I i ' n "S tf ; -" ' , rt ' i x?. itftfg,? ". - "'" ' "-; "tv" ' '. "- Vi'irttf J ''iw''VTJaSW'.'i. w '" ,K3 ' '""t'h) "T?!? ( r tfy rfl m, uiif " .? - h ( H,', . "7 ' . .. , S.M' 1 el ,' TJJJS ISCKANTON TJJJBUNB-TIKSnAV, DlX'RMHKIt 17, 1 1)01 ERRORS OF PENNSYLVANIA i'oitri', tli( pi opcnl t'nllitl fdulcM nm- .t'EItSONAl. KECOLLECTTON MANY OF THEM. Their l'pidonnl Apponinnpo mitt DI-?-HnRuUliini ChainclcilBtlrs IJilcf ly Outlined by One of tlm Vpteinn lUisldonts ot tho Capitol City. ill Mn 'i III Xlt .1 , , , n , I lillllj l II lli't I Hit, Ml Of tin- liiinicr f,n ilium in t'fintsi !- rtllllll I (Mil I null xnMMlll I I XX ,lllll Ainlicxx Sillily ouut- Until him il llmd the Miiuixe iimli iioim i sr.j n iS.'!". Ill eutl.v llli in. Iintl li.. ii ii Lu. tlii'iuii inluHtri () niiiiK- xxlu'ii I mi x hint It i Ml In' liuil Iiiiir ii-ii i'il ti ln ItllXMMIII Hi' XXim HiiMI II Xl'I.X ul ! iiinn si(iciMi iimi Huh in Mini ,Mv mull ndttipil in i In must n u s. UN liiii,slip xxus- i oiii)cll( il t-i Kiip -i "& 1' IIiik NiiiiM- In tli.- i lix ui LiiiKii-.. M. .Mill In- ii"iii( xx Mil In I Mo ii.nl :i lliiiKlHiinii'. Iul( tin iimi (mi jHHi I,, 'ill pi Inn- muni Iimxc biv-ii i xi-i.x Mum limkliif, in in ll l'i Inn led Ulllik. in tin- WihkIu n mi (Piiuien ui i.nn. UIMlt'l. rtcXlllll lillu-s SHU ,I(P('I lilllii", M lui wum flcitui f,oxi'i nm in is;;-, in ,i ! nlil In tin Oi nun nidi unit; IP' xx in :i lii'.ix x-si'l, -dmKx nimi, ulxx.ix dii 'i--d in-.ul. ninl liuil the niii'tit or tin "luiil.v u I'oiuiMj lxniihi n( i mini tn Ids spo. lIi and mivoi uit imi. I xixx lilm inn in t lii linxs' 1i)ii Iiiml H ..inciitci. lie w us in (iinipmx- xxil'i Thomas II lliiimxxii, xxlui liuil Ik en Ills soi'iii,ii ni tin- tomiiiimvvt.illli, nnil xxn'i iiitiiiiltii i-il ki Hip siholum bv Ml. HlllloXVC", lutt milllo III) SlPO(ll. II 1 id h.iil no idx.int.iKPM ol idiu.itinn lull was a niaii ul tumtliiil qcnd spnsi and piu-iss, ( MM ioiisIiIpi.iIiIi- lutelll j iiii . In Is.m; he- xx. is vp,' il ul Hi, lions, ol it)ipv..iit.Hi-., ,,i i'uinsvl niii. II xx. is ilmiii',' liN iilmliilU' i tlon tli.it ilu picsi'nt (iimin.iii m! I'X'sii in (iT Ptuusvlx.iuiu xxus .iihiinli-il tin law loi lis establishment li.ixin- in'oii li.tssid dining Hi.- .idimiiNii.iiiim ul his pu-ilccos ui, liiixi'in.ir r.po"-,i' ol:, xxho bad stiU!;I adxoiatoil lt li.iss.iffi in all his nips-iif,,";, 'lnvtiui," "Milim s bin li-d at .Mount tint U s( . ii. il miles xxist uf f.ulisii in ciiinbi . land eoiuitx. (ivi;i:xou i'()irn:i: D.ixul l:itlnlioiis( I'm mi, vx lu silt - i clod ,SoX( i nm llltn.i ias i man ul illilin-.iiislK'd piescnii, and xa ul lmtcd lamilx. Ills i.iIIipi Andirxx I'.)-, til, hid 1) 'i u an ulluii in the Itexolu liuii.m x,u and xxas ippniiiied sm l01 ffOIK l.'l (ll I'ellllsxlMilll i lix tiox- ii nm Siiiiun n.xdii. xx hit Ii p'.sitiup h h 111 litull ln-J dialh in IMS A binllii llll,l 15 I'llllll III I.HUI.sU'l s oxtinoi ul ."Uiihman 'IVniluix dmliif i pn t ui nl (eneial Ink .on lei m i - ' id I mil nifilli'i biutliii. lames -1 Vol l" i it K islou xmi- se i t'i (il x,ii iln 1 1 ii , a pot turn ul li ililoni Tx- 1 is admlnisti itiuii (liixi I nm I'm ii was a .iui dx --pichiiui ul l unsxlx.i- Ida inauhuiid Hi was aliout liv . ie,, 1' n iiu In ' in In ik In had n ipU'iull I lu id ii' iimi A' tx Man. a llui id mm- .I nn and spaiMlnif ifiax ixes He xxas i uh'i i f t It t ut in ni.uiiii , Inn Ii id -ti(Ui ruiixu linns, a deleiniiiKd V Mas a man ul f,ieu abllli tiuiif, in his liRiidsliips and liiltei in his ill iKos He uus ll Unnxxn tu the ul h i T'opU nl Ilan tsbiu-,, liiixini iesid 1 ale altti 111- ltliiemeiil limn ntllo id hi. leiuailis air Intenid lu ill" lailislniiff n'luileix In I iiia! j . enildaiu e Ids sua, liineial Ilui u . net i minim pin I, tiiixpiuui' I'mtei xx pi I i.i-Plpcird In a luifii. niiijiiiii, in I, II I uxi'i .lolili 11'iilUx, nl" t't'ililllti I VHANi'lH It.WV.N Hill ,xN. Or I riiiiii'l" I tn xx ii Hliutil; '(ux. i i-i Ci (iii lautliitx, IM. to .Itll.x IS I . uh it i died, xxuv a mini t lumu 'niM 