The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 12, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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Tho Accident Occurred on Washburn
Street Yesterday Morning Other
Accidents Funeral of Mrs. Law
rence Roach from Holy Croso
Church St. David's Church Notes.
Fngol Socinl at the Tabernacle
Church oii South Hyde Park Ave
nueOther News Notes.
An iici'lilnnl oci'iirri'd mi Wimliburn
.'tied yr'Htt'i'iln.v intn-nlliK which, for
tunately, illil nut result hh .scrlotixly us
whs nt u.Ntii'cti'd. Out' nf Hi'i'Ror
huff's covered fruit wiiroiis, driven by
it inlildlp-nKod mi'iitlciiiiin liy thp iiiinip
nf Vim ISernan, wiim I'riniliiK down Hydo
Park iivpiiiip nl ii reasonable rntp nf
1 ."peril mill In cniHHlnfr Washburn street
the wiiKon whs struck by a passing
The covpiiiiK on ihi wiiKiiti probably
prevented Vim Hot-Ran seeing Hip rap
Idly niiDioiicliliiK our, unil the motor
mini, mtppnslifr thut the wagon w rittlil
piihH In surety, did not slacken speed
until II wus Ion Into to prevent the
The wiikoii wns struck by the ear In
about the middle and the fiiri.e of the
shock threw the driver to the pave
ment, where he lay for a few seconds
In a i lasted condition, (ieiulemeli pass
ing In a buggy ran to his assistance,
and removed him In their t'lirrliiRp to
tho West Side hospital, where his In
juries were found to consist of several
severe cuts on the right let? and
bruised lingers, also a number of cuts
on his side. He suffered from the ef
fects of the shock, and after his wounds
had been dressed he was taken to bis
home In (ireen KldKO. His condition Is
not thought to be serious, although In
ternal Injuries may develop.
The wagon was smashed. The horses,
however, escaped being Injured. A larse
number of people witnessed the acci
dent, and for some time the wildest
excitement prevailed.
Church Fair and Sale.
A law number of people t bronzed
the assembly room of the First Haptlst
church last evening and enjoyed the
array of beautiful fancy work dis
played, as well as the royal supper
served by the ladies from 5.110 until 7
The sale and fair becomes more and
DiifoUr's French Tar
Will promptly rclleic and speedily rure
eouchs cuUU ami nil limp trouble. For
file liy G. W. JUNK INS, 101 Soulh M.iin
The Show is
Now in Full Swing
And happy throngs of holiday shoppers All the aisles morning',
noon nnd night. This year's exhibition lacks none of the interest
of our former displays, and possesses many new features that add
to its breadth and scope.
A Little floney
Has more purchasing power this season than we have ever known
it to possess, and the remarks of many visitors already assure
us that the values offered are much better than buyers antici
pated. It affords us much satisfaction to know that this is the
fact, and as the two great main floors are free promenades during
the continuance of our annual Christmas fair, shoppers are invit
ed to look around and make close comparisons of the values they
find on our show tables and counters.
Many Gift
Merely hinted at for busy readers. There's toys and dolls, of
course. The little ones wouldn't be happy without them. Fancy
Clocks, Watohes, Jewelry of all kinds, Art Needlework, Cushions,
Head-rests, Bedroom Bureau and Stand Sets, lino Draperies and
Curtains, Pictures and other Art Productions, Knit Goods, Gloves,
Neckwear of every kind for both sexes and all ages and ocensions.
Handkerchiefs from lc. to $10.00, boxed or otherwise, Men's Fur
nishings especially gotten up for the holidny trade, Fancy Ho
siery, Comb and Brush Set's, in ebony with silver mountings, Cel
luloid, Ivory and other fancy styles, Manicure Sets, Boxes in every
imaginable way for every imaginable purpose and at prices that
will tickle the most sluggish imagination. leather Goods in
Pocketbooks, Purses, Chatellaino Bags, Bolts, Boxes, Cases, etc., in
all the popular sorts, and the new fad, Burnt Leather, over which
tne lasmonanies are going Half cra.y. Perfumery, Toilet Requis
ites of every known good make, put up in attractive ways for
gifts, Shell and other Combs, and hundreds of other fnucy and
useful articles too numerous to mention.
