The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 21, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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j '
l MiiiiiiMMMBW
Or Alii riiTWnui dinners llie dinner
o( one's ililltllinml, (lie illiiu r
"mrillur uspil tn yet dp," luinN lldlo
rhiiFM Ni irlj i-ury imn(r lu lis
Ji 1 1 lunnl tin 1111 for II1I1 futil ft i .
'I liu HikiIiii umilil not llilnk the il iv
jirotirrl) tilclirilul uiili a mm ill ro.i-t
11I plif wn sericil upon liN illnnir talilu
villi .1 iln j'Iiik rompiHiiidcil fmin ltu
111 Itt mil lill, KI tlfl1lC.ll ttltll llllllcil
Itllkttlll It. 'Mil' lull 111 fc IKlt up 111
MfhhI n!i, lollul In liuiol lone ant
mitiiutil. I he Aimiiiliti liuu ih M
iimN in itilkltiu nrnt rotl, mu'op
nl In i iter ileus ci'rloiw ilolnim nf
inllcil ilil'iu'c l in MiiiThI with luiu
mc it, thin (-hipti 1 if (,ul hj, 1 nl It rl mil
tullul, imuul Illi Mrup mil lniffili
litittrr iiml c inwtioil with irlpv w limit
mi il I'll ill, fndilh pr pirul hi
thN iirnlon Willi 1 ililiw ml I irrnniits
i tin pliri 1I0 li"UI llui, while the lb-"
fort i the pnpnln ituhihlii, unit" if
thiiii. Miir .1 1 if J 111 i IK, lliwihil with loii
witn ami with ililtril ueiin,
linn llilnlii liiuls for' ml lot urkl
to the (hiKtnin 15U1M1' Millliil with
t lie-l lint . the iiImiI ro'li plump with
1 iNIih ami I lie Iriilltlonil N Mil.olu
1 il f- 'Ihi ilh limn I tin, hriwnir 1 w
III" loitllllt III 1 llllt' ililnil, t ilU ullli
lnll mi fi hit fit ;iiw, mill Hie
Minllii iniiiil fin ji It tor the wliM
tin liltlinn-H nf ill frit while dlnl i in
linn ml mum iml i,iiliilili eiuothiiiil in
hi p il mile nnil nil
I he I iv-li-li hoinwlfi li iN fi.l lo
ti iilltimi, mil lir hmnl ii nowneil with
i k'lnl .Irloin of href -mil th rlih pliini
1 ii Mm,' if nail nl nnil hon n ilile lint
iu In tin. tuiiliin liiiu.i hnlil tin ti
ll nit Imil, in j fine loi-t if lictf. In ' I-,
lh hi in ml pi lie, iltlimiUi i "iiiioit"
;ihvi in ill; Uii.mi1 nnil I -If il u i
I lump mhiaIil' pU, i.p mil I'lnun iiu
II U-l I'll. Is not In he th -m-eil.
n ililmili mum ii ml i -i nl ill in r
M-t iippi-ni il iti In the ChrU'inH ihiinn
i 'imp (hi tin 1 1 nr other roist villi
in ii-ii il , iiciinitiiiK i liiclit Ml i,l mil
tin I it pinliiii(r wllh li hi h ns
mil Imil 1 1 in,' ipille siijniiinf. Hill
tin ii nit t In in ilniii liiKe nf hull)
jihI iMr.'riin, Im.lit liclil-, hippi fu -,
mil inuil (Inn, ' ppitpiiile
'iinrilli in in ml mil iroiii tin .'I h-i
In Hi I'liK wnh the ml tin
rn, i inilki with ml -li uj -, ml ji 1
ln, ne-i nnil Inn In ni nl I hi Mint ihh
ii I n If tin ii hi ihihln ii tin. unlir
Iiki itimi mi hi i ininhluie ( hi i t
mil tin Nl il i hii ill I nl Mmmi'tt
i il piin p'nc II In i jiiilmiiii ml
I ml mill ri.iii if iiiilii mil hoMi,
l)u-t tin tin with .Ink Hii-t piulii
iml Inn,, with lulil mil ipiihllni: tun
t-it-. iiollui i 1 1 1 ilimriti u i nn'e
lo uiltiiu i Im nniiiul -1 n urn ( f
wlnti -hi( w itklliii r ii" the Minnth
nil il'wii in the lenlir nf lie I ihh , -In t
Willi pmilir of i'liich-, ilrfino lis
rit'i with 'mall twig- rf ricn- n h illj
Menu for Christmas.
rream nf Tonnto vnip.
