The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 19, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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7vJ4fcvHt'Vw',;YTT?M''V''rV'' J T
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Exhibition Game Will Be Played by
tho Blnck Diamonds and Green
Ridge Wheelmen Harvey-Jones
Wedding Three Funerals Yester
dayAccident nt tho Diamond
Mino Ladles' Lcnguo Fair and
Festival Opened Events of This
Evening Notes and Personals.
An event which has been looked for
ward to with a treat deal of Interest
will occur this evening, when the now
bowling alleys of tho Electric City
wheelmen will be opened for the llrst
time. Ever since tho club took pos
pessfon of their present quarters on
Jaclcson street the boys have labored
untiring to bring about this fea
ture, nnd now that their work Is about
completed, a full measure of praise
tshould bo meted out to them.
Tho culmination of such an immense
undertaking has devolved upon nil of
the members, but to W. llayden Evans
belongs especial credit for individual
work, which ho hns performed In con
nection with the renovntlon and equip
ment of the club house. For several
weeks he has given his time to bring
ing about tho completion of the work,
nnd the task has been very trying In
deed. The entire ground floor of tho build
ing has been remodeled in order to ac
commodate tho alleys. An addition of
twenty feet or more has been added to
tho building, giving room for two al
leys and a longer run-way than any
other club In tho city. Tho bath and
toilet rooms have been changed, and
n steam heating plant installed in tho
There is also ample floor space for
spr-ctators alongside the alleys, where
several hundred can easily be accom
modated at one sitting. The alleys are
tho best that can be built, and were In
stalled by Steft'en & Sons, of New
York, whoso men have been at work
in the club house for several weeks.
At the formal opening this evening
there will be tho club members and
a large number of Invited guests. The
Ulectric City wheelmen aim to estab
lish a business and professional men's
'.lub in West Scranton second to none
in the city, and it is safe to predict
that before another year rolls around
the representative men of this side will
he identiiled with them.
Dttfoar's French Tar
Will promptly relievo and speedily euro
CMtglio, colils and all lung trouble. For
(ale by G. W. JKXKISS, 101 South Stain
My Lady's
Best Friend When
Wintry Winds Do
It a set of nice Fashionable Furs, and you'll think
for a very long time before a happier idea for a suit
able present for a lady friend strikes you.
Fur Sets
or Single Pieces
In all the popular Skins,
Lynx, Silver Fox, Brown Fox, Sable, Marten, Beaver,
Mink. etc. Fashions latest modes are reflected in
these Fur Scarfs and Muffs, and you buy them here
at prices which are not to be equalled elsewhere in
town. A look around the other stores before you
come here, will satisfy you on this point.
Fancy Neckwear
for Ladies'
In all the new conceits and fancies, many of which
have beeu especially designed for the holidav season.
The variety is infinite, and the prices are surpriaing
ingly low, considering the quality and charming
beauty of the many novelties offered this week.
Special display in Ladies' Fashionable Neckwear,
now awaits your inspection,
ffor the Hair
In fancy Boas and multitudes of other beautiful
creations, such as are considered essential for a fash
iouable woman's fashionable toilet.
Globe Warehouse
ww, . M
By the way, the store is open till 9 p, m. these clays
In addition to the bath room and
bowling alloys, In tho basement, the
club bus a parlor, sitting room, dining
room and kitchen on tho main floor,
where dancing nnd luncheons nru en
Joyed, On the top floor Is the ullluril
room, lounging rooms and Janitor's
apartments. Thus tho entire building
Is occupied.
The programme arranged for this
evening will Include music by an or
chestra, vocal and Instrumental solos
by some or the best talent In tho city,
a smoker nnd light lunch, i the
alleys the opening feature will be tho
disposition of the first ball at auction
to tho highest bidder.
Following th's there will bo a draw
ing for positions of piny during tho
evening, In order that no discrimina
tion will bo made for occupancy of the
alleys. Tlmn will follow several Infor
mal games between these picked tennis.
Tho feature of the rvenlng will be a
match game between the Utack Dia
monds and Green nidge Wheelmen,
two of the lending teams In tho North
eastern Pennsylvania Howling League.
Tho teams will line up as follows:
lthili Diamond-). (!. It. Wheelmen.
