'" v 'J? rv i.v iv. It! K I, 2 THK SCKANTON TIUBUNE-TUliSDAV, DECEMBER 10, 1901. N The News of RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Dolawnie and Hudson Railroad. .Vou-tnlicr SI, IM)I. Train lone Cuit'Onil'le .il ilt.v M.itliMi in fol Iowk f for SVutitnti and VVIIkrvll.itr. Il.n0, T.Jtn, S.i. 0.01, 10.01, ll.'.'t n. in.; 1.00, l.l.l, '!.". 'I''0. Ml, 7.IW, lll.ni, 1I.IW p. III. , ,,, .SiiikI.iv halm lc.no nl 8.JW, 11.21 I".: " 2 Ml, 6.,'u. tUIII i. in. I 'or Alluiiv, S.UntiiR.1. MoiilrP.il, lln'loii, New I.tirl.ilit point", ill., MM il. in. I M !' "' (il.ilh). l'oi- WiMin.irt niul IIhiiomIiiIc, 7.'JJ, II.0.1 u. ni.S S.nl, (1.1 a 11. 111. Mmil.iy tr.ilns 1imi' VV.i.unnt .11111 HiiiiMil.ili) nt !)..".(! 'a. in,; l.fi p. 111. Triilm mrhe ill riidionil.de from Wllkrvllitre niul Scmiiliiii in fiillnv! (I..VI. s.:i7. ii.:tit, IU..MI . 111.! 11:17, ".ml, :i.l;l, 1.2s, 1I.0, 7.01, H.ilt, !.l, ll.Ji" p. 111.! 2.0S a. in, Similar tiniiH nrrho ut 0.27 a. 111,; t'.'.IO. iM.I. .li, .ii.2!i, ll,;:u p. 111. S11n1l.1v Ir.ilm urrlw nl '.it 1itiinl.il ftln Way tiuil niul lloni".il;ilc at 12.17 niul 7.M . hi. New York, Ontario and Western. Sept. 17, IPOI. Train learn ("nrlionilalo lor SVranlon .il 7.01 a. In. : I. mi p, m. Mihili.v train nl 7.0(1 .1. m.i (l.ni) p. in. Trains lcaio ('.itlininl.il'' lor point norlli at II. 10 a. in, (in S11nd.1v al P.IO n. 111. Train.' Ir.n Ine nl II. in n. in. wool; 1I.1.. ami o.in a. 111. .Nnnl.ij 111.1K0 loniieitlons for Now Vuik, Corn wall, Pic. Trains nrrhe fioni Feiiinlon nl 11.10 a. in.: fi.lfl 1 1. in.: from poInN nmili, I. DO p. in. Sunday from Strnnlnii nl P.IO a, 111. and 7.l" i. m.i from C.11I1V.I.1 at 11.00 p, in. Brie Railroad, .tune 2.1, 1001. Tinin liaio cllv station, ('atlinml.ile, dally f event Mmibv) at 7.00 a. in. and 4,Xi p. in, fur Hr.mdl and N'liiewli; al 0.:K! a. ill,, dally (rv iiplln; Sunday), (or llinuhainton. iiinl.inn rou nd lions inr Sew otli ill and lluirulo, and at H.lll p. in. for Susquehanna, maltliii conneitliiiu for weMtrn point. Sunday train al 0. Il a. 111. for Simiuelinnna, with etcrn ronneetloiH, and 0.27 p. 111., with Mine fiinnot lion... Ti.iins arrho al 5.,':; 11. in. and 5.15 p. 111. SiiiiiIi'4 al S..V1 a. 111. NORTHWEST BREAKER REDUCED TO ASHES Disastrous Fire Which Has Thrown 510 Ken and Boys Out of Employ mentloss $140,000. Fire lust night laid in ruins tin- large lirouker known as the Xortliwc.it breaker, causing ii loss of $140,000 und throwing mil of employment filO men mil boys. The lire broke out al S.::o .and 3111 iiliirm was turned In at S."0 from linx II located at Oak and Helmont rilreets. The lliimes. which ilhiniiuiiteil ihe sky for a consldernblo distance, vuh plainly seen from all over the clly. lundreds went as far as Clark 11 venue .mil viewed the Unities from Uieie, only si few going ns fur as the burning InilldiiiK whleli was localed near the JCrlo railroiul tracks, over three miles iroin the central city. The litehell company went as far as J'elmout streel, then rcturnllii;. The lire was first dis covered by Aliirtiu Jleehan, nlsht iviitchinim. The Humes were first seen ,11 the center part of the bleaker over large machinery, which luid been tm dei'ROiiiK some linpi'oveinents the lust few days. Median immediately yelled to Mike Kelly, another employe of the breaker, whose work at night kept him continually In the upper portion of the breaker. Median then ran to the en jjine room and blew tile whistle, sum nionlii! the company men. A number of Italians residing nearby answered promptly but before their ar rival the mammoth building was con ceded to bi' beyond saving. Mechlin had a streau of water playing on I lie burning; purtj from the company's hose, lie conlinuelt plying the water on the blaze but the tire lleml was too power ful for such small resistance. The stream nt llrst proved much benefit, until the tlnmes found an egress from their confined portion, and ascended the stair case to the roof. The timbers supporting the roof began to fall and Meehan was forced to ilee to save him self from being hit. lie curried ihe hose with him as far as the door lead ing to tlie step down the side of the breaker, but was forced to drop it there and make a hasty exit owing to the heat and Hie falling timbers. The flames quickly made their uny to every portion of the breaker, and ill n few minutes all parts or Ihe breaker proper was being; devoured by the overlapping bhiKe ami falling prey to the elenien I. Foreman Michael Connolly, of this rUy.und fienernl Superintendent i.'r.mk Ilemelright were notified by 'phone stud were promptly on the scene. Cei'oro their arrival, hundreds of company men were on the scene and llghting llercely to save the place that gave them it living. The two ofllcials look the men in hand and had their erforts toward saving property conllned 10 the tilllce room, weigh scales, the lire-room mid numerous other smnll buildings In the vicinity. The Ihe-rnoui Is covered on the side