THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1901. 12 CI eve B&kmgpowder Makes the finest breads INDUSTRIAL AND LABOR WHY THE COM OF THE STATES IS GOING ABROAD. BocaUBe of Our Moio Scientific Methods of Mining nnd Preparing Coal, We Aro Able to Undersoil Our Competitors New lino of the Rock Island to El Paso The D., I. & W. Board for Today Decline of British Expoits of Coal in Ten Months. . TIip ImliiHtilal Minronmcy of the T'nlti'd StiitM la being Increased in many of the ptoiluctst "f mine, forest nnd wotkuhop, and In none moiu eiun etly than In the iiintter of coal: this will nn doubt be handled In many of the foirlKn iioi t! by TIiieIIsIi bouses, already established for vo many years and having all tbo facilities Tor dolus business in the continental and other poiK anil this will give the opportun ity for the totwi v.itlsm of British coal, which Is piiiduced at Ki eater cost than Ameiican bec.u'sc of the depths to which it l.s now neccssnry to extend the vot kings and tlio ki eater cost of labor P"r ton, theie beliiR little other than manual laboi emjdoyed In the extinc tion of the coal at liiltlsh pits. On the conli.iry, a laise tonnnge In the Vnlteil Ktatcti is mined bv ma c'hlnei: the incie.i'-o In machine mined product In the United States I. o, los iioi lent, in the lat five j ears is the best eldence obtainable of the economic advantages tlituby seemed in raising, nnd theie Is no doubt that British lollleiles would derhe Bieat benefit by lollowlng the Aineii cjii e.unple m the moio geneial .ulop lion of coal-getting by ileitiic or by compi esbcd-alr-di ivin machine;). The number of mcih mien! loal-cut-tus eiri)li)ed in the t'nlted Kingdom during 1H00 was only 311, of which 1M0 were dilven by oiniues'-ed air and 71 by clectiieitv. the iiu.intlty of coal so obtained amounting only to 8,312.000 Ions; while hi the bituminous clis tiifts of the United States, theie were 3,125 mechanical cutters used at col lieries employing aboo 100 000 peiftons, which yielded an output of about !", 000,000 gross tout,. It Is tills cutting by machinery that enables the American pioducer to put his i oal on c.irs In Pennsylvania at 9" cents u ton, and in Vtst Virginia nt 0 rents a ton V. v.. H.iwaul, in tlie IJngiuceilng Jlag.izine for Dicembcr. New Line to El Paso. XW J.inu.uv 1 the llotk Island ex P"cts to be able to open fur lmsinchs its f-outliwesteiu extension to 131 Paso Tex. This line in connection with the Southern I'.ititic and the Mexican Cen tral TJnlllOTls will ' thr. Roc'' Tsl. nnd the shoiteht lino both to southern f'lllfoini.i nnd the (itv of Mexico, and make It a dangeious competitor of the Santa Ko. It took just one ear to construct the M0 miles of the new- extension from Liberal, Kim, to i:i Paso, Tex. For the pin pose of complying with the Tovas l.iw that eveiy lallroad with in that state shall have state operat ing headiiuaiters and also for geneial construction facilities and convenience, the new mad was placed under the charters of five dlff.