j f t?V - , ft" bM .t'-f THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1901. THE CONTEST EDITOR BUSY HE AND HIS ASSISTANTS ABE HARD AT WORK. One Hundred nnd Slxty-alx Lists of Words Came In on the Closing Day of The Tribune's Junior Edu cational Contest Thousands of Estimates Were Also Received. The Tribune Hopes to Be "Able to Announce the Winners of the Twenty-six Christmas Gifts To morrow Morning. Saturday wits n very busy day for the CnntPHt Kdltor. DchUIu the urmsful tt mull that fume thtoiiKh the pot tillli'e, ho wust obliged to Hit at his desk all day ami receive the lints from the hands of the many boys and girls, who handed In their words peisonnlly, to be filtered In The Tribune's Junior Kdu catlonat Contest befoie the closing hour. Some came with parents or other older relatives, while many Mere accompanied by brothers or slstets, each hoping that he or she would bo one of the happy ones at the head of the list when the result Is announced. There weie ICO lists handed In Haturdny, an average of one every three minutes for the day, With those which have been announced from day to day this makes n total of 671 that have been enteted In the con test. Estimates on the result came by the thousands. Just how many of the little roupons wete sent in will never he known, but each one has been care fully examined and those that are any where near correct have been filed until the exact number of words Is definitely known. Those who sent In lists of wouls on f-atutday ate as follows: Annie Lee Tmey, l"At I'ctlilioi-p street. lMille Hoe-e, Fm.'-t City. JCini Cjpvull, 'Ml filmi-rc avenue. Keith Amlcrtiun, 111 Vmc vtun, ltoee I'rke, S1J -Monroe avenue, Piinmorc, lluu.ud HiutirmUUi, inn IJuiiity aM'inii. Tlierc-i M.im, 704 Harrison juiiiic Ir.i Itro'c, ll'i South I.irioin .ivemie. Josephine. Cnlniiu, Iljiper .mrt Apple iticct, Dunmore. Beitip Sililcy, Old Koree, Madeline It. Walker, JJ1 Washington ttr.t, Cirbomlilc. Until Benjamin, 2039 lldnt avenue. liy Juitin, Chik'i Summit. Charles W. Van lllarrom, 1009 Electric acii'jo. i'rink Wotlkw, Duninoic. Alden W. bmcei, Chtl.'H Summit. John lallie, P07 W.iliirgtun avenue. Jeanne Viiker, Dunmore Flonntc Mtliol, 5J1 Wjoniiiu avenue. l'rank W. Civ-tello, 117 riiotnut titit. llendrick Ad mis I'Lim-lnlla. Prod SclinenUr, r,7 Willow tmt. ltnlintl Siniutl, ,!U7 Fdiool Mieet. Nora Lourn, lt-20 Pitt-ton menue. llthcl M. Stair, r3ii Wjcminj aienuc. (imild lluntel, Hutel Ni'li. ( arl W. Itankin, 512 Madison avenue. JI.Ljorir liinkin, .""2 Madi-on avenue. Donald Rankin. .I2 Madison avenue. ltd Kmnt. 1507 Ohio stmt. Jlamle J. Gatlininilt, 92(1 1'ittston avinuo. T'dith Jones, 10 S. Main street, Caibondile. Benjamin J. Knixht, 1'j.t S. hun.nur avenue. Mar- Cotter, 15J7 ftots avenue. franee-, Weiignte, I'liion-lale. Thomas Kvans, 137 K. Ilroad street, Ilu'cton. Julius l'la, l.i'l I'cnu avenue. Ptliel Dicker, 30", I'ouitli ftieet. K.illiijn Mei's Itiin, W Lincoln avenue, Cir hind lit. Ouiney A. Cire'vir, 1110 Grand View avenue. Maoiie II. Stone, Dillon. ,'iori;p Ilirvev, 41S X. Irving avenue. Oien Pttk. MO Dean stuet. XIai.v Hovvaid. Ml Ouhaid street. Kleanor Oi-miollv, liCl V.iliniRtiii avenue. Marjiiret Hii-, 'KI2 S. Wjnining avenue. Anna MeAnduvv, t'l'i X. Wvoniintc avenue. Thonns lliuke, 1710 I'rtte Muet. Villlain lliikiv, nw 1'iospeet avenue. Mary Spulei, ?20 tluin ltidce street. Lena I'ediick, Cl.nkV Summit. Nora Com id. 10J Diamond avenue. Duel Smith. 