If 'IS?"?' '"Yvj "f ' w ? V. l VWi' ''6S ' ' " Hf P ' . ',4,, w y r-e j- K 4 n THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1901. i HfVfi il' ' ' 9 V ' j" $y""-'lV' i V? t 1 I '11 BC55 HOLIDAY week li to bo the anyest In many sensonB. There Is u Hew foot on the llnor, ami a new fucp tit the iloor UiIh year. The ; i new foot In ory IIrIU and the ncw face Is very bright, with the llpht .ess ami the brli;htnef of youth whkh It forever beltiK lenewetl and foiever ,V?einlmr more beautiful than It wnrfbe fflic, and the ChtlHtnmH-tlde featlltlcH will have In them mote than in many a flay the element of the very eaily Hprlnff of life. The season's debutante! will be lelnfoiced by a Iihko number of HllestH who will be IaNhly entel tallied ilurliitf the hollcla.v ieie. llvotv day and evening will be mil. Then- will be few Hp.ite moments lor the ounj? men and maldeiiMWho aie home Horn school and rolk'i;e and the older set will bo equally bits It Is 11111111' u iiltv that It Is not the custom hcie to anaiiKe some enteitiiln- lnent for Cliilstnius niiflil. Chilstmas j Kve.1 Is essentially the occasion tor family fentllty, as Is the happy da, but f'lulstmas nti;lii Is seldom em ployed for any social nffali. The holiday unlcty opens the niKht after Christmas with the following Hchodule: Pre 'A A dure shin In Mi. unit Mil V. l. Sd.uilcii Pie '.'7 'llio wmU iIjiiu. Hut i tu'll (,'! in b.e Mi. Oikfonl. Pic. "s Piniur, elinee ii n In Mi. mil Ois. .1. Ilcnj Pinnule!.. I'.ml pull riun hi 'Iim Pile ( ,inl put) bui In tin Mi"-!- - null i- mi. ( ViiiMiij lull eliiiu .it II. i Imnu 1 1 Mr. mil 'In (I. II. -111 i tli. Pll .ill PlIKI- (jlllll ll Ml. 1111 Ml-. I'.lllL.t. nidi, ('ml nrl i,luti 1 1) Mr l.ilwiti (.I'll hirl. J iitiiln on rUmi In Mii lli'in lluln. Per. Ml I'lie IIilIicIom' Inll. 'llin wiilil) it IIIim llini". ul lie it inn. I m a Kc c(itlutt ciwii In Mi. .mil Mis Wil li nil Cumuli. ( ml inrli dun lv Mi- IMwI'i M. (iiirlmt. Pump yiiiri 1 1) tlie LuAin? ilub nt Itii t'uuntn cltili. .I.iti .1 Dime i;ln l Mr. mil Mr' T H. W itklm in Ik nnr nf Miss Cladi- ami Mr. Ivv W.ilKlii" huliri'iiii ilJi.ic nt llicjile ilul i, The ll.icliclors' ball is the ihief topic fif coiictittlun, for people have riuhii to icallze that It means the centei of tile social unlvers-e, whkh tn.ikes people turret all the ellsacH .intakes of Sei.m ton and for one happy night gives us a picstlge vvliose halo extends outw.nd far encli cling the )ear. This season the ball will take on ,i new dignltv, being foi Hie fllbt time lifted to the eminence ot a (b.iiteied institution. The .11 l.ingenients rue at a st.iga which leaves no umei t.tintv .is to the Minieme suc 1 e.ss ot this gie.it aft. lit . Iteheais.ils of the dance music ate boms held, and early net week the lioor will be placed. It will be located near the Adams ave nue ind of the Thirteenth lcgiment ai 'ir.oi.v, the two sides and the ie.tr being 'lilted un with bo.cs. Most of these 1iau Ken sold. Among tbe bolikis 'lie: Messis. A. i. ni.ili, lleiny llelln, ,1i , O. S. Johnson, i:. U. Sturgts. AV. V. Seranton, K. L. Kuller. T. II. W.it IciiiP, Hiss Piatt, AVIllaid Matthews-, Oteige t-'ainleison, r. M. Vandllng, A. t. Illacklnton, II. V. Taylor, V. J. ToucJ, .1. h. Kemmrrcr, T. C von 'ston.li, Colonel H. SI Holes, .1. If. Jiooks, J. Uonj. Diminkk. I'uisel, of New Voile, will be the .Miner. A cm tain ft 0111 the 11 on git -di'iii will cut ofl the lear ot the aimorv and give the dancing Hoot a less iso NS?a $4&?