The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 20, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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    .n'f'4) I'k'ws'n "i" J
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This young lady is looking
into the baking powder ques
tion in a practical way. She
will find that, using Cleve
land's Baking Powder, and a
Cleveland receipt book, she
can make cake and rolls finer
than the baker's and save half
the cost.
Besides, she will be sure
that they contain no alum
and are absolutely pure and
The Washouts on the Various Roads
Prevented the Movement of Cars
and the Effect of This Was Felt at
The Colleries Hereabouts Diamond
Mine Was Idle Because of an Ac
cidentThe Boaid for Today.
Changes Made at the Lackawanna
Nearly all of the Delawate, LacUa
Riinna and Western coll'erie, which
were foiced into Idleness liy the lecont
flood, and the shottarco of cais, re
sumed opciations estcrday, and those
remaining Idle will resume today. No
sfrious damage was repotted from any
of thorn, but it was impossible to work
them because no cats weie available
to carry away the coal mined.
All of the DeUwaie and Hudson col
lieries are wot king, and the general
trend of operations has been resumed
in the anthiaclte fields.
The Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western emplojes will be paid liefoie
Chtlstmas, but the schedule has not
yet been completed, and may not be
unnnunreil bifote tomonow. This will
be pleasing ncto all, as some doubt
was entertained about tlu pays being
made until the latter pait of next
w tek.
New Telegraph Station.
The news, telegiaph and luicel
stand at the Lackawanna passenger
station Is about ready to he opened,
arid was Inspected vcsteiday by Supin
iiitendent Hichard O IJilen, of the Wes
tern Union Tclogtaph company: L. 15.
Foley, of Hoboken, stipetintendpnt of
telegraph on the Lackawanna railroad;
Superintendent U M. nine, Chief Cleik
J'oore and other olllclals.
The telegiaph and pucol room will
be in ehaige of Opeiator riynn, of
Wllkes-15arte, and the news stand will
bo tun by the Union News company.
Newspapeis and pniloillcals will be on
pale, and messages will bo sent ditect
from the station, Tin- new station is
located midway between both waiting
jootns and can be touched from either
bide. It will nil a long felt want.
Diamond Mill"? Idle.
A peculiar accident happened at the
lilamond mines icecntly and as n te
sult the collleiy has been Idle neatly
a week-. The half of an nxle was
thrown Into an empty ear, and was
evidently coetcd up with coal when
The full ear was then hauled up to
the head of the breaker and its con
tents were dumped Into the tolls,
blocking and bienklng the ttrtchluery,
and thus foiclng the employes into idle
ness. Tito btonk Is icpnlicd, and operations
will be lesutned today.
D., L. & W, Board for Today.
The following Is tho make-up of the
D L. and W. boatd for today:
'IIIUHSHAY, ni: UMIlKIt 11).
WIM Cits Hist 8 p. in.. A. II. Jtonp; 10 p.
in.. A. l Mulkn; 11 p. in,, II, UMiliu'.
Wild (Mi .,t-(I p. ii r. Wall; 8 p. m,
M. Ciruioil) ; 10 p. in,, Jilm Cili'ipm,
riiiPAV, numiuiit vo.
WIM (lis I'itt 1M) ii. 111. T. I'ltrpHrUK;
4 a. in, II. J.4u'Imi ) j 0 a, m., Wllllini lloir,
with (i T. Mipls' (tin; II j, in,, ot,in, A
J. ImMii; 7 J. in., i:. M. llilkttt, villi t..nU
twin; S n, ni., C, 1', Mcumi 10 a, in., II
Dolicrly; 11 a, m, W, , l-ihairj 1 p. in,, (I.
'llioinaij 2 p. in,, M. II. Vilanv; 5 p in., ,
a, llniimiit; C p in., J. V, llnrlliut.
