VI' V''"1 I. x 2 THIS SUKAiNTON THmUJSrE-VEDiWSUAV, DEOWAJJKJilU 18, 190.T. Iri ; The News of Carbondale. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delnwnro nnd Hudson Hnllroad. November 21, 1P0I. TmIiu 1cm e" nl city fl.Ulcn (oh For Sttillilnn nrnl WIH.os-llurc-ri.ob, T.(M, S.0. n.oi, lo.oi, a. in., i.iio, i.i.i, 2.A n..o. 6.1X1. 7.00, 10.01, 1I.IXJ p. til. . , Similar tiitltit two nl S.W, tl.Cl J. in. J i-Wi i;. 40. fl.Ao. s.oo p, m. , , .. Tor AlhiUiy, SiltnlnsJ. MoiiIimI, ntnn. New r.iiRUliil point", etc.. 7.W a. W.t !' '" (ilJllVl. For Win mart mid Honcfil.ilo, ".i2, 11.0' "' !i.."il, (1.1 J p. m, ....ii. Sunday tr.ilu? Imip Wjim.ul nrnl ItotiMilaw at n.wi n, in.) 1.4,1 p. in, , Tr.ilm niflve nt dilioiitl-tlp from llliM'l'.uri nrnl SiLitiinn m fotln'n: ii.w. .:t. '-" t'V. n. 111.! 12.37, 2.00. Mil, 4.2S, il.OS, 7.01, 8,!ll. U.-'li 11. R7 p. in,: 2.03 n. in. , Sunday (mini arrive nl ().'J7 a, m.i I'-M". -w 4.2", (1.2!), 11.M p. hi. ... Suinl.i.v train nrrlve nt Ciihrmilati' fiom '' inmt mid ItoncMlnlp nt 12.17 ami 7.W p. m. New York, Ontario nnd Western. Sept. 17, 10OI. Tr.ilm l(av Cmlionilalo (or Smntnn nl T.00 , In.; p. m. Sunday tmlm at 7.00 n, m.: (l.(Ht p, in. Trains Ic.hp Cnrliomlilo tor poluls ncrlli nt 11.10 a. m. On Sundae nt !'.1u a. m.. Irnlii.4 leaving at 11.10 a, in. work il.i.v ainlu.10 a. m. Sunday nuke uontircllom for Now Vuifc. I'mie wall, clc. Trains aiilve from Scr.mloii nl 11.10 a. in.: 0.10 p. in.: fiom point north, 4.W p. m. SimiMJii dom Krranloti at 0.10 u. in. anil 7.1." p. i"-' from Cido.M.i nl (J.lHi p. in. Erie Railroad. .Inno 2.1, moi. Tr.iim li-ave city station, Ciilinnilalp, daily frvci-nt SntuJjv) nt 7.00 a. in. and l.::.l p. in. lor Hr.iiiiit and .inooli; nl ii.iSl a. in., dally opting Sunday), lor Uitigliamtiin. inakini; ion iicrtloiH lor Now York tity and llitllalo, and at ii.10 p. in. for SiHqiiehamu, making loinwctloni fur western points. Sunday tr.ilm nt 9.1." n. in. for SiHnnplianua. v 1 tli weslirn coimcitlom, and 0.27 p. in., wllli KJttip connect ions. Tnn'in arritt at S..V1 a. m. ami .".I" p. in. .Fnndays nl S.Z a. in. AT THE HOSPITAL. Several Patients Beceived nnd One Discharged Brnkeninn Humphrey Improving. l'ntriek llenloy, of the West Side, Who wan obliged on Saturday to submit to tliu loss of one eye in :in operation nt Emergency hospital. In order to pre serve this other, is improving. The in dications nre most favorable, and the danger to thn other eye Hint was ap prehended when the afllietcd eye was nt its worst stage is now removed. lCdward Burke, of Pike street, the young man who slipped on an icy side walk a few days ago, lias been removed to the hospital and is pelting along well. it will be good news to the friends of young William I'riestley, or Rtrkett street, to learn that his leu will not have to be amputated. lie was a driver hoy at the "Wilson Creek mine and had Ills foot badly squeezed while riding1 on a "bob-tail" engine, near the mine. Subsequently he was removed to the lospital, where the ley was placed in a piaster cast. This expedient availed, and while Priestly will spend point time as a hospital patient, he will have iho use of bis limb. Jacob Humphrey, or Cadosla, the On tario and Western brakeman, who bad uch ti narrow escape from death in the wreck in the yard here, several weeks nfio, continues to Improve and the staff nt. the hospital is correspondingly 'lated, as his condition was almost hopeless when he was admitted lor treatment. He was in an almost dying 'ondltion and had to suffer the ampli ation of one leg-, just below the knee, lie was greatly run down, and despite '.lie heroics work of the staff, imfavor vble indications increased each day. null it was feared that either the le .ould have to bo amputated at the hip or be would die from septic poisoning. About a week ago an unexpected, 1 hough hoped for, ebunge for the better was manifested. Since then Humphrey bus shown signs each day of increasing vitality and now the prospects are bright for his recovery. AFTER THE STORM. Local Railroad Trnfflc Opened O. nnd W. Main Line Closed. Things are beginning to adjust themselves after the big storm of .Sat urday night, and llule Inconvenience is felt In. the city. J.oeal trallle on