The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 21, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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Boot" l'ell mid Crushed Him Beneath
It, mid Ho Died Shortly After
ward Fourth Wnrd Caucus on
Friday, December 27 Wllllnni Hi
ker Bobbed of $17 Interesting
School Exercises Recent Wed
dings Ofllcci'3 Elected Interest
ing; News Items.
Dnlli'jl .Inuics, hk'mI 02 years, u welt
known resident of Luzerne ttr(l. wns
so severely Injured while ill work III
tliu Continental mines yesterday thut
In died fihnrily niter being roniovoil to
his home.
Ilii wns in work In u chamber when
a full of roof occurred, crushing 1:1m
beneath It. When rescued by his fol
low employes, .lumen wan unconscious.
An examination nfterwnrdH proved
thai the; man's back hail been broken
by the fall.
He Is survived by the following sons
nnrl daughters: David, IlaiiU-l, John,
Curndoe and Mrs. Jtecsc Kvuns, of Ky
non street. The funeral announce
ment will be made later.
A Bold Bobbery.
AVill Biker, who Is employed by I'n
dertaker 1'. W. Tagiio. is looking for a
fellow who entered his room In the rear
of the store and took $17 from his
pocket a $10, $r. and $1! hill, fugue and
Biker had an early call yesterday
morning, and while they were away,
the thief entered the store through a
rear window anil carried off the money.
The theft wns evidently th" work of
some one familiar with the premises, as
lie climbed up the tire escape in the
rear of the building and entered
through the unfastened window. The
police are working on the case.
Caucus, December 27.
The Kepubliean candidates of the
Fourth ward met in Alderman John's
otlice last evening and arranged to hold
the caucus for ward nominations on
Friday. Dee. Ti. between the hours of
1 and 7 p. in. The following have re
gistered for the various otlices:
Select louncll, David 11. Keens: com
mon council, Kdward Searing, James
Mnwsoii. V. V. Kvans and K. YV.
Kvans; assessor. Daniel K. Kdwards:
constable. John J. Davles: register of
Dufoiir's French Tar
V. 'II promptly reliee and spe.-dily cure
rnu;ili. n PI- an. I all limi; ti-mtlile. Kor
n!o l.y (J. W. .IKNUlXfc, 101 Sjutli Main
Spferiid Opportunities for
atorday Bargain Hunters
Take Our Cloak Department
lror example. There's everything' there that a woman's heart
can desire or fancy suggest, imt topmost in our thoughts today,
are these
Swell Raglan Coats
There's a marvelous value in Oxford Grey, with velvet col
lar and cuffs, and the very newest style yokethat has proved a
surprising value to every heholdcr so far. The ,j
price for Saturday is PO.50
l!ut we don't stop at $ll.."ll by any means. We've got
Raglans and other styles coats for ladies' wear at all
prices, and for those who don't mind a dollar or two extra when
ilUUU dllU Mlf lr IliHU
a look at our Elite Raglan
Bath Robes
and Dressing Sacques
l'or ladies, in all styles, materials and colors. There's more
styles here for your inspection than you'll find time to look at,
hui no mailer where your fancy leads you in selecting your
choice, the price asked will surprise vou, hecausc of its low-
Silk and Flannel Waists
Their number is infinite, their variety legion, while the
size list insures a perfect fit without the slightest trouble. As
for the colors, patterns and modes, they're too varied for des
cription. Ladies' Elaborate Silk Waists from - . $2,90 up
Ladies' Excellent Flannel Waists from - $1,00 up
Mercerized and
Silk Petticoats
From the severely plain kinds to the uioxt dressy things Dame
Fashion has thought out for this season's wear. " All colors, all
lengths and the newest models, expressly designed to nut in
the hang of the newest dress skirts. I'rices are so low that
j "' they'll surprise you,
don't Forget the Holiday Fair.
, It's in fvtll swipg, aiul now that we're within three selling
days of Christmas, prices have been severely chopped in not a
1 few instances,
m w p wvww
Globe Warehouse
?ig5tf Ry:itftCsg?SgSw && fi i 5i5,5w S33?ir,tf tH
voters, First illstrlcl, Duvid ft Jonos;
Second district, Hugh Kills! third dis
trict, John Uunvtiodi Fourth district,
.1. t'. Jonos.