But Your
mind May Run
on Common Sense Gifts
That aro a direct benefit to the reciplont. All right. How does a
beautiful Umbrella at moderate cost strike youP Fashionable
Silk for a Silk Waist, or the Silk Waist itself ready to wear? Or
a smart new style Coat in Fur or any of the popular weavesP Fur
Sets, Fur Scarfs, Muffs, Collarettes, otoP A new Silk or fine stuff
Dress, Table Linens, Blankets or a Down QutltP Laces, Ribbons,
or last but by no means least, n set of Standard Books for half
what they are actually worthP Space forbids further details here,
but enough has been said here to show that we are prepared to
meet your holiday wants whatever they may be.
Globe Warehouse I
nun i' popular each evening, und large
numbeiH tire taking advantage or the
opportunity In purchase fancy artlclea
fdr t'lirlstinns.
This evening the following menu will
be served between Hip UhuiiI hours!
Ilonst beef, creamed potatoes, stewed
peas und tomatoes, cuke, plcltels. cof.
Tee mid leu cteiiui. Admission, free!
supper, li cents, All welcome.
Three Accidents.
Tuesday noon Peter Kmmnnehl, a
driver employed In the Oxford mine,
was seriously Injured by being kicked
In the forehead by an itRly mule,
which lie was In the habit of driving,
This mulp was In the habit of kick
ing at the least provocation and while
Knnnnnelil was trying lo make the
mule f?el up some speed, the beast
stopped, and before the unfortunate
young limn could escape, kicked blin
squarely In the forehead.
The force of the blow was terrible
and felled the young man to the
ground where he lay for some lime In
an unconscious condition. Later re
viving lie staggered only to again lose
consciousness, lie was later found by
pausing miners and taken to his home,
72."- Hampton street. In the mine ambu
lance, where a physician was called
who dressed his injuries. His condi
tion today Is slightly better.
Willie Miss flebu Davis of UlL'ii Swet
land street was descending a pair of
steps on Sunday she tripped In the car
pet and as a result was precipitated to
Hie bottom with much force. As a re
sult of the fall tbe unfortunate young
lady suffered a broken arm. which Dr.
F. '. Hall set.
On Tuesday afternoon about I o'clock
William (!ll)bs. employed as driver In
the Oxford mine, was the victim of a
serious accident n which he received a
crushed foot. He was riding on the
cars when his fool drooped between
the bumpers which came together a
second later, Ids foot being badly mu
tilated as a result.
The mine ambulance was called and
lie was reinovecl to his home, 100."
Price street, where lie Immediately re
ceived medical attendance.
At St. David's Church.
On Monday evening next an enter
tainment and sale will be conducted in
St. David's church by St. Agnes chap
ter. The following programme will be
rendered on that evening:
Keeltntlon, Miss Maude Morgan: solo,
Mrs. McHenry: duet, Misses Maud and
Norma .Tones: solo. Mrs. Morgan; reci
tation. Miss Hessie Homier: solo, Mrs.
Kaudolph Jones.
A tempting line of choice fancy work
lias been prepared and as it Is now
Hearing the Christmas time no better
place could be found to purchase some
tiling dainty for that occasion.
Fngot Socinl.
Last evening at the Tabernacle
church on South Hyde Park avenue,
occurred an enjoyable, old fashioned
Welsh fagot supper. Fagots, coffee,
cake, bread and butter were served and
those In charge of the tallies were as
follows: First table. Mrs. M. .lones.
Mrs. K. W. Morgan; second table, Mrs.
('. Moigun, Mrs, Lewis Phillips! third
table, Mrs. llcntlmutt nnd Mrs. Clark.
One of the novel features of the oc
casion was Hie sale of the scripture
cake receipt. The receipt was neatly
typewritten and sold lit large numbers
to those who desired lo know how to
make Hip novel affair.
Funeral of Mrs. Ronch.
Vesterdiiy morning nl n o'clock was
held the funeral of the late Mrs. Law
rence Itoach from the Holy Cross
church In Hellenic. Ituv, Father
O'Dnnnell had charge of Hip services
nnd delivered a most touching eulogy
on Hip past life of the deceased, re
ferring lo her noble eliaracter and gen
tle disposition,
The casket was enclosed In u mound
of choicest tlowern. Messrs. John
Itoach, Thomas Maligna, John Mangiin.
Martin tilrdy, Wllllnm Olrdy and
Frank Itcllly acled as pull-bearers. The
funeral cortege moved lo St. Mary's
cemetery In Dtuimore, where the re
mains were laid to rest.
This evening In Menr's bull will he
held the tenth anniversary Piilertaln
inent of West Side conclave No. all,
Improved Order of Ileptasoplis. Thp
elaborate programme published In these
columns yesterday will be carried out
In full. The address of the evening
will be delivered by general counsel, J.
o. H.. olln nryan, of Haltltnore Mil,,
who Is so well known that his ability
as a speaker needs no comment.
