The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 13, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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The News of Catbondale.
Delawaie and Hudson Ralhoad.
Smimiiir 'I, HUH.
" 1riln luw Ctrlioiiilili ul HI) t Itlon t (")!
I'nr Niiiilmi mil wim.'lliiir-iH'. . .
lull, 10 ill. 11.31 .i in , 1 nil. I.C. i'. ! '"
r.iK, f mi, io ui, ii.oi i iii ,
SuiiiIhi' IMlni lent' ill U. II '!! ' I "'
1! III. u. i0. ..0il p in
t'w Alliim. "iiddui. Moiihcil. Ilnilim. v
l.nalJiul IhjIiiI", rlt , ! IM ii. in I "' I' '"
I ui W.ihii.iH ;itnl Hunt-Mi lie X. HJ' ' '" '
.".51. il I! ii in
s Inj mint in. W.nnilll ulnl Hutu l He
l '!."() ,1, hi i l,4"i Ii. in. , .. ..
Irnlin ntrltr il ("iiilinnililr Inim WllUifljitJi'
k nml Vuiiitiui ii fnllo'im il .'ui. S.I7, 'I'll. in.,0
in I IU'17, s IMI. .I.l'l, l.s (). ".HI. v .11. ! 'I.
II ." p in.: tins i pi
suniliir lulu, iirtlto ill II '7 ii in I' I". ' '
I i, !J. II HI p in
suiiiln lttln unite il ( iilmmlilr (nun " '.v
mil nml Hutu il id .ii I" 17 mil 7 V. p. in.
New York, Ontario and Western.
.vpi 17, mm.
lulu. lti" ( jiIiuihIjIi. lor Srrtliti'ii n w
in . I mi p. m.
"illnll.l IMliii nl 7,() II, III . It (HI p III
IiiIih lni. C ulmiiililc m inlnt iiorih nl
II l J in. On sn,n .11 IUH I in. Ii"llj
Uavlns .u 11,10 n. m utvl. tliw mil ''III J .
Funtli niili loiinittloin Int Niw 'i'. ' '""
ill, i'U
l Mini nilip fioni Si iiilnn ill II 10 J '" ' "'
p in.: lioin point' imtlli I no p m sim'i
fii'in SMiilnii jI 'i HI a in ml 7 1"' I'. "
iroiu ( .iilosl.i il , On p in
Eile Bnlliond.
1 1 1 11.- M, I'WI
IlililK Ii lln III! tltlll'll, all. .11.1-1 1.-, lljli
learnt smiii) it 7 nil in iiihI i '- p "' fl,r
11mii.II in. I ii,.li, ii P ". ,i in. 'IjIIi i v
r, pilnc simUt), tin lllnahmiliiii. iimUiiik
nnlmii. i, ii . oil, nl mil Hull lln. "i'l l
fill) p in (or 'iiiiiiliiiiin. mil. Ins i omits limn
fit wi'.tuii point'.
-iinliv li.iln. ui- n 11 ,i in fin iiiiiioliiniu.
mpMi ntotiiii i omit t Hum, mil n J7 p m . wllli
jiii toiiiicdinn..
linn- inlp il . in mil ."'4" i I".
Sunlit 4 sit 1 51 i in
The New Coal Pockets Will Be Sup
plied by Means of Conveyois
Running: fo the Old Canal Bed
Wheio the Coal Is to Be Dumped
Into Feed Pockets Pockets Will
Not Be of lion as at Fiist Sup
posed A Sepal ate Tiack for the
Honesdale Blanch fiom the Look
out to City Station Plans Being
Ill I llC IIIIIIOlllll I'llll'lll III I III' 1(1, ill
.o.i I iioiUct-. uhii h tin1 Pplaw.iu' -
1 111(11011 1 lllllpllll.V ll(lIOM'S til I'HM i .u
tin- font ul Siilcin .iMMlllc, whele the
li.mU ol iiliiinn Is now lielni? iimiiiiM'iI.
it was stilted Hie llf-u HtoniKe
bins won Id lm ol it on .mil
in sh.ipf. Thlt. howevei. .i not toi
iei l. tliouuli it i .tine fiom
UlieM 111, It sin Ii t,is Ule l.llt. The
M .AW.' .lie In he of tilllliel. though ilirfeieiit in ((institution
Ui. in Ihe piespnt stli'. Tlun wllldlf
lei 1 1 mil the jiieseill ui (MllKenielll ill lhe will lie liln-IIKe In llieir in.iUc
"!' Anotln I deli.ll line ill llieil in I .ilipe
lneilt will lie lliul tliev will not teiehe ihev ill. u ,k ( imnil.ile limn
the i ill-. This tne.mi of suppl will lie
i!Ni(Imm with Insie.ul tile oal will
he (nKen fiom the old hod. wheie
it will he dumped fioin the (,ns, ,iml
will he i, n i leil b ini'.ins of toiiduilois
.ind dumped Into the bins. A s-mn of
I.iIioioih .lie now :it woik :ind lnis been
tin sevoi.ll d,ls, settlllR the
iloiutl I'.tn.ii bed in .sli.uie foi ,i swilili
tlmt will be i mi I mm (lie wnd. The
i will be dumped iulo the i.inil bed
into .lie Known .is feed-bo('.
