The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 20, 1901, Image 1
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmammmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmimimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmfmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmammmimmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm K$w. gj - , .--''. rt . - i . - ---,- ,--- , . K'KW "I M rimtiie. cmHuoit i vl THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OITHEASSOaATEDTRESS.JTHR GRJETESTTAVAGENCYJN THE WORLD. TWO CENTS. TWELVE RAGES SCKANTON, PA., .FlUDAV MOJKNIiNU, DECEMBER 20, 1901. TWELVE RAGES TWO CENTS. FILIPINOS A General Chaffee's Review Speaks ot Their Veru Peculiar Characteristics. A PEOPLE THAT CAN NEVER BE TRUSTED History Affords No Parallel of a Nation of Such Traitorous In stincts and Such Masterful Powers of Secrecy No Powerful State Wns Ever Erected Upon Such Immoral ond Unenlightened Foundations. Recentf Executions Case of Do Posoy. Ay Inclusive Wire from The Associated I' Washington, Dec. 19. "History af fords no parallel of a whole people thus practically turning war traitors, and In the gen 'us of no other people was ever found such masterful powers of secrecy and dissimilation, but It Is needless to say that no powerful state was ever erected or ever can be erect ed upon such Immoral and unenlight ened foundations." This statement is made by General Chaffee, military gov ernor of the Phil'pplnes, in a review of one of a number of court martial cases in the Islands, the records of which have been received at the war department. The case which brought forth this comment from General Chaffee was one wherein seven natives xver tripd jointly on a change of murder. The ac- . cused were soldiers in the Insurgent ! army and after defeat by the Amer'can ' army in the Held abandoned even the show of open opporltlou such as the half uniformed guerilla bands make nnd took up their residence at Taytay, in Luzon, a p'acc protected by an Amcrlcnn srarrlson, then following the proclaimed policy of the insurgent chlrfs, they proceeded to orr-aii'ze se cretly a Holo band. Wh"ii authoriza tion had been given to establish civil i government, the band came forward ; under the leadership of a resident padre i nnd were elected municipal ofllcers of Taytay. Then ensud a remarkable attempt to serve two masters. In all lawful matters they served with due appearance of loyalty, the American government, while at the same time they labored secretly and d'llgently in the Interests of l he Insurrection. This dual form of irnvernirent, says General Chaffee, existed everywhere, lit strong ly garrisoned cities like Manila as well ns the smallest barrio. The municipal ofllcers of Taytay next entered upon a series of murders and continued their d"adly work until the grow'ng number of mysterious disappearances led to the discovery of the perpetrators by the ! American authorities. "One undeniable truth," says Gen eral Chaffee, "stands out In this cne as In hundreds of like cases of mur der, thnt the average native of these Islands has not more thun the merest rudimentary conception of his indi vidual lights and duties n a man: nnd no one knows this so well as the wily chiefs who use him for their ne farious purposes." Six of the seven natives were sentenced to be hanged, but General Chaffee commuted the sentence of three of them to Imprison ment at hard labor for life. De Posoy's Defense. The .seventh native. Leonardo De Posoy, a regularly ordained priest, asked for anil was granted a separate trial. When Taytay was Riven a per manent garrison of American troops, De I'ofoy wan there In the regular pursuit of his calling us curate of the Pueblo. Through his advantages of education, his spiritual relations with the people, and his active Interest In t-cculnr affairs, he was easily the most lutluentlal man In the community. Ho cultivated the good will of the Ameri can olllcers and promised to aid thPin In Keeping peace. Hut when the elec tions to American civil government of fices were held, he put forward and caused to bo elected as president one Caledonia Javier, whom General C'httf teo describes as an "Illiterate nnd big oted man," whom De Posoy well know wok an otllcer of Insurgents and whom ho commended to the people as the best man for the oillcv, because nc was "bold," At his trial, He Posoy, who was held to be the chief agent In the Taytay murders, took advantage of the loop hole which appeared to be afforded by his position as priest, by contending that while the participators in the wholesale murders In Taytay would confess the same at confessional, ho wa