1 uud lntlii" pmiiapM Hi" inllett ii. iaiiie ul' nil lllr i;uxt'l'liu it 11 it I) id a -dlnn anil heiii'X'olelil run', lie tm I pini titi'd Inxx In Hat i luluii h had lii n letli nl' Hie linll-te uud xxas eitiUnv nl Hie i uimitonxxi nllli dttiliu lh ili.sl iidllllnWHiltlnli uf 'iuxi'ium I'nllel. lie, HKe (liivi'imil I'niter, xxtm it tiutlx'o nl' Mniilfjotiipi x 'iilllilx hill lecliled lu I'lttvliltlft xxlliui u( i liil unxi'inni- In is 1 1 He xttM a Min-ln-liixx ul' (Inwi lint William rtndlii.x.Kuxi-i inn' uf IVl n silxanlu Hum IM7 lu is.'u i nax hun nut e mid lie liupieisi'd in xitli hU IflKiinili- MttHuii ami xxlimliiL. liimiuei He VXilH le-eleiled III IslT lllld ml b lule Mtnted, died III .llllx IS I .. W'llllll til I''. .Inluistun, ul AinixiiiiiiK ni'iin.x, '-x X II ttle ul bin ullti t- im "peal.ei ul Hie -late M'linie, be niulllff Ills -ik i ptni Till- leni.llll-t ul iloxeinul Sluitik xxi n i"( in ted In llu liillluad Htiillull lix III" I't'iinuxlxaiilit "iildleM xx Iiu hud jiwl lelmned limn the .Mesliim xvm. lie Is Inn led at the Tiiippe. bW natixe plai", A "an William P Sliiinl,, xxlui H-vidiw iui Hie ilxer luitd ahiiXi- Ilm llMbllif!, In ulie ul the limit 'luted i !x 'I iilflllleeiH In tilt 'Ullllll.x, IT nut 111 Hie xx ui Id. He Ii nuxx In Smith ineik.i uti a smxeliiff espt-dliluu Wllllum I' i fame .ulni-duii xxhn be iinic ffux-ei not hi'piui"!' ul the diatb uf fluxeilloi Sliinik, xxas nninl'iiiled b the Whiff pm l In IMS', ulld .-.( le( led at the (lelobii elei Hun tm llu1 tu'l I l'i 111 Ol HlKC JlfllM. Ills uppulli 111 XXli Mnuls l.uiiffsiioth, ilieii u (.mill i mil mlssloiii'i, of QuiiKt'l- Milted d '111--, all 1 a eix- ei'ilmilde KPiilleiniin. Ills iiomiuiiHuii xx i -i nut vxell i"i.led Lv minx Hi imii iiiih xx hu hid deslip.1 i Itlli'l Hill Willi, I, I lllslel 01 InetlU'ili II lillli U should he the ' lllld' I He IUI 1 1 .luliic-tiiii xxiiseliittd hx Hie small in i- loiltx ol ."'7 lb xx u an ( U ran lv liuiid 'uiiii uiiin, Iui ki- uud xt-!l piopoi- lloiud. had a sttoiiff. Intellectual laic. xxas an i mm talulnif and . mxliulnu tpiaUii. uud one of the mow. fpnl.il if liosl-t ,ud i ompaninns II- v us t ho Hi mi to inltudiiu slump sp-aKliifr lu the t illdldaex foi oxt t urn lil,i o! t1ili slate. i;u;i,i:i: and i'oi.i.i ci In IS1I. the Ui niocialli si h,. imixi n l Inn. xxhii.li nipt at I'.eadlui', In tin month ul .liuie. nniniimte I AVilllam I'.lffki. ul I'le.ulleld inuniv. tei fiox I -nm. He xxas bum in l'eny inuniv in 11 !. ami xxas then lint !' xe.i's of are He h id In en a pi init i . 'ditm an ! lull-mian, had Imii a state -i-.'ulni .nid xxa "pv.iKi'i ot tlic hiiiise i.i Ml lie xxas i laie puitlx man. xxllh a stiunif late was i ,,X im (ll( ui -peal. i .Hid iiu xx Inuiu use now ils dm Ink I1 ' (amp iif.il lu plixate llu- In- xx is "rimexxlial iimhkI, but a xx.miii fi lend I and fimieioiis hosi. The -ame ximi b's 'biollici, lohu a piiiiKi, anil xxhn .f i I niWt iKi nut v is Hie lomulei ul II i I itisbtiift I'osl xxas eh b d fiuxinuil o1 I'.lllmn., on lilt Dtniml tin liiiM'l William I'.Kli'i - moid as -'.uxtinm xxas a ii m and hunoiabl' nm "e uii" i noiiilnaiiHl In ls'.l bill tin lid i! xxiixi ul Know NoiIiIiikNiu was i.iu stiuiM l" he oxei ( nine and hi-tonipet tm. lames I'ulliii U, up lo lb ii tlm i W'lilf, xx.is i It i ti d hx a 1 u .'o m ilui il v. 'I he next mmi tin- lleiiioi ..uti pait iif,aiiied a i mil tm x in lVuius; lxam i. and lluxeinoi Hlt,lei ix.is i-l-i li d In ll.e t'nited Mates sen, itt. in wliith bodx hp seixid Willi i onspii nous abllitx foi ik xo.iii. He xxas x.ix populiu wllh the I euple ol Hail 1-biliK. xxas a iifiilu ittti iiil.iul upon Hie -ei Ii - ol ti milx Pn-slix ti iimi iliuuh txhiih Is ! . 4. 4. .j. 4. . ,. .. 4. . 4, .. .j. .. 4. 4. 