" ' j 11 THE K( WANTON TltlBrXIfi-TI-lt'KSOAV, DtiCJMUJtilt 11), 31101. HpO sweethearts, wives and the children with a thought for the poor. Drink to this a I bumper of Good Old Wine, Liquor or Sparkling; Mineral Water and thereby make Santa Claus time more the happy occasion it should be. Casey Brothers' mission is to supply your family their choice of beverage, in the highest de gree of Purity, at the lowest home trade figures. WFtBTE, 'PHOEBE OR TELECRAPH YOUR ORDERS if it is not convenient to leave them personally. They will receive prompt delivery, no matter where on earth you live. Your money back, too, should any purchase fail to make good our guarantee. extracts from casey brothers' family trade price list. li California Clarets Per Bottlo 40 Cents mid 50 Cents Imported Clarets Modoc, bottle ? .75 St. Julien. bottle 85 Pontet Canet. bottle 1.25 .1. Calvet -V Co. St. Emilion. bottle 80 St. Estephe, bottle 75 St. Julien. bottle SO Chateau Pontet Canet. 1877, bottle 1.25 Chateau Smith-lIaut-Lafite, 1880. bottle 1.75 California Rhine Wines LaubeJilieimer, botlle $ .40 Niet sterner, bottle 45 Hochheimev, bottle 50 Rcislhif,", bottle 50 Burgundy, bottle 50 Angelica, C. E. Bottling, bottle .00 Ziiifp.udel, C. B. BoUliii--,bottle .50 Snutoiiies Bonleau, bottle 50 Mnrteria Wine, C. B. Bottling, bottle 50 JUiscateHc Wine, C. B. Bottl iig;. bottle 30 Tkay. C. B. Bottling, bottle. . .75 Sweat Catawaba Wine, bottle. . .50 Imported Itliinc Wines Laubenheimei', bottle S Niersteiner, bottle Jnij orted Sniiloi'iics J. Calvet & Co. ,75 ,80 Gr s S .G5 Haut Barsac 1.15 Hnut Sauteines 1.30 Imported llui-gundy Beaujolais S .35 Clmblis, 1880 1.30 California Port Poit, per bottle ? .40 Port, per bottle 50 Port, per bottle GO Imported Tori Favorita Cooking1, per bottle . . S .00 Invalid Port, perfection for sick-100111 or table, per bol. . 1.50 California Sherry. Sherry. One Star, per bottle..!? Sheriy, Two Star, per bottle. . Sherry, Tlnee Star, per bottle. Sherry, Special, Four Star, per bottle .40 .50 .50 Imported Sherrys Caballero Cooking, per bottle. S .00 Duff Gordon, No. 3 P.. per hot. 1.50 Domestic Chumzmunes Gold Seal, Gieat Western. Imported Champagnes G. H. Humm & Co.. Moet & Chun don, Piper Heidsieck, Pomtneiy & Oieno, Veuvo Clicquot'. Domestic. Whiskies GREEN VALLEY, bottle $1.25 Monogram, bottle 1.00 Sam Thompson, bottle 1.00 Mount Vernon Distillery Bot tling, bottle 1.50 Gukenheimer Bye. 7 years old. bottle 1.15 Hunter Rye, bottle 1.00 Tillable Whiskey, Gieen Label bottle 1.25 Wilson Rye, bottle 1.00 Hollywood Rye, bottle 1.25 Kentucky Belle, 4s, 5 years old bottle 1.00 Jas E. Pepper & Co., bottle.. 