Ht & "n4v THE RGRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, DtiCHMIIKIl 21, 1.001. ! r-if ' Puftll'fccil billy, tftcrpl Sun-Uy! Iiy T'C.T'jS" )Uti PiibllihltiK Cutntuiiy, l Fifty CctiU a Monti. I.IW tllrllMtn, Kdllof. O. V, nVMlU:. Ilmlnens MinJjtCf. Kw Yotk Offlcel ISO Nitwit Sf. s s, vnnr.tAvn. ' 8olo Aficnt for r.itrisn Ailvcrllsln. t Rttreil ot the Pnstollicf l "crantoni Pi " Scioml C1m Mall Mutter. S When" sptco will pcimlt, The Tilbuuo in nlwnyB glnd to print ', short lettoin from Its ft lends bear ing: on curicnt topics, but Its tule is that these must be slgnetl, for pub lication, by tho wi Iter's ronl name; 'mil thp condition precedent to ac ceptance Is that all contributions shall bo subject to editorial lovlslon. tiii: n.vr hatc foii avi:iitisino. The- follnulnc tnbtp plioiv tin price per Inch ncli intcillon, rpace to k incil within one joaft Full Position .10 .2 .10 AM . For rnnli of think'. rrntiillnn of eonilojcn'rn rid flmllir rnnlrllnitfnn In tho nitiirr or an wtlrtnt; The Tribune makes a cliare of G eentt lln. JiMci for Classified Advertising furnished on eppllontlo'. SIXTEEN PAGES. sriiAXTOX. ii:ri:.Mnnu 21, jtwi Itun ot Millnc on niopr.w, ppcr. n-niinu i thin WW inche .21 .275 BOO inrlio 20 .22 000 lit .175 OOO " if,, .17 won " 11 .l5 The mIm- Chi bujer always i onsiills tin- uilvi'ithiiifT column's of tho le.tilini,' inoiiilni; dnllv lufotc stinting out uiion it Hliopplns expedition. A Justifiable Compromise. Tim l'UOl'OKITION nf Sen.i for IVinoso to .'iilMim t to tin' Ki.uic of lro-ndtnlinl, not only Admit. tit H.impson anil Si liley but .ilso Captain rim k, has tho nit'i It oC b!v Iiir honor to the one nsiv.'il officer In the l.ito un plennintni ss who did notable .survlee iltlioul any li'vvaril whatever. Captain flntk supuUsud the poifoimanco of as a ft at of icinn.inshli) as mis in or poifoinicd in anv The nchloement ot tho Oioboii In rounilinp tho Horn, pirticlp.itliifr In the battlo X'f Santiago and lopoi tin?? at tho naval .iso loady for fin titer ilutj tlitl nuno i .ulvei Use- to tho woilil tho etHoioncy of oui nuy than anv other single cir cumstance In tho whole Sp.inish-Ainoii-.mji war. !ly icason of the aiohalc method of pioniotions thon in vogue ho ntuallv hitffetPd, flnanrinllv and pe culiarly, foi this achievement. Holding the opinion no do of Arltuiiiil Schley, we tannot enthuse over tho pi ion to make him a but if It will put an end to the llstviacoiul MMiielal-inongeiinK whiili lias tlevelopsil In and out of the na v, tho solution will bo wotth while. Thoie '. m be no qutstlon in tho minds ot tali -ninikel men as to tho justice ot mounting- Hear Simpson, to this iW.ido. caving ,nlin,l out of oon ?idtration the question whethei ho was .i tuallv in (oniinand ilu.InK tho battle 'n .nHiiiK) hnboi, the f.u t is undis puted tint h" supenistd with notable ifllcionc the diftkult anil anluous opei -jtions ot tlioXoith Atlintio niiMil piiBii. c.uryins tlio he a lest load of 10 iponslbillty oi or iiRuinud bv an Ameii iin naal oilieei with credit to hlm ) ir and with sallfattion to his impor ters President MtKinloy s-o testitled in his letter to Mr. Sampson, ami it would ill becomo anv member of con gress to east doubt upon his 'onso of laiincss or knowledRo of tho tacts bv opposing a recommendation he had in jiiind to make. If the piomotlon of thieo men