The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 23, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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TJuylng of Antluaclto Coal Was Im
proved By tho Cold Wave There
HaB Been No Change In the List
Price and None Is Expected Tho
D. L. & W. Bonrd for Today Com
ing Convention of tho United Mlno
Workers of This District.
"A heavy inlnstorm limt week
mimed about tin; worst flood seen tti
tho anthracite region In the lust twen
ty years," says tho Engineering and
Mining Journal of Saturday. "The
damage was widespread and resulted
In an almost total suspension of ship
ments during most of thin week.
Mines situated In low ground were
flooded, those on higher ground wore
hotliered by the great Increase of sur
face water, while railroad tracks were
submerged and bridges washed away.
The .damage was heaviest In the I.e
lilgh and Susquehanna regions, the
mines In the Wyoming valley suffering
less and those In the Lackawanna re
gion least. It Is as yet Impossible to
estimate the full amount of tho dam
ago, but many mines will not be In
shape to run for days yet, In
some eases considerably longer. Very
little coal has arrived In New York
this work. The Delaware and Hud
son, which of nil tho great coal roads
suffered least, has been bothered by a
congestion of general freight on the
Krie, but got some coal through early
In the week, sending It by way of Al
bany over the Now York Central.
"The Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western mines suffered from surface
water and the main line was ootheiv-d
by washouts and Hoods, but It has not
Buffered so much as some other com
panies. The Lehigh river went on a
rampage and practically no Lehigh
valley coal came through from the
mines' up to Thursday. ITp to tho
same day, the Lehigh and Wllkes
liarre company hail not succeeded In
getting a single car through to New
York harbor. The Heading also fared
hadly. It has got practically no coal
through ami is temporarily out of the
market, Its New York sales agent de
clining to take orders until many
mines were pumped out and its lines
la better shape for transportation.
With fair weather all roads should bo
In shape for their usual tonnages by
the end of next week.
"In the Northwest, retail buying has
Improved with a cold wave, and the
movement of coal from the docks is
steady. Colder weather In Chicago
territory has brought out a heavy de
mand from retailors and trade Is ac
tive. Receipts by Lake at Chicago
are estimated at S0.O0O tons below last
year's figures. The winter's temper
ature will determine whether or not
docks will be cleaned up by next
spring. Receipts of all-rail coal were
fairly liberal, but are expected to be
very scanty until the mines are again
In good working order. At lower lake
points and in Canadian territory de
mand Is good, but very little coal is
going forward. Along the Atlantic
seaboard, retail trade is in good con
dition. At New York harbor ports, as
noted above, the railroads are deliver
ing very little coal and most of thtm
are temporarily out of the market.
"There is no change In list prices,
and none Is expected. Free-burning
white ash Is quoted as follows, f. o. b.
Now York harbor shipping ports:
Uroken, $1; egg, $-1.25: stove and nut,
?t.50; pea, ?L'.60&?3; buckwheat, S2.23
Convention of Mine Workers.
The semi-annual convention of Dis
trict No. 1, United Mlno Workers of
America, will be held In Wilkes-Uarre,
during the wek beginning January 13.
More than 300 delegates, representing
".000 miners, will be in attendance.
It Is expected that President T. D.
Nicholls and all the other olllcers will
be re-elected without much, If any, op
position. The only contest so far is for
the pcsitlon of representative on the
national executive board. Among the
andidatcs are Henry Collins, K. M.
'ourtrlght, John Fallon, William J.
Morgans Mid John P. Williams.
D. 3D. & W. Board for Today.
Tim following is the make-up of the
V., L. and W. board for today;
SU.NDAV, 22.
WiW Cils K.i,t S p. in., M. II, MiLanc; 3(1
V- 111., A. Ci. lljiimiltt; Jl p. 111., .1, IliuMuit.
Summit.:, Ktc 'J l. in., west, Jl. tiulilui.
moxday, ni:ci:.Miii:u ss.
Wild Cats llajf 1,30 a. in., (ienru Hint; .1 a.
in., 1'. I.. Rogers; 1) u in., lloliokeii, A. .1.