4, ,j. J BOYCOTTING ILLUSTRATED AND PROPERLY DENOUNCED 1 "I lii'lunif In an a tim la Hun of nilnlli'M alii d ih"il"ili and xxenieel Muiidii.x iXi'illllffH in Hie ylinl.x o one uf nm lucnibeis I enjov the lei InxXHllIp of i tn Kiithi'iliii; We llelp .'mil olhei lu xilllotls Xxuxs. tint xx Inn thai Cleili iimli it-li mil in leuxe m xxuiis in the niliilsttx and du "unieihliuf "Isi- mil ol sxinpatliv loi- -utile bnilhei- lu Ihe iuIiiIhIix up 111 Itimtii tliillutx txhu tilli lieell lltullx lliali'd h.x u llillllutli inil'tie Kiitlnit, in li'i'Mine uui" uiiffi iteiul I'liuiih down In WIIUp-uIIhi ie him dWihamid a r-illhi'ul pimioi- or be, Miih uiu'lliliifr lint nne xxiuiifv xxlth -otne ihmili and pustoi In a tx pi t oi l.m kuxxiiuiin pie-dix tei. I - " ""'i niluMitliil mmiul'iiiloii- 'IIipiIii en, vuu uxui mil ul Hie llllim tlm' lie uf Hud bill ol Hie lldiu- tll'll lie or Hie dexll (b'l time h llllld lie Ihmi ex II one ' An cltlci in this i hm, h hu a ili;lu ton-lmi it a ilitlil kiiiiiuii lenl "ii lllm bx the iiiiiHllttllliin ot the t'uitod Slates and ol tills lonilui-iw niMllli It I- hit Inalienable iIkIK. He doinu'l like the xxn.x thliiffM me ijnlllW lie diiPHli'l like Homi'biidv In tin ililliili. 'I (Inline." lie nai. 'to uxe the ihiuih ruillu-i Hi- ipmIrih and Ills leslifiiatluli Is in eepled N'uw tiller he N KimM 1 1 1 1 l t mail Iiiih no i iftlil tu av lo .Juliii Smith xxho IselMted In tiike Ills pit,,. 'If adept oiu i-hdlou I xxlll lepoit xou to nix iileiubi 1 xxlll ffel Hieni -n do all Hit v tan tu Inn m xnu lu om biisne.is i win adxbe iheni tn keep axxa.x Honi uiu -hm, I xxlll li.x lo r.i nix lliends mil to "ill ou or niu XXife blend ul meat I iloluK xxhn tlilnk xmi iiiiifht in be done xxllh such n man' I dun't need lo nil xou The hms ol the slate dm late Hint If oll all pluxe sm h things iiMihiHl tlmt man he mtisi -... (n rimn Hill, mm Philadelphia. "'I liuxo iintlilnjf In sax- iifuilust liibni UuIuiim, lallim I bcllpxe In thmu. I am not iivlnw Hun luhur .issoel.uloiis m nili'M me loHpnnslhlo Iui the biivnill thai Is oliifi on ui Hu. pie.-eut time and ill tills ilt mid xul lx Xm indeed am t ! 1 1 Iiik lln'w Inddents slmplx tu uttiaet iitliu. Hun lint I am naiialliifi lliem hpeause Hie me ineis and Ihev lllusiiuie tin- axxltil uud iliiiiKciniis- and lilnhlflil ualtne of lioji otllnn. afiilusi vxhltli Hod and the laxxs m mm hiixe -oleinnlx deuinl. Il'n the box toll anil nm stilkeis m Inhui unions thai I am piendiliifi iibnitt and imilnst. "Pi lends, idnu U needi d and xxliat eai li tun 11 niii-t demaiid loi hlm-si-li Is the iltflu to asset t his Indlvldtml lndeieiiil' m e mid Hie dutv tn help Ids fellow 111011. aside Mom the dleliillous ul till othci men. lime in this (ii (Hon m.iii ina.x lie a fi eeniali and il he Is not It is his fault mil nut tli.it oi any pvsU'iii ol f,rixeinmi'Ut ui stub ul sot lal and Indus. Hlal llle. 1 tiy pvoi v mini Is a Hee man. and he should allow no u Snnlfitlon to ionic in hotxxeon him and hi- IiIkIil-,1 and best Inteie-ts. r.xoiv man's (list dutv l In his famllx .mil no man or sot rr iik-ii. no imp but Almlfflit.x (lod should h,. potmitted to dii ItiU lo that man how hi' xxlll snppoii his lamilx ii hniff a- lie keep- Hie laxxs ot Hod In lespnt lo I lit- u" ul liimsidl. IK. has a ilffhi in wmk when he pleases and xx hole he pleases and xxoik at xxliat li- plea.es and he should allow no one loi a lonth pail ot a -nond to In am xxaj lnteii.u- xx Uh his wmk and hi- ilifhls in (his loif ml. II a man wants to belong lo a l.ihoi m -tuiulAitlon lei him heloiiff. Il l.e iKiosn t want tu In lull,; lu a laboi m snii.itloii let him haxe p.'ifiet ui)(ti to jaN ai. winic in henxi u oi In Hie iMi Hi I inui man oi mi u does utie mm oi do anx bod ol nun t-iiin- In tlKin-elxes the i iifht to place a ui.iti.it lo on the hand- in 'tot oi hand ot Iio.ii t ui a tellow mill' n lends theie is no sm h pioiofratixi .M.in is a ine mm il aifent bpim,. (i,i .,n , s a nee iiinial itffi-ni In line Ids lelluxx men To deux this s to ludotsi- atian hx-" Pioni the Soi - iiinn bv l'.e. fli-oiff,. n (lulld, 1). ) . 1 citni l.mi Sund.iv hi the I'loxidmite I'lesbxtmiaii I'lim.h. 1 1 .j. 4. 4. .j. .j. .5. 4. .:. 4. 4. 4. 