rpp h -'s. fc. JV 6 THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1901. WEST SGRANTON PROF. ROSSER'S CLEVERPUPILS WILL GIVE A PUBLIC RECITAL TOMORROW EVENING. They Will Bo Assisted by Mis. Ran dolph Jone3, Misses Elizabeth Markvvlck, Bessie Slote, Thomas Abrnms nnd David Jenkins The Funeral of Mis. Plioebo Smith Yesterday Afternoon Caucus of rotnth Ward Republican Voters. Other Matters of Geneial Intoiest. 1'iof. Silas Dosser's Junior ami senior pupils will Rive a plana forte recital at Washington hall, Noith Main avenue, coinoi row evening, ns-slstod by Mrs, Randolph Jones sopi.ino; Miss Posslo Kioto, elocutionist. Miss Nellie Muik vvlek, cunltnlto; Thomas Alii mil", tenor, 'nnd David Jenkins bnsso. The follow ing progiiimmo will be lenrteied: I'ls llulouble, strcaiioR 1 HI in 1 iniu hiccup fitllcl Miss ilnllit Aruiitiuia. "MIIaKO Hlicktiiltli" rWii .Miss I, lllli' llitur. Contralto mil vlected Mlv. .Villi VlirUuk. Sillirelln fiom Ml-vt (jliiljs lone- "( llCUflllnOv," Vo-s VI ks IMllli Vbrrk "Ihalhci 1!om Lange Miss ( ithnlnc Pilne lmor r,ol Si'.cct'd Hi mns Abrnn-. EoiiIIiii, rp 33, No 1 k'ulati Mi-s Ko-i" I in"iu ".Nwnphs at l'ln" O'Vaii ML- Miuil luncs "Jtticilo llli" Heel nun Mks XI i) lioberts n is Mill ctlectid Diiid Jrnl.m-'. "l'Mtun? Calm" Oiirc'iel Mi-s I mi i Jcm- "Jlit- fountain" Hnhtn Hirold I iii- "1 rulic of the Unit ill-." Pium Mlv. Mi .loin.-. iktililicii Sleeted MiNi lie -10 Miuli "(.jji'.v ltoiitln" lliyltn Miss Aim i low-. "Mlpliiia Impromptu W il-i Ilulimui llitiiil 1ci i- ijiinlittc "hll Mi- llioi! I'ullv Ik." .1'ioth.rrc Mr- ltiiiililpli lows Mi- illn VfuUic.. "3 homo-. Alii ml' iml Diul .Unl.iiu Weekly School Deposits. The wii'Kh deposits fin schools No J1 uml No ; weie .is follows: School No 10 Pi of. D W. Phillips, .10: Miss Nichols, .:,; Miss Peaniish, .!; JIM Dtifoiip's French Tar Will promptly relieve iml tpcedily cure iouh, colls ami ill lun trouble. Kor sale lij 0. W. JLMiI.Ns, 101 s0uth Mam avenue. My Lady s Best Friend Wintry W Is a set of nice Fashiouable Furs, and you'll think for a very long time before a happier idea for a suit able present for a lady friend strikes you. Fur Sets or Single Pieces In all the popular Skins, including Blue and Natural Lynx, Silver Fox, Brown Fox, Sable, Marten, Beaver, Mink, etc.' Fashious latest modes are refheted in these Fur Scarfs and Muff?, aud you buy them here at prices which are not to be equalled elsewhere in town. A look around the other stores before you come here, will satisfy you on this point. Fancy Neckwear for Ladies' In all the new conceits and fancies, many of which have been especially designed for the holiday season. The variety is infinite, and the prices arc surprising ii'ly low, considering the quality and charming b'-auty of the many novelties offered this week. Special display in Ladies' Fashionable Neckwear, "ow awaits your inspection, Decorations for the Hair In fancy Boas and multitudes of other beautiful creations, such as are considered essential for a fash iouable woman's fashionable toilet. Globe, Warehouse SSS3 ' By the way, the store is VrfVSVSIVJfcjrf01Si Molgutl, Jl.u'ii Miss lltlttoll, ,!).: Miss Ilvuns, ,4": Miss Davlcs, $1.01; Miss Keltow, $1.07; MIhs Wade, ,7J; Alius l'lynn, .14; Miss Mutphy, 91.lt: Aim. Koibor, $2.1.8; Allss Peck, I-M7J total, $14.0!. School No, 13 Prof. David Owens .2ti! Miss Alice Kvumt, ,G(5; Miss I'dna Kvnns, .25; Alios Ellu Lewis, .'Jr.; Allss Nellie ltlohnids, .CO; Alls- Catherine Phillips, $1,04; Allss Ddtiu Lewis, $1.13; Miss I'lla Price. $1.21; Miss Pin ah Alu Donald, .1.: Allss Kloiencu Freeman, .!); total, $0.01. Foutth Ward Candidates. A caucus of Kouith ward voteis and candidates for olllce was held last evening in Alderman John's otllcc, to in range for a date for the ptellmltimy light. James