The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 12, 1901, Image 1

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Senator Gulloin Presents an Aran-
ment In Favor of the
Senator Bacon Contends That the
Hay-Pauncefote Treaty Does Not
Place the Isthmian Canal Directly
Under American Control He Has
No Intention of Voting for the
Treaty, but Will Do Nothing- to
Obstruct the Ratification Senator
Cullom's Argument.
By Kti'ltislw Wiie frum The A ' id 1'rrv.
Washington. Doc. 11. Two speeches
on the Hny-I'auncefote tioiity weie
in.ule in tin.- executive session of the
senate today, one by Senator Hncon, In
opposition to tin' tieaty and the other
bj Senator Cullom, the prospective
I'h.ilriniiii of the committee on foielgu
relations, in support of It.
Mr. Huron replied to the speech made
yestcithiy by Senator Lodge. Me
.summed up Ids objection in the state
ment that lie could not freely accept
any treaty which does not place the
isthmian canal entirely under Ameti
enn auspices and American control.
Tills, he said, the pending treaty does
not do. nor does it do anything like
it. It did not by long odds accomplish
what had been accomplished by the
senate amendments made to the Hay
Pauncefote treaty at the last session of
The Davis uniendiiieid. he said, Ii.irl
abiogated all the objectionable provis
ions of thiil treaty as negotiated and
It did not matter what provisions theie
were in the agreement so long as the
1'nited States were authorized as they
were by the principal .Davis amend
ment, to secure the safety and main
tenance, of tilt" canal by their own
force. That amendment had given this
country a. free hand to do what was
necessary for the protection and de
fense of the ennui, whereas the present
treaty carries all the restrictions which
were oilglnally contained in the old
treaty, leaving out the inodillcations of
the Davis amendment. lie also point
ed out that the treaty reproduces the
restrictions of the old Suez canal trea
ty, which had been incorporated in
tin1 original convention, lie charges
that these restrictions had been copied
almost verbatim from the old treaty,
the only material change being in the
omission of the words "in time of wai
ns in time of peace" from rule 1 of the
"ilea canal agreement. This omission
lid not, in his opinion, change the
character of the agreement. "The only
reply." he said, "which the advocates
of the treaty make to criticisms is that
the canal would be under the full con
trol of the United States in lime of
war, but this is no more true now titan
tinder the old treaty and it is a strange
thing that all the provisions refer to
the control of the canal in war not
withstanding It is contended hero that
in that contingency the removal or this
phrase places the canal under our abso
lute control."
War Restrictions Inconsistent.
He said the war restrictions of the
treaty were entirely inconsistent with
the claims of Senator Lodge that this
country should say who should use the
canul and who should not, in case of
hostilities. He contended that the only
power given to the United States
which was not given to Great Iiritaln
was found in the last sentence of regu
lation two, providing that "the United
States shall be at liberty to maintain
such military police along the cunal as
may be necessary to protect :' against
lawlessness and disorder."
This, he said, was not sullleient to
make the canal an American Institu
tion, and if the Davis amendment hud
been necessary to render the original
treaty acceptable, It was equally ne
cessary in this instance. He consid
ered the pending treaty every whit as
objectionable as the treaty of last ses
sion. In loncluding, Mr. Huron announced
that while he had no intention of vot
ing for thn treaty, ho would do noth
ing to obstruct Its ratllication.
Senator Ciilloiu congratulated the
senate and the country upon the fact
that there ato two things In coiui-h-lion
with the new tieaty upon wlheh,
he said, practically all are agreed. One
of thfcu was the desirability of the
suppression of thn t'layton-Hulwer
treaty, and the other that of the neces
sity of the coiistiuutlon of an Isthmian
Hn contended that the now treaty
ladlcally Umngos the conditions pre
sented liy the first Hay-l'auncefoto
treaty, clearly relieving It of the neies
slty of such an iitueudiiieiu us that
made to the old treaty upon the sug
gestion of Senator Davis, because the
treaty Itself would penult the United
States, under international hw, to own,
manage and defend the canal In any
way that It may chose, n other
words, liq added, In a war with tlreat
Tirltulu ot with any other power, tlm
treaty would be suspended, under tlm
law which governs nations, until the
war shoiJd bo concluded, when It
would bo jovlved and tiguin Antnrcd,
Ho dwelt, tunon the fact, Fj-'lb he
said, was jhu most Importunt $ruum
s tu nee to lo considered, that the new
treaty supWbede.s and abrogates the
Clayton-HuWer convention of lbM ami
for this rcWui would be of untold
value to thuVountry,
He ndmlttVl that the new tieaty re
tains the sc't-'ial principle of neutral- I
hatlon, as did the oilglnal liny
Pauuccfolt tiealj, but he urged that
It does not I unci or keep alive any
of the plovlslons of the treaty of I.SRO.