A Treat In Store.
The second nnnunl musical nnd lit
entry recital, under the ntisplees of
this I'lvmonth church choir, will be
held on New Vent's evening. .Induing
t'l-iim I ho excellent iirray of musical
nnd literary talent that will purtlelp.ite
on this occasion It can be readily seen
that this event will be the best -n'er
held In West Hcr.tnton.
The llrrt annual a year ago gave such
general satisfaction that it special ef
fort Is being put forth to supply even
u better programme than that of last Among those who will partici
pate are: The ladles' choir, under the
leadership of Mrs. U. It. Thomas, and a
number of the soloists of the choir:
Miss Cora Morris (Irltlln, elocutionist,
of North f-'crantnn, nnd Kev. V.. A.
Hnyl, elocutionist, of West Scriiiiton:
I'lilllp II. Warren, bass soloist: Thomas
Abrams, tenor soloist, and the William
Council Olee club will render a few
The proceeds derived from the affair
will be used for the expenses of the
church. Tickets are selling for 2.1
cents. The committee are at work on
an elaborate programme which Is now
In the hands of the printer.
Christmas Exercises.
Thp following programme was ren
dered by the pupils of C.rammur A and
1.1 at No. 11 school yesterday afternoon,
commencing tit 2 o'clock:
Sniur, "Joy t.i tli" Wwlil" "4
i;s..iy,"l.i'i:iml of Sleepy Hollow". .Duma l'rin:-u
CI mi in. "Swlmrlin;" '..Ilia
Solo, "t.uvei Olil SV(cl Sting".... Cliwltr l.i trf
Plann .! Tumi,.' ll.inoii
Sniir. "Ilefoie the iNtn Ajlt the Mnrn"..S"lnol
Itiiltntlcii, "Them I'ipiT Young 'tins"
llcth. Kimiih.
Cluii iw, "Tally IIo" IMyj
Violin iltn-t Tlv.wlnii' I!aur, I.t'ivK J.cwia
Vmal iln, " kle ami the li-.-e"
M.illic FVolo.
natUtle,"My Ml Me lllaik Sjr.-iiin.-ili Coon,"
Hoys. n, "l.oim Tore I Knew Who S.inl.i
(Kiiw Was" tiu.i .1'iiii'i
Vera I duel nn.i nml M.iiK.iret Pliilli.n
Soncr, "IliiiR dill! Itliu Out!" Sciioul
The pupils all acquitted themselves
very creditably and were highly com
plimented by Superintendent Howell,
who was present and delivered an ad
dress. The singing of the boys' chorus
was particularly effective.
Royal Society of Good Fellows.
At the regular meeting Thursday
evening of the West Side assembly. No.
Jill. Itoyul Society of flood Fellows, the
fellowitig olllcers were elected for
ltuler. Samuel Williams, jr.:
r.iler. W. AV. Davis; secretary. K. T.
Stover: financial secretary. M. W. An
derson: director, Luther Thomas:
counsellor, William Gibbons: treas
urer, U. J. I'rotheroe: prelate, IJ. T.
'lirown; guard, Thomas V. Stephens;
Sentry. I.,, i '. K. Compton; organist.
Gartleld Pavls: trustees, H. J. I'roth
eroe, David P. ItoberlH, Michael K.
Two new members were initiated
IMMIllli;, L' MllJl'M A f. AA
tw vwawvwvwvv
Into (he assembly. The Installation
will take t'bu'o u Jnn. 2, when n
Htnokor innl soelul sos.-lon will be
Four Recent Weddings.