Leyshoii wan chosen chali man; D. W. Evans, sectetaty, and E. W. Soring, tiensutcr. The fol lowing candidates icglsteied for the vailous ward olllces; Tor telect council Ihv id 11. l'in. li r imnman immill IMwiril V. "S-nln-j Jiiiks MiMion, Willi mi V, V.ww, i:an V V. I1H I'm coiiiditile lolm ,1. l)nl For icflilcr of ctcM llrt dllll(t, OavU 11 Juicn; s,poiiI ilMikt, Ilugli I Ills; l'uuitli iliitriit, .lolm C .Tone. It was decided to hold the caucus on Satin day, December 21. Theie Is no candidate, as yet, for uprlsler of Mitcis In the Thhd dlstilet ot thi' ward, but should there bo any additional nspliants for any of tho al)oe-named olllces, they uie leciucst eil to wilte Seeietaiy V. W. Evnas, 57 Roberts eouit, or meet at Aldei iiuin John's olllce ncl Tiiday evening. It was also decided that should any aspltant for any of the above-named ofllioH Ish to register after Dec. 20, their names will not appear on the Hag ticket. Annual Election. The following ofllceis weie elected at the legular business meeting of tho Pb mouth Congitg.itlonul chinch, held on Monday eenlng: Deacons, Riehnd Owens and Ellas Dwins, teLoidingcleik,LI7lc A. i:ans; lliwncl il cleik. John P.. Klchaids; standing committee. Samuel B. Powell, John T. Jones, Ileniv A. Paisons; music committee, Class A, Alls John A James, Class 15, John Phillips; CI i-s C, John It. Thomas, Class D. John U Itiehaids, t'liss V., Allss Jennie Lewis, audltois, Daltl S. Reese and Hajdcn OHer. Funeinl of Mis. Smith. Tho limor.il of the late Alr.s. Phoebe Smith oecuned jesteiday afternoon fiom the house, JJJ South Deckel s torn t. The seikes weie hugely at tendi d by lelathes and fi lends. Rev. Daid Spencer, ol Rlakelv. pleached the tuner.il senium; Rev. S. 1 Mathews, ot the Fhst Daptist eliuieh, lead the HeilpUue, and Ite. James Benningei, ot the llainpton Stieet Alethoillst Episcopal chinch, of feied piajer. The lemains weie laid at rest in Finest Hill cemeteiy by the following pall beaieis: AVlllIam Coiless, Wll- When inds Do Blow I M sgga-g-e-s-'a open till 9 p, m, these days llntti neese, "William Fowler nnd Wil liam Fioemaii. Broke Arm at Elbow. Mrs. Aliny Davlcs, of Twelfth sliced was the lcllm of a peculiar accident, while dusting her home nn Monday. Alis Davlcs had swept the pallor and was taking down tho nletuics to dust them. In putting them back In place she was ttimdlng upon a chair, which tipped, tin owing the unfotttmato lady to the Moor with ninth foite. A member of the family, healing her fall, hastened to her asslslance ami found her In an unconscious condition. Dr. William ltowlnud Dmles was Im mediately summoned and found her suffering fiom a biokcn arm at the elbow and seeie contusions ITEMS Or INTEREST. On December IS will take nlace tho man Inge of Robei t Thomas, of Fll tnoie avenue, to Allss Casslo Powell, ot Joekron sticct. Tho announcement of the coming mnirlngo of Allss Coin Renchler, of 520 Not th Lincoln aenue, to Heibeit Longeore, of nsC Notth Lincoln avenue, has been made. St. David's Sisters of Rethanv held nn Interesting meeting last evening. A benefit enteitalnmont will be held Fildn e onlng In Aleais' hall for the sti Iking street car men. Air. ami Alls Hopkln Aladdock nnd daughter, Attn v. of lfio South Rebecca acniie, will leave for New York city tomonow. Air. Aladdock has been called there by the Rovnton Furnace com pany to test a new furnace which will be put on the maiket In Januniy, 1902. Air. Gable, of Stalk's court, was taken III while at woik on Monday In the Cential mine. Ho was remoied to bis homo In the ambulance. All who wKh to donate ai tides for the uimmago sate to bo held In Wash ington hall bv St. David's church, are leuuested to leave them at the hall to day. lie v. Howell, of Dlkdale. formeily of this .side, will move to this city again, on account of