The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 16, 1901, Image 1

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    V, v"
-- fc.titrts.
-.' vHWWuNA M-
. S JPSiuWitf V" HW -"rtWl" ?.,
'Vit V'
4 "it I V W1 i Jk
' M.
"si 'A tiit . v .a jttj,
J ,
4 irS -d!i$l$l5 iL3$iOiS'
From Evcru Quarter Gome Reports
ol Extraordinary Losses to
Lite and Proncrtu.
irorty-eight Collieiie& in Schuylkill
County Flooded nnd Fioperty Lobs
Exceeds a Million Dollais Penn
sylvania Freight Train Neat Wil
llnmspoit Goes Thiough n Bliclge
nnd Thiee Persons Aie Diowned.
The Delawaie Valley Submciged
with Laige Damage to Piopeity.
Allentown and Bethlehem With
out Tiolley Seivice oi Light In
Bethlehem, Evening Chinch Sei
vicss Have to Be Suspended.
Othei Repoits of Havoc and Suf
feung Due to the Stoim's Finy.
Wllkcs-Iluiie, IM, Dec l"i The
Iie.iv l .tin uf vc-tuduv and I isl nifAlit
lllltSOd the Susiltlchatltl.l llvil U lisc
l.ipltllv At ! in link tonight it wis
.'9 lttt above low w.ilu .1 ml still
ilslng All the low kinds on t lie west
ide of the iitt oppo it t Wilkcs
li.lllc, .11 ( IOVC11 d w lib watu f nun two
to live ftot dttp
The town ol West Mom is uitudv
siiiioimiled In w.itu and m m ot the
illll.lllit.lllts.llO ll.ivillg tlltil lllltlsts in
boats, feailng if the i!ti should
ontlnut' to l Ise dining the night theii
Jw tilings iu.i be swept .i.i
All i.ilhoid tiafllt oast and wist is
suspended. A big washout ok mud on
he Lehigh Vullev 1 lihoul at Vosbiug
tunnel and the vvutei is luunhif. "ui
the tiatks a depth "1 sev ei il ft it A
blitlge uossini, ovei a click in i losi
pioximitv to the Susiiuehiinn i iivoi m
the tioitliein p.ut of this iitv was
gieatlv wiakuuil l)j Hit' Hood and m
attempt will be in ule to urn M.iinb ovu
it until it Is put in londition
A washout ottuiiid on tin- Omtiil
ih oid of New Ji-istv at Wluti Tla
tMi width toin)lttci i tippled l hit loid
At the otlitt of tin Lehigh V.ille
lallioul it was m.ittd that the toin
p in eptettd to itsunit tin- i unninK
ot p isseiifji i ti ilti' some linn altn
nildniftht 'Hie otii'iils or tlio I'liitial
Itiilioid wile nimble to s i whtn
tiatllr would he lesttnieil on theii load
t blidKt was washed out at (Sim
Onokn and it will take some tiuu to
H'pali il
A dam usul foi stoiiimr watti loi l
nuiubei ol minis at Paisonb bitist this
nimuliig, lloodinij a utek, whith ititis
tlnouRh tin town Tin watt i Mom
the utek found if 'wav into some of
I he houses in iili and the inniatts hail
to in iki a h ist: exit
In the dlstiltts the wind blew
down small buildings nnd funts and
upiootul titis Altei the wind iiastd
nil last nlRht the lain tame down in
toiients and lontlmttd until this
intu Hint;. Tod.n theie was a itiildeii
ihanse In the weithei. the ttiiipeintui e
f.ilttiw lapidtj and tonight the umI
dtuts of the Vomhih Mille ate e
pi lientlnff ii tout, h ol tlu wtslun bli
rt i d
Thiee Lives Lost in Mishap to a
Fieight Tiain Neat Willlamspoit.
I!,l llu-iw Win u 1H 1 hi i- ii i Hiil I'll-,.
Willliimspoit, l'a Dti. I.'A Mtlht
Main on the I'hlliidelnhl i and laic
dhlslnn of the ieiiui)liinlii lallnud
Weill tlnoUKll Uie lulilhti spinulllK l.
i oiniliB titek, bet weiu this i lt and
Newl)PU, at (. o'oloik tills llloi uhlRr
'I'luee !ies m if lost
Thj' deud tin'
.10IIN MMtl, iiuliiiu, r i iu,!ui, niiiuil
I'KI III lilt i (.1 s, lilt lit ill. si, , ,1m,,., in II 1 1 1
CI OIK, i: Mil n,, su,il,iin, mini, I
The Main was- known an lum Melf,ht
Xii, SJ, and was miiiuIhk lliiee liotus
late inln,t to the (lib n laiueiiu in ol
s(h(iule mow hit; out ol the toini Tin
bildi,i iiannhlfr the emk w is a two
Hi in lion Hllli'tllie llie Ihht sjiin of
whith rfiie mi) beneath the Main. The
eliBllie and nine eitlh wue eilKllllid ill
the wateis The in el. was t,ieiitl
swollen iih t usnill ol the )ipiiv.n i.ilns,
and II Is ptestiiuiii that the middle pier
had been wuikonetl No elloils i oilld
be Hindu to u.uh the hotllts, ow Iuk to
helKht or the waui
All the wtieiins In this hiillou wup
Kltall) iswollui, the ihei heie leiulllllK
a hflBht o teiit-onn icet, whlih did
no dam.iKe In this ilij bojond ilooillus
n few (t'llais on the lowiaudH
A few Htia low in the ihei weie
rnuled nwa l,i oiuliii; and l,onl
Hod; LiteliH wue lioth iiliiioininliy
lilk'h, and the Noitliun I'ential ii. a I, h
alnng the 111 si uiiiiitd tstuaui wue
badly washed nut in plans, and se.
eial bll'lK''S weie ilitniiiKt'd At Kids
ton, a paKsciiKfi Main had to be aluu
doued and the p.ihseimeih mjukIu t,h
giouud to est apt) the Hood
Tim 1'hlladt'lphla and Kiadlnij tail,
rotd bildue at Montoui.svllle w.ns n
veakeiiPd that Malik had to be hus
pended. DuihiR Urn tweiitj-tinii liomt. emllna
at mldnlk'lu UiHl nlKht, the laluiall w.ih
tluto Indus.
