t-jj't?. r w-ww wMwffwivj n S iR'W-VTfVifJuX "lW i nnj yitfc :i -. t-r . r t v" "(i ' -V""""y'W 'j ..k &i V w. v v .,. 4 "'' ,r - J A r . V ' 4 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNti- FRIDAV, DECEMBER 13, 190J.V v. Fa ea IH, , -V I V (5e Scranfou $rt6tme ruMlnhed t)llr. t:pt SuntUy, by Tlif Ttlb ibo Publishing Compiny, t Fifty Ccnli Month. i.ivy s. ntniiAno, nliior. O. r, nVXM!', IliultioM Manmer. Ntiv Vo(k Offices itO Nassau Sit, ... , s. s.. vnr.r.ttANf), Bole Agent lor rortlgn AtUcitUlnT. Lntcretl it (he I'oitofflre t Srrntiton, Pi., Second Cl Mull Matter. U'lirn spice will pctmll. The Trllnme Is nlw-m cls'l In pilnt uliort letter from in frlcnih liwif Ihlf on current topics, hut Its rule Is tbnl ;,"", mint he sinned, for piilillratlun. ly Hit writer fI namei antl Hie comllllon prrfi1ent tn aV teptnncc Is tint all contributions litl he iiibjert to rtlltorlil revision. TUB KLAT KATH POP. AOVi:nTIIKO. The following; table shows the rrlre per Inch etch Insertion, space to be mod within one yeart lltin'ot HliKtir on Kiill " .DISPLAY J1P HMillnir Position "i.es"thnn &00"lnebis ,2.1 "" .2;3 .SO tm lnrhea !!i .22 .? looo jo ,175 ,in xnm " ii5 i? .ifli font) .tjj .in', IB I'or raids of tli.mU. rosoltillnns nt condolence nd slinll.ir contrlbnlloris In the nalure of ad 'frllslns The Tribune makes a dial Re of a cents line. Retes for Clamlflcd Advertising furnished on application. worthy nf otcdrtice In whatever It iIoph or Hiiyn," Thus dm-n lln Kiiyet.v nf imllmiK no (Ml, TEN PAGES. SriJANTON, UKCKMnRIt t, l!)l Acfordliiff to (ItMiernl Kllt'lii'iirr'ss burst vptmrl", tlio Hot-its Imve been ntlvliiR thp nogio (iitostlnii In South Afrli'ii with ii dispatch Unit i-vpii i-v-cppflfs the Uipiii'Ipx tif Sonntor Tlllimiu. Deportation Is Feasible. WITH RKCtAllD to the po--Hlbllity Hint If fmiBi'Px.i. by (Miiicllnir the Connpll iintl-iiiun'rhlst blll.slKiulii invest thp tVdcriil judiciary with power to imik-pI Uip cltlKPtit'liU "f convk'teil ii.ilui'HlliCtHl uniiichlslH uiul ordpr thflr dppfirtutlon to tlu pountry of thflr for mer iilluKiniii'p thiil fountry inlsht ip fusp to i-pppIvp tlii'in, our nttPiitlon h:if been ciilU'd to Hip fiu't Hint uniformly fioin the piirllfMl Hint's Hie nations of ICuroiif from whli Ii must of fiur Im iiiIrimUoii Is ipciiiltPd Iimvp adliprpil to thp rule: "f)nrp n subject, nlwa.xs n pubjpi't." Tills has been nolli e.iljly line in iler liiiiny and Austila. A law pait of the diplomatic friction of past American administrations with those countries has grown out of the spizure of imliir nlized America lis while travelliiK with in those counti.les, the most frequently pi'pfprred charge hpins that they eiul KrtitPd to the I'lilted Slates nnd .se cured Aineiic.in citizenship to evade tlie military service imposed In their fatherland. Many ontroversles have developed out of Ibis .stale of liicls; and the position oT the fieinian and Aiistilan i'oicIkii olllces has iiivail.ibly leen thai while Ameiicail iiuttlliillit.l tioii would he lespected so lar as It re i.iled to acts occiii i ins subsequent lo its i ousiiminatloii. it lotild not lie iceoKiiized as having savins; uritee in pferencc lo pi lor .u Is. If a natur.ilizpd Anierii.iu should misheliave in this loimtry so that his naturalization would have lo be caii elwl and he se'iu b.iol; to Hie conntry whence lie came, the rule "oik e a sub ject always a .subject" would, I help line, unless lepudlaled, which Is not piob.ible, work nt last in our favor, Thi! contiiiReney has nevei to our knowledge arisen; bin In the develop ment of the KiowiiiK demand foi low supervision of immliatiou it may arise even IIioiirIi not culled up by t lit enactment