Isvv,. " . :t " .w--r r t: - -.- -. r t hwwbfw t. t rtiin TfiTFWrriWysmWfi ( ,v 'f -. . 6 THE RCRANTON TRIBUNE- W ti DtfESD AY, DECEMBER IS, IDOTc A NOTICE TO WE PUBLIC Complntnts having cotne to us thnt persons soliciting work in our linmo have in nome instances kept (lie umbrellas nnd in others done inferior work, we desire to state tnnt wo linve no renreBentativos on two lond whntever. We will call wv your work on mail order only. Bcrnnton Umbrella Mfg. Co., M, Silverman. Prop.. 313 Spruce Street. wmmMm Wo are the leaders in everything in the line of PICTURES, FRAMES, ART NOVELTIES, ETC. We especially call your attention to our line of Imported Art Novel ties from Dresden, Germany and France. A look ;il our liow union will It'll y.m wtnl tn expect in our store. Jacobs & Fasold, 200 WASHINGTON AVENUE. IStore ojien evenings.) f City Notes, j licit I.i:l HltOIi:.V. .Ml J. (icilwrt, of tirreiiuooil, wife of SupeiiiitetulPuL (.til.ul, of t lie DuLiujic ami llinl-en uiU'liiiiuK fell on .1 slippeiy while Kuinj,' lo I lie Miiinolu le iml Monday, .mil MMt.iiinil :i luokeu leg-. ITWT.HAI, 01' A tllll.I). The 11111.HIH of Mr. nml Mr?, (irorjie I'owi'H'm Infant ilillil were in terred in J'orest Hill mutiny .vi-leiil.iy after, iior.n liy 1' lliieitor I'. V. Tjhuiv The IMieiiH u.iile at 1111 r.iufiolil avenue, N'urtli I '.1 ik. UK WW 1'llOU SCHAM'ON-. U u.i- li'ini.'il .e-teuliy tluit tlie (Iv.en Mulilij; iiientioiiml In a lelesiaui n-. hiving ilieil in Joliit, 111., ..ii until Mnlilen'tr, of South Suutilou, ulio Iclt tli oily about nine yeai.-i ago. lie i- mrilieil liy a ivife anil one rliiM, who n.iile in ihl eity. 1)., f.. ft W. l'AV D.VY.x. The Dolawaie. T..11 k.iw.miu anil W'e-tein pj,uu.i!eiV ilep.iitment linMieil .i.iiiK 'lie linlnmrn jMtruljy tor No riulier. TliU eoniplele-. the loeal pays lor ,il month in (hi-! xldiiitj. Thoie will not lie any nime pais njr.iin until next week, when the mine worku-. will lie paiil lor the til -t hilt of Jiecemlicr. MAIillll'.U IN" CATIU'.nitAI. Ju-epli -lii.-ii-..M iiiul JII--I Annie IIikI.k!; weie maiiicil in S' l'elei' ratlieilial M-ili ulay at noon. The, loii.e; man hail linen atle-teil on .Monday on t lio diarire of feiluctioii at the in-tawe of lii. W. II. llusni, who -iLleil .'. Iniilo.'nniil ye4i til 1.". Al ileuuan lluihi.i, hy whom the u-.1tr.1nl w... l "iiwl, acfetl as giooiiwiiaii. TJOVATi Al!OAM'M.-A niei.lini; will l.e li.-l.l IoiiIkIiI. in Si-liitlt.'.s hall, roiner of Wehiter an nuo anil AMi slreel, iimler the atbpiee-. of the lhual Aicinuni. The nicotine will he addro-i-eil hy Attoiuey K. Diver ami DNikt lltpuly 1'.. Hewitt anil other jiiotnincnt ufliofn anil went l.ois. lHominent iiti7en? tf the i;.i-t lliul have signed u iietttion for n ch.uler and av i.inj;enienls will lie made to otsanie a eouneil. All the innnlnTS should try and atieml and aha the woilc all the Mippolt they can. Ol-TlCniN i:i.i:CTi:i. At a inci'liiiif of Hie Master I'l inters' .motiation of htr.inton, l'a., held last eu-uiu?, the following nitieeis weie eleiled: 1're-idenl, W, W. U; viie preii dent, I're.stoit; tecorditnr fcerietny, l'ml AVasner, jr.; iin.1ncl.1l, lliidolpit Kun; liea.Miier, lolin J-eliailt; trustee-, 1'u-d K'ohler, lleniy Walter and W. A. lliownins-, . ln-fie lepieicnt.ilion of einployiuy jiiliitcrn win 111 attendance. Tin; object ot the nuoialion i in rrgnljle the piices oi job work and to eliui. In.itu the custom of cttt-piUe, which has bi-en in wriio in this city tor many cui:-. Tree Souvenir. One of this most wonderful inoiUio tiiinst of llthopri-iiphlo ait Is thu ht'tiu tll'nl combinaliuu panel plioto lioltler 11 ml calendar for 1902 in eleven colors and Bold on heavy bristol board (slz'i Il'Us-'S?! inch) which we will present absolutely free from Dec. HI to I'l, In tliislve, to customers at our stores whoso inuvhase amounts to twoniy tlve tents or more. Hee them in our iviiiilows. Grand riilon Toa t'o., nil I.tickawanna Ave., 310 and US H. Mnln Ave., " Seranton, l'a, Mr. Clms. Russell, Conceit 'Cellist and Teacher, of New York, AVI11 accept 11 limited number of pupils In Seranton, For terms, .'te apply to JIlss Julia f. Allen, r.12 WaHhliiKion avenue. New Restaurant. Tlie Oak t'al'e will be tudtty tit 211 Adams avenue, at ll.iio a, m, J-lyerythiinr new uud modern, I'roinpt fnVvioc, Dlniier, L'3e, Try ll, Boy Wanted, To drive a delivery witKon and ItiUe caro horses. Apply, L'l.'