The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 21, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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    VVJ" '"' ' "Tv!" """ N".
rTT"MT , -.' wlF"TTiWPWWW
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I i
Street Presbyterian church, on Sunday.
HolnliMr. Soprano, Mrs. .tessln Smith;
alio, MIhh Via .Tones! bass, Xlr, Decker,
The Sunday sehool orehestrn, under the
direction of Mr, tlcorsc Wulros, will
assist nl luilti services. Olreetor, C, II,
Dei ma u;
in ru , M,
I'ltlllill' Omlf-tlU
"ll.itk Hit.' Herd I Mind "mi: Wulikm
ttcopnru'ivt' I railing.
iiM'ttt in
srlpliui' leiii.
"Tin' LliiMmu llu-ibl" ...(.'ooiiilu
"He fthall Milan I'urcirr , "Maine?
luVrtni.t Oitlio.ll.t
"slnu, ti Mm;" Prey
Thtlitliti" Ainki" clinH l.-T
tatr The Xmas UIotos
arc liorc in all the altracl
Ive sliatles for .stieet ami
evening wear.
Meldrum, Spott & Co
1S6 Wyoming Avenue.
Programmes of a High Order of Merit Have
Been Prepared bu the Choir Masters
of the Citu for Celebration of
the Great Festival.
Less than a week hence the rush ami excitement of Xmas shopping will be
over. Every day adds to the great throng of shoppers and lessens your oppor
tunity of satisfactory shopping. Our laces and Handkerchiefs are the prettiest
we have ever purchased, and we feel that with all modesty we may say, the
handsomest line in the city.
Jl vsvvyvsAvAAfyvAAV7yvyvs?yggyg
OKKAT TIU'AT Is ofteied In tliu lovers of sneu-il unfit 111 tin- pio
f I Ki-atnmi'P that have been ptcpaied hy the choirmasters of Hie city
T"""! for the Clulstinns services to be held In the chinches of the city.
ml ."Most of the.o xpcclal pi oki tunnies will be rendered tomorrow, but
In a few Instances the wealth of melody In withheld for the sirvlce
to bo held on Christmas luy. The lenote of the music that will be rendered
Sunday and Christmas day In joy over the birth of the Son of Ood. who came
on earth In the form of ;i mortal for the snlvntlnn of man. Hclow nre itlveu
the programmes o the Kteater part of thn churches of the ilt.
Elm Pnrk Church.
The C'hilstmas music at Kim I'aik
church will, as usual, he very elabor
ate. Uesldes the usual (pianette, Mr.
.Pennington has engaged the services of
a double quartette, making n triple
juiirti'ttc. Miss riursi Urownlng. pian
ist; H. H. ".Vldninyer. violinist, and
Lawrence's hrnss quartette, ciinslstliiR
ot A. K. Lawrence, cornet; llobert Mll
llean. eornetlst; John Jay, tiombonlst.
and Frank Hepler. tiombonlst, will also
assist. The tilple quintette will slug t
both the morning and evenlnpr services.
At the evening praise service the can
tata, "The Story ol Hethlehem," which
was sung three years ago with so much
mccess, will be Riven. The following Is
the complete ptogranmte ot the morn
ing nnd evening services.
"Chime f ll(.ll-" Mi. Ufiul Wo-jlir
WtiilluK Chanjo o( Pells
( duol.
uirm Picliule-llunil Chocur (fiiaml Cliuin.)
Mi. I Alficil Pi-niiiiiRton.
-, ilpitiie Iti'iclinu.
lljinn. No. is." Wilmot
lioir ami Condonation
1'riur lij lln I'a.toi.
Anthem "Mm?, (t llraictit" Toure
Tuple (Jiiaitetlc with Oi&.ni ami rimo.
Urdu -llflrilotr. Phasou I'a-torale lliucf
Aiitlirm "Hilmlil, I 111 luff You (tliil TiiIiiir-."
Tuple ijuartrtti', mth anil I'iino.
llMiin. tu. tUI, C.iiol.
( hoir .mil Ooncrcfration
"rlllinn li, 11,1' Pastor.
Hi inn. No I'll, Chrl-tinaa,
1'lion awi Com.ii'.:iitun
Oman ( lirl.linn I Umle .. ISe-t
i;vi;nini; i'Iiiumium pit mm: miiivii i:
"( liiiiii! ot ll-lls" Mtuil Woolor
liimrintr ami I'liange of Poll..
' InNim. Cirol-.
ir.'.m 1'ielmlo llffeiloi.i in ( .. .. RiUkii
Mi. J. Alfioil IViminirloii.
limn. No Kl iitioth
Ohoii anil Cnnci, nation
With Hi, 'on, I'iino anil llrav, IJuaili tto.
I'i.iiii lij Iho P.i'lnr.
Mitti-m "0 Zion Thai Tolli,!" r.ii.k
lilpli- ctiarlctfr, with Oman ami I'hno.
'inw Si'o "I.onj: ko i .Miilin-hi Mraln,"
Mi Mlrul V,..lii
Hull Drcm, I'iino ami iolm
ti'pjii.iVL' ."Mriptmo 1.(111.
t'.iNtot ami (ouAHi;.itutii
iiilnltii lo-"f hntnij4 von" .. ilini
Mi-n Nillle S. Il.l,
Willi Oikiii. I'iino ami Vm'Iii
'lluinc limn All tin' IVrjilo.
'Mcin f'inlihiu l'i!tmalo . . . .'h
Ir. I'liinhiKtoii.
IHio toi 1,0 1 li ami I'iino Kit Mnii'miiit ot
s"ni(i in II. fliL .Mojirt
Mi. Wnlin i,ioi ami Mi. IN iinltuum.
(pr.iii'i -o'i "(I I, t tit linui of llotlililiiiu,"
Ml--, MIiIhiIi 11i(iiiii
With Oram, l'nnn mil Vinlm
ll.uii.iii, .No. T)0, "lloiihl H4iN.1
1u'U an. I oiuiTiratioii
Huh Oipin, Piano anil ltra-s Oniitui
ltii Mo "Iho NoM-llmi lima" ..I.'K-poir
Vi. riilliy Wairi-ii
Willi Hii! in Plain aii'l Violir
Aihli ,.'. iv the I'a-ioi.
cantata, -iiii: sroitv or ni:Tiii.i;np,M.
I. IntioiliKtion tot Hit' m
-' Il.iv, Rtxititiio ami Choiii "lliihlihuu, o
" Tonoi Solo 'O'.i SilunV Tmiiro mil ZW
. Bam Hioiialiie -"O I.ondv Wauhd..."
. Inmiv " MkIiI iitiiu Mi,, l.inil linnioriil."
H Ills-, liodtatiu " l Now I ,'n Hun I'nlo
T IIiniM .,i Choii l'uiiKioi;atliii-"l Coim,
All Xv Faithful."
""ipiaiift Pijn "In llolliloliim'-i Ancient Oilv."
" 111". Itetintiii' "iiil the HirpliiuN Maili
hnown the Mor.i,"
in Duo lor Tonoi iii.l Hi v., nidi f lnun-"Nnn
0'ir the PIiIik"
11. II im Rocltaliie ".MiiplniiN of llitlili'li-m,
1.', Chorus "Itijuirr, llijoicp. o N iIIoik."""Piiiio fioil WIdiii all llliv..