-ieut coi poratlons, vU.: The Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific pioper, the Chicago, Hock Island and Mexico, the Chicago, Itocl; island and Mexico, the Chicago, Itock Island and i:i P.iso, the Knelt Island and 131 I'aro, and the Ul Paso and Not theasteiu. The completion of the 131 P.iso line will give the Itock Island a mute 222 miles slim tor between Kansas city and i:i Paso than that of the S-'anta To be tween the iino points, to 71 ther with 11 having ot fifteen bonis of time, the latter tact being latgolv due In the fneoi iiii- n!l!" and pnixlu'iim I per cent, giade of the new Kock Island Hue. In connection with the Southern Pacific, the Rock Island will have a shelter line liom Chletign to Los An geles than will the Santa Vo. The const! m Hon cost of the Kock Island-i:i Pam line will appiovlm.itu $7,000,0u0, an avctage of about $15,000 pi r mile. Chicago Tilhunp. This new shoit Hue will lio of gieat Impoitanie to the legion about Al mogciulo, N. M. which Is being tie c loped by Scrantou capital. D., L. tS: W. Board for Today. The following Is the make-up or the D,, L. and W. board for today; 'ilJI'siuv, iitr.Mlii,u 17. wild 1 its p 111, Mini 111, uoi, ttt'i, C. T. htaplcV crew; 11 p. 111,, 1', I Itujcrs, i:rNTsiv, i)i.n;Min:i! is. Wild Cits i:at-l a. in., K. llillctt; a. in., lloliokcn, J, II, S v.utJtJ S a, in,, M, rimmty; 10 a, in,, M. I.ou.'lmo 1 II j. 111 , , JUirrtv i I p. 111,, M, J, IIciiiiUmii; n p. in., y, vJn (Vorincr; d p. 111 , I, ,. ln,li, buininlts, Itc.-Oa. in., east, J, HcimlKati; 10 1 in, Nt'.l, O. I'; 11 a, in, cut, ', II. Mcliol'i 2 p. in., V. McAllUtci; U p. m.. r. CanlKi.-, I'uslieii-U a, in,, Widnirs 7 a, 111 , S Pin. IMty; b a, in, lloucr; 11.11 a. ni., Muran; I p. in, (', llarlliobmett; ".SO p. 111, Jlnip.); p. in., IV, 11. llJllhulvincn; W p. m., 1 jmp. njr. I'a&rivri DirIucs 7 a. 111 , Oaflney; 7 a. m , ilngu; 10 a. in,, Nouman; 10 a. m., l K. Sec or; 141 p m, O Millsr; 8 SO p. m., Mc(ionn, Wild Cats Wet-4 a. m., P. Wad; H a. in , U Cauno.h ; pi a. m , John Galiagan; 4 p. ).i., 9. Itandulpli; tl p. 111., J, GinJty, olCl:. V llll 1111 Khliy will inn 3 43 p. m. wild cat, Jcc. IS villi McC'uv ciew. fi. V, Hint ind crew will run C a. m. nild ut, Uce. I, in plno ul l.iikln and crew. J. I. smith and (leu nlll run 8 a. 111. uild ot, Pec. 13. A. l.'crrlty mid irew will run N'i). fl, Deo. IS. Honolulu and cie.v will run 11.20 p. in. wild ut, Ph. IS. ('inductor Hall ond ircr will run No. M, )ec. IS. Couductor Jolm Winters and crew will rjn to. 02. Pic. 18. Conductor A. D. 6hajlor and crew will run to. Si. IHo. 18. Adds whoksomenesi to the food. lands grained and lightest and cake. 3 This nnd That. The Ontario Times says: "The Dom inion Coal company, In order to cap ture a part of the coal trade of north ein nuiopo, will send a number of Can adian lallway fliemon to Norway to demonstrate how HUccc3fully our coal may bo used on locomotives. The Hi c meii will spend several months In Xor way and other noithcrn counttles." ltiltlh exports of coal dining the first ten months of this year show a decline of lliS.OOO tons as computed with last year. The Iron and steel Indus tiles lime also taken considerably less coal owing to the reduction of furnaces In blast. The output of coal theie Is gi eater than thu demand, and prices have declined on an nvciago Ji.'.'O per ton. 13. C. 