The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 21, 1901, Page 16, Image 16

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I'i.MhV, . , .
'WfMl," L t'Vl
t Vn
Goldsmith's Bazaar
Every Newsboy of Scranton and Northeastern Penn-
J sylvania Will lie Given All the Copies of Hie
J Tribune He Can Sell on Christmas J
Morning Absolutely Free.
The Tribune desires to give the newsboys an opportunity
t to make some extra money on Christmas morning, and with this
, ....... i.. n .... !.... r .t h f
' imMM
Absolutely Pure
Made from grape cream of tartar
most highly refined and chem
ically pure. Leaves neither
acid nor alkali in the food.
Conference of the Preight Agents of
the Lines Enteiing- Scrnnton Was
Held in This City Thursday Those
Who Were Present at the MeetingMake-up
of the D., L. & W.
Board for Today Eleven Stalls in
New Lackawanna. Bound House
Tt is not uneommon in mine work
ings, when' the ventilating current Is
.sluggish, to find a stratified eondition
of ras either at the louf or the lloor of
the mine, ueronllng to the dfllsity of
the gas in question. Hlaekdairp will
often stratify in this manner in a
swamp of the roadway where the air Is
dead; and so well defined will he the
plane of stratification of the gas that a
lamp will be almost instantly extin
guished by the movement of an inch or
two vertically downward. The writer
has experienced gas thus stratified,
where the lamp would bum freely above
'.he plane of stratllieution of the gas,
mi if lowered an ineh would be extin
;uished. Were it possible to observe what was
taking place in a roadway under these
' conditions, we would probably find a
continual billow of gas along the lloor
of the roads leading lo this swamp,
while a ceitaln poition of the gas was
diffusing Into the air above and being
carried away. The same thing In a
measure oceurs la the accumulation of
a body of marsh gas or Hredamp at the
roof of workings. The body of gas or
llredamp Is continually augmented by
an Inflow of gas along the roof, while a
certain poition of the gas is diffusing
into tile air current and being carried
away. Elllelent ventll.ttli'ili in each of
these eases requires a more active air
current, and depends upon the mechan
ical action of the air In sweeping away
this gas to iH'cvent such accumulations.
It Is possible to have a cavity so formed
In the roof, and having sui h a relation
to the airway through which the air
current is passing, that the body of ac
cumulated gas which It contains will
In such a case the gas Is supplied by
a feeder in the roof stratn, and the air
ClUTtlll IS IIUl IIIUIIKIll I" Ill-ill Ulll'l-uy
.um ii. i.n.iv .r ti. itmk. but th...-o is.
i. nntlniifil imtlliiw nf l'iih 111 n thin I
stream alons the roof, that Ih Iiciiik
,a,rl.-d awa? by the current. If Ul0
outllow of the cavity wner-i It
has areumulated is considerable, but
still less than the discharge from tho
feeder, the chances are very itood for
having a body of undiluted nmrHii khh.
AVhlle diffusion Is continually taUliiK
place at the mouth of the cavity and
fcirnilw; an explosive firedamp mlxtuie,
this passes away In a thin stream idoni?
the roof of the airway as rpilcMy as
MInuK unci MlneralH, .Scranton, l'a., fop
Conference of Freight Agents.
The various freiRlit UKents repruaent
,ntr tlio lines enterlntt Kcranton, liehl a
foufei-piU'o In this c-lty on Thursday,
When tlio plans for the coining year
vero (llFcuubPd and suBJfestloiiH mado
relative in Increasing: tho volume of
new uuxlnt'tiu.
Individual opinions were also ox
pressed by the freight men retjnrdliiR
the aull-iians rule, which Is expected to
become! operative! on all lines east of
OhlcuKo after the first of Juntmry,
Anion,' those pi cuent werm
P, J. Flvnn, of New York, general
freight UBt'iit, of hu Delaware, Lacka
wanna unci Western railroad ; T, B.
Koons, New York, t'eneral frelRht nuent
of the Central Hallroacl of New Jersey;
V. 13. Thayer, contracting freight
ngent, Itullroad of Now Jer
sey; C. W, Ten firoek,, district freight
agent. Lackn wanna railroad; J, B.