After the final accounting of I lie
rummage sale held by the Ladles' Aid
society of the Plymouth Congregational
church It was found that the sum or
$1fifU,- had been cleared.
The young ladles of Hie Washburn
street Presbyterian church will con
duct a candy sale this evening, i
A crowded house enjoyed the ten(fer
11111'!' lecture or Itev. Thomas de
Oruchy. pastor of the Jackson street
Haptlst church, which was held In the
Hellevuc Welsh M. church last even
ing. A sliver offering was taken at the
door and a neat sum tea listed.
Dr. It. K. Kenton of North Main
avenue, will be a candidate for school
controller In the twenty-first ward on
the Democratic ticket.
A fair and sale will be held In the
church parlors by the Ladles' League
of Hie First Welsh Haptlst church on
Dec. IS and in.
The William Council Clee club will
meet this evening in Ivorlte hall for
the purpose of participating in the
switchmen's meeting. All members
are requested to be present early.
The William Council Clee club will
sing at Carpenter's ball this evening on
the occasion' nf the switchmen's recep
tion. An Italian by the name of John
Howell was received nt the West Side
hospital yesterday nf tut noon, badly
cut and bruised, as the result of a fall
of roof In the Oxford mine. Ills condi
tion Is not serious and after treatment
lie went to Ills home.
C.reat interest is being taken in the
coming musical and literary entertain
ment which will be held at the Plym
outh church under the direction of the
choir on New Year's eve. Two of tho
leading attractions will lie the William
Council Clee club and the American
Welsh prize singers.
Marriage of Berlin J. Hallock, of
Dunmore and Miss Emma Har
vey, of Robert Avenue.
The riage of Uerlin J. Hallock. of
Duuniore, and .Miss Kninia Harvey, of
21,"i Hubert avenue, was solemnized
last evening at the home of the bride's
parent!?, Mr. and Mrs, William Harvey,
in the presence of the immediate re
latives and friends.
The nuptial knot was tied by Itev.
Clyincr, pastor of the First Christian
church. The bride was Miss Florence
Bright, and the groomsman. David
Kinsey. .Miss Cramer played the wed
ding marches. The bride's gown was of
white silk, over moussellne de sole,
and her maid wore a gown of while or
gandie. Following the wedding and reception
a luncheon was served the guests. Mr.
and Mrs. Hallock will begin house
keeping In Dunmore. Hoth are well
known young people, who have many
friends to congratulate them on the
happy event.
Entertainment and Supper.
An entertainment and oyster sup
per was held ill the social rooms of the
West Market Street Haptlst church
Tuesday evening, and was under the
auspices of the young ladles of the
church. The supper was served from
i;.;;0 to S.l.'i, and the enterlalumeut
commenced at 8.110. Those in charge
of Hie different tables were: Table No.
1, Mrs. William H, Thomas, and the
.Misses .Maggie Williams, Mlodwyu
Thonuis, Cache) A. Itolllns.
Weeks and Ituclu'l Owens; table No.
L', the Misses Iluth I'M wards, Jennie
Winters, Lizzie Hopkins, Martha
Jones, Kmily Jones and Mary Ann
Jones; table No, :!, Mrs, John Phil
lips, the Misses Catherine IMwards,
Mary Price, Mary Kittt Jones, Francis
Thomas and Prlscilla Jones; table
No. I, the Misses lCliimn Hiiwley, Dora
Davis. I'Mith James, Lillian Da Is,
F.ditli Davis ami Mary Ann Morgans;
table No. ,1, .Mrs. Thomas W. ICvaus,
.Mrs, I'l'lab Join's, tho Misses Maggie
Isaac, Maggie IMwurds, Lizzie Weeks
and Mamie Thomas; table No, ii, Mrs,
Hi-yard, Mis. Mitchell, Mrs. John It.
Wlllluini., Mrs. James It. Williams,
Miss Maggie Williams and Miss Lou
isa Jones, Tills evening llio oyster
supper ami entertainment will he hold
ugaln. An Interesting programme will
be rendered.
The North I'htil Stars defeated the
Alpha basket ball team nf Philadel
phia, Wednesday oveuing, in the Au
ditorium by the score of a to IS,
The funeral of tho late Miss. Uildget
Curdy look place Wednesday morning
at !i o'clock. Services wero conducted
In Holy Itosary church, wlioru a high
mass of requiem was colebrated by tho
Itev. .1, V- Moylau. Internum! was
made In the Hyde Park Cathedral
The CracUerjacks of this section will
pluy the strong iilnomshurg Wheelmen
basket ball team at the Auditorium
Friday evening.