. WyomliiK live. Cigars by the Box. All prices; all sizes. At O'llnra's 1:11 Spruce street. H-M-f 4-f-H-f-f-f 4-f-fft-H-f I BOND OFFERINGS. Spring Brook Water,lst Mtg,5s X juukii. vauoy .icu, aji;nv, lac Mtg. 5s, North Jersey and RoconoMoun j tain Ice Co,, 1st Mtg, 5s, Standard Gas Co,, 1st Mtg, 5s, t t X t I i Lehighton Water Supply Co,, 1 1st Mtg, 5s. f New Moxico Railway and Coal Co,, Is; Mtg. 5s. Desci;,k jit and price on applL cation, 4- M llioadway, S, V. -f -f Wllkcs-Ujne. Caiboujalt. -f -f it 0 Conunonwealth Dldj, Scuotgo, l'a, -f LIFE IN THE PHILIPPINES INTERESTING LETTER. FROM WILLIAM J. BOYCE. Insurgents, Ho Says, Keep the American Soldiers on the Movo All the Time and Fire on Them from Every Hill The Story of Phlneas Foutz,Who Escaped While Under Death Sentence Massacre of One of the Ninth Infantry Companies. The Ih'Ht lei tor which The Tribune lias received In many months from Us Philippine- correspondent, Corporal William J. Hoyee, of Company K, Nine teenth t'nlted States Infantry, who Is now located sit Loboe, llohol, Philip pine Islands, arrived yesterday, ami contains many InlerestliiK features. lie writes ns follows: Ltihoe, llohol, P. I Oct. 2.", linil, Wo arrived on the island of Uohol, January 1, 1901, ami liavu been very busy ever .since. As tills Is one of the worst Isl ands of the Bfoup, the lnsurfrcntH lceep us on the ro, nearly all of the time. They seem to be In their Klory here now, and fire at us from every hill, So it keeps us ,'uesslin? nil of the time. The Island of Celni, Saiuttr, and llohol, have Riven us more trouble the last six months than all of the Islands put together. But Cebu has surren dered. Oenerals Lugo, and Mnrlloun have como in with their forces, and are now running around Cebu, as though they had always been friends. It is stated that Taiga, brought in sev eral Americans ns prisoners. t'p to the present time we do not know who the Americans are. Hut it is supposed some of them ore men that Captain Smith lost before, he was killed. And that they belong to O company of the Nineteenth Infantry. DOP.I3.S A IJKS13UTKR. Dobbs, the deseiter from t company, litis regiment, did not come, but es caped to the Island of Negros. lie (Dobbs) had been made a colonel in the Philippine army, and knew it would go hard with him ir tlie American forces should Ret hands on him. He Is one of tlie worst rascals that wo have had to contend with, and no punish ment would be too severe for him. You probably have heard of the case of Phlneas Pout;;, a member of our company. He killed a native girl at Jlandaue, November lf last, and was tried for murder tit Cebu, convicted and sentenced to be hung. President Me Klnley approved of the sentence which was the first death sentence that he ever approved of. Foutz was to be hung at Cebu on September 20 last, but on the night of September 1! he escaped from Fort San Pedro nnd up to the present time has never been heard from. Ills friends in K company were all slatl to hear of his escape. While we thought he ought to be punished, death seemed a little too seveie. 1 was inter ested in his case some, on account of him being in tlie volunteers, lie be longed to Company T., Tenth Ohio vol unteers, and was near the Thirteenth camp at Camp Meade,' Pa., and Camp lacKenzie, Augusta, fin. Lieutenant AV. W. Fiscus returned here on August 2(i last, after nearly fourteen months in the stales. He is now in command of our company. He was on duly some time at West Point, and is one of the ablest ollleers of the T'niteil States army. I predict for him a bright future. TNSl'Ua ISN'T STRONGHOLD. The island of Bohol, as 1 said befoie. Is one of the worst insurgent strong holds of the southern group. On Sep