The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 23, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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tir" i n"-'"T"g - j"
The News of
; i
' Delawaie find Hudson Bnihoad.
y, November SI, lflOI.
Iriiiu leatc (uiboiiJjlc at cltv t illon m lol
r'f "atlAnn nml WllkM Utte-r, 00, 7.CW, SOO.
I' 01, mm. II Jl a. in, UK), l.ll. 2"'. nj)'
M, "W, 10 01, II U) Jl III , , .
Sundij ti Hiih Iimm at 3d, 11 21 a. m ! ' '"'
Hi. BVJ. 00 i in .,.,.
Inr Allnm, SMnln-M. Miinlriit. l';l,,,l ,
) inlaid point, etc , 700 a. m: IT I1 '
'iVi' iVncinirl 111,1 llotii'dili, T2J, ll.O-i "
'.I. H. I i t. in iii
"iinday tnltn loucr w'tjmiil ami Hoik'""
Hi I'd n, hi.: 4 4", it in .. , ..... ,
lulns milie il Crlmm! de (mm W 111.'' !'!
ninl iitinlim a follo'nt it.). A IT. 1.J. j ' .."
r. in ! U '17, 2 Oil, .11!. I 2. It 0, 7.01, u "4, !
II 57 i in t 2 0s 1. Ill ,.
sinulm tulm arthc of 0 27 a m , 1 ln. ' '
4 2i. iijo, II (0 p in,
Sintljc lrtln nrilM nl f iilmni1il( li'im "
li'JIt unrl Ihnuolile jt 17 mil 7.V, tn.
New Yoik, Ontailo and Western.
(, 17, 1101.
'lulru lcc (.dilionilnlc lor ScUiilon jt 7 en
tn . I () p ni.
niuiIj" tl.illi. nl 7 00 a III ! Odd p 111
lulu lcuve (trliomltli Mi polnti notili il
II 111 i ni On Nihil i lit I' In l tiu lUiii
bating at 11 10 i in vrrt, ila mil H 10 a. in
Nnnlm iniki iniiutl, ni f)i New Tutk. toin-
ill. Ml.
'In'tii jirne tinin scrjtitnn at 11.10 J m ;' ,6
I in , trun point noitli, 4 00 p m s'in i
trrm s rnilmi ji '110 .1 m mil 7 41 p ni ;
110111 C nlo-l i il but, p III.
Eiie Rnihond,
Inni 2' 1 101.
lu,K 1mc tll ,triliii. I Jllwiiili'e. dim
fritrt 'iindiii) H 7 no ii m iml 4 x in (or
fniiiJt ml Niiicm'i: nl 'i .! i in. ililU !"
ir'ln- NindaM. toi llliuluiiitnii tila'.ing ion
i IIoih loi ru 0' iltt jiiI null i1. an I 'I
10 p in foi NiiiiLliainiJ, nul In j ii illicit loin
tit western point"
niii1 lriln Jt 'i Ii i in tor Nimu'lnnii
ltli wMlnn inniii-'tlon. nml I) .'7 p in, with
nine iniini tlon'
IiiIili nrhc jl : 4 in and " l'i p in
bi mljii .it b ",, a in
The Philosophei of Newton Lnke and
the "Divine" Healei Have an In
tetesting Conttoveisy in the Tii
bune Office Doiie Has No Faith in
the Healei and Fiankly Tells Him
So Schlatter Aftei Hearing His
Wife Has Sued fot Divoice Gets
Money to Take Him to Scianton
ruttcl-. Si liluttiM, the ' ilh iiu ' hi ili i
v host pifstmi" in C'.nliotiil ili ii
pot tcil In Tin1 TllhtttiP mi S.ittiiil i. tc
inhetl sum ill liimi himijii mi sam
il.iv He iiu t with Dnn nun Hurkliv
litiitlettp, toi slim t "Doik'1 llutdkl.
thp plillosoiihc.1 It oni NVwlon lnltt
'I host- who Uiiow Don. imc .md tho-f
ho lifuil S IiIiiKim, lullivo
tlnit thi'io whs iiiteicstliiK l f p n loo In -men
thPtn 'I'lu lino thin? ilnio .ill
nthf-is 111 it lint initio is wi'll linnK'il In
is things Siinitiit il Dm ie Unous i ho
IMhle .mil It vou toll li fm so Ii r win
s.i, 'You'll luttii l'llfo J tin
The iiuetin.4 took nluo hi The Til
hinic olliic .s.minl.u iftoinomi Doi
i mie ia! on ,i M to town ,unl
iltopperl In to s(.f. his ii(snp. i n u inl
"s'i hl.itter whoso losml li'.ins to mini
lifts ot tin- in oss , mi,, in son .iftii
ii.niN to lo ill tho soi ,H hhnsoli tint in Tho Tilhiino ilml iiioiiiiiis- Dot
l.llllf' lllls HllllllK his usil il llU(l,l I
tot Tho Ti ilium whin hi liitu
tiiitiil lot .in lntio(lui.tloii in tho inni
o .illeseil ilhlno he.illli', powot 'Don t
liothoi iiu.' illiil Dot U liUicUti!!
ho bclitf, "Uiildoil " AVIipii tho loi
in.illt pifssoil, Domo ,iffL( (oil somo
intctost, hut win n tho 'ilhlno" lioalhii,
p.ut ot It r.mip out ho hnuitil u ills
ustofi lil.inK lool ' rmalh, Doiiiimo
put .isiilo lils pen anil papot, pn-shcil hh
limit hack liotn tho l.ihlo, .mil ili.iwmj; oi to tho nlolii itoil lio.Uoi to stu
m v him nun o i loif l
You'io n,i'" .ilinost shunted Dm to
when Schlattoi s.iid tho spit it oi t'lnlst
was in him and tint ho wns dohw M
woiK. "No man in his iii,ht scnt.pi
would talk Hint ii," wns tlio i on
tomntiiouH leiolndot
The conets.ulnn thou mi mil on tho
scoontl romliiK nl tli S i loi mil in
.tigulns it the cniosiion oi I'.lbies
up. Schlatter his undo uid this
Doi lo b.iid it was tho olhoi wax ''i II,
if oitt Hihlo s.iid that," doi I nod tin
Now ton laKo man. 'it must ho In a for
( isn tongue, tot 1 nooi snw it in initio"
"I uin'l got anv iio tin thp-f now
i dltloti ot Bibles; it taUis too Ioiik to
translate litem" lontinnod Don. into.