Senator Cullom urged thai there Is no
piovlslun In the pending convention
which would Intel fere with our right
as a nation to close up the water-way
to any belligerent power.
He contended that the piovlslou ill
regard to the policing of the canal
applies only to Its contiol in times of
peace and not in time of war. Then,
the United Stales, being the owner ol
tile pioperty, under the terms of the
law, 11 could coutiul it with either the
police or a military power, as It might
ehoiwo, for the protection of our gov
ernment and its propel ty.
W. H. Woods and a Woman Com
panion Accused of Taking $15,
000 Worth of Jewels.
lb liiilu-m U in-fl..ln Tlic iici.iteil Prcs.
Omaha. Neb., Dec. II, W. II. Woods
and a woman companion, giving the
name ol True Johnson, both colored,
were uriested here today, charged with
having' robbed Alfred U. Lowonthnl, a
tiaveling salesman for a New York
jewelry tlrni, in a Portland, Ore,, hotel,
of Sir,,0iiu worth or diamonds and jew
elry. The jewelry was traced by a local
pawnbroker, who had received a print
ed circular describing the stolen prop
erty, to Woods and his companion, and
they were found In the east part of the
city. When a nested there was found
in their possession $:t,i)0o worth of dia
monds and jewelry, railroad transpor
tation to Portland and a check for j'.'fin,
which had been given by the pawn
broker in exchange for a diamond
The woman denies having any knowl
edge of wheie the jewelry came fioin,
and Woods refused to talk.
The tobbery ocriiried November 17,
when Lowenthal stopped at a hotel in
Portland for the night He left Ids
sample cases in his room and went to
supper. When he returned they had
been broken open and "J.'t diamond
brooches, 0! scarf pins and a large
number of diamond rings were missing.
Last Monday the Johnson woman
called at the otlicc of a Douglas street
pawnbroker with a brooch, on which
the broker made a loan of SHOO, for
which amount he gave his check. The
woman gave her address and left his
ollice He then examined the brooch
and t'omid it to be identical with the
first article named In a printed circular
he had received describing the jewelry
stolen fiom Lowenthnl. He immedi
ately untitled the police, and two de
tectives weie detailed to call at the ad
dress given by the woman. They found
the woman and Woods at the place,
and both were placed under arrest.
.The Portland police have been noti
fied, and a man Is now on his way to
this city to identify the Jewelry.
Portland, Ore.. Dec. 11. Detectives
have been watching a negro here, who
Is suspected of having robbed A. F.
Lowenlhal of $10,000 worth or diamonds
at the Portland Hotel, Nov. 21, and it
is understood that he will soon be ar
rested. The police assert that he com
mitted the robbery and then turned
the booty over to Woods and several
companions, who went east. The de
lay in making the arrest of the real
culprit, the poScc state, was for the
iccovery of the stolen diamonds.
Lowenlhal and a detective left last
night for Denver, where, it is thought,
others connected with the robbery arc
Leavenworth. Kan., Dec. II. W. H,
"Woods and Maggie L. Johnson, the
negroes arrested at Omaha, as being
Implicated In the jewelry robbery nt
Portland, Oie were in tills city on
Thanksgiving evening, leaving the next
morning for Omaha.
Maggie Johnson's mother, Mis. Hll
lard. runs a negro boarding house
here, and gave a party in honor of her
daughter's arrival, Hoth negroes were
literally loaded down -with gems, their
fingers being so encircled with dia
mond rings that they could not close
their hands.
While here the pair disposed of
.$:',0u0 worth of Jewelry.
The Patriots Shoot 84 Blacks in One
Year in Order to Hide Traces
of Their Movements.
Hi i:iliMw-Win' iuiuTln Usmhiul l'ii.,
London, Dec. II, Lord Kitchener's
promised statement specifying thirty
seven separate Instances In which nil
lives have been shut by the liuers,
and which Involve the loss of M lives,
wuh ImioiI by the war ollice tonight.
In Home of the cases mentioned, the
blinks went shot after an iufoiiiial
court iniirtlal or upon being accused
of spying, but in numerous in-uuiKPs,
Lord Kitt hence Indicated, the natives
weni shot in cold blood in order to
hide traces of the movements of Hoor
Tlm pei lad covered by Lou! ICIlch
euer's statement Is over a yeni.
Killed by Dynamite.
Ily I.Mlu.ivtt Win1 fi"i Tlic Adulated 'u,
SilniiiU.iil.i, N. Y lc. II.-Duiii 'liiinlmll,
lilxhu-oy luimiiMiimt el I In' lumi n ltoltiul.ini,
)W1 killed 1) an ikiUv,lim ol d.Muiuile loil.iy at
I'litiMM'tf rjiue, near lieu. I'ltim ol the l'iu,ly
iH'ie Mima u iimdiliulili' tlMat'U',
Mies Stone at Kopilvonkolible.