1'olry Welrhel
(Inlil Seatinni
I'rjor M:im..ii
Heller M'x.tu
Gonial! Tajlur
Taylor Is the star bowler of all the
teams In Scranton, and has the high
est Individual score- and general aver
age of any player In tho league. Gor
man Is also ti rraekcrjaek, and several
of the others are high average rollers.
Tho committee In charge of this eve
ning's affair anticipate that It will be
tho banner night In the history of the
club, and those who have bei-n Invited
are certain to be well entertained.
Tho fun will commence at 7.30 o'clock
and continue until tho progtnmmc Is
Wedding last Evening.
Edward Harvey and Miss Harriet
Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
B. Jones, of 31S North Everett avenue,
were united In marriage last evening
at the homo of the brides parents. The
ceremony was performed by ltov. D. 1").
Hopkins, pastor of the First Welsh
Uaptist church.
Tho bride wore a gown of castor col
ored material, trimmed with corded silk
and white applique, and carried white
carnations. She was attended by Miss
Lottie Morgan, who was similarly at
tired, and carried pink carnations. The
groomsman was Morgan Harris. Fol
lowing the ceremony and reception, a
wedding dinner was enjoyed. Among
the guests present were:
From Taylor Mr. and Jlrs. Thomas
H. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. David Jones
and daughter Viola, Mr. and Mrs. Will
iam Robbing, John Jones.
From Scranton Harry Hodge, Mr.
and Mrs. John (irlfflths, Mr. and Mrs.
David Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson,
Sir. and Mrs. Edward Smith, .losepn
Anderson, Anna Anderson, Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. John
T. Morgan, Sarah T. Morgan, Mary
Jones, William Morgan, Mr. and Mrs.
Stephen Boston, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Morgan, Agnes Warren, Mary Edwards,
Mrs. William B. Morgan, William Mor-
including Blue and Natural
gan, Annie, Harris, Margaret Jenkins,
George '1'arry and David Phillips,
Funerals Yesterday.
Rev. Hugh ftiivln, pastor of the
South Main Avenue Welsh Calvlnlstle
Methodist church, otllclotcd at the
funeral of the late Mrs. Margaret Da
vis yesterday afternoon. The services
were held at 2L7 Ninth street, and
burial was made In tho Washburn
street cemetery. The pull-bearers were
Joseph Reynolds, David C. Powell,
Henry P. Davis, Thomas Richards,
Messrs. Truman and CSrlfllth.
Services oxer the remains of tho late
Richard W. Nvnns, of 35'J North Prom
ley avenue, were held at the Taber
nacle Congregational church yesterday
afternoon, Rev. D, P. Jones nillclated.
The members of the Mt. Pleasant Mine
Accidental fund attended the funeral In
a body. Tho pall-hearers were David
11. ISvans, Clcorgo Wyatt, Daniel Young,
Kvnn H. Kvnns, Henry 13. Hvuns, Hugh
Williams. Flower-bearers: David Jen
kins', David Reese, John Jones, David
J. Williams, Arch Kvuns. Interment
wns made In tho Washburn street
The funeral of the late Roger Dunn,
who met death In tho Rellovuo mine,
occurred yesterday ntternoon from the
Holy Cross church. Interment was
made In tho Cathedral cemetery.
A Very Painful Injury.
, John D. Jones, of 230 Meridian
street, employed us a machinist nt the
smith shop of the Amctlcan Locomo
tive Works, sustained a very painful
Injury recently, and the accident nl
most cost him the sight of his right
Mr. Jones was engaged In sledging
off a cog from a line shaft In tho boil
er shop, when the cog broke off and
struck him In the eye, cutting the pupil
severely. A physician dressed the In
jury, and the victim was ublo to be
about yesteiday.
Christmas Programmes.
Choristers and pastors of churches
are requested to send In their pro
grammes of Christmas music for pub
lication In Saturday's Issue not later
than tonight to insure their proper In
sertion In The Tribune. Regular church
notices: should also be sent in on
Thursdays in order that they may bo
properly classified and printed.
Where special exercises are to bo
hold in tlie public schools tomorrow
the principals and teachers arc re
quested to send their programmes to
The Tribune branch office nt Jenkins'
drug store, corner of Main avenue and
Jackson street, not later than 10 o'clock
this and tomorrow evenings. Telephone
numbers, new 'phone, 2-2-2-7; old
'phone, n-1-7-1.