4, .j, J." J - en 1 now Hie M.n km -u.ii o. tiiu maiix of the old losidmits -till speaK il Hoxti 1101 isltfln mil ins lamdx in w.iim ti 1111s .T.inii s 'ooi.k hi- -uins-m. w.n a l.ixxxm ami li nl been piesident iiide 01 inoiouiisoi .oi inunibpil nid 01m t. lie xxas mil and mat la! in p 1 -son, had a li.iiidsome line, and hi In .ul xxas sutuiounttd Willi :,,i iibiinil .iii(i' ul il.il K luoxxii hm. He had 1 in.ukliiiK i'M- and w innlmr m.iinii 1 He xx 11s an iluiiueut, lllienl speikei. .'el xxas alwajs In t oijiiost at 1 ninth ninl Sllllll IX sdiool ),.ltll. lillf,- HtlMM 11.11 I'ullodv xx .is, it 1 niislake not. the tinlv t lilt I eM-ditixc, xx ho did 1101 hie 1 losuimno in llaiiisbm 11 bonded .il Coxt'-tlx's hold. Sulisi (pMilIx Ill hold tile position oL diietliu ol 'he mini midei tin admiuisii.iiion- ul I'losltlont- Hi.ini, II.im-s ami .uhm To the tlax ul his do nil lie look a xxauii inteitst in lollttioiis initlet- md xx is a piomiiimii 1111 111I11 1 ol Hu ' i i".li to iiin ohuitli Wn.Ll.V.M PISHKl: I'At'KHK William Pishi'i- p.KKei. ut l.xtnnu' t, toiintx xxas the suiuisu of (ioxmi'u I'olloi K Ills tompitliot as Daxld Wlhnot, 01 Wilmut I'l.-ixi-o' lamp, uiisiuall;. a Dnnuiiai i'limiiff 01 i.itliei llelpiiiff 10 lot 111 the rippublluin p.nlx in is",", Cum 1 nut p i kpi xas oltt ted bx a l.tiRi- iiiumll at Hie eU' tion hi Ottolitt "7. He a- one ol the li.nid-umest mt 11 oi rlie ll liiauth and hi- inaiiiiei wa. xx niulllff and 1 at; isfiiif.. He bad hoi 11 .1 piint't, (ditm ami lunilii 1 man. ha-!iu li en idl'01 of a papei in lids mv In Hip 1 nix imiles lie xxa- a n-aix, enii-i -l.illiluj, spi alvPi op am ona-loii. lie xxas -piaktt ot the house ol 1 epics, p. taiixi s dm iii tho sessions 1, t his md lSlli, and made a tapible and Imp 11 tlal piishlliiff nllltei. Ii xxn- ililihu: llio adn lnlsti.iiion ot Cox it not I'ml.. m 111 it Hie -ale ol the piil'.U wotls Ol tile slate look pi, 11 o. 'I lleV XX 1 1 e pllldiisdl bx the IVniisjlx 'iiia 1 . 1 I load. ivp.tix axd m: f Antlit-xx- Ciokk '111 tin. ol ( ears St hi We httte made great preparations for the Hotiuct Trade. We are sliowing- New Silks and Dress Goods, Fur Muffs, Scarfs and Neckpieces, Ladies' and Children's Coats. Particular attention invited to our Uloves and Handkerchiefs. Beautiful "boxes given away with $r.no Gloves and 50c Handkerchiefs. German Silver Novelties, Um brellas, Military Brushes, Leather and Silver Purses and Bajs, Cut Glass, China and White Crest Ware. MEARS&HAQEN 415417 Lackawanna Ave. mi o 1 toiintx. xx as elt 1 ted in 1si.it ox t t Conei- 1 Ueill.x P Koiloi. ot Westmoii land 1111111H. one ol the ablest hiixxets uud best ol llli 111 it lllell 111 W'eslet n I'euilsxl Mtnlii. t'liitiu was 0I0! led iluouuh l'i" unloitun no dlx islou ol the Dtmoiialli I li.ut.x In the i-ian and iiutiou at ihn I time What 1 iu.ikuIIWi'iii ipei inn n ' 01 m inliuod ('uitin xxas' nxii His lei t I in In IkIiI, his hodx ettil md xxllloox,' hi), splendid late belniL, iiuxxiioil xxllh a hi'.-ui hms head ul d.uk hah 11 .slump -peakii o 1 111 poxxti and I" imii'IImii, 1 and nuc of tho must gonial 01 men. The ' IIUIttlMlllUs ol ilxil XX, II XX 'l(i llC.llil ' illllliiK Ml- iainpalt.-,n, sexei il i,t.ili had iiIicikIv minIwI xx lu 11 lu xxu- In iiiikui 1 toil lu .lauuai.x, I St. 1 and iln xx.ii hoKiin in jlu iiiimth "i rull fol luxxlnu. lb- xxa. iIkIiiIx in mod im w.n unxelliui " 101 he looked 111 1 ull 11 1 it 1 and xxat.ilxxaxs luieit-st'd in l'i" limnlleds ol tlliillNillilr. (if IViinix l,iul- Mildl is who took pan in l In- lomhltt htlUKKle ol hlil-n'p Cuxeinoi- I'UM.nl XX. is ii-elitled In ISli.! uxor liniKf ''. 'oudxaid, xxlui xxu thou 1 lili'l liihtun ul the Mlpieiuo r iiui t nl I'em. haul 1, Tilt- mules', xx.i.s a billoi une and ('111 tin xxas (.((( led b a III tie n 01 l"ilM m.ijuilt. Siilisoiiii-nllx Cnx niini-Ciii-llll will, mlnlsin to r.ui.sln under I'le.