compelled by his sacred olllcu to keep silence, General Chaffee pronounced this de fenso of no value, saying that "the con fesslonal docs not lay upon any limiJi priest or layman, the obligation of sup. pressing Knowledge of crimes being committed by third parties, tho con summation of which could have been prevented without violating the secrecy of the confessional." In this particular case, It Is stated, tho knowledge of the crimes was brought directly to tho priest's notice and was not gained through the con fessional. General Chaffee confirmed the sentence of death Imposed by the court-martial which tried Do Posoy, but commuted tho sentence to twenty years' llmprlsonmcnt at hard labor, "out of litis respect for his calling and for the urcat religious organization of which lio Is a most unworthy member." Said icnerul Chaffee, In concluding his re- lew; "No person living lit these lnl. kds can be permitted to plead his fce, however sacred or exalted, as a loctlou for crimes committed." RACE OF DEGENERATES TO CONTEST TRUSTS. Representative Jenkins of Wiscon sin Introduces a Bill. Ily Exclusive Wiie from The Associated TrcM. Washington, Dec. 19. Representative Jenkins, of Wisconsin, who proposed a constitutional amendment to control trusts, In the last congress, today In troduced a measure of similar char acter, providing for u constitutional titncndnicnt providing that "congress shall have power to regulate connnei co in the United States. "All private corporations, co-partnerships and joint stock companies In the United States shall be under the con trol of congress. "Congress shall have power In the United States to regulate, control, pro' hlblt and dissolve all contracts and combinations in restraint of trade or commerce. "In absence of legislation by congress pursuant to this article, all powers con ferred upon congress by this article may bi exercised by the several states." COAL FAMINE THREATENS CHICAGO Big Consumers Are Begging Ship pers to Supply Them Railroads Appropriate Small Cars. By K.-iclushc Wac from The Associated Press. Chicago, Dec. If'. Chicago is f.tnrini; n coal famine In the face, and 15 de grees below aero are predicted by tho weather bureau within -I hours. Throughout the entire city big .eo-i-taimcrs of hard and soft coal ore bcr glng shippers to supply but without avail. Tho severe weather and the foods throughout the coal mining cV.s trlcts have tied up railroads to such an extent that bhlpnioiit is almost Im possible. To add to the serious shortage rail road companies are exerting their pre rogative of confiscating car lots of ccal as fust as they arrive hero and are putting them to their own use. Large business houses and suffering severely for the want ot coal ami many concerns ate hampered by reason of insutllelont steam power Today many owners of large buildings were besieg ing coal dealers and begging that they be supplied with enough coal to tide over the zero weather. CONGRESS ADJOURNS FOR HOLIDAY RECESS Special Order Is Made for Consider ation of the Nicaragua Canal Eill in House Jan. 7. Dy Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Washington, Dee. 1U. In tho absence of Mr. I'lye. of Maine, pro tern, Mr. Perkins, of Cali fornia, presided over today's session of tho cn ate. The Mil temporal Ily to provide revenues for the Philippine in'and-;. which was passed li the, hou-e yesterday was referred to the committal! on the? Philippines. At 12,t0 the &cnalc, on mo tlmof Mr, Male, went into cveeutlva sesilou, and at 1 p. m. adjourned until J.m. C, llKri, before the hou-e ai'Jouincd today out the holh'.iy Iciosv a .-pedal order win nude for tie i-oiwderath.n of the Nhai.uu.1 bill bei;in iilni on Tuwday, ,ljn. 7, and to continue un til the hill is di.piv.ed "f, tho older, not, bow (vcr, to Intetfer.' -.villi menu-' or nppioprlathn Mill The .Siiou of the limtvj was htlef, lie major p-iltion of the time beliie; occupied by Mr. DcAlimuicI, of Missouri, in Iil.ll.ln- .1 pel tonal explanation io;.',iii!ii-.r reports ciniil.iled in Ids ill.-liid coiicc-mliicr his inuise in the t t of tin extension f th. iiual free dtllwi.v. Mr, D.'Aimui'il, mild Mnti-uuiits had lien male that he had nitlnn upon rural five ddively mill mutes he'd up while he was In the Philippines, hut tlu-e who had made stall ilatuim nU had lied, lie ileohued tint the post office clepi'.t inent h'ld not tieated him In ,t tnanlv wav. Mr. PeAimond hutted that liN letter to tho pootmastci had l.een held up and In the course of his minus said lie wondered If the postmaster (,' who wa, leaving tho depart ment was dolus: so bee-aim- he wis weary cf tr.v lug to fclve the rural free dt lively patronise problem. He a.