The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 16, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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    ' Sf "'V 'ft-i' 'x V f','-l13""' 1''"x"t"'f'
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H. D. Crane
'4P'''''frfiir'- rtf'
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tilt 'l
llli'.lllltuu, Ill,
I'hl Vltv-I'mliloni.
Union, Mi
Sen-mi liTPmlilenl
llidlmnp il, 'ml.
Itilnl lie I'n-iil M' V.Vt!ii'i,ii.i ') i,
ss5jMSffii?wVV?'T aA??",? v
Wm M0mM
MAX MOHJIIS, K'tf.l'rrtidont li-'uc--. '.
I ittli ki- 1'rrsulon Clin '., ill.
Sulli id- I'n-Wail. rhllTlHplilJ, IV.
..- vv ..,. . v?v v,s v( v(0 . v?v -( s .J,. vf r .,.. .... .f,. , . v. .j , , .j , .j . f , .. ,r.(. .j.. .; ' ( ' ( ' -) 1 ( -,' -j V - J -(- e-jo -(0 .O vrf .f. f. -( . . J nU , J0 qv, n, o
LoiuluiKil Iinni l'.isi I 1
ilcinnrc sillou butwocn cnills ,tml tlv.t
nn luinl iind fast uilc can apply. il
lierciifc tu tlic- auliiiiiiiiiy i ulo i' uik(1
wlioiv prai'llcabi". Ijiit ll is I'iioilkTil,
llii' i opart .i;;-, to ;;lvc tilt piraniimnt
i iK.uiiz.uion jiirlHitit'llon uvw Imi
latuil I'ir.fls-ini'M.
Applying thlh locally, ft uifanx that
thu cnirlnt'crK iuil tlivnu-n
at onal milieu niust juln tin- Mine
AVorkcih anil withiliaiv frmn tlielr n'-i-poctlvi'
national oiK.inli.atlon.
Tli" report of tht comiulttcu was
acloptoil .'ilh a pr.u tlirally iinanlinotih
vnti'. '"'ho'i' not faorIn;j; !i, riali:'(Ml
that opposition as nsoU"-f, as Hi.'
riafts favoiInK it I'onti oiled tin- con
vention ly an ovet whelniini,- majority.
Tlic report of ill- ton ulttee on
resolutions on tile twelve 'of l.ilis-lle
resolutions was UkinvlM? ailo; leil witli
out lnueli oppotiltlon. The KoeialiMK
were content to net their (ioc'.riiieM lie
fote the convention ami have their
lienllineuts elieeivd. To a'tenipt to
defeat the loninilttee'h reiominen'la
tlun tltpy milhed was I'uillf, and after
nccoinpllMiliitf what was their primal
principal, the tveurlnK of some .ulwr
ttnliiK. tliey avoided IncurrlUH: animos
ity" by HkIuIiik the ndnitnlstintion.
Tliey declnte tliey will Keep on aKll.u
Ihk until they land the I'Vili ration In
tile limits of oeiali'-lll.
Socialistic Measures.
Tile icport of the committee on the
resolutions on the vill lolls Socialistic
nieasuivs, lead as follows;
'I he .iliiu, ilili. iii I .fplr.alniK it u nl. 4
llllllllllaK l..lll .111 lllll l lltfll'eelli HI l .!
Iilu In I lie will In llu- tif I In' liiniini (inill,, .ni'l
c iluiiluii' i In ii mill .mipt, .mil, In fui, ill
hiii ,il lilt j-ni ain isliiili i'.m n riiiii mi
lllililllllll III Illi'-C H'lullll full lb, Vlllill .'I. hul
fur llii' lulli'lliii HI i.l in HiKlnil.
