The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 19, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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Every Newsboy of Scranton and Northeastern Penn
sylvania Will Be Given All the Copies of The
Tribune He Can Sell on Christmas
Morning Absolutely Free.
The Tribune desires to give the newsboys an opportunity
to make some extra money on Christmas morning, and with this
object in view will furnish them with all the copies of the paper
they can sell on that day absolutely without cost. This applies
to carriers and nil newsboys alike, whether they arc selling The
Tribune now or not. Carriers out of town will be supplied with
extra copies upon request. The boys will be furnished with
papers as soon after they come from the press as possible, and
will be kept supplied from the business office until 9 o'clock in
the morning.
Hoys out of town should send their requests for extra
copies to "Circulation Manager, Tribune, Scranton, Pa.," stat
ing how many copies they expect to be able to dispose of.
Carbondale boys will be supplied from the Carbondalc of
fice, from T.ttO to !.;J0 a. m.
All local carriers and newsboys who wish to take advantage
of this opportunity must secure their papers from The Tribune
office personally.
No returns of unsold copies will be allowed the following
rj&M,jmfrtKvtan?rti9Tti .
.n IT rf i ijHC
SVC' iSKSk -!i Mi.
t lei&iWK tSftJl ' Tw5
nm$mmz . w
Your money is wasted if you buy a poorly made
coat at any price.
Some manufacturers say we are too particular, be
cause we are compelled sometimes to return their goods
when they are not tailored as we think they should be.
Overcoats that we buy must be right or we don't want
them; that is a rule from which we shall not deviate
one iota. "A new one for anv that pops wmna" nnr
At $7.75 Men's Overcoats In n Rood warm weight of dark Ox
ford, made up with strong lining; none better .it the price. '
At $10-Men's Overcoats in Oxford grey rough fabrics nnd
and smooth kerseys, stiictly all wool, satin shoulder and sleeve lin
ings. At $12.50 Men's Overcoats in fine all wool freize, medium
and daik Oxford shades, plain of fancy linings; good, honest value.
At $15 Medium length or long Overcoats ; your money's
worth m everv one, this includes the popular 48 inch length, tailor
ed w:th a haircloth Iront, vertical pockets and cuffs.
At $18, $20 and $22.50 Very fine Vicuna Overcoats in differ
ent shades and various lengths; the fit and hang of an overcoat
means a whole lot ; see these, try them on and you'll find it hard
to distinguish them from m.ide-to-ordcr garments.
(The Jersey Central and Lackawanna
Koads Are in Shape Again.
Board for Today.
The Central Railroad of New Jersey
resumed tralllc yesterday over some of
ilioir tracks In the Hooded districts, but
ruKUlnr truffle has not yet been re
Mimed. It will bo several davs before
the damui;o to their roadbed can be rc
T.ilred. (ieneral trallie on the Lackawanna
r.iilroad, between New York and Buf
falo, v. MS resumed yesterday over the
main line, and the effects of Saturday
i(;ht's storm has almost entirely been
obliterated. The superhuman efforts put
forth by General Supeilntcndent Clarke,
Superintendent Kino, Superintendent of
Hrldges Hixbon and several thousand
workmen in repairing the dummies is
deserving of much piaise, and there
was not a railroad in the Hooded dls
1 licts that had their trains running
tlnougli as soon as the Lackawanna,
D., L. & W. Board for Today.
The following is the make-up of the
V., L. and W. board for today:
i;rxi:snAY, i)i:cn.Miii:n i.
Wild Cats Kait II p. in., C. W. Dunn.
tiiit.sday, Di:ci:Miti:it 1'J.
Wild C.iH I1W. 1.;.0 a. 111., O. W. ntrgcr.iM;
0 a. m., Unbokrn, It. JIiu'k; h j. in., D. II ig
pnly; 10 .1. 111., W. .1. Muier; 11 a. in., O.
luirncy; 2 p. in., D. a; 5 p. in., ohn
Histir; 0 p. in., W. A. Rartliolonifu.
suimnitfr, lite 11 u. in., wct, li. ProunfrlLrr;
C p. in., cnt, .1. Can'; li p. in., JI. liuhlcii; 7
p. in., X.iy Auif, K. McAllNtcr.
