JIT ft&i 8-?n? 5 rf V,;'t,VW-" .vM '. , v . '"rt , ffy - i ? v "ftj tj -ribune. 1 3 -51 u . 1 Il n X, y - Till- ONLY SCRANTON PAPKR RKCEIV INT. THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OK THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE CREATES! NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. TWO CENTS. TEN PAGES SCKANTON, PA., FRIDAY MOItMNdi, DFCEMI3FR 13, 1001. TEN PAGES TWO CENTS. - " ,3 .jMki BB3Ri3'sSCMirtJSfeEWtf)KMr25!IT?HB5fc y Hii n inmL , a(gqmg'IIUjJ,v!,raiw hc?- SENATE WILL VOTE ON CANAL TREATY The Aflreement Is Reached Alter Four Hours of Earnest Debate. PRINCIPAL CAUSES FOR CRITICISM Senator Money Believes That the Treaty Like the Oilginal Hay Pauncefote Convention Falls to Furnish Sufficient Guaianty of Ameiican Control of the Pioposed Canal Mr. Forakei's Aigumcnt in Behalf of the Measure. Bj I'tcluine Wire trom Tin Uuclttcil Prus Washington, Dec 12 Tho sennte tigloul toritiv In take .1 vote hemic nd toin iimolit net Mnnda.v on t lie lluv P.itmtcfote tic.it) foi the .ibiog itlon nf the Cln ton-Hlllwoi tieatv imil opening thi; w.ij lot tin.1 constitution of an Isthmian iiuiul In the t'nlttil Stntos Tito ugt cement was i eat lit il al lot font houis ot debate, on tin tieatv When the senate wont Into cu lithe session the Hnj-P.iuncilote tiettv was immediate)) taken up and Ml. Mont v (Mist,.) made a spooi h giving his views upon that ngi cement lie "aid he would not delnv uttlfli ition hut he lousidelid some ol the lentuios of the tieatv un ilesiiablo Ills piiiulpil tiltklsm was Hint this tie.u, like the in igin il Il.iv Paunt ofote convention lails to fin nlsh an ellklent gum amy ol Aineilonn ton tiol of the pioposed Nlc.iiiigu.i i.mal Senatoi Koiaker followed Senator Alone). He uigod the speedy t.itiflia tlon of the tieat) and contended that It meets all the objections made In the senate to the pielous tieatv. Senator, rotaker was ftequently In ert upted bj Senator H.u on. In the ionise of one of these Intel liiptlmis Mi 13, icon asked it It was not tine that under the teims ol the tieatv the lun ptiuitlou ot foillfli.illoiis b the ('lil ted Slates would be an act ol wai Mr. Toiakei uplinl in the negative, deflating that not onl. would sueh an act not be an ait of hostility, hut that to build 101 llllentions in ease ot ntt os xit was. one of the Inheinit lights of the government Senatoi Spoonei, who followed also was lieiiuenth intemipted b) Sena tots on the Democi.lt It side One of the Hist intet millions i line liom Sen atoi ILiiiin and ixi tallied to the light to foully the tan il Kepliing to this iuquliv Mi Spoomi said til it It was a will known piinciplo of the intit na tional law that all ti cities like all statutes, might be lead togethti, md he i unloaded ill this lonuei Hun th it the Cluv tou-niihvii tieitv. the oilg inal llu.v -Paiimelote tieuty ami the pending tteatv fin thepiopii mustim tion of the agiet tnenl should be i ou sldeied as one sei les The f'liton Kitlwci agieemeut had pinvlded that theie should be no foitllkatlons of the iaii.il, and the Ilnv -Pauuci-fote ttett.v of the "dtli iimgtess had culled a slinllai piuvi'lon, but the new iie.uj Mi ink out the entlie foitllli itlons pio .Isiotis. ileailj showing tli.it England itm i onteiiding ten a lull a centinv against foi tllieations, had waived thai position, thus pinctlc.ill) toilet-ding out light to iottif.v the pioposed c anal. A Spiiited Colloquy. Questions wete nskul b) Seii.itoi.s 'rilliiiiiu and Hallev i oneei niiig the light of the United States to blockade the innul, uuil in leplv Senator Spooner liiHisiei'.xJhiit the government of the 1'nlted flutes itiuld not lie lioiind b. any tieat ligt cement whlih would pie .ent this iViiinti.i'.s deteudltig its own piopoity in its own way in lime of win. Senator Tillman ptissed the iu Uliy sotnew hat.and lie and Mr. Spoun et engaged in a somewhat spiiited ml lo(tiy whiih, as usual with them, end ed good natuieillv. , A vciy impoi taut iiuestlciu was iiiised hv a number of senium s on the Ueiun i i.itle Hide ns to the light of the United States to glvo a difleientl.il late to vessolH engaged in our coastwise Hade, Thin mutter in ought othei spuutois ft mil the Republican side ol the cham ber Into the tontioveisy. SciuiIoim I't'tklns and Nelson vveie among those who i onti Ibuled to this leatllle ol the colltioveisy. Senatoi Nelson insisted that under existing law the 1'nlted States would have a pet feu light to give to the loastwlse tititle of thin lountiy any bencllt it iniglit pee ptoper