnny. its tulure woulo have been assmed. It would have been riveted upon Seranton for all lime to eotue and the promoters of the new eompnny ould. without invest ment, have lO.lllaed n seneious jn-olil: doubtless more than they would real ize throusli brinshiK abouL om petltlon. Hut most of them are m ', who have made and expect to male--Seranton their home: ami who, I lien -fore, ate not engaged in underhanded business. The new stieet railway p'.pollUui, as we undeist.uid it. I vitlUMlly lhi: If the people want a good svstem ;i piece of ,i poor one and will say -o through counells. ihey can lui 'e It bv moans ol thece onllnanee, ror tho jnopoiltloii embodied In them 's bona lide nnd ihe money to back It up ! In s-itjlit. If tliey prefer the iioiiumI service of the S-ernnton Ituilway com puny, and Icel that It supplies all rea sonable imblic lequireineuts, then they will eatiii these franehlses to be de feated. Attempts to load the fian i hlses with unfair demands or Willi condition umuil'ivily fatttl to the s.ic icss of ihe enterprise noni a I lir business standpoint are not miided bv . an tiitclliconi i.ereptlou of what i-1 bes-t for Ser.uunn. I Theie is inn 1,.,-s exettse for KdK'.ir l S. .laeluy In the fact that his pi minim' writings sho.v he v as a in.iu w ho I knew briter. I Roosevelt as n Poiiticlau. J Ol'MWUSi: 1'ieslllellt Itoof-evelt Is hIvIiih attention to politics. lie (ottld not do less ami do I justice either to himself or to t Ills party. The otllce of president Is In I the, highest sguso a political oillee, and the man who should try to hold It with- j out smug- intention to politics would soon land in a bor. Hut the kind of polltlcH which President lloosevelt Is plttying; Is fair politics, If Is eU'.iu, inunly nnd open. Theie Is nothing sneaky about it. All can .see its diift. tie. wants to hold together tn rtepub llean pt; Hawunts to'rirt'servo for the t,S'rTj- nnd country whn't It hits al ready nvhloved. Hut ho intends to iio this by honorable methods. Ho does not purpose to lower tho standards. Ho does not purpose to let Ills politics hi terfere with giving the country a Mrst I'liips ailnihilstj'utlon. Tim (lolitlelans citn couult;iiim ami, within leasouablo limits, lidvlstt him. Din lliey cuiuut run'hTiiiT Ho 1ms sot out to lie piesl dent In fact as well us in name, and lie will succeed. He has just enouli Dutch in him to evo assurance on this point. Velo -nol credit all wo lead ami hear ritbout his having begun to lay wires' for tho nomination In jpoi. Nn doubf ho Iiuk the anibltloii in In, IiIk party's Btniidard-beaier In that cam pulgn, and desires so wril to please tho fair. minded Republican people of (ho country by his Intorvoning: udmlnjslru tlon that they will cull tor lily nomina tion unanimously. Ilu(. lilts Is u dif ferent thins than being consumed by nmbltlon and willing to subordlnato nil things to ts promotion. Jf fidelity to onvictlon of duly, combined with worldly wisdom and inn lily politics, run win for Theodore llooevell the nomi nation three ycuii hence he will get It. but Hot otherwise-., citnliily not ut Ihe espense of his wlf-renpeei or hlith eon vlctltm of duly. That l soiuulhlng we would be willing to stahe it fortune on, Then- Is HKitlii litlk of trying to i't Ihe riivorinnuut ul Washington lo pe III ion the governmenl or Urea; Ihltiiin lo p.ndiiu ittt American woman recent ly toniotd In London of t'oiger.v. Tho woman In this use Is undoubtedly en titled to sympathy, but It Is hnrdtv the business ol one national govern ment lo busy lls'il with the court pv.i ceedlnss or another government.. Amerlutiis who go to other uounlties to break laws should accept tho enure itleuces, the same as they would hne to at home, o The Habit pf Criticism. N'K OF- THK serious evils In this country, which ever and unon llnds