Win Olm ( s, AlinjmK Tutkij
Hoist, t lustmit Sltillliu, Sinilwh'iof.
, ritiilitiii .Mil. 01M, CcllVi
Mlhil rnliloiji Itilail ill ti ,. , ,
i ,. ..i n..i ' Mince I'll.
Ililml I'lititors I,clliuc "-ilnl. ( licre I'iiui'-., DirtiiilimiO.
I'luin rinlilini,'. fliipje
lloulioiH fruit.
ColTie. Cltlir.
Onpe 1'iuit.
1'iieil Musli. with
llrollcil bteil,
tliklns' l'miilir
lllcult, t'.nrie,
niul pine iii tin mlil He if the m-l a
i.'h-.i nr iilwr howl Illicit with hnlh. in
ili-contlnu, the onlj llower tint ii pir
mUalhle with the Kiun li the polii'Otti
oi Mexiein (lilliun llowir,
IHMil enolil illt, ulil tn lie an Alilul
iiu ininitiiu, ire piiiiul ai folliwi:
Into ihcp irla-cci whlih lim lmn will
ilillliil, or in Uislulh mule for tliU
Iurpow, put tle fmill oMci I r one
il i?en emirs ilhm sciui ti KpoonfuN
eiih nl prrpuul hon-i i ulNIi, toiinlo
i itinp mil ilnrKli, ten ti i-ponnfut of
Ionic ii Juice niul i ne nf tnhtM.ii inuie.
Mix thoroiiilili iml pom mi equil iinn
till illlo en h kIiix,
Hie ircim of toiiuto -oup fn .-in nlli
lliown -n tomitn lii-ipic, i- iniile Hi n I
lowi. Put l pint rf ( uiiicil tnnnli i In
in l-ili .-lew pin with a (Im hit of hi
leif mil i piiir if nr-ln mil lit it
clinniti for lull in minute- Put n i,uirt
of inllh in 1 ilouhte l) illu om the I'll.
Melt two t ihli-poonrul- of luiltir In ,i
little fi'ircpill, ulil tn it (wo I ililcipju i
fills of tltjui, -tli until Iniliblj iml ,i mr
a half inp'iil if u inn inlllv our it. Mir
until nivnilli .mil ueinu, tlm iihl lo
the milk in the iloulile Imilir Mil mil
took until it thlikin- Hub the toiiu
toei throu'h I -Irie mil wltn ji -r
rr nil tn -ene the mup, ill .1 ipuilii
tri-pooiiul ff inila to (he loniitn .
line the soup timen will Inlul, mil
p ur the hot nils anil ton Ho into tlu
tureen an I -cm il mm .
Hie Miup urn t not si mil jfti r 1 1 ini
lniirtl, e-uiilh il tin tiiuilu i .1 ill
neiil tri-piunful nf mi,' ii mi) hi.