1..iiUii; 7 a. in., 1', llklktt; 0 a. in., I.'. W.
lliinn; 10 n. 111., J, A. Hush; 11 a. 111.. ).
llJITRCily; 1 p. in., 1 Van Wunni'i; i v. n,
O. V, ritKcralil; t p. 111,, V. J, Moaicr; u
p. in., O, Ivcirmy,
Summits, VAc.a a. in., r.nt, II. MuAllMpr;
JO u, in,, west, CJ. rroui.iulki'r; 11 a. in., wot,
Nliliob; 2 p. 111., Wwil, Tlioiiipioii; li p, m,,
i'.il, J. 1IwiiiIb.ui; u p. in., Mt, Jl, tiolihn.
I'uslicrh l) u. 111., Wiiluvr; 7 a, m S, Tin.
nrilyi 8 a. in., llo,ier: 11.15 a. 111., Mor.1.1;
li p. in., Ilartlinloinmr; 7.111) p. in., Murphy; ti
li. in., W. II. ll.irtliolomett ; 10 p. m., Lumping,
lUtM'UKcr EnRliuw-7 a. 111., 11. lir; 7 u,
in,, Miigrri 10 a. 111,, .Vuiiiuu: 10 a. 111,,
Sciorj 0.15 p. in., .Stanton; b..!0 p. m,, Mo
Willi Cits Wcat-5 a, 111., It. CiMner; 10 a.
111., Jl. funnfttly; p. in,, Wall; I p. m
,lohu (iJluiian; 0 p. in., O. Itjiulolpli; t p, ,,t
&. I'.. Keuluiii,
r. McDonnell will run a p. in. piislur, taui'ljy,
Hoc. 2.
W, 11, WarH anil crew will leport at mpoi.
Inlcnilciit's ofllcc, Fa, 111,, .Mimdav, Ivc, ,).
TI10111.U McCarthy uid llr.ikuucii II, II, ivpcw,
William Tlitue niul William (lullauhir will 10
port at superintendent's office, llohoki'ii, Jlon.
day, Doc. 2:1, arrival No. 12.
John Jlc Cuo ami nriikcsiien Stail; ami I,. Lap
Mn will nport nt superintendent's olilcc, M'iii.
day, Pec, 2.1, on arrival nt No. 12,
A. limit)- wid ercw will run s a, in,, wIM
cat, Meii'lay, Dec, 2.1.
SI. Flmiertv ami crew will run 0 a, m. wild
cat, MdikI.iv, Pec. 23.
K. Jl. II illctt fltid crew will run 3,15 p. in, wild
cat, Muml.iv, Dec. il.
Staple ami crow will run No. SI, Monday, c
ceuilur 23.
(MraniUr and crew will run No. 03, Monday,
Dee. 23.
.Stall; and crew will run No. 03 Monday, ))c
ccinlier 23.
TI10111.U (illljon! irnorU for J, J, Kearney,
1'eniy Cair rinuiU fur McLanc,
This and That.
The American Locomotive company Is
figuring on n contract for thirty loco
motives for use on tho Imperial gov
ernment railway, Japan.
nillcsplo liios. & Co., of New York
city, ure reported to have recently se
cured a contract from Jamaica calling
for the shipment of some 915,000 worth
of rlvetted pipe, which la intended to be
Dr. David Kennedy
By Special Arrangement Every Reader of tho
scranton tribune 0an Obtain Absolutely From
a Trial Bottle of this Wonderful Medicine
To every sulTorliisf woman who Is broken
down in health from what Is commonly
Known aiuoiiR women as iciiiuic
weakness; to every woman who
is troimii'ii wttn p.uniui or ir
regular poinds, and to all
those who are tired, weary
niul Inuriilil. whn li:1Vt kid
ney or blad.ler trouble and pains
in the back and hips, we will
PAVnuii'l? MEMiiliY abso
lutely FRGEi as we desire lo help
sutiermt; iiumaniiy, ami we
want every woman 10
know how she can be
perimnenily cured by
Dr. uavm Kentieays
Favorite Kemeay. 11
every woman who
is suffering with
female weakness
and painful men
struatinn would
take Dr. David Ken
nedy's Favorite Rem
edy they would be made
vu.'ll and lrnm' and better
fitted for their snheie in life
as happy wives and mothers,
and their childien would be
brought into the world
robust and strong.
Dr. David Kennedy's
Favotite Rvmedy cuied
Mrs ij. Actceiiy, ot jjr
sey City, who savs: 'Oh,
how 1 wi 11 1 cnuid
speak personally with
every woman who is in
any way troubled with
illness romtnon to our
sex, for I would advise
them to us-; at once
Dr. David Kennedy's
Favorite Remedy
and be cured, for
my case was aban
doned by tho phy
sicians." There is no fe
male weakness or
irregularity which
Dr. David Ken-
nprlv' n.1vrtil
Remedv will not relieve
and cure. There is no pain or
idle neculiar to ivnmm ivhirli it
will not drive away.
HO IV TO r. Take a bottle or tumbler and fill it with urine; let it stand
twenty-four hours. If you find a sediment at the bottom or a milky or cloudy condition,
something is.wronp with your kidnes.
A desire to urinate often, a pain through the small of the back, or if your urine
Stains linen, these are all sure signs that the kidneys and bladder are affected.
There is a cure for these troubles, and if taken nroiupily it will save you a long
illness and perhaps a surgical operation. Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy quick
ly relieves and cures inability to hold urine, it overcomes that unpleasant necessity of
being compelled to get up many times during the night, and corrects the bad effects
of whiskey and beer. It has cured hundreds of the most distressing cases.
A daughter of Mrs. Cluistina Deal, of Jonesport. Me., suffered greatly from
female troubles. No doctor could help her. Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy
made her strong and well.
Or. David Kennedy's
feeds, the blood with Red, Life-giving Corpuscles. It is of great value where the
nerve-force, general strength and vigor are wasting away. In Rheumatism and Gout it
quickly transforms the Uric Acid in the blood into urea, which is the cure for these
diseases. It is the only kidney medicine that acts as a laxative ; all others cause con
stipation, which is most objectionable and dangerous to the diseased system.
Triszl B
w. wt
1 a
iJSaWRlSMPn gfcawvSnyaCtagjjt MB9iiwttl9i
ommsm nuso3raTO.uuvtfu
IttfflLgjKSraB vMSiflB vBJf JTuf'i"flJ rawWWPKl
iSiSalEHSMU lK8lroro4
2BiiHWl?8BSHSiL'65JSii VTSkFcSf jjheSSwBEi
r 11. nt it pa
treaii uoimers or America. t
To the thousands upon thousands of our patrons
who have helped to make our 28 Stores the
most successful of their kind in America, we
heartily extend
A Christmas Greeting.
rafe F
Bv special arrangement with the Dr. DiviJ KetneJv Corporation, rcalers of The
Scranton Tnhuneare enah'ed to Main a trial hottle of fliis won.lerful medicine an.l a
tlietr lull Postmlice
and ineiKiuning hav-
oi-r.iiiiiin innuneare enaii'ea to ntain a trial hottle of Hits won.lerfi
pamhle of valuable medical advice a'isol'itciv free, by suiiulv sending 1
address to DR DAVID KI-NNGDY CORPOKAT'ON, Rondout, N. Y.. an
1112 seen this cenerous nff r in Tile Scranton Trihnno
The publishers of this paper guarantee the genuinciess of this liberal olfer.
te Remedy is sold by all druggists or direct. Si.oo a bo;tlc; G bottlo tjf $5.00.
utilized for irrigation purposes In that
Ilritlsh colony.
The H. K. Porter company, of I'ltts
luirK. Pa., has just made sliliuncnt to
South Africa of two locomotives, which
are Intended to ho utilized In coal mines
located lu tho vicinity of JohanncHluirfr.
Two similar engines uro to bo shipped
for the same purpose soon.
The director of works of the St. l.otils
"World's Fair is now tuKiim bids for a
steam holler and lighting plant, ciminc
plant and electric Kencratlni? plant.
Tho contract for tho power plant lur
the exposition will be awarded before
January 1. The plant is to cost $tion,O00.
The striking employes of tho AVest
Hosiery mill, at Plymouth, held a moot
ing Friday night, anil decided to apply
for reinstatement this morning. All of
them can not lie taken hack, it Is said,
because some of the machines havu
been removed,
Insects Which Produce Scarlet,
Crimson and Purple.
I'limi l.niiilon Knawlcitsr.