51 Mirritielil btr(et. David Jenkins, Jl'ib l'.vnon stuit. Bilpli William.-, (II s. Main avenue. C'hnileK I.oftu-, 1 iil Mon-ev avnui suah 1. Cikv, Miiu-ie. MniiH Iivi-, 1210 Woodlivvn aveniii, lleitn t omptoii, oil Allans avenue. Prink II. i'attudm, DituhuMt. llne rieuimiu, 211 l'illh avmue, Cieoit,'! . lion ml, .'ill .V. Lin ulu avtnuc, James Ncvton, l.'l 'lluoop fttiut. Hi itiue Mlsiin, 1711 Capoii-e avenue Hud silioll, "il7 I'io-pett avume. llnv V, Wliitmin, .'i.is S ll.vde I'alk aviiiue. ,t!i.ue Limn , HO Lie leurl. Itohtit 'II nuns, li llehitntit 'leu.ur. Plank li. Sinnell, llils. Dul.son avinui. A. Albert lieu-tor. Mi l'.d ir avmue. Hovvaid .Iiihs, JifTti-ou avenue. Thonns .lonet. lettii-on avmue. I.euis C, ( li miller, Kit danis avenue. Ptinl I slid, li it i bur.'. Ndlle I. Muiie, S.'2 Waslilii.'lon avmue. P.dna Uiikeon, "..' 'Ivvclltli leit, Piank lliighis, :ilt (liillelil avenue. Olvven Joins, .'11 S. Ilvde I'.iik avenue. William SVhcucr, (.11 llirji sheet. Iteinui Miltliell, (i"i I'inii avenue. Hl'iietice IE. tauiipbill, 7 X, Chun li Muet, dnlHindile Marie Km he, (Mi AdlliH nvciiue. Annie Wlillrlnrl., 117 Dehnonl nt,, Caibondile, William II, saundeu, 1'oiest til. llany llrnvvn. Poiist ( itv. Fred f. (Vilnill, 2.1 Cm i in stieet, Cailwndile, Hin.1 1'itllir, M unit tin Like. lanirn M. Ilinetl, Simiei-on avenue, Lilluop llivaii, ull (lulni v .mime, Mai ,lon(, .',oi IVidinaud hind, Clmuie I rami r, I 'all's lloulei ml, Mirv A, IVanipton, Ml Adnns iivenue. Urine III rtlmll', llupbiittiim. Vu-lnii Menuefiiith, I'il M iple htreit, JiiMph Slokis, .Vi' i I'ii -i oil ,iv i nue, Jue Will.-, 210 Hank Mint, Mm lineal Hi, Jum.vn W.unei lla-, W2 Olive Muet. Iloiiiue M, .IU, 1'o'est ( iy, diaie ltideevva, 7 Hikwnod pine. iniiisi! I'. DkUui, :i2i 'Pvelflli ntiut, lluill '-aundiis, ,UI I. lull Mli'i'l. Nid Conuoll), 70) Ihiil.-on an nue, Piedi Jones, Mluooki, liie O'lliicu, Jirnijn. 110 Howe, Lake Aliil. Wliv W Mini, ill (Jiline uvriuie, Willluui Miudith, liu ,N, llnuiiliy avuue, lliny Dm ic, 2'.' Ilaiiiion avinui. , l'e.iil liiiff, Mn-inii, l.lda llaiNel, llaifonl. Artlile w, ('air, r.utiiillr. Adali l'arlev, Juiiivu, Aall'C Divi', llpiiinl, lliniuuil lliui, ,ll ,iliiii','ton .iMinie, Cuia Kin, till I lav avenue, Dutmiou1, ,liolo Wilson, 222 N, Pioinley .ninue, Mjlim II, ( 'raver, liiiklii. Iluilali .laniu, I'dkvilli. May llaku, II? W, Dindirt lnct, MarirJret I.' Vinurraiu, Mo-uev, tieraldiuc Sitt;iive, 1'ukvllU-. Daulil 'llioinu, lii'l ,N, M i in avmue. Lillian )oh.'1j, 12S S. Miln annuo. Mabi) lluttoii, 1110 Jukson i-tint, llatlic Itdbtrl.-, 10U 1'ruvidenio load. tttte May, Dbpliaiil. 'Iliouias H, Iviimid, 102! h. VoiuiiiR avenue. ltalph Cravvfurd, lliuiiuoie, jtuiliel llv.nis, ,1.17 lalwarda court, J lolly I'llli'li 207 Jirtcisoii nnnue, Jjnieh Lliazir I'auv. 