Summit., IHc (J a, in,, .1, llinnij..ii; S a,
rn., 0. rimmfilU-i; 10 a in, , , Milioli;
i p. in., 'llioinptii II p in., ,1, I iul! V
p, in., .N.iy Aug, I!. McAlllstir.
'uliir 0 a, in., Mldncr; 7 a in., S Tin.
ncrly; S a. in,, llonur; 11 15 a, m , Sluriii;
0 p. in, G. llartliolo'iiiu; 7 p. In, lurpij
9 p. in., V, II. Ilartlioloincw; 10 p. in,, Lamp.
I'jwoiiL'fr KiiRlnai 7 a. in, Oallmy: 7 a. ni ,
frliijii, 10 a in , .N'aumin; 10 i in , I', 1,'. Stcor;
H) p. m , stinlon; bi.O p. in , Mid'ounu
Willi t'uli Ust 5 a. in, O. Umdnlph; S a.
pi, J. dlnliy; 10 j, in,, T, Doiidlrj.i, 11 a,
m , A, 1!. Kitctiini; 4 p. m., C, Kindle); u
p. in , It. I Dtnir,
Iladeity ami crv will run No. 52, Tliursdjy,
Pi l'. 10
It. Camiiaugli anJ niw will run 0 a. in. wild
rat, IKt. SO.
ItounU liuusc, (five ui i weend claj or "CO rn
rlno on 7 u. m. i-ist umk train.
Jainm (Jal:Jt"Jn ami Hi will run N'o. 02,
P.c. 10.
.), J. Kuriuj an I mu1 will run No. M,I);c. $0
lulin Jluipliy inj uitf will nm No. ii, IX-c.
.1. W, Da Inn am crew lll run S a. tu. wild
cat. Ike. 20, to 11'ilioKen.
W. 1). WiufH aoii trcw will run No. 02, Ptc,
80. Id UuloV".
4iifil'i(,lMl,'l,llll'la,lliiill,f"l"l'al 44 44a'taiial',l"l4aiil,4"l4,f"l44' 4!1
Every Newsboy of Scran ton and Northeastern Penn
sylvania Will De Given All the Copies of The
Tribune He Can Sell on Christmas
Morning Absolutely Free.
The Tribune desires to give the newsboys an opportunity
to make sonic extra money on Christinas morning, and with this
object in view will furnish lliein with all the copies of the paper
they can sell on that day absolutely without cost. This applies
to carriers and all ncwhboys alike, whether they are selling The
Tribune now or not. Carriers out of town will be supplied with
extra copies upon request. The boys will be furnished with
papers as soon after they come from the press as possible, and
will be kept supplied from the business office until '.) o'clock in
the morning.
Uoys out of town should send their requests for extra
copies to "Circulation Manager, Tribune, Scranlon, Pa.," stat
ing how many copies they expect to be able to dispose of.
Carbondalc boys will be supplied from the Carbondalc of
fice, from 7.30 to 9.30 a. m.
All local carriers and newsboys who wish to lake advantage
of this opportunity must secure their papers from The Tribune
office personally.
No returns of unsold copies will be allowed the following
44' 4, 4'4,4'4'4,4'4,4'4,4'4,4,4'4'4,4'4,4'4,4,4'
A. ficrrity and crow will run 11.30 p. in. .ild
cat, Pee. 20, to llnbokou.
W. W. I.ingan ami uiw will run No. 51, 1).
ccmlicr 20.
A. Hopkins ami crow will run No. W, Dec. 2J,
taoiu nml irew will run No .", D''C. 20
I'liiiiiicn Jonis GilllKin, Qiilniin, McDonnnll.
Cannon, Attn, Smith, ltuine, Nminm, McVilt,
Ci iiiiiiicIi. Ilurkliiit, Dtlanov, .Inmlng", IMIar,
Ihlc,, Sn'kr mid Stipli1-. will cill jii
watch in-pectur tomoiruw to ne wattlici In
fptcUJ. This and That.
J. 11. Welh. traveling freiffht and
passeiiprer nRont of the Ontario and
Western railroad, went to New York
yebtetday on a business trip.