conspicuous llltls. tratlon, Is the pronetiess of the American people to bellee 111 of their public sorvunts. It Is possible tint tho word 'believe" Is too iiroitd a w.rd to convey our meaning corteet ly. They believe far less of Ihe ill thai Ihey fieely speak and wi'lc than they think they believe while tliey are speaking or writing of It. Chtoiiic censoiiottsness, of the kind winch im putes lo men In ofllclul position mo tives far less creditable than would be Imputed to ihni In any transaction plicate In Its character, has rown o b" u hulill with an uver-lni reiiKlmr iiiunber, who, when they pause to think, generally reeognlxe that thy are unfair In most of their suspicion--. It can truthfully be said thai the ex penditures of public moneys utithor l:'ed by those in representative posi tions are usually planned with lesr anxious economy than are the expen ditures of those same men In private life. In other words, there Is often some waste. This Is censurable, of course. The public dollar should go us fin as the pi Ivate dollar. ITessure Irom public opinion toward gieat-r economy Is always in order. Hut it nerd not lie everted on the supposition that all waste are fraudulent. In in ception, and that the men we elect to otllce are given owr to the practice of looting. Knavery Mas a foothold in public life: that, unfortunately can not be doubled. We are not deplor ing1 Its exposute. What we deplore is the pi oneness of ninny people to eiedit reputable men in public ofllce with motives in their public aits tb.it would never be suspected with iegai.1 by them in a private ie lo acts doni la lionship. Mow little the pi luted convicted of cowntdlee, Mucins' vvotild have lomulhed oil the pay loll white Hellley would IliiVe hud to go. Wchlny on this iitiesiloii In Ihe precept was tiimtilmously acquitted, to the heart i'it satisfaction of vi w decent American That nccittltlal dinMis MiMay I'oieVer us it hlslniliiir lor he did not ritiullfy his winds; he mud" dlrcttly ugiiliir't Schley, us If sure of his ground, Ihe most humiliating eliarse known to the military service: nnd having ro charged and been confounded, the navy yitid Is no place and I'liele Sam no employer for lilm. Ilefore illsmhslng this subject nnd with It. we hope, Ihe whole nauseating Schley lonlroversy, we deem It season able lo lepeat some words spoken near ly three years ago on tho occasion of the presentation of a sword to Com modore, ufleiwurd Hear Admiral Phillip, since deceased, one of tho no blemen of his generation. The speaker or those words was Theodore lloosevelt, then governor or Now Yolk, hut recent ly assistant secretary or the navy mid now, by virtue ol" his position as presi dent or the United Stales, commander-lu-clilcr of nil our laud and naval forces. Said he: "When a eonmiauder-lu-ehlef, ulloat or ashore, 1ms done the best possible with his forces, then lightly the chief credit belongs to him. and wise mid patriotic students of the Santiago sea emupaigu gladly pay their homage fust to Admiral Sampson, It was Admiral Sampson who Initiated mid carried on the extraordinary blockade, letting; up oven less by night than by da.v, that will stand as the example fin all similar blockades In the future. It was owing to the closeness and admir able management of the system or night blockades which ho Introduced, that Cervera's licet was forced lo come out by daylight. In other woids, It was the success of his system which ensured to the splendid sea-captains, under him, the chance to show their prowess lo the utmost possible advan tage. Hut the ,i iiiul light, although Admiral Sampson was piesent and In command, was a captains' light, and In this actual lighting- each captain did his work according lo his own best judgment." .Mucin should have w i it ton ids hU tory in this