failing health. The tegular Wednesday evening ser vice and Bible study will be held this evening In St. D aid's chinch at 7 30. The uinnnnge s ile conducted by the vestiy of St.Divld's chinch commences today In the Washington hall stoic on Noitli Main avenue, l'eiions having at tides lor the tile will take them to the stoie Seivlce this morning In the chinch .it 10 o'clock John Aluiilngcr and Hnuv Holly an nounce themselves as candidates for common council in the rouith w.ud. The D. and L Dancing class will hold theh weeklv social in Aleais' hall this evening. William Wilght, of Lueino stieet, emploved as a uinner in the Conti nental mine, was squeezed between a car and the lib leeently and seveiely injiupd. Jhs. Tllson is seilously ill at the home oL her daughter, Alls, nank Slu del, on Noitli AI.ilu avenue. Roy AIoi'an, of Vlntondale, is visit ing Chailes Caipentei, of Noitli Re becca avenue The fair and festival of the Ladies League will open in the First Wol-h Uaptiht (liui eh this evening. Miss Alnirf.uot Ciawfoid, of No'-th Hide Paik avenue, enlei tallied the AlNsionaiv Studv clas-s of the Simpson clmnh Rpwoitii League last evening. D. 11 Thomas, ot .South Alain ave nue, is making a business trip tin oiigh the lower pint of the state. Washington camp, No 31, Paliiotie Older Sons of A met lea, will meet this evening in Washington hall. Alis. Dllzabeth Saul and on, Thom as, of Pi lee stieet, aie spending a, few d.ivs In New Yoik. E-Chlef of Police Alaitln Guirell, of Ninth stieet, has been appointed collector of delinquent eltv and school tu lor the I'ouiteenth waul. The annual high mass for the lepose of the soul of the late James G.illa rhei, of Metidinu stieet, will be eelc btatcd at St. PatiUk's chinch this morning. Robtit C. Page, of the central city, nud Allss Anna AlO'-es Allies, of Noith Biomhv avenue, weio mauled by Rev. J, P. Jloffat, at the paisonage of tho Washbuiii Stieet Piesbjtcihm chinch, on Tuesday attcinoou. Tht will te- sklo at .Jo.' North Lincoln avenue. The AVest Set an ton assembly of the Ro.val Society of Good Fellows will .il, .., nlll...i ! ., .l.nl.t ,An-..t... in,.ll..n I urn... iiiin.vi.1 ti, ih;ii ii.Liiai mui'Liiife, to be held In Red Alen's hall tomor iow evening. The founal opening of the i:iectiic citv Wlieilnion'b new bowling allejs will take place tomonow evening at the club house, on Jackson stieet. The committee ot aiiangoments will pio vldu cnteitalnineiit and letioshmonts The opening game w ill be played be twien the lilac k Diamonds and Green RIdrfe Wheelmen, ot the Noi theustern Pernio luul.i Iluwllng league. GREEN RIDGE. The Gieen ltldt,u Women's Chilstlon Teiiipeiame union villi meet this uf tcinoon at II o'clock at the homo of Alls. Wlnant's, Alonsey uvenuo and New Yoik stieet. Alis J. S. Allller, supeiiiitendent of evangelistic woik, villi have chin go of the meeting, A coidhtl invitation Is extended to all In teicsteil, A10SCOW, VIh. . W, ninlcii, o Main Micit, uliu Iuj lioin critical.', ill ut iniuiuii nU foi tlio nl tin i o clK, is Ihoiiphl at lllli wiilintr to lie u Ullh btinii.'rr, lliu fiimial ol William ItafTeih, rf Sttinto'i, u krimr rc-.Iiknt of Ma-iu, un In Id Ikk, SatiiiJi;, fiom Clio Mitlmill t iliuuli, lli, (I, A. (nn, ti( I'urt I'K tin, o!lUlilin-, liitcnmiit iui tunic In tin Muvow (iniit(i,, MIm Until (Imliur w in thu Knost ol Irk mis in Clun ltliH.e IWi) .nil Sjlimln, II, .S U.ilN had nioioil ill Ml, .lolm 1 ilttauli' limi on I linicli Rtnot, Mm. Siuli lluili, of (iliiilmrii, r,tkmliil tlio film ial of William Itaffutv Inn, Siiunlii, .Mti Dale, of Kino, ulio I at lien i-puiilln;; n'liral sciK-, ulth Iui ckkr, .Mi. (J.iiilnti, rdiiuidl limnu lilih), Lluilis lliuun kit IVMiy (or A.nrfolk, Va , wlurc liu vccM to skiii1 1 lie winter, A joun ken uf Mr, and Mis. IKmil, of church ttrcit, ilinl fkrili. 