Mil put an end to this haimful eon-)ioois- and restoio hawnony in the Tiavv and among; those who now au beapinrr disci edit upon it, by all moans let it be done The dead (oinmandei-In-chlet, wo aio auto, would, if alho, gladly hail tills moans of osupo from a situation that is now dlsgiactftil and full of mischief in its effects, upon naval prospects. The lecent exhibition made by Cu lun politicians who haso been tiying to hoodwink Seorotniv Itoot .nouses a hiisp'cion that the eountiy is betnming Amorieanlzed too last. ties and off Hie Jitdlelary. but on the eotitralv was Inelliu"! lo weleome them ItlilltntiiMllv, he did timlv but mctHeil JtiHlltr to Iho itRctu'V which) more than any othet, intmt work oul lit thlH rnttti li V the ptohlt'tn of HeetirltiB for the Amctlcati wotltluRtnnn it huger pliaro tluin ho has hlthettn had nf Iho ptotUt of the Industry which fiuplojs hltn. The titisl will work this nroblem out, not boiinise It Is especially phllan tluoplo but because the solution of the problem Is n business necessity, and because tho trust, better than tho stiuttRlliiR Httia.ll I'inployer, can sohe It. The Bieat employing Inloiesls which have lately boon giving notice of their Intention to Introduce old-age pension and tellioincnt pension features, or other forms nf prollt-shatlng, have not pietondod to be In business for (he pir tleular purpose of doing good: they have done these things because It has appealed to them wise, from n business standpoint, to do them. This standpoint will cause them to take other forward steps as their business experience wid ens and the development of economics pioceeels. t-nbor, bv co-operating, can hasten Its own advancement; but striking, boycotting and other bucking and kick ing only intei pose foolish and huttful delay. . General ChnfTee'h telew Indicates that the wily Malay Invariably appeals at best advantage when obsened at long i.iubc Deans a New Era. WHAT Irf said to bo tho tust stop tow, ud tho intio ductlon b the United States Steel ooiporation ol n genual sstom of pinlU-shiitlug among Itb ll'.'i.OOO emplojes has lust been taken in th lake ni.uino depart ment. Anuouucenunt lias, hem lnudc to the captains and ililof onglnoeis ot the lake steaniois of tlio lompany, bcglnnliifV lth the new it'iir, an etiu sum ot money, equal to 10 pi r twu illl be added to tin It Nil.uleH "as a dividend on ineilt." While in tho Hist "Instanto only 300 men will bo afitcted, It is Mild that In the event nf tho nj.s toni piolng heiptul In eliciting letter hirvlce and a moiu mi dial fooling iiinong the men, it will Mian bo ot nded to till the einphnes of the lake inutlno bianih, about -2 oon in uuiuber, and later, to tho entile winking foioe of tho Ion, We happen to know that n slml'lur purpose has been under lOiisldeiaUon by a nunibei of the huge employing cotporatlons In this (chilly. While mo aio not auihoiltd to untUlp.ttu liny annouuetments thatthev ipity ojm of those tjiiyji want to make (n thulr own fashion, It ran fulily bo nald that the I'.NemtlMi Intellout of Home ot tho Inigost einpojei(i that we huo In these parts luv-i been giving mutli thought to the pioblem of soiutlng u better ttel !ltsJm(l m,Qte,uiu"for)t und willing fJorUorf tfmoug their oinploKs, This has" not boon biought about by the eai nlfi( of htilkes, bojuittH and inlsiel (iineous agitation and anarchy with willed this c.omniunlly has lecontly boon ui.spd. 