spirit; then his history would have been correct, licrli liiicj-lnl In l,o tclitillilhuc til tliclr 1 ulltt I'lTi (Oil lli. i,.,,iiitiiltt ut tlnli- ,H, vine) bum li.ilf ut it, ..Mii f tlic Plitnil are !. I'cmlliiv lilici-l!.,' .., linlhulh npoii Hie Miiim nf lint linlit, ,f i ,'mchI, t ni.1.1 pvii'il ni" i. plniM. iluim-tH,. unlit, iiiul the !i,ipnb tic- ef n fin' ii 1 1 i,., .iiiul i.n,lr In Iru.iiil I' o mi'l.ll ( nf IMi-l tr sill llli I iiiul ltllll!li! I llvVlKh Willi f,,. v,l Mt fill'. If It fill, we in 1.1 ii"il Mill Mie In hi will .iotIii l.mitil.' w.eli', Hi,' mill, will uij.ilii Im'ciiihi' ilNmniil, it, Hie aie.il ) truly nf blum,, v,lll tlmivui uut of iinpliiiliirhi, iiiul Hi il imuilr ienl t.uv.itl"ii, illieiiln .ihil iin.n i, , v ill follow." The iiHI-e nf 'lie pii-i t i olullllon Willi II livnlLitil i.ii-n.Hi' to ilie l.l.iiul, l not liii In ic'l.. 'I he cnoinri'H IturcKi', liniliii; tlio pint tvviiily jc.iiii, n KiirutH'iii hn'itillnl licrl .inrii1 h.t I'diihll'tiol Itiiiiliiin; in Hm do'iiliMiit iriilff In III" iriuil.illiin .if vvni hi pllir. en Kliuiir. l"io (iii,liillnii In lint iiiul.ci Imliv li. i' fulhii l a (iuiiir vvhhli in ikei lie New Yuri: pi Ice nf ihltv pihl ii'iitiiriiR.il Miir.il n nil pci' rnl. 1'itill.v, iOiiiiit .!.", per IiiiiiiIitiI piiiiinb, 'Hie v.nlilluii In the iot nf th" ( nluli pee iiiul, iluc to lni.iluii iiml niinpiiii'iit of thtf lllllllllll pl.ltltilt, in i;t Impu.-ihlc in iliiiite r ul IIkiii,., Hut it Is ctrt tin Itial, viiilw pii-uil iliiiiin,inir, lluie ioc no luoiu lli.ni ii vi'ij- f.vv pl.mlii whi ir.n l.i.v ilovn lliolr ilnly-p.ild Muar mi tlio vhul lr Xevv Ymk for iniiili iiml, r k,'ji pn Imtxti cil pouiiiU f mu imiiiot do it i,r tluit. 'Ih!. iniMie, In ihu picoiil -l.it i? of the -iiii.ir inul.ct, vvhlili sliow no -.ia'i of .in niv,iil IcimKiki, ii ih'.nl lo on limcli the l.imu mil (,f hc t'ub.m uup, ut (it leiul li iciit. ur liuiidicil poiinil, Jii"jimllnir. in Ihe iiiraicrciitc, to onuthliiu' ahovc sj,(IOO,'"W. "t lil- would iikmii niter inln many ,i pl.uili'i', ulilld nlin,i( liopeli'wly nlpplllis ntlicn. jimI Wolkinit -fllini iiifmy il .ill Few pi mills i. mi,' mil f tin' vv.n pciigil wiih n "Inuli' doll ii- fm- tin- ii.hulillll.itioii of thill c-l.ilis A ' III!!' pi'llllltilS'' I'l till"" llll. real fairne.-,s enters iuio iltiiisnis of our jiubllc men! t'oiulneiil, after several genet .illons of free m. hools and a tvea press, l sllll pretty much of two kinds: either eMreinely udulaloiy or ex tieinely hostile. Of judicial ,'iiul Judi cious iilticisni. fair in pi.iise and 'n blame, or .it least (."chibiiing- the spirit of tainies. v , have hardly any. Noi ls this s,j .ji;.. eiiliivmed. I.ancor and detraction on the one side !e Willi sve uphH n y and finitely on the oilier, iiiuil ii (,,kef. tin- lapse ofien ot a m'Ur-i.'itlon to determine the lighlful plaie of a public otlicial in Hie pub lie's esiinialiiiii. Such :i state of lhings If not ci editable to us a a people. It is pi nimble tit,, i the lalesL llaiion h'oraker tight is nelim loiighi ehli'' lr, shii.-iII(iii:iI U'-u-pap"is. Hnfurcing Discipline. Till: PI IF.SI HUNT'S lelnil.e to Ueiiei.il Miles lor mixing into the M-hiey conlrovers;.' issiviie. No doubt II would have liven less stingliij, had this been the genei.ir.s Urst offense, in iccciil yens (Jeneral Allies bus aiu., i,js opinions upon oltlcial mutters not only Willi u freedom thai would hardly have been loleialed III a subaltein, but also in some tiistn in CM with notable itregul mity. While ilie public holds in high esteem his truly wondeitul work as an Indian lighter and recognizes In him a military authority of eslrnordinni v evperieiice and uiiiiliesiioiied natur.il ability, Ii I'.ns not fulled to nolo the in hibitions of weakness he 1ms also giv en The.,,, have estranged hlui