$O$4Oe$00 I ifllv Now f a If you much have time save where we are sure appropriate things displayed for your selection. I In Our Christmas Line J this year we have surpassed all our you will agree with us when we say we ers in Scranton, since we have been in business. X Below we mention a few of the many this magnificient holiday -stock. Calendars Ink Stands Bibles Prayer Bocks Hymn Art Pictures Fountain Pens Gold Pencils Cold Pens r Drawing Sets Fancy Memorandum Books And a thousand and one things we might mentkn, are in great variety. Everything in the Newest Creations In Stationery, t I Reynolds Brothers t, HOTEL ! Engraving $fj;v&onm lated effect. It Is an assured fact that the big building will be well honied on this occasion, and extra lighting lac II Itkfl will iiIho be intiodtlced. The out-of-town guests will e(ccct In number till plOV lolls lecolils. The second In the sot let ot gient sub scilptlon cancel K of which Mr. V, C Hand liait the dlteetlou, will be given uniler the am'plciH of the Young Wom en's Christian association, Jantiiiiv t:i. The eeleljiated I'alir rivniphon.' 01 ehestta ol -N'ew' Vol It, with Miss llleeta llltfoid, the bentllllill sopiano. and Mr. Aithut Hoc hm. in, the ramous pianist, as soloists. The Young Women's Chi Is tlun association has not taken up any glial entel pi Ise like this since it inaele u like suui of money out ot the Wom an's Paper. It h.lM liunibei Ic-s exe el lent woiUcis who will assist in m. iking this coiieeil a supeth silccis1'. Sclali lon people llKe gond musle anil aie will ing to pay tor It. TIiIh splendid 01 ihestia will 1)11 the new iiiinol) with good musk'. The list of lMliiuiossi's lin hides the following: .Mis. Thomas Pkksou, Mi. William Council, Mis. .lames Atehbald, Mi.s. C. D. Simpson, Jits. 11. W. Kings bury. Mis. n. N. Wlllaid, Mis. I,. A Wanes, .'.Its. William I), linjer, Mi?. 11. Dull. Dinitnlek. Mis. 1, 11. i'owell, Mis. H. II. Hiady. Jr., Mis. A. I!, iilalr, Mts. II. A. Knapp, Mis, C. (1. Hiooks, .Mis. a. I'. Law, Mis. I), i:. TaIor, Mis. I'.. 11, Hippie, Ml.s W. II. Taylor, .Mis. John .leim.vn, Mis. W. W. Hci 1111 ton, Mis. James A. I.liien, Mis. T. IT. Watkins, Mis. Kvciett Wuren, Mis. K. U. Fuller, Mts. J. Uenl. IJImmick, Mis. '. s "Weston, Mts, C. H. Penmair, Mis. V. K. I'latt, Mis. W. M. Dickson, Mis. James V. Dickson, Miss U. K. lllihniond, Mis. J. S. MeAnully, Mis. F. I: I'eik, .Mis. Thomas d. Spraguc, Mis. W. U Cunnell. Miss Allis Dale has issued Invitations to a card patty oil Katuiilay night, De cember '2b, in honor of her guest, Miss llollls. Thine will bo a subsci Iptlon cliiuce at the Hleye le club Kililuy night, Jan. .1, when the p.itioliesM'S will be Mis, Thomas It. lirooks, Mis. William M. Cuiiy, Mis. e'hailes W. Huilbut, Mis. Will.ud Matthews, Mis, Tlieodoio Wolf and Mis. Andicw N. Walkei. On Miindav nlghl next the annual I'linceton dinner will be given by tbe l'linretnn Alumni association. This time it is to be at the Hotel sjteibng in Wilkes-Haiic.. It is expected that tho alumni of this legion will be out in laige mnnbcis. Sir. Meniamln 1". Dor lance of D01r.11n.ctou wilt be to.istni.is tcr. l'lnfessor Woodiow Wilson ot I'linceton will icpiescnt the college. Mr. and Mis. neoige Jeiniyn enter tained at cauls on Wednesday evening. Those piesent weie: Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Dickson, Mr." and