nl IpiI if h irpil
In miki tin ihi-tniit -t illmtr fi i Hi
turkii, -lull mil i-nuk i lie ipiut nf liri
1 rinih (In -tun's in luillng wilir unlit
Ihur -kins ire lon-utul I'liin-h ml
i.'iin put in luiline w itn Hid nnk until
linilei While j-1 ill lint rul) tiironjrh i
rmr-o uteie or colimlir. Ml with the
xlttul mill i fiw I nail cruniln anil tj
(ibli-pnotifiiU of indtiil liiitlu and hi
mn with filt ami ppir. Mol-ien with u
little swut ituin mil (111 the tuiKiy,
lint ili not prisH (he Mu'llni; in tuo
To ptcure the (ranherrv Jelly wah
anil piik our the herr'is anil pluie o -r
I lie fire, in j -mupjii njth half m nuiili
water iu Ihere W friill. t'ook until the
lurrirs ate w.fl I'riM tlirnUKh I tine
hide, mil lo eaih pint of the Julie allow
three cpijilm of puiitnl of itiann ati 1
Mlirii, I'luc mi the lire, look ja-t twin
t ininiilis iflir luiuiin; In (he luilli,;
Jiilnl, mil turn into inouliU lo hirilui.
'Hint tlire .ire tnishpil potatoes Jnil
liudiul potilois ill tin uuilil knoH3 fu
pup no tliim Ju-t ,n tin j khoulil he,
irunn, lU'll, while .mil leuili to milt
in tnur inuiilh, allow In eiih pint ui lint
hoilid poti' ics one t ihli -pnutiful nf dul
ler, In'f i tea-ii lonful nf t,alt, i ipiuter
if a tii-p i inful uf pipper mil hot milk
ii rt im to im Mm Mi-h in tin kit
tli in whl li tluj win dolled and licit
Willi i foil, until 11,'ht md (renin. If
not ipiite nidi to sine -it (lie kctlle
in a pin of hot wadr ami Iraic im the
duk of ".he ruiu'i inlil turn to u '.
Tnni ml llslitli on i lint, hut neier,
in id nuoo'h il intr (Hits at initi ' u
with our 'i m liiintlni'i nniiiul) a- tint
tnakis the put iiu In i and iniiiput.
Ill ereinilni; Hie nnion-. roel, in d nl
iui; witu until linilu, ill iiu md put m
i white muii, mule from two t ihh..
KpnuiifiiM inn llnui mil liitln, i htlf
tei-pnunliil ot m, i iiuiilir ti i-pomi
nil of pi ppir iml i pint if wiriii milk.
I'm tin dm er in i ijriiiite Minium,
nil -lir i lit II il iiiilli, and liudhhs, Inn.;
i .in (ill lint it dots ml drown Add tic
iln tloui mil -lir iptiikli until well
niKid I'our m the w inn inltk little lj
little, lirllnl, lisorou-lj until pcifntli
nmootli ami cicanijr, AdJ llm neaninlnc;
nrl imur oier lliu onion. I 'or the. let
tiiee inlul, iirrange Hie ilillcnte Innnr
leivei In a Flint howl, ndllcr oicr nnl
amonK thrtn thin allcei ot crlip, tn
poileil raillihri nml pour oicr lliu Alula
well blended Kreneli ilrisnliitf.
Tlip cheese flrrcrj arc compoiimleil from
neraru of piur pule ruhed thin nml
sprinkled wttli kmIiiI rlieno and ix dint'
lni rf njcime. rtnll out, fold and plum
on the Im Ir hinlen. When (.hided, loll
Into reiilauaulu nlnpc ibout nn rlhlli
of in ttieh thiik, til ico on the dollnm
of a reieMul dripping pan, and with
pmtrv cnltir or knlf- tut Into utrlpi tout
or file lii'ii-i Ir n md lcfj than a quar
ter of an (nth wide. (lute a little imie
cheese our Hum iml dike in a moder
ate oen The p'.uni piuldltiff wlilili
W3i preiiunilil.i pupired n weeU or two
as i, anil huti In n root Morcrniiu to
rl en, liken out on t lirlntniin morn
IlU, tied up In its mould and iliiippul
Into i kettle of fredi linlllnir MltT.
Holt one nr Inn linunn will nut ll mtv
incnt'i cess.1lloiij tin luiRtb nf tlnu de
'mllii)f on the sire of the pud tin,'.