fioni every niliniulsuvitlon vvhldi has come illio power since he still ceded to the coinniaiid of the army and his escape fioni earlier rebuke has b"cn leinurk- iible. Manifestly, however, the lebuke now mimlually uddressed to .Miles is act ually nieaiu for all loriiuuiutts ami med dlesotlie einplo.ves ill the I'edetal ser vice. II Is Intended as a notliicatlon that discipline hereafter will be en foiced. Its purpoit Is that bickering, dissension and incitement of gossip and scandal must stop, ,,s a icsiilt of pulling and hauling in the navy. In the llrst Instance absolutely uncalled for, Ihe glories of the successes won In warfare have been involved hi the smoke of Jealous faeiloiutl contention over tlio illsti lliutlnn of the honors, io mindful of nothing- so much as the hulr-pullliig scraps of fractious school children; and If the example of the lleutoiinm-geueiul had been allowed lo Invlie Imitation, soon the army would nlso have been lorn up over tho sainu mutter, n these things uro subvot slve of discipline and most pernicious lit their iniluenci's upon legislation, Tho president Is wise In putting his fool down upon them. Tho fact that ho lias not hi'Miuied to put it down upon tho olllcor at the very top, whom personally lie admlies, shows that ho menus; liusliies.-' and thai the i tiles of the seivlec aie lo be unforced impm-. tlally. Initially timely and to the point is the president's dismissal of (lisloilun Muclay f"0in hln small place in tho Diooklyu nuv y.ii-d. Some persons woiideied wliy this aiilnn was not tak en sooner. Tlio reason is obvious, Mat-lay h.vd Utnr&ed a lir,i; olllcor of tho navy with being .t toward. That oflli'iT Iiml nsked for a court of Inquiry. Tlio court had taken evldenco but Iiml not icudeted an opinion, Until thai opinion had been Hied and uppiovcd, Muclay could not for thhi leuson linvo been doluehed fioni tho naval service without opening tho dupartment to a Just cliargo of partiality. Ills falo buns' on tlio verdict. Had Schley been Allies leans wish no ill-luck to holdeii ot Panama Canal company stock. Tlieir delerniination to go into ill canal business themselves Is forced upon them by the Impel ions logic of events. In the lnleiests of justice, il is hoped Ihe l evolution in Venezuela againl President fasti o will succeed and suc ceed (pilckly. Castro is a good kind of a man to disconnect. Irom public otllce. Siigar Costs as Mtich as Pensions spciiil I I'lii'-piiiiilnnio of 'Ilie 'Ii.Iiiiiic, W.i-liiimfun, p,'i. '2 1 li.Vi: I.MI'illi'l.s .int.. tin- I niioil O i lie i, di mln i, n- luol will i', i el .1II.V pl(li"llllir .Vi.ll' li.v .i'iiiiii i pomiil-, .i iil .im piei i-ilini, y,. .v , ir mtu-ii.illi hi siiyji in ihu ,M.II to the tii'iiinv , pail, -i.ilo, in i-,l tlio-,' 'injimi.tml tin- I Will III' Ult.lKI' ll'lll I, ,'Vlpl I Ml!, hIiiMI pi in' Ii, 'the lo, it ii.iioil,it!ii,-, ut llii.llt I'l , ml will, iki nlllill',; Iniu.i'i 'I -l.itN'i, -. .ij'jui:.!." i.tiTrt.iHMj.iHit piniiiiu, .it iii iin iiml aiimii -'n',- tmii,i"i. 'Ilio hmht-l uioiil of 'iiuji Inipmie linll- 111 ,lll pICl -.lili," V,-.a I-, ill ,lllllllv, llio-e ut lvi',, l,l'ii,TI'i,07S iHinr,!-; while' ill value, Ihe fii;mi ,,l ;-".: mnli' tin- hiuln-vi ice mil, s J :,i)-.!, il 7. o Tlic i.iiin.iii- ol the Ion, '.nt u .i,iit-!ii fo, ilu i.ihtiil,i v ea t I nil i lu-r-,1 it, ion the uliil I.K1IU'- nt illlH.ll lllf.n, 11.1111 lOII-isil iiilllltlli'V lei- I. ii month oii'llnu Willi OiIoIki-, to whhli .iio iilth'il the .Hind fuuri's nt Mi7.11 i-hinp.il lr..ii llawiii In il,,' I nilcil s,t,.,. '-0 tin .a, nl'lfil i-tiin.ilt's iui .Nuwiiilii'i ,!,(! pci ,'iiiht i , li'lh In. in loiciitii iiiuiiliii- .mil llrfn.ili. .nul lor . lull .vimi Hum I', ii.. M ; tliK imp: !,..i nt ul, Minim- Ihe ll.iw.ibin . nil I'.oi.t Itlniti t ic nnv lx iii imtNtiii I'l H -mi "i Ilie Ii 1 ihu , f.nnm lie v. illi Ih.n i-l.eiil, i, im loirji in , hhli'il in Ih,' -liti-lh m Ilu- Ionian i riiiiiiic). i el tin I'nili-il st.ii,., 'n,iv -nuw, .in iniii'.ii' nt .ih"Ul !'i) pn- mil, m tin' vinj if iiiiiioil.ill i'i ililo the t'nitcil s,iv in ilu i,.,.iih', I In' lluiiii lor ls',1 liciiis :i.l,7.i,7-'i,MI pouniN :ij,'.ilii-t I,-li7-.',Ui"i,U(Hi In Pill, lh, Hilii.iI iiuiiM-e in tin' ili-iailc tiiu hi'ii'ii in leiiml ti'im", otn- Pillion piiiiiuR 'Ihe , iiuiiiitiii- iiiiJiiiily i.ii i..iim- hi ',,- ci li'diiil v.hi-ii ii I- rt ili-il Ihu' .iKrplliiK die i, i'l mi' i.e l.,nl .il n),t pniii.il-, tin- ,iu;.ii- im. pi'il.ilii'n. ul I'imI wn'.ihl In' MiitU li'lil It, hi ul .'s.lmo , ,ii-. In .iilililimi in (his mommus rtmir,. Ol 1,1,,11,00'I.IIDII piillliil, il,li0ll,il, il." -uu.ii pn.. ili.uion in (lie t nli,.i s.ili's for Mu i.n- l pit's inn, dilv .ihniii i.iU.hi i.imo puiiuil, this hiv ing lni ihniii ilie .limit il ,iii-i mr tlnilliK' I i'i .'ill ."..I- 1)1 flu- l,al,IHNI,(alll poiituU uf ,n ii- mi put,, I Into I In' I nihil Mile. In Hill, nioi,' il,ni l,lm,l,llil,,l, Ol llllb " MI Kill,, is I. Ilu .11,1.11 inini the liophs, 'Ih,' i. in iltitliT i ihi(ll,v inn -ii); ir, thliflv ii'in Ci'iin.my jiol An-lii,i Hun. -.u. In the ten month uiillux with Oilnlir. Ilie impoil.ulons nf lit! nilgai- .imuuntul to ihoiil ,,iilln,iilliah luiin.iN, inn t .1 lolil iiiiju.i--I it bill Ol lll.'li. Ili.ni I ,K h I,, K ,, r k) ii,iiuil-. Ol Ilu' iiKiie thin c.DDii.niiii.fVi) poiinils nf i,mo mi'ii iuipoilnl liiilnu' the visa, .ihuut :: per ,"1H. i iiiik-s Hum (nl, i, .il out I", ,n it'iil, limn il;r i:i-t luilii'., .iiil the i, moinlii ihli'fh limn it,. Wl'.l llllllis .tll (lllH.ll ..t. I S.lh ,.i . i "Hull if. 'Ill" lull. . ill, l.lUI" I" ii a lull-, iiiinili ht,v, .I1..I I ho Jin.' Ii.IjI , hv uii ,P hie i .ih Hilar visits, ii. ,ni s'i n, iimi, jCnvriiihii un.l I). tc'i) ii, i ul ii, I,, an, r l lin.itcil t i-,a. liiniil',v, p ii nil., I1'1 'i.brj.'M'.i.'il iui ;i,t,to,ii;ii,iut si I,ii',.',ui, to; lui :i,7o,sl,"l lS'i I,10s,'l,,ll)l l-'i; i,ioi,--'ii,;i'- is'is ;,i.'7,-jM,,iin Is'fi l.'I'i'l.Tll.n-s llOn I.H.V.ll.'iVJ.V! iikii u:.i.) i.i.ro.iiu.nin 111(11111111'; .:ii,iHikh p. in.'b. V.d.11'. il.llu. llfl.lll.l.SII i',.n,'i;i l'ji.ii-si.'iir li,tlM,.1 'i'.7ii7,i''S lS,.ll,P'' M.TSMIJ 77.iMI,iW lo-f.Ul.'je) IU;,7I.M'M ln.ti.n.nio V.lllltll .it ,'li,' H'.i.imii, i ih, i.iii.l linpoits from ll.iw.iii ooin Jlllll' l"i in Hi .1 - - - - CUBA'S PRESENT CRISIS. The i-linU ot t till nt.imU lotl.iy tint ut -n- vvidi a liii'imlil -iii-l li'ilii-liljl tri-U who-,' pie. ilpilulhm ,,i tho ,iii.-ii,i time vvo'thl Iio not null ilUi-liniH In tli.il intiiiii.t, hut an it foiliin.Ut' it'll i Hon iipun the .itliiilni-lijilii' jhil ily of mil' nvvii, The iiiuiiliii )n.f ii uih ii irbls hi, 'h-u ilt.nl.i app mill l the .nitlmiliios ii, U.i.liliu. lull till rUIIK, Wl'l'lts. 'Ilu' ill. lilt Ill's ,lli,lj HI 01 the il.il'stT l"l I im lo .u, in hs loo ul IHi'v ,' : "I iiiokI t .n iit, I- ul, .torn .itlmtiim i.. ilu Wl-llulll, llullt'll 111 till' . i l .il llt'ill, Of t,ill.lili f"i ii siiii.i.inii.ii inliuiloii in lu i.nin link's i, n I iili.in Impiiit. Ii.in ih,. ,ii, siji,,, 'Ihe Hiiiu iimIIiiI.ui 'ul SMirtji Itt it t, iy, In his l.i.l niioil. "in icli.lliu' illnjii tall ami i.tl.Ui,lis tu.it liiont h.v ho t'lllli',1 Mil"., tho ( nhjii iil.inliu line iimiIu 'i.'ii'ioiw enuris, l,i uvlvu ilia,r Itii'it lii'liittty, ai'l lui, nl-,',1 iiidi pioili, i ot Misar lli'lo i)ilc,iil tun, In liv'f o tt5,ni) tonj in 1'UI, while tiiu ii'tpiil for ihu piesi-nt ji-jr il votiinilcil .U fiiiicihliii; mil' MH.nio Ion,, Inu'. ci by mir picupt Jinl triulim: to our bltii'l. fhip, thr luve flnali'il lo uliliic thu ih. jjti'i umlci whkli hri louulry hul mlli'inl. an mi' ui'iiui in,') nan ui