-,oih'd tint the course cf the ilrp.iitmcnt w.n In the interest of certain Iiowm In Missouri. No in linn w.h taken on his bUtrmcnf, Allci tin1 aineiiii'iit lor the rnidi ration of the Ntc.ilJKiM eantl hill inter the holidiy l-e.-n the liouu lit 12,11 i.djouriicd until Jan, V, ltm.!. Prisoners May Pait Their Hair. Ily Cxtlu.'lu1 Wire from The .Uioel.ilcd Press, Albany. P,c. ID. -Supirli lindiiit of Slate I'lls. phi t Villus K-ned an nuli-r lodiy piohlblllnr the rutllm; of convict' lull- with clipper, and d. iic-tlnir tint prisoners In- pirmllted to wear tiulv hair of null luu-ili us t f able to rare It ploieil.v. Then luive lein ladlejl chanei in dlM-lplliie In the New Voil; tlate (iilsniis In If. i cm jcars, Mr, Colliui t.iya Hut these ihuuej iiiii-I nut 1 1- uiideislood us ,i lelixatiori of dis cipline. Mine Workers Arrested. Ily llxi'Iimho Wire fioiu 'he Ansoelalcd I'icsi. Mjdlsontllle, in,., per, ii.-VK-n I'lci'ih-nt lub.v, of the I'lilMd .Mine Wmliein 01 ,n-i i, 'I'n.iilyililid illstrh-t, v.n uiic sl,-J a-. Ic wu client to board a train todiy lor lien lio;i,, Wood, lil-.'in.'i r ami oilier union nun weie indh-Uil by the Wilntci- county .'land Jury at llhoii .wvliTilay u InlUK aiccssoiies hemre the fact for imuder In the recent luiu.-iY liut. -- - Steamship Arrivals. Ily Kxelutlw! Wire from 'Ihe Ainoclatcsl I'nvi, Xi-w Virh, Dee. 19. Alllvcili (hrmaiilc, ill'ool. Hailed! I J Iheluxne, llavie, N'jplej.--Aiihidi Allen, .New vrk lor ll--mu. Ilainbiii- Aiiivi-d: Deiilscldand, New Voili. I(ur.'i, lowii Sallcsli M.ic.,tie, (tiom l.lceipool), N'cw Yolk. I.laid l'.isedi l.'Aijultalne, N'cw Vmlc for llatie. Sellly l'xssedi Kilser Wllliclm Per (iionse, New Verk hi Hitmen. Appointed Domestic Prelates. Ily i:clusiw- Wire from The Avsoolated 1'icss. JUnlsburs, Dec. 10. hmlit llev. John W. Sluiulun this alternooii incih) public? the lc:t that u rlet o Iairiliuru', the Uev. W. ('. I'ieper, pa.tuv of ihe Holy 'filnlty churcn of Columbia, a been tppoLnted doincvtlo p-ehta by the pope. f a NO BIDS FOR MINT SITE. And the Philadelphia Auctioneer Announced No Sale. Ily KjcIihIvo Wire from The Associated t'icss. Philadelphia, Dec. 19. The old 1'nltcd States mint site on Chestnut street, be low Uroad, was offered for sale at auc tion this afternoon, but no genuine bids were received. Secretary of the Treas ury Lyman J. Gage was present. He declined to say anything concerning tho attempted sale. When the site was offered by the auc tioneer, two voices In the crowd bid a million and a half dollars, but as they were below the upset price of two mill ion dollars, set by the government, no attention was paid to them. The auc tioneer then announced no sale. Secre tary Cage repaired to the Union league, where he was the guest of the president of that organization. ROOSEVELT RECOMMENDS A FOREST RESERVE Suggests the Southern Apalachinn Region a Proper Locality for a Hardwood Beserve. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Washington, Dec. ID. President ltoose velt today sent to . congress a letter strongly commending the plan for a national forest reserve In the .South ern Apalachtan region. The letter ac companied the report of the secretary of agriculture on this subject. Tho president states that the facts set forth an economic need of prime Importance to the south, and hence to the nation as a whole, and they point to the ne cessity of protecting, through wise use, a mountain region whose influence flows fur beyond Its borders with the waters of the rivers to which It gives rise. After referring to the marvelous vari ety and richness of plant growth In this region, the president says it is unsur passed for purposes of a hardwood re serve, and he earnestly commends the project to congress. BARON TOLL IS IN WINTER QUARTERS The Artie Explorer Has Established a Camp on the Nerpenskya River. By Kxclutfro Wire from The Associated PrcM. St. Petersburg, Dec. 19. Baron Toll, the arctic explorer, telegraphing via Yakootslc, East Siberia, says his winter quarters have been established on the Nerpenskaya coast, in tho neighbor hood or the Lena Delta, and that nn observation station has been opened at Kotelnys (Kotelnltch) islands. During the summer the expedition reached latitude 77.32 In the New Siberia Islands. Karon Toll Is tho leader of an expedi tion to explore the New Siberia islands. It was intended to spend last winter on the Talmyu peninsula and, if possible, to circumnavigate thu Islands during the summer. MYSTERY OP HAY'S DEATH. Contractor Mortenscn Arrested on Suspicion No Trace of Money. By i:cluslve Wire from The Associated I'rciu. Salt Lake, Utah. Dec. 19. Tho mys tery of the death