The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 13, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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tiik uoonnr it. i now Ann rronl
We just mention a
few that can be had
here in all styles:
Chilling Dlshi'",
Hi end ittul Celery Uoiils
Crumb Truys,
finking Dishes,
.i O'clock Tens,
Tea mid Coffee t'nts.
Footc & Shear Co.
JI9N. "Washlnpton Ave
Have you seen these fiixelnu
tliiB little pponlo?
The American Maid,
Baby land Doll, Topsy Girl,
The North and the South
and American Sailor Boy.
Just the thing for a little girl's
Christmas sift.
BIO Spruce f..reet.
WeMake Loans
on approved security when
ever conditions wnrtnht II.
Prel i)i once, of course. being
given to our tegular depos
-. .1. l-'.i-, nf ( liu iiin, i lioint; t fu-it.iui--il 1.
All .iiid Mi-. I. .1. it'll..!.', oi Kmmi't lri-i-t.
Mii. J.mio siinu-H .mil miii, .latin', li . nf
Webster .lU'iun1, .in Mtinu fiiriul in lt.dllt.i I.
.1. W. Kelsi-y. ill Piptnil. . , i b,fiiliiii? .i
few il.i with 111." itt'i. Mi. . f. tliliri, ui
New YoiK stnnl. tluliin will inn.i- n. tin' ut tlm .ii
fccrminn lit .' u'iIocK In .MIiimI tin pirnlm ttnn il
"'Kjnli.i Nemo" at ltn I..,iimiiii iiml. i Mi.1 au.pi-
.K nf tin1 Sp.iiieli-Aiin-iii.iii War VUir.m' ... i-
I M. then, fol nunc than l.o i-:u tiiaiit
in m-uspipi-i won. hi on ut-, lining iiiiiiiuii
i oiililliiiU'd In Tin- TiiliLtii-. li'iu' loil.n loi
l'lltiliuij;, wimp lit- i In join tin- i-ilitoiul start
of tlie (i,uetti-, urn- nf Pitt-Inn:;','mi,! jour
iuK Sir. (iiu-r I a man who lia tuw-li-.l ,iili
ly, studied li.nil, iiImmi-iI i-luoh .iml i .1 llui.ii-.
urltci. W ttl-li Iiiri alniuilaiit iic .-.
Given in Honoi of Visiting Dele
gates to A. F. of L. Convention.
The Journeymen Horseshoors' Local
No. 7S, held n mooting In Ancient Order
Vnlted Workmen's hull lust night, mid
after the business sest-ion mm over
liey uljourued to MuoQuhno's restau
rant on Wyoming nvenue. where ti din
ner was enjoyed.
""overs woie laid lor thirty-live peo
ple, among whom were luterualiouiil
Delegate William Mulrhend. of New
ark, N, .1., Fraternal Delegate Hen
niletl, of London, Fug., and W. .1.
O'Connell. president of the Interna
tlottiil Association of Machinists. Fueli
nf these gentlemen made .hort speeches
of a congratulatory natiiie.
Shuoii Durfnmn and John Howie, of
tnis city, also i mitrlhuted something
to amuse the assemblage. The affair
was thoroughly enjoyed by all present.
- - .
Tourist Cais on Nickel Plate Road.
Semi-weekly tratiKcoutlncntal touiisl
cats between the Atlantic and the Pa
cific coasts .lie updated by the Nickel
I'lsite and Its loiineetlons. Tourist cars
.i-ferred to ultord the same siocping u, .