1.00 Old Crow, H. P. Kirk & Co..bot 1.25 Antediluvian, bottle 1.50 Piivato Stock. C. B. Bottliim, .70 bottle 2.00 Duffy's Malt Whiskey, bottle. .80 Triumph Brand Malt, bottle.. .75 Triumph Brnnd Rock & Rye. One Star, bottle 75 Triumphant Brand Hock & Rye Three Star, bottle 1.00 L I'. Hiicblcin Cocktails Manhattan 1 Whiskey . -c Old Tom Gin I pl40 York i per Holland Gin hnf H-- Vermouth DUUh. Martini, bottle Imported .Scotch Whiskies King- William IV, V. 0. P. Scotch, bottle $1.76 Roderick Dim, bottle 1.50 Usher's Special Reserve bottle 1.25 DeWar's Old Highland Scotch, bottle 1.25 Glenlivet Old Blended, Burke's bottle 1.25 Irish Whiskies John Jameson's Three Star, bot$1.50 Old Bushmill's bottle 1.25 Kinahan's L. L. Irish, bottle- . 1.25 Burke's Four Star Imperial Quart Round 2.00 Burke's Four Star Imperial Tlasks 2.00 California 15 randy Cooking' Brandy, superior quality, bottle 1.00 Imported Ilrandy Henuessy 0 Star, bottle $1.00 Martol 3 Star, bottle 1.G5 Otaid 3 Star, bottle 1.60 Jamaica Hums London Dock Jamaica, bottle. $1.25 (JillS Burnett's Old Tom, bottle . . . .Sl.OO Booth's Old Tom, bottle ' 1.00 De Kuyper's Anchor Brand.bot 1.50 Burke's Dry Sloe Gin, bottle. 1.50 Field, Son & Co.'s Sloe Gin,bot 1.55 Imported Hccw Case of Pints Wuybuigeis Hofbiau $2.00 Muncher 2.00 Frankenbrau 2.00 Full lino of Imported and Domes tic Bass Ale and Porter in full sizes and splits. Cordials--Imported Chartreuse. Green Label, bottlc$2.50 Chaitreuse, Yellow Label, bot. 2.10 Benedictine, Le Grand 1.00 Curacoa Orange, in jugn 1.40 Ntiyens Marasquin, in bottles 1.30 Maraschino, in W. C. bottles. 1.G5 Creme de Mentho. Marie. Bruz- aid and Rogcis 150 Nuyens & Co.. Creine de Men tho. full letre 1.75 Cvcme de Cocao 1.55 Rum Punch 1.60 Kununel Russian Allash .... 1.25 Cherries. Nuyens Co 75 Domestic Mineral Water Whito Rock Lithia.doz. quarth.$2.25 White Rock Llthia. doz. pints. 1.50 White Rock Lithia, doz. splits 1.25 Foreign Mineral Waters Appolinaris, doz quails Appolinaris, doz. pints Apenta. Hungaiian , Water, dozen Hunyadi Janos Water, All standard brands and Domestic Ginger Sodas and Sarsaparilla. $2.25 l.GO Bitter 2.65 dozen. 3.00 of Impoitcd Ale. Club free as These quotations are based on the current market prices and are subject to change without notice. A reque&t for our Complete Family Trade Price List, will brin"-one to vou s fast as the mails will carry It. PLACE YOUR ORDERS EARLY, by mail, 'phone or calling personally on 16 Lackawanna Avenue, Importers and Wholesalers Old 'Phone 2162. New 'Phone 2974. ggywrc rwww. v etjwi "EHHSZfiSKnjKJl aaiMftaaifflcniTEBTOs Kscsasassi RAILROAD TIME TABLES Lehigh Valley Railroad, in i.ni 1 1 .vn. ;, vin. 'Il.nn lent Nl.tntiin. 1 ,i 'h 1 1, ! in i .mil Vw ..lh m.i II A. II 1. II i it...", .mil 'i ..i .i. in, .mil 2.1 I.27 I' .11 I, II. illl'iiul I. Mm' ), .111.1 ll.'l'i i, in. 