The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 17, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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-The News of
'railroad time tables.
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' Delaware nml Hudson Bnlhoad.
Xuwnilipr "I, I'ml.
Ti.iIik ItiiM' Cillliunilil.' .11 ill mm inn J 'ul
"i-vf si.ii.ini. mid wiiUviimv-'i". j..';'. :;?;
.'.HI, 10.111, 11.21 .1 I .I"'. I.'"- "'" ' '''
fi.dil. 7.IW, KI.DI, ll.() i. it . ,
S .i v Ittilns Iciw .ii .."' Il.-'l i. " "'
2 III. 3.M. i. in. ..
I'or Alliinc. S.mili.i. M.-iilrnl. 'V ''.. .,,
I.iiulunt", i'Ii-.. ;. ii- I" : ''' I1' '
(iltllvl. .. .. . ,
I'm W'.i'iii.iit nml lliinc-il.ilo, T.'.!'. ll.Oi a. m..
E.."il. 11.1.1 li. III. . ,, , , ,
Siimlnv ii.tln. li..ii. V.iiu.itt .mil llinrl.ili'
t H liii ii, in.: 4.4.1 p. in. ,,,..
Tultn mrlic ill fuil.oinl,ili' limn ill'n'"l1,1!rF'
ml Strmitmi m fo1li'vi (I..MI. .:- "', ":'
. m.i is.;!7. a. i:i. i.', ,.. 7.HI. si. I'.''''
ll.s p. in.; i.ns .i. in. , , , , .,,
".iii.I.ic tmln .iirlio .it n.'JT i. m.i I'-1"' ''
4 .'.". I'.LII, 11 .in p. in. ... ,
mihI.iv li'.iln -inlvo hi Ciilii.liil.ili' tiotn "'' .'mil llm.i'wl.ili' .il IJ.I7 jikI 7..V1 p. i.
New York, Ontario and Western.
SVpl. 17, IMII.
ImIih lr,i Ciibm.italc lor Nrniiimi ii "A"' .1.
n... I. ml p. in,
Siiinliv ti'.iim at 7.0.1 ii. in.: li.mi p. Hi.
I'ijIiih lcic ( .nlimi.l.ili' (or points ii-nlli nl
11.Hi 4. in. On miikI.h .11 D.lll ii. I". I1'1""1
lo.nliiK .it 11,1(1 ii. in, wivl; .mil ''.I" ' '"
Niti.hv' 111.1I.1' toiiiipdimio fui Ni' "iK. I "Hi'
w ill, I'lr.
'I'i-.iIim .i.ilw limn Ni.ii-.l.m nl II. Ill "
p. in.; pnlnli III. I.W p. in- ""ii....i
llol.l Sil.intnu ..I 11.111 ii. in. .in.l 7.M p. I"'!
tioi.i Ci'la.l.i nl il.Ht! p. in.
Erie Railroad.
.1 LM. 1!it)1.
'I'i.iii, I.'JM' rill' .Lltimi. Cnl I.i'f. -
(' miikI.iv) .ii 7.(11 ,i. in. .iml l.:ti p. i"- '"i" nml N'l.mi'li; .it P..M J. in., il.ill ("
pi lim NiihIivI, Inr lliiiali.iinlmi. '
i...t..i. lor Vi'W Vml. illy ami Itiill.ili'. -ui'l ''
i'. I" p. in. (or .iiUi'l..iniii,; i i.iiwrtl"ii
I.. i ui'-tnii poinK
-l.l.ll.t.V II..III- lit M.1 .1 Hi. 1,11' MKIlll.'lUllll.l,
.titli n'.Ipiii loninvliun-.. jii.I 'i.'I p. in., v.itli
Mim ttitiiiirtioii.,
Tula- .mill' .it ;.i i. in. iml .' II p. in.
'.iiiul.i' -i .il tO.! ii. in.
"hniiinan Fletcher and Mr. Thomp
son, the Representative from the
Sixth. Point Out What They
Claim Are Outrageous and Un
authorized Fees in the Injunction
Proceedings Over the Municipal
Water Plant Some Plain Talk.
Other Select Council Matteis.
There whs some ileeliledly iUiin t.ilU
"iij iiver the lillN liHliire.l by
llie i-ky in the iIi'IVum- nl'
I he injllll.'tiolt llKlllllSl 111'' lllllllici-
1 : 1 1 water pliuil project. "I'mui
thnrly.ed" nml "iititriiKt'ous" were how
mine of the items were eliisseil by
.'Imiriniin Kli'lcher nml .Mi.Thompson,
lie represeniiitive from the Sixth.
Vhell the Hhnrp illsellHslon eniU'il, llle
ollls. nu'KreKiitiiiK S'i'W. weie re-i'i.'lerreil
o the limmrc couimiltee I.) lili.l out
the wiiy iin.l wherefore nl" each item.
As soon us llle bills were reail by
:'lty Cleik .Moon, Mr. Tliompsnti whs
HI his feet, illliueiliiitely pitchillK Into
ills subjeei in eliiiriicteristic style. meims llnit he whs entirely le
vo ill of frills. He salt! thai In the eoin
Hliltee IIU'ettliK tlH'le was quite a tlis-
ute as tn who was lespniisiljle for lliese
bills which ran into hundreds of dol
lars. The heads of departments had
taken mi themselves the authority,
(Vlicthor or not they had the rlsthl to.
ii.' did noi know, but they went ahead
mil ordered this, thai and the other
liiiis to bft done without notlfyiiiK
.'. inn. dls. Such a thinu' is the creation
.f a debt, but councils, the bodies thai
lie usually blamed for crcullnu city
iehis, were mil notilleil, He was not
i I'avnr of such lalitud.'-. he was np
insed to it and would nsk tliat tin In
vestigation be mnde of all llie items.
Taklns tip one of the iteius. the
cIuukc of .$.".n of A. II. Dunning, Jr., of
lei-anton, for niakinn a niajt. Mr.
I'lioinpsnn asked why il was tint I the
:ity was paying Jl.Onn or Sl.Mjn to a
ity engineer and several hundred be
sides lo an assistant anil was obliged
ii nit to outside parties to have this
iMirk ilone. Why cnuldll'l (he city uiibI
.'er's assistant do it'.' Again, on the
(Irsl day of the hearing, it was known
i hat the case would not b" called, yet a
veil'.' of Witnesses Weill I'l'OIll I'ill'hnil-
dnle to the court house hi Scrauton.