Ins; Plow."
Ulican Poitliiilo in I! in urn . . U liivin
Mi. Pennington
Hlplc VuirtetleSopranoi
inning, .in, .i. i iieclM-l, Ml. Jlni 11. (ir.m
ruiitrallo,. Mis, Nillio s Hule, .Mis. llemv
liuii. Mi,. Cliirlc, lioiih. Tiuors, Mi vifiril
Wonlir, Mr. Willi, 1, laoiunl, Mr, rm Kvia
llio,. Mi. Philip Marion. Mi MoiiN Thmia.!
Hi. Dull! P. WalMiis
Tiist Presbyterinu Chutch.
A most elnbornlii pioKinmnie of
music has been'eil tor the
nirlHtmriH services Ul the Plrht I'resby
terlnn church find will excel) all former
efforts. At the evening service a heaii
Tlful cmiata. "The Cumins; of the
.KIiik." by riudley Iluek, will ho given
hi full liv a elioriis of nearly torty
voices and HiuierV tall orchestra. No
paliiH have been spared to make, the
music milt the, otcuhion, and alsu main,
tnln (he hlch stiindaul of eieenee
which has been the clioilHtn'H constant
aim. .Mr. .1. T. -Watkins promises all who visit the Kltst I'tesbytcrlau
ehuich w rate mimical tieai, Jjveiy.
body Is cordially welcomed; fieu pi.s
nnd ushers In attendance. The names
of the slngei-H whom Mr, "Watkins has
secuied ttro us follows;
soiiunoa--Mn. I.'. F. I Inn-, in
ii.i, Mrs. Jtwpli ll'llrlen, Mi. M.
Ml. V. 11, llali., Mirj Maij- y
.lr.c llilslliy, MiM I.MHl., .Icih,
w. , iiJ(.
P. iiiiiinii'i,
Nillllil, MI.J
,, lontulton-Mri, W. , loan Mu, I.hhoii
w'Manlti inlimli. Mi. J. 'I nkiti.. Mi,. ; p,
lliintn, Mi, n liinjklnn.i, JU K.itln t n filh.
hull,, MUs -line K. Muiei.
'IruoiK Ilatfil MiiJnii,, I, ,1. Mih.rKtr. fi,i
M. IVHitt, M. ). , p. ;,Ml , K, Jn
'Mioina 'lliuiui-,, W'allei Icnc., Mi. I iimiltiirli mi.
IUai due Pot-t, W l..,u.n, ji .1 uiiea
liaison, Alfred .1 II nl. i. II uolu llallln. I mi,.
K. WutUns, W. V. Tifiij. f M. Flotv'i, Will
W. Watkliu
owniit, riouiui' ii, iiiiiiiNoii.i.
Oi(lieftiu, II. J. lljutiV.
Illnclor, I T. Wail.ln,.
Second Presbyterian Chuicli.
The Clirlstmas pralso service or the
lijeond rresbyterlan chuicli will be Jiuld
Jabb-ith evening. The beuutlful tun-
uta by Dudley Buck, "The. Coming of
he Klntr." will be given by the quar.
vetto and choir, with oruan acconipanl.
iiicnt. The service will bu In charge, of
rtev. J. J, Jlanklii. J. M. Chance, or-
canist and director; Mlbs Mabel Ren.
Following Is
.llililhW Itil'.i.
f. M. Chime.
ll.iinu fi'i cliini' anil tut uiiiritloit,
shi'pheiil-i W.itilucl Theli l'oit.
lleulliiK the IVillir.
Illorli Xnthoni. "llrlchlrM ami llel of th"
")on of tho Morning" tt it K
Quiltitto aim i lion.
Cunt Ha "Tho C'oniinir of the liln "
Soprino mlo "11, ,lein,iliin" .Ml u-in III id,
Anthrin, "n.ikel A'lUc P.u on 'Ihj
Htrenctli, 0 ZIaii" IJuiilftlo anil i hoir
Duet, "lie Shall IVnl III. Flod."-Mi-,C"-
111 ictv imi Cliacin
Till'. A.NL.NCIATKl.V.
Alto 1.0I11, "fhe Ansttl (I'lhu'tl W'.H Sent limn
noil" Mki 1-17 1 (.'11.I5HII
Tumi hulo. "Hail. II ill. Thou An Illitlily
Faiornl" Tlioiui, lllppot
actios tiii: iiubintr.
Cliorui of iiicii'.. loicp', "Wo Maidi Tlnoiuli
tho Nitfht."
Trio of inra'it lolcir, "W'o Thiee King of
Orient Aio'
-Mc.,i. Cippel, Mlir.hi ami llolh'tor.
tiik plains op ni;Tiii.r.iii:t.
Tiio of u onion's loico. '"Ami 'Iheio Weie m
Tli it Smio Count) MicplioruV'--MKses
lllaik, fiiiagau anil Silnion.
Tenor solo, "Fear Xot" Thomas Oipn.'l
Anthem, "filor.v to (juil in Iho IIiKliit" -
ijinrtette ami thoir.
lljinn foi choir ami rui.Krcgation, "HmV the
llrriM Ansel? MnB" Mviilelwiim
I TUB VlliniX'S I.UM.MlV.
Alio --olo, ".Sleep Jlv J(Mis"..MiH l.ia tiins.ui
Stiipluro rcadini: anil uinaiks..l(ei. .1. ,1, Itink'n
tip: aiioii m ion.
'optano .-olo, "They Preienteil L'nln Him
Oifts" Mis Su,m 111 icl.
Chorus of men's mice, "They Deptiteil 1'ito
Thoii Own Co nit 1 1'."
aiilsit: KIDP.I.FS.
Anthem. "O Come All Ye raithlul"
Qiiarlette, ilmlr ami conpteKition
lleneilli Hon.
Ore in postludi. "Alleluii" lhihois
Mis,, Milie! Kenine.
, mi:mi:i:iis op choir.
.Sopianos Mis. suan, Mi. A. K. I.iMc",
Miss Miy Ciiicriisoj, M, I.ina llddnrt.
Altos Ml si, l.i i (farajr. n, Nhs Ann i Silmm,
Miss Herlhi (.'iiuii.iv, Mu Xcllie Iliako.
Tinois Tliomis i:iiic'l, llolii'it Tohnsjii, W .1.
Toriev, .lohn Itut'eiid.
It it'o, lii- Moii;iii, I, nl Holli.tiT, It. W.
Quiitittr Mi" Sii-in Ulaik, sniiraim, Mi-ij
Liz i Caniriii, alln: Tluiiua, Rippel, leimi;
.Mti.o, l,.ivo
Simpson Methodist Episcopal.
The following piogrnmiue of Christ
inas music Mill bf rendered by the
choir of the Simpson Methodist Epis
copal chut ch, Riiiul.iy evening, at the
regular hour of worship, llev. fl. C.
McDermott, pastor;
aio!, ''Christinas Hell." ,
Anthem. "Iho shepluril."
Mi-i. Km Kittle, Hun A
Pi ajoi
C hoi.'
Wrisiiy uml diolr.