'llic IjiIIh, .Viil toclcty licM 3 mrclliu jov tculiy aitcrnocn at tlio Iwinc of Mrs, I', II, flarilm r. II I Ciniinn, vilio Ins Irrn ill In th.' past mil, ii ablo tg ba cut a.un. OLD FORGE, Mr, A J, Cooper wai tho (jucdt of lilj father in I'lttsteii on Sumlay, Trliilo Willlini Hope, (f Port Mdiroc, mil fpiiil tlio holiday ultti 1U pauntj, Mi, unl Mr. 1 ml Ik in, Mr, uml Mi, Fimikl Uroidhrail, Jr., fpcut Sauil.iy wllli frlcn'U Ii lllnliainton, X V, Waltir Njjlur lia muicd hU fanill) into tlio lioiuc H'cintly lari'dl ! Ml. Willie. Mrs. Ilarhara MidilUlon, ol Siiaiiton, wh tlio gtUft of lur lurents, Mr, anj Mrs. William Dilvon, on MouJiy. Mrs. Mary l.Juanli lias a fine ilifplay of lnli ikiy cuoJi ut her lioiiu. lliU is tic pluo to to with our cliltlrcn to buy swat nit at s. i:.kiulc inpai aloim aru bclu nu'lo by tlio dilfuiiit Sunday nhoyb for their ClirUtnuii en UxUiiuututr Store will he open every even ing from now un til Christmas. REAL LACES. Hand Appllqued, Itrtissels Not, In black, white and new tones of cciu Real Duchcsso ami POINT LACES. fiom the tiniest edge to the widest llouucc. Real Dtichesso and Itlsh Point Gculels and Collins. Hi lilnl Veils, In Real Dtichesso and Point Lace, up to $2,"0 00 each. LACE TIES. In Duchcsse nnd Irish Point. Ctepp and Chiffon Ties, Dtesdeii and Foi shin designs. SILKS. AInny In lengths ot one pattern each. SOUTH SGRANTON MEMBERS OF ARCANUM ELECT OFFICERS. Important Session of Electric City Council in Storrs' Hall Herman Schwenker Tendeied a Suiprise Paity by a Number of His Young Fiiends The Funeral of Anthony Ncalon from His Late Residence on Piospect Avenue Oscar Pit tack Is Home on a Furlough. A well-attended session of Electric City council, No. 1541, Roval Aicunum, was held in Storis hall, on Alder stieet, last night and olllceis for tho ensuing tetm weie elected. Aluch other Important business was tiansactctl, and action was taken on a joint member ship Lilly and Initiation to take place during tho month of Apill. The coun cil is in a jnosperous condition, and has a membetsliip of seventy-eight It was oigtinied In 1MJ, with twent-slx membei s. The ofllceis-elect aie: Regent, Oscar Giatnbo; vice-iegent, William Robling; oi.itor, J. F. Alurphy; past legent, Am biose IIci; secieluiy, A. G. Hewitt; collet tor, Chailes 1. Phillips, trensuier, Enill Uonn: chaplain, Chailes Kelter, ji.; guide, John Jankoski; vwiidcn, Wlater Kafehlnskl; sentry, Alvln D. u lies; tiustee, for tlnee jears, Stan ley Klonoskl; medical examiner, Dr. J. Alanley. A Surpilse Paity. Herman Schwenker, who is emplood by his fathei, Fted Schwenker, foie man of The Tilbune's blndeo, was ten deied a genuine surptise paity last evening in honor of his sixteenth blith day. The young man was sent oa an cnand of some kind about 7 o'clock, and when he returned was waitnly gieeted by a huge paity of fi lends. After a shoit reception, the gatheilng adjourned to Baldner's hall, on Willow stieet, wheie a most enjojable evening was spent. An excellent supper was seived by the young man's patents, who furnished an abundance of le ft eshments, and nfteiwaids dancing was enjoved for seveial hours. Tlioe piesent weie the Alisses Alln nie Hut timm, Anna Fasel, Emma Wal tus, LUIe Rlchaids, Alinnle Helcr, Lucllo Illldebi.tnt, Teiesa Brill, Alamo Aloilang, Llrzle Schuek, Lena Beig hauser, Rose Welcome, Katie Welcome, Katie Hueslei, Coi.i Delt7, Anna Kuhn, J'inni.i Ciothnmel, Ilentv Schwenker, Heimnn Schwenker, Fted Rlngler, Will lam llcsslnget, Adam AI.ius, Fiank Hesslnger, David Rehllng, Otto Sdill llnger, Henty Alotehni.in, John llahn, Chailes Reighauser, John Schtadel, Fied Dehllng. Laid nt Rest. Tho late Anthony Ncalon was laid at icst jcstciduy morning fiom the home, on Pioipcet avenue, which was tlnonged with sjinpathlei.s of the af- I