AVelsh, traveling freight and pustonger
agent of the Ontario und Western mil
road; J, C. Moffat, local freight agent,
.in nn wnni-ii u-iiem tim i-inin oiovaiwi ""' "1' ls- J '"'' woroon tlit-lr wuy Jio oUmtvccI. A ltl PltllCf ft'X, lit SUL'll
to U ivuv li H licuii i"x I. mulil ilm "otu -' -'" ChrlHtimiB liolldayH. timer., the unnulllsU wilicltuilo for tl.olr
,?. . .. . 1" fMliiMilHnud nbsunt filendst Ih euro to pviiu-o itself
without llaniliiB. Knnn nn nrtlcle en- - - ... .,.,.. Ketlin as.i0 .,, ei.oifest nior-
tltle.1 -nehiivlor of Mine. Clu.seH," In NAMES OF JAPANESE. ,J"'ti',"l,lV .0. f 1l.. ..1.. ZL
Cue must ba taken lo avoid baking pow
ders made from alum. Such powders are
M)ld cheap, because tliev cost but a few
rents per pound. Alum is a corrosive acid,
uhich taken in food means injury to health.
i:rle railroad; D. T. Yost, Lehigh Vul
py railroad: E. "A". Drinker, Delaware
ami Hudson railroad; V. J. Mullen,
Pennsylvania railroad.
After the meeting adjourned a ma
jority or the visitors leturned to the
D., L. & W. Board for Today.
The following Is the malcc-up of the
D., L. and AV. board for today:
rniP.w, -n.
wihi it, s i. in., :. w. nurt
m., P. 1-. Itogus 11 ii. m., T. .MiCiitlij.
10 p.
satitiday, ii:ci:mhi:ii :i.
Willi Cil.- 1-c-t. l.iiO a. in., 1". Il.illolt
I a.
m M. nnnciiy
," ,i. i I. A. Bn-li; ii .1. hi..
Ili'mkcii, .1. 11. Mill.; S a. in., O. W. Dunn;
Ii a. in., I). Ilasfreit.v; 11 .1. in., 1 aiiWnr
iinr: 1 p. m., O. V. I'lliyi-raM: i p. in., K. M.
Il.illetl; J p. in., W, J. Mctekr; ii p. in., 0.
SuuuhKk, Kte. fl a. m., .1, Ilonnisitn; S a.
in., (!. Iioimfolkor; 10 .i. in., W. II. Xiclnlh;
p. in., lliuiiipeo'.i; (! p. m., J. Uitli-; rf p.
m., (liililen.
l'11-.liers 1 a. m.. Wiiliirr; V a. in., S. llii
ticrli : i a. m.. Hoiii!i : 11.15 ,i. m.. Mi i.ur,
ii . m
A. Mi-Honm-11: 7. nil p. in., .Miirpiij;
p. " u'. II. Ilirtlinloin.'w; 10 p. in., Lampinc.
l'.i'Mir.'ir l.ngiiics 7 a. in., Cittiicy: 7 a. m.
Smiai; 10 a. in.. .Vaunun; 10 a. in., I'. 1!. iecor;
0.1 p. in., sunloii: i:su p. in., Mitlowtn.
Willi C.iN Wi.-l.-3 a. in., 1'. Wall; S ,i. m ,
,nn,"ih; ID a. in., Jolin flalinpr m ; 11 a. m.,
O. Ilaiiilolpli; - p. in., T. Dnmlir.iii; 4 p. ill., .
i:. Kiti htm; " p. m,, ('. Kliuih-y; 1) p. m., I.'.
.Mc.VllMii; 11 p. ni II. Ca-liici.
,1. riinl.y
anil uc will Icac; Seianlou il"U
a. in., daiiy, except Sunday, onwoik train, to
load lock at II mhurH until further notice.
M. V.dli will inn No. til Satuiday, Die. 21
Peeking and crew will run No. til Sunday,
Dee. 2.'.
M. fiinley will run Nicholson p.i,cii;cr iiiRiue,
one 11) iiIkIU, Dee. 2(1.
John Winlem and crew will run No. 61 Situr
day, Dee. 21.
Mia.lor and crew will run No. 50 Sitwd.ty,
Dee, 21,
Walla, ami uv.- will urn No. '4 Saturdiy,
I)lt'- -' , ..... .
llall.i and (lew will mil No. 51 baluiday,
D(C 21.
II. Clark and trow will run No, Si Saturday,
D oti ,
,1. .1. Dully and crew will tike his own plck-i.p
Pew. 21.
1. 'i'ltiuaii leporh for V. II.illi.-U.
This and That.
District Passenger Agent M. Iv. Pmlth,
and District freight Agent C, "W. Ten-
niiu.k. or the T.iipkiiwiinnii railroad
went to New York yesterday.