The ih. lln ol toneois oi c.miom will
i mi fiom iiniloi tlie supply upwMid
.mil oei Hie H.ieKs to l lie new pock
ets whole the will be deposited.
The .iii.iURCiiiPni will be on the older
of the Kinln umt'ois whieli itn to be
.-eeil .ihoill the liijf Ki.-iiu olOMItoi.s ill
the IniKei i llles on Hie l.iki'M, and sini
II. ir to the one in use ut Hie stot.-iKe
v.iid at old Aiilhl.ieite p.nh
Tills menus is Hp. most'lile .is
the mis i on Id not unload dlieitlv Into
the poikets bemuse ol Hie liK.itiou of
I lie 'attei
Tlie woik of ihiiionIiik Hip bin iiioun
Ifiln ol eilllll wlieie Hie pockets will i l-e
heroic the wililPi will lull' passed Is
hoiiii; i in lied on h an ImliiMi ions .mil
Ktixe U.'IHK of slioM'lei.s, and nltlloimh
llie.v hae tione a piodlsious auiount of
wink, the lasU is not mow than halt
mi omili.slicd,
Big Impiovements Contemplated.
SiKiis ,n e mnltipl.iiiK that Hip Deia-wati-
Ar Hudson loinpanv i.s eonii'ni
plutiiiR iiupoitanl t liuiiBP.s and iiu
pio ements in this cll.. intoi niatioii
othei t him that on which the in tide ot
Inst Satin day wa.s founded, luiis come
to The Tilljiiue aboui the iPinnvul of
the illy pusiseiiKer Mtation to another
site that la mine fn vol able, thus niak
Iiik way tor Hie fielnht station whldi
it was icsolVPiI !-oiuo tlnic inilHt coiiie
Inim the out-of-wny location in the
,ai(l to a position advantHKPou to
l lie load's Interests and the IntfiestH of
iho luoi chants ot the town, That Hip
lonipnny Is now at u disadvantage in
. i ompetltion with other loads for
;neiBlll lilisilicss is 4 j it 1 1 . potent All-
. oUiiffaVUir that entcis with tlu pio
r posed lemoval of the liPlght station Is
.,. Hie (ompany's piessinn need for the
uuil loom that the station inniiopo
..Ik't'.s... ., The Honesdale Branch.
- --It Is (tjiliiln, too, that changes win
be iimdt on the Ilouesdalp hiaiuh of
-llio toad, AiiukIIuk to the piesonf ni-
laiiReinelit. Hip tiacks of the main line
iiip used Iioiii the lookout signal sta-
"lion In uiipioachlllK iui4l leavlliR the
-illy station Tho pin pose is to imvp
'mi Inilppoiulput Mack for this hi, inch,
TIiIk would mean a tiilid set of (ails
fioin the lookout. TIip preliminary
: stpps to tills liavo hem Uiken In the
pmchaso of laud fiom the city station
v rriutli, Willi the pvcuplioii of oiki piece,
,-ihe I'lii'Jck.'Eaily piopoity ihe (oiu
Mi'iiiy iWiiliCdiulrnU possession of all ilia
-land alongside Us inula as I'm as the
ml hililgo All that ii'inaliiH Is tliu pur
, eliate ol the liKlll of Way fiom the
miiiIIi end of the hrlilRii to the lookout
. This would liu lompuiulUely notliiiii;,
' M)onSu4' the company decides on Its
(irjjii; i'luit these plans, which oni-j-pieheinl'tlip
Hlto for the now depot nml
f tlio lemoval of tho Height stiillon, nip
.i. being- discussed and sludleil, la ouchc(l
.for by tellable souiies ot the (.oni
"jinny. Woodmen's Meeting.
-" Crystal Camp, Woodmen i.r the
MYoild, will meet In loeulur .session
1 (tilts eveiiliiK hi their quuucis on tnle"in
; Avenue. It will bo an linpoitaiu niaot
J us uuil membeis aio uigpd lo ufte'ii.l.
i l'he pioposed purohiiso of paiapher-
iiiilln for iho (li'Kiec tPiiin will (oinc Up
nml It Is hoped Hint tit iniinv as pos
slllle Will he plesent III take pail In
the discussion, Seveial ( ittttllilatcs will
he Intiodiiei'il In Ihe tmsterleM of wiiniN
ci aft ""
The rund for a Memoiial to Mc
Klnley Meets With No Response.
As .vet no stlhsci Ipllous nip heeli
iPLched to the futiil ror the piopo-ed
ineinoilal to Ihe late lamented picl
(h'lil, Wllllnlil .McKlllle.v. wllhh Is lo be
t'tectcd at ('Hilton, Ohio, Ills laic home.
Tills Is a sliatiKc llllnjf I" leltite mill
It Is (ul, ion. foi II tasls a i piled Ion
on ('aiholidale Htt Ihe patllollsin of
the I'lll.ens on iitlici oiiaslons d4ies mil
(Ipmpivp. It iiiii.v lip that the piessuie
of htiulupss due lo the (lose nppioatll
of the holhlii.v season has (iiuspd the
jnojeit to Ijp put out ol lilllid lor the
Hnie helliR Ihlt Uip should he an
uUilkenlnir, If the t iiy would sllsliiln
(he lepiitatlon It lian loi IipIiik foi -waid
In all slab moeiueiils,
All loiind us on pvpty side, ilii-ie has
been a le'poiu-e that Is luilillllntlli7 to
the sense of patriotic pilih- it our tltl-
c.ens, .'or ewnnple, In 1'niest City,
wheie llieic hip seveinl thousand less
souls tliiiu In ('arlioinlale, Hip (Itlycns
contributed $"i(l In a sliiRle week Knr
esl City, J.'.ii: ('aibondale, iioihlui?.