'Tho onlj one I hao am ust. tm is
ni.N giiiiidmothot's oiiLO hottght a
new, edition ttotn i tollow who wiih iust
llho o," he said to Mohlattoi, "Ho
was. up asiiinst it 1 piid him $7.'u to
ht.'lp htm out. It was woith $!-' hut t
don't fnd It us j,notl as my giand
niothPi's "
Tlitlt) tho atsuinont wont mi, the Now
Imi lalto phllosopiiPi stinKinK hi'hiattcj
with his saicastio wit, time and time
again Finally. Doilo simt oft tho in
loiestins lopnitop hv b.nini,, wlilt as
much decision as ho tould: "Now,
ft lend, on'tu liothctinK mo, und I'm
liotheiins you. Yon shouldn't wnsto
tliui' aiRttliipr the KoiintuifK with mo.
tor I've Miued up tor foity.plKln liouis
tit a Mttetoh dlsputlns- ovoi points in
the Hlhlc, As I paid liotoio, ou'jp
hotherlns' nio and I'm hothctlua: joii,
truant to do bomn wiltlus, ho wp'll (1joi
it otUjipht lteie,"
'TIjo'hOiiplnR- took pKkp, und Dotlo's
)?, thlf-h' Itad taken flight at tho
ijolso ol tlio aiKiunont, stolo Imih uiul
U iluuu liosldo tho man who mui
ijuishuil SchlatU'i
'. Schlatter Goes to Scianton.
J Schlatter left town Mteida:' atim
noon, IIo tnadu iin- Hciaiiton, talcing
ifio lli-t Delaware and Hudson ttaln
,4tfi' dinner Ho heaid fiunt his wlio,
lint it was not aHhtiiiiK. ot ooihoIIuk
iif.-.'jis. Tho teleBtum upptltied liiin that
t.lie "niadantP," whom Hchlattoi said
war. the hatkbono o tho 111 in. had do
.,lrl'U to wlthdtaw She has applied tor
'jt iliorgff1" dv'9cp. nnd hho adtl.scd
iiiii that whatovitr L-oiiosiionileneo ht
j;ould hae with her would lime to ho
jfitt to her attouiojs. Thin second hlow
w.ih Len moio telt than tin- uuo. that
pottcmi nutdelte gao him dm ins ilio
ais",m?nt-mer thp Suinttuea.
, Schlattet paid lie has not aliaiiiluin d
the luiiKt that his witu .will tahti hliu
hatk, but hu .tdmliied ilr waa a weak
fimr-Thp nioiifsy to pty for his tulhuad
aia.utJie. reeeixed tliui) thi poor hoatd
nitlioiiiles. When ho yets lo tho IJloi
Jilcj1. City lif, will Immi to depend on
olmilty, as Iip l.s withunt a tout, Ho
hopcti, he aald, to niiou oiteop tthh i it
lors in thltt city.
.. , Woman's Relief Coips,
rv4'iii followlns ai (lie ofiuVi uJ'.'-tid
by-Woman's Relief coips; lhldiu,
Jfrc. Jennie Beers; nenlor Ji.iic'sji.
'Hent, Ita. Jarjrajet, Camphtfl; Jttnlot
v'pffpieslcjtnt, 5Uji Jeiiiilu Sluutu',
lioiistiipr, Mih llvn laiwdoni ptietttty,
Mi. Nolllo (.lllllpu: I'hitiiliiltt, Mih. .tunc
DIIIh; ttiitdtlctur, Mik. I'limilo Hate: as
slslanl fontliH'tof, Mih. Clara Ciiillon,
Bltaid, Mih. Amaudti Scull! tixtlMtatit
Kiuilil, Mih. i:il?nhoth .Tt'iuilngs: lltil
inltn-lieaier, Mih. .leniilt' Militni houiiiiI
ttilot'-boaifi, Mt. (', WalteiH, thlnl
etiloi-boatot, Mt, .lonnlo l.aiiioieaiis;
loin tit lolor-he'tiipi, Mih. Smith Car
penti'i ! ilolocato, MIrm Pantile Hale al
lot nate, MIhh Jetinlo Slcmnt1: mtmnlHt,
Mih, .Tatip UoumK
Fiogianunes ot the Feast Day of
Peace nnd Joy at the Dlffetent
Tho Inwuiri iniiwli of I'llllHtniiix, tho
day of "kIoiv to clod mid nonce on
oat th to men," wiih hoatd in smcinl of
tho (11111(1)01 yelcida..
At tho I'leihytetlan (lititih os1pi
day, that ( tininegiitlou und Iho (oiirio
Rittlon of tho Mothndlst lIiukIi, whlih
It boiett ot a lioite' this CntWlnm,
Jollied In sotvlioi. at whlili the ioriiIiii
C'htlMtiniii mtiilf was ghoit 'lhc lol
lowim; ptiiRiaimne wai (.aitlod out with
lute spiiit and devotion.
MoitxiNo snuvici:
Dtrtun vohtntiii ....fioi. A. I'. Thiiiiins
DoolORV I'oimioKiitlon
Iinoi .tllon.
