The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 14, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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    t ' & .'" ''y ;"wv$ ? Ki.
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The News of
Delaware nnd Hudson Railroad.
S'lin-mlii-r 21, I1) I.
Tr.ilni leave t'Jtlinnil.ili' at illy st.itluti , ol.
i-'or Scuiilon mnl WI11.M-H.irri 0.00. 7.l1. SUiO,
Mil,, 11,21 n. in. i l.iio, 1-4". '--". '""
6.IHI, 7.00, 10.111, ll.ft) i. Hi. , ,.
SiimUy lidln leav.' at H..VI, 11.21 a. Hi.! 1-1",
2.1(1, 6..V), R.UO i. in. . ,.
I'nr Allunv, SMniIuiM. Mmilicil, llmlnn. Now
Dimliinil iofnl, i'(i' ".HO o. in. I -:u ! "'
I'nr U'.ivnmrl nml MuiimiIjI-', 7.2.!. . "
.1..M, p. in, . .
Sunday tr.ilm lr.iii I nml Hiic.! Jit
al n. in.; ,V p. m.
Tlnlin iitrlvi' ul railinml.ilo liom WllkM-l n";'
nml Sii.iiilnii u followi. U..V). S.:i". .". 1IV.
n. in.! I2.SI7, 2.1X1. 3.1:!, 1Ai, I1.IH, 7.01, S.ill. ..d.
II. ft" i. in.! 2.0S a. in. ,
Snnil.i.v 1 1. illi. arrive- at 0.27 .1, m.i 12 10. M-
I. 'J. (LSI, ll.;!il p, in.
Siiml.iv Ir.ilm iinln at,' from Jy .-iiiil Mot I.iIp at 12,17 Jinl 7..V, p. in.
New York, Ontnrlo and Western.
f-.-pt. 17, K-01.
Tr.ilm leave Carliouilalp lor Sor.inlon at 7.00 a,
in.: I.oo p. in.
Nihil ly Ir.iltn nt 7.0n a, m.: fi.od p. in.
Tr.ilm Ir.ivo Carlmnilali- for piilnW north nt
11.10 a. m. On Siimlay nt li.lo J. in. luliu
Iravlnit nt 11,10 a. in. vvt-i'l. Ij. anil li.lo a. m.
Siliiilayi inakc iiiiiiit-i-llnii-i for Si-w Vnrl;, ( oili
wall, i'lr.
Trains snrlvo fiom Siraiiton nl 11.10 a. m.i J'-,,i
. in.: fiimi pniiiu not Hi, l.iJ p. in. Siini!ns
from Siraiiton at n.Hl a, in. ami 7.l.' p. ui.i
frotn C.11I0.-I.1 at D.IKI p. in.
Erie Bnihond.
.Illlli' 2.1, 101.
TmIih li-avc fit v station, rarlioinlali-, tl.illy
fi'vupl S11i11l.1v) at' 7.00 a. 111. and l.":l p. in. tnr
Ili.itiiil ami Iik-i-1i; al IJ..SI .1. 111., dally (w
iipllns SimilJV), lor IliiiKliJintnn. iiuKiiik on
ni'itlons for New Yolk illy and II11IV.1I0. and at
M0 p. in. for Nnqui-liann.i, nuking ruiini-flwn
for olcrn poinM.
Sunday tralli4 at 0. 1."i a. 111. for SiiMiiir-liamu,
ttllli vvcslrrn tnniieotlon-i, ami ('.27 p. 111., Willi
fame t-nuni-rlloii'i.
Tralm arrive at 8.5:1 a. in. ami .1. 1 ." p. in.
Sundaji at S.5'1 .1, in.
Srtdly Impressive Services of the
Late John Fnrrell, of Mrjyfleld
Tin- latf .luliu Fiii-ivI, thi' Onliiilo
( ul Western L-oiidtii'tor, wIiush lift'
gfont out while he was faithfully dls
lai'KliiK: his diilios, was laid at rest
n Thursday nioriiliitf iiimnlf; I he
eli'Pliinp: dead in St. Kose eemetery.
The last riles of the deceased were
sadly impressive. There was a Ki'eat
cHitpourliiK of the friends of the de
jiarted one and the jiroeession was one
of the largest ever witnessed in this
olty. The life of .Mr. Farrell had its
influence in many walks of life and in
tin; KatheriliR at the hereaved home
nml at St. Itose church where the ser
vices of the dead were celebrated,
vh ere the friends and acquaintances
whose respect and wannest friendship
he held and whose hearts were touched
by the sad circumstances that separ
ated the ties that hound them to I1I111.
That ho lived In I heir memory, how
ever, was amply attested by the marks
of respect and sorrow that their pres
ence showed.
The mass of requiem was sun? by
Kev. (leorKu Dixon, who also spoke ten
derly of the deceased In the eulogy he
delivered at the conclusion of the abso
lution. About the casket was a profusion or
floral remembrances that came from
friends to whom the deceased was par
ticularly dear. The pieces were:
Ibokeii brake wheel, 1'iieebui'K Ontario
and Western employes: cavalry
crosses, employes Ontario and Western
yard: flutes Ajar, with linscriptlon,
"Husband;" Brother Wreath, by broth
ers; lloral pillow, Ontario and Western
Itailroad company.
Floral carriers Daniel Toolan, Jas.
Qulmi, Frank inch, -:, P. Myers, An
thony Tallel, John Qulmi and the
pall-bearers were: Peter Storch,
Owen I.oftus, Joseph Gallagher, Peter
jDockerty, John Collins and John Har
vey. Those from out of town were:
Mr. and Mrs. Kdwurd Parrel, Oneonta,
N. Y.; R .'. Parnell, Costella. Pa.;
James Farrel, Cousport; Mary Farrell,
and Mary Frazee, C'ostello, Pa.: ('.race
Shanley. Hancock, N Y.; P. O'Hara,
Forest City: M. M. Coy Throop, Maine
MeCiovvuu and Mrs. Kelly, Scranton;
Iizzio Tlernoy, Dunmore; Alice anil
Nellie Kelly, Olypliant; O. O. Jiourke,
Cadosia, N, Y.: Hugh M. rjranaghau,
Hancock, N. v.; Patrick Walker, Huf
falo, X. Y.; Mrs. J. Kelly. Hyde Park,
and Frank Gllleran of Olypliant.