i lumodulions, with same clas-s nf
malrrefs and other bed clothing that
tire provided in the regular Pullman
sk-epltiB car service. These tourist
..mi leave Most on MonrtnH am Wed
nesdays, and leave S.m Francisco Tues
days und Fridays. Herths in these
tourist ears nro sold at greatlj reduced
rates. Conveniences ate ofTeird without
e.Mra cost, for neutiiin food or propnr
Ins tea or cofft-e, affordhiff every fucil
sty tor ronifort on a Ions Journey, es
pecially for families traveling with
i luldien. Lowest rates may be obtained
always via the Nickel Plate road ful
fill points In the west, For special in
formation rcgiiidlug all trains oft the
Nickel Plate toad, mi hiding these tour
ist cuv?. consult jour nearest tleket
sigiint, or riin I- J, Mooie, general
ttuent, m .Main sti.-ot, lluft'alo, N. V.
tacllea' Desks for Chiiatmas,
It' you search tlie entire city you can
not tind u moio nccuptnlilu piesont for
u lady than one of tho handtiotno writ
ing desks shown at Hill ."t Council's, Ul
Washlngtnu uvonuo.
Kull slxe N'ri)..l, 10 for !0 cents, a
good aiiioko cheap. 'Jouraen.
Mr. Editor: I want it known that I was at the
Citizen's Alliance meeting tonight. I am proud of
those who are leading it; and I am proud of every mem
ber of the organization. The movement if carried into
other sections of our country, will be the greatest boom
of the ..enrury, because it is timely. The tide is rising
and may it engulf every silly law breaker workman of
our land. Workmen, be wise and join the ranks,
Dime Bank Building.
Scranton, Pa., Dec. 12, 1901,
ttineR Rolled Last Night on Setnu
ton ami Wllkes-Bano Alleys,
Tho ar.'ui IJIdfie Wheoluieit's No. 2
and No. V, Icitms, In the ltleyele Club
le.tKtie. mid the No, 2 and No. :i teams
of thu Wel Und Wheelmen, tit WllltrH
Haiio, rolled mutch kiiiiioh lunl night
In the bowling totirimmenl. the lesitlts
being tis follow'!-:
mines tiiixii: mii:i:i,mi:s mi :
in! ii.
IMI Ill' I" I'i 11
tt.HlMin i.: iv. l-ii lis
Kiimrih I"" iwi 1 1" '''
IN.Iiil Ii.l l.'i! Il'i HU
Win! 'Jin U'l in m
T-0 Mil Ti! 'Jl"l
iiiii:i:v iiiikii; wiii.i.IiMI'a so -i.
Ueiliiust I'll IV! I.'.ii 'VI
pulpi in i.w in i-a
Millll I.m I.H III '"I
llll 1" lirfi P-ii -'IT
Kii.ipi nr lii .:mj
::u :ii nil -jjiii
wr.M- i:m uiii:i:i.mi: so. ::.
W li l,i-.i-i I-J ITfl l-JI ITT
Lunl llH Ui l''i T
llutilei ITI l.l'i I'll HU
Cur I.ii! Ill I'JI I'll
.1, W. Iai Itil li." I.Vi t-ll
Tl'J TUT nTI --M.'.T
ir i:mi wiii:i:i.mi:. so. -.;.
T.ii a I..
HullllllM I'll III. ITI I.I
Di-ler IJT' 1i.'i IIJ -IIS
llcnni'll I'i P.. I :n l-'i
smltli II. I2. HIT
JefTrlfrt li." Hi H. I-'"'
TJi. TI5 T-.'i "-'ill
One Returns Today. One Tomorrow
and One Monday Trouble at
Old Forge Yesterday.
Thiee moie of the strikers who have
applied for reinstatement have been
accepted by the company and will be
put back to woik on the cars. One
will return iodu. one toinoriow und
one Monday. This makes twenty-seven
In all who have ipllt the ranks of the
Two ot the compan's tiucknien spent
four hours in jail yesterday, as a result
of efforts to clear away obstructions
on the Out-yea line at Old Voice.
t'nder the direction of Superintendent
Patterson the two laborers took the
debt Is that had been piled on the tracks
and threw It Into the roadway on either
side. Impelled by the protests of the
crowd that was collected the borough
police arrested the laborers and pio
ceeded to take tbein to Jail. Superin
tendent Patterson demanded that they
lie given a hearing and the olllcer!
started with their prisoners to the
ofllce of Purges.- I tees, lie was not at
home and a visit was made to 'Squire
Pickering's otlice. He. too. was away,
and the prisoners had lo go to jail.
