iW"' vRSfHi''" j&"; v. t . ., , M5M -. ' J 4 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- MONDAY. DECEMBER 10. 1901. 10 ,ri'j"'- f "t INDUSTRIAL ANDLABOR UrST YF.AU IN HISTORY OP AN THRACITE COAL. Output for November In Thought to Have Boon About 4,500,000 Totin. Only n Small Amount o Coal Hns Clone Into Storni;c Cloning of lake Sensor. Hiw Had Little Ef fect on tho Car Supply The D. L. & W. Board for Today Locomo tives for West Austrnliti. days and Fridays, nertlin In these tourist :ars are Bold at grimily reduced rates. Convenience!) arc offered without cktrit cost, for heatltiff food or prepor Ins tea or coffee, affording every facil ity for comfort on u lon?j Journey, es pecially lor families traveling with children, Lowest rates may bo obtained always via tho Nickel Pluto road for ail points In tho west, for sporlal In formation rcgnrUliiK nil trains on the N'leUel Plato toad, liiclltdlnR theno tour ist curs, consult your nearest ticket tifjent, or write V. J. Moore, fteneral UEent, L'lil Main tUt'COl, lluffulo, N. Y. The Knulneorhm: and Mlnlntr .lournal of .Saturday fii.vk! "Tin best year In tho history of the nnlbraoltn coal trade Is iu-iirlni; Hs end. It will bo lontr rememliered, not only on account of the Ki'eat Increase In ntodueUon shown, but also on ac count of Its bavliiK witnessed the first tuicccssrul attempt to maintain n sched ule of prices that did not discriminate .'ind was binding on all the great pro ducing companies, .lubbers and retail ors at many points have complained of not. sctllnp favors or not being able to ptodt by tlte usual low prices during the period of midsummer dullness, but one man lms been able to get Ills coal tut cheaply as another and the dealer who took advantage of the spring dis counts has now little cause for com plaint. "Tlte output of coal diirlnv Novem ber is thought to have been about 4. r.wi.OOO tons. The output during De cember, If cold and stormy weather dues not Interfere, is likely to be about as great In spite of the holidays. So tar, but a very small amount of coal has crone into storage at the great yards in Pennsylvania and New Jer-vcy- and the mines would ship more heavily were sitllleieat cats to be bad. The closing of lake navigation seems to have little effect on car supply and H is altogether probable that a lack of motive power on the main line roads is as an important factor In the present poor transportation fai llitles as is ear supply. At any rate there is little pi as pect of th2 situation itnptoving much for mouths. "In Lake Superior territory supplies nf anthracite cm the docks are better than was anticipated, but the indica tions are that all-rail coal will be need ed before spring. At I'hieago all-rail oo.tl is arriving more freely. In spite of the poor car supply during the past two months arrivals of all-rail coal are about jr.O.OOO tons ahead of the tlgures for this date last year. Uecelpts by lake also exceed the li'00 figures, though behind those of ISM. "In general, it may be said that the supplies of coal at Lake .Michigan points are about up to the average. The temperature this winter will determine the sir.e of tho shortuyo before lake navigation opens again. Demand at lower lake points and at inland points 'n the east has been active. The vtirl ms coal roads continue to try to re strict shipments to points along their wn lines. Along the Atlantic seaboard ousiness is generally brisk. Lust week's cold wave brought out many orders. Milder weather this week lias permitted a freer movement from the mines and along the coast. The steam sizes are .n sitrony demand and prices are firmer. One road has advanced its prices on pea and buckwheat (free burning) tlfty omits per ton. Certain producers in tho Wyoming valley are trying to get their customers to take Lehigh coals in place of their own five-burning grades. No tloubt, the demand for the steam sizes 'si somewhat affected by the bitmnin tus situation, particularly at New York mirhor points. Tho current prices for free-burning white ash coal, f. o. b. New York harbor ports, are: Drokcn, 51: egg, 5 l.'JD; stove and chestnut, ?l..