ffi-ty'K ', ' ' i-:w iff 'a s .V ,.': ... v v".v 'fi "':, ' 3 TT1I3 SCLUNTON TIUJ3UNE-LMil)AV, DECtiMBEK 20, 11)0.1. . .ii -.jT..xrii The News of RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware mid Hudson Railroad. Xoirmlier "J, I""' Tr.dm Imvp CJrbe.mt.iln .it iHV HJ'""n 1 Iul' I'.OI, 10.01. 11.21 ). in. i i.w. '" "A -,,L ' 6.0H, 7.0(1, lll.UI, 11.01) l. in. , , . . ,(;, Siimliy li.llim leave nl S.W. II '!l "" ''" LMit. 6.JU. RU0 p. til. ., , , ,,.., s'... I'or Alb my. Sjr.Ui.KJ. Montr-Mi. "Hi, ' n . i:iml.itid ,iiulnl, I'lc.i r.W a. m.S '' i'oi'W.urturt ami IIoiipkI.iI", "'A l10' "' ",,! ft.'tli ll.l!) P. III. . .i.(lA..1tU X'.IImIh.V IwIlH ll'.llo '0.MI.Ht Jll'l 1 1..tl0.l-1 l 11.30 11, III.! .1,1, p. III. ...ill... tlitrn Tinliu milvo at CiihoiulaV trom Wil -I't ' nnil SfMiilon a fnllmvi H.fti. ... ' J':;." . in. l'!.!)7, 2.CII1. MM. I.2S, ).'). i.OI. H..H. "" ll.fi; p. in.; 2.0i a. pi. ,,, ... ., ,.i I.'!?, ii.vn, ll.tt) p. m. , , , ....... Snml.iv trains nrilvo nl (.iili.finl.ili' t""'1 "a lu.ii t mill llriiiHliiln M 12.1" ami T.im !' '" New York, Ontario and Western. Sept. 17, 1001. TijIih hav (.'arlicnilJlo (or Sornlon til 7.00 m. ; I. ro p. m. Siiinl.i.v tniliu at 7.00 n. nl. i O.Oil p. Hi. Tr.ihi', Ic.iip (.Mrliomblr- for point iiorUi at 11.10 a, in. On Siiml.iv .it tl. Ii) a. in. Ii.'"" Irniliijr. .il 11.1(1 a. in. uri'k i!.i ami - " S-iiihI.i,w in.ilio (iiimcctlniM (or .New Vork, Loire v.ill, dr. A. Tu'iis .ii live fiom Pcr.inlon at 11.10 a. in.: G.4B p. in.: fioni pulnli nmlli, I.IXI p. m. Sunuy dom Scr.niton .it HID a in. ami 7.13 p. w.l Horn Cuilui..i at il.OO p. in. Erie Railroad. Juno 2.1, 1P0I. lull. 1,m cltv klatiuii, Ciiliomlati'. hy d'VTht .-'nnrhy) at 7.(H n. in. nml !." p. m. 'or ri.imll .iii.I MiipipIi: at (i.:i:l a. in.. 'Lilly O'V uptlns SiiiiiI.ii), lor llinali.imiciii. in.it.m on inH'tfun for Now oili city ami llnlLilu, uii'l at '.10 p. in. lor SU'ipicli.iniiJ, iiuklnif coniii'clloiii fur HPtoin poinl. Mimlay tralni at 0. 1.1 a. in. for Siisondianiia, ltli Mi',lcin conticctiuii ami B."7 p. in.. lth nini' rotnii'Ption. Traliu ariivi' a I f.V, a in. ami .1.11 p. in. Sunday! at S.fi.1 a. in. TiE STREET CAR strikers: cause Pleaded Before Mass Meeting in Academy of Music John H. De vine of the Central Labor Union Scoies Silliman and Asserts That Citizens' Alliance of Scran ton Aims at Workmen Striking; for Their Bights Talk by Treasurer of Amalgamated Street Car Men. Tliu cause of the Hlrlklnts' ciniiloyi'S of the Srranton Railway coiiiijuny was ploadprt last uiRht before n. gathnrimr of about 00 nifin in the Academy of Music. This was the flrat public nmel im? In Carhondalu under thti auspices of the trolley .strikers. The speakers were John II. Devlno of the clerk's as sociation of scranton, and foremost ainoncr Hie active niembers of the Cen tral Labor union of that city and I'.cIf cn Orr, of Detroit, treasurei' of the AnialKanialed association of street car employes:. The latter supplied the place of V. D. Million, president of the association, who is slrk In bed at Scran ton. Mr. Devine, who was the llrst speak er, took tlie stand that the labor unions stood for all that was Rood in Ameri can liberty and that they wore not war hiKr on corporations. Thelrwlshundtheir purpose were to work hand in hand, have a perfect understanding with cap ital, to bi'lnif about, u recognition of the liRhts of employers or employes and with this recognition gained to realize what is best in American citi zenship. Incidentally, Mr. Devine took up the cause of the street car men and the attitude of the Scranton Hallway company and the disposition of the people of Scranton. He took notice of the citizens' Alliance of Scranton which he asserted was orfianlzed to stop labor unions from striklnrt for their rights. Touching on the altitude of the peo ple of Scranton and (.'arbonilale, he declared that the fact that thov re frained from riding as they have was an indication that the street car men's cause was not without right. Mr. Devine pointed to the results of the Civic Federation meeting In New Vork city a few days ago which de clared for a recognition of rights of employes by employers. This is, he said, was what the trades unions aimed at. They were not warring on capital but they wanted capital, which was acknowledged by capitalists at this great meeting to have been arbitrary In the past, to recognize that