1'iiMici i 0 a. in., Wiilnei; 7 a. in., S Tin
niTly; b a. m., llou-er; 11. Ij a. in., Moran;
6 p. in., ( ll.irlhobincw; 7.30 p. in., Murpiiy;
0 p. ni., V. II. Uartliolomcw; lu p. in., Iamp
inir. Passenger Knginci 7 a. m., Ciaflncy! 7 a. m.,
SltiRer; 10 a. in., Nauinan; 10 a. t.i., I'. II. Sctor;
li.15 p. m., Stanton; 8. 30 p. in., O. Miller.
Wild Cats West. 4 a. m., A. ! Kctiliain; 10
a. in., C. Klngsley; 2 p. m., It. Cosier.
T. Uouilican and crew dll run 7.S0 p. m. wild
cat, December IS, In place of V. CUso nnd crew.
II. (JUIIrjii and trcw will run 8 a. m. wild
cat, Dec. VJ. in place of .1. I. Smith and ireu.
1. lillliRan and crew will take their run l a.
m. Dec. la.
llrady and crew will run No. 50 Dec. 1.0.
T. Hopkins and crew will run Xo. 07 Dec. IS.
This and That.
There will be no class of instructions
given at the Railroad Young Men's
Christian association rooms Friday
evening, December 20, on account of an
entertainment to be given by the asso
ciation on that date.
There will bo a regular meeting of
Klectric Cltv lodge, No. 129, Switch
men's Union of North America, at
lliiub's hall, 134 Wyoming avenue, at 8
o'clock this evening, for the purpose of
electing olllcers for lt)02.
Pianos for Sale Cheap.
A special and unprecedented offer for
the holidays only. Four beautiful
pianos, nearly new, can be secured for
Christinas gifts at less that- '-tilt their
actual value. Come early 1 secure
first choice. Prices will sui prise you.
Guernsey Hall, 311-316 Washington ave
nue, Scranton, Ta,
.-few Jk'Wmi
r-U& VfiSKKi
Goldsmith's Bazaar
A Useful Christmas Gift
Christmas Gifts for Men.
or n.u 3 !," :. LYrri ra. lVJh w.h? W - We are showing su
,nHnni7, ThV ' ,or oul?lue Wlin "e piaia snowing on the roll collar,
fnr, Vn ' TW" "t esPcclaly our order and the designing, cutling, sew
mg and trimmings show the highest character of workmanship. Sizes 34 to 46. The beat
purb variety
lapels, culls
Bath Kobes $3.50
I.uxurloiu and w.iiin.
Fancy Mispenders soc
In il.iinly loxe.
G $1.00
DriMiiL- or walMiic. v "
Holiday icJtwear 50c
J.uii5ie bibles.
Miiffli-rs oiqo
Evening Hris&s Trotcctors i.oo
Silk and Mini. '
UiiibiMlhm $15o
c hiher mounted Holiday goods. v-..uvj
Sweaters $1.00
All wool, plain and fancy icilor.
Silk Initial Handkerchiefs 50c
Fancy Halt-Hose t5C
Wool or cot I on.
Pj.tmas $1.50
Stripes and fancy nlalil-s.
Caps 50c
For hojs and men.
Fur Taps $1.00
Ksccllcnt quality. f
The popular walking rIo-.c in wliitc, black cried.
Our Handy
Laundry Bags
If you waat to make the head of a family or a
bachelor or a spinster happy, buy oue of these
Haudy Laundry Bags.
3 There are Two Ways.
Tnke Xunch at Hanley's.
Your shoppiner duties will bo greatly
lightened by his refreshment service,
which extends throughout the day.
Speelal accommodations for ladies un
accompanied. At 420 Spruce street.