-ldelll l.liurilu'B adininNliatloii. On Ills it lui n lu bis nalhe land In- xxas 1 let ted 11 ll.i'inllt 1 o lite stale lollsll- tutloual iiiiivontlon ii is".', and xx is oh t li d us ,1 ) iuoi tut to 1 (iiiKKi-s iioui tin 1 'ntie dls.i h i Uh on nun ih 1 xt-itdhx tlinus.iitd.s ni ,1 lends and id- lllliei. all nxoi llle -lult lit wan lb"1 Hint voxel noi to 01 1 mix llu nies.iii I (Mtutlxe mam-Ion on i'tout Mteet. John While lit .it . ol I'limbi I land lOUIU.X, beiailU- uXt'l lint III IM.li,, nl'l ti ll iuil tunloKltil IImIii In xxllh II Ins iJHliuii.itii uppumut. lilosioi t'lyntii, of Hoiks lounix, niadi a billable tan-ui-f. CtiMiuia Coat xx m. a Miilxxuit lu id.:e, Htiitli;lit a.s .111 nuoxx uud w is .1 unp-ph nous iltjuii In un ass-oui. 1)111(10 lie had been lliiilinani 1 uliiu-1 and colonel ut llio Sim mill 1'tnn.s.x lu uiii loKhmut in llio Mo ,111 xxtii and xi on ilM)uxul:diod laiiuls lu tho tlxll xxai i-spn aj In llio Imtllo ol Look mil .Mountain, toWiiiiK limn the M" v!to at. a majni' j,oiieiul. wtw him oncti on hot that'll al an oiuanipinout, nciii Ki'iulliiB, ul a I'lillidolpliln io. inont, fioneial Si. I'luli a. lliilhulliiud (oniiimiullur,'. He xx.ih nut lu nnlfoiin, but xxiih iin Imposing ilt'iiu noixxlth itandlnir. lit- xxus ".u lipmo" on 1ioim- li.uk I nut him nine in Hie evonilixo ttiaiubei. and 110 ollidal toiilil haxe boon mini 1 otn ! mis 01 tillable In Iv.'t he was K-ol"itid b a small ntii ioiitx oxei Asa I'.nkii. o CuiIkiu toiintx. the Deiiioi i.nlo ( indldato. and II has niton bun t hailed to the louutiiu,- In" pioiess so peruliar to tho polltlis ol I'hllailolplila lit died bin a lew mouihs.iii. 1 iethinK nam the KUboi tintiii lal otllt e In Is?.;. His III alii xxas sad and siimllnK uiiiiiiiucr xxhll" seated nl tin hionl.lust table. He Is bill h d in llle llilllislun,. lepio- tt ix and his Hiaxe is nun ki d bx an li li si. itiio ol lilinsolt in Inniis'e IIAIiTIiAXI'T AND IIOVT. (ii'xtinoi Ilui ti.iiui was mil, -o - X' hat slemin. was n il.nk t nmplol( n, liitd a xx, 11 1 1 li ol 1 oat blink lmli. 11 inus- t-u 1 t Ul" same 1 oloi lilm U ex"s, and looki 1! miiih like an Indian lie x as one 01 tin nui-t i m etui hoistnien I oM 1 saw lit s, neil xx Uh Kiill.imi all llnnuhh llio tlxll xxai. ami no old it 1 had u 1'nu ltdiid, lu 1 sir. he x' as oleotod audltoi uonoiul and 1 0-1 loi lod In lsllS, and was sen in;; in that po-l-lion when tailed to the nn 01 not ship lie xxas diKuiiiod, (pilot almost i.ul tuin, lu niami-i, but hud a w.n 111 lu-.it l .iiid iiiikiiik his n lends Inxail.iblx w is ol the most Konlal illspo-dtinn. IIi-iii v Mm (mi Ho.xt ol l.titino (outil.x siu(iid(( i'iiuiiiiii ll.n ti.iutt. lie was .In tul In IsTs oti bis Ueni otiallo 1 oinpotltoi-. Andiexx II. Dill, of riilon iiiiintx. Hu- son ol a iiiiii Mt Ihodisl pii.ituei ol llio lialiimoio ' t (iiifi'ii-iu (. Coxmioi- Hoxt was p, 1 . haps the most mIkiI.iiIx man that oxn otinpidl llu vuhoiuutoi lal 1 hah- ol I'enusplxunla. Ills tnsli s xxoto belli llri.nx and s, hid isllt , and i he li n an I'Moilinl piaiiitil nun ol nun I. UN me-'-uKos xxtie alxxaxs espit-id In the tetsesi and pui(:,t nl laiKlWh. liolule an alldleln e of lutt lll;ont mill ami women he xxas alwaxs iiuont. 111- Mitulixo and llilcicstliiK;, hut It 110x01 oti until to (lu xxiitoi that he was 111111 li ol a .sin 1 ess us a simiip ounoi. He was ,111 oMit-niclx handsome 111 111, about sK lott In lulKlit, omt mil In nail shouldoieil, had a Mot id inm lihslnn, IIkIii biuxxn halt, blue e.xoi-, und wine an Impeilal. He xxas a veni al and dollLthiiul (ompaulmi a pit'.. .ml iiuoiileiu was hiloxtil hx his 1 1 It ll(s, ol xx llli II lllele weie inull.x III I'nlli pai Iks, Wo dhd ill the bloom of I a xlsoidUs uiiiuliooil, und the death nl I no puhlh man in I'ounsxlxaiilii, at l"iisi In 1 ii v ii'iiilloi 1I011, xxas e 01 mnio sliu 01 elx mom nod 1 I 'A TTJ SO N ' A N I ) I ! 1 1 A 1 : 1 ! Xllliuuyli 1101 ' tiaiixe and 10 the inanuei bom," Coxonioi ralll-un l,tu ' ploXdl lllllsi a Hue Mill ol I'l'llllr-.X I- xuula. II' Is Hlill 11 xoiiiu. InokliiK ' man, xeix low. Il an.x kiii hails hax llIK liliuli Ihouiselx.