I'hey had their car lares paid, their
linners bought for them hi Scranlon
hotels and witness fees, all at llie ex
ii'lise of tlie taxpayers. This. il
seemed to him. could have hci'ii avoid
'i, as one of the counsel for the city
.nforuied bill, on Hie day set for the
hearing' thai llie still would not conic
I that day. liesplie this, the load of
.vlinesses "vein lo Scranlon.
In conclusion, Mr. Thump-am sug
i;esied that the parlies who nnilioriy.eil
lies.' bills to be coutrai'leil come be-
.1.1. the committee ami explain them.
W'hiil ('Iiiili'iniin Fletcher had to say
cniicerned tlie charges fnr making
i heniiciil, uiK'i'iisciipiciil and bacterlolo.
B ieti I analysis of water taken front lite
leservolrs which supply the city of
rarbondale. There was a bill of ?iin
front I 'i of. A. II, Wells of llie Scranlon
high school faculty for four chemi
cal analysis of tlie same number of
samples. These charges, the chairman
believed, were exorbli.ini, Physicians
?were constantly sending similar sani-
j'plcs and to the best Instil minus of the
m ounvry.t.lohns' Hopkins' iiniveuiiy for
JJ xaniplc, and paying noi more than ."i
jjfor ntiiuh ' When several suni
liles are sent the charge Ih less. Tweli
jy .tivo"'(olluiS' would be ninpie in cover
2'l'e whole rim of the analysis. Such
ui. iharge, S1.10 In all. lie deemed as rank
iiiiil.iuriiig"0ih. Kiirthfr so. far in
vVoiiij.'jIfi' iveiv cancel lied, It was not
ok now ii i hat 'this work was ever done.
; The OlscnHslon was lliultcil to the
;y h.iirniun mid Air. Tluiinpson, but they
"had nynipiithi.cra iiinong' the other
j'liii'inbers. a llu niotlou to re-refer in
the Ilniiiieliil committee showed when
Jlt wiig eaiTicil,
AtiiouB tht inaittii'it iisposd of were
y.lic resolution directing that sidewalks
j;iie M on Sixth aveniic, in fifmi nf-tho
Jfl "HiVl'llW 1 - u 'ladwin and Henry
;',saloiii; the ordinance providing' lor .in
rjiri' IlKht in front of Un properly of
'Patrick Itooney ou f'owilerly stri'ei,
ii.'i the resolulioii fur n hydrant at
CJIircoklyn street nml Illi-'hih avenue.
Sfl'lioy weid passeil. .
)i Th matters, vfiri'i;' t,o ciiiiimlltee
ttrturu llio ivsnl.jtloits dllecllng- that llie
jjllro alarm ke.Ns ho Iiuiik in glass env.
;n'atrnaxca wee the aratm hoxea ami
fov the laying- of i loss-walks on Wash
fftngton Hticiit and Kluhlh and .S'lnth
;'ivmiiu's. IJtilli cimii'u from cpuimioii
Vj ouni'll.'. ' IFl .
: A nmnhor of bllUJ&tfVe apptoViM'jiml
tiio roipilsltlou ol the Cohiiubla hose
?.Voinpuny was Kiitnled.
-li-fT-:.' ', :.'
Meeting of the Medical.
' Tlio.CurbouUuifr Pledlcal boiiely will
nect itt Dr.' Fle'iVlier'M olllce, iu North
.Miiln strci'i, Weilniilij evening-, I lee.
Is. Ill 7.1!" o'clock: (leneral Kltlijeet,
"Tretilineiil of t'Vacitires of the l'pier
llxli'i'iiilty ". 'I'ritettiif or the I'lavl
"!," Dr. Hrnvex; 'lnetiue or the Mil
llli'lltH." Dr. rllllls: "I'lilles I'Viietllre.-'
Dr. .Milhtllli: exhlhllion of n case of
reseelloli lor nniinlleil I'ruetui'e of tin
niilltl", Willi N-lliy ph'tltres of lite
snine, Dr. Wheeler. I.inich will lie at
the Impel'llll ivsllllirulil.
Increased Mall Service for Carbon
dale David Walsh the New Cur
rier How the Deliveries Have.
Been Arranged.
'I'." increased mull liicillll.-s I'm
I'alhonilale were enjoyed for Hie - st
time veslerdny. when David Walsh,
the newly-appolnled carrier allowed
bj llie poslal department, donned the
mi H'oi-iii of gray and went Into acilve
A redisli Icllit of the cal-lleis' mutes
was necessary, in order to make room
for llie new cairler. This tesullcil In
I'uiTler Walsh being assigned a ills-llrlc-t
that lays principally ou the
West Side. It embraces a good deal of
the territory covered by I'anler I'. I-.
Carroll. This nrraimem H p-i inllleil
llie extension of free delli, in. in tin
tallroail rossing. at ''oiliig" sis-' .. to
No. I sihool. on i In- South Side. None
of Hi" residents In tills s.-cllon Imd
free delivery prior In ycsler.lny.
Carrier Carroll's route was extended
to lake practically all of the Dunilall'
section. This, above all purls of llie
city, was where the gi cutest disci Iml
uiilloii existed, and its removal by the
Ih-si delivery yesterday was fully ap
preciated, in be sure, by the persons
SO bcltelitted.
Carrier Davis' mule was also re
arranged. In lake iu teirllniy which
heretofore was without free delivery.
This Included portions of the hill at
llie lop of South Main si reel and llie
"swniup" section. Il was also ar
ranged thill there be two deliveries In
ceriain parts ol the business seel Ion.
nearest llie postolllce.
Summing up, Hie redistrlctiiu: that
has taken place extends the free de
livery system to those sections which
have so long luen denied the service,
lo which they were entitled, by reason
ol' councils neglect to provide a sys
tem of slreets. This plan of u-dis-iricling
may not be permanent. Post
master Thomas' aim is to achieve the
best results possible, and if other
changes be necessary to tills end. they
will be made, as they arc suggested,
mil II the service is as good as it 's
possible in effect Willi Hie number of
carriers allowed the city.
The change made yesteiday by Ihe
additional carrier beginning- duly is a
source of satisfaction lo Postmaster
Thomas, who was untiring in his ef
forts to have Carbondale receive what
the earnings of llle poslnllil e entitled
it tn.