Solo (seloitid) ... ..Miss Minn l'i ink
1 1 tun
Si llpttlio i. iilliu,'
Pi n oi
Konditloti ol taiiiata Tho llopi-ol the
Wot Id
OltoiltiR and nolii i s
Hv inn
Sot mon Hi". i'Ii. it Us lao
I'l.l.M t
Honodk linn
r.vr.NiM: m:i:vh i:
CiR.m volunt.ii. Piol A I' 'llioni.i"
Solo isikHted) .Miss Mini I'niiik
H mil
Siilpliin l'lidiiiR
l'i t pi
ltPiulltlon ol i ,mt ili.' Tho llo I tin
Wot lil '
1I. nut
Summit Ili I' t'h illi e
Pi 101
Tlio i .nil, it. i will lio lelidoiiil liv the
i holt II ImHuk"- tin lollowlns iiiitu-
Inlioiliietoi iliintl', limit I'm 111 Yi
i 'hoi lis ' The slit phi ids '
('hot ns, ' 'lho Wso .Men "
ClosliiR-i lionis, Hall ltov il 14 lilt "
Tho miisK was uudoi tho illtoition of
Pi ol A P. Thorn is and V M fink
At the lleit m Ciptlst ilutiih Iho
iiniRiOR itlon was (dliiPd with tho iou
ditlon oi iho luojii.unini as it ap
poatod in Tho Tiilmue Sittudav
At the Iatthei.m ihunh the tistuil i n
joalilo c'lilisiinas isotiisos weie eu
ild out In Hip oxoniiM. The liltlo oiios
wotP pal tii 111 11 lv h ipp as the IiIr
l'hillinas Hoe w is iloiinatoil lol llioin
Hany Seit of Scianton Takes, t?50
in Gold at Mitchell Fan Close of
The pi lo wliiuois it tin Mitt In II
l ili woto announipd on aluulTy nlghi
last when tho lali i amo to a (lost
Hans Sou, ol Mianton w is the tot
lunili' holdi i ol tho tliUot whlih won
the Z0 in ROM. Mis i:ii(,le won lilt
1'iiHl washoi and Miss I.o lltiitl won
iho I n ro tuiki .
'1 ho laiRO-t eiowd of tlio wtik was
in iiUoiidnnco and tei oni' hid a
ioWul ttnowoll niRlit Tho Molinc mt
iliinletli' of llkt s-ti tno tuinisli, ti
the (titeilaitiinont and thoii siiiRint,
was will lieohod. Thov win lotiith
applittded attot oaih seloi tiou
Tho Mitchell bos ioall,d a noil
sum loi thoii weeks iutiiiisi and
all who iittendod woio loud in thoii
ptaisos ot the (lie huldlih hospltulIt.
Tho company is hijL,hl appici I tllo
of tlio t espouse of the pulilit ami the
inrinlipis u now thoii ussuiancis to
laillliull Rllitlil tlio lite and piopeiU
of the (oimuunlt.. as tlio liaw i loilotl
Let to John Hanson & Son for $110,
000 Wotk to Commence Immedi
ately. The iiiiiliaet loi tlio new luiwtn tit
Simpson was it Ktidiiv to the loutim t
Ihk ill in of .lolin lltiiison & Sons, ol this
olt. Tho hid was toi $110 000.
The hulldhlR will ho milu imposiuK,
Il will ho tout stinks In lioiuht, and
w ill ho ol In Ii k ami ii on YVoi k w III In
(ommeiiiod immodlatoU anil will li
pushed to lotuplPtlon, as ilu piojuiois
mo anxloiih to lako possession m, mmu
as il is possible. Tho Inowoiy will bo
built on tho most ntpiood lines, nnd
when complete il ami equipped It will bo
a plant that will met it the name o up.
Has Season to Be Pioud,
A nunihoi ot people tiniu this til ut
tinded tho entotiaiinneiu In .loniivu,
Kilday nlRhl, by the pupils ol the Ma.
llold Si hool, The eiltf llatntlieilt tat sut
passed any pun lous oliotis, und tiiL
iiiMiuotois oi th" t illicit i n mo toioh
Iiir (Oiihldoiahlo malso tiotn those of
out nelshboiliiK townn who witnessLd
t lift poiionnance. ('aihondulo has ua-s-oii
lo feel pinttd o tho ctitoi talniiient,
as tho muskal Inbuilt Man was all tlotip
That i.i the result of a course
of treatment with Scott's Kmul-
sion. We have mpecial refer
1 ence to persons with weak
lungs and sensitive throats.
Scott's Hnuilsion does .some
things hetter than otheis. This
i one of them, It has a ne-
euliar action on the throat and
ung-. which gives them
strength and makes them tough,
I That's how Scott's Kmulsion
, drives out coughs, colds nnd
bronchitis. It keeps. them out,
W c'll tend ou J little to li) if von liU
M.OU il COWNh, w t'url kiiiel .New "ioik.
by MIhs Anna dimly, foimorly of thin
city, but now ot Mavlleld, To her tin
ct'ttnlnn; elToitH was due in no Hinall tie
mop the Hiilelldld Hitter us of the tnusl
tal iittinbctH teitiloioil by the1 Htudcut.
Thltt talented pianist and .shifter has
tt'iipoii lo feel ptotttl nf Iter uii.
The Young Man Who Was Detaug
ed Has Becoveied.
The family of Mm tin Mitipliv the
ouiir matt wlio boi'ittiip dot aimed
sevei al moittltH iirii, and liatl to ho tak
en to Dittnllle loi tteattnent, will
spend it plontuhlct' Chi IstmiiH than tin
Molpaled, as UiIh ahienl one will ho
with them lo onloy the festive oetti
hIoii, Woitl was teiolxod last week ft oni
the iiHVhtm supei lutondent that Mm pity
had quite tocoVeied uiul tould B() to
his homo. AccotdliiRlv IiIh htothoi,
rommon C'oiinllman TltotmiH Mm pity,
left this motnliiR' lo in company hint to
this city.
.Muiphj's (olidltlou was InoiiRlil on
hv woriylne; oer luoi eased tospoiisl
hllltlPH ln niiliuv for a hUiio w'hetolit
ho wan omploved at Maylleld. Since
he has been ioeooiliiR- he was taken
with Uphold lever and came neai to
site climbing. Ho wuh Rteatlv i educed
In weight, but Is riiIiiIhk; teitillly, and
us his powets nl mind littve heel) te
stoted, It is billowd he wjll inpldtv
lelitin to healtli. now that he Is able
to bo itiuoiiR Ills nk'iitls and liiiiiillnt
The Xmas Attiaction.
Miss Ullta Plot, ten Otis will appeal lit
the Otalid on Chilslinas atteinoon and
oNelilliR-In Dakl Celas(o's billllant so
ciety di.iinu, "I.a Hello Itttsse."