tember -1 fifty men of our company, fifty of M company and lifty of L com pany. Nineteenth infantry, started on a tour of the Island. We were out con tinually until October 20, and nearly every day had a round with tlie insur gents. We visited every town on tlie Is and, and where wo had positive evidence that they were Insurgent towns, we burned them. So up lo the present time, the towns of Carmen, Vilar, He menu, Valencia, flarcla, .lagna, Hrere, ami Loon have gone up In smoke, ami many smaller towns have also been burned. You no doubt have heard of the mas sacre of one of the companies of the Ninth infantry on the island of Saniar. They were supposed to be In it friend ly town, and were quartered in a con vent near the church. Women of the town carried boloes in tlie church, and then the insurgents charged on them during tlie meal hour, killing till ot' the ofllcer.s nnd llfty-six men, ami captur ing nearly all of tlie rifles, and every thing that belonged to the men. It was it hard blow for the boys to gel, but the Inhabitants of Samar wilt pay dearly for it. rieneral Hughes Is over there now and It Is giving the na tives a lesson in what real warfare is Hint they will not soon I'oiget, War is terrible and tleneral Hughes proposes to bring that fact home to Hie natives who refused to accept the kindnesses that I'nele Sam would ahower upon them. When he gets through with thnt Island he Is coming over here ami will do the same on this Island unless the insurgenls sunender. KNPrXTlNtS TIKH'm.K. Here In Loboe we are daily hn pet-ling something of tlui .Samar kind to break out, We are not allowed out af ter (i p, m and In the day time arc allowed to go only three squares. At night tlin sentries have the strictest or ders to shoot llrst and halt afterwards In caso of anything serious. The Forty-fourth volunteers used lo bo over here and it was through them that the Insurreclloit started, as they used to go in towns and rob people of their valuables, One day a small de tachment of them was going from Jrignn to Ubey along the coast road, and the natives ambushed them, kill ing flvo of them and wounding eight, Since then tint Insiurecllpn htm beep going from bad to worse, Captain Anderson of the Forly. fourth once tool; his company back of Jiigmi, surrounded a town nnd killed thrco hundred and eight, That was the worst blow over given them. Well, my (Imn Is gutllug short now mid 1 am glad of It. 1 will ho dis charged mi April :i next, so when tlio warm weather comes again I will be. in Seranton. I will not bo sorry, as soldiering Is very hard over here, ami it man has to bo in the best of shapo to stand It. I inn In very good health, nnd have stood the hardships apparent ly well, but do not caro to try It again. Wo have what Is called a local option town. Lieutenant Flscus Is n temper ance man nnd does not allow uny in toxicating drinks to bo sold, either do. mestit: or foreign, It Is one of the few tuwns in the Philippines that docs not allow liquor to be sold, und Is meeting lt DUO .V.I.1AO lA 'SHuVMUB poo9 llAV this post, Nearly nil of I he posts here have a canteen. The cnilteeii Is run by a dis charged soldier. Checks are Issued In nearly nil ot Hie town, generally hy an oillcer, 'and of cnurse he gets hht rnko niT, while the old way wits Hint each company could run n canteen, mid the company would get the benelit ot It. Tim question Is, which Is the Jielter way'.' r would answer the latter. t received a souvenir of the tenth anniversary of The Tribune, nnd ad mire II Very much. Success to The Tri bune, t also receive Tim Tribune reg ular. William .1. Hoyee, Co. 1C, null t S. Infantry. ANOTHER CREW ASSAULTED. Covered with a Gun and Are Struck with a Chair. Conductor km ami Motorinnn Her mann, the trolley crow on the drctn nidge People's lino who have been dynamited three times and assaulted as ninny more, were set upon again yesterday morning by a crowd at Ca pottse avenue and Ash street. The car was stopped at the passing switch, waiting for tlio car coming from the opposite direction, when