M. Ik Casey, mipot Intondunt of car
service, Lackawanna rallioad, attend
ed the meeting at nuffalo yestetday of
the Western New York car hetvko as
sociation. OeorRO J. Xiedham, tiavellntr freiKht
nKcnt of the Union Pacific taihoad,
with headquarters in New York, w.u
in the Uty yesterday calling on Lacka
wanna tailtond officials.
All of the railroads entering Scran
ton now have their trains running
through the places effected by the re
cent washouts. The regular running
schedule is about in order also.
They Are to Be Presented by Prop
erty Owners Who Suffered from
Flood Who Is Liable P
Damage claims tunning way up into
the thousands are going to be piescnt
ed to somebody for losses sustained in
South Scranton by the disastrous Hood
of last Sunday, but just who th'.s some
body is has not yet been decided by
the attorncs representing the interests
of the persona hose property w as
Attorney A. A. Chase has been re
tained by a number ot the propsrty
holders to look after thflr Inteiests and
he said yesterday afternoon that he
would hae a big batcli of claims to
present just as soon as he decided who
to picsent them to.
Thcte nte so many things to which
the Hooding of the Hals can be atttlb
uted that he is at a loss to know who
is the responsible patty. Mr. Cltaso,
teptesentlng a number of ptopctty
owneis, sued the Jetsry Centtal tail
toad company some ten iats ago for
damages caused by a Hood at that
lime, contending that inasmuch as the
company had encroached upon the t Iv
or bed in eonsti noting its line It was to
sponsible for the dlveisUm of the
sticam fiom its regular com so. The
lower couit tilled and was sustained by
the Supieme couit that th Sctanton
and Wllkes-narre Construction com
pany, which built the road and not the
tallioad company was the party to be
sued. This company llnnlly settled with
Mr. Chase's clients.
Since that time, Mr. Chase says, oth
er things have been done which Ind a
pait In contributing to Sunday's Hood.
One of these, he says, has been the
nan owing of tho channel by the Lack
awanna It on and Steel company and he
is not altogether coitaln but that the
city tould be declared negligent In
permitting this nan owing and thus be
come n party to the suit.
A most inteiestlng point will be
talsed by Mr. Cltnse if it Is found nee
rsMiiy to btlng a suit and that Is the
question ns to whether the cot potation
tei'ponsllile lit any way for tho damage
euuml by the Hood would not also be
lespotislblo for daiii--0H caused by, the
dept eolation in ptopjrty values t fault
ing fiom tho alwuys present dangi-r
of a Hood.
Mr. o e.Npects to bo able to an
nounce vety shortly tho nitnio of the
cotporation to which the damage
claims ate to be piesonted.
Stops Off to Seo President Mahon of
the Stieet Car Men'3 Union.
President John Mitchell, ot the Uni
ted Mlno Wotkeis and John Mulltoi
Jiuul. ptesldent of the International as
sociation of allied metal mechanics,
atoppul off in Scranton yestetday
on ids way home lioin tho
National Chio Federation meet
ing, in New Yorh, and hod a con
sultation with Piesldeitt AV. D Mahon,
of the Amalgamated Association of
Stieet Hallway lhnployes, ugnnllng
the conduct of tho local utilise. What,
If anything, was ugieed upon, was not
divulged. .Mr. Mitchell left for Indian
apolis early lit tho af let noon,
Mr. Malum is still conllued to his
mom In the Gland Central with then,
inntlsnt. He Is In frequent consulta
tion with meinbeis of tho strikers' cn
ecutlvo committee. What, If any plans
the Bttlhers have for the future uo be
in,? kept to thcmselve3.
Thomas Meehan, who shot Frank
Skoezclas In Dickson City on Tues
day night, while the Jutter was steal
lug chickens, was permitted by Dis
trict Attorney Lewis to enttr ball In
court yesterduy In the bum of $4'G00,
Thomas Grler, John McGulufi .mil
Lehigh Valley Bailroad.