'Hi Vi, Clm Mitel, Clurles fe.viuoiK, i)l.vpliaiil, Krisl Mtrlf rutin, I'um avenue and Dt'j'varc .net. Walttr Wllkf, S20 1'itlfl.one ftrut. Olive I'rlii', VJtf S. Uashliii'ton .nuiuc, )jl 1'aiiill, 621 Adams uvtnue, lllll Mullin. C2I lldulotk Miit-t. Cniinj Welier, Id) Vi, llilnktr Muet. Mite lleinbo. I'ukville. flora l. WilllJins UH Marion street. Rolxrt 11. l'lilllips, 111 S. ll.uU' Park avenue. Mhe M. Ililllel, 'Jilii Obphaut road. Cieoifc Ucrthukk, Uvl .S. Ildu 1'arlc avenue. 4 4.4.4. THE NEWSBOYS CHRISTMAS. Every Newsboy of Scranton and Northeastern Penn sylvania Will Be Given All the Copies of The Tribune He Can Sell on Christmas Morning Absolutely F-ree The Tribune desires to give the neusbuys an opportunity to make sonic extra moncv on Christinas morning, ami with this object in view will furnish them they can sell on that day absolute without cost. I his applies to carriers and all newsboys alike, whether they are selling The Tribune now or not. Carriers out of town will be supplied with extra copies upon request. The boys will be furnished' with papers as soon after they come from the press as possible, and will be kept supplied from the business office until ! o'clock in the morning. IJoys out of town should send their requests for extra copies to "Circulation Manager, Tribune. Scranton, Pa.," stat ing how many copies they expect to be able to dispose of. Carbomlalc boys will be supplied from the Carbondalc of fice, from 7,:?0 to ).'.W a. in. All local carriers and newsboys who wish to take advantage of this opportunity must secure their papers from The Tribune office personally. No returns of unsold copies will be allowed the following clay. ...'M' .T. J. l'mtitost, Honst City. Piny lloiiKlituii, .li mi ii. Mu Ion Muliy, Olvphint. II i tin Sinip-oii. link-on. Jol'iaiiii ih Sullii in, V.itidhng. Ilarr Ill-hop. lloui-dilo. Loul-e llollenlutk, IVui-t ('ill. Mart; i ft. t I.vildon, l.lictnc mil Jelteison ave nues. Willhm Ilvju. Old Home. Lniilv Hei-. Hiiidham ltalph Howell, Hittm ville. line Mithtvvson, l'attor ville. l'irl 1.0-..K :U2 Rnrlnlil avmue. Nettle il'lit, Haiti)! ville. Mnirarit Domiilly, licnisdile. (iunm Crump, (Jink's Summit. Miijorie Colun Llsiir, !21 Mne stu.t. Lbvie Mav Silileiu. Dumnoie. lit In 1 llrokenshlie, Ml J.ulvvin stieet. l.lialictli Little. Atoei liuiry C. Kn.'li-h, hl2 M-iinn street. Apnes Moniiiiu, Avota. James Oliver, jr., Aotn Your mime appeared in the list published In The Tribune on Wednesday, Dec. 11. The Contest Editor, Uh live itshl.U ants, is Roins: oer the lists eiy care fully, and hopes to be able to an nounce the successful contestant's to morrow morning, when lull details ns to the awarding of the piizes will he given. ANOTHER CAR DYNAMITED. This Time the Dynamiter Was Ex ceedingly Bold. Dunmore car No. 143, in-bound, to charge of Conductor Fox and Motor man Annon, was dynamited laht night about 9 o'clock on Adams avenue be tween Mai ion and Green Midge streets, almost diiectly In front of the resi dence of Timothy Uutke, one of the diiectois of the Scranton Railway com pany. The flange of the wheel was blown off by the lorce of the explosion, which was more than usually severe and a number of windows in the car wete bioken. An out-bound car parsed over the very point where the explosion oc curred not two minutes before and met the inbound car on the switch just aboe. It is