Fair and. Festival Opened.
The Ladles' League of the First
Welsh Baptist church opened their fair
and festival last evening and the event
was liberally patronized. Hundreds of
people were in attendance and many
purchased articles offered for sale and
partook of the edibles provided.
Several booths nre trimmed in fancy
work, and each are presided over by
members of the league. The various
tables are in charge of handsome
young ladies who cater to the wants
of their patrons. The event will be con
tinued tills evening.
Events of This Evening.
A regular meeting of the West Side
Central Republican club will he held
this evening, when officers will he
nominated and elected for the coming
year. All members are requested to
be present.
Tho Electric City wheelmen s new
howling alleys will be opened this eve
ning. The pupils of Prof. Silas Rosser will
give a piano forte recital in Washing
ton hall this evening.
The fair and festival at the First
Welsh Haptist church will continue this
An entertainment for tho benefit of
the striking street car employes will be
given in Oolden's hall this evening and
another tomorrow evening in Mears'
Cl-orge W. Kramer, of Swetland
street, and Miss Nellie Moser, of Laf
artte street, will be married this eve
ning. The Royal society of Good Fellows
will meet this evening.
Open Evenings.
Morgan Thomas' stores, corner of
Jackson street and Hyde Park avenue,
will be open evenings until Christmas.
Mrs. Charles E. Lee, of 1123 Lafay
ette street, spent yesterday with ac
quaintances In Wlikos-Barre.
Harry Widenor, of 1016 Jackson
street, Is confined to his home by Ill
ness. A number of articles loft over from
the Patriotic Order Sons of America
fair will bo chanced off at Washing
ton hull ut 7.30 o'clock this evening.
A farce comedy colled "An Irish Spy"
was produced In Mears' hall last even
ing. The least said tho bettor.
The ladles of St. David's Episcopal
church aie conducting a rummage salo
In the storeroom of Washington hall
building on North Main avenue. It
will continue several days.
At tho residence of Mrs. A. H. Smith,
the Ladles' Missionary sociPty of tho
North Slain Avenue Baptist church
have packed a Christmas box, which
they will forward to tho Baptist or
plinnago at Angora, near Philadelphia.
Miss Prlsellla Ilurtoll and Henry
Hobbs wore united in marriage at the
residence of Rev. Mr. Reese, pastor of
thu Puritan church, last night. Miss
Ada Alexander was bridesmaid, and
Mr, Orvlllo Dcpcw groomsman. The
bride and bridesmaid wore prettily at
tired In gowiiH of steel blue, with Inco
trimming, After tho ceremony was per
formed the party returned to tho homo
of the bride's sister, Mrs. C. K. Depew,
of rU'iso street, whero a reception was
tendered the newly married couple,
Rev. A. II. Smith, of the North Main
Avenue If.iptlst churcb, will go to Fac
tory vlllc this nftcinonn, where ho will
speak to tho pupils of Keystone acad
emy. Ho will also act as judge In nn
oratorical contest to bo held by tho
students this evening.
Tin- North Scranton Republican club
met In regular session last evening to
nominate ollieers for tho ensuing year,
After tho nominating of ofllcers, a
smoker was enjoyed by tho members
present. Next Wednesday night they
will hold an election of ofllcers.
Allow a coush to run until it Bed t'ojoiul ths
li Jili of mc'lii'lnc 'I hey ofUn eiy, "Oh, It vll
wr away," I ut In mrst c:iw it ulll weir
Hum awujr - t'ould tl'C- 1p Induced to try tin
mucsfu inriliilnv cjIIoiI Kimi' IMUim, which
It hold en a iiojltiu' uujijntri' tu ture, llic-y
W'UliI limn illaU'ly co thv vxulUiit ilFi-cl ut
ter tikliu "ie tlrrt iloe. I'rleu He. and SOc.
Trial sliv (ice At all ikus-Uu.
0 Store will be
0 open every even
J Ing from nowun
9 til Christmas.
Hand Appllqucd. Rrussels Not, In
black, white and new tones of ecru
Real Duehesso and
from the tiniest edge to tho widest
Real DuchessQ and Irish Point
Oodets and Collars.
Rrldal Veils. In Real Duehesso
and Point I-noe, up to $230.00 each.