Mr. Farrell was not u native of Car
bondnlc, though lie showed the same
Interest in the city and its welfare as
thosu who claim this city their birth
place. Ho was born In .Starrucea,
about 20 .years ago. ITo came to this
city about ten years ago and was em
ployed on the Ontario and Western
soon after the branch to Scranton was
opened, He was faithful in t'Vt-vy post
that ho illled and It was while in the
faithful discharge of his duties that
ho was killed at OlypTiant on Monday
Inst, In all his relations he was up
right and honest and merited Hie. re
spect and esteem showered on him.
Those who survive him are his sore
stricken wife who was Miss Anna
Walker, or Maylleld yard and lvo
young children, Kdwiml and Frank;
also two brothers, KUward of Oneonta,
X. Y and Daniel, of Maylleld yard;
' two sisters, Mrs, John Pldgeon and
"Miss C'unovlevu Farrell. both of this
This Is the time of year when the
Btiml-anuiiul election of olllcer of tile
fraternal societies lake place. The
latest of these elections are as follows:
Fidelity conclave, Xo, 13, Improved
Order of Ueptasophs: Alchon, F. It,
Dever.s; provost. Waller AVills; prelale,
J. If. Sampson; secrotnry, John W.
Klrkwond; ilnancler, K. V, Iteynoldsj
treasurer, A. F. I.oftus; Inspector," II,
M.-Haker; wurder, J. II, Morrison; sen
tinel, Joseph I.liulsuy; trustees, i m.
.Tucker, J. P, Campbell and Thomas
. Council,
,'i)''m'.h.3o, c, m, It, A-; Chancellor,
J. II. connaughton; president, itichard
II, Kerwln; IllSt Vice-president, John
Milonu; second vltii-ini'sldeni, John K.
Urowji; corresponding secretary, T, ..
Kii'kwood; assistant corresponding sec
retary, William irndy: llnunclal secre
tary. W. J. lilenuuii; treasurer. James
O'Hoyle; marshal. It. J, Keating;
guard, Philip Powilerly; trustees, Alex.
McDonald, William McNully and P. U,
The following olllcers of llebekah de
glee or Odd Fellows were Installed:
Noble grand, Mrs. F.dltll Cornell; vice
grnnd, Mrs. Mary Itoberts; ilnanelal
secretary, ti. AV. iiughes; recording
secretary, Mis. F,llu Price; treasurer,
Mrs. Uvu Dlx; chaplain. Mrs. Chester
Wright; conductress. Mis. Carrie Wells;
warden, Mrs. Mnry AVIer: H. S. X. CI.,
Mrs. Clara Krantii; h. S. X. (!., Mrs.
I.lsszlU Campbell; It. S. A'. G Mrs. I.ud
wig; L. H. V, a., Miss Muiid itoberts;
K, A. K Mrs, Haiitiiih Tonkin; I,. A,
S Mrs. bills; outer Kiinrd, .Mrs. Car
ter: Inner guard, Dora l,udwlg. At the
close of the Installation Mrs, lldllh
t'ornell, In u neat speech, presented
Past llrainl .Mrs, llerthn liarber, In be
half of the lodge, with 11 handsome lie
beknh budge and pocketbook, for
having brought lit the most new mem
bers during the past year,
Slogan Raised nt Last Night's Foor
Board Meeting Refuse io Fny
Rental to City.
"Xo more rent to the clly for past or
present," was the slogan raised at lite
poor board mcctlnir. The minutes of
the last meeting had been read, when
Poor Director MeCnbe arose, and in lite
following words opened the battle-cry:
"Gentlemen: I urn opposed to pay
ing any rent to this city. We have a
room In this municipal building and we
ate part of the clly government, ac
cording to 1 he city charier. In Unit
you can read the duties of poor direc
tor. I don'l see why we should have to
pay rent. We have the poorest loom
In the building. The board or health
has a better room lliau we have, nml
(hey do not pay any rent. You are in
danger of your life here, when the lire
alarm bell over our head Is rung. We
have a poor farm in Greenllelil which
belongs to the city of Carbonilale. The
township of Greenfield releases ns from
paying: tax on It, yet we have to pay
rent here for a miserly little room In
the garret. To my mind It Is a case of
'Go away back nnd sit down.'
"Secretary Gillespie, of the Scranton
poor board, told me Hint the city of
Scranton does not charge them any
rent, and they have the whole ground
Hour. Here we have a bill for JIO for
rent of this room In ISH7. four years
ago. asking us to pay for rooms occu
pied by directors four years ago. We
have already paid $210 rental since we
came on the board. One pari of the
city government does not have to pay
rent, yet we do. l.el us take some ac
tion nu this matter, consult our attor
ney and then appoint a committee 10
wait on councils."
Mr. McMillan I make a motion that
we refuse lo pay any rent due for past
occupancy, present or future. the
city take action against us to collect it.
Let us refuse lo pay both the old and
the new bills.
Mr. Thomas thought the opinion or
t lie attorney should be secured before
any action was taken.
It was decided to have the following
committee secure the opinion of the
local attorney and go before councils
and report at the next meeting:
Messrs. Williams, Mcf'obe and Lynch.
A number of bills were then read and
ordered paid. The auditors' report was
received and Messrs, Williams, liurke
and Lynch appointed a committee to
look over the audit. The following
bills from the auditors were read: II.
H. Jadwin. :il.r,0: J. F. Wheeler, $;ii.r,0;
('. II. Gorton, $31. .10.
A motion was made and carried Unit
the bill against former Treasurer of
the Poor Hoard Fdwln Moon for $40,
for farm produce, be placed In the
hands of the attorney for collection.
