" M i fs THE SCR ANTON TlUBUNE-WtiDXI&SIMY, DICC'KMISKIt 18, 1.1)01'. SEMI-ANNUAL B.Y.P.U. RALLY HELD YESTERDAY IN FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Delegates Were in. Attendance from the Various Churches In the Ab ington Association Addresses by Rev. S. E. Mathews, J. Watson Browning, Rev. D. E. Lewis and Rev. Albert Hatcher Smith The Latter Spoke on "The Paramount Issue in Religion." The Hcml-atinunl tally if tin- Hnp 'Ist Young Tcoiilo'a union nf tlir VhiiiRlon linptiHt iiKsoclntloli was held n the now Flrat DaiitlHt rliurrh. South Mn In nvenue, yrstciilny nfln-nnon and vcniiiff. A majority of tin i-hun lies In the assoclittlon wi-n icprcucnled iy ilplORtttes and pnsloiH. The itililri'XM of wi'leoinc wiih niuili by ltuv. H. V, Mathews, iiaHtur of the church, tmd the uftoritoon Hieukern wimp J. "WiiIhoii DrownlitK. of SVriutton. mid Mow P. 1-3. T.ewls, of Pittston. , The PVuuillK ad dress was made 1jj!!pv. Albert llnt clicr Smith, of North Scrnnton. Tim afternoon pphmIoii opened latc.ow lnr to the tardiness of the delegates In anivlnsv. The session was opened by ii priiypf and praise service, led by the Pi'e'ildent, Dr. P. Ci, Heddoe. This was followed by th" lvutlinpr of the Scrip ture lesson mid prayer by Hew CI. 11. 'ole, of Klmhurst. TIip address of welcome was rIvpii Iiy the pastor of tho church, llov. S. F. Mathews, who. In the wnrmest possible terms, on behalf of his society, wel comed the delegates to the spiritual feast and physical comforts afforded by the nrrntiKcment committee. Mil. BROWNING'S TALK. ,T Watson Browning, of the Ppiiii ave nue church, then delivered a most in terestliiR address on "Klements of Suc cess In Young 1'eople's Work." Mr. Browning was followed by Rev. D. 15. Lewis, of Pittston. the district secre tary of tho Baptist Young People's pinion. Itev. Lewis Is n fluent and pIo iiupiit speaker and delighted his audi ence with an address on "Three Words Concerning Bible Study." At the close of his address the collec tion was taken uu, after which some business matters of minor importance wore discussed and transacted, llev. D. K. Lewis pronounced the benedic tion, after which the audience ad . journcd to the dining room below, where :i delicious repast was served by the young ladies of the society. The church v,as (Hied with people when the evening session opened, and much interest was manifested In the proceedings. Tho prayer and praise seVvice was led by Itev. W. F. Clark, of AVaverly. At roll call the following delegates responded: THK DKLKGATI-3S. Scranton Penn Avenue, .1. W. Browning. Bev. Robert F. Y. Pier.