the railroads is free, though the Ontario and Western still has men at work ballasting the roadbed where the wash out occurred, below Olyphaiu station. On the Delaware and Hudson, every thing Is rmmlnir smoothly. The main line of the Ontario and Western Is still in trouble. North of ("adosla there Is a blockade and us a consenueiiee through trains are interfered with. The i:rle made big demands on the lumber which was stoied along the .lel'fersoii division, The purpose was to use It In strengthening bridges that had been weakened. Farmers who come from over Dun .1ai'f way report bad breaks in the roadway, .lust above ".Toe" sjeheck s, on the Crystal lake road, there was finite a washout, barely leaving room for the safe passage of vehicles. All along tint route, there were breaks hero and there that made travel un pleasant as well as unsafe, ('onm iiuontly, fewer farmers than usual huvo come to town with their produce this week, The supervisors of Fell huvo men at work making such ,. pairs as are needed mi that part of ihe mad that I in the township, HAS A MAGNIFICENT VOICE. Opinion of One Who Heard Ernest Gamble, Who Will Be Here Soon. One who heard Ernest fiumble, Urn magnificent singer, who will be the nest piitertnlner in the Sinltli-Slngor course, writing from AVIlllumsport lu a friend In this city, says: "i heard ("iambic the other day at WllUnnmporl, and can only say with I hit Queen of fjhebu, that 'the half Iuih nut been told.' He lias tho most mag nificent voice I huvo over heard. Then, no Btiigs with such consummate art. , 'argrt share, of his programme Is inado jp of beaullful old ballads that every nody .can understand and thouoghlv snjoy:" Mildred Holland's Coming, Victor Harmon, advance, representa tive of SIlss Mildred Holland lu "Tim I'ower Jlulilnd the Throne," was a vls lor to tho Cnrbondnlo oflloo of The Tribune. Ueaides diffusing sunshine nnd good cheer, with which he, is ibunduntly blessed, hu left n pretty louvenlr. It is an ulumlnuni card re reiver, with a hulf-tono reproduction jf the most powerful scene of the play tho climax on' tho staircase of tho palace. Tho greetings of tho sea lou are nureu4 on a scroll at one corner, and on tho oilier Is Jtlas Itol limd'H portrait. The souvenir Is a pleasant reminder of Air. llarmoii's visit. Air. llnnuim, In discussing the tour of the company, said It was tho most successful over enjoyed by Miss Hol land and Unit the results jtistllled the heavy Investment that she made In the piece before It was mounted, The business played to thus fur Iuih been more than satisfactory. Miss Holland, who is u favorite In C'arboudale, will be at the tlrand on Thursday evening, Dec, 116. not working more than half time those days. Ciuh arc scarce, hut tho slack time is due, It 1b believed, to Iho market helng quiet. The washorles nre In operation every tiny, us there Is u brisk demand for sinrtll sizes of coal. HE WAS FROM WILKES-BAHRE. TEACHERS' INSTITUTE PASSES RESOLUTIONS Final Session of the Local Institute. Several Excellent Papers Rend by Tenchers nnd nn Address by Dr. Whnlen. The school teachers held the limit session of their annual Institute last night In the central high school. It was a sort of an extra session, the In stitute proper having taken place dur ing till; first week In December. All of tho local teachers were present last night and the meeting proved to be a most profitable one. It was presided over by city superintendent of sehooN, K. K. a a it, who by virtue of his olllce Is chairman of tho institute. The session opened with music, after which Jllss Altec Uasblelgh delivered an excellently prepared paper on elo cution. She was followed by Jllss Da Vis, who spoke on "Klemenls of I'lov ernlng Power." One of the best papers of the evening was by Prof. T. U. (III- martln, whoso subject was "How to Halso the Standard of Our Hehools." More music followed and then Hev. H. .1. wliulcn, D. D.. delivered the address of tile evening, ills subject was, "The Riiuallzing Inllueuce of Education." The thoughts expounded by the elo quent doctor seemed to strike right home for ho received great applause. The following resolutions were sub milted by the committee and were unanimously passed: Itesolved. That the