Anthnii, "Tin re W'eie SliiplunK
..I II.
Tun I .-olo, "lin' IKaieili son,; ' . lii i,
ThoniJa hr.ims.
s-iiptiiio io nlini;.
Anthtin, "lldoio the lliaicu, Wuo s-n n!" II. W. IMiItcr
'IIioniH AhraiiH ami dioii.
Hi inn
Ilailtone .olo. "0 Utile Town ,.f Itdhl-
.P A 'vlwukrr
llarri' A. WTmli'i.
Hud, "llaik! Mini Me in. 'IIiom'
.MKs llcli'ii llui'iii.. Mis (iiv,i(,e Vim nl
ijiiinletto, "Hark! llaik Mj vnil" I.iuiii
Miss Pi i Kittle, Tli mi, Aliiam.., Win. W.
.Innc", llariy W'i.'kIci, llam Ac Kir,
Anthem, "filory to Coil m Iho IIUiiosi".lVr;,oKji
CI oh.
Ft mile dioru., "The l.l'ht oi llelliKliein",,Alit
Address liy the pas'ii.
Duet, "Soiib-i of Piai.e the Anaels"..du'il:'
Thomas Ahraiin and Jlnry A, WTisley.
Clioius. "Tlun llounil Ali'.ut the hti'iiv
Tliicni'" ll'
( 1 ,01 1
Diit'Ctor-Piof. W'illilin W. loi.i..
Oitranlt-l-Prof. Waller Duii,,
The primary department will hold
their Christmas exorcises In tho lec
ture room next Tuesday afternoon. Tim
membeis of the Sunday school will
render a sacred lantata In the church
iiuilltoiiutn on Christmas night.
Asbury M. E, Church.
Tiic ntoKramme sjivon below will he
rendered Sunday at the Asbuiy Metho
dist Kpiseopul ehuich, (lieen UidKe, of
which llev. William Q. Simpson, I, 15.,
Is pastor;
llnnin "I'liii.tinii llijiniV alalia
Aiahini "ll.illdni.ili II, p. liinlj
I holi
IVilm, Uiin.iili, liv P.iiloi ml ( otiau cation.
I hum, No. p-.l.
litheln"We Halo .nil III. slai"..l s, (, ,
111.. Il,",li- lhi-1 and dmii.
Ililiili, Xi), InS
SiIIiioii h) pa-tur.
Il)liiu, No. Is).
Ors'Hl-""Fi',til Mmir .
lllk'iii "clui.lini-i Mirdi.1 .
iithilil-"Slnc:, 0 lleauu."
..I. II. Jll.itl
. W. Ileiu
,..,11. P. Paul
Nils. Cditli l-inimi uml I'lioli
II) urn, So. Wi.
"win "('liil.liii.iii .Mom II.. I Ii Hjmiii il Siin,"
MUt lln!.' llul.
"sripluru larm.
iitlieiii "ml Tlieie Were Shiple id, hii.
In In the Field" u. p. ).,ks
William II I'linul.oi and t lid,,
niti i toij
1 1) urn, No. I'm
Senium liy'.
Il.imii, Xi. i.
OllfJii Postliide , ,,,,,,,,,,,
IU m illt ion,
hoinauik. MU.I., 11. Ited, M. Ilcnt-ilict, ,
hi) n, K. Olu'i, Ml.. 1.'. I.jn.ion.
Mln, -Mi'nt (1. sl.ukhoiist, s. Ilaiic.. ,
)on, l i-ulord, Ml. .1 l .N'aunian.
I'tnci.-F Olit'i, .1 II Xauman,
t. Tain.
I! Lin-
ho in.
lao W, II 'lit'itrlon, M Mill, 11 sjof,!,
W. .1. l.Jnion, I). Wutklm.
("horl.tei William II. l-)ii)on.
(liianltt K. A. I'viikUiiiMclifr.
Washburn Street Presbyterian.
The followliiK music will bo rendered
by the. chorus choir of the Wushburn
tile, ,'issistant tirgiiul-t
the order of service:
PrtliKlo lor orj;aii, ".N'oil"
1 1) inn l'l
r tu P. M.
"ViiKil. finni the llcilni' of tilol'
VilpHue li'vnti,
"NTkIiI ot Wnmlei"
"loy lo the Win! I"
ltisoiiiu- remliiu,
" MiIiiIiik Mm"
"Let IV ina tlio AtuelV .on,'". ..
,.Ur, lu-ll.1
. .tlioliii'.ri
.. Ilopli'tn
. .. Mnvo
:". .. liiiiihvtir
, . .. iht.eil. r
"Zlou tho Miiidhii. s,v h
'liiMhi' Aiiaki"
I'u.iu. Il.iiiin
Green Hidge Piesbytcilan.
At the Hi eon IIIiIro Presbyterian
(lull eh, Hev. Isaac .1. Lansing, pastor,
the lai-Re choir of the church will ren
der the following Chi litmus music, to
morrow :
"Awake. I'm on Ihi Mltiijitli" . . .Pintln,,."
!l it mln. Ih. I'l'iniaii, Mi.,
M. Pillltnr mil In. li.
"Wo llaie Sou lll-t sl.ii' Flint n l Iho
Mi-s Mai tin and ( lion
"Piliin "t" Vetin
Mi-s IMuli Mutiii, Mis, I, hie Pom II,
Ml. (', C'onrid. Ml. Pilll"(.-.
"flu Mm i. Iliinas Om S ilium Home "... V1.ii.i-.
"Hethlehem" Stlni" Kn
Mi. . Pillmir.
"Hie Shcpiitiil." I. p. Ilc-heu
"Tlic of Ma-nt Hid Fallen".. W. U. s.,0
Mr. Wiiilio, Mi. PiIIIiik: and t lion.
Sopianos Mis. lalith M,.itin, Mu.. .1. C iVinko,
Ml.s Jis-ii- Piilliamt's, Mr,. A. Pillimr, Ml
Klinlitlli Paiko, Mits Claro Vm rioc-f, Mi
IihsIo I'.nell, Mis. Fthel Snoi in iki r. Mlsi '.tiij
Altos Mr?, fi. 11. Ijiliniu, M. Cl.i'i ,i
Jiicjir, Mi-.s Minnie Pock, Mi Fhio Pjncll,
Mi.i llatllo Omister.
Ti'iiou C. .1. Wink'-. W. r. Conrid. C. IS
Ills..,, . Pilline-. C. hiikiuliid., C T n.
hr, F. Cii-iister.
Uigiiifst, Miss s;nin,. Il,ekn.
( lion nij.tri. n. Frr'l WTiittninire.
St. David's Episcopal Chuich.
The following proKr.unme of Christ
mas cxeieipes has been nrrangeil tor
St. David's nuNconal church ot Wist
Scranton, llev. Kduiucl .Tames McHon
ry. rector:
M1I1NICIIT. dkc. ;i.
Iliinn, "Chintian. AmjKc" YniK.linn
I oinmunioii semto f'llliii
llimn, "Miout tlio filul Tidings."
to a. m. m:c. 2j.
I', "Oli tonic, Ml Ye Faithful" -
II limn.