-e. Green Ridge, Rev. AV. J. Ford, Muriel Grenncll, Kdith Davis, Grace K. Niece, Ciwcn Griffiths. Estelle Barber. JneU on Street Ida Lewis, Jemima Roder ick. Forest City Mrs. Belle Ordnung, Miss Blanche narrow. Carbondale Mrs. II. .1. Whnleu, Mis. George W. Williams. Clark's Green 11. Parlett Kast, Dora Robinson, Jessie Robinson. Peckville Jennie Williams, Mrs. II. Hoberts, Bessie Purday, Nettle Fi'lt"r, XSelli Vandervorl. l'3hnhurst Mrs. B. Buckinghuin, Itev. G. II. Cole. Pittston Rev. D. K. Lewis. Rlakely Rev. David Spencer. .Terniyn Maynard It. Thompson. After nn autheiu by the lunch choir, the assemblage was addressed by Rev. Albert Hatcher Smith, of North Scranton, on "The Paramount Issue in Religion." His talk was for the upbuilding of Christian character among church workers. and the speaker cleverly interspersed it with many anecdotes and humoious stories. The service was closed with benedic tion by Rev. Thomas de Gruchy, D. I)., of the Jackson Street Baptist church. LIST OF ADVERTISED LETTERS. LUt of IctfPM Tctnaiiiiiig umalUcl for :it ll.c Kounlun pnsloAk'C, Lackawanna county, I'.i., Per. 18, J'JOt. Person-! c.dlius for llu-! li'tltm will 1lmsi' say advert iwl and she ilale ot ll-i, Jl'.n II. Ulppii', iioiinaiur. Adams, Mh, S, Ab, h. A. AlciaiicliT, (.'. If. Hush, Cliarli'H tlicl'vcll, I'luirr IljIUrJ, W, A. (2) llurl.e, Mik. I!. Cool;. William duney. W. P. Carpenter, Waller Cohen, Motc Casey, Daniel ClitTurd, Paul l.'onne , T. s. I.i'ui-, liuiu l,.lllV, lli-i II. MUlJlainl. .Ml--. XI. T.. MUiniii'. J. .1. Mural), .Mi-. Doia I'owell, 1,1' .vis IV-t, .MK- Jane Ain.ia.ll lVnl MU Maiy Pour, Mi-. iii .ion. r.va Beep, Ml-s Kltle Hoy, r. v. lliimy, .lo'iii iiein-, Doimhcrty, Miss Lizzie liml, Sclmlc r Daiido, O. K. flnelti'.iimld-i. li. Auliir lloulierly. JIM Catli u-ltluK. -Mi.-, lln I.. KdwanK . W, 1'cltstcln. Allle J'lselcr. Jlrn. I.. P. IMcly, Mia. Oeorgic U. IMnarck. (J. V. Foster, 0. II. Oilh.jp, MIm llelia fid lion, Mr, s', C. flilihon, Jllm I;, II. !ugor.v, lleitliu fllcen, I'.ll.i flriiihaimi, M. He,M, (ifore Hilgliej, David Westcott. Jrr. .Miilani lliibler, M. D . 1 lornbaKer. llalloway, Willi. Hope, W. II, ItacLclt, dailies Hoffman, Misi Ah in Ilea, SIk. A. i:. (.;) lllemer. Mr. Hull, William 0. Horn, Helen Kline, A. It. I.yddon, Clinton II, I.aderer, J, 5f. ; i 'o. lb nulir. illiKandir llotli, .1. r Pic Kin Stein, 'l.i itl Sclmillt, Mi vi Slelll Slicrin.ui. I,, .lolm Not I, Cliailey Nuniiiiei-on, lt,ilieit Milv-ler, William Sweeney. Mi .lolm -cm 1. 1, Mi, I II, Sinitli, l'i nil M.IIIIOII, I", II. MM'U', din' i-ifX, Willi nil .1 'IVrlKK1, bottle liiiiou Supply .V l'u'i. Ilmhe. P. S, Mineral Wool To, VllUelS, Ml . dOM'pIl VilMlon. U, II, WjMi, Mm, Mairuiu Weed, Mr.J. I'red WIIU.IIUS . It. WllllaiiH, Pi.i .T. Walimilalit. I'lillifi ". WIUoll, N A. Wood, MK, II peth West Scranton Station. Bowem, Sir. W, I, Joliiison, Newton MI11.I. .l.iln, S'tmaiiiikl, en.'ijii Ohvlstmas Plum Pudding, Place your older early wilh Ifanley, 420 Spruce utreet, where there Is a burety of purity, OIMMHI .2.0 ,,, ,,,,.... ,.,00j ,,,,,. .,,,,, 7ju DR. BARRETT, Dentist, i2S WyonilDZ Aicnuc, Over Globe Wauliouie. TEETH i:luctfd Cleaned ticaled . . l.Tottiied, gold $,, Crowned, poiielaln $, iip l.,lt.0 ,,W,M ,,,, ,,,. lit. Filled Wlli ROM 7iv i, , Killed Willi slber ..Cob Pilled with uold Alloy .. 