of the t'onuell oi a similar bill. Thete can be little doubt that the sending back of ininiisrauls who flaK rnully mislieliave will eventually lip practiced on a wide scale in this couii tiy. It is an essential feature of thp proper protection of American clil.eu tdiip. I'ltthhtiiK I'hlininiPii wlio ale rnlshiR l luiid to aid in a battle against c. Insion, display iioor judRiiipnt. TIip nIsp celestial will stlel; lo the honing hoard nnd not encourage an invasion nf competition linn will shutter the tdilrl-starchlns; business. If t'licle Stain entiles otll thf piojeel of coinpellliiK' Hie noble led mail lo work for a living. II will certainly be n sad blow to :onie oT the Indian iikciiIx who have grown wpiilthy tuUIng lull, while In the net of distributing provisions, 'For Party Success." Uxnr.lt this heading the Jndl nnn futility OitzetlP pilnts a "Hong article deploring the development and prolonga tion within 1'piinsj.lvitnln llepuhllcan Isin or fitettonul strife and uniting these quosilons; "rthull the fitctlonal wnrfuie he al hiwpd to continue, Indeed fosteieil. by the nomination ot candidates promi nently allied with either faction of the party, or shall unity nnd victory be brought about by Hip nomination of wise, conseivatlve and loyal men who have not been allied villi either of Hie warring elements': Shall we have f ie Hoiiallsni and defeat, or imliy and vie lory?" I'Vnilng Unit "a sltenuous light" w hleh may "endanger party supremacy" H Imminent, the Indiana county paper suggests the following menus lor avert ing It Tii tieulli. Mil xw.dliil -lilu.ill lililinil f."llt I i.ni iIiIim i.iHi.iililnir hi kUIiI. Ii 1 1 . i . 1 1 nnt lie .-. I -1 . imiliT tin' t In iiiikI.iik,'.. nl i.iiitlnj; mil pie-.iujiii;td pl.ius .mil .hie when I In Mli' i m ii'tillmi iiii'i'l'. Iii'i.nw In linn iiuiiiln.il am i It'vv litnl mi n II uoiilil fhil.i tniHtiipit thill liefiMi lllnl lll.l!f ilouu WiMl 111! Ill ICII1- III lillliltl llnllll llei'J hn Mnllld oIIiciwIm' lie eliitrd. .Ni'ltllCI should Hie U'i'.illoil ln-ui jji'iil K lulu the tun velltli'li uitll lililiiN liude up I o iilipiic i'Xm,' Ihliie; llut iii.iv l lioni'l llui -lmiiSil un ilelu'u Iiuiiiioio lo tin- 1'mIiihIoii nl sill ihimuiiI Iiiiiii-'s. 'Ibis M'eniliilv h.iid pinpii'.illuii miiiIiI lie no li.ntler fin one ili' In i iitiiileiiuii e lh.ui liu Me other, .nut it wuiilil npiii tin wimlim tut die ee tuiiie nf I lit while time nf ii.ne, the nli In dinner nf viitiuy. We violate no cotilldenee In saying that tin- white dove of peine would he a very welcome addition lo tile Repub lican party's ornitbologiial collection. Stormy petrels, buzzards and vultmes have been monopolizing the cei uleiin dome for alas, too many ye.il.-. Wheth er the peace loving components of '.he parly organization can get the window open wide enough to give the dove lair entrance is yel a mystery of luturity. We hope for peace, and we keep our powder dry. The divorce courts i oiitlnuall.v lur nish evidence of Hie need of a whip ping post for Pennsylvania, not lo speak of tlie countless cases of silent suffering ihal never gel into pi int. Reciprocity, Defined and Defended I I'n-ini i-H i in ii, i.il -niiih iii ,i -pi'iili Ivlnu i lien 1 1 ! v in liii-lnll). R The Inevitable Reaction. KVIWCNTI.V a leaetion Is .set ting in against the Philadel phia North Amei lean's type of yellow Journalism. This is not suipilslng. The only cause for wonder Is that it did not come sooner. Tlie Philadelphia Bulletin, one of the most substantial and Intelligent uews P.ipfcis of the I'ily of Uiotherly hove, in :i comment upon one of the North American's spasms, says It "plays the role ol a noisy custodian of the virtue