mid roof wllh heavy tin, but the flames in some manner found a way to get in and in a slum time the sides bulged out, showing the whole In terior to he u mass of llamus. Tho side walls of the burning breaker f,. In with a crash, and to ihe spectators wiis afforded a grand slghl of the in terior or the breaker falling rupldlv aivny to ruins. NO ENERGY Mvd.'Co.; LT.7 Washington St liulTalo, X, V. .Mr. Henry Alliens, of No. Ulii Itlrch treet, Scranton, i'a,, says; "For about two yeui'H my buck and kidneys had been sore laino and tho score! lo;i lu bad shape. Nothing seemed to help me at all until 1 111 Dr, A. V. chase's 'Nervo Pills nt Matthews tiros' Drug . Store, No. 320 I.uckawunuu avenue. They did thu work, curing ihe sore nesa and lameness muklng the secre tion healthy und generally giving me h)ulth und Btmiiith." Carbondale, Tlie embers piled In it heap under the breaker, and I ho sparks! caused by the constant crashing, were wnftod 11 con siderable distance. Directly under tho north side of the breaker, ill the pock els, were hundreds of tons of coal piled 1111 Hie track, nil In n red-hot lienp." A number of large coal ears of Ihe Kilo company on the switch, nenr Ihe breaker, became Ignited and a message was sent to the yard for an engine. One soon arrived and was coupled on to Ihe burning ears and they were taken where a stream could be turned on lliem. Five cars wore 111)1117.0 In all parts, but considerable portions of them were saved, urier the engine had drawn them from the dnnger line. At It o'clock the whole building was a seething muss, and In the building rapidly falling lu sections, large ma chinery soon became loosened from their supports and with loud, resound ing force fell to the bottom, The fall of the large coal screen, weighing sev eral tons, was watched with Interest, ns It fell from Ihe extreme top portion of the building. Hurtling timbers be neath It were unable to stand the strain and fell with It. Vov a few seconds It seemed as If the entire building would fall In, ns a re sult of Ihe large screen's rapid descent, and the crowd ran out of danger to surely line. One portion of the breaker on the south side could not stand the severe strain and. In the wake of the monster piece of machinery, fell In. The company men were working hero ically in their efforts to save the ollico building and two smalt buildings, and at tVlfi had tlie Humes close to the build ing under control, though they did not relax their efforts until the burning breaker had been devoured by the llames and lay in a burning heap on the ground. The sparks and large embers being propelled through the air caused much anxiety to the company ofllcials. as the powder house was but a. few hundred yards away, hut a number of men con tinually kept the place damp with the aid of a bucket brigade. Another trip of cars on a second switch was falling rapidly a prey to the flames and men were at once sent to run the cars out of danger. The cars, six in number, were run one by one to the oilier cars, which were now saved from the llames by the work of Ihe men. The breaker Is one of the largest In this vicinity and covers n considerable amount of ground, il was formerly the properly of the Simpson and Watkius company and known as the Northwest breaker until several months ago, when 11 be came the property of Ihe Temple Coal and Iron company. The amount of in surance carried could not be learned. How the lire started is a mystery. G. A. R. ELECTION. To Take Place Tomonow Evening-. Davies Post to Visit Scranton. TDavIes" post will hold Its annual elec tion of olllcers Wednesday evening, De cember 11. Comrades should keep in mind (he Important event, and get 10 the post room early. Oilier business of Importance Js lo be disposed of on that occasion. Commander McConib is arranging an excursion rate, so that on Friday even lug, December 20. a fraternal visit may lie made to Kuril S. Crillln post. State ofllcers are to inspect post i:l!i, and the Scrunlon comrades intend to make ihe event memorable in oratorical and gaslroiioinical details. K. of C. OFFICERS. Annual Election of tlie Knights of Carbondale Council, No. 339. Cuibondale council, Xo. :s2i. Knights of Columbus, have elected olllcers for the coming year, as follows: (Iriiud knight. It. II. Keruin: deputy Brand knight. F. H. Dever: chnncellor. F. A. Kirkwood; recording secretary, John Hurt": llimncial secreiary, K. .1, Dougheily: treasurer, (Jeorge W. Keelie; lecturer, T. I., (illmnrtln: advo cate. John O'ltourke; warden. William I'eel: organlsl. S. V. Stockman: inside guard. T, ,. (lllhool: outside guard. I'. .1. lloylan: trustees. Thomas Clark and John Farrell. They assume their duties the llrst meeting in January, l!"i2. Was Known in Carbondale. Harney Farrcl, of .lermyn, who met such il terrible death near (lien l.yon, being burned to death on Saturday night, wiis qulle well known In this city, lie had relatives here, ihe Mul hotluni! brothers, ami