lllctcd lamlly, It was one of the hngost fiineiuls ever seen on tills nlde, and neai ly cvciy member of the Plumbers' union was in attendance. A i cejulein mass was colebiatcd at St. Petci's cathedial, and Inteimont took place In tho DunmoiQ Catholic cemeteiy. The high mass of leiiuiem was celo biatcd by Rev. Father O'Uiyne. Thu ilowor-bcaieis weie Allehuel Kenlgan, Thomas Alay L'dwaid Costello anil Allehuel Thornton. Tho pall-bom cm were Daniel Aluiiav, James Denipsoy, I'atiiek Reap, Edwaid Kelly, Anthony , u uuiiiiiii nun iieiny vvinsiiei, tin or the Plumbcis' union. Home on n Furlough, Oscar Plttack, a pilvato In the lIght) -thlid company of United States Coast artllleiv. which Is now stationed at Guu'inoi'ii Island, N. Y Is spend- I lug a shoit fin lough with his patents at C17 Willow stieet. Pi lor to Joining tho legular uuny, Plttuck seived In tho ' Spanlsli-Ameilcau wnr as a member of , Company C, Thirteenth leglment, Penn sylvania vohmtceis, of this city, fiom ' which ho was houoiably dlschuigcd at Augusta, Ua Mtnch 13, 18011. A llttlo over two years ago ho le-en-listed and In that slant time ho has seen much active seivlce tu china and also In the Philippines, wheiu ho served seveial months, He has a lingo collec tion of idles fiom joiclgu eountiles at his homo, which he is ptoud to display, His tuilough explies on Jauntily IT, when ho will ic-Jolu his eommunii, which staits In a few dujs after fur our eastern possessions. Plttack Is fond of serving Untie Sam, and will ie. enlist next jenr. Funeial of Hiss Hayes. Tho fuiU'tnl of Miss Julia llujcs, whoso death occuncd on .Monday at tho homo of her brother, Thomas Haves, of 320 Plttston avenue, will take place toduy at 9 a. pi. lu III do Paik cumctety, after u icciulcm mass at the cathedial. The family of tho deceased lady aie somewhat cxeielsed over thu fact that thu death notice in the vailous papeis stilted her to bu a man led ludy with a family. The tiuth is that deceased was FINLEY'S. This store nsks your patronnge because it deserves it, nlwavs has the finest merchandise, the largest assortments. Nntur.tlly much is expc'cted from us at Christmas. We won't disappoint ou, but meet your expectations to Its fullest realization. TANCY SILK WAISTS. In Pet shins, Snipes and Checks. $100 value for t'.'ic $1.25 value for Sc $1.50 aluo for $1.25 FOULARD SILKS. Good lino of designs at special pi lees for Holiday Piespnts. BLACK DRESS SILKS. Fine Fictich Taffeta, Peuu do Sole, Paillette do Sole, Satin Duchcsse, Hongullup, Ataseotte, Mohc Velours, Atoll o Antique, lth h Hiocades, TAITETA SILK. lilacks and colois, 10c and up wind. DRESS GOODS. Ptlestlev's Pluck Dross Goods, In all their new popular weaves. NOVELTY DRESS PATERNS. All colors at dealing pi Ices. 510 AND 512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. never matrled, She was over CO oars of age at death. NUBS OF NEWS. The Junger Alaenneichor's pntettaln nient committee will moot tonight to make final aiiangoments for their Clulstmas drawing and social, which takes place In Geimnnla hall net Alon day night. The Saengerrundo's committee will complete nnangements tonight for their annual Clulstmas Deesclieerimg, which takes place in Athletic hall next Alondav night. Services nt tho vailous ehuiches are being an anged by the pastois, and at the Chinch of Peace the Loid's Supper will be admlnlsteied by Rev. E. J. Schmidt, PhD. In tho evening shoit services will be followed by exercises nppropihite to the season, for the bene fit of the little ones. Accoi cling to some of the papers, Charles E. Phillips must have stood on his head when lnjuied a few dajs ago. Instead of Ills left aim being bioken It was his light leg. Thomas Giitllths, of 2107 South Web ster avenue, who Is employed as en gineer at the Axle vvoiks, fell on a