Sail i ontemplallon, this
llllt It Is liellei lute lllnll llevel.
SuIjsi iliitlons made loilnv will meilt a
Rood deal of neilll .mil It Is lllcelv that
If a stin i was nniile, theie would be :i
sleadj How of subsi i lptlon What an
uppoi tunltx then, loi tlie lls mil),
set Ibei.
I'ostmnstel .lolin Thoillns Is Hie one
nuHioilced (o ii'ii'lvc snlisciliiHons, nil
ot whit h will be dulv in know leilRetl.
Olcott's Singing, as Usual, Will Be
the Featme of His Play.
Though cliaumev Ohott is aduiiifd
hetnuse ol his Riaidul at (liiK. no one
will deiiv Hint his ri palest i-hann is his
siiiKiim. Ills sweel Mike as lie tells
a pttttv stoi in it (hoiie ballad is mil
sle thai appeals to the pupulai taste,
and when one lilm slut; Hieie is
no wonilei that he is tailed Hie Misli
niinstiel and ilini he lias so w.iim a
pi, lie In Ihe heiiits ol the thousands
who tiowtl Hie thelites to heai him
tveiy season.
In ('. u bond, ile (iliott ha-hiindittls ol
admlitis who liie him fin his sIiikIiik
and lliese u e sine to Rie him a waiin
heaileil aiecllnii when he tonus io Hie
(hand opei i house on Tuesdaj nlRlit.
A lfllPSlllllR le.tltiie ol ids sillKhnt is
that lie alw,i.s bus new -ours on path
is, so that tlie public no mallei how
milt Ii II ailinhis his old ones has no
tiiuiplaint that he olfcis no ntnolties
Oltotl will live new -ours h, im;
on Tupsddj hIrIu.
Tlie illaKiain will open toinoiiow
liiKhl at 7. Id Ch"tl.s will be (then at
Laige Ciowd in Academy of Music
to Hear Max Hayes' Speech on So
cialism. law iiowtl iilleiiiltd the Rlalid
fiee lalioi mass iiieplhiK In tlie Ai.ul
emv ol .Music last iijrIii and lie. lid ,1,
.Mnhlon Karnes, who was a candi
date lot licisniei on Ihe sot iallsi jmj
pubKc owneisltip tli kets at Inst elee
tlou and Mas II.iM's. pu'slilenl of
( lei ls" union, Mi Kaities was iutio
ilnii'il b piesldt nl of the Cential l.a
bot union, ,1. I! Walsh Ile told of the
illfleienie in t olulil'onv ai piesem and
a bundled e.ns ago Pipshleiit Walsh
then intiotliK etl Mn ll.i,es. Mi.
H.ips spoUe in i ompllmenl.n y tei nis
of the woiklngiiien ol the anthiaiite
icrIoiis and ilellM'ieil a i haiai teiislii
addipss piesentliiK slews ol the .situa
tion 1 1 m a socialist! standpoint.
Engine Topples Ovei and Thiows
the Coalbiook Idle foi Half a Day.
Tlie toppling over ol (in engine In
the IJel.iwuie and Hudson aitl jester
dav tluew the c'o.ilbiook idle lot half
thi' daw The wifik blockdl the sw'luli
leading to the Ineakeis and no empty
tats imtlli be hiuketl Into (he (ollleiy
The engine' Hint was tiiuuil tnei was
n "hog," No. ."lit. iniiuiiL'tl by Ihigineer
Austin Keusi otei anil I'lieiuan tieoigo
Allllgei A bioken ling lliiew the en
gine off, and niter miming nlong the
lies fm a siioi t dlslaiKc it toppled over.
The wits king clew winked to pliue tlie
engine aiighi, lioiu moiulng until Ii
o'elot l(. betoie being Sill ( I'.sst ul,
Enteitnlnment This Evening.
Tonight Hie eiiipiliilnmeiil lor Hip
heiielll of the (Mini th of Our l.adj of
Ml. Caiincl, ii highly ilesoiing enter
pilsp, will lake pline, Tit kets of nd
mlsslon .up 'J.'i (eats The piogiuiunip
Is as follows:
OvuiliiiP, Monit oii'hestia song,
Mlss Daisy Wlsle . ipiltiitiou, Mlss
(Seianlpvp Collins, song, M, Keaiiie,;
inaiidolin solo, .Mis. Mary (iulto; snug,
Mlss A. Hiown; ipcltatloii .Miss .'or
puce MclJalc; sung. Miss lleithn llev
pis, Aiohhald: sPleetlpu, Mouit or
chestia; song, Anihiose Haltln, violin
solo, Miss M, Giuliani; song, Miss Mag
gie Taylor; tciittiHou, Miss i:, Cavuti
auglr, iniiliilnlili solo, T. Saiigiuliauo,
Sei anion, song, O, Hclilniiuel: selecllou,
.Mox.tli oidiPStia, admission, '.'"n
Filling the Cave-in.