visited here fie. qllenlly. The news of his fate as de tailed in the Tribune yesterday was it terrible shock lo his friends in Ibis city. Booming the '"Cubanola." The sign of the I'ubanola cigar, which can lie seen all over the country, and In all the principal newspapers, will lie seen till over I'lfrlmmlulc ami vicin ity In a few days. Yesterday a part of thiMlolegtuion which Is currying; on the work of giving publicity to the smoke with the etiphonlus name, reached the city iiud begun to cover conspicuous places with the attractive and striking - NO LIFE-NO C onditions only too i-oniinoii nowaday, and diio lo an overtaxed nerv ous system. A linniinp; of the eaudle at liotli ends a rnnniii of tlie machinery of the system at too hi;h a rate of ,pced ;i condition that unless promptly corrected means graver ills, lo.ss of strength, treinblv, shaky nerves, an inability to sleep, appetite and digestion llagging'a weary, tired, forgetful feeling, and a final breaking down. These mod ern conditions Dr. A. V. Chase saw and provided for in his famous re invigorating, re-biiilcling Nerve Pills. A medicine that quiets be cause it strengthens that leads one back to health bv it-, great tonic-life-giving power--a medicine whose fame rings from shore to shore, A reputation based not on theory, but on the magnificent, practical re Milts obtained. I Ins shaped boxno other. Signature and portrait of Dr. Chase on each box. Price nil cents at dealers, or Dr. A. W. .Mr. Thomas Hummer., of No. mi!) .iiieksou street, Scruntnii, I'.i., says: "Dr. A. AW Chase's Nervo fills uro n splendid euro for nervous sick head aches. .Mine were teirlble at times. I was nervous at the same time, The Neive 11114 were recommended lo mo und 1 got u box at JlnUhows llros', Drug Ktore, No. 30 I.iickawanuti ave nue, and they completely cured the headaches and nervousness. This I think is recommendation enough." signs that proclaim tho merits of the cigar. The party Is registered tit the Harrison house, where they will re main for several days, or until the town Is "covered," lu the delegation are Sehetier rioodton and Frank lllaek, Louisville, Ky.i Frank Halt, Frank tirockelt, Pittsburg; N. It. Kdwards, Hopltlnsvllle, K.v,: .loo Freeman, W. K, Osborne, t). 10. Italley, New York city. NATURE CLEANS SIDEWALKS. Thaw Makes Up for Negligence of Numerous Property Owners. Nature bus come to the help of the property owners who have been negli gent about shoveling and scraping the snow and Ire from their sidewalks. The tliuw which has been In progress since Kiindny has melted a heap of snow, niul the result was shown yesterday In clean walks In various parts of the city. Those who failed lo comply with tho provisions or the city ordinance cover ing the cleaning or sidewalks, round It an easy mutter yesterday to clean away tins melting snow that remained, If they were so Inclined, Hut there were numerous, very numerous, persons who were not so Inclined, nlid there was it good deal of fault to find with them by pedestrians who hud lo travel through the wet and slush. Clly Knglneor Kupp is aroused over the Indifference of the offending parties nnd he has Issued nn ultimatum which, If Ignored, will mean thai vigorous prosecutions will follow those who are endangering the physical welfare of citizens. TROLLEY LINE OPENED. The Tlinw Since Saturday a Great Aid to the Railway People. The thaw which Is rapidly turning the snow into slush lias been a great aid to the Scranton Itullwiiy company, for it enabled a gang of men to open this end of the lino for truffle yester day, lu the afternoon they appeared on Main street anil In 11 short time the rails which have been hidden since the snowfall were exposed to view. Soon utter :i cur came speeding along, run ning as far as the Church street switch. As usual no passengers were carried during the afternoon. So far as truHlc Is concerned this end of the line might iis well be closed, for there has not been more than one day thai the number of passengers exceeded three. The oflieinls 011 this division do not expect much. If uny increase, in truffle, and the man agement of the road appears satisfied to keep the cars moving, irrespective of patronage. Change Among Operators. The resignation of A. 10. I'orbin. of the force of operators ill tlie dispatch er's olllce of the Delaware and Hudson company in this city, has caused some promotions ami changes among the operators. .M. F. O'Mulley, of Olyplmut, who bus been 1111 operator In the yard here, has been recognized wllh an advancement 10 tlie position vacated by Mr. t'orhln In the dispatcher's olllce. K. !. Knupp, who has been operator ut the itackel llrook signal station, has been moved to .Mr. O'.Malley's place; 10. 