Lack of Light Causes Abandonment
of Evening Sei vices.
Hi i:cluslu Wire Item The Awuiiltd Pro
Helhlt'hem, Dee. 15. -In sd Iioiiih
tills nioinlriK the I.ehl(,'li llvet o.i
How eil (he umal and the , iIJoIiiIiik
laihoad tiatka on both -siutis. lloth
tin I.ellli?ll 'alle and .lei se;' t'enltal
nillloiils wen fin tul to miMpend t! lf
Ik. Not slme IMI has the buk-wn'"i
fioui the ilu w i ought sin Ii sulous
diiiiiuge. 'I lie i bunk I osses sn
the d image to Hie t anal will irarh
yiOOUO. while two biltidt "I pillule
ii sldein es In the Hooded dhtilels snf.
lei lo the ('Men of nuiilv rti (i)U Holh
the elt'itlle and gas uinip tnles ai e
without powei, and the i hut lies weie
iiimpellid lo siHpend senile tonight.
Although intiliv head ol lie stm k
his pulshid, no lots of hitiniin life Is
known hi'ieaboilts The LphUh ilti
wat spMiitceii teeet above Ion vvuler
m.ilk lieu befote the people n ilied
tilth daugp'. henu the eveie loss to
pel p opt'i tv.
No Tiolley Cai: and No Light.
Many Industiles Flooded.
11 1 villi hi Win fiim Hi" taciuril Pit
Allentown l'i. Dei I". The most
ib tiinllvi Hood in the krhlgli vallcv
sinie IMiJ si ii tnl this morning at A
0 ( loi k lollowlng i two divs' dt entil
ing tain wh'th nu lied the snow In the
niolllit litis, ( illsing the Ut high llvei
to biionie a l.iglnr ton out '1 he tr le
tinn lomium's powu houses me llnod
ul with spm liet ot wait i whith
diownul 111 i "S lliulil bolleis Vo tiol
h ins hive Ijpi n tun slnte ID o r lrn k
this inoiiiing anil Alluitown is tonight
in I'ai km ss
'lite AfUllide --Ilk mill stistaiiinl a
loss ol oui $onni) l iliuiil Iight
liet ol muddv wild is on the Mist
Hoot, lomplitelv tovtung tin w.uphig
mil winding ni.n hints ami mining all
tile silk on the midlines The Aineii
i.m Mtd X Wue lompiuv s wile and
nail plants m iindti w itt i and thoti
s mils ot doll us d mi ige has In on doni
Hun All ntliti lnduslut tlong the
torn e ot sti tans sntftiul hi'ivllv l)v
w itu llooiling the h isements and Hist
liotus (1 fiiaglug the muliint'iv and
slot k No lliiottgli Mains ue lunning
ninth ot Alluitown and i oiniiiunita
linn bv vii is tompletilv tut oil No
lo-.s of life has bten it iioiled
Tlitie ait maiij washouts along the
1 alh oids Supeilntpinli'iit Wtnt? ot
tin I'liittal Kalhoad ot New Justj. is
stalled in his piivate c n soniewhue
not th ot Allentown Ian k Teudt'i Wil
li iui Hutleit s liollsi and a stable ne it
Alluitown wtie swept awav The
laiuilj esi iped but two hoi ses weie
( niid with the stable into the I.iliigh
livti and di ow mil The i ountv luldge
mu tlie l.i high ilvu hue was b ullv
iliinmgid bv the Hood tine plei Is
utiuiblhu', diif to the pounding of a
land bolt Hi it was washtd fioin its
inooiings 'I lie watu hi gm subsiding
this .iltuuoou and Is slowlv milling
Toity-eight Colheiien Flooded, Tiaf-
fic Stopped, Wiles Down.
Hi 1 villain Wirt fiom lln VoiniiitiU l'ii.
l'ottsville, Pa. Du I" '1 lie gteilest
llootl Stliuvlkill louiuv has i p 'litntid
in iwintv-llve v.. us otuiiied last
night, ii stilting Horn a umtimioiis iiilu
ol sii ill (lavs, whli h i.iustil the
s-i lutjlKill ilvu to ovullow its hanks
Tin total loss Is estiinatid at omi a
million doll, us I'm tv -eight loliluus
of the Ki.ulliii, t'oil anil lion lomp tuv
and oihu loipniatloiis aie ilootltd and
will be idle loi at kast a wu k
In the I! ist (ollleiv, at Ashl mil,
lliiltv nillks wue diowni d A stole ol
lownsliip and l.illioad btlilLri wen
w I'diiil awav, iiu hiding llute in Ni w -i
istle township In longing lo the I'uiu
svlv.mla liiillioul lomiuuiv. Mvuial
((liuitlve lanilslldi s oiiiiiiid along
Hit I'liiusvlvaill i laihoul and tin
Ki idlu,.' iiillwuv. Ti Ulii mu Hi ot
I'ott uille Is ut n standstill
At Hdiuvlkill ll.iviii tin w.tti i
iiaihed tin- 'uond stoilis o iis.
d( 111 i s
Inloi niatlon was hioiniht hue li
iiufscngii late this itituuotiii Hi it Hie
had bioktn out in the vm si sopi. m 1(.
otto i ollleiv, at Kiaiu Inlale The iv
tun of the il, linage annul lie leaimd,
as all tikgiaph mil ultphoiu wins to
th it pint e aie dim n
Dining Cir with Tlood Is Dispatclied
fiom Susquehanna.
lit I ' llllll Will II llll I In Mm I l ,j I'M ..