In tho use of the iiiiuil, It was pei feitly well undid stood, he said, that the ships ot a foielgu nation lould not do a innstwlsi) business and (ileal 111 Haiti had made the tieat.v with the full knowledge, of this tint. At tho end of the dlseusslon the mo tion to take u vote on the tioaly on Monday was tigieed to, Senator Mojgan's Addtess. Washington. Dec, 1l The senate tomniitten on Isthmian canals today uuthoiUcd a fnvoiable lepoit upon Senator Moigan's bill piovldlng lor the tieniilHitlon fiom Nlcai.igua and Costa HUM of tho light of way via tho ,e. attigtia loute Senator Moignn later presenteil this icpoit to the somite, ue (ompunylng tho lettiin of tho bill with a Miltinilnous lopoit upon tho konouil subjeet of a ennui unoss the isthmus. Action upon tho bill piovldlng foi tho I'Diihttiutloii of the canal wuh defeiiod. Contending for the Impoitance of tho entoipijse, Senator Mm gun, In his to poit, titgos that no nation or any com. blnatlou of pi I vale Intorosts can have any light to piovout Its consummation, "Them remains," ho sajs, "but one hauler to tho union of the Atlantic and I'ac'lile oceans, and no one nation has tho light to Ueclaio that It never shall be leinoved exeipt with Its uinsunl." Ho nttt Unites Ihe fiilhue to lonstuict the ennui In the pisl to the attitude of othei nations, siting: "For the past fifty jeais the powei nnd lullueiiie of the IStltlsh goveininent, aided hv iiun tiltiat imiH In the Hutted States and Frame, has defeated all effoits to open nil Ami i lean Isthmian intial." Continuing In this line he say "that antagonism whlili was an linnet lal polle.v of Client Itiltitlu In the beginning lias bpi nine u plan tor gatlieilng wealth In levvlng tolls upon the comnien e of Anuilia, nnd Its stiengtb of mil pose v 11 1 Inciiase until some mute poweiiul and just lnduu'Ui"iit .vlll lead client Hi Unit! to lolax its giasp and pel mil us to take cate ol om lountiy. The i otn hln itlons :it home and In Pi mice that have assisted In suppusslng the de lnatids of om Indusltlal i lasses toi a canal to i ounce t the gteat in cans me chlillv the ti ilis-eontlneiital l.illwnvs In I'au.id.i and in I'aunin.i and those In tlte 1'nlted Stales eight gteat oi -potations that now iiiuttol almost the entile ti mspiittatlon sen lie betwein the in ems thai wash the tosis ol the Wisti'ill henilsnhere " III fin tin r dlsi usslng the attlliide of Cit.it Itiltaiu Senatoi Moig.tu savs. 'The siope md pin pose ol the Cln-tou-l'.ulwi t tu.ilv, as il wis dccliiicd b. l.otd John Kusseii, made It the in stiunient ot Injustice mil ttpiession to Mini igui, t'ost.i Itho and othei (n ti.il Ami ill. in states th it h is dopthed tin m and all Chi istt udom ol the In ne tits of an Aiiiet lean nter-ui e in i anal lot tnoie than a hall lentuiv. In v li w ot these f.u ts, It is ileal th it an ov el uding niiessltv of Impel lal, lominii eiil and iiilllt.il polli (onnntid with hti polli as to tlie Sue i mil loiinl Client Hlltaln to idlnte to the CI i.v-ton-Hulwei tu.ilv as ,i tin ins of pie ventlni, the i ousti iiLtion ot a canal tlllout,lt NleaiilMlu In the 1'nlted States while she would i oiillnue to hold tho vantage gioitud of occupation and iin leasing, authoiitv In the leul toi les ot Nii.iiir.ua and lloiidui is, whli h she bad agned to abandon Her Intention to cotit ml both i mils was then e videntlj Used ' lie ass. i ted that (lie it Hi it.liu s t on ti ol ol tile mosquito eeiasi was used as a pietonse to hold us until she had ai loinpllshed hei j,ieatei polu v lelatlng to the Sue i.iual ' We Weie, he sii ' hi Id in the luish b Itiitlsh liileis until thej i oil Id ai -lompllsh the i out ml of the Sue i.itiul." lie onloads that Clte.it 111 Itain s pulley tioni the bet,lnnini, was ,i pollcx of delav and th it puweis have abandoned the polli v ol the CI ivton-liulwei tttatv ol whlih. he ileilaies, nothing leniaitis, 'but an emptv diplomatic te, lmliality that liillst lelil to ihe lusonable ih mauds ol the I'niinl St lies Nk.u.iKUa and Costa Klin, foi theit own safelv and pio pititv and to tiie di ni.inds ol the wutld toi a ttewav in Nliaiagun to loiiispond wuh th it opined at Sm ' He di i Ian s that 11 diplomatic eltoits to till the v.otld ot the b.melul doiniuatiuu of the Ca tou-liulwei tteatv tails longtess should alaogate It. The niajoi pin lion ol the lepoit was made befoie the new llav -I'autn e tote tieatv had been pioinulgatul, but In an nppeiulK ihe tollowing lefueure is made to tliat tie itv II two-thlids of tlie senate shall i uu c in