Hy lIuliMve U'lie from 'I lie Awxlainl I'ru-i.
ileum, lie. r.', -Tiie .vma luiro-pomlciii of tho
IxiUI Aiueimr tele;.TJili tlmt MIm Mini M.
MlllU 1 1u 1 .J lit It it titirlin mla.d.n in' U',i. wm.
-r ----,, -. ff'KFV ,llilllllH (Ml ihvo'1,1 ) -IMT f-
ini'JIv Mu jt KopihuiiLollliIe, m.ii pubnll.j.
They Failed to Report to the State
Bureau, of Railways.
lb, l.'uln.iio Wire (i mn 'Hie ril I'lrs",
llnrrlsburg. Dee. 11. Proreedluus
will be Instituted by Attorney (leneral
Klklh against the following lallway
corporations which fulled to teport to
the state bin can of railways tor the
lineal year, ended June :!0, Hull:
Philadelphia and Hrlslol Passenger:
Northwest Street; Newton and Dela
ware Klver Traction; Chestnut Ridge
Halhoad of Pennsylvania; Montetey
and Stieets Hun connecting inllwav;
tlarnegle and Knsillii Patk Street
railway. All are subject to a line of
r'l.uun for falling to report.
A Remarkable Clause Awards
Two-eyed Peacock feather
to Yung Ini.
By lli lutiir- Wire lit.tii Th" .Win uh-il I'li'vc.
IVkln. Dec. II. All edict has ap
peared which bestows honors upon the
late LI Hung Cluing and upon Pilnce
Chlng and other otllelals for their par
ticipation In the peace negotiations. A
most remarkable clause awaids
Yung Lu (who commanded the best
disciplined troops which opposed the
allies) the two eyed peacock feather
for having protected foreigners against
the Boxers.
It was announced fiom .Shanghai
late in August ltiOrt that according to
written evidence which was then com
ing to hand (ieneral Yung Lu the
real author of the nnt I -foreign out
breaks in Pekln and Tien Tsln. Yung
Lu. who is a Mnncliu, was formerly
viceroy of Pe-Clii-LI and generalissimo
of the Chinese army. At the time ol
the empress dowager's coup d'etat,
Yung Lu saved the life of the emperoi,
Kwang Su The lapltl rise of Yung
Lu to power Is unprecedented ill Chi
nese history. In four years he rose
from a small military command to the
most Important vIscero.sMi'p and the
highest military command In the em
pire. Yung Lu was the Chinese Impe
rial treasurer at the time of the Hover
outbreak. He was appointed a p".ic"
commissioner In Seplembet. lnoo.
The Occasion More Than Ordinarily
Significant Because of the
General Attendance.
B.t i:cliiMieVirPtiAmlhe -rn iitcii l"ir-.
Washington, Dec. It. The Democrat
ic senators today held their first caucus
of the present session, its purpose was
lo consider committee assignments, but
the occasion was more than oidlnarlly
significant because of tho general at
tendance upon the caucus. All the sen
ators elected are Democrats, with the
exception of Senator McLauiln, of
rioutli Carolina, were present, as were
all the senators who were elected as
silver Republicans or Populists. All the
independents except Senator Teller, of
Colorado, had entered the Democratic
caucus held before adjournment last
March, but Senator Teller then re-
'mnlned away. He was piesent, how
ever, at today's conference and partici
pated in the proceedings. The caucus
was called at the instance of Senator
Jones, of Arkansas, who slated that
he had thought It possible that the
new senators might want to make some
change in the olllcers of the caucus.
There was, however, a general expres
sion of satisfaction with the present
ollicials, and Senator .lones was re
elected unanimously chairman of the
Senator Jones presented a statement
from the IJepubllcan committee on
committees, outlining Its wishes as to
the committee assignments, from which
it appeared that the Republicans were
anxious to increase the Republican
membership of several committees anil
to decrease the Democratic membership
of a few of the committees, Tho most
Important change suggested by them
was that the Republicans should be
allowed to add one member to
their side of the committee on
commerce, while the Democrats
should agree to surrender one of the
places on that committee held by them, i
The committee as now constituted In-
eludes ten Republican members and I
seven Democrat to members. It was de-
elded vigorously to resist this liino- I
vatlon, The Republicans also expressed j
n desire to Increase their party mem- i
bershlp on Rome other committee, which .
tho Democrats; decided to oppose,
The Republicans did not Indicate any
intention to take care of Senator Well
ington in tho matter of committees,
nor was any suggestion nmdu in tlm
caucus that the Democrats should find
places for him.