umei nouon in, i tilli's nii hiMvily iiniilgiueil. many of Ilinii up to or hivouii ih"ii' pu-i'iit valuation, hi I ho Siowlnif ol unr, hl,i is Ilio ihhf iltin. All tie tctlii'i-, il I ..ilil that Borne lUU.Ua) li.mil mi! illiKllv ami liitllii'iMy ilepnitlint upon i in pin. ilmtlon in the il eul. .Many of thc-o nie no'V (luplo.vnl lip,,n ,i tuiilliiKt'iil hisi., llicir Ii" imiiii-nillon Ik'Iiib in. nl" iliiiuili'iil upon tin' pil " ii'K'lvcil fur tho mm. T I.e Innilin nf fallinc fills illl," iipnu iliiit"i- ai'il Mioioi It. I'lTt'dH Kitiili ilo-cly mil fat doiii llnei" iinili'l of die isl.niil population. A fiilmr to lu.il,,' tho ti.ip. ui .tti.i niiiliii' lo- In It ale, i.in null it-nit in In", ot ct.ipliiv- ini'iil to -in iiimy nl Ish.iin.. 'Ihe lidcf in In-- tl.V ot tho illlli licllijj; Wlil!. 01 Mltlollllk' tli' a-li'i-, the ilii.iinl.il, KiiiiiiKiii.il, ,-iinl iniluslrid p.n.ilvl ol tlio Muni -"tins iin-vlliimV. 'Ilu linini-ijl anil cniuin, u l.il In- nil rfiMinloi- inicht lie lioini' ami I l.li-.l i v,i iipiil ,i pi-iloil of . iiiioi.i. The Inilu-lil.i! ph." pii'sdit fo.lt'iro ui nitiip tliitti iiiul Mniv -, u,iu. t m.,' for nlaim. Mm niu-l live. Vi, .iiiiiv of the hum;!,.- me uiiphiviil I- .duals ,, tntu.u,' lo sn.i.d urih'i. llilltlt'h'ln-, 1. 1- I, in. lil I i, hive hum hr,.i ,ii. i,f Ih,' ti'ilei- of (una, .ml ihe iu-lihi!i,,n i u it vi I s!iiiii(il nm. tlini in ihii-o thiown i nt of t'lnpln.nninl vvmilil, .-i im re. iuh.pt Ihe oi'v It tils of the htiiiiol ios a- a locjlis nf ei-l,iu,. 'Ih.it piott--. loiuliiiKs inhlipiy Willi hl.ickiii.el. The poulliv- of the p. or f.nt.i, i- I no safct funn the (h-pirililioii nf this dnnpiit thai i tlic .-loio of the lomiiiy m, it u.Uil. .Money i oh lainoil, in laun ami in small amc.imls, mi'l, r tin .if nf the th'sliiKtiou nf piotiMty or Ihi' taking of lite. Tlicic voulil follow, in :i vvoitl, auaicliy, the icign of ili'niil. r. A -l.,rvinK iiiailt uitl" wouhl ih in mil I, mil; a ill-nitl, ily iiiuiiliii lo vvmilil ilf'iii.'.nd 'uppii's-iou at Ihe hiiil in lie only foitc toiupeleiit f,u tht- pinp,.s, i.i ih in liniip. II i- a llOlahli' fail. Inn i,li,l,ltb uvoiii 1. that nil ol (iilu's ii'inli. ii, ,1 in'-iiiiti li.vi- fu tlic li-l hutiilii'il vrii, have i,,,' n nut nl iii'e 'liliou of I'tunoiuie iii-ll,-- !,, vvhlili 111" motln'i' lomiiiy was hliml, ami vvhlili -ho stf.ulil.i- ie-fu-ttl In li'lievt'. No it'vnlt i now- to no Jie ticipilul, hut it miv well ! .isknl if the I'l.ilril stale i- to w.illv in sinjn'.s tuntsliM. .mil pt'i- mil in t'uln a inn, liliou nillv ., "iiitolniilili" .is Hiat vvliii h, snnic luiu ii.ns ago, ilie -oii'lit lo icliein liv .1 vv.n- with -iiiu. The Cuban fiit'sti,i'i imw pu-eitis tvni f.ilui(s. tho iuipiiilive null of mmitiliale iclief, ami iluc piovi-ioii for the tuiiii,'. 'Jho two ;no ami eiu-t lie -tp.n.ile .mil di-iiiii i 'Ihe pu-,nt ilcuiiul imnuilialo rousiti's-ieiiil .Klinii. by I'th. 1 :.f die I. il, -I. 'the liilme it iiin- tni tlittiniiiiiiti.i'i, hy licit, wilh an (-l.ilili-lu'tl I'lilnn jiovci'i liicnl. unit's. ni'iil'ii oi iiius.il in ml upon tin piesiiit iiiit-liuii ir-uli- in iho no, lion (f a inmlltion vvhlili would lt'iiuoi- Ihe c.ii;.ini?jti,ili ul a ('ul, in iiv, rn'ii'iil iiupo iblo. Ill llii lellcf ol Cnl'i'h iliuil'illale lieetl Ihu lies nt, ilaiiiii-r tu iui iiau iuiln-ii, Om io-quiit-mi'iits fur die ioiiiiiik vi ir will hi' -nine -.-inn.iini, urns of .simi. Om lioini' pinihitilnn of biM'l .mil lane -mu .ippu im.il(- fvt.cmo it n. I'oitn Ilio ami lliwaii Mipply .ilioiU tho -ili'e .lllllllllll, Aihlinir Ilu' wiinle of ClllllV plohlhl" piotliui m u0,0ll0 ton-, we aie still uhluri'il to piucli.ii-c fioni oilier I oi'K some 7o(l,iXl Ion-, in aihlitinn to all uf lln-c. I'lom all points nl iciv, evciy .ilKimii in .liiiih laitif vvoinht i in uvor nf piompt action for the avi'isjun nf a t tilian oi-i-. 