The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 12, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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The News of
Delaware nnd Hudson Railroad.
Ncn-ciut.-r '.'I. 1101.
Twin leave Ciiln-ncl'le hi illy ti.iiiuti ' I"'
r'f Sinnlon ami Ullt,-.lliii"- it.w, I..1"'- '"
tldli 10.01. Il.'.'l n, in. i I.WI, t.Wi '!.'. !. '.
6.0(1. 7,00, lO.ltl, 11.0t i. III. , , ...
.Mllld.IV tlAllH llMtf- A S.,V II.'JI .'. III.! ''"'
M, C.-.0, S.IK) i. HI. , ..
I'd Allmliy. Humloui. Monti Ml. Ito'lmi. .
I'iikUiiiI liofnl'. rk.. T.ilil J. in ! '' I' "'
fm W.ijin.irl .mil IIoiip.mI.iIp. "!.', IW . "I--,UI,
Mil i. in. , ,. ... .
S-iiiiiIhv tr.ilin Ip.ixp Wii.vni.ul .Hid IIoiiphUU'
t n.SHi a. in.; 4,C i. in.
I'inliw arrive at Cnrlioniliilp from " lt-".-!; m;;
nd a'cutilon in follnw: n.Wl. .S7. fi.", ljVjO
. in. j 12.117, 2.0(1. il.l:l. 1.2S. 11.05. 7.U1, 8.114,
II. A7 p. m.; "J Ox a. in.
Niticl.iv trnln utilvp al !.C7 . ni.: V.IO. .-.l.-.
.-', ii.tfi. 1l..:il i. in. .
Minriji- tr.iliK imr al .itlii)iil.ilf Iioiii '' ami llnnp.dalp ill li.l" nnd 7.". 1'. !"
New York, Ontario nnd Western,
fcrpt. 17, tr.oi.
'Ir.iin I(JV' CjiI-oiiiIjIc lot Scrjntot. J' '''"'
hi, . I. no p. m.
.-iitiil.iy li.iitu nl 7.00 j. in.: p. hi,
J Mini Idle CiiIioiuUIp for p-ilnt nnini i
11,10 ii. in. On Suntlav al 'UO a. in. Iniim
lcnln: at 11.10 n. m. ttppli Ij anil n.10 ,i. m.
Niurlrf,ix make conned loin tor New Yntl, Coin
Mull. Pit. ,
liiilns airlif firm Scrjnlon al 11.11) . '' ('O
p- in.: Until point not tli, p. in. Imiii(.J.V
Irrin SiTJiiton at n.lll n. in. Jnd 7.43 p. in.:
It "m OnlnM.i at ll.OiJ p. in,
' Erie Railroad.
.limp 3.1, 1(K)1.
Tr.iln Icnc rily btJtlon, OulioiuU'c d.iuy
-irnt Ninil.iv) jt 7.00 d. in. and -t.H'l p. in. lor
trjiiril .mil N'lnrirli; al ll.ikl a. in., ilall.' (
evpllns, tor llliiKlininlnn. making eon
tin linns lor New Yoil- city and". .itul l
IU0 p. in. lor Sinqtieluiiiu, niaklnc; loiwecllniw
fm iwtein point'.
Nimby halm at O.t'i u. in. for Stwniplunna,
Willi wplprn ciiniicitlotH. and 0.27 p. in., with
fnio i nnnpptioii.
Train- .nrlio .it P..:i a. in. and .".). p. in.
Mmd.iis at 8 5:1 a. in.
Did Workings Settle Near Mnyfleld
Yard and Cause a Depression in
the Roadway Covering an Area of
Fifty Feet Water Pipe Burst and
Floods Into Erie Mine.
The vicinity of Mnyliclil yttiil. which
5s now celPlmited for its mine sot llinsf .
bud .'mother rnvf-In yesterday.
The depression this time Is near the
fitone residence, though It does tint af
fect this property. The settling extends
for about fifty I'eeL and involves the
whole roadway. The street car tracks
Hre also sunken, and it will take tons
upon tons of tilling to bolster tir the
The Uiive-in is about ten feet deep
nnd Is this dentil for the whole length
of the depression. The hole is chusni
like in its aspect, unrl it proved n
danger snot last nisht to drivers who
had not been warned of its presence.
Several of them drove into the hole, or
Mther dropped into it, nnd had close
rsi'iines from disaster.
What Is perhaps the most serious, Is
Hie burstiiifr of the supply pipes of the
Vonsolidated Water company. The
ivutcr thus lei loose found its way Into
'.he workings of the Ihie mine which
inderlie the affected area, ami save
the men who have charge of this wopk
;onslderable annoyance during; the af
ternoon and lasl nisht.
The cave-In of ycstcrdiiv hn been
filing- on steadily for abotil two weeks.
