yw mwtmmffAwnmwmrm: m ,'"' f- VHV1 n THE SCH ANTON THIBrJNE-MU DA , DKCEiUBEK 13, l!)01.. WEST HEPTASOPHS ANNIVERSARY 'ELEBRATION IN MEARS' HALL LAST NIGHT. West Sltlc Conclnve Hns Been in Existence Ten Years Woik That Han Been Accomplished in That Time Maiilnge of MIhs Mary Davies to William Humpluey. Annual Election of 0fflcei3 of C. M. B. A. Funeial of Thomns Jotdan of Thiid Sheet, 111 Menu' hull lull I'Mlilm, dink I'lm t hum or tlii' most enlouble and edlfxlni; clitei tnliiinciits- in' i hi1 season xx lion West Side ioihIiixo. No Jll. Im pnivd ilidii in Hi ptiiMiphs held Its t"iiih imiilwixiii eiitutuliinit nl. Hon A. Voshini; mis Imli iniiii of the txeiilntr llr 111. nit ii nintli I 1.I111I1 iiiii 11 and his appeal. in c xx.is meettil ulth iuiiiiiI . 1 1 1 1 i iiitind ol itpl.iii vr The I lull 111 III IlltlOlllil Lli KM till- Hill numb' I on the ptoKiuininc Miss 'llinin as nml .MtsvtH W'nolti .mil Win i en Mlm lemleied with i'm ci dlnr be.iutx, .sptluj; Hour This u.is follow cd bx i ii illation liv tin.' dulliihlful entei liilni'i. All"-' b idle .loncs who ii'clluil "Niiin .Mm pin ami tin Spil Hi " lli'lnif tctalli'il shi' pleuslintlx u i Hi il ' 'Phi' l,it Choid " Philip II. Win ii n "nn Hit- Tuii'.idiii inifT lioni ' C.n men MK I2liuln th I humus sxvpctlx sinn i soln 1'iitltliil spitiMt Uomanie ' followi il b 1211 is i ; Intis tin lomliw's llnniK iui who s till the Wist Shlo imnl.iM' was 01 '..iiil'i'il tini oais a,ti in flail, s hull o Miipicini' oiganii i I II I'llimosp 'I hi mhIi'U w,is oik inl.ed with the fol low liiK lllll t-lolll ill. 11 til llll'lllbl'ls W I: Williams i: II llousi Mdw.uel .loin- i: . ci. iii. i n s,i, ii c Mllllliall W II Coons II T Thoin is I' I' W.i III is s s riciMiian. Hi W .1 Williams 11 I, T.iloi iv, i: i: l.x.ins A , l.eon.iid S. M Kei se .1 H Lfsh, i; r c'l iwtoul V, T Sloiii I . Chaiiibns (i w Iinkins n i; CIsliiKi-i C T Itnshwoilh 15 T C D Hook J: W Willi mis, Stone Joseph Anskj. h , U A Ki lithium W. Kuilejc W W Mm phi. P. .1 Alallot. W Ii Thninton C It Si 111 Ml W M Howl ing. A M ll.uiison Tin following otliiiis win- pirn u il .'ost aiilion, W I. Williams an lion H II House pioxost .1 A Clialniiis, mlito D Klsmpfi smetiii. II L, f.ixlni tii isiuii. i: i; nv.itis, tiias- nu c w .ii nkins inspcitoi. i: n. Dtifottr's French Tar Will ptninplli iclioip mi! poodi! 'nro miuh- n M- and ill liinc tiDuhlo I m mIi l C. XX IINKINS. 101 s0lltl, jlin avenue It's Hard fork Seed ing These days. Theie's so much to wiite about, and so little space to bay it in. But why should we buiden you with a long ligmaiole these days? The stoie is an open piomenade while the holiday tiade lasts. Come and go as you please. You'll always be welcome, nnd Ave minutes spent on oui gieat main floor is woith much moie to you than an houi's leading. Toi instance, as you cntei the Annex dooi you pass an elegant show of fine Table Linens lich and fashionable 'Silks, fancy Diess Goods, and n woild ot Dolls, Buc-a-Biac, Games, Etc., and anive among the Silk Waists and Dressing Sacques They occupy much hpace and the collection is supeib as to vai iety and styles, but they'ie light-pnced and easy to pui chase. The Great Cloak Stock and Furs Lies only a few steps away, and. as it happens, the holldny tiade just comes in as we feel we ought to begin to unload goods of this flasi,; theie ae many bnigain tid-bits that tue sine to make fi lends fOl lib, The Handkerchief Stock Is Bewildering To borne people because of its magnitude, but that needn't wouy you, it you only give a hint about the pi ice you would like to pay. Leather Goods and Fancy Needlework Air attincliiiK much attention thib season. So h the peitumoiy and toilet loquisltc stock. Reitnon they'ie now dennitmoiitij and pi ires aie keon. The Publishers' Trade Book Sale Is tho talk of tho book loveis tluoughout tho valley logue list is still complete, and the biugnins aie just evei. The Book Stoie is back nenr the Cioak Depaitment, Globe Warehouse K SCRANTON .loni'sj xxiinlen, U. II. Huv: Kcnllml, II. ('. Illinium; incdluil ("tiiiiilner, tt. W. .1, WHIIiiiiih; ti melees, M Al. llece, 