Tboinas Mntonoj.', or l;l Itnllroad
nventte, anil Allss Nellie '1'oban, nr "
fifth tiVentie, wert; linlletl In inarrlauo
Wednesilny nftornonn at S o'clock In
Holy Cross chureh. lb-v. W. V. O'lion
ne olllelated. They were nltenileil by
Miss Mary ,r. Xealon innl Michael
rjolilen. They are now on a wedding
trip and on tltr-lt- return will reside In
Wllllnni V, HiiKhes, of 1211 Swetland
street, and Miss Mary Itlehnrds. of MO
Pecker's court, were married ut noon
on Wednesilny tit the parsonaKc of Hie
Plymouth Onnfcreftntlnunl chureh, by
Itcv. K, A. Uoyl, The. were unattend
ed. Itoberl Thomas, of North r'lltnore
avenue, and Miss t'assle Powell, of 31:11
Jackson street, were milled In ninrrliiRO
on Wednesday rvcnltii; nt the home of
the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wil
liam K. I'owell. The nuptial knot was
tied by Kev. Thomas de Oriiehy, I). 11.,
of the .Tackson street Itaptlsl church.
They are now In New York and nfter
a visit to Huston will reside on North
Flltnore avenue.
Tliu wililhiir of rioorw KrnRer. of :i0
North Hyde Park avenue, and Miss
Kiln 1i. Moser, of Lafayette street, was
solemnized on Thursday evening, ltev.
.1. P. Moffat, D. IX. of the Wnshhurn
Street Presbyterian rliurch, otllelatlni;.
The nuptial knot was tied at the home
of the bride's parents, In the presence
of relatives and friends. The couple
wen: unattended, and dispensed with a
wedding trip, commencing liousekeep
Iiik at 132.') Lafayette street.
Last Night's Conceit.
A large crowd of sympathizers .'it
tended the trolley men's entertainment
and social In Mears' hall last evening,
when local talent performed for the
benefit of the strikers.
The programme as printed In this de
partment yesterday was carried out.
Ventriloquist Hartley making the lilt
of the evening. Another enjoyable fea
ture was the Uumpernlckel band, of
South Scranton.
The remainder of the programme In
cluded voeal and instrumental selec
tions, sons and dance sketches, tum
bling, etc.
TJ. M. W. of A. Elect Officers.
Local No. 21ft. I'nited Mine Workers
of America, have elected the following
olllcers for the ensuing term: President,
Thomas O. Davis: vice-president, Mi
chael Hhalcetus: recording secretary,
Harry Martin; financial secretary,
Chriatmas Lewis; treasurer, .loslma
Kilns; trustee, Peter Ryder: grievance
committee, Kdward Jones, William
Mathews, John liurke, Heese Edwards.
Thomas Davles. Thomas P. Phillips,
William Lake and John Harris.
The newly elected olllcers of Loral
No. M2R. are: President, John Wil
liams: financial secretary. David Jen
kins; recording secretary, James Ilaid
win; treasurer, William O. William?.
Installation of Officers.
A regular meeting of the Hubert
Morris lodge of Ivnrltes was hWd
Thursday evening, nt whkh the follow
ing olllcers were installed:
President, W. Kowland Davies; vice
president, David J. Jenkins: secretary.
David J. Davis; treasurer, Kly Har
ris;; trustees, Honor Kvans, J. M.
Po.vell, D. J. Davis.
The gentleman whose initials are "It.
G" and who exchanged hats with the
writer at the Kleetrie City Wheelmen
club house Thursday evening, will
please notify me whtre to meet him
and make nniithtr exchange.
Misses Jennie Davis, of Washburn
street, and Anna Thomas, of Academy
street, are home from Wilson college,
('liambeniburg, for the holidays.
Miss Hessie Itlehnrds won llrst prize
In the doll contest ut the First Welsh
Hnptlst church fair on Thursday even
ing. The second doll was won by Mis
Pearl Jenkins;.
The chorus choir of the Washburn
Street Presbyterian church will render
special numbers at both services to
morrow. Kev. J. P. Moffat. D. P., of Washburn
street, contemplates spending Christ
mas with his mother In Indiana,
St. Thomas' day services will bo held
at St. David's Kplscopal church this
morning, commencing nt 10 o'clock.
The Sunday school scholars are re
quested to return their mission mltc
chests tomorrow. The Ladles' Aid
chapter held an all-day session yester
day. The attendance at the various night
schools is falling off, anil unless more
Interest is manifested In them after
the holidays, several will be closed,
A meeting of the Holy Name society
will be helil in St. Patrick's Catholic
church tomorrow evening when olllcers
will be elected.