Il i:iliuhe Who Irvnil lie Amuilatnl l're-,
U'j.-lillmlOM, Dec, 11. Tlie l i. -.l.l.iil single to
lli.- H'li.lW' luil.n the uliulii iuiiiiiutili it
IYim.h.iuii i'tni.i-.iti:
Tliimili I , M.ai11, 1'uient ( h. , .1 nne M. Wei
Mil, Kuiiiitt Sipuie, l-.lii I'. I.ailitl, Liiiv
iluftlK ; .leillile Mi . I'.aU, l.llmiili; ,liM'ili I'.
VaiKle, Mi.Ml.ililei Julm II, llnmii, Niui.mI-;
P.lllU"i II. I'i'llll, NeiV Wlllllliulnllj llelllirii ,1.
Mult, I '.nt Alliiilien.i , I.Vi.i II. Hippie, S. i nit. mi j I.. Iliiiitii, 'I in lie Cut!.; MhIIiij.' W
W'.iliu, .mi ii ; IMitin i. Mt (itegoi, lliuui'tiv
timii; John W. Hill, Uii.ii; Wllll.iiu T. iteiliKs,
M'linlliei i .Njlluu T.uinir, l.iiufnul.
Will Reduce Price of Iron,
llj r.iilmlie Wire fmm'llie Atodmt.l I'ri'.n
lleilin, Die. 11. 'I lit' filiiii Zi'lluni; .ie,
tli.u ut J (i)iiiiliii'i1 ol Hie liu.liiii; iren nuUu
el Pulla J ml Stettin it lu Ihoii deiiilul in le
iliue the iii o m lur lion I.; iiliy pfennig-, .iii'l
tlut iniiidi bluet iron U to le n.luu.l tun mil
one-lull iu.iiU, ami Hue liut hull une iiuuU pu
liumlii'U KIK.ur.Hii.--,
m i
Two Children Binned.
By Kxelmbs Wire (rem 'flic AiaorliU'il Prcsi.
S.uilt S:e Marie, Midi., Pee. II. -Tun mull
lllll.lri'll ul Julm llull'tih (ii' Inn noil In ile.ilii
today in .1 Die ulilili iltiu)nl the ll.uliiuin
home st Al'.'uliriuiu, j cuhuili ul Ihi ilu.
Plan by Which the Great System
Will Be Extended to
bona Island.
After Yeats of Study the Conclusion
Has Been Reached That a Tunnel
Line Operated by Electricity Is in
Every Way the Most Practical.
The Company Has Acquit ed the
Bulk of Its Property for Its Prin
cipal Stations.
Hi i:tln-lw Mhe fii.m'lh'- s!iu!.ili'il Prcv
New York, Dec. 11. A. .1. Cassutt,
president ol the Pennsylvania railroad,
today mode public Ids plan for secur
ing a New Vonk terminus for his com
pany, lie made the following state
ment lo the Associated Press:
Tho Penn.vlvanla Ralhoad company
Is now preparing to carry out its policy,
long since adopted, of extending Us
railroad into New York city, therein
establishing a suitable passenger ter
minus for the accommodation of the
public. To accomplish this on a com-
1 prehensivo plan, the Long Island in
tension Railroad company will ulth-
draw Its npplli atlon for powers to con
struct its terminal railroad, and in lieu
j of such independent construction, it is
( now propi.seii to hulld, under the char
, lor or the Pennsylvania-New York Kx
i tension Railroad company just organ
h'.etl and a New Jersey ralhoad com
( p-in.v. about to be organized, ,i throut;li
, iindcrgioiintl connection between the
Lone, Island railroad and the Pennsyl
vania lines in New Jersey, and to eon
struct a proper and commodious joint
iindorgioiind tcimimil station in New
Yorlx i liy for the Pcnns.Ivaiiia and
Long Island railroads.
"After years of r-xhnustiv" study,
the oiii'liislon has been reached that a
tunnel line, operaterl by electricity, is
in ecry n the most, pi.ictical. eco
nomical and the best both for the in
terests of the railroad company and of
the city. Tlv line as adopted will
travel sc (!i city of New York from lite
Hudson river to the Kast river and be
undergiiumd throughout and at such
depth as not to interfere with future
coii'iti uctinn of subways by the city on
all its aenues. similar to the one now
building along Kourth avenue.
"As the railroad will be wholly un
derground and operated electrically, in
the same manner as the recently con
structed Oilcans railway extension in
Paris, It will not be objectionable in
any way. There will not be any smoke,
lit t or noise, and as all Hie surface
property may be built upon after being
utilized underneath for railroad pur
poses, the neighborhood of the station
will be improved, 1usle.ul of marred,
as is so often the ease when railroad
lines are constructed on the surface or
elevated. The company has acquired
the bulk of Its pioperty for in princi
pal stations and means to go fa.rwn.rd
in the aciiulsition of such additional
properties as will be required, either by
purchase or condemnation, in the be
lief' that the city authorities will meet
their application in a spirit of fairness
and expedite, as much as possible, this
much-needed improvement and great
public convenience. Immediately upon
the necessary authority being granted,
the work or construction will proceed
ami the whole line be completed and
put in operation as soon as possible.-'
New Company Incorporated.
Albany, N. Y Dec. 11, A railroad
company, which Includes among its di
rectors ollicials of tho Pennsylvania
and Long Island Railroad companies,
was Incorporated today lo operate a
railroad line through an underground
tunnel connecting New Jersey with
Long Island, The name or the company
Is the Pennsylvania, New York Exten
sion Raihoad company and its capi
tal stock ia $1,009,000. The ptoposed
io.ul which is to connect with a road
of a company to be organized under
tlie laws of New Jersey will extend
from a point on the line dividing tho
states of New York and New Jersey,
opposite that portion of Now York city
between West Twenty-third and West
Korty-llfth streits, tluough a tunnel
under the North river, borough of Man
hattan and the Kast river to the bor
ough of (Jueens, and is to terminate at
a point near the pioperty of the Long
Island Railroad company lu that bor-
The dlrectoiB are A. J. Cassett,
Thomas DeWItt Cuyler and Clement A.
tirlscom, of Haverford, Pa,; John V.
(ileeu, of Rosemont, I'll.; Charles K.
Pugh, of Overhrook, Pa,; Sutherland
M. Provost and W. II. Karnes, of
Philadelphia; .Samuel I tea. of Hryn
Miiwt, Pa.; and William II. Haldwlu,
Jr., of New Yolk city. Mr, Cassatt
subscribes for "SO shines of slock of
Ihu par value of KW each and all of
Hi" other dliectoi's for twenty shares
each, Tlie following each own ten
shines of stock: Itoboit II, Ciotf, John
W, Mai shall and Frank K. Hon', of
New York t liy; William A. Patlon, of
Radnor, I'a,; (). .1. DolimiHsc and W.
II. Seliolleld, of Camden, N, Y.
W.eekes Will Captain Columbia.
II) Kiilibho Win' liimi Tho A-smljlul Pu-n.
.Ni'iv Verk, Pic. ll.-ll-irulil llilluuay Wfik-1
uus I'll i Uil i.ipt.ilu lnil.iv of Ibe ( uliimlii.i 'ur
klly fiKit lull hum li,r 1W.'. Vrl.r I, ,i junl ,r
anil In-, iiIjji-iI fot liaH at t'liliiiiAU for Ihr e
m i
Conference with President.
Ily Uiilinlic Wire liuin'lhu Aoci4tcil I'ri'-w., Hit. lliii.lcinou .ml
lli.KMiil.iIM.s I'JSm, f .Ni'iv Yelk, ami Pit.
ill, t.t lmlii.illt;i, luil a ii'iilcuiiu' ullli llij
I'li'dilvn! lu'Uy jl.'jui tlie li-'l,latluii during- ilw
l.llK'lll ellll t I'UIIJIfM,
Committee at Washington Preparing
a Brief Doctrinal Statement.
Ily l!i'liuli Who from The Aiwilatnl i'ic.
Washington, Dec. 11. Considerable
progress was made today by the Pies
byteilan revision committee, which Is
preparing a brief doctilnnl statement
of faith. The Important subjects ie
gardlng the person and work of Jesus
Christ, and legardlng also Hie person
and work of tlie Holy Splilt.wete given
careful attention, and the further sub
jects of justification, repentance and
the life lo come were passed In review.
The duv was fruitful lu results and
witnessed the greatest progress that
the committee has made.
While It Is not probable that the
work which must be done at tills meet
ing of the committee i an be completed
unlit some time next week, yet the
membeis say It Is possible to see tlic
end of the labors upon the part or the
work which bus engaged their atten
tion thus far.
Magnates Decide the League Is a
Perpetual Body A. O. Spald
ing Is Made President.
fly nicluiiip Wire from The Aimh i.ueii I're-n.
New York, Dee. II. John T. Crush's
scheme for a revolution of the national
game Is dead. At the meeting at the
Fifth Avenue Hotel today, the National
League magnates decided by a major
ity vote that the league was a per
petual body and did not cease with
the expiration or tlie Indianapolis
agreement, December 18. It was de
cided also that no club can be ex
pelled from the league except tor
specific causes, as set forth in the con
stitution and by-laws of the organisa
tion. Thus Sir. Hrush's plan for syn
dicate base ball came to an end.