750 Kull Set of Teetl 5 im Ksaiulnalioii iimi eUlmates (ice. II sour teelli uip c!rcn. It, II you need in artificial set, ,1 j on win ont teetli replaced without a plate, if ou wluli jour woik done palnlet.ly and well by tellable (uduatri ol long cxpeilenee at the eiy leatt co.t cousUtcut with sood, uljtjnlial Dentil Work, call oo me. M A EUCHRE PARTY. Successful Affair Given by Catho lic Historical Society. Over MO persons sat down lo plav proijrcsslve puchre hist night In Ihe K'nlMlils of Columbus club house, un der the auspices of the t'alholle llli lorlcal society, Play was continued until neuily II o'clock, when the fol lowing prbe winners weto announced by Vice President T. P. lloban. l-'lrst pilKe. 11. P. Mellelt: second prlxu, .Miss .losle .Million; third prh.p, Miss Mllxiilielh .McLean: fourth prlyc, Miss Katie Roche: tilth prize, .li.lin ,1. .Murphy; sl.th prlxe, Miss Atumle lleamlsh: seventh prt.e, M.rs. M, !'. Sanilo; eighth pil::e. Allss Klb.ab"th (Jiiughnu; nlnlii iirlxe, John llurlcv; tenth, prize, Allss Mary Cuiuiulugs, The prb.es uere all pieces of cut hlass and the winners hud their choice. The tlshcis were M. 1 V.o.llkowskl, T. Klnnerly and .lolm I'onre.v. while the ticket punchers were as follows: Airs. Robert Wills, Allss Viva Ulrs, Alls Lucy Carroll, Miss K. HnriPlt, Allss I)olne and John Urowu. A meeting of the otlkers and gov ernors of the society will be I1M1I on Friday night nt S.K. o'clock, to iniike uirnngeinelUs for the aniiual dance, which Is lo be given nn ihe night of .Monday, December 110. ARGUMENT COURT. Large Number of Cases Wete Heard Yesterday by the Judges Mar riage Licenses and Notes. Alnny interesting ami linpoi lant cases were considered in argument court yesterday. They were us follows: AiSiieil f'ily of Si union ngilmt Mm. .1. 1!. Hj.ins iule lo op mi jinleiiiiiit. (iiy of A un ion nixilnvt Mm. .1. II. Ili.in; nilii to open imlximut, 1'. C. Pilfer iim.iln-l lloinucli of 'ilnoop: rule for ne"' II ill. I.nther KcllDr .ik'.iiuM (,. I). I'.iluiilld: nile Im new- ttlil. Ilililgei l.i el. ii iigilu'l l.ii l.aw.inii.i lonn-iiip; iipHiMliou. ('. II. Wound as.iln-l 'I'lionn-. ('. Ililfllu: lule fur lew lti.il. r.iniili. Call ijiher and olheM agiiu-l Poiouch of Jeinini; lule for line trial P. I. ( nni, aalnt .lolm Hoyi..: lule for new Mill. Idle Williams in.'ilii-t t'itv of .Traiilon: turpi Ioih to it port of lefim.p. TiadeM' National Iniik osr.iin.-t .1 Hue .1. X'ill: mle for judgment for wr.nt of .uflitieur ,iffidilr of dcleii-e. Alfied Pike :ii;.iiii-l Sifely lne-i-meiil and l.oin ioiu).iii : lule for iiiiluiiien'. ".iibiiilllrd 1'rim.U II. Di.i .ik-iIiiiI Annie my; nile for derico In cliiorce. I.ilibie Jl. Palmu ojraiii-l Delmer II. I'.illnn ; nile I'ul deciee in iliioue. l!o-e Widu.r aitain-1 Allied Wnlner; lule for ik'cire in diioite. X. .lo-elle Koheil-oli nir.i ili-L . C. UolieilMiu; nile feu deciee in illioiti'. Uiiinn Van ("imp uvniii-t lloadle.i Van Camp: lule foi ilenee in cliioice. f.l'le Kleplor 'iirain-t .lolm I'. Kleilcr; nile fur de uce in diioite. In le. .ulonliou of Herjl K. Sin.illiiilr. Itulei Ali-oliifi-C II. W.