',, ' .,., . ll r - ,.(!' 5i W5i"-"t" ' jy V-M- " 1 hiA ,Ji yf V"j "mifil s$ ,- S-'Si i y :.fjiA -? '1 S1! a-'" J H , V J V 'J v- vf U TJFIC SCR ANTON TJRIUUNK- MONDAY, DHC'KMBEK 10, 1001. 5 1 t 7ffZMtyfxr!&ji'v'$it2vv!iii "Jiw ii,.fit. i ' " " -" ' jyi'i.' " . TERRIBLE WORK OF THE RAIN AND WIND Houses Ruined, Mines Flooded, Factories Damaged and Railroad Tracks De stroyed by the Great Flood Let Loose Saturday Night. v Til" leu lllc mill still m which iiUIkIiI Ulii iilli'. In lti ;,mui ill .iliulit ll.'iO o'i lili If till SnUliiliiy iiIkIii mill wlllih llPld ll llll M'W'lill Iiiiiim. In iillKhl ruin mill iIuhihu lion in ll u.ill, mwi'II- Inu (Ik l.ni'Kiiuitiinn tlw-t In to n injrliiH luailim leu lent uiitl ihuIiik , the numt ( i liitii iIimhIs lilt h I.hUii- lilll (lltllll) hill l SM'I It Hi I'll ulni l 11k liii'iimiuhlf niic nl IMi'i 'I i 'int'iiilDim iiiupi'it) lnnuw whs lllllli llllllll' tilt' illllHi' III till' 1 1 IT fifiin DlMihnni I" thf "iitithi'i l line nf IIiIm tltj. inul llii' iim i llowliit! nl tin two ii'voimiIix ill Ml i n li in -t i iiiltt'il u Miiltoul on 111" l..u K. minimi i . 'llll ii.nl Illit tn'iii Ihnt vtntlnn v lilt li i niiiplctt 1 nil ul nit thN i ll J ii nil iiiIIiii nl i imiimiiiUttiliiii Willi Ni v Vm I. . It until lull' lasi nk'lii Tluio mim tumble mi the not Hum llWiun ol til it in ul uNti wiislintlt" lit'iir I'm tin vllle Mini nt Vt"Uiil f'i n ti i.iitsoil mint ili'lnj Inn in iiicnlni; li.tln- The (intuitu ,ll( Weill i n It, nl n n.isllii'lt lieiil OUphiint mil the l)el riUllle 111(1 lllllKllll .Hill Jl'l -t". (".'lllllli II 11 ks weie 111 ilii c hi iinilii wnti'1. N'enr I'ti I IIP the SleiiliU CiieK niul Mt .If-stip mint t wcie Kieill (lmil.IKi 'I In III'1 lliuiil, the lulliT Mllli'l ltlt,' the mutt The limei ellii (it it me filled with .ili .mil il will t.ihe wecUs 1) line m nilnliiK ' .in lie iliiiu' In them Th "Iiiiiii, whli li li.itl been Inewiiu' V-inii I. He Xittliilnv ,il t"i ilium, filnw i.lj," in It Itiiiviip'jw with e ii h lniiii, lilllk ill .(II its tlll vhlill- i l)i Idle II :0 ii'i lui k .mil w In n it illil -ll It sri'll .IS II .ill llle iiiiHi'Is lit the il.llkei win lii li, nl been lmi-elied .Hid ueie hnldilii, hili i.iMih.il The In 1 1 -ln leked inn.ineil an I, it times, lulled .mil the l, (in uhlih lell in im n nts, wisihiven In lillnilln.;. whlllinir Miu'ts tliK.iiKh the ,iil. Till- timibln.i l on ol wind .mil i .i hi i onllmi. il nnlil P.i-t 1 o'i Iim k, when the In ot Hie -lonn .ill lb d -niiuwli.it bill It -llll iniiliiitieil to inin until ". ii'iKI., when il tinned In sli'i'l .mil -now . hn II w.is .! oiiip.iniid l .i Lipid lid of ilie tin l nuinietei HIGH TEMPERATURE. A itin.ii k i!it le.tlillt' ol Hie -It.un v.i- iln hi li tempi i.itiii. hit li pie .lll d llle .nMtllHl btlle.lll itiollls -how I11K 111 it .it II i nihil I. tile lll'l- j mi mt It I