The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 17, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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    W1" : ' "" T-i'rrTD.", wtv m - r , ,, vvuj ajuji ,i "' tJf-"x H;u un-tiinuu - .--' t"'-' 'v "" t -r -- " ' 'Tv?'T'f!flr"
sr'i.;" if fnT7"T,'". rv
g-x ? " -.v k
-ii 1V "'
A ?tiW''4
."ji. ; jjl i'
The Finest Cake
Is made with Royal Bak
ing Powder. Always light,
sweet, pure & wholesome.
In Nearly Every Instance the
Record In the Case Was Deficient
in Some Particular or Other Three
Petitions for Divorces Piled with
Prothonotai-y Copeland Delaware
and Hudson Company Made the
Defendant in an Action to Re
cover $25,000 Damages Marriage
Argument court opened yesterday
inornliiu, and during the day Judges
Kilwanls, Kelly imd Cnipentcr disposed
of it number of eases. In a number of.
eases the decisions of nldermen were
reversed because their records veto
Two of the e.isos in which the eourt
reversed the aldermen were the Com
monwealth against Frank Itaymond
and against Kllen Shell and others, the
rase, growing out of the street ear riots
on Lafayette stieet. Alderman Howe
held them In ball und also lined them.
A writ of certiorari was taken as to
the fine, and the alderman was re
versed for the reason that his record
did not set forth that there had been
a conviction. Cases were disposed of
ns follows:
Aliened Julin (Yin iinin againU SrrmliPii 'i'l.-u-(ion
ioniun,v; rule to s-liiKc nir nniiviiit. Mn,.
llniij npalR-t Amu 1". Xurllicli, .olmiiiUtr.ilir;;
nili' for new .1. II, chsccm mmpi.iy
against Prothiuie &' Will;in; oi ipll m to ic
port of ri'feiee. Norman I.oatli a;i,'.iit mils
llaitlei; nili for .1 uw In u i'l-ohonoy
of Clurles Mirtcn; cucptfons to lopo't 01 lull
ier. ConimoiiHc.iItli of IVnn-.Wwinia, iw of Amu
I!i. mill, nciin't Williim II. Nimby nn.l othrn;
rule for ju'lniiMit. Mlilncl I'. I.JU'Ht' i(.'iilnt
Kllen J.ap1'o; ink1 for alimony.
Cnnlimie'l Patrick lioldcn aiMiii't Mirsir"t
T.ions; rule to open jinlaiiient. Join . II. il
Irnl.acl; -i;ain.t .. Zon-koy Hile to open jml;
nint. J. O. -VkTiniit i;.ilit .li.-cpli .liwpii-,;
rule to open jiuUiucnl ami MUfy samo. 1 i. of
Sir.mtoii .ipiiim I), p. 'Ilmm.i'. o-iali; uile to
'Irlko olf or open jwlxmi'i.t. M i l!o-enll'i'ii
ni:.iiiit liitnliall; lule to open JiuU
ment. In le. iots ami tpcn- of Dmoitotu
l.oroiicli Htr; c-Moptioiw to ripoil "I ieu.r,
iu!o to .pia-ili except ions. t.itlirtini I m n-aiint
.M. fi'licilly,; rule to nvn lu.U
mint. Prank A. I'oinploii .'ipr.nn-t ('.mi.- ( nip
ton: ruli' for il.vrco in i!iorr. P. I.. P t
rxei'titor, 'mil olhei, .tiMin-.t ooiinty mmniis i.n-ii-.
of Lickiw.iriu counti ; .1pp1.1l fium ;i'-,.
inent. J. II. White .iur.iitit Nellie 1'oj IVrnou-;
Uinurier. in le. ml 011 lltnry May to briii'.;
rjiitmcnt. In re. s-.itMirtion of i'ioiti;u-e ol
A-.i C.irmn. C. V. KoIiIjiih .n."iin-t P It. Itolo
Miiij uile foi ill 1 one. P. 11. . 'e.nle, tius
lee, .iLMiint MotU-li I'nioii N.itioiul liiiir.iiK'3
toitipiny; ileniuiree.
Pule I)icli.imeil City of Si i.into'i auiin-t
Ainin.i ItejnoliN; uile for new Iri'.l. V. I'.
Hall afnlrn P. C. Phnle; uile to ?liv wilt .iii.I
Mt .isiile lien. John II11111 ,ig.uni Mclliu Hum;
rule for .iliiimni. John J. .Mimiuo II.
'.. W011H11; uile to si like oil uppc il,
0;l List Jessie Kimball HB.iiie.1 P. Kim
lnll; uile for tlivorcr. ( itv of 'ti.iiiton ag.miit
.l.mie-J W. Oikfoul! mli to ipn-'i teiro l.iriis.
Annette Iti-yniiliN .n,riln-l the .Sei.mloii ami Neii'i
i'.itern ltr.lro.11l iouip.inv: uile to approve
bond. Coniinonue.iltli ai;aiu-t P. 1. Jolinsoi;
rule to ttriko of rciiisiilum e. Illof,-!- ,s I.Pta.ier
iicaln-l M. 1). llre.ehel: lule tor Mciuiiy of
io-Js. Nolan Hkh. .iciitt Aiiuetie lleynoliltj
ihniuirer. ,S. ('. Chi i-ti.m .ciIiim .Luru-. 13.