labor had some rights. This recognition which Is being clamored for, is the keynote to the solution of, the differences that es trange these two parties, if men like these declared that capital has been ar bitrary If they have declared that for a recognition of the rights of labor, where, ho asked, is the Scranton com pany going to stand In Its organization. The Bnllway Company's Stand. It Is well known, ho continued, nil over America what the street car men of Scranton have done to Bot tle this strike. They tried arbitration, conciliation, every means, but the Scranton Hallway copipany refused to meet any committee; It rejected every means of settlement; in short H refused to do anything that would mole out justice to the men. The. Central Labor union of Soranlon had come out In favor of the strikers, but If It did not know their cause was a just one It would not for a moment take the stand In which it did. Not Organized for War. Thp traded unions know that strikes, to say tlie. least arc uuprolltahlc, bm u strike is to tlm labor unions what war is to' the nation. The. labor tiniona -ire. pot organized for war; they do not stand for strife; they aro for peace, for perpetual peace. It la often pru dent, for tlm most conservative conn Iryto go to war, that peaeo may be achieved, At the time of the Civil wai-our country, through sheer force of (ircuiuBtuncen, went to war that It nilgjit perpetuate. tlo prlnelptoH for WI1I9I1 It stood, It wiw practically Ihls that, caused (he. fipanlsli-Ainerlcan war So (ho labor organizations, un der jjlrosa of circumstances, engago In that;:war thut Is known as a sirlke, Tlje trade unionist has no apology to make for bis connection with his union, ' Ho is determined to march along Ibo lino of civilization, peace lily, If possible, but ho must do It. Tito trades unions are not organized to fight corporations, Uut to respoct them. The trades unionist, If he is In telllgent, la willing to marvh hand hi hand with tlio corporation. In this way only will our country hold lht place, which It hus among nations. There is no surer way to petputunlo the success of the corporation and the worklugman than to march Meadlly along, amicably settling the disputes that may arise, Carbondale MO. U Coming down to the refusal of the Scrantnn Hallway company to ar'il tratc or recognize Us employes, .Mr, Devlin; said hr was sorry to say that lllni'rt M'nl'n mii'tint'iil Inlto u'tltrtt Wnttlll not deign this recognition; thai would inn admit labor has rights, mi intelli gent capitalist will deny that labor has right m-efiual with capital. Ihtt thore an' men, he Tellingly said, who have such dishonest purposes that, will not allow tlieni to nthnlt their wrong, even when they see It. Strictures on Citizens' Alliance. .Mr. Devlno approached lit" discus sion of the Citizens' alliance nf Scranton by declaring that the trades llnlnim tin Iwtl lint',. In rri, lu.lllnd clnSPll doors. They do not refuse admission to the capitalist; they ask nun to rii-tttm UrlwMlir I limit tl Mil lluffitl 1 1 t hf'il' .wnn. unions ni-.jii ', -" - discussions. At the greatest labor or ganization in lite universe, at its greatest convention In Sernnton last week, one did not have a secret pass word to be admitted; one did not have to have a limbless man vouch for lilm. Vim ciinlil use vonr own Indg- ment as to whether what was being discussed was right or wrong. Any thing that was narrow or un-American was put where It belonged, not on I'.o table, but under I ho table. In conclusion, Mr. Devine u.-ked the worklngmen to weigh well the atti tude of the Scranton Hallway com pany, particularly Its refusal to re ceive ns iii'liltrntors such fah'-mlndd men us Mishap Ilobuu and riesldent .luilge Kdwimls. The unions .vere not lighting the Citizens' alliance, which he understood was organized for the purpose of suppressing strikes, under taken to get the justice which the wniklmrniiin nslceil lor. but. W.IS denied him. Notwithstanding this alliance of business men, the labor union would march on In their righteous course, to receive what was due thelit. Mr. Orr spoke briolly. lie arraigned General Manager Silliman for his de meanor since the strike, and he re lated the history of the organization of street railway employes, inciden tally he declared that !!) out or ion strikes were caused by employers. ' President P. T. Shea, of the strikers' executive