Ill Clkct No. , 1901.
Tiaiitb li ic hcraiiton.
Tor I'hllaiUlplih nml Nov York vh P. f. It.
It. II., .it li Ls and y.'iS a. In . and 2. IS 1.27
(Ill.ick Dlunond l.sprc), and II. SJ p. ni. bun
U.H-,, 1). II. It. It . I !W, a 27 p in.
lr Wlnte Iicn, Ihulilun .mi! piiniipil point-"
in the coal ickIoils I i II. ,V II. It. 1! . il , 2 li
and 4.27 p. tu. 1'or l'uttsvilk, 0 3S a. m., 2 IS
p. tu.
I oi Iktlilchcm, ritnn, Hfnlm', llirrWnnj,
ind !irlii(.iul inlouiadialu M itioiH. i i II ,V II.
it. It,, o a in.; 2 is. t.n iiilitk nil-
mcml Ipris.-). 11 ''' P u Sundaji, ). A, II
It. It., !' S a in : 1 ;. ; 27 p. in.
I'm 'IimlJi imiod,, 'iiminda, I Inuri, Ithipi,
Ocncia and (irniipil intcrimdutc stntlom, vu
U . I. and W. It. It . " 10 .1 in and I 51 p m
For O no i, Itoihi-Ur, Ilullilo, Mvin Tall-",
rim ago and all ponn-i v t, li I) k II. It. R ,
7 4, 1J (II ii. in, .!, :i Ji (llhck Diamond Y.-prc-),
7.1s, 1U4I, 11 W p. in. Stinda, I), k II.
II. II . U W, s 27 p m
Pullniin pirlor ind flcopnu or T.cIiIrIi Vnll'"y
Parlor l irs in all (riin- latnon Wilkcvrtano
and New Vork, l'hilitkiplilJ, Pull do and Su-pcn.
ion Prido
KOI I.I.N II WH.HUIt, Gen. hupt , 2fl Coitljnd
str.'ot. New mk.
C1I.MII.1 S I.Ki:, Gen. Px-v?. Agt., 28 Coitland
ttnO, .New Vork.
A. W. MJM.UAUint, 1H. Pass. Agt., South
Ilclh'oh in. Pi
Tor ticket and Pullman ro-eriatinn ipply to
c'ty ticket oflkc, CU Public square, W ilkes-Barre,
Delaware and Hudson.
In i:Ucct Norniliir 21, 1001.
Trains for Carliondalc Uac bcrmion at (1,20,
Cm, Sf.1, 10 H a :n.i 1J OJ, 1.2a. 2 31, .152,
D2J, 0 23, 7. 57, 0 13, ll."0 p. in.; 1...1 i. m
Tor lloucdjlc, 0.2U, 1U U a. m.j 2 .11 and 5 2D
p in,
IS THE thief of time. You will realize this about
nine o'clock on the evening of December 24th,
when you are pushed to the right and jostled to
the left, by an eager, anxious crowd of late Xmas
shoppers. Just a few heips toward tilling out the
vacant places in that long shopping list. It will
pay you to purchase today. Save your time and
Handkerchiefs, plain and lace 10c to SS.00
Fans, Silk, Lace, etc 50c to S4-0D
Umbrellas In the very newest designs, with the Initial En
graved Free.
$1.00 to $15.00 Each
Women's Neckwear, Laces, Belts, Waist Patterns, in f.ict
everything a womjn needs. Dressing Jackets and Kom
onas in beautiful colors and cloths.
98c to $10 Each
Neckwear, Handkerchiefs, Glo es, Umbrellas, etc., in Men's
Furnishing Department. Prices as low as dependable goods
arc sold for.
New shipment of silver purses and Xmas Handkerchiefs.
Note Window Display.