12, A, Clink, I'. ,1, l.eonniil. Lost uv dentil nluec, .1. I). IMxxiikIh, I Kleske, T. V, Phillip. Meniere Alt KnlBht, U. .1. Phillips, I. I. Hentfl. W. C. Ueiiiuimiit, It, ,1. Thoiniis. II, C. Illmiinii Ml'. llX'tills iiImu lilildi' inelltloil of the fuel Hint In the punt ten enis the Hoiletv pnld $l!t,l)0ll In dentil elnlnis. Air. Hvaim' .speedi was follow 'd hv a Hlipeili duel. "Sour ol Jo.' liv Missis. Wooler and Willi ell, which XXIIH PIIC 111 I'll. chilli niaii VosliurK llieti Inlioduied the Reneial i otinselin of tlm tmpinxed Older ol Heplasophs Hon. Olln III van, of lliiltlinoie. Aid Mi. Ill Mill Is a man of line apiienuinee and pleiiHliiR olic, and rioin 111 si to Inst coinpletelx ulp- I I mi led bin iiudleiKo b Ills iiiukiiIIIi en! flow ol oiutoi.x. Allu the nddiess u solo wuh ahh mint: hv All. Wooler en titled "Alv Splilt Still lanes Thee." This was lolliiwnd b a i liaiinlii;; duet b Miss 'I'honias and All. Woolel, eli tltkd "WhlsperliiK Tites' Allss Sadie .lone lolloweil with a tif Itation elitllkd "Sp.u tin lis to the (il nllatois " This was the leiltntloli mi with h MNs .tones leiehud lltst pi lo nt the Noi th Ihul elsleiliiroil. held ThunksKlNliif; d.ii I'hlllj) Wait on thou pliiistntlv sniiR a solo with h was lol loweil b Hie i out luillnpt niinibei of the I'M'liliiK. a tiio entithil "PI I'li'ito O I'adie," b Allss Thinnns mil Mesis Woolei anil Waiien 'Phis was biallll lulK ii'liikieil, Alls j. 1! Thomas ho iilK l.he ,u i onipanisi loi all the -elei -lions Tho hall was be illtllllllv ileioiateil with palms and Anieiiian tht,- and was i low did to the ilooi s Two Weddings. One ol tin pit'ltlt'st wuldlliKS ol the s(,isiin wits held on Widiii'silax at Hie p.nsoniiiff of the I'l mouth Coiikk Ra tional ihuuli. when tin- pastoi lte. i: A Mini uuitiil Ilvs Man U.nlcs, of Kilnk stiiei to William Humphio . ol I'ottlbone sin i t lis-- Jennie Diies a sistoi ol Hie Inkle was bi lilcsinald, while Mass Mi own at ltd a In st in m The In nle was i Ii n iuIiirIv .Milled in a row u ol ri i. iiimmid with wblti ilk and line She tamed bildnl l osi - ol white 'Phe In idesinnkl wus attiiid in a slmilai nuiiinoi Al the i om liision ol Hit lei eiiioiiii s whkh imilid Hioin the llapp couple w ei o tliheii to the htinie ol Hie bi ide-t loci's pnonis on I'lhiU "tun whole a meplion was untitled them Moth All. anil Alls Huinphiev ale I'MeetliiiRh jiopulai the hi ide be ing the accomplished tlaiiRluc l of Mi. and Alls Thomas J Daiis of Pi ink stiiet. and an anient w inker In the PlMiiouih i hiiicli Tho Riooni is one of the allied em)loes of ibo hitkawau nuioid Allci u slitn t wodtllliR tilti to Mostoii .mil New Vol k the will icsitle at l-'U Pettibniie stn i t tsteida it lei noon al J o c lot k took plate lllo in Ullage nl Alls Annie Mi -C.miux to John Colaino the leiomom helnf, peitoimed at st Pttikks I'atli ollt t Inn ill .lolin O Alalkn was host maii while Alls T Hinds was maid ol The cnta as gieat as K-.s il-f.Cu.). trJUMt tj Store News inn fiu iW Tf I ggJM houoi. A leccptlon wim ttftciwuid held at Ihe home of I lie bi ItleV piiicnlH. whole llich ninny fileiithi show ei oil toiiRiiittilatlHiin upon thelu nml wished them a happv omiri' iiii the sea nl lire. After an I'Vlemthe wetldlliR tilp In New Vnik Mostoii nml WiiHlilliRton tliev will lettini In HiIh eliv anil leslde at tho home of Hie Initio's palenls. Annual Election of Ofllccis. Al the toRlllnr ailllltal llleutlliR or the ineiubeis nf the Cntholk' .Mutual lleii eMilent aPHot Inlloii held In the iosv hall of the YoiliiR Aleli'H liiHlltllto, the follow Iiir nllkeis were nleetetl on Wed lic'Kdav evelllliR' PiihI piesltlelit .1. AIi'Alldlow IliHt lto piosltlelll, ,1. W. Maldwln, secolitl It o pioMldent, Al, ,1. .leimltiRs: leioitl Iiir Hooietiity, ,1. M. Alt Camion, lliiiin i lnl sooielai y. .lolin H. Harnett, assist ant koiioIhi.m .1, II. Iiovaney: tieasin ei . At P. Welsh, iniitflml, IXmiiiIh Mail Iriiii Riiaitl, John Doveis; titiHtees, P, J. I'osRiine, Dennis MadlRiin and Thoinas JikIro 'Pile lic'M leRllhu lneellliR of the so tlet will h" licit I on Satuidav, Hoo. Us, the date beltiR UmuroiI ow Iiir to the Chilstinas hollthiNs Intet feihiR witli the lORiilar time. Of Social Note. 