-s poiiepllble. Ho li..s 1I11X1 lupi d xxundei lull.x sluit his llisl 1 Ionian, beliiK now one nl llio 1 11111-I eiib I tiliulni; ulld eloqueui .spe.ik tis n tin slab, and Is ulxxux's In de mand oHptttallx lu 11 Unions 111 .1 iit hlam i- Ills due pio-'euit', tall ami I Mill poison, ami Ki.iioiul manner I make lilm a 1 ollsplt noils ptirunilKt at all times md mulct all 1 iioum-tam e Ho Is Keulul ami iiiti.ii iix- in (he ,-o-1i.1l 1 lule, and Ids pioiiomo N aixxu.xs Miuilht. lie Is istfiinoly populai Willi the ptoplo of llailishuiti, xxho look upon lilm uh out- ot iheii own, Imxliu, lieell eli'tud xx lieu llio toxxu b(han to id x t'liiji and alxi,i manil'esilu lui.-i-o.st hi In. HUH' 111 ulld piospuitx Nn mole pnillllll eSoillliVt. has oM I null- phd llio 1 mm litis.- 1u.11u.lnn, uud the ittopilmi. in lilmsell uud lUxuiliibl. it Udtd hx Hie alt ola .' i in .hi. 1 omiuiiuiix Ills iidiillulsliitllDii the .tuhustnxxu llood. Ililiui iillolod In inodiMU tint"'', uii'tlned, und lie xxiik pionuit ill nlillmt lllld suet ni Inn, the tllilm IUUliU' ionplo ul thai Miiiillx. 'I'lio "oxolill ptlhllc llimlttllllH In xx tilth ho ItllH hooil llllHIII In has Idled well and nt 1 i'nlli lilx 11111 Ills pllMitc life Is lihovo loptoiloli. IIASTI.VCS AN'lt K'l'CN'i:. (luvi'i'itor lliisiltms Is ti lino lonklntv tliiin, of llc fool tm Inches In Iii'IrS I. N "oiidlx und sitiutol built, Iiiih 11 Hplondld head of IIrIH Iiioxx ii IiiiIi, ninl Ills initsim ho und Impoilitl vlxo lilm 11 dooldodlv mllllinx iippiiii nm 0. lie. niiniod for into of llio tildon time liioniliois of thf iVniial I'onns.xh-i'iiln Jlothodhtt Hphaopnl 1 ulifoioiid', ilif 1nt Dnlilol llaitmiiii. In o.-itlx' llio ho xxiif 11 m huol leai hi 1 , lllen .studied lnxx, onioiod pnlllli s mid lias Kouoiiillx boon HUOl'OMHltll III Ills polltlc'l lllllllltlUllo, He ban 11 dolt, ntuslo'il 11he Is a tlu ont speaker, mid ioiiiuuiiiiIm 11 1 lent Inn lu nliv tiUdlonoo. In Ills smlil life ho Is uronlul und dimpanloilulilo mid nl thotirtli nut In ulllolal Hlatlou uoxx litis ninny filoiid( all oxei' the stmo. Cn 01 nor lliisitnps xxus a lamlllm IIkiiio upon otn 'Uiiottt, and ooidlnllx to till nod all salutiitlons Ho ontoi tiilnod suinptuouilx, mid the nin'iitho ninn slon xxus inner xxlthunt jjtiosts xxhlio lie xviih Koxnnnr Ho Is nox. Ilxlno; In oloRiilit lolliciuotlt 111 tho delightful old tuxx 11 of nollolonto What Hluill I snv uf llio piospnt jjiiV onioi of IViinsvlvitnlii .' In ptisoiinl iippoinnui 0 ho In a kIiiiH, slnndlnp over Hl fool lu lioluhl I mot lilm but unco, und tlmt xxas lust nftpi the nxoitlnoxv ol Coxoinor llastlUKS bx tho Qunv proplo In IS't'i, und llu- dotpnnlnntldn (lion that Wllllum A. Stone should Ik Hip llopuhll' an oiniilldnto tot Kineinnr lu ISIS Tlmt nnunncuient xxus oftooi od In llio pai loi of 11 well Known kou lloman of this 1 1( Coxemoi Stonu Is 11 quiet man lu Ids demeanor, but lins mm li of the siubboi tinoss mid IlKhtlnr itlulltx or the Stoli li-Irlsh in Ids in due. He (1111 make a flood spooet h. bu( Is it Iiu bottoi xxiltol. Ho xxus hoi n In TI04U ouni In the days when llu Ninth' 1 11 Tin xxas a OonioLt.itii stiougliulil, hut xx lilt li. undet the load -oislup ol U.i KI Wllniot, dilftdl oxei into llio Itepllhlii an p.n tx . and litis 11 iiialmd there 1 mm slmc His mllltaiy lotoitl iliitlm; the ilxil w.n xxas with out bltiulsh He lllkd tho position ot I'ultod Sialic illstiU 1 attoiniv ol Westoiit I'ninsvlxaiila IilIoio his elu ilon to 1 otu'iess, and li is the npuii- tlllll Ol ll'MIlK an .1I1I0 laxx Xt'l. MADE A MISTAKE. And Almost n Tiagedy Followed in a Sleeping Cm. I it m llu 1 tin iui) li'litmt I. lis. 11 and t'oiPtis att iuoiiiIhis nl the sum 1 lass at tolleKo Tlu-x" ur-o boloiiK- lo tho --.iliie liatfiliitx and haxe boon ( liuni' cut dim' tin 'laitcd to pilbllt si hool lo'ol!iOi A. is llu-li habit, t lii-s- 1 mm home Hie olhei dax to -pond TbanksnlxliiR l.nson and Collins make it a 1 tile when Ibex tiaxtl Ultwothoi lo otcnpx be 1 ins unotiix- .11 1 oss the aisle 110111 oath othoi So when I. ,11 -on ot the boitli tickets en tile tiiu home lo 1 'lilt .mo lust xxiek Collin- was u t Mid In i.iklnu it lor -liauttd lb it tlu-li luniks xxi to oppo site Then Collins was iimi and timn.il in e.iilv, loixlm, 1. 