That is. it has been noticeable for that
length of time. The experience which
the residents of that vicinity have bud
with these settlings fills them with ap
prehension, and yesterday when the
drop took place their fenis were real
ised. The last cave-in made a sreat deal
of work for the Scrnnton Uailway com
pany, as il required nearly 100 tons of
earth to fill the hole. The depression
that exists now will require twice that
number of tons In make the road pass
able and place it in a condition of
Mine settlings are nothing In this
vicinity. They have ,issed the stage
where they are considered as surpris
ing. The wrinkled surface of the earth
and the succession of depressions in
the adjoining Held speak lids fact more
strongly than the mere telling of II. In
all this section, the territory overlying'
the workings of the Krln Is unexampled
for depressions and veritable chasms,
the consequence of settlings or work
ings abandoned and otherwise.
The Graceful Actor-Singer Will Be
Here Tuesday Night.
Carbonilale is one of the many towns
Where Chauncey Olcott, the graceful
actor and sweet singer, is a prime
favorite, and the announcement there
fort' of ids coming- to the tiraud on
Tuesday next, will be received with
delight anil will be with a response
that will crowd the opera house.
Carbondale Is favored In Olcotl's
eomlng, and .Manager Hyrne scored
Uite a business achievement p secur
ing the date, inasmuch as this city
Is one of the six oiu'-nlght stands thai
are Included In the sweet-voiced sing
er's tour. After leaving .Vow York
Olcott goes to Kllzaheth, N, J to Car
boudale and then to Smuiiun, ami
rtheijiUot nn the Iteis circuit. These
are his oiily one night stands.
liarrett O'.Magh" Is the play In
whicli Olcott will bo seen, It Is Its
first production heie. In the title role
Olcott ban splendid opportunities to
shfiWnll his' flno' graces, while his slug-Ipg-
will bn tho sumo. that has always
delighted tho admirers of this Irish
'Checks will be given out u Satur
day evening.
' "Joshua Simp' i;t day,
'The huniiiroiu- iy drama,
"Joshua Slmpklns.' m . oinpauied liy a
rtlie band ami mi excellent orchestra,
u'ill be seen at tho Orund Opera house'
Saturday afternoon and evening,
"It Is a iiiral play In four acts, bound'
together7 Uy ' ah Interesting plot and
plwlueoir with special scenery can led
by the (.omiaii . in the third act a
reallstlo sawmill scene Is Introduced,
when u real buzz, saw Is sep,u cutting
through a real log at ten-Ilk- speed,
iipoiwhjchjj Iiuiiiuji being has been
holpliljj ;loiiud by his twemlu and
le'ft'to'an Evident death. There is an
abundance uf comedy In tho play,
while there are ninny line singing and
dauclnsr specialties Incidentally Intro,
I Prices for this engagement: .Matinee,
lidultu, HO ceiitu; children, 10 cents.
J-ivcnlng, JO, :'0 and SO cenls.
Have Added Another Wagou.
Tho patronage of tho National 'Ux-.'
press company In tills city has had
sut'li tin IpcreiiHe leeeittly that an tnl
illtlonal wagon hud In ho put In ser
vice litis week, Wllllinn Lewis has
been placed In charge of tho new route
that has been established. The In
crease nf deliveries will he appreciated
by the public.
Large Cnkcs Break front the Mass
nnd Move Down the Stream Cel
lnrs Still Filled.
Fortunately for lb" lliooklyn street
residents, near the Uronklyu bridge, a
thaw enine yesterday, Instead of a
freeze, ami (lie mammoth Ice Hoc,
cake by cake, dropped away and set
tled further down llie stream near ihe
One solid formation in the runr of
Ihe store of Dennis Tonkin Is the only
real sign remaining of the blockade,
also the yard surrounding the store.
The lee afforded a grand sight to resi
dents nearby its It been mo detached
from the compact mass ami floated
down the stream.
Several men who endeavored to
start the lee moving had narrow es
capes from plunging In the water.
Probably by today the Ice will have
disappeared with the exception of the
vast iimnitni lit the lot surrounding
Ihe Toolnn store.
The water has nut yet disappeared
from the cellars, and In some yet re
mains to a depth of four feet or more.
The feeling still grows stronger that
the Hooding: was due to someone's ne
glect and It seems certain that the
matter of redress will be looked into
by the parties whose properties have
been damaged by the miniature Ice
Commander John McComb the Unan
imous Choice for 1002.
A large representation of navies'
post assembled at headquarters on
Salem avenue hist night to elect ofh
cers for the ensuing year. The result
is as follows: Commander, John Mc
Comb: senior vlce-coininander. Mllo
Tells: Junior vice-commander. f. M.
Van Sickle: quarlermaster. A. W.
Daley: chaplain, John Jennings: sur
geon. Dr. .1. II. Ilardlng: ofllcer of the
day. Christopher Shultz: ofllcer of the
guard, (Jeorge lledden; delegates to
department encampment, Ceorge S.
Kimball and William Anderson; alter
nates, W. I,. Yarrington and A. W.
Daly: memorial park commissioners. J.
-M. Alexander. A. W. Daley, X. D. Eng
lish: trustees, W. U Yarrington, three
years: Alamander Fulton, two years;
J. M. Alexander, one year.
Spirit Displayed in Semi-Aunual
Election of C. W. B. L.
There was quite a spirit of rivalry
displayed in the semi-annual election
of the Catholic Women's llenevolent
Legion which took place In SI. Hose
ball last evening. The election result
ed as follows: President. Mrs. John
lloylan: vice-president. Miss Kllzabeth
Hart: orator. Miss Hannah Dowd: sec
retary, Miss I,, (lethins: collector. .Mrs.