'Pile follow Iiir poptihu West Side .MiiniR pooplc entei tallied on Wt tlnes (Iti v inunliiR. IMwatd I.ownev or Seventh stieol, enti l tiiliieil a few of his mum I nils li lends Wendell Hxans nl .litiksmi sliiel, was tendeied a oiv pica 'tint sin pi so pal t. Allss AIa Alultliows ot Mmius i mil I, mis lentleied a siupile p.utv In lionoi of hoi slMcetilh bit tlida The emplnM s of Aim Ran Thomas the .Incksoii stieet ri oi ei , held H stiaw I Ide to Hlmliuisl. whole u most onjoMible time wus lud at Schickel's hotel. runeial of Thoinus Joidan. Sesteulm nun niiiR at 'i o'clock as In Id tho luniialof the late Thomns loi clan, of "4J Thhd stieet, who died Alo!iila 'Phe stichis who lir Ul In the llolv Cioss i inn (it in Melleiuo and wile in chaise ol Ilex. W P O'Doiini II xx ho ililixtiotl a most olotpient ouIorx on the past llto ot the iltceasitl 'Phe tolkixx int. si xouiiR men bis loiniei 1 1 lends tendeilx can led his io niaiiis to llieii last ustiiiR plate in the Cathetli il i onietei x John WiIrIU, Aiithoux Midowan .lolm Moian Mkh at 1 Ali DoiiuiiRli. J. V. Alilloi and '1 lioiuas Walsh Thiee Funeials osioid.u atteinoon was hi Id the limoial ot the late Alls Dm. in liom Hie late home JOli Mdw.uds loih l Hex S P Alatliews. pastoi of the First Maptist t liui th ofllclated, and dellxeieil an cloiiutnt sei moil on the past lllo ol the iki eased The following xxeio pall bcaieis Jlessts. Allen Mussell Ale Cole, Hx.in Jones William C.iath Del Potiisnii and James Muike Intel inont xxas niaile in the Washbuin vticct t em elei.x Vestoitliix atteinoon took place the liuici.il of the late lamented iallth dentil li om the late homo '.'l C.ai Ikld axeiuie Tin asket was bin led bi math i lo id nt beautiful lloweis, whkh mutilx lold ol the loss sustained In hoi li i'lids ami ulatixes Hex i; A Moj I of tilt PlMiiouih CnilRic'halloiuil ihuieh Hie dec eased s Pistol had thiiin( oi the seixkes and iklixned an euloRX whkh (nought leais to the ee's ol the llstonois In tel inuiil Mas made in the Washbuin siitet ttinoleix. anil the IoIIowIhr xouiiR nun hoi foi nie'i 1 1 lends tentlei 1 i an led the lemailis to then lust iitiiiR plan clcoiRe Sihustei, John Williams, Pul Pnsh, Jot Coiuiois, Wallei Lewis and (Icoio Willi mis The luueial of Mis Plias T Pxaiis was hi Id Horn the 'Pabeinaelo Consie--.alional t Inn th on South Ilde Pal l axonut Itex. I) P Jones otlklatiiiR Iuti'i incut was mule in ihe Washbuin slut t i c motei j ITEMS OF INTEREST. Anx who deslio infoi inatiou as u Raids the cmuliu, eisteddlotl ol the Molloxue Mlblkul and l.itoiaix societ, whkh will be held on Cluisimas dax, should nddiess M T James s-ooiet.ii, No .'! Stons axe'iuie, t Itx A tliaxxliiR lor L'0 In Rokl will be held on Dei. Hi b the meniboi s ot Division No 11 Ancient Oulei ol Hibernians 'Phe Ladles' LiaRiie ol the Pb st Welsh Maptist i hill (h will (Olldlict a lali on Dtt. IS and 111, in the assembly loom ol the ihuic.Ii At the club looms J4 ielibaltl sin i l, on Dei. .'I, will he lieltl a ladle b the ineiiihcis oi the West Ride (iias loot bull team foi n SI Roltl piece This cxoiiiiiR In Wti.slilnRton ball will bo hold the ioruIui weekl daiite of the Colonial Dnnchit, elus l.asi oxenlnR in Hie Sunda.x m linol itioin ol the Wnshbtiin Stieet Pusbx (ti Kin i hutch was held the monthly business meetliiR ot the Clulstlan Pn iltaxiii soiiotj, Miisiiiess of mm h Im poitanio poitalnliiR to the wellaie nf thi'soiiotx was tiansaiteil PERSONAL MENTION. T IE. Dax Is. ol ro,"i Noith Hdt PiuU axtnuc, Ih seilouslj ill at his home, .Mm. Hwayo, ol Noith H.xde Pailc axojiui. Is itulte ill with licait Iioiibk', .Mis. Wllllain Wllllanih. ul Pjnou stuei, is itulte 111, .Mis, lUilum! Ilinlow, of Hiomley axeiuie, In fllKhtly lnilhiposed Allss Messlo WiiRStaltail i; linn Micct. Is ill. Al thin Kline and Wlllaid Dax lioine 1 1 om a lf-.lt lo Poilx Poit. 1110 .Mm, TliiiiniiK ItlilMiilH. ot Mtoniley axeiuie, (, III, GREEN RIDGE. Iln in i , ilai Inline lit I'iiiiioii tin mlt smiiii In tin (.cm it 'ilc llmtbi hut, h li.t ittlilillii nl'litv, uIikIi js ii hui Ik, u ,m i I (lull the mi ml,, I hi thf (iirrn lliilvu !mli, IikIii ii'lint Ol il. i ot Ilia lillou- a lli, Ii una in, li.t iiIlIiI w a iMuiiil .mil will In .Inn IIiiiimIij i I hi it v.il, Hi i nu nV XU-,iiii .