The i title In the New Yoik Sun of
Dee. 4 Rises the plu. and Miss Otis an
t Mended and Mattel inn ielow. The
di.iiiia Is ( h ti.u tot istlt ol the famous
aitthoi, Mi. liolaseo, and b simll tr In
theme to his Intei national sun ess,
Hna.' Miss Otis, ulwas an in list,
his a iliataetet In "I.a Hollo Clisse,"
(oinbinlnB tin oe distinct Miles; lomwlj,
i motion anil li.iRedv ami dlsiil.ns hit
uitistk loinpoiiimont and hoi wondoi
Ittl Pis.itlHtv as an atttess. Th" ( oni
panv Is eatefulh selected. behiR t nlloil
liotn Mettopoltt.m tanillles
A Successful Stai.
Mildtid Holland, who ih booked to
appeal onee moio at the Ciaiul onei.i
linuso on Thiiisduj oonliiR, Dei eni
hei Ji!, besides beiliR a en stinossftil
ouiik stai, is a woman of vailous .n -ceiinplishmeiits,
not onh an nitioss
but a i kai-hoaded woinin ol lnismoss
an i spin Willi tin foils, an ainatPtti
photoRKiphoi, and with .utlsth lean-Iiir-s
In other tlhoi tions also. "Miss Hoi
laud is ambitious lo make a Sit tkes
pe lit in pioiliu lion within a coil
Earnest Gamble, the Basso.
The PiltslmiR Tlntis s(s oi lhne-l
tliimblo, who will be hole at tho tliand
on rinla tiUht
lit in st Caniblt tin. l'ltisbui-, ba-so
,te i leiittl last nl(,ln it the lloti I
chinli. whuh wis onj oi the most
eiijox.ih'c cntpti timiiLiits he ml theie
this si ason The i oni 1 1 1 i titnii was
now ded nid the iiiulliiue was si, t n
thusl istlt that allot the list iiumboi
not a soul lelt a so n, until the applause
hid lontinued loi seMial minutes and
the iuiiir aitist i tin nt tl and bow id
his ,k knowleilRi tin nts .Mi CI imhlp
is p).t(tl(.ill ii Pittshiiinei who,.
oltni litio blon he eoi went to
nuiopo to stinh, mil lils ppifonu nice
list nlRhl show oil the sti klos he has
in nit It iiood that PiltsbuiR has
one sIiiri i it least who is j-,oliik to
nit'.istiie up with all tliHf,teil m illsts
of the win hi
College Students Who Have Aniveel
To Spend Xmns.
'Iho s, isoit ot t 'hi 1st mas aboo all
olhoi Itstal ilts, liiings honio all wlio
no nw.ij ttoni the l.ttniU health This
homo i onilng Is now on ami among the
i ollof,e sin, bins anil otheis who
u. ii hod (' nbond.ilo tsttidt und S tt
iti da v to spend t' mo tlio lol
lowliiR' William Ntaliin rnloisi of Penn
sslMinla Pi ank llowln and Plank
.Mossett, Meilio-C'hiitUhkul, Philadel
phia Stephen Ni tlon SI Mk hael s
Toionto, llanj C'oleiiitiii, ililawu ttnl
eisit, .loh ii PlmiPian St M.uj s
llalliinoio. Di Tliom is l.oftus John
llopkiii.s uni(istj, inltlinoio, Thom
as Nolan, St llimitxt Dime's, Alle
Khcny. N Y,; Planus Qutnu, St. Ml
chtiprs, Toiouto, Mklnel Nolan, I.e
hlRh I'uUeisltj Albeit Kuthoi fold,
JainisClum, I'iiImmIu ot PennsxI
Minia, Miilloi Spent ci, Steens' pit p
aiatoiv sehnol, Hoboken, N, ,1.. Cdwaid
Hun and Tlieiou l.eo, l.afajetle, Unu
Hlj, Ml-s Mlna Pi, ink, Snaouse unl
oiiiity, silus Mi Mullen, funn a tnlll
tat itiademy In New Yoik state: .Tos
i lilt K. Ibonnaii anil Pdwaid Dulane,
Dk kllison I.uw si hool, Paillsle; Daniel
White, suite. iiilloRe, Hal IV I.lstoi,
Phillips. Kse ter aoadoinj.
Will Conduct a Dance on New
Yeais' Night.
'I'll" Ce-r-oo-HoM " it sotlnl oiRait
I 'il Hun iiitupo-til ol eiungr liieit t oit
.jple ttotis In the nn liil lite of the town,
111 daino tlio old veitr out with th"lr
tl loads In lluiki'ti hull op Tuesday
en-nitiR ,lko all ot the nftuiis with
whlih tlie s inn j? men uiu lonnoi toil,
ihe hao at l aimed well lot this
dame, whhh piomlses to ho a soehl
colli. The Moail ouhestia will pin
lde uitisie,
Tho ituninittee In diatR" of the at
lanM'iuentH Is comiioM'd of Mas Sin p
lieid, 1'alll Coe.-lRPl, Mooiro Hollow,
Itobett ('iiiiduci.
.MIi'liAIJI. llltOWN, a well-known
tesldenl ol this it, died cHtoidaj
luoinlm; at his homo on Sand stuot,
He had In on a stiiicici lot a mmiliir
ot uiih funn tiiiiiois' ithllima.
Dei i used was a man known all oer
the tits, as he had been a UIo-Ioiik'
li'sitleni Iniio lie l. sin hod hv his
wile, tun kiiis, .Mie hael ami Paltlck,
illd lint datlrihtois, .Mis M PldROOll,
Mio ,1 .Ionian and Mi. A. Muulc ami
two single duiiRlm is, MaiRtnet and
Maty, who tosklo with the intents Tho
tiinutal aiiannuinniis liac noi been
' Inn tint imioial will pioh
ahh ho held tonioiiow attiuiioou In.
loilllollt to bo in St J Inset (CllietiM.
Sunday Stieet Cats.
The Insi mis to ho imt on Sunday
shut' tin stillvi bcBim weie opetalod
MstndtN, wlieii the sihedulu of thn
week Urt maintained up to I l'i in "
ii'iluik hi i he atteinoon. s on week
das lite people let mined ttoin iki
llU,' oii iwo pasMMiKcts, two won it
be'lllR eihsetxod oil the iuih dliilllR thp
tiny. It Ih a sliiRttlar t heunihtantp of
tin' iiinnltii; of the i ttt that when
oi or women aie seen ildltiR, thole Is
always two of them, no mote nor less
mi am in casloii.