believed that the dvna inite must have been put on the tails in this interval of time. CALL TO REV. DR. RACE. Centenary Chmch of Binghnmton Wants Him to Return. ltev. John II. Haco, D. D president ul tit ant university, (.'himiimiotM, Tumi., has been invited to letuin to iho pas toiate of Centenary Methodist Kpit-to-pal chin ch, HiiiRhamton, as the suc cessor ul l!e. Dr. W. It. Peaice, who goes to Philadelphia In the spt Ing. Hev. Dr. Knee seveied his relations with the Centenary church to enjoy a season of work .is executive of the Giant uni ersity. His former ptuishloneis are conlldent he will accept their call to him to leluin to p.istotal duties, Uev. Dr. Knee is a son of ltev, J. 1.. 1 Slice, one of the eteim preacheis of this region. MUSICAL NOTES. Oliver Iiltson company, music pub lishers, of lioslon and New York, have Just published a most beautiful song entitled. "For l's," which was composed by Geingi' Dudley .Martin, of this city. The song Is dedicated to Alfred AVooler, solo tenor of the Kim Vnik chut ch, this city, under whom .Mr. Marlin studied humioiiy and com position, The Pennsylvania State Music Teachers' association wishes to know the niiinlni' of i-alaricd organists and choir diieetors In Serantiin and Lacka wanna loilllty. It Is eillesleil that nil imtli will communicate with Miss M, Uotilsu llarduibergh, Carter Huild Ing, and that they tvlll also stale whether thc ate amateurs or piofcs Hlonals, It looks as It oratorio was again com ing lo Hie ft out Instead of a uiisiel laueous piograinine lor Sunday night conceits, .Mr, Gran contemplates giv ing such woiks at the .Metropollt tit Opera Mouse, New Yotk, with his best soloists and chotuses. Ho is induced to do this ft inn tlm fuel thai last season the best audiences were draw a by the pcrforiimiKi's of liotmo'l's "te deniptlon" ami "llosslul's "Staliat Ma ter," Ceitalnly the interpreiatlon of such oratoiios as "ICIIJah," "The Crea tion," "The Messiah," "Nnbacco" nnd bonio works of modern composers Is vastly imiio iippropilaic for a Sunday evening performance than a seiies of operatic' arias ami clioiuses. i 'i The opera which an Italian musician Is tonstrtictiiin out of the tonipinl tlons of Cliopln, will moil be i"iidy fur pieseuttttlon. It is In tour ails, ami thu chief Incidents of thu composer's caieer uro set to his own music. The noi'tunies, mu'.iukuH, poloiuiijes ami balladest are reported lo be cleverly worked up. The Until scene al Chop Ill's Pailsl.in homo teriulnateti In the death of the composer. The opeia is to be Hist produced ill Milan, COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. A ixlltlun (m u tluiltr for Itklimoiul .No. S Attldtiilal fund vv. tllic In I'rotliouotaiy Cope laud's yltke, .iturtljy, b) A"tnit' Jamg, U, 4. 4.4. 4 with all the copies of the paper 4. 4i44.4-h'I . W itklns. 'Ilie sulMiilieis aie: John II. llv.i' Jiiius Urate, Di nil's (Jallashtr, Willi mi A. W.l II inn nnd Willi im (lolk. Attoini TIioiiih I. llmdley maile ipplli itlmi, Siturili, foi a thirlir foi the Mi.idovv lliuilt bocid mil Litn.ir -oiut. 'lhe sub-ulb rs aie: l'.itilik llirrett, Ibniv lln-, Mitthew Kiiiilde, Diuiil llo.vle, Ldwaul fceott, 1'nhin.k Kt ll( im in, William ('.moll, William Noitou and J lines llraily. 