The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 20, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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    WUKTiSjr&Zi&Ei&iaP J$Tmt?4 '5.Tlfl L i
5?fo - n 'ffiim.iRwy s. ,V'i?3lSTiFT)',F
s , '
mr. Mounts iiAtitiwAnr. ai-on.'.
In Time g
To sec our store nt Its w
best to lnivo flfst cliolco of tj
Roods to have boat servlre
from salesmen. You know ?V
how many homlsome, use- j
ful articles are sold nt the V
Modem Sl.'e. Hero's just J
a hint. CHAFING DISH- (
ES, 24 styles. Prices Q
?3.00 to $24.00. Q
Open Evenings. f
x X
X Foote & Shear Co. X
Q JJ9N. Washington Ave Q
Christmas Aprons
l;or the little g'uk fiom two
to eight ye.trs of age. They
make such pretty presents.
ust the thing,
list the stvle.
10 Spruce ..reet.
Office, Toilet
and Towel Supply
Up fmiiMi Cl.i:N 'loiul-i lUilili. uitli f iiiI
llllc .lllltcll'll I'.llv Clllilll I, I'llllul (ll.ltP tun
nt, unb, 1'iii liiili, usL 1 ! 01 iii. -lint 1,1 u U
ihS 1 111 rt pull-ill mil Bi()J tui Id i.i'i '"'
i-l p 1 month.
f 11111.11I11' lnlion'-i mini on funis mil u
rririle Millie Kvillitlli NO .Ml
EOS-310 Penn avenue. A. B. Wannan.
l)r II I!. lli ICUMIIIll ll.'IIIL I.I-1 I ''1,11,
ll.Ill I plllti Inlul l-il I" t'ililjicllll.l
Tlmiiu i-iiraKiic Ins Ri'iii1 d HiMuii, ttlinu
V im 1 ill. 1 1 li Hie ili'itli or Ins ml. Ill i, Mif..
l.ilu ml II. ;m uii".
IMir AtT1.11 Jon.-, .1 Mm! nt j( .ll. cull 'LJl'.
1- I101111 In (-pcii'l tli Ini-tiiiis Imli'I i 'Mil.
"iii niolliir, Mh. 1). M .lotus, ul w.nli 'I in.
Mi--. I link-. V liiilil) wuli Mi- Mil. .mil
I i-,t 1 II 111 1, will livno tiiiiiuiiiiiv Im I'.io 1iii,
. ., lo Fiiuiil Hi' lhMul.n-. illi ihi piiiuu
..1 Mr l.nlil'.
I 1 11 lllllllllll Is ill llll1 lll.l .ill IllU'llit, fnl till.
liiii 11 uiir 11 lfiilltiul 111 "lite I'o.tii
t li.ii 1 ll 0 'iliiniii '' islu v ill In1 Atiti it .'o
i mil i-litrt lt .
1 1, l,iuitl llll'l- 1m.II l.!-lill.l II I'll
I 1 ill Nf" oil. tills link I M.
1 ill 11, Mis. 11 Wnit. Mi--. ('. II. Ilvil.,
Will II 11 lyr.n, 1'. I (1 mi .iml K. I I'lJC
iinl niii'.
'Ilii1 niiiii.iso o( M1-1 Malilili (,iihm nf 1.
nii,ht in, .mil 'Ihninis (Irili.iiii, of Auili, w is s. 1.
minimi ut tin- limiii' nt tlio Ijnili'n 'i mount, i;. Mi. (iiihim it ti iwiii - silc"
mi'ii Ini Mi'.iii;ii. llnw., nml will lli in i
lii.nitliiillv fliilslinl 1 1 im' hi .il mi" niiiui .
Ms flr.iro Xiilon Ins ,i ipccliui n of lui num.
Illllll' Mnlk 111 tlllMlllll ,l Noitdn's lunik Mn ,
viilrll Is .itlllillllj lniltli .ittoiitiou. ll Is a ii .
in.iiMlih lii.iiitllul pine nf I'linliiu' nn puui
Inn, iMpiisitc in lolcuni; .iii'i in is. 1 1 n
iiiiniiii'. II is a I' of lur uiii-iii, Mi-i
till .Innis, ilnuliliM (if I' .liuiis, nt iiv
ll., UI'I is .1 l.illll'lll I'o'.lllil of III I Illllll .I'.'.
