5!3!SS1!!!S5 jf U "'' , ,' ' I A. :WA tMl Tllti SCJUAiNTON TIUBUNK-IJUDAV, DECHMHMK L0, JM)t. r" 9 SANTA GLAUS wmmmrnmmmmMmamamwmmmmtoi THE s new gentleman Big, kind-hearted, good natured Santa Claus has made his headquarters in our tremendou building. He has made his home with us. This is the real, live Santa Claus the original old gen of sunny disposition. 5ring the kittle Folls to See Him Watch him on the roof of the house, watch him climb down the chimney with his pack of Toys. See the sweet little children asleep. See his long white beard and wonderful gown. All these things delight and amuse the children. Bring them every day or twice a day if you will. All are doubly wel come to the pleasure of seeing the children's own Santa Claus. To Avoid Accidents All children must be accompanied by their parents or some grown up person. He will be at home daily from 9.50 to 12 o'clock noon; 1 o'clock until 5, and 7.30 until the store closes. Carloads of Toys. We have a real Metropolitan Toy Show five thousand square feet of floor space devoted to toys exclusively. Our buyer ransacked the toy centers of the world. Our collection includes every novelty in the Toy World. Railroad Trains I No. 999, Locomotive and Tender Engine, tender and two passenger cars, eight wheel trucks, heavy iron throughout, enameled in gold, black and red. 42 inches long coin- pletc. Price, train OvC Hook and Ladder '.'2 inches long, three hore, driver and brakeman. Two removable lad ders, one stationary ladder, made with wheel brake and fnielv enameled; water pails, axes, etc., heavy iron. Complete. 1.49 Fire Engine with Horses 2- inches long, nickeled steamer, finely enamelled and finished A good, strong, Heavy iron tov. Each 98c With engineer and fireman. An en gine true to life. Very large size. A perfect reproduction of an . American locomotive. Each VOf Street Cars A car that runs by clockwork. 22 inches long. Motorman, conductor and passengers. Xicely painted Q and finished. Each o9C Smaller sizes at 74c Electric Machines That will give you a real electric shock. A novel invention as harmless as a Hy. Good large size. Price, each 98c Steel Toys .Made of I'nbreakable Steel, milk wagons, mail wagons, dra, coal carls ice wagons, etc. Each 25c to $1.49 A Convention of Dolls. Every Doll a Beauty. The btightcst, prettiest and largest collection of dolls ever seen in Scr.inton. A superb showing that outranks anything ever before at tempted. Wc have everything in dolls, from the little four inch baby to the big, life size doll attired in the handsomest kind ot picturesque finery. American Beauty Doll SUnds 22 inches high. A fine looking, beautiful doll. Handsome in features, superbly made. Black cuily hair, kid body, finished with fancy stockings and patent leather slippers. A doll that sa would be prized by any little girl. Each 1 .04 A Dressed Doll Stands iS inches high, golden hair, white