-lcoil awain-1 T. I. Ciil'fin: mle for M'liuilj tor cm-, ciiiiir.i ! iiiiied in the .sum of 1(H. I'euu-j b.iuii (pie lull Itieiviu company auaint l.mui Homo; ml for judmiii nl. Penn-ihani t SuiiicM 1'iunl Hid l.oin a..-rii iilion apaint .lolm (. Poi.ii; lule lo open iuclmei t. .lo-eph c hw.nl :ii;iin-t MiLo Cupiich: lule fn open iuilciiiiint. C. lC.iruo.h and wife a;;.tiu-t William V, 'Kiuspi; rule to lile appeal. Nun piu-,- A, II. Cniild A Hun .iK.iin-t Ceoine 1'. Ciamti ; ceilioi ui. The case of the Pennsylvania Central Rrewing company against Alary Fallon, rule to open judgment was continued for settlement and the rule for judg ment was discharged in the case of Scott brothers against Kmplre 13iy floods company. Tax Collectors' Bonds. The bonds of tho following slate mil county tax collectors were yesterday llled willt Prothonotary I'npelnnd: John McDonnell, First ward, Scran ton, SJO.OOO; sureties, K. K. C'rellin, v. a comm TitouiUii:. Thousands Suffer from It Without Knowing Its Reel Character. No (rouble Is more common or nunc misunderstood than nervous dyspepsia. People having It think tlmt their nerves are to blame, me sururlseil Hint they are llol cured by nerve lucdlcllles and spring remedies: the real scat or Ihe mischief Is lost sight or: ihe sloui ttch Is the tngan to be looked nrter, Nervous tlyspeptlcs often do not have any pain whatever In the stomach, nor perhaps any of the usual symptoms of stomach weakness. Nervous dyspep sia shows llsell not lu tho soimich i-o much aw lu nearly every other organ: In some cases tho heart palpllules and Is Irregular: lu others, tin kidneys hip nlTecletl: In others, this bowels are tumbled, with loss of Hsh and appetite, with the accumulation of gns. sour ris ings unit heartburn. Air. j, W. Sharper, of No, 01 Pros pect St., Indianapolis, Intl., writes as follows: "A motive of puie gratitude prompts me to write these few lines legardlng the new and valuable medi cine, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, 1 have been a sufferer from in rvous dys pepsia for the lust four years: huVe used various patent luedlclnu-i and oth er remedies without any favorable re sult. They sometimes give temporary relief until the crfects of the medicine wore off. T attributed this to my se dentary habits, being n bookkeeper with little physical exercises, but 1 am glad to state that the tabL'ts have overcome alt these obstacles, for I have gained lu Mesh, sIpcp better and am better In every way. Tic above Is written not for notoriety, but Is based on octuul facts." Respectfully yours, A. W. Sharper, 01 Prospect St., Indianapolis, lud. It Is safe lo say that Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets will cure any stomach weakness or disease except cancer of Ihe stomach. They cure sour stomach, gas, loss of flesh and appetite, sleep lessness, palpitation, heartburn, con stipation and henduches. Send for vuluable little book on stomach diseases by addressing Stu art Co., aiursliull, Mich. All druggists sell full sl.ed pack ages at 50 cents. ('. AIoDonnell, Alex. Simpson, K. AV. Scharur. Thomas F. Saltry, Third