Margaret Krennan: treasurer, Mrs.
Katharine Norton; marshal. Miss Mar
garet Joyce; guard. Miss Anna Walker:
trustees. Mrs. Hart. Mrs. llerrily. Mrs.
And May Lose His Foot as the Con
sequence. William Muir, a lti-year-olil lad
I'loni Jermyn, is at Rnicrgeney hos
pital, the victim of a railway acci
dent on the Ontario and Western, lie
attempted to board a caboose and was
unsuccessful. lie slipped, one foot
going under the wheels. The member
was badly crushed, so badly that there
is some doubt as to whether the
crushed part can b saved front ampu
tation. The hospital staff Is employing-
every means to save the foot, but
there Is nn certainty as to the result. I
Tb" lirst figure on the political hori
zon of the spring iiimpnlgn is l. S.
Joslin, who comes out with the follow
ing announcement as a poii-pnrlisau I
candidate for mayor:
"I hereby offer myself as a candidal!
for the mayoralty of Carlioiiilale' at
the coming election. For many years
I have not been a partisan in the full
sense of ihe word, having in local eee- ,
lions chosen whom I thought ihe best '
person for the olllce, without regard :
to his party predilections. If this of- j
for meets with the approval of my
fellow citizens, I respectfully solicit
their support, "P. S, .losllu,"
Mi', Joslin Is the veteran printer of
this region. Al the present time he !
connected with the Job olllce of the
Leader, lie Is one of Cnrboudnle's
earliest residents, being- here since the
Pedro's Hip Was Frnctuted.
Michael Pedro, the Forest city mine
engineer who had such a narrow es
cape from death several weeks ago,
will ho kept at Kniergoney hospital for
several months, He was terilbly In
jured, and beside the crushed leg and
broken ribs, it was learned some days
after Ills being received at ilte hos
pital that bis right hip was broken.
The knitting of fractured bones In this
region Is ii slow process, the slowest
of any like processes, and all the snow
of the winter months Is likely to he
gone by tho I hue Pedro Is well enough
to go to his home. The crushed leg.
It was found, hud to be uinpiituteil.
Returned from Italy,
Alplionso SliTiam has returned I'loni
his trip across tlto ocean to his native
residence in Italy. While there he
visited Naples and several of the
larger cities and the many scenes of
his boyhood days.
He lias been gouo several months
and looks In the best of health. He
reports n most enjoyable trip on the
ocean liner and In Italy. During his !
ahsence his confectionery store on
Smith .Main street was very capably
managed by James and Katie Laiigau.
Meetings Tonight.
lieorge Uundolph camp. Sons of Vet
erans, llranoh iX C. M. 11. A.
Carboudule canton, No. 0, Patri
archs Militant.
A Church Benefit
'1'heru will be an entertainment on
Friday evening- for the benefit of the
Failed to Do for Miss MabcHo L.
LuMoitio What Was Aocomi
pllslicd liyLydia K.PInklinm's
vegetable Compound.
" l)i:.ui Mm, I'i.nkuAm: I wits In
an nwful stnic for nearly three years
with a complication of female troubles
which three pliynh'luns called by dif
ferent names, but tho pains were nil
the same. 1 drendnd tho time of my
nontlily periods for il. tnennt a couple
of dsyiu bed in awful npony. I final
ly made up my mind that the good
doctors were guessing ; and hearing
from different friends such good re
ports of li.vdin TC. Pinkimm's Vcg
etnblc Compound, 1 tried that. I
bless the day I did. for it wns the
dawning of n new life for me. I used
five, bottles before I was cured, but
when they were taken I was a well
woman once more. Your Compound is
certainly wonderful. Several of my
friends have used it since, and nothing
but the best do 1 ever hear from its
use." Yours. MjUH-xlh L. LaMonte,
SS2 K. Illet St.. Chicago. 111. $5009
forfeit If oioie testimonial Is net genuine.
If Iiydhi E. Pinkliuin'K Vesre
tnblo Com pound could cure Miss
JiiiMonlc why not you ? Try it
and see for yourself.
Mrs. Pinkhuin advises sick wo
won free. Address, Lynn, Mass.
building fund of the Church of Our
Lady of Ml. C.iriuel. The church choir
will give an enlertalnlng programme,
under the direction of Prof. Firth. A
general Invitation is extended to the
public to enjoy the pleasures of the
Fair Opens Monday Night for One
Week It Is Their Ninth Annual.
Many Prizes.
On next Monday night, the ninth an
nual fair under the auspices of the
Mitchell Hose company, will open In
Walts' ball.
This event promises to lie the big
gest in the history of the companv's
yearly successes. On the opening night,
the usual firemen's demonstration will
be held, and with the local companies
there will be several from out of town.
Prof. Firth will have charge of Ihe
dance music and Prof. Collins will act
as prompter. Three valuable gifts will
be chanced olT, llfty dollars in gold at
tracting the greatest interest. A
handsome gold watch and a WOO wash
ing machine will also be chanced off.