iiftli annual in stitute or the Carbondale city teachers held at Carbondale, Pa., Dec. :! to Ii, JH01, has been lu every way a success. Hesolvcd, That we as teachers fully appreciate the labor, responsibility and care that our worthy superintendent had in securing for us some of the able speakers, and while we gratefully thank him for his efforts, we, alfo con gratulate him on the success of the in stitute. Resolved, That we fully appreciate having our slate superintendent, Dr. Seluieffer, with us, and that his ad dress on education should have been heard by every parent in our city. Resolved, That our thanks aie due to tile high school orchestra.' for their services, to the high school for the use of the piano ami tnc young people who so kindly helped in the evening entertainment. Kcsolved. That we acknowledge the kindness or tho Press lu giving us' such liberal space for reporting the work done a I. our institute. Resolved, That we most deeply de plore the death of our former superin tendent, .T. J., Forbes, lu whom the teachers bad a warm and sympathizing friend. We sincerely regret his death and We shall over remember that the aim of Ids life was the advancement of education and ihe improvement of our city schools. AVe extend our uni ted sympathies to his bereaved wlf and children who have suffered so great a loss. Katharine .Toy, Anna Fnrrell. l.lzxle Tighe, committee. WHEEL AND LAD GONE. Paul Clifford Alias Chauucey Walk er Wnnted on Several Charges. Constable Edward Xeary would like lo lay his hands on one Paul Clifford, alias Chauucey Walker, of llingham tou, X, Y who left here on Monday, taking with him a bicycle belonging to his room-mate, Fred Shepherd, a bell boy at the American hoit.'V. All that he left behind him was a small unpaid boa id bill and not a very good reputa tion for honesty and Integrity. Clifford came here a few weeks ago In company with Shepherd. They ar rived here from llouesdale and came lo solicit orders for a portrait company. A week or so ago the pair left the pic ture company. Shepherd getting em ployment at the American house, Clif ford remaining on Easy street. They hoarded at the Webb boarding house, but Shepherd chaiifjed lo Ihe hotel when he began work theie. When he went for his wheel Monday h learned it was gone, Clifford or lllaek was also missing and he has not been seen since, He said nothing about going nway and what was of more importance he fot got, purposely or otherwise, to pay his week's board, It Is not believed that the wheel was taken away, bat was disposed of eith er In Carbondale or near this city. The police lu ISinghamton, which Clifford claims is his home, were untitled. 0. & W. HAPPENINGS. I'.iHXfiiKcr engine Xo. 11 of the On tario and Western, Is In service again after being repaired and refitted at the Mlddletowu shops of the conumuy. No. 11 looks swell. lu Its black enamel llnlsh and silver trimmings, Engineer Reuben Lewis is quite proud of his "flyer." The collieries of the (), and W, ate SORE NECK Take Scott'.s Knuilsion for scrofula. Children often have sores on the neck that won't heal up. The sores may come and go. Parents may not know what's the matter nor what to do. Scrofula is the trouble and Scott's Knuilsion is the medicine, Scott's Knuilsion heals the sores. Hut that is not all, Scrofula leads to consumption, This is the real danger, Scott's Knuilsion is the "ounce of prevention" that keeps off consumption, We'll tctul on a lilllc to try. if yon )iW. SfOTf & HOWNE, i) 1'c.irUtrccl, New VoiW. Wouldn't Pay the Fnic nnd Was Sent to Jail, John Van Nome, of Wilkes-Uarre, came to (.'arbondale yesterday. tlo had all the clmracterlHtlcs of a native of the little town along tho Susque hanna, chief among these was his exaggerated Idea of himself that the men from down that way have, Vnn Nome could see no reason why he should pay his fare for riding on a Delaware and Hudson train and the conductor could see no good reason why ho shouldn't produce. First, the Wllkes-Uarru man secreted himself in the tar toilet room. Subsequently ho took his real among tho other passen gers, and when the conductor re quested his ticket or cash fare, he as sumed the nlr of an offended Wllkes Jiarn; man: there's only one man, and