The body of Mr, and Mrs, John T,
Pierce's child wns taken to Clifford,
Susquehanna county, yesterday, where
Interment was made.
An adjourned regular meeting of the
West Side Central Republican club will
be held hi the rooms this ovening,
when officers will he nominated for
the ensuing year. All members are re
quested to be present.
At III meetings of St. Peter's society
and Division No. 20, A. O, II., held In
Hellevue last evening, arrangements
wore made for attending the funeral
of the late Miles Clark.
The in embers of Hralich t! II, L. C,
II. A atiended services In SI. Lucie's
church tin chest mil street yesterday,
in memory of the laic Sirs. Catharine
Word lias been received here of the
death, near Clinton, Iowa, of John Me
cnnn, n relative of the well-known
West Scranton family of that name.
The remains will be Interred in O'Neill,
Nebraska, this morning, Peccascd was
a former resident of the west, having
been engaged u the furniture busi
ness Robert Roberls, of Washburn street,
is conlliieil to his home by Illness,
St. Paul's Pioneer Corps will hold an
Important meeting tomorrow after
noon, livery member Is requested to
be present,
The William C.inuell flleo dub will
meet for rehearsal tomorrow evening,
David Williams and sou, David, of
Chicago, Wile tln guests of West
Scrautmi friends yesterday,
Lester Morse, u sliub m at State col
lege, If. at lioiuu foi Hie holidays.
Mis, Morton, of Keyser u venue, lr
visiting friends in Wilkes-Ham-.
Churles Carpenter, Roy Morgans., and
Allim a rouli tu run mall It u I - Ixyuinl the
riMtli c( iiii'ilii'liu', Tl.ffjr nftin M.v, "Oli. ii vii
wr iiay." Imt in ni'l i-nm it will iviv.r
tlicin away, t.'uulil ihcj In- IikUici'.I m ti.v th
iKU'sMul r.H'ilU'lnc cilUil Ki ie,' lliU.uu,
I, sulU mi a M,!tiv.- tuirjn'cv li c.uu liuy
wouM linmcill.Ud' ni' llu- rNirlli-nt lilwl .i.
Iir Uklni: llio Hut ito. I'rliv j diul .W.
Trlul .iz Irco. At all Jtu;UU.
I Store will be
open every even
J ing from nowun
I til Christmas.
W Hand Appllipied, llrupsels Net, In
black, white nnd new tone of ecru
m Real Duchcssc unit
tfroni Itie tiniest edge to the widest
llnum e.
Real Duehesse and Irish Point
('odds anil Collars.
Hrltlnl Veo, In Real linchesse
mid Point Lace, up to WriO.ei) each.
Q In Dtlcliesse and Irish Point.
Crepe and Chiffon Ties, Dresden
a. tuitl Persian designs.
Many In lengths of one pattern
m each,
t0 dUfr Cfr c& &
At'Ju Morgans are visiting friends at
A large crowd attended the Colonial
club dance in Washington hall last
Mrs. John lidwards. of Tenth street,
Is seriously III at her home.
Miss Grace Cramer, of Swetlnnd
street, Is 111 at her home.
SIIss Jessie Heavers, of North Re
becca avenue, is recovering from an ill
ness. William McDoiiough. of North
Hromley avenue, has returned home
from a three years' service in Hie
Mrs. Morgan, of Swetlnnd street, fell
on the ice near her home and fractured
her arm.
Miss Hcssie Daniels, of South Main
avenue, is home from Mansfield for the
Miss Ktllth Button, of Jackson street,
will spend Christmas at New York.
Simpson Methodist Kplscopal church,
Rev. II. C. McUermott, pastor. Preach
ing at 10.H0 n. in. Subject, "filatl Tid
ings of Great Joy." In the evening
there will be a special Christmas choral
service. Sunday school at 12 in. Mis
sionary day in the Sunday school.
Junior League at " p. m. Kpworth
League at C.20 n, in.
The name of C.ussie Fritz was Inad
vertently omitted from the report of
Prof. Silas Rosser's pupils recital. Her
playing was worthy of special notice.
Charles O. Skeere. of Hloomshurg.
who has been studying in P.oston, Is
spending a few days with Walter H.