committee, was present on the stage. THE NEW FOUNDRY. An Addition Being Built for Machinery Heavy Work to Be Commenced Next Some Orders Filled This Week. The new foundry of the Carboudale Metal works has been a most encour aging start, and already it finds the need of more room. This week work was commenced on an addition to the foundry, a small building which will accommodate several pieces of ma chinery, tumbling-boxes and other ap pliances used 10 clean castings. It was believed that there would lie room enough on the foundry lloor for tills machinery, but In arranging matters the space allotted for these appliances was demanded for other purposes. The core oven and the traveling crane will be ready for use in a few days, not more titan a week. The oven will b? one of the most approved type. Hand ling the cores by men will be dispensed with. -Machinery will do the work, it steel ear conveying them to and from the oven. The arrangement of the door of the oven will permit of cores being removed and put In to bake without the cold air entering, or change the de gree of heat. The traveling crane will be in place next week, a fact that will greatly facilitate the work at the foundry and increase the output. No heavy work has been attempted yet, but will be next week, when presses weighing a. ton and 11 ton and a half apiece will he moulded. This week a lot of small castings were turned out. Among them were parts of presses for making para fine wax. These are for use in the big factory of Proctor & Gamble, at Cin cinnati, Ohio, the milkers of the famous Ivory soap. The distribution of the foundry's pro ducts throughout the Villon will be come quite a factor in making Carbon dale known. The Carboudale Machine company 1ms made Carboudale known In remote parts of the globe, by ship ping lis machines around the horizon. Tito pity Is that there Is not more In terest and effort In this direction, and that energies are not directed by Car boudale business men to invito and In duce industries to locate In this city. There is no reason why Carboudale should not be teeming with Industrial activity. The success of the ( 'arbonilale .Ma chine company, the Hendricks company and the promised success of the Car boudale Metal works ought surely to bo an Incentive to Increased cITorts on the part of the business community to land Industries which are now and then seeking better locations. M'lie prospects are that the now foundry will be a very big factor In this community before an other year. Tlie policy of the company will bo. to gradually and constantly enlarge the plant, to branch out In the making of products, until the Invest ment is double what It Is today. This, at least, Is the purpose of the company, and the wish of the community Is that it will be reallr.ed, It the wish he no more than a selfish one, St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Al last night's rehearsal of ClulM mas exorcises, It was unanimously re solved to have the Christmas tree coNsesi'rflo'rc Right food-- right medicine right time--these t h r e e things are of the utmost impor tance to the consumptive. Right food and right medicine these are contained in Scott's lvmulsion of pure cod-liver oil. Right time is at first sign of disease, Right time is now. Scott's Kmulsion always helps, often cures. Ordinary food helps feed, Fresh air helps cure, Scott's Kmulsion does both. Hegin early. Weil twl jou 4 little tu try, II yuu liU SCO'fl' DOWN:, w 1'eitl trtcl, Nc Voik. A COMMON TKOIBMI. Thousands Suffer front It Without Knowing Its Rest Character. No trouble. Is mote common or more misunderstood than nervous dyspepsia. People having II think that their nerves niu to hlaine, nro surprised that they are not cured by nerve medicines and spring remedies! the leal seat of the mischief Is Inst lght of; the stom ach Is the organ to be looked after. Nervous dyspeptics often do not have any pain whatever In the stomach, nor perhaps any of the usual symptoms of stomach weakness. Nervous dyspep sia shows Itself not In the fontnch so much as In nearly every other organ: In some cases the heart palpitates and Is Irregular; In others', the kidneys ore affected; In others, the bowels tire troubled, with loss of llsh nnd appetite, with the nmimulallon ur gas, sour ris ings and heartburn. .Mr. A. V. Sharper, of No. fll Pros pect St,, Indianapolis, lnd,, writes as follows- "A