The Irish Minstrel's Successful En
gagement at the Fourteenth Street
Chauncey Olcott, who is a favorite
wherever he goes, has a mighty big
crowd of admirers in Xew York city
and whenever lie appears at the Four
teenth street theatre he is kept there
for several months. This is true of
"Garrett O'Magh," which will be at
tlie Grand on Tuesday night.
In this play there Is an abundance
of strong scenes, sparkling comedy and
Interwoven with the whole main plot
is a pretty love story that makes tlie
whole intensely interesting. Mr. Olcott
will sing in his delightful tenor voice,
five new songs of Ids own composition.
Tlie diagram will open this evening
at 7.:!0 o'clock, checks will be given
out at 7.20.
St. Paul's Lutheran Church.
St. Paul's Lulheraii church, I lev, F.
F.hiuger, pastor. Third Sunday in Ad
vent. Sabbath school at !i.:!i) a. in.: ser
vices at 10.110 a. 111, Sermon on Gene
sis, il;!ll, "Come in, thou blessed of the
Lord: wherefore slandest thou with
out V" In answer lo I he gospel for to
day, St. Matthew, 11:2-10, St. John's
After services will be ihe continu
ance and closing of (he annual meeting-.
In the afternoon al 2."d o'clock, the
teachers and children of the Sabbath
school will meet in the church. In pre
pare for Christmas eve exercises.
Second Number of Series.
Tlie second lecture or the series nu
"Ancient Types of Modern Men," by
Uev, H. ,1. Whalen, will be heard to
morrow lilnht in the Heieau Uaptist
church, lie will have for Ids subject,
"Thomas, the Doubter." Last Sundae
evening ihe first of the series Was ")e"-
nietrlus, the Opposer,"
Those wlio heard that will also be
glad of a cliance to hear tlie second
number, and tlie probabilities are Unit
the renowned sneaker will be listened
lo by a large audience.
Officers Elected.
The following olllcers were elected
Tliuihday night at camp 1:1s, Sous of
America. They will be Installed by
Past Captain C. S. Alexander, Jan. il,
111112; Captain, I, 11, Colvlu; (list lieu
tenant, James Ityden; second lieuten
ant, V. J, Pinch; camp council, 11, v.
Gilbert, P, II. Smith, and C, AV. Myers;
delegate at large. F, l. Smith; alter
nate at large, J, A. States; delegate,
P. M. lluhbs; altei'iuile, John Hudson.
Men's Meeting,
The men's meeting at the Itereaii
Haptlst church next Sunday will be
held at the usual hour, ii.i.i a. in., and
will be conducted by .Mr. Jason Stod
dard. The sluglug will be In charge of
Mr. John Hone, who has kindly con
senled to net as chorister on these
'Joshua Simpldns" Tonight.
To hear a splendid orchestra com
posed of professlnual musicians, dis
course n repertoire of standard and
popular music, incidental to, and be
tween the acts of a popular comedy, Is
something that is promised to the pat
rons of the Grand opera house, in the
performance of "Joshua Slmpkins,"
which will appear here this afternoon
and evening. The orchestra ju Itself
Is claimed to furnish an evening's en
tertainment. Iteiulerliig several sensa
tional dlsciipllve selections, mieh nn
"A Night 111 Coon Town!" "tlnclo Hani
In China:" "A Trip to the Paris Ex
position!" "Hunt hi the lllack Forest S"
"Front llaiieiii to the Hit I lory;" "A
.Signal From Mars," and many others
In which the erfecls of steamboats,
trains of cars, thing of cannon, thun
der, lulu, lightning, the railing of stars,
ele., are realistically introduced. Mat
inee prices, adults, 20 cents: children,
10 cents, livening lue., 20c. nnd noc.
Thonks from Hughes Family.
Iteese Hughes and daughter, Mrs.
Mattle Ilughes-tlrown, express their
gratitude In kind friends for the sym
pathy and help dining the recent be
reavement, In the following sincere
"A tender word, look or deed In time
of anguish makes sorrow a little easier
to bear, and to tlie very ninny dear
friends who so kindly assisted and
sympathized with ns In our recent be
reavement, we wish lo tender a heart
felt gratitude that words fall to express."
' Several Changes of Residence.
The following cluinges of residences
took place recently: Owen Coleman
from Fallbrook street, to the properly
lately purchased by him on AVyomlng
Horace Hoyle of Wyoming street, to
tlie house or the late Mrs. McDohntigh
on Fallbrook street.
Walter Corey, or Wiiyinnrt, to the
house at tlie corner ol' Seventh avenue
and Washington street.
James Creegan, assistant superinten
dent of the Metropolitan Insurance
company to 1:10 Wyoming avenue.
Pythians' Stag Party.
About forty members of Cnrbondnle
lodge, Knights or Pythias, had a most
enjoyable evening at a stag party in
Gernianla hall on Thursday night. Tlie
festivities were fraught with amusing
features, aside from the exchange of
fraternal greetings. The feature of the
night was the turkey supper Willi ap
proapiiatc washes that the appointed
committee served so well. This com
mittee was: AV. H. Masters, William
liarber, Isaac Itogers, Alex, Johnson,
W. 1!. Chase and G. H. Van Gorder.
Fell Township Politics.
Voters In Fell lowushlii have begun
fo talk politics, and on Tuesday night
the first guns will be fired, when Ihe
Democrats will get together In the
town hall and adopt rules to conduct
their caucus and receive names for
olllces to be voted for at the spring
Might olllces will be made vacant,
two supervisors, one auditor, one poor
master, one constable and two school
W. C. T. U. Peace Sunday.
Hereon Haptlst church next Sunday
will be observed throughout tlie I' lil
ted States as peace Sunday by tlie
AVoman's Christian Temperance I'nlon,
and in harmony with this Itev. Dr.
