The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 19, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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The News of
. - v.
Delaware and HutlBon Railroads
.Vot-nnlitr 21, lWt.
Tr.iln Iran- rirl)6!nlati' at tlty Matlon fol-
r"r KciAiiluti nntl, ".M. 9.M.
ii.oi, KHii, 11.21 u. in.: i.w. !". -"0 ''"
6.0(1, 7.IW, 111 01, 1I.U0 l. in, , . ...
Sunday train Icavp at 8..V, 11-21 "" ''"
2.1(1, a.M, 8.01) li. in. ...... v,,
I'm Albany, SaiutoRj. .MoiiUMl. I,l,"-'"n'. ,,?
Dutiful liolnt", elr., ",) n. in.! ' !' "'
i'ni- Y.i,wn.irt aiid tlone1iil, 7.2J, 11.05 a. in.',
.".."I, (i.l.'l it. In, , ,, .,,,.
iiiiil.iy irilns Iciw W.iymatl. ami Honrtd.lle
ul !i.::o u, in.; 1,45 it. hi. ...
TmIih nrrhc al Ciirlmmlalf fintn W 4M,HTr
mid Sci.intnu m follow! n.fto. S.:i7. n.o. io;.o
in. i 13,:i7, 2.01. 3.1.1, 4.25, O.OJ, 7,01, Ml. !'.-'li
I1..57 p. in.; 2.0S a. in. ,,, ,
Sunday tinln srrlvr at l).27 a. m.i '-10 J-1J'
4.2.S, H.2'1, p. in.
Smitlav traln nrilvp nl O.iiliiniilalc frf.iu N-.v-nurl
and I!uiie(lii1e t 12.17 ami 7.6 p. in.
Now York, Ontario and Western.
s-'eiir. 17, looi.
Train. leave Carbomlate lor Hcrantqn at 7.00 a.
in. ; l.oo p. m.
Sunday trnliu at 7.00 a, m.i ll.OO p. m.
Tialna leave Uarboudilc for polntw nortli at
11.10 a. in. On' nt t.lo a. m.. Iraliw
Iratlnu at 11.10 a. in. wool: (lay and '1.10 a. in.
Sundays mate connections for New i'oiIs, Coin
wall, cto.
Trains airive from Soranton at 11.10 a. in.: 6.48
p. in.; from poinn north, 4.00 p. in. Sundays
from Soranton al n.10 a. in. and 7.43 p. in,;
irom Cadosla at 0.00 p. in.
Erie Railroad.
June 23, inoi.
Tialm Ir.-ivp city station, CnrbondaK daily
Oxrent Sunday) at 7.00 a. in. and t."il p. m. for
Rrandt anil Nineveh; at !.! a. in., dally frv
icptlnjf Sunday), for Blnnhflinton. makuu; con
nection!! for New York rlly and Hull. do, and nt
0.10 p. in. for Susquehanna, making connection:!
for western point..
Sunday troinj at D.4,5 a. in. for Susinidianna,
with western connection., end 0.27 p. m,, with
tame connections.
Train.') arrive at B.53 I. m. and fi.45 p. in.
Siind.iya at S.S3 n. m.
Information Auout Dramatic People
Well Known to Carbondalians.
The Nina Repertoire company, which
hvaa next to stranded -when It reached
Carhondnle about a month riso, made
(known the fact last week that It was
utill in existence in quite an unique
tway. In an advertisement in the New
S'ork Clipper, the manager said:
"Tho Nina Kepcrtolre company still
pn the road, in spite of h 1"
This has some local significance, in
nsnnich as the company manager said
this after having been in this city and
!Avoca. But as It Is likely that Nina
will do no more fancy paper-tearing In
ibis city and tho sad voices of the
'cnts-less comedians, and the falsetto
voice of the lean villlan, will be heard
bore no more, the theatre goers of Car
liondale, like Oorrance Tlurdette, will
let the sun go down on an singer that
lias cooled.