1,. (.Imp man has been changed from the Far view station to Knapp's place at Racket Hrook, and 10. .1. Lord comes from Honesdale lo Farvlew. Mr. i'orbin lias gone to lllnghamton, to go into the cigar business wllh his brother-in-law. The changes went Into effect yester day . Handled Stacks of Baggage. Yesterday was a big day at ihe city station of the Delaware and Hudson In the bugguge line. For ihe Mist lime lu many mouths three theatrical compan ies came over tlie road. One came to Carbondale, another was disliued for Honesdale. and the third came from Susquehanna and was bound for oly phiiut. In each case Ihe baggage and pieces of scenery had to be transferred from one cur to the other. There were trunks upon trunks and it inside Bag gage Master Paul llurton and his as sistants work like beavers to dispose of them. Hul Ihey were equal lo the task and took on such 11 spirit of hustle that the greatly Increased work did not In teifeie in the least wllh tlie usual run of lie- day's work. With the Catholic Light, .liilm lOarly, or Seventh avenue, has become associated with ihe newspaper fraterully. lie has accepted a posi tion Willi the Catholic Light of Scran ton. as district inunugcr. His territory will be fioni Archbuld to (Jreut Uenil and his work will embrace subscrip tions and colleclloiis and oilier mailers connected willi Hie circulation of the paper in ibis Held. .Mr. lOarly's wide acquaintance in this vicinity will be a decided help 10 hlni. Meetings of Tonight. Carbondale Cycle club, Division No. 11, A. H. . I.llcrella lodge, Daughters of Re bekah. l.ncUuwauna tribe, Red Men. Knights of Honor. Local No. Kill, Pulled Mine Workers. D.lllglileis of St. (leorge. . Clubmen Enjoy Musicole. There was an evening of delightful elilertuinnieill at the home or (leorge S. Kimball lust night, when the choir from Trinity church, under ihe diive- AMBITION A. W. ( 'base Mrs. .Joseph Mitchell, of Nd. alii i.ln dcii streel, West .Sernuton, I'a., says; "Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve i'Uis am line. I was nil 0111 of order, nervous and could not sleep weak and miserable, The kidneys were slugglHh and Hie back lame nothing seemed to help me until I got a box of thu Nerve i'llls at Matthews l!ros Drug Store, No. 320 Lackawanna avenue. Klnce I look them I sleep well-dou't Jerk and talk. My nerves uro steady 1 feel strong and the kidneys are winking well again. 1 am more than pleased and glad to rec ommend the medicine," TO MOTHERS Mrs. .1. H. lliisktiis, of Chicngo, 111., President Ohlcngo Arcado Club, Addresses Comforting lVords to Women llegnrding Childbirth. ,, "T)EAit Mils. riNKitAM! Mothers Meed not dread ehlltlbeorlnR after they know tun value of Lydln K, IMnk linnr.s VcKctnblo Compound. "While I loved children I dreaded tho ordeal, for It left mo weak and sick .V-. MItS. ,1. II. llASKtNS. for months after, and at the time I thought death was a welcome relief; hut before: my last child was born a irood neighbor advised LydinK.I'inlc ham's Vegetable Compound, and I used thut, together with your Pills nnd .Sanative Wash for four months before the child's hirth; it brought me wonderful relief. I hardly had an ache or pain, and when tho child was ten days old I left my bed strong In health. Every spring undfall Inowtake ahottle of Lydia E.Pliiklinni's Veg etable Compound and find it keeps me in continual excellent health." Mits. .1. H. Habkins, 3249 Indiana Ave., Chicago, 111. $5000 forfeit If above testlmo nlal la not genuine. Cnro nnd cnroful counsel Is what the expectant and would-be mother needs, and this counsel she can secure without cost by writing to Mrs. Piukhuiu at Lynn, Mass. lion of Charles It. Doersum, director of music at the church, rendered 11 splen did programme before the members of the Carbondale Cycle club, who were present us the guests of the esteemed president of the club. Kvenlngs spent with Mr. Kimball us host ore brimful of pleasure, and this was also true of last night. Tills entertainment was the Inaugur ation by Mr. Kimball of the social sea son that he has arranged for the en joyment and edillcation of the club men. There Is a feast of pleasure In store for the members of the club, ilo forc December pusses, the High School orchestra will give an evening of musi cal numbers, and on the llrst Monday of .Junuiiry. Dr. W. AV. Fletcher will talk on "Practical Ullustrutions of the Wonders of the Kye." Was Related to Prof. Scott. It Is ii remarkable coincidence that both victims of the sad drowning at Ol lawa. Canada, on Friday, had relatives in Carbondale. ' It is known that the man who was drowned. II. A. Harper, Wiis the brother of Dr. J. (1. Harper of Ibis city. Since it has been learned thiit Miss Itlalr Is related to Prof. V. A. F. Scott. Mr. Scott's home Is in New llrunswick, where the Uluir family also comes from. When he read of the sad happening it did not strike him Unit Ihe m;.s Blair mentioned in the story was his cousin. This was because the accident occurred at or near Ottawa, while Miss Hlair's home was In New Drunswick. Later imiuiry led to the knowledge thut It was his relative who nii'l with such a sad end. Moon Case Settled. The case against Hdwin Moon, ex poor