ward, Scranton, .",t51S.SS; sureties, Dr. J. F. Sultry, John F. Saltry, James II. llellly. Theodore Tlesj-inser, Eleventh ward, Scranton, $10,600; sureties, H. J. Zelg ler and John Fi uechtcl. Louis Schwass, Twelfth and Nine teenth wards, Scranton, $ll,T07.0S; sureties, Kdwln Frable and Henry J. Spruks. Thomus Cossrove, Fourteenth ward, Scranton, $ll,0ini; sureties, Eugene Cosgrove and Stephen Dyer. John F. Gibbons, Fourteenth ward, Scranton, $17,000: sureties, John Gib bous, Dr. J. A. Alanley. John AI. Denuinont, Eighteenth ward, Scranton, Sl.SKO.dti; sureties, liertlm E. P.euamont, John Ilenore. William J. Alale, Second ward, Cur bondnle, .,'.S7.10; sureties, William D. Jones, Nelson (.'. Alvord. William Pasnioie, Third, Fourth, Filth and Sixth wards, L'.nbondale, .Tl.'.OOO: sureties, W. It. Atoon, A. T. Coogan and Elmer U. Avery. limine M.iilln ...... ii,.,,, I.ucy llrown ,,,.,. ., tlolirit II. ThotiiH I .Vftip I'.iwell c .Aiocl . Old Peine hi Sr.mlmi VI llllOII COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. af,i;liiai Alulio, loicliinl of ,iuill nml l.,ii. Iciv, w.i ,cliiiliy .. l.i ( in i if I iy ,ii,ue II. , I'clw mle In pn i llii" ol ":, Mid uM In Hie tine of I'link II.iiiiio'jIi.iii Miilfiii'i Wa Mi.prli led ti) .litilgi1 I'liipenler. Allorue.t lieciiae , limn JmIioIij Hied a ppii. Hon fi.r l.i .it 1 1 ti i llldiiiliiinlii, nl.'iiij ii,. i.eiit l.i appollii a iiundijii foi lil- inolliei Mm. V ii in VihcM. who 1 Si ji'JK nf urn' mid Idlnil, mil I- ni.ilile In I'nil, nfitr lici n il.ili . 'I lie will uf ffoniey I'lcd It, M.nl. j jv. trrdiy ailmllled to piohilo mid lelliM 1itl luPiitary uiiinleil to lii widow, .Ic-lc sulliv ttalk, who l till all of lil piopcil.v. 'Ihe will of IMn.uil liolitcr w,i alo .iiliiiiiinl Id pin lull' ami li'tlei.i teifiilliilililij kimi.I.iI to lion Kdiler. u iipplliallili 'u in iclc In Ihe .mill ,e. leid.iv hy Mtnrin-.v I'. V. Mokei fin u chailer for the Tinehtri' Miituil Ri im lit .iihtir,n nt Sr.mti'11, The uinc.ulirM me. 1'iof. .1, II. II inker. Pi of. M. .1. Ucltlitt, 1'iuf. ll.iMd Dunn, 1'iof. .luhn M. Ileaiuiioiil. I'h.f. II. I,. Ilmillik, Prof. .1. I'.. tVMalley, I'lof. ,lohn .1. Cvteilo, I'n.f. II. . Sum", Miv b, Ik Mitkej, MI-h Amu ('. Malki. DESERVED RECOGNITION. Rapid Advancement of a Scranton Boy in the Metropolis. Emerson D. Uuen. a former member of The Tribune stall", has been placed hi charge of the llluslrated and maga zine supplements of the New Voik Sunday morning Telegraph, which gives him general supervision over six teen pages nt" special matter. For a long time Air. Owen has be-on lu charge of the art department of The Standard, an Illustrated publica tion Issued by the same firm that publishes tlie Telegraph. Ills enter prise and original Ideas while In charge of the Standard earned for him his promotion to an editorship on the Telegraph. CONSUMERS ICE COMPANY. The Annual Meeting Was Held Yesterday. At the annual meeting of the Con sumers' Ice company, held yesterday at the offices of the company, the fol lowing directors were elected: Hon. AVillliim