Goldsmith's Bazaar
A Useful Christmas Gift
I Our Handy
i Laundry Bags
If you want to make the head of a family or a
bachelor or a spinster haDpy, buy oue of these
Handy Laundry Bag9.
I There are Two Ways.
eld, Scoff
126 Wyoming Avonue.
Store Will Be Open Evenings Until Christmns.
I l.lill'lllllHltfftlllliUIIIIIlilll,linill1TfWlil'i '' I'.lj Mi,"!, I'J I", HMEUWMpS
of sending one's linen to the laundry 52 times
a year. Looking f r string and paper is one
way, and simply placing linen in the Handy
Laundry Bag is the other aud easier way. Bags
have plate for name aud address, insuring you
agamst loss in transit, aud are made of strong
est cauvass, specially manufactured for us in
red, blue, white aud brown. Ask to see them at
Art Counter.
Price $1.
for Something
is, s 11. (ns, in n
: 1 2.7, a 10, 7.43,
1 01 tt ilkes IJarrr-0 "S,
a. ni.; U0i, 112, -2 1?,
10 41. 11 , II. 111.
l'ur j V. it It. roints G3S, OSS a. m.; 2.18,
4.!!7 anil 11 SO p in
for 1'inn-th.nn i H. ft. I'olnli 0 33, 0.13 a.
m ; 1.42, 1 2S md 4 S7 p 111
lor Albany and jII nninU north (1 JO a. m.
and S fi.! . in.
Tor Ciil'imdalc S VI, 11...J j. in.; 2 31, a 52,
Sf! and lt&2 p m
1 or 1 ilkc- 11 nrt 0 3S a. m ; 12.01, 1 5S, tl 23.
C52 and M2 p. in.
1'or Albinj mil points lmrtli :t 52 p. in.
l'oi Hum 'dili s 50 a in arid I "2 p. rn.
IV. Ii l'KYOlt, D. I'. A , bLianton, Pa.
New Jersey Centinl.
In lincit .Sen. 17. 1001.
MutiotH in Nt Yuri., foot of Liberty tlrcet
aid South len.i, N. II.
Triins Iiavo iu niton fJr Jftw Yorl , PhilaiM
pliia, 1 a ton, Ilollilrlion, Allintimu, M iiich
I hunk, Mliitu llaiui, Alik and ttllkis Hiiro it
7.J0 a in , 1 p. in. and I p. in. Mindij, 2 10 p in
() City 1 pu s leiies biraninn at 7.,0
a. m , tliroiuli bolld itlliiile trim with I'ullinin
llulkt l'ailoi Cm, kr l'lill ido'plui
1'or Ao(a, l'llts'on and M kit Iljuc, 1 p. m.
and I p in. himl.i, 2 10 p in.
1'or Ion.' Iliuncli, On an Croe, etc., 730 a.
ip. in d 1 p. in.
I'.r Hi-adi"!!. I clinnon and Ilanislmrj;, ii Al
ii iitoiui, at 7.!.0 a. ill. and 1 p m. iMiiuli.i,
2 10 p in.
I oi l'nttsillc at I "0i m ind 1 p. m
1 or ram ind tickets appli to .ucnt at i-titlon
C V. Ill 111', Gin. I'a". irt.
V. XV. WI.S1Z. Cm. bupt.
Delawnie, Lackawanna and Westom.
In Kftcct Nov. :;, I'JOl
Trains leiM' (vriiiton for New York At 1.10.
3.15, 0.U5, 7.50 and 10 Oi a. in : 12 Ti, ... ID, 113
p in. l'oi Ini oik .mil I'liiladLipliia 7 5'J,
10 (H a. in., md 12 13 and 3 31 p. in. 1 oi Toll
liiim 1 At 0.10 p in. I'm Ilullilo 1.15, I. 22 and
Uixi a ni.; I.Sj, ii M) nml II .." p. in. lor Uliu'
luuiiun aud m i station-, 10 20 a. in. and 1,10
p. in. 1'or, S.w iui'i and Utii 11.15 and
u22 a. in.; 155 p. m. Owi','o, hjrauioo md
I't ca lialn at 0 22 n. in. daVj, ectpt biindii.