that's a Wllkes-narre man, who can become real earnest over an Imaginary offense. This Is what this man did, protesting that lie had paid his fare to Wllkes-ltairc on the way to Carbon dale earlier In the day. Conductors meet with all kinds of Jokers, but this one was lu a ilass of his own, He persisted In his little attempt at farce until Detective Martin Crlppen, of the company, came on the scene nnd gave It a serio-comic air. Van Nome was sized up to be a Wllkes-iinrre man and was put off at tho next station, in charge of Mr. Crlppen, who took him to Alderman .tones' olllce. In this city, where a charge of stealing a ride on a train was prof e: red against hlni. The alderman, when ho heard the evidence, believed there was a good case against the Jarerne county man, and gave him over to the charge of Constable Ncary. who took hltu to the county jail, where he will eat his Christmas dinner. THE FELL SCHOOL BOARD Business Transacted nt te Last Regular Session Monday Night. The Fell school board met last even lug lu Simpson and after going through the regular i"'der of business the direc tors! decided to close the township schools on December "0. and open them again on January (1, IHO:'. The report 'of Supervising Principal Delaney showed aa attendance of -10!! pupils for the mouth of November, as against 4211 during the month of Octo ber. This falling oil' in attendance is due lo the negligence of parents and guardians. The board of education warns those parents lo be nude prompt in sending their children to school, or it will enforce the school law. The beating of room No. V, in Simp son school was referred lo a commit tee. The board adjourned, to meet at the call of ihe cha:r. OLCOTT'S RECEPTION. A Crowded House Greets the Actor Singer in "Garrett O'Mngh." Chauucey Olcott, the actor of many graces and the sweet-voiced singer, whose songs have delighted thousands, was given a characteristic reception by the Carbondale people last night, when the Orand was tilled with a crowded audience. It was an expression of warm-hearted admiral lou that surely must have jdi ased (lit oil, though he may be accustomed to singing beforr big audiences. The play, "(tarietl O'Magh," in which Olcotl Is in the title role, is of the same typo lu which this Irish minstrel is to be found each year, lie is a romantic lover, a role in which he is at home, and makes everybody else uboul him feel the same way. The piece Is of the lightest comedy, with plenty of funny situations, though ii may not sparkle uilh wit. The tun is pare, light hearted and wholesome, there Is an abundance of It, and, coupled with l eott's singing, It offers a truly delight ful evening. Everybody is sure to be siillslled mid pleased to have laughed with (iarreit O'Magti In his meriy love-making. The company is a splendid one, the staging wim excellent, and with the en thusiastic audience then- were all the elenienis lo make the engagement n success. CHANCE FOR XMAS MONEY. The Tribune's Tempting Offer Will Not Be Lost to Carbondale Boys. The splendid opportunity which The Tribune offers lo enterprising boys who wain in increase the amount of their upending money for Ninas will not be lost to the young hustlers or Carboudnle, The offer which appeared lu yester day's Tribune, lo provide lads with all ihe Tribune's which they can sell on Ninas morning stlrivd up Interest among the rising generation 'of the town and Immediately there was many a resolve to take advantage of ihe up. portuulty to earn extra spending money. The papers can lie procured at the Carbondale olllce of The Tribune which Is located In the llurke building, There will lie u clerl: lu ihe oilleo from 7.:!0 to who will supply alt the wants of the hustling boys who will lie on hand. HOMER SMITH'S CANDIDACY. Well Known Citizen Announces Himself for School Director. Homer Smith, of Maple avenue, an nouuees himself as a candidate for ,ho olllce of school director on the Republi can tk ltd as the successor of Prof. II. I. llockenberry, Mr. Smith Is ouo ol'Carboudule's (m luiibt citizens. While hu has not been so conspicuous lu politics ho Is n Re publican who always has at heart the Interests of his party, at tho samo time In line with every movement that looked to the advancement of ihe city's welfare In every direction. Ho holds an Impoitaiit portion under the Ontario and Western company, Is a substantial taxpayer and has all tho (liinlltlcailoiis for the olllce to which ho aspires. Uncalled for Letters. I.lst of . letters remaining in the Carhonilale, Pa., posiolltce Dee 17, l'JM, .for persons unknown: James llenueti, n. II. ihowu, Samuel RIvjii hiirt,', Register of Wood's college, Mrs. Coleman, Mrs. F. A. McMlnn. ,1. 