unbuild (.I tlf uri width I- plienoiiien.ilh hlf,h tin till' time of the t.ii Willi tlu K .ilion ol the i .mm. tin tenipi i.itme tell i i ildlv. nnlil ill o'llllik the tllillllome.il li'-ll--t'l(d -b ilfKii'is anil people iwoke to lilid Hie fiionnd tinon liml .did -'ill Tin ilu pioMd lo In i i . ple.i-.ini one .mil lilt niiuiih lomlilioii whiih -n m.uiN pel -on- .null ip.ite I wa-inii-sph uou- In ii- .ib-. in i The tilii liomi n i!l IiIkIi it nipt i.ililie Mllhll pit'llllli'd lin I'leifliil ol lllell in tin -now niirlt n in Uie iieiii-ot lln Milium, tin-, llt.il llle lu.lilw.itei- ot the I 1(1. iw 'llll. I .111(1 llll- i impli d w llll 111' 1' II lib dow ilpoiu or I I'll -welled the liltl riiint.iin -in .11- mtii -w II ll 1 ii-liln biook- Hid the-e iiiiinin-, into tile ii(i tl.tlisloi 1111 d il finin 1 pi.neliil -luf.rii-li -lit. nil into II 1 i;;m llo. id lillt lltlll ll llll. me W.l- dole .lllini' Ohpll.int bill at the ll.it- ill-l lielow 1I11 l,i-t-ii.iined pkiie Ihe ilM'i liii'-l lluousli tin bink .it the buiil .ind t.lllie Ul-llltm inin Ihe lowlllld- be tween Oliphiillt ,nul I'li.'elilll in -ollle plltcs 111 It the W. Ilel .lll.llllld .1 ill pill ol li 11 lll'i IWl 1 1 til't 'llll Hooded on' tilt Iinilii"! ol tine- ol l.inillU's 11,11 hlii'4 i, IiIkIi .1- llle 'ii nilii -loll window- ill -ollle I'l.ne- It ;,iit In to the In t -ton illilnt. ol lilt Ull-h -ilk mill niul t. iii-nl nn'.u il. nu ll,! til the ipel!-le MMill-; lll.ll ll'll- II). RAILROAD WASHOUT. Tlie n tit tin .mil We-lein i.illii'itl tlink- Ul-t In low the ohlihnul M.i llim, weie w.islied (omiil'MiH .iwn foi n di-t llll out oel L'dll It. 1, lll'l i I uilin,' the -hulling down 01 ill n.ulle until I He hl-l lllnlll Th" Del.i- Mine and lluil-oll li.uk- e-taped iiijtuv, lllollKh I111111 llt i.Mill I'il.v III I'llIN lllellle Million ll e W'le .ilnio-i itwiisti Tin1 Miniii'in It'il wn.i iiinipain's li.it k- wei iiwnsli id tiliplmnt mid tin- 1 ould not be 11111 mil luilhei Up the willc.l ill. Ill llll I ol Ul l.s 111 low tile l'linidi'iue .station ol llle liil.iwiiio mid UiiiImiii, the iiei " 1 llowi'd lis linnks on both -Id' and mis lit phut'!- oi'i Inn It'll w'le. The Moodeii loot-in Itlfii- nt Mii-on iV Snnw ileu's luniher viml wa- 1 onipli'tel 1 11- lied IIW l. mid AlbliKllt nM'lllle whs b.ulh llnodeil ihniiKll not mm li thiin line was done to pinpeii: nt ihls liiilnt .lui-1 i-oiith ol" lb. emboli i-lift t liilriRo, the meillow 1. nt lied ii tat wi'M ns the 1 liiltn In mid Vi M01 11 tttllii'ii'l tun Km mid did 1 onsldi uibh ihinu'ui' m the uiiutou ISuiUio hii paiiy's luiiti mid 10 tin I1011-' - 011 1I1 Dlmnnnd lln t- I'lOIll the l.illdell sin el li Idee tu 11 pilllU ( (IIIMlll lllbl.V III lllW till' tillH lltlllM' lilldHi' lilt' llM'l kept ill Ml.llKlU Mini nut low 1 0111 M heiwccit tin' IiIkIi lianks ill oil lit 1 'ilie, Inn. uliei iimiIhb