MIsh Mildred Holland, who Mill be
here tho day after Christmas in her
new play, "The I'ower Behind the
Throne," is a most versatile young
woman. She is an expert linguist, and
as a. stage manager is surpassed by
lew men. Plie Is essentially an emo
tional actress, and lias the rare power
uT attracting women. In "The Power
liehlnd the Throne," Miss Holland will
lie seen as "Aria," the daughter of a
court musician. The play Is a romantic
tlr.imu, and a large amount of money
has been expended by Manager Ed
w.inl C. White upon tho mounting. -V
large company of well known actors
will support Miss Holland.
Manager liryne has been fortunate
In securing Kllta Proctor Otis as the
Christmas attraction. This actress
achieved a slauiiing among tho play
ers ot' the county that means a good
ileal and her appearance assures a. treat
for those who care to enjoy theatricals
on the great feast day. Many Carbon
dalians have seen Miss Otis and en
joyed her work when she starred in
"The Crust of Society." She will ap
pear this time in David iSelaseo's "I-a
Hello Ilusse."
The leading-musical entertainment of
tho season will be the concert by
Krnest Gamble, who will be the next
number in tho Smith-Singer course.
Gamble has not been heard in Car
liondale, but he comes here with the
stamp of the artist and will be given
a reception In keeping with his merits.
He will be here on the 27th.
Some of the Sound, Truthful
Thoughts of His Talk to the
In his talk to tho teaeheis on Tues
day night, which 'was referred to in
Tho Tribune yesterday, Rev. Ur. H. J.
Whalen expressed so many sound, vig
orous truths that the following of them
are printed that they may be rend by
The Tribune's readers:
Tho oneness of the race, the equality
of all men before God and the law, has
been the basal principle of Christian
civilization, Civilization reaches its
highest point In those nations where
tho principle of equality Is most widely
When Saul of Tarsus declared m
he Greek philosophers gathered on
. Mars hill In tho Ursi century of our
rra that God hud made of one blood all
-nations of men, one-fourth of the world
held the other three-fourths in slavery.
Tho adoption of Jefferson's senti
ment by tho congress that wo hold that
all men uro created equal, was but
tho recognition of the old truth launch
ed upon the sea of heathen philosophy
in tho llrst century by the Slltetau tent
In all heathen countries the laws
'of caste Imvo cursed humanity through
all the centuries; hi the Kuropean
states there has been, and theio Is now,
n continual struggle between the prin
ciple of royalty and the principle of
equality; tho history of Knglund and
her dependencies Is the rcmrd of con
flict between the so-called divine rights
of the kings and the annul divine
rights of the common num.
The ultimate triumph of UiIh ptiu.
clple of equality, which shall Issuo In
the general happiness of the whole hu
man family must over be a mutter of
vital Interest to all true hearts.
The primary force that is making fur
equality is orgunlneil Christianity.
Meii may criticise the church as they
will the undlsputable fact l cumins that
the church In all the essential features
' of religion Is lirluglug all men m u
common lovel,
Second only to religion, education
.must be lee'ognlzed " as" the gieaier
leveller In society. Upon moral and
Intellectual lines alone can the poor
man's son become tho peer of the rich
man's sou.
A man may be born to social post.
tlon, but ho takes professional rituk
only by his moral and Intelligent
On the solid side of life moral and
Intellectual worth Is the standard tho
world adopts after all.
The equalizing Iniluence of educa
tion Inspires the humblest man, and
sets before htm posslhllltlcs that en
gage all hit energies, and that take all
the littleness out nf life, breaks down
all barriers, and throw open God's
world of truth to him.
On the Intellectual side a man may
become tho peer of other men, however,
lowly of birth or limited by poverty.
The man or woman with brains
enough to rend Shakespeare, has too
much sense to think Shakespeare tiny
the less great because his father was
a butcher.
Strikes and boycotts will not im
prove the condition of labor's children,
but education can make Hie breaker
hoy the peer of the mine owner's sou.