Hi laid Aupels Siiir"-
('oiiimmnon Mrilti
lljinn, "Hark! 'Hi
Mi-inli'lss ilin.
(lmiloit aiuliuii Mu. .lohn Jloi.'in
ll.tinn. "AiiroI, tool the Hi ilnis of Clou"
Kiirt-ionil. "Ii ( nine l i-ou llic Midius'.i
The iibove service will be u-peated on
the following; Sunday also.
Piovidence Presbyterian.
A i'lirlHtmn. sentimeiu will peruile
the services at the Providence Presby
terian ehuich tomoiiw. The min'ie
will be especially suited to the season.
The following; proKramme will be ob
served :
Oraaii luili'ilo in '; ... i;,.m
Aiilhuii, "Cloiy to (il In Higlie.t" ...( lanui.-r
Pctliidi ii. f flnl
Aiilhuii, "Know 'he Fiitli as Well as lien-
l'l" Iliilvit
Quartette, "The- iuel,' Sicrv."
AlillKtn, "Old IlethHiun."
Po.tlud,- in fi . Cupikn
OrRinlsl, Mi.-. William MiOooaM
Jackson Street Bapti&t.
Tho Christnm services at the J.nk
Kin Street Jlaptist church will be held
tomorrow morninc and evening. Fol
lowing Is tho programme arratised:
MoitMMi spKviri;.
Oli'ln ulinit ii).
H.min h.i CoiiRieffilion.
I'kiIih lleadinir.
Priier liy Pastor.
sulii "llelhlehuu"
Mil-, riiomi
Anlliim"Oi ot .linlili I,
...II U. Sin Hit
i vuilli.".... hiuJ
Oman l'u In. I,-.
11)11111 liy CnilBliKllluii.
lljinn Ii) riuisiii;jtii ii.
Pi i) el.
nilitm "Hint Mmii TIu'.i- Holt
-duii i l,i r
. . Uitnn-ll
Ul il
., I'liy
Solo ''! In- HoihIihu-. Mor)"
Mks IMltli Hi il.l .(-.
nllii in "Piatc on I'jith"
S.1I0-"Oui Cniainid" ,
Antliiin- ".-limit llm (jlnl liilini;."
Adams Avenue Chapel.
At tin- Ailum" avenue (Impel the foi
lowing musical proguimmo illl be ien
deted ritinilnv under tho dlreitiou of
Hubert W Ktinkln, loader:
ntlit in "llu- Pirn- oi l'r.oti"
l mlr
iitlioin, "thuo Woio Mu-iilKiili"
nIo sikdt.l,
-Mis. II.
Aiillmii "Pi il-o
llliu" ,
In thiil".
Piovldence M, E. Chuich.
In the Piovldence Methodist Hpisco.
pal chinch, Huv. (1, A, t'uie, paiuor, tho
following progiiiniine will be londeied
on Humliiy:
MoitMMi Hiimri:, m. id.
ITtlU'lo in (i i,
Miiwi Polio (iitiu.
IhAoli) anil Pnilm
ll)liin "loy to rho Wmlil"
l'l J) 1 1,
Nullum "I'.uo Alimii" (..ilnil
.1 Hio-iilhtiii. Mi., i nii,n uml tiuii,
Olifitoi) I'niilrtiiann
!IM flrtui.
Putt "l.ln it dial WitiV Miuuiktr
P.ol, ami Mr.". Con. n,
lltliin, "llnirliti'.t ami IK-.U"
Niiiion, "Tin l)a)liini( tiom on lllfh."
II)iiiii- "li-ii. Mull lltlini "
Ik-iuilli ilri ami I'.t-iliiili-.
l!iitoilli lu-,-iif- ul tl. 10; loiii, "(lur I. ill. iu
Our liln,'." I.lin tiiioM, kuilt-i.
i:vi:i.Mi mmivici:, 7.'.u.
Prdulo-A I'J.toial Ilaii'ltl
Part I of Chord Cantata, "Iho II. iu- oi Iho
"oihl" dim-d,fr
(a) "Itlrs I'oitli Vo lliU."
(Ii) "AnscU to the blu-plitiil.. "
ft) llartoiie fcolo "Iho Iiil.v llbi,"
.1. Ihoj'llicnt.
H.tiiiii. "WIkii on Iho .Niii.uh
Duchcsse Lace Collars and Collar
Bands are deservedly favoiites and the
patterns are more beautiful than ever
before. A veiy new lot of Fancy Collars,
g Chiffon Neckwear, Hair
Every piece perfection and
. oS4A5A,'5&S$5&53S3SSA.'CA''2A'',A''',--'-
MTIIIoll -"I,i l lino I'l'HO,
t Itli-. Pti."
Pait - of L'hoi il ( atilila
fll "rii" VI,o Mm,"
Ik f'ou.IiL. mil Pliolr.
(Ii) ( lo.ln? I Imiu "I'lii- Hot ll Itlli,
II) mu .mil l!iniiliitloii
P. r-ouil,
Suumore M. E. Church.
At tlio Uiiiiiiiore MftlioillHt Kplii opil
I'liinili, tlio Hev Clmrlus Henry Xow -Inif.
pasltoi'. hiM'vIiom will lit- nt UI.30 n.
ill lltlll T.ill) p. 111. Till! PilHtllf will
prciu'h at both sol vices. Tho wrinomi
will be iippropiluti' for tlio season.
(Mill's niKftliiR nt ll.r ii. 111.: Suniluy
school at '..lO )i. 111.: prayer sei vice at
fi 30 p. 111. Hitiirliio prayer nieetliiK mi
f.'hrlstniiis morning lioni ti to 7 o'eloi'k.
Stnul.iy s-eliool chrlsttniiis oxen'lses,
Wednesday ovonliiff. The fnlluwiiiK I
the special iMirlstmus music tor Sun
day moi ulnar's s-ervlco:
Plolllilc. .No. K
Anthem, "11m Nittiiii" ....
(Ilfortor), ''m-ii iiiil"
Po-tluilo, n,liiili' No. .!
Piilinh', .Moloiiy
.ntlnni, "O Holy Niiil"
OfHttoii Xoiturno
Pudlmlr. 01111-1111118 Hindi ....
i hum inn
Mn.rl. i -1(1
,11. l.ltkiur
.. M.
, 'I', fiiife
lohn I'ldil
I, llittmni
Number of Cases Hemd
by the
The poor met eslerd.iy
o'clock in the eitv hall. There
few applications for assistance.
at 2
X. J. Size of Hellevue was deserted liy
her husband thiee montlm iiko and has
never suppoited the family since. She
had him m rented befoie Alderinun
.Meyern of the Second waul for deser
tion, but he has not done itnytliliiR
about it yet, he was not supported by
the -board.
Mrs. PatilcU Kelly, 12 Sllox stieet,
said her husband not worked In
six Mceks on account ot illness. The
case was lefened to Mr. Fuller of her
district. jl-
Mrs. R.iinh Kelley, of Kocust street,
was admitted to the Hillside home for
the winter.
Mrs. Charles puce or Kiink street,
asked for aid t-ayinm: her household
Koods had been held for rent. She
asked that the boiud appropriate some
thing tor her to st.n I housekeepinpr un
til her husband obtains work. She re
ceived no support from the board.