Whaien will preach in the morning on
"Universal Peace." A cordial invita
tion is extended lo tlie members of the
local union, and those interested in
seeing peace established In human
hearts, the home, church and the state.
Meeting of Medical Men.
The Cnrbondnle Medical society,
which comprises physicians from Car
bonilale and Jenuyn, will hold its next
meeting 011 AVednesday evening next,
in the olllcc of Dr. W. AV. Fletcher.
The subject that will he discussed is:
"Fractures of the Upper Extremity."
Four of the nhysicians will present
their views, after which there will he
a general discussion.
Meetings of Sunday.
Central Labor union.
Knights of Father Mathew.
K. V.. Ilendrick lodge, Itailroad Train
men. Cigarmakers' union, Xo. AV.t.
Gernianla Singing society.
S. II, Dotterel- lodge. Locomotive F.11
gineers. For Mitchell Hosemen.
Foreman T. P. Herbert, of the Mltih
ell Hose company, requests the mem
bers to report al the hose house on
.Monday evening tit 7 o'clock sharp, in
full uniform, to Join in tlie parade that
will mark the opening of the companv's
Coining from Cuba.
Andrew O'Counell, of Santiago de
Cuba, has informed his friends that
he'll he back- in his native town to cele
brate Chrlslmas.
An Extra Teacher.
The school board of the 1 'aibond.ile
township met Thursday night anil
elected an ex Ira teacher, Miss Mar
garet Gordon,
Will Go to Texas.
William Knapp, tlremau 011 the
Wllkes-liarre freight, will leave soon
for Texas, where In- will spend the
winter. '
Meetings of Tonight.
Court Lily, Foresters of Anierh a.
Diamond lodge. Shield or Honor.
Local IDiii, United Mine Workers.
Thi- lili-nd-i uf Mi. W. i:. Ilavi-, .1 iiidtut
at Hit- ll.m.inl iiuln-1-.ll.v. In WudiliiKlMi, It, I'.,
will I,,, plui-i-il In hi-.e- 1l.1l In- In-i J.i-t won 1
v.iluilili- -cliokiirlilp, wlui h j oilii,i ,ii yi-ir
In 1 In -iiuli-nl wlin would im-i-i In ilii-iiiiiiii-.d
iiidii., i-M'8nl hi iu 1 Hit nml Vi-v.- Ti'.'-.iiii'iii,
llii'iilou.v, liuim-li-tli. aid llilili- ,im iluiicli liiv
loiy. 'Mi,. Ii-l w.n In In- tin. i'.iuilu.ioii-i in tin,
'.it lliii'i- clmo li'iini, Tlie iiiiiiiiiiiiu'IIiiiiI of
.Mr. Il.ivi-.' vMovy W.I- iiudi- pulilio 'HiiiimIiv.
'I'ln- h hol.iii-lilp i a valuable one and wi-ll vtoidi
..1 1 him; fur, and vva- not won vvlllmul a xo.i'l
ili-1 1 ot I1.111I woil, nu tin. pail of 1 i- I ,t
Is 11 boom- ol vili-f.ii Hon 10 Hit- piopi- n .liiio.vii
In In-ar ol lil- i'oiilliiiiiil prntni., III- i-vpi-Ut in
lie liunii' 1.I1011I.V for do- ('liil-.liiiji liolidi.v..
(01111111111.111 Will ILmllii-;, ol 1I1I, In, 11, onh, us
MViiiil lil iiiiinriilnii wltli Join", lliulliiu' Tim
I'liuipany, of vvldili In- lu liini oui- nf tin' iih-kI
llii.tiil ami I.1I1I1I11I ,iv;iui Tor a iiiiuilii-r of jimii,
ami will 1 111 i-r ihe ,-niplo.v ol .1 C l.-v lliui .14
liavi'llinr mIi'.iiiiii,
I 'ml Wilulil, tin- will l.ii.iuii liail.-ltt-i'pi-r of
IIh- I'ri I, l.iiiiilii-r, lui ii'i'iiviiiil mill-
lil 111 ll lll'lll till' M-Vl'l" 'JI' of .ill.lll'.S III'
lu-i lately uudi'ii,'oiii, I 1 an'jin ii.iiiil" Id. iluli, ,.
.lollll Mil 1 1', till.- .ViillllK iii.iii win. In I 1,1. lout i
kull.v ( 111-lii il li.v falling iiudi'i' llu- ivImN of an
lliitaiiii and Wi'kWiii li.iin Tm-da; iviiilin,', v.a
li-poiti-il ,vili'iilav to li.ivi-ualiiiil ii'ii-i,l,ul,y m
t.llili-;lli, and Id-, coi.illlluii -;i-, llu- ,l,,).i'ji,.,
ul. I l.i- lio.pilal ftlvliu liopii. of l,i-iii- able lo
save I In' liinli ftoni .111, pill, 1I1011.
.I0I111 llovv.alli. of I'lini-tiry i-tivi-i, who lia
linn .rrloiel.v III for nam- iliim 1,1' In ,m iin,!,.,
I- lupiill.v .iul.linr ami tlii-n- i, liuidly a p.-ll,ij.y lie i .111 Kiuvivi' 1111,1 Ii Ioi.kii.
Mr. uiul Mi.. T. i:. liilllllli-. and familv. Mm,
.lolin T. I.'ilflltli., Mi. W. W'iu-ll. Mi,. v. ('.
Iloln-iir, Ml. IIUIiiiil Kvau-, aril MI.- S11.1I1 ,,
.lainivi, nl lids IioidiisiIi, win- anion,, lliu..,- vvlii
alli-ii-li-d I In- liiui'i'.il of llu- lali- Hi,. V.Ujh Mvjih,
of '.'aiidllui; 'HiiiimIj.v.
Tin' fair ot Hit- I'lti.i'in,' hand, whlili vvm ihwd
Li. I i-viulnu on auoiini of the lumi-it lu llu
MhIi,.mII.-1 Kpinopjl iliuuli, will ,,- ii-.opi'unl
UKilu loiiiht vvilli a 11, iinhi r of alliai lloiu.