President Kimball, of Cycle Club,
Arranging for Banquet and Watch
night Exercises.
The elaborate programme of enter
tainments which 'resident George S.
Kimball has arranged for the season at
tho homo of the Carbondale Cycle club,
comprehends an observance of the
dying of the old year and the welcom
ing of the new-born, such as has never
before marked the occasion.
There will be watch-nli:hl. exercises
and a banquet. The banquet will bo
the earliest In the order of the ev-n-Ing,
and aside from the epicurean de
lights there will be u How of soul that
will make the evening edifying and
helpful. The speakers will he Carbon
dale's best iiml the happiest thoughts
that they can most happily express can
be expected to bo offered. The names
of the speakers piomiso this. They are:
Hon. John If. Reynolds, Hon. James J.
OWelll, I)p. Wheeler, John V. Dlnuick.
Dr. W. W. Fletcher, Attorney 11. D.
Carey, of Jermyn. and -Mr, Kimball.
The list of toasts is now being pre
pared by Mr. Kimball.
The evynt will be an Interesting one,
and the undertaking of il attests
further the wise selection the club
made when II bestowed the olltce of
president on Mr. Kimball.
On Saturday night, commenting r.t
0.30, there will be music at the club, ft
will be provided by u splendid quar
tette from Wllkes-Uurre, which will
sing that same evening at the Mitchell
After a half-hour's entertainment by
the quartette, there will be selections
by a pianist from AVIIkes-Barre. I. Val
Hollenbaek, of this city, will iiImi en
Two Employes in D. & H. Shops Dis
success. The Archbnld Hose company
Two employes in the Delaware and
Hudson blacksmith shops were dis
charged yesterday by the foreman.
Trouble may follow by reason of their
The employes claim that for the past
few months the foreman has compelled
them to work ten nnd one-half hours
a day for ten hours' pay. This lias
caused much discussion among the
men and several of them decided to re
fuse to start their fires in the morning
any eailler than seven o'clock. It J
lacked but a few minutes of seven .yes
terday morning when the foreman ap
proached two of the employes, John
Son tag and James .Shannon. They had
not yet started their llres and the fore- I
man ordered them to do so. The two1
men refused io obey his orders and I
were told that their services weie no
longer needed. Nothing was said to
any of the other hands.
The two men claim that they have
another grievance, respecting tin in
crease In wages. They were promised
n raise several months ago but as yet
the expected has not arrived. li Is
feared that more men may be dis
charged today should they refuse to
start work before seven o'clock.
Teachers to Be Paid.
The teachers of the city schools will
receive their salaries tomorrow utter
noon. This is not the usual time lor
the teachers to be paid, but the change
was made to enuble the Instructors to
make extiu holiday purchases. The
teachers appreciate the thoughttulness
that suggested the change.
A Welcome Visitor.
W. J. Sllverstone, genial "Hilly,"
manager of the Central theatre in
Honesdalc, was a welcome visitor to
Carbondale yesteiday. "Ullly" has linn
friends among the newspaper men or
the town and took time to visit among
ilicin during his brief stay.
Fell Democrats Meet.
Tim Democrats of Fell township held
a caucus In the town hall on Tuesday j
and made arrangements for the unin- '
inatlon of candidates for the several '
olllces to be filled ut iho February dec- ,'
tlon. James lleen.m was ( lialiiiuni mid i
Thomas Grady secretary. j
The rules which governed the noui- .
Inatlng caucus, two years ago woio1
Ever on the Alert Alive to Every
Form of Oppression Kept on Edge.
Burdened Beyond Enditiance.
Nerves Give Out.
Tho machinery of a mill tluu grinds
day and night has to shut down imw
and then for repairs, it is ihe same
way with your nerves. Overwoik,
close application, our ways of living
bring about nerve wasp, that seis up
symptoms of various kinds. ; imij.
b falling strength, wenkuet-s, languor,
headache, sleeplessness, etc. What
ever It Is, nerve force is itukinu and
the means of lestorinu resis with Up.