Flunk Shultz, of youth Washington
avenue, Patilck liuililv of Prince street,
and John Pownie weie admitted to the
Hillside home for the n inter. The ap
piupilatlon of $",nns ftom the state was
leceived yesteidny.
Tluee Clever Young Ladies Appeared
at R. R. Y. M. C. A.
The thlul entertainment In the splen
did course belnpr Riven this season at
the Hallioad Youiiff Men's Christian
association looms was conducted last
nlKlit in the presence of a large audi
ence. Three young; ladles, coinptlHliiK
the Now York Undies' Tiki, were tho
entertainers, and It was u most delight
ful night's amusement that they fur
nished their audience with.
Miss Kdyth Hlrchmann is the singer,
and Is possessed of a wondet fully full
and lesonant sopuino voice, which was
heard to especial advantage in a beau
tiful love song- by Albert Robyn, en
titled "You." Miss Agnes M. Taylor,
' who Is a monologlht and reader of great
vetsatllit), alternately moved the audi
ence to laughter and teats with her
recltntlons and Impersonations.
The other member of the trio,
Lillian Homier, Is a violinist of
Ran Dovn Vost Lackawanna Ave
nue Hill Into an Engine.
i 'ill No. lo7, of the South Main
avenue lino, in charge ot Conductor 'I',
I.oliiniui and Motiiinian I, II. Klfk-'ii-ilull,
i an Into a switch engine, lili'li
was standing on the West Lacka
wanna avenue los-Ing, Thuisduy night
at It o'clock, and was badly iluniaijeil,
The iiiiitniinaii took' the car down
the hill, but found himself unable to
stop II at tho eiosslug ami it inn di
rectly Into th't locomotive, Tho (tout
platform was badly smashed and the
cur was tin own from the track, ie
iiuhlng tho wreck ear lo plneo It back
again. Neither the luutoi limn or coti
ihtcior was lujiued.
Sessions Will Be Held nt Rending',
Dec. 20, 37 and 28.
The twelttli annual meeting of tlm
Pennsylvania State Musk Teneheis' as
pollution will bo held December L'u". 2T
anil 24, at Heading, Pit. This ineetliifT,
under the presidency of I'dumd A.
Heig, piomlses to bo one of the most
suciobsful and Interesting In the his.
lory of the association.
H Is dcMi'ut Hint eveij pingiesIvn
mtisli Ian, whether piolesi.loual or num.
teur, in I.nckawnuua. county (and cs
peclally those) la ricrantnn) will become
actlsi! members of the iisi-ocltitlon.
Mlsa S. Louise Hardeubeigh, vkv-pieblik-nt
for Lackawanna county, will
gladly furnish any desiied Information.
Yesteidny'a Marriage Licenses.
Ailhui -aiiuuii Tu.tlir
Hoalrlif bai-iutl-i S.-iantnn
laurui' Hill ,',..,,.., ,,..... Hwntun
l.iliu PqmIii .,,.,.,,.,.,,
liuuui'iii! j
Bows, Scarfs, etc.
every pattern
II oiitlmhil riom P.iki
llariy A rtlller
of Wilkes-
tin ney
I lino iii) iea-in In tin ii-n 1,1 In hi .li
tem. i I mi eoniiiit, with mi illiiimt'ii of
tho-o two In. ulit, .,1 (Inil lic'u-illtv ami n
illotuiMiil. Put, Mill- tl. I am not m .ml I Idl
ton n mid) tli il I ...... h- t (Imji-lii t Hi- ,.i.
loit.ui'o if ni) im i ti i -, linn in tin iii.;i'
-lint- 'f llllvlf I- Ml .TI Mini u -om.-h.l'll i-l-i,
llioii'jli not muni, -HI! I am niiroii.illio. I ilo
iipii-iiilt- tlniiiiiii;i), if nut iiriiinll-, tin iin
lor m.tluii ithldi . all hi-io ouiin- hi c lull h,
ami Mult, mil mir own i dilution, m .Kuui.t
ol tho .iii.i,i luil,L,c- nt, an 1 'ir.iu-, n ii!
hriln. iliiiuil Ini-ii thoio Mipdior ami iml.uiiil
ililo lull,- Mln,-!- mm- :n liniiillin; tin- Miv.
Unit i'i .lii-'ilil nit I,,. i- ii'imiiihriiil ami
ti'tinul, hr ii.-o it tin- n.i.ii time ioini- ol u,
i Kit tin, Inn licit i- uioimli to hoirj a r un
ion -IKot in. Wo -hnuhl In- Hiinkfiil to PiiitU
It net; foi .uli(tiiiu- mu Puiiliin (atliti mil) lo
Midi ll-li .H liolll 1 lint iUltf il.liliolto tho llto.
I do .iiiicclitf tlioiinulil), It not piihiiIIi, llut
no i.imlil not hi- fc.--il'iir, a no au-. il ihi'i' h-ul
no' fa-K.I i. th.-i- iliil, alihoiiKh llu-
iliu-s not atlu t lit) lppt titt.
1 ilu amiPt!iH, thoiniulilt, tin- ma.tii -i-irnlt
ut Iho iltvLiatinii ufttn Mikcl .it mo by
anliul -on. ami il,m;lilcis of Iho ltctiilullun,
t one iiho I. not pio-iil of his aiui-lon will
irno i.o iin.1- to ,il. ilcn miauls to ho piouil of
lillu. although 1 hint -nun times icutiiii'il, tun
hily, to hdiiio Hut I it u an i-Nctptiou lo 'lit
lulo. nd I l.ato .iliiais tiitoilalui-il a lumt in
tiii.Ifitil appiii lithn. il iiM priih-, .lor tint pu
Hi ill ir lipi- of bui.iI hi I mil liublo ih-uiil
iliiioininitiil the- Stolili-lii-hiuau. Kioui tho
i-uli iliwn ot t-on-t imii-iu -i, iihtii I tia- i mile
"uifitit iiiovtliut;, di.. In th" nui-i's aini., '
il'nui to till, in) luomr-nt, nhui I lino
ten. of leimirkah'c ili.iiolioii. 1 lino lin im
ht'iil mth tho lontutioii, iti-st i lit tl h tho I.o;-,
tint Iho ilMitidhe phi i-h In iho Ihulith Im-must-
ino-t (pio-i-Iio if huniiii pi nVi tioli. do
iKiutlna: llu' mitii'M piuluct of tii-lulion, tlit
siihluniti'il ivrmi' of all tli it I. -v. e lit lit in an
tluopuloi,'), tin- InlKl-ti.i most luiiiiulai star in
th- linn lint lit if thnulof;i, ill-iuiliil'i tho do
sunt .ml pirn l.ihniiif,' tin- asuril of lii.iu, i)uliit-I-..IIIH-
of llu- (tnoil, tho htaiuiful ami t.i- 'aio,
i-piei.illv tin- lioauliliil, i-- Vutili-lrMi!