-u mi hi tin ,u ii lliilia lliill-l i In it t li l, ill Hint In lit i him l ii J li niloik tin-, iftvnioiiii Mi. I'lllilnlil Iui ilin n nl (In I U' I in, ulilili ihinilMS n in' tin liiliiilik IIk 1i-m. Ihhi Mill in mil iiil will In mil h) Mi iliilmo, in li Jixill Ml hit u I, a, uniliilh iiitltul , i iMouii I In 1 i II, a' Uil.iiiliti ulll hum j, lu I'M if lli million iii inriiiin llu linn- I) I illli jii.i.i, hUK ..iin iliiuiul ml i I In I nluisili4 i hui ji in I'liiu.xb mil, I, rl(lllllllL l till lllli il, llu lit! Ill till' lllKli',1 if tin i Inn i Ii iiiiI N u kixtl il 1 lie lioini' in Mr X II Mini, ji inliipiii jiiinii Jl', DiUu.nu trlliil (luiuiti t e sit t llu llJUIIllll M nl li , Mu Ulllhiu K.iii, nf IK inn Mltv'i, ivim u iv liu.lllll 11)1111 li) III Mirilll Ul till llallllllllJIIII lui.-plljl nlil' Vltlk, in lllilK I, lull II I ItMit'it I u I. IhimIIii, U.lil mil Ih Ii iliilini Wi.ImvIij tuiilns; "Il llu tilli,!, 'I llu I. Kill Ilidii' Uluilliun. j ulmh Unit' j f Mill lt.nn iiijiiiul Ijj l", s imiKi u'i im n,1CJ tmlgltt (fJHllJ 4cJk j.jsm.t A-,.;:. iM.iquJiMb 1t.4B,Wjj.,Jnir.- "a-. t-Lrr' iMa-wt-..JIWi,1Ji,' TIIK FBAK OF IIUMnilU Ptovcnts Many People ftom Ttying n Good Medicine, Stninni li timthloK me so i timmoii mid III most uihch hii olislllitilo to elite that people ate apt to look wllll Mlloplelon on itn.x leiiudy olaltitliiR lo lie a indleal, pelllialliill fin roi d.vspepsla nnd In dlRestlon. Alanv mieh pililo Iheinselxes oil thelf aetlteiioss In iicApi helllR htllil hllRRed, CHpe't lallX' In lliedlelnes, This teai or beltiR litiinbtiRRed (an lie tallied too fai, ho fin, In fact, that lilillIX people siilfet foi' xeais wllll weak dliresllon nithoi Hiati link a little Hine nml mime.x In riilllifullx le.sthiR the elnlnis made ot a inclination so ie llable and unlxeisallx' used an Httinit'fl D.VHpepsIa Tahlots. Now Stunt t s D.xspcpslit Talilets me ximtlx tlln'eieiil III one Impel hint to Hpei't flout n ill nu t - pi optician inuill Unes loi tho lonson that tlitn' aie not a sot'iet patent medicine, no Hcciet Is tiiude oi tholt ItiRiedlonts, ultlioilRh Ibex me soltl In all tliURRlsts under pioteitlon or it ideinaik, hut alinlxsls shows llieiu to toiilalli the mituial dl Rcstlxe fei incuts, pure aseptic pepsin, lixdutHtls ami nu. 'Pliev aie not tu t Ii.it tit. nelthei do the.x act poweif'tlllv on mix niRnn, hut the t tire IikIIrps tlnn on Ihe tommou sense plan ol tll Restlnjr t,P ff outen thmotlRlilv hc ftue II lias time to rciment. soui niitt tatise the mKlilef This Is the oiilx set lot ot their sun csh Cathaitlc illls next t luixe and nexir urn ciiio IntllRostlon and stomach tum bles beeiuiso tho act ontliolx' on the bowels, wheieis the xxhole tiouble Is icalh In the stomui h Stuint's Dxspepslti Tablets talcen nf lei meals illRcst the rood That Is all theie Is to It. rood not digested in hall digested Is poison, as it tieatos Riis, acltlltx. heiiilat bos. palpitation of tho hem t, lo' s of llesh mil maiix other tioubles whkh aie ollen iiilkd In 'otiie otiur name SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. Pleasant Social Event Conducted in Phnimacy Hall by St. Aloysius Society. A xoix pkasint mh Inl R.illieilm, look pliuo last nlRbt in Phaimatx hall on Plttston axenue xxlino St. Aloxslus' Total Abstinence anil Moiiexoleiil soil ilx. tentloictl a le'ieptlon lo tile wlnnois oi the niombetslilp (oiliest as n token ol esteem 'ind lOR.utl loi the woikots who had labotod so until IiirIx loi Hie benefit ol Hie oi Rnnlatlon 'Pile nitmbeis beR.tn to assemble al s 10 l m mil allei all xxeie seated a liiiuhoon was so Md A shot t pi o ri ammo was Rone tlnoURli anil the winneis aftei beliiR xxaimlx ioiif,iatu laled bx the chili man xxeie pipsentnl with b.idRes foi the lesults attiilnod bx tlioh lidelitx anil sintete woik in buikliim up tin liieniboiship of tho oi R.iniation Attoiwaids th Hotn was ele.ued foi (laneiiiR whit h was enjojed bv the mei lxmikeis foi soxeial liouis