director, for failure to settle a de llciency as treasurer of the puor board, marked for trial In Criminal court yes terday, did not come up, a settlement having been reached between Mr. Moon and his bondsmen, p. v. Humphrey, P. Flnerun und H. S. Clark. The dellcil was $(17(1. There Is slill a surcharge of $4(1 against Mr. .Moon, "for which the bonds men are not liable. It is for merchan dise, or produce, alleged to have been taken from the furm, Tlie poor board will dispose of tills charge ut the meet ing lu be held Friday night, Labor Lecture Tonight. Tonight will be 1111 Importaul our among tlie milted laborers of the clly. They are lo be addressed lu the Acad emy of .Music by N. P. Cielger and J. W. Slaylon, two able trades union ad vocates, who ale allendlng the feder ation convention at Scranton. Their ability to handle the subject of organ ization Is vouched for by the delegates from this city, who hoard them several limes last week, This recommendation, Il Is expected, will bring out a great crowd to hear Ihe talks, There will he no admission, and a general Invitation Is extended to the addresses, which will commence at 7. DO. Bifv Christinas Treo Shipments, HIg shipments of chrlsimas trees are passing through Carhoudale almost dally, en mule from points lu .Maine and Vermont, to the big ellles, New York und Philadelphia. Sunday morn ing four big cars lieiiped mountain high passed over the Deluwnre anil Hudson und yesterduy a like shipment weul through the city over Ihe sumo rond. The shipments came over tho Delaware and Hudson because of Its being a di rect line from principal points lu the New Kuglund stutes. Dr. Walsh's Lecture. Dr. James .1. Walsh, of New York clly, who has achieved a wonderful measure of success along sclontlllo and Intellectual lines, a ineuHiiro of success that is rarely the boast of one so early in life, held In wrnpt Interest for over an hour last night u huge audience Unit greeted him In SI, Hose's hall to listen lo his ledum 011 "The Literature of the lleforiuallon." Common Council Meeting. The common council met lust even ing and rejected the mayor's veto of the light ordinance. Thu resolution fioni select council piovldiug for a sys tem of streets was referred to coin inltlce. Old Resident Here. Martin P. Flynn, proprietor of thu Lackawanna Valley house, at Scranton, was In Carbondale yesterday visiting among the friends and places of his birth. Mr. Flynn Is one of the sous whom (arbondale has reason to be proud of and whenever hit comes to Ciirbondalu his genial spirit llnda u Si fSjfnP ill V Sv Nl'' v Mil rXWk. J&M MSrT :rn wnrin I'cppoiihc itinong the people of the town, Tho rh-Bt Sermon. The llrst of the series of addresses on "Ancient Types or Modern Men." wan delivered on Sunday evening In thu Roreun Uaptlst church by the llev. Dr. AVIialen. "Demetrius, the Opposer," was the Introductory sermon. Tim auditorium was lllled Villi a delighted assemblage. Tho next sermon will be on Sunday evening next, when the subject wilt bo "Thomas, the Doubter." THE PASSING THRONG. T. Kllsworth Davies, of Scranton, was In the city today. diaries Cavanaiigh, .loo Clllhool and Ulehard Alalone spent Sunday evening In Hcrnnton. JERWYff AND MAYFIELP, The remains of Harney Farrell, tho young man who met such a horrible deuth at Glen Lyon, as mentioned lu yesterday's Tribune, were brought hero to his late home on Main street, yes terday morning. The deceased, who was ,'15 years of age. is survived by a widowed mother, his sister, Kuto, two brothers, Peter, of town, und Patrick, who Is with the United States army In the Philippines. Miss (Irace .Townsend, of Carbondale, who bus been spending the past week with friends here, returned home yes terday. Professor and Mrs. Uarrett spent Sat urday wllh friends In Scranton. Francis McCarthy, of Mayileld, Is conllned to his home with Illness. Henry Ulekley, of Philadelphia, spent the past several days as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Podrlck, of Fourth street. Miss .Alary Kllker. of New York city. Is tho guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick- Kllker, of Mayileld. Mrs. Kldrldge, of AVIlkes-nnrre, has returned home, after spending the past several weeks us the guest of Mrs. liyron H. .Jackson, of Aluylleld. Miss Amy Williams, of Mayfleld, spent Saturday with friends in Scran ton. Coroner Itoborts. owing to having another case In charge, could not bo present at the meeting of the Jury in the Lepp case, which was to hear evi dence and render a verdict in Justice of the Peace Hill's olllce last night, so the Jury adjourned to meet later, at the coroner's request. OLYPHANT "A Breezy Time" was presented by an excellent company at the Father Mat hew opera house last evening. A good sized audience enjoyed the perfor mance. A mass meeting of the mited .Mine AA'orkers of this place will be held in the Father Mathew opera house tomor row evening. President John Mitchell will be present and deliver an address. The new nunex on the First word school was opened yesterday morning. The little daughter of Air. and Airs. Hugh Cirllllths of Hlukely, Is ill with scarlet fever. The school board will meet in regular session this evening. Aliss Lizzie Evans, of Piltston, spent Sunday with friends in town. A. C, Farrell, of Duiimore streel, is confined lo his home by an attack of the grip. "The Burglar" will be the attraction iit the opera house Saturday evening and on .Monday night "Old Arkunsaw" will be presented. .Mr. and Airs. Ulehard Shelton, of Norfolk. Vti are visiting relatives at this place. Air, and Airs. Thuiiow Coolbuugh, or Duryeii, have returned home after a visit with friends here. Miss Kvelyn Davis, of Susquehanna street, hiis accepted 11 position lu Ath erlori ift Sutton's store. Aliss Victoria Jones, of Heart Lake, Is visiting nt the residence of Air. und Airs. l;. I:. Williams on Susquehnnnn street. Aline Foreman D. c. Williams, of Wilkes-Hurre, was 11 visitor lu town Sunday. Air. und .Mrs. John P. O'Mulley, of Ciirbondiile, were (he guests of rela tives on Duiimore street. Sunday. PECKV1LLE. (icorge SUIbu, a lIuiiKUiiun, met sud den death yesterday morning, while engaged ill his duties as loader at Ihe .Mount Jessuii colliery. Sklbu had Jtisi loaded a ear and was running It down the grade to the scales when It nearly ciime to a standstill. He jumped off. ami wns pushing the car when a Dela ware, Lackawanna and Western en gine backed Into ihe switch with 11 trip of cars. Sklbu fulled 10 notice the trip, nnd wns caught between the bumpers of the cms and crushed to death. Sklbu hud been In this country but a month, and wns a single man. The funeral will take place from his late home, 111 Jessup, ul S o'clock Wednes day morning. Airs. Dlkeinnii and sou, Allies, ic turned Friday from Susiiuehiinna, Aliss Kiunni Carpenter has ucccpied a position lu the Journal olllce. There will be 11 regular meeting of the. Wilson Fire company this evening, A full attendance is requested. c, ,1. (iunxemtiller und daughter, Isu helle, were Scranton visitors yester duy, The Alooslc .Mountain Coal company operates a wlde-guage railway system between their colliery, locuted on the Must Side, and Alurshwood, On Sun day a trip or eight loaded cars broke loose fioiu the engine and dashed down the heavy grade to the Junction, near Wlnloii, Here the cars were derailed, and several of them were wrecked be yond repair, Dr. J. Ii. Sickler Is very low wllh pneumonia, and his death is moment arily exjieeled, Air, and Alts. IMward I.. Sainsou, Air. and Airs. Theodore Zolgler, of Dun more, were the guests of Air, and Airs, W, J, Kin hack on Sunday. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take UiNUtlve Hronio Quinine Tablets. All druBBlsls lefuuil tlpi money If It falls o cure. K. W. flrove's signature Is on each box. L'.'c. MOOSIC. .Mix Mjiy Milium mi ,1 lullri in I'hi.u.ii, Sji iiiiJjv. Ml. Kail', nf Clcviljn.l, ()., .m.i Ml. IVii. a, ol r-i'iuiilnii, Kpt'iit Siiuljy wiili i. s, ,, in,., Mr. (luilrn IMil, ol .Ww oil illy. k.i Similjy in town. MU .liniiii' l.'illlltli i. loiiIiih'.I in inr iiij Willi kl.Mii.J. W'lllljiii .IoiiIjii uuil WillUni Mt'iiill, n m. Hjiic, pmt Simdji aliiiiiui.ii whli Him, U m louii. .Mr. .hint's Wliluln-.iil ami fjinik luc inou I ItltO till- Ml'Muillll' iL'ailli'lUI', The l.uilli't' Al' I ftOiirly will mow In hu Mi'tlici.ll.t r'ili'0ul rhuiili lomonow vfli'inooii. Miss Maud Itobllni: uji u ijllti hi Si union Muiidjv , 'flic Junior ItMtsuo luvlntvi imetinfc' will lc I1 liMl! The Proof of the Pudding is undoubtedly in the eating. If you have ever tasted (i delicious "None-Such" FRUIT k FrilTCAKE this ntlveitlsc nicttt is a waste w None such Mincemeat E2 S3 Look for the recipes on every 10c pvltnje. Lei us know If your dealer refusss toiupply yon. Wo know one that will. MERRELL-SOULE liclil Hill rvriiltii In Ilic MrllimlM Kploop.il ilnmli. All ini'iiilirii 1110 iditU'lnl In lie pniiit, Aim. .Inlin IIitui niul tlill.licii, nl Von.iii. ndni". mi' .illii5 :it Ihe liomp of Mr, II. (.. (Ircrn, i.f Ninth M1I11 iniinio. John Henry's Theofy. They had been married barely a mouth, and had returned from a three weeks' honeymoon of unalloyed bliss and settled down together In u cozy little lint. It was pretty near the clouds, und Instead of a nice veranda or porch, or plaxa, they had to be content with the lire escape. Hut what of that. Dan Cupid is no re specter of purses, nnd the little god roamed ut will through the house night nnd day and seemed perfectly satisfied to remain Indefinitely. The new wife was entirely happy In cuing for the small rooms day sifter day ami odmhing and arranging the pretty wedding presents presented by loving friends und relatives. And at night, John Henry helped her wash the tea dishes and then they sat out on that fire escape, way above the dirt and din of the city, and he smoked his ci gar, while she told hlni all that hud huppened during the