The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 14, 1901, Page 11, Image 11

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a. a, Sanborn will be the Hpr-nker nt
the men's meeting of Ihn llnllroud
Youhb Men's Christina tisnoolntlon Sun
day nt .1.45 p. in, Superintendent San
born Is tihvuys welcome tit the ritllroml
ilcpartnicnt timl bo nlwnyn litis u mos
muro worth hcnrltiK. The ilr-piirtinent
male quartette will present the usual
nttrnctlve musical iiroRrninme. The
slnf-hif? of. this quartette In much ad
mired by the men. An Invitation 1h ex
tended to all men to be present anil en
Joy a live meeting.
The Methodist Ministers' association
or Sornnton mid vicinity will meet In
Him Parle, Monday mornhiff, Decem
ber 10, at 10.30. C V. Paw-son will
make an address.
Tomorrow's Services
Methodist Episcopal.
Klin l'.irk ilmrcli 1'r.ijnr mid ir.ilii at H.HO!
mlicrs.ii.i fi-rili-i nnil m-i-pllim of iril.ili-i:i
cri to full mcinlvHilp :il 10..'i')j tin -criiiuii
will In liy tlie foi'iii-r piittir, Dr. W. ll.t'cniii',
nl llliiKliatiitnn, V, V. Cl.ii lii"rlln? Ill Mm .-aluml rnutn ul i'hc of iiiDrnlirj servlci.
Snml.iv school tit 2 p. in. Junior lr.i-.ciii at .Vlil.
Senior Icicle, at il.-.O. At T.::0 Dr. W. II I'imici!
Mill llHMlll. "tlJ'HIT .'UP lll'lrollll.
slni'vim JU'tlioiINt l!iIiopil flinuh tlrv. H.
C. Millrrmott, p.iMnr. l'ri-acliliij; ut 10.WI J. in.
nnil 7..".U p. in.; Sunil.iy school, at 11! in.;
Junior Iimkiii'. at .'! p. in. ; Dpivurlh Iim-jiii, at
tl.!lO p. in. All welcome.
Avlniry JtctlioilIU ilinrcli. ioni"i
Jlniu-py aieniio and IVlm.iri hlrcl n--v. W. I!.
Sinip-oii, II. I)., p.n' n-. Jlcvolioiul ii.a-rl Itis? "f
the Ilrollirrhooil of St. lMul at 'i.." in.
I'reiielilns at 10.::o u. in, ml-jril, "I'nilli in the
1 mleii'.niitutrili" Simil.i.i- -ilmol al '.'..iO p. in.
l.pnoitli league at il.ilO p. in. I'u.n liiii-.. at "..'III
p. in., Kiilijfct. "It.'lipmi CmilrnlliiiE I'llnciple
of Life." 1'r.ijcr innliug. Wi-iIiii-mIi.i, at 7.-.0
p. in, nn!iiFM iiuvtim; of the Hrutliiil.iioil of
St l'.iul on the second and foinlli Tui-mI.i.i-i of
each montli, at 7...0 p. in. Se.iU fici- and all
are welcome.
( eiirt Street Melhodi.-t Kplscopal I'lninh fl.
( Ionian, p.ilor. Cla, fi.i.'i a. in., O. II. Po
Witt, leader. I'lv.ii-liltiir. HMO! Sunday hi hool,
11,45, (I, It. Ol.nli, Mipeiintcndcnt. .Innlor
leapie, '.:,0 p. in., Jin. llryanl, Mipi-rinlrnili-tit.
Kpworlh league, l)..!0, l'reailiiiis, 7.8U. Se.Un flee.
All ate wehoine.
l'roi iilenu' Mutliuilint rliuwli l!ii.
fieoic.e A. One, p.Ktor, Tin- lliotheihood of St.
Paul meets at 10 a. in. for Moininir
M'rinoii .it in,:i0, subject, 'Him lljiirt I'niiVn.ul
oweil Christ." Sunday school at 2 i. in. Kp
worlh le.iKne at II. 4.1. topic, 'The
Kingdom." Mrs. lira Su.ut, leadir. Kiriiing
Ft'imon at 7..'!0, suliji-il, "Ton.itit.-i."
Cedar Avenue .MothodNt KpNcopal iliiirrli P.
1. Doty, pa-tor. At ID ,i, in,, iiii-i'Iiii-,- of
Ilrotheiliooil; 10.H0 n, in., muiiiiiiK woii-liin and
eiinon; 7.i.0 p. in., Mi-nliitf wor-hip and H-rninn;
BKO p. in., .luniiir l'pvortli leauu"; 6.:ii1 p. in,
Senior l!pworth league. Mid-ueik -crticc, M'ed-iit-day,
7.13 p. ni. Sli.iugeis anil all others
Asli Stieet Methodlsl rpNropal dinreh -Her. .1.
II. Austin, pa-tor. Morning pic.uliiiig Miiice at
lil.SH. Class Hireling at I1.SO .1. in., (Iinles
Croup, le.uler. Snml.iy siliool at J p. in., K. W.
Stone, superintendent. Kpuoith league at IJ.I5
p. in.. Miss Xillie Uais, leader. Iliening pieacli.
ing senile at 7."0. A welcome lu all.
Niy Aug Methodist ilinrcli Her. .1.
H. Austin, pistol-. Sui day si hool at 2,'jil !. in..
Frank Kdward--, .superintendent. I'iea( liinir nt
S.:l p. in. All welcome.