W. 13. Johns, the Main avenue shoe
dealer, returned home last evening
from a liuslnes", trip to New York.
The ladies of the West Side hospital
acknowledge the receipt of a sofa pil
low from the Ladies' Aid society of the
First Hnptlst church.
The William Council Glee club will
meet In Ivorlte Hall Sunday afternoon
at .1 o'clock. All members are request
ed to be present.
An entertainment will be held on
Tuesday evening at the First Welsh
Congregational church on South Main
avenue. A very interesting programme
has been prepared. Doors will open at
7.00 p. m., to commence at 7.u0 sharp.
Admission. 10 cents. The public are
cordially Invited.
The Christmas entertainment of our
church anil Sunday school will be held
next Wednesday night. The committee
has made elaborate preparations for
the amusement of the children. Mr.
Charles Hartley, the celebrated ven
trollqulst, has been engaged, and he is
a good entertainer and will introduce
to the children his famous colored and
Irl-h lads. Santa Claus of course will
be there to introduce him to .the chil
dren. All Sunday school children will
receive ticlictn of admission next Sun
day. An admission of ten cents will
admit all others. Santa Claus will see
that every child Is supplied with candy,
The Ladles' Aid society will give a
New Year's tea in tile church parlors
New Year's eve.
Crackerjncks Defeated the Blooms
burg' Basket Ball Team nt the
Auditorium Last Night.
The frncki-rjiioUs No. 1 luis-kt'l liall
team defeuted the Illooiusliurs Nurinnl
Sclionl tonin lriBt nislit In Hip Audi
torium li.v u Ht'ort nf ll.'l to 1,1, Tlic teams
lined uji as fnlluivs:
fiiitla.ij.ii h. r,!;.tir.
I!lijiinln left It 1'itatil Lewis
ftlfilis il-lii fuiwaul KMi.ini
K:uiii ii'iitii' , Multiset
D.iiH I'Uht i'nrd Il.ic.,ltuii )
Wllll.un.-t Kit Kii.inl.... Ilil.iiii1,ltiilit.itii
Kor tin1 rrnclM-rJurUsi, Wllllamn thri'w
tlnvii hiiskotn, lli'iijaniln lliruf, Kimn
four from Hold and four mi fouls, Kor
UloiniiHlnir.',', l.ftvlH imt', Itdi'liard two,
HuyoH tlirt'f on fuuln, nnt from Held.
In tint pri'llinlnary khiiii' the 1'iIch
IntrK S'turM dttlditi'il tin Siinderioii lllli
Htiirn by a kivurtt of 17 to n.
Been Vory Successful,
Tim f'rui'kcrj.u'UH No, 2 team linn turn
limiting u iiuir nf the statu durum' Hie
wt-t'U and has ln't-n vory micceswful It
Is inutli' up of the following pla.ver.s;
l.t.'t't forwanl, MU'IiiipI AVolln; rislu for
ward, Krauk Pavls; teiiti'r, l.uko
Whllu: liulit Kuiirii, flinrlen .Miller; left
Ktiartl, .Sum Davis.
Monday ntvht ihoy played tlio Muliii
nny tPiiui ut .MuhuiKiy t'lty stud won liy
n scop) of ij to 4. TttLTiIiiy nlRllt tliey
wt'rtt ilefviitetl by tlio Kriivkvllli' ttam
by a neon of !M to 17, anil Wednesday
nislit won a vletnry nt (ilrardvlllf, the
st'tno liolim It in li'. Tliurodny nlulii
at til, ('lair tlit-y met tlm tiato cIkiih
plnns and wen- deiVated 31 to -1, and
lust nlidit they nchli'ved a victory nt
t-lii'iiaudoali, tlio st'ort- liclnj,' 1" tit It,
An fluhnrali' proisrainnif is ln-inx
prupaivil for tin I'lirlntiimrt injt oxi-r-cIwh
to liolit-lil In tint Klist Welsh Hnp
tlst i'IiuitIi on flirlHlinas ivi
.Miss l.ui-y O'lloylt', a student at
HlotiniHltura: Normal scliool, Is visiting
lier p.tivnis, Mr. mid Mrs. A. K. O' I Joy If,
of William street.
t;. 1'. .Miirrlt-iut, formerly a ivsldunt
of this iihu'p, is siioudlui; tliu liolUlnys
with his parviits at rteveliuul, Ohio.
t'.-iptalu Josuph Diikkhu khvi- a lull;
This store asks your patronage because it deserves it. alw.ivs
has the finest merchandise, the largest assortments. Naturally much
is expected from us at Christmas. VVc won't disappoint ) on, hut
meet your expectations to Its fullest realization.