motive of pure gratitude prompts 1110 to write these few lines regarding the new and valuable medi cine, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. T have been a sufferer from nervous dys pepsia for the lust four .years; have; used various patent niodlciiuM and oth er remedies without tiny favorable te sttlt. They sometimes giro temporary relief until the effects of the medicine wore off. I uttiibuteii this to my se dentary habits, being a bookkeeper with little physical exercises, but 1 am glad to state that the tablets have overcome till these obstacles, for I have gained In ilesh, sleep better and tun better in every way. Tlv above is written not for notoriety, but Is based on actual facts." Hc-peetfully ours. A. W. Sharper, CI Prospect St.. Indianapolis, lnd. Il Is safe to say tha.t Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets will cure any stomach weakness or disease except cancer of the stomach. They cure sour stomach, gas, loss of (lesh and appetite, s-leep-lessnoss, palpitation, heartburn, con stipation and headaches. Send for valuable Utile book on stomach diseases by addressing Stu art Co.. Marshall, Mich. All druggists sell rull sied pack ages at oO cents. celebration, not on the holy eve. us customary in the Lutheran chuich. hut on next Sunday cvenltf-v al 7..10, as half of the congregation would be deprived of enjoying the exercises, on account of bolnif compelled to follow different occupations which will not be idle on Christmas eve. Therefore this year, come In lull' force next Sunday, Dee. H.: It is the merriest feast in the Lu t'leraii church. , BOADS ABE BAD. Farmers kept Away by Reason of Saturday's Storm. The effects of Saturday night's storm are being sorely fell by tlie farmers hereabouts. The roads are passable In some places, while In other places it would mean damage and loss to at tempt to drive to town. This means that not one-half the farmers who visit Oarbomlale weekly aro coming to the city with their produce. The main road to Clifford cannot be used at till, owing to the bridge over Whipple creek. Just below the Itriggs fchool house, being damaged. In the meantime, the farmers who come from Clltford have to drive around Dundaff way, or cut through the fields. The roadway at "Joe" Scheck's lists been repaired, though it Is not more than passable. The roads to Susquehanna county are In a wretched condition and no farmers are arriving from that sec tion. AMUSEMENTS. Seats for Elite Proctor Otis. The sale of seats for the great artiste, Kllla Proctor Otis, who will present David isolaseo's famous drama, "La Belle Husse," at the Grand opera house Christmas matinee and evening, Mill open at Hey.nolds' drug store Saturday night at T.liO, for both performances. "The Power Behind the Throne." The success attained by Mildred Hol land and her company, In lid ward C. While's magnificent production of "The Power Behind the Throne," has been nothing short of marvelous. Miss Hol land began her season September lfi. and has since played to uniformly big business. "The Power Behind the Throne" Is a lino vehicle for tin emo tional actress, and Miss Holland takes full advantage of her opportunities. Miss Holland will again be seen In Carboudale, at the Grand opera house, on Thursday evening, December 'M. Wilkes-Barrean's Opinion of Gamble. Of Rrnest Gamble, who will be here on December ;;!, the Wllkes-llarre Hee ord of November --'. last, says: "With a crowded auditorium the Hi st of the Young Men's Christian associa tion's season entertainments opened Tuesday evening, Ernest 1 Iambic, the gifted basso, assisted by Miss Grace Jenkins on the violin and Frederick II. Motley on the piano, entertained thn groat audience for over two hours, "The trio proved to bo a worthy ono with which to usher in the coming sea son, Nono of the musicians In Tuesday evening's eniortalmnent aro strangers to Wllkes-ltarreans, particularly Mr, Gamble himself, whoso rich, powerful bass has madn his coming hero looked upon with much favor. A fantastlo bit of music called 'Le Tambour Major,' In which Hi', Gaipblo sang the French words, was sung as an Introductory se lection and at onco matlo an Improa slou'tipnn those who had not heard Mr, Gamble," Has Not Resigned, Muster Mechtinh' Frank Htcuuengor, of Mui Ontailo nnd Wester), wlnh'.'S to Ktnt that he has pot resigned, an sli'.led 'ii an evening paper yesterday. I'c was