African MrtlmdNI KpNeoiul Howard
place Dr. II, S. Hentlry, pastor. 1'ieailiing at
lO.Sfl a. in,; Sunday school, 2.:t0 p. m., A. Purl or,
nuperintendent. Cluistian Kndea.or sing ser
he, 7.1" p. m., fot.ducted liy Messrs. flninos
mid fun". Preaching, ".IS p. m. A coidial wel
come to all.
I'hst Oriinn Millmilit Kpi-copal ilmrili,
Adains avenue and Vine .street !!. Il.ildlii., pi.stoi,
Diiine services, 10,.'i0 a. ill. and "..'ill p. in.: Sun
day school ill noon, mid at 2 p. in. in the Ta.v lor
Rveiue chapel; Kpvwiitlt league mediiig al ll.)i
p. in.; pr.i.vcr mn'ting on Tlnu-'.djy ivening.
Penn Avdiue llaptist iliuiili, Penn aveiiu.-, he
""itworu Spnue and Linden stieets. Sliangt'is ioi
dlally welcomed to ill seniles. I'le.iching, mom.
''lug at Itl.Iid nnil evening at 7.."0 liy the u-lcr.
ciltcr. IttftTi-rt P. V. t'iciie, 11. II. Moining piajeis
'in tlie'lbvver temple at U. 13. Theme of lnoining
-'fciiiionJl,"The Lmaiieipation of Humanity." Sun
day Mljrt"! al the home ihiucli at 2 o'elovk, and
,-at theiJAineiniaii liiis.sion at :."( p. in. Young
.l'oople'i3'(-li,.jfty of Chiistlaii Kndeavor ineellng at
,(i."Jl. 'flieine f the ivening seruion, "I he Neivr
t.j-111 of Independent e." Special iiiu-ic liy
the gland ihoir. Ilvang.lislie seivice in the low
.Ur temple following the sciinon. Mid-vveel. pia.ver
meeting on Wiiliiesd.iy e,'i iiing.
'"' I'ilst lliplNt ilmrili, South Miin avenue- Hv.
,S. P. Matlievv.s, p.istur, 'I'lie iigular seniles of
'Mile church, looming mid evening, 10,:;u a. 111.
.nd 7,;:D p. in, llaptNm at the clo'i' if tlm
evening ei'vi(e. Sunday school, 2 p. 111.; Or, H.
HI. lleddoe, siiperiiiteinhnt. II. V. P. I'. ser-
v-Jc 0, Il.ilO p. 111. In the asot'inhly room. Prayer
fHieetlng Weilne'-d.iy, 7,fl0 p. in. All are coidially
invited to services,
" Jackson Street llaitift church Iter, Thorns
le (!i in liy, pastor. Moining piajer meeting at
".::, ll.irid Argiist, leader. Preaching service at
lO.tlil by the p.i.-to'-; topic-, "Love I'ii'st." Sunday
school at 2 p. 111., Charles Holler, sup, llut-nd-cut.
Krenliig srivUc nt 7 shaip, praNc and song
lenice, follovred liy a teimoii especially adapted
to llie Joung; topic, "The Lleinents of Success
In Cluistian Work." To all the sendees of our
Not only In feelings but in looks. The
1 kin is clear, the eyes arc bright, the
jchceks are plump. No more pain and
misery, no more sick headache, no more
wjauudico. What worked the change?
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discoverv,
- which cured the disease of the stomach
Jhat prevented proper nutritiou.anil also
cleansed the clogged and sluggish liver,
.-. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
.cures diseases of the stomach and other
(Organs of digestion and nutrition, It
.icures diseases of lungs, heart, liver, nud
.other organs which seem remote from
;the stomach because many of these dis
eases have their cause in a diseasetl con.
' dition of the stomach involving the
'iallied-organs of digestion and nutrition,
Isc?tit you a letter about a year ago," writes
Mrs. 1. Kllii Hamilton, of I'anuliigton, Marion
-Co., West Va. " I stated my raw us plainly as I
could, ntid received a letter from you in n leu
. clays, tclllug me to use Dr. Pierce's Golden Mvcl-
ical Discorery and 'favorite Prescription 'a
bottle of each. I used three of each, aucl feel
like n new woman. Don't suffer any pain or
misery any more. Ilefore using your medicines
1 siilTcreil all Hie lime had Jaundice, caused
,ironi loon not oicesitug properly. would Hare
,'vfc jicaciacne iiirce uuu lour nines 111 a week.
could not do the work myself, I commenced
kjirv uiBKyour iiu'cuciuesasrccoiumeiiueci lor liver
rvi "complaint, and think: I am cured now. I asked
Xv2iU"uc,or " ''e cotilclu't cure me. unci lie s.ild he
l VjSd glre me inedicliie to help me but the
Eoie inigin return uuy tune. 1 uoctoreci
e years without any relief. Haven't had
headache since I look the first boltte uf
kr uicdlciue."
fBr, tierce's Pellets cure constipation.
tluircli thp public! Ii cordUliy Invited, Strangers
Mpeclally wclcoine,
(Ireen Itldge llaptUI i liurrli Mrrtlne for play
er ut !).4.'. f'hureli seirke.s, with 501111011s by
the pastor, nt 1(l.::o and ".".0, Subjeit in the
morning, "The (ImwIIi of tlm Kltigiloml" In Mie
eVMiltig,"A Hiiitiet- In Judgment." Snml.iy ichool
at meeting of the Junior wilely nt n.'illj
prajer meeting of the Senior society nt (l.llil.
hhllnli llaiillsl Cliurcli-ltev. J. II, lloddle, p.ii"
tor Piinday setvlre lleceinher IS, Prr.t'hlng, 11
n. 111, Subject, "Hod's lleiiulreinciits." I'nn
day dclinol, 2.u p. m. 7.M p. m,, iireaelilng,
llrct series of seimons on suhjeel, "llobblng
(tod," Weekly notice. Monday evening, Hap.
list Voitug People's union meeting: Vcdnr.sdjy
evening, pieaelilngi I'rlday evening, general
prayer meeting. All are luvlled,
Noith Main Avenue Ilipllst clime li-ltcV. A. it.