'll,o (inpl.ijed of tlie lllll-lik- (ollU-iii-4 will Ic
paid loilav.
Operations for Ovarian Troubles In
creasing in Our Hospitals.
Mrs, Eokis Stephenson of Salt Lake City Tells How
Operations May Be Avoided,
Tho Mtilveraal indications of the approach of woman's great enemy, Inflam
mation and dlBcaseof tho ovaries, arc a dull Hi robbing- pain, accompanied hv a
sense of tenderness, and heat low down In thosldo wlthoccaslonal Bhootlng paths.
On examination it may bo found that tho region of pain will show some
Bwcllln?. This Is the first stage of ovaritis, or inflammation of the ovaries.
If the roof of your houso leaks, my dear sister, you have it fixed nt once
why not pay the same respect to your body? Neglect and tho dreadful
Burgeon s Unlfe go baud in hand. How many thousands of our poor suffering
Bisters might havo escaped the hospital and its dreadful experiences if they
had only done as the lady whoso portrait and letter wo are permitted to
publish. Oh, what moro can wo do to make women believe.
State Chairman Young Peoples' Tcmpcranco Union, Suit Lake City, Utah.
"Dear iAlits. I'inkham: I suffered with inflammation of the
ovaries and womb for over six years, enduring aches and pains which
none can dream of but those who have had tho same experience. Hun
dreds of dollars went to tho doctor and the druggist. I was simply a
walking medicine chest and a physical wreck. My sister residing in
Ohio wrote me she had been cured of womb trouble "by using Lydia E.
Piiildinin's Vegetable Compound, and advised me to try it. I then,
discontinued all other medicines and gave your Vegetable Compound a
thorough trial. Within four weeks nearly all pain had left me ; I rarely
had headaches, and my nerves were in tt much better condition, and I
was cured in three months, and thus avoided a terrible surgical opera
tion." Mrs. Eckis Stephuxoox, 250 So. State St., Salt Lake City, Utah.
j', Another Operation Avoided in Philadelphia.
!-' " Dkak 51ns. Pi.NKiiAM : Some time ago I was taken very sick with pains
caused by internal trouble (ovarian) and was unable to attend to my house
hold duties. I consulted several doctors but got no relief. Tliey advised
an operation which I was almost tempted to undergo when I read in the
paper of tho wonderful cures Lydia 13. Ptnkham's Vegetable Compound
was making. So I began taking it and now after talcing several bottles feel
like a new woman. Ko praise is too great for it. It is woman's friend and
no woman should be without it." Mrs. Lizzie Mjxneb, 1616 Taniata St.,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Remember, cvory woman is cordially invited to write to 3Irs.
Finkliam if there is anything about her symptoms she does not
understand. Mrs. Piiilcliam's address is Lynn, Mass., her ndrice
is free and cheerfully given to every ailing woman who asks for
it. Her atlviee has restored to health more than one hundred
thousand women. "Why don't you try it, my sick sisters ?
ItKWAUD. Woh.ivucloposlteilwItU the National City Bank of I.jnn.SSOOO, I
which will tx-paii! tonnyporcon wlio ciiifjDd tliat the alxr.-o testimonial liittors I
nro not gouuiue, or were published before obtaining tho vrltor's special per- I
inlfslou. I.ydlaE. Plukham JloUlclno Oo., Lynn, Jloes. I
MONTROSE- Ii) II, Si r.iiiluii Tiiliuiit'.
Montrose, I ici-. l!!. HornTo Mr. nnd
.Mrs. -luliu Aitkoii, ni'o Louise Alt
lcon, ol" this pliii-e, nt tlu'lr hiilili' In
l.'iii-liomliilt', on I Jui'. Id, a win.
Our vcut'i'iihlt townsman, I-Mwln Mill,
is just i-ci-ovoiliuv from qulto u serious
Illness, nl tho lions'' ol' Ills ilnimhtei-,
Mrs. A. II. J-Votl.
nu Xew Vent's iiIrIU nt Vllliin' Mull
n ItillKlinlile fiin-i' enlllleil, 'llelwi'i'll
the Ai'ts" will he iiresenli-il hv Fiiir."
ol" out" best local llic.ilrieal lalellt. llll
(ler Ihe nusiii'"S ol' Si. I'mil's Kiilseo
p;il I'hui'i'h,
"Ihippy I'al" Wnsner, Hurry Wil
linuis. lofielher with ti nninlier ol' oilier
cnliiivd t'iiki'Willkliut i.'leln-illes nml
vuuilivilU' urilsts of lilushninton. siivi
ii iilenslilK euU'i-laillinelil nl Vllluiif
Hall last nlKllt. nsslsteil by Hie llrevier
orilli'Strii nl' Oils iiliue. l-'ollowhiK lh'
ellleilulllliu-lll I lie llool- was i-leareil ami
(lani-lu:; was luiliilr,ei in mull a lute
hour. Tin- uiiillenii'. thiiimh not as
In I'm.' us was nieilled, was vetv uiipre-i-lutive.
The iil'l'alr wan under I hi' 1 1
reellim ol' tin Monli-ose liuselinll i-luh.
I'lnl'essoi- Heheuek, ol' ItliiKh.iinlon,
has slliieeded III ol t;alil.lni;' a la rue
(Iain-Inn; class In this iiluce, bIvIuk les
sons t'tuli I-'l-liluy I'MMlllIK, I'olloWeil by
a soeliil hop. Me Is iisslsted hy his
datmlilei-. Miss Siiituivk. us planlsl.
Wesley .Muiiki'I', son ol' .Mr. and Mrs.
I-;. 1'. Milliner, is lecoveilnif from his
Ioi.k nnd serious Illness.
William Sweel has lieeti the nui'st of
lik'iitls In Hcraiiton this week.
Mrs, M. S. Dcssauer Is visit Iuk her
iluiiKhter, Mrs. .Iiii'oh Kovh. In AUruu.