11. Thomas, postmaster. At the New Foundry. Things are moving quite smoothly at the new foundry of tho Carboudnle Mclul Woiklng company. No heavy work lias been uttempled yet, orders for small castings boltiR disposed of llrst. .Tunics Early, of .Seventh avenue, Is the moat recent addition to tho forco of employe of the works. CHILDREN ARE IMPROVING. WIlllniUB Is In Jnll Yet, Ball Not Being- Fixed. The two children of Tailor Joseph Peters who were shot by Hottler Thomas Williams during his escapade on Saturday, are rapidly Improving and no danger ut all Is apprehended us to the result of the wounds. Williams Is in Jnll yel. No attempt lins been made to have hint released on ball, though ho could gel his liberty If the mnttcr was tnkon before the court, and the necessary bond offered, its the children's lives uro not In danger. Meetings of Tonight. Ladles' Auxiliary Railroad Engl users, (afternoon). Father Cnrew branch, Catholic Knights. Pioneer castle, Knights of the Mys tic Chain. Corboudsttc lodge, Knights of Py thias. The Second Night. The second night of the Mitchell Hose company's fair was another ban- nor night, :t largo crowd enjoying the Mitchell's hospitality. Tho programme, as given in yesterday's Tribune, was carried out In full. Register Today. Refore you go home to rest tonight register. This Is the Inst day on which you can be entered on tho registry lists, If you want to nvold confusion and an noyance on election day In February. Seriously 111. Miss Teresa. Powdcrly. of West Side hospital, Scranton, Is In attendance at the bedside of her Rrother Thomas, who is seriously III, JERJHYN AND iHAYFIELD. Aurora lodge. No. K2S, Free and Ac cepted Masons, last evening elected of ficers for the ensuing term as follows: Worthy muster, D. J. Jenkins; senior warden, James Allen; junior warden, Frank Winter; secretary, S. D. Davis: treasurer. Calvin Vail; representative lo grand lodge, William Rawllng: trus- j tees, .1. u. iiiiams, J. 11. Wheeler and Robert Roe. Thomas Rellly, a well-known resi dent of Maylield, met with a pain ful accident yesterday. While return ing from his work at No. I, Carbon dale, he fell, fracturing his knee cap. li- was attended by Ir. Hymn jr. Jackson. Mrs. Stephen, i . Miller, of Fourth street, is conllned lo her home by Ill ness. There will be a meeting or the First Aid lo i he Injuied society in Windsor hall this evening. The class will be addressed by Dis. Jackson and M. J. Shields. Mrs. Thomas Ainey, of Second street, has been seriously ill for ilic past three or four days. An entertainment will be given In Assembly hall Friday evening by the children. of the .Maylield public school. Floyd Hunter was u Scranton vlsi- lor yesterday. Mr. John ilowarth, of Cemetery street, who has been critically 111 for several weeks, was still alive last evening, but was rapidly sinking and Ids death Is momentarily expected. tjuite a number of Jeiinyn people iv Chauucey Olcott at the (Jraml at Carbondale last evening. OLYPHANT Ai laugciiieiits are nearly completed for the fair of the F.xcelsior hose eon. which will op.n on Christmas nlghl in Lloyd's hall on Lackawanna street, and it promises to be one of the most successful affairs of its kind ever lond'ieteil here. The organization Is one of the oldest in the valley a'nd one of the most popular as well. A feature of the fair will be the high class pro grammes which Hie amusement roni lililtce will provide. Kllctrlclun Uardls will have chaige nl ihe moving pic ture machine is hlch will have new and up-to-date plcttirt s Miss' Nealon, nf Daunioie street. Is ill with the fi,.,. A barn owned by Frank Magor. In which a horse and two ows were stabled, was carried down Hull's creek from Fourth .street to First street, Hlakely, by the rushing water