M, U. Oasev, superintendent of car
serviee, Lackawanna railroad, has re-
turned home from Buffalo.
Kleven stalls of the new Lackawanna '
railroad round-house huvo been com-
pleti'd ami will be occupied the (list of
next week. The remainder of the
,, .., . .... . . l,.u ,, I, .,,,.,. .,,.. ,,t l,l,T, vr. lln.ino
twenty-two stalls will be llnlshctl as.lngson Ivory are of high excr Hence.
"""i1 "h I"""1"""-
The largest water tank ever built In '
the city now stands aloUKblde the Laelc-
- - . V'1 " ' ' n '" ,0
-nmloii yiml. It Is two ty feet wide.
ty -'- lilKh. unci will hold many
lliousands of laillous ot water.
A now tlme-talile has been Installed
In the round-house at Otmc--o on the
UiL'UawuniM railroad
A larKC deleKiitlcin of Cornell student!
passed through the city yesterday af-
tei-noon on Lackawanna train No. fi.
Thoy Vary at Different Periods of
Their Lives.
I'lom llic- l.nlKor Moiillily,
Tho naming of a Japanese baby ls
not Hlmply tho bestowal of a name
upon It, soon after Its birth, by which
It shall be known duilng Its lifetime,
The name of 11 Japanese Is changed
at various periods of his life.
When u Japanese child Is n month
old he Is given his llrst name, with na
tional religious ceremonials. The child
Is taken In state to the family temple,
Servants carry the entire Infantile
watdrobe, the extent of which Indi
cates tho degree of wealth and tho so
cial position of tho father. At the end
of the procession a servant walks, car
rying a box which contains money to
give the ofllclatlug priest, nnd n slip
of paper on which the three names mo
written, On entering the temple the
father hands the paper containing the
names to the priest, who copies them
In three separate sheets, which he
mixes and shakes at random, while
pronouncing, in a loud voice, a sacra
mental invocation to the god to whom
1 .....i.t.... .,.-...... it, .(.. ...,ll..iT.. .......... I L-lth tlio u-nnuni no imliroviMilpnt l tn
The Tribune desires to give the newsboys an opportunity
to make .some extra money on Christmas morning, and with this
object in view will furnish thorn with all the copies of the paper
they can sell on that day absolutely without cost. This applies
to carriers and all newsboys alike, whether they are selling The
ooject in view win inriiisn uii'iii wuh an inu tupits " w iu.i T
f they can sell on that day absolutely without cost. This applies
Tribune now or not. Carriers
extra copies upon request. The boys will be furnished with
papers as soon after they come from the press as possible, and
will be kept supplied from the business ollke until !) o'clock in
the morning.
I3oys out of town should send their requests for extra
copies to "Circulation Manager, Tribune, Scranton, Pa.," stat
ing how many copies they expect lo be able to dispose of.
Carbondale boys will be supplied from the Carbondale of
fice, from 7..'U) to !).:"l0 a. m.
All local carriers and newsboys who wish lo take advantage
of this opporl unity must secure their papers from The Tribune
office personally.
No returns of unsold copies will be allowed the following
the temple Is dedicated. He then
tosses them In the air, and the first
one that touches the holy lloor is se
lected as the eholie of the presiding
divinity. This name Is written on a
piece of paper by the priest, and is
given to the child's father as a talis
man. During the ceremony sacred
songs, with Instrumental accompani
ments, are chanted. Visits to rela
tives and friends of the parents follow
the christening, In celcbiatlon of which
festivities of various kinds an: In
dulged In and presents given to the
The Japanese child wears loose gar
ments until he Is three years of age. At
that lime they are discarded and his
clothes are bound around his waist
with a girdle. The girdling ceremonies
are public and are accompanied by
vcr elaborate religious Utes. On that
occasion he receives a new name. Ills
education begins at this period and Is
constricted finished at fifteen, at which
time he attains his majority. He as
sumes the responsibilities of a man and
takes his place in society with a new
name. Entering upon the duties of a public
function, he takes another name, which
is changed upon every advancement In
rank of dignity in ills ollleial position.
Ills name is changed upon the slight
est pietext. If his superior olllcer hap
pens to have the sumo name, the sub
altern's must be changed, for it de
tracts from the dignity of a chief for
a subordinate to possess the same
name. lie receives a new name upon
his maniage. Ills last, and only per
manent name, is the one given him
after his death, which Is Inscribed
upon his tomb.