1iiitian; rule for alimony. James 1 1 urn
ncaiiift! SI1I1I..1: urtioi.ui. (V.inmoi.
urallli aealtHt W.J. IIillu; culiornil. Mm:,
riv-o & Caiprr iia.nn..t M. 1). ftre-eoel fc l'o.;
ruli Tor cruril.v for ii., I'jule l)n klil ioin
piny against M. 1). llrewlul A; f'o. ; mlc for
i-inirlty for costs.
Siilnnltlcil Ilettio airiuitl HillUm
Minjar; rule for ilnuiee. In u uJojilion ot
JlirtVet Davie's.
Ilule Ahsoluto on P.iinifiit of Costs Cioiiniiij
Fiirnltuic company amliM Ulll.ini iul 1 .nn";
rule to tile molion for new dial nunc pio time,
Itule Ali-nlutr Mi.fu'io. C. Jours airaiiot I'. J,
Miieien; rule to open JmUcment, Creiline Jin.
iif.irtunn? loinpanv nuaiiisl Antliiaiite Ilier com
pinvj nile for wcurity for (o.-a.,
fllsinis-nl liy Akrcrin nt Ciinimmwallli at,iii(
Jlike .Miefihicki ceitlor.iri.
No) Pirn. ramniormialtli aj,-.ilnt t!eoi(,e Kul.!.
kiv.ico; icrtioiaii.
N011 Cms. slaroli llellir attalnst Mlttitle l!hl;e.
wiij j certiorari, roniinoimraltli against tirovgc
K. Ciamtri,
Jiiifcimnt Aftliniiil Stnnilml Sliiil aUt "oni
pin) .iKiht M. I'lecdiiini; lettioiiii.
Iiicleiiiiiit Ilmrttiil CunimurmiMlili ajiaiii.'.
John SJiioeclels it'itlor.irl. Jl, Pneihiian
niraliist IIikcii k Sou; rerlloiaii. ( ninninimi illh
iieiliit M. Slitil.ik; ('oinninnni ill!)
nyilmt Philip V,itttlii!,'ir; ii-rliurm. Com.
muiiuralth nirtilmt Sophia ltimvii;
In tin' can- of the Nato hank ucaliM Soph 1 1
MiPsiliel, pMiitniis to iifllduit of difuiM'; ilu
days cm allowed for lilini; a utll
itaiit. Three Divorce Suits.
Three petition:) for divorces weie
filed yesterday In tho prntlionotury's
oniio. Airs, Julia 11. Hall wants to be
legally separated from her husband,
Charles K Hall, Io whom she was mar
ried In JIaieh, 1SI1G. In November of
the same year. Airs. Hull says, her
husband desetted her and has per
Blsted in his desertlun ovur slnee,
Airs. Ardllla D. Huslln asks a di
Voire fiom Knoa Kuslln. to whom she
was married May 28, isss, Cruel and
hnrliainuii tieutinunt Is the reason fut
which tin) divorce Is asked. Airs, Kns
lln says her husband ubusptl her In 11
most brutal manner and thai he was
much given to drunkenness. The par
ties live at Carhondule.
Caroline Smith, who was married on
Dee. 'M, JSS5, to Philip J, Kinlth, wunts
n divorce, because iter husband de
serted her April 21, 1893, and has not
shut! lived with her or contributed to
her support.
Stilt Against the D. & H. Company,
Alfred Miimford and his wife, Mar
garet Mumford, of Prlceburg, yester
day began tin action against tlio Dela
ware and Hudson company to recover
S2B.000 damages. They are represented
by Attorneys J, lOUIot Itoss und Jos
rph O'llrlen.
On Dec, 3 laat Mrs. Mumford was a
passenger on 11 Delaware und Hudson
passenger train which had a collision
with a freight train Just above the
Utcen Itidgo station. Ay a result of
the collision she sustained Internal in
juries of n very serious character.
Yesterday's Mnrrlngc
Frrdcril Welclul
llov? I,anerd
John KlUu.ttl
St.dl.1 Com)'
J.nne tl'llrieu
Ida Dills
John lliilleclge
Pel!) MiDonnell
AthuliK Held
Henrietta Tioell
laln.nd J. Tilm
tleitha J. Slender
Itohrrt 13. CralK
I.iiella C. llet ,
'llom.M Maloniy
Ndlle T..I.11
lalniild llirvel
11.11 1 K-t Jin. 1 J
ilelfrpioii .Hemic
,...Cro- (.tr.vt
...Cl.irl.M flro'ii
..Wel lMlsfin
,..Wit l'llsto-i
. ,1'-m
IV laillu
N t Itltotl
S( l.uitoll
T.iy lot
Pile c.ies for (hi- otphins' oouit rtcoiiH arc
heinu' planil In the oflke of tho nsi-ter of will".
County Mine.ior-olect M. P. M Id In II jr-tndiy
li'isl his oath of offtu' ttilli Piothoiiot.ny (Vou
land. Tin' Jure of view In the mallei of the ,'"n
iliiimitlon ot the llrottn Hollow tuinpll;", M.-.-lenliy
listened Io tlio chaise of the. iiiis't,
fleoine It. DiUd'on. The lieuiM will meet to
diy to bejriti tho work of puparinj their 1 pt
Tliciinis C Williams, who stmt the tu p.-'n
children nt Caihond-ilo Satuidac. was ycslotili
relei'ed on hail upon tho rertiliejte of a physi
cian that they were not ill dinger of ileith
ll.ill ,w required in the Mim of -l,.rUil. whhii
was furnWied b) Pied scidlir.
Organization of the Lackawanna
Steam Bakery Has Been Com
pletedCapital Is $200,000.
The organization ot the l.ncka
wuiina Steam llakery company has
been completed and on Jan. 1, 1002, it
will succeed to the bakciy business
conducted for the past fourteen years
by M. J. Kelly & Co.
Tho new company has a capitaliza
tion of $200,001, with ii reserve fund of
JTfi.noo. In disposing of the stock, pre
teience was given the 1,400 regular cus
tomers of the bakery, here ami in New
The oillcers of the company arc:
President, tieorge 11. Carson; trea"
uier, Alfred K. Connell; secretary, A.
J. Cawley, of Archbald; directors, AI.
.1. Kelly, Grlillth T. Davles, John Car
roll and P. V. Scanlon. Al. .1. Kelly
was seleetetl as mannger.
A Modern Possil.
A remarkable specimen wtis recently
sent to the Denver olllce of Mines and
Minerals by Mr. Clarence Tallluer, of
Dayton, New, who says In regard to It:
"It was taken from the Sutro tunnel
and the specimens hung fiom the tim
bers even wheie there is good air.
These specimens are found dliectly
under Virgin!. 1 City. 'When it was In
the tunnel it was of n yellowish color,
but It soon blanched pare white on ex
posure." Professor Lakes, western edi
tor of Mines and Minerals, repot ts that
upon examination the specimen proves
to be externally a pure white mass of
hydrated or opaline silica or so-called
gyserlte, which on breaking shows a
glassy yellowish Interior like rock
It Is evidently a perfect replacement
of the soft fungus Unit grows on many
timbers by silica held In solution In the
hot atmosphere or steam of tlio lower
workings of the Comstoek. The llnest
hairs and dendritic mos-llke markings
of the solt almost impalpable fungus
are faithfully preserved in this modern
fossil. Mines and Minerals, of sjeran
ton, Pa., for December, 1901.
D., L. & W. Board for Today.
The following Is the make-up of the
D., L. ami V. board for today:
TPPSDAV, l)i:i' 17
Wihl Cats l.'.ul o a. 111,, P. I', MeMii.; o 11,
111., Holiokui, .1. (icrrll); S a. 111., P. M. Hill ,-;
Pa. 111., W. W. Laltur; IP a. in., llcoue 'I houia
II .1. in., .M. It. Mcl.-nie; I p. in., ,, c. Hint,
mil; - p. 111,, J, t; .". p. 111., J, U,
Di'ilnc; tl p. in., MiCurtln.
Summits, lllc (I a, 111,, nst, J, llritiiii.Mii; in
a, 111, iM, ti. I'rotmfelkei ; II a, 11., eii.t, M.
II. MthoU; 0 p. in., Ilnonp-011; 0 p. 111., J,
Curii ';;; 8 p. in,, .M. (ioIiUu,
Pu-herj- 7 a. n, S I'iuuctl); S 11, 111,, lloiiv
ir; lt.Pi a, in.,; A . 111 , Willi 1111 Uiili.. ;
p. in., C, llaitlioljiiuw, 'i.'M p, in., Miupnv;
P p. 111,, W, II, llailliulomi-n ; Pi p. 111., 1 utii
lug. P.uwngtr Pnulnes 7 a. 111., (iaffnty; 7 n 111.,
.Mnircr; in .1, in,, Vaumiii; 111,1, in., P, II. Sioi-j
IMS p, 111., Sianinii; s h0 p, in., MvCoMrn.
. J, Mnlir ami crew will run 0 ,1 m, u,d
1.11, Ilic. 17, 111 place of P. (illlictn ami iiih.
Addlllolill liuanl llee, 17, b a. ill,
Company K, Members Entertained
in Armory Lnst Night.
The nieiubers of Company K, Thir
teenth reglnieni, conducted a smoker
and social session la the now aiiuory
last night that was a splendid suc
cess from start to linlsh. The affair
was conducted In one of tho large
squad drill moms on the third Hour,
and was attonded by tlio majority of
tho members of tho company and
many of their friends.
Corporals Kelt and Dlppru rendered
several songs In splendid style, und a
llrst-class exhibition of bag punching
was given by Privato Van Huron, su
perintundent of tho armory, Two col
ored gentlemen guve a liuilestitie dog
light and rendered soma enjoyable
muslo on tho mandolin and guitar.
Following thu legular programme, a
social session was enjoyed and re
freshments wero served.
Uiutonant V. a. Gould was chair
man of tho committee having the af
fair In charge, and he was assisted by
Sergeants Welner, Courtright and
Kardla Komos.
All people holding tickets for the
above must make returns tonight hi the
old armory,
They Won Three Straight Games
from tho Backus Team Last Night,
The Green Ridge Wheelmen's
Team Took Three from tho Bicy
cle Club Elk's Rolled nn Aston
ishing1 Poor Gamo and Fell Easy
Trey to tho Wllkes-Barre Bowlers.
Standing of Club3.
The Pluck Diamonds, by winning
tin eo games from tho Uacktis howling
team, "cinched" their position 011 (list
Place In the Northeastern Pennsylva
nia Howling league last night. The
reinarkable thing about the night's
bowling was that each of thu clubs
winning won nil three games.
Captain Moll's Unukim team, which
up to lust night was tied with the
Pluck Diamonds, 1 tilled very poorly,
and lost all three games without link
ing much of a llKht for either. Gor
man had high score, L'lV, anil Hold had
high average, is:,'. The scoie:
Poley ..
Hold ...
Pi) or ..
Ill .1 VI 1 -1
Hoi man
..lo'i I.V. TJ M7
..P-'i I'll IT. oil
..'i l 1J! ijo
. I' 171 lis l.i
..J17 111 171 CM!
"H VJ7 7!i7 JL'.')
-.Ii". 117 1.1s no
..ts 11,1 im r,i
..1(11 i;,il Mil i.;i)
..llil l.M IIS j'Jl
..I ill 11.0 3711 ls,l
.Mel-ter ....
Pilkhalil .
llopkiui ,.,
71 U 7l!l 7-7 2JI)
The best games of the night weie
those rolled on the Green Pldge alleys
between the fives representing the
Green Itldge whtclmen and the Scran
ton Picyele club. The Oieen Pldgers
won all three but the Ulcycle club rep
resentatives gave them a hard tussel.
Mitchell and Mason wero tied for h'gh
score with 1!14 each, while Taylor had
the exceptionally high average of 1UL
l-.'f. The score:
(fiti:i:x ifiDt.i. wiii:i:lmi:n.
Well In I 1", 'jol pw r,
""Lillians 117 III 117 i.Vi
Misoi ill pi) i,- .-,--,
3Ionn 1,-vs. J,,) 1 11 ;,;.j
la) lor -J0J I'.u l.t "7
Mi! ; S.i3 Wil)
Tot ,U.
Dinilcr a l,,fi 17.1 i,(
Mimie lid II- 1TJ - ITii
Mltihiii ti t t.-.r to! :,:.;
Itoper -Jul lit 117 :.oj
Maidi-U Is' 171 1-1 .itl
Ni 7:. fcll .'ilj
The woist showing miide so far this
season by any team was made at
Wllkes-ll.irre by the Klks' team, which
missed the presence of Parti. Xo
higher than fi87 was made in any gatno
and two players made totals consid
erably les'i than 400. Davis made high
woro of the night. L'21 and had high
aveiage, 107. The score.
C-iliuindl ll'i 1.17 Co I1J
l'd mis ' I..-: llil IN .Jii
Hiuilcr 1-J7 Id". IJ.i ris
M.nhii-piihei lu Hi Ul pi',
lluld Iin IP. 1.:.' II)
o;7 uir mi ir
i:r i.Nii no. 1.
Wiixand IK! !.: 14".
Yil IT-' Hi 117 ii.l
Allen lis i;,u ip, r:i
Dun lis J 1111 -,m
(lied HO 1:1. i;n n,i
7H 701 7.s '.)!)
The ftanding of the several clubs in
the league is now as follows:
Won. P C.
Ill 11k Diamond 14 7 ,ti7
Wist i:i,il No. 1 I.! s o,
IIkKiis II in ..ill
Hum Itldw Whulm.'ii in II ,i;n
Su niton llh.wle 1 lull n IS .1')
i:il.s 7 II
He Took Two Out of Three Falls
from Thomas Rlelly.
In Gulden's hall, at Itallroad avenue
and Luzerne stieyt, a wtestllng mulch,
between James Dempscy, of Dunmore,
and Thomas Uelllv, of England, took
place last night. It was for ?,in a side.
Over one hundred persons witnessed
the mutch, which resulted In ti victory
tor Denipsey,
At twenty minutes after id o'clock
the men gut mi the mat. Peter Mun
ley was chosen referee, and after the
pilnclpals shook hands the battle he
gan. In four minute Denipsey threw
The men re.-ted for ten minutes, ami
again met on the mat, IOach man did
his best und their muscles stood out
like whipcords, both men being In
supeib londlllon. At the expiration of
four minutes Pellly landed Henipsey
squarely on his back,
Another rest of ten minutes mid the
men met lor the third lime, lCnclv rt.
allgcd that this would be tho Dual test.
It took Just ten minutes to decide who
was best mini, Denipsey, by a gtcal ef
fort putting Kcllly's shoulders squarely
on the mat.
The betting was .1 to ! In favor of
Denipsey at the beginning and even
money at tho com luslou of the second
round. Uetween two and thrco hundred
dollars changed hands on the result or
the match,
Denipsey was seconded bv Thonms
and John Qulnn, ami Pellly by Patrick
Kognn and Thomas Lawless,
Mr. and Mrs, William Holtham, Sr,
Wedded Fifty Years.
Air. and Mrs. William Holtham, sr
eelubrated thu fiftieth anniversary or
their marriugo Saturday evening, tit
their home, corner of Washington ave
nue und I.arch street.
Among thoso who wero gathered
about them at the festivities were their
eight children, twenty-two grandchll
dren and two great-grandclilldren. They
were the recipients of many appropri
ate presents, Including $IU in gold from
their grandchildren.
Mr, and Airs. Holtham were married
In Ihigland, December H, 1851. A few
years later they came to this country
and settled in Scranlon, where they
havo lived ever since.
Deppltii the fullness of their yeurs,
Mr. and Mis. Itolthaiu are halu und
hearty and give promise of celebrating
iimhy mure, wedding nnmvcisarlcs.
-MM-f -ff ff HHMI
That arc appropriate and reasonable in price, ore to be found
t here in nreat varlctv.
t.adlcV llMiy Hold ltlnRi, et ulth
Hirer clear opils j.CO
todies' Genuine ttuliy nlng, ft wllli
targe, choice .store,,.. , f!(K)
Totqiiotsp Hlngl, ((utiK 'el W f 1 1 1 Hie
brlKhl stones $lo0
Ladles' Diimotid lllnii, olid (told,
Willi I.iiko, farulltig (.tone, rlihly net. ..".)
I. idles' and t!eiitl(iuen' Msnet llltn;.
eilr.iorillnaty alue ,f?.00
l L E. ROGERS, !
t jeweler
i zia ucKawanna Ave
213 Li
f 4-f f 44 "t4 -f-ff -f -f 4-H--
Christmas Store f
-g Our hnndsomo store Is now in complete holiday attire. It $,
jg is a wonderful bower of beauty and well worth a vi3it J?
from you. Accept this as personal invitation and bilng G"
J the childien with you. JJ
"TS The four large double floors nre filled with everything -,
in which the little folks delight and many things in '
'. which adults are interested.
!t Toys, Tree Ornaments, f
55 8!".
H Dolls, Candies, f.
etc., in endless variety too numerous too mention will be X
; found here at prices consistent with the quality of goods ?
i J. D. Williams & Bro. I
312-314 Lackawanna Ave.
Tourist Cars on Nickel Plate Hoad.
Semi-weekly transcontinental tourist
cars between the Atlantic and the Pa
cille. coasts arc operated by tlio Nickel
Date and Its connections. Tourist cars
referred to afford the faame sleeping accommodation.-',
with j-time class of
mattress and other bed clothing that
are provided in the regular Pullman
sleeping car service. These tourist
cars leave Boston Mondays and Wed
nesdays, and leave San Francisco Tues
days and Fridays. IJcrllis In these
tourist cars are sold at tfreat ly reduced
rates. Conveniences are offered without
extra cost, for heating food or prepar
ing tea or coffee, affording every facil
ity lor comfort on a long journey, es
pecially for families traveling with
childien. Lowest rates may be obtained
always via the Nickel Plato road for
nil points In the west. For special In
formation regarding all trains on the
Nickel Plate road, Including these tour
ist cats, consult your nearest ticket
agent, or write 1 J. Moore, general
agent, L'Pl Main street, Jluffalo, N. Y.
Resumption of Sunset Limited Ser
vice Between New York, Phila
delphia and San Francisco, Sea
son 1901-1002.
Commencing November 30 and each
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
thereafter, the Washington and South
western Limited, operated dally be
tween New York, Philadelphia and
New Orleans via the Pennsylvania
Railroad and Southern Hallway, leav
ing Philadelphia, Broad street station
at (5.B3 p. in., composed of dining, Pull
man drawing-room, sleeping, observa
tion and library cars, in addition
will carry a special Sunset Limited An
nex Pullman drawing-room compart
ment sleeping car to connect with thu
Sunset Limited operated between New
Orleans and San Francisco.
The celebrated trans-continental ser
vice offered by these luxurious trains
makes a trip to the Pacific coast not
only very quick, but most delightful.
Charles L. Hopkins, district passen
ger agent, Southern Hallway, 3S
l.'hestniu street, Philadelphia, will bo
pleased to furnish all Information.
Additional Passenger Train Seivice
via Southern Railway.
Ih'l'eetive Nov. IN, the .Southern Hall
way will operate through train service
from Washington via Itlehmond, V.i.,
to Florida and points south.
The new train will he known as No.
ll'j and wl(l leave Washington at lO.r.O
a. 111. over the Washington Southern
Hallway and arilve Jacksonville, Flu,,
at II. IS 11. m. This train carries Unit
class coaches and Pullman drawing
room sleeper between Washington ami
Jacksonville, also has dining car ser
vice. Tho above train is In addition
to the full complement of train ser
vice of Southern Hallway via Xyneh
burg and Danville.
Clias, L. Hopkins, District Past-miger
Agent, Southern Hallway, SJS Chestnut
St., Philadelphia, will furnlbh all in
formation. -
Tho True Southern Route.
Tho most comfortable iintl direct
route to all points south and south
west Is via thu New Jersey Central.
Only one chance of cars between
Scr.mtou and Chailcstou, Atlanta,
.lackt'imvllle, St. Augustine, Ashvllle,
New Orleans and all other prominent
points south,
Pullman service the cntlru imite.
Only one change of cars to St. I.ouls,
Cincinnati, Louisville, etc,
Quaker City Kxpress leaving h'cran
ton at 7.30 a. m., WHltes-Harro at 7,r.O
a. m arrives ut Philadelphia nt 12
noon, Washington at 3.30 p. in. Through
solid vestibule train with Pullman Iluf.
fet Parlor Car, J. K. Swisher,
District Pass. Agent. Scrautoii.
New Jersey Central.
In llirn't Nov. U. 1W1.
SUiiiMis iu .Si'W Voik, tout, of Liberty ilri'ut
ami boolli I'i'iry, , II,
'I'ulin hcunlcii for Ktw York, llilliii.
plilj, Ko.lun, Iklliloliini, .Mloiilown, MjiicIi
CliuiiK, Hhllo llaMii, AOilry ami Wilkcj-Il.iuc ut
,M 1, 111,, 1 p. 111. and i p. in. SuinU, S 10 p ni.
Quaker City llxpre- loau'3 htranlon .11 7,r,0
a, 111., tliroiiitli ho 1 10 titilmlc' lulu with Pullman
lliifkl l'arloi I'J", lor I'lilt.i.lelplil.i
I'or Aioia, rillton 11 ml Wllkos llairo, 1 n. m.
ami 1 p. 111. hiimlaj, i.W p. 111,
For I.011K l', Oicaii tlrovc, etc, 7.3Q 3,
in. uiu! 1 p. in.
Ir ItvailniL'. l.cUiion ami lUrrblairf, h ,l
li'iituuii, ill 7W .1. in. Jini 1 p. in. Suu.liy.
2.10 p. in. '
Foi l'oltkiillo at 7..10 1, in. a ml I n. 111.
1'or uUi jiid tUk.ts apply to nevni Jt station. I
C. Jl. III'liT, (icn. I'as,. .?t,
w ii- ti'Lv- fi .. &;..... ' '
i.t ... ll...lf., uvu. Mug.,.
DECEMBER 17, 190i.
f 4M-H4-
A tiiimlreil illlTrrrnt iljlc' In 'le.iiitllul
ilrior.itcd Poriehiin Cloilis, lliery one
(rood timekeeper! tin hotter alue In
the city , M.PJ up
Plated lloudoir and Parlor CImAi In
dainty 1 lipid and 11 dnen other deslcrn!
In me tusvrtmtnt ..,,"1,25 lip
Ale nn ntieptal.te itllt for a lady 01 a Rip.
tlim.ui. A lirge ii-soitiiniit nt
Pin. nl Puis nt tl.Od
W.iteinun Pells S-do
4f-f-4"-f-f4"f-f-f-t-fa4-(.a,4a. 4
Miny oiil.oMnwners unit people ttlii -f-
enn'l uime In pusniially ,ne tii.iklin; u -f-
-t- 01 our .Milt imirr iiepaitlnetil to no tlieir -f
lieir -f
Xiu.ia shoppin
Why not you
-4-4-4-------sV-t-------.4---sV--. 4---t.-S "t
-M-f -f -f-ff -" f f f--f-f--f
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
In Pllett Nov. :!, mil.
Traiiii leue Seranlon.
Por Philailelphii ami New ock n I). & II.
P. It., at US' anil j..'lb a. 111.. ami -J.H, ,2?
(Illail; Diamono lApa-i). an. I ll..".'.i i. m. Sun
ila.n. I. fc II. It. 1!, I. ."v. S.27 p. 111.
I'm White Haen, II iIeton .mil prinripil point 4
in the coal ii'ipcn. l,i 1). ,".- II IS. 1!.,, i li
i.ivl 1.2" p. in. Por I'uttsiillr, C.;:s a. 111., " 13
p. m.
Por Ilethli'iem, Paton, lto.i.lm-, IlariNliinc,
ami pilnripal inteiinuliatc ht'iilon. lia I). tc II
It. It., 1).::.'. ''.;;, f1 ,.. o.l, I.-J7 tlll.nk Die
iiioiul Ksprifo). II.:n p. m. M.mlas I. ,V II
II. 1!., y.::s i. 111.; I J: .27 p. in
Per Tuiikli iniioi-K. 'Iim-anili. KI111111. Illuei,
flcneiii ami ipil iineuue.l ale P.iiiun', ill
1) . D. und W. 1!. P., .lil .1. 111. ami 3 .". 1 p. 111
Por (leneia, km h. '-tit, llnfT.ilo. Mu-ua PalN,
fhie.iso mil all poiuH ve-t, i,i II, ,V II. if. It,,
T.l 12 0.: .1. m l.., :1.2s (lllo I. Hum. .ml l.-
pli), 7,t, HM1, ll.'ill p. 111. Mlllilll.-, II. K II,
1!. It., 12 01. A 27 p. 111.
l'ltllmin pirloi ami hleepinn or l,.-!iiKh Vail"'
Pallor lais on all nail In-tunn ilki-Itjr 0
ami Xew Vork. Philailelphii, ItulUli ami Si-pen-jinn
KOM.IN II WI1.11PI!, Cen. Mipt., 2(1 Coitlaml
Mr.'et. Xiw Voik.
CIIAltl.'..". "". l.i:i:. Con. Pa-.-, ttl-, 21 Coill ia.1
Mriet, N'iu" 1'ork.
. W. NO.NT.MU-KKU, l)i. Pa-. t;t o.ith
lieihlele 111, Pa.
I'm tiikiti ami Piillinni uen.itioii- npplj 11
(lt ottiie, (.' I'lililu- S,uue, H llt.i -,-IUl Tf .
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western.
Ill Meet Nov. .:. 1901.
Trails le.uo ci..nton lor .New Voik At 1.10.
S.1B, o.OJ, 7.M ami lO.O'i a. 111.: 12.1.1, 1. 10, I.;. I
p. 111. I'oi .New 1 01k .Hid I'hilailelphia 7.50,
10.05 a. 111., iml 12.13 ami !.".'" p. in. I or Teli.v
lianna At i'.U) p. 111. Por llullalo l.I'i. U.22 anJ
p.OU a. 111 ; l.Ji, 0 .in ami II.::.. p. m. I'oi IIIiil
hjiiitua and 1 it ulmn 10 2d a. in. .tin! 1 1.1
p. 111. Tor O-ni'iiD, ,wjiui .iu.1 I liia 1,13 and
ti.22 a. 111.; 1..1.1 p. m. (i-weio, svrjou.,. i.j.j
Utli.l tiaiu at U.22 a. m. il.lil), i-Mtpl suml.iy.
Per Alontro-i ti.CO a. in.; l.Pl an I 1I.K1 p. in.
Niihol-on aiiommniliiion 1.110 anil 0.15 11. m.
Ill'juiiitniri; DiiUiou Por Noithiiui'iiilaml. at
CM and 10113 a. 111. ; I. .1.1 and 1..10 p. in. Por
I'll mouth, at M0 a. 111.; ".in and Dim p. 111.
aunOar 'Iialiiv I'm New ioil 1.4U. t'.l.l, 0.03
and IU.UJ . m.; .!. in, ."..".I p. 111. 1'or llullalo 1.15
ami 0.22 a, 111. ; 1,51, i'.".U .and 11. .T. p. in, 'or
Ilinshamloii and a,v Mattoiiv la. 2(1 a m.
Ill1.01n.-I.t111; Diilsioii l.taie h. rant. n, 111.11; a.
m. p. in.
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Sihe.Uile in i:ir.l .lure 2. luoi,
TraiiH Sc r.intoii: n.:i a. in., wci-l, das,
tliinusli iflil.ul 11 tilt I10111 Wilke.. lUiie. Pull
111111 InitTit parlor oil aril maeiie to 1
phi 1, 1I.1 PotliMlle; .lop-. at piimlpil Inleiino
illite hlatlon. Al-o i.niiiri- 101 Mini. in 1, n-li-lnii-',
Plillnl.'lplila, lliitiiiiuie, H i-iiiiyion and
t n Pitt-Liu;,' and th" m'.i.
'i.;;s a. in., wtil. iliin, lor Minleir, HariiOeiiu,
I'h il i.ti h.lii.i. lliitiiiiuie, Wa-hlnn'lou and I'it
hun: 111.I the tt.'.-t.
1,12 p. 111., tti-el. d.i (Siimlair, 1,.1 p. 111. ),
fi.r Minhnii, ll.iliil.-iiK, I'hllai'tlphia, II lllltujio,
aliliii;loii and Put.l.iuur ami the i,.-t,
:!.!" p. 111.. i.etl. diy-. thi.niL'h 't'lnili train
limn wilki" I'.nii'. I'liliman Ini'Tet pnloi 1.11 an I
loaches to Philailelphii til PollMille, " at
punilpll li.teiini'.llile laiioi..
1.27 p. in. week I'a.n, foi II i-li-Lm, Mmliinv,
ljiiilmiir, Piiiladilphla and Piitlaup.
.1. II. Ill' It I1IV-ON. (!.n. Ms-r.
.1. 11. WOOD, Clin, Pa.. Agl.
' Delaware and Hudson.
In I'ikct S'lniinlu'i 21, li.ul.
Ti.iln for 1 .11I111111I.1K' li'iM' Ni.niioii it i,,rt,
M, s.1.1, I'J.M .1. !".: I'-'.'M. l.-V. -'..Il, .1,5.',
.V."', 0a, 7.57, IMS, ll.'W P- in.; l.lll .1. in
l,r iini".il.ili', 'I.-'", lw. 11 ' m.i l!.l iiiul '!
p. 111,
I'm Wllkfvllani' -li-S. ".I". H. H . nis, loll
a, nt. i 1M, 1.1.'. "-US ', 1-27, 0.1 7)
III. II, 1:.' P. ni. ,
lor I.. V. It, It. l'olnt-i).!!f, !).: a, ni.; -.MS,
1.27 anil 11 H'' l '
Tor ruiiKjIvaula H. It. I'oliit 1I..I', P.llj a.
111 i 1. 1.', ' an.l I 27 p 111.
lor Albany ml all polnli noilli li.20 a. 111.
ami .!..-! p- iii-
Por Culioml.ili' -..V), 11,'J.I a in,; '.Mil, ;;.o2,
& .'.J ami Pi Si p
Tor Wilki'vllaiii ''.Si a, in,; MM, 15', K.S,
I, m 11ml h 12 p. in.
Km Mliany ami points nmtli .".AJ p. 111.
1'or lloni-..l,ili-- S V) ,t in. .ml .li! p. 111,
W. I.. I'ltYOIl, l. I A., Sc1.111t.1i1, I'J.
New York, Ontario and Western.
In Illicit TiiimIi, ?i'pt. 17, I'JQI,
Mllllll U01 Ml.
I.C.HU l.i-.uo Anli6
Trilns. Siunlnn, Culiuii.Ulf. C'ailoa.
Ko. 1 lO.Jlla.pi. 11.10 u. -i 1.00 p. in.
No, 7 U. IDp, 111, Ar. ( ail.oiiilalii 0. 10 11. 111.
MillJ'll llul Ml. I
I..' iw Limvp Arrhc
Trains. 1 anosia. 1 ari.omiaip. n rant. 11,
No, 0 7.0ia, in. 7,'Qa. pi.
No, 8 in. 1.0(1 p, in. Ipjp. ni.
S-UM'A'iS UM.V, XDItTH 1)01 Ml,
I..'iii' l.oai" Arrne
Tialn. SHranluii. 1'ailion.Ialc. I ;ilou,
So. U ,..,,... h.) a. 111. U. IiIimii. ID II a. in.
No. a ,,.,-... 7.iH 11. 111. r. ( ailionJab 7.40 p. in,
Mll'lll HOl'NIl. '
Leaic Arrlic
Trains. (.iJoU. t'ailion.lilp. Si 1 anion.
No. II 7.1X1 u. in. 7.4U.I in.
No. 10 I.M) p. in. A Cm p. in, (..Tip, in.
Train Noj. I mi l 1jj n. ami a em Sunilaj,
niako liia'11 lino conncdlom (or .N'tw York cltv,
)lililleton, Walton, .Norwich, UncMa, ihn ;.
ami all poind il.
1'or Imtlii'i Infoniullnii, romult i,4ot airontj.
J. l ANI...ISM1N. (i ), Xciy York.
J, I, WKI.S1I, T. I'. A., Scranlon, l'a.
Erie Railroad, Wyoming Division,
Trains (or New York, Nvwlmrsli 11ml intirni
illjl.. poluU Icaio Scrautoii an (oli: 7.20 j,
in.., 2.2J p. in.
Auiwh 10.:i". a. 111, fiom MiililUtown. Ilonos
ilalc, lluulo ami inUriiifiliilv polnU: P. 20 p. 111.
(rim Kt'tv Ycrk, Nl.nrjli ami inkmit'u'Utc
points. No Sunday train.
Goldsmith's Bazaar
A Word
Of Advice to i
Don't delay your gift buying until the last Sf-
dav, because the rush will be so great that you S:
cannot get the proper service, neither will you 5r.
find as good selection. Although we have an $:
additional lorce of clerks to serve you as politely
and promptly as possible, there are times when :
insurmountable objects confront us. $J
Come as early in the day as possible, it will !
be a source of mutual satisfaction, 5!
Bring the chi'dren to see the moving Wind Mill J
aud the Swiss Chateau in our big centre wiudow. $:
Remember, that
worth of goods he;e,
$ checks you cau obtain, free of charge, one of
S our beautiful Steel Kugravings already iramed g
and ready to hang. ?:
S ! !! & "i
Useful Holiday Presents :
House Coats
Storm Coats
Handsome Line of
Hen's Gloves of
n r.i:MNi.
4 J' '
H , n f, S - i t l . t H t , K , 1 '
liU.VlLLi t
qSMSMSlu mv
Our Holiday
Display This Year
l:...t- .... .'., ..... ....... ..-...
I IIIUS 11. HI Ulll IIV1". .IIUII livuvi p.v'..t. .,... wv.. ...u.w
to cater to the wants ot HOLIDAY SIlUl'LMiUS.
Beautiful Things for Christmas i
F.arly clioicc iV wise. Wo invito you lo niitkc selections
now, when stocks are at I heir best.
In making your select ion of Diamonds, you have the as
sistance of niv liiirly-iive ; c. ' ' experience.
Set in all kinds of RINGS. I'.KOOCl IKS. PENDANTS,
STL'DS. !tu
Fine Gold and SiJver Watches
Willi the HiKlK-st tirade Movements.
Sterling Silver Novelties,
Cut Glass and Umbrellas.
And evervlhing pertaining to a first-class Watch and Jewelry
Bstahlishnicnl. "1
133 Wyoming Avenue.
&'" '4 'A "A " " A 'A "A "A 'A "A 'A "A 'A "A A 'A
Allis-Chalmers Co
Successors to Mnchlne Iluslness ot
Dickson Manufacturing Co., Scrunton
and WllUc'S-Uarrc, l'a.
Stationary Knglnea, Boilers, Jllnlne
Machlner), 1'unips.
after purchasing $10 oo $:
if you will present your $:
Holiday Sdspenders
Spruce Street.
Every Description.
. - - -9- - "- '' ' ' ' f,f
K.iilii. - ni'ini'i r.irl llifin f'f)f iMiTrirf. .V
'A'A 'A "A "A "A "A 'A VI A "A A V) Vt 'A ' A "A 'A A
Virginia Ale. ami Ucacli, AtUutlc City, N. J,
Eiltb liar; C30 Praulilol locum (iitultr, siuglj
nii uliii l.jtlii liut ami colli tea-water tathi
Id botcl ami annex. I.oi'illon ulcct ami rtuiral,
within l( jurdi ol tlic bteel I'ler. Urchtutra.
Uilir ipcclal kpiing latca. i to ?15 by wctk;
2 W up P) day. special rjtfi to (aniUU-s. Cuacli(
uitit nil tiaiiu. Write lor booklet.
CU.MtLl'3 E. COPE.