Of great repute ami of moro import
mice than lac dyo is cochineal, which
Is the source of artists' carmine and
carmine lake, while, when precipitated
with a salt of tin, It also yields ,11
splendid scarlet. Tho cochineal Insect,
of which the female, llko that of the
nearly allied lac insect, nlnno yields
the dye, Is originally a native of .Mex
ico, where It Is parasitic on tho leaves
of the prickly pear. Tho males of the
Coccus cacti, as tho species Is called,
are minute Insects furnished with well
developed wings, feathered antennae,
and a long pair of halrlike processes
at tho hinder extremity of tho body.
On tho other hand, the female Is a re-pulslve-looklng,
wingless creature, with
very short posterior hairs, und nearly
double tho size of her partner. These
Insects adhere tightly to tho smooth
surface of the fleshy leaves of the ,
prickly pcur, and are not unlike small '
purple wood I'ce In general appearance.
"When the harvest time bus arrived
the cultivators stretch out on the
ground pieces of linen ut tho foot of
tho plnnts, and detach tho cochineals
from them, brushing tho plants with
a rather hard brush or scraping them
off with a blunt knife. If tho seubon
be favorable the operation may be re
peated three times In the course of
the year on the same plantation. The
Insects thus collected are killed by dip
ping Into boiling water, by being put
Into an oven or by being placed on a
plate of hot Iron. When withdrawn
from the boiling wate- ""v uro placed
nn strainers In an airy position, llrst
in the sun and afterward 111 the shade.
In commerce three sets of cochineal
are recognized; llrst, the mastliiue, of
a reddish color, with a more, or less
abundant glaucous powder; second, the
noir. which Is largo and blackish
brown in eolor, and, third, the sylves
tre, which is smaller and of a reddish
color. This last description, which is
gathered from wild cacti, Is the most
highly esteemed of nil. l-Jueli year there
are imported into France 00,000 kilo
grammes of cochineal Insects, which
represent a value of about 3,000,000
The cochineal trade Is chlelly in the
hands of the Spanish and the French.
Hy the latter government these Insects
have been successfully Introduced Into
Algeria, where they yield 11 large rev
enue. About tlm middle of the last cen
tury the government was accustomed
to purchase the entire harvest, at tho
rate of 1,1 francs thu kilogramme. At
tho still earlier date they were Intro
duced Into the Canaries, where they
have also become well established; but
tho attempts to acclimatize them In
Corsica and tho south of France re
sulted In failure,
- m
Additional Passenger Train Service
via Southern Rnllwny,
Effective Nov. 21. the Southern P.all
wuy will operate through train service
from Washington via Itlchmond, Va.,
to Florida and points south.
The new train will be known as No,
1!9 and will leave Washington nt 10,50
11. m, over tho Washington Southern
hallway and arrive Jacksonville, Flu.,
at i),l! a. m. This train curries ilrst
chiss coaches and Pullman drawing
room sleeper between Washington and
Jacksonville, also has dining car ser
vice. The above train Is In addition
to the full complement of train ser
vlco of Southern hallway via Lynch
burg and Danville,
Chas, U. Hopkins; District Passenger
Auent, Southern hallway, SIS Chestnut
St., Philadelphia, will furnish all In
formation, A Trip to California or Florida,
Those contemplating such a trip need
but to call on thu local ticket agent of
the Lackawanna railroad and ho will
arrango every detull, Including trans
portation, berths, reservations and
checking of baggage through to desti
nation; aUo will furnish rates, folders,
desiriptlve literature and uny other in
formation desired nn the subject.
Through sleepers und day coaches to
Chicago. Only one change of cars to
jm'.w&r'iiTirwuST i"zr $1
We want you to feel that we sincerely appreciate your patronage, that we are thankful for
friendship and will do all in our power to retain it.
We have added greatly to our stock in anticipation of a generous holiday trade.
We cordially invite the public to come and see if among our large and good stock of
Clothing, Hats and Shoes for Men and Women
there is not something which will appeal to your idea of a proper gift for Christmas.
For Womankind we have graceful Skirts and trim Jackets, Furs, Muffs, Electric Seal
Jackets, handsome Waists, Petticoats, Shoes and trimmed Hats.
For Men and Boys we have Suits and Overcoats, Hats and Shoes.
Choose your gift here and have it charged, and please bear in mind that
whatever other stores may do, we do not charge one cent extra for credit.