When reulv to (.one, slip from the
mould on to a low- art lien or slhev pill
lir, put In the oicn i fnv tnomrnts to
itn unit dirk, rrnvn with ftiipi of
liliiiihnl ahuoiids and Mick a sprlfr ct
hold In the rintcr Pour a wlnili-s-ful
of tiruulj- miund the pudding and,
Just difore drituin- Il in, llifht it to
that It unkes Iu tiluinphil entry in
flames ' Senile- turn nntico"
llie ( hniiinas confections are Infint'c
li best win n home tn lit, and with the
almonds will add pijuanci to the fea-t.
lies ini.i be procuicd in nrlous nttne
Hie and Haciiahle shapes, hut tlioe
inotildcil Into the rotund fltrnre of the
Rood W. Vleholn, wilt be found mast
jpproprhte to the rhii. Tmklsli eoffce
discs tlic mial. Xi this is inualli ta
boned for (he thlldren, a "lick Horner
pie" nny be -cried for their cdltieatlon.
Tn nuke ihc pit haic a larjre tin pin
rmercd with tissue pjor. Till ihe ill h
with liiimorniu little L'lfts, cich ire
nillid in white pipir ami tied with rid
belie ribbon, a tlm spnj: nl hollj fast
niul under the bow lfaie as many
pukajih ,is .uists, and piik conipnl
li in the pin ( ut a piece of thin
brittii pipei i little lirKir (han the trp
of the ili-Ii Mike pie cru.t Rashc In
tin until of (he iru-l, then piste to the
oiidl (duos of tin pin With i lit'!-'
brii-h an I drown punt the piper inai
de mlnrtfl lo -imulite a nn will do ie
ern-l. I'lue Ihe pie en i pewter pliltir.
if si fiiorid is to hue om, wrcith with
Kicnis ami holli and put i omiK kni.e
md foil, upon the top of the pie l'hee
lefoie the lioncied guest iml wh-n Ik
has nit md helped himvlf, the pie mi)
5 cent
CI 0
1 M
is guaranteed to be all long Havana
filler. This means more than you
think at first sight. Ten million dot
lars, the capital of this Company, are
behind this guarantee. Not 'way be
hind, but close up to it, touching it;
right with it ! For this reason you are
entitled to believe that Cuban
ola cigars are better quality
than any other cigar that
you can buy for 5 cents.
Tll .
PuiiTIi ,lil,l.iiU,l'!ri'l,l!!
n i ?" -( ' 'i - -f -i t ? -1 $
VT'hv r-( rti rrrt'fff -rvl $ ? -rr-?-?-?-r'rT'T'i f-r
jules smn
What WUen Piintecl Was X00kctl
Upon by Many as a Fonn of Lit
eiary Insanity Now Stands Vindi
cated as Tiue Toiecasts of Scien
tific Achievoment.
1 mile Oiulier, in 1 i,mio
TIipio Is no fMiiwr.iUoii in p.ninfr
lliat t-otne ol tho most rMt.ioulinin v
inoiihtLlts of Jules Veinc log.nillnK
ii.il1 nnil stinntiili' mhic'M'inents
.ilio.ulv bitn ic.illed or me on the oc
of icillatlo'i InilCHil, ut times, tho le
.ilitv 'coiiii to smi),i-.sLd his most
l.inl.istk- Hlqhts.