Spent a Jolly Evening. A llasliliRlu put tx anil sot la! was held at the homo ol Alls Ch u les Zx ick S14 Plttston axenue Wednesdax ulRht, in lionoi ol Miss .Minnie Hatnci Alusk loi tlaniiiiR was fiu nlsheil bx Cli.n les AloiloiiR. iiutl flashliRht iihotos xxeie made bx William Alillu. Afloi a sUi,stanti,ii suppc I had been disposed ol some eiellent solutions ol musk xxeie lentleied bx Allss Anna Thomas and Aliss Petheiitk Those in altonilanee xxeie The Atisst s Alinule II, U nu Minnie Klee Anna Thomas, Uie Pethei tek Stella O'AIalh x Ptliel Dax les Lena Holm. Aland Ilafnei. Alil ditd Alain ci Anna Po l,ik p Dax ics Jennie Lewis, rta Dax ies, Ade line' Xxxlck ami xlessis (Iooiro AIoi -Ioiir. Jos, (ih lUidmilki Cm I Zwick, ch.ules ,i wis lohn Poullei, Otto Alt 1 Mxion Ilxble .lolin White Moose Jones John l.anj,an C,.u Hold Cimt.sei, Ixoi Uic hauls Pied Daxles, Aitliut M. esc and Willluin Alilloi NUBS OF NEWS. Tin ill, implon Dotontlois pliixt t a Riime ot basket ball list exeniiiR iiRitinst Hie Mlnookii team In St Jo sephs hull As usual thox woio oasx xxinnois A llxe-xtai-old son ot All and Alis Alattliex- fiux-. of SL'S Mix ei snoot, has bei n (InnReiouslv 111 lot soxeial ilas with pleuilsx Vtstoidn.x an opeiaticm was deckled on as the oiilx ehancc to save the little follow 'h lllo. It was per foimetl, anil last night he was testliiR e.isj. with Rontl ihanies of inoxeiy. A woll-utlentleil nieetiiiRol tho St i an ion Athletic t lub wa.s held Iiim nlRht, and ihe tommittte who hatl diaiRo of the pie-eleotlon ball made a eij sat Istaetoix' I open t. A ineotlliR of lieiieial (liaut t oin uianileij, KnlRhts ot Alalta, will be held In llaitman's hall thin exeniiiR The Twontietli Ceutuij Athletic t lub iiutl Jink TIrIio'n team will plu an In leiostliiR Riune or basket hall in 1'itl lei x'h hall tliks ext uiUR A nnetlnR of the A'ouiir Wcinit n'.s Clulstlan association I.o.xaltj club will bo held this oxenlne 'Phe Council Hose i imipau.x will hold mi impoitam motliiiR hi Alaulev'g ball toinoiiox nlRht Special tlikels loi ihildton will be disti United at the xailous hthools tin this side today, which, with a small simi, will admit thorn to "Katdin Komii-V' In llio I.teuiii, lomoiiow af leiiionu. 'Phe Aleatlow Miook Hot Inl dub hold a ph'.imiui aftali last cnenlilR. when a imiplloil xxas rIxoii to the nitiiil) olet ted ollleois ol Hie i lull Tlm toi op tion xxiih hold at tlm club Itcailiiiiaitcip on Stone iixuiiue, anil lolieshineiith wein sotvoil, The now oflhois au: PitMitlcnl, Pied Kcllninaii, xln-pitnl-tlellt, lieoirio PllillH hi'iietan, Josopli I.oiir, lliiaiulal Mtietiuy. Pied Klotl; HeilHiiioi, .Matthew Kimble. "Kaitlla Kmiiiis has u loi al Ha ot Hun will aitiait ihtmsiiinlh, ami South N i anion will be will lepichoutcU on tilt Muko ot tin lAteiun IoiiIrIU 'Phe tollowiiih xouiiR men will aid the Span i!,h wal M'leiiins In lite putt nt "KnlRlith of stool," a pin Hon or tlm pioRiamiiiti that will Hull! the lieait of tixety soltlloi pii'sent, old oi jouur 1 'I he Miimi; latllcH who will take pail mo AHhsoh Psttlla Knlli, l.ona Lou ies, Pimiia Sclieiich I toinaliie Spiukt, Cnia 'oiliu, Paulo Pe!, Pinniti Alht! .MukIciw Willie Hotisiiei, Pied Sihlcl:, fiioxn Stlieuei, Pied Kelper nut! Chin Ik Itotlinuin Funerals. Tilt 1 unci ul suixlti's of Ililcli Zjnib Koxxk), xx hose ilc.ith mi lined ul the Mos(,s Ti. i'm hospltnl t'Hteitla, xxlll be vonilut toil In tho S'ucud Ueinl chilli li, I'lo.spcil axenue, this iikiiiiIiik al i) o'lltnlc. liiK'HiiLiit In Slliiooka. NORPH SCRANTON MINERS' MASS MEETINO IN ST. MARY'S HALL. Adchassei by Picsident John Mit choll and Soveial Other Libor Lcadei a Advocates the Eight Hotti Day and Education for the Riealcer BoysFiist Time Presi dent Mitchell Has Appealed Be loie the Mine Workeis of That Vicinity Other Happenings of That Patt of the City. The mine wmkeis or Ninth Stiiintoti, oftci witllliiR manv niontlis for Pusl doni .lolm Rllfoliell lo nddiess them. Ilnallx had Iholr wish Rialllled last nlRht. xxhon the le.idei of their foi cos niipeaicd at St. Alan's hall, and icll oiatctl wlial lie has piex-iouslx saltl lt RiildliiR the oKht