it nil morality of the town" and adds: "As usual It handles ppithets hi the place of arguments, partly perveils quotations and cariles on the discus sion after the manner and style sugges llvu nf the Intellectual outfit of a stable boy or the bouncer for a dive. Tlie atise oi gooil government In Plilla lelphla lilts no need more Imperative thiiu the. clapping of n muzzle on the laws, of this join nulistlc hlackguatd." And Hie PlttKlnug Times, recently n alliance with the political foices .eprrseiiU'd by Wrmaiiinkerlsm, thus limn upon their chief organ: "The 'hihiflelphin North American, having 'ailed so brilliantly to reform tlie city )l Philadelphia, lias now taken up the ask'of giving to Pittsburg some faint ill- of respectability. In the course nf i column or so of toiniuyroi this great nglne of truth penults one of Its hired lands to discuss the reasons for Pltts lurg's so-called lack of public con iclence. It appeals that the. depths ot oo In which this Journal finds Pitts Hint i are largely chargeable to the itivvspapers of this city. As to what It .ays ot other papers in Pltthbuig tH, nines hns no concern. Hut tlie fol owing Is a deliberate lie, and the, man ivho wrote It, lis well as ihe, man who nsplrediij, Knew It to be a He," Tlio following" Is a churge of ills, lonesly j which we need not lepeut, illicit it Jh of no local tnUuem, Hut It moves tho Times to say further "The S'ortli Aiuericnii absolutely controlled is it Is by John Wanumaker, yet ifrald to admit It, oh he is ashamed to .onfess It. should In all decency keep lnndH off other newspapers. Nowhere u tho United States is theto a news, saper so entirely unreliable as It Is In is every feature, or ao ulteijy un- KCIPUOCtTV Is the iiiill.il y of pioicctlon. It Is not a de p.irime but a development: It is not an inconsistency lint a M-queuce: ii is not a oiitradictiou but a i (inclusion and a culmination. Piesident Itoosevelt, in ids gieat message, ild lecipioclty must lie treated as the handmaiden of piotec tion. It is that and more lb. to thai. It is the olfspiing and heill.ige of pio tection. If you did not piolefl. you would have nothing but natural prod ucts lo send out. If you did not pro tect, you would have no menus for leciproial terms. Pioleciion builds up our Indttslr.v and sectues our own mar ket for our own products: recipioclty seeks outlets for Ihe suiplus. Protec tion ei eates the at sella I which foiges ihe weapons of tiade. and lecipnuily wields these weapons in the most ef fective manner in controlling foielgn exchanges, tteclprocity does not mean the sacri fice of one Industiy in older io help an other. Ii does not mean the loss of the greater domestic mniket In the hope of gaining the lesset loielgu market. President McKinley s.'tleguarded It when at ltuffalo he advocated "sensi ble trade ni r.tngements which will not Interitipt our home pioduetlon." This is the touchstone. With Ibis quallli catlon lecipioclty is wise; nay more, it Is piaclleable; nay nioie, looking both to progressive public seulimeiil and lo trade ipquiieinenls for the fu tme Ii is essential. It does not involve entrance upon a general taillf revision which would be disturbing and unfortunate. It only requites an intelligent acceptance of the policy, and the adaptation of exist ing legislation by some general provis ions. Tills is not ihe time or the piaic lo discuss details, I can only Miggest a few general thoughts. We can wisely make one set of terms wiih the i topics and another within our own parallels of latitude. We have made coffee free. We do not need the revenue, llut In giving It fiee admission, why should we not have required coiitesslons Iii re