Procession of Local and Visiting
Firemen Piecedes Opening Pro
gramme at tlie Hall.
Amid a bin Be of glory the fair under
the auspices of the Mitchell I lose com
pany, opened up last night in a man
ner which augurs well for the success
of ibis their ninth annual venture.
At T.'.) o'clock llie llremeii paraded
the principal streets of the city to the
music of the Moxiirl band and Ihe
Vaiidling Drum corps. The Artesian
company, of .li-rmyn. were given tin
place ol honor at the head of .the pro
cession, p'ollnwing them iiinie the Co
lumbia company, the Cottage and the
Mitchells, and trailing in llie roar was
the laughing- burro, to be chanced off
during- tho week at the fair. The Vanil
lin; company, iu their natty suits of
blue, did not arrive mull late and
missed participating In the parade.
The parallels broke ranks at Watt's
hall where the fair is being held, and
enlered the hall for a good nighl's fun.
In ironi of the hall entrance is a lingo
signboard, with the words "Mitchell
Hose Company's ""air." with Incan.lcs
cciu lights behind the letlets.
The hull was lavishly decorated iu
every iial'l The walls were Illicit with
red, wlilte and blue banners. The na
tional Hags were draped in a mosi ar
tistic manner and the draping of the
booth'- was beautiful, l-'roni the center
of the hall streamers of red, while and
blue reach lo ihe four corners of the
large room. The streamers hang near
the ceiling. The whole Interior prescnls
a scone of grandeur and surpasses all
Interior derorsiilons ever seen In this
city. Till' work was done by Seltz ,t
Martin, of Scranlon, ihe former at one
lime a resident of lhlscty. This is llie
same tlrni which did such excellent dec
orating here during the seinl-celileii-nial.
Th"lr work In Wall's hall sunups
them as the best deioralors thai have
visited this city.
The hall was cinwded when the Hist
number, a .selection by the Mozart
hand, was rendered. Their work- wiih
loudly upplatided. Hon. S. S. .lonen fol
lowed with ii happy spi'tch. He told of
It's. All Over When Nervous Sick
Uonclnche Comes to Young or Old.
KverythiiiR Stops nml Nothing
Goes On but tho Neivous Sick
If miyihiiiK 'll engender a dlsi...
Kurd tor oven life itself It is oniimicii
in- oi'i-repeutud .attacks of sick huul
ache. Vou may be able in purilulh
descrllm II. Iml the Kn-lhih language
falls to do It fully justice. U'.s misery
so concent ruled. .i cpnuei),ei, so proi-.
iralhiR 'hut .ill else is enveloped j,t
.Mr. Thomas Suiiuncis, of ,,., ,;.)
luel'mm streel Scranlon. 'a sn ,.
Dr. A. AV. chase's Verve pills me a
splendid 'in'0 fi'i" nervous sick head.
aches. Mine were .errlblo at limes J
wan nervous at the same time ',.
iii.'ive pills wore ivcomnieniled in mo
and I got a box tit .Malln-ws Uro.-.'
drug store. No. :vi l.tckawuiiiiii uvo
liui'. and the. .'oinpletoly cured the
heaihiches mid nervousness. This, J
think, Is rocoiniueiiduthiii enough."
I Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills am
sold at '""C. a ho ut dealers, or Dr. A.
V. Chase Medicine. Co., HulTulo, N. Y.
See that portrait and flguuturc of A,
V. Chase, M, D., are on every packURO.
Ills pleasure In iilcetlli'r the ntcluihlles
mid their lussli's mid friends. He then
told of tin early days of llre-llghters In
this city, when lire eoinpiitiles Were In
line mid or llieh being the main iittim
tlon on parade on every runrlh or July.
"Your lire eolnpiinles nnu'," he said,
"me ninth' up mostly or young men. the
hone mid slnewH of the city, and they
me always ready to men it ml overcome
lli-os." lie then, on belitill' ol' Ihe com
pany, thanked the young ladles whn
lire mo ii lily aiding the llreiiien III their
elTorts toward III" success ol' the fair
The spoil Iter concluded with the fol
lowing: "Vou itlM'iinw that th(' inure
il liliill does the less he Is upprei luted,
and Mils Is Ihe case of llie llrelllell In
this city."
The iilderiiinii was given loud up
platise nl the conclusion of his timely
Thomas Dotithwalle followed with a
trombone polo, played In u fiitiltless
iniinnei. . phtiio and cornel xolo by
All and Mrs. (leorge Ackeriuitli was
loudly applniiile. I. The Mozart burnt
I lien rendered a selection, and llie Hour
was cleared for dancing.
Tonight the William Walker lose
company, the company which received
such favorable comment III Philadel
phia recently, will be the guests of the
Mitchell boys. The following- pro
gramme will lie given: Chorus. Her
niiinlo Singing soiioiy: violin solo, Mr.
Mendelsohn, of Mnylleld: plnno ihtet,
Musteis llrooks and Charles Kafka;
chorus, (lerinanlii Singing soeet .
Thai there was so llltle damage done
by reason of the ovorllow- of scweis
.luring- Saturday's storm, goes a great
way towards sustaining' the reputation
which citj, ('ni'lneer Knpp has earned
for his forethought and his personal,
activity since apsuniliig olllce.
To the Corel huughl of .Mr. 1'ilpn can
be credited the escane which lite city
hail I'roin damage and loss by reason of
the wild storm of Saturday. The ele
ments were In llie mood to do almost
any old thing lli.-.i might nit-un harm
or lo.-s. bin thanks lo .Mr. Kupp's loiv
thouglit, as staled before, It was (-healed
out of Hits chance ill Carbondale.
.lusi after the fall of leaves, llie oily
engineer foresaw thai if those weie not
destroyed they would ultimately ptove
a lioilblosonie factor lu blocking llie
sower pipes ami the eiiiih basins. Ac
i orilingly. he saw to it personally that
all the loaves, twigs and hraiu-hcs llnit
lilteroil Ihe streets wore carefully gath
ered in heaps ami allowed lo dry.
When all the dampness left llieui they
weie buiin-d. This loll no chance for
them lo create mischief and trouble by
straying into ihe sewer basins.