of James It. Hav, secretary of the Pacific Lumber com pany, whose body was found yesterday burled In a. shallow trench In a field on the outskirts of the city, remains un solved. No trace of the $n,S00 which he is said to have collected from Peter Jlortensen, a contractor, on Monday night, has been found. Mortenscn, who was arrested yester day on suspicion of complicity In the evident murder of young Hay, still stoutly denies his guilt or any knowl edge whatever of the way In which Hay met his death. Mortenscn asserts he will bo able to prove a perfect alibi, COACH JUMPS THE RAILS A Dozen or More Passengers Are Injured in an Accident on the Pittsburg and Erie. By r.xtlusive Wire from The Associated Press. Sharon, Pit,, Dec, 19, An accident oc curred on the Pittsburg, Uessemer and Lake Erie railroad todoy, by which a dozen passengeis were more or less In jured, none, howover, fatally. Those most seriously hurt nre; l'ranl; Davy, icsld.u'u not known; i-calp cut, iujuieil internally, taken to li'-.-plul at Mir- (iconic Mahoney, Sharon, travclliitr .salcvuin, Icks unci left ld.' cut. Mid, Kllzahc-th Haywood, of Mticcr, ulihv, of loiiiur State Tiv.iuirr 1), J, llaywocd, tut on body, not K-rlously, Thoro were ninny persons painfully cut by Hying glass and bruised by lie lug thrown agulust tho seats in the ear. The accident occurred at Hous ton Junction, u short illstauco from .Mercer, Tho train wits being shifted from a switch to thu main lino. All the coaches on the train passed safely over the switch except one, a day coach, It Jumped' the rails, Jolted over the ties a short illstauco ami then turned completely over, rolling against u locomotive that was slaud lug on a side Muck. All tho passen gers were hurled from their seats and the car was badly wrecked, Big Pire at Huntingdon, Ily I'.xcluslvu Wiie fumi The Atowiatcd Press. Iluullnirdon, li., .-c. i. r'iio tonlrht c!e. ttioycd the opera lioiu-o block, inclu'lln the Jtoics if A. K Mullln, C, (. t.-ad, cliuec;l.t; . V. Yodel, noveltlc.; .1. II. I'oit, .oiilnih u cr, -and the A(i dep.iiinieiil ttoic. I.os-, 'rl-'V 000; paillally insured. fc'ewall's Condition Critical. By Kxclutho Wire- from Tho Associated Tret. Camden, X. J,, Pee. Ill 'Ihe condition ( I'ni ted Statu Senator William ,1. hcwell tiriljjht ic critical, lie hid u blnUiij,- t-pell late UiU utter Boon. His family aud two po)ielau ;'im iu mutant uttciiiiancc. MR. GAGE ON BANKING fln Abstract of the Address Before tlie New York Bankers' Association. POINTS OUT THE DEFECTS The Weakness of Our System, He Says, Is in the Isolation and in the Entire Separatencss of the Individual Rnnk3 Over tho Coun tryMr. Gage Urge3 n Eeform of the Currency System Along Lines Outlined in His Report to Con gress. by Exclusive Wire from The Associated Pfesj, New York, Dee. 19. The secretary of the treasury, Lyman J. Gage, was the guest of honor nnd the principal speaker at the annual banquet of Group S of the New YTork State Ban kers' association, held tonight at the "Waldorf- Astoria. Nearly five hun dred members of the association and their guests were present. George F. Laker, president of the First National batik, acted us toastmaster. Uesides Secretary Gage, the speakers weie: Kx-Speaker Thomas 15. Iteed, the Ilex. Dr. Donald Sage Muckay, x-.Iudgu Henry K. Ilowland aud Amos Parker "Wilder. The toasts to which the re sponded were, respectively: "Business and Legislation," "The Corporate Con science and the Men Who Help io Make It," "Lawyers and Financiers." and "The West and the Money Power." It was 10 o'clock when Mr. Gngo arose to speak, and he was heartily greeted by the diners. Secretury Gage said in part: "It is a strange anomaly that while In nearly every other department of life Improvement Is the Indispensable rule, in the great field of banking, finance and exchange, we go en with an Indifferent regard to the handicap Imposed by defective methods and dis miss with little consideration sugges tions, which, if adopted, would ad vance society and business affairs in the great economic -field of Industry and exchange. The evidences of im provement in all other departments of life nre manifest on every hand. Old machinery is thrown away." "In my late report to congress," Mr. Gage continued, "I took occasion to call attention to the subject ot banking and currency, to point out what I believe to be defects In both, and to suggest sonic improvements In each which I believe are absolutely necessary In or der to put us Into safe and strong com petitive relations with those better equipped than wo are in that system of machinery by which credit Is mado as useful as capita!, and by which the products