'Washburn, of Bismarck, D. C' geneial manager of the Bismarck, Washington & Great Falls railroad, has gone to Ihirope to investigate the method of bilquettlng lignite coal, and which ho will piobably Introduce and adopt at his mines The new macbln 01 y now being Installed will Incioase the capacity of the Wilson mines 1,000 tones per day. E. H. Cnhoon, of Troy, N. Y.. lias In vented a firebox, or combustion cham ber, which burns eoft coal without pro ducing or emitting smoke. Boiler makers and stove manufaetuiers who have seen the Invention In opeiation believe the problem of perfect combus tion In the binning of bituminous has been solved. In his stove all the carbonaceous gases aie consumed, whli h hitherto have escaped tbiougli the chimney Hues In the shape of dense smoke. SEPCIAE COMMITTEE NAMED. Will Protest Against Franchises in Their Present Form. Pie.sldeiit J. A. Lansing, of the boaid of tiude, has appointed W. If. Taylor, J. Benj. Dlmmlcic and Kbencer Wil liams as the special 1 onimlttce which is to go befoio councils and piotest against the passage of the new sticet milwuy franchise oidinanceh in their piesent shape. The lesolutlon providing for the ap pointment of the committee was adopted at Mondaj's meeting of the board. It was, introduced by T. II. Dale, alter a piotractcd discussion that was precipitated by Jlr. Taylor. The lesolutlon set.-, foith that the il piotcsts against the giantlng of fianchises without a valuable coiuld eiatlon and also against the, giantlng of any franchise In peipetulty. Tourist Cais on Nickel Plate Road. Seml-wccUly transcontinental tout 1st cats between the Atlantic and the Pa cific coasts tire opeiated by the Xickel Plate and its connections. Tourist cars lefeired to afford the same sleeping ac commodations, with hdrno class of inattiess and other bed clothing that aie piovided In the legular Pullman sleeping car seivice. These touilst cai.i leave Boston Mondns and Wed nesdays, and leave San Francisco Tues day s and Fridays. Berths In these tomist ears are sold at greatly reduced latcs. Conveniences aie offeied without extra cost, for heating food or prepar ing tea or coffee, affording every facll ll for comfoit on a long journey, es pecially for families traveling with children. Lowest rates may be obtained always via the Nickel Plate road for cell points in the west. For special in formation regarding all trains on the Xickel Plate road, including these tour ist cais, consult your neatest ticket agent, or write F. J. Moore, geneial agent, 291 Main stieet, Buffalo, N. Y. Resumption of Sunset Limited Ser vice Between New York, Phila delphia mid San Francisco, Sea son 1001-1002. Commencing November 30 and each Tuesday, Thursday and Satuiday thereafter, tU Washington and South western Limited, opeiated dally be tween New Yoik, Philadelphia and New Oilcans la the Pennsylvania Kaihoad and Southern Railway, leav ing Philadelphia, Uio.ul street station nt C53 p. ni composed of dining, Pull man dt aw Ing-i 00111, sleeping, observa tion and cais, In addition will cairy a special Sunset Limited An nex Pullman drawing-loom compart munt sleeping car to connect with the Sunset Limited opeiated between New Oilcans and San Francisco. The celebrated trnns-contlncntnl ser vice offeied by these luxurious tialns makes a trip to the Pacific coast not only very aulck, but most delightful. Charles L. Hopkins, dlstilct patisen gor agent, Southern Railway, S.'S Chestnut btieet, Philadelphia, will bo pleased to furnish nil Information. Additional Passenger Train Service via Southern Hallway. Effective