slippery sidewalk vesteiday rooming and sustained a ft.ictuie of the vviist. Get jour smokeis" supplies, pipes, clgais and tobacco, at Aliller it Doeh ler's, fiOfi-Cedar avenue. The best goods at the lowest pi ices. A meeting ot St. John's choir was held In the chinch basement last even ing. Another inloicstlng game of basket ball will be plajed in St. John's hall to monow night The Stais and the Twentieth Centuiy Athletic club aie matched to plav In door ball, In Callerv's hall, Filday night. NORTH SCRANT0N NEWS. Stars Defeated the Allentown Team at Basket Ball in the Auditor ium Personal Mention. The Noith End Stais defeated the Allentown basket ball team at the au ditoiium last evening in a lather slow and unlnteicsting game by .i score of 1G to ii Skiff, of the Stais, distin guished himself by tluowlng four dif ficult baskets Horn the center of the hall. The baskets weie tin own by Skiff 1, J. AlcCluskey 2, and Tlgue 1, from field and J. AlcCluskey on foul, foi the Stais and for Allentowns, Woimei 1, and Sykes 1, fiom field, and Slices 1 f i oin foul. The lineup follows. 1 ir- AlUnlowu kilf i mlit foi ml Powell I McClu-Kij lift forwml liner 'lm'iio tenter SKi-. 1'. Inm nV'lit -uir.l I ut 1". Aktlu l.ci Iifi Rimil rnir Hck ut Willi mi- rmplii llittln. Spotting News. Aluch luteiest is being taken in this section in the coming wiestllng match I between Abe Cochi.in, ot this place, and a man named Jones, of Ilvde Pink, to take place at St. Alan's hall Jun ii,iiv 13. ISO.', for $100 a side. Cochi.in Is the man who gave Ptof. Dwver such a tusslo at tho Set anion I!lcele club last winter when Pi of, Dwver was giv ing exhibitions theh. The ci at Kei jacks will play tho Rloomsbuig state noimal school basket ball team a game of basket ball at the iiudltoilum Filday night, and a good game Is expected as tho Noimal boys alwas play a clean scientific game. TOLD IN A FEW LINES. Tho Ladies' Aid sot ioty of the Welsh Congieg.itlonal (huieli aie winking haul for their annual lea paity which Is to bo held on Now Yeai's day In the puilois of tho chinch. Tickets tno for sale by ineinbeis ot tho Ladles' Aid society. Thu Kej stone Diamallc club aie ni.ictlcing haul for their beautiful chimin, entitled, "The Plug ot Ttuce." ; James Kcttildgo was lined $.1 bofoio Aldei man ridlur last evening for fighting and being a nuisance. Tho Flist Clulstlan chinch of Xoith' Main uvenuo will hold their Clulstmas exoiclses on Clulstmas evo. An ex cellent niogi amino has been piep.ned consisting of seveial leeltatlous, solos mid songs. On ciulstmos nvo tho Civstal Diam atlo club, consisting of seveial well Isiiown v tiling men of this section, will piesent to the public for tho Hist tlmo In Sciauton, "Tlio Seuatorb Daughtei." Mis. Solomon Dawes left rsteiday for Atlantic City, whcio shu will icsldo dining tho white i. Mis. A. II. ltiyden, of Ithaca, N, J., who has been visiting bur pnents on Tlnoop stieet, i etui ind homo ester day, together with hei hi other, It win Dawes. Mis. Kate Mcllale, of Wilbur stieet, wishes to aiiiKiuuee that she Is luuo (out of all clun ges clt diluted i oncom ing her. Thu funeial of thu latu Mis Mai tin Walsh, who died Sutmday moining af ter a llngeilng Illness, took plaiu jes ten day moining from the family icsl demu on McDonough avenue, and was laigcly attended by fi lends and i da tives ot tho deceased. The leinalns weru conveyed to the Holy Ilosny chinch, where a high mass of ieinlein 'was celebrated. Intel ment vwis made In the Hyde Puik Catholic cemeteiy, SHORT LENGTHS Or DRESS GOODS At half pi lee, nip splendid gifts for Waists, Chlldien's Di esses, Short Skills etc. CHALLIES. New line Just at lived. All new spilng eoloilngs. Philn, with snlln stripes; plain, with polka dots; fancy with satin stripes, and fancy, plain Challli's. AInny choice