of human industry are ex changed for each other. I want to ex cite in your minds an interest In the great subject. "In the report referred to attention was called to what I consider the fun damental weakness of our banking sys tem in tho United States. There was explained the function tho bank per forms ns an intermediary through which credit is made available to production and Industry and thus given n power scarcely less great than the power of cnpltal Itself. An effort was made to show, In the words of a very clear writer upon the subject of banking, that the bank Is an institu tion to 'swap' Its credit for the credit of other members of the community, which, except for the ofllcers of the bank, would be not available for tho uses of life; and, in parsing tills point, lot me repent a suggestion made a day or two since by a gentleman who said the nomenclature of the street ought to bo changed. 'Wo read all tho time,' ho said, 'of the rates for money. To day money Is quoted at 2 per cent., to morrow :i, and next day G; to be fol lowed perhaps by a rate as high as 10 or 12; and people become alarmed about the seareUy of money as Indicated by these high rates, when substantially there has been no change In the vol ume, either in tho hands of the people, or remaining under tho control of the banks. What ought to be quoted Is not money but credit. What Is tho price of credit, stated In the terms of Interest? It Is credit that Is getting dllllctilt, not nctual money that is be coming scarce,' Weakness of Our System, "Tito weakness of our banking sys tem Is In the Isolation and entire sep iiratencss of the Individual b.uiKs over the country. When a period of dis trust or doubt comes over the land, there Is it welting of personal safety through that general Instinct of self preservation, which drives men In a confused ipnes over each other at tho cry ol 'lire' In the theatre, I ventured to suggest a system of coalition be tween Individual members of the haul; lug community through the country Into one central Institution, with con venient branches In the larger cities, In which all banks should be related or Interested, according to their individual lvlntlvo Importance, and width In a certain sense should represent to tho banking Interests of tho country what tho federal government represents In our politic itl system. Oreat prejudice, ( know, exists against tho aggregation of great wealth In tho hands of lew men. Happily It Is the law of nature that larger gains and better advant ages can be secured to aggregated wealth by serving faithfully tho com mon Interests than by exploiting the community through a system of theft and robbery," The secretary urged that there be a reform of tho currency system of the nation along the lines outlined In his report to congress, and declared that no time is more favorain than thu present for the judicious revision of thu laws. Ho told ot the reduction of tho Interest charge on the uatlouul debt, and commenting upon it, said: "The cash under the control of the government In larger than at any previ ous time In Us history, so large, indeed, as to cause anxiety In your minds and In the minds of those more Immedi ately responsible for government llnances. Tho financial strength of tho government Is now unsurpassed. Other nations, struggling with debt or Involved In the enormous expenditures Incidental to actual war or In the maintenance of great armies, look with envious eyes upon tho happy condition of this people. Hut times chunge, events succeed events, and the brightness of the sun today Is often obscured by tho clouds that arise tomorrow. In periods of strength and prosperity it Is the part of wisdom to make provision against possible future periods ot stress and strain," CHIEF ARTHUR ON LABOR CONFERENCE Thinks Success Will Depend Upon the Men Who Are Yet to Be Selected. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press, Cleveland, O., Dec. 19. P. M. Arthur, grand chief of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, when asked to night what ho thought would be the effect on strikes ot the labor conference In New York, said; "I have very little to say In regard to tlte conference, t want to wait and see what they do before I express an opinion. The principle of arbitration, on which their plan Is based, Is all right. I have always been an advocate of arbitration. "Whether this attempt to apply suc ceeds or not will depend altogether on the kind of men who are chosen to hold the decisive votes. If they select men who are familiar with the situation to hold the balance between the employers and the leaders of the employed, they may -be