Council, I. F. Alegurgel, C. D. .Jones, 11. (1, llrooks, llobeit Ueeves, V. J. Huron, A. b, lllackliiton, F. K, Swurls and l.otlls Kngle. The dlreelois chine the following olll ceis! Presldeul, I. F. Alegurgel: Vice piesldent, lion. William fonuell; treas urer, A, D. Illackluton: recietary. John A. Scliuilt and tletieral umnnRur, liutiii'M II. Schmll. T BANKING. itni'iiiir nr im; ciiMiniiis or nn: THIRD iTIOAAL BANK nt Pciiiiitnu. lu 'he Male ol IViii'.-ilianl i, al ih" clo-e of hu-llii-., line mbi r h, ImHi III.MIt ll(i' I.o.iih nii.t- III-ioiiiiU 'l llv'li M (lu'lill.illr. -rimed ami llii-cc nidi , l,l!'"i Ml I , S, II lnl- lo M'Ulii' cliiiihilluil . "ii.liiil 10 P. S. HoiiiU to H'citi" I . . chpmlu n I. oio no PirmliuiH on I . s. Ih nit None. Moiki-. M'ciullie.. rli fill.TiH nl llinkiiii; ln.iiM'. fuii'ttiiif and iKliuei ,;i.o-vt iM Due tiom National hanks (not iMi'iie nmiiM) to.h'iiliil Due liom j-t it i 'laiilti iiml bankei" Till II Due limn appiowil ie-eiie niiiiit-. . M.l.nl'J 111 IiiIiiiiiI leiciin.' i.iuin 'MID rhtiki mid o'.liii m1i Iiiiih T.iii" ru Kc hiimc-i for ile.iilinr hou- H.iVMT Note nf nihil' ii.itl.in.il h.inki l,Mi K) riicllonil paprr ruircntj. nlckeli Hid cent l.i.JJ TI I.iwlul luone.i it.mtm' In bulk, il" -i.et If 11 1, "iil ::'i lairil lemhr nolet .... (il,IKl ml ltc.1i million fund Willi I". S TieM uier ("i per leul. ol c lieulitioiil.. Due Hem I". . 'lua-niei, olhrr than .1 pei cent, uili mpll'iii fund juViii :ai i.'iUil l Ml 1.1 U "i.iiii.in; :) .. Mii.nuii to Vi.lll'l (Kl Civ, i-i .11,110 nn M.tJil II) JJI II M.JI7 .-. 11,'JII -."I I.U .11 Tolal I.I VUII.ITII'."'. r.ipiiai -in. i. i iii i -iupiiH tiini I niliilileil inolil-, 1.' i Npni-c-i and lnre I'li'l Nitiou.il hint, uol iiMt.iuilliu .. Due lo olliei N.ilioii.il bin! Due to stale ImiUi uiul linikeM.... Due lo liil-t lompinles and siliu ti itiU-t Due lo appiocd u-ene nxiuM , .. Dlxiileud tmii.ii'l liiOMiluil ilepo-il riilijul to cheik. I.Wl.lfl'i 7rt Hi in mil ccllilii.iUM c I depn-lt '-.11.1 l."i C.TIilliil check--! I.'ll-S2 ( a-hlei'-i c lice ki ouMl.uiilimr I'!s (5 I'llllid Mules ilepo-lls Itfl.'ip.l !M Depclls of 1'. S. ilMuiielnc; uIHpcm. 1'W HI T..1.1I si.i)i;,(m7 :: Mate of I'eiiu-ib.iuia, f ounli' of l.:u k.iwanui. : I, WM. II. Pi't'lt. ti-hicr of Hip nhove.iiuii'il bank, do sohnmlr 'weir Hal the abme t (nl ---iiienl Is fine lo II, p hr-r of mv knowledue in.l belief. WM, It. PCf'K, (a-lue.- Mih-fiihetl and -.vom lo befoip me .his 17ih cl.iv of Deeenihei, 1'iell. sMli'.li . i:il(!.l:, Nolan- Public-. Coiietl-Atle-t: lli;il lU'.MV. .lit., I.fllll'.lt KI'.M.KIt. .l.Mi:S Alii UllAl.l), DirtcloM. Yesterday's Marriage Licenses. Rough Diamonds Continue to advance in price. lint, fortunately, wo had puiehnsed all our Diamonds before the aiKance came, and as our UileM Importation of Diamonds direct from Amsterdam was much the Iaigest ever imported to Scrim ion our customers will not to pay these advanced prices until our pros-out stock Is sold. Our stock is quite large and well assorted in sizes and finalities, from