llu'il in a iniiiliu; toiiiMinr.lli. iliiiuil tlio lot ly
io.ll Imiu.., ami nut luting li.ul ttin.iti- in'oi
lotirso oi ilop i')iii-aiiion-hii In ilkt-.-llnio
null an) upii-tutatl.o if llu- h utcli-lrl-h I isi
cuopt ni). oil an 1 i foi' ollii-i hlooil loIalioiK, I
liato niiiiiiillt ritiliitd nil tarli imiu .----toil- in
the- Milijul, In Iho loiisf anil lioautiiiil of
Jour tiinm rs tint aio i.ittn and none, I omiut
ilmilit llul noil pi- ililt- mi iiiilum in mi) i ..--ihlt-
t'lrin of pndi, his Icon utttit-il doiintu'li,
lit 1 iiilit Itdli . ami pt-iliaps i-iin truthliilli, alioiit
llu .Nut- 1 iiKlaml Mm. I t iniiot Impo to iiiiu i-o
Iho U't in-ill inloiiinlion ami ailnilialioii alit'ul)
i listing .nuui!' )oiii.i-lii.., and pdli.ipH tun
iiiimiia; nthtr-, on llul Milirci Vol I nay hopo
to -it somi-thiiis- alniut umi- n)m;ci.ri, tt'o
"to'i, ttliitli mat L,i,ititt- j mu ..-If-
.ipiui-ditiuii on in unit ei' tlio dose idttln.iiiiin. (
Sdili-is mi) -in or. and I'lilnu-iait. iu.i) pri
i l.iliu ail-ilot laiy nl ml- !! 1 ni of
ilittafUr, Inil no know ion- iu-11, ion anil I. in
tin piuaiy ot thl-i .ii.niinint. Hut sjnoil tut loty
I'rpiiiil. upon tho mutm m llu1 .pith-.
Uiu f-podo-. like ii.ui .Vm- Pus
liutl hpiili., iliti. Mill had. In tho Diniiii lit i -luci.l
ol Iho .-i U'liiniuli untiii); imi mo hue-Ju-l
i uuo foi Julia piiili ill the itimUlit lliat
Millie it oidt- "time e.t noi itions to in dtp
a Ktiitlriiiaii," It In. t.ikiu all ot ihioo iinliirin
to nuke ii.. in- omiiiuit or inlitloiis
l.iu It aiiMii. loiiuiliil upon n-prttaliilily of
oiIkIii, Hid ili-.iutiilitl li) lailou. It lit is of the
alphilid. is tor lu.t.nto Iho I). V. p.; Inn mp
.limit' nu) idopt im our ilisUmitlon llio-e K-l!ii.
uhidi toi iipoikaiti- PM-tlliuir, Mpo-dalli-
in '.fiilili iiuttiuV. O. P., Iho Vir.i Did
ivi Piociir.ihli. Dm- orlpin, 111 o .i.mii-, m.h 1 .0
iliiniiiimtk u-llffloiis, although t ,kn-t -etui in-
i-iullDle- llul tu.di ,i piiao'ii .1. isdi of ti- n-ii-t
luu- hull, toiild Into luii.hlppiil the MiniuM),
iilth an) pnirr fi-ollns of iuit-iloili). Wo luio
alii.'), (noil a lltltl. on (hi side of inndesti, as
dlsplaiul fm oMinpli- iu the- u-o of (hit li i.'iiii.
iteil patioii.unli- Snitili IiWi, ami
lHoili'-lly itiildln- the- iioilli foi nliat no aio
Mltli Iho luimlilo lllliriilaii nho, in until, iu.
hildl) iiiKotl up Iu the- job at all.
Our IniiiiWo llihtiiiiiu filt mis lu-io. Mill not
It. -nil ,i i.-ttifiin? lo the ti, Im i.hldi I apolu
Kl.f, tint the pilmiiy unit I Inn ol in v pipiloml
n.iiitl) .-11 ni tli pro-t until-) tihu inv,nl mu to
I'l-lor iu Mil, m.i. not to um, wit It aii)hoily In
pmlt iilni, Ililiiiiikui, llaiiilihlimlin, or '.my
i.ltir, I ..... I I. .l .1.. ..I. 1. . , ..,11.
, -,.... ...,,.., ., .,,ii).i,, t,i tin-, mi- eaiuoi.iA,
'flu 1 1- i i mln, nt pioprlrl) of foui-o, .ilu.ii-sl
upon in ou i. Ion like iho pio-onl, a. ,iu uhl lo
illl.'ietinu, Iu .tiriiuif up iiIIkioii. pit pi. lit iw, hut
Ull Mill I'lllK' IIU-, ill 111) llllpi'llUO, If J
I till 'CI l iii ihi thi.
'Iho uml of no .in.' llu i .itliolln, Iu. inw
ii'i.od to .inn linpti.illii- Minn hnlli tho ,;iimI
ilitl.Iilu of the in i.ll-iloii hill- i'iino In
ll.llll, illlll llllllll llllllllltlilll, llui i .itli Iu,
iiilhl ivoik tu pt-iioiiu, imi iiistiud of uiiiuml.
In.' it.r iiiiiiiiiI iiiiinillt.ii .ti,. in In ill) ,nui.
pdirj iiih lo iiiioiupli-li iho I in.t udhiI,
i mu. .i-h in I iliiilu,: i it'll .luhu iiliiu.uii, i in
It till- klllCl'rt ll It, hlll lllllll' oil hi till' tl'l.
t,-li h-i I Is u.iil, pin 1u ii,)) r ilioi,.. I,n it
Ml mid-, luul lui'iuatii hy lit.- torn, h.ui, .
iu) pii,iiiiitii.s to no., iho ( ,i in
Iim, l. it h) piiMiuiiun, Inn in tho I. it Ihtil u
ii'udt iiioio Imiu hi liuui.iii;., ui iiuliiplKa
liou. 'Il.iy Mile Jmplt uiioltu'il to i o liulliiil
au I niulllpl), and m, ttrll did lluv di", lln' in
hall a uiitiii) Hit-, luimliiiul ;til,iHt) roul. ind
miittl I !.;u, ulid il, half, in t-pili' if
nppKvlt.n, lutl iipimltd tu l,IUK)Hu, v. Illi i
puitiitmo of luu a,,.- Mlildl itoiihl Ihllu mil
Niaiiioii. Ami mi, Mhtu l.ii'.iuii) iniiipdli'li ml
lilil'ul,, I it nliii i- ,.ltl h M.i)tiit,oi my iu
lotul, ii.p.tlul, .-Itl piolllu .-.tuah i Mi pi.j.