'Siiulre Pickering ai rived at '! o't lock
but declined to deal with the case.
Hurgess llees, upon learning of the af
fair tit 7 o'clock, went to the Jail and
ordeieil the prisoners released.
Veiy Enjoyable Event at the Hotel
The Scrauton and Ounniote locals of
the lletall Clerks' International asso
ciation g;iv" a b.inuuol at Hotel Ter
race last night, in honor of National
President O'Hrien. of Huffalo; National
Secretary Moiris, of Denver, and Dele
gate Herman Robinson, of New York.
President Mitchell, of the Pulled Mine
Workers: Chairman Qulnn, of tin: aud
iting (Otnmittee of the federation, and
District President Nlcholls. of the
miners, were also guests.
President O'llrlen was to.isimaster.
Addresses were made by all the above
mentioned guests, and by Charlen
l.ewiu, M. K. Sanders. Arthur Keller
and John II. Dovlne. A leature of tho
evening was u poem composed by
President Nlcholls. of the mine work
cis, on the Central Labor union bati
iin)t. Tuesday night. It proved him n
ready wit and graceful at verse
m.tklug Christmas Holiday Rates via South
ern Hallway.
tin Him. "h lo :il, inclusive, and Jan.
1 the Southern ltullwa. will sell lound
trip tickets lo all points south at rate
of one and one-thhd llrst class one way
fine. Iii-iil limit Jan. :l, IfJO-J. Tickets
will be sold lo students of schools and
colleges at the above rate on Dec. lfi
to .'.', Inclusive, with Ilnnl limit Jan. S,
l'JO.', upon presentation of certillcates
signed b superintendents, principals or
presidents, citas. ).. Hopkins, distrii t
passenger agent. Southern Hallway, K.8
Chestnut street, Philadelphia, will fur
nish all information, "
New Line of Desks.
Hill ov Council. 12 Washington ave
nue, have a most complete line of
Ladles' Writing Desks, in all woods.
Step in anil look them over, You will
be sin prised how cheaply a ically llrsl
ekiss dork can be sold.
Sehrlever Will Tell You When
The time has anlved that will pre
clude the taking of photographic ot
deis for Christinas delivery, through n
press annoiinceineiil, The time Is short
allow him to pose you, without de
lay. ..-. -.-
Five Dollais
Will btl.s more trained plenties Mie
Cut-Uuto Art Khup, SOU LackuwuJnii
avenue, than ten will at other stores.
You will find the latest art novelties to
select front. Ilemember the number
:;0S. ' "
Novetles in Xmas Photos,
Ai lh" Orlllln AH company's, SOU Wyo
ining nvenue,
Countless Amendments Were Intto
dueod, but Adjournment Was
Taken Before Vote on Second
Rending Amendment Limiting
Time of Franchise to Forty Years
Was Defeated Opposition to Ordi
nances ns Introduced by Mcssts.
Keller. Pnlue and A. L. Lewis.
Vhe common council last night spent
nearly four hour! In consideration of
the oidltmiK e awarding a franchise to
the Vu Hud Sttcet Itallway company,
which differ! fioin the other franchise
oiillnances only its to route.
Amendment.- limiting the fraui hlse lo
foity years and providing for a revers
ion to tlie city tit the expiration of that
time; compelling the company to p.tve
for three feet on each Hide of Its Hacks:
taxing Its gross receipts live per cent.,
and providing for a naymenl of li,(i(0
for the franchise wete lost. Amend
ments providing for tin cent fares
during rush hours, and providing for
coinpulsory arbitration In the set I le
nient of labor disputes wete adonled.