It is mousli .ilmost tu m.iKo one sms
put ho has lounil in tho ilrpths or
lilt' tm.sti tious piottoes whcie Cipt.iin
Xemo usid to hiili- his tie.iMUtfs the
iii.ikIu ninulLt whlih Kiis tin.- iy to
tho sceii'ts of tin. ftiiuu'
llai not ('niit.iiu lluttPias hail luin
rtieds of onuilatois' Xonc of thotn, uf
ionise, hits, as jot, liiiihul tin- fu
lutmi' obioct of his tlisus tho in
t.uiKlljlc pole hut. follow hi,- his foot
htcps iu tin. lino of tlu diioLiion ot tho
iiiiifiiiftiu nut illc. lmo this not all mon
or nppioaihiii 11 ; Um s not tho
ht01 Of tho MIN .!'( 01 till' liilslia
IhioiiKh tho ico of tho antinctli' Utile
lewinblo a paKo lmn out of tho
' Sphinx dos (Jl.uos?" Diti not niih
jiif N'ansen, hi tho (omio of his noith
I'lii oil.fisp, htiM' to nml;,. a M),iKf,
Just llko that of tho hoio ot tho "'jih
ilo.s Pom i ui es," on bo.iul a Hotilns
Ami has not tho most unptotf iitloui
hospital or tho hunililust lahoiatotv,
thanks to l'.ml lir 1 1. tho mums at itn
disposal to Iincwt with ntlit tliopiua
iloliiil ehliiioi.i ot Dm tin K, not to
mention tho oj.jgin that Ih miM in
nlphons and lulus, while wo me wait
Iiik lor tho HquPiiiLiion of the poi ma
lum's lo Klve us the sea all or the
inouiitain air at home within the u.nh
of iiL'ijbod ;
ttnih:u Tin: si:..
Shall mi .spiak of tho "Vlngt Mlllo
I.Iiiuh .Sous left .Meis?" Why, eci
body knows that, If tho Idea H not et
public pioputy, tho inlnls-tiy of tho
n.iy, at leant, han loalUtil it. That
mlnltiy now inns about umki water
In the foj ins and appeal mum of 1 Know
not how many Huhmuilue toipulo boat.s,
nlway.s leiuly to tlm paunch of
inu uiiiHmpH unit toinu within tlulr
ruath. It was pome time urii, by tho
May, Hhuo the w liter or thesu Hues
enmed tho UkIU to alliiiu fiom pei
soiiiil expei luncu that ono can, with n,.
punlty, bieatho, lle, wiito dlspatihcs
nml oven dilnk ihnmpamic, thlity
inetcis under tho neal
And oen befoio tho Into Oustao
nousaeau, M, Molssln, M. Mujoiuim
and peihapH otluis, had leatned to
nuiko n rrallty, like tho chemist of tho
"Ktolle du Slid," of tho HjntheMs of
tho diamond, uilik-a mid fapphhea
jnado aitllklally, eie, tinder the hand
of my filetul. llalche, common objects
In tho uiniket.
The modern cannon, with a ramjo of
from fifteen to twenty kllometeis, tlm
inelenlto hIicIIb, tho neilal toipedocs,
i to., aie, I linaglne, the rqulvalcntu of
tho fanciful cannonades of tho "Clnri
Cents Millions do hi Hcguni." Tho
"City of Steel," he It wijd n pa!,sltijr,
lesembles bo stilklngly ns-tn'be lihroat
confounded with it tho Industrial es.
tablishment goveined by AniliwJCar
netjle, Pleipout Moibuii & Co. i:en
tlio leKondary utphj.Nlatlnfr bomb, cap
able ofdealing death vthout pain and
ut loiij lunge, is sttucdy dlffeient fiom
tlio nitiite ot annl piojiitiiis piopoed,
wiili niitlni laiiKhtti urn teaif- 1 tin
iliLtiiiinn, Cduaid AVeston.
We line aKo "t'lnq Semames rn
II i lion ' i:tibod. knows that mu-
Mlou-, tale, the best, poihaps, ot the
nitutv-nliio which up to date hae
mmo fiom the fuiitlul ptn of Jules
Vune. Two i pit Englishmen, accom
liankd h Joe, a t.tianl of the same
stump attempted to go auoss Afilcu
in a balloon. To be sine, they had
not found the secut of steeling bal
loont., hut they put tlieli laith in theli
tar and in Hie atmosphuiiu imiptits.
Com lined that lhc had only to hctk
in the citkil plane the one among
the many .sup-ipised and (.ontradlc
tory atiial i tin cats, which would lead
them In the light dliection, they con
stiuctid an aeiostat, and olt they went
Stinting fiom Zanzibar, tliev so tred af
ter many diamatle twists and tuins
aboe the holid mass ot Kilmandjnio,
oer the count! y of the N,im-Xv.imi,
aboe Lake Tchad and the Kong Moun
tains, and at last l cached some point
in Flinch Senegai.ibla.