successful. Those twelve men xvho make the third of that proposed board must be men xvho do understand what they are dealing xvlth, or their I xx-ork will amount to nothing. I "The Idea of bringing the employer I and the employe together is a good one. I have always believed that the two should cet closer. The best remedy for trouble is In nn honest nppl'catlon of the golden rule on both sides. If that is even attempted by both tho parties to a disagreement the result must bo at least some modification of their dif ferences. The best thing to do Is to wait aid let the result of the movement Inaugurated by the conference prove xvhnt measures or success will attend the nexv plan." Max Hayes, a prominent locul social ist characterized the conference as I humbug and states that no xvorklntr men of Cleveland take any stock in it. He suys that Its purpose Is political and thnt Nexv York city x-as chosen as a place of meeting so that It xvould be glvpn more publicity than If held else- , where. KANSAS COMMERCIAL CLUB CELEBRATES Wu Ting-fang Among tho Guests at a Banquet in Commemoration of Signing of John Jay Treaty. By Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Kansas City, Ho., Deo. 19. Five hun dred people sat down tonight at the seventh annual banquet of the Com mercial club of Kansas City, held in commemoration of the signing of tho John Jay treaty. It was the most elab orate affair In the history of the club and one of the largest ever held In the city. Wu Ting-fang, tho Chinese min ister, xvas among thu guests. "When Mr. Wu entered thu great ban quet hall he was accorded a most en thusiastic reception, half a thousand men rising and waving a welcome xvlth miniature Chinese Hags. Toasts were responded to ns follows: "Trade itelatlons with China." Wu Ting-fang; "Thu United States Army," Hon, Arthur MacArthur; "The Louisi ana Purchase," F. W. Lehman, of St. Louis; "The Old Flag and the New," Hon. John M. Allen, of Mississippi. POLICE WARDEN ON TRIAL. Edward G. Glennon Indicted for Neglect of Duty. liy K.xelusive Wire from The Associated Press, New York, Pec. 19. The case of I Police Warden ICdward G. Glennon, of tho Thirtieth street, or "tenderloin" I'ollca station was begun before He corder Golf In the court of general ses sions today. Glennon was indicted for neglect of duty In falling to suppress an alleged disorderly house in West L'Urd street. Tho statu called witnesses to provn that the house xvas u disorderly one I and that Glennon had been ordered to closo it. Thu court ordered '.hat the jury bo locked up for the night, Glen- ti.,,1 cc-iiu M.ttit lie tilt. nnmt In 111.. ! Tombs until morning. Bookkeeper Arrested. Ily llxdiudvo lie from The .taoutatdl l'i" N'cw Yolk, Pec, 111, fhailes I', Chipp, I'.-iuicr. ly a luukktrpi-r In the oll'.cc ol the collector of u.-wmcnts and aile.uv, a hiamh of the ioiiip tlollu'ii cfllce, was t'lic-tcd todiy, ch-a.-ed with th? 1.IIICII.V of is-.'.".,, 'I hit Is tin- l'Cvi!I.J ch.iruc, hut alleitc-d piiulatioM s lliipp ii-.-it. t'.ate i .11,000, It li laid, aud povlhly inuih iii-mc, The aucst u.u uijile at the in.-MMe of the 'I li nk! .iltoriic; 'n uliUc, Euglish Lawyer's Mis-approprlationa by Uxcliislve Wire from The Aoeijlci I'teti. London, Dee. !. Aitlnir Btopford l-'ranrU, .1 lavvjrr, who, until iiccidl.v, had .1 number cf wealthy and Jiistocratlc iliciit, v.n jrrc-ti-,1 to day on a win-nut ciuiuiiic; him ulili uri.ip;m prlatlnLT .t'.Vmt) cf tnut tunds hi-ioiiqluc to tho I'oiuite's of Orkney. .Iu..t juior t lib wit IViiniU had appealed III ll.u haukiitpti.v cmii'l, where Id exjuiiii'Khn lil.ciuwd an Indchtcd'ioi of C7S,, ultli aiii"ts iv,t limited ut XI'V"). Corporations Chartered. Ily Exclusive vlie fiom The A-nodjted 1'iej. lUrrh-bury. I We, Ui.--tiijittis were p-ajul 31 tin- state dopJiliiMit today jv tollous- The Al ;ohl Tralll-J company, Arnold; capital, c.ica The Atirum "oi .Stove cciiipiiiy, I'hlladdph'j; capital, IW,0"1. Columbia lanid c-omiunv, rilUburtfi capitut, .fl.WO. Tho llaiutor Flrni tuul Slate company, llangor; capital, ?1U,0W. FATAL CRASH ON SOUTHERN PACIFIC ADMIRAL SCHLEY'S CASE The Navy Has not Yet Propared Its Answer to Bill of Objections. Uy Exclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Washington, Dec. 19. Tho navy de partment has not yet prepared Its an swer to the bill of objections filed yes terday by counsel for Admiral Schley, hut It Is so far advanced that It will be reudy for delivery tomorrow, Captain Lemly nnd Solicitor Hauna having glx-en a good part of today to the work. The following letter today was ad dressed to Admiral Schley: Navy Department, Office of the Secretary. Pear Sir; The department has