The t ve-ln .il .Maylkild aid whiih
w.ih i( polled hi yesteidii.v's Tilhuiie
has been lllled and the ioadw.iv Is now
Tho Hciallton Italhva.v vvliosi Hacks
wpip hi inldali like an devilled mm!,
hail a folic at woik .vestiuday inoiii
ing and lieloie noon Hip load bed was
ill fair iiindiiloii. The Dntailo and
Wphiciii found It ikm p.ssary to tin sumo
lllllng as tho sfiitllns camo to the edge
of Hie Macks, though Hie wills wpip not
IllViilVnl MMie eoiiiian sillfeied also
by icafcon ot the bi caking (if the wat
er supply pipe when Ihe settling took
plate Water was obtained Motii iho
.Iciiiiyil useivloi. but It V)as thitnigli
a loin inch pipe oillj, Wlleieiis llie
Inokcii pipe was a slx-luili
Cain and Cuiniiiings Cnptiued.
.loliu Cain and .lames Ciimniliigs,
(wo .voting men leshllug in Hie Hush,
wein loilgul in Jail last night on Iho
(lunge of hoisp ulealhih- and Constable
Xc.u.v was out on a scan Ii last plain
lot u man named KennecH on the
diaige of ciuelty lo auliuals. K'en
iit'dy lihed a horse fioin l.lvd.vmaii
Mcnidiigs ot l'lncsl L,lt and diovc
to wMieiP he tied Ihe horse,
while he wont Into a saloon, Cain and
CttiumliiRH happened along and tool:
tho hoisp, The liverymen swoie out
it waiiaht ror their nticd
A Pastoial Piny on Snttudny.
The ".loshttu Hlinpklns" (oinpaiiy,
cairylng their own sppclal scdipry, a
hand of imislc and fine nicliostin, will
pioilnip tin' pastoral loineily iliaina of
Hint inline at the riiimil HuMiulav af
let noon nml pvpiiIum, In the Ihlid act
a seiiuiitloiial -aw mill effpet Is shown,
being nothing nunc or less than u com
pli'lc -aw mill In full operation, cutting
lip genuine llliihei. The snw Is a gen
uine liti?.' oi iliPtilni saw, nml dils
tluoiigh Umbel iii lightning speed,
sipetlul n lees foi this ilatc. Matlllfe,
adults, "(I cents; children, la cents,
evening lo mid :'( ami :to icnis,
Meetings of Tonight.
I'tior limit tl ,
.llllllor Unlet' railed Ameilciiii Me
i liaiih s.
('oinpaiilous of the Koiest.
Alllelleiiu l.eglou ol llolloi.
I'lllteil MIiip Wotkeis. Local Stl
The Ito.val Cllt'le.
Ci.v stni Camp, Woodman of the
Woi Id
.loseph Kiniit. Is Iii Dluilia on busi
ness Mnslei Cliueiue Clips Is Ihe guest of
Malin.v Spent ei III New YoiK cliv,
W. . Kliapp left .vesteitla.v over the
I hie for Teas vvIiuip Ile will Visit
I I lends lop a nuiiibei of wieks
( lenieiillne anil .loseph (Itillaghei, tif
St iitiiton, aie vlslilng ut the home of
llieli giandiaients, Mr. nml Mis.
I'llllli'k Cailv on Seventh avenue.
The following Is Hie piogiinniile to
be lentleietl bv the Ninth Kllil Clee
t lull ot Sdiiulou ut theh i tint ell ill
Ihe Methodist lIpNtopal tlillith lo
nlght: Choi lis, "Villi. ml Wan loi s" l. .Icn
klns. M H , song, "Queen of the
i:.nlh," (IMnsulll) Mi. W. .1. Davips.
Unci ".Matlial Splilt." (Di. i'aii.v)
Mesis v, ,. Hopkins anil W. Isaac;
Choi us, 'Mnitvis of the Aiena."
tneillle) Ninth Cml Clee i lub: song.
"Mothei and llt-i Habe," Mr. (iwllviu
IMwunls. Duct, "I'Movv Ct'iitlv (lr;a."
i.l. I'.my) Messis Cwllym .Moolnli
nml .1. W. .lones, sonjf, "om on the
Deep." (T. J Davis) Madame D T).
Lewis, i inn us, Cms uIpis.' i Dan
Pi Othello) Noilll I hid (ilee t lub, solo,
"II Is enough." I'.lllah. .1. W. .Ioiips;
duet. "Howell and Kloilwin." (Pan)
Madame Lewis and Mr. Davis, M lo,
Coil He Men IMll," ( Di . P.uiy) tad
aille Lewis, Mi. Moolals and Mr. .lonesj
"I'llgilm's Piogips".- (Di. I'arry)
Ncntli Hnil Clee i lub Cwll.viu Moor
II. is diie'toi Mi. : Owens, pianist
Thie-e who have no niaik below !)0 do
giees and no uueMUseil in. ilk for
month (tiding Ditenibcl 4, ale as follow-
High si iiool spiiIois Fiank
I'pikIpi.iI W.illei Ta vim. Cm lie Vail,
Mamie Hvaiis. Maggie Mniih. juniois,
Nellie Hvans: .sub-lunlois, Hula
Spiagii". rteginaltl HouKhtou. Ploia
Depew. Cl.nlvs Kobv . Alary Spettlgue.