'mi -, i. a. ii i! u.i -. ..; i. iii lot U, ii' IIimii, lliliii.n .mi! iniiiiipil i"iin ti Iii.iii.iI ujliii-, n Ii . II. K I! . tri L li ml I -'7 p in. I' i 1'iiii-villi, ii..is ,i in, :' I .. in i'i.i iti iiit'iicni, rii.,n, i.,.iiiiii4. lKiiiiiaii, iimI priiciiil iiiii'iin. il' ii. --i.it lull -. h II ,'. 11 II l( , i. . i.:u .i. in : '2.K 1..T (III uk iin l.n.liil I .l..-l. il..i'i .. III. Mlil.llJ, 1) v II II 1! 'i in.; 1 .i. j ; p. in. I r T'. i'l.. iiiiiih k. T.i,nnli. Khun i. I1I1.11 i. .ClIPMl .III (ililll i..ll illtcllllilluli' l.ltinn-, Ml i I., i ml U.I! II . in .1. in. .mil :: ,'.ii p, ri l'ir IIiu.m. l,,ili..Hi. Iltilliilii. Mi'-.ua lill-, I uh.i.i iiml .ill pninK v.-t, i.i II. ,t II. i! II., ?i- iin .i, in., i.i.', .!..:. (ill uk iHmiMiiii rs Dii-.), ; t. lo.ii, u :.n p. iii. Miiiiln.i -, 1). , II. )!. II 1.' I .. .- JT p. iii. I'lilltii.cii puli i .111,1 si, i p!tc nr I.tlilah V.illw.v 1 li r i.u .:i .ill I r. i i - liiiwi'in Will.i --II inc mill .v Vulk, riiiluli-Iplii i, Hulliti .ui'l Suip-Mi-i-l" llrlilsc IKU I. IN II Wll.lirii, (Mi. Siiit , SU Ci.ill.iinl li. Ml, Now nl: 1IIMII.I s. .i:i:, (i,.n. P.i-.. KI V, C'oilljii.l .(nil N.w i.ik. a . o.M:uir.u, ni. i'.i". i,i., .)ntii Ili-ilileUoin, I'ii. I'm' li.kits .ni.l I'lilliinii iTi..itInii- .ipjiU- to i iv tliki't uiliitf, C'J I'tililli Si,iiju, Wllki linrc, IM 108 Penn Avenue, 10 I, 7. 1. Delaware and Hudson. Ill Dint Nouiiilu'r 21, m. Ti jin-. 'in l .iiliiimkili' li.ui' .-, i.ini.iii ,u (..jo, I-ml. ,.'..t, Id 1.1 ,i m.i I-'.(), I. .'.. -j.-ii, .m, f. it, 0 !5, T 57, 1115. 1 1. "ii li. in.; l..'il .1 tu. I'm- Ilntil.ili. tl'JH, I'M I 1. 111 ; u'.ll .mil .1 J 1 1 111 l'i,r WilkM-lkini' n.'i". 7 l. Ml, n.:i 11 hi,, 1 !. l.-l'-'. -Mn , i.'.'7, 1. M 11, 11 .'i I', in. li,r 1 V, II. II. l'.iliii-.--f..-, !.." ,1. 111 ; ! 1, 1 7 ami 11. ' l. I" 1 1,1 I'eini'-jluiiii.i It. II. I'.ilnl-, il,S, li.S -1, in . i I. .I.2S ami 1.27 p in. li.i Mb in; ami .ill p.. hit- 11011I1 (U'n j, in u.i .1.0.' l III. M'.NIl.W I'llMNx. 1 t ( ulmi.il.ili ..1", ll'lt .1. m.i U..1I, 5J, I .' .111 I I0.CJ p. III. I r Milki llnii'-'U- J. Ill ; i-.'.a.;, 1.1- :2i, b -2 ,ilul - li 1 1. III. I u- Mli.iiis .nul points n. lill-"...' p. m, li.i 11..111-1I1I1' e so .1. 111 .m.i ;:..'.'.: p. w, V I. 1'IIVOll, II. 1'. Sci.intou, IM. Now Jeisey Cential. In l.lli'it .Nu. 17, iwi. St. It). ,11- 111 Vl 'lull., luut l.f 1 . i 1 1 . -1 1 X i-lni't onil ?.ii.tli Ic-iiy. . it. Train ! his SniJiiiuii fur New ml, I'lilluli,. ,liij, 1,1.11.11, Hi ililcii.'iu, Mlnit.mii. M.iikIi t.limik, U liltv lliun A-liUy .mil W'llki.- IS 11 in nt 7,;J1 j 111 I p. 111 ami I p, 111, ,Sim.j. , U In p. in tiukl'l I ll l:pll li IM-- t-ll.llllill nt 7 .VI II in., iliuiu.