.. V. f (litre's Nerve Pills. , great
many people in Scrnnioii vouch for
Among Idem Is .Mrs. Joseph Mlicli
e, of No. Ulii Linden slleel, W,.,?;
Scruulnii. u., who says: "Dr. A.
Chase's Nerve Pills are line. I was all
out of order, nervous, and could inn
sleep, weal; and mlsei.ilile. Tin Uh
lieys were sluggish mid ihe buck lame.
Nothing seemed in help me until I got
ii bos of the nerve pills ai -Matthews
Hi oh', drug store, No. X'O l.uckiiwuiimt
avenue. Since I took them J sleep well,
don't jerk and talk. .My nerves are
steudy. I feel strong, ami the kidneys
are winking well iiguln. I am more
than pleased, and glad to iccommcnd
the medicine."
Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills are
Mild ut !0c. a box al dealers, or Dr. A.
Chuso Medicine Co., Huffalo, N. Y.
See that portrait and signature of A,
V. Chase, M. D., ure on every package.
To Know What You Are Taking When
UM tig Catarrh Medicines,
Catarrh Is the short route to con
sumption, and the Importance of early
ittid Judicious treatment of catarrh,
whether located In the head, throat or
bronchial tubes, cannot bo too strongly
Tho list of catarrh cures In as long
us the moral law and the forms In
which they are administered, numer
ous and confusing, from sprays, Inhal
ers, washes, ointments, mid rnlves to
powders, liquids, and tablets.
The tablet form Is undoubtedly the
most convenient and the most effective
but with nearly till advertised catarrh
remedies It Is almost entirely a matter
of guess work as to what you are tak
ing Into your system, an tho proprie
tors, while making nil sorts of claims
as to what their medicines will do, al
ways keep It a close secret as to what
they are.
Tile success and popularity of hie
new catarrh cure, Stuart' Catarrh
Tablets, Is largely because it not only
cures catarrh hut because catarrh suf
ferers who use these tablets know
what they are taking Into their sys
tems. Stuart's Catarrh Tablets are
composed of Red Gum, Wood Root nnd
similar valuable and antiseptic In
gredients, and are pleasant to the taste
and being dissolved In the mouth they
take Immediate effect upon the mucous
lining of the throat, nasal passages
and whole respiratory tract.
The cures that Stuart's Catarrh Tab
ids have accomplished In old chronic
cases of catarrh are little short of 'e
nmrlmblc, and the advantage of know
ing what you are putting Into your
stomach Is of paramount importance
when it Is remembered that the cocaine
or morphine habit has been frequently
contracted as the result of using secret
catarrh remedies.
Stuart's Catarrh Tablets meet with
cordial approval from physicians, '..e
cause their antiseptic character render
I hem perfectly safe for th general
public to use and their composition
makes them a common sense cure for
all forms of catarrhal troubles.
All druggists sell them al r.n cents
for full sized packages.
adopted for this year. Aspirants for
olllces were notllled to register with the
secretary on or before Monday next.
The caucus will be held December 2S.
The following vigilance committee
was named: Judge, John Roland; in
spectors, II. J. Healy and Thomas
As noted under this head a few days
ago, the holiday rush of travel on the
Delaware and Hudson road Is on and
is growing daily. Loaded trains during
the busy hours, early morning and
evening, are the rule. On the evening
(rains up and down the coaches are
filled sometimes to overflowing. It fol
lows Unit the conductors have their
hands full to pick up tickets and are
sorely taxed to "clean up" a train, as
they call it. when the stops are so
numerous and the distance between
stations is so short.