the crowd closed In on the crew and pro ceeded lo jostle them about and cuff them. When the crew offered to pro tect themselves, one of the crowd cov ered them with a revolver, while an other struck EM mi the arm with a chair, completely distillling him. Ah the crew was getting away, tlio crowd yelled after them to send down the officers and that the crowd would take caro ot them differently from what they had been taken caro of on Luzerne street. An effort Is being made to have the crew's assailants Identified. The executive committee of the strikers anonunccd yesterday that tlie executive council of the American Federation of Labor had approved the resolution directing that $2,000 be Im mediately appropriated to tlio aid of the strikers. National President Mil lion Is still in tlie city and will remain during tlie remainder of tlie week. $500 REWARD. Puisuant to a joint resolution of city councils, a reward of (j!U0O is hereby offered for information that will lead to the arrest and convic tion of any person or persons found placing' dynamite or other ex plosives on any street or highway in the city of Seranton. W. L. Connell, Recorder. Dec. 16. 1901. Did You Ever Stop to Think That it requires goods from every quar ter of the globe to supply your wants at '"'hristmns time'.' Wo are already re ceiving many of tlie finest table deli cacies, and during this week shall add to our stock daily. Our prices will be right, and we want you to cull and see the special display which wo shall make for the holiday trade. Pierce's Market, ' lin-Jll Penn avenue. Lightning Photography. Schrlever's feat of posing- you on Sat urday, December 21, and delivering the Mulshed portraits t'liilstmas morning, surolv earns this distinctive designa tion. While sittings will be made up to Saturday afternoon, your reward for posing earlier will take the form of less wailing for your turn. Meerschaum and Briar Pipes. Smokers' specialties, etc., In endless vnrielj, at O'llnra's cigar sloie, IIU Sprue" street. - Madonns. Thecelebraled Knalll Madonna framed in silver gray maple. Special for the holidays, $1.7.". The llrilllli Art Co., 20!) Wyoming avenue. 1002 Models. Culumlil.t, Hartford, Vedette and Mon arch bicycles are now on exhibition al Conrad Urns,' Lewis & Reilly. "Always liusy" Shoe Stores will be open evenings until Christmas. "' A Christmas Present Tlie fliilv.-i and i, lui,. In l.uil,. iVi' iin- uiilti'ii iii sni i.ill.i li.i lis ,iv i he I.ITU.i; I'liI.Ks. This lii'.iniiiiil nnd Inli'iiMiiit: Iwiilv l.,i ihildifii is HI'., inihis Inn;-, t, in. hi-s vtld', l'j ini'lus ihiil., :'je. iii. (liven Away Free Tn nil iniuli.ioi nf .10 (nils' wmlli IVh, futlii-, A. P. ili'i., . ,V- . IMr.nls, , 1', IliUiur I'iniili'i, ii 1 uiiitiii'r k I n't Siuif, n.N i i mm, ni:c. si, THe"great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co., III 1..I.1..H' .lllll.I .' . VI ullli M.iln A-. Tli'Hif 7.1--. rruiit diliMii. Nt'tv Viionc lil. $: fVJR riAGNIFICENT STOCK of appropriate "things for Christ- X T -, mas" is all here, and ready for inspection. Wo think we have T T surpassed all former efforts in our selection, and believe you will T Y think the same when you call of course we expect you. t Calendars X Prayer Books X Fountain Pens Drawing Sets 4 And a thousand and variety, Everything o , . HI I f JL t AA I" A i ulAl" AA t mmm founiam rens irum .ou in d.uu Reynolds Brothers, Hotel Jermyn Building. Engraving Die Stamping Plate Engraving A CENTRAL FIRESTATI0N DIRECTOR WORMSER WANTS ONE ERECTED. Will Ask the Recorder to Recom mend the Issue of $50,000 Worth of Bonds He would Erect the Station in the Rear of City Hnll and Would Install the Hooks, Crystals, nnd Police Horses There. Wants Police to Stay in Reserve. A Certain Number of Hours. Director of Public Safely K. I-. Worm ser will shortly submit for Uecorder Council's consideration a plan for the erection ot a lurge central fire station In the roar of the municipal building, and of new quarters for No. 1 Chemical company In the central part of the city. Ho will ask that the recorder recom mend to councils the advisability ot Issuing $30,000 worth or bonds to puy for the construction of these buildings. The director's Idea Is to have the cen tral lire station erected on the largo plot of land in the rear of the munici pal building, which is owned by the city and which Is occupied at present by a large, unsightly shed used hy the bureau of highways and sewers, and sundry wagons and piles of materials used by the same bureau. lie would erect, on this lot a building to cost about .