-h kullil v,.-il,iili. tl.ilu Mill, I'ulliiun llulfi'l I'.ului I ,n, f.j i'lillnldphli. I'ui Amh-j, 1'IUi.toii iiml Mllkoi.-ll.iiip, I p. m ami 1 p. u MiiuIj.n, -.'.iii p. m. I'm- l.niij; lli.nuli, Dujii (inm-, Pf, ., ;..;ij a, III ami 1 p. 111 Tor lli-jiliiik', Lflini m Jinl HiHi.liin-, U ,. lcnlown, .it 7.'J 1. in. .111.1 1 p. in. Miiuin, S.'IO p. in. I'ur I'Atlktlllr .il 7..I0 J. in .uu) 1 p. Wm I'or rJtn ami tliia-t iipply 1.1 iimiu .11 -uilon i. M. illltT, (in,, l'j.. ..t, V, W, WI.N'IZ. (iui Supt. Delaware, Lackawanna and Vestorn, In llilut Nov. ,:, juoi Trains li'Ji' i-ir.nuuii die S'm YmK-Vt 1 in, S. 15, C.U.I. 7 511 and 1 '1.0.3 u 1,1 , I J. li. ;,, pi, i.::j )i. in. I'm' .N'l" il ami I'liiliik'liili'a-T.iiii, 10(13 u. 111., ami Vili anil .!.... p. 111. I'or 'lolij lianitj At (I.IH I'- in. I'ur lititjn-l 15. I..SJ .111,1 li.OO j. in.; 1 M, K.Ml iiml ll.il'i 1. In. I'm llmu liaintun anil jj .iiI1iiii 10.20 u 111 .111,1 i.io p. m. I'ur o.tttitu, uav.u-o Jivl I II14I Iii jiui wil u. 111 i 1.51 I'- in. l)uiitn, i-juui.M. m, I tlci train nt l..'-"! a in "laily, isnpt tauwlj). 11.1 Jlonlruto l).i"j a in , 1 in ami 11 5n p. m. Klr-hnl-nn l Liilillliiil.ltliill l.nO -lll'l Ull 11. 111. Illooin.liuiir llni-li.n-ri.r .NiiiiIiuiiiIiiiI.iiiiJ, ,n (..13 ami lO.oj j. 111 1 I 53 ami b.10 p. 111. I'm , V viiu.iitli. ul -..Pi u in.: .i.iu aim ii.tm p 111, ".miiljl I'um. I "I .SlV, uk, 1,1'). il.l.i. I..0.-I laiul 10 Oi a, in. i iUO, il.-'ll p. in. Km' llnllalii-l.lJ Lint li.i1. 11, in . l.f..'. .n inni J),.ri p. 111. I'm isliife'liiiiitfii .imi ay tJtIoii ID.-'il .1 i. louniii'iir imiwu .vrfv .,wnuu, iv.uj a ami (..10 I'- Hi- Erie Railroad, Wyoming- Division. Iraliii (or New Voilt, Nulurvli .nul (iilinn.. Re iwinU lti N.rjiilon a jli; 7.W u. L 2.2.J p. in. rnaiv-IO..U J. in. iium .'iiuiiiiionn. iiunr- J law ley and Jnttrii" uijto pulntu: H.2U p. in. INcnv York, Ktuburvli ami InUriiu-dUW Ha Suii'iay trutiu Turkeys BY THE TON All home-dressed stock. Come to us for nice 'tender birds at low prices, We have thousands of Ducks, Geese and Chickens, as well as the iinest line ol Fresh Meats in the city. Tl! rkeys by the Car Load We receive live Turkeys and Poultry by the car-load lots, aud make a specialty of dressing poultry to or der. For the Holidays we will have thousands of live Turkeys, Chickens, Geese aud Ducks in our poultry yards in the rear of the market. Prompt attention given to all orders by mail or telephone. COMPLETE LINE OF Vegetables, Fish, and Oysters of AS J Kinds, Groceries, Table Luxuries. Fiist-Class Restaurant attached open Day and Night. Meals and Quick Lunches. (Telephone Connections.) Regular H Composition Book or News Done quickly nnd reasonably at The Tribune office. RAILROAD TIME TABLES Pennsylvania Railroad, Slii-iluk.' in Hi'tit June l luut, TiaiiH li.ui' inriMiiii! II '! .1 111,, wiik ilai, tin, null ii-tlliuli. 