For several days tho Delaware and
Hudson company lias had Its tratnS so
crowded that the work was found to be
away beyond what one could effective
ly dispose of, and a remedy hud to be
applied. The desired relief was secured
in the employment of an extra con
ductor on each train. The different
baggagemasters were called upon, and
now the work is divided. The conduc
tor begins in Ihe smoker and works
towards the rear. The extra conductor
starts in the rear car, continuing until
he meets the conductor. Til this way
ihe train is properly covered. All ot
the tickets are picked up between sta
tions and a heap of contusion Is avert
ed. It is an easy matter for a con
ductor to forget the destination of some
of the passengers, and II Is not unusual
for a passenger Io take advantage of
this and try to ride several stations be
yond the one to which his ticket carried
him. This arrangement also operates
to save delays, thereby keeping up the
elllcicncy of the service by maintain
ing the schedule.
Tlu head brakeman fills tho baggage
master's place and an extra brakeman
does duty on all trains except the two
Saratoga "expresses."
Touching on the mistakes which a
conductor is likely to make in the tick
ets lie collects, brings to mind what a
conductor on one of the local roads
said the other day with reference to
this very subject.
"Of course," said he, "it's a trick of
our Job to remember the faces of every
body who rides and the tickets they
give up, but It's Impossible sometimes
to keep in mind everybody and every
ticket. This is particularly true on
leaving Scrantou in the evening, when
every seat in every car Is taken and
there are passengers standing In Ihe
aisle. Occasionally we have to ask n
man a second time for his ticket, but
we hesitate, for there Is sure io be some
bother, it's strange how people take
offense at this asking. They don't seem
to be able or willing to make allow--allies
for the overtaxed conductor who
has any number of troubles of his own,
They pitch Into him nnd reel olf any
length of abuse. The Intelligence of the
persons who lose their patience on such
occasions would surprise you. Hut
there's no redress for the poor con
ductor: he has to grin tiuil bear It with
Ihe lest of his troublis,"
I'ostiniistei- Thomas long ago earned
tin- lepiitatlou of meeting the postal
needs of the residents) of Carbondale In
a highly satisfactory maimer. In his
udmlnlstinliou of the otilcn of post
master he has shown ihe same qualities
Unit eliiiracterlzed his tenure of allien
as clctk of the courts, which was
marked by signal elllcicncy. Therefore,
when a department oillclal gives lesil
inoiiy anew of how well tho poHtolllce
here Is being conducled, It offers uddl
llnnnl iciisons for reeling that Carbon
dale has so worthy a postmaster. This
testimonial to .Mr. Thomas conies from
Inspector Gorman, who inado a Uslt or
Inspection to the Carbondale postolllce.
Like all government employes who hold
position where silence Is golden, Mr.
Gorman, after his Inspection, was not
what you would call voluble, but he
said enough to Indicate that everything
til the posiolllce was 'llrst-i lass;" while
his iimnner would convince one that his
repoit, if .Mr. Thomas could see It,;
would make hint feel that he was fully
mtnstiilug up o the postal depart
incut's standard ot a good postmaster.
A slglllllcnul Incident of Inspector
(ionium's visit was his comment on the
absence of storm doors at the lobby
eulrauce of the postolllce. He was sur
prised that they were not in place and
I'l owned his dlspleasiuo at their ab
sence. Later, when he stood for a lew
minutes at the general delivery win
dow uud caught several cold blasts that
followed n blow from the ICnst moun
tains, he shivered nnd bent a retreat,
Ho could not believe, until he had the
experience, what a hardship tho clerks
milTered by the absence of the protec
tion the doors afford, and he marveled
that some one of tho force was not 111
of pneumonia or some kindred disease.
It Is needless to add Hint he was vig
orous In asserting that the doors should
be erected,
This Incident Is l elated for the bene
fit of certain of the members of com
mon council, who have shown a dis
position to hold up the resolution which
provides, among other things, for these
doors. This should be hint enough that
the resolution should he passed at Mon
day night's meeting, If the physical
well-being or tho postolllce clerks he
Lads Who Fill the Lobby with Smoke
Become n Nuisance.