'the full ! siate i- nut mil Ih" tnislie of CuPa' political ivolfaii', I, nl is eifiille ii'spmitfilile lor lu-i- ceo miitile u'ti-pciilv fho i-1 out -houhl no. to tmui'il ovn in ihe u.-w nl in aov einiiient in it hut an tinnoiiiii :.lp .is it wa wlnli we lr it'ii'ivnl il. 'tills '.in only ho jviiwil ti.v Ilie uiptliato adieu piniiiliim an juiph' luittis-iuii In Ihe fiiilt'tl st.i.s t ii-lnni lioini', for Iho nop ulil li i- imw it'. nli fni i nil Inn. I utiiie .nunc" iiii'liis inn he 1, fl Im ailiusliiit'iit h.v licil In I vvc-ii ih" tvv,i aoveiniii' in-. MI.mi ft. Hohin-ii.i. Pel' Tin THE HILL. Tiihnui', lli'l. I p III die uniimtaiiis ui (lie .Ni.nh, A llllh' ipilii. , aui" gu-lilnn fuitli; llllhi'i' ami thilh'T It woentl ils way, ItlppliiK .mil liliI'Mim Ihe Iiin hmtr tlay. Ami In nlh, l- and .-l-li'is tame, iiiilll It kii'w to a lioi-v, lii-liiuL' I ill. Down the mount inn with noi-e an,! sin-, M.iKIm, its palli'Vav lo the M-a. Hut, Just whi'io mii'Uil.iiu ami phlu lutl in, A niliihlv lull in il wav was srt. "I'lna-e Id ui" ,i.s"' il Ilie little nil; "Ci hail,; ,n li.nl.!' -liil III" IniilKlili The Hill" Illl '"'in,l aw., In the lluhl, lint ni'lt'l an '.i l, Inn mil il 'ijlil; The little till wound jvvjj lo I lie bit, Hut in v ei a ,-l.m uf ilie liuitsi. iiau; Oltl tl.il il Mi.lii IukI tlio tlultsl i on k, llul Ilie lull .1111 -alii! "!o link-! Ih, en,.:' Itlulil .aul lui in 'a'li li suuijlil ; I'm Ilu' llllli' nil in .1 imp m'ciuoiI taiiulii, 'I'i mi- pa ril .iwai, 1 1 mil tho mniilil..ln sltl,. To the Ulistlil.v hill, .1 lake ftioliluil vvhle; cji .HbT .vi.u Ii new, until II UJiliil the li'l' ol Ihe haiislilv lull; Ami ovn tin blow In ,i tmii'iii pnuii-l, V luin'iii thiil plougl.til ami lam'tl .out muni The inlsdily hill via- ienl In ivv (In . Ami -iilliii'il ni.i' the IiU'l plitn, nut the little Illl. Willi lime' .mil iih'i'. Still mil, , Hi- pathway m Ilie .". ItUi'il'into I- i iiiIlIhv hill: Sih Hi" .oi hmnhh llitl" illl. Pri.lulon, IK' I. -W, I! IVny. AS TO WHITNEY'S VERACITY, lalltof uf 'Ihe TiPniiio Ir.' hi .lour piper of 1 llt heb, utt mle IMipiI In Wlilllip'Ti lotlcdlott mi .iitldp i-rttliitr fol III .1 lltVV ll-e In Willi h II hviinintlve III.IV he put, vi,, Iwoljai I,, mil tin i.tu that the hoot vvu .hull Dun til'. Xmv It would ho .1 Vvndo of lime In miv thai Ilio nl I uii- w.t a iip.iIIo'.i ol Uhllni'.i-'s iIMpihIpiI iiml ill-loiliil thlnlel mil, hi'p.iusc tli.tt I iiht'.iily well nin'ivli lamwit, Ihe w titer uf timlic iiiul Viliil, at, lint llvrdiitsnl talf lollr Im fni it ill "ti In ptihlbli mio im hlliHi'll, Il I MIihi-"i o hive oiiuiinl lie ir ll.ii iipa point, Some uf MMl'i filontl li.nl foimil dud t. tl leit ,i kiii ill (null i n,ike iiml plenl It vvlirie W'hll. while ttiullliuf Willi hi tci.v lipl Kill, foinul il. Alter plultiR hln "lis'.1" nut of li.'rin'. way ami imiuliiu: half u utile for a feme Mil. Hip u-ptlle w.t ill-pi'i hrd (foi the pi mid tlnip), 'I Iio .iilvciiturp when lel.itt'il Ii thp aiirihoi' of tin' LGii'iet lui In I lie eftei I thai tin' ."Oi prnl u.i an iljhl foot l.itllci' In Ilio act of Mv.illovvlnn; n tow. The uppmlitlvp IWonei ntlvbi'il tlio virllinp up ol the nu-j for Ih" pii', hut for oine ip.iuii II vvu ovei'' Inol.ptl, 1 1 lift. Hiaiie of Iiml luiliin.' ppll.ipln "Hup Hi's Whlttipy." Well, poor fellow. 1 uppo-io he couldn't In ck avv.ty Itniii the Inhtt, cvoii after hp roI to PjuiHip () .laik Piuriu. SiiMUrliatm.i, Den. iO. Hill & Conn-ell's Holiday Furniture There can be no more appropriate gift than one of the following lin.