Mrs, W. II. Tiiriell has ivliiriicd liom
il vlsll lo Ihe home of her pari'llls at
West IMtlsimi,
Mis, Kstellu .lel'i'iles has been spciid
Iub the week ul the home of Uev. mid
.Mrs. I. X, Slilinuuu tit Husqut liaiinu.
Mini, U. , Tltlliail Is able lo be out
UKiilli nl'ler u loim llhu'ss.
I'uptiiiii W. 1). H. Alney Is ImpiovliiK,
Another popular and well known
Kepiililli-iiii of Montrose has immmiH'i'd
hiliuell' a I'liudhliitu for the olllru of
sherllT. subject to the decision of the
Kepulillcnii lininlniitliur convi'iitloii next
year, lie In Arthur l- Kliiny, iiitiiiiujer
of Heller biolhers mllli station lu this
plui'e. Mr. Kinney has it host of friends
who will work earnestly for his noin
liiutlou, .lolin Tltiiian. of Tuiikhaniiock, wus
il t'sHoi' heie ycsleliluy.
.Indue W. II. .Ii'ssup and 1'anilly re
turned to .Siraiiton yestorday and will
spend the balance of the winter In Hint
I'iiul Harrliitter, nf Mallsteud. was In
town on business loilav.
The jury wheel wtis Illled for the year
iWl, this week
Maiiln (liihh'ii, forinerly of the l-Ix-i-haiiKe,
is the new clerk ut the Mont
roso Mouse,
Stlfys tho Cough '
and Works Oft- the Cold.
Laxative llioiuo-Qulnlne Table-is cine
a cold lu one day. No Oure, Xo I'ay,
I'rlea vr. i-HlllH. '
Tin' Ktnylti:iy loJp, Frro aii'l AtiC-ptfil
Mj-oif, nf this'.--, (iiii-liKii'.l tin- l.urljl pi-vl-e
nviT llm 1,-iniiin nl ilir I. il,' III- .1. II.'1. in lYikvlllp. ,vr 1,-nl.iy.
"Tin- HiiikIji" will lip Hie ,itli.n linn .il t In-r.illi.-i-
V.illirv Ojm-1.1 linie I- tliU ovi-iiitii.'
Mi Mcll.i Mi-NjII.v Ii.i- .nirpti'il a p Hit mn
vvllli I l.u!,. IIicin, .a Wi-l S-r.uil.iii.
'Ilinti.i. Mdl.ili- -. iiil" ill M ili- hi.iit,- f
liN liiiillir, .1. It. .Millil-, cm IIiiiiiii.,i'i stii-,-1.
.Ml-". .I.iiiio- Wi-hli, nl I'liiviili-iii-i, vi'iti-il In'r
I'll, I"- ill lll.ll.c-ly Vr.-ll-lll.iv.
; .1 ini-i-lim; ul Hie Ki-.v -111110 i.inip. 'n. 77-H,
M. ,1-1 II WiuhIiiiiii nl Vlli.'lic.l, III.- I.illuull-K ntll-i.i-.
wt-io oltiloil fur tin- i-ii-iitii ,vi-.n; Vi-nrr
.ili,- inn-ill, II. M. '1'nl tic; wuitliv .iihi-nr, Ii.
. Ullli.iiii-: i-inri. It. N'. Ill liil.; !miiI.:-i-, .
11. Il.ilin'.-: ili-ik. It. W. T.i.vlnr: vv.ilrliiii.ui,
I. II. Lilly; --i.tiv. iwilti l..viuli: luliu;-!-,
'I. I'. Il.iiiilioi--, 1. imp, I'. I.. Win
Mi-Mi-: 1. imp ilrpiil,v. It. W. 'I'.ijlur.
Tlio .1I.11111 el 1110 -niiinlt'il 011 TIiiii-iI.i,v ovonlis
ill 7 ii'ilmlc vv.i-1 uai.t-il li.v a s!Ei-lii lil.ii- in tlto
ll!llIIH III lli-lli.llllill II. Illi- nil I'lillltll -'ll-'-l. 'Hi- llu- lilul.o nut in tlio ililiinioy ,iinl
vvii- -,.,il,-.l tiniii ,1 ili-fi-i tlvo 'Invo Phi,-. It 'V,H
j rilii-iiil.liil In fun- v.-r.i niiii-li ,1.1111140 vvj- ,1-hm'.
llov. Hi-, ,-pi-nu-i, nf ilir liil,i.y IliplUt
lllllll'll, will cm 1 1 . 1 1 1 -j , 1'itlj 1' 1 -s vvilli llov. It, I'.
ll,ii,iu:M,,l, uf tin- I'll-li.v I11 iuii Inn nrinv.'
111, , 1 nil, i;.
II, -v. II. ,1. Il.niulituii, nf II. 11, 111,,. 1-, will,
el. irsi' nl II"' lipl'1' sf-ivln- lu r.tlvvjiil.' lull
Inlllulliivv II.KU n'doi I;,
Jli-ii Jl.a,v Mi'N'li-liot lia- inci'ptiil u p,,iii,n
in liaiKi-i-' Jivvi'li.v htniH .it l.intiin.
it' imi-llmr nf lli i:ocl. i,,i n-i inui.
pili.v will In- lii-lil liiinnriiiw' ti ft ot in mit ;it '2
ll .il.lllll (, 111,- nf lilt- VV.I4 Millliili-I klmlll.t I10-
liiie 7 ii'i )"' I. 'Ilnn-I.iv ,'Vinliii; fium in,. -J"i, uvi
hit ,-t I'iiiiiiIi siit-i-t ,111, 1 Stnti,-,! 111
111,-Ki-lv. I'ln I1.1, 1 c.itt-n lu vv'jy lliinugl! tin- mf
nl Hie lo.iilii-ii- n Vr. 1 1.11-1 1.. An nvoi lii-al,.l
i-liivt- 1 .111-,', I (lit iunitlllt.- nf 111.- 'Muni vvnil.. Tlio
-, IV ill's nl lilt' lll'l'lllt-ll Wl'll' llul li-lll'll, .1. .1
l:il,t't IhIimiIo vv.i-i fnimi'il mnl llu- ll.itni-. i-.imI.v
I'.MliiKiil'liul. Tin- Wilsons ition-li-, in llu- 1I11111.