The lobby of the postolllce Is the
meeting place these cold evenings of
lads who Had Its warmth a comfort
able shelter rrom. the night's cold
They congregate In a good-sized
group, and while they are orderlyijthey
Indulge In one habit which makes them
tin Intolerable nuisance. This Is tho
smoking of cigarettes, which they vig
orously consume until the nil- Is heavy
and fairly nauseating Io those who
have not cultivated a Inste for (he
nicely rolled smokes, The circum
stance of there being no transom for
tho escape of the tobacco fumes aggra
vates the trouble created by the gener
ous Indulgence of the lads' appetite for
this kind of smoking.
Last night there was a ciowd in lite
lobby, who made themselves Intoler
able and bad to be turned Into the
street. It Is the purpose to abate the
cigarette nuisance in Ihe lobby, even If
vigorous measures be necessary Io
bring about the desired effect.
It is hoped that thin public warning
will be heeded and that no steps will
have to be taken which might bring
grief to the offenders.
Blaze in D. & H. Yard Causes Flurry
of Excitement.
The burning- of a tool house in the
Delaware and Hudson yard, about
dusk las evening, attracted an excited
crowd to that part of the town, as two
alarms, the second calling out Ihe Co
lumbia, were sent in.
The shed was about 12x20 and was
destroyed, together with what tools it
The Mitchells and the Columblas both
responded, us Hie building, which had
more or less grease and oil about it,
caused a great blaze, one lhat caused
a little apprehension.
The Mitchell Fair.
The third night of the Mitchell hose
company fair was another Haltering
cess. The Archbnld Hose company
were tho guests of the evening. The
programme was highly enjoyable. Se
lections by a quartette from Provi
dence was well received and the solo
ists were warmly applauded. t
The llrst number was a selection by
the quartette. A tenor solo by G. Ed
wards followed, nnd then a bass vocal
solo by David Smith and AV. J. Davis,
another member of the quartette, sang
a tenor solo and a selection by the
quartette concluded the programme.
Dancing was then In order. The pro
gramme tonight will he as follows:
Violin solo, Mr, George Crevellng; spec
ialties. Messrs. Swarts and Wagner;
recitation. Miss Genevieve Collins.
The fair managers are providing
splendid entertainments each night and
Ihe public is responding in such num
bers ns to testify In a flattering way to
the regard In which the Mitchell com
pany is held in Hie community.
Meetings of Tonight.
George K. Randolph camp, Sons of
Division No. u, A. O. II.
Culled Mine AVorkers, No. S77.
Ilranch 77, L. C. D, A.
Carbondale council, Royal Arcanum.
Ladles' auxiliary, Hallway Trainmen
Diagram to Open.
Diagram for Krnest Gamble recital,
third number on entertainment course,
will open nt Reynolds' drug store at
7."0 tomorrow (Friday) evening.
Checks will be given out at 7.20 p. in.
Reserved seats, CO cents.
Gone to Texas.
Mr. and Mrs. K. 10. Young, of Welsh
hill, left yesteiday over the Krle for the
southwest, which they will make their
home. They will reside in lle.utmont,
Clarence Giles bus returned from a
visit wllh Military Spencer in New
York city.
Chief Ktiglneer James .Mc.Marlen of
the Delaware and Hudson company,
who was called here fioni Albany by
reason of the washouts along Iho com
pany's lines, spent part of this week in '
Carbondale, i
The Anthracite Glee club, the popu
lar musical organization of tills town,
will hold a biimiiiet in I heir rooms, In
Llewellyn's hall, this evening, The
boys will celebrate the Thanksgiving
victory, when they won tho .$100 prize,
IJorough politics are beginning to
boom for Ihe spring election. The otllcts
in be voieil for are borough auditor,
council, school directors and minor
ward olllces. such as Judges or election,
Inspectors, etc.