received your communication of IStli Inst, wherein you Fluto that If n protest Is filed by Hear Admiral W. T. .Samn-on, relative to the c;ue.tloii of the com mand of the naval forces during the battle of Santiago and credit for tho vlctoty won in the battle, you be accorded an opportunity to pre teivt through jour counsel oial .ircrumcnt against Mich protest. In reply you nre Informed that when soih protest is received jou will be advised of the department's cnncliistoiu. Voars ictpettfully. (Signed) .Mm U. I.oli;?. Itear Admiral W. S. S-h'.ev. EXPLOSION ATPURNACE Ten Men Burned to Death and Four Are Badly Injured. By Kxclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Pittsburg, Dec. 19. Ten men xvurc burned to death and four Injured by an explosion of gas at the Soho fur nnce of Jones & Laughlln. Ltd., In Second ax'cnuo, near Brady street, to day. The explosion xvas caused by a slip in the furnace, the gas and flumes belching upward through the bell. The men were on the furnace platform, elghty-flve feet above ground. The Dead. AXDItKW SI'.III, 20 years old, slf.srlc. (ilCOIKil-: SIIISl'bK, 2S, vifc and two children. (ir.onoi-: skmaoo, :j. tinjie. MiniAHb MII.O. 22. single, MICHAKii (JASUOVICU, 2(1, wife and three chil dren. JOHN JIAZBY, :!7, wife nnd three children. .10I1.N KKRKfKK, 22. klnsle. JOSKPII ritAXKOWiCZ. 211, single. JOIIX KI.OtllAXKA, 2(1, (.incur. r.i'.OItlii: VAUl.O. Sii, wife and thrco children. t The Injured. John Yonshow, 21, tlncle; not expected to le cover, frlitlilfiilly bmncil utiout face and body. John Sibolete, 2ft; not expected to recover, burned all over bedy. Michael I'rtMvlcli, 2H, will recover. John TroloA-;-. There x-ere nineteen men on the fur nace xvhen the explosion occurred. Fif teen of them were caught In the flames. Two of them escaped with slight In juries. The other four xvere the reg ular men employed as top fillers and escaped without Injury. Tho explos'on was caused by the gas becoming encased in a crust of cinder forming at the bottom of the furnace. A xvheelburrow containing ore had been sent up to the men nnd xvhen they went to dump It into the bell of the furnace they pushetl it over too far and It rolled Into tho hopper. The barrow weighed nine hundred pounds and was too heavy for the four men to raise. The flf to. n laborers, all Hungarians, xvere then sent up to assist them. Had it not been for the barrow accident, no one would have been hurt, P'i the regular men know how to protect themselves at such times, ns similar explosions are of frefuent occurrence. The most distressing feature of the disaster was the burning of FranKo w'less. He was seen by tho thousands of people xvho were on their way to xvork, to run to tho platform railing nnd leap into tho nlr. He was a mass of tlames as he xvhlrled through the nlr. He fell on the stock yard shed and liter ally burned to death before the eyes of the crowd tlfty feet below who had no way to reach htm. Tho residents of Second avenue who saw the accident say It wits too horrible to describe. When the explosion occurred, burn ing heaps of cinders settled around the men almost knee deep. Their shrink were terrible, and their frantic ef forts to save themselves were pitiful In tho extreme. Dr. Charles Henry Brent a Bi6hop, Ily KacIiisIvc Wire from The Associated Pic-s, lloton. Pee. ID, The Uev. Dr. Charles Ib'iiry Ilrent, cf hit. Stephen' church in thU city, was today c-oiisccratc-d the ilrt blihop of the I'mtiV. ant 'i:pasipal church in the Philippine Ulands. Tim ccicinony took place in Kiiiinamwl chinch and was alteiulc-d by clcc-u liuhou, ltd of the loner clciirv and a laiitci number of tho liity, IIMup Hit ut v-ill not leave oi the Wand, -intll next li. Cadets Abolish Hazing, ll.v r.M-hi.lvc Wiie from Tim .Wocialcd l'iv, Pclmlt, Mich., Pes-. )!, The cadeu of lha MlchlitJii Mlblaiy academy, ut (iivhiid lak-, today uliiiit.irlly and unanimously adopted loo luti.i'n.s .iiiollhlm; hazlm; and laK'tflm; in ill form.