Snillli, p.i.tnr. Kl.tiO, srivlce, llie fllt In .1 series
on Hie seruion oil the mount. "Christ i-'ulflltliig
the Law"; 7,.'l() p. in. service, "(lnpel Light on
Srranton Labor I'lolnVtns." inuslp,
Pint clnrrli Scrvlee al 10..10 a,
tn. and 7..10 p. in. Dr. MeLeod will pieuli
moiuliig and eveiilng. Strangers welcome.
Second Piesbjteilin thiiich, .liffeisiiti avenue
Moining service, l(l.S0i evening seivlee, n."0.
W.islibutii Street Piesbjlerlan Chinch Her.
John P. Mofbilt, II. P., pastor. Service at in.M
a. 111. nnd 7,:;0 p. in. Illble school nt 12 m.
Cluistian I'.ndeavor Voung People at (1.20 p. m.
Chris-Han Lndeavor. Junior, al :t."(i p. ut, Piajer
meeting Wednesday, 7.S0 p. in. The- pa-lor will
pleach intoning and evening. All vvelionie,
OiM'il Illdge Piesb.iteiian Chinch Iter. 1, J,
Lansing, pastor; Her. L. It. Poster, u-s-Nlanl.
10.3(1, service of worship with fennon by the
pastor; 12 m Illble school; ( p. in.. Chris
tian Kndeavor; 7,:;0 p. 111., evening worship with
sei 111011 by. the paj-tor. Third in soiies. on tlie
"I'illan of Life." Tlnun11.11-. (he mill Inst., I'Nk
Jubilee ingcr.s.. All coidially Invited.
Cipouse Cliapel (I'li-sbyteil.iiO Pleaching 10.TO
a, In. and 7..'!H p. 111., by the pa.-tor, Her. L.
II. Ko-ter. Sunday schoid, It p, in.; Junior
Christian Pnileavor, 4 p. m. ; Senior Christian
Kndeavor, u..'H p. 111. Prayer meeting, T.iSO,
Tlilir.-cl.iy evening. Welcome to cell.
St. Luke's Parish -Iter. Ilugers l-iael, II. P.,
lector; Hev. L, I, Hatuihtou, senior curate.
Tliird Sunday in clvenl.
SI, Luke's r-hurcli 7"0 a. in., holy lomniiui
ion; 10.30 a. in., confirmation and sciinon and
holv riiniumnion; T.!U) p. 111., evening prayer an-l
seruion; a. 111., S mil iv si hool and IlilJe
c la.-es.
St. Mark's, Diinui ae S a. 111., holy lo'iuniin
ion; 10..10 a. in., morning prater and seiniin: 7.JO
p. 111.. evening raver and sennou; '.', p. m,, Sun
day fchool anil Illble classes.
I.jst l-Jml Mis-ion. Piescolt avenue .1 p. in.,
Sunday school and lldile (das-es.
Smth Side Mission, Pig slnel p. in., Sun
day school and Uihle 1 las-es.
SI. (ieoige's, 'llvpl'.iiit 2.30 p. in.. Sunday
school and Ilible 1 hisses; 3.30 p. 111., evening
prayer and scimon.
Church of (he t.'ood Shepherd, corner of Mou
sey avenue and 'Jreeu llidge stieet Iter. Piati'ds
It. Ilalem.m, lector. Third Sunday in Advent,
1(1.30 a. m., morning player and -ermoii by the
lector; 2.3(1 p. in., Sunday schoul Illble
cla-ses; 7.30 p. 111., evining piaver, with srimon
lit- lit. Hev. r.lhi'lW I'albcl. D. 11.. liNhop of
Hie diocese, who .vill adinini-ler tin- rile of ion.
Clnis-I's Cliurch Wa.-liinslcn avenue and Pails
stieet llev. Prank Scliell llallfiitine, lcclor.
Tiiiul Sunday ill Adtent. Moining pia.ver, lit
flnr, sermon, 10.30. Sunday school, 2.3(1. 'o
scrtire in llie eteniug. Instead time will be an
illustrated talk by .Mr. Ilallentine in llie Pinti
deuce Auditoiiuin on his recent (lip lo Per
niinla with special lefeience to its liNlnry ami
geogiaphy, its .schools and il.s ciuiiches.
Reformed Episcopal.
firaie Hefouned PpNiopal chinch, Wtomtng
avenue, below- Mulbeiry stieet. llev. (1. L. Al
riili, pastor. Prayer and praNe .service. 0.30 a,
m.; divine tvotship, 10. id 11. 111. and 7.30 p. 111.,
pleaching by the pa-lor. . in., "Our Hod Shall
Come," P-a. fill: 3; p. 111. , special evangelNlio
sitviie. "I will -ate him 1I1..1 fallelh." .cph. 3:
t!i; Sabbath school at 12 m.; V. P. S. C. P. at
0.30 p. in. Les-on study eveiy Weilnesilay at 7.!0
p. 111., followed by prayer inn-ting at a o'i Im I..
Seats fiee. All welcome.
Evangelical Lutheran.
P.t angelical l.iitlieian Thlnl Sunday In Ad
vent. (Itispel, Mall., .l:210; eiitle, 1 Cor.,
it :!:.