pearly teeth and large black eyes. Dressed in red satin gown with cream lace and libbon trimming. Shoes and stockings and trimmed hat. Each 9oC Undressed Dolls Hundreds and hundreds of them. Hvery kind that is made' Jointed Dolls Kid Body Dolls Kino bisque head-', with eye Made of fine kid, sleeping ees that open and close, double ball and closed ccs livery good jointment, strong and durable, kind in this wonderful collection. Prices range from, each. Prices range from ITEMS FROM TOYVILLE m ffiL ft l()c to $2.00 25c to $2.50 Rocking Horses Here they are and plenty of them. All kinds, styles and sizes. Light horses and dark horses, with tails, manes stirrups, saddle and bridle com plete in every respect. Prices & Q begin at 4!lc and run up to. ipJJ.VO Boys' Tool Chests Nothing makes a better present for a good lively bo. We have a com plete variety of lhe.se tool chests in Un popular brown boxes with inner tra and full set of tools. We have them as low as 'Jic and 4!o. and a . splendid large chest at... p I ,4V Battle Ships Always make a neat present for 'the intelligent boy. We have a fine lot of solid wood battleships, '-','2 inches long, painted in colors and finely made. Each 49c and 24c Games Galore Xo collection of games in Scranton equals this one. We have every game that is out. All prices, all styles. There is nothing known to the game world i hat is not here. They be- . -.-. gin at "ic and run up to, each p5.UU Magic Lanterns These are always popular and always make acceptable gifts. We have a showv line at popular prices, each 49c, 74c and 98c Building Blocks All the popular kinds made of hard wood, plain, squares, triangles, cubes, etc. Just the thing to make an ar chitect of vour bov. c -a rrices : ;. 5c up Toy Carpet Sweepers Exactly the same as the large size sweepers, rubber tired, long handles, perfect in operations and nice- lv finished. Price each , 1 UC OL.ARK BHKS H E. F? 55 . iwmpwsM!miK?58RmiKiiAm&mE&8mewiE&MtmtimaiimB WILL CONDUCT THE PRIMARIES VIGILANCE COMMITTEES HAVE BEEN NAMED. Members of Them Will Conduct the Republican City Primaries Janu ary 13, Without Compensation A Return Judge and Two Committee men Have Been Selected to Serve in Each of the Election Districts of the City Names of the Men Se lected to Serve, 'l'h vigilance committee jsiveii below hiivp boon appointed to conduct the Ue ttubllcan city primaries to lie held on January It!. The inembeis of them mc lo serve without compensation. The I'ommlttcp.i follow: niisr Mil). rlrt ilijtlIU-1). W. Unjiil, utiiiii Jiil.'c; Piviil WjIMiv. William Huwii. SvimhI illstriil- I'r.'il Jl, Kocliln, rilurn Jiuincj .Mm Mii-plii'iil, ( i.irk" lli'lr.i'. Thinl iliilrkt- Mm llnnui, rclmn jwip; .l.xoli Silni lit I, Itoni'it W.illir. I'mulli ilMrlit MluM l'loiif, li'tmn jmUc; i: w .11 tl 1,1'ww, ,k'tilln William. I'irili ilMliit-Juliu VLCiilliHUili, ii'tmii ji!'lv; W.illdU KuiKCftS, .lolrn ,1. llnjlic-. SKCOM) -.HI. Tlu-t ilU-tikt -W, II. dmli.., 1 ill II JihI.