In Duehesso and Irish Point.
Crepe and Chiffon Ties, Dresden
nnd Persian designs.
Many In lengths of onu pattern
There will be two games of basket
ball at tho Auditorium tomorrow even
ing for the one admission. The tlrst
one will be between the Crackorjucks
and tho Bloomsburg State Normal
school teams, and the second between
the Sanderson Hill Stnrs and thu Price
burs Stars.
The North End Stars leave this even
ing on the 6.10 Delaware nnd Hudson
train for Wilkes-Uarre, to play the
Ninth Regiment basket ball team at
that place tonight.
A meeting of tho North Scranton
Glee club is called for this evening at
O'Malley's hall. All members are re
quested to bo present.
The members of tho Sunday school of
tho Memorial Bnptlst church are pre
paring a fine programme for their
Christmas entertainment.
Oscar P. Davles, son of Rev. Mr. nnd
Mrs. W. F. Davles, of Summit avenue,
a student of Bucknell university, Is
home for the holidays.
Mrs. J. H. Coleman, of Afton, N. Y
who has been calling In this section,
left for her homo yesterday.
John J. Owens, jr., of Bucknell uni
versity, Is spending the holidays with
his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. John Owens,
sr of Wayne avenue.
Dr. Harry Houcke, of Philadelphia, is
visiting his brother, Dr. J. W. Houcke,
of Church avenue.
Henry Protheroo, a well-known young
man of this section, left yesterday for
Iowa, where ho will make his homo in
tho future.
The Misses Manic and Agnes Flannt
gan, of Jermyn, have returned home,
after a two weeks' visit with Mr. and
Mrs. M. F. Nolan, of West Market
ReV. XI. V. V. Tlorrn tl.'ialnr nf 1...
Penn Avenue Baptist church, will de- j
liver an illustrated lecture on the book i
"Quo Vadis," in the Green Ridge Bap- .
tist church, New Year's night, January
1, 1902. This lecture, which has been
given by Dr. Pierco In the central city
and is highly spoken of, will be given
here under the auspices of class No. 6
of the Sabbath school. Admission, 2.",
cents. I
C. H. Pond, president of the Scran
ton Forging company, Is In New York
city on a business trip.
The members of the Green Ridge
Wheelmen's club have been Invited by
the Electric City Wheelmen to attend
the festivities which will bo held this ,
evening in connection with the open
ing of their fine new bowling alley at
their club house, on the West Side.
Rev. W. J. Ford will address the
members of Green Ridge lodge, Inde
pendent Order of Odd Follows, at their
regular meeting this evening.
Baston unci Fred Smith, of Hill semi
nary, are spending their holiday vaca
tion nt the home of their parents, Mr.
nnd Mrs. P. P. Smith, of Green Ridge
Tho Green Ridgo Wheelmen will give
a dance for their members at the club
house this evening.
The vigilance committees of the
First. Second and Third dls'trlcts of
the Thirteenth ward met last night to
arrange for the nomination of ward
officers, Including school controller,
constable and ward assessor. Tho
primaries will bo held on Saturday,
Dec. 21, nt the regular polling places
between 4 and 7 o'clock. All candi
dates to register with the secretary and
pay assessment beforu i p. m. Dec. 20.
O. S. Lutz, secretary, G13 Von S torch
MltS. M. C. COMEItFORD, nn old
and respected resident of this city, died
yesterday ut her home ou Phelps
street, at an advanced age. She is sur
vived by three children, as follows:
Mrs. A. Dcmpsey and John Comerford,
nf this city ,and Airs, James Jlay, of
FLOYD WILLIAM, tho five-year-old
child of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Pierce,
of 1002 Price street, died yesterday.
The funeral will bo privately conducted
tomorrow afternoon from tho house.
Interment will bo made in the Wash
burn street cemetery.
Programme That Will Be Rendered
nt St. Luke's.
Tho Christmas day service nt St.
Luke's church will bn sung by a choir
of thirty men and boys and a quartette
composed of Miss Kami, MIsb Hrown
Ing, Mr. ttunnoll and Mr, Jones, under
thu direction of J, Willis Conunt, or
ganist and choir master. Tho pro
gramme: Monilns I'rjjer.