'bn the, the In- irrposltlon of this splilt of Industilal hat, tetatded the development ,if plaiib which hud ahead) been formed and fir ad vam ed with fw )p M, i'nittug ty waeo.eiuner to ,i more equlialile pat tiurshlp. In the buslnet.s which furnishes him with a livelihood. When. In Now Yoik the other day, .It, ttouipeis said he had no objection to offer to the formation of'uusts pin vlded they ktpt their hands cit of poll- New York's Excise Problem. NVAY YOniv citv's fonltibu tion to whirlwind personali ties with political ptospcets. .Ttihtite Jerome, soon to be dlstilct attoinoy, In a speech at Hoch ister has made public more dearly than hltheito his loasons for desiring the Sunday opening of city saloons. "In New Yotk elty," he says, "( have n,000 saloons, and of them 7,00o aie open on Sunday. It requires the tunic of twenty men to make this Sun day opening ptofltnble for a saloon and theii' you have 110,000 oteis who want a urinK on stiniuy nnu wno see no harm in the violation of the law, and 1)0,000 oteis aie a host for polltlelans to i eckon w ith. These men do not real ize that time Is any nioial tutpltudr in their getting a drink on Sunday; In their soliciting another man to sell them drinks and thus loweilng his solf-iespect and theiis if ou en deavor to enfoice tlv Sunday eloslng law ou antagonl7e this element and its supports! s and the administiation that tiies goes out at tlio end of the term." After showing how the law against Sunday opening could not be enforced how even under Major Stiong's ad ministiation, when Theodoie Roosevelt was president of the polite boaid and tvcr agent y ot government was tiying Its haidtst to enforce it, the net lesult of as honest, octet tinned an efLort as I could be made resulted simplv In lais- ing fiom J" to $10 a month tho m.'iil pi Ice of exemption charged by tho o policemen who wero "on the m ike," Justice Jeiome continues; "We have had beautiful developments fi om this law, whleli, in the tity ot New York, we tall the 'Haines law ho tels' Wc lino developed .2,167 of them where an India lubber s.indwlth is ch lined to the wall and it is pulled out when the diink Is oidored and is al low ed to go back. That law pel mlts 2,107 places to sell rum on Sund.iv by having a 'fly-blown' sandwich which does duty all day long. That Is indeed maintaining the sanctity of the Sab bath in closing the saloons on Sunday. If that is tho kind of hypocrisy that the American people like, I misjudge them. It Is not the kind of people to whom I made my play in the cam paign. I played to that which was hon es!, which could look the truth in the face; that which was loyal, and I ran 17.000 ahead of my ticket. "Now, what those who feel as l do want, is but one thing. Vv'e aie not seeking to have any change made in this law in regal d to tho lovenue. We look for a law that we can enforce. We look for a law that won't debauch our public bervice; that won't dangle fiom $(jOO,000 to $7"0,000 a year black mail befoie our police department. These men aie bettor when they are appointed, better morally and physic ally, than the average man in the com munity. Hut enn ou devise a scheme moio admiiable than this to debauch the public 'service? Can jou ofter $000, 000 or $750,000 a jenr In this foim of blackmail to the average man and ex pect him to resist It ,' Can you lake n polite captain with 2oO saloons In his dlstilct and have Jl.'