-..; , II. ltoUnv.li, Holu'lt IMtt'ink. Nioiut ilhtiii I Ikmy Mid?., ictuin Julie; t)ion lliillci'l.. .I.ilm lk.il". 'Ililnl ilWint IMh.ihI II.uUiII, iL'tiim luilwj I', ,1, Ohvr, ik'oiKu H. Mimic-, rciiith ilKtriit TlioiiiH tJtt.um, ii-tmii jnJ j-j; Ki.ii' KiUvauK Simon .laiiii',, l'illli UUttk't I.i'ttN llani-, li Him Jul,"; t-imon lilllicit, Ocoiui! lVilln, riiuti) vmi. Tiul ilUlriit -'lliomas ,W.itKiii, rrlmn I'uLi.., Si'ccaul ilihtiirt ailici Duki-r, ictiini IiIki, roillTII M'AHII, Khi iliilrkt John Klini', return juilsfi Mur. ;an 'lliouu., ,. i, i:no;i, hcuiiul ilMilit .Ijiii.'k 'am, ii'tmii Ji(lej llrur.v Ki.ii. .hull' i. .V, Ihriis. 'Ililnl ilisliicl fimiuc WalKlii'', uluiii Judijej Muhii'l Mfni, II uiil h. Cvjiis. Vmiilli ilKtikt-l.kMi'll.ui l).iis, rrliun jii'lgo; Thomas t!. Wllllami, I'lilllp SUilli'if. I'll'lll WAKI). I'iiet ilMiht Itulir-n (iillln'tlum iclmn i tJfic; Djnlcl W, Dili?, W, .1, JIi'Duimtll, Second dMiltl .1, Wii-kln'i, Ktiiin jmls'j; (k'irK riolfir, II. II. sautir, Thinl illslrict-IUild V,.iwhan, return inlcr; .limes Ilronn, John A, ll.nl-, I'purtli district llin lVUrs, rctuiu Ji'djej Jllnim Snycrs, Jamrs 'llioirii, SIXTH WA1II). Flint illlrlcl W". A. Slantmi, uluni ju.luuj J-'dnaiil ConnoM, Willljm liaiisluu. Second dlMiIrt I. V, lloiu, U'lnrii juilw..; I', Jlc.Vallj, Tlinmas Ikiiwjr, ThlliJ ilUttlil lliiU'it li. l)ii(ii, lotiun iid,-.i William MjiiK'Iu, IMwiijd .1 inuv, SUVKSTI1 WAIIIl. l'iiot dUlrlct lien. Ilurlu'l, rctuiu juiIkq, ln.ic I'fii.tfr, I', U Jtliu. 'llilrd dhtrlct Jiilm 1'. IINpIc, h-., utui.i IulIkc; l V, Winter, lluaolpli lluher. IIICIIIII WAIID. l'ilet dUllkt W. A. Iliuli, Uluni jud,'i j Jcurili lirrenhug, C'haik", Hilllo. sionil ilbtrlit W. s. MIIIji, rciuiu finite; K. T. Davis, J. J. .Voirb. NINTH WAHI). first district William iUiilttt, letiiiu juL'd; John MiUhill, (koieo Wlk'. Sccoml ilHmt -II. II, J.nliilii, return Judvi i' II. s'ljlcs, MjU Jtcl.Jlny. 0 Tlilnl ilL-tni 1 l.inii-s Moir. loiuin Iml: U. Wriplit, .1. s. Inisiu I CM II tt Mil). I'li-t ili-liiil -I'u'il Ilic-liliU, uluni iiiiIko, l.'iniRi' ( .Iii-.'-iirr, Ml liacl II..11-. 'I'loiiil ilUliii I -.li'lm Loi'ir, i I in ii J! I,i', I lulled 'HiLi'i. I . Jl. Ki'iiolil',. IM.I'.VI'.Mll U.M1I). Fil-t ilktikl -Jji'oli liilli", ii'ii'in lu I.', I.', Uo( (ill)ltf(' lll'U-l)''l. Scionil ilMiiil- Milliun I'. Iiiii-Ur, ii'i un JiiiIko: 1'lnlip Wiitli, Viliunl li. I mill ,i. Thinl ili-nii I louii liimhaiiMi 1 1 tin ii i'l'lg , I'r.nil. Sunt, ('. stone. 'ni:i,rui w utn. I'iiet iluliicl -Wllll.il I 'llionini'iii. return jii'l.'i. .Lu nli ICiilu. Il.u'v l.uU. ji. Si mill (IMiul-l.(i.li (1"1, letuin jinli.is II l. Coyle. iiiii:ii:i:mii wajid. I ti -i .li-nki Iliiid (!. WiU-i.n. ti'luin iinl.,'"; W ilur s.i... i huh'- NVth.ieKi'i. si'diinl iliMikl-l'. k. I'oltei', idiiiii "ide; I'. I'. sl.uk, II. I.. Ili.nili-i.. Ihiiil ill-uii.i-(. S l.ri., u-iuiii ji.ilo: I. 