Guernsey Hall.
One lilKli-xiiiilt', lif.iiitlliil I'imIkIiI
Piano, as kooiI as new In ovoiy U'speol,
isi.uccly a niaik on It I ;c:uit i till m.i
luiK.iny iim; lie imu'li.isii'il thi.i
wcvk tor tlic nihil lor $1".".. Come anil
-ee It, it will pay you. :il l-::ir, Vuli
liiBton .ivonue, Hei.intou, I'.i.
Dr. N, Y. Leet Hns Ecmoved
IIIh ntllcoF. tiom the JliMt Nailuiml
I'.nnk liuilillupr to corner V,MiinhiK avo
ntio and Spline htieet, over Dime linnk.
ICntranee on Siuci Mtgct.
nr. O. i:. Hill & Son lme unioM'il
to tin oo liulldliiKs below their fount r
lil.tfo, .'l.'ii l.aehawauua avonuo. l.nul,
lor flitiis. "
King' Air Rifles.
Tin best air rlllu nmtle.
l'loiey Si liloiiKs,
I'll WiihlihiRton avenue.
Cignis by the Box.
All in Ires: all aUcrt. At O'lIaiaV i:il
5)ruee Htioet.
' '
Lewis & Reilly.
"Alwn,rt Uusy" .Shoo Htore.s, will be
open eveninsh until ChrlsltnaH,
-J . -ii ! . .j. .j. : j.-j.
Von know llioio U 111010 Hun 01 o ,.ui
Lor in tin-, linn. Wc print u ilillciint pi. luru
till lime, oiily to Kinlud j.i.i Hut ip hivj
Hie rollouln;, ana ullur ili.Li un.l liotil.,
I for kilc. We tan ivcimiiinnl lluac koiinlil'j
Ito our ui.j.iiic.l mother, and our .1st it. ie
nt iln brcwvry Lnui). We woulilti
more K ue did. Como and
mYlHj&&s,'Jl.kUi!tMWXWJI KU'J.WW.l!"'il
UJuWu CiKj.ff. yfcjfi$i& t ?- s-.
'l'lioncu 109, 1I.S1 anJ SI1I-3.
Thrtt'a What Weather Observer
Clnrke Snld Yosteidny.
Weather Oti"eicr V, H. ''larke, wi'il
yurtti'ivluy nrteiiioiin thitt then' ate
Bond pruiiei'tM lor eolilor weather nml
poiiti' llkellliund or n snow Hlorin wltlt
in Hie next tluy or ho. Th" Ktent
northut'Ktetly pint or the enuntry Is
Just now experleiielnur Intome toM
and Air. Clntlte hii.vh theie Is very Kootl
rem on to believe tlint thin will comt
The thctinoineter ref;lntuleil nl ile
Riei'H below zero, nol lb tif Lake Su
perior yesteulay inornliii,', 22 demees
below at lILtnmi I.', X. 1J.: It! deKrees
below tit Dtiluth, Minn, and 10 below
at I.'i Croswo. Win. Ttavellluir at the
otdliiary rate m' h; enl ll wouhl ivi-tilii
about thlrty-HK hours for llilM cold
wine lo leaeli H runt on, .iys ?!r.
t'lutke, so thai If hlM theory is" con et
It xhoulil beffln lo be felt tonlfilit.
lie b not veiy satiKillne aboul tho
poplhllltleM of a snow stoini nml hIcIuIi
Itm for I'lnhtouis IIioiikIi the weath'M'
epeits in W'ashliiBlon piopheey that
eastern I'eniitvlvnulii will liave snow
today. 'I'llis plmpheiy It based oil the
plesenee of a stonn aloiiK llle (,'uir
i oast, but .Mi. I'liulso Is lliellnrd to t'le
belief Hint IT this does tonic noitlt
Seranton will only net the lull ml of
Junior Educational Contest Closes
Tomoirow ot 0 P. M. Pifty-
tluee Lists Yesteiday.