de signs lu single dicss cuts. CORDUROYS AND VELVETS. Complete lines In all tho now shades. BLANKETS, COMFORTABLES. A pair of nice win in Mnnkets or a Huffy Comfortable would make an exceedingly desliablc gift. 4 10-11 TURKEYS FREE. "Truth is sti anger than fic tion," but "actions sueak louder than woids," so we shall be eco nomical with woids and Ubeial in facts and figures. Our proposition Is as simple as it is generous. Every purchaser of the follow -lng$" Combination Giocory Older gets a ten-pound tuikev abso lutely without cost. If you desire a laiger blul, add the cm rent price to the weight, above the 10 lb. limit. This Combination Offer alone is a baigain: S3 pound niK lojccs Ueot Hour, a (upi rior brc id nul or f'o Ililf pound Illinium Cocoanul, ihc standard of cxcollonic l'o Fice pounds Cicimery flutter, i icil bargain in ltclf s "j 'lwo pounds llest 'lo5 ou'c paid SI 20 for pooler quilil 100 Three pounds J3 cent Knipit-s Dlcud CtifTee, a brenkfast joy 100 One pound Joyce's BaKing Powder Tiy it; you'll ue no olhci SOc Two latent bottles Uvtnct, Lemon and Vanila Uccular .10 tent v due Jjc One pound Aborted spite Strength in eicij ore u0o I llnnilir I'rn ftC t--i r'.tltllllll'ltinn H """" " "' " - firoieiy OITtr) f-' 00 10 pound lurkej, at 13 rents pir pound 1 & IjW We iepe.it this startling otfer to demonstiate the liberal tiade policy of the "Jovte Stoics" Youi money, spent leguhnlv at any of them will lesult In sav ings exceeding the Intel est on "gilt edge" securities. THE Joyce Stores Popular Piiced Provisions. JjigTmi'lMtlWroifV'M're'' I Councilman T. J. Snow den, of the Second wind, Is In New Yoik attending a meeting of the sceiotuiios of tin Luiubei men's association. Daniel I'itrgcialil, of West Maiket stieet, has letuincd home Iiom a two weeks' visit with fiiends In lic.uling The Noith Sciantou Uepubllcau club will hold a icgular mn'tlng this even ing In their newly tarnished looms and a laige attendance Is ien,ucsttd. A cot -dial Invitation Is given to those who would like to become- numbeis ot this oiganiatlon lo cotno to the meeting to night. Miss Maigaiet Clieen, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mis Heatilce Malum, of William stieet, has ictuineil to her home lu Plttsbuig. Mi. and Mis. Joseph Williams, of L'l? Putnam stieet, aie lejoltlug over the in I iv al of a baby glil at their home. Intel estlllg ChllstiuiiH exetilses will take plaiu In tho Sunday school looms of tho Piovldenco Piesb) tciUin church The street car business on thu Piov Idtucci line jpstciday hnd the appear ance of tho days betoto the sti ike. The thoinit for lonsldeiatlun this evening In the Pnnlduncu Piesliyteilan chilli h will be ' Tho Woul Made Flesh," u Clulstmas lesson, OBITUARY. miss wiLiini-MiNA unita, nn estimable joung ladi, passed away at the home ol hw patents, 12'S lllnh stieet, yestciclay inoiniug, after a long Illness. The di ceased was only l'b .veins of ago ami Is suivlvod by lu-r father.mothcr and one hi other. Puncuil will take place fiom the Into icsldencp, I'.'.ii Hlrch stieet, Thuisday afteinoon at " o'clock. Sei vices will bu held at the house. The lemains will then bu taken to tho Chi 1st Luthcian chinch, oa Cei'ai avenue, wlniu Kuv. Wllkt will ollleiate. lU'ClDNI MAY, the l-eai-(ild son of Mr. and Mis. Uugcne May, died Mou duy night, after a shoit Illness, ut the 1 w Kid Gloves mag be exchanged for correct sizes af ter Christmas. TABLE LINENS. You won't uiike a mlHliiko If Linens mo votir choice for gifts WASH TABRICS. A nit" di ess pullet a of a pietty design In 1'ci c ale or Dimity would b a vciy acceptable piesent. UNDERWEAR. A nice suit of line Underwear would make a vciy seasonable gift, or .some of our Hue Hosiery, Gloves, Neckwear, Silk Waists, Petticoats, Handkerchiefs, Toilet Aitlclcs, Novelties, Etc