325 Lackawanna Avenue,
of senditig one's linen to the laundry 2 times
a year. . Looking fr string and paper is one
way, and simply placing linen in the Handy
Laundry Bag is the other and easier way. Bags
have plate for name and address, insuring you
against loss in transit, and are made of strong
est canvass, specially manufactured for us in
red, blue, white and brown. Ask to see them at
Art Counter.
Price $1.00.
1 A Holiday Sale of Furs i
9 SL
Scranton, Pa.
Misses' and Children's Sets nf Anrrnra T?.
Raccoon, Oppossum. Sable aud Chinchilla: from 98c
to $8.98.
500 Ladies' Cluster Scarfs of Sable, Fox, Op
possum, Stone Marten, Brown Marteu, Beaver and
Electric Seal; from $1.98 to $4.98.
Matched up Sets, of the best Lvnx, Fox and
Bear Boa and Muff; from $9.98 to $49.98.
Separate Muffs of all kinds, large sizes: from
$3.49 to $19.98.
An OHltiKTAL HUG for a Holiday Gift.
iJo you know this is what your grown-up children would like to get and this
is what your wife and mother are anxious to get. Because thev I ke "to e
tC.e,rhhat yU ou,.d wish t0 get for yourself! We K hundreds
j,u, urcy rtIC M ail pnces l24 Washinirton Ave.
3 HStore Open Evenings Until Christmas. j
Allis-Chalmers Co
Successors to Machine Business ot
Dickson Manufacturing Co., Scranton
and Wllkes-Barre, Pa.
Stationary Entrlnes. T!nl1fri- Mlnlno
-flriAnrc city hotels.
Grind atlxntis Horsi. nd Annex
Virginia Aic. and Ucach, Atlantic City, N. J.
Suth jear; S50 1'oautitul loonu cnaulte, slngln
ml with tiatli; liot and cold sea-water bath
in hotel and annex. Location select and central
within few ard3 ol tlie Steel Tier. Orchestra.
Otfern enpcial Knrfniv ral. 1 In ate l.u n.i..
$-'.50 up by day. bpetlal rates to lamlliej. Co.che.
-" t. Machinery Pumns . iraiiu. wnre lor uooKiet.
macninery, xumps. CHAM.KS E. COPE.
''ivs Dncvviu UUIwir'AINY o
For ten years our goods have been recognized as the
standard of healthfulncss, strength and purity, a stand
ard followed by others but very rarely reached.
They have become staple articles, used in thousands of
homes, can be found at nearly all first-class bars and deal
ers, and demanded by multitudes acquainted with their
unexcelled qualities, who will have no other.
Our sales have increased year by year. The year about to
close has been the largest in our existence, and has
brought us up to the limit of our capacity,
We are making improvements which will increase our
capacity two-fold. Greater storage and refrigerating ca
pacity with the best modern machinery, will enable us to
meet the increasing demand without, impairing the ex
cellent quality of our goods,
Scientific Methods
Pure Materials
Good Tor SicK or Well
Our goods are produced from the purest products of the
soil, by skilled Union Labor, and by the most modern
scientilk methods.
Our guarantee of 10,000 is behind our goods, and we
desire our customers and dealers to feel they are at per
feet liberty to use this guarantee to the same effect.
We treat all our customers with equal fairness and liber
ality, a customer once gained is rarely lost, and the
means of procuring new friends.
If you do not handle Keystone Goods you will be seri
ously handicapped in your business,
fall on us and be convinced of the truthfulness of our
Wills, Treasurer and Mana
I nJZTptvzS:: XSK:is:s r- s is he gest ,in the city-and is stocked with the
t Choice6 Wines and Liquors at 40c to $1.25 the quart W oav no rem anH rnnZ ' -fh "' ; SpT' "T"0" &iven t0 the Holiday trade
t market. A bottle would be appreciated as a ChSas Sft .P Bnth PJ"6 Wth Sma" p,ofltS' 0l,r Keystone RVe is the finest on the