Mis. Hampton Sliafer. Ml. and Mrs. Klots. Mi. and Mis. (lOotgu lliooktc, Mr. and Mis. Ar thur Twitihcll, 3Ir. and ills. Ctamer von Stoic h, air. and ails. Joseph S. Kvnde, Dr. and .Mir. W. K. Kellar, Dr. and aiis. (";. D. Mmrav. Dr. and aits. J. b. Went, Dr. and -Mis. Wainright, 0 Short 1 me emai ns n Which to Christmas not purchased all your and worrv bv coming i S KJ you will find numerous handsome and JERMYN BUNILDIG. Die Stamping $ Mr. nnd Mra. A. H. CrlBty, Mr. ntitl Mrs. E. O. Coiirncn, Mr. nnd Mrs. E. E. Chime, Mr. nntl Mrs. Paul D. llelln, Mr. nnd aits. 11, W. Klngsberry, Mr. and Mrs. Henry llrndy, Mrs. E, n. Jertnyn, Mrs. aearhnrt, Mts. N. Y, Leet, airs. 11. . Ware, Mr. nnd Mts. H. H. Iteynolds, Mr. nnd Mm. Hutijninln Watson, Congtcssmnn and Mis. Wlllhtm Con nell have Issued Invitations to a tecep Hon In celebration of their goldpti wed ding day to take place on Thursday evening, Jan. 2, 100.'. The invitations mi p.iitlctilarly nttrnetlvo, cnRravnel us they are In gold with tin cxqitNtely designed innnogrnm lit the hcail. The unntial New Year assembly or Wllkes-Haiie will he held In the ar mory of that city on New Year's eve. The" committee consists of Messis. chcler Deir, rjeoige aiael.ean, Kied Not Hi, I!. Nelson Heunett unci lleuiy A. I'case. air. Haloid Noiton utllined last night lioni Phlkidelphla, .Miss Calid.inee Watson, Miss tlcr lillde Ueckwltli, Miss Helen Jones, .Miss .lanelte Schlager. nnd Mli Helen Powell have leluiuid fioin Pelham aiaiioi. I lev. Di. c. i: ltobinson anil Mis. Uoblnsoii 111 1 delightfully situated in their new- home at Pelham Manor and aie In excellent health. Miss Helen Holes will enteitalii at luncheon on Monday lolleiwing ('Illini ums In honor of seveial guests of Hie younger set. ailss lluth Hand will entertain a company of guests Inloimall) next Thtnsday evening at the home of her patents, Judge and .Mis. Hand. ailss Post of New Yolk and .Miss Ullbeit of Hauisbuig will bo .Miss De lhi's guests iicNt week. .Mr. and aiis. T. II. Watkins will give a large dancing paity at their tesldonce on Monroe avenue Jan. I!, for their son and daughter, and the guests of the lamlly, ailss Flotence and .Mr. Marlon Wyeth. Among the Piinccton men who have returned for the holidays aie: Messrs. Raymond Sandeison, Hob Hull, Arthur Hooven, I.eon Levy. Edwin Gueinscv, Law 1 once Waties, E. II, Henry. John Hiair and Hills. The Chiislmas assembly will be at the Uleyele club on Kiiday nlghl. De cember 2tl The ooiumittee consists of aiis. Paul H. Delhi, ailss Aichbalil, MI-8 Delhi and aiNs Hunt. Theio are many honest people In the world: one of them lives in Sei.iutou I and Ills name is William .Mot an. He is the jnuug man who found a pocket book Hie other day on the stieets bulg ing with CliilFtinas inonev, and pioniptlv 1 etui ned It to the distracted iiwuei, a 1 idv, tiom whom he tefusul any icward futthcr tliiin her iuofu-e thanks. The flltt in Hie sei ies of cotillniis. which .Messrs Worthington Sei anion .mil l..i.Motte Delhi will diiect, is to ho held Jauu.iiy '? Mis Uelln and Ailss 15clili gave a cud part j vcsludiv afternoon. Alts. D C. Watson and Airs. V. I', .terms n won high scoies. Among tliose who will have house paities next vuok will lie All. and Mis. E H. Sttnges, Air. and All-- T. H. Wat kins, Air. and AIus. James Archbald, 1 0 Do Your & ng gifts yet, you will direct to our store. former efforts and have been the