11 lill in. m Will, ,..-l in,, I',,,! man hull, t piilm- 1.11 Jul imp-Iii'.-, M 1'liilu.l.j pliii, ill I'l.ttsulli ; rlopi ut prim ip.i jntiiim ilnlu bUttim... Al-'i ('"inurl- 101 Minium, lip. ll.lillll;. rilllailllpllil, llllllllllU', ..,iln;;.j ,111, 1 t I I'lll.lllllJ .1 in I tin- ui-l. H..I-) 11. 111 , link ilii. Iui -iiiil.iuy, ll.iiii.lmi.', riiiliiMpliu, llittliii..i', W.i.liiiiluii ami I'jii,. I.1111; an. tliu luM. 1,1' . III., Milk llllll llll.ll.l)r, 1 IS p ,), il.- Nllllllll), llnlll'lllllK, I'llllllli'lplli.l, 11-llllHl I L-, Waalllll'Jtull JH't I'ltl-l'lllt; llliil lill' lli.l. .1.24 p. in., iii'tl. ilajs, tliiuiuli HkIiImiIo Ii.iIii fiimi Mllkis-ll - 1'iilliiiaii l.iiil,'t p.iil. 1 r.ir 1111,1 niacin" i.i I'liiliililpliil iii ri.ltslilk. Mvn ,,t pilmlu iiitiiiiiiili.iln t-t.il Iui.-,. I.-J7 p. 111. link iki'r, tin' Hi7lotuii, --unlriiy, lljlll.liiun. l'liilail.lplill ami I'llt.lniiu. ,1. II. Ill 'tVIIIV-O.S', (iui. Vgi. .1. 11, MOOD, (iui. I'.ls.-. .1st. New Yojk, Ontario and Westorn. In I'.nVlt Tui-sJay, Mqit. IT, 1!hj, NOIIIll llOL'.Mt, Li-aic U-jio 1r110 uantoii. I jrimii'Mir. t au.a. .10.111) a. m. II. 10 1. m 1 mi n. m ii. HI p. in. Ar. I'ailioii.laliiij. i p. 111. Mil'lll HOI Ml. 1.I-.UI' Uii Airne (a.luiii. Carliiiiiilali'. suntin. ".11 a, in, liiu. in, J, 1'ip. in I.IHI p. 111. IIDii.iii, bl'NIlWS I'M."., NOIIIll liOI'M). U-aui l-iiii' tune St rain. in. f Jilmiiilili', I ...Imla. , s.Si'a. in. ii.lup.111 1'M'u. 111. 7. IX) p. 111. Ar. Carliuinlalii 7 IU p. in. bOlI'M 110UM). l.taio l.tuvo Virno I aJu-i.i, ("ailjonilali', Nt.niion. ........ 7.111) a. 111. 7.1D a. in. .. 4 SO 11. in. CO.. 11. 111. 11.13 11. in. TijIih oi. 1 uu link ilan. un.l 11 011 Mimljw. niuki- main lino lounectlons (or N111 i'rk litj, UlililU'toiin. VValtmi, "lorwicli, Oiulda, 0..ii(,fv) ami all puinU uit. I'ur lurllirr Intuimatiou, (Oii.ult tli'U-t uuvnts. J. ('. ANDr.ItSO.V. a. I'. A., New -Ztl. v. WUSU, T, 1'. A Scrantou. Tuim. Nu 1 Nu. 7 . Tulim, Nu. I. Ii-Iik No. U Train. Nu. 0 Nu. It) NEW YORK HOTELS. .'i.'xvjv-v','--"-v'v.'-w'W-fc- VKST3UiSTEI, HOTEL for. Mili'ftitli SI. anil Iriinf I'Uve, NEW YORK. Ainriiun Plan, f.l.'O l'ir Pa- anil I'liwanl' I.'uiopinn Plan, fl.ou I'u l)jy jn.l l.'pujrdi. Spcilal lialii in l'.iiiiillcs. T. THOMPSON, Prop. ---- I'or Itiisiucss Men In tlio Ji?nrt ct lUa wltolr-saM district. For Shoppers r minute.' wallj to WnnnniahoM; S nilnutm to B!oj;al Coopt't'a JJI Btnrc. I-nsy ot accuas to tlio urea; Dry Goods t'torcs. For .Sifxlilsecr.s Ono block from ITwny Oars, civ. Jnc eaay trunianutlou to all poluta of intercat, imm mww A. II v I ftMkZat A U lo b? Ui 4 1 t NEW YOJtK. cor nth bt. -i TJNivrrtsiTv ru 4- unly cnu Diode fiom Urnaiw.iy t Rooms, $ 1 Up. ,. Wffiu -f - f X i!i- iv 1 . .. ll'J H'JUliUJ.J Ak ftjur aiUL'zItt for 11. irii't fin not iiiily tluj jilit-i. hut kt-n-1 kt.niiti tor il liktmtfil bituL trsir-l It mh ft.ll ii iilit'itliir-iutul iMii'i lunth in nml ' n-iiilifH. 