Nellie Higlalli, Ceoige CiPhhaidt.
.lones. Slnnlev Hills, Willie Cllbeit.
llaiolil Davis Pn paiutoi.v I'loslon
K.nlgd. Liu v Vail, Mes,ie Joiips, Setli
Spiague, Halph Kakei. Ci.iinuiai de
p.iiliUPiit. pightpenlh giadp, Agnes
rums Ndllp Muiphv. Ninth giadc.
Maggie Men iik, Olive Adams, Jl.iv
Dempsev. Intel mediate depattmeiit.
sKth gi.nlp. Ma lloslc, Avias Jones,
Selma Johnson. Hsthei l-Venev , M.nie
MiCMoskej. I'llinuv depaiimeiU,
fifth giade, John Adams Mamie Maun.
Allie Hlitlon, Kelle Thompson, Kei -netla
Muiph.v Tom th gl.lde, Clcn
Wall. Leslie Jones. Lminn Davis, l.'ein
li iii haul, Anna Collins Thiid giade,
Caiile Kl.ike, CI. il. I Harvev. Julia
llplldlid.. Klaiuhe Mtllalc, Albeit
Long. Willie Cunitninghaiii. Mlkhed
Cllbeii, Ales Muldoon. John Kelly,
hpioinl guide. Joseph Day. lieainlLO
Kell.v. M Hilled 1'ivor. Mnitdla llNing,
C.iiolliie Ma.viiiiid. JaniPs Muiphv,
1.111 It- Done. M.uv C.iij. ICelh ,
IMIlh lliav, Cpiella Cawley, Willie
Doiitl. Liui. i Davis, Udell WhllinoiP.
light I Hall l'iisl giadp. ltavmond
Knkei, llo.vtl Alvoid, Thomas O'Hiien.
Austin I'l.voi Hilda Muldoon James
MeKeicheii, Helen lilildlck.
A speelal meeting of Ci.vslnl I'Mre
iiimpany. No, I, will be held this even
ing lo take action on the invitation of
the Cltiens band. All nieniheis aie 1 1
tiuc'stcd to be nipsent.
Mis. Ceoige Kia.v. of lla.letoii, and
Mis Theodoie SietHgae weie Ilones
ilale viuitois psteitlav
A little son ai lived on Weilne.-tlav
at Hie home ol Mi. and Mi- David
Thomas ot Hacnn sttpet.
The boiotigh mum II aie atlveitlslug
for bids lor llgliting the lioiough cltliei
bv gas oi I'liictili llghl. Ilids iiittsl be
In li.v 7. !U oclock Dei ember 2H and
must give pi Ii p pel llghl on a live
vein's i onli.ii I,
A one-stoiy dwelling In Cia.-sy
Island, owned by William Fetidh U, was
deslio.ved by llie about 11 o'clock Wed
nesday night. The K.sculsior Hose, mill
pauv lespoudptl piomptly, hut the
tlaniPS had galueil stall headway that
It was Impossible lo save the build
ing The oilgln of the Ihe Is unknown.
A laiRP sum ol money In Hie house was
Inn lied up. Tlie building was lusuied.
Tlie Kiiipeil given In the Hlakely Ilap
llsl i hui eh lust evening, under llie ill
teitlou ol Msn Coi.i M. Crllllll, of
North Stianton, pioved veiy sii((es.s
fnl, the dun ch being well lllled with an
eiithUHlastlc ami well pleased audieiile,
The opening number was a piano solo
b Miss Noima Williams, which was
unit h euloycd. Miss Cillllu gave a
SeaMin.s change, W't' can't
change them. We can't pre
vent the coming of cold and
damp air.,.
Hut we can prevent thehore
throat., the coughs, colds, and
lung troubles b taking Scott's
Kmulsion. Nothing does more
to make the tender throat
tough, Nothing gives such
sliength to weak lungs.
Don't take risks--when it's
easy to be sate, Now is the
seasoh for taking Scott's
Knuilsion in season.
V, lUuuljtiu t J tile lun . i(ouiie
fcCOi A. Mffl'M, 4oj I'ctil trccl, .Sc ork.
number of readliiRB, which fairly eapll
Vatcd llie atidloilcc. Aim. Maalp
HllRheH-HruiidaRe, .who was nvnrded
tlic'llmt pilc.p for it soprano solo nl the
rnn-Anieilcnn exposition, ronti United
spveial solo iitiinboiH to the pi ori minne,
which weie hpaid with much pleasure,
'l'he lonrpit vvat the tail of it SPilea
of lectin ps anil t'tilintnlnmentR rIvpii
In that church.
Theie will hp ii iticeilng or the Oly
pliant condiup of Hepliisoplw this
pveiiliiR io elect oillcrts,
.Mr. uml Mis. Chin Ipm lllalr. of Cm
houdale, have moved Into the Swppiipv
hiillillng on Lackawanna mtppi.