Receipts fiom Euclne.
At all the nliiHHos In St. Ttose (hutch
the amount ot the lotolpts l nun the
otichio pmty, hold tniiloi the attspkes
ol the Ladles' Catholic IJonevotcnt as
Hodntlem, weie announced as behijy
UVJ.S'i. Tho iimomit Iuih bopti tinned
oxer to the ihtiioh hniirovemont fund.
II Is lonsldoied as HpeaklitR' well for
the llnantlal sueioss of the entoiptle,
whkh wns a Rioat Htlieess soi lallv.
Home fiom Philllpines.
Michael Flannet, ot Patlpw stnet,
ami Pdwmd Stilllwm ate homo tiom
the Pulled StatiH oliiuteor aimv,
when their onllstinentH esphed sotue
time iirii, and utp heio to spend Philst
mas with theh lamllles, whhh thoy
lelt sex pi al" iiro to lake up s0
dlei lllo lltith lime boon In tl:
Philippines whole thin ill 1 in ll' p
w oi It
The Newman Dance.
Imitations have been teiehed In this
tit lo the annual dunce of Mie Cath
olic socloU and Newman
MuruIiip iltth which will take plate in
KnlRhts of Columbus hall on Monday
nlRhl, Deeetnboi :o This smlet has
membeis in this eilx and those whose
names appeal as pattonessps me Mis.
.lamps P. Lofttts, .Mis. Pdwaid DoiirIi
eit, -Miss AliRolla Hits
Theh Annual Reception.
On ciiiisinitis atleinonii, In St. Itose
ihunh, the Angels' s,hHt nm ,,i
their tnniuil lei option, when a iittin
bot of (.indldatis will bo neohed hi
the S(,lnt llMlllls will bo sum; i ,1(1
lei nations in b moiubiis oi Iho
sodalit The seniles will bo t losod
Illi Im'ik dii tlon
Removed Decoiations.
Ham Seiti and Da v Itl Mat tin, ol the
ileeoialltiR 111 in of seiu A- Mal till, ol
iianton .tie in the eltv lemoxliiR the
splendid doi mat ions whkh adoinod
Watts' hall eluiiiif, Iho Mitchell tali
I isi we Pk
A New Cleik.
I' c.i 1 1 o, the south -Maui stioot
nil it hint, Ins added a new t lei k to
the stoie lou She is .Miss Liilmu
Pill, n, of P.tik stiool
i 'mnnion i mini il
l'i dotal n nit in No "Jut i
Patiiotie Oidoi horn ol Anient a
Ollo Loaf I.oiIro, I O t) I'
C n bond lie loimiil KiiIrIHs t,f fol
Pa 1 1 kk Kit wood, ol Si lioiu i lath , V
V is homo ten the holldajs Postei has lotuinod to his homo
in New Voile stutt, altei a visit with
1' .1. Postei. on Canaan stieet.
Janus Pos and Tamps liiennin. the
laltii tlio well known athlete, .no
lituiio liom New Yoik tli, whole tin
tie now implmcd.
The pai loi s ot the c,thai P.aptlst
(hutch was the seene oi a pleas nit
RitheiliiR on Salmda.v evening,, whete
the memhois ot the ehilich tendeiod
Mis Ann Samuels, one ot theh slstei
meuibei.s, an aRioeable siupilse, when
tht ptoseutttl hoi a puiso loi lie i
lailhlul woik tow. nds tlio dirndl. W.
I! Owms ilelUeiod Mie speedi ot pios
emation in his chmm tpiistkallv
liiimoious and toinpllmenlin j vein,
and Mt.s Samuels latolulh lpspoud
ed Attot an esch.niRo nl pit as mi i om
pllinonts und Rood RieetltiR", lite Ritesis
weie siued with a dahiu meal, whkh
wa.s enjoved by all pioseMtl.
The limeial ot the kite John T Jones,
whoso death oeiuiiod on Pildiij liom
Injuiles .sustained til Council mini', will
he held this ultoinoon at .'.,) o'( loi k.
Intel uteiit will bo made in (lie Potest
Homo ( emoteiy.
Tuvloi Hose compaii). No I, Is
making ostnisho piepaiatlous im its
Milid annual masiiuoiado ball, to bt
holil In Webei's link on Polnnan ft,
I'll).'. Tkkots, r nnis
Thomas Jones, a studeni ot lltillaln (olloo, Is sieudlllR his holiday
matlou Willi his inolhei, Mis. 'J' 1,
Joins, on Main stieet,
John Putih, who was at the
Pnio mine last week, is imptoiluR
Centm Hose (ompany, No. l', will
olwiM' Its hiHond annleisiny on Peb
titai.v II. l')0J, with an tnteitalnment
and ball at Wobei's i InK. I'ieiaiatIons
ate well iindei way tor the event.
Tho Phemoit'H Uellef assoi latloii will
meet on Ptlday oieulnq, Decomhoi L'7,
tit the hoso house ot No, I company.
All meinbeis me ipeitu.sted lo ho pies
ont, The now by-law a .no to ho adopted.
Centiuy Hose i ompany, No. '', will
olut ollkoi.s for the e'tisiiliiR tot m, Mem
da v, DeieinbiM ,tn Asslstanl Chief
itooiRit Puidy has boon endotscd as a
candidate tot chief of the Iho elep.ii t
inoitt by No, J (iiiiiptiny.
Moit hunt .1. P, Thomas is a i.iiidlilalo
tot lcikitioii as loiiiicllinan tiom tho
Pifth waul Mi, Thomas has been an
i flh km ( ouiullnian.