Nov. 21. the Southern Rail way will operate thtough train seivko fiom Washington via Richmond, Va to Floilda and points south. The new linln will bo known as No, 29 and will leave Washington at 10.CO a, m, over the Washington Southern Railway und arrive Jacksonville, Fla,, at U.15 a. 111, This tialn carries fiist class conches and Pullman drawing loom sleeper between Washington and Jacksonville, also has dining car ser vice. Tha abovo train Is In addition to the full complement of train ser vice of Southern Railway via Lynch burg and Danville, Chas. L. Hopkins, District Passenger Agent, Southern Railway, S:'S Chestnut St., Philadelphia, will furnish till In foi mutton. The True Southern Route, The most comfoitablo und direct route to nil points south and south west Is via the New Jeitey Central. Only 0110 chance of cais between Scianton and Charleston, Atlanta, Jacksonville, St. Augustine, Ashvllle, Now Orleans and all other pi eminent points bouth. Pullman set vice the entlie route. Only ono change of cais to St. Louts, Cincinnati, Louisville, etc. Quaker City Expiess leaving Scran ton at 7.30 a. m., Wllkes-Hiure at 7.69 a. m., at rives at Philadelphia ut Vi noon, Washington at 3 30 p. in. Tin oueh solid vestibule train with Pullman Uut fet Parlor Car. J, S. Swisher, 1 District Pass. Agent, Scranton. EMBALMING THE DEAD. A New Piocess for Mummifying Human Bodies. I'rom (he London llxprts An Interesting demonstration Is now being given nt the examination hall of the ltoynl College of Surgeons of n wondciful machine Invented by u Bel gian doctor for preserving the dend against the natural law of decay. His apparatus effects a subtle chemical change In the tissues of the dead body, which mnku It Impervious to decom position. What this change is even scientists cannot exactly say. Thqy know enough, however, to assert that It delays almost Indefinitely the dis solution Into dust and iishca. This Is the latest as It will bo the most use ful, development In the ancient art of embalming, Its method Is more wonderful than nny yet discovered, because no Impious hand need touch the dead. In the more material sense, nothing Is done to the body by handhvoik; It Is simply sub jected to air heavily chatged with the pungent chemical known as lorinallne. This air peliettates the whole body, and, in the course of time, makes the tissues Insoluble and the stomnch and other organs steille. Thus decay Is ar lested without vlscoratlou, In a wold, the dead are given a new life. 1'ioof of It can be been today In Biu.ssols. Theie, in the public mort uuty. aie confined dead bodies changed by formaline Into something that re sists natural decay. Constant exposuic to the air, which but for cxpeilmetital pin poses could Pave been avoided, has had but one lesult. It has changed the .skin fiom the pallor of death Into a slightly blown color through desicca tion. One of these machines Is now In London for demonstration befoio the Boyal College of Suigeons. All the leading pathologists In London, have investigated the new system, nnd it la undei stood that they aie satisfied that the great problem of preserving the dead has been entliely overcome. Lehigh Valley Railroad. In Kdctt No. 3, 1'1. 'India Ii'ivc Scrinton. for PluUili lplih ami New 'iork via D k II 1! It., at II .b -mil fl.'