'the viivuii iiipuinted (n p.Hs upon the peti tion fm tlie loniliiutiitlon of the Drown ltullivv tuinpike, lllid l lepnL Situiiliv, lluoiu'h (,ioiue 11. Divid-on, inistn, lei oninuudiiu the cnntlng of the p'tilion and ilsim; the d mi i;n al sT.d'm. On motion nl Atlirnej I. M. Schotli. Ju l.e Vii-lntiic fstiidiv appomtid the 'Idle (.uiiinly mil 'liut iuiiium, pii'dlm nf 1 imi lie slim nukii Lilln, minor thil ut (Icoiiie s. L.1U1 , liter i-ed. Couit i- in nee-'' (hi- vvnk uid most of netl. Stssloiis will be ri-unicd itiudi.v, Jin. 1 ,VM. NORTH SCRANTON NEWS. Cases Before Alderman Myers Mi S3 Leventhaw's Birthday Paity. Other News Notes. John Buschka had Jacob Kensickl arrested on S.Uuuluy for stealing his watch. Buschka claims that Kensickl stole the watch from his house, but the charge could not be piovctl and the alderman dismissed the case. Then Buschka had his wife arrested for as sault and battery which ho could prove and the costs were accordingly settled on him. Mrs. John Leddlck w.is ai rested on Saturday at the instance of Mame Price, for assault amj battery. Mts. Pi ice claims Mis. L.ii.'.r.i.'k struck her over the head with a bed slat, cutting her eye and bruising her head badly. She was committed to the county jail In default of .$.100 ball. Will Give Them Support. At it legular meeting of Local ill, I'nited Mine W'oikeis of Ameiita. the following lesolutlons weie adopted: Wheiia-, Ml Unlit, hive failul to luins to sreilir t!i iitliiii-, 01 the '-iiantun linlw.it 1 mi I a 11 and tluir unp!oi-, nwlua- 10 Mi tut lint l.inn.il Mmuil s.IIiuiiii iitu-i-. In '-.lint .111 an dienie lo auv itiiiimittie it pu-cntiiu iiuuid I iboi ; hi it thin t ie lii-ohul, Hi 11 ve aie oppo-ul to t c lnellnd nt tin. 111 in 141 1 11 tin -, ,,1111011 Italhvav 1 011 pun in Healing with hi- iiuplo.vi-, who aie i-kiu,' tin imlliiiu' nii'ie thin Ihi.v aie ju-tl entitled lo uui 1 livilihood foi tlRiu-eliis and timiiii-: and be It lull In r Iti-iilvnl, 'lint wi, the minibii- m Lm al I'l. t nltid M.ne vi,ikei- of mirlia, -Iiall rnnt.nm In w ilk 111 the inline H will ,1- wi luve in 'in pl-t, lllllll III! rtllUKll- of mu biothoi, fill ll. (lie and uiopiitlou of lli, 1 iiioii 1- vvmi, 111 1 hi it Inula 1 Ite-olvid, 'Hut we i,ive the Snauluu I! ul v ilup'nvis who .lie otil mi -till. 1 mu m il md fl1111111l.il -uppi it. Birthday Paity. A blitliday was given in honor of Miss Ktitle Loventh.iw of HulINler ne nue Fiidtiy evening, .tter in ivinlng of enjoyment refreshment- weii. Mied. The following weie piestnt: Bell Mahey, Carrie I.ongmote, Mae Tellford, Annie Pelltord, Blanche Ath erton, Annie Mortis, Sadie KtlutinN, Paulino Jones, Lillian Johns, Ray Simons, Krntst De.tele, Heese Thomas, Lester Smith, lamest Tellfonl, Thomas Heese, John Sliiuns, George Mackle, Kdwaid Cilbhous and Kdwtird Palnmn. Basket Ball. Tills peiiing the High Works Indian will hae for their opponents the strong Manhattan team of Dutih Gap. Tomuuow the ehamplou Ninth Ihid Stai s will battle for homus with a strong t( presenttitlve banket ball team of Philadelphia. NOTES. The rallle for a watch for the benefit of IM wind SVIgley, of S'M Oak street, which was to take place Nov. ember 