I), Frank Myers, stato councilor of
the Junior Order United American Me.
chanlcs, has appointed V. H. Crlsinan,
A ttfll j, Hie limuUnini'it, and olluij aip invitcil
b iall en any ilrugicWt and ijct free a liUl Imltie
nl Krnii' lUUain for Hie Throat and ,uni;, .1
irinedy llul h gujiuiitrcd to iuu ami rdlctu ull
CIiioiih- and Avutc Cointli,, Attlmij, Uiunvliidi
and Coiuuinptluii. 1'ikv :&.', und O0c.
Which Arc Rapidly Inking a New
Catarrh Cure Famous.
Si unit's Cuturrli Tablets, the new
'aturrli cure imH U following lulvun
tngps over other catarrh remedies,
First: These tablets contain no co
caine, morphine or any other Injurious
drug and are us safe and beneficial for
children as ror adults; this Is an Im
portant point when It Is recalled that
many catnrrh remedies do contain these
very objectionable Ingredients,
Next: Helng In tablet form this rem
edy does not deteriorate with age, or
an pxposurp to the air as lliiuld prep
arations Invariably do.
Next: Tlie tablet form not only pre
serves the medicinal properties but it
Is so far more con veil lent to carry and
to use at any time that It Is only n
question or time when the tablet will
entirely supersede liquid medicines us
It has already done In the medical de
partment or the United States army.
Next: No secret Is made of the com
position or Stuart's. Catarrh Tablets:
they contain the active principles of
l-hicalypttis bark, red gum, blond root
and Hydrnstin, all harmless antisep
tics which, however, are death to ca
tarrhal germs wherever round, because
they eliminate them from the blood.
Noxt; You can not cure catarrh by
local applications to the nose und
throat, because these are simply local
symptoms and such treatment can not
possibly reach the real seat of catarrh
al disease which Is In the blood: for
tills reason, Inhalers, douches, sprays
and powders never really cure catarrh,
but simply give temporary relief which
a dose of plain salt and water will do
jusl as well.
Catarrh must be driven out of the
system, out of the blood, by an Internal
remedy because they contain every
sure specific known to modern science
In the antiseptic form or the disease.
Next: The use or Inhalers, and
spraying apparatuses, besides being In
effective and disappointing. Is expen
sive, wlille a complete treatment of
Stuart's Catairh Tablets can be had
nl any drug store In the t'nlted States
and Canada for 50 cents.
of 007 North Main avenue, deputy
state, councilor for the One Hundred
and .Sixty-eighth district or the state
of Pennsylvania.
Mrs. J. B. Owens Is seriously ill at
her home on Ferdinand street.
Mrs, F. A, Slilrer Is confined to her
home on Putnam street, liy sickness.
A mother's meeting will be held In
the Young Women's Christian associa
tion rooms tomorrow afternoon at 2.:!f)
o'clock. A most interesting programme
has been prepared. A simple cooking
lesson will be given after which all will
enjoy a few social hours.
The CracUerjacks will play the
Hloomsburg wheelmen, one of the
strongest teams In the state, a game
or basket ball at the auditorium to
morrow evening.
Fred Celiling and Thomas Dunn left
last evening on a hunting tour to Cres
co. Kdward Loftus Is on a business trip
to AlJ'ord.
The Woman's Foreign MUslonary
sncli'tv of the Asbury Methodist Kp
copul church, will hold a study cir
cle this afternoon at :: o'clock, at the
residence of Mrs. K. Ii. Ueynolds, of
Sanderson avenue.
It is expected that Itev. W. J. Ford,
pastor of the Crcon Ridge Haptlst
ihurch, will address, the members of
(ireen Ridge lodge, Independent Order
of Odd Fellows, at their regular meet
ing In Masonic hall this evening.
Prof. Bromley Smith.' of Keystone
Academy, will deliver his lecture .!
titled. --The Toy of Fate." In the Grcn
Ridge Rnptlst church this evening. The
lectin e will lie given under the aus
pices of Class No. L'l, of the Sabbath
chool. Prof. Smith Is a graceful
speaker. His lecture is instructive as
well as entertaining, and he should He
heard by a large audience.
I'he young ladles of the Kast .Market
Street Primitive .Methodist church will
conduct a sale of useful and fnucy ar
ticles in the church this evening. Re
freshments will also be served.