turn',' This is otil.v mi example of oilier things, We might well draw a circle mound this American liendsplieic and put it on a special and peciilltuly favorable basis. When It comes to tlie great nations that produce along the same lines with ourselves, might we not fix a minimum and a maxi mum'.' There Is atioilier variation of this method. The president might he vest ed with authority to make a reduction or remission or Unties wiihln limits anil on prescribed conditions, Congress would not abdicate Its loutrol, as It ought not to do; It would detei'lullio the conditions and the limitations, as it ought to do; but It would arm the president with the power to deal with exigencies. We need nioie lloxlhlllty In our system. .Slluallons change ami conditions vary. There should be au thority to make adjustments stilted to Ihe modified circumstances, T.et con KxesH dellne the rates and Hie icstrlc lions, and then, within tlicsu restric tions, let Hie president, as tho executive ulways on guard of the will of congress and of the nation, have power to deal with the, changing demands of trade or with the sometimes sudden emei gencles of friendly or unfriendly action. With our nmuzlng development wo cannot be Indifferent to these consider utlons. Match the United .States today against Oreat Britain. l-Yunco and Germany together,, with double our population, nnd our manufactures are already equal to all theirs and tiro srowlnsr twice us fast. Our uurnliu, power Is equivalent to that of Kuglandi ttpinmny, Austria and ttnly tlnltedi V earned last year alone tint r as iniifh us the entire uecumtihitcil wealth of Hip country thirty years itgo, We niantifiicture one-third of all that In iiindo In Uip world, and Willi our super ior equipment one pair of hands here mulches four pairs In Ktlrope. We are lioliur forward hv leans and bounds. Already our pinillgloiis advance aiidJ our enormous exports excite the won der of the world, and wo are not minii nioie than beyond the threshold of our growih, Kutope liilks of tlio American peril. There Is no such peril, There Is only the Aint'ileiin bcnefuetloni Wherever we go, whether In trade fit in sovereignty, wp go only In blessing and honellt. Hut go we must In peaceful advance, through icclprocnl exchanges, and enlarged coinnierec, for our pro ductive capacity has far outstripped our own absorption, and It cannot slop. So long as Mr, Duron simply wished to wash his hands nf the canal busi ness, his ipiiinrks concerning Hip situ ation, though a tilfle ipiuoved from Hie real facts of the case, should mouse no bitterness, I'otigiess may yet demonstrate that all the pneumatic guns have not been absorbed liv the navy. OUflin? SNidies of fliiman Naftire A Genuine Lincoln Anecdote. 'tlie liillimiui: .iiieiilnle l iiituhfil tin In I hi; eilllni nf l.elle'. Miunlih, w nn his It iiniu .1 eiy nlil lull, Mi-. II, V. Iltliluiu, i.iv. lit inn in I-'" Anutli, ( .it , Mini i.m .) i In.e tieiKhlml f the l.lllliilll llllllll w'llli Hum icdileil III spili. field, 111 "I i ,in iitiiuiilier ill. .Hi .1 tilth iih Iilent "ui'h (lUiuitil nue ii. h.,i .siuiil.i.i inoiiuij; in live tun. It u. iiM hotit the time Ml. J.itK.ilu ll.nl leieeeil the inm,i,ilinu ti eu.ltol. Vt Iiii-Ii.iiiiI h.ul .Hie in i limili .limit lli, il i M- Itu;, a I w.is tint ti 'Inn; Weil. I w.k tittine; it tin wnidiiu lonKlIm nllf nil the (-tleet. when I (-liieil lillle 't'.lil' l.ltitiilll lliittllil. dnvill tl V will. I'.M mil h'iue ,i l.i-t .i hi. lillle hu-. iniilil t iii.i him He ii. Iieiween tun .mil thre veil. tt .me ..t ih.it time mid .H the .