2.1, has been postponed until .January 1, UtuJ, John Owens, a student ill Uuekltell I'liivti'slty, has returned homo to spend the holldn.s with the parents on Wayne avenue, There will be II Wlestllllg matt ll oil Monday evening, Jummiy I", 11)01, at St, Mary's hall on Maiket stieet, for a sum of Slut) a side between Abe Cracker nnd John risoper. The weight of each man must be ftopi 130 pouiiiH to 150 pounds, An iMltlng runaway octurred on West Market stieet last Ftld.ty whitli nearly tcsulted seriously, Pattlik Kearney, a huckstei, watt selling pio- duce to his cuhtoiuersi on Market titieet' when his hoi so btcaiuo filghteued and slat ltd tit 11 mini pace up the bluet ' until It 1 cached the Notch wheio a number ot faruieis blocked the 10.1 and stopped ii, Them wtru two chll dien on the se.it but they weie not In Juieil, Miss Nellie Pltkett of lac IlolPster avenue, left for Unglaiid Wednesday, wheie bile Will lemaln for a fuw mouths, KNIGHTS OF MALTA. St. John's ( ommaudery, No, 2, at Tt cnton, N. J., held it public meeting on Dec. 1), ill thu hall of the Young Men's Christian association, with a fine, largo audience present. Tim event of the evening wus a delightful 9 9 Store will be 9 open every even- ! Ing from nowun- 9 Christmas, REAL LACES. Ituntl Applliiucd, ItrtiHiclH Net, In lilmk, white and new tones of ecru Ileal Dttcliesse ami POINT LACES. frnin the tiniest edge to the widest llotilice. Ileal Uttchcse and Irish I'olut (lodctH and follm H. Hilditl Veils, In Heal tJuehessc ami I'olut Lace, up to ?250.00 each. LACE TIES. In JJtichesue and Irish I'olut. Ciepe ami Chiffon TIca, Diesden uitil I'eulan designs. SILKS. Many In lengths of one pattern catli. 6 9 9 0 e 9 9 9 O O O O Gaa:sK5oaa: D, JL JL o GLOAKS, SUIT'S, SKIRTS ft Our line is of too great an assortment to enumerate, but prospec tive Buyers will be fully repaid by looking us over. trf 324 Lackawanna Ave. TAKE ELEVATOR. Illustrated lectin c 011 "Malta," many of the pli'tiues lor which wete both unliue and luteiestlug. (Jiand Hecoi dcr Sir tleoige H. Pletce, of Philadel phia, spoke ol ".Malta on the American Continent," and made speilal mention of the proposal to build a hospital ami of the founding ,of a ladles' branih. Mr. Walter C. Hand's brilliant iciidl llou ot the liuuous song, "The Holy City," was finely Illustrated by stcrtop llcou views. The 1 oininaiideiy pro poses, to admit a large 1 lass on an tiuly date, and the matter is in chaise of Companions Lewis J, Fuhrman, Ir ln c, Hleam, Thomas C. Hyatt, Jos eph II. Kiueiy, (leoige AV. Whldden ami James li, Cell, lioln moiiil 1 onuutindi'ry, No, LT7, at Heading, riti'lved 11 class oil Dee, 17, ami hold a lied Cious cumuli on Jan, 7. They will be ns.-l'iled in the degieo work by the sltilf of Friendship coiu iniiiiilery, No. J 17, llnynioud du Pity eoniniandeiy. No, 10, nt 1'hllndelplila, leallvted over ono Imudicd doiiats fiom their beueilt in teitalmneiit at the Pink thetiter, Constaiillue loiuniaudery, No, 1, at Philadelphia, will meet heiealter on the set mid and fourth Monday even ings, and ghe a Muliu social on uveiy tilth Monday evening. U the last touvociitioii, several reinstatements weiu made, and lhe Scmlet degieo was ciiuieircd