SI. MaikV-, Wiislihuin and Foinlienth slreett
Hev. A. L. Hauler, I'll. P., pa-lor. Strviies,
10.30 a. in. and 7 p. 111.; Luther League, 0 p.
111.; Sunday school, 12 in.: mission hand, Sat
unlay. 2.30 p. in. Moining subject, "Atllicted
Hut ' Not llllind in ChiiM"; evening (subject,
"(oil's Me.-sengii."
Holy Trinity, Adams avenue nnd Mulbeiry
flrcet -Her. C. (,'. t-pieker, pastor. Services at
111.3(1 a. 111. ami 7.30 p. 111.; Luther league, 11.30
p. in.; Sunday school, 12 111.; .Mission band,
Satunlay, 10 a. 111,
St. Paul's, Shun aviniie llet. W. C. L. L.nier,
pastor. Seivices at 10.30 a. 111. and 7.30 p. in.;
Sunday school, 2.30 p. m, ; Catechetical c-Ijsk,
3.1", p. 111.
Christ church. Cedar ateiiue and Wivli slreel
Iter, James Wltke, pa-lor, Sen Ices, 10.30 a. 111,
and 7,30 p. 111.; Sunday si hool, 2 p. 111.
SI. Petei's, Present! ateiiue Her. John Han
dolpli, pastor. Sertlce, in.3(l a. in.; Sunday
.si hool, 2 p. in.
1:111111.1111101 ((eimiiii-PolNhl l.uthciaii churcb,
Heei stieet Hev, IVidiiiand Sallelmcler, pa-jor.
Pic-aching in the (icrnian lauguage, 10 a. m.j
Sunday si hool, 2 p, ill.
(Irate Kvargelical l.iilheian iliiuch (
Synod), corner of M.idNon avenue and Mulberry
stieel Her. I.iilhei- Hess Waling, ni-toi. i,30 a,
111., Sunday school: 10.3(1 11. 111., divluo worship.
The subject of the morning sennou ttllHi Hie
Illble and the Iloycotl;" 7 p. 111., Veiling People's
Society of Clni-tl.111 Pnileavoi-, MNs Ann (ill
biailli, leader; 7.3(1 p, 111,, divine woi-hip; nib
jrit, "I.0-.-011S Prom the III11N and lteais of tho
Illble." Lrei.tboily welcome.
Ziou l.utlier ilinrcli, 220 Mlfliln an mie Iter. J,
11, (i.illenkninp, pa-tor, Morning scrtice, 10.30 a,
in. thou he Hut should come or do we look
for anolhei ? Sunday school, 2 p. 111, : Illble cIjsj,
the paslorj infant depaitiuent, Mrs. (iilltukaiiip;
evening sertiee in KnglNh ul 7,30, Subject,
"Does following Christ ncuie a man fiom all the,
ills that is heir to?" vvcleome. Seals
Plist f ' (Cluisl, Mil Adam
ati'iiue, Sunday ri'trs, 10'4i a, m. 7.30 p.
m,; Minday school, II 1,1 a, 111,, subject, "(in I
tlm Preserver of Man," Te.tiiuoulil merlin.;
Wednesday evening at s n'rlmk, The ihuieli Is
nisi open rtcry clay dr.riiifr the week. The- lllhlo
nnd nil Christian Si-ii-i.c llteialuiD Is kept bi
Its fiee piihllu iridinc loom, "Sr,i.(C .111 1
Health, with llie lie) to Suinfun," by Maiv
llalter Kdely, will ne losned to Inves.lgaleis with,
out charge. Visitors nnd lellers of inr.uiry nro
welcomecl and given cuirlt'ous atteutlmi uud in
formal Ion free.
.ion I'lilled Ivvangellial Cluiuli, I ISO Capoutp
avenue Iter, J, W, Messenger, pastor, Preach,
ing 10.30 a. 111 and 7,30 p, in. Subjects, "From
Tribulation to llloiy" and "HoIhb All Things
in .It-ins' Name." Sunday school, 0.30 a, 111. j
Junior Kndeavor, I p. in.; Senior Kiideavur, 0.30
p, m All seals free, Lvei.vliody welcome o all
first Pilmlllii' MethodM Chnieh, (rr(r,
Itldge -Hev, (i. Lees, pastor. Morning at 10.30
n'cloek." NiihJi'Cl, "Watildng liy llie Cros., Ilteu
ing, "(iospel lo the Wcaiy," Senior Wroley
league, Monday evening. All are welcome1.
(Iccpel Tabeir.aclc, .litleisoii avenue, Piiiuno.e
James l.el-liniin. ixtor, Sunday seniles,
preaching 10.30 a in. and 7.30 p. in. Illble
ii hool, 12 in. Voung People's meeting, 0.30 p.
in. Chiistlaii and Mlssloiuiy Allijiiic meellngs,
'fuesdjy, 2..'!0 and 7.30 p. m.