Later. Mr. Kllpp liad all of Ihe gut
lots cleaned ihoioughly, so that they
could accommodate a greatly in
creased Mow of waier. With the til
lers . leaned and the haves, dead
branches and twins, removed, he felt
safe that l In st rents and sewers would
have good chances of sin ccssl'ully cop
ing with a heavy rainfall and thaw.
The story of Saturday night's fearful
downfall of rain shows how well ho
calculated and planned. No ilmnagc
can bo located in all the city thai can
be traced to any lack of pioparatlou or
forethought. There were three instances
where wnler did ovorllow, but these
were duo to outside causes and Illllil
oiicos. At the city line trouble was ex
perienced fioin Hie water and dirt Hint
was swept along- through the township
and carried Into tlie city limits. At
Highland Park and at the (inlarln and
Western bridge over I'rnoklyn street
there was the same trouble, the stance
being the same, the basins becoming
blocked by brush llial was carried
down the mountain side. What Inmhln
there was. was not of long standing, as
I'iiy ICngiiioer Knpp and Street Fore
man John Killeon weie out early Sun
day morning- and late Sunday niglil on
the alert for trouble.
hi all the oily then- was no washing
of dirt and gravel as in llie spring, i
principally because Mr. Knpp prollled
by the experience of ii year ago, when .
he assumed olllce and caused a general
cleaning up. i
Saturday's stoim pill the Scranlon i
P.allway company's Cnrhnndalr divis-
ion out of business or, rather, out of
service, lor ii can hardly be said that j
the company has any business to lose
at this end of its line, not a soul pat
ronizing the cars.
The storm p:u ihe division mil of ser
vice, as uii'iitlo led. by washing out the
trucks hero and them all the way down
Ihe valley. A gnod ileal of damage was
.lone ai Alumni park and along toward
and through llie borough of Muylicld.
Hut aside from the washouts, then
was uliolher ii.iuhle. one t list t rcipilred
H good ileal nf atlenllnn yesterda,.
This was the fi-co-tiiif, of ihe wnler that
submerged ihe tracks iP'ti-r Su I unlay
night's downfall.
This freezing occurred I'lciiuemly.
ami Iu big patches, in some places the
rails lilt il an Ice coveting' several inchen
thick. It was slow work plckhi',' this
away, so slow, thai no cars could be
run yesterday until aflerniioii, and then
there was only one or two.
Itoferciico to ihe running of ihe
Scninton Ih''.mi. company's mis on
this division calls to mind that In no
place along Its lines Is the patronage
so little. On no division or lino am tho
people so steadfast hi their refusal lo
patronize the cars. This has boon the
linn disposition of ihe people slm-' the
strike, tie .ugh there has boon no agi
tation of the slrlkci's' causes, such as
Is lino of Si-iaiitoli .Not il resident of
tlie low n has dldi'ii exceiit iwo, who
rode for oulv a short lime, however,
Less than u dozen passengers have been
carried since Hie strll-e bo-jim, and ol
these all but Ihe two referred lo wore
strangers The company Is exceedingly
anxious in get the passeug'ci',; to riding
ou this line, iis Its olllcials Indicate on
their visit to ihis elt from time to
llilic line leiinire of tit - sink" Ihat
I'iw'ii the gie.uesl satisfaction lo resi
dents of til" town Is t tint there has not
been the least sign of disorder.
The iloi.m'l in. .ol nl' tlie clll7imf- hria
hccit niol eilll'vhi'j' even llioiluli II
might lie only what should he expected
I'mm any i.nv. abiding i oiiuniuiliy. Noi
only hen .hero been no distill bailee, but
liOl lieu liiivc llio men who in Hie
cars been inili-o. They have If u Jolt
souii'i-ly iilaiie, a.s ) s .inuollni'.-s said,
ami have beuu ret-',iri"il with Mlunoc
ever since the iu'IIm .
Whether or noi ihe copipauy will inn
i. lid to Forest City tills wlllli'l, ID the
event of ihe strike being proliiui; d, is
being .iltvii;,sc.l among ill" iiicr.-iia.ils
of llle illy. Tilde's plenty ot eviil.'lic"
that ilio Carbondale stores am sufl'ei-iug-
In patronage hcimiv of the strike
ami there hi no iiucstiou ,.s to the pos
sibility of lite holiday trade hclur ap
pivclabli afiVcli'i'. Iti-sldeilts un the
county have hail a most prosperous fall
aiiil have plenty of money lo Hpcinl for
holiday neci.-ssllles and gifts. The street
cars noi running, however, will greatly
hinder iheiii I'roin coming to town in
iuuk- liorchan-l-.
F1 IIS?1
La kSf
'i Mm iixyj
Guscd of Piles
Mfisore Kn8f a Fa3Bcd.
Amos Crocker, of Worcester, writes:
"After going through ii frightful stli
glcul operniion and niter tryhig any
number ol' salves and oliuinrnts, ore'
"iile. box or Pyrt'inld Pile Cure gave
speedy relief and II ipilckly cured ui"."
All druggists sell il. I. III!" book.
"Piles, Causes and Cure" mailed free,
1'M'anilil Drug Co.. Marshall. .Mich.
This is ii inse of an III wind blowing
good for Miiuehoilv. What Cnrbonilalo
will Ins.- Pur -hi city will Kiiln When
the advantagi of reaching Carbondale
Is not iit hand. Hie resid'-nls I hero and
In the nearby villages will stay at home.
ami open Ihelr purses wld" to their
home merchants. This ciirlstnias seii
suii will ptobitbly bo ihe most losper
otts hi llie hlsiory of the town. The
liidlcalious :.'l point to this happy fact
being realized.
Shameful Neleet of Children
Their Thoughtless Mother.
Probably never befnto In the his
tory of Ihe city hiive llle police Wil
iiessed si more pliigttl cas.'- of inhuman
treaiinenl of children than was last
night pivi-oiiie.1 to tliein. when they
were driven to tlie home of a Mrs.
.Ionian. In the vloiuity of Hospital
streel. chlel of Police McAndrew,
Patrolman Willi;. in Mi-Andrew and an
oiltside purtj. who had intervened in
humanity's sake, comprised the party.
At tlie house, they found a sight to
make tears ennio to even llle mosi
sloul-hearied man. The house a
small one, is located in the rear of
Hospital sine', near the elearauco.