Hltlithogoveiiuiu.iuofCiit.nl Hi It ain in i stabllshlug a i onsen atlve basis upon which a i.mal foi ships tluoiigh the Ameiiiaii Isthmus shall lie opeint ul, lot the s.eiuiit and benellt ol all nations, mu Ii agiveinetit ma well be loiisldeiid as an nilviimoil step in a it tie eh 111 itlon hunoiiible to both gov -eiiuni'iii-, nnd i it ti in bltsslngs of manhood," SCHLEY COURT WILL SOON MAKE REPORT The Membeis Aie Neaiing the End of Their Labois Copies Will Be Sent to Fiess. Ill l.ulmiit Win II, 'in Iin Vwiiilnl I'm.. Washington, Dei 1.' The Si h ley unut ol luquln Is neaiing the end o'f Its labois and while II Is Impossible lo seiitie 1 1 om tlie nietnbeis m fiom the navy dcp.it tineitl a statement an to when Ihe lepoit will be submitted. It is believed that It i annul be dila.ved iiiiuil mine than l went;,. rout hums. It was said at the ilepnimeiit tills allei lliiun that at the close ol olliie hoills the lopnit whs not llnished It Is the Intention of Set mm j laiug to liuve typewiltten copies ot it piepaied iin luedliitel.v lor Ihe puss Although ilothul with lev lew lug aulhoilij, Sei -lelaij l.otlg has said lli.it he will not eeiclso It In this (use, The lepoit will Lie ghen lo the pub- lli without the slightest ihange and without uio eiiilotsemeni in the nn tllie of ii lev low ot the pi oi i tilings. The muit again was in session toda though Adinlial Dewey did not attend the afternoon mooting, captain I.oni 1. tho Judge advocate ot the louit paid a vlHll in tho mint looms tills inoi nlug and (allied awav sutuo pap eis which while lonneited with the case wete not lite lepoit ol the mint, He has signed the icpoii, as he opects to do Will Not Pi o vide for McLauiin or Wellington. Jl I'vcllbho Wlio fruiu 1 In- Assniljii.l IIW W.1.iiiiiii!i. IK i I Ik DuiiiiiijiIi leiit, i c,f 1 1 ic unite luve nitifiul Hit ltiiiililluu ilui llio iiiiiiniit) ilois li"l lul i illnl iipi n tu inmliL' iniiiiiiiiiif iiIjio lit ililuu sciiitniA Mil..ainn ei IWlliii.tnii It iii unci i.timil thai (r lti,ulill. tan ti iiimllliu en imiiilttcii j.iii iliiD KlIUIul til CKIIIlilllllf ptlllN i Gnulner Knocks Out Dniley, Dj I'.iUuslu' Wire fiom Hie AtcoiUtnl I'rtsj. CiiiiiIuiIjiiiI, Vlil, Pio. 12 IMilic CJariliifr, ot Whullliif, knoikid cut tMillf lllilcv, cit lUltb mure, in the third lound ol tin round limit him lonliht. the tijjht uai t lrc .Iusijili; match. CASE Or MRS. DALE. Application for the Dischntge of the Unfoitunate Woman Is Befuscd. Ill Kxclusltp Wire from 1hi vnclitril l'rr. Now' Yolk, Doc. 12 Application for the discharge of Mis. Hllnthoth Howe Dale, who Is detained In u hospital In Hobokeu, N. .t., ponding Investigation by tho gland Juiy Into tho olietllii staiues of the death of hot little (laughter, wits denied In the eouit of oyer nnd let minor In .lei soy t'llv toditv. Tlie public ptoseotitoi ptomlsud that there would bo no unnecessaiy delav hv him In examining tho evidence iol lected hv the polli o. Counsel lor Mis. Dale Hiked Hint she bo i eli used under ball, but the eoiiit ii fused to accede to tho loiiltost ut tills time If, however, nothing whs done within a vvtek, the mint udded, Mis. Dale might be toleased under bonds of JT.fiOO. Tho giand Juiy will meet to iiioiiow and possibly the i use of Mis Dtle in. iv be taken up thou. BEN KILPATRICK IS SENTENCED Montana Hobber Suspect Is Given Tifteen Years in Penitential y. Laura Bullion Guilty. Ill I ni lii-iii Wirt'fnmi I In Umci itnl Pro-n St. Louis. Dei 1.' III the t'nlttd States Dlsttiel mint, Hen Kllpittlck, the Montana tobbir suspect, h.is sen tent ed bv Judge Adiiins to llftni yens' lnipilsoninent in the state penl tontl in at leffeuon clt. The senium o lollowtd a jttty veidltt (lndlng the piionei gulltv on one of the seventeen i ounts In the inilli tinent iigiiust him l.auia liullliin, Indlctid Jointly with Kilp.itiUk was ,ilu luitml gulltv on one i mint, but was not si u t ni ed .lodge Adams nunounicil th it ho did nol wish to send Ihe two piNoueis to the sime penitent! n.v. and would doiit sentence on th" woiiim until he asiei tainid wlitthir It was within his juris diction to si nil hn lo some ptiiiteii tiai v outside Allssom I When tlie luiv had been sell i till It was announced that Kilpctilik hid ioiii. ssid lh.it he was gulltv .iiili,n'til In tlie ount ol Indii tment ot passing upon .Max Hnuiett. In St Louis, bink notes issued bv the seeul.iiv of the tleisinv. which liiid been alteitd It was nh.o 'inuounced th it the l-tnl-llon woniiiu pleaded guilt. as i hatred In the i mini ol lite Indii tment, ol having in hei possession iltcie.il hank notes Tlitieupon the i mil t outdid the luiv lu letbe It leiiuited lis-, than lllltcu mlliutt s foi the Jul v lo ague on a veidlit llndltu both deteud.iiils J uill. Ktlpitiiek .mi' the Uullion worn in wtie aiiested ill this i - mote than a month ,io on suspliiuii that thtv wete i ount c ted with the hold-up of tin Cileal Nuitheill Haiti lieu W.ignii. Mont, last .luh, when betwieti iin iron md Muotiiin ol uusimieil lliln.i Na tion il I) mk Jiotes wete stolen 1 1 om the eptiss i.ii In tlioll pnssi'sluti when at it stcii wtie loiuiil about $10utm woith ol these noti s suniH ol whli b li.nl n lines slgnid to them put pot tint, lu be the slgnituios o the bank ollii ials MASHED BURGLARS BLOW OPEN SAFE They Tail to Secme Money fiom the Box but Relieve a Passing Engi- neei ot Watch nnd Chnin. lb I c Iiimm, Win fiumllip voi citnl I'ii - Yolk, i'a., Dei. 1'. Sl nutsktd men bioke into the Noi tin i n Centi.il uill load olllte at Now ruedoni, twelltv two tulles south ol hue hist night, and made an inefiec tunl attemiit tu bluw open the sale. Two of the men stood on guai d ouiside while four op etattil on the safe. One cluuge of llillo-glvielllie was eploded la the sate, but pi oviil 11 Ultimo A scciliil dun go was being piepaied when Charles Shaeftei. a Noitheni Ceiui.il engliicei, eamo along and dlstuvoied the men at wotl:. One of the giiauls tiled a shot lu the all as a wauling tu those at woik Inside. The two gum (Is lied and the men Inside lushed out. and seeing Shaelfei, attacked him, Shneflei knocked one of Ills .iss.illunts down and a haiiil to hand tight eiisucil. Shaeflor was oveipnweied, loblnd of his watih mid money nnd the men es caped. The limit was moused and n posse put on tin buigluis' tincks.hut no ti.ue of them wits lound, STROUDSBURG ROMANCE. Tluee Elopements in One Family Within Seven Weeks, kpfriil lo die Kcriuton rrihunt. stiuiiiMiiiti;, I'.i , Dm, IJ llii-liMIl ikiI in t d i IImIi nic n id. list uli Id, w In ii Vh jihI VIi, Viii( I-IiImiU iiluinnl H him Pun I. ni,., wtn io tin uc H' iii idled II uh n( iin ii nuiri ov l i n in iin i. .in iutt i. -I f ntr t.,i 'Hie Iniilt. SO m lu nlil, - the diiiklitti of Pom lull I, Iti own, i iiciinli ii r it'ilcliiii of Own,", she ii tho ihliil in tin l.unili u i ln,, wlihhi ,i iilin ( coieii weik. si(. , ( 1U j(j. iiut .hi' u,i Kiilni: tu ,,n I in Nut inl Hi mat I i l K i ii tie illllllillitliill t i tiiuilliii if i, Id) four iiioiiiIl-, IIhj iiniin.' Iiuanii n,iiiiiii d u the will latcmn l'oiel l'jlk Imtil, in Mniini iiiinill, thU iiiiiiini m Giittjtling Against Car Famine. Hi l.'uluiiii Wiie ft om tint torialiil I'll", llOJiiokt, J , Dm l.'-llniiu l tin. it lipu.i u.il jnd uthir Irufilu ln Nniinllv uml Wi in IIiIIuji iiiniiiiii lute pUtnl ,iii cjiihr with 1 lie IIuiiioKi. Muliim tuiU l"i Hit luindrid cl;ili llioiujiul ioiiihI uiaill ln ( ih, Ini hunilii 1 (IkIii iIiiiujihI iuiiiiiU iu.ielli hmI (.uiililm unci two liuiiilitil ami III) htocl. i.ll V nun i thec imlua ii i c (nil if Hi ci) ene tliuimnil mole elkln.i IIiuil.jiuI uiiiuU ijuciij cujl rars Mill he nrilireil. Tite Chili-Axgentlim War Postponed. Py biilusle Wire from 'Hie AncucIjUiI I'rcifl. WiiAliliuInn, Dec. 12 siueluri II n lia n ichccl a laliliKinini fiuu iliiiiHii I nil, J I lliiinoi n, and Miid.lt i WlUm, at Sanliaoi ill I hill, iUtlm; in rlfut Ileal ulille tin ilUiatliui U v (Muil.v line the In. r opinion i ilui war hi tVMD Chill unci Vr.'.iUln.i will not folluM. IGLESIAS CONVICTED The Porto Rico Aojtator and Seven ot His Followers Sentenced lor GonsDlracii. MR, GOMPERS WILL TAKE UP THE CASE He Declnres That No Effoit Will Be Untiled to Secuie Santiago's Re lease nnd a Change of the Laws of the Island The Case Has Been Appealed to the Supieme Coutt of Potto Rico Iglesias Says That Politics Influenced the Decision Against Him. Bv I ilci. in W he lu ni The Uwciilid l'n--t San Jiiuii, Potto Uleo, Dei. U Santi ago Iglesias, ptesldent of the Kedet i llon of Wotlunen of Potto Itlio, to gethei with nine Lump inloiis, was tiled In the disttlet mint of San ,lu ill is leulav on a chaige of ionspliai. To il iv Iglesias was semi in oil to three ve.its, font mouths ami eight das' itn pilsontni tit. Sei en of his conip mlons wcie senunied to fotn niunlhs' Im pilsoniuttlt. while two wete niijultlid ol Ihe (huge of being the loundeis of an illi -i il ussoi I itlon fnil i onspii.iij, In Augilsi ot I'lOl), lo t.ibe the pike or lnboi in 1'otto Ulco Iglesias, as tlie lounilii of the lompliaii, gits the heaviest sentettie