.ooo paid to a man In New Jeisey, wheie ou cannot time It, Jut acioss the llvct? Can ou do that and eptct that the average man oi all the average men ate going lo re sist it.' If von think so, it ou think hi will of humanity, coiuo down to New Yotk and we will show ou dif loioiitly, "We want yon to change this law so nan uoni i n-fiocK on .Sunday until in or 11 o'clock on Sunday night llrtuor die ati d Is euforotblo, und the question Is not whether or no such n law will have no evils uttendlng It. f Itttnw no law that touches: great social questions th U does not hnV" Us faults. Don't think that 1 think that the opening of the saloons Is it desirable thing, God knows Hint with the ipcrliiiio that r have had, If I i until close theiu for nil time t would be the llrst to vote 'ityo' on that pioposlllon. Hut the eitiestlnii befno us In whether nn tin enforeibte law on our statute books does nut bilng lutlilental evils mine tetrlble than the Incidental evils of al lowing stub un opening, and Ui. I'mk hurst well said u bill for .Sunday open ing dining limited houii In the city of New York Is not n bill for Sunday opening. It is n bill for Sunday clos ing; und tluil Is teiilly what It Is," No one will question Justice Jeiome's .sincerity. No one familiar with politi cal conditions will doubt that tho cx-cIm- pioblem un It elsls In a huge city Is decidedly dlffetcnt from the pioblmi as It i elates lo small towns mid ruin! communities, and theiefoie leqtiiies different treatment. His view Is that n law which can be enfoioed and theie foie Is not bioken with impunity, with the ( ffect of lasting moio or less i ou tempt on all law, Is bettei for a com plex city llko New Yoik than a I nv whoso cnfni fluent Is Impossible and which, thou loi o. Is of no u-o. This Is tho point ol view of world I v wisdom profiting by the teachings of human oxpcilonce. Hut It will not bo incepted by the pmllun clement and we very much doubt that It will win the open assent ot the New Yoik legislaUuo. The mcmbeis of that boilv may ngite with it In pi hate, but they aie not monkeying with the btus saw mot c than they can help and their caution docs them citdlt. tn Itnllii, mid 11 U mM II lll ti .itit llicr fir rnl.i tiln hum hit Ion tlipipii tlnii the until nit til UiMi :ttit In ii li, tumil iiiiitli ,.r luimln nn lint lnol will hull il lnw ,11111111c' III III' linpnlt if mril i in mil I ii 1 1 Ihlv, Hi,. ,iijtit Hum lir I uluil In linn limijhi In ii li ipiiliiunlll v. iyi Ii li is uluti wtbtrll.Mi In iiicul t !.!) ami .i i mil lit f I 'JDHOJ lon Iih innilli Imli liunlj l, ii In il iitinl with mi Vinuliiii pinilunr. tolnul llillllln ill NiiMn mi lint rennlb' l i 1U if Aimrkiiii e ml nrrliul ill llnnli' llx. Hid i l,iwil tun iiiiitu mi Juu nrrliul it Itom n S-i-Hill tiinomif Vni'ilinn "trim toil Imp irrt tit h iiiiliul In s u;iri dr tin' Imuli tuii. slitp iiiinpin.i. unit h 1 Itilmtnul llu mil uln-i niiuil (i 1 1 Ut ii I Ion. ',n Ion iiqji ot Mi un mil i III iiiiIim li ki S i iin In l fiw il-is, i milium it In tin- I'ttlt flile iih llillnii nitip itiv (oil-Ill llnuril lull' nf III Mill II KH, III), lit till' IiihkI Ui iiii in luiirrliiH ni cinlhrin Id' toil Iih Irilili im ill i iiientli iiml iIomiI