Their Linguistic Aptitude and Musi
cal Development.
I'loiu the Kia.
The Alaskan Esintimaus are highly
inteligent. industrious, moral and hon
est according to their standatds in
such matters, which differ somewhat
from our own. They are strletful
truthful, of kindly, cheerful disposition,
and exceedingly gentle, patient and
tactful in their manners. In illustration
of their intcligence, it was interesting
to note while that their language em
braced but a few hundred words as
against our overwhelming vocabulary,
they and not we made all the advance,
evincing the keenest Interest in the ac
iiuisltion of the white man's tongue. In
voicing their prolleleney In this direc
tion It was not uncommon for some of
the moie sensitive among us to be
shocked upon being saluted by some
precocious maiden with a string of
.,,,, ,,.... ininnml ciiIIp.1 for nnv
"HK'" t'Vl -,"- . ...w-....,( .... .... ...
i edlllcatlon from the explosive speech
in general use iiiuung uie iljhcbciiiii-
tlvcs ot a higher moral development
The natives soon learn such tunes and
songs as wen; whistled or sung In their
hearing. These they reproduced with
considerable accuracy, words and till.
The words were, however, generally
sounds phonetically similar to those
heard, and were sometimes, in fact,
quite amusing. This sudden musical
development seemed remarkable, con-
sldorlng that their natural attempts
Include only monotonous (Ironings, ac-
companii d sometimes by an unineas-
urcd Inane thrumming on a sort of
tambourine. There are many artists
among them whoso carvings and eteh-
There Is a marked difference in tho
adaptability to I'aucasian customs be
ye en
X, ! " u-h, t
. fu or. an U
tween tlio men and women or tins race.
o much keener In antlcipat-
s likely to meet with wlilto
lose no time In at least co-
ecallnj- lmbltn and Inclinations tlmt
are seen to be objectionable, whllo the
are seen to
i vc-iinipii mill
i women make but llttlo jirosress In this
direction, The contrast is best shown
.nlH!at tho white man's table, one or two
I meals sulliciUK to prevent any painful
exhibitions fiom the men; whereas
falling, however, to ask leave to do so,
Resumption of Sunsot Limited Ser
vico Between Now York, Phila
delphia and San Francisco, Sen
son 1001-1002.
Commencing November SO and each
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
thereafter, tho Washington and .South
western Limited, operated dally be
tween New York, I'lilladelphla and
New Orleans via tho Pennsylvania
Itullrotul and Southern Uatlway, leav
ing Philadelphia, llroad street station
at 8.55 p. in., composed of dining, Pull
man drawing-room, sleeping, observa
tion and library cars, In addition
will carry a sp-jclal Sunset Limited An
nex Pullman drawing-room compart
ment sleeping car to connect with the
Sunset Limited operated between New
Orleans and Sun Francisco,
The celebrated truns-contlnental ser
vice offered by these luxurious trains
inukes a trip to tho P.tellle coast not
only very quick, but most delightful,
Uhurles L. Hopkins, district passen
ger agent, Southern Hallway, S'ii
p-.ltl IL --.rvt l,w mw IMlvvu f tliviih liviwi
out of town will be supplied with
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
In Klfcct Nuv. .1, 1D01.
Train Iimm! Seiuntun.
IV Philadelphia ami New York via D. k 11.
II. H., at U..i3 ami si.38 a. in., mil 2.13, 1.2
(Mack Diamond i:picii), ami II. 'ID p. m. hun
ila., I). .V II. It. II.. 1.M, S.27 p. in.
1'or Wlnte Hiven, llvlrtun aiv! points
in tlio coal regluns. l.i 1). & II. It. I!., rills, B.H
mil 1.27 p. in. Kor l'ottsillo, li.::S a. in., 2.1S
p. in.
Koi llrllililioni, Katoii, Itcailini, It.irrisliiirc,
anil principal liuerinultate fetation-. i.i I), tc II.
II. II., (, 0,a a. tn.; 2. IS, 127 tlllack Die
nionil i:prc-.-), ll."'l p. ni. Sundays, 1). .t II.
It. It., li.MS a. in.; 1..V. S.27 p. in.
I'or Tiinklunnnck, Trmamla. r.lniira, Illuci.
C,eni'a and principal intciinnliato s-t.ition-i, via
P.. I,, mnl . It. It., .10 . in. '! "-50 p. m.
Kor Onev.i, Hoclu-'tiT. Bulf.ilo, Nin;ara FalH,
f'liiiJP) and all point wiM, ia P. fc II. It. It..