A Plellv Wedding was telebiated nl
Ihe hoiitp of .Mr D, 11. Ta.vlor, of
While's addition, lp( kvlllc. Wetliipstlay
evening. The coiilriidlng paitlps wpip
.Mi. Utiner MlddallBh. of lloadle.vp,
Wa.vnt' (ouiilv, and Miss Anne Free thy
Skelldt, 4if llnwtey, Pa. Itev. V. Cpn
dall ollldati'il. The Inkle's dipss was
pale blue silk, ttiiumed with lace.
Ariel Hip nuptial i eretnon.v llie bildal
siippel was scrvtil, those piesont IipIiib
Hip 'I'aylor fmully mid the near friends
ol the htippv couple. After a slant
wedding Mlp, Mr. and Mis. Mlddaugh
will settle nt Ilimdievs.
Mis. Joseph limy and
Hose, loll Inst ev pnlng for
town. I'm., wheie Mr. Hin
has been
for snnip time.
'l'he inembeis n' I'dde ol Client
chapler, No. 7, Older or laistein Htm.
ale lerjiiL'steil to luect at I o'clock
sluiip ut Odd Fellows' hall, lo attend
Ihe Mineral of .1. K. Slckler.
Ceoige D. Loeklin hus opened up a
meat nuiikel In the Claud Ai my of ihe
Hepiihlic building.
Notwithsliindliig Mint om lioiough
fatbeis passed nu Iron-dad oidinaiue
i ailing upon Hie citizens or Hlnkely
borough lo muzzle their i atilnes, wp
have ,vel lo see a dog upon our streets
wearing a milzip. Ne.nly a month
has elupsed simp Hip mandate was
Issued. M Is known Hint u large num
ber of dogs weie bitten lecently b.v a
inatl dog, which inn fiom Peekvllle to
llhilcely Several persons wpip bitten
at the sume time. On Wednesday,
S-year-old LoiPtta Taloi, a vktim of
the dog's bite, sm cumliPd to hdio
phobla. TAYLOR.
M"' line if Ml Vnnli liu lil., .in i.iIiiii
lile muni? liilv nt t lii-i tiinn, in V!i IIiiiJjiiiIi
ut,li.. tif Hiiiilhitii, wa. uleiiiiiiiii itrnli
jftllll.l.lll it 1 '!) Ji 111 hi Iidiiii 111 it
Kitimii lln niiiii.inj tli 4 1 uml , .1 lln' .miiiiii;
ll'lll. I- Illlllllllltll llV lilt' lll. Vll,illll V-1,
I ' nl tin- l.iiiiiin l.t liiiibi i tlniiili, .in I
UiH MllH--i.l lit III Jl Mi IiihhIiiiI flif 1'i- UL't
td Him - 'Hi. i.i i.l. u.i.-. jll. n.k.I l. Mut. I in
nit Ni.ii.Ii.1 and Mln or s,l,. I(. khk.ii.' hi
tciiilml. weie Itilm 'In. lil Jiid il t i mi WiIIkI
ffu tlie itniiiiiiiy j it in, mini lie kiiiN iii
Je.uil i Miniplii.ui-,.' -uii, i. Vti. ml
Mi. NcirIm will a ut.ic to n tn boti-i Ueppi ij:
in i licit h fiiiiii,!i.'il hi nu .if the (.mom on -n ilh
Mini -liiol. iIjii'i- u in jinn at DiiihettiV
lull In tie nun; iri.n.l. nf lln umii itiiiiK pn
tin film ill nf (he i lni.inli-i.l.l i lnlil nf Mi.
t .il Mi- I an. - Mi-ni-. .a vi mi -iicii. wilt in
hi hi thi- f n"i toil,, nnual lll lie
in tile in lie W.i-hliniii -Inn minim
!(),' nt linili, lji inn- p, r pn nml: I mil. chop-,
IJ'. nnts pel p.iiinil, I. .in- nt limb. Hi triiw pot
pmii il. il Willijins iniikii, M j in viupi
Ihe Wniii'ii' h 1 1 Inn Ii inpi i an i iinieii will
nu ei lln'i ill, in rui il ll.e Ii ,ini ,,r Mi.- II
linn- in lln (. ill in Hipli-I p ii-oiiit,r. Ihe
nit eting Mill hi' ut inK-i.'il in .ill niiitihiK, nml
lln -honM (.lid. .nu In In' pn -nil
'ihe T.tlhii hdioil limail ttifl in trritn -iv-iiiu
I ii Miiiinir. Mil It Int-ihf,.. p. il nun $ tu tin in
ItlC-t (if llie hullll U-i tlllL-llltll
M i - Vili I ihk. nf l.'cmlhiiii, to- the unt-i nl
Vli- III 111 lltilli', u( VM Scrintnn, Ihe Inie
pill nf tl i' (Ml I..
Ml VI , ( nui, j. uJltl sictl nil Hint lltllt,
luMiu iimiimiiiI (nni ln irutil illm-
Vlt- I inui sioi, i- tnn,ih 4i inir
Ml. I ('. IllttKill. I. .m- hoiiii' lulu (i.i n l-ll
illlnll. n Iiiim- in s, , ihIdii
(hu-tlilis pn pa iluiii- ,iii iinw ntt ii, h(th Ihi
ll.pli-l nil M.lull,-1 (hull Iik
Mi ( liulit Cin-Mii.n. uF fiiim ltuli.1', t. visit
II t, ill tllli's h(li'
Mi, liiil-nii VUilIiiu' ni. nf ntvttillr, w.e i
l-llill II tin hmni nf In- Mill. Ml I Vldl
lint jn.