in.ikili); p 1 i. U Unit' nvoi II,,- two mil,- mutt- tin-.)
liuil In li.ivt-l In it'.nli llu- Ki'i-ni- nf li llu-,
IViKvlllo lliipll-l iliuuli lli-v. .1. S.,
pjslnr, .Viviiin Ini'iiiiinvv 11 1 li)"ll :i. 111. ami 7
p. 111. Minninit Milil-il, "IVIiminn li.v I'.itiouii',"
Ku'iilhiC Miliji-rl, " i- j ..u fium .M.1I.1.
Ill In I'liiUI." All .lie vvilioini-,
All iiiiiiiIh'ih u( Sliorlil.111 Inline, No. 210,
IviiIkIiU of I'.vtiil.i., 1110 i,-,iui'..iiI In .itii'ihl ll't
finii'ial n( our, Inollioi-, .Ij-pt-i lln-iiun
Sli-Mor, nn I'll, I j.i, Hoc. l.l, l.;:n p, pi,
Till' llllli-llll nl III,- '.iti' Pi'. ,1, II.'l lonl,
pldif f 1 Din llio ii-sltlt'iiie at I. HO ii'ilnik vi'.li-nl.iy
iilloinuiiii, A In m- i'uiiiniiii nf frl'nils w-t-ip lit
lllllllll.llKl', 'Illi' iltl'S III Willi II III,' lli'li'.l.l', I,,-.
ImiKiil, niiiii-ly, Hi" rut- nml Ai-it'pti-tl Mi-oih,
Iniltpi-iiilinl Iinhi' nl (Mil I'l'llms. nml Kmulitu
of I'ylliijs, .ait'11,1,,1 In u linily. '1 lie lilb
iilos won- iiuny uiul lH-.iiillfii. Ilt-v. I'. litiuj,
p.ikloi- nt 1 lit. .Mi-lioiit Ciii-i-upil i'lillltll,
pit'jtlu-il I lit' linii'l.ll M-iiiinii. Tin- liiiiiiliois uf
Ivlutt.liiiiy Intlut', I'ioi- .111,1 Xiupii'il JLisuik, i-nii
lllltll-ll V III- lillli l ll'IIIIIUIlllK. lliu 1111, III VJi
111.11I0 In l'i(ivit i-oiiii'i-iy.
Resumption of Sunset Limited Ser
vice Between New York, Phila
delphia nnd Sau Francisco, Sea
son 1001-1003.
Commencing' November ::o nnd each
Tuesday, Thuibday and Saturday
thereafter, tho WushliiKton and .South
western I. Inilted, operated dully be.
tween Now York, I'hlladolphlii and
New Orlennn via tlie I'oniisylvanlti
Itullroad mid Southern Hallway, leav
ing Phlludelphlu, liroud street station
ut G.C5 o. ill., compoHed of illuliif-, mill-
$3,500.00 T NAME
l( you arc, here is tt cliance for you to make Threo Thousand
Five Hundred Dollars.
Tlie Art Publishing Company have just issued a first-class
Monthly Publication, and being'uuable to agree on a name, they
have decided to pay $,500,00 lor a suitable name for it, and have
deposited the money In the Bank.
Can You Suggest a Sultablo Name ? The publication is
handsomely bound with colored cover, and printed on the finest
super-calendered paper, is beautifully illustrated and full ot bright,
up-to-date articles on current topics, nil of which are of a most,
interesting character. In other words, you will find it the most
interesting and instructive publication you have ever read, and lit
for the finest homes in the land.
'IO Illi: MM' 'l III.IMIIXll ( I)., N'ovv
li"lllhlll'li: Vnlll lilllilliMlInu riillli'
I lli'slio In In- vnl In Illi' p.lltlos Vt-ll-i II
li'lilil will ho pi'illl.lllint miIii I ili-l-".
Nniir p.iiii-i- it 11 "(loin" 11111I M. until ro
lulilo nf upjiii-i'lMltiir i-moIIi-hiv anil 1110
t .1111 nvt-i- I'liiilouotl Willi 11 hit nf III.
nml must in nl,-. tint , inn- p.ipt-i', I,, ".Hi I
I lino -.'-on .vol. Wislilnit ynii Mioi-1-s.s, I
TliU MIT l'1'HI.MIIMS CO., Now- Inr
lii-iilli-iiirli: JI.ii.ii.Iii' i-.iiiii' hist ovo
mnl iiml.lins hnllilni; hill 10.11II111; nl tin It
Hope .vim will ii.ivo Hit' cn-.ilit mi
llospoitfully yoin'H,
I'l.KI , llilili, .Nov. -jiitii, nmi,
Wo uot 1, 1111, Ii, -,1s uf mii Ii iiiiiipllniotit.try li-llor.s ovory ilay.
Subscription Price, 10 Cents a Copy.
The best and surest way to win tlie money is to get a sample
copy so that you can see what it's like. You can then lorm an
idea of what would be a suitable name for it, and may suggest and
send any number of names from i to 3o to select from. As soon
as you see a copy of this unique and interesting publication, it will
suggest many new ideas to you.
There will be no division of 5 and 10 cents made of this
You can win any amount from $2.50. up to$3-5oo.
Positively $2.50 Is the smallest sum that will be awardtd
to any prize winner, and the largest $3,500. Full particulars
will be sent with copy of publication.
Don't you think a prize of Three Thousand Five Hundred
Dollars is worth trying for? There needn't be any doubt in your
mind as to the legitimacy of this offer. The money is deposited
in the bank and must Be paid to those who will name the pub
lication. Understand This $3, 500 prize consists of $1,000 in cash and
100 shares ol stock at $23 a share, which is likely to greatly in
crease in value.