lead- j things comprising 4 4 t t Plate Engraving hoop fe Oriental Rugs $6.00 We can show you over one hundred of these nothing will make a better HolLlay Gift than a Turkish or Persian Rug. MICHAELIAN 124 Washington Avenue. ME&S3SIZMUKI S Are You a Lover of the Beautiful ? Doyouwlsh to have pretty llngsP Wo will bo pleased to show you SoHtnlio Diamond Kings, Diamond nnd Emeinkl Kings, Diamond nnd Ruby Kings, Dli tnond and Opal Kings, Diamonds and Snpphlio Kings, Diamond nnd Tuiquols Kings. We will mount any desired combination to older. E. scmriPFF, 317 Lncka. Ave HssBiaasEaMci 317 Jl.ilor nnd Jlih. Wiiii'cn. Mr. and .Mis. Homy Unlln, jr. JIls licnuL'll intPitnlii(i1 .it ellniiPi lii'-t nlftlit .it bcr homo cm WalilnRton nveniif. MKs HniclenboiKb will f- (t-nl the holiday vacation in Hurilsbuiir, the Bitest of lirr bi other. Auditor (JciiPial HnicloiibPiKh. and bis family. She will also attend the meeting of the l'onn .sl,inla St ite Sluio Toathei.s' asso ciation, to be held in Heading on the itilli. 27th and th. Mis KilIi ml A. ilakford will ghe a leu pt'em on I'l Ida v. December 27 in honor of .Miss Manness, the iiiuct'c of Mr. .laires S. O.iktoid. The bonis of leieiMtig will bo fiom foui to "ix. Mip IMwin (Icarhart will (iiter t .tin at ciidh em M0nd.1v and Thnisday (ift('inuiin!, Jaiinai.v -. in honoi of Miss ltiiggli'o, ot New Y01 It. S HER POINT OF VIEW f: CMOI.n A tale of biiiks: gold bucks. It is t-aiel that there are euy honest pconle who do not think tltev hae bad a bat rain unles-M they h.io chcaUd the meiehalit, unci lieih.ips It H tiuo that we aie all pietty keen aftei the .uhautascs in buinF' and sellin ?, but it Is none the less true that we all sooner or later nceiulre n choice lullftlon of irnid luitks. Pim h.ip'i, too, we sell some to otheis, but that is another stoiy. We all dislike being swindled. It if hugely a matter of conceit. We do sc bate the Intimation that we are not Muewd encnmli to detect the swlndki. We do not so much ugiet the mono sin nt for gold bi lc Ks as the loss in inlde and sclf-sufllc'lency. It is a ter llble blow to most of us when we llntl that we weie civeiic ached by one who was 1111110 acute, L.i Kochc foucauld said that "sell-love makes us blind. It Is the greatest of Hatteieis," and it is lust possible that this may be tine ennugh to account for the laii'e aiiil complete assoilmcnt of cold bilcks wlili h we have stmed away in a vci secict closet which nobody known about but om selves. Sometimes when wo feci p.irticulaily luu--:-li III cl and rhoiilil go out In the simsnlne wo peisistrntly i cumin In doois an t by w.cy of dheislon, nun the key In tb it hidden closet and take a doleful 'iiviHin:. ot the contents. Af tei the pioeess Is ended we aie In a condition of mind to so forth and as s.isln.ite our deal est friend or place dynamite on a sticet railway. The 10 Is ically nothing mote elrpiessljig than taking account of stock whoa gold bricks constitute the assets. We can taee such a task with so ninth more cfjimnlmlty when some other poison Is the piopiletor Then It ouite becomes a pleasuie, but H is not eulienin to look over our own posseuslons In tills line. I'crhnps, nicely w lapped up In tissue paper Is the gold biltk which wo know upicsenta a it lend for whom wo paid a high price' so high that it meant a baiter of self-icspett to meet the io iiiandH. The filcncl 's always theie, done up in tissue paper and