HliKllielniunii, l'a , Jier, 1',, ow lug to
tin luaiv talus and wiinloi lust night toi,i 'was ui , hiandstiii oa
the Ihle I, lihoul A llllle ot Matk
111, 'II OwiKo on the Husiiui hauiia dills.
Ion anil M'lual hiiniliid lul at llosa's
swllili on the ndawnie dlviHloii ate
fiiliiueiKul. Two hiiiuliiil miu Ii fi
b to it pah the dainage and a dining
nu was M'ni iimn Hiisiiu.iaunii with
loud tin the pihsuigtif. on a 1 1 n in
whltli Ih lilui lad nt iiuimi Teli'jlaph
allil leleplloiie lines tluiiiighiiui ill's
i-i'illoii hale litt u down all dm
A l.dlb,ll S'lillt v Main, on annum ot
hif,h watu mu the tiadu at teiialn on Hint loud, was todav mu
f Mllll Mllllltnil o r.illioudilln on llie
liilawnie anil lllltlcon lailiond, thune
in Owigo oil the lliie mail when It
was again hulled l high uulu.
'llie hiiti Imillill .MHl Delawaie -el.s
me Mill to llie Iiink.s and Hi,.
tltekH aie the hlhliisd In eitls, .Milt i
tlauiago li.tH In ui doni in pinpcitv
ulong the low lauds
Big Industiies nt West E.iston Sus
tain Muth Damoge.
lb I vil'biiu Win Ironi I lit uiuri l'nj
U.uton, Du. 1' -The lit. slut in Hie
Ddawaio and l.i hlf,h liveirt hai? ilone
M'lious tlamage all lluoujh tlilh ,s. t -lion
liailioad tiallit It. uspendfil
and the wutei has ilstn lo 1'ioiit
Ktii'i't, In lids Uty. Telt'oiaph ii.d
tdi'phouo lomiiiuiiliallou is liuti-
The ilvtia ait still rising ai I ho Lite
ol a loot an horn and fiom ailvpes
lereh'ed Mom points up th Deliiwaie
valley llie Dilawute i Iv'ei .III llkeh
toiitlnue to 1 1 ho until mldnU'hl. Thmis
autlH of dollats tlamage luu nlieadv
lit en done lo lite big lmltl"tl It's at
WlHl i.'asloii.
Foi Neatly a Day Not n Tiain Ii
Able to Move.
It) I viliiilir llre fnin I In soeliilt d I'n
rihainoklii, l'a, Dee, b" --Passeiigei
and ftclght Main mm v lie on llie Intiil
In ii tit li or the liindiiig and the Noilh
ttn I'etiMal lalliotds was at u i otn
plete standstill Mom I o'eloi k this
moiiilng until a o'eloi k this evening,
owing to nuineious wasliouts i uiseil
bv the heav v lain istoi in of L"l"idiiv
and last night.
Ntttlitious tolliuv sltlings wue
washed u iiinl at most eveiv ml'n
in this itglon Is Hooded and will not
be opetattd totnoiiow.
A Nuinbei' of Houscholdeis Evicted
by the Rising Tide.
Ill I'Vll Hill Win (Hill Tlio W( Mllll I'll--!
Utadlng, Pa, Dei b" A lit ti t u-Ioot
Hood Is taring In Hie SthuvlKIU ilvu
hue tonight as a itsult of the In aw
tain stoim ol vistuda and last night
Noith of lit uling limidiiiJs ol .uis of
1 unl along the ilvu ue submugid
'I hue wue sovei il seiious wadumts on
the Kenllng iillw.iv noilh ol nine
Mountain All it Unit u Us of tin Siliuvl
kill llvi) also ovullowid tht ii bulks
and the Hood is the woise known in
In this thy the ot tup nits of t iitltu
bei ol houses tlong the ilvu Mont
win ohlikttl to v tiatt tin h bonus
Havoc Wi ought Upon Tences, Glow
ing Grain and Othei Piopeity.
11 I iluii Win Hit - (i i itnl I'n 'S
Huntingdon, Pa, Die I" Vistci
d tv s iiissm liinftll his puilpi
t ttttl a tlistiuitive Hood Ihlol.glloul
tin lunl it i v. ilk j mil thiough tin
low-lvlng lountiv MaveiMd liv tin
I5astown biandi The Ml)" ol tht
stit im has betoim obliluatt d in in uiv
plaits bv tilt ovullow Tod i Hit
Jllliial t tivet hiil i lot n fouiltiii f ( 1 1
and tin Kij stow u bianth muth liigliu
The f.umeis nlong thise stio.unr
hive siist.ilntd an intaluilibk loss to
tune1, glowing giain and otliu piop
eilv Mail ltiniiia wue toitrd list
night to abandon tlitii hoiuts ttmpoi
aiilj The puhlii iokIs to the south
and last of lluniludou an Imii it:
Rain Falls in Toiients and Fjcice
Gale Shakes Buildings.
It I Mltiihi ii c fn in I In -oi i it. (I l'u-
Mulfoitl Pa, Det n One ot the
lit tv lest wind and lain sioims in its
histoiv vlsilid Ki'dtonl last night Tin
lain fill in toiients and a Hem halt
shook the buildini Tin Kavstoun
In .nit li uuh'd Its lii.-'lust jioli't slme
the .lolmslow il Hood it ovullowid tin
lillwav Maiks Hooded out oi two
Iiohms in the vvtsttin mil ot town and
inshttl thiough tht powu Iioum ot the
lltdfoid I.lttlin l.irln and
Powu lonipanv doing t oiislduabli
I. ist nlht a Main was iliknul uiar
lv two hotlis b t I indsllde in ti i-a-lon
The tustle at l.vhtu,ti s ,um
was washi tl awav
The Rite at Hainsbuig Is Nme
Inches in an Houi.