l'"' iiuU'i noin tin liniiiliiK bioul;, ll u'T llnwoil it- bmikrt 111 llliu ilii'ii liml llnoiiul Ittllllimloii iiNCIllle. WithlllllB lull avenue liom ('ciiliul I'.ilk gulden tn .Mliph' Hlleel, alKl hililtll Wyoming livclitin lliilll i:illl to Hitch illii't. l"i Itllls (li 100 houses ill IhW l('llitill Vl'IP Illl('( It'll h.V Hie llooil, till! hlise llieiltn 01 (films ul nil be lui; Hooded and the wuum uiithiim the 'Iim ilo.ns 111 llimiy llb'lmiips No mi Inns diiiu UKl' WHS lllllli below llle -ililllolll Jlf.ldow 1)1 (ink BRIDGE SWEPT AWAY. I'll" UouilliK In mk was .iImi s-wolltll In llni-c limi'H Us niLtiii ul sl'i li the sloiiu, mid U10 M,MtU slit 1 woodtn InldKC 'h 'IHl'lid I'lllliely iuii.n 'llle fmilidiithms uiiilei the itibti'il cud nl Iliu -Hi stii'i'l linn btltlKt-' wetc p.iitlj washed uwii). (iiusliiK the -inn tint in ms and it'iiilciliiK' ll uim.il" lot triU'U The waslmtlt oil Ihe l.ni kawnima lalhoad, licai lIlinlllllM, was nne ot tin must minus wlllih th" nlllchils on this division lui" had in ileal with In cit.- (JliUKH of lyn ,,,1l lll't-'" "' xu"1 "'"" cmly ycsleida) inmiiliiK. ami ll Is IhouKlii that no luilu I10111 .New V01K 1 an lie ijoi tluoimli until ' ii'ilmK thh pimnliib'. Thu small wilier JMinhuift ii'senoli ovctlluwcil Into thu largo lllinliiiist itgcrvolr uiul this In tutu ovctllowed onto ihe l.iii idiwmmn nuiln hail;, wn-bliit; tile Ixilli 111 1 I111111 iimlei neath the 1 1 in li I'm 11 illstmii'i' ol oel Win reel mid III -ollle plait'- 1 oinpleleli washing tile mils iiwiin Tile siulileli dlop III Ihe telllpi latllt'' (iitised tills until to lui" iiipldlv, meath lllllilellliR tli t.nik in' i en. ill hit; Ihe ti 11 l lie two ftil thick Inul to be 1 111 iiwn In plates' eMoiiliiv In lole 11 was possllilo to I10 klll lllllllU- III ulldt'l lli'litll Ihe lulls As soon us woul of the Washout inn lied Ihe luiiil ollh i's men wcie I111 mi'dhitih ill tpali hed lot us main ol' the iiimpuiiv s ti'Kuhii liihoieis and in tlini li.inds as weie within linmedl II t I1 11 'I he -llpni llltelldr Ills ol lllliliv ol the 1 oinp.in.v 's inlnes wei c aho 1 ailed Upon lot iissstiiili e mill tlir Itllllislu il a liuillhel ot men MANY MEN AT WORK. About .111 iiM'iaae ol ""id men who kepi 1 outlllll.llll lit wink all dm e teiihn ami Inst night mulct' the illni 1 1on of Division Slllinltltelldenl K M. IJllic It was itt Hi s tboiiKht that a I1.1I11 1 ould lie k"1 t 111 nil K H fimil New Yolk liv 'I ii'i lm It last iilnllt. but lite in the iiiti'inoon it was -een thai this would he impossible and inilin weio sent to Ilolioken lo -end 110 ll.lllls 1 1ll iiiltIi until Ibis liml iiIiik It Is be lieved that It will be possible to t t Xo !" In on linn al ii !,' o'i loi k this 11101 nlny Anollii 1 -t lions wiisbout at I'm (inn Summit had In be Illicit hi al-o. hut woik on till- was 1 nuiph tnl lale la-t night Two