day. "Little girl," said her lord and mas ter one evening. "I have some strong notions about business principles being applicable to every occupation in life. You know I have a slated Income, and when I was a bachelor I knew to n penny where that money went. Very convenient II was, too, for I was sure what lo count on when any extra ex pense came up, Now, I don't want to restrict you one bit, but it's nice to be exact and business-like, and if we each kept a little necounl book, at Ihe end of the year we'd know exactly how much we'd spent and whether we'd got lo retrench or might expand a little. Now, tomorrow night I'll bring home two nice little books, nnd we'll uccount for every penny in tlvni and compare nt the end of each mouth." The next evening, true to his word, John Henry drew from his pocket two pretty little leuilior-bound books, u blue one for Airs. John und 11 red for himself. She was apparently recon ciled to the idea und wus really enthu siastic over his purchase. For several months all went very smoothly apparently, but the hours of tears and pouts and sobs and rubbings out and writings lu again und adding and subtracting which Airs. John spent In trying to make the "received" and "paid" columns balance were not to he lost sight of in ihe reckoning. John Henry knew nothing or It. and any troubles he may have had were ex pressed in an entirely different man ner and audible only lo Ihe unrespon sive ears of the olllce boy. On the llrst evening of each month Air. and Airs. John Henry, in perfect mutual trust and coulldence, went over together Item by item the accounts In the little bocks and discussed the vari ations lu the price of beefsteak and the advisability of Intrusting another ven der of meals with the care of the fam ily larder. Also the cost of keeping John Henry's cigar box replenished. Hut Airs. John always ended by declar ing she would go without a spring bon net rather than have him smoke cheap er tobacco. "It Is so iujuilous anyway, that one must have the best if one smokes at all," she said. One beautiful nutiiiuu duy an old school friend of Airs. John's cuine 10 town and hnmedlutely hunted up Unit lady. Now, Airs. John had intended to lunch that day on a sup and a bite, for Ihe giocer had not come and tie cup board very nearly resembled tlie pro verbial one of .Mother (loose fame. So when the friend made her appearance perilously near ihe noon hour Airs. John wus lu a Mutter. This womuii was one fur whom John Henry enter tained a particular antipathy, and ulso one upon whom .Mrs. John especlully desired 10 make a good Impiesslou. She exailllneil her purse. Yes, there wus plenty lu It. She would take her friend downtown to lunch ut 11 fash ionable cole. As they were drinking their uflor. dinner coffee the friend mentioned a popular play which she particularly desired to see. Had Airs. John seen It'.' No, Airs, John had not. John Henry had Intended to take her, bin there hud been so many other things to occupy the time. At the friend's suggestion to see it that after noon Airs, John meekly compiled, and ended by buying two tickets Insieiul of une, When they came ottl It was raining', and life friend Immediately ordered a carriage lo take her In the station. Them was nothing for II but Airs, John should dllvc to Hie .station with her and then she must needs drive huniu and pay ihe hill as she alighted al her own door. When Joint Henry arrived Hint night Ids wife was In bed In a high fever and suffering from a severe headache. The next day when she was to hobble about she go out the little blue note book und with leais hUMciing the smooth while pages vainly Hied 10 make a bal ance. It was Impossible lo put Ihe whole amount of yesterday's expendi tures into ihe "sundries" column, and tell John Henry about II she never would lu the world. Thut evening was the one for the monthly reckoning, but bel'oio 0 o'clock, through worrying, llg tiling and planning, Airs. John had worked herself almost into hysteria. After dinner John Henry smoked his cigar, but contrary to custom said nothing about the account books. His JII1II11I1III1I11I11I1I1II1I1IHII1 lllHIHllll".imiini Ililll PUDDING or miiiiiiiiiiiiiii ii 1111111111111111 m C3 I ML of money, for you have had all the proof necessary. Some people think that only mince pic can be made from S M I 5 1 -3 CO., Syracuse, N. Y. wife looked at him wondeiingly from time to time, but ho seemed utterly unconscious. After a while she broke the silence. "John, dear," she said, with tears In her voice, "t couldn't make my book balance this month, though I've worked over It nil the nfternoon." John Henry muttered an exclama tion under lis breath which might have sounded to the ofllce boy something like "Thank the Lord," then turned and looked at her. "And Is It that which has worked you Into such a fever and given you these headaches'."' said he. "To tell the truth," he continued, "1 couldn't make mine come out right, eltner, but it