I'rocevlonal "Sin?, O Sins," lljinn S7,,.(Yn,i t
Vtiii i c
roii,'lli in
i, ,,.., roii'.ihJM
Somen !
(itorla? .,,,,, ,,,,.,,,,.
Te D.-mii In V , i
HfnclUtm in ) ,,.,.,.,,,
Holy Communion.
Introlt ".Vivn Holy llal'e"
Kjrlo ,
fi'oila TM!
, P.Uis
Il)iiiii, 01 "Wlillc ShvplieriU Wateliol,"
OiTertnry ".Now U Come Saltation" ...
Sanct u J , , . , , ,
A'Jiiut IM ,.,.. ,
lilor'a in i:.uliU ,
IteiejJoiul "HjiU tho lleiald AngeLs"
. Toum
. Tumi
,. Hall
U'.orU In l-.'icvliU Deo.
O &' O
This slorc asks votir patronage because it deserves it. .-ilw.ivs
has the finest merchandise, the largest assortments. Natural'y much
is exp,cted from us at Christmas. We won't disappoint ou, hut
meet vour expectations to its fullest reilUition.
In Persians, Stripes and Checks.
Jl.00 value for C!)c
$1.2fi value for Xa
51.C0 value for . $i.i,-i
Oood lino nf designs nt special
prices for Holiday Presents.
Fine French Taffeta, Peau do Sole,
Puulette do Sole, Satin Diicliesse,
Rengallne, Mascntte, Moire Velours,
Moire Antique, Rich Rrocndcs.
Rlaeks and colors, 40c nnd up
Priestley's Mack Dress Goods, In
nil their new popular weaves.
All colors at clearing prices.
W. Lackawanna j(s W pffiiljna.- I
av.. j- Nleet u (M$k I
jf Joy0, -gL. I
9 Lackawanna cr?An 1-4 feisssp 01 Penn
W hat a world of Chnslmas cheer is expresed in these live words.
Most good stories come to the point at once. So does this one.
A mammonth purchase of the staple aoods, forming the great
Joyce $5.00 Combination Grocery Offer," quoted below, en
ables us to give everv person buying this complde order, A Ten
Pound Turkey, absolutely free with our compliments.
This challenge combination order would be a
money saver, without the Turkey.
25 Pound Sack Joyce's Best Flour
A Superior Urcad Maker.
Half Pound Dunham's Cocoanut
The &t.iml.inl of l!i i-Hcih i.
Five Pounds Creamery Butter
lliu Itoil; llofloin I'riic.
Two Pounds Best Teas
." ltt'ular at MK.1 a l'ouml.
Three Pounds 35c Empress Blend Coffes
It Has 1111 KviuhUo 1'l.iwa'.
One Pound Joyce's Baking1 Powder
At. (tood .h the ik'-t.
Two 15c Bottles Extract, Lemon and Vanilla
!JV Value Alijulii'le.
One Pound Assorted Spices
Stioustli in lluiy Out.
Our Price (S5.00 Combination Grocsry Offer) ,
10 Founds Turkey nt 15c per pound
A rent $." wovili nntl a
Ponufar Priced Provisions.
Professional Climber Injured While
Assisting in Housework.
For fifteen years J. H. Fahrman,
foreman for S. J. Fuhrnmn & Ilro., tho
decorators, has been climbing all over
the fronts of buildings, up and down
steeples, towns, monuments and thu
like and in various other ways Hying
In the face of the dangers that attach
to a disregard for tho laws of gravita
tion. Yesterday ho was cleaning a window
nt his father's home, KO Penn avenue,
and missing his hold on tho sash when
ho happened to overbalance, fell to thu
sidewalk, a distance of twelvu feet,
spraining his right ankle,
Waller Konilnltkl, of Keysir Valley, )e.teiiljy
raiiMil the anet nf .loo Micmi, ulioui ho iluueii
with nvniiltin; him In Qulnn'tf i!"n. Ahl.-r.
nun HiulJy hell fiuin.i in f-'W ImI for lilt 'in
pearaneu nt (unit. Shema thill tallied thu ar
rit cf Jliiluil KoinliiUM, a lirolher of Waller,
on the t hatge of iwi.ujIuI avail t uml lutm,
uml he, ton, wj, held In Sa lull.