Mrs. U. It. Reynolds and daughter, of
Sanderson avenue, will leave soiai af
ter the holidays for Florida, where
they will remain till spring.
The car leaving the Corners on the
Laurel Hill Hue about 7 o'clock last
night, was met with a volley of stones
as it neared Shoemaker avenue. It
only contained two passengers and I lie
only damage done was the breaking
of several panes of glass.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Louis
Sawyer will take pluce on p'riday af
ternoon from the Methodist church.
The orveen will be in charge nf Rev,
Charles II. Newlng.
Paul J, Carry and II. A. Smith will
repieseul the Clerk's union at their
banquet at Hotel Terrace tonight.
Albert Maines, of Hlnkely street, lias
moved Into tho Fowler house, on Dud
ley street.
I-:, A. Albertson, formerly window
trimmer for Jonas Long's Sons' at
WIlUes-Harre. has been engaged In a
flmllur capacity by the I'nion Cash
Mrs. Thomas Kddy is indisposed ut
her home on Ulooni streal,
Mrs, James Dexter has been 111 for
several days at her home on Church
Lehigh's Captain.
Il IImIusIip Wire hum Tin' .W'AlUcii I'u-Ni,
lli'llilchem, l'u,, Die. 11. Andirw I'ji.iIi.iui,!',
il.i l!KII, ueplii'iv nf I'rriiili'lit I hull". 1,
Siliwali, nf the I'nitcil Slutr.s Sieel loipuutlu'i,
lias hern flirted t-apt.iln nf net'j. fool lull'
'lc in a I.cIiIkIi nnlu'inltj. rauli.iilu'li nun.' In
U'lilfc'li f l .jii Minima, nuili' I lie 'i.ii.mO Iimiii in
III Iroliinnn yen mul pla.iril tuilde tlii. tail,
Trial of Captain Diamond.
Ily I'.iclnslvc Wile hum Tlio AmocjIci 1'ie-.
N'ew VoiK, Pit. II. 'I lie ilcunnuiit.d trial '(
I'nliu' ( aplain DI.iiikhiiI for alleged tirgk-i t of
duty, li.i. i.l mi liii com lii ion on Hut ihuo
in Alli.niy, u.ii Muuludt'd hefnii' I'ulliv Commit-
Inner Minjiliy Indjj Police Coiiunv.loner Mur
phy Mihseriueinl.i aiiuouuit'd that he will ilhin -,i
laplain Diamond from the polke f.nn.
Billiard Match Postponed.
Ily Hu'hhiie Wiie from Tin .Wilutrd I'roM,
Xi'iv Ymk, Pic. 11.- The billiard nuli-li ivuii'i
mji In li.iw ileihlid M'lond and llilul liouow h
tui'cii hlnMon, of IhU illy, and llarutcl, of
I'lanif, did u.ii lake plate tnulslit. The uu-ii
dci'lddl to divide He money and the houoi,
Kaili had won Ihite and lot tun of the gaiuii
pi J' cil.
A lolimlar.i petition in liankiupti.i ua; Hied
jestenlay hy l'ys' Wainer, of loiyljiid. in tin;
town of Wi-IU, l.radfoul county. Ills lblliu-i
aiv l,ira,10, and hit iH'U W.
For Forty Years He Has Been a
Resident of This Part of the City.
Is n Member of a Number of Or
ganizations Successful Banquet
Conducted by the Members of the
Musicians' UnionClub Formed
by Well Known Business Men.
Funeral of Miss Kane.
August Sclilmpff, although horn In
(lermony forty-one years ago. Is a life
long resident of this side and a thor
ough American, having llvecd on this
side forty years, lie is owner of the
Hertnanlii hotel and Uernmnln hull,
which adjoins the property at the cor
ner or Cedar avenue and Hickory
street. For many years lie ran with
the old machine as a member or En
gine company N'o. L', rormerly known
as the Neplunes, and Is also a member
M'lll'ST M'HI!lfp-T
of the State Firemen's association and
the Firemen's Itellef association or this
He Is also allillated with the .lunger
Muenuerehor: Schiller lodge. Free and
Accepted Masons, and as a member of
Hauer's famous orchestra was last
Sunday rc-o'eeted treasurer of the
Musicians' union. Local No. 12H. under
whose auspices the banquet and recep
tion at (lermaula hall last evening was
given In honor of National Secretary
Miller and National Delegate O'Connor,
who are now In the city attending the
American Federation of Labor conven
tion. Banquet n Success.