Ntmibeiless othei resolutions of It ss
Importance wete Introduced and either
lost ot can led.
Vlnorotw opposition to the passage of
the ordinance without the insertion of
testilctlve clauses and lo the alleged
effoil to railroad it Ihtou-.-h councils
was displayed b, Luther Keller, II. 13.
P.tlne. O. !(. Pattrldge and A. L. Lewis.
These members kept continually hum
mel lug away nil night for more time
to consider the ordinance, but the other
side kept voting down the motions to
adjourn, which were made at regular
Intervals of about fifteen minute.;.
Finally, just before the hour of mid
night, the opposition made a last stand
und succeeded III securing an adlotirn
melil before tlie measure had passed
mi und readlny.
The tluee o'-dinniii es were reported
favorably by the railways committee
without amendment or alteral'on. and
the West Knd ordinance was culled up
fh. st by H. K. Itobathau. The measure
was passeil on llrst rending, but when
the motion was made to pass It on sec
ond reading, Mr. P.tlne aiose and of
feied the first objection to the ineasiue.
lie said It was outrageous to let the
company off with paving onlv twelve
Inches on t.ich side of tlie tracks. Three
feel on each side of the tracks, and
nothing less, was the llguie which
should be Included He said that tlie
set lion piovidiug that the i ompany
shall coumlete tlie consti'ip-iion of tlie
road In the time rci-uircd by law placed
absolutely no time limit upon the con
struction at all, because the lime limit
tlxed by law Is seven years, and at the
end of that time the companies could
secure a new law fioni the state legis
lature extending this lime for another
seven years. He lavored placing tlie
time limit at two years. These changes
would not harm the company, and
would be of Incalculable benefit to the
citizens of the city.
A resolution offcied b Mr. Sykes.
providing for the submission of all
tluee ordinances to the city solicitor,
was referred to committee.
Mr. Itobathau offered two amend
ments at this Juncture. The 11 1 -1 of
these provided that the i ompany should
widen Lafayette street, between Hyde
Park and Ninth .Main avenues, to a
tmifoim width of loity feet, acquiring
all property and paying all damages,
befote occupying that portion of this
st i eel with street railway Hacks. This
was unanimously adopted.
The second amendment provided that
the company should issue coupon hooks
containing li i tickets, the same to be
sold at a price not less than $.t, and
such tickets to be good between the
boms of i! and R a. in. and ft and 7 p.
m. This amendment was given to Mi.
Itobathau to introduce by President
Calpin. It was unaniuiousl-, adopted.
A. L, Lewis then offered a series of
amendments which piovoked the great
est discussion of tlie night and which
took over two hours to consider. The
llrst amendment piovlded that Hie
company should not sell, or assign its
interests to un other company. This
amendment was lost it being generally
conceded that such a provision could
not be enforced.
The second aniciiiliuenl piovlded that
til the end of forty jcars tlie franchise
rights, trucks, switches, turnouts, poles
and wires should revert to the city and
he then offered at public sule and sold
lo the highest bidder.
"The time hits come." said he, "when
there should be a limit pluccd on the
granting of franchises. The day is past
when un enlightened municipality i tin
give away its streets for all time and
gel nothing In return. The people of
this city may want a belter street rail
way service but they also demand that
the franchises shall he so guarded so
nit lo give the eil Its Just dtt"s in re
turn." Mr. Holmtlmn, In teply, said that ihe
amendment was altogether unfair to
limit the franchise of this company
which proposes to Instull what every
body In the city Is clamoring for, and
which the city needs more than It needs
anything else a llrst class, modern,
up-to-date street tailway system.