Store Open until late Tuesday Evening.
Peoples' Credit Clothing Co.
317 Lackawanna Avenue,
28 Big Stores. Second Floor.
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western.
In Kilcil Nov. 8, 1001.
Trains Ionic Svranton for Xoiv York At 1,10,
".13, 0.05. 7.;n ami m.oj d. m.: i-j.4j., i.x.'i
p. 111. IVr Xi'W Yolk anil 1'liilailelphia 7,311,
10.0) a. 111.. ami li. 15 and .'!..';n n. in. I'or Toliw
liann.i At tUO p. in. I'or IlnlTalo 1.15, ti.ii ,ind
'.1.1XI a. in.; 1.3,"., 0.30 and 1I.SS p. 111. I'or Bins- I
lunilon ami way stations lO.iO a. m. jnd 1.10
p. m. l'nr Osnrgn, S,rncus" anil t'tiia 1.15 .mil
G.'ii a. ni. ; l.o. p. in. 0iwgo, S,v rara.-c .nul
Utica train at O.'il a. in. daily, nxirpt huiui.iy.
I'or Montrose Ii.uo .1. in.: ami ii.30 p. 111.
Nicholson ar1.011111101l.1l ion -I. CO anil U5 n. m.
Itloomfhiirtf l)iii.iau For Xortliiini'icrl.inil, at
R.35 anil 1U.05 a. in,; l..ri3 and fi.lo p. m. For
1'iynioutli, at .lf a. 111.; 3. ID ami H.fxi p. 111.
Sunday Train For NVw York, 1.10. a. 15, il.OS
and 10.05 a. ni. ; B.40, 3.KS p. in. For Buffalo 1.15
and ti.ii a. 111.; 1.55, 11.30 and 11. So p. 111. For
Bini-'lianiton and wjv stations lO.iO a. m.
Iiloum-vlmri; IlivNon I,cj,e Scranton, 10.03 a.
in. and G.10 p. in.
Delaware and Hudson.
In UfTcct November il, lwu.
Train" for CiiilioiuUlc have Siranton at (,
8.00, 8.53, 10.1:1 11. ill.! li.OO, 1,28. 2.31, 3.5i,
3.20, 6.i5, 7.57, H15. p. in.; a. in.
For lloiiisdale, 11.20, 10.13 a. ni. ; 2.31 and 5,23
p. 111.
For Wllkps.Bjrrp .:. 7.4S, S.ll. n.lis, 10.4.1
a. 111.; lift), 1.12, 2.1S, .2j, 4.27, o'.H), 7.43,
10.41, ll.-'.n P. in.
For I,. V. It. 11. Points U.3S, 9.3S a. 111.; 2.13,
1.27 anil 11 :.0 v. 111.
For li'iinlvania It. R. I'oinl.5 fl.33, 0.33 j.
ni.: 1.12. 3.2S and 4.27 p. in.
For Albany and all points north C.20 a. ni.
and 3.52 p. m.
srxn.w TRAINS.
For Carbonclalc S.30, 11. '13 a. 111.; 2.31, 3.52,
B.32 and 10.52 p. m.
For Wilkcifll.un. (US a. in.; 12.03, 1.5S, 3.2S
U.I.2 and 8.12 p. m.
For Albany and points noitli 3.52 p. in.
For lloiit'Kl.ili' S.'n 11. in. and 3.52 p. in.
V. li. I'UYOli, 1). P. A., Scianton, Pa.
New Jersey Central.
In i:iTcit Nov. 17. 1001.
Stations in New York, toot of I.ibeily Mrix't
and Sontii Feiry, N. II.
Trains leava Sfiuntnii for New York, Philadel
phia, Ka-lon, lletlili'hrni, Allentown. Maiiu!i
Chunk, White llaun, Ashley niul Wilkes-Il.irip at
7.110 a. in., 1 p. in. and 4 p. in. MniiUy, 2.1H p.m.
(Juaker City l'..ii'- leu in Hermann at 7.30
a. 111., tlirmuli i-olid i'tllmli train with Pullimn
Bullet Pallor t ar, for Philadelphia.
For Aoim, Pittstcn und WPkcs-Burrc, 1 p. m.
and I p. 111. Cumliy, 2.10 p. in.