Calvjry Jleloiiued iliuiili, Monroe avfiiue and
fllbsou slreel-ltev, Marlon U. Flror, pjsior. 8ei.
vlees at 10.30 a. in. and 7.30 p. m.j Dibit elude,
11.30; prajer meeting, Friday, 7.41 p. in.; iat'f
ihUm, Saluiday, a p. m. Morning suhjeel,
"What Kind of Saviour Are Vou Looking Port"
l.vcnlns tubject, "Heart Hunger." Kvcribody
Flit-t ChrUtlaii church, North Main ivenu
Sunday School t ... ,,v
Lesson The PaSSOVCF. jiEiGUbeDiD
for r..-.i .sj. 1 !? 5circlary o( Amerletti
December IS, Exod Xl1- l'17' iiS.on! Re,lgl3U4
ISTIIODfCTION'.-Tlie vhll of Mo-rR to tlu
obiluniln Icing, sliiilL-il last week, was the
Oder of grnrc made by Jehovah. The time for
ieru.i.lon hail p,n,eil-lhe lime for Judgment
was at (Pror. l!2(i), 'Ihereallir the lemlir
of Nrael devoted his energies under Divine gniil
mice to make his people ready for the clelivit.
nine soon tn lie gi.intcil. Certain piellnilnatlet
must be adjusted that the new- nation, to b
fonneil nut of thiee mlllloiis nf l.tie, might
begin lis ran it ailglil, This people, MpiMleel
unto Hod, must he unlike cveiy other, that in
le.lllly they may be, what aflervvaid they w,ie
called (Pout. tr:2), a p-enllar pcuple. ivil.iln
llistlllltlons and cusliims inu-l iINIIiikiiNIi atnl
unite them. Two of tbe-e will be considered in
the lesson tod.l.V, both lelalul to events ol the
then litimrillati' pirseiil.
VIIAIt (Vei-el 1 anil 2). 'llie time element
Is a nutter of great liupoit.incr, so legended frini
the beglmiiiig of llie vvoild's hlslory (Hen. 11:2).
lu the eaillest ages men perceived the
phenomena of natuie lecnrred, so that all things
accomplish a period 11s In .1 ilule. One icvolu
Hon of the earth around the sun, while not tlnn
understood, was called by the I.itlns annus, -mil
lu other eastern nations by (univalent tmiiU.
All the peoples of antiquity began this solar ill
usion of lime in the autumn, thole being among
the Scmlles a tradition that man was eienled
then, Hut Hod Instituted Moses lo make llie
I'Midus fiom Pgjpl the beginning uf the Ik"
blew .vi'.ir the month nf Ablh. loiicsponding to
our M.111I1, being the fli-l. llms the dellterelieu
Irom bondage Would become the gicat t-tint lo
be kept forever In inemoi.v.
I.AMII. (Verses .'! to ei). This brgltmilig of
the nclesl.istlial tetr was lo be lelebiated In
all after leiiturles by t-ere Nes known na llie
Passoter, as ,1 Imtlie-r iialiotiil dl-lliicllou. The
iblcf featiiie of the a lamb, a mile
of the first year without blemish. It must he
selected as tn sle with lefeience to the needs of
the household, so I I1.1t the family Idea might be
pre-eried, and If one family vveie too small two
families might unite in the Il was
to be taken from the thick 011 the tenth dav uf
the month and kept up and fed by i'self for four
days that il might be in ct client condition. In
the evening, nut- afternoon, of the foiiiteenlh day.
all Hie lambs of all the families must bo merl
in eel. Any pel .on (.1 piie-t was not
might kill the lamb. The whole longii-gati'in
united at one lime, ,.o piniiioliug a coiiiui'iiilir
ni.OOl). (Veise 7). When the lambs were s0
sacrificed their blood nuil be secures! in a
haln, and then by means of a bunch of hrs,o;i
(vei-e 22), spiinklcd on the lintel and two posls
of the door (Dent. mI:2:!), That Ibis use ot tie
blood of the paschal lamb was .in emblem of the
sacilfie id atonement made by the ilcalh of
Clui-t is Intiiiuted (I Peter i; 2), in the i-le.iie.t
teinis In the New Teslaiuenl (lleb. i;i:i). 'Ili.-ic
is no sugge-tion here ol any ue-li intended ion
lesfiitalion. II is pinbable Hut lie people th-n
saw- in it nothing more III. in N designated in
this le-son ( 12 and 13), although n.ine
siholais think that as .s.iciilUal vv i-hip began
rciy cult lu the- hi.loiy of the lace iCeu. 'ill,
ils prophetic impiiit must lnw- be,-n set fnnh
and c-anied fiom gi-tieiatioti lo inn.
l-TAST.- (eis,-s S lo II). After the slieddiiu'
of the blood, theieby 'marking mil tin- dwelling
as Nracliti-h and seeming il. iuinati-, the l.itnh
inns! be eaten. Fur that pinpose it was iojsi
ed it iniglit not lie piep.ned liy anv olle-r pris
es or taken law. 'I lie enllie I. nub iniisi he eaieu
thai night, and if anv pan iiiuaiucil in til I , -moining
it stio-iid be biuued vtiih liie. r,
slianger might have any pait in Ibis iVa-l (teis
fi). Il inusl In- t.ik-11 witli hiltei heihs, n.s an
emblem of p.isl afllicticii, and with iiuleavi'ieil
liiead. leaven being an 1 tublem of coiiiipiion or
evil (Matt. vi:(l). While p.iilaklng even 111 111
11111-t hi- gilded, lii- sheic-s on his feet, bis siaO in
hand, n-ad.t lo leave in li.iste 011 the j-iuiuet to
the puiiuNcJ land.
TdKKN.-Vei.-es 12 and 13). did all th.'
rigllifi ! Why Ibis l.mili ? Wliy was llie blo).
spiinklcd? Hhy the Ic.isi nlloiw.iid: Tin- .
Illigllll esplailled In Mum's, who in tlllll c.
plained lo ibe people. II tva- a loliu ol some
thing whlib would oeiiu- (Cm. i:I2-I7). On Hut
teiy night atn-r tin- in-tiliiliou of Ibe lii-l Pas.
otcr the- angel of death would smile all the Ij-I
bom of Kgypi, otoii.iu and or, and e -i tile
juduineiil upon Ibe guN of the I. mil. Itm not .1
lioil-e 111.11 l.i d by Hie blund .-houlil be 1 1 i--l ill 1 --1.
lll,SI .