i,-tuitiiib Mtio ,ilih' i loutrlluiio in llu- pupil! illtiii
it .Mm r h.i M. l.t.i l.ij;i,ihiii iu itiiiitii,i, .im
li i iu iruillt), i tu pi In-,', fm Hi- til,,. f .iini
list , otlli toll
l llu- lime of mu p u luu. 1,'iiiihiUou, to
It 1 1 1 1 1 1 MO IIIJ) uti.llillllll) 1 1 I'll twill,
l-l-ll III -II JCl ol fiptll'M .11 ll'lt I..11I nil i lull
till uiileiointiit, oi-t-iliii.l ol l'uiiL,)iiiniii, mil
en -.lili oi all Pu i, iltiuln m.i, m h lil-u;
liailloiu til idi Hilly ppliln tn mi Vutdi IiMi
i.llnl.itll.ill, Mil) Ha n loiilt'. huam. i iialtiui,
llul l.ln- I1, nii.-.ih.ililu Imi nut' die I,, i-lnu-.tali-
llul mat mil Jn-tlly the i iputailoii r(
.oiiu- nptt.ililt ,'id t-iiihii.ijaii it.p'i. .ha
In- nu.. tt-a.e In .i ulul .he hat h tu iiitiii
uitl) iluwiiiiiiitul, llu- ijn.t'.ioiK -aio. 'Iluio
i tii'lniut pi ipilt-i), of i')i'..i, abut., ui-vii au
ini-jhii like- Hie ptiniit, a. an aid In tliui.'lon,
it, in I In-, i-p polliltal piiiutl'i.-.i, bi-i tun tilll
tti. liio, III tny lliixp. ili-iu.-, il I leilt-ar n do
Tho Xottli'lilthuiaii Mat aln-i) .upoilor in
ipulll) a, ill iiuiillt). V Ul.i llltle- of him
ttriit -t Wo,' vai., r, Hut lu. .ij iit-tu ilt-pt-ml-oiit
niwii iikio iUJi,tlli (or hi. iiirluuict', my
iiioio t Ii3ii l tile- n. mil iiuIIkiiM laUiaeo, III.
ivti iiultcil a 'libi-io Ion, iihltli p.irl v.
Just this week we were reading of one sensible woman who had a big
list of 28 friends to piovide gifts foi. In one hour she returned, her shopping
tlotie; she hrtd purchased handkerchiefs, benuties too, for every friend.
Imported Linen Initial handkerchiefs 25-50c
Imported JLnce Hemstitched Handkerchief 25-35e
Linen, narrow hem Handkerchiefs 1 5-2 5c I
Kmbroidered Linen Handkerchiefs 25-50c
Heal Lace Handkerchiefs, exquisite patterns
from SI. 50 to $8.00
-. .. . .!.
lC3tjViUiL wtiShKm' i
Silver Plated Ware.
We are closing- out
j. louslv low nricc,.
Scrap Baskets
.j. Have been greatly
have alwavs been low but
J a cleau sweep of our stock.
Carving Sets.
We mention only two of our leaders :
3 piece set Beef Carvers $3.50
2 piece set Breakfast Carvers $1.25
Chafing Dishes
About thirty styles to choose from.
au attractive serviceable dish for $4,50.
Open K rollings.
not hill piou'ul. at onto lo u-oM puiiim! ivn-ilu-lnu..
Ilr tho hUtoiuiH hi ha. i.tin cul'.il
"hot-hiatli-il," ami lu lutl uml to hi idl-'iol hi
t.i ilu- to pt-ifoim all Iho ilhioui ijfiiiir ami tli
.iKiirahlo I all iltul In him In I'n.liil.-nco ill
tlio-o thrco luinthoil .ion.. I nu)- at Kitoit lo-lsp,
ulul i. limit n!. ihlo, that iho ioi.i.liuf luiitl'uii
of (ho S.ot(hltl.h l .it t- lioin tu. I I" li-t lus
lioi-ii to iiiiki- Itwh ohiioiou. anil 'li.iiticianli.
Wo hut- h lit"ii iuiiiliii sonuho'l)- run, tu
Into ilitji-i h"i'ii llt.itliil',- on aoiuihotlt'. too-,
ttltlioiif i-ir-r piiiuii; lo apohuio 1.1 oxpii-...
uralitmlo iiluii -ointhotli his iiii.niil'l)- inoiul
out ul the M.i).
Win n .mu t nlilit 1 1 mu Hue lliit-.iL'i- iilth Ihi.
fit nil) toi luiup uliiioiiuiis ami I'm hum: no
ilouht at tluii-. ittll uii.til, ii Mouhl aliuo.t tt'iii
a. il Iho Moii-h-IiI.linian miut lino hu'ii u-.'iru-il
to In tho i -1 1 .--.1 1 1 1 1 u ill)- .--p.ikt'ii .lbur.t aiiothu
.lllllll ll, ".-in tl h)- Ct'Olpt- MI1,., lull ll llllllll !
hi- i loi.ihotli." o tlpltKl on Catholli Inc. iu
L'l.ltr. mo on ISliti.ii toM iu Colonlnl
Anient j. o j-ttppoil on Ahoiir'iiul toe. aluu
tin- oult- lioiillir, iu Mi'pi'Cil on Hi lid tins lu
Mel Vficinli, Ki iitiu ky .iiul Ti inn -..-, .inil .'it
Inly bumv ol il. Mi-ro ..k-ppins, not too hinl, In
IVlinii-) h inlj Hi" loo., of tl'0 llo-. I il nut
a irltliiliil luoul of m ic-)i ii . uiKhi'liatlor iiul
h.ul ililiili"!)-, oiilc to ho imiillonoil In tlit- pi
iai) of till, ipiitint-iit, hy lOinpiiiviu ttilli
iililili tun ilu- tctril-lo il)iiaiiiltti ot ,10111 honli
t.utl., 01 I lino . it ton, mi nit unite jiuitu'l.'
Nt-iiilliolir-i, I .1111 iiiillo .liiu'ro In tho Impe
llut I'loiiihnto ma) siio to thf tioihl fm It.
.iilianla-o in tho tiionllith. at In llu- couii
Ittiitli, ilulitii'iith ami iilnilit-iill. Otiilurli-i, a
lilt'iilllnl i-uppl) of in.t i-mli null- nun, ii'it to
ti-i-ail 011 th Iom I lino iiiuii'il, hut mi otl.i i
lot'. In mi) iiiuiiiiiiili) iihltli nu I iiinliiilii
110111 tlio tri.--.uii- ut lilc hiiiio.i ui't llut lluv
htaiul iiluio tin')- li.u- mi l.ifliittt to uuml, .ml
iinut nun' mil ol tin 11.1). Wo .iiu-l) luu- mil.
iiimui tho nut Imi, iii.iiliul In an i','iioi.iiit nn'a
lillity. Hut tho iimlil li dlir iii'iiisli for cur).
hoily ami llu-it- i. luoui for ill. 'llu'io I-, noi
rutin 101 ill; nu 1 mm im j-paiil ml. 110 loom foi
I'm I., no n 1 mi I'uil, 110 100111 ii- ( I1I111-
111.111, i.n luoui toi .11 luhl. 1, i-llliu of llu. upt
Ihut klll-i pii.-hli-ui. or "t Iho 111010 ju-.t In 1011.
i)p,i that iliilaio. Ik.Kiiit. 01 toinipt. jiollilt.,
Y N0I1I1I1M1 lino alitnt pi.uilinl ami
pii-.u Iiul ilu. mp.l 1 1 .n tin i.oihl I. too Mil. II,
ami Iiul roiui hoili 11, 11. 1 ho inmilt.1 oil,
llui.i mil uiiinily lout (u 1 iirlaln iiuioiliiiii
ol ptoplf nho oua'il to ho uhmiIiiI out, uml a
ult.iln inliii piuiiiii in, ipiiif iii-iiuinll) iutili.