The whole s-toiy bears a slngulai ic
semblaiue to a pine of lltciaiy insnn
itj, and the tew pontiffs who deigned
to cast their 05 es over the book hast
ened to conclude with a disdainful
gllmnie that huih thlng.s happen only
Iu lointmees Well, I beg a thousand
pai dons of the pontlftn, but besides ji.
Homy de la Vatilv, who is getting
ic.idy to jump oei the Moillteunnonn,
I Know tluoe good FionehniPii, thiee
dlstllifuiihed otilieiH, MM. Homst, Leo
De and Dlbos, who ,11 e icady to nt
tuiipt the anlal tilp acioss the daik
lontlnent on an absolutely similar
plan, with tho im option of .1 few minor
details It aim seems to me thai the1
muulelp il council of Pails has ub
!'lilicd the ontPipilno. At any late, if
it lias iuus.ul to do no, il has done
w 11)11,1.
Theio is not one of Julr.s A'oi lie's
wuikH, iui the "Voyugo nu Centie do
la Tine" llii' most uxtiaoidlnaiy of
them all wlili li bus not been taken
up and m 1 Imcly ilNiussrd. Wo aie
ocn on the point of molng that one
nallzul in the I'm 111 ot a well a kilo-
metor and a half deep, at the late ex
position, undei the aunpkPH of an emu
lator of Jules Veino, ,M. Audio Lauiio,
alias Paschal Clioiihsot, The lattei,
moieoM-r, had only apptopilattd and
leduied tlio gtand conception of an
Aigentlno doctoi, M, J. .1. Martini,
who di earned of nothing Ions than plot -clng
the woild thiough and thiiutgh,
Pos'thely, Juks Veine, with his
amusing and htiggesthe ilctlons, has
moie than nine Insplied hclonto and
Industiy. Moie than once has ho on
gendfied mliacli'H by Imagining thorn
iu advance. Hut that Is nut tlio gteat
iht of (lie seniccs wh'cli he linn len
deicd, The Immoital meilt of his wotk
lonslstH III ids liaing ueated a new
state of mind by enlaiglng the lioiiinn
of a too much s'tay-at-lionut nice, and
Impiegnatlnjr oi'atlons ignoiant of
tlulr own capabilities with energies
whlih, had It not bren for him, would
lime remained latint or steiile, la It
not to him that thu new Koneiatlons
owe, In a laige menhute, tlio move
mint of I'Mianslon whlih diaws them
on to fiultful iiusaiUs for tlio pacific
cniuiuost of the woild ami all for the
gieat boiu (It of ciWIUutlouV
It would be illillcult to estlmato tho
results which tlio woiks of Jules A'eino
have arhlued iu the Illumination or
minds and tlio stimulation of ciicikIos.
Jhe Unasked
I .
IT w is jut like Clnihtmas iu ,tnv
Iaijjo cit. . snow even when and
the air peaetiating with told A
onng man motinlcd the steps of
a tine pih.ite it-sid,nce That his I
coming was ipeitid and appieciaf-d j
was plainly evident by the tell-tale
blushes of the joung ladv who ad
mitted him He had u uncial leason
foi wishing to .spend tills evening
alone with hei, foi was he not to ask
ioi the gieatest Chilstmas gltt of his
llli ?
Dining tlie tally put of the owning
tlulr attention Mas atti.icted bv some
thing 11 om outside which hit the win-i
dow, -md tho daik shadow of lltittenng
wings was outlined on tho cm tain. In
stantly the joung man laiscd the win
dow, but it was the gii who stooped
and took up tho little blid Mug on tho
hill. Hllndrd by the light tho blid had
llown against tlio window with such
lone that it fell Btuniud and dying.