-h.itie.L lit tl- ilui illlisillllile. Hi. fllhei h.nl leil,. llltneil hilll ' I'nlilnlf,' II linlli hill In t'.lil,' .1. .ill Ihe lii'ialilnii. I.ui v "Vll. I.lliinln li.ul 1,1111 In iliuiili, lei ill; 'h iliililiiu .;l limiie in li ngr- t.t Mi. iiiki.Iii, H'J Ihe little II linn tint e-i.iu, lioni I III .iel 111 .nine v.i rn nthei. Vv I ..lihnl ' I .nl linlliiu; n-l, I IhuiiI .nine nue i.illin hliu Iiniu up the -Intl. (tl.it.iimr ii)i, I .m VIi, l.ini nlu mtuiiiu ,i. let .1. hi- lmi!4 lei;, toillil r.ill, him. V- 1 ll.Oe ..litl, it U..-. .Ill ( l Klllllll H.lllll ll.IV, .Hill pinple weie ue.nini,' tlitir ihliuir-l i lullie. i Inm; J. I lie I .lull lit el lomel Ml, l.ilunllN ,ipie.il.itn e He w.l. i otlle.-. e-ll'.. Inn hcliletl .out liiieliiiiiiil' 'Ihitil, nt il! The nun mIhi wis I in i in In iii.ul."il nf the t in 1 1 it M.ile.. ,ii tip 1 I ..lli.lllu; ilnwn tlie 'tnet li.iu tnoti il afte It's tun.iiv.ix thilil' Il W'.i. Ihe liui-l itiiilii.il Muni I ll.lle fill Wl'li, ..I il. t'.lti' ap violl IMP l.it.ili. Jlul Ml. I.ilunlii m.euili in. It lielllnii I.IUI .iimiiul tin w ii., linked Mill lhlilei Iii. lent; mm lit.e .i ..nl, nt uie.il. witll hi. Iie.lii In the Ii.ll. .mil .t.llliil tnl timite .11;, nil. I llinl tllll.lli Ii iliuiili .fliiti. h.nl lit. I i ln-eil. .Hid the .licit, will ilnwileil with pinple, t.l.tlioll.llill llie..el, ulfi .t.uid in .i.tiiin.liiiii lit jinl will) tiienimeii. upnll tin imilii.ll illt. Little 'jil w.i. ri le.ilie 11V. Klihill .M. 'I .illlltlillii; 111 .1 x.illl Jtlimjlt tn r.i.lpe. lli. lillle IIUP .lid !'';. wile teli.llill'A lli .ill illlei linn, mi! Ihe iuhl nt Mt. I.iniiilli, Inm mi, leil nut lull ilu ..nt with th.it Inn meter hi. .inn. winil.l hive .ehl hi. win iiiln .).( ins hid de witiie.-iil it. lie. linwtvei. w.i. not ilu hull. .eil ill tlie lei.t. hut illli keil .mil Imweil lll;hl .mil hit Iii .Htil lllll.llli i. le.pieHilm: .hie. ilv in iheii 'Miv, i;u,iil iiiiuiiiii, Mr. I.ni, nlu.' vvilh 'Itnv. .lie Villi, VIj.. s,i .ilnl.Sn,' ,,t ' 11.1" il.iv. Mi s ..mil -ii,' .ill I lit liiiie we.liiiu; i ph.ls .lilt .lll.le. While ihe .plit.Ui.l. Well' liellh i I'll' viil-ul .it the -iulil. ' Bodged and Was Buncoed. 'Iheie w.i. .nine t.ill. It' the lte:iuhlU.ili ihuU Iiniu nf lite -cuile lie oilier tl.l.v .lhli.lt "inleilv. Ilu; the lit .1 inlile.l. nt the pultv," .iml il niuvnl "itl.ltul I'lliln.e In lell till, .ten: "Ilu! ill Sin li.pui.dt llnie w.i. I -tie 'I i.ll .llll.e ml it hiuiu In he tin pi.i.vml tll.ti.'il tf h.l.l.lliili'l- In hull in I,. ,lt Ihe , . .1, thev Wilis illivi u thlmmh Ih" .tru I.. 'tllie il.IV .1 I.ll IV I. .Inppill l,V si Hie iitl.lllll' tiuii 'tlie t nmliKi.ir unt nil .mil .loml .ilm.iile lh( i ii .mil .meelnnly tliievv .i i.iviii; ..tone u III. lliletlimi lie illli l.eil hi. he.lil .mil ihe RMlo Weill llui'ilni! the l.H VMlnlhV. ,il,il lift ,i p,l..e;i uci I lit pi..enui'i v.!! hint .ivetilv jtti! til il .1 -ill! Hit ',.ll illin.iue. .is.llll-l tin l nlllp.ll. 1 . "the 1 1 mi .ite ml i.iiiu .nmiinl tn h.nU inln tic ui.atii. lie toiuiil tin iniiiliutni ami lie.m iit.. ilniilim him I'm illy he ,i.l.i d: 'Hid vnu id) tin .tune thiiiwuV ' 'Put I.' leplleil the n.inliu Will. I i-hiiulil .,iv I tl if 1 If I hnlu'i di.iluiil H wmitu luve rllmh Ine Mil 11 h ill tlie f.u ,',' "'lln vim mi iii In till me .vnu tlmlued llial .-Iniie;' .i-l.i il the . him mint, eilleiil.v. " '(( il.iinlv I diil. I wniihln't ..uiul iheie li.c a iluiiim. ami gel hint. "Tlie tl.iiin .iue.il il.muil .iiiiiinii .nut .linuted; Vnu .lie iIi.i1i.hmiI, Het mil! Vnu li.no nu .ip pit'l lllliill nf the IlUen-l- nf llle I iillUtl.v .' " t hipiiei liluiiii I". Fame Came to Him by Chance. The .liny nt Willi. mi Alhn Wlille' ninl.teii li.ip inln i.iiiii' ilu i.ich In. 