hotn dux- foi mine woikeis. Piesltlini Alltihcll was Into in ai iIx'Iiir, on at i mint of othei oiikiiri ineiils, but his iippeai. tine was Hie sr nal lot an outlnnst ot ntipiause liom an iiudloiiie of upwaitls of a thousand people. DmliiR the uilli.so of his le niiitks, he said "Alj niinliiR hcie tonlRht Is loi tho lunptno ol stutitiR to iiti some tut Is whkh I, luixe to s.i.x Lust lull when the mlneisot this iorIiiii won that lion oi able and noble IIrIu thev woio not ti iDRiilzitl us men but moie as ani mals I unhesltalliiRlx fnxoi the elRht-hout dax as the paiaiiiouni f I lies t Ion tiet spihif, ami hope I hat all tiatks lliioiiRliout this iorIoii will ob tain tho shot toi woik ilai " He in ide an em nest appeal lot the eduiatlon ol Hie lueakei boxs and spoke In laxoi or a hiRhei wn.ro toi theli fallieis, to i nablo them to keep the boxs In sdiool Ills icmiuks weto atteutlxolx Ilsteiietl lo. and seemed lo hae ninth welRht with the auilleneo. The ineetliiR was piesitletl ovtt b Daniel Coleman, and ailtli esses wcie in.nlp bx Dlstiltt Piesldelll VIcboK Distill I OiRtnlu He.Hx. Adam Mxs ia.iRo, Dek'Rite Uxau of Illinois, seen tm x -Tip isuiei W li Wilson Oi -Kimlpi Lewis and otheis The speeches woio all aloiiR Hie lino ol bottoi rou tlltlons toi the woikluRiuen and in be ll ill or tiatks unionism Told in a Tew Lines. 'inn- Xli Minim n ii Oik Mini win, vvh Miliu.h iiiikiiiI n ih, XI, in ii i, it th (In!. I in m I (ml milium Wnln-iln n'lu i" li In i till nt nl -ii, , u nl, I t , hi- Minim-, xiMinln in iimiiir Hi i -miixiil li i niti. oui Inir mii ill ihililiui Iht ninoiil in iii nu nl- hut mil ul Inn in ul, llu Mininilli iniimil nf llu X min Xmi - ln- Mlllllc mil in lillhl l iiutl I ill -.il II II (.hi Hill iln tul oflu i is fui 'In , iiMiine ii ii Th nth 1-, in I'li-iildit Willi nu Iinnlt Ili-t ii(iu,i iloil (links Dilinu. Mtiiiitl x ire pi i suit nl, limn Xluliin Itiiimiil -nut irx, I U Miillc ii . iniiiiliiii; -nut in I' (iiidII, lipi-inti, I I Mint null in n -tii I I,, Im Pun- in-uh --n-lint I I MiNulti niii-iili' -iniinil (liiili. c ir mil llu isnniiK ii iiiiniiKi uill lir ilulnl liln Ihoii II In i in iiln i- im, inn. Mil- iftrj limn nl J HI nilni in the Xonn Wt nun - t hn-,-Inn l-soiiitinn minis Xn innri'tim. iroi mime his l,ci li ill u il., , I mil ill inillins mi inxlitil In Uli nil llu N. i ih siiiimi XIIiiui will in, ,l tin iiiiiimr it llu Iiiiini l I In, in is i, XIiiiip, S irlli Mini imihk iml I'nkoi :-tt . i f, t Dm-, llu lull hn.mn ilin, ui-l nf Hi s hrition In-hui i un mm I ulta rll-tint nt punt III IUI llll M ltd 111- III lh in (hi siillll, tin id ' is in ihi ( oh nml t oii ml slitii lint ll i III In pilli h l-i,l a Dm, (linL- slnli llu nlli Iml (,li' i lub mull i the loiiln-lup if I'inii -in Willi im Dm, ml! pmiu! tu in lutn tins inniiu ulitn llio mil llil a nu'iiti nitnl il llu Miiliuhsi lilnpil iluinli tin. h Hit ilnli's tu -l in.'JSiimul oui ul hmn llu- -t i hii hi I l splmiliil ntrpti n nil i nmulnl lion in is-nieil Mi,s Hi iliith (lutn will In Ih mompiiil-i in Ihe inuiil, (.1)11111 Hull ml-, if 111111 im hi 01 is imitlllfl In his Iml uiih up!, ml fun III llnilhilu is ih a, n .ilnul now ijlii i I ii- illiu s x i inn ii s i,i hi ,, In, Hit on un H XI 111 s lull Im 1 .1 1 nf iiiiu, 1 In ol Xn- Hi, ifti XI its 11 llu (ristil DrnuilH ilnl im pii-iiil In th pin, it, 1 tn il- h 1 llu lie in Mill llu- 1 11 ( hii-nnis -11 In 11 ' llu- Si mini s lllllshtn (In m Xi 11 so, t li. Iiii-ii.iu In im, in , Inn, ninth I,. s p, pui 11 hi this mil mil iuhIiiio i 1I1 inn, 1 nilllnl llu II itr nt Inm ' Xlis Xtmh 1,'n-i, it Oik -iml, 11 is 1 ill,, I Wiilm -tin tn Xllliils Mill- tn 1110111I llu Iiuipi il it In 1 lllllt. Ml- Xlmi, ips On I mlii iiiiini, Un 1 , 11 tl 1 Xmliti imui, llll Inn 1- nl lilshd lull Hill In llil. tn nihil s llii 'Hiii liitunn llu liiilnjiiks of iliisinl mil llu lllnmn-lniit.' X In dim 11 SWITCHMEN'S SMOKER. Enjoyable Session Held m Caipen teis' Hn.ll foi Visitois. Ail upeii iiiPt'lliiK mill MinoUt'i nf i:iec liit Cltj IihIko. Uititlit'ilitioil of Utill io.it! Sxxltc liiut'ii, xxas lifltl In f'.iniou tui.s' hull Inst ultilit, xvlicii .itltlicssos xxoic clolhi'icd liv II UUUlllPl ol I.sltoin Kiiililc .loucH pioililotl. imtl li teutuic of flu ex tut xx ii the siiiKliiK of 1 lit Will iam C'Ollllt'll t !