1'or Munlioi U 00 a, in.; 1 lo and o 50 p. in,
Mdiol-on aicoiiiiiioilitton 1,00 and i, li p nu
llioiiuibum UnI-,1011 l'oi Voitliiiiu'jiiland, it
0 "j and 10 01 a. in.; 1 So and il li p. m. lor
Piviiiiiitli, it M0 a. in ; J.40 and 000 p. in.
sundii lialn-. loi .V(v ork, 1,1), .115, (1.03
aud 10.05 a, in.; .1.10, 3 "I p. In. I'or lliilkiio I 15
and 0 22 a. ill ; 1.55, (150 and 11',5 p. in. 1'or
llmchimtuii ami ij 6tation- 10.20 a. m.
IliuuiuliiiiK Division I.rao fcuauton, 10 03 a.
in, and 0 10 p. m.
Pennsylvania Bailroad.
f-cliediilu In HITett June 2, 1001,
Trains leave hinnton: AM a in., week davs,
tluouJi vi.tibule triin from Wllltes-llirn-. pull.
man lmlli.t pailoi tar and toaUus to l'lill iU,l.
1 hi i, vli I'oimille; tlop at iiini-Ipil inurine.
illJlo station.-,, AIj-o ruiiuita for Muilnity, II i.
H-liiii'i.', Philadelphia, llaltlinui, Uasiiintoii anil
for IMtl-ilnir and llu- vic.t,
O.'ls a. in., will, dava, for Riinbiiry, IlanNburu",
I'lillaiklpl li, llaltinioie, Valiin'toii and I'ltu,.
binir an I the west.
1,12 p, in , vvuk dajs (Suudavs. 1.5S p. m,),
foi i-iiiilHir)'. HitiMiiiiir, I'hllailifplili, Ililtiuure,
Uashlu.-ti'ii li ud I'llt-lnirh- nml the wt,
i!2S p. in i etk (Ijvn, iluoiuh uMlbiile triln
fiom Wilkii.llirii. I'ullinm ImlTtt pirlm iprand
loirhih to 1'hUid, Iplili vil I'otUville, Slop, at
pi'utlpil inteiinediatii i-lutions
1.27 p. in. Mill, dan, for lljloton, Simbury,
llariisliint', I'liiladelplda md I'.tt.lmrtr.
J, II. Iiriniiwiv. den. Mu'r.
,1, I), OOI), Hi n. I'an, At,
Now Yoik, Ontario and Western,
In Kfleet Tued i.v. Sept, 17, 1W1.
Mlltlll l!OLM
U no Iiiavo Airlvo
Triln. Stranton. Cirlmndale, Cidojii.
No. I 10 .:o i. in, II. 10a, 'ii. 1 iip, in.
No. 7 0.10 p in. Ar t'irlioudileU 10 p. in.
-DUIIl l!ULD. '
l.i no l.iavn Arilva
1'ialnf. Cadu.ia. f'arl,ondali, Vr niton.
No. 0 ., 7 IK1 a. in. 7.10a. in.
.So, 2 2 Up. in. loop in. MOp.m,
I . ... .', rr-vv . i
I Sl'$?fiR A V Bfll m bn v rl
Well, here it is; our Chafing Dishes. You can't really
imagine how desirable they are till ou see them. We have
what everybody wants, and have it different from what every- Ij.
bodv else has.
We have a popular Dish, at the popular price of $-1.50. .j.
Everything else in nickel-plated ware that is useful for the
I- "Pzw
I HIB ml
to Torn up?
table. Coffee and Tea Pols, Baking Dishes with enameled in- ?
ncr dish, Serving Trays, Crumb Trays and Scrapers. j
Odds and ends of our Silver-Plated Ware at cut prices, to
close out this line of goods. ;.
k Holiday Sale of Furs f
Misses' and Ciildren's Sets of Angora, Badger,
Raccoon, Oppossuin, Sable aud Chinchilla; from 98c
to $8.98.