'Wh.tl's Ihe M.illu.' Willi K.in-.i." iillinii.il I. I.iliiill.,1 In even hull.!', hill a is inn enet.dl) known hy wh.il u nil n.v t.ipmiunlt.v Ml. While ,nl Hit te. It w.i. in the fiiniiiiii .mil Mi. Wliite". wile w.i. .it I nlorldu .splint;., He w.i. .iii ml In imii In i' Iheie im .1 It I Mill I. .Ill Wll'tl'll III .III V ..IIC lilniill, ill. iwli in i.ii ry .ihuiK hi- Uiei- ili.ilni; his ile Mine -ii .11 le.l.t he Innuuhl, .iml v. .is leivhu Ihe nlliie w li. ii hi. nieiuiit i.iiue in .iml l-liil what pitivi.inii he h.ul niiih' fen the nllli.ii.il iiiliiniiis ilniii.t, his i.Ii-u.ii'. "lime mi llut I I.," -liil the ulilur tiiilnP Inu in a .-'il ii hi. ih-li, iimii uliii h v.'.is im p.iliil a iiiiutliv nf iii.iuii'(iil. The loitiii in iltl.iiii.il Mi. Mill' while hi ul.imid u nv", .mil ii.iioumid llut llnie w i-n'l iiiiii'vli lupy, liivi me ,i lillle u.nie," he pli.nhd, " rnl I'll lll.ill.i In U' I .ihUll.." "Ml llltlll," ..H'l lln eilllni. ill. '.ili? n.lo lit. i lull lie thmiuhl ,i few inniidil-, tl 1 -11.-' I off Hie vlRorous p.iMftriiplis, handed lltrm hi tlio fniriiun mid wms 'iff fur his Intln, When he feinrnod he ftnind hl.s desl. heaped two feel deep wllli Icllern iiliil lilmself iiatlutnl ih.iiuitti. It wis tl. if l.nt edlltiiliil llut did II. Why Chaffee Is Popular. Wlirn lletitlat Clnlhe wis utl Ills soulhe'ii Hip, mi Ihe hnll.i Aiueilc.m, he vldled .Mis hide, n In I id llie phia' wheip he lindcil liisHrlril the ltodj. "NMwl In Ihe puller with J oil t" Wits the iitelltm .ia'kuI unp of Ihe pallinls. "ll.nlri,Vi" was tin ie.ipcne. "live j nu any iuinp.iltit In innkef" ".Vii-n, FM-rpl llut I iiin't (tel wlul tlio due. tor fiiden." "Wii.il dues the ilntlai unlet lint .Mill don t tretr "Milk." tlenei.il (hlltee lulled fh.' pinl murleiniJ.it''i' hefnie him mid .tsiu-il If llnie wiis i.o milk III Ihe pul. "Vrs-es," dm otrher leliietuitll.t reipniuled, "lull .leuleiiiinl I,, h.is tudcrfd II fat the nsn of the' Indies nf the pint," "Vim nrdei ,i luindie'd nioie ues of tnlllt .11 iinte," (Ieiu-I.it ( lullee tnnilunlided, "mid nunc Willie, eend thine two rnrs up to the hMltlt iIrIiI jvv.ii," And llut ii'llui it one nf Ihe re.isuus vny (liliet.il t hiltlee is liked h.v the rltlhleil men of Ihe mill. WHAT OUR CONSULS SAY. lidlliif nf ii. Tilliune Sltl t'od. "Duilnir Ihe l.t few ,veu Ainetl ii.ll enil h.i lir-ii evpnllcd In Mpilltprr.iiip.ln pdils. Il nil mtfely he astpuied llul llils fpnil will lu.ike inlisldi I ihle piuvruv. .Hid the time will i nine when Aliuu linu iu.ll will Iiiuke lis npc.ir nine III i.1ijii i limpet I! Inn with the l'uidMi pio dint III t.'enoi i ml Poit -s.iltl mid olhei' m.iil.eld uf the Medlleir.iii.'iiii mm "-Htm. .1 i.v White, t lib tnl s,H., ion. nl, lliindvel. I'p.iiuil, "One nf Hi,- must Intue-tliii in ' tleiils In the nil tl.lle i tin t lie the list -h iiionlhs lus been Ihe iltrlv.d nf M'vetal humlieit Inns of iliioilifiili'i! pelti'ils fioin the I'lilted Sl.ile, Ih" Ills) over I'lipmlnl hum Anieiic.i. 'Ihe inullly li uliilti st (mil lo h.t.e heen veiy sjlitljctiin, nnd Iheie will he n nuikel ful ih iiuiiv Js i'.iii he fop w.iided fioin Ihe Suit lit l li sl.ites." linn. Ilolitll I. Sklntiei, I'nileil hliili- lotv-ul nenei.il, .Mm .eilles. I'oltnn r.ihih-.--"l Like ph.isiue hi lepoiilni Hie sin ii" .it tend. eil upon the llt.sl m-iIoih ex pel liuent In inliodut inn Ainciii.in lotion lubuis lulu this nuikel, whue hllheilo K-ikIMi w.ite.s have held uiidt.piited pjy."--lloii. Tlmnus II. Noitoti, t'nlted States innsut, llaiitil. Tuikej. Ahv..nlan 'li'.ule. -Counsel Cetieial SMiinei flit lliei .j).; "flu. tiiilriiiil i oii-llin ltd iindei toe joint iliieillim of TiaiKe uiul Ilu- Ali.vs..ni.in em peioi' is helm; i.ipidlv iniupleted, and It will he Iml .1 -holt llnie In toie the toil kilometers ('JTIi.'