lot al ll.lllls wile Hill .ve-teliliv lii'twteli llll- i ll.v mid lilllijl.llllliill. lull no .ul. nipt was made to inn llnmiuli to Mult. iln bc( ui-coi -till anolhti seit nilt washout at 1-t.1l Celltie betVKeil lllnKliiiiuton and Klinii.i A wa-ilmiit Ileal the I'.k tin j v llle t limit 1 wa- e.lsllj H p ill 1 d v c-lcidav mot nlnn Tile lust Halt ill Iliiiu Now Yolk on S1u111l.1v uilii via- the one which .11 lives beie at 11 '10 Thl- pa id thioiijth i:iinhui-l a veil lew minute- lutoic the washout onuiieil. The statiuti was thiouKed all dav vcsiiiilu with pel --oils aiiNioitslv awaitim, news ol lilends 01 desiious o Helling tlthei 10 New Yolk 01 M1111 iln b.'loie loilav due iIcIcr Ite lo Ilie Aiiuiii ill I'eilt 1 atlim ol I. 1 Inn 1 onv 1 nlliili was outbid ,lll-iuu-lj initih Insf win 11 be (ould vi a 1 1 .1I11 '01 'it Y01 k He eliibiied a th lid to a pi m e in Massnihusetis and twenij itnts m 1 h mm. whiih wa- all lie hid lell 11 1 1 ci hi- ten dav- -oouin 111 town lie 1I11I111 lili-b ilie lib a o having In st, 11 In low 11 nvci nif.lil but wa- Liken In iim In -ivti.il ntlii 1 It Ic,; (It- wlio piomi-tii lo look altti 1 liim DAMS ARE INTACT. Mipci lull ndent litevc- ol tin St 1. ill toil lias and Want 1 onip 1111 -ml I i-t night th it iiiiitiaiv 10 lepoit. not .1 -iimle st, uie In eilhii ol Ihe itiivolis whhh oveiilnwiil had bt el) dllpl n , il Tile ei(i he I. nil be said was solelv 1 1 sninisHile 101 iln waslioui mi tin 1. 11 kawauna 10 id ll was loimd In . -t .11 v lo oiieu the i,alts ol the ill ill) leseiioii at Clmllltl -I t'-tt 1 il.i j Km lb ve tlie su.iiii on ihe 1I11111, ind this had llle oliiii o swcllin to -onu , -tt'M llle Mo 11 lm. 111 .ink. 'llle "I ilev iiindillon ol llle Willi r ve-teidav I- , it ti Unliable to the ovei llow. whiih 1 an-.. I Ilie ilh 1 . till mud on the bank- In be wasped into tbe le-ei voll-. ll i- not believid thai (Ill will touillltic loilf,. as llle watii is 1 j. pi 1 li il lo -non -ell'e Vboiit -1 veiny-live pit ui the li.uk on llle WvnmlllK ilivi-ioli ol Ihe Mile laihoid lien iltoiKCtown, wa- wii-IikI aw. iv liv 1 iii'IkIiIhiiIiu sue mi whiih nvei Mowed s banks Ihljllll" No '(t in tliair.' 01 IhiKiiini (i.illaKh'i and V ,V V V,W ,V , V tUt V, rrtifM &MZ mM m r 3L f-t&i rH, V. h I $ fs3; m .1 1 I siW-25r' J j I II a M 41 I 1 5-fld VV' (I 1 .-" v 1 m A For by intelligent, unbiased compaiison ol our Pianos and puces with otheis, we aie sine to secure your pattonage. Come lo the Factory Give Us the Benefit of a Thorough Critical Examination of oiir Piano And we will piove to you beyond a doubt that nowheie else can you buy as good a Piano, as high class an instalment for the money as from us, at our factoiy. These pianos have been in use for the past j yeais, and not , dissatisfied customer. We guaiantee eveiy piano lor ten yeais. We shall be pleased to see you at any