President Calpin took the Moor long
enough to urge the members to take a
middle ground and not Impose restric
tions upon tin' now companies which
would be unreasonabli-,
A motion to postpone action until
the next meeting was made by Mr,
Keller und defeated, The vote on this
motion wits prnctlcully the vote, with
very few chuuges, on every one of the
more Important of the aiueiidnients
which were adopted. It was us fol
lows: Ve.u AIhoiIIi, imwiliin, (itvi line, selling,
Mifiicevj, I'jllrliUi', I'-iltir, Saii-li, llaiu-i,
S-.U-S, lulli'l, Mlpp. Ilildi, ll.if, Tint pi.
iu-. Cl.ult, 'Ihoiiu. .1. .1., II i,!!,'i'il -.
U i;.ilc, li. H. i:in llulutluni, .lami-a,
Ituim-. Il'.ilii-, I'liillli'. UiUili. (iiilli-ll, l.o.ui,
Cflleinaii It'.-ai. lil-iik. , S'ollui, t it
pin .'I
The set iiml iitiieiuiiueut piovlded that
no double track, switch or turnout
should be laid on a sttcet less than
twenty-llvo leet in width. This wub
cairied without opposition.
An amendment olfcrcd by Mr. Palue,
limiting the time for the construction
of the toad to two' years was carried,
but his other amendment providing for
a pavement of (he street by the com
pany for a illstunce of thrco feet on
each chit of the rails wuti lost.
Mr. NukcII offerpil nil amendment
providing that the company should pay
the elU live per cent, of Its gross re
ceipts. This wits defeated ttfter some
little ttrguiuent.
Mr. Keller at this point made a brief
address which hud the effect of accom
plishing Just what he had been trying
to accomplish all night, namely, a post
ponement of uetlon until next Thitis
duy night before n passage tin second
rending. He spoke arter ti motion had
been inaile to pass the nrdlnunce on
second reading.
"I knew when Ihe llrst ole was Ink
on tonight," raid he, "Unit the whole
thing hail been cut und dried, Unit the
promoters hud their twenty otes or
more and that opposition would he lit
tle less than useless, but I've kept ut
it for the purpose of giving to the i-oiti-mtiiiliy
tin object lesson of lite way tin
Importiilll Itleasuie like this (an be
forced through councils.
"You men will have an aroused com
munity to face If you pass this otdlu
auce on second reading at tills time. I
appeal to oil us iepre.eulatlvcs of I he
taxpayers of this city to give me und
the gentlemen behind me more time to
consider these urdltiatices. Don't pass
this nieasine tonight. Hive us tin op
portunity to meet the men behind these
fritnehlsen and It Is possible that we
can all agree. I'll wile for these fran
chises when I feel (hat the city's Inter
ests are properly safeguarded, but not
before. My lonsclence wouldn't allow
tue to ote for thviit us they ate now."
He moved to adlouiu till Thursdu.
night und the motion was carried.
Very little other business was trans
acted bv council.
The following lesolutloas were of
fered and passed:
P.y Mr. MeC.reev Directing the
Lackawanna Telephone company lo ic
iiiiiu' a dangerous and unsightly polo
from Kailroad avenue.
Hy .Mr. Phillips MxoiteruHug the
Christian Lutheran church from the
payment of a sewer assessment.
A resolution offered by Mr. limine,
ptovldlng for the payment of $100 lo
Anne and Catherine Mcliulre. whose
property is alleged to have been dam
aged by the opening of Wyoming ave
nue. Mr. Searing introduced an ordinance
providing for the erection of two elec
tric lights In the Fourth waul.
The resolution forfeiting to the i-lly
the tiaiicliise of the Valley Passenger
Hallway company was passed with
out comment.
Caused Some Excitement in Green
Ridge Explosive Was on San
deisou Avenue.
About fi o'clock Wednesday evening
a little gill playing on Sanderson ave
nue, between Hreaker and Kast Market
street, found three dynamite cartildges
lying along the track, and not knowing
what they were picked them up and
carried them home with her, where she
gave one to a neighbor's child. The.
father of the little girl felt curious
concerning the strange tlnd and car
ried one of the i artrldges lo the mines
with him when lie went to work yes
terday. After examining it the foiemiiu of
the mine told htm it was loaded with
nitro-glyceriiie. Knowing that the
child to whom it had been
ghen would be likely to carry it
witli him to school the mnn huiried to
the school building and Informed Prof.