('! Lllll). Adtlit'sscsi wi'tp tlclixoictl lix OiKiin loi ltopxos', of till Silent Ituilxxu.x .Moil's union, relij,tu Atnif-an, of roitl.tntl, On. Thulium I. Kltitl, of I'hitiiKo, x It t'-pipi-iiit nt of tho Anii'il iitu ri'ili'iiition 01 La bin. llt'ilii.'it X, I'lisson, loiiui'i l.ihoi t'llltoi ol Hip Xu Veil K Join mil, S. li. Untlholin, otlltoi of the lalior ilt'ii.ii tnic'tit oi tho Jjc'o iltiiiilf Vi'iu Hook, Washington, O, l" : .John II, O'lii ion, ini'ilcloiii ol tlm In tel iiittlonal llotall t'li'iKs' nMocliition, ami ,1. W, Shixton, ol Nt'ixca.stlc, Pa of llio Ihotht'ihooil ol i'.ii H'iilciti. K. Y. G, CLUB DANCE. Montlily Social in Bicycle Club House Last Evening, X il.mtt'. In ixliitli maiix iHoniliicnt xoiiiik iH'opln p,titlcli,ittil, xx.i,s held m iimi'r; 332 BIGGER BOX SAME PRICE inameline THE. MODERN STOVE POLISH Brilliant, Clean, Easily' Applied, Absolutely uaoriess LIQUID- BETTER YET? FIRE PROOF !! .i - a i.3nfi I Sm.1 iguouinB Special Ladies' Waist Sale Here is an excellent misrnias um 10 mice ine as ai leasi one-nan our ored Garments must find kays, if Greatly Reduced Prices Will do it. The following idea of the deep price cuts. Raglans Regular $12.00 values Regular 15.00 values Regular .20.00 values TwentySeven Regulai $10.00 vafues Regular 12.00 values Regulai 15.00 values Regular 20.00 values ThreeQuarter Box Coats 40 inches long, at similai price reductions. ' Flannel Shirt Waists At about one-half usual figuies. All shades, in the latest cieations, of either open front or back garments Children's and FullLength Coats The newest -shades, in sizes from 6 to 14. exttemely low. Alterations Free of Charge H ii l i nl sn 421 Lackawanna fluende. the Su.inton Biexcle i lull Iuui'- lust cxenlns, untlei the tliieitlon of the K (I cluli, .1 putx ol 01111g men who luixe oisanUeil to glxo .1 set ic"s of nionthlx dances iIuiitiK the xx Inter mouths The music, was furnished bx .Miles cudiestia. untlei the tliiection or Ptof Thomas "Xliles, solo louietist ol Batlei s Thlitientli Regiment band All of the numbeis plaxetl xxeie cut oi oil NOMINATIONS SENT TO SENATE. Piesident Piesents Anothei List of Appointments foi Conflimation. Hi I mIii-ixi XX ire fioin llu --oii itcil I'rc-- WasliliiKtiin Ui 1 . 1.' The piesident loilax sent the tolloxxini, noinlnatloiis lo the seliale In Hi I mti, I siiiis XIji-IiiI fui Oklilinini t mull II Thumps)!! n iipiuUiii u ln.ll.1 if llu I lilid s llu lout, -uiitlifiii Uistiiit it hull in loiillun llosi 1 liinn-iml, ( nlm it'i. 11 ij pninlnu nt I'nitul stiii, xiinimi inuiil Hi-lmr of In illllli Inlllnli luhli II IX ilLiiis 11' ii,oi nt nu I I I mini stills Midi lit x Iui tin siuthrlli Ills Iml of Imliiii li llu li x 1II1 1111 lfhn-(ii ( ii)ininiiin nl I iiittil st hi, X11, un, v fu llu X(sicin liisirnt it luiiliuki llriihiii II lllll 11 ippoiiitiiKiil (huhs X I'iniu, Xiiiiuiiil. In hi inlpisiitf loimtuiii 11 liimlssiiiii 10 i 1 1 inlinoi)' Xinii, Infinlri Mi ot I' II l!ai I- mill h 111 flntii. In In iiiliinil, t ipl lin II It I in 111 1 In Ik 1 111 ijoi . siinuit I , lliwti, Imiiti acininl Intuitu, ti In J .-,,, mil Ih'iiliiiJit I iiiiln -( ipliin luhli I'lUliu, m he iinlot Xililluj I lift sup., mi Xililpli I iiikhoisi. toi-i ntlllm, 111 it' siimul llcutrii 111 . Mtilit il l)i piitiiiuil I iplnnt I" Xlum, is,imi sniKion ti lit' -in t,onn xi lilt 1 ml, nf iniiii The iudiciil nominations lot Nexx J!oieo, Al lonit and OUIihciinii, aii nnunced esteid.tx at the White house, also xxeie stent to the seuate, AN ERIE CUT-OFF. A New Lilie Between Poit Jet vis and Susquehanna. Ill I xi In. In H 1111 fi 0111 llu ssoilitril I ir- .sius(iielianiiii, P.i Uec. I-', The Ciie Itallioad (oiupaiiy has a huge tone of tlxll etiRlnei'i, at xxotk upon Its Dela xx, in iltxisliiu, Mil e. ln' toi ,1 cut-oft lietxxpt'll Poll .leixif, N, V., itlltl l.acKa xiien, Pa II In expected that tho ion! xxlll be Mioiteuod tuelxo miles hetxxeen the ixxo points mimeil, nnd a heav Ktadi and Hlla lnidues xxlll he axoldctl. Il Is -.tilted lluil a t ul-olf i III also he sin xe.x oil by the Uile fiom 1. 