absent for two weeks by rea son of sickness, but hi now back at his Millies, The Mlddlotowii man who was lilllng blc plain has returned to lib' homo. Ticket Agent 111. lily Ticket Agent Ciaudo It. Smith, of the Delaware and Hudson company, was taken with sickness on "Wednes day night and was unable to attend to his duties yesterday, An Infant Dead. An infant child of Mr, and .Mrs, John Mosklsky. of Simpson, died yesterday, and will bo buried today in Maylleld. The First Xmas Tree. The first Christmas trees offered for palo this season were disposed of yes terday, when a small number were brought to this city. The vender car- tied one over his shoulder and went from place to place with II. Home from the West. Henry ,1. llrcnnan, who Has been In this Southwest for several weeks, pro moting various einorpiiscs, returned home yesterday to spend the Christmas season with his family, on Salem avenue. Diagram Opens Xoulght. Tin; diagram for I he Krnosl Gamble concert opens tonight. Checks at "id; seats at 7.30. THE PASSING THRONG. David Boot, of Lancsboro, win hi the city yesterday. Maxwell Shepherd hint returned from a visit with friends nl Danville. l. .f. McKcan. of Olvnhaut. called on Carboudale friends yesterday. Miss Margaret O'Hoyle is spending a week with rtienils in Now Vork city. Mrs. F. N. Hlbbltts, of Omaha. Neb., spent yesterday as the quest of friends in Ihls city, J. N. Smool, "ihe typewriter man," of Scranton, was here on a business trip yesterday. Miss Frances Moses, of Scranton, and Fred Moses, of Now Vork city, aro the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Singer. Daniel White, sou of Mine Sttpeiiu tondent John White, is homo from State college lo spend the Christmas holi days. John C, Daley, advance! agent for "Grimes' Collar Door," which will be at the Grand In January, was In the city yesterday, the guest ol" Manager Dan Byrne, of the Grand. John F, Carroll, of lilmlra, N. V., who represents the big Hathbtui jobbing house of I'tlca, N. V., was In the city yesterday. Mr. Carroll is one 01: tlie traveling salesmen who has won so many warm friendships among Carbon dale people that It's like a home-coming for him to visit In this city. JERHYN AND MAYFIELP. The borough council will hold a spe cial and Important session this evening to consider the bids for lighting the borough on a five-year contract. The W. N. C. society met at the home of Miss Nellie Loughney. on South Main street. Wednesday evening. All members were present, and after a time of social enjoyment in the various diversions, a light repast was served, and the guests reluctantly departed to their homes. The next meeting will be held at the homo of Miss Sadie Collins. At the regular meeting of Excelsior council, No. 171, the following officers wore elected for the ensuing year: Chaplain, Hev. J. L Dunn; president, J. J. MeCarty; first vice-president, P. J. Martin; second vice-president, P. If. Qulnn; financial secretary, If. R. Ken nedy; recording and corresponding sec retary, M. L. McCarly; treasurer, J. Ii. Sullivan; marshal, James Hyluml; in side sentinel. James Hanophy; outside sentinel, George Hart; executive com mittee, M. J. Grady, J. M. Callahan and II. B. Collins. The employes of the Delaware and Hudson company will be paid on Christmas eve. Hev. Jonathan Davis, of Forest City, will preach in the Congregational church at both services .on Sunday. Dr. J. S. Graves on Tuesday night, at tin; Carboudale Medical society's meet ing, delivered a talk on "Fractures or the Clavicle." .Superintendent A. F. Gebhardt and Dr. Graves were Scranton visitors yes terday. Frank Forbes, a well-known young man of Maylleld, who has been ill for some time past, Is reported to bo rap idly losing strength and little hope Is expressed for his recovery. The citizens of the borough should show their interest in the Important business to be considered at tonight's council meeting by attending. Oscar Belcher and sister. Miss lillza Belcher, who lately returned from the Klondike, were yesterday the guests of Mrs. John Maynnrd, of South Main street. Misses Dora Tennis, Emily Uich, Emily Dunn. Mrs. John It. Jones, Mrs. Hossar, Mrs. Pryor, Mrs. DeGraw, Mrs. Samuel Pryor, Mrs. Thomas Hunter, Mrs. Arthur Day and children were Jormyn shoppers at Scranton yester day. OLYPHANT Special music will be rendered in St. Patrick's church on Christmas morn ing. The choir