'I'liu hat her shops will hu closed all
day Detoinbei L'.'i, but to anoimnodato
thoii paiioiis will keep open until mid
lllRlll Dneinbei .M,
New a vas teielved h.v .Mis licniRe
Hooper, ol Taylor Mi eel, on Satin day
limn Walts, uuiioiim Iiir the death of
hot mother
ikoaitt (Irlllllhs a student al the
SlloudhbuiR Statu .Vol nial school, s
upending the hollda.vs with his paieniH,
lint boss und Mis W, P, titlllllhs
Joseph tiillllths, a noted VeitniR Men's
Chilstlall assoclalieni speaket.of Moosic
adiliesscd the mniilioi.s ol the local
Yiiiiur Men's Chtistiali assodation 111
tho l'i e.shj toi Inn dirndl .vesteiduj al
lot noon at I n'lloek
Tho Welsh Haptlst nilnlstcis' lonlii.
eiiiool NoiMie.tsteiii Peunsj h aula wilt
he held in lite Calvatj Ilaptht i hutch
lommeueiliR al .' p. in toduj lit the
atteinoon lies T l .vIoiruiis, ot
KitiRstou, will lead a papei. In Mm
evonhii,', at 7.u0 ii'ihuk, llev. Mot t Is, of
Nantkoke, will pieaih In IJitRllsh, and
llev. W. T. ThoniiiH, of Plllston, will
pteaelt In Welsh,
II. J. C'oopei, of Main stieet, was In
Wltkes-Uanu on business, Sat in day.
Umblem division, No. 57. Sons of
ITempctance, will meet thin evening1.
I Mioses Maiule Piimcls and Jennie
llatilH, Htttdents at IJlooinabttiB State
, Not mal Hchool, ate home to Hpend their
holiday acatlon with their patents.
Mls JcshIo IlinloH, of SttottdshuiR
State Not mal school, and William Hal
los, of WeHtcin tuilieiHity, PlttHbiiiR,
me home for the holldaVH.
'iho follow Iiik ft lends of Mr. Jacob
lilese'ckoi tendeied liiin a suiptbo
liMlv Wednesday evenltiR, hi hnnot of
Ills lKht-Hi.Ht bhthdav. Dmlmr lite
ovenlim he was ptesentod with it
liandoine tockhiR (halt. Hev, Powell
made the pieacntalloii speecn, P.e
tieshniPiits weie seivpd and all te
tuinetl home, titter spendlnsr a vet.v
pleasant evenltiR. Those piesont woio:
.Mi and Mih. Womlwc'kei, Ml. anil
.Mis. S. J. Hoi iib.u kor, Mr. and Mix.
(1. S Hi on n, Mr. and .Mis Philip
Swaits, Mi. ami Mis. Ambiose Wai
doll, Mr. and Mis. Chailes Kiolset and
child) en, Mis. Cook, llev. and Mis.
Powell, Mi. and Mis i:ivood Penv,
Mi'ssi. John Jones. Isaac Hieseekei,
Pi ank Hiesoikei, Misses P.tla Cook,
Iluol cook, Altibpl Win doll and Mls(
Shea i
J. 12. Uiveland his puithase a hand
ntnc new team.
The limeial ot the .vouiir: son oi Mi.
and Mis. Dowd was held tiom his late
homo Thin sdnv moinhiR. inteiment
was made In the Moscow (ointdeiv
Mis. Sheiinaii and daughtoi. Mu, Is
vIsitlnR; ti lends in Scianton.
AVIIIiam lit own has lotuinod homo
fiom I'hllndoliihla. whoio he has btcn
s)ondliiR- -evoial inotiths.
The .VOUIIR ft lends of James Sh tvv
sTiitliPied at his homo V , tinesd ly
oveuiiiR, in lionoi oi his th.ilteutli
biitlida. tlanii s nl v n ions kinds
woio pliivod dm in,; the evenim, Itn
i hieh daltitv leticshmt tits wei
seived. A IhtslillRht pit tine ot the
vouiir people was taken hv Thomas
CJlovPi The lollowint quests
luoseiu- Maiv De Pen, hena Dlson,
-Mvilo Lvmiin, M.ngaiPl iVatdoll,
P.httli he Van Ilittut. dace IJdwaiJ'-,
I'uola lb own Cot a W'ohi. Peai I Pien
tlee. Peail Weln, Klinheth Lj mini,
Luthet Havenstiltt. Pi ank Noaek,
(li sun f Sit tl At thin kvman, I,on ih
haidl Coutt Van Hi tint. Ham; Salt,
Piank IShd, Mai tin Jiodnev, C.eoi ro
fvolb, Iteno Ivnnaii, Joe Van Hiiinl,
Thom is Hoelnev, Neil Piontito
Dei ot. i tots ine ti.itistoi miiiR IJovds
hall Into a see-ne of heautv loi tho
Iheiuen's tali whkh will open on
Chiistnias night Uoollis have been
pi pi led aloiiR the sides ami at the end
of the h ill a stage is being constituted
A smoking and letieslmient toom Is be
ing luted up In connection with tlio
fi.ii on night the fliemen
will c (inline t a social in Mahou's hall.
Lnvvienoe's full oiehesti.t ot Scianton
will ptovido nuisli foi the dancing
'the engage inent of tho "The Old
Com,iimon company at the opei i
house on Chiistnuis night has lit on
(am oiled.
An IntciPstliiR ptogiumino has btcn
aiiaiiRCd lot the Chiistnias nee esot
dsis in Mie Susiilehinina smn u w
tist t hutch tonioiiow evening At tho
dose of the enteu.ilmm.nt gilts will
bo ilisttibiited tiom Iho chiistnias liee.
C M. Ilathawav, i) ol Yale eollegi,
is sponding the holidavs m ii boino
on the West Side.
Pdwaid Hanahoe, of Dunmoie stnct,
is home tiom Munsilold to spend the
Mi. and -Mis Wallet Polkula. ol k.iwanna sttoct. have gone to
Shamoklu to visit telitlves
Miss Otaie kv tub Ins tetuinoil liuiue
tiom St Vincent souiltun im ill"
Chiistnias vacation
Junies Htllko. nl Cat houdule, was a
vstot in town .vesteid.t.
Ptlwatd Johnson, ol mi mulshing. Is
visiting In town.
lleinum Whlnoot has boiip to spend
the holidavs with his slstei, at Plilla
tk Iphia.
Cheslei .Mtdskn, ol Wllkes-llinio,
was a (iilloi in town Thuisduv.
Mi. and .Mis, Albeit Smith and
(lattRhm, Miss Maud, attended the
Aiinlleld-Wllcos woddina, at I'm sons,
on Thutsday ovenlng-.
.Miss Hannah Mottissey Is slowl to
coveting fiom an attack ol pneumonia.