In full foi in, Almoner coinninndery, .Nvo. ,SS. at Phllipsbutg, 011 Jan. L', will tonfer Hit1 Order ol the lied Cioss and Scpulelue, iiud many knights pi luces fiom ni'lgh boilng places will bo picscnt, A dele gation ri out tho new coinmandery at Heynuldsvllle Will attend in 11 body, Thoroughbtetl Horses Anive. ll.v i:tlusie Wire fiun Hit Autiatul l'rt's.. Niw Yoiii. Pif. ii. II 0 ttt'Jiiifr M'niielulii, vvhlili .iiilvi'il IliU luoriiiiu Iruiit Loiiiion, liruu.'l.t li'.iul.v-Iuur ilm tlininu.'ljlmM uiln InrKs, 'Ivvilvt' ju lui WUlint .'.' 1IjU.-i, Jii'l jri' coin,' lu tlilu'.ui tliv vllivu utt tuii.iKiiul tu II. 1.. I. 'Illll, FINLEY'S. This store nsks your p.itronnge becnuse it deserves it, always has the finest merchandise, the largest assortments. Naturally much is c.vp. cted from us at Christmas. We won't disappoint ou, but meet vour expectations to its fullest realization. FANCY SILK WAISTS. In PotslntiH, Stripes anil Checks. S1.no value for , tiiio ?I.LTi valim for !ir,c I o'l value lor $l.-o rOULARD SILKS. tiood line of designs at special prices for Holiday Presents. BLACK DRESS SILKS. Fine French Taffeln.reatt do Sole, l'atllotte do Sole, Satin Duohosso, Ikngiillue, Mtiscotte, Moire Velours, Molru AntUiue, lllch Hrocades, TAFFETA SILK. Itlacks and colors, 49r nnd up wuril. DRESS GOODS. Priestley's lllaek Drois floods, In all their new popular weaves. NOVELTY DRESS PATERNS. All colore, al clearing ptlces. 510 AND 512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Crane X Xtf y AND M 3 0 0 0tk 0. 0 rti M0 M.0 s X0 0 0 5 0 o 0 M.0 3 0. 0 :: u 0 SPALDING'S FAREWELL TO THE LEAGUE Will Take No Further Action ns President-Sscretary-Treasuier . of Base Ball Clubs. II) i:ilusivp Wins I10111 Tlie Avotlalcil VtcfS, New York, Dec. 2J, A. CI. Spalding today sent a letter to the eight clubs of the National League, In which he eited tlie lacl that he had been served with nn injunction to take no further action as presldent-seeietnry-treas-111 er of the National League and tho Ainciican Association of Piotessional Hase Hall clubs, lo which olllce he says he was untitled lie had been elect ed, lie says he took up the duties of the oillin at once nnd made a i-jw pii'llmlnary arrangeinonts lor what ho lousldered the pioper ciuidui I of thu olllie befoie being terved with the In junction, but slpto that time has re liaiued trom n tlug In any olii. lal way lo then says: "Pending the de cision of thu can' now befoie the Su preme loui't ot New York, which I umlcistuml is n suit to ilturml!'o whether I am lengally elected piesN dent of the National League or not, and In aicoiduuu1 with my poisonal attoiuey's advice, 1 must teltise to tut Outlier as presldent-seci clary- ueas urer if the National Leaijllo mid Ameilcau Assotlation of I'rofcssloiial Hin-e Hall clubs, and 1 will strictly comply with what I consider to bo the 1 out I's ouler, "I had many things; in uiiiteinptatlon which to my mind seemed to require Immediate attention In the interest of the National league ns a body and Its Individual club meinbeis, anion1.; other things urging thu v.ulous clubs of the league to immediately secuie 11 sttong coips of playing talent befoie all the desirable plajers had Ixen