'l, W. I.I'M If, 1.001,'il.' I.l'l. i oi iui:i:mii waiid. l'nl ili-tim W, li. .siuiii.. U'liuii jii'U ; (luili- li. Vl.ii. i:i.iii.'.'i Wllli.ini-. Stfimiil itlMikl iliillh II. Nnuk, li'tmn ,in!'i ; 1Iioiiim .liiluj. (ijtllili Mi'ier, l'll'iniNTII UAIili I'lrl ililiicl-.liihn lic.Miiilil-., ii'tmii Jinl-.'.i', .Idlni Sfinn,, Divlil lliiuluv. souoml ili-.uk tlloii, .lohii II, lVIInu-., ri"'ini jiuli'i William (oil-.-, I ml l.ilicr, s.ti:i:n'iii vm:d. I'iM ilMilit-.limb 1). Millli-r, leiuin luil.n'i (', ' ( lolli.iniil, .sliium spj.iI. simnil ili-tikl W. !. I)HL. Iiluin iii.U' , i, I), C.iiHi'll, A, II Miuiil.ii'il. i:vi:i'i:i:'iii waiid l'ii.-i ili-liiil Dn i I', II. ill. ti t m ii iml; , Jljlii'ifAlliii. II. ('. I'imrll. Siiuiul illtlliil s. s, Sn.,,1,., utiiin jlul, ; .hrlm T, lln',.1', l'. II. I llltl.ll). 'Ililnl dUtih t-r.lniir K. milium, li'iuin Jm ,. i I'u'il Zikmaii, Willi un Tl ihihi-hii. i.ii;iiii:i:mii waiih. .Inlill M. llnlllllDlll, llllUII IDllKl'i III III l- 'ii I II mi", .IhIiii .Mini. i:,. MXCfiXYIII WAIIIl. I'ltfi ulrlilii l link's MiniiH, li'iuin jii'Ue Willi un llauuihiii, U'gu-t ltdmci'. seinnd ilklrn l -.laiiili Mini., iiluin JinU ; lii'onro .S'lipi', l liiilo-i Devlin,'. Thinl ilMilct- .l.imli Hi hiuIi.,I, lilinu u k i 1'rul Wililni, lli'iuv Jljiii. I'muiti ill.-uk't -.1'iliu Sliiiiiiii-i.'. iiluin jit'li ; . DIiuT, UriL-t l.oriiieln, Twi:xTii;ni waiid l'llat illtlliil thlllo slim, Jl, 10(11111 in la. .loliu I.. Milljiaii, Oilwini lliililunl, Seioinl ilMrlc I -Cl.,ill'i lilivw, letuin j.il,."; .l-ipli Slh.tll'll, 'Ililnl ilklikl 'IIijiimk illtdllk-, lelLtiit Jii.1,1.-; A. (i. Ikv III. riinrlh ilkirkl I,. W Ik'ii.'liau.i'i, ii'tii.u Jiulso; Allieit IIomIiI, Waililiii-loii S'.iail. TlUiViV'l'TllSl WAIID, i'iul dl'likl IMmji 1 lldta, ii'ltnii juil,-. ; l.i.t l.iuiwlif, (iilfT Dail, Sciiinl illlikt-.l jlm Niihiil-ioti, li'iuin j iiUe; li)Mih W'hlti'l mi, i", Jiilm .kiiKIn-. 3& CB (2ft S& O 3& S! 3Ci 43 SSf MAGISTRATE'S SALARIES. It Looks as if They Won't Get Any Pny This Year, It lookH very inuc'li now ns r Uio po lice in.iijIbtniU'H who have been mrv Iiik blnco April I will havn to whlntle for their wiliirleH, Tlio report of tho conference committee, on tlm oi'diuauce ciitubllbhliiK liollco districts und llxlnt; the Mtlailes of police nmtflstmtcs Is be ing held up In common council and there .seems to bo mnall likelihood or Its ever belli? uiloiited. It will bo lcuiembered that select council amended tho original ordinance mi ns to provide salaries of llf.O for the magistrates lu the central part of 9 PHILADELPHIA CLOAK AND SU8T HOUSE. I Holiday Hints ! For the Ladies. The doubtful Christmas shopper may instantly put an end to the perplexing question, "What to A U 1 i ' . .. i , j -h -v - h jv - y ,i Jt. j ., Ji - - Si- i. jy 'i ;i a. , 1 & -it ( (ftie&fi Mmous