In Persians. Stripes and Cheeks.
Jl.CII VlllUe for title
Sl.'Jfi value lor H.V
$t.iiO value for $i,i!,i
(iood line of designs at special
prices for Holiday Presents.
Fine French Taffeta. Pcatl de Sole,
Paillette de Sole. Satin Duchcasc,
Hcngnllue, Mascotle, Moire Velours,
Moire Antique, Rich limeades,
lllaeks and colors, tl't anil up
Priestley's Pluck Dress (ioods, in
all their new popular weaves.
All colors at clearing prices,
718-720 jtBHyfiw ' Wl Fmmk.
W. Lnckawanna s$vW - :w" watm. ,
av,u, J. Meet ty 'jjm
What a world of Christmas cheer ;s expressed in these five words.
Most good s'ories come to the point nt once. So doss this one.
A mammouth purchase of the staple coodst forming the grent
"Joyce $5.00 Combination Grocery Offer," quoted below, en
ables us to give evet v person buyinK this complete order, A Ten
Pound Turkey, absolutely free with our compliments.
This challenge combination order would be a
money saver, without the Turkey.
25 Pound Sack Joyce's Best Flour ? .58
A Siii.-iim ll.i'.ul
Half Pound Dunham's Cocoanut 12
Tlu Suml.inl .if r.Milltinr.
Five Pounds Creamery Butter 1.25
Tilt- llofl. II..II1.111 Ciltf.
Two Pounds Best Teas 1.00
S.jM lU-;,i!.ir at I'll- .1 Pound.
Three Pounds 35c Empress Blend Coffee 1.00
It II h .111 i:iriUitf KJjvtir.
One Pound Joyce's Baking- Powder 50
As Hmul .l t lie- Ilt.t.
Two 15c Bottles Extract, Lemon and Vnnllla 25
".'X- Vnlur Aiiywlicli..
One Pound Assorted Spices 30
Mri'iiclli in Ki cry "iif.
Our Price (95.00 Combination Grocery Offer) $5.00
10 Pounds Turkey at 15c per pound 1.50
A great $5 worth and a $1.5!) Turkey all for $5.
Popular Priced Provisions.
on '"IlydroKtatifs" nt the hunciuot of
Hip Wllkew-lhtrro Stationary KiiBliicorn
ut Wllkfs-lianv Thurwluy nlKht-
fail .flult-r is home from folgato
university fur the holidays, wlilcli lie in
spuiiilinK ut the homo of ills parents
tin North Main uveiuie.
Walter Ileiicdlet, who is a student at
Cornell, is home for the holidays.
vciirs. died y.'Stertiav at the resident
of her dttiiKhU'i'. Mrs, Alhert Itartnnin,
1-I2B nilison street. Oeeeast'd had 1evil
it llfe-loiiu ri'Sldnn of West rVranton,
mid is survived by two sons anil the
following daiiKliters. Mrs. Albert Uart
iiinn. Mrs. John .Miller. Mrs. f, f. Uat-
tfuuer innl Mrs. H. W, 1'hllllps. The
funeral will take place tomorrow after-
ii'.oii at - n'eloek from the llnrimiu
! it .ilihniee. Interment will he made in
I the Washburn street cemetery. .
The funeral of the late Wllllnni lilies
will take place at "J o'clock tomorrow
afternoon from the house, Wi Price
fctiwii. Itev. i:. J. Mellenry. reeloi of
! h'l. David's I'piscopal church, will olllci-
ate, nnd Interment will i mane in uie
Washburn street cemetery.