As The Tiibui l'k .lunior lMui.iillo'1
al tonletl thaws near Its end the !'i
tiiost (iriited .miotic H" youthtul par
ti Ii.iiiH kiiius K'ealri. 'I'lleie fie
now onli ti.o tln n lelt foi belli Lc I
INts to b mailed or wnt to The Tri
llin1 olllt e foi llle eont"sl i lesun to
luol low e.'iiln,, pioinptly at i (I'tlod:.
Any list Inonlli to the olllie il'ler Unit
hour will mil be foliated, et'eptlnp: In
the iw of Ib-t.i .sent by mull, when
they inip-t be posted bel'oie or by tl-ia
hour. .y lelle: bearliiK u
I.iKr Hi. in ti p. l.i on Satin day will not
In ailmlllt'il.
There weie ll'iy-llueo liits locolv'd
ei-ti,nl.iy, fiom tlio folIowiiiK ifli Is and
I'ulill .Inn1 .luiios, ".II -. Hi .Ii I'iiI, au'iii'
Olttlll M. .Inill -, ."ill -. I llllf I'.llk .IMIIM-.
P.itnik, Mi s, Inni,; .iii'iiu,
IIjioIiI P.iii-, Wcl-li Hill. 1'a.
I lii i Tittht . II Molt shelf, ( ,ul, inilil...
lliillire lluulii'-, l'W Mllion .ti(i.
MikvIi' I'l.un. '.iii'lll'iu'.
Muni' 1 i.iiis, .iii.llii ,-
.1 lllK'J PlUsnn, 1! t Nl stli'tl
K. i .in Khk, ( l.iu.'s simiiint, I'.i.
Mn. ltii.liii, Auu i
.I'Sik I,. Illlickrull. Mil l llllllll".
Milii- liillin. 111 llolli-tcr oinn.i'.
Iin.'i'i I) 1 1 nil, I liiiidnlli.
llilill M (illniiitin, .si I Milllirni .lint.
Il.illi.i lloiiii-. lil'i million., ,1ml.
lloi. nil . "-I iiki.i'illnr, 1UJ Uionniu' tiivt,
Itij U.iih, 'ill V. Ilii.iiiliy aiom.!1. '
a ice i j.iin. i iiv'niii.
lioliHl 'I'. lii.Miol.l., Ii ! -. aiiiniuit e mi1.
riui.iu.1 i 1'ik-t, (Ihiiliml.
.lllll's Illllll, 111. ill"
N. Ilui lluv.iul, Ml .N. I.n.iolii nun i".
I.110 ('iniioii. "i Sintl si..t, ( iiilmiililc.
Illllll c. Willi. W.IKll.l.
I).ll'llss Moss, ki, (Juni ltnlj.. .,,.
I "i .it !. 1. I'.uliii-, lirj I ulirr .nun.
Illllll.' IMltitOik, .I WliilllUU .IMIIIP.
foliltlii' I'. Ailtliis, (10 M iiiiiii,
lllll.l I'llllllp., l'lJO 'MUtllllil Hi. (I.
Iml .1. Mioiuii, '.'ii'J I, .l.i a.. mn
""i I 1 1 .1 t. illli'-sli i, ."lis minus Ml.rl.
(hulls 11, Slioitui, JI0J l.i ihi .imiiik.
.1.1 I lll (till. .I'l V'lllllS iltllOl'
imii' Mulist.i, lorn Inner .iionno.
Oliil-inl I'lnllip-. 171 Smili liimiilii u. mn.
M.i.l s Moil.k. .0 PlOMiIlli. Ii III
Mill While, !7 'I iilc.i ii.tiiip
llil.'ii liiulil, oji l i.Iiuutip iirmi.'.
( ll llll s Itulillts, I oMi.', I1.)
I .llii i- I'luli-i, i liliil.l.
M.iIh I llimwi, ml' Sail, iviii ,m line.
I'll i i.uilloili, JI Unlhi'in .lint.
Itiiliui lull.. 7 I ii,. Im lre(l.
.1 inn's tJiiiii.', lliiuinui.