A valuable door prize will be given
each evening. l-.'ach day. the Kilr
Journal will contain budgets of notes
and also the names of prize whin 'is
and the programme for the evening.
At the Grand.
The Claik-Scoville company dosed a
three nights' engagement al the Orand
Opera House last night to a fair au
dience. Yesterday afternoon the company
gave it matinee, which was well ct
teuiled. The bill last nlghl was "A
tierinan Friend." The action of the
play and lite work of the company was
;reatly appreciated by the audience.
The specialties were pleasing and Ihe
mystifying box trick came In for a
largo share of applause. The .Musical
Winchesters were good and ll.ihy Car
rie In coon songs scored a hit.
There will be another public meeting
tonight In the Academy of Music un
der the auspices of Hie Central Labor
union, tiesldes Slayton and flelger who
were here on Tuesday night, .Max
Hayes and Mollar Haines will be pres
ent tonight in pioclalm the benellls of
union labor.
Funeinl Services.
The fiuii'ial of the Into John l'aii-11
will lake place litis imiriiillg from the
lale homo of deceased III Maylleld
Yard. The cortege will reach this
city at '.i.uO. At St. Hose church, a
in.ii-s of requiem will lie sung, after
which burial will be In SI. Host nie-
The cnuiiultlev In charge of the
Christmas eisteddfod nr making rapid
progress In their work. The mixed
party competition on "The Uadlaut
Morn" Is creating much Interest. Three
choruses will enter for this prize. Two
from Plltston and the Taylor Choral
society. The competition for the chll
dien's choir, "I Am He That Helloveth"
will also have several competitors.
Prof. W. D. I'lviius, of Carboudule, will
be Ihe adjudicator on music and Itev.
I), P. Jones of West Scrnnton will ad
judlcaio on rei Halloas.
The funeral of the child of Mr. and
Mrs. William Masters, of West Taylor,
occiiried on Tuesday afternoon at :!
o'clock p. in. Services weie conducted
at the house by the Ituv. .lames Walk
er, pastor of ihe Archliald Primitive
Methodist church, who preached a brief
funeral sermon. There were a number
of Moral offerings. Ilurlal was made
In the Washburn street cemetery.
The marriage of Miss Annie Schlelds
of this borough 'and Mr. lieiijamin
Nagley, of Iteudhaiu, will be solemn
ized today at -I o'clock, at the groom's
home. Ilev. A. Weber will perform the
The four month's old child of Mr.
and .Mrs. James Masters of Main street
died yesterday.
The Anthracite (itcc club will meet in
important session this evening.
Mrs. John Shields, of Stairs street,
who was operated on for a cancer at
the West Scrnnton liospliat, Is Improv
ing. II. ,1. Coopei. of .Main street, is home
from his business trip to Philadelphia.
Owing In the carriage being caught
In the .guides In the shaft, operations
were suspended at Archliald colliery
The Swiss nice club Is making exten
di Vc arrangements for it grand concert
lo bo held In Weber's rink nn New
Year's night. A line programme Is be
ing arranged for the occasion.
Illchard WllllninH has moved his fain
tly Into his handsome new residence
on North Alain street.
Mis. Peter Joties. or Taylor street,
has relumed home from a Week's visit
Willi relatives In WllUes-Parre.
Mrs. John K, Davis, of Wilkes
llarre visited relatives III this borough
Miss Annie Williams, of North Main
street, Is rapidly recovering from her
i ocelli Illness.
The Taylor school hoard will hold
their regular meeting this evening,
Coroner Huberts and the Jury em
pannelcd to Investigate the death of the
late Lafayette Letm mrt last evening
In the Windsor hotel. A number of
witnesses were examined, the Hist be
ing Dr. S. n. Davis, who testified that
he had known Lepp for the past twenty
years and had at various times sold
him morphine. Last Friday Lepp enine
to the store iiud purchased a bottle nf
morphine containing an eighth or an
ounce, which was In an original bottle.
Lepp was, In his Judgment, perfectly
sober and of sound mind. The sale of
the drug was entered In Ihe poison
Dr. Jackson, of Mayllokl, who was
called about S o'clock In the evening to
attend the deceased, described tho con
dition of the maii when be reached him
and testified that ho had diagnosed the
case as morphine poisoning. He gave
the treatment usual In such cases, but
had not been called In time to prevent
Charles lteynolds, a brotber-ln-law of
Lepp, bad been Intimately acquainted
with tho dead man for over twenty
years and knew that he frequently re
sorted to the use of morphine. He had
found part of a bottle or morphine In
the bureau In Lepp's bedroom Satur
day morning.
Srt. Lepp, widow of the deceased,
gave n clear account of her husband's
actions on the day of his death, and
said he had been drinking heavily since
Thanksgiving day. Three days before
his death he had attempted to shoot
himself, nnd on the morning of his
death had attempted to hang himself,
both attempts having been frustrated
by her Intervention.
The jury afterwards held a short de
Iberatlon, and rendered the following
"We. the undersigned Jury, find that
Lafayette Lepp came to his death by
an overdose of morphine, taken with
his own band with suicidal Intent, on
December fi, 1001,"
Silas It. Hills, M. J. Shields. M. D.,
W. C. .Nicholson. It. It. Freas, Thomas
Seymour, John It. Jones.