I:. I. Ilusiii, of Ohi'liant, a( aiiiyted
ttrdiy, ihiiiiul wllh iroturli
ii.-irunti, unkr uie
u'Tw"' Ji Jiliu'i
pnti'ii'vi irtin bluiii to
Ktiits' fuiiil.ililir u-uuiN. Th
liifire it tui.ld ho heard by AUeniiau M. J. i
1'atrlil; wlnl-n, IMIilik Itenn and railey nvt-
man, lliiee yotimr nun leddmi In si.iulli Stum.
lou, weio uintled eten!jy at th In-ajiiev of
M. J. ltuddy, t.lei keep a liotil on A 'aim avi-
nue. iimni.o.e, in, piaee ai hurl i.rked j
1 rliljy iiU-lit, ami he .h-nyed tliew tl.l.o 3oui ,-
men wllli heiu the utility parties. The u:i'y
i' iilcut'o t'f hw tlui ;e, nliuli he va nlile to
offer at u hen In; lnld In fore Aldtiiu.iu ItuMy,
a that Hi joun; men uere ahoul his talion
lite I'rl lay nWht and hid lien heen liter amnl
tho tdieit ouulilc. The three, difcndanU uero
ill.-clui;ed by the aldeinini.
Anthony Mullen, who fell from thu Linden
ttrcet retjinliu nail on nluhl, at ie
I'oitid to he iinni'ollii;; at II u I.jil.auaniu liov
dial last nl -lit.
Mltlucl buat, of Ithcr Micet, wjj caught be-
At half price, are splendid gifts
for Waists, Children's Drosses,
Short Skirts, etc.
New line Just arrived. All new
spring colorings. Plain, with satin
stripes: plain, with polka dots:
fancy with satin stripes, nnd fancy,
plain Challles, Many choice de
signs In single dress cuts.
lines In all the new
A pair of nice warm Blankets or
a Huffy Comfortable would make
an exceedingly desirable gift.
.S .58
. .12
. 1.25
. 1.00
, 1.00
, .50
, .25
, .GO
. 1.50
SI.5.) 'i ttrkey all for $5.
twen tv:o car nt tlu lil.nt furiine yiMciil.i.v
inoiniiiK ami was luilly trii-hnl .iliout tlir lii.s
nuil luuUi'il .ilxmt I In' lini't. He u,i.- Uk"ll In
tl Mo.-(s '1'ajlui hiillal, vvlu it- lie wa-, kMIi.-,
I'umfell.llih la-t n'tflit .
I Inrlei .IiiiMiis of IMu.ii.I-aIIIi', -a dilMr
iini!o,til ill the WooiIh.iuI inil.e, wn UiKeil III
tliu fain liy a iiiuK J tmliv, nlilV .it w rls,
lll no-e Hat lirulyii uml III. f.He liaillv hiul'ivl.
lie li.h U'luuKil to the Jlmo T.i) lm lio-lilul.
Resumption of Sunset Limited Sor
vlce Between New York, Phila
delphia nnd San Francisco, Sea
son 1001-1002.
Commencing November 00 and each
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
thereafter, the Wushlngton and South
w3tom Limited, operated dally be
tween New York, Philadelphia and
Now Orleans via tho Pennsylvania
Railroad and Southern Railway, leav
ing Philadelphia, Ilroad street station
at 0.65 p, in., composed of dining, Pull
man drawing-room, sleeping, observa
tion and library cars, in addition
will carry a special Sunset Limited An
nex Pullman drawing-room compart
ment sleeping car to connect with thu
fiimset Limited operated between Now
Orleans and San Francisco.
Tlio celebrated trans-contlnental sor-
yU(j ofrm,,, ))y theao UXU,.,1US trains
nrolwH a trip t tho Pat-llli- coast not
only very niiiciv, out musi iiuiigniiui,
Charles L. Hopkins, district pussen-
Por agent, somueru iianway, ajs
.iost nut street, Philadelphia, Will bo
pleased to furnish all Information. '
I AdtUtlonnl Passenger Train Sorvico
" . RnllMl nniivenv.
via Southern Railway,
Effective Nov. Si, the Southern Hall
way will operate through train sorvico
from Washington via Hlchmond, Vn
to Floilda and points south.
Tho new train will be known as No.