Three large tables were covered with
substantial and seasonable eatables in
(ieriiiaula hall Inst evenlno. of which
the Musicians' union and their special
guests partook al i o'clock, alter an
Informal reception. The gathering was
called to order by President William
V. (Irillillis. while National Secretary
Miller, of St. l.ouis, was called upon lo
net as toast master. After discussing
the delightful menu prepared by Mine
Host August Schimprr. the affair re
solved lsef into ,i social session of
sparkling wit and humor, which lusted
until after midnight.
Several addresses were made by the
visitors and, although biief, were alive
with importance to the musicians as
sembled. During the banquet and subsequent
exercises, ivce'icnt mi'sir was fui
uished by an Impromptu orchestra.
The affair was highly suci cssful in
every respect, and the committee m
arrangements were warmly compli
mented. The ladles who acted as tabic
wallers and rendi red other necessary
sen Ice were highly pralced for helping
to make the banmiel a success. Thev
wen- Mrs. Frrd Welchcl. Mrs. tins
Sclilmpff, Mrs. Henry Zclgler, Lulu and
Hnmia Pontius, and the Misses Annie
and Mamie Dlpprc.
New Club Being- Organized.
A movement has been on foot for
some time to organise a Mutual Hene
fit and Social club on this side, and the
matter lias so far progressed thai a
charter has been applied for.
The club Is composed mainly of
prominent ''ithjeiis and busbies men
hi this neighborhood, and headquarters
have already been secured al 1UL'I
Pllltslon avenue. The object of the
association is to secure and own a pri
vate suite of rooms, where in. liters of
business and sociability can be dis
cussed and decided for I he mutual
benollt of members, There will be no
limit to the mcmhersihlp, but those de
siring lo Join will have to be of good
character and standing and vouched
for by tho committee.
As soon as the charier Is granted, n
meeting: will be called, when otlUrH
will be chosen to serve a year.
The funeral of Miss Anna Kane, of
"IS Prospect avenue, look place yester
day morning and was largely attended,
Services were held In St, Peter's cathe
dral, and interment was made In the
Hyde Park cemetery,
Tho Scrantoii Saeugerrunde held
singing practice in Athletic hall last
Mary, the Intuiit daughter of .Mr,
and Mrs, Hrulilor, was laid at test
yesterday afternoon from th' family
residence In Itosen court.
An Interesting game of basket ball
will lake place In St, Joseph's ball,
Mlnooka, this evening, between the un
defeated Defenders and the Mlnooka
The affair at Pharmacy hall ihls
evening will bo a grand event, and
badges for the winners in the mom
iicrshlp contest will be distributed.
Messrs, Armbrust & Hofmolster, the
Cedar avenue butchers, have on bund
an Interesting exhibit, in tho uaturo of
a prlr.H hog, which weighs Slu pounds.
The great porker hi covered with
thick bristles and Is quite vicious. He
will be killed today.
Fresh lish, oysters and clams al
Sunday's Maikot, 531 Cedar avenue.
The funeral of Dr. J. 11. Sickler, of
I'cckvllle, who died yesterday morning
at 7."0 o'clock, will take place Filduy
afternoon at 1.30 o'clock.
Miss Lacoy Married.
V Ksilusbc Wiie from The Aorlat?d Ptc.
Ojl.aloo.-a, la., Dm. ll.-UI.-i lloinliv l.aioi,
JouiixeM daughter of ('uiiyii'M-liuu John l.aiey,
of Iowa, luie thh iirning to (.aiioll
I). Sjwycr, j yniuur huslufst man of tills vl'y.
'Ihe hrlde La k'laduate of Wll.on lulk'uc I'll nil.
hfOihurtr, I'a, She uttiaitrd ninth attention in
WadilUi,'toii feudely lat eaou.
0."'. '.'-Vv: v&f&il-&Yii:cy ' .
s',''f '1&.',4kk&' ' RmM
- '''':jfflk- '- bBPI
4nf.t 4. 4
Ladies' Coat and
Waist Sale
Hero is an excellent opportunity to allow your
Christmas Gift to take the form of something to wear,
as at least one-'-half our mammoth line of Fine Tail
ored Garments must find wearers within the next ten
lays, if
Greatly Reduced Prices
Will do it. The following quotations will give you an
idea of the deep price cuts.
Regular $12.00 values cut to
Regular 15.00 values cut to.
Regular .20.00 values cut to.
X TwentySeven Inch Jackets
Regular $10.00 vafues cut to $ 5,98
Regular 1 2.00 values cut to 8.98
Regular 15.00 values cut to 9.98
Regular 20.00 values cut to 12,98
ThreeQuarter Box Coats
40 inches long, at similar price reductions.