pcrmilted to go to rival org.uiUatlons; but under piesent conditions 1 can take no ftiither action ill this direction, so It is up to SHORT LENGTHS OF DRESS GOODS At half prlii1. are splendid glflq for Waists, Children',-! Dresset, Short Skirts, etc. CHALLIES. Now line Just arrived. All new spring colorings, Plain, with tmtln stripes; plain, with polka dots; fancy with satin stilpcs, unil fanc'i plain ChallluH. Many choice de signs In single dress cuts. CORDUROYS AND VELVETS. Complete lines In alt the new shades. BLANKETS, COMFORTABLES. A pair of nice warm Hlankcts or a Huffy Comfortable would make tin exceedingly desirable gift. 1 PSSBbS 8 Cushions by far the most comfortable of all the moderate priced chairs. A Fine Xmas Gift. Scranton Carpit & 406 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. $&k Merrv ifcL 23k Christmas, ife We offer many attractive inducements for Christmas. Nothing will be more acceptable than FOOTWEAR. Call and see our line of Shoes, Slippers, Rubber Overgaiters and Leggings. LEWIS, RUDDY, DAVIES & MURPHY 330 Lackawanna Avenue. Holiday Shopp I I Can bo done most satisfnctoiily Everything' nrrnnged for ensy plain figuies. cLil Prices T, i..ni,i.s mwi still remains 011 sui-up um" Our Sleds and Skates will nlenso the bovs and alrls. I Cl.,ln KHn n Rt flfi. I f What you buy fiom us you ' quality. ! Onen Evenings, tireoii l lush 1 .j. JFOOTE & Mears i''i each fluh to ln that which in Us Jtiils mi'iit may Brii-m hest for ItH own Inter lata." Senator Dopew's Wedding Day. II' Ktluiiu' Wirt- trom The Alw lattd I'rcss. I.0111I011. Dff. -'. riic wciMiii,' uf Niutir .., i iv 1. . ... . ...1 it I M 11 11 t Hit-. 20 .-11 IIib Nuilli l.eiiiuii ,1.)V-I nwimrili-Wupby daj. H-t-t .Ul ratcj lo faiullle. toacht'i KaUr MII11lm -lu liiw. 411.I Ml Mj IMI.i.ii, "' ' hoMtt- lu uuvv Km HmJ fur Utt. i, at Mtt. CHAHLES U. COPE. I 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Kid 6lovekArhajf be exchanged for, correct sizes af ter Christmas. TABLE LINENS. You won't lutike 11 mistake If Linens are your choke for gifts. WASH FABRICS. A nice dress pattern of n protlv design In Peicnle or Dimity would bo a very acceptable, present. UNDERWEAR. A nice siill of IIiip Underwear would make 11 very seasonable gift, or Boine of our line Hosiery, Gloves, Neckwear, Silk Waists, Petticoats, Handkerchiefs, t Toilet Articles, Novelties, Etc. UMBRELLAS. From 'trie to $2:1.50. graved free. Initials en- Morris Chairs $4.T5 Golden Oak, Re versible Velour Furnitura Go. Re gishrai in nt our store today nnd tomorrow, inspection nnd prices nre marked in cnanini ntppes of silver nlated ware. -r --- , Barney & Berry Skntes, 50o to $5,50. , 4" can depend on it's being of the beat Tnullng Stamps with Saks. FULLER CO. Building. ATLANTIC CITY HOTELO GRAND ATLANTIS HOTEL. fND ANNSX Virginia Ave. anJ Ucacli, AtUntio City, N. J, EixlU itiir; 3M I'ciulllul toums cnsulie, dnijU mil Willi t'atbi liot and coM wi-water tathi u liotel and aiintx. l.uullou ttlcct and cculril. vvlllllll lew j.iua vi 111c sicri riti. v,ivutiti.. l . ilili i-j ciin.if il b urine mtfu. s n td il3 Lv waL pw . g 1 i A ,. " 'J j"jV" 1&-.i Ju I t?Jj ii
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers