The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 20, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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INMMi.t tMllv. IlJtifpt Riimliy. h TJip trIV
bRc t'iil)lhhlni? Oiwpatiy, at Kilty Cent! J Moti'll.
I.IVY tllRtlVttn, IMUor.
O. K. IIVMIISt:, HihIiipm Manijer.
'New Ycrli OlTiccI 160 Nji.iu fst.
,, u s. vm'.r.t.vm
Goto A?ont (or VortUn AiHcrtUIn.
Kntcr'cJ t the l'ntonicft nt i.raiitii, l' . '
Second Clm Mull MH'c. '
"Wheit space "will "permit, Tho
Tilbuno is nlwoy glad to print
short lettofs t'lom It a t'llotids bear
tnrr on eunont topic, but its lUle Is
'but tbeso must bo nlgncd. tor pub
irrttlon. by the wiitei'o real name;
intl tlu condition piccettent to nc
.eptnnco is that all contilbutionB
.shall bo subject to cditorinl lovlsion.
Tin: ri.vr mir. rou .uivimimso.
Tin (nllimlnj ta'ilo tiow (lie i rlf, per Itirh
ech lnrrllon, ,r'P tn In- n.rij ttltlitn on" rii!
llun ( siJIiiit un I'iiU
niM'f.W. Piper I1..11II11B Voultion
?"mi tKin Mo tmlin .'.'" .271 .""
MO inrlu 20 .a! .2
1000 " lrt .IT", .1f
IWvt " ,-, ,1: ,1M
ww k ,ir, .if.-. .11
fir ririN of tliinl. ri"i"liillnrn 'I I nnilfili-nci
ml Klmllir contril m tnr In tin mturf of ail
Mllltii: 1!o iiiiUj a iliar-je cl 0 ntl
Il.'ln fnr Clatslflcil Aihcrtlslns futnMietl oil
scitANToN. Di:ci:.UJi:u si, moi.
An online lo the .intiiul lopuit of t lit
l.ifl oininls"loii iiliiuit .ill mi' p.u'llliMl
In Hit- Philippine! ( (lie wwnpuiiei'
01 rut poiiikni.s.
flust Be Put Down.
IT IS iinncLi'tMit.v to s-.iy that t ho
itiiiilltltm ol iifi'mi., wltli h ivii
ilcrs it liiipnvibi,. f,n' si wm11111 to
tide tin ii Hlit'ct-i'iir In tin city of
Hrnmlon. nt leant In 101 lain j-rotiolii.
ol tliu city, without IniiiriliiK tln 1 KK
ul Insult uiul .ilni"i is Intuit uiblu. Al
th(Hii,h no nut' tiuoMloii. llv
rl'ht of our pcnplo to 1I1I0 or not to
rnli', till inuii' tui'l that tin lilit to
ridu is liohifj I'Mrclsoil in In mini 'o
ntloni iii.nli tin -lcriml of ini'ii'iis-ftl
lictty law If h'liic .. Tlio plarltiK of ily
uaitiltc upon oiif stiiPts is . nloiib
and lntnluialilt pioii't'tlliiK'. lullv ill's
tnitiR of tlio iciisiiii It is i"tclviiie:
but it is not tin only nor the M,oit
symptom of anuitliy now pic-ent in
this I'onmuiiiity.
Tnu oxitk'iit purposo of a law por
tion of our population to ili'fy th, law
anil bid dollancc to its ollhors is tlio
(jiavi t-jinptom in thli tttuntiou. It
i-onstituti'.s tlio 0110 over li.ulnu in
menace. It is that which most offert
ually operates to the dlsnd. unlade of
the illy anions pel sons at a distant i.
'Iheio is 11 fplilt of union-i'loiis looel
lion lo dulv tnu!titiitcMl aiitlioiity in
the air which must bo r liniinaied. At
tin happy Chi Minns tlnn it Is not
pleasant to speak any nolo not in Itiu
liumy with the sphit of the t.e.i"-on, but
ihcit is no 1'f-aplng' tlio dutv whMi
alls the fsnnil 1 itienshlp of Sci anion
o taoo this menace to Si 'anion's
1111111 and iemue It
Thi'ie can be no true "pearo an!
nod-will" In this town until this sul
l'n doil of incipient iniaieli Is oor
, hit! fiom anionpr uh.
Tho agitation tner the Schley matter
n ly ot 111 les-sltato the enat tint lit of
n autl-pioteHL bill.
Nothing the Alatter with Penn-
aylvania at WashinRton.
,-Tr-lU: DISTINCTION aecoiiletl
I to Senator Quay in the
H maklnvr-ui) of the .--onato
lominittees is almoni with
out pi ct edent. Under a stiict construc
tjon of the mles of the s-enate his htatus
would hao been that of a new 1110111
bei, and as such he tould not have e
pi'itid either a t haiiniaii!-liip or an lni
poitant ahslsnnient. Hut JTIr. Quay gets
not only one of the most Influential
iliairni nibhip.s in the list, but also the
most s-oiiRht-nfter assignment to bo
had membership on the appioprintions
Tho lommlltoe of which Mr. Quay is
r halt man is that which deals with or
ganization, 1 oiuluet and expenditures of
the exeeutiio ilepaitmenlsn place In
which tho senator's Iiiiik experience
will ccinui into ei client play. TnkliiR
ihls chah m.iushii) in coiinettinu with
his nicmheiship on the appiopiialions
oiniuittee, it 111.1 v falily be said that
tho senator's hand Is 011 the throttle
ale of the kovci anient.
Nor has his colIeaGue, Senator Pen
rose, been ncBlected. He sets the chair
manship or the iiiunlKiation lommlt
tct! and also mcnibeiship on the com
niittecs on coinnieice, naval affairs,
poslolllces and post mads, mast de
fences, education and 1 ibor, and na
llmiiil hanks anions- the most linpoit-
iint coniiulttecH in the senate. AVIt
Vennsylvaniii lepitsented In the cab
iet, now by (wo lunula is ami Uev
after muoly by one: with her tun so
,ttor.s-fo piriniliiuntly placed and with
incvi)) .Its itiiii?entiitiiH on the wujn
aul means and on Uiu nilts cnininlttceti
of tlTirf house,. not to sptaK of Us iitlui
lnportuifl hriii'e iiiimiinilitee assl(,-n.
nunta and Its possession 01 the tei It
ship of Uiu luuiJ'o, time s icalh little
,"11 for the lniili What Is the mat
tyr i.M l'ennslvaula? So fur an
rpakfllV her inllueiiii fell nt Wiihliliii;
fon If lonceineil, she la most emplnille
ally all light.
v All eye's are now upon th' Natlonul
phiH l'Vdei'iitioii.
x c;i "
A Prsilictiou.
X'"l' Si'l IllJpl Hii IX IIHI'.- I ,
ic-lfio iliin,'is In Hit iiuil.iiiiuiI ui tin. I'lnij
tii!iti l'u',1 ,,hui Mr. Siiilili liill u,. ji.iin ,
iililf iliiut' 'lli'f uiu hum Id, 'ir.ilM.vniiil
pllllllJtllljl ll"t llltllllljll' l, (lull I 1,
iru) inuly-wlll .III Ii iuii,irtntii, tlui Hi
''"'?' III",IU01"' 'mil 1 lil illraitm K,-, if .11
Jliijlutul iMiur jihI imu luneujl. l-i a, in .
limine IImii it lu inr lircn lifuti.Hjlil.i,-.
pjii M ir.
N THi: past tin 00 yen tho I'icss,
while In most itbpects un admir
able newspaper, exhlbltliiK schol-
in ship and a 1 lilo lattfjo of edit
c'nted human sympathies and Inleiests, often ben tinfoi tunate in its tuat
incnt of itate pulltice. . icfer not to
the fact that It him bit 11 In opposition
to what Iq kuovn.n the Mepublican
vtutCjitiwittlziitliiu. "ManyKOod piul sln
tn ."Hnjuvu! ''Dili ur Iii5l!fiotielliij anil
l.uvu mi iiiidoubt'd ilaht 10" do uo. 11
would bo ti dull win Id if nil prisons
thotiKht and fett nlllte. Wc refer to
sonic of the melhotln by which it has
iil'tnliled Its Jiino'.tltloii,
We do not locall lliut while Mr. Smith
oM'ii'lred perional control over tlio
titterauem of the i1rei"i tt tlti(;le blow In
political conlllut wuii sttinilt below the
bull. Olllelals were erlllclrid and politi
cal methods condemned, but tho news
reports were Imparl hit uiul full' and tho
edltoilals charaoleiled l;y dlRtilty and
(xentlllty. Xn latitude will ftlvon for
spiteful deli action or for dlslortlon of
news to ill nn editorial policy. Hut after
he withdrew front edltoilal mauat'c
nifiit to enter the cabinet at WiisIiIiik
ton then were niiinv who saw, or at
least thought they saw, In the Push n
ehatiKe lor the wot to la llitse vespecti,
It Isioiiuuon ltnoledi'i' that much of
lt leKl'latlc and tiolltical laws nt
iiindo up or I'oloitd fioni all Ititcnsely
taetlonal Hliindpoltlt. The tone ol slit 111
scolding and bitterness became atnlthl"
and It Rrew louder as It was piuloitRcd.
ThottRh It neu' wholly lost Its solf
lontiot, as tl'o Ninth Atiietlcan habit
ually did, the Pios often seeinul pel II
ously near the eice of Jimniallstle
jlm-Janis and many .nod fi lends of tt
slKhctl moie than onto for a loueethiK
touch of the uml.-thcd hand and a sound
of the olee that was still,
We pi edit t spetdy and manliest lin
proiement atter tills hand and volte
;;ei to dolus: bulntsi tiguln at the old
The "Cnlou" pally of Pennsvlvanla
seeius to hae moie trouble than the
Imentor ot n popular couph niedleliie
In piotcctluii Its label.
Tlr. Piatt is Angry.
UNATOK I'LATT ha-! bioiiKht
to llRht a new phase of Ids
chaiacter In the dlsplav 01
temper ho is maklliK over the
ai tide In Middle's MaK.iine, In
which William Allen White kIvcs it In
to his imagination In an alleged
skett h of the "easy boss." Then can
be no doubt v.hate'.er that Mr. White's
poitrnyal of the New Yoik senator as
a man destitute ot patilotlsin antl Kind
ly Impulse Is rio-wI.v unjust. Theie Is
ample 100111 for exception to the l'latt
kind of politic s without the necessity
of iiiilulRli'f; In peisoaal dctrai t'on. We
aie sine that .Mi. White had no malic
ious intent. He simply meant to pio
duce a bit of line wiltiinr, and in the
enthusiasm of that piupose he rcot si -11
rated liom the fait' a mishap to
which all wilteis aie at times liable
While Thomas C. l'latt is a nivstery
in many ways, tho key to which nobody
holds but hiinselt, if, indeed, he has
not Ions ,'iko lost It, thoie has neei
been the sllKhlesl foundation for an
adieise leflrctlon on his- pctsonal in
toKilly or prhale honor. In the K.nne
of politics he lias done many things
that hae calletl toith shaip uillcisni.
and It is b no means ele.11 lo the aei
ave obseier that h's mlltleal methods not f.mij desentd mm h ot tit's
censuie. lint his mo-,t aiiimonious
iritli in elides ueaiest lo him have
ncwi fallctl to biar lestimonv to his
iuioiiuptible liiniLMli. H's woid Is
lemnlid w hotel Ll' It Is Know n as as
Kootl as a koIiI bond Theie Is not an
anti-Plitt man in New Voik eiiy wim
would not colilidentl.". place ill .Ml
I'latl's hands am sum of munev In
tended foi s,,r with absolute
s-oeuiltj in its faithful .itlinini ,ti..tlon.
The man of whom sudi a tluni; 1 in be
said tiuthfully can luinlly be as black
as Mi. White would paint Mr. l'latt.
Neieitheless, we don't like the way
in wlih h Senator l'latt Riahbed a t opy
of Mi Chile's. 1.111 to the white house
and pioeeeded to cult dilze thepiesideiit,
as If the piesldeiit had anithiie; to do
with what William Allen White wiltes
for the magazines. I'lntt's excuse foi
this is that White claims to be a fiieinl
of the piesidont. Suppose that be tine:
what of It? Is the president of the
I'nitnl States 1 (.sponsible to Thomas C.
l'latt for those who ilaiiu lo be his
fi lends'.' Must he strike off his list of
acquaintances every peison who
chances to incur the Ill-will of each
individual senator? This pioposltlon,
when analyzed, is obilously lidlculous;
and it looks lo us as if Mr. Piatt, in
trying to establish It, had lost his cus
lomaiy command of himself.
! 4- !
For The Tribune.
Th"fo nan nlftli a thoiiraiid or if, worklnc: 'bout the initio,
Thai's men mid boys toiiothoi: and Ihlnirs were koIii' Hue.
l-'or the wtuk was pietty sloady. we soldom lost a tiny,
And every inolhei's sou of its was inaUIn' llvlni; pay.
Hut there came one day a teller, who had tho -.-lrt of rhIi,
And he said t lions wasn't one of up better than a scab.
We niiist tuKanlve a union and hale eveiybody Jlnt',
J'or the ieie foi mini; unions at uwry nther nilne.
And he spouted lots of other Htiili', how l.tbot is mound low,
And tiipltal robs woiklii' men and filves Vm naiy a show,
And the only way to ilv It iiml set ihlnirs trolri' ilht,
W'ixh all to JI110 tor-oilier ami make a mood still tlijlit.
And lots or IiIkIi falutln' stufi", he eiuled up at leiiKth
"Willi a toil ol tap Hie cllnuiv, "In union theie Is slieiigth"
Now, of coin s", wo had 11 mieiauie Iheic's iei few that ain't,
For a man without a Kileiance must be seveu-clKhls 11 saint,
Kor It's pait ot biiiiinu natine', as mat as 1 tint JihIkc.
For a leller to keep chaw 111' oil some old soil 11' ri'iuIkc:
Hut It wasn't my heavy; It was almost out ol IkIiI,
"I'll this roller took and round It and nibbed It up so bili-Mit
That we woinleiid how we'd stood It, how we'll ever i,rot along,
A Miifei In and 1 laboiln' under such a mlfflity wionp,.
That's how we lormcd the union. If that feller M stayed awav
AVe wouldn't IIioukIii of union until the judgment day.
Hut evei.ibodv Jlned It, bolh men and boys alike,
And at the (list "dinned" nieetln' some were talkln' alilke;
And at cadi sueieeditiir mecllu' It was talked of moie and moie,
"I'll the ones Unit weie acjln It didn't dine to take tho lloor.
We npplnted a coimultlto to wait upon the bn'i.
That -et the Miont a-iollla' and It didn't gather inns:
Hat kept rollln' fr.n mil faster, i.eltln' holler oveiv spin,
"I'll we all weie Idle, sweailn' that we'd ataivc or win.
And it wasn't all Jiwi sueailn', theie wns statiin' ih;ht away.
For a miner spends too fieely lo hae saved niiicli of his pnj, ,
And to keep the pot u bllin', when t hole's nothln' coiiiIhk: In,
Is the h,i!(lct pioposlllon I was eier iii iik.iIu.
A man, ptihaps, 1011I1I stand It, but his ihlldien and his wile,
l.ookla' sin 1 nl huumv at him, cuts keeuei than 11 knife.
Antl r.oii tool like pain" somewheie untl doln' siimethliiK; lash:
Ami uu woii.i and j on won-.i, but the woiiy btlnss no lash,
And the ones tint who the loudest to hi hit; the stilke aloim,
Weie the ei llrst lo "uawllsh" uiid sin;'; another unit;.
The leller that I spoke ol, with the K.ib, came h.u k iikIii,
And toltl us In 11 little ,hlle the busses must ;l In
That lhe suiely t oilld not stnnd It. they weie losing eici.i day,
Antl If we'd hold together we 1 oilld hair it all oar way,
And lots of 'oil palaver 'bout lit In" In the 1 1'ht,
Antl belli' noble heioes n-llKhtiu' labia's light ,
Ami a sjuip-iihetic public was with us. heart and hand.
Tho' it didn't 111! 0111 iinnwi lis it sounded mighty ginntl.
Well, we i'iissimI, and gilnnid and boie It. 'til at laat wc icali,.eil
That all p.ntlcs wee a losla'. and then we 1 ompiomlsed.
Tin hossi nut us pan wax and we gave up the ust
To settle 11 on iinv tu ins was 1 erlala lor the best.
It's iwnht mouths, nirv, and our. and tmr Mut c I've been
A-tiyin' to gel caught up and on no feet again.
Now. 1eg.11 dm' l.tbot unions. I only want to state.
Th it as near as I tan ule 'cm up and make an cstltuule.
Alter it .11 in' out o' question otu time anil money loss.
Your doin' mightv little est. than swaiipia' boss ioi boss;
And one thing mo e 1 want to sa.v. take It as j-nu like
The devil ought lo giab the aeM thai ionics heie talkln' stilke.
W. H.
I $ j ! $ ji j J J $ ! S 'I1 C X4 Z 3a S S S S 2 S
Hill & Connell's
There can be no more
appropriate gift than one
of the following lin s, all
of which are marked in
plain figures:
Wrltlnc l".!..
Iltr-fll'ir I'nWn,
I'jiii ,v I lllllf,
Ciiui tiii6-i,
I'jilor ( ililti-l",
Miiile Cililnr'1.
( tirln l iililutti,
lluok I'lM,
Vlonll Clii a-,
I iiniT'l.
W01K rn.s
Iar Claire.
Illlt Clnlr.
Inlnlil rhitiw.
simlmj stUa
Low puces and large
assortment to select from,
of well made and desir
able patterns.
Hill & Connell
121 N. Wn&hington Ave.
of Esnr o'rtARAOTsn pxowrLr At3sr3A orotiLr,
President Ki tiger nnnouiifO'i Hint he
will disLUbs plans for poace in South
Afilca ir .ipproachcd piopeilv He
should diagram the icquislle method
of uppioavh,
A Just Tribute.
(U.illci Mtlliiuii in 1 1 1 . line Ik'" lliu'lil I'.TlMA
IT IS NOT too JiiBh pi also to say
that i.'hiirlcs ICmory Smith has
made the best postmaster pen the I'nlteil States has 01 er
had, and that the veins of his atlmln
liitiatloa are ipochal In the hlstoiy of
the l'ostolllce depaitinent. The Mi Kill
ley adnilnlstiation. In some lespectsihe
most remaikahle the count ly has,
known, left Its Impress upon eveiy de-,
paittnent of 1 ho goveiiiinent, for all of
them iihaied In the hlstoiy that was
made so amazingly and so fast In those
davs. The State dcpiutment did u on
ili'iiul things In diplomacy, Jim neas
ury In llnance, the War depaitmettt in
military matteis, ami what the Navy
diiaitnuiil tl'il 111111I0 the whole win Id
woiuKr It wim Hie Mime In the Post
nlllti' dcpattnitiu. For the Hist tllili)
ill the hlstoiy ot the 1'nlted States tho
po'iial service was esttndctl hejoiul tho
seas. To Cuba, to I'm in I tlio. to Ha
wall, to niiaui and to the PhilppInoH
went the Anteiluiu postolliie and lis
nn thods, giving those Islands for the
llrst time In their oMstenco a model a,
(heap and elllclent postal servlie,
Tin en things niakii nieniorablti Mi,
Siulth'.s adiulnlsttatloii or tho Postotllm
dep.irtiaLiit. lleextendetl tho postal pui
vl, n lies mid the seas anil luado the do
iiiL'sth letter ram embrace ihe now pos
ses! Ions, so that a letter goes fioni
llosion to Manila as cheaply as It dot s
iron! iloston to Worccsttr. The elllcl
eiuy ot tho colonial postal senile Is
the admiration of postal adininlstia
loni thioushout the worltl, When the
allied f nices octupled Peking, following
tliosoldlfi tamo tho railed States mail
carrier, and for a long tlmo the allien
had to uepcud unon the United Slnttts
lor iheli mall. Tho etllclency dlaplnycd
aiousjtl the enthusiasm of Sir Uobtit
Halt, who wa.i gemrous in hla piulse
of Ameilcan inL'thods.
.'ot let a fuinurtaut has been the id-
tabllshment of uiral fiee dellveiy itntler
Mr. Smith's adnilnlstiation. He round
il a shaky opeilment U'd lie has lift
H ro 111 inly established that II is as
much a p.ut ot the postal establishment
as is the fi ee ilehveiy in all huge cities
The clieino that was declaied to bo
iinpi.ulli ible and the ihcoiy of vision
arks lie has shown to bo eminently
piactleal anil founded on sound IiufI
ness piinclplLF. II has taken sudi solid
loot that 't lannot now be ilisuo.ved
1 veil II anvone should wish lo do so,
Willi 1 1 no one dors. Millions of pel sous
aie now itiiivini; their lelleis fioni
illial 1 an in ami in a few tais II a
believed 1'iat the sei U o will be soll
sustalning. To .Mr. Smith'., hiti lligi nt
pen lotion ot tlv futiiie and the 011
lotiragemcnl he gave his suboi diiuh
is due this sin 1 ess
llaidlv vecoiii' to tin so extensions of
the po'tal s.istoin is the gieat adniln
Istiative irloini le famed out whin
he aboi'slietl the abia-es of the second
di"S mall. His piedeeesois had vainlv
asked congiess to lemetlv evils that
eveiybody admitted 1 isted, but toa
giess tinneil a iliar car to tlust. ap
peah', and the people, weie taxed mill
ions to lUppoi t a handtiil of publish
us. Mr. Smith dlsiovciod that the law
gave him all the authoiity he needed,
and that the bin den of 111 nor to show
that he had usiuped his authoiity wan
upon tlie other side. He put Ids ict'onii
in opeialion, ami 110 attempt has lit en
made to meet It Hvtn the men who
li.ivc been peciiuiailly Injllieil b.v It
have been loiced lo admit that it la
Theie have been seveial minor 10
ronns Instituted, all or which h.ivebeen
for the advantage or Hit public. The
.'ale ol stamps lu books Is one or many.
The Pulled Stalls is the onlj, toimtiy
in the si oild wheie people tan buy
slumps in this foi 111, ami the idea is so
good moie than one loielgn sei
vlte jiioposis lo itipv It.
t lutn Un i-liinm n I'lva.
Oimi' 111 011 .1 liim I'niisii.viniu I'lllii I, ((
I' 1, h iililii"! a, i. f'lul 1 till. I
i.inpim In ,1 .nit fm il.mii.o- 'Hi, l nut IlT
lljil hi 1 11 ilijllliil i I ilvillK ll.dll 11ml illllluil
tint 1I11 iivlnn' lull 1I11I lint rlni, ll.i' il .'li
in-Nli'il llul llic 1,11 I111I lull,;, but llul 111''
hijiiiul nun IihI nut liiinl il. "It i a w.v
iiiiiiiiiuii llilu.'," .riniul Mi. I'llnur. "i"i 1
tlllll II. I.ltlillll' ll ItlllUtlllllul In t rlHIhtl Hut
In llun, llul litir It. I'll Iikuiim, Itu.s in nt
iuii kH,w tin' lliu I'll nn Ihlt 1 uiu 111 iu o
llli.'x III" liuuiri lint tin lull liuuist"
"1'iclio-kniii'," isiUininl III' 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 Ti ' - .,t
tl.Ill,'), "III, inllllliulIM lull lll'lll lliii-. Ill
lull I nuts "
"111 ie mil i,"," ni.miiil III. I'lliini ini'l"
In, in i4Mill.ui wlitili !iur- m 1 ! .ni line
liM I I'M- ti.uilt Jin-., mil 'l .urn 11'"
li.'tiiul tin lull 1 i mi) lull Iiuiii It I limv
liiice 1111111111-1 n( II. a, It th' 'mi il, 1. 11 1 nil,.'.
I will iiml' ni, '.!- il.'lii Inn. Il It 1 In,-, I
think llii' 1111 1 11.11 nllli tin iu MillKHil li'il
inu I lit- Ihv "
I lie illniiiiv i.'iiul lamlmlv ini'K nut
ii lUlns iiml u 1IK1I piilinll) M niil-rli II 0
tlu un a luiiiilioiei. I ill mhiihIuI "i hi,' "
"Unit'," tstUlnid li. I'llinu, tiiiininiiiii'li,
"I lnlil ,uii f," llul 1 Inuniiiil lit! In' 1 .1 1
till l-.ltl.ll, 111 II llf lll,rill' till' Jill) lIulIC JIMI-l
llu til tint 11.