The othei nun weto meieh Ills .issoilnits In tho u hue. t'ndei sip.inlsh law, vhlih Is still in totce heie poisons tone it ted or a ii line have to piv tho cost' The loiat Initiation ol the woiknun or I'm to Iin o. which is now put of tho Anicii ciin l'tdi t.itlou ol I. iboi, iindti ihe pusideni.v ol Sainucl (lompeis, his been ot deled dissolved, lis it has been adiudfsfd Illegal b cause of this i on spnniy Ml SiviM' ittdge of the (list! lit mint, dlssenti (I as to the lllegullu ot tlie lot al lodt union, although lie agieecl lb it Iglesias wis gulltv ot a mnspli iie lo ials,. the pi lie of lnboi, August 1. l'llMt. when Ihe iiiiienc of l'ot to Itho was ih instil Al that time in ally .ill the mt ii hunts and emploviis Inio liilsed thelt piius Hum pesos to elol ltus mi .nhiuii,e of !oi iv leuts. Igle sias did the s.mie loiitciiillug be only lalsed wages in proputtlon to otliti lu ll easts This constltitlts Ihe lonsph n t v The i isc has In en appeilid to tilt Slipt line mill t ol Col to Klto whete It will piobiblv be heaiil in a miinth Pending this appeal Iglesias Is at 111 e HV Mass Meeting Called. 'lilt mass mutiny ol the I't del. itlon of I. iboi i ailed lui next Sumla.v will piobiblv be i illed oil, is Ihe pi ills ol tie initiation ate ti'llipoi.u llv de i.ingtd Iglislas s is politic s iiillueiici d the iltilsluii ag ilnst HI in. as the Judges lit longed to the lot il Kipublit.m paity, while Iglesias is a I'nletallst One of the acquitted nun his turned Kepuhli- .in ii Is aid since the time of the i cmspltai v . Sinte Iglesias has bet n iteie as the local oiginln ol ihe Vineiienn l'ed er.iiion ol l.iliui, he his been contln uiillv .ttl.nktd in i in ul, us and tluent elieil bv 1 1 It. nil Keptiblicans who op pose Ills pi ins. I. ist Tuesilav nlglit these Ktpubl'i.ms Hutl sevtial shuts at the building ul the ledei. itlon The po lite seat i hid ihe looms or these men tut aims, but loiuiil untiling The men who tlie.il these shots hid not hei n ni usled up to this morning Igles'as bus petitioned lioveinm Hunt, i Iting I I pealed assaults upon Ills men and asking lot piotoi tlou. Iglesns said. "II the laws ol I'm to Kim .lie lllide f 1 11 lie tu punish tilt so ollelldeis, ir I c annul cotitlliue lll.v v.oik ul Ami lie. m liug I'm to Kit all laboieis itumolesteil, please iuloini ine so that cut letillli to the United Mates, nbiudonltig this i ount! v and in mission lit to." Mr. Gompeis Intei viewed. Will II Ihe i oi lespoildent or ihe ,s. soeiate Puss showed the San .hum i able to Ml. Compels tonight he o piessid gio.lt sm pi lit at the news. In miswoi as to what the rodotntlou will do in the mallei, he s id; "II Mr. Igledus' muvhlloii Is upon the chmge thill ho has hem kiiIIla ot i ouspliaev lu lui lease the wages or Potto Kit all win Union, vie slliill leuvo 110 efloit .untiled lo senile his liouot -able iolea.se, and the uen-ssiny t hnnge In the laws of the Island to murium to the Ainoiliau staudaul. "It Is an hnnoi able ambition to soeino hettei lotttllis in the shape ol wages lot laboi, Tho Puilo Itliau law Is e I doiulv a telle ot bpaulHli brutal mdo and legliuo, and tho Aineilcar people will not toleiale hi gloss a violation of guai nutn d lights." The oei lithe iiniiicll was in session when iho Associated Puss table des patch leached him, Ilo said then Is no doubt that the convention u lake up the matter betnio it adjoin us. Steamship Auivals. III I in lie Win fiom lie Woclatnl 'rei Neu Voil, D c. J lulled: sn mm Iin Ionic, ,bti'il s,,,, -uiiiuU HouimIiI mil, lljinliuru' iii I'hniiinih ami t hulioiai;, l.'iin, lallii, It IV it . Nipln Vlliuili Mumi, Iijm, Ni nrk toi i.ciioi I uiriiHi nliili siraiii, i VlijiNth ILiinlinr. iuwd siu,,,, , ,llt WuhlciMi', tu nil ill I'hniniilh and llici liniri; (iicciidoHii sjiinii siIIIKI liiiiiiunli, Nin VoiK (finni I hi 1 1" i'l) limit litain - iil( il. steannr Malindnii, Ntu Veil, via I Sunlit m, I irail I'lweil siijiiiii itliinl, ,, w uik lr t tiirlx'iug' uii'l Nm.Mip Next G, A. R. Encampment. Hi I vihiMW Wlie fiom 'Ihe Wniatnl Pie-. Ihiijuo, Dm I ' Vh lulu i nf ilic iVMiitive loniliiitlic of Ihe nit mil coiimll of tin l.und llin if the lliUihlii ut a nictlln.- line lonlijit iliehhil lo hold the ntvi annu.il iniaintuniiit ( Ihe oipatil.Jtlull a l U j.-hliiston, II (. It h.u hn n diilil'tl lh.it Ilic tmuminiiiiii ulll hi h"l I in the fall, .lithe nil, lie ivjtt cUtc ll nul be kUillcd until loiuutiuu SOLD "EMBALMED OYSTERS." Eight Local Meichnnts Aie Atrcst ecl lu Altoona. Ilj I.TctiwiM! IMic from The AiocUtcil I'rtsi Aitooiui, Pa., Dec. 12. night local inoi chants wore today piosoctitcil for selling "doctoiod" ovsteis. The suits woio hi ought hv I'liie Food lnspectot I'Viust who whs the 111 st to discover that roiinaldehdo of lotmalcuo, Ii uink poison, was being used tu pte seivo oystois dining the summer. lie "lifted" ninny wimples hi thin section ol tho state nnd nfter these ruses ate disposed of, will go after mot i hunts lu uelghhoilng counties As those ate the (list suits of this kind to he In ought tlie pine food de paitinent Is luteiested hi tho lesult. As a itstilt of Inspector Koust's dlscov rtv samples of tub ovsteis me being lifted all ovot the state and evainlued loi picsei Viitlve poisons. TRACTION TROUBLES IN PHILADELPHIA The Employes of the Street Rail ways Will Vote on Stiilte Next Tuesday. Ul I vi liiiiic lie fiom Tin otiilnl l'ies I'hlladelphia, nee. IJ It was an iiounted late tonight b.v the eecilthe boaids of the lot at blanch or the Ant il gamatod Association of SN eet Kallwav r.mpluvos and the Philadelphia. Slioet Kallwa Kinploves' union, an Independ ent oiguuUatluii, that the Union Ttac tion (uinpauv, which luutluls all the slitet lullwav lints lu the eitv had de t lined tu nibltiiile the dilletetiies s ilil to elst between the lumpanv and Its employes. An open met ting ot all nio tuuiieu and mniltiotois In the i ltv will be held next Tnestdnv night, when a vote will be taken cm the iiistiou ot a sti ike. A lotninltteo of slieel i.u tmpluves list week waited upon Piesldeut Piu sotis. of Ihe I'nlun Tiaitlou tomp.no, md ptesenteil a list ot gi lev antes. 'I hev anuounted their willingness to submit the tnatlei to aibltuitlon The gilevancts wete toiln1. (onsideietl bv Ihe executive committee of the e om pinv with tlie i c suit that the demands weie lefused At tonight's meeting of the union's eei tithe bu.iuls it was de ( ided to submit tile Stilke question lo l el el eiidllin The' schedule, ol gt lev allies submitted to tlie i ompanv Includes a demand ten a teu-hotit claj with JO tents an liom pn . tompleteh vestlbuled tats and the io Instate meat ot all emploies ills, (h.u gid sime luiv 1 last, bee .110-0 of theii aitlvitj in this uiovemeiil. RAPID GROWTH OP THE STREET RAILWAY A Stuking Teituie in the Annuil Repoit of Majoi Isaac B. Blown. Piogiess ot Tom teen Yeais Hv I "(.Iumii Win fiuiu Iht Vsso iatnl Piess ll.iiilsbuig. Dot I J. The giowth of stiee't i.iilwnvs In Pe1111svlv.mil 10111 p.uiiig the lines now In islsttiue with those ol I oil! teen Jtius ago Is the sulking fen tine ot ihe annua! icpoit ol Mnjoi Is11.1t li lit own stipot inteiident ut the state hint m of 1 illwavs Pi 0111 tht lepoit of ISs". the vtar win 11 Ihe pttsent supeiiiitt nileiit tltst issuined the (luliis 01 his ollh e, It Is shown th it the capital slock outstand ing ot the stieel 1. illwavs ol the stale wis M7.JU iiM) now It Is $10S,o"ti"71: the liiniled and uiiuindecl Indebtedness was r, (.77.1 U. now the funded debt out standing Is $44 'I'iS.Uii, iri't of load mid etiuipnitnt $1- tJii.Ohs, now tho hm of the mads Is SM.Ii'J Mh and the msi of iillilpiuelit $1I4JI,'I10 111 1SS7 the length ol all 10 ids was "il'l " "1 miles; the length ol slut,le 11.11 k ami hi am lies opeiatnl Is 1,7l)S00, with a total length ol all Hacks ot J,lf7.'.il mlli s The mileage lias Inn eased dining the past iat something ovot one bundled miles. The total lilltnbei nf nils owned l.i; en was li,l'i-, tills ,vom. fi CIS l.asl .vein tho liltuibei or passeiigois (.nihil 'was .. :s, 194,r.1J: litis ,ve.u il was .r.iiU,li'i4,liJ1 Th" lopnit slates thai theie has been a mnsldeiable hit lease in Ihe number ut passougeis killed over that nl last e.il. List e,ii Jii p.issetlgoi.s wcie killed, this .ve.ir .!!: passettgois Injtiiod last .veal, 7111; this .venr, l.OVl; em ploy's Ulllud last eai, ii; this .visit, II. Last .vent i eniplojes woio liijuuil, this vein, l"s. The slgnllltiint I entitle or these Hollies Is Iho toinpaiatlvolv gloat numboi or p.isseiigois killed and llllllled, Of pel sous othei t tin 11 p.isstngois mid emplo,ves, lust .vial theie weio 107 hilled, tills .vein, Ul: Inst inr .107 III Jilted, this .vim rS, Theie Is some lei li lt ssness exhibited In Ihe way sheet mis mo 1 im. In some plates whole thou .110 steep guides the mis aie al lowed 10 go down them with a volmily almost eituil to the lastost time made on the level steam tailwa.v Huts, anil while theie linvi' not bom very ninny soilolis losillls fiom Hill II leiUless run HI1114: ot mif theie Is glt'fit ihingei ROBBERS IN WYOMING. Buiglais, Who Secuie Cash anil Watch fiom William Lee, Aie Captui ed. Ilj i:ilu.