For Lnnir llumli, Ocean Crow, etc., 7.3U a.
111. and 1 p. ni.
I'or l!?.iitr.v,', Lebanon and IlairUbiiiir, Lt Ab
Irntouii, at 7,:;0 ,1. in. mid 1 p. in. Sunday,
2.10 p. 111.
I'or Pnltsvlllc nt 7.3(1 a. in. and 1 p. ni.
F01 rati and tliketa apply to awnt at station.
C. M. IIIMtT, (Jen. Pas. Aijt.
w. w. wi:niz. din. supt.
Resumption of Sunset Limited Ser
vice Between New York, Phila
delphia and San Francisco, Sea
son 1001-1002.
CoiiinieneliiK November 30 and each
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
thereafter, the Washington and South
western Limited, operated dully be
tween Now York, Philadelphia and
Now Orleans via the Pennsylvania
llallroad and Southern Railway, leav
ing Philadelphia, Ilroad street station
at CDS p, m., eomposcd of dlnliifr, Pull
man drawliiB-room, sleeping, observa
tion und library cars, in addition
will carry a special Sunset Limited An
nex Pullman drawing-room compart
ment sleeping cur to connect with tho
Sunset Limited operated between New
Orleans and San Francisco.
Tho celebrated trans-continental ser
vice offered by these luxurious trains
makes a trip to tho Paellle coast not
only very quick, but most delightful,
Charles L. Hopkins, district passen
ger agent, Southern Railway, 32S
Chestnut street, Philadelphia, will bo
pleased to furnish all Information,
Tourist Cars on Nickel Plato Road,
Semi-weekly transcontinental tourist
cars between tho Atlantic and tho Pa
ellle coasts are operated by the Nickel
Pluto and Its connections. Tourist cars
referred to afford tho sumo sleeping ac
commodalious, with same class of
mattress and other bed clothing that
are provided lu the regular Pullman
sleeping ear service, These tourist
cars leave lloston Mondays and 'Wed
nesdays, und leave San Francisco Tues
days and Fridays. Uerlhs In these
tourist cars uro sold ut greatly reduced
rates. Conveniences uro offered without
extra cost, for heating food or prepar
ing tea or coffee, affording every fucll
Ity for comfort on a long Journey, es.
peclally for families traveling with
children. Lowest rates may bo obtained
always via the Nickel Plate road for
all tvoluts In tho west. For special lu
formation regarding all trains on the
Nickel Plate road, including these tour
ist curs, consult your nearest ticket
agent, or write F. J. Moore, general
ugent, 2'J1 Main street. Uuffulo. N. Y.
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
In Kficct Nov. 3, 1001.
Trains leave Seranton.
For Philadelphia and New York via P. k II.
P. IL, at ll.;a and ..'.S a. 111.. and 2.13, t.27
(Blaek Diamond Lnpicm), and Il.3'i p. in. Sim
dajs, 1). k II. IL II., 1.W, S.27 p. in.
lor White llaien, llaleton and pilnnpil point
in the coal leni&iw in 11. It II. lt. IL, H.3S, 2.U
and 4.27 p. in. For Puttivillc, C.3b a. 111., 2.13
p. in.
For Hethlehein, Kaston, Heading, llarrishnrc,
and prineipal inteimcdlate station.'-, i.i P. k II.
II. IL, n.3S, 0.3S a. 111.: 4.i7 (l)lark Dia
mond FvpreN-). 11.30 p. 111. Sundays, I), k II,
IL It., H.3S a. 111.; 1.3. .27 p. 111.
For Tnnkh.innoek. Towaiuia. I'.hnii.i. llliaei,
fJcneva and prrndpal inlei mediate station.-, via
I).. I,, and W. II. IL, MO a. 111. and 3.50 p. m.
For fionoa, Ibx he-tor. B.itlalo. Nl.11r.11a Fall,
(.'hicupi and all point-, wet, ia I), k II. it. II.,
7.4S 12 IU a. 111., 1.12. 3.2S (Blaek Diamond K.
press), 7.K 10.11, 11.30 p. in. Simula.! , 1). K II.
It. IL. 12.0.1, K27 p. 111.
Pullman pirlor and slecpimr or Lehiith Valley
Parlor rars on all trail- between Wllke-llanc
and New Yolk, Philidelphii, Buffalo and Siupen
fdon Dridjro.