.S a. in, mil 2.1S, 1.27 (Ill.ick Diimoml l.M'lo-O. Jinl 11. J) p. in. bun tlj, I). &, II. It. It. IAS, h'Ji p. in. 1 r While linen, ItiUlon .Hid prlnnpil points In the coal legions ll I), k II. It. It . If '.a, 211 unit 4 27 p. 111. lor l'ottsville, t JS a. ill, 2 18 p m. I'oi liotlilelinn, Vision, Itrulin,., HnrriMiurir, and principal liilcnmilUte klition-,. via I) & H It. It, U IS 9Js j n ; 2 IS-. 4 27 (Iliad. J)n jnoml ):rt -..), ll.j!) p, 111. aundj:, I), &, II, It It , ' .S a in ; 1 0'. 27 p. 111 Tor linil lunnotK, 'IovvjihIi, Htnii 1, Ithari, flencwi and pnniipil Intennetliitc stition-., via 1) . I,, mill w. a. 1:., 1U a 111 .mil : 50 p m 1 I'oi (Iaiea, ltmlntd, Itufl ilo. .Nh'ira Pjll, rhljo Jiul all point. M-t, Mi I) k II It It., 7.4, 12tt. a 111 , 1 12. :i2S (Illail. Iliamonil IX pic), 7.4, 10 11, 11...0 p. 111., 1) k II. I! I! . 12 1)1, ." 27 p. 111. Ptillin in pirlor and slnpini; or T.eMch Vn!l"y l'irlor rais en .ill Ir ill lietem V like. Bint .iiul Xijv. orl., l'lill uL'li'lijJ, llnDjlo and bu-pen-non Ilndfro. ItOU.IN II WII.HLB, lion Snpt , 20 CoitUnd stioct, ov (lk. CII VItI.1 s s u:i:, Ccn. Pas... Aft., 26 Cortland street, New Vorl. A. W Ui:l VL1I Hit, Un. Pas. Agt, South lotlilrli'iii, I'a 1 ur tickets and Pullmin rcervatinns apply to nlj tiiket office. CJ Public bquare, W ilkc-Darrc, Pa Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western. In Kflut Noc. S. 1P01 Iriin-. leivc Scrmtoii lor New York At 1 10, .".1". u.05 ".30 md 10 0 1 1. in : ! 4r, '1 10, I..3 p 111. I'm New lock ami Phil iilsiphia 7.'0, KMIi a. 111.. and 12 15 and ! u3 p. m lor foli Innna At 0 10 p 111 l'or ItutiTlo 1.13. li 22 and 1) Wl i. 111 ; 1 5"i, 0 'i0 mil 11 .15 p in l'or Hiiis h union and wa slat Inns 10 SO a in. and 110 p ni. lor 0-.u'o, Mrauie md Utica 1.15 anil d 22 a. in ; 1 5j p in. ("Muo, feiaciiM md Ltici turn 11 C -'-' . 111. clillv, except huiidaj, ,ir Montio.e !l DO 1. in.; 110 ami oil) p. in Mcliol-oii acconiinoilitinn 1 (W .mil fill p m. IIIccii"li lrj Division l'or ortlnlmltriHnd, at tl.'.'i nnd 10 nj 1. in.; 1 S3 and li 10 p m. lor l'jvnioiitli, it 10 a. 111., Jill and 1) 00 p in. Mnnla Tram l'or Nmv York, 1.41, .! IS, 1, Oj and 10 Oi a. ni. , J 10, .'I t p. ni Kcr Uudalo 1.15 ami 6'22 1. in . 155, CM md 11 i", p m, yot llnil.1 miton mid v iv station-10 211 1 m. Illocni-liUi lMiisiou Irits bcrantcn, 10 05 a m. and 10 p ill. Pennsylvania Railroad. ilicdnli' in i:iTcct .lime 3, 11M1. Inin-i leave fccranton: H.H a in., vveck ihva, vrtlhiilc! train liom VV ilko llarro. Pull nun IniHi't pnlor tar ard roaclua to I'liiladol. pliii, via Pott&villp; fctopj at. piincipil lnldino ilnlo station Aho ci iinoclo fur hiinlmry, liar nlnirir, I'liiladclpliia, lli'tinioro, Vlasnington and I01 l'llf-lnir and tlie vicst. PtS a. in , week d 1 v , tor Siinbury, Iliriislnirjr, Plillidriphii, IliltiiiKiii.', Vaahin0'lon anil Pitts burs; and the wc-t. 1.42 p. in, week dijs (Sundjjs, 1.51 p. in), for Minimi, Hniriiljnr,j, Pliiliddplih, lUltiniJie, Wa-liliiKton and PitUlmr,; nnd the wist. ;i 2S p 111,. vvocl. c'.ii, tliroujli vi'tllinlo triin fiom Mlkc llirrc. Pullmin Imtfit pirlor rir ind coailus to l'lillid. lplih ii I'oitsvilli'. blopi at puivlpil intciimdute .Malion": t 27 p 111 . vie dajs fin llirleton, Surbuiv, Hanisbuib', l'lilhdclpliii ind l'ilttnirp. .1. II lll'lf lll0 Cen. Mgr. I. II 001), Gen. J' ii. A.