Hi I iilibhi. in In in tin -iui itul I'n -
Haiiisbuig, Pa, Die I' The hiu
tin li.inua livti Ills bun ilsini., at tin
late ol nine Indus an liom siin j
o'doik thit n.oinlng with iiidit itions
Hi it it will (outintte to Use ill night
Time wue two ti el ol watu In tin
engine loom ol the II itiisbui,, want
winks at 7 o'doik Ihls evening
The tit sin t was i uistd b the lu,t
lain lull In the liiulata valkv and
along the west bi.iiuh ol the Siisiiue
Woist Damage Consists of Uniooting
of Several House?.
Ill I Vi IllMt Win fl will till Viilllllll I'll "
I. nu uslt i, Pa., Die 11 A i.ilu and
wind stoi in ni ivdonleiuiv i.iead bin
dlllllig the e.tilj liotus ol this moi n
lllg .Mini) huilsif, wue uuioolid, in
t lulling Pulton opeui lioiut ', Hotel kin
mln Hit hlevi iih iliiiititi and St, Mni.v'n
I'athollt i tin 1 1 li. Some Hiielrf weio
htiewu with limbs toin Minn tuts and
In It Us ol ilUinunlltil thilliue.vs
TIlltiUglKitli the (i)UlttV the Mm III
was not so hi vine, though at I'oliuilblu
lotilri wue blown 1 1 inn a iiiunbci' of
Bildges Made Unsnte nnd Travel of
All Kinds Suspended.
Hi lull .lw Wui'fi iii llu ",h i unl i'ii .
l.ewisiowil, Pa,. Du ki, -Vestt'iilav's
licav.v talus iiiIm'iI the watu in Ks.
Ii.n tiiiilll:is and .bit ks i n eks about ti u
teet ami did nun Ii ilamigo to piopeity
along lite hanks The lailinad biidge
on Hie .Mllio.v biaiiih ut Walnut stnet
wa- twisltil nut ot position and Mavd
on thai Hue will be tut on lor sivual
The in w bun wagon biitlge osei
Jinks tle.k nil llie load to .MIHllllltiw II
wan i.iilled awa liv the Hood 'I'l.ivel
tiM'i hall tliu line of the IttedhV illu
tiollev load Inn- Ik ell Ktouptd,
Hi l.vihbiu Win fiom Hit U-i t iu 'k',
l 1 1 u.l llll llllllJL'l Mum t II l ul, inn U
laniuliil it iiu tl tiik. i.ii miii i
tu lllina i ii-nii lul
Vi VlhlilltitiMi IniUllili, (itttiriut in nu I i in
U Hi mi Iiu' Upl'l li-i f Ilti Vlnlijttk iiui
until hull luu .unl sun ill-Hi" Hit t)
iiui kiiIjiiiIii .in iiiul 1 u.l til' lul milt,
I its uliml ,n 1 7V' vtiii- uttiiii in j. un
Kj-1 I un ui i mil. (mi Hi if IkiMiiui
Iiu -li'iin till t mill In it'll ilm.i.i in ,ni t
tbout tin iiu I Hliinii.iih.
Persons Killed or Misslnu
and Eleven Injured on tlie
lllionois Central.
Trains Going at Titll Speed Meet in
Head-on Collision Between Iiene
and Peuyvllle Occupants of n
Smoking Car Pinned Undei Debiis
and Some Roasted to Dentil, Their
Bodies Being Wholly Consumed.
Injured Stiff ci Both fiom Wounds
and fiom a Temperature of Twenty
Below Zeio.
Pi I ilusjw Wire fi i in riit- V&touitpd I'rc'-
Koikfonl, III. Det II nihil t on
the put of I i otitllli tm to obev oideis
Is stippo-itl ui have bttn the i itlse ol
i lieid-on t olllslon on Hie Illinois t'tn, bitwtui lime and Pel rv v llie,
eatlv this tnoining 'llie two M tins
win Hie i tst-lmiind p issengu ti iiu
.ml i thiough li tight fiom (hiiago
going west As a its)ilt, ei ;'it ptople
aie dt. id ot missing- and tkvui in
luietl Tlie known tie ul ait.
i:lUIltl oi;l-l!, t im uo, iiuimu ui pi,
inii ti im
IVMIs ' MiiitiN, liupiiil, hit m in nf pis i i
tri i ti un
Ittillllii llli)MI's). Diilmiqm, in Viniiiiii
I n - nu -, nii
I . I t Mi t Iih u I ml i miu p ciuu ti un
DWII) III II N, I I 1 II, llil,-llt n.Kiluil
I 1)W Mil) ( MP V, I I,. oil, Il i-lil liieiniii
Tlie missing ate suppose ( tt) he .ut. N'ewsbov on p is uigei
Main name unknown and s"ilion
lot em in Mom Mine n tme unkiKjwn
The moie seiloiisls In imoil aie
II (1. Wellnun Chit ago ttmdilion and .1. 11. Qulnlan unshed
lbout llie dust i onditlon uitlcil
Tlu Mains mi t in a slight btntl In tht
ti uk both limning at full spctd 'the
smoking e'.puss mil biggige tais
wue piled on tht loio'notlves, pinning
in llie on up mts in the smoket. Orlj
tin ec i)t the h i If iloen in Hi it (in
im ijied The othus weie piniitd it)
and it not iustantl' killttl, wue 101st-
td to tletth anil
those of tin engine
1 i on .imn tl
All Uloits of the
tile v ii thus wen
theh bodies, with
news, weie entho-
SDl (II s to n 11 li
unavailing The
tenipeiattlie w is JO digttts below eio
and in it v wliul wis blowing The
iuimetl wilt without li its mil wraps,
and sttlfeit tl tmiblv I!v the unitid
(tloits ol the stuvlvot one ( u was
puslii il link Mom the wtetkagi to es
(ape the Hunts and the woundul weie
plated on the bunks Inside
A it lit! ti iln aiilvul anil took the
Injun d to Ko. kfoid
Si bodks wue lotovtied fiom the
debits but weie tluuitd bevond ntog
Vaiymg Repoits as to the Cabunlties
in Two Dispatches.
Ill I'Vlll.-iM Will III III llll 1,n l III 1 l',
Helena, .Mont, Di t 1,1 spulal
fiom K, UP pell sis a p tssongt t Main
was win Kid on the t'nat Noilhiiu
i lilwuv, 1'sses, -oim attu )nltl
ulght. this mmuini. Some of the
weie oveitutiKd. Among the kllk il
wue Otto Ihlikson, golnt, Mum Swultn
to I'allloinla, J-iven othu.s wete killed,
bill tilth numts luive nor been It mud
Thev wue tluoe eldulv won't u, a
voting glil and time niui. Two othu
ddtilv w unit n ate luu t lutein illv and
nelthu Is epiilul lo sntvlve. l-'oiu-teen
othu pet sons weie moie tn tss
'iliousl) Injuiid
A latu stoiy Mom Aliatondi has It
that otto IMikson was the iuil man
killed About IWflVe ol tout lei u wue
Injun il, Amoiit, the Injuiid uie ihno
tliltil) ladies ami one ouug glil Tlio
oilllf lnd Is f" iil to be sei lousl) hint.
s.iie was iiinind iliult i tin wuikuge
am) lunl to be t hoppul out
Gist of the Ledgoi's Weekly Review
of the Coal Trade,
lit I'm lii-hi Win fu in llu .mln il I'n..
Plilladilpliia Du. 11 The la dgu In
Its toiil ill title toluol low will sav .
"The autliiadte unl tt ule is gt tiing
upon a whin i biss The H.iboaid
uiovemtut Mom tideWiitu hhlppiug
polutH both to New lluglund anil Miuth
ii a pints umtlnuih nu good as the
.siaitli) ofioal will allow, and fidghts
lit 1 1 up, with a demand Im N,
'111 Hie line ami tll tiaile most of
the tonHiinms have In eii wtll Hiipplied,
as Hie induing ol tout In (his Imallt)
was bilsk dining llie autumn, Piltvs
lie lull)' lllitllU ililli 1 1, luu ft Is not i
puled Hint Hie olllt lal diuilai tabs
will be ailvauuil "
lit IVliniu U lie (rum I In Vim laltil Pir.i
lliiuA', Hit rlln I l'i In luiim in
lllll, it III! I llll Mil I I II I i ill IUH Wt 10
I'laiuiul l.t llu widi nun Hun un miu t i
lllll I Ills. IllUlllill.'. Mil lilv. , iUliiUi ji
Ml 1,(1 ki
I'lilii.luii.'. W. i , Du I ii. i w'it,
.ll Sill III. K. 1.11 llltllj. I 1.1 1 1.11. .1. -l... . I
-,. --T-. -...-- .... , .., ,,,.,.,,,., I
liiitluil!) Hit tntlm luulii.o nit ,i tl n iln,
i. i., i ...i... i ..tin. .. . I
I PI II" IIMr, P.JI.l .111,1 ,1111.1 lll!,i. tlj
il, an ml llu l'i Ii otliiiiiul ui .,Jmi IH)
,ilih Inn link lii.iirjiui Iln iln ii'iiulul In
i i i,nHi i iliu, lint Hi ui: i i, mil unit n,
Steamslilp Aitlvnls.
II) I viliitiii' Win. fimii llu WiiUtcil 'u.
Sl ill.a H"l. I Vlliuil, Silllll I..
iuii.1 Ihtii'iuil, I i liniu.m, Huh' snail,
.nupluii -Aitlw.l: llu on o, u MuK in Un
tiuu linn Villi .it I i I, .i-in,no, i , i k.
Miiulk sillt.l: liiniii (doin illiwuu), Nin
llll. Illlllli.limil rvlilill, LJIllnaliu tllulll
IliiU'iuh. St.. n
Denounced by the Central rederatod
Union of Now Yoik.
Itt l,tliilif IMieficiti Hie moiMIiiI l'fii.
New Yolk, Die. 1.1 The setltellilllg
of Sunllngo Igli Has lo liupilsonint'iit,
undei tht Kpnnlsh law, In Poito Itltti,
was tli'iiouiitt tl at todav 's inietlng of
the I'uiMal Pedei iti'd t'nlon, Tlio
mission of Igleslas wan apptoved bv
the t tnlial bod) w hen he loft thin tolin
M iilint'd with iiedelitlulK fioin the
Ameilean IVdrMttlon of Labor foi
Poito ltlio
A ileltgate movitl that n toniiiiltteo
be appolnttd to diult u-solutlons ile
uoundng the seiilente and tailing on
the United .States go eminent to make
an investigation of the whole inattei,
As amended, It was ptoposed Unit a
pi ott st be sent to Piesldenl Hoosolelt
nnd Seeietaiv Ihiy against the sentenc
ing of lgltshts The niattet tlnallv
went ovei until next Sunday, us some
or the delegates thought the union
should move .slow 1).
Republican Meisuie to Pass Pie-
cisely as Intioduced P.uty
Lines to Be Bioken in Vote.
Ill 1 vtliiiiti' m lioin llii Vv-"t I itnl I'n si
Washington, Det lii The houst this
week will pass the. b'll to ptovkle teni
1)0) n v lev i nuts foi the Philippine Isl
ands vvhleh was lepoitrd fiom the wuvs
anil mc ins eominitti e last Kildav. t'n
dei the agieeiiKnt in ule genual drbite
will extend Ihiovighout Tuesd iv and
until 1 o'elnik Wtdntsdiv when a vote
will bi t.iktn Theie will be no oppoi
limit) to amend llie mi istue
Theie will be a biiak In the p.u tj
Hues on both dtlt s ol the house Mr.
Mi Call ol M iss uliusi Ms, the Iteptlbll
i in membei ot the w ivs and rat ms
t ommltlf e. who oppostd the Pm to Itit
au bill dining the 1 st uiiiKU"-', will
speak again .1 Hie ineastue and will be
stippoitid In his dissent fiom Ills lle
publlt in tollftgiits bv Ml Uttlelitld,
ol Maine, mil puhips othei
Ktpnblli ins who opp ised the Potto
Kit. in bill and who hold Uvil i t.imil.u
issue is piisuitul at this tiine
On the Demon nit sidt Mi tlobeit
son, a membti ol the wnvs anil means
uimnutttt, will siipiioit the bill anil
Hie li'inaiude) ol the Louisiana delega
tion will tlo likewi-e Ut'ptesenting the
tane su.u inleie-its of theit state thev
aie opposed to tout i ssions on sugai
liuttis litlii'i Mom the Philippines oi
Cub i
Tl e guii').il billet is lh il the 1)111 will
set uie as m.inv Demoi i.itie votes as it
lusts otcs on tin. Kepubliian side and tin mijoiitv in its favoi when
pi tied upon Its pasa ?e will he about
the Ki'publitan inajoiltv In the house
Siys Today Vill See Him Supplant
Andiew Fieedmnn.
Ill I xlltlMll WlieflOIII llll llllWIlll Pt"HI
New Yotk, Die. 11 A. C5. Sp tiding,
tonight, tleilaiul positMelv th it he had
won his tight in tin National be igue.
As he kit the 1 ifth u venue hotel, he
"At I JO o'doik tomoiiow ndiew
rietdm.ui Is out and A CI .Spalding
wins. '
When Mi. Kiei dm m was Infoimed of
this positive st turnout lit saitl
'Tht to Is nothing Mi Sp tiding tan
s.i) ail) moie thai Is woith) of leplv
Mom me. The inteitsts ot tlu stodi
holdiis of the Ntw otl tilth will lie
an pi) piott i it d "
l.itei in the ei tiling, l'i ink De Haas
Itobison, Tiit'slduit ol llie St Louis
dub, that hit bun unui,JunNtli to Mi
,-p tiding, was Inloiimd ol Mi Spald
ing's di duration He asked . i lew ilit s
tious ulatlng to tin inattei , and thin
suit his t nil to Missis, hodt ii and
Coiiaut, ol Io'ton, who weie in theii
looms In the hotel It is signllltant
Hi it J. Waltei SMdlng, not, longaitti,
i aim lo the hotel ami wat. In toiilei
elii e with lioliiMMi and .sotlen,
. -
Hope Is Enteitnined foi a Settle
ment on Fiiendly Basis
lit I i luili i Win ti. in llu V-.i ilitul I'.n,,
Hin nns s, Du, 11 Although the
hllll Uloil htlweeii Hie Algi'lllllle and
I'hlll ,ovi inipeiits liis impioMil, it has
not been ileal 1) tleillliil, Kvel ) thing
Is qiiht. Tlie Algtlltine govt I mm lit
will, lomoilow, lot waul its lepl) to the
Chilian note.
The hope pinvalls lien Unit eei,v
thlng will be iiiiangtd on u Mleiullv within a lew iIiih It l.s hellevtil
that t hill will hi dsi upon puM-nting
an iusigniiluiiit i lam loi the invasion
ol Chilian teiilloiy b) (hue Aigtntlue
Jiolit elllt II.
The AlgUllllle gOVUIIIlient still loll,
tiiiues taking nillitai) nieahUieH, Mm
ol wealth am olieiliig tin gov eminent
mime) with vvhlih to buv hoisut ami
ollietwla i qtllp, I'lloulil oi eaiilun,
a legiiueilt nf t aiali)
He Will Make His Repoit Today to
tlie Piesident,
Hi I'vlii.ut Win mm Im is. ul iiui I'm.,
New Yoik Dei 1 i- Aidiblsliop
i'liui'i-MIe ot New oihans, at(.) papal
delfgati! to tlin Phlllppliithi, leltitiiul
Mom 1,'uiope todav op tin Mtumship
l.aMittagne. .Moiislgnoi Cliapillo wiih
suit to Manila b) the pope in IV.i'i, at
the miggiHtlou of Pus-Idem .MtKhilcy,
to st'ltlii what wan then known an the
'Mini iiii(sini " on the wa) home
Minn this mission hi Mopped at Itoine
ami lomoilow he iv 111 make his upoit
to 1'iu-ldi ill i loosen U
The itiehblshop ili i Until to dlsi uss
his nibs-Ion , i Im lit'ttue uiakiu'r his
lepoit to lilt Washington aullioiitles.
Senntoi Sewell Impioved.
11) I vilimhi' Win rmm Hi UsouiU'l I'nis
t innliii. N I , 1) i Id tlu 1 1
I iiltut suiia Sunn sunn, uin ijnj ,i,
ib) fli lan-. I., miu il u ill, i .'In.- mil. hi 'ie
M.iitur, ilurhu lie i'.ii i.illinl ft mi hi. IiiMii
ill uf let ii Fi- li l uinl S nun villi lu In in in
liiiiiuilijti ilin. 1 1
Telegram to Attorney Raynei's
Financial Suppoit.
Ih I'vilushp Wlrp fiom llu1 tacilatnl I'ic"
tliiltlinoie, Dee. ID Item Admiral W
S Sthlev has nntinctl Attmney llenetal
Isltlor Il.ivncr that he Is lentlv to take
anv action with lefotiuKe to Ids taso
that Mi. Itnyucr mil) advlMe. Mi. Ilay
nef eprets to meet the admiral hi
Washington tontoirow oi Tuesdav.
When asked whether he ravoied a ton
KtuMslonnl Investigation, Mt. Itu.vnrl
"I doubt whethoi l inocecdlng of
this soi t Is the inopci one. It genei
aliv assumes it polltleal aspeet. At this
time I am of the opinion that the
tn.ittei should be piosei uted In the
mints There aie plenty of ways lu
wlildi this can be done, and this week
we will begin to t onsult and deteimlne
upon oui louist' of action"
Among the telegrams Mi. U,i)iier has
U'K'lvid nine e the ion of the
(hidings ol the totiit of Infinity was
one fiom a gentleman In .mother state,
wlio asked tliat his identity be kept
send, with an ofiei or MD.OOO rot the
nieissut expenses attending ii tuither
ptoseuitlon or the ease The offer was
After Its Rntification, the Senate
Will Piobably Take Life Easy
Till Aftei the Holidays.
lit I clushc Win trom The ao:iiIciI Trc?
Washington Dei 11 'I he disposi
tion ot tlio senate is to do Vtiy little
busiutss he) find acting upon the Ha.v
Paunterote tteatv befoi e atHouin
ment to the holldi)s In aitoidance
with the agitoment itM(h"d Fildav,
the Meaty will be voted on berore the
enatt' adjoin lis tomoirow. Sen.itoi
Tillei will make the Hist spteth ol
the day tomoiiow, and he vdll be bil
lowed bv other senatois with Inter
specthes The opponents of llie Meat)
admit theie is no doubt of ratifica
tion On Tuesday, the annouiit enient it
the i hinges In t onunittee-, will be
mule, end time Is a piolubility that
atte this announcement tie senate
will adjoin n until Thuida). when Hie
adjournment foi the holida) s will take
place, el ndlng to Jan. C If theie
are business sessions Wednrsdav and
Thin sdav, Sen.itoi Moigan "HI make
an eftoi t to seeuie action on his bill
anthill Ulng tlie acquisition of light ol
way foi the Nieaingmi t anal, but
enatois on the Ileptlbllcan 'Ide of the
t liunibei ate hit lined lo postpone all
impoitant legislation until uitu the
holida) s
Theie piob.ibh will be action betme
llie adjournment ot Thuiscktv on a
minibei of nonilnulinns, tuul the
ehanres aie Hut Atloiue) Genual
Knox's nomination will he among
those to loieive attention, 'the Intio
duetion ot le olutions healing on the
case ot Admiral Schlev is also among
the piobitbllltlt's, but no action in that
tlltetllon is unlit Ip.iUd foi lit" pieseut.
Condition of Mis. Ada Gilbeit Den
nis Glows Moie Seiious.
Hi lAikiihi Mu (mm II' -icMM Pic-i
Washington, Doe H Theie was a
slight i limine lor the woise tonight In
tlie i onditlon ol Mis. Ada Ollbtil Den
nis, Hie fashionable iln ssmakei , who
wits so inuideiouslv iissudieil lust
Monti. i) ulglu while In her b d al In r
li sldt lite on K htieel
Time his bet n no tnipinvt inent in
Ilti un iiiul t onditlon and the iletu lives
have not beut able to olitaln fiom hei
auv tiling tliat would lend to tlie ds
tuuiv ol the Ideutltv of the assailant.
Hifoit' to obtiiin a duo Mont othei
sum its have been equallv tiiisiietiss
Mil i i m
Foil Against a Saw.
It) l.vilil-bi Win II in lliiAviitliliil Prvvi
Sti mulshing, Du II.-While s.iwing
wood by menus ol u levolvlug tliiiilur
siw, .lohnsiiii Moslellu, lesiding in
Hamilton, tell sulking Ids knee on
the Miw Tin sluiip tc till ol the niw
v.i nt lino Hie me iiihu in sin h iiianiiu
that ! llktl) to itHiilt in aiuputalioti
ol the leg
John Swlnton Deid
lit I mIii.Ih Win (urn llu V'ulJlul I'rri.
NlH Vl'lli, Pi. I'' I llll Sulntiill, In) 1,1)1
I leji'u "l Iul r mt iii'.-itiin. innl l Mini in
.nili lopiiN illul I "lo it lik In mi' u l.uii.lltn,
l.i I "tl Mr vtllitim ' I liillit tl W a a.
Ill, .ml l'ir .1 luu' lum i .i imlu, In
inn t li in limit nil- In mi- innliii il milt
N Villi ihimii. .i i hiIiii ml e tm' dm I pqnl "t In- i v 11 III- mi ni.tln I.ilu
Seveutean Fiieinon Binned.
tl) rilusiir Wilt Iriin llie .oiHloil t'rtii
XlH lll llll l'i llll lll'll ll IIUUl llll.
lll.'l I It IH I ll llll ill" II l ' ll'llll MUI'IUII)
III Willi iiiivlmu s uiiiiin Iln nu li twit Intuit I,
s nu 1 1 iln in -ulni-lt 1 1 . i lliiiit-il il Jl'i','
Ml) lo r ijl.tltlll
Bndenhoist Cnptuied,
Ih I viliiiito Wtii lum llie sn unlnl I'iiM,
1 unl in, llu It Vil ii i t nut a iln a
.liii In in lunl lib li.ii.i U ni I'ltt'ili iiint
il. uiijimi ml t ii'liin l t iiiimiinUnt Bui u
iut uilli t tuili nf II u. i siuKfuiiiilii.
Death of Bishop Leiilhan.
lb I vilinlto Win ftuiu llu- lmiuuil I'litn.
l i iiilll.iuu, l.i llu 1 Id. I in.iii i.
Milli'.i, I unl, in i) i lil.-li i .) l Int. li i,
Win mln.', mu i tin li-i lam u imliii- O
tli I all Hi i bint li III llu iut il'ul lull tu-
lllnl I tl-lll'l iiu It in iv i !l V lie llll.
Eaithquako at Manila.