Mrs. Pray and son Waller, of Ilazle
ton, are visiting Jermyn friends.
A case of deatli of si child from diph
theria Is reported from the hill at
Maylleld. The child received no medi
cal attention, and It is said tho parents
are arranging for a public funeral. This
appears to bn a case where the board
of health should take prompt action.
The Citizens band fair is still attract
ing many people. Tonight will bn es
pecially attractive, from Ihe fact that
the members of the Artesian flose com
pany will attend in a body. An excel
lent entertainment is provided every
l-ieglimlng with last evening, all thn
stores lit town will be kept open every
evening, from now until Christmas,
until S o'clock each night.
Ilev. Stephen Jay. of Wyoming, was
in town yesterday, calling on relatives
anil friends.
Tickets are being- rapidly sold for to
morrow night's concert or the North
Knil Olee club, and the indications are
the singers will be greeted by a full
The school board met on Tuesday
evening, with all members present. W.
T. Kvans, a property owner on Sus
quehanna street, was present and asked
the oltlcers of the board to sign a peti
tion asking council to cut down the
grade of the street running' alongside
of the school building. No action was
taken In the matter. The following
bills were paid: Olyphant Oazette,
$::o,:!0; O'.Malley ,t O'Malley. M7..-.0;
Scrnnton Truth, $l!i): l.awlor Pros., $3;
Martin Dempsey, $!i.i.'J.i; Peck Lumber
company, Jto.lfi; Kdward Moran, $27:
Lawrence Howard. $l::..i0: John Oetnp
sey. ?2i:.r,0; s. J. Uvnns. $:...": Olyphant
light plant, $1L': Thomas Lenahau, $1:
Syinons & Hayes, $17.H); .Merchants'
and .Mechanics' bank, J72.J7: John P.
McLaughlin. MVX; W. II. McDonald.
A motion was passed to the effect
that when i be I'eck Lumber company
presents a certlllcale of acceptance
front the architect that they be paid
the balance due them, which amounts
to $2,:00, Assessors F.vans and Ingols
by asked the board to appoint Inter
preters to assist them in their work
among the foreign-speaking- people.
Their request was granted,
Professor Ciinimlngs submitted a
quarterly report, which shows the aver
age attendance during the opening
months of school to be as follows
September, ,'iSl; October, Ti7l; Novem
ber, ,":i'. Total enrollment: September,
7H1; October, t!sJ; November, ii.".".. The
average attendance at the night schools
last month was I a", and the total en
rollment, I !ii. Mr. Cunuulngs offered a
number nf good suggestions to the
board In the way of compelling chil
dren to attend more regularly,
"The Hni-Blar," which conies to the
Father Mat hew opera house Saturday
night. Is a draiuatlzaliou of Mrs.
Frances Hodgson llurnett's s(orv of
F.dlthn's Hurglar." The play Is lull
of dramatic situations, with enough
humorous by-play to keep the audi
ence Interested from start to llnlsh. It
Is one of the most popular plays of the
Loretla, Hie little dallttlller of John
Taylor, of the nidge, one of the chll
dren who were bitten b a mad dog
about live weeks ago, has hydrophobia,
and her death Is momentarily expected,
A rare treat Is In store for those who
attcml the concert in the Hlakely (lap
tlsi church this evening, under the ill
lection of Miss Cora M. Urlllln, of
North Scrnnton, assisted by special
musical laleni. Admission, " nnd -'
.Mrs. A. W. Iicnscoter, of Carbonilale,
spent ycsteiday with her parents In
William Itogaii and liuiilly P, J.
tiimulck and family, Mrs. Martin
Ituddy and family and Mr. and Mrs.
John llauufck attended the funeral of
a relative at Scranlon yesterday.
The young child of Mr. and .Mrs. Mat
thew Hammond, of Duuiuoro street. Is
seriously 111.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative lliomo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money If It
falls In cure. K. W. tlrove's signature
Is 'in each box. :..".
Our Scranton Readers Are
No Exception.
SuiTeilns year Hfter year with a bad
back, with nmtoylug and dangerous
urinary troubles, railing to II ml a rem
edy to end their misery, It Is no won
der pontile become skeptics. It Is nol
surprising If they doulii the testimon
ials they read from people cured, who
live In far-away places. There Is no
room for doubt, however, when tho tes
timony comes from citizens of Scran
ton. Mr. S. A. llonney, ofTils Wyoming
avenue, employed as nlghl watchman
of the Chirk ,1 Snover Tobacco com
pany, says: "l suffered with dull, ach
ing across my back, which was much
more severe If I had to climb many
stairs during the night, I was also
troubled with suppression of the kidney
secretions, very annoying a I night on
account of too frequent action. I tried
a ninnher of so-called kidney cures and
tool. u number of boxes of one kind,
but I received no benefit. 1 heard so
much about Doan's Kidney Pills Hint
1 got tficm at Matthews Pros.' drug
store and after taking them a short
time I found they were helping me.
Finally, the pain In my back lefi me
entirely, and other dllllcultles were
much Improved,"
For sale by all dealers, price .in cents.
.Fosler-Mllburn Co.. fluffalo. N. Y sole
agents for the I'nltod States.
Itomeniber the name, Doans, and take
no substitute. .
The following people, from this pljice
have been drawn as jurors to serve a I.
the next common pleas court: John T.
Williams, J. F. Hoyt, Herbert James,
(1. H. Peed.
The funeral of the lale Mrs. Cathar
ine Snyder was held .Monday after
noon. The services were held In the
Methodist Kplscopal church. Hev. F.
(iendall oHleluted. Interment was made
In Pnlon cemetery.
Mrs. Bray and daughter. Pose, will
leave tomorrow for Youngstown. Ohio,
where .Mrs. Bray's husband holds a
position of trust.
Cards have been issued announcing
the coming marriage of Miss Luclla C.
Best to Mr. Hobert 11. Cralg. the wed
ding to take place at S.I'O p. in. Thurs
day, December W, at the home of the
groom's mother, .Mrs. J. C. Cr.ilg. ol
South Main street.
Miss Daisy Bell Hall's singing class
will meet as usual in the Ledyard hall
on Wednesday evening at S o'clock
sharp. All persons Interested in the
study of music are cordially invited to
be present. At the close of the season
Miss Hall intends to present a cantata,
and would like to have a good class in
order to prepare the different parts.
Laura, aged X years, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John Taylor, of West i'eck
ville, died yesterday afternoon. Fun
eral announcement will be given later.
All members of Harper Lodge. I. O.
O. V.. are requested to meet al the
lodge rooms this evening to make ar
rangements for attending Hie funeral of
brother J. 11. Siekler.
It Is with feeling of profound regret
that we are called upon to chronicle the
deatli of one of Peekvllle's most highly
respected citizens, thai of Dr. Jasper
Pritton Slckler. Only a few days litis
elapsed from the time that he was llrsl
stricken with pneumonia. At an early
hour yesterday morning the end came.
Coming like a thunderbolt from a clear
sky. the sad news litis plunged tho en
tire community into the deepest mourn
ing and heartfelt sympathy goes nut to
the faithful wife and daughter who are
so suddenly called upon to mourn the
loss of their loved one. Deceased was
.11 years of age and was born tit Tomp
klnsvllle. this state. He graduated at
the University of Medicine at Phila
delphia and was also a graduate In sur
gery al Bellevue Medical college, of
New York. In the spring of 1S7S he
came to Peckvllle and began practic
ing. Ills practice grew until he was
known lo he one of the best and most
successful physicians and surgeons in
tho valley. He was a member of
King-sherry Lodge, F. and A. M.. of
Olyphant, and was also a member of
the local order of 1. O. O. F. and
Knights of Pythias. The funeral will
take place at l.UO o'clock Friday after
noon at the late residence, Hev, F. Clen
dell, pastor of the local Methodist
church, olllciatliig-. The burial ser
vices will be conducted by Kingsbury
Lodge. F. and A. M.. of Olyphant.
Those who wish to view the remains
will do so at the residence between the
hours of and 11 a. in. Filday. Inter
ment will be made In Prospect ceme
tery. Al the regular meeting of the F.p
wotlh League held In the Methodist
Kplscopal church last Tuesday liven
ing the following ofllcers were elected
for the coming year: President, 0, L.
Kellar; llrst vice president, Mr, Sol,
Walters; second vice president, Mrs. J,
1). Peck: third vice president, Mrs, F.
C. .Myers; fourth vice president, .Mrs.
lieorge 11. Heed; secretary, Mr. Walter
Walker; assistant secretary, Oeorge H,
Heed; treasurer, fieorgo Trevorton; or
ganist. Miss .Myrtle Hitter; assistant,
Miss Florence White, The next regit
l.ll meeting nf tho League will bo held
on Tuesday evening, December :il, when
the business for the year will be closed
The regular meeting of class No, 11
association will bo held in the parlors
of tho Methodist Kplscopa church on
Tuesday evening, December 17, IHUI, at
7,'!0 sharp, All members are urgently
requested lo be present, as the semi
annual election of onicers will be. hold,
and other important business will be
Mr', Hannah Pavies tiled at her
homo, on the corner of Hallsiead ave
nue and Main street, Tuesday morn
ing, aflur an Illness of two days. She
Is survived by tho following children:
Mrs. J, Bucklaud. Mrs. Kd, Snyder,
Hee-ie Davis, ilwllym, Arthur and
Daniel, of Pilceburg; Mrs. M, Malllii,
of iluzlotnn; Mrc. (1. Da vies, of John
snuburg, and tioiner Da vies, of Car
bonilale. Funeral service will be held
at tho home of the deceased Friday
afternoon at if o'clock. Interment will
bo In the Washburn htreet cemeterj,
Mrs. Thomas Shaffen, or Scruutoit,
spent yesterday nfternoon with her
mother, Mrs. Charles i-;icy. nf Main
si reel.
A very pleasant surprise parly was
tendered Miss Lulu Welland, at her
homo on Main street, on Monday even
ing. Thoau present were; Misses
tirace Kloy, Annie Hock, Hvu Hock.