the medium-priced Diamonds to the 1 tin est 131ue Clems. You can select your Diamonds loose and have them mounted to your older. Oik Icy L. IMw.iid I.1710 A t'.n lion .lolm Smith .... M.ikkIc Kow ale-La . .Spi.l'ifnn . .Sleiluij; ..S I iiiI'j'i . Se lanlon E.SCHIMPFF, Importer Pine Diamonds 317 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton. Open Evenings. "A 'A "A a 'H "A 'A A 'A "A "A "A 'A Vrt 'A 'A "A 'A 'A "A 'A "A 'A "A "A "A A "A A 'A 'A S THE MODERN HARDWARE STORE 3 3 3 HOLIDAY flffni myiH iwfiiij That gladden the heart most are those that prove helpful through the whole year. The cost of an article does not always determine the pleasuse it gives the recipient. If your Christmas fund is not large you will find gifts here 2 that will insure a pleasant remembrance-it you have a generous amount to spend, still you can stay will 5s 5 Rest assured of this, nowhere in Scranton can your money be spent to better advantage. Every arrangement his 2 been made to make your shopping easy and pleasant. The store is at its best now. Come early and choosing 2 4 Here's a Few Hints : In Our Cutlery Department "-S 4 You will find Manicure Sets containing from to 12 pieces, put up in handsome leather cases, each article warranted a gift for lady or gentlemen ; prices right at $4,25 to $25.00. In addition to this we've scissors in many styles with bent, straight, sharp and blunt points all war ranted : prices 25c to $2.75. Scissors in sets in cases, $1.50 to $8.00. I'lonl llr;lil hand ilu, ' If it's a gift for a gentleman friend we are quite sure a Gem Salety Razor would be a suitable selec tion. Razors alone in enameled box, $1,50. Then we've Shaving Sets that sell for from $3,50 to $10.00. Those "Pullman" Razor Strops have proved very popular. Fancy aluminum case $1.00 and $1.50. t ulleii l pallium!. I Portable Gas Lamps. m m Those you will find here would be an ornament to any room. Several dozen styles from which to select. Some have plain shades others are hand somely deorated. Stands of iron, brass, bronze and antique copper. You are quite sure to find some thing that you like. Prices range from $2.75 to $16.50. Goods purchased now will be delivered when requested. Nickel-Plated Wares. Customers often remark about the splendid line of nickel-plated ware found here but its beauty is not its strongest point. All are nickeled over heavy' copper plate the finer goods silvered inside. You will find some fancy Tea Sets at $6.75. Coffee Pots 60c to $4.50. Tea Pots 60c to $4.00. Bread and Celery Boats at $1.90. Fiont Uft Ii.iiii si'te, 1 A 1 Fancy Goods in Leather Cases Just a word about these. We sought out a first class manufacturer and placed our order with him cost a little more 'tis true, but you've the satisfaction of isnowina iwn. article is as represented. Dressing Cases $1.50 to $14.00. Military Hair Brushes $2.25 to $14.00. v Liquor Flasks $1.85 to $4.50. Drinking Cups $1.50 to $2.00, 1'ioht lllgln I1.1111I side. & M' 1 1 ? I ?: pKX0K:UX30H0UKHUKK MJ m fill w 0 0 0 a 0 H. D. Crane mm ; CLOAKS, SUITS, mm. V v SKRTS AND 0 -r . '' Our line is of too great an assortment to enumerate, but prospec tive Buyers will be fully repaid by looking us over. m.0 324 Lackawanna Ave. TAKE ELEVATOR. 