under the direction of Prof. T. W. Wutklns will slug Carl Von Webber's mass in CS. Kyrle. choir; soloists, Miss Lizzie Dempsey. Gloria, choir; soloists, Mrs. Anna Brown O'Malloy and Hobert MoCor lnlck. Credo, choir, soloists; Mrs. O'Malloy. Sanctus, choir. lieaedic ttts, choir; soloists Mrs. O'Malloy and Hobert McCormlck. Agnus Deo, choir; soloists, Mrs. M, E. Dardts. Adestl Fcdells, choir; accompanist. Miss Net tle McDonnell. Mr. and Mrs. George Walts, of Scranton vlsll"d friends In Blakoly yesterday. The weekly toclal of the .Invents dancing class, will bo hold in Million's hall this evening. Lawrence, orches tra will play for the dancing, A requiem mas was celebrated in St. Patrick's, church at S o'clock yesterday morning for the late Mrs. William Ho gan. The following letters for unknown persons remain at tho Olyphant post ollleo: Jessie Mato, .loo Hughes. Emily Mnrcy. Thomas Murphy aim Mrs. M. Walsh. Miss Margarot Evans will leave to morrow morning for Philadelphia, to spend the holidays, Mrs, Harry Wright, of Carbondalo spent yesterday with relatives in town, TAYLOR. The Anthracite Oleo club held an en joyable banquet lu their rooms, in Llewellyn's hall, last nvenlng. About titty members, Including hunorary mem bers, were present, A delightful tlmo was had. Solos and recitations wero given. The Glen club rendered a num ber of their choicest selections, among them being "Tho Pilgrims," Urn piece on which they won the $100 Thanks giving day. This organization Is com posed of some of tho best singers In the county. Tito club has decided not 10 enter tho Allentown competition, .March i", but will picpara for tho grand els. teddfod on Memorial day, at the now armory. lidward llatve.v, a popular jouas man of this town, and -Miss Harriet 1 Jones, an estimable, young lady of West Scranton, worn united In mariiauu tit lliti bride's homo on Wednesday even ing. Hev. D. D, Hopkins, of tho First Welsh llapllst church, performed the ceiemony. Tito bridesmaid was Miss Lottlo Morgans, the best man Morgan .1, Harris. Those who attended from this town wero Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ii, Jones, Mr. and Mrs. David Jones and daughter Viola, Mr. and Mrs. Will- Carelessness or Nervousness It nil Jiajiboncil ina moment. Her linir caught in tlm ueu niui Bwtuiy wouiiu nuout tuu Blunting, nor ones wero echoed hy'lho screams of her frightened mill-mates. Then the machinery wnii stopped and tho terrified ami injured woman was released. " It was carelessness," paid tho foreman to a reporter, "pure carelessness." IJut the doctor said it was not carelessness hut nervousness. It was a caso of a woman working when situ was not lit to work, her nerves tjuiveritig to the shock and jar of the machinery, her hrain dascdhy the struggle with suffering. Men so seldom suffer with nervousness that they have small sympathy for a nervous woman, Tliey look upon nervous rttacks as just a woman's notion, nnd often as only an excuse for ill-humor. Tho very fact that nervousness afllicts women, ehieily, points to its cause as being related to the female organism. And the facts prove that, disease of the delicate womanly organism is the most fruitful cause of the nervoHsim-sn from which so many women suffer. Uterine and ovarian diseases, unhealthy drains, inflammation, ulceration and female weakness 5 such womanly diseases in one form or another are in general responsible for the nervousness of women. The. only way to cure this nervousness is to cure the diseases that cause it. There arc powders and potions, so-called "nervines," which are offered as a remedy for nervousness. They may relieve, hut they cannot cure. Even tho relief they give is dangerous, because it is pro duced by stimulants or nerve-numbing narcotics. Sonic men aro said to "drown their troubles in liquor." Tlm liquor docs not lighten their load of trouble by one iota. It simply stupefies thcra until tho dull brain is rendered for a time insensible to cares and worries. Tho use of stimulants or narcotics by nervous women has the same result as the ur,o of alcohol by men. It only dulls and deadens tho nerves for a time. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription cures nervousness by curing tho womauly diseases which cause it. It is a true tonic and nervine, because it nourishes tho nerves and strengthens tho body. There is no alcohol in "Favorite I Prescription," and it is entirely free from opium, cocaine and all other narcotics. Weak, nervous, overworked, run down women will find new health and strength from the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. " It affords me great pleasure to bo able to say a few words in regard to the merits of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and I113 'Golden Medical Discovery, " writes Sirs. Flora Am, of Dallas, Jacknoa Co., Mo. " I was tempted to try these medicines after seeing the effect upon uiy mother. At an early age of married life I was greatly bothered with painful periods, al;o a troublesome drain vhich rendered inc very weak and nufit for work of any kiud. I became so thin there was noth ing left of rae but 8kiu and bone. Mv husband became alarmed nnd bottle of ' Favorite Prescription.' After he saw the wonderful effects of that one he got me two more, and after I had used thocc up there was no more pain, and 1 began to gain in flesh very rapidly. When I was out driving with inv mother the horse took frurht and raa awav. 3Iv mother trot badlv hurt. Later on liinvl.rie.ut cr.t in mi r.i,r. died. After her death was so ttenvits I sometimes thought I could not livs from one dr. v until the next ,- would get so faint I thought I would die. I had awful paitui lu ay back aud head;' wan dizzy all the time; could not sleep at night, and the bast noise wouli almost scare me to death. Our doctor tried to cure me but tailed. So one day I sat down and wrote to Dr. Pierce, stating my case ns clearly as I could. I received a prompt rcplv from him, and I bottcht three bottles of 'Favorite Prescription,' three of 'Golden Medical Discovery, ' and one bottle ofDr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. You maybe sure after I took that I began to feef like a new person. I began to eat once more, and now, I cannot say positively but I believe, I weigh twice as much as I did then, and can do all of my work. I thittk I owe all praise to Dr. Pierce and his wonderful curative medicines." What Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription did for Mrs. Arn, it has done for thousands of other women. From weak women, reduced in flesh until they were only "skin and bone," it has changed them to strong women, whose gain in healthy flesh speaks for the soundness of their cure and their restoration to perfect health. Sometimes a cynical per son will say a woman's ailments arc just imaginary. There's nothing imaginary about the loss of flesh which so often accompanies nervousness and womanly diseases. " Isror is there anything imaginary about tho cures effected by "Favorite Prescription," cures that can be figured up in ounces and pounds. "In the fall of lSo7, I was troubled with nervousness, headache, heart trouble aud female weak ness," writes Miss Blanche JI. Bracey, of Sala, Oswego County, N. V. " Last summer I wrote you aud yon advised rue to try your ' Favorite Prescription and ' Golden Medical Discovery.' I did so, and "I began to improve rapidly. Continued taking the medicine, half-a-dozen each of 'Favotile Prescription and 'Golden Medical Discovery,' for the space of four or five months, aud in less than a year had regained my former health. You have my heartfelt thanks for what your remedies have done for me. I am in excellent health now, but am still using your ' I'leasaut Pellets. ' " Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription establishes regularity, dries weakening drains, heals i, Kil - -I ay? ; ft: y LoHMMMnn lam Hobblna and John Jones. After a ten days' visit in New York city, .Mr. and .Mrs. Harvey will residu in this borough. This lnni'iilnir ibo l'unoi'iit 01' the lute John Lyman, of Old Forgo, will be held. A high mass will 00 celebrated tit tno St, Lawrence church by the rector, Hev. J, J. Jordan, interment will bo made lu Hyde Park Catholic cemetery. Tho Taylor colliery will bo Idln Tor tho remainder of tho month, owiic lo necessary repairs. Prof, T. H. Davis Is a candidate to succeed himself as school dhector In the Fifth ward. Merchant M, 0. Judge Is home from a business trip to New Vork. Miss Norma Johns, tho ucconmlished pianist, daughter of Foreman and Mrs. John it, Johns, of Halhoad street, Is Indisposed. Invincible coiuuinndcry. No. --"2, Knlghis of Malta, will moot In regular session this evening, county Hupeiiutendeiii J. c, Taylor, of Scranton, visited the borough schools yesterday. Mrs, William .1. Davis, of North .Main street, was the guest of relatives u Ureen Hldgo yesterday, AVashlngton ctuun, No. Is-', Patriotic Order Sons of America, will meet this evening In regular session, Tho choir of the Calvary Unpilst church will meet for rehearsal this evening. PECKVILLE. Itu. .