Hawker. The latter lost no time in
visiting the room the child belongs in
but found he was absent finin school.
His desk was carefully searched and
the scholuis warned not to pick up
anything they found along the cm
tracks. The dynamite cartridges were
about four inches long and one und
one-half inches in diameter. They are
zinc cylinders, tightly wtapped and
tilled with nltro-glyccrhie and w lien
found by the child two nf them were
connected by a copper wire Just long
enough to reach acioss Ihe rail and
they were placed one on each side of
the rail in such n position that the
wheel would strike them both at once,
ami cause a double explosion,
Sanderson aenue is a much I raveled
slreel and just at the point where the
explosives were lound teams etc., from
Providence and up the valley are con
stantly passing.
Fieo A Wovk of Alt.
We have secured a line assorlmeiil of
Fibeieltc framed inclines, size 1-1x17
Inches. One of these will be given flee
to each puichasei of one pound of
Hi and I'nlon linking Powder at out
stores on Saturday next. December 11.
It will make n suitable gift, or add to
I lie attractiveness of your own homo.
See them In our show windows.
Urand I'ulnii Tea Co.,
".II Lack, live., Uli-llS S. Main avc.,
Scrauton, Pa,
Cigars in Small Boxes
and Fancy Plpts for the holiday trade,
at Harney Hi own .. Co.'s, Linden st.
Hoods now n-ndy for your Inspection,
at the Hi lllln Ait company's, iO'.i Wyo
ming avenue.
John Harper Cignis,
I'ulversally iidiuhed, II for J."i cents;
$2.00 a. box; $-."i.oa per thousand. Cour-
sen. y
Special on Glace Fruit, 45c
per lb, worth 60c.
Special 011 Bon Uous and
Chocolate, 25c per lb worth
Special ou Bon lions and
Glace Fruit, 35c per lb,
worth 60c,
Tons of Candy and Nuts
arriving daily.
Lowest Wholesale Prices
to Sunday Schools.
E. Q. Coursen
Is to Leave Early In the Year to
Put sue His Musical Studies in
New York The Programme Was
One of Exceptional Merit and a
Number of tho City's Most Talent
ed Musicians Contributed to the
Enjoyment of the Evening Echo
of the Carnival.
Siltely Charles II. Doeiruiu might
well be pardoned If he experienced a
feeling of elation lasl nlglil ut the
splendid ovation which he reiehed ut
St. Luke's Paiish hall us a testlmoiiiul
of respect ami ut'fectlon from his towns
people, The auditorium was rowded
'TmMy'-' ' A" ""
( IIMtl.l.s 1)01 lis
with the elite of the cll. and the pto
grainrne was given by leading musi
cians In both amateur and professional
clr; les.
The 1 otnmittee In i barge of affalis
1 onslsted of prominent society men,
among whom were the following: W.
J. Torrey, S. 11. Kingsbury, .lames
Hlulr, Jr.. II. It. Merrill. F. c. Fuller.
A. H. Hunt and M. H. Fuller.
Mr. Doersatn will leave early In Ihe
'ear to pursue his musical studies in
New York. His gleat talents have been
unstlntedl.x gicn wliermer assistance
was needed, and as his ability amounts
to genius. It 'would not be too meal a
compliment If our townspeople .-bottlil
feel it a piivllege lo assume the ma
terial lesponsiblllly of his c.iteir lor a
few of the coming years.
CIFTS OF A lllUIl ollDHl:.
Mr. Doeisani is one of the best ac
companists to be found all, where, lie
has been heal d b.v some of the greatest
musters of New York, who pioiiounee
Ills music-til gifts to be of the highest
order. His work Inst night was a con
tinuous pi oof of the exceptional stand
ard to which lie attains.