$20,000 and sufficiently largo to furnish accommodation for the hook and ladder truck, the Crystal steamer and hose wagon, the old Nay Aug steamer, the patrol wagon and the horses used by the mounted officers. FOR. TIIE RESERVE. His plan Is to have the upper rooms fitted up with sleeping apartments, not only for the largo number of firemen who would be required to handle the apparatus mentioned above, but also for a certain number of patrolmen to be kept in reserve. lie points out that there Is no city as large as Seranton in the United States in which tlie members of the police force are not required to spend a cer tain part of their time In reserve. There is no reason tit all, he says', why till the members of the Seranton police force, or at least a certain part of them, should not be asked to spend eight hours In reserve after being eight hours on duty. The eight hours spent in reserve could be devoted to sleep, and the men could have the other eight hours lo themselves. The removal of the hook and ladder company from Us present quarters, on West Lackawanna avenue, to tlie cen tral city is absolutely necessary, the director says, and If if is not moved into a central lire station it will have to be moved some place else. WHAT CITY PA VS. The city now pays ?S10 a year for the rent of the hook and ladder house and $1,200 a year for Iho rent, of the Crys tal's quarters. This, coupled with the $,'00 which is spent annually tor the 55 STORE OPEN EVENINGS. J5 0 rftl uy the Best M. & H. Kid Gloves, $1.00, soft, flexible and durable. A beautiful glove box given with every pair I j Plain or Initial. A beauti- X ful box with 50c goods. . . ;? RELIABLE FURS g Muffs, Scarfs, Neckwear, 5 all i list as represented. , . a Mears & Hagen g a 415-417 Lackawanna Avenue. 25 h KS0K5SHnKMKSKKKKSKMs Ink Stands Hymnals Art Pictures Gold Pencils Gold Pens Fancy Memorandum Books one things we might mention, are here in great in the Newest Creations in Stationery, $ keep of the police horses, means an out lay of $2,540, which could he saved every year by the erection ot a central lire station. The Interest on the bonds nnd the amount which would need to bo ap propriated every year for sinking fund purposes would be considerably less than this amount, so that, according to til rector Worinscr's figures, the whole nintter resolves Itself Into n single busi ness proposition. Tlio argument which he advances In support of his plan Is that its adoption will Insure Increased efficiency at lessened cost. The lease of the Phoenix chemical house, on upper Lackawanna avenue, expires lit 1U0I, at which time it will he necessary for the city to seek now quarters .for the company. The director believes that the only proper way out ot this difficulty will be for tlio city to purchase a suitable site ami erect n. modern lire house of its own, which would bo cheaper In the end than pay ing rent. - CHRISTMAS PHOTOGRAPHS. Latest Date for Sitting; Decem ber, 21. It will require uu almost superhuman effort and greatly Increased staff to ac complish these results, but when pub lic accommodation Is the object, no dintcultlos are loo great for Schrlcver. The rush Is on now, It will Increase as tlio week grows older, so don't wait a moment longer than necessary, Re member the date limit, Saturday, De comber 21. . . . Lackawanna's New Summer Book. Tlie Lackawanna railroad is about to Issue a Summer Book for the com ing season, in which each town along the line will bo attractively written up. For the information of those de siring summer homes, It ban been de cided to atlmlt a limited number of advertisements of hotels and boarding houses, and these advertisements will be placed immediately following the reading matter relative to the town in which they are located. The demand for such advertisements lias been so great that tlio company has decided to modify the policy estab lished a year ago and permit a. brief number to appear. It Is believed the change will be a gratifying one to those who lire anxious to secure some of the increasing patronage along the line. The loeal ticket agent ha.