John l.yinau, an old and respected
resident of Austin Heights, died at the
West Scrantou hospital yesterday
morning. Funeral Director Timlin, of
this town, removed the remains from
Ihe hospital to Ihe late home of de
ceased, from where the funeral will be
held on Filday. Interment will be In
iho Mlnooku Catholic cemetery,
Mrs. J. HwiuU and Mrs. M. V. Ulnker
and son. Dale, of Wllkes-Hurrc, visited
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James II.
Jones, on Main street, yesterday.
Messrs. .Merrill ould and Arthur
lialrd, or New York, and FrcileilcK
Van Horn, of Scranion, spent the fore
part of the weel; with Foreman J. J.
Curt, jr. on Main street.
Mr. mid .Mrs. H. A. Dalilcr and ihll
dren, of Taylor si reel, were guests of
relatives in Wilkes. Harre iie forepart
of Ihe week.
MIhs Ann Thomas, of North Taylor,
left on Tuesday evening to visit her
sister, Mrs. ('Unties Davis, in Cleveland,
To Cure a Cold In One Day
Take I-axatlvo Uromo Quinine Tublets.
Alt (IruggWtH refund the money if it
falls to cure, K. W. Grove's signature
Is on each. box. 23c.
Facts Are Stub
born Things.
Ceylon and India Tea is
more delicious, more
nourishing and more
economical than any
other tea. Being PURE,
it is the best; having
TWICE the strength, it
is the most ECONOMICAL.
Ceylon Tea
bold only in I.rail Pnckelt.
.r0c, 60c. and 70c. Per Lb.
By a recent act of the legisla
ture, free tuition is now granted
at the
Literary Institute
State Normal School
Btoomsburg, Pa.
to all those preparing to teach.
This school maintains courses
of study for teachers, for those
preparing for college, and for
those studying music.
It will piv to vrili for particnljra.
No other school offcr.i bitch suuerior ad.
vanUsL'3 at suih low rate-). Adjrcsi
J. P. Welsh, A. H., Ph. D.,Pfia,
T. J. Foster, President. Timer 11. Ltwall, lrets.
Ii. J. I'oster, Stanley P. Allen,
Vice President. SocreUry.
The funeral of Merlon Coivin, of
Clark's Summit, was held in the Hap
tlst church here on Monday morning
last at It o'clock. The church was
crowded to almost its limit in seating
capacity by ills many relatives and
friends. The services were in charge
of Rev. II. P. Fast, pastor of the
Clark's Summit Baptist church, or
which the deceased was a prominent
member, and he was assisted bv the
pastor of the church In which the
runeral was hold, Rev. It. R. Thomp
son, Mr. ColvIn was a brother of Frank
Colvlu, of this place, and was once
himself i. resident here. Ho was also
a member of the naidist church here
for u hug tune, and was a man highly
esteemed by all who knew him,
The churches are making prepara
tions for holding their Sunday school
Christmas exercises next week. The
Methodist church will hold their exer
cises on Tuesday evening, and the Hap
tlst on Wednesday evening.
Walter Honey bade good-bye to his
family mid friends yesterday and Kit
over the Lackawanna road for Mexico,
where lie hie n position wllh the Ilrm
of tfl'inv-on A'- Watkins, of Scranion.
and oihou- u.ieiested In a copper mine
there. Ai-s. Honey will remain lieie for
a lew w.-.'k-., mid In the meantime dis
pose of niai.y ol her household goods
to any who wish to buy them.
-Mr. and Mis. I'anI Sotners, of Wyo
ming, vMl'-d n Intiws In this place on
Tho lit uvv storm of last Satuiday
uven'.iu; cHiited great damage to the
roads In this vicinity.