Willi.mi Kodrn.iii, l.'s Wilu-lti .luniii.
Inn Kniis, His '.iiiiiiiit a.. mn.
llicl ('in. Oil (,liiuui .iiiiiii1.
I.'hll ll'Vil, llulll.,'lll".
iiino l.itiolt, IJIn siiult ron au'iiiu1.
I'ldl liluiri, HI. Nm- V.nk slic.t.
Aiiiiotii II dili i.i in. I . lion ,-trirt.
I Im i lllii-. I,J7 inilil
P'f Tin's OfTl
Contest Editor,
Scianton Tiibune.
I estimate that the winner of the
nist ysiize in The Tiibune's "Junior
Educational Contest" will have
Leads the Woild.
The Kiejti nietttipolls Is always n de
IlKhtliil plate, and one who mhIih dur
ing the holidays llnds much to inteiesl.
The tho.Uies ate at their best tho
(hint lies au titliintlve, and, In iml,
eveiythliiK in tine Xew Yin It stvle, In
without an ci-iuil, The New Jusoy Pen
11 al is koIiik to run a low rate eMtir
slou lo .New Yolk on Deci mbei !.
Pi he ol tickets is exceptionally low,
and limit on iheui allows vour islt In
Now Yotk to -.imtimip until IJeteinlier
-ti, llltlliwlvo Inilllie of lh k.(. iiHentS
aliout this trip,
MeeTsiaumnn"dBrior" Pipes.""
SiuolteiK' specialties, eh., In endbss
vailety. at O'liara's ( ij-.u .sio.e, ini
i-s'pllleo tlelt .
Ice Skates.
All ink tn, "11 tents up
Flotuy .V liioolis,
" -11 WiisliliiHlon avctiiu
: . .ji . . -j. .;. ; i -i ;. -f
Colliery Engsnee
( stlHk M, Illicit llllltt till! lilt Tl
Hoik (',1.1 Wi mil p.i s;n j,, 1 .,,. ,
In Oi 'nli, 1 Villi, .. li.iit-jlit 1,0111c (.ir
"Hi in Hie hrjil.nniHi, n, i,,,
Title Guaranty
.ml 'Itll.t ( 1,
Hiuncul iiiititt
Clark &
Tol'jito f'.i u
.llll 'IrU.t ( I. KlHk foi' f.lll'. 'III.
Hiuncul iiiilittitlui of on. mi
Tnl'Jdo f'.i liiil. f r sal
C'niinii iml
Brewery Bonds
for sale, nit if 111; iwarl 7 per cm
IIOIt-,M,,- .'oll liOllib.
Bicycle Club
llou-e liotul (or 4 lie. 0 pir
rui lift
rt"agc IwnJ..
C m m m r QmhaI
- spring UTOOK
W'jtei li, I.0111U, wc want lu he',
cKSComegys & Co.,
w..... MM..Y t-ill-.ll-.
They Object to the License Tax Or
dinance as Amended and Claim the
Measuie ns Oilgiunlly Intioduced
Was Diawn Up Solely to Piotect
Home Business Men from Illegiti
mate Competition No Action
Taken on Franchises Shoit ses
sion of Select Council.
The Itelall MeiohaiHs' Protective as
sociation wants common (ountll to te
t (insider Its action of two weeks a-,0 In
.iiuendliuf the lleenw.1 tnv oidlnaiiff1
which ll had Intioduced, by reduoiiiR
the tax on hucksters sclllllK products
not or their own lalsliiK, Horn V to
The lollowliiK lettei, explalnlnj; the
iitit i.itlon's position, wa tend at last
nlfjht s ii leilng of tho comnitm uouuoll:
Ml llltOll, i'.i.. Ii.c I.1, l''l.
(I'ditliiiirii o (In1 Cniiiinor C'Hinill:
'Ihi (il,.it nf tho llilnll Moidiintv' i Kitliilun
c 'I'lilmi, in Ininliu lln1 llu'ii-i1 ii'. onlln
iiho l,i foi.1 mi In lln- Mmim.. it wis pinions
lo its lidmr .iinciiikil. his tn piotci I run Iuhiil'
inch Ii. nils ninl litickslni, ami .il tin1 kiiiii1 line
mike the llirn-o fin (is Ion in poilili, .iii1 ull
hl'h tiiouuli to Klu1 rrpn p'nln linn. (Im -i f i-i
I. t i mull tlir tl. lli-knl liiiiinis. nun .iti.I hit k
.t i nun r.lin .oiinj I . i.1 in thn spun whi.i
tin h1 I. .i pos.IWi1 . b tui.' lor mn Ikiih' ii.1!
iliint. .mil liiiik.tris pi tn.iki1 Minn (liiiu: . m nf
tin1 liiisitnss, lint ilml .mi up' Ml. vis
IIII..I iiilii Kiulu's win I .in1 ni lionii' Inn', .in.l
Mho pi; no 1i. . ot Mil kinil, .iml nio n ii"
.uiihi hIhii winli i- cniiea, only lo .ippi it .ciln
in s!i ni .i .or.,
woiiin: uiiii.t r
iintliri is to in Ii il,.. t , i .jin
tip in.l ll.lUll I'lC l.llh.l, Is 1,11 noith .Is t llilill.
i ili" nml .-ouih .1. fn .is I'lltston 'I hi i to no
.in.l lni on l.uoi !.i(.k.m.iiii i luiinr, llll thou
ii ISOH.S, th, n pclill,. noli. I .ii 1,. iv., inn i rui'ii' t"
the (III limits, t ikin llnl iniKh Inisiiiiis out
of tho hniils ot oi r iltl.n mciiliiiit ami 'ltn,.-
1st. 1 Al.OlllOl' nil Willi 1 1 HO l, M In lll.lli.sil
hi o;n r, o is Mi Fiiloi. ,1k iiio'i'iin ,
iilio iiill knilil 1 -t mil mi tho pinuipil puis il
l.lll .lK'IIUis ill finllt of tl,l(S (I I ".s
.mil ('o liu-In.'.s at ini fipo.i1 i lnt.i.. f t ii. .t.
us, thy In (!!(. ,r inoi.iilil t.i T It- otilin
iinc1 .is .Iiiiiii I. ,i t lotudoii fm oi. i in'. u
in ich nils, fiom tho ui.touV bill. ..iii'i rhoi
.111.1 l'll:k-li is t i tho Illuist im h'i utc .11
(In1 cm. All linos an i mi Intj I iv Hi" Ai ili
nml Italini l.isktt pn-h . ill poililkis. Tin'
ni'il .in.l M'Rilihl , niilnl li this (lis. of poo
plo in.., in most ( i- , octiimintil to tho pnh'i '
In iltli, is mil .is mli'iii, tn th null"! 1 r--ni...
hunlil tin1 i lie rt'Inml to loss Hun 'sn
pci iiitiimi it noiilil ail.- lln? inmlilliN of t-i r. n
tnn h'.s piotoi Inm ili in thu uioiikil th1 ni'i
ihinU ot mil ontliiij i,lln:, . nor 1 r. t i.s
(ill r. icli Iml .in.' lino, it iculiia .ill lm '. 1mI
ll,o amount nf lm-Iiio-s iliiio in lln l.Iv ( f
su.iiiton tuo of 1111 I is. 1 1011 wluliwr 1.11 ,ti 1 s
to ii'.iui' tlnni. nitls of ,l..lliis .1111111 ill.
U( hoiio ion mil urn1 this ('itllli ill..' i nil
1(11 l.llltlll (lill.likl.ltlOll Jtlti llilill, tl'll no
lie not tiin' to linp.ilo .111 iitiui in ins
mou. milk' ii.isin'-. lmt .mn 10 puip-u tf e
liidio,ts ,f 0111 .'itl.o'i inn hint-, in nh n mi
II1111I. j. hi mil ,i--i-l 11-.
After the UMrilnK of the above letter
bv Ulmk Lynotl, Mr. Keller movi d that
Hie ordinance be lolttted buck to com
mittee 101 further consideration, in ot
dei U'piosenlathtii ot tlie tisi-od-ation
ntiiv be lit .ml. Tills motion was
..uried, ilcsplte objiillnn on the putt
of .), V I .s,in.-, who intiodttceil the
aim iidnieiit to whlth the .i! ot i.tllfin
objet is
Mill another license t i oidinanee,
believed to 1 omc liom the ustoci.illon,
was intioduoLil la&t niKht l -Mi. t'ole
iiian. It piolde.s for a tav of $-'" per
moiitli. or fiactlonnl pait tiicieol'. on all
pel pons, ulietlitr principals or agents,
nut permanently established In busl
ncfs liete, scllliiy kuoiIs at 1, utll within
the tity limits This ! lulkvtd to be
aimed at .1 soap 1 omp.iuy w, tilth i-
dtiini, :i latRe buluiss In tills illy.
.Neatly the entile meet I in; ms inn
siimed In listenliiK to the li-aiHnR 0"
the mc iimul.ttt-d minutes oi a Iml t" a
M .sf&W
s cr
n ' p
fie Wants
a Necktie
You may depend on that
for, no matter how many
neckties a man mav ha'e,
he's always glad" to get
more. Part of the pleasuie
of giving is in choosing;
being sure of his pleasure
add to your own by mak
ing selections from our
choice assortment of Holi
day Neckwear.
We call special attention
to our line of high grade
silk's, in patterns that in
clude exclusive designs in
stripes and figures. Four-in-hands,
English Squares
and Do Joinvilles,
$1.00 to $3.00
Half Dollar Ties.
Larger variety and better
quality at 50c than vou'll
see anywhere else, "color,
combinations that will
please every taste
Open EvenliiBs."
4 AWrfO
dozen ineptltifTS, and very little business
of Impel litnce was transacted. The lol
towliiw resolutions wcto Introduced uid
lly Slf, PittlrUke l'2otietiillnir the
Home for tin Krlendless fiom the tia.v-
1 Hienl of city last's fur the present year.
lly Mr, Xii'-kII uneetiuff the director
nt public1 wotks to have plans and
npecllleatloiis piepared for u new btldRO
over tin Itoatltif? llrook al Myrtle
st 1 eel.
The lollowluis' ordinances were passed
on third ami linnl rcatlliiR: l.xonernt
ItiK the Lackawanna hospital fiom city
taxes: providing for tho erection of tin
electric HkIiI ut the corner of Ash street
tind Mousey avenue. The license tux
ordinance. Intended to take the place
of tho measure already sbjnetl by the
lei ortler, was also pissed on thlul t end
In ir.
As exclusively piedlttcil 111 The Tll
biiue yesterday nioinliur, no action
whatever was tnken on the ordinances
awardliiK franchises to the new street
inllway toinpanlis.
'elect count il held olio of the shortest
sessions lu Its hlstoty last nlRht In tho
school btiat il assembly loom, which had
to be used because the select council
ihambcr Is bilnj? painted.
The only new ordinances Intioduced
weio olVeied by Mr. McAndiew. who
has evidently decided that tho Twenty
llrrt ward needs a few thln(js. The ordi
nances pimlde for the election of eight
clectile lights, three Hie alarm boxes
and tin ro lbo hdrauls In the ward.
Tho follow Iiir ordinations were passed
on third leudlin,: Appioprlnlln- hi -OI-'.Di
for the pti.Mitent of tertnln delh 1
elieies; pioldili',' lor the election of
four lights lit the Font Hi waul, two
light", on Front street and one light on
Forest coin t
Theiefore His Wife Wants a Divoice
from Him.
Mis. I Inn lot Iteld, who man led Pat
rick Held on .lime ".I, IStn, yesterday
asked the rourt to divorce her lrom
On September 1J, 1 StS. she alleges
Ilml he deserted her and hti lem.ilned
a deseili r to Ibis day.
$500 REWARD.
Fuisuant to n joint resolution of
city councils, a lewnrd of S50O is
hereby offered for information that
will lead to tho airost and convic
tion of any peison or persons found
placing dynamite or other ex
plosives on any sliest or highway
iu the city of Seranton.
W. L. Connell.
Dec. 1C, 1901.
Ci ane's Puis, Cloaks nnd Suits Are
the Beat in the City.
The stoic will be open until !i p. m.
until (' JI. 1"). Ci.inr.
Cigars in Small Boxes I
and Fancy J'ipes lor the holiday tiade.
al (inrney lit own Co.'s, Linden st. " i
Tnsjiaycr's, Attention: '
Di'ttnibei 'Ji Is the lasl day on which '
illy and school luxes can bo paid with
dill .ill Iiiiiii il penult ,
- K .1 Ji'nbln-ion, ("it. Tie.isuur.
A Large and Handsomely Drovsod
Given Away Free
I'n ill iiint iuiis nf ",D 1 1 nt-' n mli I' 1,
(nil is, . ,V I'. s,,k ., i lnt, , ,v
l1 llilaui; I'liMiln. ,n (. 1111 ( n 's sm ,. d
sl'l l!l i.( "I
Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co,,
ill I Au ..JI Nnitli Mini V.
'riiuni' 7,.'. I'lemjit (l.liui.i, Ndi 'ilii,iii "...
Glace Fruits,
45c lb, Worth 60c
Maitlauds Bon Bons and
Chocloates, 35c; 50c and 60c
per lb, retailed in New York",
80c to $1.00. Bon Bons and
Chocolates with truir, 40c;
worth 60c.
Bon Bous uud Chocolates'!,
iSc; 25c and 35c per lb. As
sorted Creams, 10c per lb.
Cut Rock Candy, 10c,
Grape Fruit
Small 45c per dozen
fruit, loc 3 for 25c.
-la me I
Florida Orange
20c (0 00c per Dozen
Headquarters for HuyJer's
Candy fresh daily. English
Walnuts, 12c per lb, Shelled
Almonds, 40c par lb. Shelled
Walnuts, 40c per lb.
Olives, (quart bottle3), 35c,
Courseu's Special Java aud
Mocha Coffee, iSc per lb,
Courseu's "Best" Coffee, reg'
ular price 35c, this week, 28c,
Order your Candies this
yveek, Gaudies made fresh
for our orders,
TMs Week
E. Q. Coursen
He Turned Mm. Decker Out of Her
Own Home.
Itulijillnlll Kilmer 'was nrritluucd be
fore Altlermuii Kussou .vestciihi.V, on
(ho charm' of assault and hnllcry, pre
fen nil by Alts. Martini Ueiker, of Pow
der Mills, Mooslc,
Mrs. Decker clulimtl ilml Kilmer,
who boarded with her, cinuo home
diunk and beat her anil her children,
and then turned her out of her own
home. Alderman Kasson committed
Kilmer lo the (Oillil Jail lu default ot
SHOO ball.
Shopping Lunches at Hanley'a.
The time Is short for the lmmtiMa
mnonnt of buying that must be done
between now and OhrlslniHS. Ladles'
shopping Ituuhes, as well as icfioh
nients for the Kentlcmen, are nervr-d
all day ttl Unnloy's, 20 Spruce street.
King- Air Rifles.
The best air rlile nuide.
Floiey .t Utoolts.
".'II Washington iivenup.
Clulstmas Plum Pudding.
Place your older early with Hanley,
120 stpriico sticet, when there l a
surely of ptnlty. "
Heniy the Fouith,
Key West clgats, at O'lhmiV, (111
Hpruee street. ' '
Is on exhibition in our
grand new building every
day, 'from 9.30 to 12
noon aud from 1 oclock
until store closes.
To avoid accideut3, all
children must be ac
companied by their par
ents or some grown up
Bring the children to
see Santa Claus come
down the chimuey,
) The Rem Live
onuo. 1
yx.T75ri.,.tfysunys Ba-w'jMwraiTyrppBm'Tgwg
4 More Shopping Days
I I20I2T
lin4 Hie finest leather goods !
in " the city. WE BUY
HUMPP'S only.
This i.s the Tiademark TcS?'
on each piece.
Ladies' Card Cases
Pocket IJooks
Shaving Papers
Desk Sets, $5 to $15 Leather Calendars
Portfolios, Toe to $10.4,1) Cigar Cases
Cigarette Cases
Pen Wipers Mirrors .Jewel Cases
Lottcr Cases Scissor and Twine l.oxes Flasks
Pass Cases Pen Wipers
All goods purchased (rum us marked free of charge.