Tho funeral of the late Mrc Anna
nrahain will take place this attcrnoon
rioin .132 Third street. Huvlces will he
held in Holy rross church, and Intel
nient will he iiiudo in the (.'athetlral
The funenil of the Lite Daniel Alc
Alllil'i'e, of :'.2S Eleventh street, will lake
plate this llioiulllK, with a ivnuleiu hih'h
miibs at rtt. IMtrlck's church at y
iclnck. Iniernuml will be made in the
t'ailiedrul eeinetei.
Were Cnlled in to Attend n Cabinet
A number of the leudinrr couuelhii.'n
were cnlled In by Keeorder fonnell yes-
lerduy ufternon to assist the cabinet In
At half price. ni splendid gifts
for Waists, children's Dres.'-s,
Short Skirts, etc.
New line Just arrived. All new
spring colorings. Plain, with satin
stripes; plnlii. with polka dots;
fancy with satin stripes, nnd fancv.
plain Challles. Many choice de
signs In single dress cuts.
Complete lines In all the new
A pair of nice warm Illankets or
n Ilufl'y Comfortable would make
an exceedingly desirable gift.
Kiting over the estimates for the nest
IJscnl year. Upwards of two hours
und a half was .spent in koIiik iliiotifih
the Hh'tireh and at the end of the tnect
ItiK It was announced that still a sixth
liieetllli; will have lo be held to com
plete the work.
Tilt) councllnien present at yester
day's session were ns follows: I.tilher
Keller, K. II. ('lemons, o. H. rartrlthre.
Charles WaKie.-r. K, (',. Merrhnau ami
1', K. Caliiln.
Tl U-.t. S.tlttl',1 lllttl lit.) Ittlllrri.t I',,,.
'' ' ...... .... ......n ,
iieM year will be about JI.M.oni), uiul ;
unit lllu revenue willcll Will lie ileriveil
from tnxi'tlou will be a little greater
than for the pres-eiit -year.
It was learned that In estimating the
revenue for the year, It has been tie- i
cltlcil to have nut of louitideratiiin the:
revenue which might lie derived from I
tllO Hl-,ltlKt, IllV Mil l-l-irtlltt-.-l t IllltU ItftlHI ItUit
,,... ... .... . ... , , ...,......
of tliu certainly thut tliu le.fallly of
this measure will be contented In court.
Accident on Penn Avenue Hill, Nonr
OJivo Street.
Three cars were badly dummied by n
collision on I he IVnu (tvenue hill yes.
tenlay morning ahoul 7 o'clnek.
Two cars were standing ut the end of
the double track near Olive si reel, v. hen
ti third caiiitt down the hill und crashed
into (he rear of tho second car.
The three ears wire bailb used up,
but no one was Injured.
Explosion nt Prlceburs Attended by
Fatr.l Results.
John M.irkovleh died yesterday muni
In;,' nl the Lnckawanna hospital us the
result of a jneiiiaturo explosion In the
Johnson mine, ai I'llceliurw. Thursday.
Ills laborer, Jacob Monaskl, is also
nt the hospital. sufferliiK mini vny
perlous Injuries, which he sustained
through the nunc explosion.
Kid Gloves mag
be exchanged for
correct sizes af
ter Christmas.
You won't make a mistake If
Linens are your choice for gifts.
A nli' dress pattern of a pretty
design In Percale or Dimity would
be a very ncceplable present.
A nice suit of tine Pndd-wcnr
would make a very seasonable gift,
or some of our line
Hosiery, Gloves,
Silk Waists, Petticoats,
Toilet Articles, Novelties, Etc.
From ir.e to .2:'.r.O.
graved free.
Initials en-
Lyceum Theatre?
M. HKIS, LcMfe mil Managtr. T
A. J. DUFFV, Duj. Slung,''
Sjtunl.iy XlgM .iml Spnlnl Itirealn tby Matinee
nixr.Miicu 21. 11101.
Annual KngaKomcnt. nf the Worl'lftitiictl
Brothers Byrne
In tlirir Pantomimic Corpcly, 11
New 8 Bells
An InR FiirirM. Ttnth sfaon! Kov
Itettrr tli.ui on!
Pritt"s: Kvrnlns, ', M- 73c.. anil ?!.(..