seeming leal enough and sometimes we try to foiget for a little while that she isn't genuine, Vol always, down deep In our heaits, wo know that if wu should onto unfold the tissue paper blu would lin Jim a gold btlck, nicely gilded, to be sine, but onlv gilded, AVu do feel so iiucomtoi tablo about that gold bilck unel a number of evnlclsms tioop into our thoughts, and one beems Inclined to stay. It Is what some dspeptle man said "l''i ieintshlp betwetn two women Is never anything but a plot against n thlid woman." Wasn't lie hot 1 Id, Then thorn It. the little bilck ovit In the miner. Oral, ile.ir, but what a lot it tost' Theiu weici aetuiilly thrto pi ices and wu u.ild them all humilia tion, disenchantment, stinging 1 egret, It Is an attractive enough btlck as wo bought It. Almost anybody would have been eager for its ae iiuUiltlou an ad. wince in social position; ihu inllucmo of a certain leader we would lime paid far inoio if it had been demanded at the time, but when we eariied tho bilck homo and undid Its voluminous w tap pings by the cosy flieslde, wlieio our books, sue el, tiled ft lends, smiled at us ft am tho niche above, and we heard the soft sobbing of thu wtaltlis of old and unstylish and lalthuil filemlb we laid shut outstete tho wniiuth of our heaiU btviusc theie would now bo up to $15,00. BROS., & CO 317 A Difference There is as much difference in diamonds no there is in human faces, and not infrequently as much hidden deception. When you wish to buy a diamond come to us. You can rely upon our judgment and representation. E. 5CHIMPFF, I 317 Lacka. Ave In so little loom and so little time for them, somehow we found the new bilck c"v !vht and Its gold did not gleam mi in lily by the fair home glow. Hut ,f lu.se kept it vcrv carefully, for it co-t so much, you know, and we h.ip ii'cr told to this day Just how great wa the prle e and just bow eiuel Iv Ave wete thi'i.ted. M.i.be thfie was the time when we thought we weie golpg to buy love so veiy low. It v as the most beautiful gidd b'l. k 11 over savv. and they say It wis i!.c ua; I! In-j at Jltst, but v.e weie o anxious lo sectne a good bar gain that wo dill not wal'h the higgle r Pate iUlle sharply enough, and while we weie trlng to get better tonus and gie as little as possible, ,1 sleight-of-hand tibk made a swift exchange anil wo leallv got only what we paid for and seaieely that. We have always felt deeply Inimcil about the tians.ee tlon, but we haven't talked it over with our fi lends, ami sometimes we parade our nice gold bi Ick w lib the love label as the only tme thing In the world. Then there was that other time wIipii wo were actually willing to pay a fair price for n wondeiful shining brick, anil we dirt just that. It was to he worked out the cost was and it would take .1 few years onlv to clear the debt. It meant taking the best ytats ot our lles. the sunniest, dearest, but the eonelltions did not seem hard then. Looking back met ll'oiie je.irs today we icallze that they have stietched on and on until the pitseut; that ve have waited and tolled and struggled to pay the debt and have not stopped to glad den our enes with the Measure, and hat all the time It was a gold biitk md the real. Hue thing which we thought we had bought was close at ami in fair glimpses and often in glad 'oveliness which we mlcht bae taken o our hearts and cat tied all the way. The lingo gold bilck for which