'IIiij, 1I0 i) tint lb I'.ilmu 1. 1 1 .1 mm i in
tin i.mti Mini lilt ihe I ill .1 u-"U'.i'lin vii 1.
v. I1I1 1 -l llj llllillll. 1, lull 1I1U, if I 'Ul- , Ii i
mcii' iniiiti llul nulil nut tn In 1'iliiwil
M.dlu Millnun In ( I1I1 iu'u llu iM
Ii i lulliuil llul ,'iiiiu Hint .Mil It
oilier i.iliin t iluiuo. II wi'iiM n.t In oUi,ui
ii,- If Mi. lit nliiiil rluiil .atir tin moiui
III Ills llllljllll, llul ill llul IJ-l' lit I.- Ilk. Ij tu
I,, ntiuHilul hi .iiil.n ll'iul I ui Mr, llun (
1'llu, il 14 ,all, Lu l,i' Ilium luitil) 1 Iks
hl.i'V. 11 llul nut jnh 1. In i i.c. i i,( 1 vuiu 1
ui.lbtli, "l llu- hUlftt (.uiu, Inn 1 1 hu imiII'iii
jiiiliuuit, Kitn iunitiuii iiml j n jliuu.t mini
lite fjuillj. if liinsliu,' Mint In ilu ul tin; ri;lit
luuiuiiit i'liniililil McKlnlri imu mM "f ji mi
llul In' u u 1 lie bin; 1.1 in in all il uii; ji Mil jl
(Xt'iriiliic i.liuiu lie I nl nun lanmn 1.1 bl iifli'l,
in utlu luil nhlu r In k'ft eviitul, im I'lllii'.
uiul tin' unuutiiit. t'lcji'li nt l'"-i II hit
fouiul llul tin pi ili- v.i, uui im;;ujU"H lie
lias Imiill II tiu t in Mr. I'uiti'jun's U1.1I11U
milt li'.l'nl HM Jll'l IMJIlIll in 1I011I.I 1 ,. IJ,
cUil in miki' I1I111 j ni.iiilirr ul liiu uliliut if
t!ic unioi:i.:ilt. '1i.l.iii Il II.
A Second-Class
City with a
First-CI ass Stock of
Gut Glass,
leiiig Silmwars
ooKs, Etc
Suitable for
Wedding Gifts.
Gas Mantles,
Portable Lamps.
Kern Incandescent
Gas Lamp.
Mercereatt 5 Connell,
132 Wyoming Aveune.
unsterli Forsyth
32.1-327 Pcnn Arenas.
DR. BARRETT, Dentist,
120 V;uminj Ascnuc, Oicr Ulolic Waiilmu e.
flrn !J "-..:::::::::".
U5. "V J tiuwnul, u'ohl $. up
X. R tf ( io ml, puit plain ...,s:up
pS AX jf HnHcp k1 SS up
mK fi V i Killeil with I'oliI TJo up
fvi'i; a l i iMi?"i wuii mhi rjc
WZ. II l i .ii.. i , iti, ,,i,t iii.m --
'Ifv8 V ft l'ull St of Icetl ,ui
Ivjiimiaiinn .iml , -tim itc,
ficr. It jour tn'li in' i!eiu-
mff, if 30ti ncpil an utific'"l fct, f uti iiisn
ionic trctli kiiikmI wltlnmt i il ito, 11 ion 11H
join ul. iloiii iiinki 1 ami "ill In, idi ille
lirailuaUs ul luiij: pvpiri. itc .it tin icrj lea-t
iol i on-i-U lit uitli noil, tubtinlial Dentil
Worl.. tall on me.
ro--s,e mu fc
V. ArX
Mfelr3 S
IS 1111
Our Stores are liiled from heel to
toe with common-sense Christmas
Gifts, from 25c to $5.00.
Lewis & R
Uiiljy Wyoming Avenue
The Holiday Season p
um. Is moviu" toward us aud promises to prove J
5v a corker in everything: in the jewelry line. 5
- nrf
Is full of Bsautiful Goods. We make a n
w specialty of 0.
v -
.aM. .,. ..... .. n
V 0
423 Lackawanna Ayeuue,
ujfil . .l..j! r. irtlriJii'nii
Storm m1i nn.l ilror, nlmt front., ofilir iml
utoro fiimltuir. in Iiml ur soft modiI, anil J"lf
Wil X. WiKlm. am. I. MIMJIVH.
Ilfflfllll 1n.l VtinNs rf ill Mwli li
Hon. p. iti,! It. (.I!!.... l.tH tt 1. irmtfi. lUlIWI'S
t-LII'IT.I) nml ( nl
LaiLauanni CmliM' Morl.s.
J. B. WoOLSEY & Co
Dealers In
Plate Glass and Lumber
of all kinds.
rear Sll I.mkauamia nicnuc, inaniifactiirrr ot
Wirf hirrcns of all Mini"! full piipiTiil for
the (.pfl'iK icason. We lual.5 ull ltlmli ul poitli
ruciti5, cti.
pet eh an pp.