11 tl riiM, unfitii invK nine iiiiir-. rvew iik Every Wmm iiiiilcrtfUiinniU-'oiililknitw hUiiu lhuuiuUif MtRVn Whirling Spro nun unit 'iNi nun. iu e . Mdhl i'liitvpimn Itlli ju-nt luUui J'H 0kr- L O .' L Jy il '(Kfiv S prof.Q.F.f MtCfiin SftflSI . 1 Aim-rlc'L. tiUArutilri lu-ufd nUI.. ,.,l I'-i.. lUri-,i-t,-rrrb run t tu 10 di)lirfi-.'-til-.'-.I i llluu-l I'liUun. .S-thui U-rl-mi). Iv I iik-oJ(T 11irl.llBli&A 1hl-ll Ilk. ii.n .ulll...! 1 ...--l.... . 1 ufaUbrvotOry4iiU'paO(grHHuruli-llw,oUU& Buoki iltlaitiir otJlral ud (rUtrl(l(ruJ, JirulUw apr.T UP-TO-DATE MARKET GS-6S WEST LACK AW AN V A AVENUE. Scran ton's mmmmmii mmm Christmas Store 8 jS Our handsome store Is now in complete holiday attiie. It SE" !'4, iH a wcuulert'ul bower of beauty and woll worth a visit Jt 25 from you. Accept this as personal Invitation and bring sH -a: mo cmiuven wirn you. For many years Wo miser's Meat Market has been known to the People of Scranton as the place where everything- choicest and best in the Meat line could be f. Best Meats At reasonable prices has always been the motto at the WORMSER MARKET, a fact which will be confirmed by our many customers. ! The four larfjo double floors are filled with oveiythiiifv in which the lit t lo folks delight and many things in which adults are inteicsted. Toys, Tree Ornaments, DoSls, Candies, etc., In endless vaiioty too numeious too mention will be lound hore at prices consistent with the quality of goods illiams & Bro. I 312-314 Lackawanna Ave. Prompt eiivery Of all orders, whether by 'phone or in person, is one of' the rules of this business. Your trade is respectfully so licited on the above conditions. ,Jr.ftyW;nTr.nr.T-M.M1MTnTn n ( M (TrT?fmr,,TrMt,f ,1rt,rTr-TT TT. Tt-J m SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER! Occupies an Imperishable Position in the BUSINESS WORLD. Unquestionable Superior Merit Annual!;.' adds thousands of names to the Ion-- list of Smith Premier users, icpieseiitin- every line of trade ami every profession , ,. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE FKEE. p The Smith Premier Typewriter Co., NO. S3 S. Eighth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Scrautou Branch Oftico, No 1 and 3 Arcade Building. o.v.';.,isr, R L. WORMSER 227 Penn Avenue. EMPTY HOUSES CAN BE READILY FILLED IF ADVERTISED IN THE "FOR RENT" COLUMNS OF THE TRIBUNE '.-I