The piograinme was an .ulistic stu--1
ess. liaiier's orchestra gave the open
ing number, "Die Selioene Halatlie."
with it spirit and brilliance which was
the keynote of the evening. The beau
tiful sextette fitiui "Lucia ill L-iniiner-moer"
was sung by the young people
who made that a most popular selec
tion at the opera carnival. They were:
-Mrs. James Uuidller Sanderson, Misses
lilaek and Ciuragan, Messrs. liunnell,
Thomas Hall. Williams and Wentzel.
Mr. Ralph Dwighl Williams gave tluee
lovely little songs, the climax of which
was Rlehaid Ilurinelsler's weird, wist
ful setting to Omar Khayyam's "A
book of vetses underneath the bough,
A jug of wine, a loaf of bread, and thou
Reside me singing in the wilderness
All! Wilderness were Paradise enow."
No number was sung with more per
fection than the "Quls est Homo,"
by .Miss lilaek and Miss tiaragan.
Miss (Hack's upper register was ef
fectively recognized at tills point,
and It Is glowing lo he
(lull tlieie are few contralto sing
ers with such a stttiei b quality of
voiieas that which Miss (Suragaii pos
sesses. This was singularly well shown
in tlie "Stahat Mater,"
A delight of the evening was Fred
Wldniayer'R violin playing, lie played
J 4 fa r ! ! I ! l 5 J &I !
An unusually large Christ-
mas display this year, in nil
the. fads of the season no
w.uited style omitted. Here
are gift ideas in abundance.
Where is the man that a
prettv Necktie will not please -
him, by all means buy him a
tic for Christmas he may be .$.
disappointed il you don't. .-.
50c to $2.50 j
-j, .j. , ; -... ,j. j. .J. -j. .J -J. -J .J. 4
ON jyfKj" i
t Oils, fmm and Varoisli I
MaIon?y Oil & Manufacturing Company,
J 141-149 Meridian Street,
the Hchuniiitt "Even Song" wllh ox
nttlslte fooling, following Willi a mys
tical little Polish melody. Ills wink
In the trio with Mr. Doerstitn und Mr.
Blackwood was nuliihly effective.
Miss tlriice Spencer was one of those
must enthusiastically received. She
sung Ihe Blent aria. "Pleinez lues
Vetlx," front "The (id," und cerlitlltly
never snug with trtier notes und more
druiutille effect,
Mrs. 11. II. llrudy. Jr., made a grcitt
success of her Imely Chainlnndo solo,
"Hununer." The encore, Nevht's "Mlgltty
Like 11 Roue," inaile 1'iitnltliir by Nor
dlciii was exceedingly well sulteil to
llel Voice.
Tho untile wits uwiilleil with eager
ness. II wns Ihe Toreador sonu front
"Curmeii," which was the prime favor
ite In the opera oarnhnl. The chorus
was trained by Piofessor chiiuce and
was up to the mink tinlleiputed.
Chosen at Meetings Held Last
Night and Monday Night.
The following ollleers of I III am
Lodge, No. afil. F. A. M.. were elected
last evening: Dr. D. II. Jenkins, wor
shipful muster, David N, Reese, senior
warden: Isaac S. Jones, Junior war
den: Charles Xelgler. trciisuict, Thom
as S. Morgan, sicretury: trustees, I. .1
Willi, W. .1. Lewis, A, L. Francois,
representative to gland lodge, Joseph
The following ollkets Were -looted .it
lireen Ridge lodge, No. ri'.i7. I-'. and A.
M , Monday evening: Worshipful
master, John Flcllam; senior warden,
tleoige He ; Junior warden. Rev. F. S.