The doors of the house Wei o opened
and the lire In llie stove was extin
guished. In the kin-lien. Mrs. .Ionian
was lying, helplessly Intoxicated,
while around her were her three chll
ilrcl ii child of bill a few years and
two boys under six years of age. The
little one w-iis asleep and bundled In a
heap of I'ags near one corner of the
room, while near the inoth'T wore the
oilier two chaps, blue with the cold
and their faces Ihlii anil pinched. The
neglectful mother was taken In charg"
and placed in llie conveyance, and
the children were ta lien in charge b.
the neighbors.
For some lime Mrs. .Ionian lias been
censured by the neighbors in her
vicinity. Her husband was killed in
the mines several months ago. and
sine then she has boon ou a debauch.
So Indifferent and neglectful did she
become that th" children would have
starved in death had il not been lot
the kindness of the neighbors. Two
children In the family died since the
husband's death, mid the neighbors in
timate thai one chilli died for want of
food. The woman will probably no
taken before the mayor this morning.
The following programme w il'l he j
rendered lids evening at the coin-M't
at Trinity parNh house; Contralto.
Miss l.ida Caragaii; violin. F. 11. Wid-J
mayor: cello, II. .1. Illnckwood; piano,
c. i. Doersiim. i'lin, violin, cello and
piano. (.1. I'achcC, voice, (a) "Thou'rt
Like a Flower." (; (b) "Open
Thy lllile Kyos." (Massenet I : cello,
'The Swan." (St, Saeiisl: llio. violin,
cello mid piano, (I'cinocke): voice,
"l.illlnby." (Codard); violin. "PotMi
Dance,'' (Statowiskl; trio, lollu, cello
and piano, ((lloesdellie).
The participants in tlie progranniie
have a reputation at home that place
iliein union- the artists of the IClectrlc
City. Particularly will curhoiulallaus
he pleased with Miss (inragan's sing
ing and Mr. W'-dumyer's violin selec
tions. The evening' will be a Ileal for
thorn wlio are even the least bit In
clined lo music.
JOHN V. .ID.M'IS. aged 71, a native
of Carbondale for over a score of
years, died Sunday evening at llie
homo of his daughter, Mrs. William
Lewis, I," I South church street. Mr.
Jones was a native of Wales and had
ho lived ittiill the ('ah or January next,
he would have passed ihree-iiuaiiers
of a century. He made many friends
dining his life here, who regarded him
kindly. He is survived by lit" follow
ing: sous and daughters: AVllllani
Jones, of Jersey city; .Mrs. II. il. Mc
Miclrael, of Munch Chunk: Mrs. Wil
liam Lewis, Mrs. John Milliguli. !'.
mid Mrs- .1. I. Nicholson, of this civ.
MeethiBS of Tonight.
. II. Davles Women's llellcf corps
Nu. ISt.
Si. Vincent do Paul.
I.ilc'-awilllllll tribe. No. '.''"is, I. O.
11. M.
Carbondale conclave. No. :ti. Iin
pl oved Older of tl-'ptasophs.
The iiliinial . Ic-llmi of Hie Knights
of Father .Mutliew. which took place
nu Sunday, tesiillcd uh follows- Chief
itiibiht. Thomas !. Council, deputy
chief klllghl, rulili V. i'ldgenu; lliuill-
dul seirelai'c Duvld 1-- Walsh, to
cording s("-r"ii'.y. Jercinlali Walsh:
treasurer. M. .1. Iloraii; sergeant at
urine. ".Vllllmii Walker; Kiiard, I". I.
Duilnherty: chaiicellor. Itlcluinl Ker
wiu; IHihtiei', ,M. 1. Ciiniphe. Ulch
aid Jfcrwin nuJ Thomas llojlmi. Tho
lollowiilg' were apiiolmcd deleiiiitt'S lo
i In- ipiarteiiy convention to be held in
St. Hose hail mi the llr.U Hiuiila- iu
Juuuar" : .luseph Kllputl'lck, M. 11.
Citlliphell. D, 1 Walsh mid Josenli
Cileiiuoii. M. I. Iloran. John I'idgcou
mid .lo-ii')ih Kllpaiiick weie appoiiiieil
a committee lo arrange the details ol"
llie celebration of the tweuty-slxtli uii
iilvtrsary nl ihe Kulghis. which
coiui-H In January.
Tim j"ii iuiirtcrly coiiveiiilon of tne
First district of 111" Catholic Total
Abstinence union, which compiises ill
Hi" towns from Forest City to o.
pliiilll. will he held In this city hi .-'I.
Hose hall on Sunday. Jan. S. The
i--K"i-ites will be the "-nests of the St,
Aloyslus Tolnl Abstinence and itotioM
rial society or this city. This city will
put lorth Its best efforts lo hospitably
care tor ilelegatus. The di'legiiles
uppiillitcil to fepleselil the St. Alio -sltis
society In the convention are:
Martin Kenned,' . Timothy illlhool,
Frank Kllpatrh Is. itlehiird Moiiuglian
and John V. Dolaiiey,
llonesdah' liny he a little behind the
times In regard to foot hall mid base
bull, but they can ntlre some line
horses over thai way. Altlciuiiiii Wil
liam Moiiicou attests this fail. For
over two mouth- he has been on a
Hi'iirch for a young horse, and not mi
til last week, when he struck Hone--dale,
did ho Unit nu In anil hbii.
The horse was raised and owned by
n Itnuesdalo hotel proprietor, nml nl'ler
a trial, the genial nldorinmi paid Hie
price mid hud the niilnial dellvoied Pi
this city. The horse Is a "heiilll." mid
has lots of speed and is nu excoodltut
ly fast walker. The alderman pur
chased the horse for his son. Dr. 'Wil
liam Morrison, who Is located In Phila
delphia. There was sin It a brisk sale of seats
til llie opening- Siiiurdiiy night or the
diagram for Channcey Oleotl. who
comes to Hie (Irand tonight, that It
was the hellei' about tow n yeslei-ilay
t lut t nil of Ihe souls, except it few
undesirable ones, had been sold. This,
however, Is not the fad. Manager
ltyrne says. 'I here are a number of
choice ones left mid those who feared
I lut t ihey were going lo he denied the
pleasure of again enjoying Oleott's
graceful noting mid his sweet singing
are ussm-eil Hint they can procure
good seats If Ihey visit Reynolds' dm?
store, where th" digram Is. today.