500 La lies' Cluster Scarfs of Sable, Fox, Op
possum, Stone Marten. Brown Marteu, Beaver aud
Electric Seal; from $1.98 to $4.98.
Matched ud Sets, of the best Lvnx, Fox aud
Bear B a and Muff; from $9.98 to $49.98.
Separate Muffs of all kinds, large sizes; from
$3.49 to $19.98.
.$ $SgrStore Open Evenings Until Christmas, g
General Agent lor the Wyomict District (or
Dupont's Powder
Hlning, B1.tinir. Sportlnjr, Smol,elew nd the
Rcpaimo Chemical Company's
Eafety Fuse, Capi and Kxplcdcn Koom 401 Con
ncll Uuilding .Scrfitcn.
tiios. ronn ,
Booms 1 and2,Com,ltli B'l'd'f.
Open E idlings. Green Trading Stamps with
I'HSh Salts.
IVIears Building.
" ? ! ! . .i .;.
flining and Blasting
Mi' da at Mooalo mad Rush isit vVorlu,
El ctrlo rtntlsrlea, Kleotrtn ICxolaitr
oxplodliii DUdti, o.ifuty Fujs i U
Reuauno Chsmlsa! Co.'s ux;"on,,Vc
ifor Credit.
No Extra
SUMUb DMA, .NOItl'll UOU.Mi.
No. u m
Nu. 5 ,,
So U
.No 10,
1. 1' HI! I.L.I1U Virlia
Stiunluii, C.irlinlilo. t ilusii,
,, .lU. in. P. U ii in, 10 3 4, ,,
,, T.W p. m i t arlioudalc T,W p. ni.
aiilll iiul'i1I.
I.i4(j .rrlo
l arliundalo. Su iiiton.
7 ll a. in. 7 10 a. in.
0.UO p. in c 15 p. m.
1 'M p. in
1'uliu No. 1 on unl. daw. uud U cu Sun.Uw'
iiuU nun llro lonnicllon. lor .Nn Voik ilij.
Jllddklouii, Walton, .Norlili, Oiuida, Ojwoj)
and all point t uit
For liitllur Infoinntion, (onult tUkvt aiicnls.
J V. AM.IIMIV, (! I', A., .New lork.
J, il. WII.&II. T. 1'. ,, vrJiitui, J'.i.
Eiie Kntlioad, Vyoming Division.
'i"ralin lor Vc-w Vork, Nculiursli and intiiino.
diatv iioinli ltie fc'ii intun as follou.; 7,'.g a.
in .; 'J .'' p. in
ArrhuN 10 ai a. in fimn Mldd'ctoun, Hours
dale, II i" lev and liiU'rmulljh' points: U JO p. in.
fiom Km York, Keutiurtjli and inUriuudlate
points. No buudjy trjliu.
Thonuia McCulic Uullfloa as bonds
men for Median.
Buy Practical iffsClothingIIatsSIioes
Buy them here, and have them charged.
Pay for your Christmas Gifts by our convenient system. We
won't charge you extra for credit. Our Store is just chock full of the
kind of clothing that no one need be ashamed to give or receive.
Pay us a visit and let us show you our stock of fine Furs,
feiMuffs, Electric Seal Jackets, Silk, Satin and Flannel Waists our
stylish Man-Tailored Suits and graceful skirts. Jackets in all popular
lengths and Shoes. A pair of fine Shoes would make a
fine present.
For the Ma8e Sex: Suits, Overcoats, Trousers,
Hats, Shoes, for Boys, Youths, and Hen.
28 Big- Stores of Style, Quality and Credit.
Peoples' Credit Clothing Co.
317 Lackawanna Avenue,
Open Evenings. Second Floor.
JPrM ViiVl I i