I'.allentlue' treasurer. R A. .Imiiier
liiiin;. secietnry. H. (l Stevens, trus
tees, i'. P. Jackson, C P. Slack, Jesse
Clifford; topieselitatlve to gianil lodge.
II. M. Cole.
A Gicat Special Offer.
We waul our Puking Powdei Inlio
illteed into evety liomo in Seriintoti and
vicinity, and as a mums to that end
have secured an Immense quantity of
Flherelte flamed pictures, size 11x17
inches, which we are going to gle
away absolutely free. Kvery puichasei'
of one pound of linking Powder at our
stores on Siitunlay next gets one of
these Flbeietle framed pictures. They
make a suitable gift, or add to the at
tractiveness of your own home. II a
b,-ti-gaiii is what you want, you have II
right heie. Nothing like il ever offeicd
in Scrauton. See llieni In our windows,
firand I'nlon Tea .,
:ill Luck. use.. Illi-US S. Main .ie..
Scrauton. P.i.
Photos for Chrifetmas.
Schi It-vi's increased staff of artis
ans will permit posing for plcltiies lor
delivery Uccemb'-r 2.'i. to proceed until
il bei nines a question of physical Im
possibility. Notice of the date limit
will umieur hi these columns, I'ntll
then your portrait nr.leis will be exe
cuted with bis accustomed, aillstio
Mr. Chas. Russell. Concert 'Cellist
and Teacher, of New York,
Will accept a limited number of pupils
in Scrauton. For terms, etc., apply to
Miss Julia C. Allen, .il'-' Washington
Ho Excuse Now
i.'or bare walls. A isil lo tlie Cut Rate
Art Shop JIO'.l Lackawanna avenue, will
open your e,es. Framed pictures ut
prices that will astonish you. Opening,
Wednesday. December 11.
Dr. N. Y. Leet Has Removed
Ills otllces from the First National
Hunk building to corner Wyoming nve
nue and Spruce street, over Dime haul:,
Kntrance ou Spruce street.
Photos for Xmas.
Sittings made befcu- the 17th will be
finished for Christmas, at tlie c.rltuii
Art company's, -i()9 Wyoming avenue. nt
Tm-torii o cigais. Coarsen.
It Is the
Highest Decision
That il nice CMBRKI.LA is Hie
most ileslinble Christmas liift,
and If you want lo gut one that
will be appi eclated and reason
able in price, don't wall until the
lush is on, hut come to iiiii'fiu
lory. select your choice in mate
tiul and handle, fioni our enor
mous large line, which uie all
ef tlie latest designs, und wipci
loi in qu.tlll.x. We are making
special Inducements for the holi
day trade and we guarantee all
our goods
Spuce Street.
Gas and Electric
Appropriate for Christmas
1 19 Franklin Avenue.
ls on exhibition in our
grand newbuildiug every
day, from 9.30 to 12
noon and from t ocloclc
until store closes.
To avoid accidents, all
children must be ac
companied by their par
ents or some grown up
Bring the children to
sec Santa Clans come
dowu the chimney,
New Gibson J
I PiiJow Designs i
I We have just re-
ceived Twelve New
Gibson Pillow Top ?
The new drawings are
up to the usual ''Gibson"
excellence. You know
what that means.
I Cramer- Wells Co.
130 Wyoming Ave.
Phone 353-3.
Drop in and look at our as
sortmeut of holiday goods in
Gentlemen's Furnishings.
How would a good winter
cap suit you?
Boys' Sizes, 50c.
Hen's Sizes SI. 00.
III. I, IMS lllUUMi H'WII'.-.
305 Lackawanna Avenue.
ri.. i
iwB rf,mMst itz:
Christmas Gilf
Suggestion No. 3
RevolviDg Office Chairs
'I'n. mil .1 1 iliiil.iill in I1I1 m to i-liot
1 pi. .111 f. , . . 111I1111 11 Ilia is ure 10
null .1 I.. ill Pci- li u.,. ,111 iiitl.-.t
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