Ill till.-, Iihi wo mi' In i lii-c nl illoii'lilp
Ullll 1 1 Id HI I'.ItCI P.i.h lit Nlllllbti. .in I Willi
tlu'in uyiii' Ui.ii ii. i mill kIhiiiIiI I In' liiuilim
hi tlic lollu In; mull' lllili'i, lull lllll cull K intltli'il in injm tin- mil lu'iiilp nf
t Ulliill l' Hi- rli pliuliur,. We, ki tin in,
mini lui ini.itii Illnilt .iml ,ni il. ti iiiiIii. it m
at I in eudi .1 inmiu'i llui tin- fiuiiii' i-lnll 1 1'
moil- iiiiiianUI In llii' liuiniii l.lmlh, .11. il I'Diii
iijII.v iiuiii- lnUlit nml iiin,i ili'i- in Urn inui .nul
wniilill liriMil uiniiii-. if Sniili in. -ill i wlimii
ui- iliii-illy til iiiiltiiitK upiiiut,
'i uiilii'll illniil.v dm ,. 1 1. ui s
linliill nihil mi Ml l tin- iiui.i lu.iuiial, Mli' ,nii
lisillln.iti' ili.innil llnnii.-li ulilili inn wnil.lii-.
HUM .'lll'l i.i-inui nf NhiiIi iiinli.i rfioulil nut
i ill,! iiiiillnin' lu mo r.-ilu-i nr tln-li hi(iiiit, Imt
I.l Ulliill I lll'l I .III i.lllll';llllll llilil I i ..lln.illi until it uill iniitinl ihi "lil.l
llilil llllllli. plall' J.llml III iiii'luii nl ,tt
llllll'll'lll llulltr.
Our iiit'itliiK'., In'-il -ii'l Hilmnil, .ii ni.v. ,ui.
ulu.iw JI' In 111 till III til" lIlM i,. Km i ,11,1
li'i,'lliiu-ili' iiinonili iiiit ui Inn., Inn mi tlic nil, i
li.ltul .11? Il lipllllv plnl.tillllilil .imilKt pilll.,il
pnlllllh, rilitilnllS ill-n llill nl I ui pli jlliliii-,
ntul .H IKtl'. Ills l-illimiil tin. IliilllmiuiH ..!
Illil we uiuil.l In' lint illlitul In iln mliu Hun
Id ri'iunitui'iul a iniiliiiluitii' of llit.t in tiiniUt
llui Iiiuikatiuii nl mIiiiIi Iiuiii i-s Hit. ii'jl.'-l
jfll) t"l UUI IIHIHIIIfllt Willi till- l"l llli'j
of il.inpi'r. II Id Hit- ilnl; nl .ill 1 1 jiIi. mil. nl. ij
to tliuly in tlit'Il liumn all ipitsiloin nf Imlu.
trial in pnlllUal llln'ily ami lu uim it.n
nldiijllon li rpu'ntioni ilai'i'll.i alfiitlnK llitni .
a 1-lJs.i, Imt f l'uiouly InaUl llui It i nni
In live poui't nf tlil nr'jnlzat Ion In ilkljlc In
minibus of Hum' union. ulilili p-illilul
lioy ulull tclon;; to u mIiUIi pJih tin-; l. ill
vvtc for.
Tin' elei tions weie fret- of any excltt -ini'iit.
All the uliI oHleers ueie rc
eleclotl without . opposition, except in
lite t.ihe of Fifth Viee-l'reltlent Klfld,
repicsontathe of the wootlwoikei! on
the executive council The cirpenters
thouulit that as they otilnumlieied tin
u'oodwot hers Ihev iind not the wood
workeis, shouM hae the iiprc-i'iila-lle
on the loiuuil, but tiny tlieni
selvis could mil aL'iie on a candidate
and Kltld, with tlie aid of the council
"i iimiiiunlty of Inlet est.." e.uneil thu
d.i. The le-elected oIIroi'D ale:
Piesident Samuel Goinpcrs, of
Washington, D. C; international
piesident of the Cigmmnkcrs.
Fiifat Vice-President James Dun
can, of Boston; nnticmtti seuietaiy of
the Cr.inlte Cutters.