Soranton's Attractive Store,
Oils, Paints
Maloney Oil I Maniifajring Company, 0
J 141-149 Meridian Street.
i li the value of the Clock-
Savings Bank, which yott can
pet at the
Corner of Wyoming Avenue
and Spruce .Street,
Seranton, Pa.
JANUARY 1, 1002.
St Bs the
Highest Decision
That a nice UMIIUULLA Is the
most deslt.ible Clirlstmiis (Sin,
and If you want to gel one that
will be appi eclated and ionon
alilo in price, don't wall until th"
insb Is on, but come to our fac
tory, eli t your choice in niale
llal and li.tiidie, fiom our enor
mous laiiAC line, which ore nil
of the latest designs, and sup'-r-ior
In titialily. We me mukltiv:
special Inducements roi the boll
tliiy tiade and we glial unlet, all
our goods.
Spuce Street.
.. S
A vi ry tittiactlve line
ol up-to-date
Rockers, Couches, Odd
Pieces, Brass Beds,
A choice line of
Velvets, Brussels,
Uoliilnj goods an icing dally.
Cash or Credit.
J J ! ! 'I $
We have always had
the re putation of hand-
Desk I'ads
Men's Cai'd Oases
Toilet Cases
Music itolls
Ink Stands
207 Washington Ave
and Varnish t
PA Fa tiha km
I Pin Cushions
t, Wc liave an exquisite t
X : r ?
" 11I1C Ul
Satin Finished
Pin Cushions
Lace Trimmed.
t which we are selling at
prices ranging from
50c to $1.25.
Cramer-Wells Co., t
f 130 Wyoming Avenue.
'Phone 353-3.
Dress SuitCases
Ate always acceptable Christmas
gifts. We aie showing a, beautiful
lino of Leather Cases with spring
steel frames, brass trimmed, linen
or silk lined at S3.00 and up.
Open Evenings.
305 Lackawanna Ave.
Smokers Articles
I have an exquisite line of
Smokers Articles, among
them many new Novelties
Never before seen in Seran
ton. Handsome Pipes, of every
description, Cigar Holders,
Smoking Sets, etc.
Something New in Tobacco
Jars and Ash trays, called
Opal Ware is especially ar
tistic. Your inspection in
vited. Selected line of Cigars for
holiday trade.
W. P.Shoop
Mcars Building.
Ail .sorts of dainty Electritj
Novelties aud a Magnificent
line of
1 V) i'ranklin Avenue.
-1.11. ..-ii rici.iiii.s until n. ""1
Mi' I.1I.1' il.'iui.' in nilniiitilu.' (1 r
jiiiii- In 11. r Jml'fiiiciit uithnut lormiiiit
- tlilri Inn- inliul '-.niii I Im- 1 mIiiI1
I Morris Chair, $3.95
n dmloo ul r.iMui mk or unliui;iii) rtnl.h.
3 lionj i.ti..iliki In luiiiimi., inurnl
A lit i u'M'ii run1. i nf IVr., hi j ii. I OiimUl
i.l IIH I M'luUl
i.aaies' vvniuig
Desk, $3.49
In S"! '' " 'il. i i, .li. 4 u.y ll ii i Ii, Tri-ni-li
S1HI . ,, 1 .11 il llt'lll li ll. lull i ilfi
I in i ( ih iimi- .in.l ii;, ..ii lii.hf
,.ine J-'i
Smokers stands
and Sets, $1.95
M.iml ui n.iliiiil ul' iln ni lini.-li '-it
i, , nii,i.i il nl ii'.'ir ilii'i'H. mi, ,ni. in
1..II1II l.'.ttl. 111. Ull ullil .1,11 tuJui n
1iii,iIii null li
Ililuli' iiiuli ihi "li lui mail iit-.
ifllvlflr Mil (Kill IM .
urn ni aiT""-'-l-ft IT"?
Sil-iii iU HJ Wjomint; Avenuf.
n Jt
't- i