-,0." D., L. & W. Board for Today." The following is the make-up of the . IX, L. and W. board for today: . moxpav, i:ci:m!ii:k ir. ' Mild Cits i:a.-t 7 a in., T. MiCulIij; !! a. I( ii.. T. I''its'i.iliiik; li a. in., II. IIUWIiik; to,1 ,. in,, 1'. V.in Woni'cr: II a, m., II, IMutly; I . t.::u ;i. in,, M. J, lliiiiiiiMii; I- UK. 'I. A. Iln-.li; I i'. in., ('. W. Piinn; - li. in.. P. C i. iiMiiaut :: p. m., M. I.aiisliin'.v; .', p. m., o. W. 111.. liii.ilil; I, p. it)., (i. Kc.niu'i. Mininill. Tie.-(I a. in.. I'n.st. O. l!.uuMili, .1. ni., ll. rioiiiifpll,'i : u a. in., oaM. .1. UinK-.i; 30 a. in., Tliemioii; 11 a. in.. W. II, Nuiin!-; fi p. in., cist, .1. ('ariiv; p. in., wiM, M. J.'.ild.ii; 7 p. in., Nay Aiiif, i:. MiAllNlir. I'ii-Iiou. tl a, in., Wklniti 7 a. in., S. i'lic iiMlv; b a. in., llou-ii; II. I.', :i, m., .1. II, M.i.-lii"; 5 p. in., .1. .1. Miiri.i.v, r, p. in., f. ILiltliolnincH ; 7,0(1 p. in,, Muipliv; :, p. in,, W. II. Il.irtlinlniiii'.v; 10 p. in,, Lanipini;. t'-i-ucnsd Knali.e. 7 a. in,, (i.ilfnoy, 7 n. in.. Filler; 1(1 a. in., N.iiiin.in, HI ,i. in., ), Jlilln ; t. t p. in., St.uilim: t.'M p. :n., Mifinti'm. Willi f'JN Wot 1 a. in., )'. piiuiluMii: 11 !i. in,. It, C.iliict; 'J p. ni C. ICiiu.-,!ii ; I p. in., A. I). Ketch mi. MJ1K1'. .1, V, lliivin.' mil .J, II. Sw.uU Jhii riCM will mil (i a. in. uil'l (.ill Pi'C Ii, lo llubokco. lloiNi'in.iii Mjrtlu Ki'innjli iL-piiitx tor Tronic felKcr. Ilralannn Kaon Ticriny ivp.nU fin- li.itiu'iti, lliakruian .1, P. Ki. r.e i.Minris (or TliempMii. IImIcii'iiii A. Ihi'ii'K ri'mii lor .1. II. !-.i.iri llr.il.diuii J. lloliciiy iriil tor U. T. i.ipki. This and That. The UaMwIii Locomotive works, of Philatlelpliia, Pa., Is reported to hove secured a contract for eighteen loco motives, to bi used on thu West Aus tralian irovernment railways. Tho MclClcrnan Drill company re cently removed its works from Pater son, N. .f., to Dover, N. .1., and Is now in the market for euulpment for a new forge and blacksmith simp, Tho con cern munufacturefi mlnmu machinery, rode drills, etc. A large force of workmen has started the construction of tho now cement mills of thu Portland Cement company, near Florence, Colo, Machinery for the new works has been ordered, The plum will have a dally manufacturing capac ity of 1,000 barrels, and bo the lurge&t works In tho Btnte, costlnu SKU.Ouo, It is stated that no change will bo jnade In the existing wagu scales of the omployen of Duuuesne steel works and blast furnaces, Homestead steel works, Kdgur Tuomson steel works and blast f unmeet), and Upper and Lower Union mills of tho Carnegie Steel company, mill the same wage rate will prevail at tin, different Cnrneglo works during J Mi aa in this car, Tourist Cms on Nickel Plato Bond, Soml-wcekly transcontinental tourist cars between the Atlantic and tho Pa oillo coasts urn operated by tho Nickel Pluto and Its connections. Tourist cars riR-rrfit to afford tho same sleeping uc conimoilivtioiis, with same class of jniultv&h and other bed clothing that ura piovldcd In the regular Pullman Hlecplng cur service. Thcso tourist cars leuvo Doston Mondays and Wed icada.' - leave San Francisco 'i'ues- a . . . . . . , . . " . " . . , y. . n . t k t . k . v. . v. . . . , . . . h . . . . . t K t Jl JbLC JUL. wt HmJm fc & VARLEY, n S 424 and 426 Spruce Street, Between Washington and Wyoming Avenues. J Bctmmptlon of Sttnsot Limited Ser vlco Between Now York, Phila delphia and San Francisco, Sea son 1001-1002. Commencing November 30 nnd each Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday thereafter, the Washington and South western Limited, operated dally be tween Now York, Philadelphia and .. . . ... .... ..,.. ,t.n ti..... ,......,.. rsow urieniiH 11 mu j.