time. IK 1043 to 1051 Pianos sold on easy payments. Old Instruments taken in exchange. ' ' "A 'A ' 'A 'A 'A 'A "A 'A 'A "A 'A "A 'A 'A t'oiulllclor t nt'l alii c, uctil ovi 1 thf liliiic just ns the motttul was boluj; I ai 1 led , iioiti tindi'i ihe tails. It wuii the illfl lltlll III weeks Unit the I'llftllir tlldit'l litivtt a Itt'iivv to.il luiiti hi hlinl II Had I lii'l n h"t 11 11111', 11 soiloiis wieek tttlnht have on 111 1'fil Thcii'w is still minthcr w.ishniti mi Up" LaheAllet hi mull, aliollt one-ri;hlh ol 11 mile ft mil West l.ultc .Itliiitlon Until thou? wilshnuts Wei" lipulitd heroic lii-t 1lc,lll THE LOWER PLATS. The lesitlts of the Hood In Unit putt ol' Ilie 1 liv known as the l.nvvct c'lulM have vviotl'.'hl desoliitlon in Uie hiimt s ol' iiiuiiv thilitv hmisevvlvi's who had jllst 1 tilllllletcd tile wink" ol slotitic, tlieli 1 cllai's vvllh piovImIoiih foi the wltilci', ami l lie dainiiiP' In ihnt Hem nliiiic will inn Into tlioiisiitids or 1I11I-I111- Mollis mid tails wile iiilltd llilu sei -vice to I i"i nit IIIUIIV lalllllles oil S'oilth Wasliliifiton iiM'illlc, Willie llllllll valu able si oik pet Isiied III the pells, llll lllll lll t; Iioch, 1 tittle utld potllti v The ten Hot .v iillVcliil Is hiiiuuled bv Mini stu't'i on the iioith, MciiiIiikioii avenue 011 tin soittli, Ilie l.ai kiiwamiii 1IVII on the west, while the Mood loathed is ttn 1 us us the lowei sliel mills The ,)ese,v I Vnilitl Hat ks w hit li iim iMialM with Ihe ilvoi lor 111010 III III a mill', vvole leltdeled so duliK' I mis that nil tiulllc was suspended 11 ml tlti'v win sill) iiiioieii with mini mid watt I" between l.oeust slitil mill the Steel mills Insl nlnht At 1 (ilililltt I" Uie velslous ol sevotnl poisiiiis. tlie 1 -e ol tile llvel illld lilt 1 hi.t I IllK Ml 00k (K 1 III I oil 11 It t'l I, o 1 loi k v'i sti iilliv lililllllltK Meloie the bieiik last him 1 , mid while 1 nam pi 1 -mis wen still In bed, 11 uipld tlsc was notb 1 d, inul heroic nuvthliiK lould be doiit 1 cl lats wile lloodcd and lliollsunds of dolluis' win th 01' polntoos, iiibbnuc 1 mined Koods am I otliei pi ov islons weio lltteilv mined The l.lKlnv Wllleis 1 o-e so swlfllv Unit iniinv I'ollsh lanilliis icsldinn between Mini siied and the 1 icek that tiosses south 'usilnulon ai line wcie 1 lit oil Hull! the land and hud to lie test mil litei in I1111U and talts INDIVIDUAL CASES William Smith, who ic-bbs In the L'elili il I'.ilk liou-e. Il.nl his ( ell, n lloodttl and lb" wntoi lust iciihed the dooi'ill ol his liv Iuu ap.11 Inn ills a IhoiMll tllev uie lullv live feet above the levil of Uie stioi t The inosl il.ini.ipi' was done btlvvicu Mini -tlett and Phci 1 v stiett, w In I c tvttv (ellai wa- lloodtil to llle 1 ( ililipr, wlille a nuinliei of hou-r- built 011 a level with llle stieit wt'le Hooded and l 111 pets fill lilt 111 I' I'll . lltteilv dc stiovttl The wall I liai ked up the 1 nek liom Washington aviuue itlidi 1 llle Delawaic and lllld-oll illlveit and subineifjeil stvci.il .Kit- aiolinil 1'1-ev ,t It liv s blew ell At this l.uui pi. lie tin 10 Is alM.i n meat iU inlitv ot i nipt v In ei and a!" baiul- st. 11 kid up and iniinv ol the-e wtio i nmlu In the 101 tent and stnpi aw, iv T I: 1 'ail's saui,htt 1 -boilsi w,isal-o Hooded and ibom thlitv lie id ol live -1(1. k V'l'le ill owned bout noon the vvatci- b.an lo ie itde and last 1 veiling 1 v ideiii 1 - ol the Mood had almost dNappe nod A iium liei m lalllllles .no ipiai tiled .11111111'; Ihei 1111110 loiumate 11 lends In the uppt 1 pin lion ol S'oulh Stiantoii 1n01if; tliii-e who welt' mii-l untoi 1 1111 itc wile Xh liolas (tan who 1011 (lui Is a li i-omcnl moteiv and who-e 1 utile -loi k I- de-liovid .Mi (iiei u beif, o the Tli ei ills 1 j, soap wink- Is il-o 11 hiaw lo-e. is is Alolio lluli 1 1.1 1 I a liotelkccpi'i . theie lit In,; -trill liv 1 li ot ol w ilei in bis 1 ell n in w lib h lie I). id hllllilltils o dull. 11-' wollll of Komi- ill is Sillvviuli Mis iluldoon William smith, ind 1 doen I'oli-h I 1 liliiic - In Ihe I jiu bloi k have lo-l all Ihcb 1 dial- 1 iiiitaiiit d UP THE VALLEY. Tic d iin.14' wioiishl bv the Mood in nud aiuiiiid .biinvii was sei Ions 111 d, ed M 111 In-ill I iindoi math the lion In ld' ol the Out. n lo and Western lailioad lit. 11 the IhuoukIi tlie water dlvldtd ami a poitlnu ot the lalu tlood Inste id ol pa-slug uudi 1 ut alb the liiitlM 1 11.11 ii 1 sti ilu ionise along tin "i-l -ith ol tlie u.nk iiuling; a d( ep 1 haunt I hi tin iiilm and sweeping ivcivlbmg bclou It The 10.11 ol the lots in 1 upb d bv Muigis-. Condoled and Hit oilieis living in that vblnltv weie submimcil and tellais Hooded to 1 ib pill nl loin fi ( I Tile vv Intel's sitp- ( (iiiiiinii a 11 i'i. V Vl V M W WW, H l V,V, 3 1 Convince Yourself We Invite Comparison We Court Comparison We Want Comparison i Capouse Avenue. WA 'A A 'A 'A A A A A A 'A A A A 'A 'A A A 'A e GUI r ib-IWWIiWM. Wll IIIIIWWW 0 have determined to reduce our stoct ptior to our icnioval to our new building ut our loimer location, 129 Wyoming avenue. Special Cleasance Prices on Entire Stock. ajwaw WALL ftygs, Linoleums, Shades etc. G001S STORED Williams Temporary Store, 126 Washington Avenue. W.'.MWi.'JWJWilJE HirUH HH l HU-lHH HHHHHm HH I Xnias G-Ift: I I'li.it !irf .ninrniii i.ito nnd rf.isnu.ililo in nrii o. nift to lie found --r-'t -" ltcre in gie.it v.itiety. SOLID COLD EINGS , , ,, , , , ,, . , I ' "v ' " l'"1--' " 1",il (. tint'. 1 I. 11 inl s-,io 4. I nl II Ml" I. lll'l l!lll. 5"t VVI 1 ll .. ll II IL s,(, -6- 1 , I.,,, .... . ,, . 1,1 . t u eh 1 . 1 T iiii.iu -1 H- . it i ..,-' 1. ... ui ..ii mill I11..1 -1 11 liu 1 1 1 nl - 1 - iki , I nlii- ml (1 in I nun- 1 i 1 Jim.- I iu iiiiiiiiiu v ilia' -'.in, " I Ej3j n r Sryf ri -f X 213 Lackawanna Ave I, iti 1 ntvinsn 1 VVIl' t f .. - 4.4.4,4.-4 i .t. .t. 4 'i' "J o '! if W & tfK53S3Spv2SSi3vi2ti3,isxv!i'ttjiiitfisiA'a's't,,JSs'Uj fsThe Holiday Season i o Is moving toward us and promises to prove a corker iu everything in the jewelry line. i 35 nin vnii S BERRY'S JEWELRY STORE tfH 5J U full of Beautiful Goods. We make a Jj specialty of ft I BERRY, THE o 0. Mb 0 423 Lickawanua Avenue. kktfkuililKtll B&jftarftatftaflfttiflrtairlrffcrffUfUfkJtf'srtl3f'Urflflf T WfTWf ITTfflWif m SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER Occuplns an Impel ishablc Position c 3-w IT mMX?ZL$X&'' oXs?r' The Smith Premier Typewriter Co., NO. 23 B. Eighth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Scrantou Binnck Ofllco, Nos. 1 and 3, Avcade Building VAL SALE PARE FREE OF CHARGE. KjKwaisrsiiKszsiascaEanKiHi - ... , , - CHINA CLOCKS v minium iiiiit'iiu -nil" 111 -ii 11 "in 11,, I I' u, Iim (I., I- Ivu .in I 1 ,,,(! mill I i(ii 1 11. 1 I. nil win, hi llu 1 111 . .... -1 '' ni' 4. GOLD CLOCKS J Pi in. 1 itniii. 11 ml I'lilm ( li 1 1,- hi . null . nnlil II .1 1 ill. II .III. ill -1' - I t. .- .... T iniri i" 'inin in . . "I' . WUHTAIN PENS J Vn 111 lm il il.'i ili in 1 I i.lt 1 1 v 11 il. nun V 1 11. hum 111 1 1 "li i'ii I'm-1 il "I "" -f wuii mil I'n- . v; 'i 1 mi. oitni ii ( vi!i 1 1 1 1 inriti -f VI in ut uf oMiiii- iinl pt'iipli ulii 1 11 t iiiiuc 111 ni-riiiilh in imjUiiu i. r -t- -f 4- limn Vlnl (liilii lliiuiiiiicnl mil linn t- -f f lll I- -lHllr VV ll II I Mill t . ll...ll.xJ.li.xAAAJll WUII VII. IMI!IIIV-I- .f 4. t I tt,J, ' VMi 1 . Ill t I ll.l llll llll L il Hi i- pi mini 11 in ui utttinu m sl 'li. (lui "-llll- I HI llll I- III VI l -ll lllli Itil lit -ikt II 111 ll '1 i' ' Inul 1. 1 in -iKi nt mil 1 -' Ll lo I llllllll l -VMI -1 in 1111 1 11 - . id-. Hi 1 -"1 Mi Gieen Tiadmg Stamps with Cash Sales. F90IE fi FULLER CO. Hears Building;. i o O McAnulty Tlie Oif Ma PERFECT DIAMONDS H AMD FINE JEWELRY ig nji JEWEL ' S ? '' 1 ffTI tltt,r:w-ggL' " -'-:jr b' ' RTUUZJOCJ in the BUSlNliSS W01U.D. ; !.1 C.....i., ,,s Enrt ' a Aniumlly adds tlioiibandn of names to die long list of Smith Premier u-erb, lepresenting ccry line of tr.uie and eery profession .. , V vr' iAAW &0S& Jonas 9MA i www! Long" s Hli mmB sons, fill The I3ig Stole is V mas Gift4;. A widet than ever befoie. will and desiiable Yuletide buveis at the Big Store. Y5 Wo ruo tiuvet tit oil of tolling about this wniuletl'itl collfction ol' Toyj, t'ottntl in Un basement. CHILD'S COMBINATION WHITING DLSK Has" n laige &lzo blnckboatd, staiuls hlyh enough to use n small olHre uhalr. Piico OSc to $1.75. SL'Lr COUNTING BANKS Resistov niul counto itself, all dciio'ilttj made by you In It. TABLE CROQUET Regular style ol' out door Mud. A. B. C. Blocks. Play Day and Wild Wood. Instinctive Jot tlir littlo ones, and at pi ices