during tho big storm. The building became overturned during its course and It was necessary to remove the roof before th animals could be extricated. Sixty chickens belonging lo Mr. Manor wore drowned lu the Hood, John T. craven, of (iravlly street. was taken ill while at work In No. 2 mines about .S o'clock yesterday morn ing, The mini was found hi an uncon scious condition by his fellow work men and removed to his home lu the company's ambulance, where he re ceived medical attendance. ICddy creek colliery resumed opera tions yesterday after a day's Idleness on iiccouul of the Hood, Lawrence JJonstlen left yesterday for Crcsou, l'a , where he will reside per maneully. Miss Bertha Ooodrlch has accepted a position lu Alhcrton (i Sutton's store, BMBKSS&LMUUmULZB, Honest Doctobs As u rule doctors arc nbnotutuly ltoiicsl. Tho fanoy which some peoplo liavo (hat tlnt'tora iiniko frequent visits lo run tip hilts is simply horn of Inttk of knowledge of the tlelicitoy and diflluiilty of the doctor's work. As a rule, when the doctor lins renehctl the limit of his skill ho -will any so, and rofuso to take money for services which he knows must he timivailintr. lint even tho most honest doctor sometimes falls into the error of limiting tho possibilities of :i euro to the measure of his own skill. Jle says, practic ally, "I huvo exhausted till my knowledge nnd skill in the case. Nobody can do mom than I can. The- patient cannot get well." This state ment may he made in perfect good faith and in all honesty, and yet it is very often proven wrong by the recovery of the pationt as a result of the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. "My sister (of Arlington, Washington Co., Neb") was taken very sick and Intil several doctors," writes Mrs. C. h. Harrison, of Hlk City, Douglas Co., Neb. "They could not do her any good and told my mother they Hint cftA rtMtM lint not liwtlt Cla ltrwl I ......I !.. . If .1 digestive organs.1 My mother said to my siuter, Well, I n I most knmv Hr PWrr'c itin.lIpiMoc ujl1 ..- 1.- So she boucht sis bottles, three of 'Golden Medical 11U covety,' three of ' Favorite Prescription ' and some of the Pellets,' and now my sister is a well woman." The testimonial of Mrs. Harrison is an adiniralilo illustration of the fact that honest doctors can he mistaken. Several doctors were in attendance. They snid, " We wont come any more as the pa tient can't get well, and no doctor could help her," and yet the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery effected a complete euro. This is not an excep tional .ease. It has happened again and again that after doctors had decided no cure was possible, a perfect euro has followed the use of " Golden Medical Discovery." "I am truly glad that I can do the least thing lo show my nrati ude for your great medicine," writes .Mrs. Mollic llirchtielil, of landley, Kanawha Co., W. Vo. ''I was taken six years ai'o with IIOIIAt-a 11IH III aillt llnrtlr lMti ,m..l . . . .4 " . -- -. :,'," ..', : ,-.i pVT"WVv!Wv,v nMM I ' Jib itt&miiifA d )(! Wffri&S' t mjMi ttttciMlit "sfWU.'llimk. rl nWMll MMmimWmmm Jiff! KmmWmKli WmHm SKI I W m mewiH SI III mm WK '"Hi I iil ml B wSHb 111 Mil mm-j&--Wfr iiM mill ircbBQ&PnNrc lira H s3 JmMI I mm i rcat " ' I ipnnirVH SMWSBlSf, PEDICAL &MSER !ffiRCtM; tude Handle n um.At-o r.3.,1 II, ,,,, llni.l. 'PI,.. ....nt 1 . ". "' . -- !" ;-v - ij"i. Mx-iui'ii no ian;er than a twenty-five cent piece, and at times it worked around to my stom ach until I had no relief except when under the influence of' mor phine. The pain would last longer even- attack, until I finally gave up iasi winter auu 11111 not ueueve 1 could live a day lonuer my misery was so great. I had no appetite and craved cold water all the time. i nan cigni iim-ior io sec mc ami an pronounced my trouble gall-stones. Some said I won d get well, and others said not until I had the gall-stones removed, but I thank t.od and I r. Pierce tha I am living, and have had 0 operation ,ierfonned either. Must took your treatment right along and it has saved my life. No one thought thev would ever ..H....i xluii ... umui, juM iu iiuiiiw now i suiiered tor si: lontr vcars. an cure within reach of me all the tune, vet I did tint ibi.,1- f ;i Af,..