Pieacliliig by Ihe pi.tnr. Hit. I,'. . (I.viinr, al
II a. in. and 7.30 p. m. Suhjcci., "(lii- MI111I,"
and "A New W itiiiu,'.' Hible a ciuhly at 3 p.
111.; Sunday school al III a. 111.; Chri-liin Ku
deaiui. (I.l.l i. 111. All wehonie.
All Minis' I nluis.i.t ihiinh, Pine -lieel,
near Aikltlls aieuile Itet. Thnlllls IJ. I'.l.tne,
pastor. Divine -erviee, willi -I'liiuin, at 111.31) a.
111. Suliji'ci, "Sat-iiliie, Ihe Law uf All liiowth."
Siiiid.iy M'heinl at 12 111. No eu-ulng seitlee,
The following niii-jt .il se-lee lions will b nil-eli-rcd
at Kim Paik 1 liiirch tomoiiow, uuih-r the
ilirei-llon ot Mr. J. Alfred I'emilngton, oiganist
and choii'iuasiei-;
Organ Pieluili- in II
Choir -".li-Mis I sit el ot My Soul" Willi, mis
Oigan- (lllellm.t, Aiulaiito Tiainpiilln ...I'ettali
Dint fur si.piano and tenor "Lou- Divine,"
Organ Post hide, Allegretto in A. Minor.
Oigan Pielude In II Hat Nely
Choir Anthem, "l'iai.-o the Iniid II Mv Soul.",-,
Organ OfTerlory, Canlilena Pasioiale in A
Di'-ha j os,
P.1-.S solo "The Heateiily Song" (iiaj
Mr. W.irien.
Choir ll.viiin-aiitlieiii, "Tlie Haven of lle-t."
Oigaii-Posllude in D Ilaiv-hr
'I 1 II
I'lidcr the ilircclbii of (liginl.t J. M, Chance
the following iiui-lcal sclcclieuis will be Usee! it
Iuiiioi low's servlics in Ibe Seintid Pie-bytoriau
Oigan Pielude , Scuit
Anthem, "O sing l'nti, the Lend" Hues:
Oilertoty Solo, "Why Ait Thou Cast Downr"
.Mis. (iaiagau.
Organ Postlude , Hicli
Olgau I'li-luile I.emilgie
Anlheiu, "lle.ltcn Is My llnuii-" .'.Ne.iti
Mr, .Morgan and Choir,
It's the Evidence of Scrftnton People
Published in Scranton Papers That
Has Made Such a Reputation for
Dr. A. W, Ohasa'a Nerve Pills.
RtiuiilliiK clear mid ilistlnct, niaihliiK
tho illfforciivo, tho riiipprlor mcrll, tho
adaptability to present-day allmoiiis Is
tho volume of local testimony for Dr.
A. AV. Chnso'H Nervo PHIh. It's so illf
ferent to the ordinary reiucdleB voter
ihiB to cures made at distant points
which It Is Im nl to verify, There Is a
reason for Dr. A. V. 1'Imko'h Nervo
Pills coinniandliiK home evidence wher
ever they urn known. It Is their won
derful Inlluenco in brlnulntr up tho
htutiilard of nerve force.
Mr. Henry Alliens, of No, CIO Wrvh
street, Scranton, Pa suys: "Kor niiout
two years niy hack and kidneys had
been sore, lame and tho secretions In
bad shape, Nothing seemed to help mo
until I t'ot Dr. A, V. Chase's Nervo
Pills ut .Matthews ilros.' drug store
No. 320 l.ackuwannu uveiuie, They
did tho work, I'lirlng tho soreness
and lameness, intiklnir the secretions
healthy, nud generally giving ine
health niul utreiiBth."
Dr. A. V, ChuBo's Nervo Pills
sold nt BOc u box at dealers, or Dr. a.
W, Chase Medicine Co., Uuffalo, N, v!
Bee that portrait untl slgnaturo ot A.
Wt Chase, M. D., are on every package,
Tlie llr-t (ilisertaii'e nf the nidlnatice was theie.
foie an nit of filth in the prnmi-c ul Hod, a
inc tlmd of siturlty against Impending Jmlg.
Iiient. The people imilo,teit what had been His
Igiialed ns Ihe 10111IIII011 of their own salvalioii.
They had no ichiiii In evpeel satdy lu any
other vv.l.i- they did itpeil It lu this way. II
lliey loinplleil wllh an appolnled token they
should live If they lui,leiteel tha! token they
would be eneiwhrliiied lu the ip-tienil ileslrucllou.
Mi:MIIIIIl.., Il, IS, I7l, Itul the P.I.S
nver was not for 11 single tilghl it wa appolnled
11s a perpetual oliseivauee to occur at Hie same
time eveiy .tear throuiigtiont subsemient geiirv
nllolis, Cetiliuy after lentnry their should he
the iintcirriicil Ineid, the slain lamb, lies
prlnkleil blood, the p.ichal feast, Hut wiry te
pealid? If il signified secmlty that llio-e tvhli In
sllliilcil II what did It signify to posliiliy? It
was Intended .1 11 memorial of ftod'-i gracious
dealing and of the m melon' ihlltiranee of ilie
people fiom boiul.ue and death. The fonith diy
of Jiilj Is Hie annlver-..ary of American Imlepeiiii.
nice Inlelideil lo keep olive- th" spliil nf '70 wlie'i
these lolonles look up aims against (ireat llrlt
Hill. Tliis feast In like manner, the beginning ol
Hie llcbietr tear, lepeatid to the llebiew- yoii'.n
the slory of the nation's hlitli nud strength -nod
lo.valty to (hid.
rS'ITV.--(Veie 1(1). A slicing and nn.peious
nation is Hie product of lu.ili.t Iiilluriitcs. If 11. e
people haii- one blood, one language, and one
By Rev. Robert F. Y. Pierce, D. D.
f Trout Author's Notes in "The Sunday School La.? -son,-," Pu!lU!i I b V. II. Revjl
& Co., Chicago, HI.