7.4S, 12.0.i a. in., 1.12. :!.2S (Black Diamond Hv
prcts), ".I8, 10.41, 11.S0 p. in, bmidajs, U. js 11.
It. It., 12.0.1. 8.27 p. in.
l'nllnioii parlor and (.leopinjr or LchlKh Valley
Parlor mis on all trains lictnpcn Wilkci-Ikino
and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo and Sullen
tion Bridge.
ItOI.LIN II WII.BL'R, Ccn. Supt., 20 Coitland
ttr.'et. New York.
CIIAltLKS S. I.I:K. Ocn. Paw. Agt., 26 Cortland
street, New York. ...
A. W". MlXr-MACUEIt, Div. Tase. Agt., fcouth
Belhleli-ni, IM. . , ,
For tickets and Pullman rcrvatious apply lo
city ticket office, 09 Public Square, Wilkcs-Barre,
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western.
In tffcel Nov. 3. 1001.
Trains fckranton foi New York At 1.40,
3.1,-1, U.Oj. 7.;o and lO.Oo a. m.; 12.15 ii.lO, li
p ni. I'or New York and Philadelphia 7.50,
10 05 3. in., and 12 13 and 3.M.1 p. m. Kor Tol.i.
hanna At p. in. I'or lliilfalo 1.15. 0.22 and
O.OD a. in.; 1.53, 0..W, and ll.J.j p. ni. I'or Uing
hanuoii and way aliulotisr-10.20 a. in. and 1.10
p. in. Tor 0"eB''i S.iracunO and Utica 1,15 ami
(122 a. ni. ; 1.55 p. in. Dwcro, Sjiatuv and
Utica trail, at 0.22 a. in. ilal'y, escept Simda.i,
I'or Montro.e 0.00 a. m.; 1.10 and (1.50 p. m.
Nlehol.ion accommodation 4.00 and (1.15 p. m.
lllaoiniliurg Div klon I'or N'oriliiimb. ri.ind, at
C.33 and 10.(),"i a. ni. ; 1.53 and 0.10 p. ni. For
l'lVinuiilli. at S.10 a. m. ; 3.40 and 0.00 p. in.
Sundav Trains I'or New York. 1.40, ;U3, COS
and 10.0'j a. in.; 3.40, 3.-3 p. m. Pur Buffalo 1. la
and 0.22 a. in.; 1.63. U.JO and 11.. "W p. m. lVr
lliiialiaiuton and way .stations 10.20 a. in.
Ulooin-liur Divl-ion Lcae fccranton, 10.03 a.
in. ami 0.10 p. in.
Delaware and Hudson.
In Ulfect November 21, l'jnl.
Trains for Cailiondale leave Scranton at 0,20,
8 00, 8.5,1, 10.1-1 a. in.! 12.0J. 1.20. 2.31, 3.52,
5"') 0 25, 7.57, 915, 11.10 p. m. ; 1.3t a. ni.
'i'or lloncsdale, C.20, 10.1J a. in.; 2.3t and 5.2J
I'or Wllkc-Bani 0.:. 7.4s-, 8 11, 0.3S. 10.41
a. ni.; 12 W, 1.42, 2.1S, 3.2i, 1.27, 0.10, 7, IS,
10 ll, ll.M) p. in.
I'or I.. V. 11. It. Points 0.3?, 0.SS a. in.; 2.1S,
4.27 and 11 .19 P. ni.
Kor l'cmi'j ivanie. It. It. Points 0.3S, 9.3$ a.
in.: 1.12, 3.23 and 4.27 p. ni.
I'or Albany and all points north 0.20 a. ni.
and 3.52 p. in.
I'or Cailiondale WW, ll.'J3 a. in.; 2.31, 3.52,
6.62 and 10.62 p. in.
Tor Wilkes'llairc 9.33 a. in.; 12.03, J.5S 3.23,
(i.:.2 and S.12 p. tn.
For Albany and points north 3.52 p. in.
For Hon. -dale S.'iO a. in. and 3.62 p. in.
W, h. PltYOIl, P. P. A., Scianton, Pa.
New Jersey Central.
In Cftcct Nov, 17, 1901.
Station? in New VurK, loot of Liberty street
ami South Kerry, N. 11.
Train-. Ie.ii) Sciantnn for New nrlc,
iilil.i, IIj.Ioii, nellileliein, Allcntown, M.iueli
Chun!-. White ILinlmi, Aslili-y and Wilki-B-B.iri! at
7.30 a. in., I p. m. JI"1 P. ' Smi'liy. 2.10 p.lil.