-iiewlie fiom th" As.'oi j;cl I'm si TiiiiMiiiiinil,. I'i . I'm I! 1 "i,!c ul .tiuin, 11. t tut it il the ti ni-i of Willi 1111 In, 01 I'n, llillou, I ihl nlithl, mil il tin pilot n ,1 a i ,i 1 iltiii.niiliil inonti. (Iic.i .Miaul luollwutih ml Hiohii, lint nil" il IH In 1u.l1 lint i 1. in t u. Innr. lul ) Iin npi d 1 lihcututi iiuii!,iu la ul mis 11 thou di-lii:ci' ahoie hut 1 ml .1111, a iUtnl iliul 0111 ia lapliiieil, hut tin din lul lu I'itl.lui, ulii 1 e In, loo, inc. lid Lin, hi nitch ji fiiiml 111 Ihe Ilui nun ain.tril, who (laiinul In line hoitht It ti mi the nm uhi lull anal lie gait iii liami as Itnput mil u e tit lu t as llJiii.hin,. Ponsions Gi anted. li i:iliu-lie Wire from 1 111 i-oijtcil I'icv. l-hiimtoo, Dm I -l'eiioii ,iaiite 1: I hai'n Mc rlhur, of W ill.n lljuc, ii, liior.'i li. Can field, of siriiiten, 44 SOCIALISTS ARE BADLY BATTERED BASEBALL OUTLOOK. Tho Magnates Hold a Heated Aigu ment at Fifth Avenue Hotel. Ill KiiliLilie In Finrn Ihe viwiditnl l'n-v New Voile, Dec. U All absolute deadlock exists over the soleetloi of 11 ptesideiit oi the Xatlonal I.e.igTie to suci ood N. i:. Young and the mag nates of the National League utilv 111 gued toilav at the Plftb avenue hotel. As aunoutiied bv Piesldent Young ut the Loncluslon of the session "no h tsc liall hlstotv was made as the outcome or tho win or winds " Two stuslons, e 111 It or seveial bolus' duiatlou, weie held as usual today. Tho fhst was tailed at '! o'eloe U and lasted imtlt l! u't loi k, The evening scslon began at S o'tlutl. and whs not ov el until quite late. "Meuly a lemlnlstetii e tnieting," whs the ii) one of the men tefeiled to the heated debate ol thiee bonis which on 111 led in tlie nltttunoii It was said, howevei. Unit the sviulli ate bisohall scheme" which was defeatul esteiday vias In ought up again tod.iv and Unit ovei this the magnates ai gued pio and ion John T lJinsh lead ing In the debate Stionuouth uiii d to this mensuto weio tlie liinoklvn, Philadelphia, Plllsbtiig mid Chliai;o magnates Behind Kiush weie aiiaved the men fiom Huston, N'ew Yoik mil St. Louis The chime es that the Hi tisli c oinblii, itlon will win a v ii 101 v aie s ilil to be von small It is believed that some kind of a (otiunoiulse is nil that Hi tish tan epti t THE GRANGERSMEET AT JOHNSTOWN Past Mastei Rhone Is Invested with the Jewel and Badge Repoits of Legislative Committee. Mi liclciu 11 hi fit in lln V111 Hi I l'ie-c Johnstown, Doe J J Past .Mastei Leonmil Khone vas Invested with the jewel and bailee bv the totes ol the st tt gt.inge in leiognitlon ol his set -vltes to the giange of Pennsv Iv.mln iluilng eighteen e.tis of sei v It e at ihe head ot the unlet Iii this slate and as one ol Its !lil oi'MiiUt-is Mi Khone ltpllcd In nn mfti llnjr speech. The lepoit of the giaune legislative mmmitiie, (omposed of Mastei Hill Hampton Y Kii e, Leotiaid Khone, Louis Plolel md WUH, tin T. Cie.isi, was the iiio-'l impoitnnt dot iiuient that hid been ptesenteil .mil the onh one thai elitlteii dlsi tissiun belnie htlllg sent to the mmiullleo 011 olliie is ic poit The upon 1 olldeinns shit) sub sldv and liusts and the ntunosed ap pioinlatiou ol mlllltuis 'm the luiga 1 Ion ul lauds lu the west, dtikiilng Iho l.tttti to be a sthenic in the Inltusls ot kind sp, , Illinois ami lo the deitl llieilt ur I istetll 1.11 lilt 1 s 'Ihe siiie tat v ot agi It ult 111 0 Is 1 otmilh di noittti i d bemuse of his uppnsitiuu lu legislation pioposed hv pine bllttel piotntlve as sociation and the legislative lomiult tee ol the t'lauue, md it is deilaud that the iglii Ulttll.ll ilepilllllleill in Oils .1 thoiuiigh ovei li nilitig, pi.ittli.il I111 lliets 01 inti lllgt Hie being litvuied loi the ofllci s in that ilepai tnn 111 The 10 piu t 1 oudeinns lite st He otllci lis tot nol piuvldiiig lui a tllsplav ul ngilnil tlil.ll ptodllits at tho htlllulo and 1 'Inn It stun exposiuoiis Tne 1 otninit tee gives the gimme eiedlt ten sei tiling the iiuie.i.'c lu sthocil anutopi l.itlon IIOIIl 11 (Jlll.flll I to $1I,(IUII,UIHI I Mi. ti. it. Iliinhisoii 01 Huntingdon muntj, ( hlef 1 lei K tu the pine food de li 11 tment, obi 1 led to that nut sein ing the sn 11 tat v of agili ult mt, on the giouinl that It was peisuiinl, and said the pine food 1 ouillllssloiiei was doing the best he could lo secuio 1 otlV II tlous lot I11l.1l lull of lite law ill Alligheuv loiiutv anil elsewheic, but was liandl c ipped bv the mills 111.11 him 11 oi tin l 0111 