Dee, 15. The Pa-sotei. L., Nil: 3II.
tJolden '("est. "Christ our pas-over is saciKleed
for us." I Cm-., v :7.
On age (12 of my recent book, "Pic lined
T111II1," piihll-hod by the llerell company of
Chicago, is tin- sketch wliiih we f tod.i.t. It
is a foiceful lllu-tratloii of the cciitial t ut Ii
of Ihe lessen.
It re-piesents the dooiway lo an Kgtptian home,
on whii ti by obedience to the command of Hod
the blood of the -.ic 1 ilic lamb has been spunk
led. lien- is tlie sign of death for life. It is a
Mini. ul of the door of the human heart. In which
lias been applied by faith the blood of the I'.ler
nil Siciillie, "Tlm Lamb of liod si iln fiom Ihn
foundation of Hie tun hi."
limit first the ilnm, plan- scarlet m.iiks on
both the door pi-ts and lintel. Aiotuul Ihe door
haw the he.iit 10 make the application of Hie
Ii v-im a pt-t stni.ll line. Over and I1.1t N of Ihe
hcait chaw the 110-s lo indicate the vauHlcr
made for sin liiminjli tlie deatli ,t our I.011I Je.-tis
( hii-t.
A simpler, but isiuallr foieeful illu-liafiou of
this le-.sson was giun to pritniiy le.iclieis some
.teais ago b.v Mis. M ii. Kennedy, --ketch on
Ihe bl.u kbo.nd st-teral doms, side lit side, I'll
the door poMx and liulels of half llie doois place
some' si-.lllel cravoll 111.11 ks fo It-ptcctil blood
diops. Let the utile doors be without any
s.auel Abut e the doois draw a bii.ul
in. 11 1, to icpicsrnt the De-lio.tlng ngel. When
Hit- aliel e-a-lii In the honie tvheie Hie bhu-il
was -iiinl, as eliii-ited by Cud, he -u-scil
over Die 111; but he desi 1 nileel inio tho-e- liotuin
whiili h.ul 111 bl I upon tlieiu. Has
the I1I.111.I nf Cliii.-I, li.l lailli. Ici.i rilillkled
upon uitr he.uts
I'alBBflHBVasfeHsIn I IfStfaHflfBKaiBHl
S.AAA;AAAAAS.A........ j.....A.s....j.....,
Oiri-lleil.l-lllg.ili, "-s.lig Uilllolll Wold,
Mr. J. V. Chan.,..
l.euun -us
Oigan r.i.-llnil,-
Tiie si, niton Ladies on hestia, eoiisi.liug cf
the loll,, wing well known 1 idi.-s, MN, N,-iie Ih.l
INter, .Miss I laia Long, .Mis. A. I.. Ilollandei,
Mi-ss Kile, ttoliiis; Mi-, .1, mi ir 1,'oldeii,
mine!; .Miss Hcilrtide Lung, piano, tei.t pleasant
ly enieitaineil the tlie Clnistinis sale of
BThe Holiday Seasons!
Is moving toward us and promises to prove
a corker iu everything in the jewelry line.
Is full of Beautiful Goods. We make a
specialty of
423 Lackawanna Avenue.
j. . . -f . . : -j. 4.
Useful Holiday Presents
House Coats
Slorm Coats
Handsome Line of
Hen's Gloves ol
religion they may he ireie easily telalneil muter
one unwlliiiienl. Hill eteu then llie-y must hare
isinunnli iutele.sts, mid lu Older to do this tl.ry
tiiu-l hate fruiieti! Itilcicnui.ic If teparaled lhy
bee nine t! Nil ml fill unit JeatoiH, As 11 means of
protnollng national unity ami ntdltianre afler.
waul ilellveied ri-ipilieil-iill males In appear be
foie Hie Lotil three I lines .1 .tear (I'aciI, .wlltlil,
In roiincctlon Willi Ihe IMsvuit two re-imlons
wile leipilied. ime nt the bcrlntilng and one at
the end of the feat of utitoawlicd bield Then
Wile not fistlte iuc.isloii, when the people en
gaged In spoils, but (hey were holy lo'ttiitu
lions, when wllh one l.rnit Ihey souulit the Lord
ltnl'LLCITONS. I, As In l-i.lel every je-ir
began with a eelehinllcii of Hod's tlellier.lno'
fiom Lg.tpt so Ihe Christian .should begin ere y
.tear, eveiy moiilh, every ilay with a mucin
biaiiie of Divine nereles. In le'calling the p.nt
hoie nud gralltule ate awakened. !!. In nil re
ligions iletolloiis It is welt to unite the whole
family, Ihrichy cultivating tho-e nobler nlleei
lions wlilt It most iidoin human inline. Doiiiestie
piety Is the hlghe-t of the ppilitll.ll lite. J,
No mm ought In neglect those lotmnoii and uni
versal nbeivanees by t lilt It gieat etenis are
(oiiiiuiinorali'd nnd by ttlihli one -tii II nnd
one purpose Hud pl.ue in the piddle- lie-art ntid
proiluee col rd. I, tinier the old coreinnt the
lamb wj olleied evei.v, but under the i.ew
roteii.Hit Chris! was s.uiillced once for all (Hell,
iv.s). 'Ihiougii Ills blood nil may find h-live,-nine,
nnd by one niiliiuuec that deliverance Is
cclehialed (Luke wlhl'il.
lu I Cor. e"ii7, "For even ('In i-t, our Pa-orer
N sacriliced fur in,", Paul links Hie old ili-peusa.