-s II. Moon was called to Hlng Imiiiiou Wednesday 011 account of Hie Illness of Mrs. Moon, who was taken ill while visiting friends el that place. Mr. Frank P. lleupaiulu, who lb a student ul Dickinson law school, at Caillslo, Is homo lo spend tho holidays. .Mr. Alfred lllnes, of the Fasi rilde, who for the past two weeks has been at the Lackawanna hospital III of ty phoid fever, died 111 thai Institution yesterday. Miss Hell Uenjamiii Is quite ill at her homo on Main street, Florence Swindle has accepted a posi mtlammatiou and ulceration, and cures female weakness. It makes weak women strong and sick women well. Weal: and sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. All correspondence, h held as strictly imvatc and sacredly confidential. Address Dr. R. V. fierce, Buffalo, 27. v. Fat ?! PSqfbo'g Common Saaso RilodilcaSI fid" visor but tho oxptmso off maSling, TfcSs graat ntoeJIcal vtorkg contains ovcf oao thousand largo nagos, is sont FRZE on rcoolgtt off sfancjss to pay expense of maSEmg GFiHYa &cs3d 3'J ono'aont stamps lav tho Gloth-naunti vatumop op only 21 stamps toi tho book en ssspov oovorsm Adrtrcso: Dr. R. Vu PIERGE, Buffalo, N. 1'. maty.' Mjrrrr. - ;. 1 1 ". tion as teamster for Huberts Uros.. merchants, Tho funeral of the late Mark Walk er took place at the late resilience at l.ao o'clock yesterday afternoon, P.ev. F. Ciendall otllciatcd. Interment was mndn in Prospect cemetery . Tho "Woman's Christian Temperance union will meet this evening at the home of .Mrs. Dr. Heck, .lt members tire requested to be present as their is especial business to come before the mooting. AVOCA. The fiiiu-ral of Patrick McKoan will take place on Sunday afternoon, in terment will be in .St. Mary's ceme tery. The suir orchestra will accompany tho choir tit both masses In St. Mary's church on Christmas day. Miss Net tin Druffner and May Wan ders spent yesterday with friends in Hcranton. Tho iiiariiago of Miss Ida Davis and James O'Hiien, both residents of this town, was soleinuUed In Scranton this week. Hoblnsou & Law, coal operators, have purchased the Florence colliery III Ou poul aud will begin to work the place limucdliiloly. This news will be cheer fully received by tho Dtipont residents slueii U does away with iliebtiiiloii. homo company stoic. Jacob Webster has ricohed a mil slgiuneiit of holly which lie will ills poso of a I reasonable pittas. On ticiouiu of a lack of big earn work at the different collieries has been sus pended this week. This dcllclency is caused by Ihe recent slorm. A Trip to California or Florida. Those loutemplatliig such a trip need but to call on the locul ticket tiguiu of the l.ackawaiinu railroad and he will arrange every detail, Including trans portation, berths, reservations and checking or bagr.ago through to desti nation; also will furnish rules, folders, descriptive literature and any other In formation desired 4uu thu taihj,ot. ? iw. , ": . 'tte EDUCATION AL. Tuition Py n recent act of the legl3la. tine, free tuition is now granted at thn Literary Institute a mi State Normal School IHoomslHirg, Pa. to all those preparing to teach. This school maintains courses of study for teachers, for thoao preparing for college, and fur these studying imiblc It will piv to write tor lU'tlcuLv). Nu otl.er (chuol oil, 11 mill H.wilor J I im.li.8i' ut euili low ratty. Auclicsi J. P. Welsh. A. H , PIi. D. , Pria SCIUNTON COItrtESPriNDENOE SCHOOL'S SCKAMON. J'A. T. J. Porter. I'lfsiJi'tr. I'.lmrr II. fiwll, I'MS. It. J. foster, Mnuj 1: aiiimi. Vlcu 1'iiwiU'iit- Sarettry. Prtf.0,F.THEEL.rj27 itJMM rinuii.rU Lia, rii woij wnutu cpiuini i j tturrlrft. luaritMliniri bUiby wftll l'rli1 DttiuM-. I-irtMO. tlt'ift Mul I'dI-uh NtnH (Iv III lit) tl Oil ilDUMi"J,turirvitir u ctririurrir fUlllnilla 1 B4Ml lI,"t tV "iir wr(tn Urflil-lM'tnirrd U IUUJ.J )" prwnMiiv jib Ii ...i .....i..niii.Ii,iii!iiir. html fur bJi.L ' I rulti Through skopus and day coacir. Chicago. Only one change or tu California I vStw if V 1 V wi i Free e-- I Jfjtttftv '5 n ir AV"ff; I fciJ V-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers