,mmmm'msmMmimmmmmimmsmmiAmm,wsmmM&maBm 5!8-i(fc' T " T "- 5f!lf4p 10 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1901, mmmmmMmMm'mfmzpmm&mTm mFmwmwmm C ''' ' ""A..'.. f I x,r. WILL NOT BE IMPRISONED COURT SUSPENDS SENTENCE IN THE AMES CASE. She Entered a Plea of Guilty Yester day and Throw Herself on the Mercy of the Court Berton Gray Convicted and Sent to the Peni tentiary for Two Years and a Half. Case Growing Out of One of the South Side Riots Minus Moses Convicted Other Cases. Airs. Aniilt! Amen, charged with un lawful relutlotiH with Dr. Kniipi), of Potent City, yi'Htimlny pleailoit guilty, itid court suisik'ihUmI sentence. Mr. Amen wiih nrrestetl with the doctor In i hotel In this city. Hotli were Indicted :ind the doctor wiih convicted nnd sen tenced to u term of lintiflsonnieiit In the county jail. After the conviction of the doctor, Mr. Aiiich, who wan behind llio prosecution of 'both, declined to pursue the ense ngalnst his wife, and a not pros, was entered. This displeased Mis. Kimpp, who thought her liusbimd's partner was as much deserving of punishment as he Mils, and she had her re-arrested and Indicted for the second time. Yester day Mrs. Ames entered n plea of guilty, and her attorney, Joseph O'Hrlen. made an urgent plea to have sentence sus pended. He snld Hint her husband has forgiven her and Is willing to take her back, that she has a daughter who needs her eilie nnd that, moreover, she is shuttered In health. Judge l-M wards said It was the policy of the. law to keep married people to gether, rather than to separate them. That wns the reason the nol tiros, was permitted to be entered In the former case. In such eases, the .ludge said, the inun Is more to blame than the woman, and If sympathy is extended It ought to go out to her. He therefore suspended sentence. Convicted of Perjury. Annie Wengrenlk, Frank Wengrenlk nnd ivter Butcher were tried on a charge of perjury, preferred by Joseph Migda. All the parlies live in Carbon dale. The Migdas had a christening at their home on Sunday. March -I, last, and in accordance with a I'ulMi custom, offerings were made by the guests for the child. Wenyrenik claimed during the chris tening that Ills watch hud been stolen and he asked Migda to recover it for him. Migda said lie knew nothing about it, whereupon 'SVengreiiik, in a spirit of pique, went before Alderman Atkinson and had a. warrant, sworn nut, charging him (Migda) with selling liquor on Sunday. The. three defend ants testitied at the hearing that the money they gave was in payment for the beer and other intoxicants which were served. Migda was discharged, and he imme diately had the three defendants ar l i-sled on the charge of perjury. They all took the stand yesterday and swore that they testitled before the alderman in good faith, believing that the money that gave was in payment for the in toxicants served. They were adjudged guilty by the jury and were reconi liended to the mercy of the court. South Side Riot. When courl adjourned, Daniel and Vutrlek Finnegan were on trial before 'udge Edwards on a charge of assault and battery preferred by Superintend ent of Police Frank Holding, jr. The prosecution is offering to show .hat on October ;i Patrolman Thomas Jones saw James Murray throw a stone at a street car on Piltston ave nue, and that lie placed him under arrest. It is claimed that Patrick Fln pegan knocked Patrolman Jones down and sat on him, and that when Mor gan Sweeney placed Patrick under ar rest, his brother Daniel took Jones' club and revolver away and assisted others in the crowd to drug liim along the street. The defendants deny that they com mitted any assault. Patrick says that lie merely asked Jones to allow him to take Murray home, because of the lat ter'K intoxicated condition, and Daniel claims that the only connection lie had with the affair was to advise his hrnther to go along peaceably with Morgan Sweeney. The evidence is all In, and Judge Edwards will charge the jury when court opens this morning. Mecca Changed His Plea. Angelo Mecca was put on trial before Judge Wlieaton yesterday, charged with selling liquor without a license and to minors, Antonio Corrello, prose cutor, and dealing and tralllcklng in registered bottles, Henry Ulrleli, prose cutor. The evidence was to the effect that Mecca had been selling beer from kegs and bottles at Ills place in Dun more, and that lie used the registered bottles of A. Scliroeder and Frank Har rlelt. Tile accused was defended by At torney C. K. Daniels, After the commonwealth rested, the ehnrge of selling to minors was with drawn and the defendant then recalled his plea of not guilty and pleaded guilty to selling without a license and tralllck lng In registered bottles, He will bo sentenced Saturday, Minus Moses Convicted. Minus Moses, a young man, who lives on IV'iin avenue, and who for years has been looked upon as not well-balanced mentally, was put on trial be fore Judge Kelly yesterday, charged with attempting to commit a criminal nrwiult on C-ycar-old Mary Quint. The offense Is said to have been committed one (venlng, several months ago.among thu "Masks," near tho Dickson foundry, on Vine street. Thu testimony was that Moses was found near llio girl with his person exposed. lie denied tho charge, and attempted to prove an alibi, Tho Jury found him guilty of- assault and battery, Gray Sent to Penitentiary. Derton Gray, the colored man, who was tried Tuesday on a charge of slash ing Patrick Caffrey, of Green Itldge, with a razor In Raymond court, was yesterday found guilty. Judge Kelly sentenced hi in to two years and six months at hard labor In thu Eastern penitentiary. MINOR CRIMINAL OASES. Frank Carluccl, James Llpnlck and Peter I.obuteittl, the three boys put on trial Tuesday on a charge of malicious mischief, preferred by Mrs. Mary Sulli van, of Ninth street, yesterday with drew their plea of not guilty and plead ed guilty. Sentence was suspended, Joseph Gurvls, Anthony Muckulis and If t&m Twelve Years of Awful PBIo Pain. A. K. Aurlnger, Urnldwood, III., says: "After HUfferlng untold agony for over twelve yeai-H from both forms of piles, and trying nil sorts of pile remedies without relief, I am completely cured by Pyramid Pile Cure." Sold by all druggists, RO cents a box. Hook, "Piles, Causes and Cure," malted free. Pyra mid Drug Co., Marshall, Mich. Kiln Muckalis were chnrged with rob bing Adam Yoiialonls of $10, on Cuslck avenue, In North Scralilon. The defend- .iiiin i(?iiil'i uir uiiurge, iiiiu men iuhu- mony went to show that all of the par ties were drunk nnd had a brawl in the house of the prosecutor. Mrs. Mary Shaw was on trial before Judge Kelly when court adjourned, charged with embezzling $77 from the Moses Taylor council, Ladles' auxiliary of the Hrotherhood of Hallway Train men. The lodge is located on the West Side, nnd Mrs. Shaw was the treasurer. The prosecutrix Is Mrs. Artie 'iiirlow, the president. Mrs. Shaw's defense Is that she has not embezzled any funds, that she is willing and ready to settle her accounts as soon as tht ollicers of the lodge surrender her bond and prop erly audit her accounts. Thomas Uellly. who pleaded guilty to one charge of larceny and receiving and was convicted of another, was yes terday sentenced by Judge Edwards to Ml costs and one year In the county Jail. S. D. Gallon, the well known clothing merchant, was yesterday declared not guilty of the charge of malicious mis chief, preferred by John G. Iteesc, of the American Hill Posting: company. Itceso claimed that he obtained permis sion from K. J. Jlfkins to put up a ulll board on die building now occupied by Mr. Calico, at the corner of Penn avenue and Centre street. He claimed that Jlfkins said that his father, Thomas Jlfkins, the owner of tin- build ing, hud given him authority to allow the erection of the bill board. The board was creeled in January and Mr. Wallcti moved Into the building in April, Ho tore the bill board down in August. Thomas Jlfkins testitled that lie had not authorized his son to allow a bill board on the building, and said that if a tenant objected he would nol allow one to be erected. The law is that a bill board cannot be erected if the tenant objects. Tho costs wore divided between both parties. When court adjourned, J. J. Harl nett was on trial on the charge of sell ing liquor without a license, on the corner of Phelps street and Capouso avenue. Tho prosecutor is Robert Wil son, of the Municipal league, and the arrest was made in 1SH9. Several of the league's detectives testitled to having purchased intoxicants in the place. Hnrtnett denies that he was the pro prietor of the pluce, claiming that his brother, Dennis, now dead, was thu owner. Tony Fihir was yesterday adjudged guilty of stealing cement from M. II. Dale and was recommended to the mercy of tho court. He was senteiaeil to pay a tine of $1 and costs and to spend ten days in the county jail. A verdict of not guilty was taken by agreement in the case of O. E. Jones, former manager of the Dyceum theater, who was charged with embezzlement by George A. Dounce, of the Scramon Dairy company. A verdict of not guilty was taken in the case of Anthony Schiniinlsky, charged with selling liquor' to minors by Joseph Broborack, the latter fall ing to appear. Yesterday's Marriage Licenses. fiiilsrppc ( liloih lJiiiunoi'e Homlnda Petrclln Dunmoio William llumplury Scranton M.ir.v Palis Scuiilon Klmcr O. Midd.iugh Iluaillfv. Amu 1'recthy Ski'llelt llawlcy Mm I'limo Scr.uitiMi Mis, Annie McNcary Snantcti Andrew t '"-.Wo (ii ecnludi I l'.illtli Linily IMvIs Mj) III 1.1 COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. 1'. T. (Hill, rcu up In tlio ease of Kate Wit. Hams attain-.! the city of Sir.inlun, awarded tlie plaint III 2,000 ihm.ues yctciday, hi the divorce piocccdiio Inoimlit by I', V. Itolililiix niMiiiil Prances 11. Iluhliliia, court jr.. trnliy is-ncd nn order dlnrtini; the llbcll.iut to (llf a lilll nf particular within thirty iljyj. W. llaylor, ri'f.Ti'C in Ihe suit brouuht by poiniuick- lloalcy .iK.ili.tt tho city of Siranton, for nllwi'i) damages MiMnlni'il by the widc-nlii',- of Minion klii'i't, ut tho iiii nor ot Ninth, jctciday ilooldcd tho ojso in favor nf tho city, Harry K. Unwind, William llealey and .lus-ph Kropelcb, of tho Second ward, Olj pliant, nml II, A. Thornac, of tho lVmilh ward of till-, ipe. ,ve.-tclday loipioMod Audit Itoliirt Wllon, of Mm Municipal league, to furnUi them with bills nf particulars in tho ailions brouijlit ausint thorn for a tevocatlon nf Ihoir licenses, In onlor tint they may bo prrpiird whin tho cases, come up before aiKumont court next wool., ARGUMENTS IN THE DONINE TRIAL. Uy l'.uluslvc Wire from The Awoolatod press, Washington, Poc. 11, Tho final aiuumcnt of counsel woie b'Biui thi'. afternoon in tho Mil if Mm. Lola Ida llonlno, cluritoil with tho kiHiii nt (Vnstu t'lirk A.vn. Aitaiit piitikt At Inc. noy Tai,'Jrt ope I fur tho government, Thu m. til c inniiiinK telon was devoted to tho nihiii a hlon ot tho riyi-r for tho Bomniiirnt 1 1 1 tlw ilofinso. (I, M, riillun, of caiinscl for tho tin. feiiM', foil nviil Mr, TJiarirl. Tho urinuuniti probably will bo finished tomorrow and tho caaa nay no io mo jiuy mio in ino aiiornoon. Killed by nn Engine. lly r.xiiualH' Wire from The Associated l're. Lancaster, l'a., Poc, J), fiooruv' Allwcln, ae.l 35, a IVniiijivanh rJilio.ul cariienler, IhU oven. Iiii; wIiIIb ictiuiiliiir fioui work to hn homo In thij city, nnd walking on the railroad, win tluui: by a thltlliiff englno and instantly killed, , body IicIiik toirlbly niutiljtfd. In trying to avo. ono train Allwcln stepped in front i.f tho njtln which killed him. - MoKlnley Administrators. Uy Exclusive Wire from Tho Associated Press. Canton, O., Dec. Jl. The bonds ot floorce II. Cortolyou and Judo William It. Pay as adminis trators, with will annexed, of the estate of th late President WlllUm McKInley were tiled In the probate court today and approved by 'iM Aumt today. Tho binds te each In the u'm of 1100.000. They wcrei furnished by a n-vluJ surctv company, i WE ARE GOING UPWARDS PAST IMPORTANCE OP LOCAL POST OFFICE INCREASE. Lnst Year It Stood Fifty-second Among the Postofilces of the Uni ted States and This Year It Is the Forty-sixth It Is the Third in tho State Figures Showing the Business Done by the Local Office. Some Comparisons Made. Scrnnlon Is the third city In tho stale of Pennsylvania as far as the receipts from the postofllce business Is con cerned, and stands forty-sixth In the United States along the same line. The figures which follow are based on the sale of stamps, stamp paper, box rents and second class mall matter, and do not Include receipts front money or ders. Philadelphia leads, with Pittsburg second and Hcranton third In this state. In thu Kcranton olllce the ex penses for the llscal year ending Juno !!0, 11101, were !!(! per cent, of the re ceipts, thus the government earned t)4 per cent, profit from this olllce. The previous year the local olllce stood fifty-second In the Pnlted States. The total amount of business done at the Scranton olllce was $201,029, and a. comparative estimate can be drawn from tho amount done in other cities of the state as follows: 1'hll.uiolphl. $:!,C05,301 IMtAlmig I,t0,jl3 Sirantoii . ail.ui) Alh'slionv 1!.".II H.iriMiurB 1I.J.VM lti'iiillm; imi.tKII Wllke-Haiiv 71. 4'.'.! WIIH.imi.piil fiSJOl This Is ii remarkably good showing for this city, and at the rate we are increasing In population and along other lines. Scranton will soon be In the first class. INDUSTRIAL JOTTINGS. Conference of Lackawanna Officials Concerning the Now Book of Rules Today's Board. A conference on the new book of rules, which go into effect on the Lackawanna railroad on December 22, was held In this city yesterday and was participated In by General Super intendent T. K. Clarke, Superintendent K. M. Klne, .Superintendent Phillips, of the ISul'falo division; Trainmaster John Honaii, of tiufftilo: Trainmaster J. fi. Sii'kles, of the .Morris & Essex division: Chief Dispatcher A. W. Chapman, or Buffalo; Trainmaster ti. (', Kcrrls, of Syracuse, and others. The conference was held in Train master J. .1. AlcCann's olllce, and in struction on tho book of rules was giv en by Superintendents Clarke, ftine and others. J)., L. & W. Board for Today. Tho following is the make-up of the V., L. and W. board for today: WnPNlMUY, PKt'KMMIIt 11. Wild Cats. i:,ist -s p. in., M. l,.iiiKhnoy; !) p. in.. t. W. Hint; 1(1 p. in., Ii. T. Staple, 11 i. in., I'. L. lii'soic. Wild ('.it", i::,..l.,'iii a. m., M. Klimritj ; t a. in.. I'. Ilalletlj .', a. in., I). Wall.uo; 7 .1. in., woik train, . lt.nulolph; S a. in., John Il.ixt'T; : a. in., . A. Ilaitliulomovr; 111 a. in., A. II. ltiivvv; 11 a. in.. A. I'. Million; I p. in., A. If. llumuiitt; 2 p. in., O. KiMinoy; '.1 p. in., O. W. I'it.L'orald; .'i . in., liioio Thnm.n; 0 p. m.. V. V, St even-, SiiinmiN, Kli'. II a, in., o.'i-t, .1. CairiRS; 'S a. in., nift, (I, riinnifiilicr; II a. in., woj.1, Nlchnls; 11 a, in., Kinsley; 2 p. til., Thompson; II p. in., TliiimpMrn; 7 p. in., .Nay Auu, I;. MoAlli.-tir; S p. in., .M. lioldi'ii. Pushi'r.---i, a. in., Vidnoi ; 7 a. i.i.. S. Kinnopy, S a, in., HoiMr; II I.", a. in., Mourn; ."i p. in., !'. MiP.iniieU; ti p. in.. C. Ilnitliiilnnu-u ; 7.:iil p. in., Muipliy; II p. in., W. II. ISartholomow; II) p. in,. Lain niliLT. I'a.-soinior IlnsiiiO' 7 a. in., I). Miller; 7 n. in., P. Sinircr: in a, in., Niuuunn; 10 n. in., t K. Soi'or; Ii .15 p. in., Stanton; ,s.,!u p. m., MilJovorn. Wild ('..Is, Wo-l-.s a. in., T. Il.iiiilir.in; 10 a. in., It. Cn-lnor; I p. in.. Koliham; I p. in., .1. Oinlcy; II p. in., I'. Wall; tl p. in., M. (ilnloy, with M. i'.iiiiuiil's now. XOTICK. TiiriiM).v, i)i:(T.Min: 12. .1. fioiiity and now will inn ti .1. m. wild cat, Per. 12, for lliil.ci'ton. Willi. 1111 Hoar will run ii a. in, wild cal, with 1'. Cllliiraifii cri'vv, Doc. 12, and until fintlicr no the. ltiakemon John 11. Jones', Sam Snyder and It. .Miiii.ik1i.ui will go on with John Maxtor until fur. thor nntioo. Itrakeinau J. I..in,'an ropnrls for (l. Kearney. o PHILIPPINE TARIFF BILL. Will Be Reported Favorably in the House Tomorrow. fly llxiiuslvo Wire fiiun Tho Assoiiated Press. Washington, Dec. 11, At a meeting of tho ways and means committee to day Chairman Payne was directed to favorably report to thu house the Phil ippine tariff bill which the Republican members of the committee agreed upon yesterday. The report will be made Friday and the bill will be considered In the house next Tuesday with a vote at 4 p, in. on Wednesday Instead of on Tuesday as at llrst planned. Some surprise was occasioned at the failure of the minority of the commit tee to ask for a division and volo on HEADACHE CHARMED. It Is the Experience of Scranton Peo ple That Proves tho Magical Effect of Dr. Chase's Nerve Pills with Sick and Nervous Headache. It has never come to any other medi cine never to all medicines the abundance of Scranton testimony showing tho unequaled merit estab lished by Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills. There js probably no case of nervous sick headache they will not cure, Mrs. James Watson, of No, 3 IS Twelfth street, Scranton, Pn says; "Dr, A, W. Chase's Nerve Pills are line. I began to use them for nervous slclc headaches and nervousness, and had great success In stopping them completely, Recently I used them to ovorconio the depression and weak nesses following grip and they wero again successful, giving niu bodily strength and nerve steadiness. As an all-round nerve and general tonic they are grand, and I am very much pleased that iny attention wus called In them through Matthews Pros., druggists, 320 Lackawanna u venue. Dr. A. V. Chase's Nerve Pills are sold at EOc u box at dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chaso 'ftledlclnu Co., liulYulo, N. V, See that portrait and signature of A. W. !husu. M. D.. are on every paekuge. Goldsmith's Bazaar iJ5.BlA G.B 3 Rugs and Art Squares For Holiday Gifts ! Our large stock of these useful j j and ornamental articles, now on sale gj 2 in our Rug Department on 2nd floor. ; S ! Jute Smyrna Rugs, 5 $r'$; our price 4 Velvet Wilton Rugs, size 30x60, (fc AQ h $2.00; our price P 1 T'V g 3 wort Heavy Smyrna Reversible Rugs, f Oft $: worth $2.50; our price vlVO gj 2 Large size Marquette Rugs, new j5 AQ : patterns, worth $3.00; our price PT'V ! j$ All-Wool Art Squares, measuring t A A r : v5 7 XA square yards, worth $6.00; our price PT'T" "5 . t. ...... 2 ah- Wt.oi Art squares, measuring P C Af S 9 square yards, worth $7.00; our price POzr" g ! $erPlease present your checks when they gj g amount to $10.00 and obtain one of our Gen- 5J 2 uine Steel Engravings, beautifully framed and g; ! ready to hang, free of charge. Remember the distribution of these pictures continues only j $ until December 31st, 1901. & the question of reporting the bill. In tho absence of such request no vote was recorded. Numerous conferences of Democratic members wero held prior to tho meet ing of the committee today because of the question which had arisen as to united opposition to the Philippine bill drafted by Republican members. It developed that the four Louisiana members now in the city, Representa tives Robertson, Meyer, Davey and Uansdell, were favorable to the bill and that the two Louisiana members out of the city, Messrs. Rroussard and Brcazeale probably would favor it. The Louisiana members made no conceal ments of the fact that the sugar indus try of their state required the measure of protection against Philippine sugar which the majority bill gave by apply ing the Dlngley rates. Under these cir cumstances the minority members reached no united decision as to op posing the bill, and although there will be a minority report opposing the measure on general grounds the Louis iana members will hold themselves in dividually free for the bill. BIG LICK MINE SEALED. An Effort Made to Smother the Dis astrous Fire. By K.xclnsivp Wire from The Assnit.itiil Press, Harrlsburg, Dec. 11. The big lick mine lire, near Lykens, may be extin guished before many hours. Kven now there am hopes that the lire, which has been raging in one of the abandoned workings, Is under control. Today, men, nt great risk, sealed up the mine at both ends. The long gal lery toward Lykens was closed and the mine opening at Pig Lick was sealed up. This, It is thought, will smother tho llames, as no air can gut to them. Water Is being piped from "Willams town, In case It should be necessary to turn It Into the mine. Additional Passenger Train Service via Southern Railway. Effective Nov. 1M, the Southern Rail way will operate through train service from Washington via Richmond, Vu to Florida and points south. The now train will be known as No. 29 and will leave Washington at 10.M) a, m. over the Washington Southern Hallway and arrive Jacksonville, Flu., at 0.13 a. in. This train carries first class coaches and Pullman drawing room sleeper between Washington and Jacksonville, also hus dining car ser vice, The above train Is In addition to tho full complement of train ser vice of Southern Hullway via Lynch burg and Danville, ' Chas, L. Hopkins, District Passenger Agent, Southern Hallway, S2S Chestnut St., Philadelphia, will furnish all In formation, The True Southern Route, Tho most comfortable and direct re u to to all points south nnd south west Is via the New Jersey Central, Only ono change of cars between Scranton and Charleston, Atlanta, Jacksonville, St. Augustine, Ashvllle, New Orleans and all other prominent points south, Pullman service tho entlro route, Only ono change of cars to St, Louis, Cincinnati, Louisville, etc, Quaker City Kxpress leaving Scran ton at 7.00 a. in., Wllkes-Uarre at 7.50 a. in., arrives at Philadelphia at 12 noon, Washington at 3.30 p. m. Through solid vestibule train with Pullman I lur id Parlor Car, J. S. Swisher, District Pass. Agent, Scranton. The popular Punch cigar Is still th leader of the 10a cigars. & Si size 30x60, worth 0&-r 5. VOW J1 RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Lehigh Valley Railroad. in V.tlrul Nov. :;, 1001. Trains lcii' S-ninton. For I'hl lati.'lphi.i ami New York mj Ii. .t II. R. It., .it f,.: .mil '.i.MS a. in ul 'J. id, 1.2; (Black Ui.imoiul i:pie-s), and II. iW p. in. fcun ikijs, II. .fc II. H. I!., I..W, S.-.7 .. hi. I'Vir White ll.Hon, lliulrton ami irincip,tl pomli in the eo.il lesion. i.i I). - II. It. It.. ii.:t, :!.1S nml i.'ll i. in. Tor I'otlM ille, Ul. in.. J.1S p. in. Kor lifllili'hriii, Kj-Iiiii, liiMilini;. ll.n I'isliurs. nml iirineip.il inlcimeiliale Mill ion.-, via II. .'; II. II. It., .SS, H.iW a. in.: 2. IN 1.27 (lll.uk Dl.i moml l!pre.v), 1l..'if p. in. Suml.i, II. & II. It. It., !i.3S a. in.: 1. .IN N27 p. in. For Tniikhainiork. Tmvamla, Khnii.i. llh.H"i. I.'enria and prinoipal inleriiuili.ite Nation-, u 1)., I,, sun! W. It. It., Nio n. in. .mil :i..'n p. m. For Cii'iiov.i, l(ni'lii'ter. Ilnll.ilo, M.ig.ir.i Pall-, Chli-aRd ami all pomU voi-l, ia I). ,v II, it. It., 7.1S, I2.WS n. in.. I.I.!. :i.2S (lllaek Diauioml I'.. press), 7.1?, 10.11, 11. HO p. m. Snmla.s, II. i II. It. II.. 12.0.1, S.27 p. in. I'nllniaii pallor and sleepinc or Lehigh Valley Pallor i.irs on all tiain- lielneeii Wilki'-.-Ilanc nml New York, I'hilailelpln.i, linfl.ilo and Sn-pen-sion Hride, ItOI.I.IN II. WU.1U1I, tlcii. Siipl., 2(i Cortland ftivet, New Voik. fUAHI.KS S. I.i:i:. Hen. P.Ks. A(?l., 2fl Cortland fctreet, New Yolk. A. V. N()Ni:lA(Tli:il, Div. l'a-. Aqt,, South llethl(h"in, l'a. For tickets and I'nllnun re-eivation apply to oily ticket uflke, CD l'nVlif Siiiure, Will.e.s-It.ure, l'a. New Jersey Central. In Ktl'eit Nov. 17, IWI. Stations in New Yolk, foot of I.ilicrly tlreut and South I'ciry, N. It. Trjins le.ne .Scianton for New Yuri:, Philadel phia, Fa-ton, Ilethleliein, Allcntown, MjiiuIi 1'hiink, While Haven, Ashley and Wilkes-llanu nt 7.1.0 a. in., 1 p. in, and I p. in. Sunday, 2.10 p.iu, (jiuUi'r City lCspie-n le.nes Sc.'anlon at 7.;i0 n. in., throii','h wild ililnili train with Pullman Pullet Parlor ('."'. for Philadelphia. For Auua, I'lttstun and Wilkes-llane, 1 p. m, and I p. ni. Sunday, 2.10 p. .in. For lams Hi. inch, Ocean til dm.', ete,, 7.M a. in. and 1 p. in. For IteadinK, Leli'inon and HanLlnirg, via Ab lentuwii, at 7.0 a. in. and 1 p. in. Sundiy, 2.10 p. in. For I'ottsvllle id 7.M a, in. and 1 p. in. For tales and tlikeU apply to aitent at station. C. M. IllUtT, (leu. Pa's. S, W, W. WKSTZ, lien. Supt. Delaware and Hudson. In infect Nmenilicr 21, 1U0I, Trains for Caihondale le.ne Sii.iuton at 11,20, s.oo, N.vi. io.ia a. in.: i2.oo, 1,20. 2.:u, .sj, .1.2'), 0.'.'5, 7.S7, 1U5, ll.'.O P. in. : l.iil a. m. For lluui'Mlalc, 0.20, 10.FI a. in.; 2,:it and n.'.'j p. in. For Wilkes-ltarie d.N 7,b, 8.11, u.:n, Iii.I'J a. m.i 12 ttl, 1.IJ, -'.1, .!!, t.-JT, 11.10, 7. IS, 10.11, tl.WI p. Ill, For I.. V. . II. PolnU-aiiS, O.iii a. in. ; 2.13, J.27 and ll.aO l'. l. For IVnns.i'ianlii II. II. Points (i..'H, O.Si a. in.; l.t-. !!.- '"I'' 4'-7 I1' '" For Albany -md all points uortli n.20 a, in. and :i.W P. in. Sl'NIlAY TIIAIXS. For Cailiondale h,50, 11. ' a. in.; 2,31, i!.u2, B.H3 ami ie.- !' ' For Wllkes-ll.iire-t'.as a. m.; 12.0.J, l.M, s.-ii, U,"2 ami t. 12 p. in, For Albany and imliit-, noilh 11.52 p. in, For lloue-dale-s.W :u in, and il.52 p. m. . Ij. P1IYOII, ). P. A., .Suantoii, l'a. New York, Ontario and Western. In lllfi'i't Tui'Mlay. Sept, 17, 11WI, .Ntiitni mil xii. l,c.no lie.ne Airlio Trains No. 1 Nu. 7 Si'i'Jiituii, t'.iibondale. t'adoala. Il).;i0 a. 111, II. Ilia. 111. l.(l p, m. ll.lili. 111, A r. Caibondaleli. 10 p, in. MUTIl IIUU.NI). I.eaiu Leave Arrlic t'ado'.la, t'ail.ouilale, Herauton, 7.U0a. 111. 