wo paid o dearly is 111,11 keel "Happiness." Hut the assortment Is so large and -o discouraging that we have not the heai t to go oer It just now to see If any biicks are missing. We could build a grand and unsubstantial mansion with our ae cumulation. There aie the bricks which weie sold in the name of lellgion, politics, charity, favoritism, prestige and appreciation, and then, dear me, theio aie all those Chilstmas gold bricks. We have p lid pietty well for one each but aftir all we aiet.itherglacl wo have not caught a permanent squint by going tluoiigh the wot Id with gianees of suspicion at eveiy stop. Our collection teptcsonts some lessons lent nod and peihaps a little gentleness, a little unsolllslmiss and faith In other people; so possibly some day wo shall see our gold bilcks set Into a solid wall which stands for ehai.ieter and nobil ity of purpose ami perhaps even our most ci itlt til friends will bo unable to detect that onco these weie fiauds. S.uiey Hess. SAMOAN DHESSMAKERS. How Garments Aie Made by the Na tives In the South Seas. I'niin Hit' Nev V01K Irlliuiie, In tho fc-'outh Seas chesses mo mado with a hatchet, a club and a pot nf paint, lively housewife Is her own tohe and habit maker. When she feels the need of a new gown she goes and chops down a tice. When her husband mods a new suit she chops down another liee. That Is easy, for men and women are clad twactly alike, a plain fold ot cloth caught about Urn waist and hang lug looidy to the knee or shin. The laces Inhabiting the Islands of the tioplcal Paeitif 1110 almost alone in having no Idea of the loom and the vat ions atts of the bpiuuer nnd Web ster. Thin lack Is undoubtedly duo to the nut 111 ul piovlslon of a mateilal which lewleis a woven cloth miner? s.uy to this pilmltlvo people. Tho only labile used In that pnit of the woilil Is a ciuile, tough paper made of bast. Tho tiee 11 out which the timlorial Is detlved Is thu papet inulbeiiy, or llioussoitetla pupyilfeui, which Is giown In plantations under the solo charge of women, and is also found wild In all pat Is of the Islands. In aichipelagoes so highly advanced as Samoa and Tonga, wheie women have nemo of the toaisor 01k to do, tho enthe cine of tho mulbeiry planlatlomi icstH with the women of each village. Tho tiei'B are planted closely, to In stil o a tpindliug ginwib, without lat eral In int lies. The plant will giow fiom seed; In such a cllmato theio Is 1 no dlllltully about getting things to giow, but expeilenco has shown that better icHults tallow tint planting of 1 twigs fiom the stuidler wild tiees. In about tlueu eus fiom planting the tiee will be In Ihe best condition tor I JoDas LoDg-s SoDS The Last Saturday Before Christmas. Boys' Clothing SECOND FLOOR. Boys Sweaters In nil-wool. All sizes, stripes nnd plain colors, at 75c. Boys extift fine All-wool Sweat er. All sizes and colois, $1.00. Boys' and Childien's Toques or Skating Caps. All sizes, nil stylos, 25c nnd 50c each. Children's Ovoicoats, made with nnd without belts, yoke back nnd front In red, blue, grey and loyal. Size 3 to 7 years, nt S3.08. Leather Goods Ladles' Pur ses and Pocket Books seal, alig-n-tor, imita tion aligator and Morroco, at 25c, 29c, 49c, 59c up to $3.00. Chatelaine Bags, come in seal, aligator nnd suede leathers, 25c up to f.3.00. Music Rolls, from 25c up to 82.98 each. ' Men's Bill Books, at 50c up. Leather Cuff and Collar Boxes, 25c to $4.25. Women nnd men's Card Cases, seal and aligator leathers, 25c to $1.25. Leather Traveling Cases, con taining whisk broom, tooth and nail brush, also comb nnd hat brush, at 75c to $2.25. Men's Mufflers A full size padded Muffler, shnped to neck. Come in pretty colois and neat patterns, includ ing black nnd white, at $1.00. $1.25 and $1.50. NECKWEAR Pretty silks, neat patterns, go to make up this line of Ties, nt 25c and 50c each. Ribbons Da you know of any more dainty fabrics than silk libbons for to help ma!:e home-m .de Christmas gifts. Many things can be made from libbons. All prices nnd widths. ofias Long's Sons $ 4 h Useful Holiday Presents A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT Leather Suit Cases House Coats Storm Coats Bath Robes i Handsome Line o! Hen's Gloves of MUmm, oi'i.s i:vi:.MNf:s Here Are a Few Suggestions for Christmas Shopping. You will find the articles in our Store. Exquisite Suits of Muslin Underwear. Trimmed in Em broidery and Lace. Ladies' fancy and plain Aprons. Maids' Aprons. Ladies' Hosiery, lace, lisle and silk. Kid Gloves in staple and fancy shades, Silk and Woolen Golf Gloves. Gents' Kid and Mocha Gloves. Fancy Hose Supporters. Would Advise Early Buying Before the Selec tion Is Gone. PRICE & YU) Wyomln; Avi'iuto, the cloth-nuii.t'iH. In that time It will attain a hclRht ot twelve) feel or mot-, ami tliu turn!; ulll haw: a iinlfoiut diameter of lather len titan twit incite'.". Aliont lour iVet of the trunk ate) waste, anil licit avallahlu for tho pai titular iiuijiom' for which thti lieu Is Ktown. Vim III at Ui feel fniin the li.tf-u aie tciei tough to woik we'll, and thu two fe-'i'l nt tho top aiu too s-ofl. If thu tice Is piopi'tly uroun and left to liialitie, theio will ho avallahlu for thu eloth-in.iUcr a Htlck of fhtht fuct III thu Uuai, and an MiuUht as a nicasiuiiiff lod, without Ku'otb or Books Toy Book Series Llttlo Bo-Peep, Count Your Chickens, ABC Series, Nursery Tnlo Series, Little Darling Series, Mother Goose Series, nt 10c to $1.00 ench. Vassar Series for Girls A caiefully selected series of stories for girls, by authors of reputation. A few titles: Our Bessie, Two little Maids, Six to Sixteen, Good Luck, Young Muntlneer, Wide Wide World, Lamplighter, Averll. Publishers price 75c. Our price 39c. Candy Fresh Candy every day. A fine mixture at 10c a pound. Chocolate Bon Bons, a splendid mixture, fresh every day, at 20c per pound. Handkerchiefs No better time than right now to buy Handkerchiefs. Ladies' Initial Handkerchiefs, 5c, 15c and 25c. Ladies' Fancy Embroidered Handkerchiefs, 10c, 12 l-2c, 15c, 20c and 25c each. Men's Pure Initial Handker chiefs, 15c and 25c each. Ebonoid Novelties Sterling silver trimming seals, nail fliers, cuticle knives, glove buttoners, tweezers, dinner bells, darners, shoe buttoners. A choice colection, at 10c each. '' V Neekwear Underwear Hoisery Mufflers Holiday Stispenders Spruce Street. Every Description. JENKINS, Ladies' Furnishers. hinni'lics and thiout,'h"iit, of tmlfoi in Kit th Guernsey Hall, lino hlKh-Kiuik', htuutlutl I'ptlslit Piano, an (iood lin liuw I" ovi'iy lebpect, m nicely a maiU on t. Beautiful ma hogany (mku: cim l)e puioluiHod thh wceMc tor tin- rash for $135. L'onio am' heu It, It will pay yon. 3U.31li "Waali. ington aveiiti', Sciantun, 1'a, Lewis & Xlellly. "Alwajs ttuby" Shoo Stores will be open minings until Christmas. fj a . w V. 5 , P4M ?f e.; i, v