Qiukcr City Kxprc le.ics Siranlmi .it 7.U0
a. in., thiuiiKli "ollu xo-.tllmlc tiain with Pullman
HiiiWt l'arloi- Cars, for l'hll.-nlelplil,'.
I'or Aoc-a, l'lttston anil Wllkei.-U.ine, 1 p. m.
ami 4 p. in Suniljj, 'J. 10 p. in.
For Lous lirancli, Oeiun drove, etc., 7.S0 a.
in. line! 1 p. m.
lr IliM'linK, I.clianon ami Harrialnirg, via Al
lentown, ut 7.!i0 a. in. anil 1 p. in, Sunday,
2.10 p. in.
for Putiullli nt 7.M a, in. and 1 n. m.
I'or rati and apply to asent at Hlatlon. i
V. M. liour, lien. -aas. .:;t.
W. W. WT.NTK, tien. Supt.
Pennsylvania Railroad.
fVhedule In Htrecl June 2, 11NJ1.
Trains liave Soranlwi: H.3S a. in., eik ilns,
tluoiuli i-tlliule tuin irom WilKi's-llarre. I'ull.
man bullet pailui car and uuilu't, to 1' !
Iiliii, l.i I'ultiVillc, iti)n at (uliirlpjl Inliniie.
iliutu htutii in". Alo ti.iimuH lor Minliury, liar-li-linrj,
I'lnlaiklpliii, 11 litinioie, Wastiiiiyton and
(oi l'itt.'.biii' ami the wnl.
U.;:s n. in., wick iliji-. I"'' Mummy, ILinMiiug,
I'liilaili lphi.1, llaltiiiioic, W.ulii-itcn and 1 1 1 1 .- -burn
ami the wivt.
l.U p, in,, e.'lc illjs (hiindaJ, l.M p. in.),
for Minbuiy, II iirisbuisr- I'lilladelphla. lliitiuijie,
WukhiiiKtnii nnd I'llMmrK ard the ist
a.2s ii. in., wcik iI.ij-i, IIiiuiikIi vt'Mlliule tialn
frcni Wllkevllirii'. I'lillin.ili bullet parloi ear ami
! kmHh-. ( I'liiliililpi.U vii i'otuiik'. .Stop, .it
M"'',',! """w. 'tn? Ilailoi.. Sunbuiy,
1I.iiiU.iiil' I'hllailolnllil .mil I'ltMnui.-.
J. n HI'Ti'lllNMlV. rim. Msr.
J, 11. WOOD, (Ion. IM. ,Rt.
New York, Ontario and Western.
In i:cct TiiosiUy. Si-pt. 1", 1501.
Mlltm JMU'.M'.
1a-ui. I,cmu ,irlo
No. I
Nu. 7
S rmiloli. C'jrlioiulalc, O'a.kbij,
lO.sua, in. 1I.1U.I. in. 1,(Kli, in,
,, cl.ini. in. Ar. CnrliomUU u.lOii. in,
Uaie l,ctvi Arrive
CjiIojI.i, L'jiiiiii1.iIi, Sii.iutoii.
, 7,00a. in. 7,10 j. in,
S.I5. m. 4.00 ii. in. 1. 10 i. m.
No, 0
No, S
SU.MI.lin U.M.l, -Wlllll UULMII.
Uuw I,euw Arrlto
Tralm. SirJiiton, rjioonJiK', C .iloiia.
So. u ,,. 8.30a. m. (i.l0i.iu, 10. ::, ,i. in.
No, 0 7.00(1. in. Ar. L'arliomiaW 7.10 ii, m.
Umui I.i.uo Arrho
Train-', failocU. Carliomlali', Kcruulon,
No. 0 , 7.00 a. in, 7,10 j. iu,
No. IP I, fiO p. in. 0.00 p. in. 0. 15 p. in.
Truim .Sui-. I on unk ilj)s. mnl ii on huiida.,
nuku inula lino loiiiicttlmu lor Now York city,
MiililU-touu, SVulton, N'orulili, Oncidj, O.iwi'jjo
uiul M i-intd weet.
('or luitlur, roiiiult ticket ni;cnt3.
J. i;. A.-siir.HMis, ii, r. a., new loik.
.1. t:. i:i.SH, T. I'. A.. Scranton, l'a.
Erie Railroad, Wyoming Division.