Flannel Shirt Waists
At about one-half usual figures. All shades, in the
latest creations, of either c pen front or back
Children's and Misses'
Fu 11 Length Coats
The newest shades, in
extremely low.
Alterations Free
; Hsu
421 Lackawanna flventie.
$ . j.. 4. 4 4 44 444444 44444444444444444
He Is Charged with Having Misap
propriated 3100,000.
1U Km lii-ue W iio tiem The Associated I'icm.
Hiillstoii. X. y.. JJi'c. ll.-Cliarlcs K.
Kltiliam. telir-r ! tin; First Nutionnl
liatik ol' PullHton, was iirruiKiu'il In IiIh
liuini' today ln-fnre the L'nitil Suites
I'omiiilssiloiii'r. on I'lini-Reti nrcfciTed by
S. i'. Mf-db'-'ry, caiiliior of tins bank,
and 10. .1. (Iraliam, national bank ex
aminer. Tin' i'liiii-t;ps allCKt- that Fltcluim
inls-appropriate-d $100,000 or tho bank's
fiilidK. A plea of not filiilty was en
tered and examination was waived.
Hall wan fixpd at S.'O.OOO. which. It Ih
cxiif-rU'd. will bn furnished. Fitchum
remains ill in bed.
Killed Two Officers Before Dying
with His Boots On.
IJ.i :.m1;m Win- fiinii "I'll.- .Wuiutvil 1'riNS.
Houston. Tex., Dec. 11. When ofll
cer.s J. '. .limit's and Herman YounRSt
attempted to arrest an iiIIcrocI bunco
sleerer, Sid Preacher, this afternoon,
tlu; latter opened lire with a shot Kim.
At the first lire he mortally wounded
James, who fell,
lie then tired at Younst, knockliiK
him down, and was on lop of him,
heathiK the officer when James raised
himself from the Rtitter and fired three
times, kllliiw Preacher, .lames 'and
YouiiKst died within the sumo moment.
Two Trainmen Injured One Man Is
Still Missing.
Il.i Km liiilw in- lumi Tin' A.-.H latcil I'lr-t.
, Oil city, Pa.. Bee. 11. Two Pennsyl
vania freiKhl trains on the Oleun divis
ion collided tonlKht at Walnut Hend,
elKht miles north of here, tlii-owlunr
about fifty cars Into the river.
Two trainmen were Injured and one
man Is iiiIhkIhk, Their names are
Head Hrakenian .McC'addou, missing;
supposed lo have been thrown Into the
Allegheny river and drowned; Fire
man Van Uruiit, collar bone broken;
Thomas Martin, euKlneer, thrown Into
river, sIIkIu Injuries,
Last Sleep of James Harris.
Ily Km lii-lif Win1 iroiii Tl.r Aoiialii I'icm.
IVoii.i, III., Hit. I i, On tin- nionilni; nl Xnv,
7, .limit' lluiils us w.m ui, tu'iii In sln uliil.)
M'.tli'il In j i lull ,u lilt, homo. Sinn' Hut iKitc Im
his not turn cnii.i'iou, fu moie tliau lulf .in hour
,it ,i llini', .mil then only on two m iilnni. It''
M'i'iiicil Iml.iy In ! fcinMmr, TIip plijclrlji' 'ii
.illi'iiilinu- jj In' iMii nuviu' Inn j tliml time.
Ilia ij-i- lus nizzl,'il I lie local Lai-'.
Senator Blackburn Married.
Ily Km huh r wire from The .Worltilul I'rct.,
W.iihlnslon, l''. II. rnlinl Mjlr. s-iutoi .1.
. I'. Illaiklniiii, of limine ky. unil Mi Mai.i 11.
IIKickliiiin wen- nuiiiiil licu luilay .it the ret to;-
nf M. IMiil'. ihin-h hy llcv. rather MaiMu.
Onh' a few lelallv wip pie.ent. Ihe Inlilt,
wliiii' fii-kl'1 i,' .hiilsje llhuklmiii, si ills.
I nit iflatiu nl tlie I'lialur, lu reiili In lui
lily hum nl hri lift,
McGovern Will Eight Agaiu.
liy IWilujiie Wire fiotn 'Ihe Atwiruted Press.
New ilk, IK'i. II. -Alllileji fuv a liutili h.'
iwi'i'ii Titij MilioHin ami Have Sulllian, feathei.
HflRlit puuilin. wiie sluueil In thl illy today,
The Iwiit Mill talie pbie .Ian. ft) Mure Ihe rl"li
orTirfui; Hie hct I emu. Ilohett KitMiniinoiw Mill
ail a, leterie. The V.itionol tlilerte iluli, ut
Wiiti'ibmy, Conn., lu. nttmil o.'i wi lent, of tho
Itale ieul)l.
-- "
Corporations Chartered.
Ily K.ulmlve Wiie fioniThe A-soilatfd I'iej.
lUrildmic. I'J.. I"i- ll.-Uuilcu Men ikv
i the state deiMrtiiirnt tuiljy tu the following
i'iioiatlorui; .VcMi-alle funllji) Milk loiiipotiy,
ewijtle; uplul, t0.00. MIMuer llrolliciV
ivmpauy, I'ltulmii;; lapilal, 0,uoo.
4"t44 4f4At
i 7.98
sizes from 6 to 14.
of Charge
Lyceum Theatre
M. RKI5, Lessee and Mamgcr.
A. J. DUFFY, Bus. Muifer.
Untler Ihe aiirplces of the Spanish Wtr Veterai.
The sregtest event of the deaiwn, comblnlne
crate, liejuly, talent nnd patriotism. Splendid
gcenie anil elettrieai etfiiets.
170-I'KOW.K I.V THK CAST 179
All ic-iilenti of Kcranton and members of U
mn.-.l pnmiiiiciil families. Vatroniied by h
union labor leaders and endorsed by leading citi
zens of the city nnd county. The boys in blu
who volunleercd In 1SDS dnene tbe suppoit nl
eicry patriotic citizen.
AT Till: f.YCl'.UM. DEC. IS AXD IX
Tiikew now on sale, Me... 73c. and $1.
25 nnd 50 cents.
One Night Only. Monday Dae. 16
tliarlea II. Yale and hidney R. Kills' Production 0
"The Evil"
further OP And
unny NID The
ContlnueJ of.
omlcat No
on tort Ions
I'licei-iic,, 50c, ;0e. and ?1.00.
Heats on Sale Thursday at 9 i
Academy of flusic
M. IlKIS, Lessee. , A. J. Duff, Usoifrtll
Three Nlglits, beslnnine Thursday, Dec. 14.
Teny .MifJoiern will appear at every pcrforimnci
Matinees Trlday Jiid Satiirda-.
Prices-Xlglit. I'"-.. -3e.. ic. and jOc.
Prli-i'. M.itincc, 13e. I'r.d 25o.
.. i
Tlnee Hay, flealiinlng .Monday, Dec, 16th,
The Powerful Jlelodrama,
Mallnces Tuesday and Wciinesday.
Pikes Xlitlit, ISc, -J.V',, 3c. and 50c.
Prleis Matinee. 13c. and 23c.
AM', O. HKurtlNOTON-, Msnsctr,
'lliurMlay, I'ridaj- and Saturday, Dec, IS. I. II
Al Reeves' Big Company.
Dally Matlner. Sew Telephone.
British Capture Force of 131 Boer
and Kill Seven.
Ily Kvclibiw Wire from The AsHKiatrd Pirn
Uondun, Dec. 11, Lord Kitchener, in
a dlspiitch front Stiindorton, Truns
vaul I'olony, dated Tuesday, Deo. 10, re
purls that Uenerul Druce llainllton, af
ter u night march, surprlseil unil cap
tured practically tlio whole of tho lloer
liPthel command at Trlcliurd's ("unteln,
early this morning.
Seven Hoi-rs were Itlllcd and lul vverf
ttuido prisoners.
Buntly Convicted.
By Inclusive Wiie Iroiu Tho Awociated Piess.
.lohn.tnuii, pa,, Dec. 11. 'Ihe jury ill the m
nf 1'iank llutiily (colored), mIu hol und instant,
ly killed lit wife in thl.s city .Vu. 2J )ul, to
nlRht luouKht in a veidiu ol maiuUuiliter, at
Kbeiiliuiir. The ilei'eue of Hunily was lery
slronir. ItN wife' mfldellly bcluj: uiged u thf
laue nl Ihe deed.
Favor Electric Railroads.
Hy Euluslie Wire from The Avoclated Press.
London, Pec. II, -The IttiiUh boaul ef trtd-
liai ollkially I v, noil lit awatd in faior of ,lir
t liarles Tc.mkc yt?ni oi electriticatloa (or Lon
don imdergrpund railroads.
Prices 4
ill; i a
fJf ,'
iFUl., .-.
. iU-'AXf.