Second Viea-Presideut John Mit
cliell, of Indinajiolis; national i)iesi
ileut ot the Mine Workois.
Thlul Vice-President James
O'ConneM. of Washington, D. C;
untimnl president of the Machinists.
rourth Vice-Pros' dent Max Mor
ris, of Denver, Col.; national secra-tary-treasmer
of the Clerks.
S'ifth Vice-President Thomas I.
K'dd, of Chicigo, 111.; nntionnl sec-letaiy-ttensurer
of the Amalgamat
ed Woodwotkeis.
Si-.cth Vire-PicBident -Dennis A.
Hayes, of Philadelphia; internation
al piesident of the Glast, Bottle
Secietaiy Piank Morrison, of
Washington, D. C, tnemhev of tho
Interna tionnl Typographical Union.
Treasutei John B. Lennon, of
Bloomington, 111., national secie-taiy-treasurer
of the 'railots.
Fiaternal Delegates.
I'lililclc Holan, of .Mcnonaltl, I'.i.,
tllstiicl president of Hie mine wot Iters,
nml Henry IllaeUmoie, of the Miotlier
hootl of t'arpeulei.s and .loliier.s, weie
elci leil I'rateiual tleloKiilcs to (iteat
Ibilaln. I). I). Drlscoll, of the lloston
t't-ntial l.aboi union, was t hosen fiut
ernal tli-leijiile lo I'.inada.
New (irlcmis was f.ivoietl h tln pow
ers that be as the place tor tint neM
muveiitloii and hail a walk oer. Ht
fiiic one-thinl of the mil had been
called It hud more than u mitjoiltv of
Hie T.til'.l Votes, The oilier cities ill till,
rat ii were WiisIiIiikioh, San I-'rauelsco,
Milwailliee, KaiieM-llle anil Atlanta,
Tile IlKllt hetlM-en till" New VorU lllil
elillllstH and Soclitty of IliiKlni'cr.s whs
U lei i ctl lo the executive council. Tilt)
convention endorsed a resolution up
piuvIiiK' a drciiliir to be scut to all
labor iiiKiiniyatloiis aslihifr iiiiiirlhu
tlous for the Hct. uiiiiii sireet cur Hit il: -eu.
At 1)1" opellillK of Hie i-VcnliiK session,
Xtilluniil (iiaanlni-i H, I,. Iteevi's ul tlio
stieet tiillway uieii, who Is londiuiiiiK
the ,Sci allton htlll.e, llllroiltitt'il a le.-'o-liiilott
provltllUK that the Amcilctu
Ffileiatlou of Labor should nppioprlulc
!'.hci) forthwith to the altl ol tin sit ;.
els, lite satin- lo bo temltled I'loin lite
iiiiiliiliiilluns that would come lu as a
result of the cliiuliir letter to lie sent
out in the name ol tho federation.
Vice-President llaje.s moeil at once
lo tifer llui resolution to Hie executive
louncll. .Mr. Iteeves proceeded to make
a spinel) tc'llltu; all about the Hit Ike
when Tirnmuer l.cunou bioke In with;
"Mr. fhalrman. If llieje Is lo be any
talk on this resolution i will object m
Us nt-optlon.'
One objection would throw the whole
matter out of tho convention us uuuuU
mous consent is requited for the intio
ductitin of resolutions alter the Hist
thief d.ijs, but 'Air. Iteeves .ill un
daunted, pi oi ceded with ills spcicli.
Esferred to Council.
Viee-I'iesident Hayes In
testy tones called out, "You ate only
hutlillK jour own cause, Air. Ueee.
We know there's a strike. No speci ii
is necessary.
SUM p.'tsirilUK In his (lelermln.itlon
to be heanl iir-iiUHl all odds, Air.
Uects' went on to s.ty: "I want to
make an appeal. I want to say, Air.
Chilli man .'