-.1... medicine 1 did not have to take anymore morphine. I hav.-'now taken twelve bottles of Dr. , 1Cn.c jvim i..-......i. lamely unii - ravoruc I'resciiption,' and now I can work all day with ease. No pains, ami no morphine. I have a splendid appetite, sleep good, and feel like "n new CT" blXhVsie'k "'" SUner " ' ,,l a"" "0t U l Cl lL' "? It might he asked with reason. " Mow can Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cure when so many doctors tail-"' The answer must he that, "Golden Medical Dis covery is the product nl n larger experience in disease and superior skill in treatment than theirs. Many a sailor can pilot his boat about, the familiar waters of his own coast who would he powerless to accomplish an ocean voyage. Many a doctor can treat successfully certain tamiliar forms of disease who linds himself "helpless when the larger problems ol complicated diseases confront him. Dr. 'Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery was perlcetcd in years of study and experience. Dr. Pierce found that many diseases of organs remote, from the slomaeli had their origin in iliseascs of tho stomach and other organs of digestion aud.imlritmi. We argued that a medicine. which would cure the diseased stomach and its allied organs, would also cure the dis eases in other organs when they were caused by disease in' the digestive and nutritive tracts. To produce such a curative medicine was the effort of Dr. Pierce. His suc cess is testified to by thousands tipun thousands of cures. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition, and so enables the perfect nutrition of the body. Perfect nutrition is perfect health. Ulood is only digested food, and a common cause of impure blood is food-undigested. The ' Discovery," therefore, heals the stomach huh pinnies iiic iimnd. it increases tiie blood supply and so strengthens the heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, etc", whose vilalitv and vigor depend on an abundant sup ply of pure blood. It cures biliousness and cleanses the blood front poinonoiis excreta, the product of a sluggish liver. It builds up the whole body with sound solid llesli, and gives new strength and new life to worn-out, riiu-downweak and emaciated men and women. mm, 1 1 ' i IIDPnni c'C l!! 1 imvs W1 rFrfr,. W fr Hourf if in, i j 11 : w-oM.iii,. -.. ,., af iay QNSLY, Sgi ono of tha greatest maiiicai batiks of ilia age Dp Pierce's Common Somso illadicat Adviser;, in siagssi' covers, containing UG03 Capgc pages and mace than ZQQ tlfasti'a fc'onsj is sent FREE on receipt oS 23 onaaant stamps, to pay expense of mailing ONZV. Sf tSio more substantial eiotli-OiounrJ hack is desired, scnzS 31 stamps AcltSress: UR. R V. PSEROE, Buffalo, ?h V- FLEETVILLE. Christmas cnicrialiinicnlH will be lilvcu In both tho JJantlst and Unlvcr sallst churclicH UhrlstmuH eve. Tho Mothodlsl KpiKcopal Sunday school lias united with the Hautlst and will ccle bratt I'hrlstiuuH eve together. The farmers' iiuititute, held limn two days of last week, was very Interest lnnr and Instructive, Tito evening hch slons were well attended, but tho at tendance durlnir tho day sessions was small. Finlcy Tiffany was tdeeleil for (.ouunlltccmiin from this place next year, .Mrs. (ieoi'Ko Terry, of, vis ited .Miss until Brundnfio recently, Charles Furnham, who goes Mouth amumlly on a hunting expedition, is VOI7R ITAITMwllllea ours If you try - stroug at Shiloh's Consumption f w 4 &f. ami ours is fo stroug we I ,M rtJ guaraiHeenciireorrefuml v 'sar mouey, ami ivc tend you free trial bottle if you write for it. HIIU.OH'S co.sts 23 cents and will cure Con sumption, Pneumonia, llromliltla and all I.ung Troubles. Will cure u cough or cold lu a iby, ami thus prevent Melons results. It has been doing tliee things for 60 years. S. C. Wblls U Co.. r.c Roy. N. Y. Karl's Clover Root Tea corrects tiw Stomacb Hpeudlug iweial weeks lu Virginia. libs wife and Ihice cbllilrcu uro with hlni. The terrible condition of tho roads, caused by the recent washout, runderp travel both dllllcult and dangiious. Jlrs. Mlvlra nrownlng, of Heranton, was entertained during the pant week by .Mrs. YV. M. Ilobbs. Although Ihe weather was so incle ment Halurdny, tlie report of guns could