-eiiii-iviiiiiiL i Itnllroad and .Southern Ttitllway. leav- i Ing PhlladeUihla, Uroad street station tit' 6.5." i. tn composed of dining, Pull man drawing-room, sleeping, observa- , lion and library cars, In addition will carry a special Sunset Limited An- , m;x I'ullman drawing-room compart-! metit sleeping car t(,conneet with the Sunset Limited operated between New Orleans and San Francisco, The celebrated truns-contlnental ser vice offered bj these luxurious trains makes a trip to the Pacific coast not only very quick, but most delightful. Charles L. Hopkins, district passen ger agent, Southern Hallway, ;!2S Chestnut street, Philadelphia, will be pleased lo furnish all Information. Additional Passenger Train Service via Southern Ballway. Kffectlve Nov. Si, tho Southern Hull way will operate through train service from Washington via. Itlchmond, Va to Florida and points suuth. i The new train will be known as No. 2i) and will leuvo Washington at 10.60 a. in. over the "Washington Southern Hallway and arrive Jacksonville, Kin., at. y.l," a. m. This train curries llist class coarhes and Pullman drawing room sleeper between Washington and .Jacksonville, also has dining car ser vice. The above train Is in addition to the full complement of train ser vice of Southern Hallway via Lynch burg and Danville. Chas. L. Hopkins, District Passenger Agent, Southern Hallway, S-'R Chestnut St., Philadelphia, will furnish all In formation. The True Southern Eoute. The most comfortable and direct route to all points south and south west is via the New Jersey Central. Only one ehanse of cars between Seranton and Charleston, Atlanta, Jacksonville, St, Augustine. Ashvlllc, New Orleans and all other prominent points south. Pullman service tho entire route. Only one change of cars to St. Louis, Cincinnati, Louisville etc. Quaker City Kxpress leaving Seran ton at T.oO a. m., "Wilkes-Harre at 7.:!) a. in., arrives at Philadelphia at 12 noon. AVasliington at IU0 p. m. Through solid vestibule train with Pullman Duf fel Parlor Car. J. S. Swisher. District Pass. Agent, Seranton. Attractive Display Of Holiday Goods We have made elaborate preparations to place before you the most Sensible, Serviceable and Desirable stock of Holiday Goods that it is possible to bring together. Come to us and make your selections. We are sure to have what you want and make your friends happy. Umbrellas Our Christmas display is larger, better and more varied than ever, including1 every new shape and handle, not shown elsewhere. From 75c to $8.50. Ladies' Neckwear Jabots, Stock-bows, Crochet, Buffs, Feather Boas and vari ous shapes in the new Auto mobile tie. Just received n new stock of jet and white Silk Jackets, ready sellers at S3.25 nnd S3.08. Silk Skirts A most acceptable Christ mas present. We have the prettiest and best. 10.98 $12.00 and $15.00. Handkerchiefs Mammoth display of Superfine Hnndkerchlefs, consisting of initial, hemstitclied, plain linen, embroidered, scalloped and fancy drawn work. Prices range from 5c to 9.50. Gloves An alluring stock of the very best makes. Extra fine Moca with new style embroidery, $1. Others at 75c, and our famous Peerless and Carleton at $1.00. Belts Exclusive display of B elts, styles not to be had elsewhere. Prices always right from 25c to $3.75. Silk Waists If you are anxious to please a woman, buy one of our beautiful Silk Waists, $2.98, $3.75, $5.00 and $7.00 Fancy Aprons A bewildering show of handsome white aprons, from tho plain 25c. one to the most elaborately finished. Prices from 25c to $2.00. Fur Scarfs We have no hesitation in. saying that we will save you 1-3 on the-prlce of Furs. Made a special purchase and you reap the benefit. Price $1.25 to $25.00 . ft ft X .! X s X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X fi X X X X X X X ss K a- ti 6' " &' ; &1 Goldsmith's Bazaar VjsSOup Store Will Be