11 sen in llio iuok Inil 100m ll.nlx-tlu ut t 11101 ninn. In but it xxas llht. Collins xxas axx ikenod bx olio of his shot". silkiii li 1 111 on the bat k. At the same Hun- bo hoaid the dtiisixo xolto ol I. Usui timing him to tt up lie .sliu.lt Ids head out between the till talus as tiuii klx as he 1 011I1I, hut .nisi 11 had ahoadx ilKippe.ut tl Cau-tloilslx- ho loathed .1110-s the aisle and p.n tod the iinlaiits 01 the opposite boitli Tin xlllain xxas Ixint; xxltli his link 10 tho aisle pieteiidmj, ho xxas fast asleep 'I'll IK linn." said Collins tn lilin-ell. Quietlv ho uent doxxn the aisle to (he xxaloi lank, tilled a k1.ius xxllh no walei and lijitoed link to l.il-011's boitli. PllllillK .iput the tlll laliu bo 1 adiod in and pouted llio bo xxaloi oxei llu -looping 111 in XXlltl shllek (.line 1 1 till llle boitli 'and out ol il iumpi d 1 plump ami 1 Id- 1 l nl in Willi lout,'. XX bile sldo-wliisk- tis Al the same moment Uaiseu peeled out ol the b"ilb iiiiuii'dliitelv abox-' that ottupitd bx Collins. 'Who did It.'' -hiiokod the old Koutleinau, loiiulii!,' xxllh i.iko. Collins, ineanxxliile xxas immlntr loi life down llio aisle to llio sinokliu, loom, xxhilc staillttl funs pi eiod mil ol exeix- blilh. Tho 1011 1I111 tin and tho lb mo poitei, both uwaktiitd b the i.itku, tamo tushlim in to Investigate As Ibex uppioaehod l.aisoii Icuiioil out of his bulb uud 111I dit -s' d thoni. "I thoiiKlil 1 had lilm silo," he t-.ilil. PasMes It" don't oltui trot xloluit In t lilts xx n. Wo'lo oil otll xx. IX" li.u k to I i:i-tiu. and he's betll ptiltitlx ipilel j lot the last ixxo xxeiks II xou 11 t '- plain II to inn old 1 1 it ml mms tin aisle I II no ami make him tome tiai k and to li't) ' Mioi tin man 011 xxlitilii Hie ho xx. 1(01 hud In en pouiod had iiislsiid on Hie poitu mux lui, him lo llu nihil .'in t ul tho t.11 I. .11 -en lui Collhl.s hail, lo his buili and then momiiiil tUiniil until tin iiaiu pull' d lino tin siaiiuu in PliUai?o Tile 11' St thin the two laki a olll Hex logethtl lliue Is k. I to le ,1 seipit I donas Lonas 1 .' 1 ' 1 s - - - ODS! j CHRISTHAS BELLS Will Soon Be Ringing. SHOPPING TiriE IS HERE, j The fci Store is leuly. Kveiv Jepaitment will i give you a hint, overs' counter will surest something towMkl helping to complete your list. Today we wish s to s.iv a lew words about the Jonas Long's Sons' Sewing Machines. A lasting and ever to be apptccateJ Christmas Gift J would one ol those handsome machines make. Our Sewing Machines aie all ball-bearing movement which makes them very light mnnins?. Ate simple in construe- tion and easy to manage. Our No 1! bo lop 111 itlllne has lluoo diaxxoi' 11 toinpleie el of al 1 11 1 111 in 11 1 xxoodxxoik iiindo iioui liosi oak polished a million 11I111, Price $18.96 inn No "i bov lop inui lilm live di.ixxoiH, full su ol atlm liuioni 1, xxoodxxoik ol hos oak. polished a plotlv -mldou ( oloi . Price $20.46 Out No I, a ill op head ItllK hlllo, lias 11 sxxoll limit lintne, noat lln Nlieil xxoodxxoik him live iIiiixxms. Price $24.50 fiiu .No 7 mai hlllo. 1 alii d Hie Vlnili Jtinp lleiul .Mm blue. Ilxo diaxxoi . dt op bond -l.vlo. A spot lal pile ol $18.50 Mm Ladies' Oxford ;lans$10 mm veiy tine quality of ox fo 1 J Melton double bteasted with voke ftont and back, edged with velvet oi strap seams, half lined. These Rag lans were made to retail at Si 2. 50 to 15.00 but 0111 price will be The cut will give idea of the style of ment. $10 you this an gar- This store will be open evenings until Christmas. Goods delivered free to all parts of the City. oy Co upslans to the Ait make fine piesents. Be sine and visit the )epattment in basement. Galleiy. Beautiful pictuies iJooas ULUEfAY VAS SAVAGE. How It Attacked n Huntei nnil Gave Him 11 Seiious Wound. I 1 III 1 v. tt V 1, I In 1 . fioviimu It' .ii mil .tlitl span in, lll.s llillxi-.lp al'ti .illliollhll xxulkluir 011 I t rutt ltfs tin 11 -all ot tho loss ol 11 i,i in Dm ti.il win. t xoi tutlve In Ids uiiixotiit nth lie li.ii usuniu,', in