It was only a little spuiow, jot .she
nppiaied eiy beautiful to him with
sjinpatbetlc teais glistening in her
ejes as she caiossed its hi own feath
urd coat. Fiom without the Chiistmas
lIiIiiks weio hi md telling ot the new
born king tlut hi ought the message
ol peace ho long ago. Clazing fondly
at the joung gltl now befoie him the
joung mm felt this influence hteal
upon him.
"Sillily," thought he, "I have chosen
wImIj" His mind losoitid tor an in
stant to tlio t-piukiiiiK gem li had
hi ought In antltlp it'on of acceptance.
With this thought ho uiptilied one of
her hands but she did not laise her
ej es.
At this moment a h.nsli, jangling
hound (iimo fiom the stuet in liont of
tlio door, it piocoedid fiom home biok
011 inilhli'-lo and eiv tone 1 pmed
w 1 caked with pain. The awful dis
uud ion diownid the notes of tlio
sweet toned bills, and llkowlhe dis
till bid the joung man, listening.
The hcnteiuo on his lips was lert 1111
utteied, ho diupp-d her hand and
tinned uwny. Ills Hist linpulho was to
tots the man a coin, and have him go,
but a scmnd Impulse hilod him, and
ho stoppnl, lie knew not why, and
w tilted for tho girl to act.
Kuitly .she would gle something or
hend home one to do so, especially on
this night when all things if minded
one of the lowly born, but who now
luled the woild Much annojed, th"
gill leached foi tli her hand and
touched tho bell. Joy n tinned, tlio
joung man's heait glowed Ah' he had
not been mistaken, tho glil who could
shed tears for the death of a biid could
not send suffeiing humanity away un
aided The seivant entered and bowed
"Send that beggar fiom tlio door"
sh" commanded steinh.
Tor a moment tho joung man was
htupelied. then hastily jonllng by the
hciant, crlrd. "Xo, I'll tell him!" As
he passed thiough the hall ho took
down his hat and coat and went out.
It all happened so nuiikly that be
foie the joung lady tould recover fiom
her suiptlw, ho hud gone. Tho 0u11g
mnn had thrust a bank-note into the
hand of the little glil who stood hold
ing a small tin-cup Tho child tlm w
the bill on the pavement and stamped
on it with her foot, she had never had
a bill befoie and she did not want a
woithlcss piece of paper Hut the own
er of tlie wheezy instiumcnt started
I Hand Made I
I j Long Havana Filler j
. U Made by the American Cigar Co. M
S taa
eageily foi w aid, gt isped the bill and
kissed tlio hand ot his benefai tor
The Chiistmas gift lemalned unasked
for. P01.1 M Howe.
On j iln 1 met willi I'ulli.
hiiimin" nut 1 tint n lie,
sin wii iiiiint, lic w ". I ill.,
.111l Aw (Inu I mil 11H1 iilioli
Willi 1 Minle il uilili i
1, Mipine. (unlit iml ill-inn In 1,
riioujli I in., 1 in muii iliiie
Tlnu i-. 1111 ilnd 111 nn iltnmir.
-1 it 1 line ilintit, urn ne,
1 ..Hi nuili 1 funl uf 1111 .'
J-olli llrcil nf licr nlour
When li r -Iiu I 1 line In I r.
suflliu' it (in Inu 1 l))ii li. 1
eul 1 11 iifc I lnlilh Mill Iiu
I no f imilnr liuiv
I'ltulniit. "li -ceuu'iil nml Ml 11,0
sln rn uf ill 1111 piuo'i
Si It 1-, w lie 11 -lie luiifl 1110
Ot Iiu -mill, 11 "el w ha
Tulh m nit 1 nun nf me'
1 rank Hue bitclnlilir ill s,nlrt Sit.
iemeiiiber Your Gentlemen
Friends at Christmas Time
They're Sure to Remember You,
Don't Forget
To go to the C. V. Fritz Company for the most complete line
of lii.trji-graclc Leather Novelties in the city. Fitted Dags and
Press Suit Cases, Sterling Silver-Mounted Pocketbooks and
Caul Cases. A fine display of llrushes and Combs. Also in
sets, ir. both plain and mounted. Impoiled Knives, Razors
and Scissors.
iiJvllOj JLa Lwn
410 Lack'a Avenue.
lie j j lusliful. t f 111 1 il man,
Am) luil a ilriMiKul nine
Wliene'u r Sjj i liifjii
lli uiiiii ti iKiUre.