The vote followed a resolution to de
clare the league out of existence on
and after Dec. is. For several hour's
the matter had been discus.-id and
argued pro and con. The speeches, it
Is said, were stonny ones. Charges of
bail tnith were rrequently made on
both sides. Finally a vote was taken.
The result, according to excellent au
thority, showed that Brooklyn, Boston,
Philadelphia and Chicago were against
the motion. St. Louis voted aye, while
New York and Cincinnati did not vote.
The vote, it is said, means that the
National League Is back where it war.
before the signing of tho Indinnapolis
agreement in ISS1,
An attempt was made at today's
meeting to elect A. (5. Spalding presi
dent. It was at tlrst. reported that ho
had been beaten, but this turned out
to be untrue. Shortly after the mag
nates went into session, Dreyfus, ol
Pittsburg, made a motion that the
election of officers be proceeded with.
This was amended that A. (1. Spald
ing be unanimously elected president.
The hitch was doing uwny with the
regular order of business so as to pro
ceed with the election. In the regular
order, the representatives of the board
of directors anil those of various com
mittees must be heard before the elec
tion can be proceeded with. When the
matter was put to a vote, lioston, Cin
cinnati, St. Louis and New York voted
for proceeding in the regular order,
thereby setting back Mr. Spalding's
election until later. It is said, upon
good authority, that at least live of
the clubs favor the election of Mr.
Spalding. They are Pittsburg, Hoston,
Chicago, Hrooklyn and Philadelphia.
At S.SO o'clock tonight the league rul
ers began another session, at which
they listened to tlie report of the board
of directors. The meeting adjourned
about midnight. President Young an
nounced that there was nothing for
The New Yoi k club today secured
Matty Mclntyie, an outfielder of the
Philadelphia American League club,
and L. Qulnland, shortstop of the Mon
treal team. Both players, according to
the club's secretary, have signed New
York contracts.
Eight Thousand People Witness the
Struggle at Madison Square
Garden Behind the Record.
Ily i:iluslie Wiic (mm The As.ihIKiiI Pick,
New York, Dec. 11, Klght thou-uiud
people at Madison Kquare Garden to
night saw Waltliour, fresh from a two
hours rest, try to steal a lap on the
other riders In the six-day bicycle race,
He was successful, but worked the
crowd up to a pitch of great enthu
siasm. This was about 8 o'clock,
A number of features were milled to
the programme during the evening.
Hhort distance sprint by professionals,
and exhibition ildlng by Michael,
Kramer and Champion amused tlie
At 10 o'clock there was 10,000 people
In the garden and the ilng Inside the
track was jammed.
The score at 1L' o'clock midnight was:
Mil.-. 1-iJiS
lluilir .mil Mil.iMit .;') s
Vuldik .mil Muiiii l:'iil s
Mt KjiIh'IIi iiml WjIiIiiiiii t.'i'.ni
M.iy i mn I Wll.-iiii l-l'Ni "
I'ImIiu iiml I'hi'i iIIIi-i I.l'm ;
II tin ink Jinl Tunilli' I.'l'ii .'
..iunii .iii.l .liillii- i::'i tl
hlni; mnl S.IIIIIU bun I.l'.i ii
1'if.hriikii .iml .Iwk r:ii i
II ill .tn! Mi l.-iu H I.i') I
The men were twenty. six miles be
hind the iccoiil at tho cud of Hie third
Uochester, N. V Dec II, The
stores at midnight of the six leaders
In tho six day walking match me as
liiihllll IM
l'.llii. 1T
I l.a I Iill
Hilly IM
l'jituii.'ht IV.
I 'nkiion n , (51
IJ.CIII1 ...'..., .....II"
I'liiii'teen men are still lu the lace,
The Pinnies Destroy Property on
Lower Broadway.
lb llxiliHbi' Wlic fnitii 'Hie Amii IjIuI 1'ie.-..
New Yoik, Dec. IL'.- File bloke out
in the Deimlson Paper Manufacturing
company's stole building nt t'JS Hroad
wuy tills morning at I.I.", o'clock.
lu a wry shuit time It hud spiead
through this narrow six story building
and attacked liegeman's drug stoic at
1!)fi Hi midway.
Gerst Admits at Hearing a Shortage
in Accounts.
fly l!i li.dip W'lte Iinin The Aurlittil V,
Hufinjo. Dec. 11. City TreasUter
Philip Cierst's heating upon an order to
show cause why he should not be re
moved fiom otllce for alleged miscon
duct was begun before Mayor Dlehl to
day. Cerst. In a written statement
presented by his attorney, pleaded
guilty to the charges that a shortage
existed when the examination was be
gun. Gerst said that If in the mayni's judg
ment ids resignation of December !l
does not vacate the ofllce he consents
that the mayor make an order remov
ing him.
There was an actual shoitage in the
accounts and In the moneys in the
ollice of treasurer to the n mount of
S.IO.OOO, but all that has been restoicd.
Mr. Schilling, (Jerst's counsel, pro
tested against the proceedings being
lontlinied, but Mayor Dlehl ruled that
they should be.
Coastwise and West Indian Com
merce Is Badly Crippled Situ
ation Becomes Serious.
By Kxclu-iif Wire frron Tho ;ocilcd Pre.
Philadelphia, Dec. 11. -A coal famine
such as has not prevailed for yea is,
now exists at this port, by teasoii of
which both the coastwise ami West
India commerce is almost entiiely
Orders for coal, both throughout New
Kngland and the U'cst India islandf.
are pouring In. but the merchants tlntl
themselves unable to make shipments,
owing to the seal city of coal at tide
water. This condition, in a great meas
tii e. Is due to a scarcity of cars toc.ury
the mlneial t'topi the mines.
hying in the Delaware river, an
chored, aie a huge number of steam
ers, schooners and barges, all char
tered, but, unable to get (heir cargoes.
Dally the situation is becoming more
serious and vessel owners, becoming
aware of tlie existing conditions at this
port, are sending their vessels south to
Newport News and lialtlmore, from
New England ports, hoping to get re
turn cargoes in better time.
After lying idle here for a period of
ten days, unable lo get a charter with
any specific loading date set, the
schooner John !', Randall, Captain
Crocker, a vessel of 2,.'00 tons capacity.
sailed away light today, bound for Bal
timore. At that port she will load coal
for Hoston.
At Poit Richmond, from which point
the dally output seldom falls short of
10,000 tons, only one 1,100 ton cargo wan
nhlpped today, that being by the barge
Just how long thin unsatisfactory
condition wl'l cont'ni'e Is a matter of
speculation. Coal shippers, having ves
sels on hand to load, are unable to sny I
when they will have coal on hand.
Only a lew days ago the tug Cuba
towetl down to Newport News two :i,fi()i)
ton barges that had waited here nearly
two weeks for cargoes for Havana.
Ily KmIiimm Wire fioiii'llip -.oiij 'il l'rp..
w'ii-hlli.'tili, Di'i. II I'd hi ,i l.iii" limit lo.
inula Him- Iml l.rin iiliniih'lv im ilri.-l ii.n, in,
IiihIiiis to throw .tny light mi Hit in.i-.iiii Mill !i
tiiiiuuiiiN tin- i-.iult im .Mr, Ail i (.illicit Pi'nni-.,
l lie fadiionililt' ilriiiiiki-r. 'I ho xlilliii i nh
tli II iiiii.iIih vt-ty I'liiih tin' Mine. Tli n;n -i
1 I III-, ill .Itll'lllUlKI' ell III'! l"llh'4l I la' llllll'l II -Im III is loi I. Hi -i k'1,1 limiu tht-ii' in
lie h.iini' lio- fur lur rnnwr.i Mi, , m., -n.
(eh. in .it time.-, Iml nn wn K m
word lii iitlr-i in llit'.i iitumli oi Im hlit i-t
i itrfully liolnl la 1 1 io u.ilihi'i.', ill III.' h i
Ilia n.lili-tlillu- 111.11 III' .ihl til-it Mill lilt'
ili-Ucllli.. In llii'il' uelk.
Steamship Arrivals,
llv llwhhbi' Wiie tifiiii Tin' -uii.iliil I'ic-i.
Si-iv Vuk, llrti. II iiwil: Ni'-iinei. M-mtle
1 w.'ik, AnlMirp; lii'-ul.i, l.lw ii'j... t Iciu-.l:
jMl-llllil.i I,' illltJ!l.'. lllM.'i UtlilM lil.llld. II Ull
li. nit," tin I'lyiii'uitli .in.l I liriluiuii;. i it i ' 1 :
siiMiiuK, Hi i mill, l.lw'ip.iul! l. I'juI, smalt
iiii.nii; rtltvl.iiiil. ia!'ii, iiiii'iiiimn i Mimuiii' M.iiislii, New ml ..i I. tut.
I'u.ll -llllll.llll.l. II Alliltill MIUI ' I'lllllllll-
plilj, Nim ul,. I.i.inl l'n-i.: "li.iiu.r
I'll... nil l.i, ll.iiiilitni,' l"i Vim uil..
Gen. rtmstou Coming Home,
Hi Kwlu.iM' Win' In. in 'Ilu' Am.aI. i.-.I Pu.,,
MjiiII.i, II.-.-. II. Ini-ral I i-.ii.i-.ii -..ill jil iur
'hi1 I iith'il MjI"- nn pu hi mi lo luiuimii
U.i'li li. 'Hi' iiml,.!.-. 1 1. ill- I'liliiul ,i ih.iiiji' .if
ilinuli'. .iml the u'liiiiil I-. 1,'iiIiil, . 'liii- mi j -Ul,
It tl '. Hi' li.n iniii.iiil in In illh mi. In- l.-r.
I In' h.jiiul. Itov.'ini'r 'iufl Mill -I.I fi I liui'ui
hi Ilu- Cunl in Pu. .'a. Ill' mi tli tl Ihp I'M.
i.i.n. in Hit i'irpi i ill it In- ulll nut i l in ii hiu
.in- iu.i'
Painter Beck Allowed to Land.
I! r.xiliulu1 Win tronilhc-Avo'.lalnl Prrsj.
NiM- oik. pi'i. II. I.ihiiiu link, il.r I'llm-r,
Mho .iiiiiul luro I'.vul U. In ilu- huM i.f th-.-ii'.iiiclii;i
I'jIjII.i, in j ily ill ul, Mas jll-nu-il I .liy
ht iiiti-i I In' ii'iinu.i .it liiiinii.iiit. 'lliio I'liie
ii M4 Kimiliil liy ilu- iiii !j1 IhuuI nf In (iilrv
link uu.n liiiiiul .. ul to imii nun, mIi.i .'ii lit y
uniihl ic llul he ui'l ii'jt bci-Jiiiu i imblio
Labor Convention Takes a Races
Because oi a Lack of
Takes Exception to the Editorial oa
"The Label and the Golden Rule."
Executive Council in Its Annual
Report Declared in Favor of the
Liberty of the Press and Against
Boycotting a Newspaper for the
Expression of an Opinion Com
mittee Tells of Its Visit to Mr.
Silliman Federation Proposes to
Organize the School Teachers.
wit, t.i wi .i ii'unii .
Prliciln nl ilin Nimx ,'ik ta.iuiii I'liltcri, .Hi!
SliPiirT-elri 1 ! tho I onnly i.f Nriv 'i urk.
Owing to the fai t that so many
couimittecs are b.ickwaid In taking
dellnite action on the motions i eferred
lo them, the federation of labor i on
veiitlou tan out of material before ,".
o'clock yesterday afternoon ami had
to close down for tlie day. President
Compels urged the committees to com
plete I heir business anil get it before
the convention today. Immediately af
ter .tdjuoi miieni the committees set to
work and il is likely a couple of very
busy sessions will be had today.
Vesti'iday inoiniiig the repot t of the
committee that waited on (leneral
Manager Silliman was read ami in
ferred to the executive council. The
repoi t was In line wllh I he story of
the interview published In yesterday's
Tilbune. The executive council will
now decide what course It will pursue
In carrying out the provisions of last
Saturday's icsolution directing that it
give the strikers th" fullest aid of tlm
American Federation of Labor.
The delegates listened with rapt at
tention to the reading of tile leport of
J, &' N L --' '- - '--' ,
SsSrrsr '" tip-- A -
, -1 v it i
'IIU-.U-I' ul I -.! i .il I ahoi I iinin irn Nti'iuhri nf
In ( o mi nil. 'li I iiiiiiniiii
the executho council on the work It
hud accomplished during the year.
Somewhat of a stir was created by
the action of I'lesldeiu O'Conuell, of
the machinists, in ciitlclslng an editor
ial In yesterday's Tribune on "The
Hluo Label and tho Golden Rule." He
cliai'iicterliicd It ih unfair and Ill-timed.
An appeal for morn orgaulzeis among
the coloied men ot the South; llio d"
feat of a lesiiliilloii admitting remain
i oriiworkers lo the coremakers' union,
and the ailtiptlon of a lesolutioli c.illlu.c
for thn otgiinizaiiwi ol' the school
teacliern weie oilier linjioi taut luillters
Hint came up ttlli'llig tlie day,
The lepiiil of I'resldeilt V, D. Mu
ll I'liiiiiuiil on Pl.'u .'I.
I ... .i I .hi i I n '). unliiT II, l')l;
lliuhi.t li-ln..'i.ituir Hi ili'Sh
l.r.Ml.l HIIIIH'Utllll ,,... ,..,,, ii 112 lI'ih'M
llililht- lluiinillli :
s ... ii S7 per ifi.l,
.. in , l.'i n'r icnt,
I'ic. il'il.illuii, i hwiri inJoJ j p. m., non.;,
- W.ililinfltn, Pec. 11. ruiii'j'.t (oi i;.i-,t. -f
- irn 1'iiinvvh.uiUt I'Jitly' iloiul.i 'Ibnr..
-f iby mi-J lii.fjy ; light vaiUblp win Is. -
t tf 4 tf 1
, i,
', A