Llzzi-j Bentham, Ueboeca Wear, Lizzie
Wrlghlpon, Owennle Lewis, Lucy
Oreen, Llzle llionnaii, Mary Logan,
Hannah Isaac. Marie Slmtus, Lizzie
Delchnilller, Mrs. Ilehebrond, Mrs.
Hull. Mrs. J. Welland, Mrs. .1. Kcllv,
.Mrs. Welland: Messrs. II. On key, tt.
lOley, F. Floy, W. Ilehehrontl, M, Wil
liams, W. Puller. K. C. AhkhIii, i.
.Morgans, .1. Armstrong, 11. Plowrlghl,
O. Parrls, A. Parrls, K. Morgans, W.
Dnvls. A. Klcnve, W. Wollnnil, W.
Simpson, ii. iluchanan,
Morris, the oldest sou of Mr, anil Mrs.
Heorge Wood lies seriously III al tholr
home on Main street.
Mrs. August Schmldl, si.. Is conllned
to her bed with sickness, at her hoine
on Albert street,
Walter Honey will leave Ibis place
next week for New Mexico, where he
has accepted a position about the min
ing Industries of Simpson it Watklns
there. Mr. Honey has a long time been
employed by the Hrm or Hunt Cou
ncil In Scranton,
Kdward Dubois Is visiting his par
ents here, lie lias recently left the
I'nltcd Stales navy, having served
three years.
Mrs. K. J. Smith and Carroll Daven
port returned home on Saturday from
an extended visit In New Jersey,
.Mrs. Harold Flsk has recovered from
her Illness of the past two weeks.
Marshall Finn met with a painful ac
cident on Sunday evening- last by fall
ing down a pair of steps leading Into
the cellar. In the fall he sustained a
fracture or a lower rib and is now con
fined to the house.
The Daltou Literary circle enjoyed a
pleasant evening at the home or Mrs.
S. (5. .Shoemaker on Monday lasl.
Mrs. Bullock, of Mansfield, was the
guest of Mr. anil Mrs. W. S. Huslaiulcr
last Sunday.
On Tuesday evening the Kpworth
League held Its annual business meet
ing In the Methodist church and the
following ofllcers were elected: Presi
dent. Nelson Dershlmer: llrst vice
president nnd superintendent of spir
itual work, Miss Anna Wordeir. sec
ond vice-president and superintendent
of mercy and help department, Mrs. O.
P. Stall: third vice-president and su
perintendent of literary work. Professor
C. 15. Dampen: fourth vice-president
and superintendent of social work. Mrs.
J. A. Ptirdon: secretary. A. L. Cooper;
treasurer, Oenrge Smith; organist,
Mrs. J. A. Pardon: assistant organist,
A. L. Cooper.
Mrs. M. 1). Sherman is entertaining
her mother of Klinlra. N. Y.
F. M. Tiffany and Snyder Bros, are
presenting their patrons with pretty
calendars for 1S!-.'.
Parkton and .Miller have purchased
the oltl creamery building of the Lack
awanna railroad, which they have torn
down and removed to Mr. Parkton's
lot where they will use It for the build
ing of a foundry.
Clyde Nefus, who has been critically
HI. is impi oving.
The original Flsk Jubilee singers or
Nashville, Tenn.. will give an enter
tainment at the Methodist church on
the evening of Dec. 20. Their noted
reputation will undoubtedly insure
them a large attendance. 'Pickets are
on sale at S. Bedford's drug store.
Miss Carpenter, of Coin-sen's store,
Scranton, was a guest of Miss Nettie
llallock, last Tuesday evening.
The many friends of -Mrs. Mary
Swallow, who has been an invalid for
a number of years, are sorry to learn
that she has been very much worse
during the past few days.
Mrs. Frank Pratt and children, of
Hed Bank, N, J., and Mrs. Pratt's
mother are spending a rew days with
Mi, and Mrs. J. C. lteynolds.
The Kpworth League society met at
Ihe residence of f Jeorge Steig last
Tuesday afternoon.
The Christmas tree entertainment
will be held al the Baptist church
Christinas eve.
The new store of Buns & Co., on
.Main street Is now opened for busi
ness. Prof, A. Hanyon.who recently moved
to S'cranton, has been a resident here
for a number of years, lie was an ar
dent worker in the Methodist church
and will be greatly missed by all. The
Kpworth league, of which he was pres
ident, gave hint a reception at Un
church parlots, anil a due testimonial
on his departure, showing the esteem
In which he is held by them.
t'nderlakeis Mershon it Cole have
been very busy the past two weeks, at
tending funerals In ihe surrounding
country. W. A. Sanford and Harry .Miller aie
doing jury duty this week.
Hev. J. Krwlu Brodliead, of Forest
city, was the guest of his parents on
I.leilteiiaul 'buries it. Drake, o Kurt
Yellowstone, Is spending his vacation
at the home of bis parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Drake,
The heifer which came to the home of
Air. John Johns will be sold to pay ex
penses, If not soon called for.
Huns Drelstock Is seriously ill at Ills
Mrs. Mary Kdw.irds was a visitor 111
Wllkes-liarre on Tuesday.