-t. Delaware and Hudson. In l.tlcct Novcmlier 31, mill. Trains fm l ailiond lie leaie be 1 .in ton at 0,20, POO, hit, 101! 1. in : 12O0, 120. 2 31, ,!52, 5 21, OH, 7 17, 0 11. 11 "0 p. in; 1.11 a. in. l'or lloii"daIe, C.20, 10 U a. m ; s Jl and 5 2) Pr"r Wilki-, Pari e-H ."., ".IS, 8 11. 0,',s, 10 13 a. 111.; 12ttl, 1.12, 2. IS .123, 127, U 10, 7.13. 10 II, 11 ' P ni. l'or 1.. V It 't. I'ulnt-C JS, 0 03 a. in.; 2 13, i 27 and 11 ..! P m. l'cr PfiimjIvjiiLi It. It. I'oinli 0S3, 9.35 a. m , 1 12, .1 2S .md 1 27 p 111. lor Allnny and all points nortii l)2i) a, m and .'..OJ p. 111 St'VPvY 'lltVlNS. lr Culiondali s W, 11. 'U a. in,; 2M, ? .12. 0 .',2 and 10 52 p. in. IVi WIIKp- linn 0.W a. m.j 120J, 1.5S, 3 23, C . 2 ami b 12 p in. I'oi A Ihin and points north'! .12 p. in. l'or llomsilili -..50 a m and .152 p. in. W. h iitYOlt, P. P. A., Hrinlon, Pa. Now Jersey Cential. In Illicit Nov. 17. 1001. Ftitlon In New Yoik, foot of Liberty street and hontli l'eir, It. 'luliw bavo tn niton for nv York, I'lilljilnl phiu, I'a-ton, Hi Dili In 111, AllontniMi, Jljiuh ( liun'i, White linen, .Vhley nnd Wllkei Ihrro nt 7,m a. 111 , 1 p. in Jnd I p. in. .'"Hilda , 2 10 p m Qmkir City i:xpu- K-ivcs .vranmn at 7 30 II in., tluniiiili kolid vestibule triin with 1'iillnun IliillLt I'.irloi Cars, fur I'hilidelphii, For Avocj, lituton and Wllkc-. llarrc, 1 p, m and I p. mi sundi, 2 in p. in. IVr Lena llianih, Oican (iruve, etc., 7,30 a, III and 1 p. 111. l'or Heailni-'. Lebanon and Harriiburg, via Al. lintoiMi, at 7..A) a, 111. and 1 p. 111, faundiy, 8 10 p. in. l'or Pottsvllle at 7 30 a m. and 1 p. ni. l'or lalej and tliketa anplt to ant at (.titlon C. M, lllitf, (Jen. Pass. st. W. W. WI'.NTZ, (ifii hnpt. New York, Ontario and Western. In LITict Tiie.d 1.1 , Sept. 17, 1001. Mtltlll liOl M. l.oao I."avo Arrive Tnlm. htranton. rarbondalo, Cadoala, No, I ,,,,,,, ,1030a. in, 11.10a in. 1 on p. 111. So. 7 , U.lOp in. Al t'arbundaleU.IO 11. 111. MIUIH IIOI'ND. Leawi Li no Arrive Tralw. Cadoda. CJibondale, fieianton. No. U ,,.,.... 7,00 a, 111. 7,40 a. in. No. J 2 lip. in. 1 00 p. 111 110 p. m. btj.Ml.Wj ONLY, NOItlll UOU.M). Leno l.iavu Anlve Train I. Si union. Caibnndalc. Cdoila. No u ........ kM a. in. 0 10 pin, 10 45 a. in. No. 6 ,, 7.00 P in Ar. Carbondale 7,10 u m. bOUllJ POUND. Irfiva Lena Arrive Trains. CaUola, Carbondale, Scranton. No. U 7.00u.m. 7 Id 11. in. No 10 ISOp.m. illKJp.m 0.45p.m. 'iulm Nod. 1 on urek das, and 0 on biin!a, make linln lino connections for New York Ut, Middletoun, H'ttUnn, NurwRli, Uncida, OoUe-o and all point wml. l'or fut tlie r infoiination, consult tiiket accnU J, C. AM). ltv()V. t.'. P. A., N''.w c-rk. J. P. Wl.I.SU. 'I. P. A., fccraiitou, Pa. Erie Kaihoad, Wyoming Division. '1 rains for N'cw York, N'cttbuikii and iiitrituo diata polnU leave btrantun Q4 folli: 7.20 a. in.,; 2 i'i p. in. AirivaH 10 J5 a. in. from Mlddlitonn, lloncj dale, Panic' and intermediate points: 0.20 p. in. (rem New York, Keu burgli ind Intermediate polott. N'o fcunday trains. SCRANTON'S BUSINESS HOUSES. THESE ENTERPRISING DEALERS OAN SUPPLY YO'J NEEDS OFEVSRr OHAIAirS? ?3 T-TLr" AM 3 3 rl3 3r 3 IILf BUILUIMQ OuiVrMorO, Storm Msh nnd door, store. Iront, offleo ami "tore furnlluie, in li it tl or wilt wood, iinil Job- tiinir. a:o X, Wiulm. ove. t.. SrOVIMAll. FOf? SALE