President dumpers lu ought down his
ifavel with a i esoundliin; whack and
idtliessliiK All. Iteeves said In a erv
tleiisive w.ii : "You can't discuss the
tueilts of the icsoliitiou. The only
(tueslion bcfoie the house Is on refer! -hit;
the icsolittion to the executive
i oiincil."
Air. Itteu-s nilstiiiilerslood the eh.iir
tuan's l.iiiKuaKe, anil rrsuiueil with,
"Well, then on the merits of the ic.-o-Ititlou
1 will say "
jOlsapproval Shown.
Hut he didn't it any fin liter. Alur
luius of tllsappiovul came fitiui all
pints of the house and the chair owe
iiff.lln told Air. Ueees I lie convention
did not waul to hear anythlni; mini
on the strike, and advised hint lo hand
up his lesolutioii. Air. Uci'Ves sub.-idi-d
and handed the lesolutioii lo the sec
letury. The motion to icfer tlie leso
lutioii in the toimcll was can leil.
The list of the hIkIU session was
mainly devoted to leports of the com
mittee on executive councils' repoil ami
committee on grievances. There wein,
a number ot anlni.iteil debates over ihe !
Juilsilletloii disputes dealt with by
these lommlttets, but Invariably Hie
convention disposed of tlieiu by icferr
Iiik them to the executive council for
As the convention was drawing to a
close n set of lesoliitlolis was adopted,
thanking the clik'.cus and thu Central
Labor union lor their hospitality mid
the pi ess for Its full and accurate ic
potts of the coilViUtlon pioi eedlllKS.
The palnteis eiitertaliU'd their na
tional delegates Willi a smoker at
Purr's hall, Sauuduy night. The af
fair was lu charge of u eouiuilltee iiin
slsllug; of .Michael Htalf, Peter Uoldin,
C ,1. Potter, CliuiIeH Hunne, Philip
Sialf and Thomas I), ivies.
Mnuiaee Valid If tho Ptiest Is
Within VIow of It.
I'liiin i la ii. i Pi t In- Nni Snil. sun.
The iiinstlou of uhiil Is a valid m-ii-rlmte
within the r.ilholie w'.ih
s.'ttlttl many .enis at;o III Hie uise of
Lieutenant l)uiii.aii of the Itlsli lulg
nde, ii case which occupied the cedes.
iasHial i out is of tipuiii for u number
oi e,trs. The llniil ilci-lslon was when
put In plain speech understandable bv
laymen -that the parties to nuurlagc
marry theni.iehcs, Hie pi lest being
im-U'ly a witness of the iissiiiiiptlon of
marlial obligations.
This is the story of the episode in the
Ufa of Lieutenant Doninnn 1 tell as I
heard It In St. AuiTUhtlue. Fin., from
thu lips of thu dent ly beloved lllshop
.Moore, now with Hod's saints; Dono
van fell in lovu with u dauglitei of u
Spanish nobleman, ihen slatioued In
Paris. n was repulseil by the father
of the maiden, who was soon aftcrwatd
sent out as governor of Floildu. Short
ly ulterwutd, the ltltu; of Spain seemed
fiom the king nf France one regiment
of the liisli brigade to g.iuison Fort
San Mai en al .St. Augustine, Fla. Don
ovan obtained n transfer to that regi
onal in order to make another appeal
for the baud of the gitl he loved.
Shortly alter the Irishman landed In
Florida, he pioposed again and was
nmiiu rejected by the father. The girl
lined 111 in and endeavoied to bring
about a marriage without the consent,
of her rather, lint that Intention was
iiinshed by an older liom Uie father
loibUdmg Hie marriage by anv pi lest
in th colony. Then the chaplain ol
tlie Iris-h icglnient pointed out a w.iy ,
in whii It Ihe marriage mir,lit be sol-j
ciniiized without In lulling blame in!
any way, The lovets were advised to
go together to eai ly mass, and say to
tlie pi lest as ho came forth from the
sacristy, "Keerenil father, I take this
man for my husband," and "Father, I
take this woman for my wife."