. inilr.) between ll.iii.u .mil (In- iapil.il, Addli Ahh.ihi, me iiiniple' il. In till- ttRinii tne I nlleil Stali-i hlmuM lake a vn.v at live mteie-t, V " have at pie-i'iil a vn.v llilhin' hade Willi lu Mi.t-siul.iii ptuplip, iiiauily in nut -I ide pinduils, .lull a t niton nnd pdioleiitu 'I his legmn is pellups the inn. I il ulllisltig In inn peuple nl all Hie p.illiuiH nf Mil a. and the h'.i-l kimwii." r.iim MacliiiK'l.t. I'ive tin s many Ainetl tan mule .imiuilliii.il mai liines vvnt .old -llii" ..e.i.mi in (lueie as in Ihe .ei.iin helore, m t-pito ol iiutatoj tide nop i onditinti-. Mm li nioie toull he dine II Ami-lit .in uianulaetiiitis weie iepie-ei,l nl hy indiislnnus .n-rni in Ihe uiti(ip.il Hade lenliis of Cteeie. Iliuion.ul at l'alia-. Hon. '. W .I.ii I, -mi. mi ii poil., and priitus nut (lie want i, I a iliii'il line nf ldis fifuii -uiie Ameuon pint. fell, il. .mi. -'I lie liiei'. depait it of liiuute oiileied 7:!.4inl i.i-'s ol Aineiieaii p-tinlp.iiu and (aiifeleil the unle. plaied tilth It lui.iii-e of inft-iifu tU.ilit.t. 'lln- nidi i tepie-ents -l.70ii.0its pounds vt eight, of "JD.tiili) gallons lluli nf the i nu. ills ipinletl I. nun led to eteilil fm the ilearness ami limeline.. nt his iiiioiniitioii Wiy liulv .Willi-. Wallei .1 IlilUnl. S. heiieil.olv, X. V , I . i II. TO MEN. lie p.i""iiiii'" "lite, he pli.piui '- llilalt, llut he il lltti'll.v. all III all! lie lint tuilaj - loinnllnw - nil'. Aliollli-I while :i JiMI is e.oue: Iii vvh.ll .vou ale with .ill ,toui In ill tiid not Ii) pi -IPs and in pall. I'inin die I'lViiiuiuiall, h la.) Hun- Christmas Gifts for the Children ilfc'ilsfi! Jfe cwV Vlwiiw Wy-r ?2r-rSac-r-rOrJaiL &"9fWV4 Wf '& rf THE TRIBUNE'S JUNIOR EDUCATIONAL CONTEST Gold and Silver Watches, Skates, Games, Etc. Sleds To be given to the Boys and Girls of Northeastern Pennsylva nia who succeed in making the largest number of words out of the letters in S-C-R-A-N-T-0-N T-R-l-B-U-N-E. HERE IS THE LIST OF GIFTS. Gold Watch. 4 Silver Watches. Writing Desk. 3 Sleds. 5 Knives. Combination Game Board. 2 Fair Skates. Checker Board and Checkeis Hop Scotch. Numerica. Set of Boxing Gloves. Rugby Foot-Ball. Brush and Comb Set. Bagatelle Board. Magic Lantern. Dominoes (with double nine). Progressive Words. Pillow Dex. Swing-a-Ring. 26 GIRTS I.NJ ALL RULES OF THE CONTEST. Hill & Council's Holiday Furniture There can be no more appropriate gift than one of the following liius, all of which are marked in plain figures: Wlitllili Hi'-I.". Iannises. IIIPflliK I'alills, VVnlh T.thh I'ane.v Tallies, l.u-y t'liali I heval I'lj-es, I. ill t hails I'ailm I ahlui t-, Inlaid I 'hail Mii.ie Cahinels, llutkila, I mio t alum t, Hiaviiii-; -la llonl. I .1-1-, IVile.-l.iN, -iieeus, laiilluliiis, M.iiii- I lulls. iiiIa, Low prices and large assortment to select from, of well made and desir able patterns. Hill & Council 121 N. Washington Ave. T'i izes will Ik- given lo llie boy or sill, imtlor Hi yearn of use, liullil Iiir tin- Itii'Kt'.st number tif vvoids out ol the letters contained In "Seriin tuii Tribune." No letters must be u.seil any more times tluiu they iiiipenr in these ttvo words. An nn Instance, u word with more than one "K" woultl not be adinilted, but a word might, eoutain ttvo "ll's" or tlnve "N's." Plurals formed by adding- "s" or "es" not nllotvcd. Only words found in the main portion of 'Webster's International Dictionary" (edition of 1S9S) will be allowed. Any Oiclionarv van be used, but In Judging the contest The Tribune will debar all words not found hi Webster's. Proper names, or any other words appearing in the "Appendix" will