-). Kvcry cadet in the school lcjned thu revolutions ulilcli are timCur to llio advpli-d tonic time iiu by the cadets at West Point. Bill to Pension Mrs. McKinley, Ily Kxehwive Wire from The Awoclalcil 1'icm. Washington, I've. l'- -Snutor lhiiuu todiy Introduced a bill m'.iutlna- u peit-I'm of t.Vlal to .Mrs, McKlnlex, widow M the late pii.d"nt. A bill was Inliodueed by Mr. l'cinoc Kvivlrs; the Kinde cf vice admiial of the navy, and pn iiiollnc Admirals Simpson and Scnley and Cap tain (Tuk t that rani;. Pennsylvania Pensions. Ily Kxclusive Wire from The Associated Press. Washington, Pc. 19. Pension were itranted to I'.dwaid K. Aifiicvv, ef Uraiuje, fil; William S. joiico, of fc'crautuii, fS. North and South Bound Train Gome Tooetlicr Head-on Near Uplands THREE KILLED AND TWENTY-FIVE INJURED Both Engines Are Demolished and the Baggage, Smoking and Chair Cars of the North Bound Train Aro Burned Accident Bue to Fail ure of Engineer Coffey of th North-Bound Train to Follow Out His Orders Txvo Physicians on Trains Attend to the Injured. By KxeluaivcWire from The AisocUlecl I'rcsi. San Francisco, Dec. 19. North and soutli bound Southern Pacific coust limited trains, running between this city and Los Angeles, came together In a head-on collision at Uplands early this morning. A fireman, baggageman and express messenger xvere killed ami twenty-live passengers xvere more or leBs Injured, probably none fatally. The Bead. A. I'llKbl'S, mcsseiifrcr Welh Fargo company. W. GARLAND, fireman on south bound train. TIRUtliim, luKirtifcnian. The Injured. John Jordan, Horbcter, X. V,, bruited on lioail Oeonje Meeker, Bradford, S. P., blight ly cut ore w-rlfts. A. S. Wokrfield, Hiram, Ohio, hand cut. Charles Wasson, Tranquility. Ohio, shaken up. Sirs, (iertnide Stewart, Heller, (Vol., brulwd over eye and neck sprained. Engines Bemolished. Both engines xvere demolished and the baccacn and smoklncr nnd chair I cars ot tho north-bound train xvern burned. None of the passengers or ' cars of the south-bound train xvere in jured. Tho only passengers hurt xvero those in the smoking and day coaches of the north-bound train. In the smoker x-ere half a dozen Italian laborers. Four of them xvere badly bruised and scalded by escaping steam. The accident xvns due. the railway oflicluls say, to the failure of Engineer ColTey, of the north-bound train, to fol low out his orders, xvhtch Instructed him to xvalt at a siding at Uplands until the south-bound passed. Instead of waiting, the train passed the siding at the rate of thirty miles. Half a mile beyond It ran into the south-bound, xvhlch was coming ut an equal rate of speed. Just as the en gines came together tho crews Jumped for their llx'es, all escaping except Fireman Garlan. As he xvas about to leave, the locomotive overturned and he was caught beneath Its mass. The engineers of both trains before jump ing reversed their engines nnd set tho brakes. In the fire which resulted, part of the mail and a number ot express packages were burned. Among the passengers there happened to be txvo physicians, and the Injured received prompt attention, STEAMER BREAKS IN TWO. The Kanawha Bell a Total Wreck. Eight Roustabouts Browned. Ily exclusive Wiie from The As-orlated Prchs. Charlestown, W. Vn Dec. 19, The steamer Kanawha Itell, which runs be tween Charlestown and Slontgomery, wentvejyer lock No. 8 nt Pann Creek on her down trip tonight, broke In two and is a total wreck, Light of tho crew, all deck hands and roustabouts, were droxvned. The ofllcers of the boat xx'ore saved but some of them had nar row escapes. The river has been high for several days. There was a furious current at the lock and the pilot was unable to con trol the boat on approaching It. The steamer Calvert went to the rescue of the survivors and brought them to this city. i ,. . n i .. i PARADE FEATURES ABANDONEX The Breaking of Ground for St. Louis Exposition. Ily r:cliuive Wire irom The AuMeiatcd I'rcw. St. Louis. Dec, 19. IJecause of the unusual severity of tho weather, It wns decided to abandon the parade feature of tint ceremonies attending the break In" of ground on the world's fair site tomorrow. The board of directors will go to tlm grounds in carriages and per ioral the ceremony of breaking ground, Later In the afternoon public cere monies will be held, and it hamiuet vll' be held in the evening. Fire Near Eiie Basin, Ily Inclusive. Wire fiom The Associated Pre. .Vevv York, pee. 111. 'Ihe- pUnt of the .Mat inn. Mamilactuiliiit lompany funllnir cm Uric biiln. Brooklyn, vvaf cleslr-id by lire today anil .laine.s Hall, an ac-d lb.ner, perbhed in the Ilii'U-.. 'Ihe Hie (tinted hi u hlcr tank of ciud- (tl)ic-ilix-, and ruiiimiiiilcitliiit: I" olhcr chemicals there wis a M-rhw ot c.iploidoiH. Tho low tharcd l ihv Maiiou .Maiiuficliului; cmip.uiy and the Belli estate totalled t5,00n, YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. Loral cliti for Pec. 19, 1901: Highest Ic-mpciatuic ,,.,,,,,.., 10 clctjn l.owet fciuiciatuiii ,,,,, ,,,,, 13 denreei Itelative Humidity; S u. a ...,,,,,.,,,,,. SS per cci.t. s. p, m , ,,,,.,,,,,,, M per rent. Piccipltallon, 21 hours ended 8 p. lit, none. 4- i WEATHER FORECAST. -f Washington, Pee. 19. Forecast for I'rb -f- day and Saturday; Uateiu IVumMcaiij 4- -f I-'alr and continued cold r'rldjy and . 4- Saturday; light northwesterly winds. -i- h c 5- ' f