Spcciil Malinot" prti : J. unil SO t-cnM; tlilt
tlrt'n l" any p.nt of tin; !ium I.. rents. Ilrlnii'
iilmiK tlio tlilltlii-ii;' lli..v will wijoy S HKI.l,i'
Stills ui sale Tlmr.-tl.iy liinrnine at 0 o'cloc!;. ,
Lyceum Theatre,
Mr Charles Frohmnn, Presents
Kilnnnl I.', life's tlramati.ition of the fatnuus
With E. Iff. Holland in the Title Bole
I'riirs 2.V., .Vic., 7.V., .tI.Oi), $l.J0.
Scat on sale Sattirilay at 0 a. in.
Christmas &X
Wednesday, Dec. as,
Liebler & Co. Present '
Sag Harbor:
Tltc (IrcuU'st of tlic JumM Heme Pl.i.m,
Prices Mat Incc, i!Jc,, .,0c, T.V, and $1.00.
SlRht, 23f Wlc, lii'., & ami 1.50.
Sais en sale MonJiy at 0 o'clock a. m.
Academy of Huslc
11. MilS, ttuee. A. J. Duffy, Mintgei
llt'Kinnini; Tlmr.-Jay, Dccomltcr ID. V-
Id a Woman's PouJelf.
JIatineos Friday and Saturday. .j
Prlcov-Xialtl, l.V -.".(., AV. and Me. ' ' ""
Matinee, 'k: anil i'lc. " "' "
One Svliil Work, lli'Kiniiinic Jloml.ty, Dec. 'JJrd,.
Prlcet-Mijlit. 10, 2ft and .10 renin.
Piliv- .Malliiess 10 .mil 20 tents,
t "lii-Wiii i". Mttlneee, 10, 20 and :)0 rents.
( Iti-Ulitu.s-Niiilil, III, 20, HO and 50 cent. '
Sale nf ,c.m for ("hriMinas tlay opens Mrnidj'
.it 0 a. m. i
A1.F. O, lir.ltIlISGTO.S-. Utiurtr. ' ,'f3 .
niuitsD.w, ritiiuv an" SATrjiDAV.V'
"American BurlesquersV
M.UIiu-i- i;v.iy Pay.
Tourist Cars on Nickel Plate Road:
Semi-weekly transcontinental tourist
ears between the Atlantic -and the Pa'
eille coasts are operated by the Nickel
Pinto uiul Its connections. Tourist ears
referred to afford the same sleeping ac
ciiminodatlons, with same class of
inutlress and other bed clothing that
are provided In the regular I'ullnmn
slecplliK ear service, These tourist
cars leave Huston Mondays and Wed
nesdays, and leave San Francisco Tues
days, and Friday. Herths In thede'
tourist cars are sold ut greatly reduced
rates. Conveniences are offered without"
extra cost, for heatliiK food or prepnr,.
Infj ten or coffee, nft'ordhiK every fuell,-,,
liy for comfort on a lorn? Journey, es.
peelally for families traveling with,
children. Lowest rates may be obtnlnttU
nlways via the Nickel Plate road for"
all points in the west. For special hVi
formation rcKartlliiB nil trains on the.
Nickel Plate road, liiUudlnff these tour
ist cars, consult your nearest tlckfit
iitfent, or wrlto F, J, Moore, genen',
iiBent. 201 Main street, Tluffulo, N, Y. .
A Trip to California ov Florida.
Those contemplating such u trip need
Uut to call on the local ticket agent of
the Laekuwanuu railroad and ho will
urruiiw" every detail, lneluiliiB truns?
portiitlou, berths, reservations an'tf
checking of baggage through to desti
nation: uts-ii will furnish rules, folders,
deseiiptle literature ami nny other in
formation desired on the ubjeet.
Through sleepers nnd day voucher, lo.
Chicago. Only one change of cura to
.1. W fiuernsey extends to Hie buy-,
Ing publle u special Invitation to eu'
and Inspect his extensive and beauth
fill line of pianos during the holidays.
:ill-;iil Washington avenue, Scranton
Ice Skates.
50 cents up,
Florey & Brooks,
Ull Washington avenue. t.
All prlci