I he lti. V s t.iul-hil! (till pit. nh t stiiiniii
tn tin (liililnn ii'i snuilit pttnitij in , whiili
Mill In lllii-li ittil Ik tin li-n il ill ilu Ml Hie
invited, uiiiiu .ni.l I'M
'the ( n(, n . (in. Ill ,t lie ,n i in limn nf all llie
si honl ihililiiti is in ln mule dtiiuu llie vataiinti
III nllllSlllg till .'!
The following Is the make-up of llie
D L. and W. buaid for today:
mi ttsiiv, in ( i. vim. it i.
Wild ( II-, l.l-l p. Ill, W I Vie-In. Ill p.
in , VI It M.I Jiu . Il I. M, Hull, ti.
i itinvv, iik i:miii i; r.
Wild I ul-, I'j-1 I. .11 i in , W. W 'l illli , I
a in, V I lluiiilujii, ," a in, II,,
R i in , I V llii-u i i in , ( . W. Piiiiii; 10 . i,
in, I, Mil, ntht, II i, in. I I iliilntl: .' p.
in , II Ill-Inn;:: '. p in I I in Woiinii, II p,
in , I' ( itaiiainili
siiiiiniits, lit ii i in, tut-t, ,1, L,tuii;4, s i,
in, wi-t, b I'lninifill pi; ll i in,, U'I, MilitiN,
II t in II I .1-1 in i ' p in, llininp-nn: il i in,
i-i, .1 IIiiiii!iiii; p. in,, ut-st, M iSolil n, 7
lit., Nu V114, l Mi Mlistci.
I'li-licis-u a, in., nine 1 1 T a, 1 1 , "v I'limii i ,
s a in., Ili.ii.-u; ll l'i ii, in , Mm in: . p. in, ,1,
I; tl p in , I , lliillinliuww, 7,'i p. in,,
Mmplo; ti p in , , 11. Ilitlliuluini'W; HI p. ii,,
I'l.niiH Knslm 7 a HI, (JilTne), 7 a, Hi,
I). Mill, i ; 10 i. in, Stimuli. II) a. m,, I' I'.
'tun ; ii.ll p in,, ,siiinnn; hfl p. in,, Mdiiirm,
Wild I als wi.l-s i in. .loi. ii (.ilniii; HI
a in., II, llantli.lpli; 11 .1, in,, T, piimlliaii, " p,
in, (' Mnc-Irv ; I p in,, V, I', Krlilnni, I' p,
in , I l.liilii ; II i in I' Wall
Mllll l
I II sum, ami iiiu villi run ii i m (.ill
rat, be 1 1. fui JIhIk l.oii.
II, llolitil) mil . i r , uill i. .n il a in, Miiil t,e,
Dii 1,1, In pi lie nl II ,1 l.ilMn ami ilf .
II lll.liiui: will upnrl al .iipnliiti iiiliiit'. nlluo
8 a in . Pn 1!
('nniliitlni VI ll'inilioi will like In- nil mi
Nt ", I!i( I'
Resumption of Sunset Limited Set
vice lletvveen New York, Phila
delphia and Sail Francisco, Sea
son 1001-1002.
Commencing November 30 mid each
Tuesday, M'huisday ami Siitiiitlay
therpufter, the WaHhliigton and South
WPStPin Limited, operated dally be
tweon Now Yoik. fhlkulelphla ami
New Oile.ina via llie PPllli.sylvanla
Hallioad and Southoin Italhvay, leav
ing Philadelphia, Iho, id sticot station
at liK ii, in,, I'ompobed of (lining, Pull
man iliuwliig-iooiu. steeping, observa
tion and lllnaiy tais, in addition
will (any a special Himset Limlled Ali
nes Pullman ilia wing-room lompait
iiieut (sleeplUB iav io conupct with tho
Suiihcit Llmltt'il opei.U ed between New
Oilcans and San Fi.iiicImo,
Tho celebrated Muiih. continental hci
lie oll'eied b iheso luxuiloits trains
makes u nip lo the Paclllc coast not
onl.v veil iilcl tail most tlellghtfiil.
Cluules L. Hopkins, dish let passen
ger iigenl, Southern Hallway, His
LMicslnu'l btleet. Philadelphia, will be
pleased lo furnish all lnl'oi niatlon.
Housework U hard work uiitlur this moit fnvoi'.ihlu fond
lioiiii. It demands hours of swuoping and dusting, of slooj
iiir mm ri8inj, ui lining mm pushing us tliu fuitiittiro
moved nbout. Yet lioimuwork is hc.tlttiy work so long as
brings only tlie natural tircdiiesi, duo to artivo exorcit
Many .". woman can look back lo tbo dnvu telmn sl.n i...ii,
energetically about lu-r
woik. Thun llicif fame a time when she ' worked mon
slowly and when li'er task was done Ftiuk down mturh
fxliansteil. Later tliore
caused exuessive laiigue.
ol leu, and to tbf woarinciw nlie foil was added pain. AVhe
alio Htoopwl it felt a.s if her back would break. Her u.n
throbtnid violently. She Buffered from beariug-down pain
'I'hon name u time, when to do the housework wag impossib!
and she mint go to bed, or junt manage to keop up enotig
to overlook the work of other. That, is a common cxp
rieticc among women. It is told over and over in the lette
which grateful women write after being restored
to health by the use of Dr. Pietcc's Favorite Pre-i-ciiption.