Home from Soldiering'.
John Walsh relitriiod home last
night after being under arum In ihe
Philippines for over u year. "Jack."
as he Is known, has a line war record,
having served under I'ncle Sam while
the war with Spain was in progt ess
and having taken part In sevorel Ini
tios. He i-i-eulistcil after Ills ll-st
tout! expired.
County Detective William Phillips
was iu this city yesterday.
John Kllgnmioli. of Archliald. was a
Cnrbonilalo visitor yesterday.
.Maxwell Shephard, ol Salem ave
nue, Is spending n few days with
friends al Dm it llle. Pa.
Miss Virginia Stephens is coiilliied
sit the home of her parents, on Summit
avenue, by severe Illness.
Misses l.oi'i'tto Coleman. Alice (illll
gan and Kate Fan-oil were onlorlailicd
Sunday in White Ihidge.
Clementine and Thomas Callagher
returned lo their home In Scranlon
yesterday, alter a visit with their
grandparents. .Mr. and Mrs. Paul k
Karly. on Seventh avenue.
Mr. F.lllcott, the Scrantou agent of
the Mei-idon Hydro-Carbon Arc Light
company. Is seeking to introduce their
lights here, and in all probability will
lie among the bidders for the llve-yeai
contract at Friday night's council
meeting. .Mr. Rllicoll proposes bring
ing up a leniporury plant on Wednes
day night, when he will give a public
demonstration of llie llglils. Accotil
ing to the company's claim, they can
supply arc lights equal to I'.liuO calulle
pmVor for less than one-half the cost
of electricity.
An entertainment, under the auspices
of the Ladles' Aid society of St. James
church, will be given in l-'nlorprise ball
next .Monday ulghl. The entertainment
will bo given by a number of children.
ami from what we have air ly heard
or it. it will be well worth seeing. Tick
ets are already selling itt ::." and 2."i
cents for adults and 15 cents for chil
dren. Miss Maine Johns, a member of lust
year's class of graduates of the May
field school, recently" entertained the
members of the class ami a few other
friends at the home of her parents- nt
M.iyflcld. The evening was very enjo.v
nbly pussi'd, and before dispersing re-
frcshmcuis were served. Those present
wore; Principal and -Mrs. I). II. KrKe.
.Mls-es .Mary MoOarry, Annie Williams,
Hri.lget Davill. Mary Kllkcr. Mamie
Johns. Mary Cuff. Maniie ' Donnolly.
Winnie Mcoliaii. Sadie Johns, iiertles
Wlvell, anil Charles Miller, John Hart,
Joseph KmTo. Frank Da vies. William
Johns. John Johns and William Will
lams. The entertainment al the citizens
band fair lasl evening' was given by lite
Mayllold band. Tonight there will ho n
cornet solo by Alfred Horswiil, vocal
solo by Frank Mi-Andrew mid a recita
tion by Miss l-'dlth Johns. Tomorrow
night, a violin solo by Miss Mary Mur
phy, vocal solo by Miss Delia Slier
wood, vocal solo by Henry lleove and
a selection on the harmonica by Harry
Crossln. Thursday night, tlie Kiisslun
band and the choir of the Clreok church
or MnyDebl will furnish the cntcitaln
inenl. Andrew ISIcluinls hold Ihe lucky
ticket which drew the range ruDleil off
under the auspices nf Jertnyn castle,
Knights of tlie Mystic Chain, for llie
benellt of Mrs. ISnboris. lasl Friday
The Artesian Hose eonipuiiy atletidoil
the .Mitchell ITose company's fair, al
Carbondale, last evening.
A. K. Ycitger called ,m IJIinhiiisl
friends ou Siiiiduy.
c. M. Curl Is Is making marked Im
provements on the msiih.iice of ll. N.
Swmiz, ul Moscow. An addition Is
being built mid other extensive eliuiuti-s
are being made.
The graded school will close for the
holiday vacation on Filduy at'i'irnooii,
Willi un tinierliillimt'nl given by the
Mrs. I". II. lingers is con lined to ih. i
house with un attiiik of grip. Dr,
Kiiedler iitleuiU her.
Miss Mildred Shoemaker spent Sat
urday afternoon In Scranlon.
Miss Isabel Page has been i-tuill I
to the house dining the past week
with a severe cold.
Hurl Atoll, of Scriliilou spout
nlghl with W, H. Page.
The funilllee residing on the low
lauds In the borough suffered much in
i onvellieiici anil some dulliiige I'roin
Hie high water mi Saturday evening.
I(ev. (I. II. Cole clllertullied 111"
members of the christian Kiuleavor
MiiieU at Ills home in the family of
ilyrou lliickliigh'ini. on Friday even,
lug. A very ph-asulil social time was
enjoyed by those pnMout refivslnuoiiln
were Ki'vcd by Mr.-i. lliickhiKhaiii.
Those Iu attendance were: Mr. ami
Mrs. J. II, Wilcox. Misses Lottie Clay,
Mar- Sihlinnieiilng, Nettle mid Anna
Kipp, lioiihii !iiines. Cora New. lies,
sic HuckillKlliini, lllunchc WhceU'r.
Iteltlull Cooper, ulld .Messrs. Waller
Page. Hurt Alen. William Trelhle mid
Ituy lluckliigluini.
School had to dismiss lor the day
yesterday, owing to the Inability of
M.. Isi I V ' "it ''"' i
twin i. nSmWL m '"'f m '''i- V
Wf1 iMlTAfPlPL . 4
Alt l"!vllilllllli-. I 'lllttllillllli.ilttt. 'P 111. nnl.w'l'nt- rt I
The pleiiMint method tutd liencflclal
uiYeols nf the well known remedy,
Svitui' or Fins, niainifiietured by tlm
CAuroiiNiA l.'iri Kvitui' Co., illuslrati!
tlm vulueot' obtaining- the liquid luxti
tive prluuiples of plants known to liu '
mediiilmilly hiMilivi! ami prcscntine; !
themlti the form must refreshing- tn the
tiislo and aeeenlablo to llio hynteni. It,
i! Hie one pcrteot ntreiitheiiinp laxa
live, clcntisliiic Ihe aysloin cITouttinlly,
dlspellintr colds, Iiea'daelies and fevora
ffontlyyot prnmiitly mid eiinblltijf ono
to overcome habitual eonstipaf ion per
manently. IN perfect freedom from .
every objeol.loimbK'. quality mid miIi
sttince, and its iictint? on Hie hidtieys, ;
iiver and bowels without woul.opiii-
or ii-rilntin; them, iii'ilm it, the ideal '
In the prnee.'.s of luunufttitt 'irltiif ilg'ft
arc used, tis thny nro pleusiint. ii the !
tn.ste, biiltliumediettitil qiialitiesof the .
remedy arc obtained front senna tt'iil
other aromatic plants, by a method ,
known to the. Camfoilvia Km Syitut- i
Co. only. In order to get itsbeniiiuiul I
eiteets una to avoid imitations, pieaso
reuiemberthe full namenf the Company
printed on the front of every puckngc.
lobisvillt:, icy. sot votut. n. v.
Forsiilohynll DrusBist-i. PrlceriOc.pcrbottlo.
the .laultor lo boat tlie school hoii'-'o.
ou :ienuiil of wal'r Iu the llie box,
mused by the higli water of Saitinlay
.Mr. and Mrs. Franlx. of Sweet Val
lo. have been visiting at llle homo of
.Mr. ami Mrs. !:. L. Fiani;:.
Mr. and Mrs. ( leorge Hull gave a din
ner party al their lesiilonco lu p.lukelv
on aimiiiiy Ainong those present
wen-: Dr. and Mm. Van Cleef. Mr.
and Mi. Stephen Hull. William Hull.
Croon ISlilge. Me. and Mrs. John Hull.
Seranton: Mr. ami .'i. Krustus Hull.
Dunilufl': Mr. :nu Mrs. .1. N. I.llli
bri.lgo. Mrs. M. I!. Hull and Mrs. I . A.
Villi Sickle.
"Old ArUuus.iw" whs produced In an
cm clli'iil manner by Fred Itaymond his clllcicnt company bcfoie ii fair
slziil iittdlenco at tin. Father Mathcw
oper:! house Iiit evening' .Many high
class specialties wore Introduced dur
ing the in. t inn ol' the di'tinni.
Simon Suool;, of Croon llidge, whs h
visitor hire yosu-rdiiy.
A phonograph concert will bo given
in the Siis.pioliiinua street llaptisl
liiur h i'hurs.iay evening, Jan. H.
Mr. and Mis. Arthur Tipple and .Mrs.
Whitney, of Wellsboi'o. Pa., who b,ie
boon lit..' guests of .Mr. and Mis. I-M-ward
Tipple, of Lackawanna street, m-lurn-'d
home yesterday.
M. O'M.illoy has moved his olllce In
the cnriici- of Dolawaio and Jones
Charles MoKonna, of Huston, was a
caller In town yesterday.
Dr. ('Initios Price, of Pitiston. Is the
gliesl or his brother. I.)r .1. J. Price at
the .Mahou house.
Another mail dog was found roaming
about lllnkely on Saturday last. Diug-gi-t
II. C. Hush sliol Ihe animal.
Morton Cnlvin, an old ami lesp.ii. d
re.'ident of this place, died on Thurs
day night last at ,-ihoiu x p. in., iifi.-r
ii wcols's Illness of iiiiounionia. lie
leaver, besides Ills wife, olio sou. Dex
ter, and the following- daughters: Car
lie, Mary, ISitlh nml Vein, lie will bo
greatly missed both as a kind friend
and neighbor and church worker, be
ing an active member of llio is.ipilst
church lure. Funeral services will be
hold in Ihe llaptisl church at Diilton
al II o'clock today. Iittcrmoui at D..I
loti. Services lo b coiidlicleii by Hev.
Parlllle Hasl.
Muster Jliirrv II. Suiitli Is rccover
lnr from ipilic a bad case' of diphtheria
iiii-tcail of lonsllitls, as staled iu tills
ii r lirovlotisly,
.Mr. Thomas carmody ill will)
Mr. c. a. Hoiijiiiulu has reiiirned from
;i hiinilng' trip to Wayne county, lie
bugged iweniv rabbits and one tur
key: I). mil bo.l. Clllllile.
Leslie Cii-osvetior is ill I iia lieslow II, S.
C. wlieio in- will .ipotid ilie wluior
Work ou llio new shall of ihe Mount
.lossttp Coal company, which was being
sunk at Wlutoii, has coiiie to i. siand-
Still, 'litol'o Is III presi'lll elghleell feet
of wilier in the shaft.
The lire alarm was put out ol service
Saturday ulghl. bill was put In work
ing order yesterday
.Mrs. D. P. Taylor is liupioving I'roin
her recent severe Illness.
M lit Ii null. eli. -iii i. lu-.n ili-p! mi ihii
."..i on ilu iimiiii.u,.l,i...l i In. lu ul i;
i be Wi-Uli l''iii'jii-.r.iilui...l i htm Ii un lliiiaiuift
P.O. lll.lkl'i. 'I In. ill- lull li'.lilii. 1- III It
.luilui' II. M. IM ml- it.... on-, iinn . . .'
iii'i- in I'linlii'. M--I Imlui A. A. V-nliiu
In- id-" Ix-i-i. ti'iioil I. i.ikc in. I in ill,' mil'
Milllll'l '. Ihl. I- MM.'t.ll.l 1. 1 III.' .'i-tlll.ll ul,
'llie Il.i.tit eiiii-: IVi.pU''. anility . l lie i il.
di ll.ipli.t iliiiiili ulll 1ml. I llii-ii ii'jiil.ii inn'-.
hi il'i- iuuIiu "l.r.i 'I." ''IiiLiIji. iiiliii.i-i-nilli.
iil I'i- i'o..ini'i.'i'ii, 'flu ciiuur iill i"
lili.l lui ti.'ir .H'.i... Hi,' Hit'. Hi.!-.
will lie ill.' noun -niv. Ili.t-r nl." li.m. .1. .lu
lu tuiilr itii inik .,ii. I joli ilu i.illno Ii.
kIiiiuI'I ii Ktil,li' I'liiiiiiiiiii' ilii- 'iiiiiii " i
10 llll'lll' till' Hill I.I lu 111 III III" U"l., VII
.unite nu ii iiiniiiii in.' Iiplieil.