i Mill Ilia.' inmlnio einlneti. rio llr'l fhliinrlil li r. piilnl ti urlio .it Himliurc tho mil of tl i' 1 .1 tin.. Vit.i mil) .iii. -Wallci I. Ililhld Minuet nil, V. v., 0". If. AVhlle engaged in pet looting tlio sjs teni of street signs, 11 might bo well ' also to nilse the aio lamps to tiitii orlg 1 lnal position. The tact that some othei I cities ate cuiseil by the loweied slicet i lights Is no icason whv Kctanton should not insist In the inteitst of good eyesight upon luiv ing the lamps wheie they belong. Miss Stone may succeed In conveit ing the tiulgailan biigands, but it is doubtful if the can induce them to io duco the i.itos of i.insom. It is some times lather difficult to peisuade the converted on this side of the ocean to lelont In anv tiling that touches the pocketbook. ' It is latliei dlfllcult to deteimiiie iust jet who will have the last laugh, Ihe earnest belloveis In Mr. Mauoni's svs tom of wiieless communication or the stofteis who e his hopes lo those of the late Mr. Keelj. Hill & Connell's Holiday Furniture There can be no more appropiiate gift than one of the following lin s, all of which are marked in plain figures: Wiillm; Pp-I s t riun'i Die-ill!.? MiNn, iini, r itilc. I iih.i I ;;l In I'm Chill., elm il iilj-i- i, in ch i V 1 1 ii iliiiui-. Intill e lulu, mii-Ii ('iliiiui.. lloikcro. i urlei iliimls "li ivliiir 'tiiuls, Hcs fi-o, Pul .til- biuoin, lirilimciot, Morn ( hill- Low pi ices and laige assortment to select from, of well made and desir able patterns. Hill & Connell 121 N. Washington Ave. Headquarters for Incandescent Gas Mantles, Portable Lamps, THE NEW DISCOVERY Kern Incandescent Gas Lamp. L Giiiisterfi Forsyte 32.1-327 Pen n Avenue. A Second-Class City with a First-Class Stock of Cut Glass, terling Silvsrwara Cific'is, Etc. Suitable for Wedding Gifts. MercereaU & Connell, 132 Wyoming Aveune. TRIBUNE WANT ADS. BRING QUICK RETURNS 50KU300JOratSO:KSO:MXXK& Ho D. Crane I CLOAKS, SUITS, SKRTS AND Our line is of too great an assortment to enumerate, hut prospec tive Buyers will be fully repaid by looking us over. 324 Lackawanna Ave. ft Kingston has jet something: to live for. Koui pil7es vveio sec ui oil by a loslelont of town at the Xevv Yotk cIor show this week, TOLD BY THE STABS. Dally Horoscope Drawn by Ajncchu, The Tribune Aatrologer. fe (J. !i .-tioUw last, 2,1 i in, foi Situtiln, pc ,1. IjiU. V chihl lorn mi II i-. ihj ill noil t it tiknl withniit Ib-uiaiict i- u imuli III c i ship without sill-. Vino ni the lowtr -tile niilicni iton il ho Hi see in In Iiim rofiilul Willi the fin. l hn s i;iPitm-s fin olien be ju Igpil hj nu.tiiluile et hi- im-lili- A soil mini pe t pie win ven not tlm; hue tin ine-t pnnoiiiKtil oplucr. npin Miiip-on sum i ill or, Man siiinfiii; fiill-n rppurlunltli-, if nu liraeil, mlht luve provoil koI I luiil-, (.IrLs i iilimpUlin inilihioin shonlil roii'un lici tint ice en mi, tlcitor tic kit- mil ln-'iinh seldom come in Iirj;e ijimiiIHic- In 'ie -jin i pill. IRC. It is niier too hlc lo miKi i j;oi d iti)l i.iu'i, but often ton late to put It in pracihe. Nathini; should he put i li until trmnirovv, in li-i, pirlup-, It inljnt lc Hit lolluloi. the the ALWAYS BUSY. ii mom WHAT OUR. CONSULS SAY. Iditor of Tlio lii'iimr-- Su: Wile mils and cotton v i-lo"ln ii-ttn Consul llii-aiilil ui rts irmi fuc-lc, Au-tiii: "I lie re is In S Milium