Tli-il was done. The irate srovernor, '
when he heaid of the ceiemony, clap-
ped Donovan into a dungeon and sent ,
off his daughter to a Spanish convent
by Hie llrst ship that came along. Hut
Donovan was game to Hie lasl Inch,
anil Ills comrades ot the Iilsh brigade, '
olllcers and men, stood by him and
tollectetl u large sum of moiiev to i nu
ll net his care through the -ci leslastl courts of Spain. In due time Hie
Irish brigade- had a grand jollillcatlon
over the outcome of the case u faor
of Donovan and his bride, who wein
happily reunited, and had the pleasuie
or seeing a number of little Donovans
gathered nboui their knees, with as
good a right to bit th unstained as any
chlldien that ensued front man luges
soletnnlA'd by cardinals with tho full
ritual for the marriages of kings and
Sea Mist and London Gloom Have
Nothing in Common.
11 .mi tin- Ni' m I ntiuucit i,i! ilcrlin.
Tlie fog of London and the fog of the
sea alike dlscoinpo.M' trafllc, and omni
buses and steamships alike have had
to lay to for safety. Hut while the
London fog gets into jour Inmost loom
and bailies even Hie electric light
(though the caudle comes out tiium
phant, eutiously), the densest fog at
sea tloes not disturb tlie saloon of the
stiiletooni. Why is that V
The word "log" litis not been traced
fanner back than the sixteenth een
tuiy, but the thing was' known In the
e.'irlj- years of tho fourteenth. The
commons, with the pi elates and nobles
visiting Loudon for the parliaments
and on other occasions, united to peti
tion Kdward 1. to compel the burning
only of dry wood and charcoal, us the
glowing use of sea coal corrupted the
air with its stink end smoke, to the
Stent prejudice and detiimenl of
health. In lUOfi the king piohihitetl the
use of coal; heavy iiinsoni and tines
Wtle Indicted; for disobedience; in the
case of iccnlcitrant brewers, dyers and
oihei oltlct-rs, the furnaces and kilns
wete destroyed. ;m the lestticton
was o Ideally soon lemoved, for in
1K0S $2."ii) (probably etital to about
51,000 now) was paid from the exche
quer for wood nml coal for the corona
tion of ICdward II.
Mr. Chas. Russell, Conceit 'Cellist
and Teacher, of New York,
Will accept u limited number of puiitlH
lu Scranton, For terms, etc., apply to
Miss Jullu C. Allen, rd" "Wi'shlngton
r W
U'jr.HL A
71 J'S1. I
L'V-sttfC 'il"i
Our line is of too
great an assortment to
enumerate, but prospec
tive Buyers wiii be fuily
repaid by looking us
324 Lackawanna Ave.
a l gsato"'" fci a,;
Golden Oak, Re
versible Velour
Cushions by far the most comfortable
of all the moderate priced chairs.
A Fine Xmas Gift.
crenfon Oarpif SFiirnifursGo,
-f -M
Weofl'er many attractive iinlucoments for Chnbtnias. 'Nothing
vill lie more acceptable than
dill ami see our line of Shoes, Slippers, Rubber Overgaiters anil
33o Lackawanna Avenue,
Christmas Clothing
iWcrry will be your Christmas if you
wear our Clothing.
Happy the peison whose Christmas
Gift comes from our worthy stock.
Select your gilt heie anil pay by our con
venient system A Suit for ihe Hoy a Cloak
(oi the (lit I a Nice Waist for Sistera Silk
Waist for M i i a pair of Shoes for I'ather
a foi Hk i. It's easy to choose here anil
easier to pa).
We wit-
you buy lieu
u a Meuy Chiistmas, whether
not, Twci.ty-eight Stores.
HI! CO..
317 Lackawanna Avenue.
Open Evenings, Second Floor.
" i) 1 cV?'
&& i
I I IA 'f'j A-' J" r