YnIh" for New Voile, N't-wliiirli ami intrnnc.
ili.itj poiiiH K-avo tkiJiitoii a (ollm: 7.-0 u.
in.,; 2.i,r. i. in.
Arrlvj 10.35 a. in. (mm .MiiMldown. lloncj
ilalc, llaulcy anil intcrnu'illuU' points: 0.20 p. in.
Iioiii Nc-iv York, Now tiurgli and inUrmoiliati)
points. No .Sunday Ituliil.
Chestnut street, Philadelphia, will bo
pleusecl to furnish nil Information.
An Excellent Combination
The plensant method nnd beneficial
effects of the well known remedy,
Syrup of 1'ioa, mnnufaeturcd liy tlio
Camkorhia Fio Syiiui Co.. illustrnto
thovuluoof obtainitif" the liquid laxa
tive principles of plants known to bo
medicinally ltixtitivo and presenting
them in tlio form most refreshing- to the
taste and ncoojitablo to tho system. It
istlmono perfect strcngtlicnlup; laxa
tive, eluanslni- the syslem eifecUially,
dispelling colds, headaches nnd fevers
gently yet promptly nnd enabling-ono
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently, lis perfect freedom from
every objeetlonaulo quality and sub
stance, and Us acting on the kidneys,
liver nnd bowels, without wealmninrr
or irritating tlicm, make it the ideal
In the process of manufacturing fis
are used, as they are pleasant to the
taste, but the medicinal qualities of the
remedy nro obtained from senna nnd
other 'aromatic plants, by a method
known to the California Fio Jsykuj
Co. only. In order to pot its beneficial
clTecla'nnd to avoid imitations, plc.iso
remember the. full uamcof thot'ompnny
printed on tho front of every package.
PorsttlobyollDrucelsla l'rlcoOOo. per bottle.
219 Lackawanna Ave.
Bar Is Always
Stocked Willi the Best
Fine Lunch at All Times,
Ladies' Parlor on Second Loor.
From 12 to 2 p. m.
219 Lack'a Avenue.
Cor. Sixtrentli St. nnd Irving Tlace,
American Plan, $3.50 Per Day and Upwards.
European Plan, fl.00 Per Day and Upwards.
Special Rates lo Tamilies.
For Rusines? Men
In the htart Ot UlO
For lioiieri
minute?' wulk to Wnnnmnlterst
!. mlnutta to Sleeel Cooper'a Kltf
Btore. lasy of acccaa to the frca:
Dry GooUa Stores,
lor siRiitsi-ew
One block from B'way Pari, civ
InR easy transportation to au
polntH of Interest.
4- Tor. lltll ST. ft UNIVKrtSITY vu
4. Only ono JilocK from Hrnailwav
nnm- l lln VUSI AUKAN.l
WVU.4 -r - w,. ,'-U 3 K
4 4-i i.4. -f -r-r
Can the Seeker After
Pind Such Rich Reward.
Best Reached Via
(I'AI.ATIAI. llOI'i:i. ON' Wlll'.Kl.S )
Iieavo New York Tuesdays, Thurs
days, Saturdays.
R, I. Smith, agent, 100 S. 3d st,
Philadelphia, Pa,
Every Woraai
I.. l.iU! uiul fliuiltlil l.tLQt
MARVEL Whirling
A.t. Uil. liiiM
II h rmnwtii'llMi
Mlirr, tiiimeniltl
ti.U uilU'iilMin
at tulili In I Kill
ltoom C69, Times tide., New Verk
Qrano atlunti? Horer. -no asv.x
Virginia Ate. ami Ucacb, AtUutlu City, N. J.
EUtli year; S'O ItjuiIIuI ioviiu tuiuit;, elniflo
nud uliii hath; liot mnl cold wa-watcr lulln
Iu Ultel and annex. Location select "nd ceniral,
within lew luids ot tin) Steel 1'ier. Oreiieitra.
ODira uncial taring rates, 13 to 13 by week;
ii.tiQ up by day, Special rate to ijiiilliuj. t'wiclic,
cuttt all tratru. Write lor booklet.
Regular Di
ii.'i iiiui".-" ,t:"","-",1....'
-TflN ej(-lc t oiiMiiln
--ifff' 'y" lli!.iUnri
lyllio JffV v t5i
iimiinrll. J V
ria.Hirles VI J ''A
m.lne--liii!ill Ov 7 IM
Miii'i-.i.'ll.. w ,ir
A Useful Christmas Gift
Our Handy
Laundry Bags
If you want to make the head of a family or a
bachelor or a spinster happy, buy oue of these
Handy Laundry Bags.