nUCairs and WAGON'S n( nil kinds: tw Homes and Un'trling Lots at tianjilni HOI1SI.S CLIPPKI) and OROOMI'.D nt M. T. KELLER Lackiwanna CirrlaRC Works. J. B. Woolsey eg Co CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. Dcilere In Plate Glass and Lumber op all kinds. E. JOSEPH KU-TrL, rear 511 I.ackauanna avenue, manufacturer of Wire Screens of all kinds; fully prepared for the (spring reason. We links all klniU ot porch eireens. etc. PtTiR iSriPt. General Contractor, liullder nnd Dealer In Dulld tig Stone. Cementing of cellars a upe tlalty. Telephone 2502. Office, .'.27 WoshlnRton avenue. EOURITY BUILOINQ 4 SAVINQS UNIOU Home office, 20S.209 Mean Bulldlnir, transact! a general lulldlnc and loan business throughout the ktate of l'cnnshanla. REMOVAL SALE We have determined to reduce our stock prior to our removal to our new building at our former location, 129 Wyoming avenue. Special Clearance Prices on Entire Stock. Carpets, WALLPAPER Rugs, Linoleums, Shades, etc. GODS STORED & Williams Temporary Store, 126 Washington Avenue. i T That ;ire appropriate and reasonable in price, are to be fountl here in great v.inety, X SOLID GOLD RINGS I.nlieV lliavy (.old ltln;j, Mt with tluco Ut 11 ciiU , .i.C0 I .lilies' (iinulno liuliy Itlug, set Willi Urge, choke slouc 'jJ 00 loiquoho Illiu, gold, set with tH i bright btouu .TiO I'ldii-.' Di.1111 ni'l Kim;, S..1U1 gold, with liio'e, jiuiitllng kluue, ilchlj teL.tifl1' I.adlis' and licntKincn'n .Signet Hiii-s, cvliaordliiary value .00 I L E. ROGERS, ! Jeweler - 2l.i Lacknwnnii.i Ave -- 0tttttttttttttttrtttt 4. CniXN' 'IHADISO hTAMI'b Willi J'L'HL'IIAsI.n. -4. !-'H4f4-f-f4'r'f-f'H'-f 4444 - NOWHHR'i ELSE ON EARTH Can the Seeker After HEALTH AND HAPPINESS Find Such Rich Reward. CALIFORNIA ISA WINTER PARADISE. Seat Reached Via SUNSET LIMIIED." (ini.vriAi. norm, ov Leavo Now Yoik Tuesdays, Thurs days, Saturdays, SOUTHERN FA IF J CO , R. I, Smith, agent, 109 S. 3d st., Philadelphia, Pa. BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS ... MANUFACTURED BY ... CALIFORNIA FIQ SYRUP CO. ..W1WTB TUB NAME. . Hanlevs Bakery, 420 SPRUCE ST, Successor to HUNTINGTON We make a specially of Una bread nturts. Orders for SaUdj, 0ster, Croquettes, etc., promptly oiled. A full Urn of Cream and Ices. HssRiV"- ME T MARKET, 320 Wellington Avetme. Will lie Opened Sitnrdi, Pec. II. 'I he llest the Vlarket Atlanta Only. W. A. HARVEY, Ftectrlo Wiring and Plxtures. Electric Hell nd Telephone Work. 309 Commonwealth builoin-3 THE SCRANTON VlTHIFICO tiHICK ANOTILE MANUFACTUIINa COMPANY Makers of Paving fiilik, etc. VI. II. Dale. Oii'cral ale9 Agent, Office 320 Washington av Works at Nay Aug, I'a., P. i. W. V. It It KiNGSBURr & Scranton , Utnuficturers' Agents VIINE AND MILL SUPPLIES. District Agents for John A. Hoebllng's Sons Co.'s Wire Pope and nicctrleal IVIrc. Gulta Pcrelm and Rubber Mfg. Co.'s Dcltlng, Packing, Hose and Mechanical Rubber Roodi. Know lion Packing. Carter's Oil Clothing. Room 310 Paul! Sldg. Draperies, FREE OF CHillGL Mnultv, JEHEEESEaJ - TiT4 - T - r - H - - H - CHINA CLOCKS V hundred dlfTerent fctjlei In beautiful iltiDi'.ilul I'onil.iln Cluik'. Kvirv ono 11 gvnd tiimlviiiir; uu bitttr value in the ilty ?1.U0 up GOLD CLOCKS 1'litcil lliiuilulr an I Pirlir decks in 1t.1l lit c tit 1 hi 1 do111 iillici ikaL-n-i laigi. a-vioitiuuil