IIOI.I.IN II. WII.UL'It, (leu. Supt., 20 Cortland
str.'et, New Yoik.
CII.MII.KS S. I.Ki:, Ccn. Pa. ArL, 20 Cortland
street, New York.
A. W. NONIIMAUH'.lt, Div. Pass Agt., South
lletldeh 111, Pa.
For tickets and Pullman re-ervations apply to
rity tieket ofllee, li!) Piiblio Si.uaie, Wllke.-,-Baire,
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Siliedule in Cffeet Juno 2, luoi,
Train-, leave Seranton: (1.3 1 a. m., uck d.ns,
tliioiiuli elllinle tiain from Wilken-Bane. Piill
man buffet par.or eai ai.d eoaelien to Plilladol
phi.i, l.i Pot(sille; stoin nt prineipal inleriue
diate stations. AUo lonmcU tor Sunliury, II,-.
rlhurK, Pliiladelphia, llaitimuie, Wjsiiintftou and
for Pilt-biut; und Hie
0.3S a. m., week da.s, lor Muibiuy, Ilarrislmiir,
PhiladolpliiJ, B.iltimoie, Washington and Pitts
buiB .aid tin o.-t.
1.12 p. in., week days (Sundays, 1.31 p. in.,
for Simliinv, Il.irrisbuiK, Philadelphia. Ilaltiiiuie,
W.isliiiiuton and Pitl'biiri,' and die west.
3.2' p. 111.. weik dajs, tlirnin:li vest bnlo tiain
from Wilke-.-Binv. buffet parlor ear and
ioaehr lo Philadelphia via Pottsvilie. Stops at
pi'iiiilpil inteiniediale rtntiot.-.
127 p. in-, work davs. for llrieton, Sunhiiry,
llariisliuiir, Plillailelpliia and Pitt-biui.-.
.1. II. IIITCIIINSON. (Sen. M,-r.
.1. 11. WOOD, Ren. Pas.-'. Ai;t.
New York, Ontario and Western.
Ill Illicit Tuesday. Sept. 17, IDOL
MUITH BOLND. Ue.ii Arrive
Train-'. Serant n. CiiilxniiUlo. Cudoaia.
No. 1 10.30a. 111. 11. lO.i. -li. 1. oil p. in.
Nu. 7 0.10 p. 111. Ar. Caiboiulale (I. IU p. 111.
Ueave I.i'aie Arrive
Tiain.-". Cailo-i.i. ('.irboiidale. Serant, 11.
No. (J 7,00 a. 111. 7.10 a.m.
Vo. 2 2.13 p. 111. I.UD p. 111. LIU 11, 111.
Ue.iie I.e.ive Arrhe
Trains. SiKinlon. Caiboiid.ile. (.desia.
Xo. a M.30 a. 111. n.lO p.m . 10.45 . 1. in.
Nu, 5 7.0'J 11. m. Ar. t'arliomlaleT.lUp, ni.
Train.'. C'adusia. Caiboiulale, Siraniun.
No. U ".no a.m. 7.1(1.1. 111.
No. 10 1.30 p.m. tl.oil p. ni. li. 15 p. 111.
Trains Nos. 1 nn week and n on Sundays,
make in.i'n line eonneetloii', for New York elty,
Middletown, Walton, Norwkii, Oniida, Oweau
and nil poiuli west,
Fur lurtlur liifoiinatlnii, eonsiilt ticket ncenls,
J. ('. AN1..IIM)N, 11. P. A New York.
J. i:. WKUSII. T. P. A Siranlon, Pa.
Erie Railroad, Wyoming Division.
Trains (or New Ymlc, Newlmijh ami Inteimo.
diate points leave Snantoii a.s; 7.20 a.
m.,; 2.23 p, 111.
Anivals 10.35 n. in, from .Middletown, Hones
dale, llawlcy and Inlerniediatv points': O.'.'O p. m,
from New York, Newhursh and inlerinedlati)
points. No Sunday trains.
Central Agent for the Wyoming District for
Dupont's Powder
U In Ins, Blastinir, Sportinir, Sniol.clci am the
Ikpauno Cliciulcul Compauy'd
Eafcty Tusc, Caps and F.xploilcri. Itcom 401 Con
cell BulKlin- ,Scra-.iten.