occasionally be heard, It being the Inst of the hunting season, GLENBURN. Last evening, about 7 o'clock, .Mus ter l.elghtun Miles hooked up Ids grandfather's (Andrew I.eighton's) young Humbtatoulun mare, Polly, to drive to church at Waverly, a mile and a half distant. Leaving her at tho door without tying, he ran into the house and hastily donning his overcoat and arcilcs, returned two or tltren minutes later to Had her gone. A (illicit investigation proved that tho mare, hud not gono buck to tho barn. Next followed a hurried visit to neigh boring' premises, on all sides, equally fruitless. A council of war decided that tho next objective point should bo the church at 'Waverly. In half an hour, young Miles drove up at a lively pace, having' found Dolly Htaudiug patiently In the cold blast, not tied, in the driveway between the parsonage and tho church. The linos were oyer the dashboard and blanket, buffalo robe and cushion all lu their places hi the phaeton. Stops the Cough and Works OK the Cold. I.uxallvo lhonio-Qululne Tablets euro a cold In ono day. No Cure, Xo Pay, Trice 25 cents. PECKVILLE, Mark Walker, aged fi" years, parsed away ut ' his homo on North Main street ut ii o'clock yesterday morning. He has been a sufferer for vewtul months. I'luai'iionla ."el In a few days ago and ill.- end came yesterday. I'i ceased leaves a wife and nine sons. 'J he funeral will take place from the la to residence at " o'clock Thursday afternoon, lut.'rmeut will bo made In Vrospect cemetery. Lost, strayed or stolen IVekvlllo'n board of health, Dr. Illlild, of I'rovldenre, will lu the near future locale In town, Hurglars entered tho Winlon sta tion of Ihe Delaware and Hudson com pany on Huiiday night. They ran sacked the place, but took nothing but a gum machine. This they took a short dlHtunco from the station and, smashing it In, took the gum and u small aiuouui lu pennies which the box contained. AVlllls Krug has resigned his posi tion with the Peck Lumber Jlanuf.ic hiring company. M, J), Uetts will today take posses sion of Hotel Wilson und continue tho business nl that popular house. Mrs. S. II, llrlggs, of Curbonduli', was a visitor In town yesterday. Mrs. Alice Hlckler and daughter de ulro to extend their .sincere thanks to all thoso who hi any way couli United their sympathy and help dining llu-lr recent great alllliilon. NEW rtULFOHl) Sjioilul to the Su.iMton Tijliuiic. Xiw MilMil, Doi. If. Tho .uuii.- i.iil.' el Iho I'rolijtcilJii Sumliy .iio kIk.iiIiu for. i, "Mill lu smlu ll.ui.," l"i Iio aboil ClirinlnuH iv in tlio I'u' linmlt. Tho W. I. ('. .ucloly nl tin Ilil'IM iliii.i mil ut the homo or Mi. A. i:. Minlir, on Mi iIj.v iiitiiiimui In inl. a l' "' K,"l '"'' i"liii .u 1 04. Ml iUtj IIjii'I, of I i' -;i mlii'; a lew iljj-'illt lur i.ui'itt in Hn pi-io. Tin IlJHIhorii Miiili it club will jiivo a ii.ii colt in Iho'il-l (hutch (M TluiU'il.i 1.0111114 pi this iM'i-K. Tlili I Iho i-oioml nii'iihir ul tlm Iodine (uiiiro, luit'ladul ly tho jouns c"!''1' ot thu IliptU iliuuli. Jli., llodlo, an uxcil ic-ltlont .i ilm li..v, ilhil at the homo il ltcv. Muii.m'. in lllnijhaiiituii, 1-it 'Jlmdjy, ivluio .hu li.i Ibid (or the pail few joai.. jwl caiod tut tltcir li lallil son. The tunoial irvu'04 tvoio (v.niluiloil EDUCATION -M-. M H u To it ! Uy a recent ml of the lcglsla. ture, free tuition is now granted at the Literary Institute and State Normal School uloomsbtirg, Pa. to nil those preparing to teach, This pehool maintains couiees of study for teachers, for those preparing for college, and for those studying music. It will juy to wrlto for lurtlculiri, No other school olTori suili iiir.oilnr aj lanUni'i at tucli low- rated. AilOrcil J.P.Welsli, A. H-f PIi. D. , Pfia 6CRANT0N CORnESrONDENCE 30K00M t-CllAMON, l'. T. .1. I'oter, I'rvtliieut. i:inior II. Laivill, "t"en. It. J, t'oitcr, Stanley P. Allca, Vice President. Srlir). TRIBUNE WANT ADS. BRING QUICK RETURNS in Hi" l'iia!.tuii.iii (liiiiili on Monil..,v at S ji. in. I.y lt.'. It. -S. ho, j.i.'U.i i lt,. J. MlllUlll. 'HlO lll'L'.'Jioil uj, fj ,m.iiv if Hi", '''! Iho oUo-l liuiiilioi in I In- I'lv.l'.-e-iiail ihur It ol llii- plaic. .Mi Maul llioiin, il H.ilUUaJ, U i u."t ( MI.i .MaK-lo HlmIoii. v0 iv. r" .i, ' ..v : t-,4f I.!.