0m KM5HMHKK:nnO:KKUMKKUK Morris Chairs $4.T5 Golden Oak, Re versible Velour Cushions by far the most comfortable of all the moderate priced chairs. A Fine Xmas Gift. Scranton Carpet & Furniture Co, Reglshrad 40S LACKAWANNA AVcNUE PROPER PRESENTS FOR CHRISTMAS. Gamine Barrios Diamonds c'l i-.iilo mail..; Mil; llol l. Ill lil.M. HIVMDSU" ID LOOK". Ml X MI. Will I I T fil AiS WO yi'.wn 'm.i. nil" ii'M- m 01 11 mini. 1. i:w- nn: 1 1 ' nu i oin.i: .m.mimi-'i. HINT III.SC-, ll , l'tN 1 M(IIIMi, I'll', AT "I III. M Wl l"I.IH M I OH I'UK II Ol-' OIVJE DOLLAR EACH. (ioiillcinau'!, llcuvy I'lnl Uciclier Ithiics SI. l!4 OPEN EVENINGS. Foote 8c Shear Co 119 Washington Avenue. tr. MM an' Hi. In.l 1 mil., hi'. a 1. hi till el 1U1 Ikhllil lima: h''H lel,ii' ll '. h.i '' he 1 II lliaill' (1111,1 III .ullll ..ulil, Uu. nut., .it Mini .1 1" mill In ill. .ml II.11111.- Ui.i nn ml, i.lll he nulled in ..iiy .lilelle.'. Ill llee Wenlll lip -n 1.1. -nil in pi 11 1-, tl.in 'Hi - lini: u th a'n .11.1111 1 ut nile 'iiHliu ."-''Mini t! ST. 1 iZ -s?! l r9 LuJici' Cluhlcr h'liii:.. 'llii ii"il ri.i.,iulin 1I114 fur lJe)tc ,11 I lie iir,ttit lllllc le (lli I lllilii. We Ii 11,1 flll lllne- lllim Ill'llldtOlil .11 -,'l 1111 ll, Cell Uu- (ll-! 1 inn- 111 our Matnry ej jrn illlhhll II, I'llllli.ll Ihoal liLr" Willi line Kile), ltnhi, li(ial nr Tiiiiiu)ii' e onli'm t nl.im KAi II. llilii'i.i 1.1, .1 llll'l V " I 111-. IIIIU-. Ulllel Jl MHO, ti00il .lll.lllcei. ' OUR GUARANTEE (1I:nI"I,M: IIMIIIIO- UIVMOSU 4li- auiuiitortl iclain Ih.'ir l.illlUiuv foimer. Tin mumiliitti .in- hcav.i lull-el pljte' anil an inailc ol hiih i e.jil i ullcll- ihn. 'Ilm ,'lllu !. Mile k ktic-llo'l, l.iihl. aii'l nlll l.i-t mi .iimi .Tlii'n' linim Ji uj,iniril noi in i.nni'li iln.. ilnnu, nun aio iircally hUi-r 1 In am Hi111l.11 ue,euN fin iIjmI nn Ui.i niail-.i. Si it.L-f anil I'n.v, l.nj cj, h, i:.iin, llll'U. il el'K, f! 'i J ' ui. MAIL OROERS In niiK'it'ii; lil'e (nil ilnt',1 1,11m nml iju' ttlinli.'i email iin'ihii.n or lji.' i.o U cJc!ii,il. 1 uijic-r ini'j.iiiiiiinil nl lim!" nui Ii nll'li n il.in i nno of liin; llnhi' at oim' ami m'al'l tm' I m .iinm 111O1 If iiiMiU .Hi- mil as ii'i-"i'iitt'i inoiie'j i, II h. n (iiii,ci, AiMr.- all .r" I ili,iili - tlm BARRIOS DIAflONI) CO., 1139 Broadway, New York " m SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER Occupies an Imperishable Position in the BUSINESS WORLD, 1 -. , f 1 , Unquestionable Superior Merit ' Annually adds thousands of names to ji, the long list of Smith Premier users, representing ever line of trade and every profession 1 - lUUSTR.ma CATALOGUE FRkC "V, The Smiih Premier Typewriter Co,, NO. 23 S. Eighth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Scrantou Branch OfHee, Noi. 1 aud 3, Avcade Buildinz, u K'l Al M A ) JL-'--JlU-' jJi-HM &? g.j & ii.fcft.JiJ-rrfH. 'ftJ . t&myirtfrf$.-