-s, all of which are marked in plain figures: Wril In-.' Dek. Dievlnif Table. rainy Table.. Clipr.it (ln-e. Parlor Cabinet". Tilic Oalilni'ti. flirio ('.iliiuets, Book Cafe, fx reena, Mom T.ljUII,,s, Wrrk table., I'ais.v Chair-, Hill I hail-, Inl.llil (hall, Itockcl !. slnuilu sl.iinl, l'ctlpt,d, .Urdlniere. ( In it-. Low prices and large assortment to select from, of well made and desir able patterns. Hill & Connell 121 N. Washington Ave. Goldsmith's Bazaar JS.B 3 3 A Useful Christmas Gift Our Handy Laundry Bags 9 If you want to mak the head of a family or a bachelor or a spiuster happy, buy one of these Handy Laundry Bags. g There are Two Ways. of sending oue't linen to the laundry 52 tinie9 a year. Looking lor string aud paper is one way, and simply placing linen in the Handy Laundry Bag is the other aud easier way. Bags have plate for name and address, insuring you against loss in transit, and are made of strong est canvass, specially manufactured for us in red, blue, white and brown. Agk to see them at Art Counier. 6 f 3 VS Price $1.00. I A Holiday Sale of Furs I 3 & Misses' and Children's Sets of Augora, Badger, A Second-Class City with a First-Class Stock of Gut Glass, Sterling Silverware Clocks, Etc. Suitable for Wedding Gifts. Mercereato 5 Connell, 132 Wyoming Aveune. Headquarters for Incandescent Gas Mantles, Portable Lamps. THE NEW DISCOVERY Kern Incandescent Gas Lamp. GunsterfiForsyth 325-:t27 I'enu Avcmn. ;S Raccoon, Oppossum, Sable and Chinchilla; from 98c & 3 to .T. 9. 500 Ladies' Cluster Scarfs of Sable, Fox, Op possum, Stone Marten, Brown Marten, Beaver and Electric Seal; from $1.98 to $4.98. 3 2 5 3 Matched up Sets, of the best Lynx, Fox and ; Bear Boa and Muff; from $9.98 to $49.98. ' Separate Muffs of all $3.49 to $19.98. kinds, large sizes; from 5 f j$CSrStore Open Evenings Until Christmas. tiOur Holiday Display This Year Finds us in our new store better prepared tlian ever l)cforu lo cater to the wants of HOLIDAY SHOPPERS. Beautiful Things for Christmas von to make selections Uarlv choice is wie. Ye invite now, when stocks are at their best. In making your selection of Diamond sistance of my thirl -five years' experience. M)ii have the as- Diamonds Sli in all kinds ot J ALWAYS BUSY. A . S. if, WL 7s --4TZ eni in tf. ,,,,.. . n . . K . . k t . ? . n . . H f. K . ! . . . J . ? t X . . X X X X X X X X X X X X X X , X X X X X: x: X X' ,f -Y X X X X X , X .1 X X X X ,t X X X X tv aV aV tt X' n aV V s," ts a X tf aV fc" ti X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X h Kl.W.S. I'.ROOCIIKS. IMiXDAXTS, STL'DS. Etc. Fine Gold and Silver Watches Aitli Ihe Highest ( Irade Movements. Sterling Silver Novelties, Cut Glass and Umbrellas. And everything pertaining to a lir.st-cla.ss Watch and Jewelry Establishment. C. LUTHER, 133 Wyoming Avenue. KSTAliUSIIKD IX KS.-.7. 4 '4 4 4 4 4 "4 M " ' " '4'4 4 '4 A ' Q ri4 4 '4 4 '4 4 " U THIRD NATIONAL BANK OR SCRANTON. Organized 1872. A ooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooo 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Our toe Gifts Stores are filled from heel to with common-sense Christmas , irom 25c to $5.00. o o 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A ooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooo 0 Depositary of the United States. Capital, $200,000 Surplus, . $550,000 l'lltllll'0lllll IlltO tllll4H)1IIOI i ') l0l' 1'PIII. (ll .llllllllll. Siii'iilutliin(liii slven In all hitoiiiUm wlielhoi- lai rm or -.111 tl Upon !-aliu'du.v muuliiK" H 10 Du'i'lu c. 'Ihiei 'MM'conti Inloruit luliliiu 'iuIiii ilopiiMH. luteirst i'imiiuumluil Jmiuury IM mutliily 11 WILLIAM CONNELL. Presidont, HENRY BELIN, JR.. Vice Pjflaiciant. WILLIAM H. PE0K, On-ihter, DIRECTORS, William Connell, James Aruhbald, Henry Bolin, Jr., Luthor Kellor, Geo. H, Oatliti, J. Bonj. Dimmiuk, Thomns H, Watkitu. Jamos I. Connell. W. D. Zelimler. 0 0 0 0 LGWIS OL KOllly, Wyoming Avenue Store Optn Evenings Until Christmas, LAWYERS. The Tribune Job Department is prepared to print your briefs in a surprisingly short time.