29 and "111 leave Wushlngton nt 10.50
a. 111. over tho Washington Southern
Hallway and urtlve Jacksonville, Flu.,
at 0.15 n. in. This train carries llrst-
class couches and Pullman drawing
room sleeper between Washington and
I Jacksonville, also has dining car ser
j vice. The above train Is In uddltlon
Kid Gloves mag
be exchanged for
correct sizes af
ter Christmas.
You won't make a mistake If
Linens are your choice for gifts.
A nice dress pattern of a pretty
design In Petcale or Dimity would
bo a very acceptable present.
A nice suit of lino Underwear
would moke it very seasonable gift,
or some of our flue
Hosiery, Gloves,
Silk Waists, Petticoats,
Toilet Articles, Novelties, Etc.
From 4i"c to S22.K0. Inltluls en
graved free.
o o
Lyceum Theatre
if. 1ICIS, l.ChSeo ami Manager,
A. J. DUtT'Y, Dm. Manigtf, ff
Two XIkIiK Widnisday and Thursdiy, Deeimbu
18 and in.
'llio elided Comedian,
In lilt I.ateit and Oiiciteot Success,
Garrett O'Magh
The sum- pioilu'tlon, i-cenery anil cast tin'
maiked hi, Miues-lul New Yoik run.
l'rlu,-2.-ie., ,-i0i. 7.V. and tl.00.
beats on Silo .Moudat ut II a. m.
Situid.iy Xighl and Special tUririln Pay Matinie,
di: i:im:it 21, 1101.
Annual Kniiaeuitnt ol il'c Woild fjl.led
Brothers Byrne
In their Speet inilar Pantomimic Comedy, tht
New 8 Bells
An cieili'tini; Murof". Tenth toa3in! Xot
l"tter than nil!
Print.; liwnin;,', ale., 5V., 7jc., and 'rl.UO.
Spe1i.1l Matinee ,,i i t--.: 23 and cent,; hit
dieii tn any put of the linm,., 1., renti. llrlni
.iIoik; the i-hlhlun; tliey will enjoy b BKI.LSl
Seats en Mle 'lhtir.-day mvinini; at 0 o'eluek.
Academy of flusic
M. RUIS, Lcfiec. A. J. Dully, ManagM I
ni.?innliiL' Tlund,r. Tlreenihrr lflL l
In a Woman's Power,,.
Matinees Friday and Saturday.
I'rlitt MbIiIf,, 2V., :;.",. and fiOo.
l'riuy Jlatlnce, ISc. and L'.V.
One Siilld Wuk, ISiBinniiiB Monday, Pec. 2-ril
I'liiM-.Nisht, 1". 20 and ::0 t-cut-.
I'riv-M.itlni,-, HI and L'O lenK
( In Mm ia Mitlnece, W, iD and M cent.'..
Lhiiitnus- Sijlit, l'l, 20, u0 and 60 ieU.
AI.I'. (3. lirniHSGTOS. Hanaier
American Bur!esquersn
Mitiute Kiery Day. ,
Four tempting and
economical desserts:
can bo made
T- TrMlw irotn
to the full complement of train ser
vice of Southern Hallway via Lynch
burg; ami Danville.
Chan. U. HoikliiH, niHtrlct l'assotufcr
AboiU, Poutheru Uallwny, S.'S qiiestnut
St., rijlladclphlu, will fuinlsh all In
formation. '
The Truo Southern Route.
Tho most comfortable ami direct
route to all points tfouth ami south
wont is via tin' New Jersey Central,
Only onu cliauco of euro between
Keranton anil Churloston, Atlanta,
Jackbimvlllc, St. Ausustlue, Auhvllio,
New Orltana unit all other prominent
points south.
Pullman service tho entire route,
Only ono changu of car to St. Louis,
Cincinnati, Louisville, etc.
Ouakor City Kmp IcuvIjib Scran
ton at 7.30 a. m., Wlllies-Uatiu ut 7.59
a in., an Ives at I'liliaiklphla at 13
noon, Washington at 3.30 p. in. Through
solid vestibule train with Pullman Hut
fet Parlor Cur, J. S. Swisher,
District Puss. Agent, bcranton,
i 10 cts. ft package, jl j
I Saves time, work and fcaliilj
3 monoy, and is a guarantee v
I of good, honest pie. B
H Mrroll-3oul Co., 8yrcui, N.V, H