John ltobotlt-on Is home tiom Stale
college to spend Mm holkl.ljs.
Dennis Mottissey, whllet at woik at
the Old Poigo bieakor on ThuiMlav.
had his knee badly Miuee.ed,
Mis. Thomas SuWllflo was a nillti In
Scianton, Ptlday.
The pupils ot the guided si hool will
rIvp their chilsttius oiitutainment In
tho school building, Tuesday inotiilng.
All paieuts ato Invited
The si hool chlldien ot Wllllllieis ,ave
a chiistnias ontettahiiUPiii em Pildav
evening, which was in even way a stit
tess, The p.tttons ttimiuod tho Clitist
tnas tioo, which tiiado every child
happy Miss Hut us, lhc teaphoi, wenks
liuitl tor tho Intetohth ot the school
The ptooeedH ot tho utttoi tallimeut will
ho used to bu.v an oigan.
.Mr, A. Ihneiy. Mm section boss, is to
eovoiing ft out a seiotu attack of lieu
talgla, which kept him fiom duty sev
ii ti I dav.s, His men winked all light
without a boss. Set mtnh Im the tail
toad men
Lewis Mvots I'lv mouth Mock eltlik
eits ate living will this (old wcailnt
Il does not tieeif in his hen house,
Ml tfuvei is a hustler. He takes caio
ot "PVQiiti'cn head ul cattle, leoils and
milks, and gets to woik on the!
by ii.lU o'clock ill Iho motnliiR
Mis' lilac k and Mis. Agoi wen shop
plug In Siiautoit last Woilumhiv
Impossible Inconsistency.
VII. Illjlii Wjji-I'uji I'll, uiul -i ill l 1
ihuH' Jn.n in tin' Vlctoilt wlilmia liiin'
VIl I'llll Hll iliiln'l juti ul.e I iiu tt l
VII,-) IIUlic VVjjo llouiiv' I illilu i ,o u i ho
il ir (Jll, il i mi' - "-linn si
blnini Mult uiul tloor, flmc- tioutit, nlllcc' nml
ntntr fiitiilliiu , In 1 i 1 1 tl ui Milt uooil, nml Ji li
'.iiti X. Winlm. n... I, sOMMUl
nrcinirs i vvvr.oss ( in kimit, iit-i
Ilnthot nml Itiiltillne I ntn ut liugjiiis UOIlsllS
Clll'l'l I) nml eiHOOVIl.t) t
LitKittJiiin raulf ut),
J. B. WoOLSEY & Co
Dealers In
Plate Glass and Lumber
rear Sll Laekauanna acenuc, innmifacltnrr ut
Wire fecreetis ot all klndti fully pi cp trod lor
tlie i-prlnc ted-on We in ike all klndi ot poteli
Kcrccm. elf
Ceirial Conductor, llullilcr and Dealer In
llullil np stnne. Ceiiicnthit' ut cell us a pe
ilalt felcplione J502
Otflcc, 1.J7 Waslilnqton avenue
Home office, EOS 209 Meara Ilulldlnjr, traiKicta
general lulldlns and loan business tluoughout
tlu- fclato of PcnrHjhulila.
We have determined to reduce oui stock piiot
to our lemoval to our new building at our
tormei location, 129 Wyoming avenue.
Special Clearance Prices
on Entire Stock.
Rugs, Linoleums, Shades, etc.
Williams & McAnulty,
Temporary Store,
126 Washington Avenue.
Possibilities of Bats of lion Placed
in Hands of Aitisans.
Tho .lamiaiv Site c i ss imitiiliis nn in
teiostliiK ,11 tlel' shiiwlnc, nt.iv be
luoducetl 1 1 out a niiinhci ul oi
lion, one each hiiiiK iilniod In the hands
ot vaiimis inn hanics The vvtltt i s,s,
in put:
Tho man who laki s tlio Hi -t h u iniiv
be a tntlKli blue ksniitb, wlio 1ms only
naitlv loin nod Ids tunic, ami lias no
ambition lo iNe uhove his anvil lie
thinks that iho best iiossiblo tliiiiu ho
can tin with ills Imi is to make It into
hoii-esbeies, and eonm initiates hliuscli
upon his sin i ess He unseats that the
i limit) ol hull Is win th onh two
01 I In eo cents a pound, und thai II is
nut wot Hi while to spend much tlnm n
labor on It Ills enoiiuotis iiiumUs .md
sniall skill have i.tlsod tlio value o tho
lion 1 1 mil one dollar, pothaiis, to tin
Aloilf, comes ti ttitli'i, Willi a llltln
hettet education, a little tnoie aillbllluii,
a little thiol pen option, and siva to
the bluckHinllh: 'Is this all vou can
ceo in that lion,1 (live me a bai, and 1
will hhow cm what htalns and Mill and
haul woik can inaho ot it "
WIipii his woik la dune, ho r-hiiws the
ahtonl.shed lilac ksiulih two thousand
(lnlltith' woith ot kiiltolilados while tlii
latter onlv h.ivv tut dollats wuith ul
(I tide hoiKs!!!)''!1. The vnluo Iiiik bull
gioatly talsotl h 1 1 1 leiinlni; iunos
Htlll auotlioi wiiikinaii wIiumi put
tesucH mo mi itllliost lllllnllelv ilelltato,
whose piodtlit is so little Known, Its
even llu uvoiaM iduiutul man, that
his ti uli Is umnontioueii b, Iho niakoi.s
oi ilh tlouailirt and one ,t lopcillas, takis
hut n 1 1 ii.iiioiu u one ol tho bais of
htool, and develops ltn ItlKhet powsilill
i'lis with mii h mai veliiits in i in in v,
Hitch othetcal niionesrt ul tutu li, ihut
iivell lliallisiulii'.'h and luilLsjiilm,. air
looked hai U npuil at- umim', elude anil
tlieaj) W'ltoll his Willi; la dune, lie
hhow a s on a low "I Ha inlnntolv
hat hod iuMiumoutK inni 1) ileutlHtH to
thaw out lhc Illicit blanches oi the
dental nitvm While a puund o ,ild,
uutahl.v hPoaUlim, Ih wot th iiliont two
bundled and illt.v cIoIIiiih, a pound ol
Ihc'sie slondei, luibcd lll.inicnu ol hicil
it a pound i mild he ictllecUd, iiiIkIU ho
vvoiih hundtoda ot I lines tot much
.lust lib each .inlaan t-ocs. hi the c mdo
lion home ttnislied, lelhiocl pioduct, t-o
must we t-co In tan livo itlotloiis ptist-l-hlllllc's,
It wo would but ieale thom.