Is To subst.mil, He his stalenit nts, . Hull hlsoii made the lullnwlng state tneiit as to the numboi of piosei ulon biotigbl b.v theihiliv ami loud lotmnis. sluu liom lauuai.v 1, I'iOO, in .luiv I. 111(11 Oleomnigiilllle, l.ll'l; ptlie looil, IJ7' leiiuvaled hlltti.r, -I vlneg.ti, IS, milk and tu. llll. 14, e heese, 7. eon doused milk, J; bum 1. J, and 1 onspir iie.v, I, making u total ol l,"1l SIX DAY BICYCLE RACE. Fischer and Chevalliei Obliged to Retiie fiom the Contest. Ill l, Inilie Win-110111 Ilic Vm ijtnl I'm.. i Vuh, Dm I.' In 1 - ill of 1 Ink i , n of llll I Idll -111 III 4ISMU l,li .wit 1111 ,11 Mull ilsiui( l.lldlllol Ihl. Illlllinnn II llll r 1111 I liii illii 1 inn luiih Indii hint nnd ml 1, 11 tin mm 1 Ik mm I line inn II nun nrin. in in" 1 nihil liidhl lln imiliiii,lit "ion en. Mih. I i;- Ilui hi md Mil 111 171.. I inkiik uml Mum. 1 . 1 T' I Mil 11 lu in md W .ilil"' 11 17 ! I Mini md Wil-m Illii I llahioil. mid liiinlh . ITtt. I Itliitf in I simuflM 11 . . I7ii ' Hill .1.11.1 Vhl 111 11 I7ij s I iion and lul 11 . IiH'i 1 lichihi- md InU 17 li ROCHESTER WALKING MATCH. Hi I uliohe Win In HI Hie V-ni uteil I'll Hoi lioll I, N ., Dm. I.' llll" "11IM "I llu nU haiku, in lie h 1 i, miking nnuli 11 mid id. Ill line: Mil.. I.ol.lni -il' I'lh.'i ... ., -" I lint -'' Hi ii) -" ( aiuiUn .... . 'in I.u, hlii . I'l Ihllli'li null aie om hll In Ihe ..in Holiday Recess of Cougiess. II) I vi In-he Ire from Hie Vtoocliliil 1'ie,. W j.-hlnstoil, li I'. In .1 hllif tmin kioii Inlj) the Miiale iiucd to ihe Iioiim loiiciirruil inoliitloii foi .1 hohili) lui'-.- (f (c. ngu fiom Dm. I'l In Ian. ' Ihl ni He at 1 p m. went into mi utile t.ion, and at 1. 10 adjourned, until VI hiIj) n;j' All ot Their Resolutions Die ttiu Deatli in the Labor Gonoress. DELEGATES CHEER BUT THAT'S ALL Applause of a Veiy General nnd En thuslnstic Nature Follows Expies slons of , Co-opetative Common wealth Ideas, but When It Comes to a Vote, the Anti-Socialist Re poits of Committees Are Concurred in by Big Majoilties Committees Declaie Against a Big Geneinl De fense Fund to Be Conti oiled by the Executive Council and the Conven tion Concuis in Their Sentiment; I II llll Is 1)1 DVV ID'.. I) , I ir-t V 1. 1 I'le-nii ni .t Inti 111 11 1 ml V.ciucion . 1 Vlli d Vhl il Mi 1 li inn s Mni business wai tiuilsiiteU v es tiulav at the Vim iii. ill redeiatlon of L iboi i (invention than on ativ ol the pi ev ions si (lavs Tlie f.icl that the 1 (invention hid to take a lecess Wed lleselav lul the Willi nf m.lltlial with which to woik, 1 untiled with Pugldcnt Compels sptnh itiglng 1 oinmlttccs to put on sie.iiu, had Ihe elleit 01 pio vldlng .vtsieielav s sessions with ninth 1. 1.1 ...... n.i. 1... ...... .1... 1 1111,11 Lit. Ill ...III. I l,,s-i.. .,,- .1 HI lull-.- to I lie iit-iui'iic ". leiiuii .11111 ni em -.slf icsolutions weie lepoited upon by umiinlltt i s and lonsidtnd hv the ton veulioii l.eitgthv and hut it sting debates weio pioVoUed bv the qui stiutis ol child I 1I101 . lotting local unions 10 alllll.ile Willi 11nt1.1l budits and the otgania tion nl Ink uiti il budits The leatllle ol Ihe d.iv was the de ft a I ul vailmis ptupusitinus ath, em 11! hv the sm Ialists Kvi 1 v thing s.ivuilng of suilnllsiu 1 ei thed 1 deiilh-blow. Two losohltlnus oi the Intioductiou nf the luitiilive and leleiendiim svstetn o making laws ami intuitu ting elei -lions, a 11 solution to eh ot convention 1 ommlttets now appoint! d hv theihili anil an out-md-utit soiinllsth letulti tlon i.illlng upon the eee tithe muni It ul tin Aineliulll Cnhliitlon ol Laboi 111 MI'lllll V H I Wll'lll I I , (lln if lln II ihl- W Ii Vn n. I 1 1 1 I oie w inn 10 bi'riln sVHtemiitle ilistutilloii of Willklllgllli'll Ml tlie lllllll lilies of the "1 o-upeiatlvo commonwealth ' vveii, Olio tlftel III'' olllel dolt itnl hv decis ive vut' -s DiiTeiences of Opinion, 'lie da.v devilupeil iho rm t thai then is a illtt 01 lu nt uplulou tiiuoiig the le.iileiM ns to the advisability of having the Ani'-iiiaii I'Vileiatioti or l.abo li untiuunl mi I'iLt' YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. I ul daa In pi. 1 mini I.', I Will llluluvi iiiiiHitmi 17 ch, ;,,,, loui.i iiiuptriluri 4! 1 ili."i' , lid ail. lluimdlti t. 1 111 ) per 1 in h l in ... 71 pti cnit. I'lnlliilaliou, Jl louu fluhd 8 i III., lion?, -" WEATHER FORECAST. 4- WahiiiKtoii, Hn. I- Knrrru.t for I i-t 1111 I't iinsib aulas l" it t Iv tlmdi Iriln 1-jtuidji, 1 jln and MJrimi; liht nrlib.e ulucb, liitoiiiiin,' fn.li southea.tirl). -t-tttfttt t -ittt-ft-ti -J jr C H