vciy lci&ouablp, 10c to 20c. THE BIG WILL i'he gieat sale of books chance to get good books at Standard Sets ' i ( II Vl.'l l.s 1)( III - ..lllllli ll . ill- I mi Ult tup M i ,,!,, ,,, e- jz. s" Ti lt .il s p..; - (.1 Ulii. I' I 1 llll I s niiiiiliti. w u K- U lin. -lit lui, s Ml )l llll Inn -I ll ()(,. j P. ....I. - . SUK, llltUMi: .tnnplii Mill -. U iii . It t i s -11. ilii 1 ,, -I II ., ()ll. W VI I II VI M If VV s ,iiliti t ni' 4 . 'I Ii(l -.(' lllllli ll s ,,, ., c . pit - tilnliii "P ''y Vm it i tjil.llili lili-inl- i -i I it ilii i M.illii Untllll HI liil . Ill I VM II I.V I l(l pi, 1.. tM-.lt IJ inn iii ii'ii, s mi, ii i in i p s.ij, e j jjs. I',...l. , yi.o Books en Tonight. ias LoisSoDsj : dies9 C Waist Here is an excellent oppoi' nutv to allow your Chtistmas Gift to take the loim ., omething to wear, as -it least one-half our nunimotli lm"- of Fine Tail oied Gaiments must find v.taiets within the next ten kays, if Reduced Will do it. The following idea of the deep price cuts. as:i sy Regular .s? 12.00 values cut to $ 7.98 Kegular 1500 values cut to ().S Regular 0.00 values cut to 14.98 Twenty-Seven Sncfii Jackets ReguKu $10.00 values cut to...v 5 5,98 le,mil.ir 12.00 values .ut to... .v. 8.9S Regular 15.00 value-cut to l'9& Regulat 20.00 valuer cut to 12.98 Three-Quarter Box Coats 40 inches long, at similai puce reductions. Flannel Shirt Waists At about one-half usual latest cieations, of eithei me nts Children's and Full-Length Coats IV I he newest shades, m esttemelv low. it '? I 1 1 Alterations Free iiiiii la 11 ii in 1 421 LackauJanna fiventie. j 'i $ Hie of attraction for Chiist , licher and mote elegant lesent gathering of useful cles be found by holiday TOYS CHAIRS High Cliahn, Hock ing Chalts, Desk Chaits, Motrls Chaiis, vciy home like in nppeai nnce, fiom 25c up. HOUSES Wholesale Gioreiles, Houses, Buttef Shops, Btuns, to liml out about the weather, ono of our Obsoivatoiys will assist you to defend yotaelf fiom any danger. A foil built in ical like manner with awful looking cut nous pointing nt you and soldieis standing by' guns.. Coal Ynuls and uuinotous othetn at '10c up. MENAGERIE -A cage contain ing 0 fleice looking animals, also single nnimnls, elephants, tlgeis, lepeici and lions. STORE BE ofil ilnito OOK5 goes meirily on. A rate little puces. Winona Series a mi '1 il' I '"I ' -"'"1 I'M' i- i"m ,,,! M , (1 ,,,, (1 litli p,,,,. lin nt-. i i it i a i ii '. ' 10 Cents Standard Series lit lm 1 1. ilii i II iniili" linn".. Inn. I-mi. li I .lllllli 111 lllllli lllllli. I tlltil inltii , .i licit Inn lllllli I lll'l .1 1 1 i-l it ll l'll ItCVIllll j. ill i , I ''i i in' pin i 7c each s H C7 ecia at and - Prices quotati s will give you an i liguies. All shades, in the open liont or back gai- : Misses' '5 I .X, sizes fiom 6 to 14. Pi ices $ of Charge V i V 1' ,&, t'fc'fe?-J&e--tgiiJ .-