UMBRELLAS. Fiom luc to $22 50. Inltluls oll giaved free. IVTT AMIJEMENTS, Lyceum Theatre M. ltKIS, Lessee and Manager. A. J. DUl-FY, Dm. Manager. Two M(,lit, Wulnefih) ind Thursday, Ditcmbcr IS mil 10. The Olltcil Comedlin, CHAUNCBY OLCOTT In Ills Latest ind Cieatcst Smcei, Garrett O'Magh Hi" .mie prnihi'llon, sccnerv "ind cait tint milked Ins suciesstul .New Vork run I'rkes 2"c , "A' , T'i and si no. scats en sale Monday at 9 a. m. Sitimliy Mglit and Speenl llarpiin l)iy Matinee jiLcr.Muru at, loot Annual L'ngigemcnt of tie Vorld finicd Brothers Byrne In their Spectacular Pantomimic Comely, tlia New 8 Bells n cerlasting success Tenth season! J"ov belttr than tveil 1'ntis Puning, i'c., SOc, 7",o , and t 00 spidil Mil ilii i' ,-iruis. 'J', and TO cents, (Ink dun to no put of the lime, 13 rent Bnnx along the rhildien; thej will enjoy ,S HI.LI.sl Soils oi sale ihuioday moining at 0 o'clock Academy of flusic M. REIS, Lessee. A J. Duffy, Manager. Three Dan, Ili'inn ng Mnndiv; Dec. 10th, 'lhc Powerful Vklodranu, "A RAGGED HERO." ' Mitluces Tuesday and Wednesdij, I'rites Mght, 15e , .'ic. He. and 50t. Prites Matinee, 13c. and 25c. Thne Nislits, beginning 'Jhursdiy, Dec, 19. "IN A WOMAN'S POWER" Matinees lriln and satuula). 1'ncfs Xi'ht, lSt , Jic. .Hi. and 50e. I'ritta Matlntt, Idc, ,ud'J3i STAR THEATRE ALF. a IlEnniNOTOS. Manager DLC1MI1I It 10, 17, is. DULY MVUXrX. AI. Reeve's Burlesquers. t v Tilephoiie HENRY BELIN, JR., General Agent for the Wyoming; District for '" Dupont's Powder Mining, Wasting, Sporting, Smol cless and ths llepauno Chemical Company's HIGH EXPLOSIVES. Safet Tuse, Caps and Txploders. "loom 101 Coa , nell Building .Sciantcn. AOKNCIES TIIOS TORI) Pittstcn JOHN' U svmil & SOV I'bmoulh W. U JJULLiaN WIlkisUarM fife Prof.G.FJHEEL,527flSJ V, iSl (larrlra. urtiilcr lu cur nUu hy mall I rliftt ! A AwSa Hlffctr-S " ei, A ui Ulou 1 1 niun, trngoii (vrA U' ' inil M )inhoinJ,srlroffln Astrlclurrti9T f INAa uitlniri. mlrtrl imfnt A. riltrunlpn Urfin.- tfrt-hririi.furf'14 to HliUj 3U jrin rnttlri! f (I jreartl boil It tl MDfrlrnft In ! rmniiy. Snl fur I It "Tmlb tsl iWdc i err nir dlf al I ttf rtrlrtl 'run I. Bf nllon 1UU i-apcrJ home ot his giundpuieuH, Mi. mil Mis. Michael Cm by, ot 1 Sllev. stieeti, The timci.it will take place this iiftei-c. noon at :::i0 o'ehxk. Jntciment lr Cathedi.it eemcleij. MICUAIIL LYMAN, aged fl' ye.ns, a lesldtnt of the Slble), died last even ing at the West Sldu hospital, whom I liu had lit in ciinlliicd dining tho past ' week suffcilng fiom heait tumble. De- i eased Is suivlved by his wlfo and sov j eial ehlldicn. f JOHN SHKUWIN died at his home, CO." Hast Maikd stieut, last night, aged ti7 jeais, He Is suivlvod by thu follow ing chlldiuii: Mis. Coin Slocuin nud Miss Ann i oi this city, and Itohuit, of Newuik, N. .1. runeial notice later. Funerals. Tie funeial of tho lato Mis. Mai gin ct Davis will take placo tills afteinoon at d o'clock fiom the house, 2113 Ninth stieet. Uev. llinth Davis will iillltiilte, and Intel ment will bu made lu Wash bin ll stieet cemeteiy. The funeial of Hie haul W. I'vans, who died fiom liijuiles lueived by be ing binned in the Mt. Pleasant mine, on Monday, will take place this attti noon at it o'clock fiom the house, 3'.2 Noith Iliomley avenue. Sei vices will be held In thu Tabcmaelu Conguga tloual chin eh. and will he conducted by Uev. D, P. Jones Intel ment will ho mudu In the Washburn sti cot ci-iiu-tei y Tlio fund al of the latci Janu's Hheedy, of i.'l Miilbcny stieet, will take placo this moining at S 30 o'clock fiom ht. Petci's cathedial. Inteinicnt In Cathe dral cemeltiy. The luiieral of thu Into Hogcr Dunn will take placu this afteinoon at .'30 o'clock fiom No. I ltnlhoad avenue. Sei vices will bo held in Holy Ctoss chin ih, and interment will be made lu Cathedral cemetery. (