3 There are Two
of sending oue'.' linen to the laundry -52 times
a year. Lookiug fir string- and paper is oue
way, and simply placing linen in tile Handy
L,aundry Bag is the other and easier way. Bags
have plate for name aud address, insuring you
against loss in transit, and are made of strong
est canvass, specially manufactured for us iu
red, blue, white aud brown. Ask to see them at
Art Counter.
I A Holiday Sale of Furs f
Misses' and Children's Sets of Angora, Badger, -
a Raccoon. Oppossum, Sable aud Chinchilla; from 98c i
3 to $8.98. &
1 500 Ladies' Cluster Scarfs of Sable, Fox, Op- J?
i? possum, Stone Marten, Brown Marten, Beaver aud 51
I? Electric Sea!; from $1.98 to $4.98. S
Matched ud Sets, of the best Lvnx, Fox and g
J$ Bear B a ind'Muff; from $9.98 to $4X98. $:
. Separate Mnffa of all kinds, large sizes; from ;
$3.49 to $19.98. 5!
5 5-
S Us-Store Open Evenings Until Christmas.
X "'T"L 1 -
moer Kiwi rrmmi
6 riil (h -far jT, d f 1
X lVi'AlK- U glMgf
x ffw
o WW tt
hotels X fc rirs:
y I 1IIV47
C Ml b wlpf'S
wholcsaU a. ll'. U .1&$m
X Is mmM
X M' vC ?l3?
o &. ' '
t o
v m-wnuv"
0 ificiiJr
0 A ST
Genuine Barrios Diaionds
Geiititman's lleav l-'Ut Uelchcr Mat
Up ii dm fir.t to Inlin.lilfo
a 1,-oUMilliHl Hat Uelili-.r
llliiii liiretol.mi I'wy liiv
lu'i'ii ii.i'K' only In "ll'l 4'J,
'llil. tim.'. 't Uli a beau
tliul InilLaiit Uaiilns Ull
incinil, vUll l'i' linili'l to i'''J'
a.iiliiBi In llw ttiM up in
l.ielnt fi Mltc. .. "Hil
ling l.a tlio jpi(.name ot one iotinK ?i00.CH).
wVrr rrrflfl jl
(U'St'lNi: 11 VllUlO"' lHAMONDS aie Ruarjntciil tn Klaln their l.illllancy (oicjer. I in
iiiiiilii'-auii! Iicj rolleil lilatc .uul an- nuJe ol uiu ciiiilliiiUMi. ptcce. 'I he plate i. thlik nhfll'i.
I a iH ttlll hi.t'ioii hum .'IIicmi rliiM Jio ttarranti-1 not t.i iaiiii-li tin- ltn-er. ami aie uieally
,.',inr m ,- alniiUi' uoo.l, epr iilawj on Ilm maiUt. StuO, ami I'll., !. c-Jvli, .irln.
crcws or clicpi, ti ur pair.
In enlerhs Blc '"'l uml .tali' wlicllier .null, ineiliniii or liv-aa slime i ile.lieJ.
Uncer nie.uuieinc-iit ul uni: may lie b'lccii b Uklnx a pine nt ilrnra- Onhr at omv anJ avohl
the ClirUtma-t It good, are not as upiesciited money will he relimJi'd.
A,, all on'cit ul ilnb to Ihu
Vftfcw? I
We believe we have de
servedly earned our reputa
tion as dealers in --Good
Sliogs" only, having sold
nothing but absolutely re-
liatoie rooiwear, siute wc v
have been in business. X
Buy useful . articles for
Christmas gifts. Shoes are
always acceptable.
Uallei' Clustirr Mms.
'I tic lll-ixt t JjiOM lb!l illij
fur lnlli9 .ii Hie pit. ni'
umc li- tlio ( lu.ier. Wi liaio
mill tlic.i' liutfo lielii ui
jl v1 I'or I Im ()'"!
llino In our liUtoiy u .irn
t-iulilul tu I nn UU Hir4
nn;. witli KimiuM, lluli.i,
Uiul or Tiiniuiiu uiiU-'s i,t
l no i:Cll. Oilier J.t i
uiul in toi tlico run,'. OrJer at onu-. (lo-'cl,
1139 Broadway, New York
ijMr-- mijy-
I: A
s 1
I '
3 l
... stei&uliidk, - jtSlfaiivH .