Hut the knew 1 liat Mie is ulnuf,
Anil lulieil llie joutli tu win;
Willi ca) (.iiie- flie ilrow I1I111 tut,
Anil linn blie 1 tilled I1I111 in!
.Nathan M. In), iu fcnurt iet.
Holiday Footwear
Hverv year nrlicles ol footwear become more popular as Christm is G'fts. The niviiifr
of useless hnick-kn.icks is fist becoming a thing of ihe past. The article which nii-ets
with the approval ol the holiday shopper ol today must be a useful one. We offer
the leaders of The Tribune a few suggestions fiom our stock :
Proper Gloves, Correct N?cku)ear,.'
Rigbf Mtifflers, Fin? Handkerchiefs,'
Fine floisery, Silk Sfcsp?nd?rsf
find Fashionable Furnishings fop 'PJen
O.t stock is new and right up to the hour in fashion,
and tlie values offered can't be beat, no matter where you
go or how hard von may try to pinch prices down. ,' 1',,""
Our line of furnishings frr the little men is 'just as
complete as it is for their papas. ' I t " ,
"J. J. C." Clothing
L; not only the ba?t ta'lored, the best cut, the best trimmed
and nude trom ihe best materials, but it costs no more than
c that is not nearly so good, an.l every garmeut
bearing tlie "J. J C." TAG is fully insured by us against
ear and wear for one year from date of purchase and tlm
w thout one cent ot audit otial cost to tlie purchasers.
Men's Stylish Overcoats
In all tlie fashionable materials and newest models,
A fu I $15.00 value 011 Saturday and Mo 11 lav i ff
I 'or iVlother
A pair ot mir ensy
Ulliillh' HllOl'H.
A pair ot cmbioiaeieil
For Father
A pair of bi oud toeil,
winy lilting Kiitiilay
A pair of slliipois for
tlio loni? winter uven-
For the Boy
A pair of lubber boots);
tin.' Kl ml that 1110
vai inly llncil.
A pair of stiow? ycliool
For the Girl
A pair of our li luh-
KiiuiP i'iin" '' il UiutiLi
uulUliiiT shoes.
A p.ili uf our iiunilw;
Rubbers, Rubber Boots, Arties and Oaiters for Everybody.
Five Floors, 304 Lackawanna Avenue.
Other Specials at $7.90, $9.00, $10.00, Etc.
Boys' Swell Overcoats
In any length to suit your fancy, and all the desirable
material, mostly all have it the "J J. C." tag on them,
and so are insure I against teirand wear, free lo vou, for
one year from date of purchase. Splendid- d? "J A
overcoats, s.xes 4 to 16 P7.JJ
5pscial Sale of Hen's Pants for
Saturday and Monday Only.
J llii
Clothier and Hen's Furnisher.
Allis-Chalmers Co
Successors to Muclilno Dullness of
DlcUuii Mnnufactuiiw? Co, Scranton
ami WltUs-Harre, l'a.
Stationary l"n(?lnea, Boilers, Mining
Muclilneiy, rumps.
Prof.G.F.THEEL,527 sftfh'l,
i,j 1 niiAUi ipni, . iiui itvrnun ii"tiii my
n linrlii. 1 uarkiitiu lit f.ira nkn ll mull I rliftl.
IUm (friUriir tu il(l4i.)LiriMr,ibur.4
Uluutl ItfUon, Nrnog. LtrMlllj. Jj I HnbuuM'
lMrlfitrelf L Slrlilurvt luu rulllnrL. I aJairtwi i
Imu"limury aicJKl J ilrfirlcii(rMJ MfBltya iiKr!