Il.t I vtliijlvt' Will fniii lie Av-ucwtiil I'fci.
v mil), Un I) 11 imi,i iJriliiiul.c tli" Iv
mu' IMS ii4 lilt lilt' li) )iiuriilii); Iln? I.niic
ia mu i jnl nun)' wire uaui.i0iJ.
Administration Garries Everutlilna
Before It In the Election
of Oillcers.
Special Committee Declares in Favoi
of a Liberal Construction of the
Autonomy Clause nnd the Conven
tion Almost Unanimously Concuis
in the Committee's Views Social
ism as Usual Gets the Cold Shoul
tlei Business Was Not Concluded
Until Neaily 1 O'clock Sunday
Morning Delegates Stalled Heie
by Beason of the Washouts on the
Various Rnihoods.
At 1 o'clock )esteiday motnlnpr, utter1
thiee busy sessions, the American
Ftdeiation of Labor (lulshed its list
d.iv's business and wound up It ten
tlav annual tonventlon by the dele
frates Joining bunds and tdiiKltiK
"Auld LmR S)ne." under the leadei
shlp of the Inimitable Ben THIett thu
fiateinal deleKale fiom Great Hiltain.
Tlie deleR.itCH .tie stalled here by the
lesults ol the stoi in mid those HvIhk on
the Paellle t oast and other distant
pluees aie ety much peiturbed over
the p'ospeit of having- to mike a ton
tinuous ttip to leaeh home befoie the
1'icsident (lompus. 1'iesident Mlt
ehell, of the mine woikeis; Piesident
White, of the R.irment makets; Pres-ile-nt
Kecfe. or the loiiKshoremen.
Piesident O'ContiPlI of the madilnlsts.
and a nuinbei or othei s are scheduled
to attend the session of the National
Chic Pedeiation, vvhlih opent in New
Yoik this- morning Thev teleRiaphed
the) would like! j not he able to get
10 New Yoik today
The eeiutlve council ol the fedeia
tion spent )iHtoidiv in seuet session
dealing with matleis tint hud been ic
feiied to it by the eonventiou Piesl
tlent Oompeis s-uid list night that
nothiiiK was done that could be given
out foi publit.itlon
Piesident llompeis epiessed bim
spU us hiKhlv Ki.itllied with tlie wotlc
of the convention and with Siwin
ton as a t onvention lit)
'The lesults of the convention's ac
tivltiis will have a milked Influence
on huinanltv'H elevation,' said Ml
Ciompeis" It was a meetiliK ol u host
of sineeie hiKli-minded men. with un
selfish put pose and an eve singly and
alone to the bettei inent or the woik-lim-men
and tonspiuientlv to the bettei -ment
ot the whole tountiv"
Tlie closing sessions made up a fvieut
fteltl da) toi Hie uchiiinlstiatlon. The
intuests lepiesented in the cecut!e
coiindl hail eveiytliiim their own wav.
.Ml tlie national olllieis, who iompibe
the council, weie i e-elet tetl their can
didates tor tiutet nil deliRiteships had
n walk-ovu. the isodalists, who ate
attemptiUK: to t haniTe the whole polity
ol Hie Pedei.ttliin, weie iKiiomlnoudv
lotltt'd, and the ndhi lents ol a llbeial
iiiteipU'tution ol the autonomv duue,
lie.ultil 1))' Su ond Vice 1'iesl.lent Mit
i hell, national piesident ol the Mine
Woikeis. won out with . iirely a
sti ugflle.
Matter of Autonomy.
The most tmiously awailtd tveiu of
llie wiek, th" leptnt or the hpeclal
imnuilllte on autonomv, v. as pie
.seulid in the alieinoon. It was e
peitt'ii all along, until riiday, Hint
Hie lepoit would be an iinotliilitled en
ilni -eiiieul of the position lakuii by lilt
libei.ils. !ui oil riltlll), the eecutive
count II. in a siippleniont.ii" lepoit.
dt dated that the elfin t on the put
ol the bieweiv woikeis to foiie llie-
uiiii glneeis and loopus emploved
at bievuilcH into tlu- Itiewuy Woik
iis' union, was a dlieu violation of
tlio (onstlltitiiJii. This was loustiaed
b oillHldelx lo be a paving of the wav
tin a declination ul .sti Id autouoniv
Mom the np'edal utittnioinv .ommlttte
iippoluttil by Piesddont Uo'tipeis. It
deMlopul, liowevei, Hint It 'van noth
ing moie or bus than a I'lliitlu im
noiiiiilamento of the exeuitivo (OiiU
tll that It washed Its hauls of the
autononi) huMiiesst unit theteby plaud
ItM-lf in a position to decline tliat It
stood b Hie loiistltution .ntuhiM all
The repoit ol the spulnl uiiniliitli "
Is not a stiuddlo by any nriunei of
lIH.illh. It det lines posillvvly for
oiniuiiull.v of jtitbdlc tnui
11 lould not be moie to the liking uf
i he minus thin If wiiiteti b Piesl
dtnt Mltvhdl hlnu'ilt. I'tildent Mlt
thell, IneldUltallv, was a nuinbei of
llie touimlltte
No Exact Line.
The lepoil rfOt'H nil tu Nil that It i
impossible lo dellne the usui't line of
lit nt mini! ni Vifo ! I
im ii iiui M ii- n. I"im
IlikliiM uii. i nun -r ili.i'-.'l
luiMii tiniiiilm" , 1") W
Ikliiitt llumiillt).
si 73 nr cm
- i in . ii.i lr nu
lniliililiiiii, JI lioiiH tniliil S 1 1, in, I Wi Indus
tt4'f -f-fi-f-f-f4. 4.
- 4-
- Wa.liiiiKliMi, lid 1" I'tririat mi Mem. -f-
f iln iiml 'luivliv Kiitui) l'i ni) It inli -
-f I ill lli'liollu MiiitiUv. I'll ilj), Mil! -
ilmiiiinliii iiurtlivvctirl) uln.U. -