Shoe Women buy?" after scanning our list of sensible suggestions. Our Christmas Sale of Furs and Wraps, Waists and Suits is at its Height. Prices never so low. it TnA t . MOSf Muffs and Scarfs, Martin, Fox, Minx and Isabel! Sable are the favor ites. Most of the scarfs have long tails. All new season's goods. Prices cut lo the quick. Silk and Flannel Waists, An immense assortment of style and color, cut after the latest patterns; choice o f open front o r back. Prices but a shade above the invoice figures. 0 I Raglans, Box Coats, Tailor-Made Suits and Skirts. There is not a stylish garment on the market that 0 is not here. In tact the stock-, is too heavy. Price cuts amount to about one-half usual values. Stylish omeo's Shoes in the World -j A ir I 1 i 1 r r t- I lunllf w V M l .Alll1 2 rue yuccn vuaiiLj'. iwu t-uuiu not give a more acceptable Christmas Gift than a pair of Queen Quality Shoes for dress or street wear. All the latest shapes, in all the the latest leathers. You will enjoy every hour of their use, and regret then when gone. You can always replace them here, however. Guess at the size, we mas. will exchange them after Christ- Alterations Free of Charge. Fifth Avenue. : Philii i o 421 Lack' a Avenue. (S St 3 Qi O 'S 4E Ci C GO C3 C 3 3 0 fi 0 ai Wit I I SEE ft I V THAT THIS i- i8S fl -'.. tliu city, $100 for tliuKo in Wct Hcinn ton and North .Scnuiton anil $:ioa Xw tho nitiKlHtrnlu In South Hcrantun, Poinmoa I'uuiK'll rt'Jei'ti'il thsu arni'inl mcnt.s und n Joint (ont'eirnco I'oinmlt tun vu8 npiiolntt'il. Tho connnltteo u'liorteil In t'nvnr or tho ndoptlon or tho imUimui'u iih anieiuk'd hy nlect I'uunoll hut coinmoit rnuiK'll jcjet-ti'd the ri'port hy n nti of U to JJ. Tho rules reiiilrt that a ronfi'ioiii'W K-iioit must lect'ivo tho votes of a majority of tho iuwuIuth of each brunch In bi'iomo cffcn-tlvt' ami Councilman Fred I'hllllps, who leiuin tho uiipohlllon, KWi'iirs hy nil the eter nal that a majority of the common council will novi'i" vole for It. "We've not It tt(illcil iliutii." K.ild hu In hl jilcturtaiiH Htyle yesterday, "and thLiu'. not euoUKh men lu the common council to rl i It up unlit after iv-or-KiinlK.itlon and tJieu they can't ilther, I'll wip.pr." SlcntuB Sharpened, Hollon )iouii. ' Florey A: HiiioKh, ' i.'ll WiiHlihiBlon avenue. ssn TRAUE MARK IS BRANDED ON EVERY SHOE, Klbo linunicl Calf, Welted Heavy Double Sole. Extension EdEe Low Heel, Ls.icl Itrjirudiuticm of lliii Kljlc shoe, m Fashion's Favorite. Kidp T, j kl l V A TRADE MARK fflfc 0. A IS BRANDEP JJwftSk 'St. EVEP" mja. . SHC , Medium Sole, Mexiblc. Medium Low Heel, J'isct Itci'toilLClIo'i ol ill1.-. Si I? Shot, M gtKjM,. . .-ff-rrrffj I I: ? ' - ? rwr-rrf? I v 1, ahon's Shoe Store 328 Lackawanna Avenue. t- ' . 1r f r -: V . 1 V -t ir r it M "V T '' v f &i fimd'i- &. jfc-iJrWyA . i5KV W ,.?.j ain atekt .r.r. . .. ., yj -v j&4fa'-'-tt?&i<J lNraJ itJtnK-8, I'.Ufej.jM