Vu.nii i uoil in u kit fi criMsind wire mils, Mippliul ihicfli in the pis: In I iikIiiiiI jnd (.ciunn.i. Ihue i. il-o i ij ih in iml foi i ot dm w .no, iihuli ihr inUiiel i k. ten mill, e iimol -upplj " Aiiuiiiin eoil In I i,i. i - Con-ul lrtlcM. nf Irhste, Ociuher .1, lull, su,: "I'r.ilcn (,, th i a IHO". no Vimii' in mil Iml oui loumi u- hi lo this inukit. Ill ihi "7ii.k Inns hnpunl lit jeii, tlttwtKo pi nut, cime fiom lir'U Itritulr. .ml umiiIuii pu nut., ru about n,,'io. ton., tri in the l ni d st,i,s i ,, , .. i'fielorj, liiKiiiiiini;. .'i i llu fiut his moulds ot this Mir .".lulu inn, mi,, inipi 1 1 1 il mm out lounlii. llu'ivull ill (utilities of pup i nil u.. iiii'iaii-cil Inn. 1' eiikliuri, luldn 'Ini, ifood Amiikiin coil W tull.v i pul In tie Cirdil proihut," l.iii-iil (n.nril -Ai'itm f I it-i III - Hutu tint I uslni ss in Vim id in mil hi, iho i ,p, j. nil nl il since. In spili of llu ili. lin, n I llu. fu in ( nulla i ur mil in, i m miif ,i 1 1 , irtwi, Iml In, (.-Jin il In Imp m into 'Mi ul.ui I He It' in Ninpnt ,Nihk u Mj,i (ties f. ,. it sj 1), iiKilli-l -I 3,1 t i it i.-o, (.iwil llrmitit 1 1 si inhiiiie .in II u .in li. iitli.i v.h i run' l,i ni, tie I.) Ik lnt;e IL , ' I" rrtuie i, to ihe iiliitv oj b'liuiiu i oil limn llie suilh, m ,.. ,'.,,1,1 .i. .. .t ., i in ii i ur mii 1 1 un tuiin, i i in 1 1 nun t ii mpiii iiiuiasiii ixiiiim.'ni II iii.iioiti ilul In Ih iliny ue .sold in the city of Sow Yoil. ""' iiisiiihhi1, It nu be eonlldiutb in otlitr placfH than tho o,j07 Italno'i ' '"". "'" " "'" '" " r"1"" "ur ,ni1 ttl" t'o law- hotels. Knelt a law ait I imvo lu- Our Stores are filled from heel to toe with common-sense Christmas Gifts, from 25c to $5.00. Lewis & ReiESsf, 114-116 Wyoming Avenue Store Open Evenings Until Christmas. TAKE ELEVATOR. PA00P0aK00000t0P0W0000020jM. f-f f -4-ft--f-f -f--t-f4---ff-f4-4-f'fff Correct to the Second That is what we can truthfully say of our WATCHES A few Holiday specials to be found only at Sogers': LADIES' r?OLD WATCHES Waltham or Elgin, 15 jewel movements, guaranteed for 25 .$15.00 years GENTLEMEN'S GOLD WATCHES Your choice of a hunting case or open face Elgin or Waltham 15 jewel movements guaranteed for 25 yeaxs $10. to ?30, LADIES' OR GEMTLEMEN'S Gold Watches, guarnntead mo vemeuts 10, An exceptional baigain. .! 00 Scranton's mmmmbmnk Mmm Christmas Store 8i 3 tr. ST Our handsome stoie j s now in complete holiday nttiie. It is a wondeiful bower of benutv and well wnrfb .. ,.!., from you. Accept this ns pei&onal invitation and briuc & the childten with you. . 8P The four large double floois aie filled vIth everythine S. in which the little folks delight and ninny things in ! which adultb nie interested, Sf I Toys, Tree Ornaments, s Doils, Candies, etc., in endless vaiiety too uumetoub too mention will be ;-j found heie at piices consistent with the quality of goods C zr. loiimi ,i pi rin me in in .ii,i i in ri.uid, V c n,'o of Ami id in iinthi ii io hi bull el nt -fr 4. .M. . 4. . , 4,, iiJtJ(tJi THE STRIKING CLOCKS. Tut: 'isii Joseph Blcthen, In The SaturJay hvonliiR I'ost.J slrtrK ore; mil thc'i tit hlrucl. In s-uil 'he (.ishd ii of the hour Ih miniling i-Iioilir 110111, llu J wilkoil out tf thru town line vci-nt iliout tht Nltcplu.