-; been sup plied with specimen pages irotn this book, showing rates for advertising, and other details in connection with it. Copies of these may be obtained upon application. Matter for insertion In the new book must bo sent either to the general passenger agent or left with the local ticket agent on or be fore the 1st day of February. The local ticket agent will be glad lo answer any inquiries. Reynolds Bros.' Announcement. One of the tinest and most artistic holiday announcements seen In Seran ton this season was sent out by Rey nolds Bros. It Is on dainty note-size paper, with a beautiful hand-painted holly design thereon. "" Get Your Holiday Cigars and Pipes at Garney Brown & Co.'s, Linden street. 1 Iftiil Bibles I ia rr n I a rew rracticai suggestions for Christmas Shoppers An acceptable gift is always a practical gift something useful from wnich (the recipient can take pleasure or comfort. A Chandelier or a Lamp for the parlor, a Hanging Lamp for the dining room, a Student Lump, if you have fc gas a Pretty Gas Portable, if you have electricity g an bicctrtc porcamc. Three Light Chandelier Gold finish, Belleric Etched Globes, and best Rich Red Vase Lamps f Metal not glass, B Ii best ccutral (j! "2 fj f- 3 draft burners, with etched globes J Hu Perfection Student Lamp, uickle or brass. ..$3.50 g Gas Portables 5; Wellsbach Burners, qg ot hose, complete Jj Our Store is Full of CMs Geo. V. Millar &. roCM mwmmmwmmmmmimmmw$ 4125ilJlMx ui OOOOOsSs F. A. KAISER, Lackawanna and Adams Avenues. F. LCRANE Established i860. Seal Skin Conis $150, $17 , ?-2, S225, S'251). Ptrsiiii Lamb Coats S70, $100. Si 25, $150. Furs of All Kinds Furs repaired. - l-.. . 1. 4- x.av iuis uuuuni New Building, 324 Lackawanna Avenue Take Elevator. frS, A 4w . - I Xmas Suggestions Safety Razor Sets RAZORS, SO Styles. RAZOR STROPS, TABLE KNIVES AND EORKS, CARVING SETS. MUGS AND BRUSHES. POCKET KNIVES, 10c to $6.50. SCISSORS AND SHEARS. MANICURE. SETS SHAVING SETS. George 119 Penn Avenue, -?) VCJ- mM3fi Jww fmwm 4S3!J?sr FIRE FIRE FIRE The stock of Shlmamtira Co., 107 VVoymlnp; Ave., will be sold coiutueuciug Wednesday, Dec. xS, ;it 3 p, m. $15,000 of J Cousistiug of fine Vases, Tea Sets, Cups and Saucers, in fact everything iu the Japanese line, damaged by water, will be sold at auction without limit or reserve as the firm had no insurauce on their stock. You will have a chance to buy high class Japanese Goods only slightly damaged at your own price. Sales will continue every day at 10, 30, a, m 3.00 p. m, and 8.00 p, 111. Shimamura & Co 107 Wyoming Ayoiuio, . ''l ciC BI, ttr 55 VI. I 5 Mountings; burner $1 en.; with six feet (fc'T) A f yiTVJ g Practical Christmas suggestions. eg Co. 'i" 1 'SSL rrvCTMlMrie ta I3' lil. i' n linc like tliU or om rif llu' Iicuuiitul .iii'l li.inily fcMit w.iUt birs wc'Jt .!iov joit when juii nil. Jf ym want it in time oiiIit now, 'i r.ll!o l' nlo llllif; tl t lur cli'livil.v I).v. 21. The I.ili f.iy that imr pillow topi an; tlio iinp-t ami '.itiMpt'it in town. .Hint look at t lie vny poiiui' in our window. We'll In- upon Sitiii'il.iy nlslils liuti' ( In H 111.19, 9Bff MANAGER. Both 'Phones Lager Beer Brewe MniiufficlHrora ar OLD STOCK n t m ' 430 to 455 -. SCifJlOii PA IT. Ninth 6 Tclcplions Call, :J3.J. Shot Cans, Rifles and Ammunition. AIR RIFLES, 75c to $1.50. REVOLVERS, ijl.25 to $15.00. PISHING TACKLE ICE SKATES, 20 Styles. ROLLER SKATES, 10 Styles. INOERSOLL WATCHES Felton, Seranton, Pa aeanese ted is ; i : - L.