111 kaxaon, Pa.,aci(is's Wii.xne t ouuty 10 I'nltinilnlti on Ihe Jefietson illxlhlon 01 the loatl tliniuc to siisciialiaima, xxheic It xxlll attain letuiii lo Ihe main lino. Tin 1 niup.iin xxlll thus iciunect lis llont'siliile and .Ulli'iMiii dixli-loiis and Hiioiteu IIh load txenl iniles. The ili'senl main Hue liotxxeen l.acKa ii.i.iii nnd Hiisiiut'Iuiiiiiii xxlll heioaltei If used pillii Ipilll) foi toal itlld MoIkIiI INSURGENTS BUY IN MANILA. Sotuco of Supply Learned by Cnp tuies of Rice. l,i I xtihii Wireliuiu Hie Xsouan,iiru.'9. -Manila. Dei. l.'.-Oxx luff lo (ieiieiai Smith luixlim alialih xxell In hand In the Island ot l.e.xto, t iimmuilli iitlon xx llh the IhIiuiiI ol h'.unai is ncaily tin. po.sslble Tii'de letdi Ictloiih li.txe been taken otf the xxest eoast Hoals Had. Ilif,' llimct aie not iciiulieil to show sit,', pals lient'iitl Hill 1 epulis that Iuiko tU,iu tltlos of lice, milled and sacked, liaxc been capliucil. tin h.uks beiulnt; the maiks of Um Smith and Dell mills. He sun the ilco xxas unquestionably pui. diiised In Manila xxith Insuiffenl Hinds. It xxas shipped xxholes.ile to the nioun luliiH by xa of t'alumba and PaKsali. Jan, l.uKiiua pi ox line, and other bay pnitH, show lilt,- the lieccsslly fur I heat' mmmm4 Coat and! opportunity to allow your X iorm oi someining 10 wear, mammoin line or nne I ail- wearers within the next ten quotations will give you an 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 cut to $ 7.98 cut to 9.98 cut to 14.98 Inch Jackets cut to $ 5.98 cut to 8.98 cut to 9.98 cut to . 12.98 Misses' Prices 1 " AMUSEMENTS Lyceum Theatre It KLIS, Leases and MlnaRff. A J DbTrY, Bu. Miniftc. KardiaKomas I nilci flic in 1 kcs ol lie spini.h XV'ar Vetera. r. Ihe cioitcsi runt of tin icison, combiuinB: ian lipiuii, tilcnt md iiatnotism. Splcntliri moiik mil olottiiciil offnts ITI1- I'lOI'll IN llll" C.M IJO XII ii-Klcnl- nf sum. on and inimhrrs of it-iiio-l luimiiiiont fainilii- ratroni7ctl In' 'lie iininii hlini It milts and cudoied In l",idins' (Ui ins nt llio tin mid countx riit- lioj-s in bltt who xiilimli'ii-d 111 18'W disintr tlic support ot um pttimtit 1 itlpii XI 1 III" f.Xt'KI'XI. PIC 1" M) 14 MXIIM f, sintUr l 1 I. M 1 11 kefs now in Mlo, h)i . 7rn mil $1. Matir (". !5 and fill centft Ona Night Only. Monday Dec. 16 tlijilf. II Xalo mil Sidnrj fl. I.llis'1'iodiiction o "THE EVIL EYE" B Or "turUicr OH And flontlnuel nl The r"unn Ml) The I omlcil Nod I reak- (iontortiona 1'ilui -.k , "ifli , , t and l im , -I II.- nil ,S rilllliUjl 111 9 A 111, Academy of Husic 11 RFIS, Lenet. A. J. Duffy, Mtoatir. Ihrrn McliU, litsliitiiiiK: rhuidaj, Dcl. 12. "THE ROAD TO RUIN." Inl) XliOmt'iii will jipi ii al run pirfoinuui.i', Mjliiitr- I'rlJaj md sjtuid.x. I'ruf-. Mglil. I5i , -'h.. . and .iOe. I'ritrs Mitliice, Iji, .'l.d 2'f Hun llns, llfKl'nnliifi .Miindii, Hoc. Iho I'oxxiriul Mi'loilianii, "A RAGGED HERO." XI illt ics lnoiIa und XXodnfidajr, fun. Nulit, 1)i., .'V,, 5i, ml ,Vk, I'ritrs Matinee. IV . and Hi, loth. STAR THEATRE ALK, 0 HKRRINaTOS, Minifer. Ilniiadji, liitlix iiiiI i-iiiirdai, Pa. IS, 13, 11, Al Reeves' Big Company. Piili Miiinrc Now Ivlriiliont. HENRY BEL1N, JR., Central Auent (or the Wyoraug Puliiet (of Dupont's Powder Mlnln;, Hlutlnc, Sportlnif, !nio!selsa tni thf Repauno Chemical Company' HIGH EXPLOSIVES. fcafety Fuse, Cans and Knplodera Ilcom 101 Cou ncil tltiildin: .stcranton. aqi:.ncii,s aims, romi ,,,.,,,,,.. rituit-n JOHN D hMIIII A SOX ,.., Plymouth Vi, K. MULLIQAN Wilkea Btxf polls beliiK i lobi'd. Thai, the genera! I'onsldeis, xxlll haxe Btiod elfet Is, Senate Confirmations. It? I iilumc XX lie from I liv Associated I'icit. W j.iilnKtiin, lln I.' -Hit Miuti' todir con. Iiinii'il inioii.' nlliu-s tho Inlljw iniv loinlnitioni: CiiaiKi II Piiliiis- Xtiiiiont, to lio assistant .n. ul.H.i of tin' imi. s j Mil j 1 1 11, I'liiiujlxanU, I nllul sjiei aitniiir.i tm Hit' nilddlo dlilikt nl l'inuslvaiiia. li, drill. ( Icuiiail 1'ennsyl wall, I lilted Mads niai'tlul (or the middle dl tilit vt I'liins.ibjiili. . -H-