lent ninl nee, Inuxxu hub, tuoisailii ami wlil-l.i'ih now iiunlnii mux, hu u stiiiiiiniis xoiio, .1 u-.id.x loiniiuilid ol lauKiuiuo and In uIxxii.vh iiu luloiohilim: .spe.lktl 111 In p.lllil llklll HlllKllt I'll In tlltudl Ulld Slllldiiy Kt Hool alllei lnt,. (le Is in' St otrli-Ii Ish 1I1 see it and i.s a piouilnoiu nieuiboi ut ihu J'lt-flOlxilalt 1 htlii.il. Wlillt Kovt'llior ho xxiik allalile and easy ol uppioiuh. W'ltoi) Hit t-iipeiloi loini was ni-jratl-td, Ids old loxxtituniiu, adjutant i;t n ital and nuuviu' ith koxoiuoi ap polnloil hlmoiiti ul the judged, to xxlildi posiiiiiiii he xx-.ik suliiioiiK'utl i-loi tod, and ix uoxx hoixIuk. In Ills llitoitouti-e xxltli the people ol" HuiilsbuiK ho vx.ts pk'usiiiu and (;ouoi,iy llktil, UmlnK 1 A siniisuiaii laiuplUK on one ol the la kit- Ul Slllllxiill . olllll.X olfoied lo bet I 1 Sin 10 M iimi lioiiodv iii iiiti p.ni 1 mild Km ss haxx ho had u-ielxod an lu .llli lo 11 llm,tt whidi ho laid IiIouIIiik bol'tiie the spoi tiittus. No one huosmiI and (he ninn xxnui on to (plitlu Hull while siiiudlmi h.x Hu l-ik ho had mm ii 1 lilueii II.xIuk: ovt 1 so 1 lo-e iibuxi bi.s head 1 1 ti L lu lustliu Uxvl.x thioxx up hli. luilid lo t-mp It. 'I'lu hlld m mix. 1 .slop) oil 1101 Mxoixod bin lu.stiad iIiinIi nl Hlial,ilii tm ihe hand, Milking 11 xtlib sin li lult. thai ilui bill 1. em, 11 .it . XXllo Wt 111 1, (m) ,() ,U. J1(, 11( j,,,,,, (lM ,, spin l ptopli ol 1 .. ib,,iiL'l. Hie man Inui be. 11 .111, I. I hx- a Lulli This miii 01 .n lion Is in lino wlih the ;.olioinl toiidiii 1 ol Hit Ja Il is one o the iiliii .ihKtoi-i'ivi hlltlh on the run Hm lit. inbhiiiK (In uostt ot olhei lib u 1, nud Miiuulnio." 1 von killing : ouiik stiiii, ils. 'I'lu i hloi juliii thin., iimi tall be Miltl al' Il Is Hun It olleu ioh-i tin 111H ul' Hi Himllsh spai inxv. A Titp to Cnlii'ouuu ui rioiidn. I'luisc t.nnlt inplatlm, sm h a nip med but In 1. ill uii llio lot ul HlKl-i am 111 of llio l.at kuxxanua ialbo.nl ami ho will niiauit1-' "M'U tUinil IndudliiK iiaiu,. poiliKioii htitli, it'i-oixiillous md xliotklUK ol biiKkiikx) tluouym 10 tlosll nailiin also xxlll I mulsh i.ite.s, loltlcm. iic-.stilplivt llteiatiuo and un olhei tu. 101 inallou dcslied on llu- tultjoit. Thiouiih -Uepv'i. and du, i-o.ulioa iu t'lik'uijo. Only one x-luinee of i.ns (o I'allfoinla. ' , k ft X ft' ft' ft' ft' ft' ft' ft" ft' ft' ft' ft' ft' ft' ft ftu fi ft ft ft K i Ift ft I Ift V 1 ft ft Ift Ift ft' ft ft ft 1 ft it ft ft ft ft I V I ft ft ft ft ft ft I Lod0 s Sods i , , . , t f. , v .. K r ! v m r s v v ' i v , -m- -d 1 look Aroeeo low -TTi.lSrjaaH ri-. i- "-..c-- rr.fT'- . m& m-A m "Wl,- ''S.-Vf1 Convince Yourscjf We Invite Comparison Ml Wc Court Comnarison WAH f'-1 tif $ m y Wc Want Comparison Foi bv intelligent, unbiased comparison of our Pianos and prices witli othei-s, we are sure to secuic your pationage. Come lo the Factory Give Us ihe Benefit of a Thorough Critical Examination of otir Piano Anvl we will piove to voii bevond a doubt that nowheie else can vou buy a good a Pi mo, as high class an instrument foi thomonev as irom us, at 0111 lactoty. These pianos have Iven m use foi the past'ji yeais, and not a dissatisfied custumei. We jj;uaiantee evety piano for ten yeais. We shall be pleased to see you at any time. I Mi 18, Pill oil 10-13 lo 1051 Capouse Avenue. Pianos sold on easv payments, Old Instalments taken u exchange. ' A A 4 4 A 4 A 4 A i 4 4'4A 4 tt 4 4 4 A A U rt'''ii J 1 1 t 1 1 1 l .1 1 V t 1 . .1 ,1 ,1 .1 1 ,1 .1 .1 1 I .1 J .1 .1 ,1 .1 . -I .n i ,1 Brair.iTT vtn x n-iT i'lTl1x-MTnllralTllM. ISMJTH PREMIER TYPEWRITER Oceupleb .111 Iniperislublo Position in ilu BUSINl'.SS WORLD.1 Unquestionable Superior Merit Aniitinll)' .tads tlious.tnds of lunncs to the long list of Smith Premier users, H'pre.syiitini ox ci 5 line of trade ami t. cr ptofosion , ,, ULlblUATlU ( r.U(H,bl blttt. The Smith Premier Typewriter Co,, NO. A3 S. Eighth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Kuionton Branch Ofilce, Nos. 1 nail 3. Avoaile Building. "'