tl.2i u;j FOUNTAIN PENS An an umptalili gift for i Inly or a gin tl mill. A liro akj-oitimnt if I'lmiiK Pins at 1 1 VV Jtt nn in Pens ir.'oO -f MAIf, OltDIMtS Clli:i'l'I.LY III.I.i:i). -f ix 1 ii.i.i;ii. - x X pcoplo wis -r 4 Mmy out nf.towners mid -f- rani (ome in iirniiiiiy an1 miunig iu T -f li -f- ni fun lau iMiii-i i'iiiiiiiiiiu in uo nun Amu hoiiilug. Wli) not join f - ff - f - K - 'fff - f - f'ff'f'f'f'ff - - THE 1IC POWDER CO, Booms 1 aud2, Com'ith BTd'g. ORANTON, PA. nining and Blasting POWDER HpM Mooalo na Kub il vVarlu. LAPLIN A RAND POWOBR CO,'! ORANOE QUN POWDER Blcotrlo BatlorlM. Hlealrlo Uxpla4r, sploaiux oafoly lfut Ml Riiauii Gbealcal Cos ..'il'.Vt. Goldsmith's Bazaar om ca i Christmas i Nearer and TTU-. f ICj. D. 1 iic urn Diiyers Are Becoming & Thicker s e ig Procrastination will cause you $ 2 more and more inconvenience as the fe - time for doing your holiday shopping 3 shortens. During your tour among .3 the stores, for your sake as well as g ours, don't forget to visit this store, g ' Within its four walls are contained & g an enormous stock g ly for the holiday Leather Goods, I Celluloid Goods, s Sterling Silver Novelties, Jewelry, g Pjrfnraes 1 Handkerchiefs, 2 Laces, I R-bbons, If Hoisery, f Umbrellas, .$ Store Open Evenings Until Christmas, g QmwwwtomwwmmwwzwwmmwwmwwtoWtoG : Useful Holiday Presents A 4 COMPLETE House Coats Storm Coats Bath Robes ASSORTMENT Leather Suit Cases flandsome Line of uuMmimi rien's Gloves of OPKX i: KVINOS fr fr. K f H 5 t 5 V. t K 5 5 5 t . V, Our Holiday Display This Year i? .1. ;.. ..- ...... ,-rt to cater to the want of HOLIDAY SIIOJ'l'E RS. " Beautiful Things for Christmas ; Karlv choice is. wise. We invite you to make .selcctioiib H now, wlieu stoclo are at their best. In tiiakiiij your .selection of Diamonds, you have the as sistance of my thirty-live years.' experience. Diamonds Set in all kind of RINGS. P.ROOHIF.S, I'I'XDANTS, STL'DS. Ktc. Fine Gold and Silver Watches With the Highest Grade Movements. Sterling Silver Novelties, Cut G!ass and Umbrellas. And everything pertaining to a first-class Watch and Jewelry Establishment. C. LUTHER 133 Wyoming Avenue. ESTABLISHED IN 1S57. 'A 'A ' "A ' 'A'"' ' " ' ' " " ' Allis-Chalmers Co Successors to Muchlno riuslnesa ot DIcIcfoh ManufactuiliiB Co., Scrantoo and WllUos-liarre. Pa. Stationary Englnea, Boilers, Mining Machinery, Pumps. Is Drawing Nearer e & t e e n & e & And Thicker of goods, special- fj trade. Silks, Dress Goods, Cloaks, Shawls, Furs, Dressing Sacqaes, Skirts, Waists, Underwear, , Rugs, Art Squares, Curtains, etc, 9T. Neekwear Underwear Hoisery Mufflers s- Holiday Stispenders Spruce Street. Every Description. f I" T VV VM K V, P. V, V, , H l ?. n V, X 1rt44rkt vfiitifff1 Hifiti nvtr Infnrn o .t , !t ! X X . X fs X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 1 '' ' " " " "" " " " ' ' ' ' ATLANTIC CITY HOTELS. w - Grand athnti-) Hotzl no Annzx Vittiinu Ac. and AlUntlc Cil), N. J. EUth jux; JJU luutllul luvius iiiiullr, biniclo and uitli hath, hot ami coM sea'uatcr lathi tu boUl anil annci Ioiatlou cle.t anil central, v. illiin ku arU vl the btul Tier. Orclicitra. Otttr jjccU1 frp raUa, ?U to $U 1 weak: .' W up ty la. bi'iiUl rate, to families. Coaclte. meet all tialns. Writs tor booklet. C1IAULK3 e. com -V 1 V t: T 4rJ S- r Jy nils' tr - -..