- luuii in tin, odd tniiiioral mls.ioii, ml urui'il .ill ilotUj io (,0 on tirlU 'In lillcr llflr uindltlon. n.ej wthorul in the publit .ijuja 'In listen tu hai tnj'u'n,-, tul wlion tlio kjdirt nude 1 point Hip all nudo a lUnsjIn,', "In (.IrfkiiiB e luie ilujj led (Dm oM elk thre nutlj imntioiO, Ci't lJlth othir ktrilif than 01111, Vto idlinilntf wine ultcntlw. Willi 011I1 witrlie theio in rali l Wild! lie 1 lulls, sUiplo", Ihe mii ..litkcl iicm, ulilt iU pi t, riion.'li loudly lluj nude til tl. Hut all (hit i!j ho uuiltd the inui. t'pon il v coiiii wni ilUI, ll.e iltH.!,, ilulind llici shoiltl ivjul nil .111 ili ni iml, une u lul, lint whin iheli malinpiln; lud tun ilomi Nine winding up was iirtiUil, 'llifii mo oM tlosk ilirliiml I1I4 ninid; "I MJiit tin thni in plii, 1 nenl utli nioiiitiil of 1111 time lo tell the lime of ilaj. Mm ' Vi mir a I cm u,tilritiiul, 'llife milci (ur shcrln dour Would lean- in bioad, piogrusiic ihHi 'senw Icbure m on ioncia " "I Hiitl tint I'iuis son 1 ilnly mi I'oi eierj nun ami nil ion, Villi Mllllllff lloclv tlm Bu rn i,, .Must lest- UipIi ctiiipatlui " llu 11 oil they iimt tg meet the s.Un, And left the Kqiinj; p.-opl". 'Jlin bail thej unit 10 ..hell and With thamc fu all their Ui, And to tills ila lho,e 1 lot Is iiaie 'Hull luni! In foi c Hull facts. tower hcl.1 I J. D. Williams & Bro. I ' 312-314 Lackawanna Ave, ? KfWWs I The Holiday Season! ft Is moving toward us and promises to prove 52 X a corker in everything in the jewelry line, A Boys,' Watch, $2.50 A lioliil.iv hpetlal on Uovs' Wntchfh. optn intf, liewt niiKi'l plnte, good UniPkeeiieti. A Girl's Watch, $4.00 A neat opon-f,ire silver tlmeplore lot the' mJiohI Bill, a tellable tlino ketiicr unil a usetul sift. A. E. ROGERS, t Open Evenings, (.Ill PN tllVIIIM. 213 Lackawanna Ave. 'V 1 1 AMl"s Willi AM. l'L'IUs:S 4-f f f.f,4. 44 44 4-f -f-f -f-f-f 444444-44f1 0 ooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooo DID YOU KNOW BERRY'S JEWELRY STORE Is full of Beautiful Goods. We make a specialty of PERFECT DIAMONDS AND FINE JEWELRY BERRY, THE JEWELER, 423 Lackawanna Avenue. :: SlKKSfHKMK -wvmmmm-m, THIRD NATIONAL BANK OR SCRAIMTON, Orgamized 1872. Depositary of the United States. Capital, $200,000 Surplus, . $550,000 'llioill-v unit i t'ei tinlop inliis is ,) per ffiit. pei itiiiiiiin "speiliil iilti'iitluii she i to .i't if iililtsi nlicllui" liiriii' snu'l iipen .'ntiiriliiv i'veiiliii Mtoll ii'ln'., Ilueo pti ooni, liiioii'U pil I on suxtni, ilep; Inltiost ciiiiiiontiilul .Iiiiiiiny 1st unil Inly Ht. WILLIAM CONNELL, President. HENRY DELIN, JR., Vice President. WILLIAM H. PE0K, Cashier. , DIRECTORS, William Connell, James Archbald, Homy Delin, Jr., Luther Keller, Goo, H, CiUlin, J. Denji Dimroick, Thomas H, Watkins. Jftmos L Connell. W. D. Zehnder. ooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooo 0 p Si SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER Occupies an Imperishable Position in the BUSINESS WORLD,1 Unquestionable Superior Merit Annually adds thousands of names to the long list of Smith Premier users, jepresenting every line of trade and every profession ILIUSTRATED CATALOGUE FREE, The Smith Premier Typewriter Co,, NO. 23 8. Eighth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Qcrantoa Branch Ofilce, No. 1 and 3, Arcade Buildinf, ' I ra22iik t ., 4- : 4 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i $ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 s 0 0