didn't worry 1110 to Hint extent. In the long run I don't know that It does us any good to be forever haggling over the comparative values of nn Irish stew and a porterhouse steak or discussing tho amount of enjoyment and benellt of n regular theater ticket as compared with the 10-L'fl-"0. What do you say to dropping the thing alto gether'.'" Mrs. John's face grow clearer and her eyes brighter than they had for thirty six hours. She went over lo John Hen ry and put her arms around his neck. "Anything you say Is right," she whispered. "You're 11 darling old boy, and I'm so glad l married you." C. I0. Cinbett, 'In the Chicago Reeord- Herald. TAYLOR. This evening tho concert of the Tay lor Silver cornet band will be held lu Weber's rink. A splendid array of tal ent has been procured to participate. Tho band has done much In tho past for the edillcation of the public and it is to be hoped that In return the peo ple will liberally patronize this event. After the concert a dance will be held. Atusie will be furnished by the Sym phony orchestra. Tickets, 2.1 cents. Doors opens at 7.110 p. m. Concert com mences at 8 o'clock sharp. The Taylor Choral society re-organized on Sunday evening to compete at the Christmas eisteddfod to be held a the AVetsh Congregational church. W. 11. Thomas bus been chosen director. Rev. Dr, II. H. Hurls of the Calvary Haptlst church, preached a very elo quent sermon on Sunday evening. Subject, "David and doliath," which was listened to by n large congregation. Patrick Coyne, employed us a driver al the Archbuld mine, wus painfully injured about the legs yesterday, being squeezed between the rib and a trip of loaded cars. The company ambulance conveyed the injured young man to his home lu Allnookii. The choir of the Methodist Episcopal church Is requested to meet for re hearsal this evening at 7.30 p. in. sharp. Hy order of chorister. Stanley .Miller, a well known young man of this town, employed In the Taylor Klectiic Light company' plant, has resigned to accept a more lucrative position with the electric light, company at Auburn, X. Y. Air. .Miller expects lo leave for that city this week. A sweepstake shooting match will be held on New Year's day on the shoot ing grounds at Daniel Underline's ho tel on Union street. Aliss Aland Davis, it student of Stroudsburg Normal school, Is the guest of her parents, Druggist and Airs. Joseph Davis of Alain street. Lily Lodge, No. !Wfl, 1. O. O. F.. will meet In regular session this evening. Dr. and Airs. Adam Stegner, of ltenilhiini, visited the hitter's parents, Foreman nnd Airs, diles Decker nt Providence on the Sabbath. Aliss Alurgtirel nnd Daniel Heynnlils, of Washington street, spent the .Sab bath with relatives in North Scranton. Lackawanna Lodge, No, lilt, Ameri can Protestant nssoclation, will meet lu session this evening. The Women's Chiistinu Temper.inco I'nlon will meet on Friday afternoon, Dec. 1", at the Calvary Haptlst par sonage. All members uro requested lo be present. The social of the H. V. P. lT. at tho Calvary liupllsl church last evening wus well patronized. FACTORYVILLE. Sicei.il to I hi- Scimiton Tilluine. r,iiinr,iilli', I''''- ". Mi. Aiiii'Im (aim, lii )i.i lu'iii ill lot H'ii'ial il.i. 1- ir'llPil Jl lluliili liiiiinwil .11 (In ttiltliis. 1, II. I ljlli'. ul N'lUllton, till lm.ll Hi'iltlMT ulni'ivu, will iliiiin .1 I'l iff .hI'Iio- to llm r.nimMi.' Iii.llniii' if '' licl'l hi till plqie. I'rt ij, Hi". :t. I'lui. 1111111110.1 Smilli. if Ki')liini .11 .ninny, will In inn' in die llJiM ilnmli At riirrn IIMiii'. Tlinil.i.v I'Wiilns, Her. 1'.'. I.ioikii V.. Sl.iiiliin h.is goni. lo M. I'.inl, Mum , In iiiiil Hie Mlnti'i ultli liU htotliri llion.'!' liilkwnlil ami VIIm Sliil.i -mull. 1 m iluinihi;.' il.mvliliT ol Ml. '(Ml iUt- i: T, Nnltli. of I M I Ion. i'ii in.illlril l.ii tvrrk Tin will ir-l'li' in llii'ir lioini' nn .Vi.iilnuy tri'rt, liiou'i' i 11'ii'bliu iiiiini.ilnl.illiins. .iinl in-' ili'iil.iily lumlinx mil tin1 tli;.iii. 'I lie fiinii'u' hitliliiti', wlikli iw lo '1.1 lulu lii'lJ al TiuiKlunnoil., tlu 11th in. I Villi of iln inonili, In hull uiioni.il on .irionix I I l.i' ni.illio n(T Hull'. II will ho I10I1I lu'ii licM lilil.i.v nml jlimlj. ns jiIh'IIi-oI. liii'ii' "ill I"' .1 'iiiiiik people" niei'llinc a '' VlitlioilUl CpUopil ilmit-li llii TiicmI.1) 'ten iiiit, Hi'i. in. 'Hie leader will lie I'luilei lima V 1 111tli.il iniilJliuli i. I'Miinliil lo nil loinnt IK'opli' lo .ilteml. Ml-. It.u Meji'iMey, ol llliiuluiiii.'ii. S V , lu liei 11 )uiiliii!; j lew iIj.ij lieu- whli In r niodier. DURYEA. V iu low 1 jliu. lo I lie loijoiiti' of Mi JuU Mi,. .Ii'lm .Mm., 'Ouiiu' ull liJUUcitno ,1',v 'ltiv 1 111; ilourlpliou jlnl p.i'inu mil. Itei!.i meilliiK tut' Miik IiiM .it me I'l.iu lite Melliodl.t ilnnili. Mr. ami Mi.v .lames lollr ami on, Cliim, weie ullcit in Diqioiit voU'iiln. Ml Mji.v NolJii a, a i-allei In Sainton &it. urilsv , SIHIilt 't t
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