not be allowed. This applies only to proper nouns or names In the Appendix those defined in tlie main portion of the book will be admitted. Obsolete words are admitted If they are defined In the dictionary. Write on one side of the paper only, Write very plainly; If possible, use a typewriter. Plnee the words in alphabetical order, numbered In rotation. Write your name and address, age antl total number of words at tlie lop of your list. Kold the list do not roll. Contest closes Saturday. December -I, at il p. in. All lettets of inquiry lor additional iuformiitlon will be promptly answered. Address your list of words, or any question you wish answered, to CONTEST EDITOR, Scranton Tribune, Scranton, Fa. Estimate the Number of Words How many words do you think there ore in the letters in "Scranton TiibuneP" To put it another way, How many words do you estimate the winner of The Tribune's "Junior Educational Contest" will haveP This Is just a little "Estimating Contest" in connection with The Tri bune's "Junior Educational Contest," in which every reader of The Tri bune is invited to participate. Ten Dollars For the Best Estimates. $5.00 will be given for the first cor rect, or nearest correct, esti mate. 2.00 for the next nearest. 1.00 for the next nearest. 50 cents each for the next two nearest. 25 cents, each for the next four nearest. Record your estimate on the blank below and mail it to "Contest Editor, Scranton Tribune, Scranton, Pa.," or the envelope may be handed in at The Tribune office. You may send in as many estimates as you have blanks. ktt this on 1 Contest Editor, Scranton Tribune. I estimate that the winner of the first prize in The Tribune's "Junior Educational Contest" will have word3. Name . Address Employes of The Tribune Are Debarred from Entering These Contest. ALWAYS BUSY. Xi!W$$mi0t 1 i II Our Stores are filled from heel to toe with cotnruon-sense Christmas Gifts, from 25c to $5.00. Lewis & Reilly, wyo 114-116 ming Avenue 0-00000000000000000 ooooooooooooooooo ! THIRD NATIONAL BANK ! 0 OR SCRANTON. $ 0 Organized 1872. ? 0 j $ Depositary of the United States. $ Capital, .$200,000 Surplus, . ,$550,000 o Y TlititllKi-oiiut inte to ilaposltnis Ih r pet cent, per iiuiiiiiu, Y Y Special attention heii to till accounts whether liirceor Miiill. v V Upon Puliuday evening, h toll oVIoHC. v X Three percent, Interest p-ild on saving deposits. 0 V liilcifsi t'tinipoiinilt'tl .luntinry 1st anil. Inly Ht. A 0 WILLIAM CONNELL, President. A HENRT BELIN, JR., Vice President. $ WILLIAM H. PECK, Cashier. 0 DIRECTORS. 0 William Connell, James Archbald, 6 Henry Belin, Jr., Luther Kellor, 0 Goo. H, Catliu, J. Bonj. Dimmick, A Thomas H. Watkins, James L Conuell. X W. D. Zeluider. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO s Scranton's mMmmmi Mmmi& Christmas Store Headquarters for Incandescent Gas Mantles, Portable Lamps. THE NEW DISCOVERY Kern Incandescent Gas Lamp. GunsterSForsytli :i2.1-327 Pen il Avcituo. Our handsome store is now in complete holidny attiic, It IX is a wonderful bower of beauty and well woith a visit "3 from you. Accept this as personal invitation and bring j the children with you. The four large double floors ate filled with everything In which the little folks delight and many things in . which adults are interested. , H Toys, Tree Ornaments, Dolls, Candies, lj etc, in endless variety too numerous too mention will be -9 found here at prices consistent with tho quality of goods 1 J. D- Williams & Bro. ff 312-314 Lackawanna Ave. 7 sf. A Second-Class City with a First-Class Stock of Gut Glass, Sterling Silverware Clocks, Etc, Suitable for Wedding Gifts. Mercereaii & Connell, 132 Wyoming Avenue,