'I hi' ilinli 'i' i,i" 'Iwlimll.t Kiiuii...l .Ii mil
will iiiitI mi nlii.ji.d im (Jiiuluiy in i hi I -tm i)
iiIiIhmiImi. Ml i iieii iiii.iiiU'. .ui- ,'i,.(i'.i..l ii
In i'Ii'mhi.
K'lrt.iol full, "i in' Miutit.iii niiii-; lien
ciilai.iii ,iii I a i, ii, iililico'il .in luii'ii'lini;
iiii'illni; "i ilm lm at niuji-j UvuV t'lubiUl) 'i' iiniiilii-K al dip 1'iwl.ili.i'luii ilillltii ul)
Mil. 11.1,1 .Hlill'i'ii". liil' .ui.l".' liUlil HMl On ii inr i.i-ijiiiwiiuji .nut lUie'li-l-i.' Pn-iy In leliliii-ii Ilu- uuuj utiftf "' Ilu .i....
liui. H
IL' I. a k. iv. .nu. i . iiuuu- .uilU'ili- in " '
liliiu. ikkiiiIii uit'iuilej) mMikU " '"""ii
mvuii: I" tin- -i.iullj- 'it "ti'" '' ' '"'Il
ol tin- .iliiuii! I lm iuiliui' I'-iinilifUi-ml ..lo:ii
llu-li- iii'itlniit line.
.Mm I miiiur. i., ! 'l"b lUlliirtiiig tumi nl
in i ni IUiii-.... '
lliv. p. (. K.hwiii- i..KI.iKil in i:.Ki.iei..ili.
ill lllkl,l.
I.llt l"iUc, So. "'. ll'lu l-Vil'. will 'lu-i-t iui
i-iniiii; 'h -.''i-iila a-.-u.Jl.
Aunil liioiiti' V. lilllii. "f M.j ml, t liuiil, , ii)
.1 I lllll ell .litll.b III i"u oil mi. i.l IV.
peiilii "iip'rint 'ii'liiit I. -I. i:ini. ' ll"
'The mitocrntof
tlie dinner table"
J k.
10 Cents
a package - which
makes two large or
three .small pics.
"Nunc Sucli" UtVttiicnteJ
Is iIlmii,, i.ikt"
tiplmt Utile toumnnthcMicU)
jiiul keeps fctii'ici.
Noli Ihii li " nu st not r i HiftuM
til -tiC'P hllitltif'tU lr -h-wliIIe-'I
n ft " imtK meat soli I from ."jvn
t .nil linlicip -l. r-.--. Wlicn jt uluy
? " mini ini-ni oti t-ay 1 t-li:
jir:tfr hitti, ttl'Mi on ran ct
ilif.ip-Tnl lintii- Ij ibit ulili Sour
S li Mm ( Mr it, vliiih i fllmnst
liv, WM mini-" mrnt It tiot tt-rii t
hikf to l'ik M- i." nnc etcrl'-iyi
it altir ti if " None tin li,'
Solil I'V all U'hiiI rlpAlrt trt lit Vnow
If jour rt-alT reT'iv.". U suj-ply jon.
Mcrrcll-Soule Co.,
Syracuse N.Y.
By a iecnt act of the Icslsla
tare, free lull ion is now umnted
at liui
Literary Institute
State Normal School
Bloomsbttrg, Pa.
to fill tlinpo piepailiiK to teach.
'J'hlf- M-liOHl nialnlains courses
of ctmly for toac-licis, for those
pi-cpiiilii!- for college, and for
tlnis-e ftiidyins inuic.
It will niv to write fur particuLir.
Xi olTi-m ucli b.ihoiior ail
t atit.c-s al low i.ik'S. AUJil'iii
J. P. Welsh, A. H, Ph. D,,Prin,
T J. Toiler, PrcMilcnt. I'liiiiT II. Unvall, Ti'-oa.
Ii. J 1'ostiT. Stanley I'. Alljn,
Vice I'ri''nt. 8,'cretary.
iti:i'iiiT or tin: ( umhtikv m- tii
il mi. n i .... -la. "i l'.'iii.-l' 'in, . .,' j
1 1 lm- , Hi. . in.
Ill-ill III I -I.....H-
.ml ill.. -i."l. 0, 1
III! till. Itt.. -illll.. I ...I'I III.-.'. .Ill .1 'il I
I. ". Il" II, I- i, -lit... I ill III. III"... . .'..C'l I
I. .-. Iiiill'l. ." -li llli' I. . lli'lM-..- M.(' ' HI
I'M II. ill...'. "I. I. s. "Il'l ..I. (I I I
"."ll.i. -."Hlll.l', ill .'i''.l. I
ll.inldi.i: li"ii-i'. in in am.- nml IIMiih-. Iin.' 'M"l
I II III I- K'll ..I.H.' iH'll'-il .'"1 'I
lllll- Iliilll N,lll"liul ll.lllk. (IH( 1 1. i'i'
.IHi-lil.) '.'I,' I I II , till --Mil' I i.l II K ,llul ll.llllil'1... I.. ' I
I M'l' limn ,ii'im.-il ..".'li.' ,r.'rlil... I (t " '' ' ii'Vi'iiiti'' '
( hft k-. iiikI olhi'i i iili Iti'tin. I" '''
i:ili.liii!'"' lui- rliiilli-; liiiil.c '.I- '
Nnli. ul iillior I... liks ' I .
I 'Mil lull 1 1 )..i.iT i'ill'-i'li.',,lii(l,i'l .Hi'l
i-i'liu -,- ' '
l..nvful iiuiiiry i.'kwi' in Uaik, r.:
-iii'i'l.' ll, I III II.-.
I.i'tt.ilniiiln ii ."i,.''l !'
Hi ili'....i Imi mini nl. P. Tii'ii-urn-
i'i i ui ii'iii. hi I'iii'iiliilii.iil..
pin- iiuiii ) . -. 'I'l-i' i.iii'i'i-. "llii'i- limn
.'i ii'i "in. ii'iitiiiii"ii iiiii'I
T' ; .',
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Put' I" "llii'i' NiUl'iii-'l Jill1' '"'''' l-
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To Cine A Cold in Ono Day
Tnl.11 Laxuilvc Ilt'iiii.u (Juliilnu Tall"i,
All ilt'iiiu'lsts ii'l'und tlio inom-y If II
I'liiU in euro. K. (nio's slunattii-1
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