Ili.ii 01 Nut IIiikIiiiI .1, .t . 111 , in iii tho iioiul, I'lio lltli-r tm'l allnnl lu ho pnlito, bill
luii.l I., pu.i.liiuly tliii'ivloiii .ml ill.-.iinu-lUt'
lllllll tli'il IUII' ll'HI l llu sl-t.l. I llllll-ll" ."Ul
11I.11 In 1 jio.pil of 11C01 liuii, Mhhli iitiuh tin
Sool lij toiiuillli, tho hail, I lullivo lii'ilf
ii) .1 hKl 11. ml ilfi nl.'ii i.nlrli t-MiluN tho
M'ooii Ii) lt llluvr Hit Imi III!' sou'lnm. l ll
m.i.w iiillllint, tu'hllns, ui" lri'1' I" -
'llil. iiiikIuii 1 lib 11.111110 mill tor uroalu umi
at'f, siiaiu liilt'llUiliu', Ri.'ilu i.iiluiai'u',
l,ri ilu' io.t..luii ol mri iiiuital ami liio'il ''
ultt Hun lullitiit iiailuu our iluiuit'lul. ii.'l
uii'oui) 1 hit iM.llilhlil, alutlu-i-lu -N V.i.l,
nl- l'liilatlfliliu, oi- mi iiiloii. o ii'i'l fi'Uli
lihmiitii mil Vm IjikIiiiiIiiiiii m tl. loii'lioiu.
I In 11 ir S-uaiiioli, liuaii-t- a utlail 01 In fnuii
1.111k II1N Hi" Jim 'tin .'I, aii'l l'i-iii' 1 !iW
man of hL'n .tautlliiu fi ua not 10 il.iiotinu' llu
iiim. tu- Hruii "f 'ho ili.v. -'"I I'U-iu-'o oilu-i. m
lis I'f.l pu p.t- halt- Ikhi h"l'l I'' I'liH il')li
iiiuiiliipil iiiikiilut-t. 111 hlah plane.
Aii'l I .'o In lht.1' lliliiK- 'mi' 'Jiuploin. t.
hlooil 111 tour till... until Itiioiatul ill it. lion if
nuial itiiliiilo-i nun iIhw ""''Ii' viiiu.. 'lhat
i)iialll) of nun un.iilin"i nilllunt 11.11 uii-l) in
Hit niiiluw, ami -till polo'itu If Iho iiuitiii la.
not tuiiifl amy. pl-ivi'i" iimit our lilooil, fit
,m I) tor tin- li'i'th, it llu uiiiiut iihoiihl tuiu
Tlif loniinltico In ohiit ki of Iho ur
nuifc'enieius tor tlic liaimuct tnnnls,t
cil ot" P. V. Suiulersoii, J. H. riwhov,
Doliilt n. Athciton, of Sci anton; Dr.
JJ.4. aJ. ji, iJi
It Out.
If the description of our
Holiday Goods impresses J
you, make a memorandum
of it so you won't forget J
it we mean to make
you come here for the
good things we have. We'll
touch your tenderest pot
our special nieces at ridicu-
reduced in price. Our prices
this decided rut is to malr
Our leader is
Trading Stamps with
P. C. .Tolin.son, of Wllkcs-Barre, anil
A. T. Henrle, of Honesdnle.
Tht oitli-ois of tlio f-oolcty aio:
Preslilont, Henry M. Holes; vicp-picHb
tlenl, Clitti-U'.s II. Welles; secietury. J
H. FIhIipi-; trenmirer, A. C. Fuller; his
toiiau. H. I-:. Paine.
Dates That Have Been Thced by the
Tin- nillowiiiKr schedule of Delttwuto
anil llinlnon payn litis been arranged;
Dee. 2.? .Mill-vine. lA-getti Cteck,
Dickson, Von y toi eli.
Doc. :M Olyiihnnt, Eildy Creek,
rir,'i!-sy Islimil, Oak, Jerniyn.
Dee. id (Jreenwood No. I, Oreenwond
No. 2, Lanselllte. Uttllli.
Dec, 27nel.iwniP, Baltimore Slope,
Halt No. J, Unit Tunnel, ConynRhiini.
Dec. 2S- Ciluion. Coal Brook, Powdor
ly, Ciliiondale No. 1.
Doc. ;it) iiobton, Plymouth No, 'J
Plymouth No ". Plymouth No. -1, Ply
mouth No, ;.
Were Conducted nt the School of th
t 'In 1st mas exercises wete conducted
at tlio Hcliool of the I.ackawannn yes
terday mornlnu and ntti'inoon.
At the 11101 nlitfi exei elses, Prlnoipa'
Charles B. Fish rect-lveil n hnndsoni
pre.soiil from the ineiubere of the class
of WO.'.
.. - ... -
,n applu if lull M-a-s 11111I0 lu llic itiuic ili'rtliy
fm .1 ihartu' tor tlio Diinmuri- .cclUunt4l I'nnc
01 V... '1 mini -1, piiim 010. Tlio siihcilbcn an' '
l'. O'lltuj, .I11111-1 linlili, Hoinai-tl Sueenry, Jll,n
atl t.itiirin anil Jnlm Mifllono, all of Uunmoi
llriilaii KIlKaniitiii ami Mnli Kilwnnon jMu' ill. cl 11 bill In I'tmity .iKafu.t r.itrltl; Ileal".
tlio piuii-i lite In I'aihoiiilalc ami thrir prupti
ties .no Iiul by an Imeulu Uiir, This Ijui
11 N .iIIiruI, lltahy hat tinn-il up, uml the imu
.. a.kul In loiiipol Iiim tu 1 1 mini' (in. (one,,
I'lilllp lloiu, of t 111 i lit), nho tias niii,lt-. u
a iliiiKt- of lliualr-iiiiii,- to kill hii W, tt-a. ul
nillllil to lull jnlriiljy by .Iiuliro Kt Hy, In iu
Mini of .Inn. Waiitn I', tti-IN bccaino lilt boii'1.
man, ('ail laiilmr, ol I'ukillh', iluigcj ititii a.
..iiiltliiK hu Mile, ii.o. al-u ailmitteil to lull r
Iho ..lino .iiiKiunt. I t it I .--liiii-ky Ik-o.iiiii- i
In tin ita(t of IM u 1 liber, latt- o S, tain-11
Ic-tiii. of 1 1 ion lure f.terilii- uTin ot
In .liL-ipli K Wni'lkirx,
.Mtoiiui I.n tmi Jlartln -'ioth na ictci'li
appoiiilul .iJmlnlaliatoi of the ivtjio oi licoruc .-
I.a liar, late ol Ihi. illy, mil Icllun ol aihiilm-i
nation Miio'i'l tu him by lliputi
of Will. Itoihlci.
Dangerous Cuiiosity.
B, )UU Ml' till' tolll Illlll I,' i 11
all hi. -icillli. JiH, lu lit' ma loir i
I. una
Iiul l.i-l
Vila 11. 1 linn
lama-Well, h
Milan -il
iilll know bcllu ii.'M time.
Usually So.
Mtiint-. man t. us ohl x In
t iila Hon about a noiiuiiH
Jlcnlll She is Foniroll) 1 "hi " other proi
ll"l .lit- 1. s-iiuit '.ot.