" With pleasure 1 write lo-dav in praise of Dr. Pierce and
his medicines," sn Mrs. Mary Convvav, of Appleton
Latvrenee Co., Temi. "Was troubled with' female disease'
the back of my head hurt me so I could not lie in bed and
1 would have to Ml up and then I would have such pains
lrotn my waist down 1 could scareclv rise up. W feet
and hands would feel almost like ice. Since tukitiR Or
Pierce's 1-nvorite Prescription I can sleep well all niKht!
Could hanlly dtag atonnd (xfore look your median?,
ami now mil do my houwioik and irlf my hmband in the
field. Had throat trouble and my throat 'would swell so I
could not get my mouth open lo eat. Since taking your
medicine the trouble has not returned. Words cannot
express the thanks that I owe to Dr. Pierce."
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription restores weak
and sick women to sound health, by curing the local
woman ly diseases which are generally responsible
for the failure of the general health. A woman's
entile being is centered in her womanly nature.
When the delicate womanly organism is attacked
by disease ; when theie is inegtilarily or a disagree
able drain; when inflammation burps ami ulceis
gnaw, the general health will reflect the piogress of
disease, in increasing weakness, nervousness, back
ache, headache, loss of appetite and sleeplessness.
Dr. Pieice's Favorite Prescription ciiies all these
ailments, and cities them perfectly and permanenth.
ll wipe.- out the record ol suttonng as a child wipes
a sum fiom a slate. Il makes the woman jd like a new woman, and look
like one, because it lounds out the form and icstoics the healthy color to
the face.
"With a heart full of Kratitnde to oti for sending out over the bud vour wonderful
medicine I send these few lines, hoping that some other poor sufferim? Cornell will trv
.. .. , ....... . ,. ..uicn en-civ iroiu icnuie weakness and had to he ti
bed a gieat deal of the time Had headache, backache, and pain in left side when
lying down. I commenced taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, and had no! taken t.,o b llles
when uas able lo be aiound again and do my noik. Can now ..-, ,,.:..'., ,.i ,. ..:.""...'.
me auj more. Hae taken seven bottles, of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre'scrintton and one of liis
Compound Extract of Snurt-Weed and several vials of Pleasn e t"'P Feeling te ter every
day. I thank on for your kindly a. v ice. Mj husband is phased w ill, the effect of v our m"l
cine, and sas 1 look better every day." J
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription makes weak women strong and sick women well
It changes irregularity to regularity. It diics the diaius which a.e so weakening u
women. It heals the inflamed and ulcei.iled organs, and cues female weakness
Dr. 1 lerce invites sick and ailing women, especi.,!v those suffering f,om diseases of
long Msinding, to eon-ndl htm, by letter. .Wc. All letteis arc promptly read and
aiiBWPiod in the stnctest conbdenee. Tins offer of free consultation by letter places at
the disposal of suffering women the of Dr. Pierce, a specialist in the treatment
and cure of womanly diseases, who, assisted by his medical staff of nearly a scotc of
physicians, has, m a little more than thirty jca.s, treated and cured hundreds of
thousands ot weak and sick women. "Wiite- fieelv and fearlessly to Dr. R. V. Pierce
I.uiT.ilo, x. y. " '
a Charge
With Us.
Clothing for
The predjucice against pioperly conducted ciedit stores is gone
like the vanishing lady in the magician' act, it lias disappeared.
We flatter ourselves that we are laigely responsible for this
wholesale result in America, We never charged extra for credit ac
commodation. We never sold you infeiior goods because you
bought on credit.
Credit is our business we believe in it it's your right to have
credit, and we freely extend it to you. Come in and get your
Winter Clothing now. It's here waiting your ai rival. We have an
excellent variety to choose from, and you know all our Clothing is
stylish, serviceable and of good value.
liotiHobold duties'bannv in tl... l..,,
onnii- a time when slight effn
nno had to work wlowlv and
hoinet lines ii dealer, tempted by the little moie prolit
paid on Ihe sale of less meritorious preparations, will
offer a substitute for "Favorite Prescription " as " ju-t
as good." Judged by its record of ciiies of womanly
ills, there is no oilier medicine just as good as " Favoi
Ue Piest'iiption."
of stamps io
ftay oxnenso of mailing ONLY, a copy of Dr.
Pieroo's groat medical work will he sent
FREE. Or. Piarco' Common Sense Medical
Adviser contains more than a thousand large
pages and over 700 illustrations. Send 31
one-cont stamps for the cloth-bound vol'
ume, or only 21 stamps tor tho book in paper
Address: Dr. R. V. PIERCE, Buffalo, N. Y.
m am
Z&m .
v f
IS yjj I
- iitrnHBatfk
i - . 'w - m
ySf$ - '
: KM H
" Emxii:"ma
rest MH HI tin, eMKRm
il i
7l 'll V
1 i
if I !lA
a Charge
With Us.
lttl.K-tA I