7.10a. m. Tiain, No. a No, 2.11 P. m. I.iiil ;p, in. I.IUp. in. I E3U.MI.n If.M.I, .llltl IHIl .Ml, l.eaui Leave .11U0 Seranloii. Caibouilale, ( .doila, Tiain' No. 11 No. 0 I-.., 'i a, 111. n. 111 11.111 , jo. 1.', j. in. 7.UI U'l p. III. , fcOl'TIl r. I Mrlioui UIo 7.iii. in. HOl'Ml, Lejvu I'j'lu-la. l.e.uii Arrive Cjiboud.ile. Seraiilou, 7.U0a. 111, 7.10 a. in. Train. No. U , No. It). l.:;0 p. 111. il.mi p. 111. U.I,', p. ui. Tra Hi No. 1 on week dam. anil 11 on Miudji.. nul.e main line luiuicctloni for New V01U lit, illddlctoiMi, Vt'ulton, Noiwlch, One Ida, t)jWec;o and all pnlnU went, 1'or fiulhci' IntoniLitloii, eoionlt tleKet aientd. J. ('. AN'lli.UMi.V, (I. P. A., ew Vork. J. II. WLLSII, T. P. A., Scranton, Pa. Erie Eoilroad, Wyoming Division. Train.' for New Voile, Newbuiith and Intrun. illito pointt leave Sirautoii. .14 lulliu; T.-.'y a. in.,; '-'.i" p. in. Alilvali 0,:i." a. 111. from .Mlddlttoun. lionet' dale, llaulcy and InteriueiliaU' poinU; U.iU p. 111. fioni New Yolk, Ncwburcjh and inlvlinedlatc uoluts. No Sunday traluj. FINLEY'S 0 0 t 9 0 9 Umbrellas From 45c to $22.50 Last season we in troduced the custom of Engraving Initials, free of charge. We still continue to do so. Dress Patterns Nothing more ac ceptable as a gift to Mother than a Nice Dress Pattern. We carry an un ending assortment in cotton, in wool, in silk. Foulard Dress Patterns Liuerty Satin Foul ards, Silk Waist Lengths. Only one pattern of each style. 0 9 9 9 9 9 9 510 and 512 Lackawanna Avenue 9 o NONE SUCH MinceMeat From a regular 10-cent package of "None Such" Mince Meat you can make, as you choose and when ever you want them, Two LARGE Pies :r?4 w -w.. S&i l-Vtfv -'ill ?&', i; D. f , xi. NSfe c-' &W WJf &iM THREE sMAtt. PIES or a Fruit Pudding or a Fruit Cake, or a batch of " None Such Hermits." Simple, yet delicious recipes on every package. "None Such." Condensed .V.lnce means tor sale Dy every trooa grocer, ii: 1 Let us Know u your aeaier reiuses 10 ply you. we win ten you one mac UEBEELL-SOLLC CO., Syricutc, N. Y. Allis-Chalmers Co Successors to Machine Business ot Dickson Manufacturing Co., Scranton anil Wllkes-Uarre, Pa. Stationary Engines, Boilers, Mining Machinery, Pumps. ATLANTIC CITY HOTELS. Grand Atlantic Hotel rND annex Virginia Ac. and Peach, Atlantic City, N. J. Sixth year; 2.30 beautiful looms ensuile, ulngle and with bath; hat and cold sea-water latin in hotel and annex. Location select and ccniral, within few jards of the fctrel I'icr. ' Orchestra, Olliru tpcelal spring rates, $12 to $15 by week; .'.60 up by day, ypuelal rate la fjmlllei. Cojchej meet ill traiiu, Write for booklet. CHAIILUS E. COl'E. RAILROAD TIME TABLES Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western. In Lftect Nov, a. IDOL Tuliu, leave Scranton for New Voik--At 1. 10, 3.15, U.IH. 7,M and 10, U3 .1, 111.; li.15. Ji.IO, l.,U II. 111. Kor New Yoik and I'hiladelphla 7.S0, io.0.1 a. 111., ami 12,13 and a.S:i p, 111, I'or Toliy. lianua At ti.K) p. m. 1'or lluiUIn 1.15, ''.-- and ii.uj u. 111,; 1,55, u.50 and ll.::r p. m, 1'or ilin luiutoii and way ktath'iH- lo.-H a. 111, ami I 10 p. 111. 1'or ()vvi'hu, SjiatiKe and Utlea 1.15 and ii.22 a. 111.; 1.35 p. in, CtaviMju, Sjraciw md i'tlt'j. tiain at ti.Sl a, 111. dally, except .Suudaj, 1'or .Montioe 0,00 a. 111.; 1,10 and ii.50 p. 111. NI1I10I.-011 iucoiiiiuod.iliou-l.liO and U.15 i. m. llUiiiimlinr,' Dlvlalon I'or Norlhuliiberlanil, at li.liS and 10.0' 11. in.; 1,53 and 11.10 . 111. I'or I'lVinniilli, at S.10 11, 111. j a.to and li.'m p. lit. Sunday Tiain. 1'or New ork, l.io, a.I5, ll.a", and IO.113 a, in.; ;I.I0, a.a.t p I'or llullalo 1.15 and 11.2:1 a, 111.; 1.55, U.JII and ll.M p. 111. For llinuhaniton ami way latioiiv-lH.Vd a. in. HlouiiiMiiiii: Divlfion Leave Scianlon, 10.03 a, III. and o.io p. 111. Pennsylvnuia Bailrontl, Siludiile lu Illicit June 2, IIWl. Train leave Siranlon; tVM a. in,, week d.iia, tliruti'jli veillbuli! tiain liom WllUcw-llane. 'u man buffet pallor car ami coaches to Phlladl phla, vil l'oltville; (top. at piiucip.il iuluiiie ill.lto MJtiniu, Al'.o coiimcU for Siinbuiy, ar rWnnv, Phlladeliihla, lUHImorc, aiilni,'toii and lor PilWmijj and Ihe vvc.l. U.lib 11. ill,, week ilaja, lor .Siinbuiy, llaifUbuii;, I'hlladeliihl.i, lUHImuie, WaihliiKton and 'itt. bun,- and the Met. 1,42 l. in., vviek dajs (Siiinljik. !..,) 11, in.), for S1111I1110, llJIllkbuii;, Philadelphia. Ililtiiiiue, WukIiIiikIiui and I'llltlmi'i, ami Ihe vvel. ;i.'js p. m.. week d.iy-i, t In mivrli ve..bule I1.1I11 fiom Wlllavlliiie, Piillimiu bullet pallor 1 .11 and coaches to Phlladelphli via Pottvile. Stoi, ut principal Inti'lliK'dlaie alatiom. 1,27 p. 111.. well: ilaja, lor lluKton, Suuhiiiy, HaiiUburb', 1'hiladi'lphl.i and Pltt.biiic;, J. II. III'TCIIIXSOV. Ccn. Mr. J. II. WOOD, Oeu. l'j. Ant. HOW THIS STOIIK relicts the holiday palely I rhc hlaiinlnir mid nrepart. lions nf in,mii i., nr(, ow uppar ent. He vwo Ihliiklnp: ot jour lie leinbrr wants loinc before YOU wtre i.i.i .1 uirounh wllh vtimmer'ii 1cMtrii we ooked jlicailt we n need our order while n.'lccv lion mm ,oj, and the imult Is lh.it never before h.ue wo hail mi ioniiietf n utock, m vorleil 1,11 (iiHimnt, o nil that I, beSi ,, tiVha.idhV, Z set liefori! you. ' i,Jl.'ci.r,',.i,1.l.,,i "n'J"lBlvlinr Chrlstimu Rlfbmre beie In iibundaiiee! from tot lu Rrnnd.slre-tliero'a Minielhlns heiu to plc.ue every one. Mm Ml IB c 0 I I ou won I make .1 mUtake ( linens .lie your (lioli,. for itlfKs llieie Is ihiMiIiik -11 pleaslnj; to the inn fill hoiiM'Wlle a.- Kieal iiuanlllle.s of bed and Inble linen-. ' U"e ln'lii'io our .i-Miilmi'iil iiueiualled for ari ely liotli In iuallly mil pilee. A pair of niee w.ilin blaukeU or a llutlv liim foitalile would make .111 i'iecilliii;ly de.vir.ib'le i;lft. When (llil .l.uk l'iu-1 nines wliistMnc arouuil, null tlilnirH us llicsi- ale Iiet appreciated. Illinkets In all weights nml Kr.ide-. from popular ea.tein ool to I ho ureal waini, loiui'impped (.illlnilii.1 pioduil. And i onifoi tables 110 end to 'em. A hint ot oilier tcaouable iuviili.iiiillc Glovas Petticoats Hosiery Silk Waists Neckwear Novelties Fancy Goods, Etc, You will find iiio-l of o llilnir you've set vour mind on and Hie price-, will ple.iM' you, Tlili slore nks Jour palion.i'.'e boeiuse it ile sen is 11. The newe.st l.los, the hnesl wares am Men 011 our loautris at all seasons There sreies nn 11nns11.1l nhuiidince ol Ihinirs just ut tills sea Mm, but Dial's In ciiisp pisl iion lou'ie MlOKI.Nt, SIIAItl'FIt I li.m in usual 1 Inn. Hut lie II Christ mas or uiid'sumiiier we keep the More for nu. ou I'.in buy heir in pcifirl .'issiuani,' that dollar for dollar this .store K the .store of xieatost Nairn's While we .ippni iale llio delishN ot Chrhlin.it shoppim;, i.-peiially the plea-nuMe eeilem,-'iil. Ihe l.i.st few days Inliur, we would adiisc c.nly pineliasiim', liee.iu-e ll,,' asoilun'ut is far meate'r now lli.in it will be just lu-lnie 'In I-.tin.i-,: (Ills makes shopping- ci-ier and sun ou lime, wiileli ,11 Ibis M-ason is .so aluahle. EDUCATIONAL. Free Tuition By a recent act of tho legisla ture, free tuition is now granted at tho Literary Institute and State Normal School Bloomsburg, Pa. to nil those preparing to teach. This school maintains courses of study for teachers, for those preparing for college, and for those utiulyliig music. it will pip to write for particulars. No other .school offeia such wncrior ad. lant&gcs nt such low rates. Addicsf J.P.WolsX A. M., Ph. D-, Pi'Ia. SCRANTON CORRESPONDENCE B0H00L3, SCRAM OV, I'A, T, .1. Foster, President. Klmrr II. Lawall, l'tcas. It. J. foster, Stanley I. Allen, Vice President. Secretary. NEW YORK HOTELS. Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Place, NEW YOBK. American Plan, ?3.30 Per Pay and Upwards. Kuropean Plan, IJ1.00 P.r Day and UpwariU. Special Ilatis to l'amlllcs. T. THOMPSON, Prop. 4--f-f -f ---t-""'---'"t--f-f lor Business ucii f f In the district. heart of lbs wholeaal For Aljopjier.i n minuter' wulk to Wanamakers; S niliiuteu to Ulcsel Cooper's Big Btore. Knsy of access to the great Dry Oooda Utorea. For siRhtscor.1) One block from B'way Cars. Blv Inff easy transpot'tatlou to all points of Interest. i HOTEL ALBERT I T inr lruiir 4- iNKW YORK. j nun x-iin. -f 4- ror. Ilth ST. A UNIVRKSITT Pt 4 Only ono Wouk from Ilro.irlnrny 4 4 Rnnrn SI n ... taurant. Up. - -r - Prices Keuiombli 44444444-44444444-44i S Every Woman M a1v uhoiitlhowiinderful ft LM.-1 fl MVfl Whirling Spray tek'XVSA,j 1l,uni'wVi,l.ll.jrl-l',. lidie. " v kJr: lit Miut Cviivenlfiil, iruuiutj.i Uliruvii(aui7, i 1 uaM tor II. If i.'.Mhn(a supply l ho llllll ., 11L'-T)1K It 11.11 1 it-ill 1 run nit ilii hi'I lull In Hoom MO, Times Hl;r.i New Veil;, Hk Drnf.fJ C TUCPI K97 J9. Tit! f.J..l".,.". .. ".. .. ' j,,,n . , uiituripci. 1 . ,ruii oprnau.i in Amir It . (ittiru'itrf lu fur klub mall t'rhaU 111. ....I ..!. , . .I.iM. Ilal.ltll- lu,t Mj.1.iu..I T t.JXal2pT i arlrurrlt & MrUlurt ( rullli; i nititltptk Mrti.llirUPkrn lritk,Bdfwrh'ru rklloi'talU& Utffbi ripu-'lnvrttr uinllcal J fllrJflfrul. Mmiluu yiwriT -- V . "'?t- K J J' 'Jr r ! -Vi J.) , A 'I - J :i;. f , ; .; &$& -