Successor to
tt'o miko a .peelnllv ol line brcail sttiltj
Orders (or Silatlt, Outers Croijucllcs, etc ,
promptly tilled
A full line ot Leo Crenui ami Iiet
'Jil V,i-iilnuloti Vveiiuc. '
Will IIo llpe'ioil - it mil , IM U !
Ihi' t!ct the Vljikit Annul (lull. I
tlectrle. VVIrltiB and l'hturo
llcctilu Itch and fclcplione Work.
zoo Commonwealth Buildins
thescranton Vitrified Brick
and tile Manufacturing Company
Makern ol I'jNlng lliiik, etc. M. II. Dale.
(Jitcral s,i s.inXi Wlkc J0 u'l.lilitBion c.o
VVotkH at .Nay Aug, IM , II. & W. V. R 11,
Manufacturers' Agcnti
Dim at Agenu ror
Jolin V. Itoclillnic'n fcotu I o 'a Wire Hope and
1 leUilul VMie Cutti Peiclia and Rubber Mfg
Co ' Belting, Pad tog-, lloe nnd Mechanical
Rubier (iuoil. hnontton l'ackins Carter's
Oil Clothing Itoom J10 Paull tildg.
It we st e onlv hoisishms oi knito
blados, all oui elloi is and stiliRslcs will
novel jit inline halispi lns;s We must
lealio oui own iidnptubllltv to itmil
cutis, wo inust losolie lo t-ll liKisTli.. I"
outline ttiiils and tists, to pav the ttei -ess.nv
uilie, iiinlhliui ihut the ustiU
will pav us ten oui suiieiliu,, out tli.tls.
and uiu i Ifotls
How Hnlan Told the News.
V i, ul -Mi i- Uilil ul il" i li ii i li uiul la
win, 1 1 lii-tii, II il 1 1 11 lililllpiil In .iu i tip I
tin iii-iiln iliu-i ii ti III. -roll fill ml, sil((l i
(.IIIMll llilllllll- VKmi hi li'iui linn i uli i.
nul In-tin 1 1 u 1 it t Willi I Inin Mi III, Mal.
llui a tli( il(iilti nil' if Jiistiu. Hi nid lu
v, i i ti lil-, i I,, tin i mil
siin iinpiiil ml lii-lin iinlii''
tin sulli ll.u .lllllll
si ' irpllnl tin I", ju-die di I cm ("
In a tin tuic u llu c ill iml llu laiei 1ml' iln
III KlIlllilliC '
Ml llfiliiult iuiii-iil Ik I ul linn In ml li,
llllt CVMlllll III plflMll I,, lili n
Will" -ill In-tin lliilin. in Ini; in i ik
iiiiiIIiu ilinc uf Ilium t" nun win uulnt
ili IK- In I niM' 'i "' ,ln. a,d till) .! c
i,il' till rtlcKin-. in i wii t hi in llirmit.1i
I inn. Ii,il, in llu ni" 'lliil'i. ) CMimkinil
thin.,' will mil ul 'he mui 'I ilai'l mi at
ililn. iwul.itnl limn II' Uii"l llu itln't
jl ,i I'nii,, Inn i t ill n till fill I fit.- thn ii.ii
III li ili ' 'Mill, lt,' iliUtiil Illi nlliu 'I
I u huili'l ill nil tin' wmlil ui'l I'm nun
K in i t uiu i inlo Inl HiilK tiniu llul ' Ma
in dm iliiui' l CMiliilillill limit il ' i.l I
lit- 1 1 It nl VV i ii i cuiid iful ilimit a Ml t
I. , ink llul II i lb . In" in ll'' lulu, t
tlie li it li'iui !"' i ' nl II it call ,rt I'.iit. i
Ih a Knot In li '' "
III tin llullil Ii.u1 it .mil it ItK o"i
lul, iml .1-, li' "ml tw i tn tin I ipil I Id
.-nil, Itm .im ill In, lul In hi. i-.l-l .nt ml
uiul ul
' II, lulllt Ik III till UU IIIIIIOIII, mil lu-i o
II aim i. in lit" illvint,'
Willi' llhlki- IIijmii ,! li 1 1 1 1 1 1 tin il'ihll'l
I I tin mill In llu Pi I Inn ii-i, :u vein li
.iiMIIIIll I I Ilia ill l .11111,1 ilit, llkl ll
lni lipi lil-. on in s IM, oi Cm, tl ItnlilTil
llul, ni l iiu,i t clink In I) 1'fii ilh- "o
illluI l UI-u' Jill ulll l ll.Hl' ilin In lit. K If
i niiilii in, wlni i.n -nun, t-ulitil. a lul Iiu
nuio ii nl
Suw mi mi tli tail I nl '
t lnl iln, Md it tli filliiin) .uiul 'ni,.!
iiiul ii Unit, iml lit wilit mt jnio Hi lii'i i'
iml lull ,uii i ni i ii.-i'uiiiliiiu tin 'unit
Unix- ,i nil.-lil, i a Iln mih nut lii H lo Uiu
illut lint llii' ,,uii nuil Iml K-t tli (is
M In it In iiliiinul l' tin' (unit i" in li-iuu
III ili v.i, li tiling llu iiiijuil u)lnlnii 111 Im
iiiiiuii-. lliwiu. um .lii-tiii IlillinS (in w u
-ill tulnkliu. In I lew inoiiidit., I'liiiu I ,.
in III mil lul uulinl tlit ilh ot II.. iltit-i I,
.iliutliu li He i urn tl wn lioiu tin' liluli Ij tin
li im Iiiiic .-ullill'l kincrjl It li id
' S(W .(Oil i li llu uli . ll
Imt lull" Wilt. i V Inni in tin- fltliJ,i II
,1,1 II. MM
1 1
i, i.u..Si. f
s"? K
M, tfatSct -Am. Ar