Hon witli the new. lie makes the Old Testament
sMctlfice preach tlie New Testament miration, lie
makes the P.issoier lamb, faciiflied foi t-iael'.t
ileliiei.ini-e Itoiu boielage, -.t nituilie tiie New
Teslaiuenl "Lamb of l.'od," saeiilleed for the ele
lirerauce of Ihe tun Id fiom death.
s the I.1111I1 was without blemish. ,!c-siis, tho
Lamb ot dod, was peilect; as the lamb was sini-tlee-ii,
so Ji-iis hj- olteted, the eteiuii saeiltice; .is
Hie blood o) the lamb wa.s placed on the homes
of iihediciit l-i.n-1 in Kg.tpt, so mil. I the blood ot
Jesus by faith be obi'dieiitly appluil to or.r
heails, as tin- death ine.ssenger "iias-od otei"
i-tei.r home when he saw the blood of the sanili
eial lamb, so Jens has hemine 0111 Passoter,"
and we- hate ileinal lite tluough the I1I001I of tlie
Lamb. "Hchuld the- Limb of Cod. wliiih lal.-th
invay the sin of Hi1 woild." John l:2'i.
Suggestions: (n deielopiug the- leoii ill ir
lli'sl an all. 11, and speak of Hie m-eil ,,t a saciillie
fiom sin. Then di rv the head of a lamb and
speak ot (.nil's willingness in Hie uhi ilispcu-.itioti
lo accept Hie blood ol lambs, ami goats, mid
dotes, a- an .Huncuc-iil foi sin. Hut in the lull-ne-s
of time He sent Hi. milt begotten Son to bo
the gteal Saciilue, Hie Lamb of Hod, tluough
whos" deith we hate at-- in- nieiil tvil'i the beaten.
Ir fatliei. Diaw Hie nus. mil 011 it ttiite JIX.'S
(It'll SA( HIPCK, and appli the lesson 1l1.1t Je.siw
the- Lamb of Hod" becauie a willing siciiih-e unto
death for all who will be -.ui-.l (Jul.ti 3:1(0., Pa,
the ladies of llie Pi 1111 Ateiiue llai(i-l iluitih on
'lliur.sdit eti-ning.
Pieaihiiig in the I'limiiite Mi-tiiodNI 1I1U1.I1
Minday illuming and coning liy He p.isior, llet.
Wil-nn Iteiitle.i, Moining senile at U1.30. Mib.
jeil, "How lo Oteieoiiie an Kneiu.i." Kveiiiu,;
si-nice al 7 o'lluck. S.ibjcci, "Men Vt no Hej-ct
Ihe Last (all to Saltation." Siindai school at 2
p. 111. All ale iiitiled.
. 4. . . . . , . 4. a
Holiday Siispenders
Spruce Street.
Every Description. J
Time Is Here
There Is on old saying "Anticipation Begets More
Pleasure than Idealization. ' If this be true, then Christmas
time is here. The diiy for plnnnlng for gifts, and for buying
not a day too early for Ihe latter, if you would avoid the rush,
the push and the worry. Don't put off selecting your gifts so
that you are worn out and cross when the joyous day conies.
A light heart is tlie best of Christmas cheer. You will find
soliciting easy work at Rogers' store.
Nothing you could buy could bo movo nccoptnble to tho
average mnn or womrm. Wo have secured for our holiday
trade a beautiful assortment of Eemulno stones, lu rich gold
Brooches, very latest design. $15.00 up
Lockets, oxcluslve patterns 15.00 "
Ladies' Kings 5.00 "
Gentlemen's Rings
Scarf Fins, beautiful settings
Cuff Buttons, new designs
Studs, brilliantly cut stones
5ee Our Window Display.
I Give Green Trad
ing Stamps.
213 Lackawanna Avenue.
k t . , tr, . . , t M kk , tn. v. tn, tn, tn, tn, tn, tn, 4 tn. n tn. tn, tn, tn.
Our Holiday
Display This Year f
Iriii(ls us in our new store better prepared than ever before "J
I to caler to tin- wants of 1 LOLlDAYi SHOPPERS.
:: Beautiful Things for Christmas I
ICarlv choice is wise. We
now, when stocks are at their
in making your selection
sistance ol niy llnrly-live years experience.
c.,i ; u i..:,i.- ? TJivr.c
.ill ill fill iMiinn y,i imu,i,
STL'DS. Etc.
une uoid ana silver watcnes
With the Highest (Irade Movements. .
Sterfiing Silver Novelties, :?
r-4 v
Cut Glass and Umbrellas.
And everything pertaining to
133 Wyoming Avenue.
A A A A A 'A A A A A A A 'A A A A A
Scranton Transfer Co.
Cabs, Carriages
and Hansoms....
5.00 "
invite vou to make selections
of Diamonds, you have the as
p.unnr'iirrc nirvnAVTe M
iinvv'wuij.'j X li.l Lli lj,
y- m m w v
a first-class Watch and Jewelry V
-i .-.j-'