TIIOS. rOIU) PiltJtnn
JOHN II. SMITH k SON ....Plymeutli
W, i:. MUI.I.IUAN ,, WilkisBarM
Allis-Chalmers Co
Successors to Machine liuslnesj pf
Dickson Manufacturing Co., Seranton
and Wllkes-Harre, Pa.
Stationary Engines, Hollers, Mining
Machinery, Pumps.
iTj l'LIIJluklt. 1'a. OolT l.rti.u Su.rl.H.l lu
n tluvrlra. IiUUPiIiiIkiii t,i rura il.u lia infill IVtula
1 I'lifftkf ,nrtu rn
14 cure nut) 117 luftii rriitir
i'XhJpV 1 trlrurrltf 4 h(rlriurr (bo ruiilavh I'ntint lup-4
IvipliiTitrx uJIaI Bid rltrlrlcBirrul. flrull'iu pitrr.T
4-"-t- -f -- -t-t-- -- -- -4
Our stock of Diamonds is larger and far superior
in quality to any you can find in Scranton. Then we
sell them at a much lower figure than is usually asked
for inferior stones.
RlNQS Ladies' or Gentlemen's Brilliantly Cut Solitaire
Rings, Tiffany set $25.00 to $150.00
BROOCHES Beautiful designs in Open Work. Hearts,
Wreaths, Sunbursts, etc $15.00 to $250.00
LOCKETS Heart and other new designs in solid gold,
Roman or satin finish, with diamond in center $1500
CUFF LINKS Solid gold, new designs set with large,
spaikling diamonds $5-00
SCARF PINS AND STUDS Large, genuine stones, solid
gold settings, real bargains $5.00
Open Evenings,
213 Lack "wanna Ave
(Ilil-XN TuAniXO .STAMPS with all pi'iiuiasiis.
Occupies an Imperishable Position in the BUSINESS WORLD.
Unquestionable Superior Merit
Annually adds thousands of names to
the long list of Smith Premier users,
representing every line of trade and
every profession
The Smith Premier Typewriter Co.,
NO. 23 S. Eifjhth St., Philadelphia, Pft.
Scranton Branch Office, Nos. 1 and 3. Arcade Buildin?.
Uooms 1 and2,Com'lth BTd'f.
lining and Blasting
UU at Mooilo and Kun lal iVoiiu.
B etrlo Battarlei. Ulooirlo KmloJtri,
xplodlu oiimU, dafty Kuaaal
pxi'lo ive
Reiauno Chaniial Co.'s
DR. BARRETT, Dentist,
125 Wyomlns Acnue, Our Cllok- Warehouse.
Sclk'll ..
L'ruwncil. LTOltl
CluuiR'd, wuvhln ,
ItriiliTL. work ,..
FilU-U Willi B.M
MtlMMtM t-J0
ttft 00
By a recent net of the legisla
ture, free tuition la now granted
at the
Literary Institute
State Normal School
Bloomsburg, Pa.
to all those preparing to teach.
This school mnlntulns courses
of study for tenehers, for those
preparing for college, anil for
those studying music.
It will pir to wrlto for particulars.
No other school offm tucli suwrlor ad
mntHjis at buch low ratcj. AJUrcsi
J.P.WelsX A.M., Pli,DP,li
.M up
M up
.W i.i
,ijc up
ruii'ii null iivor ..,,,, ,,5oc
PilKil Willi iiuld Alloy ...75o
r'ull Sot ut Ticth iflup
lAaiiiliutloii jiul I'ltlnuiej
lice, li Jur icviii lire utw
l"K, U you nccil a" artificial Ml, , ;ou win
koin Ifi'lli rvi'aivil without a I'lalt;, II yuu wh
your ,oik moiu' pjini-wv ""' "' " iwui
cratlualvk ol loui; Mjwrii'ncu at tho ery loi-t
lost i on, UU nt with svoJ, (uUtanlul llontal
Woik, tall on me.
T. J. 1'ostcr, I'resUcut. Kluicr II. Uwall, Ireit
It. J, Foster, Stanley 1 Allen,
Vlco I'rciliient. Secretary.
1ST JVK'I'U tiii: .NAM '