Orcril f'ontrictor, Iltiililer nntl neater In
U11IM ui; Mow Cinitititi ol ullirj a. po
tiilti filiplinni "JViA
Otllii. .'-'7 Wvliinqton ainiue.
Sucofsaor to
We mako uppclalty 0f fine brtatl ihifti.
Orilcrt for Silid, Ousters, Croqucttca, etc,
promptly (lllrd.
A full lint of tee Cream anil Ice.
flirt Wiuiilnitlin Aictiuo.
Mill lis Siturilav. Hoc. 14.
'I In IKsl tin Murkct Airorili Only.
Klcctrle Vllrlng ami Flxturee.
Flcctrlc ltcll onJ Telephone Work.
309 Commonwealth Buildno
Mikfre of I'ulng Ililik. etc. M. II. Dile,
(li'i'fral t?ilrs Aucnt, (Hike 3SU l'ihlP!ton avc.
Works nt hay Atu, Pa, K. k W. V. n. H.
Home ofnee, MS SOD Mean Ililllilln', tian-ails n
(teneral bulldlni; anil loin bulncM tliiuuhoul
the tlatc of l'liinijlvanli.
Kingsbury & Scranton,
Manufacturers' Agent!
District Amenta for
.Tolin A. noMilliiK'n sins Co.'s Wire Hope and Hire. GutU 1'tn.lta anil Rubber Uff.
Co 's lkltlmr, t'aikln, Hose anil Mechanical
Itulibcr Oooils. biioi.llon l'acklng. Cartcr'a
Oil Clotlilm;. ltoom 310 l'auli Cldn.
We have determined to reduce our stock prior
to our removal to our new building at our
formei location, 1 29 Wyoming avenue, f
Special Clearance Prices
on Entire Stock.
3, linoleums, Shades, etc,
Temporary Store,
126 Washington Avenue.
00000000000000000 00000000000000000
Organized 18 72.
Depositary of the United States.
Capital, $200,000 Surplus, . $550,000
lliuillwimiliuti'ttMloiHHltoisis ." portent, pot milium.
"Iioi'luliilti'iilliiiii'lvi'ii to ull tic Hint ulicttier liiijoorsiruU
tipi'ii Miturili uvnliu'i s t i ! I'lum.
'lllll'L' IUI'l)Ulll, IlliCrt t Hill Oil .UlllR4 llPIOllt1.
Iiiliiiiliiiiiipuiimlt'il .liiiiuii til iiml .Inly lit.
HENRY BELIN, JR.. Vioo President.
WILLIAM H. PE0K, Cashier.
William Connoll, James Archbntd,
Honry Boliu, Jr., Luther IColler, .
Goo. H. Catliu, J. BoJ; Dimmick,
Thoinna H, VtkinH. Jumca L Connell.
W. D. Zehnder.
jiT"rtni-r"" " ' ITrr""" .ir,ni-,'rr-irTTi-"rr-Tiirniiii .im.jMMiiiinCTiiiiiinin
Occupies an Imperishable Position in the UUbim.Sb wuklu.
Unciuestionable Superior Merit
Annually adds thousands of names to
the long list of Smith Premier users,
icprescnting eery line of trade and
every profession
The Smith Premier Typewriter Co.,
NO. S3 8. Eighth St., PhUmlolphitt, Pa.
Scranton Branch Ofllco, Noa. 1 and 3. Aicade Building.
Allis-Chalmers Co
Successois to Mucliino liuslucea ot
Dickson Mmiufacturlutr Co., Scianton
and Wljlies-Uane. I'a.
Statlonaij- KiiRlnes, Boilers, Stliilnc
llacliluery, I'uhiiis.
Urkinu All', una Uuili. Atlantic Cilj,
Willi iiri WU liautllul iuoiiu insultc, uliigli
... .... ... , . .1.1 Int.u,!, I 4,1..
sua nun lum, nut "" ."- ......
lu tiutii nml wiiiix. LuiHtloii jclut una ceniril,
witliiii k uU f Ilia iMtrl 1'ier. Orehwtra.
I ... . . i . i.... ...i, j il In Si A liv UioL
m. & train,, ttri.c IpM-" fc copE.
-' - - --