The funeral services of .Mrs. William
Hobipsou were held oil Tuesday after
noon. Interment was made In Marcy
The ladles or the Brick church will
give a birthday party to their many
friends on Tuesday evening, December
17. Kvorybody is Invited to come and
bring a cent for each year you have
lived. An entertainment will be given,
and refreshments served during the
Mr, William Hinds lias leturued
home after a few days with his blath
er, S. .1. Hinds.
.Mr. Allied Smith and faiuil. have
moved Into their new home mi North
Main street,
A new piano was put Into Hotel Al
taians on Tuesday.
All books belonging In the Alnoslc
high school library are to be returned
to the school as soon as possible.
Allss Cecelia Burns, of South Main
street, Is seriously ill with appendicitis.
Don't forget the lecture lo bo given
In the .Methodist Kplscopal church this
evening by Dr. Phillips, of Syracuse. N.
V. Subject, "Cape Cod and c.ipo Cod
Airs, John Huberts and Allss Kdna
lauaii attended a rod nil In Scranton
last evening.
Cards aie out .iiiuoiiuclng the mar
riage of Allss Llla Hatchings to Dr.
Aubrey Williams.
Al tho business meeting of tho Kp
worth League Friday evening- the fol
lowing olllcers were elected for six
months: President, Frank Posien;
It Is Always Good
to profit by the expert
ence of others. All who
try Ceylon and India
Tea pronounce it un
equaled in PURITY.
Ceylon Tea
Sold only In Lend racket.
50c, 60c ami 70c. Per Lb.
j Begin 1902
Vilh America's Greatest
Illustrated Newspaper i
oo trial for SI. with FOUR PICTURES In
colon of beautiful women, dran by .Stan
laws, and WATER-COLOR STUDIES by I lie
most famous ol carlcalurljH, " ZIo," FREE.
ll tst vlcc-)i-c!-Iilclil, .Mr.s. ("Scorffc Por
tree: second viee-nresddent, MIhk Apr
lies Watts: third vice-president, Mrs,
Lizzie "Metnu-Kle: fourth vice-president,
.Mrs. IM ward Van llrunt: llfth vice
president. Mrs. Cardncr; treasurer,
Prof. .M. F. Push: oi'Kiinlst, Allss F.nda
.Malum-: secretary. .Miss Augusta Mil
ler. ('. I.. Ovonshlne. of the McCormlck
llarvesthn- Machine company, was a
business caller in town last week.
.Mrs. Fannie Prowu and son Charles
spent Monday in Scranlon,
Mr. MncDoiiald, of Waverly, N. V
wtis the Sliest of Mr. l Silvern Sat
urday nlKhl.
Miss .May llornli.ickei was enter
tained liy friends In Scranton over
.-"ititda v.
Besuinptiou of Sunset Limited Ser
vice Between New York, Phila
delphia and San Francisco, Sea
son 1001-1002.
Commencing November tit) and each
Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday
thereafter, the Washington and South
western Limited, operated dally 'be
tween New fork, Philadelphia and
New Orleans via the Pennsylvania,
P.allroad and Southern Hallway, kv"
Inj," Philadelphia, street station
at C" p, in., composed of (lining, Pull
man drawlng-rooui, sleeping, observa
tion and library cars, hi addition
will carry a special Sunset Limited An
nex Pullman drawing-room compart
ment sleeping cur to connect with tho
Sunset Limited operated between New
Orleans and San Francisco.
Tho celebrated irans-contluental ser
vice otfeicd by these luxurious trains
makes a trip to the Pacllle coast not
only very quids, hut most delightful.
Charles L. Hopkins, district passen
ger agent, Southern Hallway, 3iS
Chestnut street, Philadelphia, will bo
pleased to furnish all Int'ormutloii.
Tomist Cars on Nickel Plato Road.
Sonil-weekly trausciiullnental tourist
cars between tho Atlantic and the p.
i-illc coasts are operated by tho Nickel
Plato and li- connections. Tourist cats
referred to afford tho sumo sleeping at .
coinmodatlons, with same class of
niaiirc-s and other bed clothing that
are ptovldcil In I In regular Pullman
sleeping 'oi' service. These tourist
cms leave llostou .Mondays and "Wed
nesdays, and eai San Francisco Tues
days and Fridays. Peril's In thesn
lotirist cars urn sold nl greatly reduced
rules. Conveniences are oll'eivd without
c.Mra cost, for heating food or prepar
ing tea or coffee, affording every fuel,
liy lor coinl'orl on a long Journey, es
pecially for families traveling with
children. Lowest rates may he obtained
iilways via the Nickel Plato road for
all points In tho west. For MH'clul iiiT
foruiiitloii regarding all trains on tlir
Nickel Pluto road, Including 'hese tour
ist wiirs, consult your nea'est ticket
agent, or write F. .1. Jlonv. general
iiKent, '.".il Main street. Utllfa.o, N. V
Lnckawannn Rallrontl Excursion to
Washington, D. 3.
Special mcursloa ticket' lo Wash
iiigion. I). C. will be sold good going
on any Iraln December ".'l.ind good for
return at any time up to'and ludud
lug December ill. The tate from
Scranlon will be $7.75 fr the round
trip. "
fc-.- fL
-.A'-, -ifc '.-.. ,. -.