Note. We are pi-i-pnring lo Ini-oi-poiale into a Hlook coinputiy, nnd Inmlclltlon
In pi villus 1,0(10.110 In mill we will nlsoi;lve 100 xlinrcMofsloulc t ?'J5.0l)u Bhure,
inn I; I n;; In nil $!l,rOD.(IU lo he pit Id lor tin: iiiinio.
We want a name for the publication, and,
don't care who names it, or what part of the
globe it comes from; those who will send the
best name will get both the money and stocks.
No expense will be spared in making this paper the finest and
most instructive publication in America, and the too shares ot
stock may, in less than a year, be worth over $100.00 a share add
yield you an independent income for the balance of your life.
Here is a chance lor you to make a fortune, and a few min
utes of careful thinking may do it.
Photographers and portrait agents We have recently pur
chased a photo-enlarging plant, with a capacity of ,000 prints a
day. Bromide and Solar enlargements, also finishing for the
Trade. Strictly first-class work and prompt service, with
prices nearly 50 per cent, lower than any other copying house in''
America. You can have better work.quicker service.and save near
ly 50 per cent, of what you are now paying, For terms and
prices send for copy of publication.
Don't miss this opportunity. Send 10 cents for copy of
paper. It will explain all about this contest and tell you how to
send the names that you suggest. Remit either in silver or two
cent stamps only.
1181 Broadway, New York.
11 A ten-cent package makes " " i-
Mil ,' With a cood crust and quick oven your mince pl t.'lril
ilSji will be " like mother used lomttke," (or .;, Jill
I NttL9E5Dffl 11
! HtoceHeat .;'" ' l
I 1 1 l needs no bkill to It la all ready. It l belter , , WM
il tlun mot " home made necauw we uever fnrcet thlj . - HJ j
! ' jjjfl or that, or use too much or too little. It in clean mid 1 ,,2 iailH
! lil Urttakao lfyourdlKfu5MtiBiPplf you. Wo lll ll , 'Ul HI I
! IJjJJ1 yoiite uut Vlii: J1wk ;JfWaaoupiiiiBl "" v p iffllP
StJflP MERRELL-SOULE CO?. Symcuae, N. Y. '''jj
ninn ilrnvvliiK-rooin, nk'i'iilnir, nbsorvn
tlou nml lllirnry ''urn, lu mlilltlim
will i-iirry a npi'iiul Kuusot Limited An
nex Pullman ilravvhiR-rnnni I'oinpitrt
ini'iit Hli'vpliu? i'al" t" I'onni'ct with tlie
MnuHxt I.linltoil oiipratvil lit'twet'ii N'mv
Oiictins uiul Sau l-'raui'ls'iii.
Thi' ri'li'lii'iitml triinH-i'ontlncntiil wor
vh'i offwrt ly tln'so lu.Muious trains
nn Iiom n l rln in tint Paiillc loant not
only wry quirk, lint muni ilollKlitfiil.
ClinrK'H I,. IloiiKliiH, illHlrlri iniSHun-
RW ilKOlll, Ulllltllfl'll KilllWIiy. .i-
t'lii'Htnut Ktivot, I'lilUuli'lplila, will im
IJli'imeil lu rurnluli till Inloi'iiiiitUm. .
Christmas Holiday Rates via South
ern Railway,
Oil Hit. L'-'t lu III. IniiiiHhf. ami .Ian.
I, tho Soutlu'i'ii Itallvvay will mil riminl
t tiii ilrkms (n nil piiiniB Hiiiin in run
if inn- iiiiil iim-lhlnl lht 'iat-ti om way
I'iiiv, Until limit .Ian. J. 02. TlrKvis
will lit' sold lo Hludvuts ol' hi liools and
I'Ollt'Ki'4 at lliu uiiovi ruin nu wvi-. iu
i,. iniiiislvi'. with mini hull Jan. s.
1'JOi, upon pivsientullou ol' (i-riilUate
hIrui'iI by siippiiiitviuli'iilH, piiiKipals or
i.n.uiiii'iiiK. liuiH. ,. llonUins. i str hi
iiiiksi'iil'pi' niri'iil. Southi't'ii Ituilwuv. S'.'S
(iK-Hlnul street, I'hlludiiphlu, will fur
nish till InCormutlou. "
Veil, f Hyi
In li.nitl. i:n,l,w",l Hint ,!.ni) for 110 (nnlin vvhloh
nines I li-ii'llh iniliiM', .mil vvlinui I 111,1 core
mil I In- Iii-Mit iIiim nt Hilwrlhors who nrc rl.
InnkliiK fnr Miinollilm: u-llnoil.
o lilor.iluie Unit imiit' in my null rvory ilay
11 ipi.illly mnl ho.inly, om-i-I.-i nny publication tint
mn, Vol' lospirtfiillv .voiim,
Pit. .1, II, llllN.NKIT, lliirllnetiin, Invvn.
nliiif. Il's .1 "llojuly," i-n'i-l,illy tin', plclurrs
iUhl'sl I I.I-.S,
osn lu juiif iimh'il.ililiii;. Willi host wNIioj, I am,
MIK III.IVIA daii.:y.
v, new v'OjR'rjyorHLs.
''v tor. Slxtrciilh fit, oml Irving liace,
Amnion I'Un, if3.50 Per Hay and Upwauli
European I'lan, l.W IVr Day and Upward.
Epeclal Hales lo I'ainillci.
--- ''
For Business .Hon
In tho heart ot the wholesale
For Sliopiiois
x mlnuteiv' wulk to Wnnamnkers.
S minutes to Blot-el Coopui'a DIk
Btorc. Utxsy ot access to tint ure4t
Dry Clouds Stores.
For SlRlUscor.s
One block from R'vvay Pars. glv.
Ine easy transportation lo all
points or interest.
uniy ona iouu irom uroaaway. .
i Rooms, $1 Up.