Open Evenings Until Christmas. J We Give Trading; Stamps. K Si a V; a "a '& 'is '4 "a '4 " K "a "a 'a "a "a 'a 'a "a"a "a'aVi'a a "a a "a a 'a "a a "a "a "a a "a 'a'a a a "a 'a 'a a "a "a 'a la "a a "a ta "a "a "a 'Ati 2S s & ct G 09 C5 2 S9 E C O O CE5 323 &5 J2 & 3 S 49 O O 9 O 4S S C3 ZE! C3 C CP 5S C2 (Si . flBnnr I pii Bsiirc fl a i9 n & ft More of the i 0 daennce uuiv " Up till Wednesday evening next, we will take orders for delivery Christmas Eve. Facts for Practical Fur Buyers. Handsome Furs at Low Prices Ours is one of the largest assortments of Furs in this country -plenty larc enough to meet every probable want of our customers, whether lor a modest neckpiece or a royal rich robe of seal or sable; Sable Set, peifectly matched and flaw less, as handsome as anv set ever shown this city the set, Boa and muff is worth $300. Consignment sale . price 1 47.99 Broad Tail Collarette new pe'erine style, very handsome nnd the verv latest thing out. Actual value $150. Sale price 75. U 1) Persian Lamb Jackets. Made to order or fiom stock, as you may preler. In workmanship and trim ming it is impossible to surpass these gar ments, while the skins ate carefuly selected and guaranteed to the wearer. I $100 Persian Lamb Jackets (or 59-oo. $200 Persian Lamb jackets for 123.00. $2to Persian Lamb Jackets for 150.00. The Jackets sold at $1.27, can be had with Chinchilla li.ied collar and revers if des:red. Highest Class Seal Skin Sacques. Made and trimmed in the best possible manner. The skin, the trimmings and the workmanship are fully guaranteed in everv particular. These are made to measure and the ladies may select the skins if they choose. $2. 50 Seal Skin Sacques for 150.00. $350 Seal Skin Sacques for 250,00. Near Seal Sacques. Made and trimmed like genuine Seal Skins, and in the fine qualities it takes an expei t to tell the difference. They are ex ceedingly popular this season and much worn by the ladies who could easily afford real Seal Sacques if they choose to have them. ill 3 0 $50 Near Seal S icques for 23.03 $7; Near Se d Sacques for 3-o8 $Ss Near Silk Sacques for 49.08 Fine Chinchilla Fur Set, perfectly matched and exquisite in quality. The Muff and Bo,i are extra large, and the regular retail price would be $75. Sale . . price 49.98 Good Assortment of Fur Neck Pieces at S3 98 Genuine mink, marten and sable dyed opposum; finished with cluster of six tails. Well worth 0.50. Q Our special price 3.vO Genuine flartcn Black Dyed Scarfs Finished with cluster of six tails . well woith 9 9S. Our special price 4.9o A Lot of Cinnamon tor Scarfs Specially pretty styles finished with two large bushy tails. Well worth ,. $20, at..." 12.98 The Other fur Bargains, Are too numeious to mention. You must come to the store to sec them. t 14 foils li I Of Advice io I sir. ! Christmas Shoppers a e . 3 S3 5 Dou't delay your gift buying uutil the last $j day, because the rush will be so great that you $ cannot get the proper service, neither will you J find as good selection. Although we have au $: additional force of clerks to serve you as politely $: and promptly as possible, there are times when g: unsurmountable objects confront us. ,g Come as early in the day as possible, it will ". be a source of mutual satisfaction, 5: Bring the children to see the moving Wind Mill st and the Swiss Chateau in our big centre window. $; -B -3 A 0 -55 Q "gj 0 j Remember, that after purchasing $10.00 wortli of goods he;e, if you will present your checks you can obtain, free of charge, one of our beautiful Steel Kugraviugs already lramed aud ready to hang. 4 4 .1. -. A A Q' V .-..Ml M- V uuivifLCii: Useful Holiday Presents House Coats Storm Coats Bath Robes ASSORTMENT Leather Suit Cases Neekwear Underwear Hoisery Mufflers 4. Handsome Line of Holiday Sttspenders gains in Women's Coats. 9 G ,u 4A Spruce Street. Hen's Gloves of Every Description. J : Ulsters, Raglans, Newmarkets, Rain and Box Coats, etc., the very newest lining ana remarKauiy low pneeu tor qualities Q 0 0 Yi, length silk plush coats, satin lined and very elegantly finished. Value $4;. Sale price for ready-to-wear or made to order coats 19.95 Full length rain proof raglans, in grey, cardinal and black. Fine gar- Q ments worth $15. This week.. 9.9o Smart box coats, 27 inches long, all popular colors and materials. Satin lined worth $15 9.9o Plush jackets richly lined and trim med with aplique in silk, jets, etc, also lambskins revers, cuffs, etc. Only 12 jackets in this lot. Average , value 35. lor choice I5.9o Full length coats with or vi hout yoke back, nesv style sleeves, strapped seams aplique finish, all colors, value . $30 15.98 Stylish Automobile Coats, m castor and black, yoke shoulders and strapped seams. Satin lined and highly tailor- so exceedingly good. livery item here is a guaranteed fact A splendid $25.00 coat, of the Winter Garments, beautifully tailored, perfect H. for ! 1 4.98 Stylish capes made from reversible rugs, exquisite quality. Storm collars hoods, etc, Worth $25 for 9.98 The latest styles in Raglans, Paliots at correspondingly low prices. Ladies' Tailored Suits. Ladies' suits in pure wool cheviots, serges' homespuns etc, Colors, Oxford, light grey, military blue, etc. Four distmu styles, and they're all new. $13 Q suits for O.9o Ladies' suits in broadcloths, cheviots, Venetians! etc., double-breasted jackets, silk lined, trimmed with satin bars ribbons, etc, Highly tailored, 0 worth 16,98 9.9o Rainy day suits, will stand all kinds of rough weather and defy an ordin- 0 ary shower. Worth $i$ 7.9o The in the black, latest Other suit bargains up to $10, 98. latter are actually worth 35. 00. Grand Values in Ladies' Walking Skirts. Ladies Corduroy skirts, brown, green, etc, cut Irom models, and tailored to perfec tion. Guaranteed $8 skirt, for.. "Horadora Skirts." The style that's fashionable beyond all others. Hire' a bargain that has never been excelled. A walking skirt worth ?5-9S in all popular shades and mater- Q ials, for only J!.9o Other Skirl Bargains. Skirts well worth 5.98, sale price i.8 Skirts well worth 4 08. sale price 2.. (8 Skirts well worth b.q8, sale price 3,j8 Skirls well worth 7.98, sale price 4.08 Skirts well worth 10.98, sale price 6.98 Skirts well worth 12.00, sale price 708 3.98 V. V, St K V. t H V. V, V. n Vt ! 5 . S ". t i 5 - - V' ' V t ti n ti a u . Vj " v "j J "i "i r- " " " "' '- " " " I Our Holiday I Display This Year Finds us in our new store liettor )roi);tnul than over before f 11, vl in U' l'IIMDIII.M.iC S to cater lo the wants of IU IJDAV SIIOIM'KKS i Beautiful Things for Christmas 5 L'k'Clions X X ti Earlv chnioe iV wihf. vi' mvite you lo make solecu i- i '.. .......i ,i,.,:.-1,,,. , ", HOW, WlK'll MUtl ill I' ill lliv.ii wv.ii. IV. . .. . i. I I....... il n v. Z lii making vour selection 01 iJi:unoii(i, you uuw mi- .iS V distance ot mv thirty-live yeai oxpei'ieia-e. ti Diamond! BRE TIE FUKRSER, J 124 Wyoming Ave.0 Look for the Sign of the Big Bear. l Of 4S M 49 4b 4W &Bk tXa Ek dA IS' gU Sei ill all kinds of RINGS. I5KOOC11F.S. I'KXDAXTS, STL'DS. Kte. Fine Gold and Silver Watches 'ith the lliglu-sl liratU' Movements. Sterling: Silver Novelties, Cut Glass and Umbrellas. . X X X X X X .1 ,1 X X X X X 1 ,1 n . , .1.! ...:..:.... r.. , n,ci .1,1'iuc V?t..li !,iwl I ,u.-1rv .llil cveiyiiiHij; ii'ritinniif, -v. .,..- ,,..v ,,..... J'.ltllilllliliv III i ITH r H 133 Wyoming; Avenue. l.'TA I1USU 1S1) IX 1857. R " fl ' A 'A "A A "A A A "A A U 'A "A il "A 'A 'A "A "A"A X 'A U "A 'A 'A "A A A A A A "A AAA '4 Allis-Chalmers Co Successors lo Muclilne Iluslnes3 ot Dickson Munurueturlni; Co., Seranton una WlHtes-Harrc, I'a. Btutlonavy Engines, Uollcrs, Mining Muchlnery, I'unipa. BUY THE GESSUIiN SYRUP OF FIGS ... MANUFACTUUED BY ... CALIFORNIA l-l(i SYRUP CO. IITVOTKTIIK XAJIK. , Jv-V ttc-i KtX. ..-'-. ,&h ' 4',W- 't ' ft