Christ inns will be appropriately ob
served, both morning mid evening, In
the church on Sunday with spe.
elul singing and sermons. In the morn
ing, Miss Kdllh Dubois will sins "The
Holy City,"
.Mum ice Dean has arrived home I'roin
Coluuihlr. inllege, unite 111 wllh Jaun
dl. c
ItcV. Mj.WukI II. 'lllolili-u uud wife air tie
ii'iluliilK!; Ilmi.iln niciiil-. .it tlirlr limnr ou ltjn.ii
Mi, .il. d .Mm. 'i Ml. Ulilmi., n( '1 1 . 1 1 1 -.1 1 , ,
nut iblllniv tilni'U In .MiuiJi.
liwiiiil' lljmi'.-, mii ul Mi, Mitf. liJiuo, of
Tlilnl atlt'll, i Milou.-ly ill.
Ml 4. Walli-l' I'lyu-, ot I, tiuil, uj. j miiii.uii
vUlti'i ji'itvulay.
The 1idi'uu:;Ii ,'imil lliii'"iil a ici m the
l)it(u ('.ii lion Aic l.itihl iuiiiMiiy, ul I lilt.ti'....
'II... tot limk id.iiti iu iioiii nt .li.iuiV h . I
ami j- vviliu'..-,il Io ,i laijin t limit.
The iiiiidiliiui ef John Ilim.nili, ul 'llirl
-iii'il, n ti-i'y -.'il.vii tail it'iiilui:.
licauinul i nilitl.1, ".Ml HjiI muu I ili.i-,"
ulll I io pivdiui'd mi IhilMHUi iiikIii in lv
llbktly Ikipll-t tlmuli. 'I In.- fullmun:: i !i
u4: Siumtluuri, Ihatiltv WillLms; Hiowlull,
l.ui-, Mud; s.n.u CIjii,, ',. I), rMuunU; I U- Io
.-Jin, -Mm ('drier; .Ink I'lu.-l, Tlu'in.n Jciic.;
Illicit)-, (Jt'oiula Mittluu'i.; Mm. Smu (lam,
Ji'iuik' I'jtleii; due, KjiI aiij!iklu; Tom,
Uany lluditt", Lou, Until Mull; JoIo, .UjIi
Kluydey; Anc, UcJ I'.dwjnU; Mattlv, lllllo
I 4
Tlu Old Reliable, 31 Years
Carriage Works.
Our Styles are Strictly original. We pay men to
study up new features. These EXCEPTIONALLY
FINE STYLES keep our factory humming day and
night the year around. When material, workmanship
and finish are considered we POSITIVELY LEAD.
W. E. GILHOOL, Proprieter
Remember the
315 - 31T - 319 - 321 - 323 -
Christmas Tree
Will be in the rear of the new merchants
and Mechanics Bank, on Spruce Street
Wholesale and retail.
Flowering Plants
At our store, 201 Washington ave
nue Our display this Christmas is the
finest we ever had. Poiensetias, Azalias,
Cayenus, Geraniums, Hyacinths, Cycle
man and Begonias, all in beautiful shape,
Palms, Ferns
Araucarias, Pandanus and Rubber
Plants in great profusion.
Small Palms
We are offering at special bargains,
15c and 25c each, Ferns at 10c, 15c and
Cut Flowers
The usual fine display.
Iu fact, mauy things at very reasonable price1?.
Finest Mistletoe we, ever had, Holly Wreaths, Rop
ing aucl Wild Sinilax. lu fact, everything to decorate thf
Home or Church,
201 Washington Avenue.
IJuu-c; pnlly, Luiliic IWell; !'iiiiiu, .lap
iiui'M', C11I1.111 Kitl .aid iuiimiui,.
Jain.t'i. Ihvini'iii. ( Mraiami, vl.llnl f i ivluts lit
low It yivltiilay,
A "iin;clilld," a fit'jl. ot nature, i mi n
'! f 4.
In Business. Established 1870, J
Name and Street.
325 North Seventh St.
lilhllluli lit Hi' Mihi'ii Imildlli;,- H LKLjuaimi
Ml.. II. MaliOiu', ul Cl.lln.talU. U Htlllu,-lic-t
.Mil', Mm. William O'llart, ot Duum I
X i,